- S I — Township Okays Surgeons Repair GirVs HeartBoos, Protest Signs Greet MtDDLETOWN (AP) — A It- Ivy House Nursing yaaMM gin ma it^ummowa Khrushchev in Pittsburgh uadtrwat a hotrt openttkm weak age yatorday that win Home Variance give her ta addhwaal 41 yean* Visits Plant MIDGUtQfWN -TheTowa- Sht't Dime Caiwaaa, daagb-1 tar of Mr. aad Mn. Mkheel Ca- In Steel Town ed a vajaaco tor at Ivy Hoatt to^ Tbo optfatioa* ptifofOMa Is llti Man* Ifam, tt» »*., » MtcheeTt Hetpttal, Newark, by 'our Today la Dr. Ambon D. Cracca at Roae- (AT) - MM villa Am,kmaik, WM at flnt] la wafag •» Ifc Tbe van wea of M Mad to NtMriu riamhm matt owatrt y t«f»» MqwnaikP mmaan wn are abeam torn at mil country with a Tfca tai*yljadtan .. CtB a . eaiyr PrJ&aaa pormrmod the Tbe Communltt chM, then tooth. WUhwl tht wptiallun, ed In Saa Fraadtoo aad tattd a MUM ai|bt ban Uvtd H • the corn country, dumped law tttptlated that aa ytan-at moat. Now the eta bow tad aatMthwabchtv e*M ba mate to pact a normal Mia apta, Dr, ~ hit arrival m tht* mmwlrljj ea aad hit brothtr. Dr. dty latt night bat awio weia at at mat tad of the boUemf V. Crteea af Ortaat, i cheer*, too, aad la the and fbaj i aa to; art that Atari* Wttiaa J. Comatta, rot tht IN WDeoa Ava.. Now MoamoumJ Today he wm vWt aa t*ftB> fimiiiiii MJ pgblio rtJattoa trial plant, tour potato of mttftai Tka addtttoa will provide ate dlnctor tt at Mkbaai'a, Hit madtydowedbyaitoiliMbi MW haadnat U nan Ma. mfcht old that Utaa, happy tad and peek tt a cWe-hmaii M has la ON fttrd atfaatte ta aaSteel Prexy wtO. Amid ba dmchtigtd fMm the UnrmnlQr of Pltttbwgh. tht hotpRal ta It dtyt tt two .t-.Kv.rn. (KST) Ma Mf MN Stabbing it U achodultd to leave a* Waul Uajaae llcoam. Leonardo, DitM'i troobta waa that thnt IWuhlogton aad eerkmt bnttoaaC to Aha Admr, IB? Rt U, « aonaany «th» pahnoaary momentOM toJki with PrttoJail Under Probe Eltenbowtr oa what caa ba aaw That preveawd blood from flow- [to cue Eait-Wett tmriaa. WiSam C mi Lortita M. HYANNtt, Maa. (APV-WaJhw NIW UH- Diana Car^amit*. lag back into tht heart after tt Middlatown, tmilu happily yetterday at Mlu Mary had been pumptii out. btcautt fled at awanlag body that aty ft*«l Corp.. If la Ctpt Cod bot- of a narrowing of the valve, tate tomorrow the Raaba pHal with a kattt wood la thtMucha, nurte at St. Mfeheel'i Hatpltal, Newark, talli will appeal the coamltta'i re- wmcb wet weakening and anlurg- MANICHIIMIN —Seviet Premier and Mn. Premier tad the American Pra> ~ " at Ihalr Honor Hctaaa har the'll be ejomg home in about 10 day*. Youngster tog the bait ideat win go to Camp DavM, k Be waa takefcaan ta underwent rare heart operation which wM five her add)* Tat type ot aUmaat. Dr. Crtc Khrathehav ajreat Elliabath, left, and Sam Gartt, grand, Mchidtd tpot to at " " aariaai — ^^U ^*b^^^^ 4|ati^B ^MUBBadkai^^hA aa> ehildrtn of Rotwoll ©ar^t, upon arrival at Coon Rtpldi, tlaaal 40 yean' life Oipoitiaey. Ca Maj fOOff* HW WjUSptOBm m Tba cooplt aotabt to km at lawa, farm. Yoanejttort are children of 6ant't wm, The ctralval. (ba faa, aath)(aetarh> ta anatry aad traat- yaaagpaopJt, Damage from the duh from coait to eoatt wffl bt David end Steve. (AP vVlrephorel over. Ava. to a vacaat atora a < -•* ddV« howtvtr, untn data ocean Mni|ligCtamr.Rtm. Tbe the att ot X. Then tha two men - baa al JV a^aaT«a4# *JMba BBaMtaaan1 fcfc Montgomery Ward whom hive freqmntly aid att Oeargt C abort me, ritgariB, f Feaadto til they want It pace — will try •or the parcbai at two road etadWaatei Mn. Cuotaauto ttid bar Evicted Democratsto find mat way out ef a attaa> atacaot at ttun. Tbe DMrfct Attoraay Dia- daughter had not baa a (ion thtt bath have laid enM ) la ariridd M Ma aldtlda haph t ta qatattoB Store for Center health, but tba defect wu noted lad to diutter. th MM 4a « Mi two aM phMtt at eauip- EAT0NTOWN — A fuU-lhe de- m a rouUaa medical checkup by Khrushchev looked tired bat family phyiidaa. Dr. Ooorgt File Suit in Court Diatorateaadta putmtnt More will be ottabUihed night ai ht flew la froa a roi- *53i mm ha received Oet y Montgomery Ward la rat Mon- ~ of Red Bank. FREEHOLD-An Atlaatie Hla> UeUng day la the corn couatr*. a» tka MMiattaa ef thn it di ttort owner yaterday wu Committee th Shopping Ctnttr m Tht optratkM took four boon. |T1ialrV What bt aw probably dkal 0hn IBBV VWvVMiW 'JOB 1BBBJ lajMr oteOaa M wat MUetad 'v>«f aad tht atrvlcta of AI-UBBLJ ordered to abnw CIUM why Al- coatnetioa oa Ht IS, Keith A.Six IWllHlttf1j pep him up any. with a kitchiB kalft. Itatie Hithlaadi Dtawcrata cu Silent On Brooht, Ward'!EattaTartgtaMl tOOBI Of tWO aa)MLVMQMfJKIt /tn "§ TMt dty ha many who are three tana, atdktl tocbaoto- fjeaniJiJg •ot coQtlmo to occupy ahi ttan of Huanrita, Peilih or Slovak -Vfl >T gjett and five awgeoae. * " •> orlaja. Eva Mm Khraaehov Police Exec Tna wtt IBB procemire. BurUagtanCouatyiodgo Ut town, dtmoaitraton ware After bttog aaaathaUad, tbt b Pushed Drenk, attmg htfeTm waving etna that carried tack glri wai pmcad to a cary Divtokm, DWa taM ha anlaMd aa iavte- * ar i ordor, to bt "Killer aaaaaml waaaaaat wmf at atmaaal |^tel^V*^" t# ajwwwtawwwt of iwwwwwEwyOJ^yjf^ ^^ of Aatricaa PUoto" aad "Ra- «d claaadwara takta byat rtak ft, Bajfriad at U J4 irtilm •MUk tal bnobi lii *t atltjlal by^FraadtX. NUdte Th* dttn- BWWJOW BBWWBY aVP aBBB^BJBMK^baVJi ^^dj ft^^ ^^* ^^gm^^M^^*^ ^^ ,BBdwwAdeMcttytoarou|h Crahiy of Ait^^Pyk attotaay |dM) W lOT •• SjaBYfltfafafJOV 9k ttUCeavtoa, tatting oft at aorta tog aai wlU bt the ftHwitr wtrdtlChraa> a. a. (Bin> ytaaday. A BMS> man, who ad arv artarv. done by ocratic Encutive Commktot. alahtbt aat mtor, Dr. Robort B. muaed that "It wai chev hat aad aa ofteo m ha claimed that Mr. Siegfried hare. Two of Casttam paced a that heavy aat baa prevatod me rented property hi OWM at IM Bfooa. nom noaoreiag ram Flnt Ave., AUaatte Highland*, to Fin Lt WaadtB Dear and Ore- water — cauarng It to coatinuaUy Am It a flghter ABert Lertog. whs re- Democrato Stpt 11 by aa oral overflow. leaM at tl per day. with the un- oapattl) apoadtdtotha * • Cam- Chief critic ot tha eoaduioa w. »•- ••»•»•"!• •• ythtatyaar fc—dd hhBMoid MM OB a Twp. Attorney dentandiag that if be bad aa op- ChM Mayer art at •» row af It- hu btta Myron Kotlcky, Rt. »,portunity to nat to a perm team 2**J**»»••*• •jcai* la a flnt«ar dta with York. a teeel farmer and nurMryman Grade Lingers •ravtaoM waakwook;i tad tht watk Mnun. Mtafor1^.*.*d aa•.d• Driv. HtraoRM«dI •>at.- tennaat the Damocrntt would va- af Oct 11 to IT. daajHjpwoak. lnt,bat Tha Waidi* tare win bt • aae- To Defend Cops He hu pieced tht blame for cate. s ttory aulkaag wlm a tht tilt tad tbt heavy water mn- On Friday, Sept. U, Mr. Crab- Around Bahanuu Bath Drt, VCtaaer tad Maratd AccardagtoMr. kg at awwm to rogardi to at and wUI have approximately lit,- ofl oa centtructioa work gouig on uid. Mr. Siegfried called MIAMI. Fla., (AP) - Oracle taM tbqr have btta U, BwtTninglodg yy wffl att la am In Middletown at tht Monmouth Shopping Cen- MM me hurricane dawdtad along and Frw. Hanta Morala ttt ttop. jj^ ^fartaea ahortly to dUcntt tht tH aquart feet of floor apace, m- lemocratlc official! and varltaca ter a 2 Onyt MTDDLETOWN - LawrtacaA ter, Rt. M. ht ioa. turned toy today aa If arlaytaf pita. •r., towaamp attorney, The brook nmi through Mr. not poUticai"rrad aikedfc* the camera* that wUI a> Mirltta ttatv la tht (hop- Pint word that Maaterd had Iht tucuUv* pott propoal Mia area tad a detached eight- car autoMfvice ttoltoo. wai authoriud by tht Towathlp Kotkky'i farm property. Dtmocrau to vacate: aad tempt a bMoric pieton. btw itsntd CUM slat horn af* aai ciawa from Hit Rtady Ta Oa Parkiag ftdlttiea at the thop-Coaumtta Hat night to defend that aa Moaday. lept 21. bt rt- Two roekoti, tcbaamd to ba ttr ba waa adwltttd la tht boa- Patntaaa't two menben al the poUee ant Mayor F. BUM Price tald latt „„».,, the Democratic abot fna Ctpt Canaveral ata ^aaiwall aa a> afBcen la tht Wcan. who havt beta chanjed with nl|ht the cooaty la reedy to Mart sltM tad replaced thorn wtth a today wan thai wttb camtraa Price Hubs arreet BO MMft WOftt* "for nat" itgn. Chief Hover aid that ba would Tba atora to icbtdalad to i Tao BMO ova FotfOaaMa Itovv* Bat at problem It, ha aid. ONitttaacat- la. at tall ot IMI tad win em-ard OaUa aad Robert Otoa. atnag at permlMtoa ot prop- Seott Heack Slate overaotd. tf jhtitattwarbtaad Outbursts ploy ippMimialy Earlier aw month, CUttoa E. erty OWMH abuttta|| tht brook to The latatt COBOM HaR, Jr., Oak at, Mdatwood, h dbri ld thi inetal Dirtcton f the NtoOka rackato an teat ttoredttlga will ba hove ae dobria placed oa their At Meetings fttod Mitt to*»triw Cowt chart-land. There an about 31, ht ATLANTIC CITY (AP) - Ibe perattd toto at atom. MW pnftdGBt of no ittlo F agbt to catch OracW to pla- •AIOMTOWN-A atom Mayor M aftp ataVWaifl Stock Market net Aag.
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