English Translation Preface Jo Coenen, Alberto Book Review 3 Ferlenga, Hans Kollhoff and S
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3 10 20 English Translation Preface Jo Coenen, Alberto Book review 3 Ferlenga, Hans Kollhoff and S. Umberto Barbieri Architectural design and bOb van Reeth: Transform- 21 urban analysis ers of the European City About the authors and Henk Engel Roberto Cavallo, François collaborators 9 Claessens, Filip Geerts, On redesigning a Dutch city Willemijn Wilms Floet Case study: City Hall 15 extension, Gouda The study of urban form in Henk Engel and Otto Italy Diesfeldt Nicola Marzot Preface in the European context, other words, ‘Holland’ and stadt in ein gewaltiges Merz- independent field of scient- that urban analysis is only and study of their develop- ‘the Netherlands’ are not kunstwerk verwandelt wer- ific research, as witness the important in a more compre- OverHolland – Architectural ment may make a significant synonymous. The adjective den.’ Kurt Schwitters, foundation in 1998 of the hensive programme of archi- studies for Dutch cities is a contribution to knowledge of ‘Dutch’ presents more of a Schloss und Kathedrale mit ‘International Seminar on tectural training. This more series published by the the European city. However, problem, since it refers to Hofbrunnen, 1922 Urban Form’.3 At the same comprehensive programme I Department of Architecture OverHolland has opted for a the whole of the country time it is realised that the have elsewhere referred to at Delft University of Tech- project-based approach, and English offers no con- The field of typological and connection between typo- as Tendenza’s scientific and nology. The editors plan to focusing on the role of venient alternative. Here, morphological urban analy- morphological urban analy- didactic project.5 If we publish two issues a year. architectural projects in the however, ‘Dutch’ will normal- sis, as we see it today, was sis and architectural design review the sum of all activi- The field of architectural transformation of Dutch ly be used in the same defined with perfect clarity is less self-evident. In an ties in the 1960s and 1970s research covered by the cities. Currently, the main restricted sense as ‘Holland’. in the 1960s and was devel- interview in the same issue which could be held to share series includes both typolog- tasks are restructuring and oped by a group of young of Casabella, Aldo Rossi this common denominator, a ical and morphological renewal. This involves large Italian architects who in the wrote: number of different steps urban studies and the ques- numbers of projects in the Architectural design 1970s became known inter- ‘Urban and typological stud- can be distinguished. One is tion of architectural inter- most varied situations, in and urban analysis nationally by the name Ten- ies have played an important the development of a pro- ventions in the context of communities with Henk Engel denza.1 In a retrospective part in my training. More gramme of typological and Dutch cities. The first issue autonomous powers of deci- which appeared in Casabella generally I believe that they morphological urban analy- explores the problems, and sion, and hence calls for an ‘Die Architektur ist an sich in 1985, Massimo Scolari play an important and fun- sis, another the development reports on the ‘Transformers approach that takes full auf den Merzgedanken am wrote: damental part in the training of a design theory.6 It also of the European city’ confer- account of local settings meisten von allen Kunstgat- ‘For a whole generation, of every architect. The archi- becomes clear that this lat- ence, with contributions by and potentialities. tungen eingestellt. Merz from the early Venetian tecture of the city is no ter has not led to any com- architects Jo Coenen, Alber- The theoretical focus in bedeutet bekanntlich die research by Saverio Muratori longer just the title of a book mon result, but has to Ferlenga, Hans Kollhoff OverHolland will be on pos- Verwendung von gegebenen to the studies in the Veneto but a way of studying and remained bogged down in and bOb van Reeth. sible links between urban Alten als Material für das region carried out by Aldo understanding architecture the different approaches of Randstad Holland, Green analysis and architectural neue Kunstwerk. Der Archi- Rossi, Carlo Aymonino and anywhere in the world. Obvi- the architects involved. As Metropolis and Delta design. The research con- tektur blieb infolge der Constantino Dardi, urban ously nobody ever discovers far back as 1977, in a lecture Metropolis are concepts that ducted over recent decades Schwerfälligkeit des Materi- analysis and the concept of anything new: what they do in Delft, Giorgio Grassi, have been used by planners has yielded a range of con- als, mit dem man Häuser typology have provided a is bring to light some aspect asked about Tendenza, said: to define Holland as a flicting views and insights on baut, nichts anderes übrig, point of reference for design of the discipline: architects ‘(...) in my opinion we can metropolis. Proposals for the the subject, raising all kinds als stets wieder das Alte zu and ideology. (…) This posi- have always studied the city only use this word to denote expansion of towns and of questions that will be verwenden und einzubezie- tion, which Tafuri was to but the study has, so to the ideological and architec- cities, infrastructural works, highlighted and examined in hen in den neuen Entwurf. define as “typological criti- speak, got rather dusty. (…) tural uniformity of people ecological corridors, recre- depth in OverHolland. Dadurch sind unendlich rei- cism”, and which found its But to claim that typo-mor- who display the same inter- ation areas and high-value che und schöne Bauwerke true expression in Rossi’s phological studies represent est in architecture, the city, urban hubs have been graft- Note for the English speak- entstanden; indem für den Architecture of the city, fea- the main vehicle for carrying historical analysis and so on. ed onto this planning model ing reader: Architekten nicht der Stil des tured in the difficult “sixty- forward architecture could Of course their design by landscape and urban The ring-shaped conurbation alten Teiles maßgebend war, eight” period alongside the be just another way of research can take very dif- designers. At the end of this of the western Netherlands sondern die Idee des neuen most progressive ideas of restricting the freedom of a ferent forms.’ 7 chain of virtual productions, is known in Dutch as the Gesamtkunstwerkes. In die- the Movimento Studentesco, young architect’s training. That was at the end of it is the task of architecture Randstad (literally ‘Rim ser Weise müßten unsere which recognised the quality (…) Teaching must assist the 1970s, by which time to supply images and devise City’). It is centred on the Städte, um ein Beispiel zu of its moral firmness and its training, or at least not hin- Tendenza’s scientific and programmatic means of fill- provinces of North and nennen, durchgearbeitet critique of the ancien der it by continually creating didactic project had in fact ing in ‘the shapes’. The prob- South Holland, and in Dutch werden. Durch vorsichtiges regime.’ 2 new myths, as functionalism broken up in different auto- lem here is the lack of a the name ‘Holland’ normally Niederreißen der allerstö- In the past few decades once did and as typo-mor- biographical directions. At concrete vision of things: an refers to this part of the rendsten Teile, durch Einbe- morphological and typologi- phological analysis runs the the same time the Italian archipelago of Dutch cities country rather than the ziehen der häßlichen und cal urban analysis has come risk of doing.’ 4 work was being overshad- in a suburban wetland, Netherlands as a whole. The schönen Häuser in einen to be a normal part of life at Clearly what Rossi is owed by a normative, histori- rather than the fiction of a same distinction has been übergeordneten Rhythmus, many architectural training doing in this retrospect is cising contextualism à la potential metropolis. maintained in the English durch richtiges Verteilen der establishments. To some putting urban analysis into Rob Krier. In about 1980 Dutch cities are unique edition of this series – in Akzente könnte die Groß- extent it has grown into an perspective. He makes clear Rem Koolhaas rightly took up a contrary position. On to architecture as they are and history and ensures the urban analysis restricted to the urban fabric, has These prominent urban the occasion of the 1981 to scientific research. survival of the architectural itself to the formation and managed to retain its indi- features, often constituents exhibition OMA drawings at For this reason I would form beyond the original the subsequent transforma- vidual characteristics. This is of the town which have been the Architectural Association like to recall a piece dating occasion for its construction. tions undergone by the the most important question present throughout its devel- in London, he declared: from 1966 in which Rossi It is the form that is perma- mediaeval city. Muratori’s raised by The architecture of opment, we have termed ‘oma has been concerned first explicitly raises the sub- nent and lays itself open to research showed that in the the city. Rossi believed that ‘primary elements’. The link with the preservation and ject of the relationship changes in function and mediaeval city the relation- the answer to what consti- these primary elements revision of the tradition of between analysis and meaning. ships between topographical tutes the individual charac- establish with an area from so-called functionalism design. In Architettura per i form, plot division and build- ter of a city lies in the reten- being erected on a particu- – exemplified by Leonidov, musei Rossi deals with dif- Architecture of the city ing forms were fixed; build- tion and enrichment of the lar spot and from the perma- Melnikov, the “Berlin” Mies, ferent aspects of the way in Concerning urban analysis in ing forms transformed them- permanent elements in its nence of the town plan and the Wright of Broadacre which designing as an indi- our opinion the conclusions selves within these urban structure, i.e.