7 Cents RED BANK REGISTER Ml COM VOLUME LXXIV, NO. 10. BED BANK, N. J., THUBSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1951 SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 16. Iwora of Call (or Sttk Armored Pmt Polios on Way to Hospital for Treatment Put Hover to Bed Or fwr Summon* Board Prepares »imr*V»M BV — The nu»or Called 'Premature' by Cenerai aad coejRril Turaday uifht heard FINE CAMP, N. r-U»nt. OH. tka civilian cempeaeati, aad la tka a rrswrt frrtm ftpa-rial «ft« WIUI* Ik CrttUaberger, CMMII- •ftk f kava made lar that purpose Juka *». Parkrr that a* tut r<> tag IMMI *f the Wrst Amy at tkia NMUI. t«Hrd iMunrroiM raM|itsle)'s ia> traiaing at Flae Camp. la i-unmwHliiit; <•« the mattrr, N Information in Quiz •atk Arasered division. "At » result of these* frea.«aat Ma»«r .tlfrtd N. tiradtraioH aaidl DM ttstsSMBt fallows: tripe ta Pim Camp, during wkkk •The Department of the Army I have w,teh*4 tli* training with that rrsidciite Khuuld lit remind- 1 nun to Guide Voters Sept. 25 Mi UMUMtl M dectsie* U C4ll great interest, I an gratMed ta ed laat Ike Muruugk ha« aei »M aa* Natieaal Querd Armered dl- aatc that there hu bee* a real* erdiaasue «H its hooks wbirb rr- «WM late letlv* Mffvtc*. Um la tha iaetruetioa and enthu- eaifte, Ikat dog* k» kept th-d Tuesday. Sept. it, a i "to treat aajr eveisioa <• made siasm aa tka part of all tka ergaal* Stm&, Daughter* Spemker ttoa WIN he held In Red I t* eall • Natleaal OHTI Araaered Mtiaaa which togatkar hava r*» treat 1* p. m. to • a. at. The which the ritisens WIN rots aM a dsvttea to tk« cetera, the choice Nlted la considerable beaes* ta all mst'or e*M the) borough waald •rofmel t* erect aa aaMtttea ta •Male) toll betweea MM 4Mh Arm- "Tha itatiaaal Ouard and Organ* eMsHko lo Imnkc th* anrlfiit law, the sent r high school aad ta ared dhrleiea (MM the Ttma arts taed Reserves af tka nrat Army but that i'i>iitinu«d N»M|»M»IU make alteration and Mnprava* aad tha Mth Armered divlsiea raaliaa their responsibilities far tba meat* to the building aa aa ta from New Jersey. defease.of tha Halted ataUi aa4 weuM aer«»ltata earh artfcm. provide a cafeteria, gireasMetajsa), "UMU tba Department al tha ar» making aatawarthy atarta ta additional classrooms, vat*»(« tion and -in.Her form, has beet) Recent Weeks prrpare* hy tkr hoard ef *ds)m> Tiy Your Taxes' Beadleston Urges ti>Hi fnr the! preta, speaker*' bs> Kay VanHiirn Agency reiau and anyone elaa wh*> srlahes 9 detailed aad eornnreheaaiv* In Answer to Tax Inequalities Rrporlt Active Demand formation abaut the referee. • HRffWIBt'ft Y-Crltl«l*1r,g ff, "> m«y»r dlar«r«dera h*»e t**t) asked by MtiMMr eeeetaat* ef tka Aug. •roaoiltloa aj "e«»eaalve" whoa school officials to auggeat other • tea appeal hatting ta Red Beak "only a few inequalttlea eilet." Me With the demand for California ajueatlone. These question* sheuM far nattily alarming laeal taspay- aald Shrewsbury le "the oaly tawa ranch homes ever on the increaae, he directed tu Dr. M. Gregg Hit**, an, Mayar Alfred N. •eadlestoa in the county in the lait M yaari the Ray Van Horn agency, 'Fair •uprniainf principal of the Red Tuesday algkt asserted that "there that had a reaparaieal." Haven realtors, report the «n!e ot Rank public arhoole, or Frank are net many tax l**a,ualltUa" la ten more custom-built homes of Hurley, •eiilnr Mgh wheel prtm* Tka real damag* which could ae this popular architecture. Most of tipal. end will he answered aether UM koraugh. done by continued rumort af un- Joseph C. Irwla Of tha eemplalatf velce4 at tka the aalei reported below are to by mail or phono. aound Us aaaeaament, the Mayar buyers from other areas who are katrlng by Shadow Brook fesldsnts aald, would be failure by tha ta* TENNENT — Joseph C. Irwin, Queat. 1—Why waa the refer*** tk* Mayar agreed "that aesets- anxious to locate in the Red Bank aaycra to pay their taaca. Ha %a!4 area. director of the county Board of 4um chosen for September rather BMati aa aeme bulldlnta were a lit- that at present only a) per cent of Freeholders, will be principal speak- than this summer? ' tie excessive." He etplalaed thla the taies are paid. "We must have RHTrl wlwf| w MNfV InfwvnT wlrv I*«H a9vv*« VwJHHeVi'r Vvlvnif TnfM InVvAMVf 41 Joseph F. Hunter of the Van er Sunday at Old Tenncnt church Ana.-All taxpayera and parents adMtarioa by aayiag that tkaaa M per cent," he asserted, "or face ,fwaat this pair twnmar far tha laa* Crate Mtttr carpi. A rttSdW af Had* lank, tha it aHanaina; Horn agency was the broker in the when members and friends of Mon- are lntero«teil in the schoolj la tha MMIagi ware aeecated aa tka a tremeadouf, aaedlett eaat" sale of a six-room ranch house mouth-Ocf»n County Pint Coun- Fall when they open. Parents hava tafia tt treat footage, even though Tamata unrvanity-. $tana)«a with Mitt Jack* it Allan Ran af Narrh lanfl IratMk. lack aMt-fVatMy from plans to Mr. and Mra. Jos- cilors association, Sons and Daugh returned from their vacations. It taa heaaae are aat a* mualelpatly W*»U af MieMlttawft, lafl, and) Paul Caiman af Naw Stowtlwry. rrant iaaf—Mn. ftiahartj E. Maara eph C. Bebb at Summit. The house ters of Liberty, make their 19th Is considered to be the best time ta awaad atreew. Tha mayor nplalnad atata taw has been built by Allen Brothers, annual pilgrimage to comment hold the referendum. A freavaat eemplaiat at tka h*ar» wfcleh reaulres tha borough to ap- af Radiant, Inc., on Oak pi. In the River Oaks mor&te the Battle of Monmouth. quest, j—How many teferenduma lag «u that tha hotaees loat value propriate funda for uncolleeted section of Fair Haven. Allan R. Woolley, Sr, will be hava been held to improve tka kaeanaa their occupant* do aat get tames. If anly «0 per cent of the To mothers and families all over transport polio convalescents to week, some once a week, or once Mr, Hunter alao sold another six- guest soloist at the 11 a. m. services high school facilities? tke aam« acrvleea as realdtnta who tmx bill Is collected, 40 per cent of America, August and September and from Monmouth Memorial, a month, depending entirely upon room ranch houie from plans for In the chureh. Mr. Irwin will .ipeak Ans.-Three. On Hay 30, 1MT, • Wv* M muBielaally owned atrnU. the total bill will hava ta ba added tnaan the end of summer, back-to- where they undergo treatment by tka Individual eaie. Allen Brothers to be built on Lau- at the memorial service In front of referendum waa defeated In which Tka auMtlaa. af aarough-aeeeit- t« neit year's budfet. "If people school preparations, waning beach the Curare method. Thla method, "Whleh I could not do," aald rel hne in the River Oaks section the soldiers' monument at the close the taxpayers were asked to ap- aaw at ttreeU la tka Ray H. •till* don't pay tfctlr taxea," ha said, daya—and Polio. Each year Mon- nret put Into practice by the late teen-age Pat McOovern of Keani- of Fair Haven to Miss Bertha O. of church aervicea. The public is prove of the purchase of a aita ef . aua develaameat haa ealivcaed "state law requires tha tax rate ta mouth county has it* share of chil- Dr. Nichols* 8. Ransohoff, la at- burg. If It weren't for the Motor ba Increased." Ha pointed out that Baldauf of New City. Rocklsnd invited to the ceremony and serv land on Harding rd, which had ap- Mara thaa ana council Meeting. dren and adults struck by the tracting world-wide interest and Corps. To get to the hospital by county, JT. Y. During the period of ices. proximately 17', acres tn It. This) Taa btrongh will aat aceaat tka tha baroufh haa ona of tha lowest dread diaease. You the acclaim for Its reaulta tn abetting but would coit me about $1 a day, ta* ratea la the, county and that construction Mr. Hunter arranged was to have been the slta for tha atraeta for two roaaom. Vint, they newspapers carefully for accounts the rtvagea of the disease, as well and mean taking three different a lease for Miss Baldauf In the new high school. Five months Muat be offered by Mr. •tlllMan, tha basis of assessment through of polio outbreak ... for atorlea as In helping polio victims. buses" . .. an obstacle for » fellow out the borough Is far below ae Kprlng Terrace apartments In Red To Open Baby Clinic later a second referendum was held Md MCMtd, they muat fully e«m< ot hoipitallaed victims. But do you The Curare method of treatment oa crutches. Even If he could af- Bank. on Oct. 28, 194T. A smaller poftloa •ly with tha atreet acceptance ort tual value, the legal amount which follow the cases of these patient* la begun on a diagnosed polio pa- ford the trip, Pat would have dif At Se« Bright of the same altc waa the purpose laaaee. ahould be asteased. once they leave the hospital*? Are tient eoon after admission to tha Acuity traniferring from one but Another ranch house of the same of this referendum. That was alt* you aware of the splendid rehabili- hospital. Curare Is an administered to another. For many post-polios site was sold by Mr. Hunter for RUMSON—Mrs. James VanNos- defeated. On July VK l»50, a ref- Tho mayor's worries in this con- tation being given to post-polios at like Pat the hospital treatment Allen Brothers, Inc., built on Kemp nection ara something new. In drug that relaxci the apaam and trand, chairman of the well baby erendum waa hclcl to establish a, Thaugb tgreelag with aaata af Monmouth Memorial hospital? Do consequently greatly rcllevei the would be prohibitive because of the ave. In River Oaks, section five. conference of the Publia Health kt-gluiiaA lilfh acliool UUUict. Tba tka taxpiyera* coaaalalaU, the years past Shrewsbury was always you stop ta recognize the Invalu- pain. Qiven to the patient three transportation expense involved. The r.utchjuer wu Mrs. Marie Nursing association of Rumson, mayor wu firm tn lili arguBMnt near the In tas collections, the school districts involved were: AU able contribution the local Red times dally It It followed by in- Others would be kept at home prsptau of Jersey City. Sea Bright and Fair Haven, an- Untie township, Uttle Silver bar* that a houaa coating PO.OOO In 1M0 mayor frequently complimenting Croea makes to that rehabilitation tensive physical therapy, constat- nounces the opening of the clinic ahould not hava the iama aaieaf- the residents for their prompt pay- because of tho infrequent and In- Harold R. James of the Van ough, Red Bank borough, threw*. program? Poat-pollo patient* must ing mostly ef stretching to regain accessible but service In many of Horn agency arranged a aale from next Thursday afternoon at I bury borough and Shrewsbury aunt of t MO.000 kaua* in Um The ment. Last year, however, tha bor- return to the hospital periodically proper muscle length. One*, the o'clock at the Sea Bright school ough dropped below to per cent, tha rural districts of the county. pta.ni of a spacloui ranch house township. To organise the region* •*» houaa, ha maintained., It tillUled, ough for continuation of therapy Insti- patient has responded to the treat- The Motor Corpa services only for Mr. and Mrs. George H. Fer- Or. Irving K. Lovett la in charge al high school, all live districts ha*. to a. tea-year waawemtlon. having tM-aar cent. Then ware tuted when they were hoipitallxed. ment and progressed sumelently to guson of Arlington, N. J, The new to approve. Only th* Red Bank aa4 aa of the county's M municipali- those people who are dependent of the clinic, assisted by Mrs. Wil- Of avfgMtloaa that ihrewabury This would be impossible for many ba dismissed from tba hospital, ha upon Red Cross tor transportation home la located in Crest village, liam M. Howie, Jr., and Mra. Iris Little Silver taxpayera gave sueh afcould MM a eaaaplete tax re- ties which bad better records. children and adults In the county may continue hla aserclaea at Little Silver, and is of colonial approval. The regional high aeaoel If it were not for the transporta- "Red Cross brings tn post-poltoe Wilson, public health nurses. home. However, he must return by the carloads," said one staff brick and frame construction. Well baby clinics have been es- plan waa defeated. tion provided by the volunteer to tha hospital at Intervals tor ex- women drlvera of the Monmouth member of the hospital. "The Mo- George K. Moyce of the Van tablished in Rumson and Fair Ha- amination and prescribed therapy. tor Corps is very faithful, and I Horn agency was the broker In the ven for many years. The Increased Quest, f—If th* referendum la Hendrickson to Build15-House County Red Cross Motor Corps. Some patients muat go to the hos- approved, when would the addltloa Five days a week the volunteera don't know how we'd get these pa- sale of another ranch house from demand by mothers for health pital dally, some three times a tients here otherwise." plans built by Allen Brothers, Inc., guidance for infants and pre- be started? for Mr. and Mrs. Sven N, Lindhard school children has made it neces- Ans—The architect has advised, Development Near Middletown School of Matawan. The house has a liv- sary to establish the third elinle ue that work could be started la Flmthl No Ceiling ing room with fireplace, dining as a public health service at Sea the summer of 1*52. LEONARDO — Robert A. Hen- Hintelmann Sells Tax Exemptions room, kitchen, three bedrooms, Bright. Quest. 4—If the r«fer«nt\im la drlckson of 1$ Conover pi., River- On Holiday Fruit Cke tiled mth and attached garage, This has been made possible by defeated, what will th* beard af side Heights, next week will begin and Is situated on a wooded plot education do then? Warren Appeals TRENTON - Temporary ot> the co-operation of the residents of work on a 15-house development— with 100 feet of road frontage on the three boroughs with Mra. Rob- Ans.—The board of education, Brookslde Park—a block from Mid- emptlea af "koUday fratt cake" Rumson Property Asked for Boats Oak pi. In the River Oaks section would be compelled to have • from friea centre*, pending laaav ert O. Haley, president ot the as- dletown township high school, ol ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - E* of Fair Haven. sociation. second referendum, presenting tha Gobble Close Tax Leohardvllle rd. aaeo of a epmMe eetUag price) tmptlont from taxation on two same plan. There Is no alternate) ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — Ar- The five-room, MxSS-foot housai regulation covering bakery pro- To The Donalds ateamthlps owned by two boat Mr. Hunter was also the broker Tho well baby clinic schedule plan. A new high school of suf- guing that ha cannot have tha da- duct*, waa granted today by the In the sale of a new home built Is Sea Bright, second Thursday of ficient site cannot be constructed will be of ranch type construction lines he operates between Keans- each month; Fair Haven, third aired uaa of tha. property until the ana will sell In the $10,000 price OMet of*rk» StsMHaattaa. Former Southworth burg and New York were asked by by the Haven corporation for Mr. with the amount ot money avail* Superior court renders a decision, The exemption la granted by and Mra. James F. Boushton of Thursday, and Rumson, fourth range. They will be attuated on lots Henry Gehlhaua when he appeared Thursday. (Continued on page 11) John Warren, prominent attorney, of alxias feet. aMcadMent U •* the Oeseral Colonial Home Sold before the county board of taxa- Fanwood, N. J. The house has six appeared before tha count/ board Mr. Hendrickson currently Is CeWag Price RegueaUoa, affoo tion Friday. rooms, tiled bath, porch and at- ef taxation Friday to uk a rtdue- Last Week tached garage, and Is located on completing work on the Salvation Hv« Sept f, 1M1. At head ef the New York and tlon on the assessments on Ma Army home on Riverside ave., Red The exemption elate net apply Harvard rd., Fair Haven. Cobbla Close farm property on RUMSON-Oeorge C. Southworth Keantburg Steamboat company, Bank,'and the modernisation by to "year 'round fruK cake" walek has sold his Blossom rd., Rumson, Mr. Oehlhaut asked that the $6,450 The Van Horn agency also re- Zieglar Defends Police Department. Cooper rd, Middletown township. permaatone of the front of the Elec contains less than M per cent porti the tale of three more ranch residence to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon levy at Keansburg against the houses, all sales from plans, with Mr. Warren appealed to the tro Impulse laboratories building on f rulta and nuts an*1 to ether cake D. Donald of Rumson. The property tttamshlp City ot Naw York be Board the levy of »,000 on tba IS White at. Red Bank. The Electro products which an eaaaHewd tho residences built by Allen Bro- Says lingerer's Criticism 'Unjust' comprises approximately one acre dropped because the boat wan thers, Inc., located in section five acres of land and $10,000 on tha Brm, which does communications parta af tke regular bakery line. of well landscaped ground and haa washed ashore at Keyport In the UTTLE SILVER-Pollce Chief Job. t am not willing ta permit buildings, asking that they ba cut work for tha government, ii con- alBPStBD |*aTlPmaj1a« eTOTHeMBI •Hw^rwaT of the River Oaks area of Fair a frontage on the west side of Ave- Nov. 38 storm. He said it would Haven. One of the homes located Fred Zieglar thla week Issued a such an unjust criticism go with* toJUOS and $1,000, respectively. tinuing operations during the build- O.C.P.R. nue of Two Rivera ot 100 feet and statement defending members, of out an answer." O.1VS. aatd lagredlente from take considerable money to refloat on a wooded plot on Laurel lane, Tha Cobble Cose property, part ing's "face lifting." on the north tide ef Blossom rd. of the ship as it wu practically Fair Haven, was bought by Mr. his department from what he of tha former Herbert N. Straus Among other recent work by Mr. which "holiday fruit cake" tt $10 feet. termed "unjust criticism" by Coun- made an purchased six ta eight wrecked by the storm, which car- and Mrs. T. Frazer Kingsland of estate that was aold In parcels at Hendrickson Is the Dr. Robert Tie*. The realdenee, which It of colon- ried It over a bulkhead onto dry Buena Vista ave., Fair Haven cilman Howard L. Ungerer. an auction In Dec, 1M>, wa» •pre- hurst animal hospital in Middle- months before baking. Cenae- At recent meeting! of the mayor auenUjr, O.C.F.R. frota holiday ial design, contalita on the ground land. while two of the homes located on Lincroft Man vented from being used by Ur. town and a new home on Red Hill Boor an entrance hall, large living The sister ship, the City or Oak pi. have been bought by Mr. and council Mr. Ungerer, chairman Warren for converalon to eight rd., Middletown, tor Mr. and MM. frait cake price* at a level which of the light committee, has de- did net reflect additional costs room with open Ire place, screened Keanaburg, assessed for $25,000 In and Mrs. Leonard J. Oerweck of dwelling uniU by the Middletown Ernest Twelves, formerly of poreh, dining room, modern kit- Keansburg, also should bo dropped Morrlstown, and by Mr. and Mrs. clared that he haa nnt been given Is Made Major township toning board ot adjust- Orange. • •I these Ingredients since early co-operation by the police in the chen, bedroom and bath and one- from the borough's tax books, Mr. Wesley N. Osterhorg of Union Vil- GERMANT-wmiam R. Osjfner. ment after a tew heated hearings. car garage. On the second floor Oehlhaua said. Through his attor- lage, N. J. Mr. Osterbew Is asso- matter of reporting street lights Tha toning board ruled the prop- Under these circumstance*. M which were not in operation. The son of Patrick Gaffney of Lincroft, there are threo bedroomi and two ney,' John M. Plllsbury, the boat ciated with the Prudential Insur- has been promoted to the grade af erty Is In *..« A, which Is re- haa been decided to exempt holi- tile baths. The Yeildcnee la equipped ance company of America in their councilman has asked for report* day fruit cake from O.C.P.M. owner told the board tlitt he ques- from the police whenever a street major, U. 9. Army, at Bremerhavem stricted to unattached aingle-dwell- CD Volunteers with oil burning hot water heat. It tioned whether the borough hu the Agencies Research division in port ot embarkation, Ing unit*. The beard ruled that Mr. pending laaaance of a taUered was built by the lato (Sen. Howard Newark and was formerly employ- light la out for three nlghta or bakery regulation. Preparation right to assess the boat becaiue It Maj. Oaffney, who arrived In tha Warren'a conversion would be 8. Borden in INI, Iknd sold at that Is there only three months a year. ed by mirt-tveat offices. more. He claims that deductions multiple dwellings, .although he Wanted Thursday of this regulation Is now under time to Mrs. Cecil Cardner, who In can be made from Jersey Central European command in February, way, but Its Issuance will not Asseaaor Harold Martin recom- Mr. Hunter of the Van Horn Power * Light company bills tn 1949, la currently assigned aa port bat maintained they would be turn sold it to Mr. Bouthworth In mended to the county board that aingle-dwetling units. He has ap- SHREWSBURY — Councilman take place In time to cover this 1M4. agency was the broker In the sale such cases. postal officer, Bremerhaven port of John Hawkins, chairman of the lo- season's sales of holiday fruit the levy be cut to $5,000, and the of the one-story ranch house own- embarkation. pealed to the Superior court and board said it would study the mat- Chief Zieglar's statement: "As •aid he expecta a decision thla fall. cal Civil Detente council, Tuesday Other residence! la the Immediate ed by Mr. and Mrs. Qeorge A Ste- chief of the Little Silver borough He first entered service In March, night ttt » week from tonight at neighborhood Include those of E. ter. vens to Mr. and Mrs. Loder D. 1942. The following year he waa Asking that his taxes be reduced The board accepted the recom- Qruman of Westwood, N. J. Tim police department I wish to pub- because the use of the property Is 8 p. m. in the fire houtt at the F. Hensler, Dr. Vincent M. Whelan, licly take exceptions to remark* commissioned a second lieutenant date and place tor a meeting ot An Antique Hunt J, E. Howland, Jr., and H. Ray- mendation of Mr. Martin for a $900 house is located in Crest village attributed to Councilman Howard after he wu graduated from the) United by the toning board's de- Civil Defense volunteers. reduction on the $3,500 auessmen Mttlo Silver and was built for the Adjutant General Officer*' Candk cision, Mr. Warren told the county mond Banta. Mr. and Mis. South- Ungerer in local newspapers last Purpose ot the meeting, Mr. Drawing Much Intereit worth hava purchaaed a home in on buildings In Beaman ct., owned Stevens by Afaimono brothers a week relative to 'laxity' in our po- date school, Fort Washington, Md. tax board, "Tha 'township In one by Harry L, Beaman, who asked few months ago. branch of the government says you Hawkins said, la to "have a com- Great Intereat Is being manifest- Pcnnlngton, and plan to move lice department. In December, 1949, he wss aep* plete report on what we want to ed in the contest as set forth In there In the near future. that it be reduced to $2,200. In "Councilman Ungeter declared ara,ted from the service in grade at can't use the buildings tor any pur- do." He .explained that It his heps another appeal by Mr. Beaman, the captain. He re-enliated ss a master pose, and In another braneh aayt the double-truck announcement in The' sale was effected by tha firm that street lights which were out to hava workers on every block the Aug. 23 Issue of The Register, of William H. Hintelmann, realtors board reserved decision on restor- Commanding Officer were not reported by the police. My sergeant in May, 194s, and in Oa* you hava to pay taxes at though assigned to each committee chair- ing the levy On hounes at 34 .and tober of the same year ha was) re* you eould use them." featuring the fourth anniversary of of Rumson. Of Engineering Labs advice to him—if he is interested man. He said tha meeting It not Atlantic Appliance company. The $6 Center ave. to Its 1980 figure of In learning the facts—la to check called to active duty aa a captata* Mr. Warren told tha board that only for those who already hava oontest la known as "An Aniique $1,450, Instead of $2,100. FORT MONMOUTH — Col. Ed- the police blotter ond the officers' He served 3T months In courier- he felt the assessment would be a volunteered, but for any who are Hunt." The board postponed two eaten win R. Petzlng, Shumway, III., an reports. They will show that, lights service In Calcutta. India, and ha fair one if tha desired use of the willing to serve. A total of 312 prizes, aggregating Store Head until it mets again Monday at army officer alncp 1017, has been have been reported by the police to also served 24 month* as staff poa* buildings were allowed and that If Those who already hava volun- $10,000 in value, will be awarded Highlands. One waa filed by Thorn appointed commanding officer of Jersey Central Power di Light com- tal officer In the Marlanas-Bonla the eourU rulCd he la allowed to teered will be urged to attend in at the close of the contest, this as Columbo, owner of the Marlln the Signal Corps Engineering lab- pany. In thla regard I would like command during World War II. convert them, then the atMttmenU notices which are to be mailed. Saturday night, Sept. 8. Leave§ $259,737 hotel, Keanibura. and the other by oratories. He assumes the post to say that Jersey Central Power aV Living In Bremerhaven with Maj. would not be appealed. ' Because of tha Importance* of the All tho Atlantic Appliance com- the DlMsttla Realty corporation formerly held by Brig. On. Harry Light company haa given the tor- Oaffney are his wife, Catherine) Arguing that his Innd was levied session, the chairman also urges pany stores, looatod at Red Bank, (Special to Tha Register', of the Casino restaurant, Ocean Relchelderfer, who has been com- ough very reasonable service when Dressier and three children, Bart* too high, Mr. Warren called on in- all Interested residents to ettu.l Aabury Park, Long Branch, Key- NEW YORK - Joseph Siegvl, blvd. manding general of Fort Mon* street lights were out, F., age eight; Donald R., age ftva» founder and chairman of the board «nd Germain, age five. Oermaln, % ward X Macklln, Red Bank real Mr. Hawkins recommended, May- port, Freehold and Lakewood, are of Slagel and Fried, Inc., opera- Following the recommendation of mouth since last June. "For example, Sgt, Charles Barle estate agent, who gave figures of or Alfred N. Beadleston named co-operating in thla mammoth Middletown Township A«ir»J»r Prior to his assignment to the German girl, was adopted by tha tors of the National Shoe store, reported lights out on Carllle ter., Oaffneys last November. adjoining and nearby properties and council confirmed two Civil event left a net estate of $2S9,737 when William C. Johnaon, the board al- laboratories, Col. Petzlng was chief North Sunnycrest dr. and Proepect whose land levies were lower. Mr. Defense appointments, They are lowed decrease a In the levies of engineering and technical divi- ave. on Aug. 24, 29, 26 and 27. The Warren's land is assessed at $117 Monroe Marx, chairman of the ha died Bept. IS, 1047. Manias* MUM* Spiritual Service against property owned by Morton sion in the Chief Signal nfflco, blotter shows that these lights tor Nones, farm, country estate, bass* an acre, Mr. Macklln said, while AN reserves snd Mrs. William Ste- This was disclosed In an ap- Lieberman, Nutuwamp road. The Washington, a post ho held foj al- were In operation Aug. 28, This Is ness bulldlnjri exiitlnf or new, Maa} the adjoining Henry Finch proper- phenson, chairman of first aid and And Gospel Singing praisal report filed In surrogate's $4,900 assessment on 55 acres was most four years. Previously he wu not an unreasonable length of time term ««• turment, llbersl leeM « ty la aaseMtd at $1M an acre; Var- casualty. Mr. Marx Is first assist' court last week by the New Tork cut to $3,300 and the $2,700. assess- Slgnul officer In Hie India-Burma In my opinion. •cceptabt* vrotirtlei. iottpb O. HaOaa) gar company, $133 an acre; ]. ant chief of Shrewsbury Hoce State Transfer Ttx department. Afen:y Retlton. Morttise Depart* A spiritual service, coupled with ment wu dropped to $1,740 for 58 Theutor. Col. Pctzing attended the "Councilman Ungerer has been •em. Phone RU l.i>«!4.—A<»ertlaeaM*jti Wright Brown, $180 an acre, and company. At the firemen's Aug. 13 gospel singing, is to be held at the Mr. Slegol entered the shoe bull acres, University of Illinois and Vale uni- Amory U Haskell, $M, $100 or $130 parlU'iiliivly critical of tho police meeting, he was voted "the respon- River, Slice, school Wednesday neaa at the age of 17 In a New Decision was reserved on an sip- versity. Ho HISO .served with the department for some time now. Ndki •n acre, sibilities and authority of chief,' night, Sept, 19, beginning promptly York cobbler thop. At the time of peal by Richard Rast, Maxson ave., old Signal Corp.s laborntory hero Tha Rose Beauty Stton, foretertf Council confirmed the appointment, at S o'clock. It will be held under Hla criticisms, though of a minor known >• I't Nino, 11 Br,-«rt ttitet, Reaj Ms death, at the age 'ot 71, he Navealnk, for reduction of his from June 1933 to July 1938. nature, do the department no Bank will be cloud from Sept. lots |*j The office of chief has been va- the auspices of the ushers of the headed a chain of TO shoe stores In house levy from $1,500 to $1,000. credit and are the reason for this) Stpt, lMh, Ineluilva.—Advertisement, 'ilia deadline for rtslitratloa of veten cant since the resignation of Alon- Pilgrim Baptist church. New Jersey, New Tork, Connecti- 10 DaVansy. Camp Supporters statement. wae w in t« vote In the November sm- cut and Maiiaehusetts, Including Oehkuret Country Dey Schoal fitted In our clean, privata fitting room! "Beside* Sgt, Baric the depart- Re* leek •••lam teatltiite en election Is kept. !5. Permanent Sttrllnf Sliver the one in Red Bank, Openlrx date*, fall lemeiter. Educa- by «xp«rt gruduitt* miilt •nd female fit* rail tern openi September Wlk. net* res itratlon ma* be made at the borough Sale of lalts and pciipcri, eandic- tional ptay ctnttr nursery ichool and tn»lly, ment Is made up of Patrolman >noe O'Shia, 111 Broad el, U I-Dill* hall from I A. M, to nnon and I to I Keep Cael llliki, hurricane Inmin, uompnto, etc, His estate goes chiefly to his iclndcriirtin, Monday, Septimbir 10th t For berviL'fl withmr. WHIUIIK. or for home James Fix and Patrolman John —Advert!»tm#nt. P. k), Monday thrnuarh Friday, Shop In comfort In our s!r art «bl« to m»ki pocket Ht —AdvartlseaMit, Mask,—Advettlitaaeat, lleement, York, —AdvertliesMnt. street. Red Btnk.—Advettlwntnt, dont and are doing aa excellent bf ailllni The lUslitsr.—A.Ytl USD 9A9K WFT15SflM5H 0L SfPf tin ffEAitwc or WULTS Hone Important Mm Km fottimg SI More Traffic rare i» a«r ' Men v.ho caa't Ull covert froai Rene* Popper, For Palsied Child eriaolia* ia txiriag a twit can tafee Violators Fined chairftaa, has arranged for' tea DR. WARREN FOWLER LONG BRANCH — "The general courage. Accordlag to Many S. HOUfDEL-ChargM with being preeeotatle* of a dramatic aarra- rwowB background of the home if more Compton, clothing kMyer for the) M.witkowt a reiriatratiea tut her car OBtitled, "What's la a Naaac?" Rug important than ion« at the things Kridel etore, the * may not ke aad with failure ta keep 0*1 the at tke opening meeting next Tues- that are going to be don* (or the far off when they'll be regular ea- right aide of the highway, Julia day night of Red Bank chapter of child In the clauro^m," Mid lit. cyclopedias of apparel lore. Olcaak, Aabury Park, paid a com- MadassaH ta be held at Coagrega- ToUod Piano Studio Harry V. Birr, consulting psychol- Mr. Cosnptcn, reports tkat men bined «ne of IB in Atlantic town' Uoaai B'nai Israel, 1* Rivcroid* AT IT* BUT ogist for the Criwled CUlaiea'i art getting **aart*r every d«y akewjt aaip court l**t week, where Mag- v*. Participtting will he Mrs. ataemt »f Bthtl Commission of (he New Jersey their elothiag pttrckaeof. Largely a totraU St*ale» gtilwdl kaadled W Baajamia Aahin, chairmaa, Mr*, CALL State Department of Health, apeak- recult of inlatiea, ke paint* out. Mater vehicle vie4ati«*» caeea. •ylvaa Oaraett aad Mr*. Harry ing at a tecent meeting of the Mon- "Not so long ago tke average atea P*r (allure la keep right at as Segall. asetnbert of the edueattaaai mouth County Cerebral Palay »»• didn't pay tea amen atUattea to •*• latuwMtiea Jet* C. Mockel, Me- coausitte*. wciation at the Elk.' home. H« tails in buying a ," ke ojdaiM*. taekea and Willlaam Uauaer, Weat At tkis meeting Mr*. Ueter LION'S j elaborated by jsaying thit feelings "If it didn't at like a «*ur aaek **d Baglewoed, each were aa«d It. Otoan, pYMideat-eloct af th* chaa- ANO j of guilt, bitterness, and the tension the color wien't ckartrewM at Are Peter Kuekar, Jersey City, wa* ter, wkvo ia faoviag out of to>wa, •nffaWaftflsl J& CrPPf **W # #aV9 ; between the parent* of the cere- engine red, he'd often kuy H «rMfc- •aed It for isilure ta cahikH a win formally tura over tke gmvcl bral palsied child deprive the child eut esemialng it too claafh/. Bvt driver* liccaje. John Otecwira, Jcr- her successer, Mr*. Melvia of a fair start. The best aoseible not any ator*. eey City, wa* »n«d IU and Wil- fariMr vice presideat. llaa* •. Bohea, New Tark city, |t« •ID IAMB *4Nt beginning for the child, ha added, The IM« 10 WtUr aad HUM k«st> la complete understanding between for eareleaa driving, aad Tkaaw* o*r«rUs* i* Ik* *>*i*tw wntoiw. 44.7ft'VOTE gT. the parents thenuelvet. A balanced, "With th* prte* at ovorytUac A. Maanlan, jeraey CNr, paid I* -iM««t CHMM lit Theory I ea*y going, interefte* hone If a front yarn U yathta aolag up, *aaa t i I ba«ic ntctsMiiy in the training of are gittlag to b* sauch eagior akaa. A larg« number of —taelot* HI MAM AVf. I the palsied child. pert. THcy'r* laoklaa far aaalttr. ere toed U *aeh far paatiag car* At for formal educatUn, h« ex- Mayb* then are *UU *«*n* tUafl* an the wroag side. They were Sid- • a UO IANK 4.IIII.M plain** that although • child may the average hi.yer aowa't kaav ney S. Backer, Ma* Kearad. An- he of age, chronologically, for very much about. If a aiara s*M tkoay Ooacobbe, Leroy Qordoaaad schooling, he nay not yet he at the to a lot *f tra%)W* ia give Ite cm- Wllliatn Kakair, all of Brooklyn; proper level of maturity. "Ready toaur* auallty, it want* team to Pawl Prtedmaa, Antonio Pavla and for school" denote* mare than age appreciate IL" William Strtctasan, Newark; attainment. To lend a child to Per the** wha aUH 4*at kaaw a Jam** M. Bllettt, Akron, O.; Paul •chool before ho hai attained the cheviot (root a ckavraa. Mwavar. A. Malvlk, BergenAeld; Jeeept) J. maturity level it equivalent to he haa that* wayntUej *• offer: Norkft, Valley StreaW; CkarEf J. "forcing," and thli May kring about "rtnt of *n, Uok fat lanaU aaa Alarit, Ada* county, Pa.; Herbert fruitratien and ether eawtlMal fact tag*. Th* weal lahri to a Mar> Bartholomew, Madtaoa; Anthony aifflcultie*. ante* agaliitt aoMlttratloa with in- P. Tirinata, Waahlngtaa, D. C; W&tim Speaking of educator», Dr. Bice ferior nhen, line* any wit coaUln- Brnett Herauaa, Veroaa; Doaald •aid that teaeheri muet learn aft* ing enough wool to give (he wearer P. Caugklln, Orange; Oeorge H. BW SI BWOWOV never forget that the** children are any of wool'* heaeflta it all Mtwt DiUum. Wett Orange; Saul Pn, very likely to have some very spe- bear a label (hewing what aerceat' Baat Orange; rraak SaatomlM MM. Um flSCHH'S cial defect!. They may not be dull age of any ether Aher la preient aad Uon U Skornpakl, Bloomnsld; at all, they may Just see thing* dif- Pact tag* tell yen how ta cara (or Jam** A. Msrehand, Belle ville; •UTTBCO', ferently, and react differently, and your garment and hew to treat It In Anthony Itoattr, Jeraey City; fnul educators must take that Into eon. order ta obtain minimum Mrvlee J. Haaeock, Hehoken; Harold T^^V ^^*B^ ^^v ^f^| ^r^^Tvnf federation, or elee the education is and appearance. Staenberg, Unton; Louis M. Allen, not good. He emfhaiife* the fact "Seeana, lining* *he«M h* waa* Mlltoldo; JullH M. NMC Broax- VJVwBaBBBsaJl aaVkaBBBBMVBBHBnWB/la AlfeBBWltv) that educator* mu»t know these of a In*, «rm twill, pn-thrunh ana vllle; Tboma* W. MeWalters, Mut- eolor-fatt Pockit* shs«M ks sU4« lay: SUhley ' Caaplicbl, Baynnne; children to do Justice ta them. Mlcbele OOKOM, Hakokan; Mutton Quoting Dr. Bice; "In our propa- of aMMly woven cotton. 1 D. Acha*. M*rrl»tow»i JaaMa ganda,; he *»ld, we must get our Cleveland, West New York. N. J.; educator* informed, so that they "Third, 1ap*>* akeuld a* In- Sidney Fnuct, Clifton; Charle* will know what they are dealing WllllaajM, Knglewood; Wilfred with when they get the** children terlinH with a hair «MVM which 1 Beyer, lufjunltj David S. Oelleye, in front of then. * won't wrinkle ar croak, To teet • ClneUaatl, O,; Tneodar* Black, lapel, bend a eotntr at tk« collar, Bran; Arthur P. Haaan, New eaUMae it betw*»a your •ager*, Tark elty, aM H«rb*rt O, Waif, Industry Sponsors then let go. It thould aaaa back Rahway. into place without leaving • erea**. Shoulder paddtni ahouM fMl llgkt 5 Signal Units and fleilbl* to the touch. Vive other driven paid W ta Fourth, leak far hin*>t*JI*r*4 an dollar charges. They wero PORT MONMOUTK-loma MO George W. Clsndon, Harrington reservitts from Now J«ra*y and poinu, which Injure a *meoth tt and put the 'give' In the right park; Prank ft Oaraa, CliMbtth; Seaskote New York ar* now taking refresh- Joseph Hudse, Baat Orange and er training In Army communica- plaess. Oood have up ta ill tions problemf hero. Thsy Include hand-tailored operation*. The lin- Oiaeomo Oullaee, Jersey City. Rob- five Organised Reserve corpa units ing f hould (It *o well that you don't ert Barr, Newark, paid II cett* Nursery School which ar« *poa*or*d by the eonv know it'* there, and aheuld b* hand- only. vunlcatlon* Industry. atltehtd at the trjnhatet. Suttofv Commtrelal affiliations operating hoi*, should bo n*at and pliable. far the nr»t year In the O.R.C. •Tilth, don't buy • Ml* tkat re- program are major corporation* in quires major alteration*. Meet man- MM Inducted la Ana* ChtMrao lft ta 4 the communication* Industry. In- ufacturer* make «IM* ta flt any ternational TelephoM and Tele- type of figurt, 10 then'* plenty of niBBHOU) — Ia«uet*d tat* ky N. J. Stata Dapt. of Mucatian graph company of New York city choice. Proper lit determine* the the Army U*t we*k at Newark iponaor* the 31!th Signal Service appearance and comfort of any fult were It own of thli ar*a. They ar* .battalion. RCA., also New York you buy, *o bo cur* you get It. among M 4r»ft*o* eailed by •*• tTMYKAB elty, iponsors the KWth Signal Ser- "Slith. look at the HUM IMMO leotiv* lervlc* boar<, Aibury Park. vice group. The Now York Tele- the eoat and trauMri t« make Mr* Another aall Is ilnt*4 (or lttsr tils Mis ^inlMtflsBBil TAACIMM phone company sponsors the Mat ample material I* available for any month. Signal Aviation Contraction bat- later alteration*. A full cut, with and Al Day Santa*) wKh Hat Lunch tallen. The American Cable and plenty of room for let-out*, Is a Indueted w«r* Robert Radio corporation sponsor* the mark of quality." Hanee, Joseph llu«n Brown, Don- tilth Signal Operations company. ald Domlntck Castranova ana Al- • W"B V^VaBBV/m) vT nrVWI^reVv rlBw KW^rfV wtv^P ^sfWW RWfff%} New Jersey Bell Telephone com- fcert Kosuhake, all at thin borough: a—i i pany sponsor! till Mth Blgna icmvn TOOK Bdward. laatord P«|raw, Frank •weisjwew Aviation Construction battalion. Mia* Janet Bloom of to Watalnr John Kalaay and Joh/tUyneMs no- BBnaBBBVBa\^BEnBBMn\an\ IHwV**^ •FaoB^s^sfeBB • ^BflsaanfeOk ^sT BBB9aa^aa*BiB*^*B^aoB aBnaaa^aSjtaViaVi ^e*"T™"/vTv™'S^ave"lW¥TBJ Vs* V •• faiw ToasnaxT ari^b^T—^BBTOT • vvgBnaBnansHnaaaww n^BJ^B^pisnaaj ton it., a member of th* itaaT of the aon, R. D. 1, freehold; Ralph At part of the program, all unlta O'Donnell Travtl agency, 13 Broad Sareh, Roosevilt; Thomta Roy No- 643 Oeeaa Are., Weal End Tel. U> 64901 of the WOth Signal Service group *t., left Aug. II on a *urv*y tour of lan, R. D. Engllthtown; Jermn* Ot- will bo Inspected today by a dele- California and tha Hawaiian b* Uvi, R. D. 1, Allentown; William JOHN F. CinAOrNO, tVactar gation of top-ranking Signal Corp* land*, via United airline*, all** Carl Meyer*. Jr., Allentown, and officers, Including several former Bloom I* eipoetcd ta return ta Rod Oeorfa WashlRgten Col*, Bngllth* chief signal officers. Bank Monday. Sept IT. town.

Mothers! Hurry In for This fOODFRBZERI GOLDEN RULE BACK-TO-SCHOOL SALE! Poplin Zip *3.50 SIBM S to 6 BEFORE YOU BUY 9lwt 8 10 14, $3.98 IT'S OF FINEST POPLIN ... rha fabric that waars and waari ..'. idatl for school and play. IT'S IMPREGNOU TRIATiD ... for watar rapallaney. •" fWfV * •!»• ^^WJf »w WN ^BwWHW^l^B ^rX ^Ww wVwl^pf OR BUILD IT'S VAT DYED ,,, wash it, dry cltan it,,, colors ramain trua. IT'S ZIP-PRUF ... xippar is channalad so it can't catch fabric. wiH anobla you to «n|oy "gordan frasfc" bairlaa, IT'S SNUG ... alastic side intarts snug it to hips. «BrBnBBB *BBBBB1 tMsfsBBa^sBnlsM ^k BBIBBBBBT SBBBBBV Vw^tftnl VnBnt ITS THE FOR tOTH IOYS ANO GIRLS. Graan, 4sBBaBaBsnW tkjfi A1|HMBW aBaMM BBnBBBaV *^Bn* 4aTs*jBBBBBBn\ 4B*BBB*I Bnal SEE US navy, rad; plaid flannal lining.

*una**a\ aaUaa^ani waBanaBi aaUsftsBa Corduroy Slacks WmWm w»TR| nitlfj WI99 very happy to outline a mortgage J 1——-^ >-.-. aaTansHi *••*•*& BVaaawsVaa^safl BnaM ^AaBnanft p rwMI IIIUHI fJfV •WHIVBI «wjr IViVfw plan to meet your needs, with rates and terms $ that are sure to please you. Inquiry involves 3.98 4 prali«i» ef Made to Sell for More ... COMPARE! hn|MrHnil Imreslmants In feaxl. no obligation. THEY'RE CftOMPTON I JULLlAftO OOftOUftOY .,. narrew wala, in navy, brown, graan, gray, wina. THEY'RE TAILORED.,. doubla saami, raitforctmants at points af waar. THEY'RE GOOD LOOKING . . . Hollywood waists, pleated front. Largar siras have alastic ins«ts to keap THE SECOND NATIONAL trim. THEY'RE THE IEST SLACK VALUES ON THE SHOREI Sizes BANK &. TRUST COMPANY OF GOLDEN RULE RED BANK, NEW JERSEY CHILDMN S SHOP OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS — 6.30 to 8.00 608 Cookman AIM. Attaint Park Usa Our Convanlant lay-Away ind •udfat Plans W5l> 0BPMUUUUI 9, MM Why Fight It Out Red Bank Artist Able to Paint Again Ed Iviit* Rectlb TO DMVI... 4 B r All By Yourself? His Racing Days ITS AS IASY AS FurMcr Real Bmmker ffYMUIMIt U VWiag •• IMf) You Wan 51 Bike Rae*. tha IU4 Bank eeavmuaMy A few deye ago The Regiater Chaawbar af Ceamaerc* haa aant to eceived a very pleaaant cal! from Ma momheas a Mder entitled Edward Ivini, T« Rockwell ave., right !t Ont Atoae." The Uong Branch, a former Red Bank H rw an aorveaje folder state* that the Chaatber of- eaident. Mr. I vine at ••« tiint coe- •a wW give fcra concerted eaaaaaKtee actiaa, ducted a meat market la Red rambia**- funds to work with aM Bark, and in hi* athletic daye waa fall-time oaVc atagf. nf of the foremoat bicycle rldera Hanaan I* ••to. It asks th* members if they COMM n the atatf. aaatwrtlan alaea accaapuak alona to obtain favejr- He brought arith him aewapaper SW* publicity far tka cemmuaity. clipping! allowing that an Sept. 1. to apeak lot buoinam ta lagMativ* tvaok f*f tko eat eaattere, U pram*** retail acUvl- IWH, he won tha half-mil* New ttaa, ta aaaaaar sad eoMact cttrle Jcrney etate champleaahip bicycle •ttk two ateerlag aM aatrfotte eveats, t* study aM rare conducted by the Mew Bruns- ' civic laapreveaMnta, te wick Bicycle club at Highland MTIWtUTlMttaiftK. reader direct eerviee to IMuttry aik, which waa wltneaaed by Can as aad we nia) more than 2,000 peraoaa, At thia CaN for Vou. aM agriculture, ta awiataln aa ef- me meet, Ckrlatlaa L. Burg* of fective mforawtioa bureau, to Shrewahury, took third priae in 71 Sa. Broadway . Laajg auiatala the aearaat aaewar ta a the halt-mila aoviee. Mr. Surge ily ceater aad to protact later became a prominent Red tka citiaaaa treat ckis*l*rs aM Bank grocer and at tha time af hii frawd through tka bettor huaiaai* recent death, conducted a package diriaton. goodj atore on Weet Proat at. The Chamber p*tat*d matter give* the answer "a»" to tho above ejees- Another clipping atatad that "Ed- ward Ivina, a Red Baak bay, eur- ttons aM further atetei: "Ten will a a a a • admit that yen coalda't, bat la priaed everybody by wlanlng the theee days of tkarn campetKUa of wo mile handicap and aecuring cities aM aeettoa* If asmiaily $ ttmt in art «fW kavinf h—n second price in the one-mile hand- daaant 4a aueh thiaga tat Red RM kaan aWa to rawm* • fnm\i icap at the Red Bank Wheelatea'a Bank -thea we will fall bshlM. A Decoration day event en the ctty la Ilk* a garden; It araat be Hhrrwchuiy ave. oval." Thia wai cultivated and requires eenetaat dated May 10, 1«M. Han It MffwIiM in ctffw« IMMHM' attention. The Red Baak caatmtw Another Flipping pertained to Ity Chamber ef Commerce aasia- ed," he MM, "if we ve to put the Frank C. gtrock'a bicycle road talnc ataMing e*mmltt**s reMy agkt agalnat infantile paraly.l. on racci which brought out a good for action at aay time «a almost March of Dimes a aeuad baaia aM atop runaing liat af cntrica. J. E. llovland of any project. up 4i«clti at tka aad of each •r» Drlirht won the mile handicap "Three hundred man are ready To Suit Earlier year." race and the U-mll* road race wai to serve and work for your la- Mr, O'Coaaor 4eclared that un- won by Mr. Ivina. Two time prices teraats. That* men ceald not be In » reltaaa froaa the New Tork leat tka preaent aituatlon changed were awarded, the grat going ta hire* aM yet they are givinr their headquarter! of th* National draatically there would not be anQcot|(e Hawklna at r*alr Haven. time a»d tffaila, wlthaHt r*mtin*r Foundation, far Infantile Pinlyati emergency drive thla year, aa AlthnuRh he waa the eighth man atlon, to help build Red Baak and received by Rolanel J. Hinaa. chair- there waa la IM». Rut, ha added to flniah he rode tha IS miles in it* Immediate vtetatty. By actual man of tha Itonmouth county 52 mlnulri and IS aecon4a an1 wai checktyeur fsHaw-busiaaasmen are chapter, It waa announred by Ba- "Ut'l regard tka 1M} March of awarded a gold watch, Prank I!' giving at least *N heura in Cham- il I O'Conner, preaident of the Dimea, laetead, aa two drlvei in key, alao a acratch man with Haw- ber meetlnga every month te work S.r.t.P., that the 115! March of one—the aioet tremendoui effort kins, won the inronil priie, a pair out plana for the future ef RedDimea campalun will »lart two wa ever hava made." of Wolf American racing Urea, An- Bank and some month* they give waika earlier than uiual to allow lahing three-fifth af a second later twiee that amount of time. Time for a more ambltloua drive be- than Hawkins. la money to them—the aame a! It eauie "the March of Dimea nan Dorbrook Farm't Bull Is to you. Let's be fair!" not kept pace with the march of Mr. Ivina itated that la hit bi- polio." Qualltecl by Cattle Oub cycle career he won It races, tak- The printed folder alaa atatei ing part in events at Red Bank, In a letter to tha WaUaaal IATONTOWN - Cornelia'a that far leas than seven cent* a BloMe Warriar, a reflate red Jar Long Branch, Valiiburg and Ma4- day yaw can have these IW menfoundation/a 2,MS local chaptere iaon Square Garden, New Tork. working for you, maintain an office throughout tha United Btotei and aey bull brad and ewned by Dor aad a fnll-UtM stall te whom you Its territoriea, Mr. O'Connor nM brook rarow, kaa been O]ualine4 by can afar yaur suggestion*, enter tha 1963 campaign for polio light. the American Jaraty Cattle club 'Lout Dag* Record yaur complaints aM (ram wham Ing funda would begin Jan. 2 in-aa a toatot tire. you esn iseurc prompt and aeeur- •tead of Jan. IS and extend Ten ttatad daughter! produced Held by TowBakip aU aaawers to your Inojulriei through Jan. U. an average af MM pounda milk I 44T aauMf batterfat, which COLT! NECK — Mr*, -.a.tcht Tha Chamber li aadeavarlng to "It already ii apparent," Mr. Sncddon, manager of the Mon- O'Connor aaid, "that tha money is more than twice tha butterfat get additional members aM at a proditctien af tha "average" dairy mouth eounty a.P.C.A, reports reseat meeting af the beard of dl raie*4 in tha lait March of Dimea more dogs are lost In Atlantic will not ba auflMlent to take care cow In tha V. •. All reeorde were roctora It was suggested that 1 made ander amcial ivpervialon of townrtilp than In aay ether area, awmbirskip breakfast ba hel4 to of the 1(51 polio aitiratlon. Tha judging from the calls that come National Foundation probably will the A.M.J.C., which haa national which present awasher* eouM hea4o,uartore la Celumbui, Ohio. Ih to shelter. Ihe added that the bring a nan-member ae that proe- and the year about $5,000,000 In 8.P.C.A. had been asked ta pick peets o*ttl4 bo lafarassd af some debt for patient care ixpenditurea. The bull kaa been officially claiilaed far typa by the club and up a number af atray animals of the great accomplishments af 'Aafde from new eaaea, eur r from tha township aa wsll as un- th* Chamber aad be urged to Jain ehapteri in !Mi are helping an given a rating of "very good, wanted eati. so that the good work may go on. equivalent to a aeore of U or » estimated 45,000 eaaei, Became of per cent when compared to tha David Towler, Atlantic townahlp *ww • tHaiava. This breakfast has been sched- thla, we rlnti we must (tart tha and Freehold dog catcher, also re- uled t« be held Tueiday. gept. U, 1MU March of Dimea earlier than breet's type acore allotting loo at •:*« ., . at tha Molly Pitcher polnti to a parfeet animal. Ten of port! receipt of a number of call* m usual and make It a more ambl- for laat dogs in tha township and hotel, aM each director attending tloua drive than evif before." Comlta'a Blonde Warrtor'a d»ugh- la sapietid to "pick up the tab" tera have elaeillted for type, by an Freehold. Home are hunting dogs, for tha guest h* Invite*. William Mr. O'Connor called upon all officltl elaaatnar «t tha club. They h* said, and thla situation ealatt You LWt A. fluhr la chairman of tha mem- chaptera to aaaura the aucceaa of attained an average icora of ftS.SOeach hunting season when a num- «, M|M A, balaa«a\ bership breakfast committee. the enlarged drive by planning per cent aa compared to the bretd ber of aueh canines ara reported T« luy Anything earlier, enliating voluntcera In avaraga of ttJt per cent. atolen. larger numbera, taking on new Directing Electro lund-raining projecta and acquaint* Ing the public with tha organisa- Standarda Ageaey tion'* aertoua financial iltuation. TORT MONMOOTK - Lt Col, "The 1M3 drive muit ba enlarg- OPENING SPECIALS Thaw J, lea, Jr., has taken ove * a the duties as director ef Armai Ar-UbUi. U^^^^Tu Services Electr* ataMarda agenej •no' VJih tfc* NwHu* Calor Bar Aa Air ffcree aalcer, Coloael Ic today aW rick, aew colar kar«c»y reliavaa Capt. H. B. Bemataii VMS, undir agrood policy af thre » glorify year koaw, major dsaartmiaU at routing dl roetora every twa yeara which noi makes a Naval ajlcar aM aa at my repreimtatlv* as deputy dl , reetors. Colonel tee, who halls f ron Powell, Wyo., has bean hire tw< Colorest Co. yeara aM previously attended th s u Armed Forcea Itaff college at Noi iu* A Skoio folk, Va. Tha ataadarda agene; apeclallsei In staadardlaattoa IS Brawl Si. *•• D*wy Red Bank 6-1306 electronic component parts.

1697 1931 4a CorAuroy Sport CotU ' MARIE * DANTE DAVBRIO 221? ""w •••II MINT .^^u 10.87 ' Exumd m mob CordUl totiftlo* to You amf your FrtouU to tho 12.87 IMt 14.87 Tailored wMk eeater veal awl tkrao patek pocketa. Formal Fall Opening Mm ami Va akarga far our agmwt nm & sNunn PAINT tbttof- Jr. Corduroy Slacb 3.99 Baggo4 ganttlna Hockmeyet UNCROFT INN oardMoy. aaft leitured aat Mag-waattag. Vn at bwwn. AT THE CROSSROADS, UNGROfT, N. I. gnsa4taM. BOYS' VIRGIN WOOL SLACKS Saturday Evening, September 8th, raalaetfflmt pr\u, MM f a Coverte and iannela ... aalMa. akaeka aa4 (ion •>•"• • • • aaw Fall .hade* 81MS for an agaa. ataeka of

UatradiKUe*. ef t«« m ton TVa* watu tM IMM _-*_— dtmokdi Aata* A a*jaBm*kJ aWeaai receiver* were announced PhlUp K. Caramaa •aTBMB BBBJBJ eBbBBIt B% •*TBBBBJB| BaPlT Tkureday tv William W. Can*, viea aa*>. wuiiam a r»*i*r. m m- proalaeat la ekarge af aaio* for Too Cartor aed Arthor *v DCNIM DUNGAREES KrMhl'ew Jersey, I«e., eaakttlr* Insurance Specialists BCA Victor iMnhittw IB tM Mew Uela, farm* aad J*r**y territory. Stoameuth county dealer* ark* et- t*> M* olotatv. Men Indactcd I Sf Uaa Jaataa, har latlMrf aai rlfo ALL covnuon tcaded Ik* dietrlUtet-'* taree-dap/ Crane aad Me«d Poaa. Upoa their "f •>•* 1[*nlm P«iata far oalra •mMs BNUII at tM •** 1 tM eetato wM M aktrat Into Service Newark, learned that their bf atanloy roan, Mr. iwiafaroaaMal* D a o p « foaagy, •are Cexapleta Cdwaraje Oa Yaar Aafo toeMr* will new be able to> Jama* imamn Ryaiena, Jaaet RCA Victor t«l*Vi*i*a at Beau and Oortrod* Bart Mr. of ant • fiifcin. Kaialfiaa. from MO ta |1U Ion* UM ptteea waa wok *jt tM IMootMa tMt wtr* ia effect JtMt a week NO MONEY DOWN At IM aame tin** they lAYri MUVI OUMHUY ar CREY OOVBtT bown tM tea IMI awdete wklek offer Kroen eiae* ranging from t* »"^ ^^™^^mpj™ *m*^at ^pp^^ U tl tacke*. Amaag tke atartUag OM eVBdT»s\ %W WMtll ojrsaBanmw aarorm* aew development* lacorporated la Aug. to, wilted hi* eetato to OtMr iodweteee la*^d*d BoMrt WOMC SHUTS 1 YEAR TO PAY tM new RCA Victor itOl array are Carolyn Weir of OiaaoMro. Bmut . Rooeh, Oeeanpert; JetTr*/ Pot- tM newly engineered "PVtiir* Pow- D Brown of MUdtetow* tewaektp, ••Ol BwaBBBaBBBl f OoWa* vBBJ wjsaHBJBJaan^ Faiysl»aah IaM eat wfth aaaV wM died Aug. U willed life right Bhrawobury *ve, and Bdward ft M Telephone or Coate la Today er," aa excliMiv* RCA Victor fea- ture tMt reduce* all anajsr inter- to hie house at Unity court t* hi* Matthew*, Fourth at., Mtektaad*! ference regardlat* ef locattea and "friend nad hOwMkeeper," Mr*. An- CkMtf* J. Martey, Mail at, Nso*> ammtk RmnmTBmaVVwl lm«kaml dramatic new cabinetry. Price* ef nt* Ball* F*rgweea. Upon I fM*JJ0Ja> | aVWaTanagV vnjnjmmnnmn OMa*jTV|| these new model* will ring* from death, tM property go** to hi* •hrewebury; Herbert Reed. Jr, 17. ' t* |«tt—considerably below aiec*, Malinda Heater Oaeten Car- Weeley *¥*„ and JoM Altk«r •f the previeua line, Mr.ter af Virginia. TM remnlnder ef Roeee, Valley dr., Atlaatlo MtmV WILLIAM SALLADIN Cone etptalaed. tk* estate gaee t* Mr*. Carter. land*; Daniel W. Hepburn, rt II RCA Victor'* ratrniiv* merehan- J.ueph A. Bierbaua* ef Bart uM UMrty Ian*. Watt Kia»*ourgj ommm% 94 V. FRONT f T. TEL RED IANK 64400 program Inciudeo an all-out Kainsburg, wM died July II. Will- Neraua U*tUM«, Bayvtow ***, _ wipaper »dvertl*lng campaign in ed hi* eetate to kl* wif*. Valerie Uolea Beaeh; Andrew J. BwU, Pall aJantak aha filaaik all mmuU the trait*. key ffew Jersey newapaper* total- Smith of Highland*, wM dlod My Monmoath Boaeh; Rkkara a ling more than JeOOMO lines. The te, willed Mr eetat* t* Mr **M«r. KMbman, Bdward C. Bnoaao, mil- Maaa S lo S. 89 campaign »<••« under way today in Louell* Parker Opftfaiann. Robert vntere J. Aecerra, Prod Awkroat, TM Regliter with a iloNMe-page CMrlae Oreen* of Mertert wM Prnnete ReMrt Bum*. JOMPO J, spread Introducing th* new price* July h willed hi* eeUte to rornlno, Rl*n»rd A. Warm, Wat UDtaV QUALITY . IVLL FA! and containing the name* of au- hi* daughter, BtMl Marl* Ugkt. Into U Unoa and Moaoy ». tMrlted RCA Vletor dealer* wh»MUM!* B. Marrl* of Long Branch, Chaaey, Ung Braneh; Jena 0. will offer these unprecedented bar- who died Aug. I. wilted a lavender IcMneh, Wallace tar, Keyporti 51 CMJGt . IS DBNIHt gain, to New Jersey resident*. This •wenter set and needlepoint font- Oelbort 1. Hoffman, Ootonla; Cod. will be followed by hard-hitting na- etoel t* franco* Rmmona. Silver- tie A. Hugh**, CUffwaod. M! tional and local advertising, Mr. Jnllaa t/—*ter Oauii it • war*, Jewelry, w**rtng apparel, 0rl*n'#mmi ajejmmfmimra| ^BwPVWaiB* #^f V# COM concluded. platen nnd furniture are dtatrlbwfr DARK SEAM NYLONS ed In n separst* pap*r. TM re- TO MEBVK BTPKB mainder of tM eetat* wilt M efcar. Mbawr ajrlaaa willi lc«4Ulierlaf aark Bazar and Party ed by Mr children, Mildred Boilty, A program *r fellowokl* and kv •ptratlen it ataaned for Wednesday Thay CNJBM la all tha new •ramlfo Oliver Woleott Merri*. Uagdoa A MffM. SepL It, at tM Red Butk Marri* aad Benjamin P. Mania, Jr. aTaBmai HfmnMm BmrnmOM jmanmrnummmViH Bnunanmam om^m. ^fe^nmmmamhB^^B^ Planned by Club Bllaabeth Mattbewt of Parmlng- BnatkM ekurcb following tM ojnat* *nnr raai e * e ami/ •tjwmrnji mnjit* on) OMaBHJOB tarty buttineoa meeting. A eyopw Mr. and Mn. frank Ekmaa, 1» date, wM died Aug. S, directed tMt MBNSH daughter, Doris MattMwi win M oarved from tM new ktwt> rMrFaUwardrooa. to 11. >r» Manor dr., R»d Bank, were wel- on. at wMck tint* u oaport—Hy come* Into th* Mr. and Mr*, cluh Sehulta, wilt rcoalve a ft* rang*, tfaet af a kUk ill 69 will M given to Inspect all tM now of Trlaity BpUeopal church at aTh* remainder of tM eetat* will be ehnred Py Mr*. BehulU aad Mr tectmie*. Reaarvatlono fat tM an*. meetlaf laat Thunday night la p*^ •I *• '" kail. Jaek T. Eoldak. Jr., «lub brother, Ooorg* H. MattMwi. Wll- nra WORK CLOTNIS HIAfrQUAITIRS ar*aM*nt, praaldad ana offered the tlam Charlee Henry Sayon of Bel- attend ar* advteod te gat tktaa tar* liig prayer. Mn. Richard A. mar, who died July «, willed hi* r, weretary. and Rebart .T. ertat* t* kl* wit*. Norma A. JoaH lea, treaeuter, rendered the re- ef Aabnry Park, wM dlod July OtMr oomlng ovonta kMtad* s Up To 5 Day t Free Interest E Bapturt Teutfc FolMwtfOp retreat port*. to, willed Mr on*-half Intereot la -*- — **—J t- ——— |nJaw I— mm^^ktM^ afama»aBBai •!•'• StontavattUMM^aadaWMto j OTBjPVBWm afJaTTV IMEIj M ClilllEV la^ePJEI IBM Mn. William W. Pratt, chairma* th* property nt «T Seventh av*, ot the commute* in chart* of th* Atbury Pnrk, to Mr oklldnn, Jeht wOvfnaflJ Cat VH CWVavEjEt ^r*V*aV inl of tha Month. This la jast —otlur friendly children1! aection at the anaual Jsa**, HoUn Jonee and Dwotky » a*pt at at l p. m. SKMi OP, 1001 IAMAINS way of Myiof, **¥e like lo oo bmiMM with you." Chrtetmii baaar t* «• h«M by th* POM. Puralture, IIMne, soraoaat obtirck «*«i M r*nr*o*ntod as • aNoOAD 9I1EET Waeua'a anlM af the ehurch, re- property, Jewelry and no'oonnl otot* **nv*n*i*n te M MM Oat« RED BANK Keep YOUR M*inaa plaa rollina along, Those parted th* baaar would M held the property gee* to the aame chil- a, K at tM If ortk Oraada steadily growing dividends will kelp boost your later part of Nevember or early in dren, wM alaa win *h*r* th* re- obarck. December la parish hall, tko d*»». mnlader af tM ertat*. roMnrc ... your strongest guarantee of preterit, it* date ta be announced. A canao- and fatnro ••rarity. Stop in Moa. ta party will take plat* ia October ¥e> *> 5*;, Mhj On> MJPJ wOeino) djrtM at tM hall la charee of lira. Jam** BMney I. Mrykor of OUMUMT MVIMND IVi« •, Robtrt«on and her entertain- who 4IM Ant. It, will** MSN ta MMW. A^g^ ^ —Mi ! t I meat eoaimlttee. Prank W. Baton tor -fattkful tor. «*) not oaM ofptaw erf *fn**j o*f affa^ .••¥» Mr*. John H. White, M, wa* ep- vice*.- The PreeMM BnptM pelnted ehatrman of a nomlnatlnf ehurch will receive tSOt. A oottota, eommltte which will preicnt a elate Mr*. Allan W. Pmncher, will ro- BED BA^ SAVINGS or officer* at the next meeting. Sept. eelv* tut. Two other eouelne, |IB> ST. AuUting Mn. Whit* ire Mre. Olady* Cook nnd Ar Cottroll, Irene Unit, Mr. Prutt, Brytn U Sy- will receive MM eaeh. Two aunt*, .rWLCVW er and Mri. Worden. Attending the Eva B. Slmonaon and BoaeJ* meeting were Mr. and Mr*. Kenneth Stryker, will recelv* tiSO each. A Room TDf R. Reevei, Mr. and Mr*. Zoldik, friend, Clifford T. Burke, will r*> Mr*. Pratt. Mr. and Mr*. Ekman, eelv* WM. Th* Freehold Anwrl* fttDIMaV Charle* U Reeve*, ST., Mr. and Mre. etn Uglon, th* PrecMld Pint AM Worden, Mr*. White, Mr. and Mr*. and tha PreoMM flr* *> Klrby and Mr. and Mr*. Harry O. ptrtmont will receive 1100 oMh, Clark. An and*, Edward BtryMr, will re- oelv* |*00. A atotar, Sadie Camp- Legend ha* It that "tko kanga- bell, will receive n ring In whleh roo* name comet tram a native th*r« la on* diamond nnd two Mat phraae meaning "I don't know," Another oiater, Mildred live* in reply to the whit* MM wUl reealv* a dhwoad SUPPLIES who naked the nun* of th* ttraage ring. A oottala, Haael Millar, will roMtvo •*». TM Maplewood ooav EXECUTOR'S SALE — of- RING BOOKS with th* PERSONAL PROPERTY TMi f of nM Eotaw of Okarle* F. Wrnwo, nom« of Rod Bank High School ovvW (ffiVf MnPI JaW'nBjrfi <*tol lataaint ajut o^daia IB^BMBW or l#d tank Catholic High -„ to mU d»cH*nt on School imprinted on thorn. 1 SATUMAY, SEPTEMMR 15th OTHER RING BOOKS FROM 35c UP ltiMAJL Sate t* M MM nt tM lat* rooldene* of Ckarto* F. WymM, nit w r OflCn tmOfft9n«ri • School toft 42 MAIN ST., OCEAIVPORT, N. J. The following pcrooMI property to wit: Mercury 1MO d door • Seated Tape Sedan ilk* new, Refrigerator (OS) two door with treating unit, • Pom ft Pencils Dropleaf Table, ChMt of Orawora In Walnut (Early American), Grandfathers Clock In Walftttt Can*, Wmgoaek upholitarad Chip- • Typlnf Paper 1 Carbon • Eraser* pendale Chair-Collector* Item, Sot of t Early American Dining Room Chairs, Rug* (Domattlo and Oriental) Room aad ScatUr • Compass • Inlt Sine*, Pair of French Caadl* Holdert (Porcelain and- BAM), French Mantel Clock (**), Chaise Lounge, Lamp* (Tahl* and • Spiral leeks • Rulert Floor), French Majolica Clock 11" footed, Brais Oblong French Tab)* with Claw Foot and Marble Top, Brnaa Candl* Holder*, • Desk Lamps Early Victorian nottet. Foot Stoott, Pair Vnrj Majolica II", • Zipper look Chariot Model In Bronne, Ploturee, Oil Paint. i**, Wall Ptaqut w wmffi MwnRifig Inkt Bra** S»" dlsmeUr, Hud Palatod Cup* and Saucer*, Soveral • Oennhen •eetit Piece* of Roae Medallon China, Dresden Compote, Chlnaware In Coalport, Bavarian, Wedgwood, Austrian, Llmogea, Overlay Ola**, • Tempra Celen • Staplers Mirror*. Llncni (B*d and Table), Majolica Stork •0*-Colleetori Item, Chinee* Porcelain In Ollt Pram*, Camera (Agfa-Standard) • Shew Cardt • Paper I Pae*t in carrying , Bookoa** (Mahogany) Two Doors, Small Bisqu* Flgur**, Several Place* of Diamond Cut Olaatwar* In Bowl*, De- • Crepe Paper • CrayeM oanters, stem Win* Ola****, WaUr OlaiM* (Datey and Button), I Pair SUrllng Sliver Candl* Holder*, t Plec* Cordial Sot, Rush Wit*. nMtlodinft ttilAMr down • tannery lent Bottom Straight Chair, Priam Girandoles, Boudoir Chain, Rock- • Map* Ing Chair, Occaalontl Living Room Chairs, Dressing Table and Beach, CnMd'fl Rocking Chair (Collectors Item), I Plec* Majolica 9 5wtsers 9 Dleftenerlei Cental* Set, Studio Couch like new, Hand carved Mahogany Blant- top Desk, Sampler*, Hand-made Quilt (Circa 1150), Pine and DMen*ofr^"lookAheee-Mfwahjr«|M» • Typewriter Ribbons • Rubber Icndi Cedar Cheat*, * j*wol*d Llr;ht Com*, Set of S BnglUk Print* (Hunting, Pishing, Hawking, dhootlng, Coaching, Oolf, Rnclng a* "- -"- • Paper CNps and Skating), Pair Brome Mantel Urns, Card Table*, portable Vlctrola, Vacuum Cleaner (Blectroluo, Pair Oerman Poroolaln t Rubber Stamp* VMM, French Bra** Table round top IT" Inlaid with Mother of • Social Stationery Peart and entire content! from baaement to attic, Alas Lawa RoHer, Oarden Tool*, Hand TOQIS and l*wn Furniture, CARROLL'S By Order oft JAOOB STEINBACH, JR., Executor a O. , Ancnoaeor. MOUNT-ENGLISH SALES CO. OPHCI AND STATIONMY Eaeeutor and AuoUoaear •hall not be raspomibl* In th* avtnt mmiis of accident or Injury to any person or person. In, on or about the tl MONMOUTH ST. Phono 6-5363 RED IANK premlMi, All visitor* attending this .ale do to at their own rlik, M fMMti* Street, M ta*. H I fflh* M176 $, IWt tk* AMwrf Praia* HANOI WOJ0M AtOHOff YOU PROFIT •f tk* kaapttaL Mr. erleeP. Al- hflrMria* M Pica* andi Dalcrata furytfcmict •r «ITT»*» Boat Omitrf tart OVaaiar af M«ai«—Kadi l«nk M*nor end P CHRISTMAS CAM>$ TffUNTON — "Pert** af MtaamKh Mtmtm ttr**t*at freai tk* aavy aad ha* Dar* AM MeaaarM*. to 1, v«a •W O I'*V#M| OI OflnTOSMOMalt. ft to Mr. All**-* latMtMM to tak* Familry D*WM> Sdw« W M i*. WE PROFIT Daa* OtUte* Maer. Jr,«a**t Mr. ky fcrtraai K. a >*•( aad vaft-dtam M aad Mr*. Daa* B*bMr af Ckaw iraaaa af tka haafd af t»»- * VvapRVg fj^PWvVaT V ar^n^nPVn ^n rW|gf> 19e ••% Of WHAT YOU f AY «OIS TO CbMt. M«. Mr. Bordaa furtfcar Maaytl* teaartMtat M rae*t»- , a* a akaattaf lataraay af tkat DMMM B. HabjM, wa* wa* NUMHt Or STUDINTS ACCf'TED THE MILK Fl>T> j fiwat bMtawa la • pray to tk* caeevtiv* iitiait" i *f th* »enia« a* aa adaUabArativa aa- bi4 * kaatd. totaM, ha* beaa app*>at*4 atatat- waUnr*?*. M40NI 110 IANK •-*»!! TMI CONSKSNMINT SHOP •Midi After ajfiaaHat* if l»Uea* th* aat adailaietrator *f th* batattal. K k Ik Hirathr* aaauBltto* ac«tat*d tk* Mr. Height a<* ttrrad la auay It PtufMy Lam) ' *tr Haven 104 SHRIWSIUtr AVL ItEOIANK ittaa. w«h rear* aad aa-caaaettica wltk th* haapttiL afcctlag •> •daeattoaat tfpahja to •M boat *wa*r* to la*tall aatrfcj- ten aad catena** la a which will permit tkcat to aa taw- •red «kM paarlaf tktwffc d*»w- WMaiM. YOU ALWAYS SAVE AT "Tram Murk rlwr to Oaf* Hap tk* reeulta *f tk« M *attatl*a v* in Mtwtvtat an atrlklaf," Abhat* MM. "All tlNf tk* taltad wator. war report* hav* baa* Ik* 1mm fever •acalaga aad %unRayDruq$ [Mint "Oa Sunday, Ant. t». OMy *>p*rl*ae*d *«r*ptlta*lly k*a- 1 *y traMe due ta th* aawaiag af the ijss&f "*! MMMrial kcidge at DeepwaUr. WIXUCE STREETS, REP BANK, N. J. TkoMMnd* ef M*tarl*to front M f»» •way aa Vlrf lala toak advaataf* af TOjfWPOr OVOT* tk* atw river cra**mg to vtor* th* •mibfufi 5UAML5II{ New J*r**y Mathor*. "Oa that day the beach th*r*» far* fcrldg* aa Abate** bird, wa* IHATIOIiERY a*t *pened a •ingle MM althaagk a* b*au with antrlgger* aM high HIM Hradertaa attend*** $e ClbSTEH Ml. aatenna* paaied through, la *acb Breach high *cba*l aad wa* latUnee mcdlaettUa* la their la- uated tram Webber eollef*, ttatlttlone allowed these nppurten. **a parb, Via., wh*r* ah* BM)*r*d Wit. MCM t* be towered with tho re.in reUtllnj. VaV«mVfHaff«V fVtWl WM «irri Milt traaV WM aat ttepped *a«*. Mr. Belter I* a graduate «f Similar report* art reacMaf u* VaV^k^k^miAaiaMa HkliatAJi*) A*tan^b*h*l W«JWiM~raf V«*aTWv •Valv'JV tr*M all print* al**g th* ahar*." Frlaeetea anlveralty, where h* r*- FLMNLMNTy MSfEISfl Abbatt MM owMra af private eelved a bachelor af art* degro* Pa* bant*, a* well at charter and party la ee*a*aMct. H* WM a member af Mat*, and conimewjlal the Key * leal club at Princeton war* taking a part la the program and la empley*« la the fanntoJa; with evident tathuMaMH. Mlet department ef the CecM-Col* C*pt. ThMiM C. Hickmaa, th* company. A tprlng weddlag I* I wmmmm ••••••MI I klghway department'* MM n pltnne*;. 1 tentative assigned to thle wark, re- V. I. Secretary af Afrleultur* port* *VuX e»«H»tlan *n th* Brannnn Myt tht average U. t, WMiETSl •f yacht clttbt, power squadrens, farmer geta abeut <• eentt aa hour Ik* Cant Ouard, boat builder* aad for hit labor, ptu* five per cent In- wiS^" tutBttert, buln awnert and comteres- t an hi* inve*tment, with M ftpr* mercial iock aad packing eentpan- allowance for payment of th* (arav '•A. Capt. Hlckman hat plae*d nearly jer far managing hi* farm. 10o pMter* in variou* laeatlon* and distributed hundreds af haadMlli M. •art af the edueatloaal campaign.! Ha alM ha* latenritwad bant «wa-j •ra all along th* that* and 4b>' •UMtd th* program with them. • Abbott r*P*rttd that he had MatMUST REMOVE •coref af pcnonnl Itttor* af *P»r*-! elation te boat «wn*n thanking | them for their voluntary eo-e«*ra- EXCESSmSTE iCRKAM tlon. tNAMNO with COG "W* **tlm*t* moterlet* hav* •aved an aggragato af hundred! •! hour* of delay M a reeult of thla program," Abbott tald. "Our con- ^ tact with boat owner* will continue rtkn* «w to tc\iaT~witmjtiAm*r throughout the fall and winter and It It confidently expected that by tlwi WHKtr mi. Trr Doea'e WH-e mOt next tummtr traffic tie-up* dut to eluntlc. Vmt Mcauhltr kr ailUoM tee unneeeua-y drawbridge openlngt tmUmn. It'itnailnghowaumtkM* will be a rtrity. When thla tint* pw*'i *1v* ka»it tilkl tnfn time OTtwii . arrive*, full credit fhould be give*) ten Iwk eet wwU. Oil DoeaTe Mb Mail to the boat owners." rurr- 1 : nch PLASTIC •AM LEAD HOME OWNERS! RULER 12 23 V-.?",'"- %• r - /



a^aatai ubiaB^ Aatafei^aaViAan^ft^ Xaa\ LWa1kalat^ a^AaflaMa^flAliWA ^*iMa>Aaftd)^kAJi aJia%Aaa> Ww HPfl^ WtJMTIVflM in IIV1IIV I VIllUWMn^ ywramffl jWm utiiftction. Our txp«rtmcMl worfcmtn f rtidy to do any job . • • largo or tmol. Our prlcH oro tiro to fit your budgot. CON WOW for A froo ottifnoto on any homo roinofloiwf or 7 100* • OIL BURNER CONVERSIONS • PAINTING • MASON WORK OF ALL KIND

CALL Also «t all THESE BIG SPECIALS NOW ON SALE AT ALL SUN RAY STORES THROUGHOUT PA.,N. J.DEL. N f v I fi s Stor e RED BANK 6-4088 Monmouth County's Lorgttt Homo Improvomont Company Brmm AHA- 2NWIM001 "SELTZER BACTINEi NERVINE A «e> • btttettd MODERN HOME mWmtal *>*atmB MMmC LIQUID IMPROVEMENT CO. 54 PHWrnlMMVaMl** B^^Bm^talm' 157 BROAD STREET RED IANK sBMtBBMBmi BBBABUBMBV1

RED BANK REGISTER Pair Haw. Oar LETTERS FROM I •aUnby, tcpl IS, will he ebeemd •• EVENTS OF YEARS AQO Fair Harea day. Parents and their ehil- OUR READERS driea hare heea inrited hy the wayor a**) FROM REQISTER FILES WVIMO council to spend the day at the new mm- uorial park oa Willow ct. The progress To ta* setter: "***• * "" Mr. aad MM. a v41l include a concert by the Fort Horn- ay this Uau y*« probably an lived at the earner of •v*. *tof*fea*psr, toak hi* tomliyfa r •war* of what a huge re. M.H4BOUI SALT. Mouth baud, fame* and refreahneiita. It Or*ad Openis* Mallroeily] WM. OUT drove to rtaak a ltd* and near the Sfctawebajry atari waa crowaed every Miaute af avttscav'oa Oakland at. aad Hrrivat. ***sMry club hap mr tft* «. HUHIT rnrmioiov. will ha one big community party and the twa epeaiag days, u4*tin Bytam want tot* the ha***, ttaetig stnask by a vehicle arlna by a Tke art Beak lt«i>t«r tnu>N •• tuukl taatiaalW- Ms nrtfo ta th* aasrtona. The bane Mewerh asaa. ft<"-mah Mf, Ta- f«r tvrstrepkinl trroti la a4»r*le«Mati, bat Bill te- everyone In the borough who possibly can haaay to advise that the aura WM e* tie* wn •< aa •••eniMant » vkick ta* t*t**raf4W •StrcaMly bacasnharems* frisAtenafrightened *aean)d raa away awlac'a sut* WM d*m*a*d **aajaV Mean. Atwti-n will P)MM ••tifr tka do an ahouM turn out. aad ta ***** teevetf astttag a stably, tbe fcupaata war* i i'l ' vkick B4r e*n»i. BSMra'wW attended tha apaatag la- Utthi child ptaytaf to the road, Mn. A aeag rental, give* at th* Hot The foika cot ouly wiii hare a good wn* as that w» feed aae ef tbe aak high a-aeel evdtteriwat by risen I* IwawHlM rtnn at saast •uceassfal apeaiags along m time, bat it will be a splendid way Cor the a*, tea. Edward 0*8*1*0 ef Hamsaa, brought awt a large aejdleaea at efctsrivtKa Print <• ASveaae. Oa* raw (t.Ni etc i ws kaow th* a public to fhow Hi appreciation of the f*"«- *f tk*R*d BUB? desptt* th* •will, 1100; Urat BMtU, ll.lt! «i*fla UH. t cruelty of Mr. and Mra. ThoasM X. Me- tor, we nevertheless did net • Bertha mas' Wwelr. cieee Better •: «kaa PeetPeet- pato th* everwbtlstiag «uet»Mir re- Osorpte «sv* several eelectleae as at let a*U. M. tk« AM af Mate* *lit, lit!!. Carter, who donated the land for the park, speae* to aa* *f*a*ag a*>e*ttoe- Ptaahha B. Weak* ef Caw* Moth th* hat*. and the good judgment of the borough oA< am ______startad toth s wttha laadaf Harold M. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 4 MM He Wt aal—p a*4 *v*., rstarasd from a thro* weeks* ciak in establishing; the park. There are I aar stars to capacity with fan wbaae aurrtMM *atstdt< aad Tie- •ratal to Laag ••awrow canes where manieipalitiei have *«r greatest aipertatlaaa. toafaas,ta* We wish alas to ouweas our Ha-read aad kMa a dMsa. The J. Bsnalg ef Mars* Dm Smai waited "too long" la their park planning can gratttwa* to jreur Meet eav Mtarged his suteeMbUe Faced with her third covaeil deadlock program and now regret it. cieat stat for the'r kind ca-epera- i by addtag a «ulck-drytog ttoa la helpiag to atshe our eraad to th* p«ct ait months. Mayor Katharine whteh ha aftM Elkus White Monday night refuted la he Jaaa M. Msunt, Jr, at* af Jaha aaartMt an* Pt Meuat, aad DeMld EagUsfc, SM ataapeded into casting tlif tie-breakiPf •f CharlM R. Bagttsa, returaad vote on an ordinance to pat the proportion eptrauea, ail *f wkieh nteaat ee Thtovaj forced aa aatnaa* tato ham* Inn aa aigbt weeks' va**> The borough of Bta Bright is ta bs aallaCBa BaT* taasa HlaTXaMI ssf taU •M£aV* stllbury Bteara'e hotol at Ifavastak tlea spent at Una Charkjetoa, of a 40-hour work iwk for Ut'i Bank po- eongratalated for boldly tackling the argent Oaca ajala w* wish J* thank yen by drawing th* staple **t *f ** **U Canada. The panato af both bay* iicemen oa the Norember ballot. problem of beach eroaion. It haa accepted aad your eatlr* auar far every- aide eelbv 4o*r. A fow wtaa* or*. " to brtag them •Man and aaape* the tptrttaal tap. vleuely sameoae had stolen several The mayor'• action killed the propotl-1 the atate'a offer of 950,000 in "match port ef ow ntodora Ufa ar tkara Very truly yeure, ajuarto af whiskey from tb* pram- C. Harry Sm»ih was elected prat- tion teui|Hiraril.v «» there im't sutMent fund*" eroaion aid, thereby agreeing toge t will be » aallapaa. Haven't twa arm aHoret, In*. MS. lent of tke Mechanic «t hook Editorial Views warM wars awakiaad IM ta what M Brand St.. Red Bank Ben B. Cllftan. Manager. Ctpt. Jsha Ahhstt Worthier aad aad ladder an nmaaajr. time remaining to handle the matter by up an equal amount to do a 9100,000 job la wrong? Wi wen «nabli ta itip William Heeaeager wen la charge Tb* SeriM am of W. W. KM* ordinance for thii November's election. in the dangerously damaged Ixiw Moor Of Other Papers •ueh Mtietr»phe« bnauaa tk* ipir- of the eceuraloa to Ulster Park aedy aad Bone, purehtsed Mr*. Kaal energlea and raaxireej af tka PMMh wbleh WM tob e given by th*Aha* PUIds n farm la MM- Councilman George A. Gray, chairman auction of the South Beach. The borough werld wera (ar •utatrlpnad by tki i H Kaighto ef Pythias ledge ef Red of the police committee, proposed a eimilsr hopes the county will make a generous MnsocaAT* trowtk af aeiiaec, natlanallaw sad T* th* Editor: * *" Bank. Mrs. Jeaata A. Uag *f Red Bank polltieil tfranav. Our acanemle life Per thro* ceaturies, th* Religious Cspt CkariM Doughty «f Pair pufwhaocd Jeeepb tie'* houee oa ordinance two years ago, and his proposal contribution toward It* 950,000 half of the Jf«w Jn—y Dtmocrata akawai eaa never ba eound anlaaa then la fleciety af Priends has bora* a •Icntr alt-Hi ct Ufa at thair Spriae a, »ld*niu* m vur apirlt af a aa*» tMtlmeay agtinat war, A fewHaves WM M hie way beat* frees lathe ave. forWJM . died because of lack of a second from his cost. The 9100,000 job ia a watered-dowu Uki |atk*ri*| thi athir atfht. Quakers, like Wlllitm POM, htv* tke river aad whan aaar tb* UMea Bsajamin H. Crate of Reel haah, ta auppori «nr vattly l««r*iMd plaet. hi WM attached by Chalk* purchased a double buys* •* Bridge fellow eouncllmen, The police have beta project ia comparison with one for f25O,Ouu Whin S,Mo Ufcdtri ?*y US aack pawan of nmduttlan. htauntlnfl scctipisd peaiUttHS of Itltbiie r»> for a 4lMir ta talk thlafi avaraallahaiM and Inereaelae tiniloa speaslbilit, frsm which they have H UMe*'s fM terrier. Dr. A. A w. from Philip T. Jtanalae. The pressuring for a 40-hour work week before which engineers recommended late laat aa* plan, tha aid pttif ta far (MM bet* able te lead a whal* people Armatreag had te MUtertat tb* property adjoined Mr. Crate's reel- katwcin labor and builniaa can da. late the path* •( peaoa. three leg wound*. there haa been plenty of moribund. The Hudiaa »»lit li notatroy our proipcrity unlit* thm denee aad battling worhs. and since, and spring. But it's the butt jolt that can bemuch in avldenca. If Mini aort ef By a tiatemint preeentad ta the While Hohaea Ely af f nderich J. flnnerty, wa* sec fnftori urn halineM nnd tempered King «l Knglanl is IHo the So- time to bring the problem before the afforded, cither by the state or locally. It'a harmony can ba evolved Him, Uwby a broad sann af aieral lad aplr- ens returning horn* from the Calf* dducted d a groMry sttrsoo at RR , kltf tat handle** will IM allmtnatid. ciety af friends dsciarad, "I'M council. an anawer to the plea that "something must Itual valnas. What wa aeid aaw la Spirit af Christ by which w* usNeek Harvest same. I aunhasounhasd a haushause ea PinPint at from That, thoufk, will nit eount ia •at mar* Mlracla produelag ladua. guided Is aot changeable, so Mhumped again* Albert BMMU'S Manuel kVsagstreot. It was pot off antil the eleventh hoar, he done." Before the best protection can beMuch thie yaar la the drlvi ta la-trial macalnaa, hlghir wa«ea ar In-•ace to eummaad us from a thing runabout. Him Uaato West aad Mr. A party waa gtvM for given to the beaches, it will be up toth eenwe Democratic riarawittaUoa ariaaed proflta. W« aaad wider a* evil, and again to move us toEly tumped aut ef the wag** MdHattoora af Atlantic Highlands ta however, and not until the last council la tha LaflflftturaalM* Hudaaa will •MMl and spiritual uaderplaalag It; and we certainly do knew aad •seined lajiiy. celebration *f hw Met Mrthaay. •eating In August was a written request federal government to join in and help pay amd * DraMcratle dilafatUa ta testify te th* world that the Bpirlt to be unhltobed mat tb* wagoae Mra, Jennie Parker of Highland* aae wi »—4 It hadiy.-Charlaa A. of Christ which lesds M Into all for a referendum received by the mayor the hill. Our ahorea are a natural resource aar ivent. Well* la thi ruabla (Oala.) Ohtof- te get them out ef the tongt*. Seutor UeyMr, a rally asokaa* Th* wator earnrvU halt at Key.falttng *v*r a basket 1a hot aa*> and council. Monday night aa usual the for the nation. It's time Washington began ataa. Mlcatad that a majar laava port, was aald to hav* aurpamid dea and breaking her ana. mayor and council net la executive session to realise that Meantime, "we, the people/' la tka (all eaMaai«a will ha tlaa aaythlng of It* klad evir b*M m Mr. and Mm. Wllltom M. Car* fettwaa* O. O. P. aftteUJa aad rack> kingdoms af tfcle werld. tk* «wMty. Mon thaa US) ba*M hart, Jr., aad Mr. aad Mra. Chart** for • half hour prior to the open council will go to work. atian In Birnn «ad Atlantis aad Fluoridination Quaker* have alwaya been us- lllUMtaated aM gaily daatraUd, Ibtley of Uttle Sltvar, returned •eating. Considerable trivia waa diacaaasd, atata adMlalatratlMi MalMearHyaM aMa to ahlft th* responsibility far participated and fully MSS naapb) from a week'* vaesttea as tsMg Iftdlffinnee thirete, alliglnc that tjaaca i>, arimenna sis*. witaeatad th* eveat Tb* Maa of as wual again, but Mr. Gray didn't men- nothlnf WM deai until tha Ka- Th* q«erles relatlag to the basic teuvir eammlttai taoh •* tka lid Quaker testlmoales of simplicity, *•• MtSlVeU #f*M*MMol W|t|| WMBV *r at BMbeyvm*, returaod home af- tion the fact he intended to bring np tin Ui allenc*, equality and peace give us tove Maunr, leaier of th* Keypert and that tha ml* Important fall- aa outline of the ladlvMuai'i nraa> hand, aad th* **MMKto* la eaarg* ter spending two wMke wtth th* police work week at the open meeting. From time to time, the work of various tlelaaa indletad in aVrien WIN twa ar raiatioasklp to Ood and kis tf-af the affair eomprlaed Rufu* Of- R*a Bask savalry tnop at a*a He elected to aurprise Mayor White Democratle niyiri, RaanMleaa dea Walling, Reary Sala aad John clety." Our "peace testimonny" con appeand and tt WM nvmtod that that two yean ago when he brought the Among tha hwdroda af tbaua- Col. Th* few dsatlato In that tow* fNM other sourece, that si God than a year. He WM OM of the aada of young Astarlaau aaoklag ratod • daatol Mdety m UOS,every Haa •ariy pt—ton of a IN depart- MSM *f tb* male attMts had taken question up, he waa opposed to a 40-hour The Ftoorldatlon Question back to unlviraltlii »n* collegia aad undsr th* leadership *f Dr. ment ta Eatontowa and hat alwaya him. toPmt h Ambey M a toh*.Tk * week for the policemen. Mr. Qray has aaid thla (all wilt ba Ileglir aargiat. Prederiek a McKay, set ghaut to Snston. beta u aetrn warmer far ta* a*- th* awMwat This week's issue of The Begister carries Mr. aargiat will ha dlatlagulibti ~ d cut what caused the town'* ahrewabury partmeat stottoa at that piece aad th* IsMa that he is not going to ran again after (row other candidate* for th* naa- ehlldrta to have mottled (atataad Baphta ft. wM*w af Jeha Y. D.toak the natt aerthboand tram la tale term. the second in a serin of articles by thetir** dir H nt Tali by th* teat that and notched) teeth. CMtoh, 8r, died of paratwl* st thaawtthtaJt . Monmouth County Dental society on thehi ha* retched th* aga of thru At hb) *w» snpenM Dr. McKay ham* ef her daughter, Mr*. J. H. f1n*fuab3rra*rtata*V This statement and the surprise he •eon ytar* and tin and ha* behind started rldlaf around th* eeuatry T. tha Ultort *»*»•«• feurt *f Moamouth at Ba* hada tan* aara aa th* Cat sprang on the mayor and some of his cwn* subject of fluoridation of water auppliea. hta a long and auec*M(ul earnr aa te try to lad the anawer. Ha Having read the Red Bask Reg- beta a resMsnt *f Red Bask forproperty a' t A.. . -- —Isafctsfgac aad a manufacturer. found oai town when th* ehlMrca ister fat a period at years, It af- dl colleagues Monday night give rise to aWe heartily commend our readers to this "I years. tho lean WM avthaatod at interesting, informative series. Thua aa hi turn* hi* gaaa bach an dU aot hav* Mottled tooth. Nearby fords me pleasure to eompltmiat Mn. Mary J. Ctata, wMaw *f wawa» *^nmaf E^esa*w vasvammBav^mHuMa ••• e> f Lang question. How sincere is this man and are Amarlean hfartory

Vm (a taa aamiM, A aara as Ta> Veto* PWIIMM by tha fraa kargi Mai ay MiT. awtataw« «kU- •top !» «a»aaftor m In Aray Service ~aat trpa af Of Jt'ftl O » p. a*.Uaaal •arvlc* Ufa laaaraaeaf mya pal- Taa »at aftorwaraaf a**., •tort tkot AtkwMa |a kaM Icy, kwt I'« Mka to anaaca thla#» hava to paytor tab ) CRANg toMvatk* — that aaa af tham will nctn A.—Aftar Mr. aM Mn. ttaalay t* that M aar «aat af the laaaraaea *a>4 UtUa Mm; MM. taat atractw*. Mr. Cnaa M.M aatr will bar. tw. ahaica*: (l> tk* a>a- Maary MI*. Chjaiaatha aaafbta. th* Ir a* MiMr*M aarla. p kafa *•*• *t*nt than. Tkatha -**i M p*r «aat, U H ao*at- r«ar laval pr—I— tarn pallay, Mr. Ml Mn.~ ~ af Ha la aa thta? Mr. taaa la a*var*4 aytaavwata. Aa r la*ua« wtthawi a akyalaal aaaart- af tha atkar kara aiarar. •*—* »r Mr. A.—Taa. Taa ajar apaclfy aaact- aitloa, h«t far wbtea yaa awt trteh* «*a aaatravat a»mt ats haw yaa waa* roar >»pir ta V.A. wMkbi U» aara af •M aMar •track ay —aay paM awl•«, ta, la ft atlffltlaa ta your aaparatlaa fMM mntm. ar ANTHONY'S Hr. M4 Wi. Many VWMM M*H*HM wha la ta ft tba aay plaa af tha apaetal N8.L.1. Fair H*vM; Mn. CM* MMa* oM awaay. Aay V.A. «•** will tola that la taawa* aaly to 4M*bla4 vet- AVWUI UD |AMt «VIC«I Mr. aM Mn. Tfca AtlaatM tavaakte eaa»lt> yaa with tha **taltaL faaMftr aaMt MaMay at Laaawaa*. tM a4*»U« • ratatatiaa at laat eran*. Tw *My apaly t* VA. far •J.—I'a* a **Mlar, hMIr hart la thii withiB oa« yaar fraMtha «ata MI MM athaara, _Oak- Tkunaay aajht'j * aMctiac t. pput IM EMMS VMMSMT Btfff MAi* tktka a/taatt/ ttM tllmulmg l mmt tkk . f.a-Naa af awty, aM acpaet ta aa «la-V-A. aUwM aWV* A(*9 (WHaraWlS0 fTw)H Mr. aM MM. Narhart arall •Matlatl a kkaJM la Mb 4lMbliitlaa far whlaft eaMpaaaatlaa Caa—ir pL A pMjact to arMla aM tka w»ul4 ha parahh). la aaMur COM, ekMtna af PaawaM wara araak- aay V.A. eaatact rapraaaatotlva CROYDON HALL ACADEMY Mn. a>p*»*aft. Marry CHaa, tovaakiy nl aM halMar CWMU af Mr. aa4 eu aapply raa with farthar ot- •aaai a waak'a vtatt atorfc, waa oatkarMM to gtn tbaMM. Marhart Kaal, Hlllaaal* wi. talli. ttaala Uftf • A SfifCT lOAROINw ANO DAY SCHOOC MIM a~atrMa M tka tawaablp paUaa aalciala tor af Mr. aM Mn. Mwari ittactlaa af aM aaaai K>t IOYS-«IIA0IS I THICKWM It apaat a waak'a vacattoa wttfc kar Mr. *a4 Mn. Harry craMaMtbar, Mn. Sowara Caa> aM Mr. aM Mr*. Raaart Matajar aM aalMna Davtt, awau _ Kraaa I WIIHaaa, Mtvar Creak. M. T. w.ra SmoN elatm. Suparviioal trWy. ffi«i»:«W at WMtUaa turn aftar a Mat vtaKan at tka^kaaia af Mr. •f tana vaak*. vaja^Mf alwJww'* o^a*aw*aw/^w a^Va^aB^BBBB^a^awaif a^• a •alar aa* daw. M M.Jft *Ml» MJ Mr. aM Mn. Carajla* C*aaataa, Mr. aM Mn. BMjaatia layMr, •Utaak pi, aM Mr. aM Mn. Jaa> Iraakrtaa fana, kava ntaraa4 aph O* Warra, Orckar* at, aava fraai • owUr trip tkntiak "waa- tccaaM »« mj ffWa w*aal wtftrt. rataraai (raw a waak'a trip ta Hi pirniM fNMN aw teajajr•*•}•« arhraala *M Haw Tark aUta Ml plam«a. «w Mrf «%• Thay attaaaaa a faatfly nvalaa *MMMt*|H «M« IHW Mr. aM Mn. AIIM4 /• OMM* aa nwta aM akw «Mtaa Watkbi'a tHk MW mm M« trlviaf • Mt Otaa, N. T. Ift.fMI Mr*. Rlfhar4 Brlta aM aaa* . , lltahar« aM DaaaU, Taakan. M. MCOWTftATIOMI POM nrrOHN ENROLUUMT Mr. M< Mn. RkhMi T, aM CarB.Ua* Muraky, Panaa vir pi, It «M»«aff • nwtl Orova wan aaaaU Waaaaalay af WILL CLMB ON tBtTENW* Mk fWMlVM M VnffMt* «v* •• MMM M MM. AtlW IfpllllMJ laat wMk af Mr. aM Mr*. JaMpk Mr. MM Mr*. Mu«MII POB nrroKMAnoir * MM VEMB itli t Bte tor Mrf IMI T«*hfttdMM •iata paHM alght will ka ak> p AHtrkarjr, IM. UM« aarvaa Taaatty aliht by AtUMtla •HOW. W t-tllt Mr. aM Mr*. UWMBM Jaakaaa •UM) *M Mrv*4 la tbt CALL ATUNTIC HlftHUNOS I-1174 Mi vtattara at Atlaa- graan at th* ball. Tha tpaakcr ftt MM ntwiawMftt win ha fraai tba DaputaMat af *•«•!«*•« tk City. iMMMal, O*anr, CM.; ; Q On. Mr. aM MM. Wttttaai P. Woa* Law aM FaMia a*f*tr, MWMaa M kMtaf, l ParPt DDtrmi, Ma**., of BtaU Pattaa, Trt«tat. OBWMTI r •, UM Ntk O«a«nl kl CHILD ADULT AND WSDOJN6 T |«*«t* tart nrarataf Mr, VMftknrt, iMrawax. Ttia Raw aeliMl aMHtoa waa •M Mr* A. A. hum, I4TM far Ma at yattorteya ap»a- DR. JOHN M. CARR — H«Kba«at*r CapteM) BMrtk «u ftMlca«« to tka faU Una. A alifht rt*a PORTRAITURE Mater*. Mn. Akraa mt»ri ««4 tlM BitnfMa IkMUr to IMC Ska Mn. BU# riatM. TIM t la* tba aaraUaMat wu r*aort< NAIX ACADEMY - Allaatte HlfhtaaM •ftrkM* Mr*. rMtM* MHkMjr. Wftl glVMJ a ftlnct MMMIlMMft M Than ara ao akMfM la tha 35 SILVERTON AVENUE, LITTLE SILVER, N. J. Mr. ftM Mn. CniMt A WUJAI ft MMM iMnteftMt wall* la o*r* •HONB RED BANK JUturalM to tka ValtM StotM Mr. aM MM. Wni Malay aM km, MMM UM w*th-«M ft>4kw V >' 1MI, Oaptala South waa a*. toy at UM WMdwftM IMMM. alaaM to tka WAC Tnlal*« Ca- Mr. w4 Mn. Aitkar Trrtwr M> tor, rait U., Va. Ika la aow ata- torUlft* ttelr ataM, MIM Untt tlaaai at tka Maw Tark Port af OMMI «T Ktw Twk. far ft mk. •awfttkattoa, aanrtag aa atdataat Mr. ftM Mr*. VM4 Bi to tka efclaf. PrannaMat knack, wit Ifttarter wHk Mr. ••> MM. tamraawat aM Tnaapartatlaa rUrry Oravtr, MUltowa. Oarpa Supply dliriawa. la tkla ea- DMUM U* OMUftM*, pftsity. aaa Mr*** aa • parakaaiag •f Or. ftM MM. rx J. 0. M aaatractlaff aftVar. FACTS you should know about NEW t H U. Mw Oaptato twatt aaa two oMMm

prirlM a* tta laat waak'a MMttaf •€ tkfita rttw tM t* Taa toaparataM to tka Mrtk*a »t tfts MMtotowa Mmt •( Mn. latarior kaa ba*a aitlawtoa at M mil. Th« «wt mAMriat will aravM MM «*ttaaa T. M at UM IHM «f Mr*. MtHto Jr, Mr «M i|f • door. 1M tfcwa miag •MMMM WNMINI wkh or*. njunrma VOB rum Federal Restrictions m Mural Gas •MT ctoaaw* by ilt MoaWota1 LD-It* aat tea Mrty INSTALL to Mi* ptoM ter MM f»nrt tn» for tU nati oroMaiag*.To4ivt4a•laattot. rwnladt U. A. Clark. 1951 hrfa room, *•* Urgtt Meaaw tsrte«Hwal t|Mt. feW« M iiowbto walla. Taay'ro M* «rgM tmhl MIMUM *t MMIM to at tk« *tU (• M mla«t> •ti affecti*. AagMt 22, 1951 pla«M Mai NttrietioM *m fUMIC 'CWINf iDff D#MM]Ttit M. A ktlp fttoftg UM Ma* la tafttrt THE frama) % rigttit* aa* Ha, « "A ftvalltUa an BEST nttlftf trM millftw fNM tka DMartftMat *r Clto f I*M tkaa a Mat Mh "It1* tho WlM UNNMI Who FOR mil HOME HEATING and MEW INDUSTRIAL USE tooka OMT tka *M aaraan m kia fana aM tkaa awato tkNi to taaa1* 4aetarM AaaUa N. Uata. ^B a1tafcaA^A^» ^a\ Vft^aA^^a^^ai ^B^KA JnMM impjvf mm mVAs*** ••••• c AMMaV Affa^Ml ^Miai •Mhat^ AaV»a> a> AsaMh •••varatty* ••••. "Ckrlataw• awr B>WHa p trafjBjvMr a• MVfV kVv to taV aA mn^ aM wttt kV gaa4 aaifc Protpective jmrchuers of H!IIM< Oaaanlh/a pama aaaaat M a*> tl Y«an •( OMUHMWJ SurMa unluaa la tka Valtaa Itata* «a- H JMM MM ka ku kNatowftoiy Madtto i 4M MIMWMWV AVIMUK to tk* UaltM ttotoj far parawaaat •tO BANK MMIIIHW R Y PROMPTLY

Pencils galore . . . . 5 for 5c S Composition books . 10c, 25c, 35c Typing paper .... 10c, 25c Pencil Sharpeners . . 10c, • 249 L Assorted binders . . . from 25c (tip around alto) E Loose leaf filler paper . 5c, 10c Colored paper . . . . 10c, 25c JCPAL has filed for exemption Drawing paper . . . 10c, - 1.00 R .iy«Nrfc» aflaiaM iaa? Ma aavaflM) fat aaaac aaahf Plastic book covers . 15c & up U, 1W1 far iaMtaHatiowJ la ka Book bags . . from 98c to 4.49 M6J bcatiiig MMM, bmt meh i Pencil boxes . from 25c to 1.00 AIRTEMP H, MR, ar jiaraJr. »afjMfwa, TW* maat kt is mUkg /japp fJa* mmpmf * *» Ball Point pens ... 25c to 1.00 Erasers . . . 2 for 5c • 5c - 10c GAS Note book dividers .... 10c If yoi want gas LMNM beating...Yoi $houM act before Sept 15 Compasses and Rulera 10c & 15c Mailing cases 2.49 HEAT JNNBf EMBBM MffiVi MBat afMM 1S| ^M MMaM awW fiEf IBM BBf %WB WEWI*WM hMtlBBf MMMEMI (lIlbJMt tB) tflM Tlril iHiflaaiii fffoa MM CiMfawf Ultn far 9m SarvUa aai MM aTailabUity af aulctiab mi WE HAVE THEM ! ML Hop-a-Long Cassidy 0.65 OONSULT US Lunch Kit miA RottU at TODAY WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF SCHOOL SVPPUES JL N. MOUNT CO. UTAIUSrttD 1N0 Jersey Central Power & light

rHONE RE 6-4330 mm \m Far a Short Time Only...the TelevistonJEvent

AMERICA'S MOST WANTED, FASTEST SEUWG T(/ **• !»«: 9 famous Models at NEW LOW PRKiSl ::; \ LOOK AT THE PRICE TAGS! 7 urt of W orehr RCA VICTOR. b*t ttfy One in a Ihtmmd tours be hrtmah O—MB to att W) one of rfiese banmn$! NO EXTR AS-Nnhhg odMfor Wamily - n»c» N« Extra Chant for Mdwgmy- x* utf ** H . EVM IIM ExdM Tax b hdwMl HymdHkrlmMtasyrtnaindkiiskipmHit... WAIT. ..h's talk way! DOM Bt SWITCHED! NO CASH NEEDED... !•» |Mi M IT Ml Of IVQI9 M V^VOI IV in* IMMW UWWII JwfwUtnU Hurry! This fvenf for A Short Time


ORAOLtV OIAON JUItnUe Appllue* Outtom Tiro Oo. n Monmeuth V VB>^nF HMlffl VHvwV MtUr HeuMkMpInf IATONTOWN latonlown Radio MWRV MRK 17 Main MMtt >•-«* Attantio Applimof Oo., Ine. FRIIHOLO 711 Main ttr^t ewrtral Radio * TalwMon M I Main OtroM «• Homo Appllanoo Otoro MMalnMrtM 17 touth ttraot JartMf TIM Oo. LAKIWOOD 1M0 Main Otrort Atlantic Appllanoo Oo., Ino. NIoNfl Mutle OtnUr H7 toeond ttraot Oookman A Orand AVM. KHICH-NIW JIRSIY, Inc., NEWARK 9*. I Only RCA VICTOR offers MILLION-PROOF Performance Quality! KF,r> #, m\ AttNew Jersey has been waiting for...NOW \A3\jl\j NOW* SPECTAMAR SAV/WS Mi/e Quantities on Hand IAST/

Here are Ine 9 Models nearly everyone's been dbmomfiivg, of NfW LOW PRKtS!

Only! See these Dealers NOW! BIO TRADE-INS for yow small scram TV w Radio! Act fasti

••nj. Franklin MANAtQUAN Point PIOMCIH TV Hurlburt*. AppHMoo Oompany

Tho Mmlo tar *>LIAMNT Point Hwdwtro WolpInU Pumltur* HOUM Arnold Avrau* t1t-t17 Fourth ttrMt •RRINO LAKI •itollo't TtlcvUlon Cantor LONO MANOH ISM Third Avonm Atlantle Appllane* Oe.. Inc. Tout mvm Mt iroadwty J. W. nnloy It WMhlngton itrott \ iMrtfwsro Mlrvol't Tolovltlon A

NtaMn Mwto It WMMngUn -Amrko's First RCA Distributor AN prlcM ih«wii «r* iug|iil*d lilt pricti. On/y RC/l WCIOR offers DIRECT FACTORY-TO-YOU SF.RVICF.I aftBBStBBBBBBBBB^aiBBBBVBBBBk A AW^BBBBY nnnnmmnv •» MI Preekle Contert •rnrni

{ Fought in Kara Aikkd Feature Is*, FO»T MONMOIJTM-Caatata •• — Afiacklt aaateat at USt • st Uwta H. Marltts, B. HewardHaward,, « Bey Beau•«•(t at tha ago ha* b**a added t* tk* away •«•».* Mat waak arith Mr, •ebeduled tar the caaatry fair and praaidMt, a swjMsat af tha ii, •• E*«I* «*•»* •M Mn. Jataab Twtk la Msrtsy, Al laaairt Urn m veteraa M tk* Iathea taaawg ia t«t ah*w Saturday aMralag aad area at yean, aM aaparlaaead m Va. aM' tiaMM r*Wive* ia Bteh- •ftoraaaa avpt, M, et Mrs. Lewie tka bulMiag, tn m HCK-n-semt et»mt... Here*, ia tht sew (cwttauatM af aatM, Va. Mr. Marpfcy I* aa a tw« gagaa SeM, wa* H* t«*k mm «b* l*aatr- week** •acattaa. 8. Tkiaspeiae Brartdala farm, t- ahlp of th« tt«f whea tka preview* cavdiag to aa tutuutwit ky •d witk tha VaaNata as SMITOM try Osawkfl! lama Mapar *#iaarajiM Mn. J. aaatard Shaaley. Robert T. Mehardt, «|M MAtOU>$ MUt ft ' --...- birthday WslaMdsy af aad trsaawar, baa b*M tatt weak, la tba aftaraaaa apea The eoateat wilt M «pea to all lAOtO t aUCTtiC frackle«-rac*d yeaaacters M aad la th* pradactiM af bar hautt mta batS far frlnds aM la SiaT JhtBfAJat^AgaM^ a^BBsl A^^p^haH^tBfl^tBBl a%4\ M family talabrattaa uader, aid the wlaacr will be the i Uadiag ware Mr. bay ar girt with the moat freeklt* RivertM, N. M. aad Mra. Vwtl Mtyar, Mr*. MHdrtd *• ki* ar h*r fact. Owtt*rm**a aM daugkter*, Mra. Tkc CMteat I* la tdditiea te the SaewSark, Jersey City, aad tr«dltlo«»l pet aaaw, which krina* Wyaaaa Culp aM out aat aaly the ueual cate and dagi but *l*a p*t granhoppeia, fa- vorite raatten, frlaadly goate. AIM Mr. aa4 Mra. Utaw Wallsaf *a4 acheduled are a a*l* »f awtifues llte aM other Items, saaay *»lf-t«*t vtth Mr. aM Mr*. WlWaai Orr, lag game*, peay rides and ather Ki«c*tM, K. T. amuiewwat* plaaacd to pravide Mra. eatertaiaaMBt f*r every member w af the faimly. ir • T* add to tb* feetiv* apirtt «f > v f «n* *> «| tha OCCMIM the fart Misswst t tha »i»h>*a with Mr. aM band «f at piece*, under th* batoa Mr*. OMff* ftaataa. •f War rot OtBcer Juan Lamurey, OrauM Nrara, Church at, **hi- will play dutlatj the later part •! hr*U4 hi* Itth Mrthaty TiMaaar tha afteraeaa. wMh a faauir *«ww4tioB. Mr. aM Mra. WiUhM achaafer Hetiaewive* af the county this aM aaa WilUaai, Srashlya, *acat eamiag week will be testing their mm turns m Mat «Mh vtth Mr. aal Mr*. Al- faverlte recipe* ia tretaration for MAIMONE BROS. the «aaklag Mateati, and farmers hart CMaia. Ovw th* *ra*k-*M ara already ctstlsg apeculatlve A MVBUNVIIS aM MMar athM (HMU war* Mr. eyet aver Seldt aad orchards «ek aM Mr*. IUa*rt MaettoaaM af lag prite-wiaalag frulU and vege- Uaf laltM. i«~»h Mahtr *f tohUe f*r th* preduc* canpetltton. Clays, cm OhMate. L, I. sMMast Mah*r t MllMaahsiaal f Far four Fall Haute* Tk* aM af Mr. aM Mrs. ft 9. aaT! •7W*tnlinajBjt fj, Haward ef Uatalatta, K. C, he to I. vtsMM Mr. aM Un. Jaaat* cleaning tan, you'll And •selgntd t* th* OSktnf Train* takM last «Nh. Mr. aM Mr*. iag breach af th* Signal atbMl. He MwaH K**f*. BrMhlyM. Mlii •nr dry cleaning service aerved at cammaMlag afltetr af *»aa Curtis Arllnft**, V*., a»4 Jna| what yaw tJeaire. Ctmpaay I* feiiawlag hi* ratara Mr. aa« Mra. Mwart na«*haeh Met April tram store*. aM asa, W**a»a*M, war* NEW FALL Caat. Hewer* astat matt af hi* OM arnwt tran M> will haM It* yeuth la CharleetM. ft C.wber* h* •r*t ai*a(l(t| «f th* fall Him t*- joined hi* Sret Bay Smut tiaap. H* aMrraw. M*««n ar« Mr*. Wlrllat rose U tk* raah af Kagie aM Jua- •Uuchtr aM Mr* Jata Waraar. lor sasiatent Moutmaster before en- tering the Citadel la CharleatM. He Albert J*aa*. Mala «., ha* tmt. holes th* retard f*r apead la ' M a twa WMka* Mav* with hi* a*r> taialag hie ealleg* titm fram tb* •at* aMM left faf r Jt»uj{i la *a Cittd*!, hiving bees gradMtsd af- •MUMUB JflW S ter enly tw* yesrs aM thras BMatht Mrr. aM Mra. VMar Carttor *f Worth SUITS af Intenalve study. th* w**k«*ad CALL Ml MEK UNO HOW Cspt. Howard aatertd tba army •M halMay with Mr. **d Mrs. El- la IMS, spent thro* ysare la Burepo liot ntbaau sM dtughttra. Cfcaaie fram a larfa Tarlct* af •ad arrived la Korea la th* fall af Mr. aM Mrs. Rabart Hart aad — OR BRING THEN IN — MM. Ha was promoted te eaatala daughter Jtaa aad their twn, agt. Fall faWie^-Twewla, Herrimg. Md Mrved aa commaadlag aSker 8. Hart, wh* naMtly raturned Always ample Parking Space la front of plant •f tha With Itgaat atrvtoa ••**• a OarttMy, an vlsttlag Mr. BOtJM)!, SaMMWalliBS, WoratCila pany, golag as far as PjwagyaM aM Mrs. Oetrgt Luker thl* week. and Chlnatnp* la Marth ttoroa. Mr. aM Mrs. Mart ara fraat Qtaa. a^Flannela. Sinita and Dah> aMM,pa. twa Btwaatwd BrodeU. A pajama party aM buffat aup> Everett r waa b*M Friday tvMlag at LEON'S Paul Mthtor, aM af Mr*. Char. Ki bMW af Mitt BtalrtM P«rb> Me Mahler grMMted wHb high 1009a AU WOOL „_ JaMI*EI lf*BJw WFB)IMwB BB#»lwBJIItSwJ Cfeetters • Lmmdertn • Hair Gleaners tclwal at Fort Hoattoa, Tw. Paul Oratawgar, Jaaaaa Walling. It expected horn* M a leav* Mta. OawaM. WlhM Meytr aM Marylu Mrs. Jaha Fartla and daughters MtbmaM. Oa fUtwrday th* girls 64-76 White Street, Red Bank, N. J. Llit aM Julia, aM Mrs. Maa dl* bald a b*a«h party at Sea Bright. TWEED SUITS Katata, aM Mlm Annie Katma " Mr*. Lea*. SutbarlaM aM Ktyport spent tba wMk-aM at granddaughter, Btrbara Ana*, aM Lake Hopateaag. Mra, Oswald Rustsll, WathlagtM, Mr. aad Mrs. Albert Suldym Md D. C, tatat tha week-end wltk Mr. ehlMron aM Mr. aM Mra. tader- aM Mrs. Jtha Melat. lek William* *f Tutors, M. T., BIM Fwwtor. Jr., af ath at., wha 50 visited last wetk-ead with Mr. aM It statltBtd at th* Mval ban la Mrs. Alfred Williams. ftaanak*. Vt., spent the wMk-*nd 39 Mr. aad Mrs. Alfred Wllllamt with Ma family. Md daughter Uada vielted far a Mlaa Lad OamptM It araotlc* ftw days laat waak with Mr, taathmg at MMhaalt atratt subtil. WOtSTEO « SHARKSKIN Mrs. Jabs W. PwtrdM af BM Baah. MM win ratura t* atato burst, Fa. Taaabtrt aaOaga la Havtmbar. Mr. aad Mrs. Joha H. Dutriea Tba Marmara held a eaek-*«t important people on your aad Ma David of Touagetown, O., Itat Wednesday evening at the and Mr. and Mr*. Joha W. Ouer- horn* *f Mary BJthmoM, th* skip- u den aad daughter JMa or-Elm- par. Plaaa war* mad* ta attead hurrt, Pa., were week-tal guettt Camp HatMM Sept tl, B aM 31. child's visiting list"... of Mr. aad Mrs. WIIHamt, fUptltva, A n*ent Camp, K. T. Mra. Hanld twalka, Mn. Wll- Mrs. Lena Wtrwtek hu rttura Ikw Kraaaa aM Mra, Albert Mur- •d to Matawaa after vtelUag far a week with her daughter aM taa- y^| ar^Paw aVwt la-lsw, Mr. aM Mn. Stealty Stll- laat waak at KaaasvK park. well. Mr. aai Mra. William JeaklaMi, 100% ad wool twa ply worsted tilt DENTIST... Mra. William Wem talabtttM bar birthday Saturday, Stpt. t maata tf Mr. aad Mrs. Bdward and all wool W**k-«ad guasta af Mn. Faaala iaaaatt Mr. aM Mra. KMaath rortmaa war* Mra. Maude Atkla- »-M*» MB, Mr. Md Mra. W. A. AtklatM Mr. aM Mra. Bsaaatt aM ather t Tvonno N*al af N*w IB m L- Tork city; Mr. aad Mr*. 0 . Mr. aad Mrs, ffYaak Harvay, Ir, TOWBMM of Brooklyn; Mra. Ar- aM Mr. aM Mra, Robert Patter tht STRIDE RITE MAN •Mat thur Kirk and daughter of St aM aM aasat Bandar la Atlantle •m* Louis, Mo.; Mr. aM Mra, Bufua City. Mra. faatar aM BM aM Mrs. Boss and Mn of Beacon, K T. Uul* Egnatovtaa af Xaantbnrg Dr. Thomas E. KlrtM aM Mlaa spMt Itlat Thunday with Mrs. bv D. JohaMn of Philadelphia. Eathtr KaUsr. Newark. Mlsa Catharine vortmaa, da«gV Tha Brawata tratf uatar laad- ^^_^^^^^^^f^^ak^a»««aaWl^R ter of Mrs. rtnnl* roraataa, M *f Mra. BttabM lalabaaky •pending a week at tht horn* of Otto HMkar win bald If your youngster ii healthy and Dr. E. KlrtM tnd family at PblavMta flnt ststttag stat TttMdajr not given to falling out of tree* or sliding dtlthla. • tattaaa. down banninen, he'll probably visit the fint two gentlemen on the list twice a year. The third man should be teen at least ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE twialhi *fun> Those growing feet need to be -or — checked frequently, if they're to have the protection they need, the "growing room" that foot health demands. Here, at your "STRIDE RTO REAL AND PROPERTY 1 l Kattoa la b*Nhy g attba BaaaaBBBB^aBaa^^^^^a^Mi^^^^^^^>>_^ MAN'S," you'll find the best shod your child 1 aatasa at Kata La***, wMaaMaa can wear, salespeople who really know how V to fit correctly, and a free shoe siw check-up service for regular "visiting" purposes! Sat, Sept S. 51 IHPL^ Aft what la\tml fwBiMaaVMBai #( IffftmBa laaWmwM* i 510 ASBURY AVE., ASBURY PARK, N. J. HouKhold Gooda • Furniture • Effect* • Real Estate THIS STORE IS HEADQUARSERS FOR Comprising th* *ntir» eoattnta of the Ua-r«om dwelling tonalttlag of Frigidalr*, Rugs (Dom*ttic and Orieatal) room aad MaUar sltet, MACGREQ0R VAN HEUSEN-HICKOCK Occasional Living Room Chain, Pair Marbla PsdMtals, Lamp* (Floor aad Table), Rocking Chair*, SlaaM0» Datk, Lounging Chain, tawing Table (Martha Washington), Card TaMa (Mahogany) Emptr*. Wtndaor AND ALUQATOR RAINWEAR Chair, Mirrors, Pleturas, Books, Vacuum CHaner, Cheste of Drawers, Dreuer*, Bureau*, VanltlM, Btd* (Magi* aM Double), Porch Oildar, Stmdi, Bric-a-brac, Chlaawan, OHasawara, KKehaMwara, Radio (Oon- sole), Foot Stools, Kitchen rurnMure, Tablat, Uaana, Curtalat, DrapM, VISIT OUI CUSTOM MADI , ThrM-Plwe Living Room Bat, Ruaaer* aM everything from USI OUR baument to attic. BEAL BBTATEi Three-etory frame dwelling Moaiatiag af four room* TAILOR DWARTMINT on nret floor. Four Bedroom* Md Bath oa atcaM Boor, Thrat Badrooms LAY-AWAY and Bath on third floor. Bawmeat, Hat'air beat, Foyer with earn SUITS MADI TO Pried from 4.»© fe According to S'no Stairway, Open rront Porch. HOUM vary adaptabl* for eonveriloa Into three apartments, rooming houM or far private raddeac*. Choie* loca- PLAN tion, Grounds U' x 100'. Three-Car Oarage. $ 10 DOCTORS' MKSCWFTIOHS CAHWLLY FILLfD Th* Real EiUte wilt ha Mid Imawdlataly altar th* tale ot tn* tur- nlthlngt. Th* highest bidder aball ha raquirad *• pay a deposit *f 59 to NOW FOR XMAS 30% (cash or certilled ehtck) at Urn* of Ml* aM alga usual real wtat* purchase tgreitment. The Information above stated was obtained from courcea deemed reliable, th* real MUt* wilt b* sotd subject to whatever state of faots an accurate survey may show. Administrator and Auc- tioneer than not be responsible m tht aveat of accident or Injury to any JILtS.WktL person or ptrsona In, M or abtot *ha prsattitt. AU vltltort attaMtag thltsaUdoaaattlMlrawartak, JOHN DANIELS MEN'S SHOP (JUST Off MQAD ST.) SHOE CO. W. H. POTTER, JR., Admlnlatrator Iff RROAD STREET B. (I, COATS, Auctioneer. 4M Bath Are., Loaf Branch, V. I. 23 MONMOUTH ST. (Open Friday Till 9 P. RED BANK RED RANK PhanaMIM, «AHtttBBBa l^thfwBBalBftaV BBBMaBBBSA a% «•<*«»•«•«.. ^^"^^am*| *ltV^*^rvBjBnBj ^rvBBV^BBBjmj BB WW WSyTWHMBI % Itii Information Concerning School Referendum Sept. 25

(CoatuMetfcessl ftm If duct a camplata guMaaca fragram. family living koma ee*aemi*f pra- That *i'gaalaatlos baa an excellent increase la tuitlea ek»rgaa. aat at InetOMad by tha addition ta the able. The Hegieaal Hfk taa. Lakigk, ipvutkaara. U*. 0*1- I. Cafeteria: There to »• «*'*• gram caa then be off*re*. Maay eputation far the erection of th* Increased rtetal, It jmtml ea high tehool f pUa defeated ia INI an Aaa.—Tarn, Tka laaa far WaaMa, Oriaaall, IMckla- t»r)a la either th* junior or senior more «tirl« can the* carelt. rhoofe and for a knowledge of how to the sending dletrle** torpay - Asia.—No, M at the present time, •sa, tVaa ttata, BcrkUy, Uaivtrd- high *chool. Studeata mud go hone C. General ahop and ela* school* should Be constructed. ment. tt* Red Bank beard of education that at aaetfetr peaaibJ* atlwtiaa. •k Here electricity, radio tad all tka taglaaai *aaaeiatioa* afty af Varauat. Tal*. Vaiv. af Dela- f*r luach if they wiah a eatiafac- Quest. JO—C»» building materials Queit. It—What 1* th* ua-uied 1* paying of bond* it th* tmeuat taHaata aa4 tfaadarr tchaolt, ware, taktaitk, UUalv . f yii . tory luach. Providing cateteria fa- i>ha*i'» of home meckaalc* can be borrowing capacity of th* Borough ef 127,000.00 per year. At the new taught. Twenty boy* may totaugh t abttiMd to erect the addition? 4Jaajt, s-What la ta b* taw af teaat a n—IHn af atactteia ••Pnul Uaivereity af Arliaaa, Ualv. cilltice would mak* powible a ahort- of Red Bank and th* School Board bono> ar* being paid off *v*r a per* latPMtriMi, faeili- af Naw MuajaklM. RM*r, ntkla. er aehool day, M Red Baak High at one time. The e»tra apac* will Ana.—Te*. School* have been f W- before borrowing tha prop Iod of T years, the amount will bo Uta, taa, af all atcaaianttraaslirjr eefcaolI * Tnata* fUU Tatcktra O*llag*. •chooi haa the laageet echeol day permit an rapanded program. n high priority. 1900,000,00* no greater than that paid by tko alga? D. Industrial art* chop and elaaj- Boai d during th* year* ef lNft-lttt. Aaa.—Tka aafttl la ta at ksatt la tka Oasttd Mat**. Be* Baak S. Haw «*U a* Had SaBk'a ata- la tk* county. A cafeteria would Quejt. JO—Haa th* Stat* Depart Ar,,, At of August 1. 19Si, Red It a ttambar af tk* •*- dcut« aa la callcg*? be a gr**t aasct la health education. roota: Twenty-av* pupil* Buy •«- ment of Education srivpn fln.31 andBank Borough his MHIW.lT of its During that tune we war* peylag Uaaal body. OI1M.»M rint* as planned? tehoc! bosril has J805.000.00. Tka aaaaal Shewn ka pMthed ta ehtlrai aai aak Hlgk aehaai trraduata* aavtr- room. Hooat will then be avallabl* •k* waaaea, tt «•% af tka wtmia ctaBet u*e the gymaaeium at th* Quest. 40—What tc th* total t*> tertet on the sew becd tata Bvatra *• Hawfcee. dean iag IW» t* 1M». T»o kuadrad alaa- I time. la the wlater meathe, to improve our program and mere a.—No. As this Information Is sessed valuation In th* Borough af amount will be approiimatekr tka auk* the vital d*riHtat at Mew Jeraey CaUaia far taca grUuaUi who had gas* ta •tudeat* mint be **at t* *tudy hall pupil* caa ear*!!. bclag compiled, the blueprints are Red Bank for tac purpoan? same. Th* nuon for the bead pay Qtteet. «-Wbat It t*> ka tba alltg* were *tudl*d. The iwcard*, and in the ofllce of the State Depart- Am Al af April, 1961, It I* «»,- (kerne af the eampalflt? NtM, Hew *r«wwlck, avaluM** eecauM they cannot uae th* g>m- K. Aute Mech#aics ahop menta at thi* time kelsg tsaallar •at Baak ktfk aehael. Tke report kicljr af their frechBiaa yaar, te- BMlum. Th* larg* claj*** which claoroom AutomebiiM nt tf Education's architectural SOt.444 00. than in 1940-41 i* dua te the email Aa*.—A eembiaatlta af htf* aad • kf tka vtattan gam tk*vaalat tkat at 1,«T gr*4*a raceived brought Into till* *h*a. A praetieal upervitor of school building*. amount of Interest payment* daa at •ear, ar aa* at tka atkar. 0a aat muet be aeheduled a/* under tre- Quest. 41-What ptresntaga ef th* mm te#MA** MESS* asd aamlauUly M per cent received mentlaue kandicape In uiing th* program caa be glvea the bay* wh* "here is n* resion not to expect threcyear average assessed valu- this time. The new bund* will tat A'a ar Mt ataivalaat, M per e*at re- gym, \h* locker room* and the enroll. The pupil capacity per P**1- ipproval. ation of Red Bank may the Board a* amortised until after the area- Quest. i-Wkatto « s ka tka taaa (•ived •'« ar it* •a.ulv*l»nt, IT per ef Education u*e for borrowing •at bond* ar* paid, §o th* tas la- •MB m kaadltaaatsl ky tka la- ahowere. Red Baak'e ckampionahip iod will b* *». Quest. II—Why U not an audl- af ta* riaipilga? Aaaatta sMHUaa.'tta #aa. ftMM ,cast r*eeiv*d Ca ar iU eajulvalaat, F. Art and mechanical drawing money? eretaa would meat etly tht Aat.-It theaU ka «•__ — It per atat r*eelv*4 D'* ar It*baakettoll team MM ruultad in orium belBg included in the addl- tka aka*e rssflssUflssUa rp many followar* ef the team net classroom: Tk* MW art re*** will loaT Ana-Eight per cent of |10,9M,- dlfferanc* between our fittest aay- tered; H akaaM be **nrte**, ratktr eajuivalaat, I p*r cant received Fail- allow 3* pupil* t* be la aae elate, 7O5.J3, or an amount of 1*72,171,41. menu and thoee re«jtilr*d far Mia tht* eaate U a* attatsid. f i ure* ar It* *a.ulva!aat. Thu*. M per being admitted t* th* gymnwlum fatUNtt•at. lfoa rft** improve Baahd. klfk to *ee the gam** became ef tack In adjoining «l*«sro*m far me- AM.-Oaly 1900,000.00 Is avail- Quest. 42-What percentage of aa- asw latue. *nt af tto graaat rac*lv*d war* ble for the entire addition and al- tetsed thr*«-year average valuation Queat. 37—Why eannat system bav* aar lelatlaa to tka Tka Vela Barret" l« We* alts ivarag* ar battar. af aaatlag apace. ihanlcal drawing will care far SO HM that tk* fatltltltt tor tet- L. Medical ant. tint Aid R*m: tuplls at IM time. A araaaar pre- erations, There Is not sufficient may the municipal governing bsdy t(*a of the addition fcagin value M preaerty to tkt *eaaM money to build the facilities re- borrow? the summer of 1M2 If th* Mr aad to tka taltan aa* a* aadery taaaetiea k* latareve*. Of a aurvey af atudaata aatariag Nt facllltlt* ara available far the I rrtm can be etered aad mar* caa 9«a*t If—Wky tsust • aakaal to •allege ta lltfMI, waick WM th* aehael aurie, «ch*et phyeician and take either subject. uested by the New Jersey Ht»?e Ann.- Seven per cent or 110*04,- •eduna 1* approved? lut Mrnid year before the war, Department of Education and at 705.33, or a tntal of |7M,S29.S7. Aa..-Tti. Thlt aat d*S)alt«ly aacredlUd ar approved? eehool dentist to examlna and G. Gymnasium: In tk* M* gym- Ant—Aatuinlng that th* Aasv-ttadeaU tat*ri*« aaUaga tk* V*l* Oraup which survey** th* treat atudenu. Th**e facllitia* ar* nasium a folding deer will permit he earn* time erect an auditorium, Qurst. 4J—What Is th* name ef •ndum I* approved on Seataglbtr • keen arevea by many reaeartk Red Bank (chooli found that af M he old auditorium in the Junior tli» TVimiinir Attorney who Is aid-2Vh, the irchltect will then be ta» stadias. amt kave treat that they kav* ma*t importar.t. boy* and girl* to us* tk* gym at ttteaded ft M«h athoal wUtk 1* in IT different colleg**, U M. Lavatorle*: To provide apac* e same tlm*. Bpac* will be auf- High tchool will be used. The hluc- ing in preparing the contemplated tiflHrl to proceed la eoi..pleting the »B»f*»a« kv th* Mtfala tUtaUtt Aa- wan BMiatalaiag a dtatlBguiehed aecetaary In th* high aehool, lava- •ient for a champtonakla ba*k*t- prints hav* made provision fui the bond lsiue? blue print* and the spaeifleatlona ecerd, U were doiag pa**lng work for the entire project. Th* detailed Quett. »-HM tk* beard af att> mStfmStfm af CallaiaCalaiaa »U t*e2 «t the eerliett. The advtrtle> Juat at tht tellewtag retetattta Valorie Crafto will be graduated for th* atortg* of book*, equipment vill require a R*w connecting eor- eum laude at Brya Mawr. and tupplle*. •Idor between th* senior tad Junior Ans.—A "pupil station" U whore QiiR«t. 45- What Is the anticipated isg for bids followt. Then comes Qaait ja-WIU Pled Bank aaa- out of the high nchool addition and the awarding of th* bill and tka to atva ta.> grade* 10 Virginia Bra*e«eld hu benO, Auditorium: Thli u ton email ilgh aohool buildings. (No alter*- pupil may tie a.m^ned during the R*talvt4 that: Tha ktard elected to Phi Beta Kappa at Mt. ion* or additions ara planned for •hoo! day. This might I>P In the .Hrratlon*? bonding procedures. Rv that timt aeatlaa af the Bortugh af I tkraagk It «M Malar high for th* present enrollment. Uck ef th« summer of 1992 It here. Kink hereby placet ta retard Ms •aktair Halvak*. und* cemtal* th* Board ef Educa- th* pr*MHt Junior High school gymnasium, kli»i., •'•• • U ilui's »•''• Intention ta preeeed wttk tha taa. a •Imea haa been *l«cl«4 llon not to Include the erection of building.) mean there is a et'.'tt av.iilatili: for (jurat. 40 What la untlHpated as Quest. M- What happen! tftk t An*. No. At .th* time af tts* T*> tin rxpected interest rat* on *he bids for the entire coftetruetlaa' *U action af aa aaditiea ta tke ta- It raeammended that ta Phi Beta Kappa at Radcliffe. new auditorium in th* plan* for I. Uvatorl**: A new additional h* pupil to use. "Homo mom »m- Hal Stak fcawo a high aehaal which Ward DeOraat la graduating In h* addition. lavatory hat been planned en the lops" implies that all students can IHOO.OOO.OO hnnrl Issue? eteeet] th* 1100,000 allocated for tba would lartad* grad*a » through II. tha top tight per teat at t. I. second floor for boy* and another be in teats in the building at a giv- An«.- tt la a,nticlp»ted (hat Vi project if th* Referendum la ap> Hal Bant, la tha latura, win havt Naval Academy. Taa nanard Xew AdaWaa and on the flret floor for girl*. en time. In New Jersey it In cus- pnr rent will he the Interest rat*. proved? omary to hnvr etu.i.Hit,- rui-.a lit wrvnr, thor* la Die possibility of Ans—The Board af Edueatlta aatd aehaal t'etfetcrli, •laaMdtary wkMl* from tha kin- EllMr Dill ha* r*nlv«d a achot- Th* planned alteration* Include: iargartaa tkrangk tk* eighth grad* trahtp at N. S. C. Queet. n-Who determined the A. Medical and flrat tM room: Aa the morning for what i* called a bonds being sold for less than J'« an eliminate certain of the Its- t%*t4tt|#l|tll ClMITWIWI per f»nt—It poMlbly might be two tiinls) planned $n at te hot* aad ether facilities, ta wt.k tka klgk aekaal pad** t Miriam L*b*dun ha* rtecived t aecesslty for aad outlined the (pa- literal ion on th« flrst floor will pro- "Horn* room perM." The Attend- lktattgk 11. Hawevct, th* upp*r (ChaUnhlp at N. 1. C. cific improvements needed in Bed incs is taken, the flap salute If per cent. he cost of th* construction wlthia the meettary furniture rli* this. he 1*00,000; or th* Board of EsV atent therefor, aad tt gradai la tto *Ua»*Blary tchaol* Terry fjaremu* ha* received a* Bank High school? B. Storage Spec*: Thi* eta at icrformed and there la the reading Quest. 47—What amount af B-y.rpotea.tt - wtU caatlaia* ta hav* M all-raund NBOTC tcholanhip at Columbia Ana,—The New Jersey State De- of the Bible. The iitudenU then fol- money Is pnld out for bonds and tn- icatlon can conduct t second Ref- Increased and la planned. terejt at this time? rendum asking th« people agahl Mhaattoa, whkk will Inehid* ualvartlty. partment of Education, for many C. Teach*r*' Room*: Present ow their schedules of guhjpcts for School hatltk, piyateal adaeatloa, tit, la- Clyde UndMr It la tap tan per 1 hat particular day. Studcntn also Ann.—Th* 1951-52 budget Includes approve of tht additional amtS yeara, hat urged Improved faeilitlea. teachera room* win be eliminated •mount of money that might bt lattrlal artt, awtto atd k*mecent ef applicant* for Bauieh a copy of excerpts from the letter and other* provided. meet in home rooms for guidance, I2D.M0 for the payment of bonde T*."JlS?« W tnTSr* It kankf horn* room meetings, etc. during and Interest. Meceaery to go ahead with tha »ra> Mtkartoai tM 4lraeta« to.takatk i Lamb aehalankip. from th* State Department of Ed- D. Present Oymaaatum: Tkla will Ject aa originally planned. at*p* tolaltla U t*» BBB«- ucation oa June 11, IPsT follows th* school yser. Quest. 4» When will tha present Qaait. IP-AM than aap- aapty j cetav*rt*d into aa eietlleat cafe- building debt of tht Red Bank Queat. as-When la tt antMaatat rtwgi «M ta praatra far laatiiat la Hal HaakT Xaw a *>w •Tram tka "1. Ubrary: Th* library Is about teria. It It planned aleo M aa all- toktoitaBj #f sppraarltto pr#* faatrawTa Quest. IS—How many pupil eta- Board of Education ttplre, tnd that th* new additle* would ka AM—Ta*. Tkara an empty a half ta a third as larg* as It purpose room—when not uted a* a lon* and hem* room aaatt will be when will th* new bond* be sold? Eomplttsd? a¥ 4a tk* *at*r* at M *la«fiaa InI n ri m tktt Mm fftr*et t Ana* Binder WM awarded tto should to. Without full use ef th'e cafeteria; US pupil* may meet to MM la tlM IttUf put af provided when th* *ddltlon 1* com- An*—Th* present bonds wilt ex- Ans.—The architeat tekaol. Tkay *« k* avall la t tkk* Judge labaa award at WhtaUn. Ubrary th* Instruction easily de- there for dramatic*, public speak pl*t*d? fatar*. It la Impaatlbi* t* u«e them generate* Into routine lesson learn- pire In 1994-W. Th* MW bond It- en tha Ml ef IM. Uroaaoettsn l aay affttt beta Barbara Braeelleld received t Ing, data meeting*, etc. sue would be told In 1992, with first shortages ef material aauatd by aa Quart. far tk* klgk ackaal «at ta tka dta- tchelanhlp at Mt. Holyek* aad ing, Mor* book* ar* needed and B. Music Room: Over tkt kitetoa AM—The addition* and altcrn- tloM to the high school will permit payment nn the prlnelpel aelng out break af W-.T might delay tka taaea froat tfca kifk aekaal kulld- will *tudy la Franc* thi* tummer sumelcat shelving ta mak* the unit la the cafeteria will to a ma- made in 19B4. la IU4 BMtT various kind* of book* easy for the 1,217 pupils t* be assigned to >mplatlng date. AM.-T*» Aa under a partial aeholarthlp bacauN ale room for bend, vote! group*, Quest. tS—Over how long a per- at. IP-Raw *aVthr*ly I* Had of her excellent record. ttudrata to And. Thtr* ar* maity various classroom pupil station*. Queat. «»-Htw mutk wtl tta af Mkaal aMai etc Thcrt will be 1,01(1 home room seats. iod will It be before the bandt art tat rate Increase kttaatt af tta V^^Fj> ^B^ BvvavaBBjv aai^iBy Oeort* Ntteom to at R*M**la*r influences today which discourage F. Busltdt Educe tlon: Aa t«ee all retired? la tkt Hiawwiy tkat MM and*r aa KROTC acholtrthlp. reading; the high eehool must be machine* and oflc* prartlee ream Bath buildings, however, the sen MW bond latu*? tory «N* IN tvallaMa ar atotto- AM-Tka k*tt tMWM ta thlt equipped to promote the practice lor high en Harding rd. and the Ans- Tii* mtir* tSM,«W bond la- An*—Ther* ara to N M Edith Undner to at th* Ualv. ef will result from the renovationa f sue will be retired over a 77-yttr MUBI VMtJtlkA# fta^aa aWftWAffaSftfeflak auottloa WM provided by Wllll*Roehetter unaer a Bauieh 4 Lomb of reading." pratent cltMroom. Tht pupil* ta- Junior high on Branch ave., will whleh taut* ar latnaat la tha tta tVaWVt f7BlNtvl| va^Pv twVBHBwavVVjBaB) iliaaa, guMaaca director 1 Bed be used to ttlow the number of period. rat*, A thorough teat ttuay amavat af awn*y wrallaki* IM Mholarahlp. "1. Science—The laboratories are rolled will hav* t better •repara- Quest. 10—What I* tht Debt «er- •aak hlgk aekaal. He prepared a Richard Harrison ree«lv*d a small, and th* equipment la nottion for their careen. pupil itatlon* tnd homo room sests heen mad* by m*a trained la ^pa>lapaav^a^aaBip- QPBBByBj aBBBB^BravaVv tjBBjajaB^tw BBJ** paper MI tkl* aabjaet whlek h* pra- M mentioned, above. vie* Schedule, Including present flna«o» tt taa bttaMyttaied that toaa abtaiaM if tk* toa* *f ata- aeholanhiihip at IRutger*. modern. The laboratory storage 0. Library: This will be enlarge* debt and proposed new Ueue of aMtad kefor* ta* aaadiag Dlttrlet Thlailaa but apartial llat of hon- space Is a former lavatory, In which by adding one classroom adjtetat he Inemted rentti fta charged cttlaa aa« 9H atak totwigk Baaraa af Waeatlea aa May tl, Quett M—What ta th* preaent bond* amouatlng to I90O00O00? e tha sending dlttrleU ta part af korrawtBcouncil afro*g toywK* t* tk* l*|at limit* ore which have come recently tt the plaster Is In bad condition and to It, Blxty »upiU can ua* tht li- R*d Bank tax rat* and school tan Ann. The following table, assum- Ntl* Red Baak High aehool graduates, ather aspect* are quit* depressing." brary at one time whta it It al- he per pupil tott will reduce tka af batk bo4l*a. Tka •rakHaito' ra- "Haw SaT*cUv*ly k Ra« Baak rat*? ing 3' all tha af apaee for tk* BWIMM Kduea- adaptation from what was appar- L. Art and Mechanical Drawing Priaclpal lslereil Telal awtttiaaa kava a katriai aa tkt tloa d*t*trtm«nt handicap* tk* pr*i>- ently intended as a vestibule of IliMI 30.000 17.II7.SII 47,417.(4 the addition tad aKeratlont ta tkt Qmat U-Why aaaaat tka ktari prabltas. Taa tralaai rattarak aratloit givet tkott atudtntt aa- Room: Thli narrow, email room 1111.(0 10,1100 lt.7U.5S tt.Ui.tt senior high tehool eliminate tav af *ducatl*a «ael«a* tattlaa aa> i tort It it about one-fourth will be used for a saull etmroom 1140.41 30,000 U.OsT.lt 4t.OSjT.tO warktwarkat kaawkaowat tkat oaaaa tauisuitt tgo rolled. 1141-41 30,000 45.S42.H0 provtowatt la tht tltitataiy •lit?

Thereaa Lowe, • 1 h Banita ave., Aahury Pack; Mary Lynn, HI Nnrwnod avt., Avon; Charie. W, T.uhe, «2 ISlh at., W. Ktamburg; Fmnrlt Lobdell, Ridge yd.. EVERY JOB Rumtnn; Evtrett H. Livanre, 401 ROOFING Church at., Spring Ukt; Joaeph Manl- PAINTING CARPENTRT cued, 14 Ruddy ave.. Atlantic High- HlfJIfSU land" l Joieph P. Meyer, 141 Colemtn HEW BATHROOMS KITCHEN CABINETS nve., Mlddletown Twp.: Tirnailo Moll, ROOM ADDITIONS Ml* Sewnll ave., Aehury Park; Bltlhoth EXTENSIONS PORCH ENCLOSURES DORMERS Mortaii, 1/i Iiockwaad pt., Oakhurat; Ma* A. McCarthy, I7th ave., Helniur; Inn S MAW AVINW ~«JD BANK. M I ' " WJ|H»in«M rtl., Freehold $. lift

tmm.t Praaua B. BaBaaaU*' »*• %Tw»-. iaawa Vaaarafcl,, £,. RM mtMk t**y ifAt at. AJIankuiat; **rlaX«a C at.. Brlaila: Patar P. fialTill. Ill iaSa, Ckurek laia. kHlal.to.ii T«*.: Klf>l.r pi, Avon: WHlSTr Va. fiaara* Biaaale. Branch ava., Ocean port; ir.. «• Pwular «w. rl M •araarat af. Batrleh, 124 Coauacka it.. B. VaaP.k. Jr. Hi44 lut; PeaUaa V. hwmi, lit Ha*>- Kaaauuth: BHaaaatk al. , Uaian mm BMasf •*.. ift BsM.'llaraM I. Aeaeajwrt: Nettle t'raak. Mihway Me. aye., lUritan TWII. ; Rata f. Wfclta.. II Praat. ISTlrrUfj 57 ba k*ea»k. II, Praakeld Tare.: Catherine f Prau- Momll .t.. Lone Branek: OkarltWfclta.a .t* II Mania B. tSi.ITIleaVVe.. Batllek- tal. iff Mat* «>••. ».»u., I'.rk: B.r.r Jklu. M« Tuttb ava.. atriaOk* l Ukat : B). Aaaasaaa. jtl Aakurr ava.. Aakurr WaKar n. Woodhtai. nil ftath avt.. tag*; .... fait; BBtilt i. Katr.ur.a. HI TarrU- WaKar n. Wodhai. nil ft h a. Iar4 ***„ Valan Baa.li; /aks A. Car-K.rtun.K.rtn. r LLnr r WlWlliaal , ITITII Altl (tee*. I waaklat'taai are.. Hatavaa Twp. in, Ui| Iraaek. Atlaatla ti ' MsaMr Vara B. Ooaawir.. |ai lltk eve, S. Bald. Ill WMlM .„: La*s~araack; BakBar; kWaars Garaar. I* Saeaa4 a*e., VcaialaiHa •--J- Biiskaik Baaa. Ill'* Brael ava, A*> Laaf) Braat*; Tiraate Buatar. II W. V rfpZHNaaa; SifBJ kar. far*; JJSUM S. a*a«alaa. II Bjnaat ava., Bet Bank: Bliaeketk Parker a**.. If a* aaa " iurak at., kY. Laaf Braaek; CM HW §rnni j •WIaW» I IV ••••• OTJaM) •»••• irriek, I* Blvar ava.,Man- IT.ptuM: AUea I. IM, f« Manraa4 Mtrauarit. Bulekurs. Tl rartr year* aaa . - , laaaafcurf: Leral W. a**.. Vkaraa: «Mr*a #aM»Haw. «• "£^a> ^PvBW V^*#B^*^nf*a)T9a*aV J^p^a^arw'**B^BJ •aaaa an., AHaaliant: rCKi A. »•«. •ratt, II MaCarter »w».. Fair Bavaa: lltl Val V •** Skraaiakvrr av., %<•*saved **«d ef their ••* aaaeiaNp C. Hllrek, Near Beafera ra., vegetable crop* hut alaea that tifM Park: Williaa* j. „ . Aakart V. Ivi.a. it.. II rat- th* sard ladurtry ha* praawaatd MaraarataVsv, Ill Ckelaae •«.. avc, keptuu; • erasa H,? fca Baak; Bara>a*a G. Joknaen. Breatk; Au« Bkillla. Ill filtk tie «ax. Sea BrUI Ill laeaaa a«. fta* Bank: Joaeph to rapidly that goad ***** *r* new AMHMMW •! All KlsatV Mepeiied. radlai BBaaek; Mw4 feol*. Ill Waketaa r4.. M» K>a*ta«. Jr., I at. lion «•». Oceanlenarally avallabl*. FMSMI «... Ana: Bk» kkuHwaVaaa. IM Praaklli •re«*s laaaa Baaaadr. Ml Central ava., Par* Mi Santo far Al Ma*« RaJta* W«hen, Wwatfe £m ra.. Praakola IM.; Aakwr* Park; Mavall Karn.r, 27 /okaa- Not every rrawar I* la a aaaV •p*. MmM BreaekBeak ; GaartfeaaGtf a VanaekaiekVkik. Baaa*; WWaai Kurta, ft. Pl.ia. ra.. • Date* «»t. Pravkolf: AIK Well. l«« •aajtsl ?•».; Btkal M. , ill See- The ated mt nm vegetabla traaa •"a ave.. L*a« Braack; iaaepk L'Akbate, I* e**y to **v* **4 aat aaally It naakaes ra".. Bad Beak: Butk ban- aalud with varietle* grawa elat* tit* re, Ba*** KTJ •as. III Beergraea ave.. Bradl.jr Beach; by. while ased af ethap «raai M) aaa B. Waaterwlt. Ml pteaeic •»•, Mlaaslai M. Uake, (tl Breaa flrava H. MN uk«: Mw r. wiiu*M. Pan* ktiflasi; >aa*aa 0. Uwia. •• Maia at., ditflcult to save hecaiata af eras* Mtrlkara: Bawara C. Unfuiat, III Pine polllmtloit <*sn* by latecta wbl«h , »•**•»• r*B Mowll Tw,.; Virata** m YOM rnvm wm mm 6 • U(//uHuiHi'i\ h U'te feeae, HIT Tarn.r av«., WIHIHH: St., llalaa Beark. may fly conalderahl* dlftante* aad | PkrHfa Ta*a*. II lar •••. K»ukur«. •arrr «•• MarakF, II artelle ave., -•-""•: Jaatea «. NeUHakUa, till Al- carry pallen from aa* variety ta (A) > \X III DltMIK II I i W H f. —I* trail. Wall TwTi, Kawar4 M. another, *ay* County Aaeat M. A- 'Srsux*K we, *M rianaaa ava., Vale* Batch; Clark. AWraa) *. Marker. || letXrift ava. MlffcUajtoi Mala* L. Merier. II Pjaartk A grower, Mwever, ataklaf a •n- Atlaetla Blfklaaas: /**MS Buras, •paeialty ef any an* crap aaa pta- Bivleea at, Uaa •aakaal. ,t., Bifllektawa: Marr Mc- Anaatreaa, « Bard an., Cutaaa. Ill Mavark a*t.. Braflar due* hi* awn teed If he will take ...ile: Brae* I. Affltcate. ». Beta*: Uataa Mlaalaaltck, Jr., «aa>a. time tn And eut the aetelti ar ava.. Neptune Terp,; Jaaepk P. at., Iftreaakurr: iah> f. Meare, It seed growing eharaeterletle* af - J, III Oak rd., Maaaaeaa* Balakaat a»e., Shrewakurr Twa.: Jaaeph that particular erep and then aaeree; H«iM T. Ball. II factor al.. P. Hslawsar, II Braackpart ava., Una Too good TUCKER'S *dBeaks SaMre L. Baatlnf. Mefis- aVsaeki MIMrad BaCola. I Bwaa Vlata •ptnd *om* time In delag th* lab £<•. Leak Arkaur: Biaaketk Merrla, lit right. TUCKMt NAVI A " ' '{wicker, ill Harr'aM *«•.'. fair WaMwaad a»e., Lent Branck; Oarrett II Maria* W. BUMara, Valoa at., (•Past., Walaut at., Kejrpart; Maria Th* amount af (uceeaa ta th* •aai Bdwi* I. Beck. Wiakatiwk Padaaka. Ill Park ave., llaiaa B.a(k: horn* Improvement ef variety aad to miss! // iaa ra.; Merlkera Twp.: Paairl W. PavU I. Pattanoa, 171 Nvrlay at., aaraarti Bafcart A. Plarae. OW Mill rd.. strain depends on the time Bud irrr. Ill Breaevar. Leaf Brenrk. •aa at., Waat care which a grower will fftv* a«t sfsVaa •"»•>*••••• taVaaaka* •> ataaaWa*. V«M atata** Be*er K. Clartaa, It* luaiailt ava., !•» lltk •>•., Ba neatuae Qtri Bearr L, Connver, Prse- I Coaavtr it.. Fr< a anly ta th* saving af taed bat alt* fceld rd., Atlaatie T»e.; t,ol>eae Car* HiMlaaa I. Wkllt, ^tttMaer. Ml' I *>k av..; (mitk Beli for th* selection af eseaptlaa- ethere, 1*1 Second art.. A.burr Park; t Tk i •ara C, Pelllr, II Leonard ava., Au_ alty good, plant* thrwujthotjt hi* *aV INTHUIE.. S1.S8 Mart** t. GealM, I aoutk Mala at.. war. U tie hlfkUad.i «anar B«»a, Tit Maa. AUeateem; Ittlla C. Conine, 1st laatk jaai ava,. A.tmrr Park; Madyaa Baaa*, planting. Via** ^*«A^«* fetsaMaJ *— ^u^J | _» aagAAsaakAdl • I.AA aT^^ssMih'-^A BtaBABA ASBA B*>* AT IviPBIV i |aa wVllni'" wt v VfHV SW* • t B)*l» at.. Oaaaapart; Auoiatina Baa. in* pvnsvv asvwvi BJPBJ • * * fjvwjrw ia *a*e. lf| Morrla av,., Una Braack; In a number sf ease* durlag th* ~ Itai Tw».; Thaataa I. Cellekin, I ? past few yean, autstaadlat plaats BJ^^P^^^BBJ a^^^^^p^^p^^^p v"^^BB** ™^w aB/aaajB/*aBBaw ••^a^pe^pa^pa* i Baat Kaaaakursi Thai tree* C. lekvksret. ill »>.».„ ... AJM4I0 . ..tar D « Knr jr. AA kNt, | titftariik 2ihar>'« Hai MttavMi CMkWel >. He.tlta. Ill IM, Of certain rrnpa htv* haiaa eslset- DaVHo, 411 »iwliit ... •krla W. "— rl., Uaa/ Branck: Sttrliaa A ed for aeed-tavlng purpaits. rait Iiaa« Branchi Natkaa DtOjIerfie. Clarke- Allaakurat; BakMdel rd., Unrratt; Priak bara re, Uaptr Frt.haM Terp.: CkarkM WaaMacU* a*. I III Plret m Atlantla Hi|k- teed was then sent to specialty U Ditsrkaa, Ul Aselva ava., Maataaei ratawlts. Maaasaa \ Bkartftad, 111 Pint ava.. ***d grower* where tha aaieant Dwrer, 4tl **»*4 ava., Ullla* M. AN**. art M. Ssuar, IJ2 Maura. of teed we* lncr*a**d far the j Alkart B. Baarlaa, IITs k«rr Park: Vlr f» Park; Baaa Hfasal, 111 planting af tha main crap. •raytn (aaavi Vtallla lit Crata) Jta#t laMU Braa^ii • CSWBIA 1*111 ava., It., Aafcurr Park! Mt«»li| . tsars eft., Meveahiii! Preak ^ krard rd., . lld vtrk rlbkam fMrtaMrfifa uk< «v«.. Or.«n Oruve; par* V. Back. MlV Confucioua, the Chines* aMfcal •r»r m. Ploraair, ft Caspar rd., Mid.Tara. i Oaarfa W, phllaaopher, wa* born la SSB B. C. aktaw* Twa.; EUla M. rarlhaktr, Tl BradlarBaacklJ Mar a?a., Nltklaalii Otta Cilia, III Mni al., Baaaak an., IfeHwakitrii; .. Vaa Ml taught: "Do not da In olh»r.i II Mai, latins Ukei Sal Orukar, II•• •lualn Blrar what yeu da aet with daaa ta yaa." IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN THE REGISTER Sraafjaaie tva., |«t.rtok« Bat.: Mar in iitk •«„ r Atlaklle Whaear. Ill Barbart at, Vale* Bsack; batter Barsnar. Ill Bewail ava., Aa-M. Baladta, II Grave; Joka C. BartlMI, at. Baa Baaki Was r "rltki1"--*•*' Oravaj rrwk K. Manraa4, 21 ft. Htar'a Braaskt Where Can You Make a Better Investment? a»e., gkrewsk Aikarr Ark VIII.. Afk»r» fark; Want Tklrd •< ~ • Mamta, II •iliaaw iv«., linn. Caaaar, .. •. .! ataurr 0. Hull, tttuut* Oanaas Q. TUCKirt - Contti, Unjprto kurr Mnnkurrii OlacirOlacirtt BB,, BaklaBakla,, T«».| Jaaa n.. Ma* n si Lani Brirr>; Cliirlstte *ni Beltrt Plan to Attend Shadow Islo't Third Annual II fj»»rton Brirr>; Cliirlstte Ut HOADWAY Exhibition & Sale off Aberdeen-Angus Cattle tw, tat i, MM, m MM, a. L-OMIWI u«, a-Muminir.a.

__ _ _. Fcwfiirliiff Som, Dmtghten 70 liEADw"f"" s*rvie° *f Our Four Gnt Herd Sim SalUitf 8 BulU md 62 FtmrnUt Including 30 Dmghton of tnUrm»iommi Gnmi Chmmpiont


rANIUES-Blkekeap BIMII, B«llindf,H 4or, Billlndalloch JiH, Black Jattrftt, Portlathea Luejr, Jutna Erica, Totan Blaekeip Fwidlt, >v«rgrtm Erie*, Tolan Btackoap, EltiM aM sUara,

20 Heiftr$ Guaranteed M/« In eetf to Prince Sunbeam 249th. the $100*000 Prince Eric of Sunbeam MM Intoraatlfaal Grand OuuBBtoB. SalUag IwiMiiultf aAughten. Wa ara telllag practically our aaUra IM1 tkofr ilring, aat weoM Ilk* la rtama UM prlvltog* af tfeawla>

Our flrtt big thaw for 1M1, t«M AIKAmerleaa Futurity »t Louiivlllt, we ihowed four built and tlx heifer*. Tht bull* ware each tired by a different oaa of our herd built. Tha lowett any of them placed «*• Tth, and that w*t In tha aammer ytarllnir cl*t* of 51 Mad. One ef th* bttlli, Prlnca ef Shadow Itle llth, won hn elan and want on to win UM Senior championship. WOU1VD YOU UXI A COffT OF WARD! W1W In the female thow, again all of our eatriaa placed "la th* money." The senior yearling, Empress of Shadow III*, won that clast and went on to win th* tenlor and Prince Sunbeam 328th. grand championship awards, Another heifer, Btulah Jnd IMS lataraattaaal faalar Champion and Bea»nw Oraad Of Shadow Isle, stood second In clua to the Junior eham- OuuBBlaa, SiUlai twa aaa* and tl* daushton. plon female. We were especially happy to win th* trophy for th» but bull and heifer by the same sire. This award was tfaMM*rteitM« Word* Catalog.!»(rtkn at won by "Willie," Prince Barbarian of Sunbeam. Thlt rec- ord surely proves that all of our hint built ara siring tha ^MBBK A^J^M ^^^A •aaB^kak^aBi V«Ai *BBBVt^aV — - -* - - -• — •_ AA ...Ml M— J laMhaMBA 0B> •MNV MBM BBBMBV IBB, WBIBB MVBt SMBMt IB H |w>H flaM OTW100,00 0 right kind, both bulls and females, Nln* of the 10 head HBM wajwatly pnirl t> i> wif hudgt n>m Shown at the Futurity will nil, including the two eh»m> WBwflt pions. itrOMBC

•••••aiataiaiaaxiaialaiatai Or. A Mrs, Armand Hammer, Owner* MOlTfCMHIUV WASH, DBt. «U •f w M* P«U «ad WiatBT Catalog. W# «IU •BlMBina W, MatflBBA' William LJungdahl, Manager John Fremel, MerdantaA

^rlwi H yltt Prince Barbarian of Sunbeam VISITORS WELCOME IMt International Batcrvi Grand Okamplaa. fflMN WWt NaM aM HMMM MI alt) •alllag Iwa MM and U daughter*, SHADOW ISLE FARM WEST FRONT STREET TtrtftoM M Bank 6-3460 RED BANK. N. J. •EPTKMIIRR A IIH

«, .BV-~-.- *,^-«v FT '-rTrf P""Ha'™m^^S"am artaammmaaBf it afatsMa by amakWad tratfcaata, Arthritis Partially Ovmonc, Patent Granted utM attmlnatat taeVtMa twaca4vraa ASMV HHL HMSS, CPUIGf NT** CUSTOM TAftM tlaat awra praaaat with It rater MADE TO MEASURE CLOTHES To Lofitft Man c—trtvaaret Young Artist Resumes Cuter Tha appUaatieti far tkla paUnt HONDAY. SOTOUCa Utk mm anu roc mu A promising career «e an artitt, tat peat few meatha ja a bunt waa Sitd oa Sei>t. a, lStr. we civs xtm avum virtually etiScd far tkc peat Sv« creative eaergy that haa aeea On Viwosimeter W> 4MVE *O0 VtUDC yean from the mueele-freeaia* el- half. fttalatwt ea " from ;h« wortt effecti af the mela- miahibjted freedom of nature to primitive-like etyle depicting ViatMMity of imisn* 14 sVoas) Stn Red Res* dy through the wander-working P. I. PRONINSIU drug cortiaoae ha« enabled her tt typical bit* of Americana in a folk The United Btatet Patest itrFwki Tft. If 4-SMJ reeuwe igata the cifM-etelen of ar- motif. Aug. SI, itSl, graatad paUnt num- tictic talente which far a ttea ahe Mite Leaveae eapleina thit «ke ber l.aaeMt an a "VtacaaiiMaUr" feaaed would be alwayt manacled. hat a* atyle at all aa yet, pointing to reraaad U Oeria, bacuat. The dieetM by ISM had •»- that it reejuirea yeart of care- croached enough oa her freedtM ful work ia all acpectt of painting Thit laveattea partalaa t» an of action te compel Mr to diaeea- before aa individualjtjie bVgina to iaipraved device far teotiag tha tinue her ettidiet at tke Alt Caretr evolve. At M ahe feelt ahe ia only vlieotity ef llejuida, aack at pa- R 1 at the threahaaM af the work treleum proditcM aad luWieaaU. Announcement tchaol ia New tori. Wt the Sve year* after that M iea Uaveu did which the hopce will in the yearn ror example, it la wall adapted PRICES WILL GO HIGHER, free lane. tkeUhiag work, al- te COM* bring her the eteture af for uaa ia eecnactiaa with Meetl I though the pala af mineialar eaer e.ccampliehed arttot. power punta wherein It ia vary 3RD ANNUAL tion limited ttiie ta a eattpla ef tar. "My 'atylaa* are alldifferent desirable ta kaew the etadtt'.lati *f tured houre a day at heme. It m aaar," ahe declared. "They limply tht lubricating eilt, which are I represent espterlajf from my awn iiatd ia large tjuaatlUet, la atdar MATERIALS WILL BE RARE, not until thit year, when eertlaeai had luSJeently Improved her «ea- beat media." U determine the eateat «f their ditioa, that the cewld beg ia ta palat Her palntiafja new (race maay coatuaiuttea by fuel. I ifaia. of the hornet af this area. Her ei- According ta Mr. Oeria, K baa ANTIQUE SHOW The farmtr kaadkap ami aa aa- hibito laewdt parttelpatta* ia aabeen cuatemary ta teat tha all af R pecially acute Hew ta Miaa Uav at Marine park here, Oltacl paver plaata anly oaca ar Te l« Haid tt ent, who haa heetj Interaated la by the Red Steak Jun- twlea a year; and, far thla put' painting tinea the afe af tve, and ior Service I'arue, and in eihibit paaa, aamplaa were Mat te aa eut- at the Molly Pitcher hotel. She alit Ubarttory bMaata af tha lack I RED MEN'S HALL •ho had mrtkadieally beta ptae- ia plaaning new far her awn "ane ticing ia that medium aiaee that of auSVieatly trained peraaaaal ta GIVE YOUR HOME SOME CARE! I CHURCH ST., (UMSON. N. J. a" eahlbit make acciirata deUrmiaatloaa af time. In tiipa ta Europe her at- la aeaiaalac an all painting- Bfim I tention wat centered aa tha tra- viaeoaity. Hawever, tha reauHt af ACT NOW! ACT NOW! ACT NOW! ditioa-tteepe* art gellerlaa af the >ivena reliei either an her imag- theae te.ta uaually are received ACT NOW! inattoa far aubject material, or an after a delay af teveral weaka; aad old world, even laeladlnf the Srat-haad eaperience. She makea R 7-S-9.W-1L'51 ekettalag af the llnea «f the "Maaa ohvioutly they are af relatively ao M> preliminary aketehea, making aigaiflcanee beeauee the canditiati Llea" In the tVativre, Parla. her Mrot rough atrokea on the can- Satitf metimrn Hour$: I f. M. to 10 f. M. On another trip abroad ahe had of tht ell may change la theR vai with burnt aieana and turpen iattrim. eeeation ta etudy at Srat hand the tine. With the haaic atructare thua ADMISSION. MCtNTSITs art treaaurat ef lluaaia In theoutlined, the reaiatnder af the It la tha object af hla Invention famed Hermitaft mueeum af Mat- ta preaent a telutlon ta thlt prob- R MODIRNIZI YOU! NOMI • That thaw aflat** a taw ippirtaallv ta add ItwfaanfM, work liea in the arttot'i perpetiia cow. atruggle to create a warmth of lem and thua he hat devieed aa Pay As Little As mm S^R'SJRSvvRR With that eaaetntratlaa aa aacolor and a beauty of creative line. improved apparatat eenalatlig ea- objective at a driving force aver The blending of eolora and empha aentially of a reeeptaela having R a Ta eiart the aew ratlrrtlaai aatj feava beew d re awing ao many yeane, the partial muacle alt of line continuea indefinitely, a stopper-cleaed bottom opening FHA TWMS - VIARS TO PM - All JON INSUMO - MM ISTIMATK partlyaia at arthritle itrnek a at- Miaa toavena aald, "until i over which a vertically vi>rc *mMt«»ftl blew. '» 'right.' t conaider the painting removable tube may be made to R T» attjaire wM farailme at* attraetlta dtearajtiaa iar • FAINTIMO • SASUOM During thoae Sva yean ahe den* when It 'feela' done to me." At. In u»e, the all, ta ha teeted, IWO jmu name at Mr pricea. watched that partial paralytit Thua, through the mlraclea of ta placed In tha rectptaele and R ATTIC OONVcnHIOiri NMWO com creep from her maielea into he modern medicine, the magic of atirred by the tube which It the* MCWBATNaOOM* MEAT) O • aatt *• brushei and paint, fraeiiac them secured In placa H u la ttgre- noonnuiro • *•*• cortisone haa provided the key for BOOM ADDITIONS rOBCM KNCtOStVnM th« freeing af once-ahackled artla- gtte a, eoluma ef tht lubricant. R The liberation from that eiprej tte motion, aa that for Miaa Leav- Thereupon, the ttappar It remov- alve bondage haa maaifattld Itttll ed from the bottom orifice; and eni, one of that group nt prnonn tht viteoalty It determined by the whleh contrlbutei beauty to dally time It tikea SO cable eentlateter* R life, that contribution It onee again of the lubricant ta law lata a renewed. ecntalner, R When you're eleaalng asparagus It It claimed that Mr. Otrln'i before cooking them, break off tht device it tuch that viaceiity ttttt tnde juit where the ttalka map on Dletel aejulpmeat may be per- R eaally. Aa eseelient way to cook formed daily, ar even mart fre- the aaptrigui it In a deep eklllet quently, without any laconvtal- with a amall amount af water. enee oa tht part af tha aperetor; R &QM£ CONSTRUCTION Co. and beeauaa tha reaulta are known • • Prepared vanilla pudding makea immediately, damage ta the In- ^ISTBROAO ST. - RED BANK ADVERTISERS an tacellent Ailing far cream pudt volved machinery by oil of Im- ar lav a layer cake. Diced bananaa proper eompoatttoa may entity be ar date* may be added to the SI). averted. Moreover, Ml aeeembly CALL RID RANK 6-4133, DAY OR NIGHT Here is a big dollar's worth! lag It you like for eatra flavor. ia economical ta manufacture, pro-

On TKundiy, September 20, The Red Rank Re§> later will publlab • home Mtpp4emenl edltimi. Thlt edition will be • regular section of thlt new* paper ... It will be editorially devoted entirely to bom improvement, home remodeling and home repair*. The advertisement* placed In the Home supplement section will be exclusively those advertisements whose goods or services

KJrV v SjSJS)OOair v^Or vSje^nBa SBmVOTj^B'jl'ev V REGULAR RATES WILL PREVAIL: Our regular advertising rate of $1.00 per column inch will prevail for Monmouth Cpunty adver> Users who advertise in the home supplement. Put experience with special editions such a* this •bow great reader interest. Merchants advertis* Ing in this section will derive a greater dollar's worth. ow long since you lifted the hood of a use of high oompreedooP Af valv*>iir.head Marchonti In Tht Following Cottgorltt: H car, and took a good look at what's engine! bencathr Score two: Buiek hat keen stepping Dry Cleaners Lumber Yards We like to have folks do that with a Buiek. compression ratios for years. ifiHill find that broad bonnet isn't put there But Buiek hu biased one trail which' Furniture Builders for show. //'* packed with kortepower— other engines still haven't followed-don't ask us why. high, wide and handsome-more horse- Hmitki tinea iaiMt tha cyUnatr. Floor Covering Electricians AM It SMWH dawa, tbt A* cairn power than normal drivers will ever use Every Buiek has a Fireball Engine which, natal la-am vf a twirl wbea M Appliances Plumbers in full. as we've said before, is like having a string aava^ij swv ^^sS")a#Bij wt^^vt « of comets by the tail. And-if you're up to date on modern Television Heating features-ywfll find that this bonnet is Fact is, in every flame*packed cylinder packed with these too. Acre is a comet-rolled into a swirling ball Fabrics Awnings by a special turbo>top piston-touched of Curtains Carpenters Do you know, for example, that every by a lashing spark every 5 inches you new engine introduced or previewed in travel in a Buiek. DM MrirHai Aid iata On eeam recent years is built on the valve*in*hcad Hut's why we're proud tosho w folks that *ap* afcowa km. "Co«pr*tikMi Linens Wallpapering •awM" art thaalv a ilu f prindpleP Buicks have a Fireball Engine-and fctw—cs tttfiill i Paints Finance prauclerstUltohavethemtadceoneofthew Score one for Buick. No Butch engine has thrilling performers out on the road. ever keen built to eny other way. Hardware Painters Want to try itP Gome in and see us soonKM.. I

Do you know what it takes to malt* full jaj SJPV •SJOjSwv SV wiSOSBVJ AND OTHER MERCHANTS CATERING TO THINGS FOR THE HOME .... •*mw mmH WB ewH aV .-.w . -.,-^— stavap tkarat wbta Ika apt* H ^tjj-a JtJ|a»t|a-l»aiti*ittAtla-Maiii nail

VOMt W 70 4MAfM WttUV \ ••T'r-> CALL RED RANK 6-0013 \ WNSNimu 4tte«ieiuH AM ivur sutei wm ivit» TNIM FOR SPACE RESERVATION DE RIDDER BUICK, Inc. Ul to 1«t Menmoutk Rl 6-10Rt SNHHf/ IJI* ar« f$mf\ftm

ttMM phta* <• tt* kMUki atta •EClfTBV AN* tk* Count r road l«adl«g fr**» Mat) BJ*a- AR*> tXtXTIRtj AM*> CICCTIQN BaTWiTtY AN*) CUCTaBM caater llo* »l PtockitN •!•*•, ikwe* moittk to Keyport anvwa tm iiooatr ft*** Nortec ' NOTICE NOT1CC tw*rdly *•*•"! tk* eeat*r Ha* *f N'o. T: Ikonr* (2) WasWrl,, along a>*.i BOBCHMM Uf fAM HAVE*. M. J. But. BtrHiskl t placl * ta I U liltrstculU H witihh iTOWN. N. j. lountr Rmd No. T to tl* ajarai*n or urns >ILVUL N. «. >y *r>veo that pjMrict the *_-*nl*r Us* ef Magi* *venu*. lbel.ee ^'otij* 1* kerobf *riven tbat Dietrict Road: Uenr* (I) Korthorll, *i«o» tkt Notlca ia herefc; given tr.at l/i*trict Notice ie ntie.b; giveis that Uialnct Nu!vc» it htrtjky giv**i thst I>'itr:ct •VIUON-Wt. B**rt*~*f Rloetio* »nd Revelry in and northwardly *i*ng th* center lin* *f Board* of hVectioi. and Betfii>trr in mvAHarmon; Road, to IMniel c. Heodrick- Hoard *f Klec.tioB and legistr; in and H'jar'lB nT iler'.yti |"4 ft#tf.«try in a'd Bpo«rd« nf Cite-on and Rug »',ry -.r\ 0t,i tor tha aVroafk ot.BM iJenk, Cotiaty M*J>1* avenu* to ita intersection witfc for th« Tovnakin of Mid(ll«i-o*n, County ion'« Cornec; thence. (4) folloeang IM for tha Borough of Shrevtabury, Count* i for iha Hornuga of Fair Hav«Ti. Count! f«r tfi« Buroijgh ol Li**,if» S:\ver, County Mlh, IM *«•**• H tk* cer.ter line *f Cgwttmit atttttot. t»*ace cl Monmoutk. SLat* of Neiv Jprticy. vrilj ntarl tn ftilph'e. ('crrer: Ihenro ib) of Monaotith. F'4te cf New Jersey, wi'l »f MOHITM ji.ii. ,VM!« of Nr# irm»'. Mil ol M«nmotJth. Stat« of N»>» Jpra-j, »••!' et MeatTTitk. SUM tt Moo Jefwr. will matt si ih* plar* hereinafter dtn«n*ted mrUmfi trta. tfct •Mat at tk* placM k*r«ic*ft*r «*tign*t*d wettwardly along tke center lim* ef aeet at it* i>!aca* ktraiaattar aras- Noitkeatr, a'.oi'i M<>rA«^ttm4 Park, t* the ni'ft. a' tha places hereinafter designated mttt tl th« pl«c#« hercinaf'.er ci«sgn»'c#J Marat af tot Ckesuut atratt, to Ite lataiaoctio* aated on. head w»t»r. of Pe« a C**k; tkaac* (I! on lafiatry with tha trtcka of tka Kew Jeraag Sorth*rly, ilowo Faw'a Cr*«k to Barttaa MjVk,M8Efl I. lPil TL'ftSI.AY. NOVKMBKA I, l?5i ** TURSOAT, K0VH «. ItU TUESDAY. NOVEMBER «, 19U er Sand; Hook Bar: tkeac* (T| BJa*t*r. NOVBMBEJI I. 11-51 ' Southern railroad, tkvnee aortkwerd- tjrt of seven a. an. ant ptiftwajein th« fli>-ir» of *«vrii i. m. *r,fi batwaea tk* keur* ••( nm • a Ig al**g tka umcke oi read bod •< i, along tke 8>J. to U* »*int t» ait** f as. aad betwtrn tha hpura of rrvrn a. m. anil of Beginning. between tke houri ef aaven a. a*, and > ihe purpose of eonduct- • .ga i>. m. {<)• the p-if&osa of conduct* •fM e. •. (B(Butto(Butt nn **teu8«rd Tia»>, tk* Mew Jersey Southern railroad to It* eight v m.. for the Dvirpote of conduct- 'i*bt p. as., for the pur**** ef c**4uel' | irirf '.h? 'itntrn. Kieci.-.-r.. lot the auraeee *• e**dueti«i g CwCd latartacU** wit* tk* c*ot»r lla* of tt*m. The rolling place for the flitk Por- Ihe (imere ing th* General Election. n*- the C#ss«ral Election. (jene- Blert • i:l he hfi'l Stirl (finerii CUctiort wilt bt h«?ld in E*aEl*ati*t a far Ih* «l«tioi •( «aa*i- eeoutk street, thence *aatw*cdlr alang tion Oiatrirt t< tha Port Monacitk fir* L *1*t*1 » tke ISSUI lint of Motaouik atreat te ite Said CcMial Election will l>« arid in Houe* at Port Monaoutk, N. I, •mid «*n*i»l eVactlei, oill b* he'd In ,the mjri' ipality th* p'jrpoa* 'hi isj'l m jnir.it*jit v for tfe« Djryo # of •aid tjawrell actiactionn vill b*h h*H int*re*cti*n witk eerier liaa of Broad k* said nnuniriualitv for the vurpove of th* *sid aunicip*lit.v for tk* tiurpo** of •id lri-tin* a Slate .Senate:, Uti mem- Stele Senetnr lira mem- 1 of »l la* —id aunieiaoJitiJit r ffo r ttkk* (a (uryaww s( *tr**t, the point er p'*ra of koglanlng. tavtatta Clectiao Dtosiki . r bei» of Uie (ieneral Aispmhly end t»o her* of th* general Aet'oahly end twoanemh] e of f rhf>:e i Free. , i il tne Boa 'i of f-r electin.- a. State Senator, two meat- Tk* polliiig pile* for the Sixth Glee k'saoa •• Ika Keel atiMtharg Bwamrkl. k*a to* JM Otjmcral durably an* l«o membera of the Board ol Ch"--tn I'rer- taewibai*) of (he Bn*rd of ,r thn •••n of tk* Board of i:kos*o Fr*o- Druaatdfcd plica. loldera for tke County of ftfrcnmoiith felloiva. n/..: holdcrs for It* Co'ntv nf MontBouth for lh« full t.rm nf th oc th# full (rrrn of thri* >*»ra *aih for th* full taravi of t«i*» TNis *trh for the following mun ipal fo the. following mu ofllc*». aolttr* for tka Comity o( Monaoutk n KKtilNNIMG It Ik* naeuth tt Pa we fer tk* full tera of thre* yf«ra each ttv*Mk Eawctlaa Iklaailtt. t*ri of Ik* Borougti of threwthury. n a, 'I vnt*r» uf the tWj u'» cf Llll I* Silver, Ala* t* vote on the oertkwastwardly aloag tk* caataw lla* Ctr of Momnouth. State of New Jtr- Oo'inty Road Na. 1 to Pmltaer A*tauti net already renttered in isid Munici- .Jeree; act (irea'l; rtg.ttered in sal IJiin.ri. ••Mi* Qunllan of ta* tra.ks or road bed of te* New—t, not alreily registered in aiiit «au- thenr* (.1) Nortk*.ly. dow* P*ltt*r Av*- pality, uadet th* Is*, of Ke* lersey • ay •ality, under the lake of New Jeraer ''Shall tkt eace of Atsetser be abei- York tnd L«og Branrk rtilroad **aaaap uiciailitt undfr the Imwi of Nrw Jcrier e i" its Intereertlua witk tha kauadtrr gevariting aeraanent regialratinn auay r#»((i»tr 'li • he I lerk of jloverning- ptraanent registration may iafced end a Board of Three Ass'ltnrs to Itt intersection witk tk* center line of governing permanent rr*ietrlti(th mijr lint of tke Borough ef K*aa*kurg: regi«ter eir tr*ne'er wth the Clrrk of tllf ta nuni'li>a:it| ai. his o»re, Bk*r. i i»»ilr#r nr trene'er will lha Clark of reiiatf or tramfar aitk the elerk of tkenr* II) Norther); end e*"terly, along Meven io*if. t*ir I tke t*id MuttleipcMy *t his offic*. Ror> b* loaoiated t** appraisappse add value the Ckettaut *tr**t. tfcene* *a*tw*rdly mien* it* -eij Muaicipaiitf *t **r odlca. re**- 111 rsn th* r*at»r MM «f CwMtrtui street t* lu p , at hie e»i«, Ti>»n. tke liounilary line uf tke Townahip of «ne« Syceaore tnnut, «trt»tbury. iwie between : "uik Hill. Proepeet av*nue. U'.U* Silv*r, properly i ththe BorougBk k Puriuartt 1 »h :, Hall, Kin,* Mighwar, Miildlatoon, Maven, New ,|p'>#y, at ai SctSectiono s J:S17 l i. nlusie of lntars«cti*a witk tk* renttr line of Mt- Mlddlrtuvi. and tke Rur*«ah of Keane- New Jersey, ec tap llaa between ,H Thurs- "ew JerMy, *t My tin* •••••on J0:S7.17 lo ill. inclusiv New Jeriry, at any lim* hetwptn Wc4, bai« tn the kiah water llaa of Ran'ta thh« title MMunicipmlilirs and Counties aif s>l* *v*nu*. thenct southwardly along tk* Hedreadsy. April ]«. 1IM and Tkura. daf, tiep'ember ^7, !' lining ike Wedneadly. April J >. IJ.il and Tkun. center lino or Marl* *vt*u« to tke In. dey. Aaiil la. net, and TkuM*r, or Sandy Hook Ha;i th**p« («) Ea|, during the fol. fnlluw ho'iili l'> r » UrMctlan milk tk* center lin* of Reek- ly. along the esid Bay t* taa e*t*t *e lowir.g houra; llaily lillll a. m to «:00 u. r B. 'nli.iAfia hour!: lie / M; "I a. m. us Natic* i* e*r*l>r tjivta tkat *.u*lift*d in| hours: pail* (:0t a. a. In <;(IO p. g wi., Katurda.vi fl:' i a. n r a. twttr* of Ik* Boraugk *l Bid •auk. l*s! place, thence eaatwardlr along tke place of Aeginning. Sutldava ami Hnliilayt *t i ll':11 nnnn tnd 1 r,n i* s-.11 p. a., Sun. center line of Reckleta pile* t* tkt tet- m., S«Lurile«a »:<»« a. It. U »2:H» noon. Tb* iiolllnf pl*r« fur tk* Vveeith Rl*e- 8iturrlar«. a*,*! days .n't Holidays e.repyd, nr J-. Per. Mt alntdf mistered is laid Munici- .Sunday* and Holder* *xcen ed. nr ai n Peraitnent ftOjietiHMon K' ter lin* of Broad ttiwtt, IA* aoi*l or tion restrict la the Fir* Roue* of tke «tptcfi, .le-.es- •• • lit manttit. Reiistra' on H jr»a i, f>j Jrt-house, pality. u4» th* leva of Ne« Jersey plme* of beginning. P«r«»netit Ruistntion Burou, Court- governing permanent regietretian aar lioun, Freehold, New J*r*ey at enj time F<«il k>a««e',iri Fi-a CnapMr, Tkoa*. I iMn between W,-(|f. •ilar. Al'n IK. Kreehold, N»-.v 1'iif., »t si ^ ' me be- ngiator *r transfer with tb* Clark •( Tk* polling plac* fnt the S*v*nth Bl* April l«, 1951•eid Tkureaty, lult and ltM. tween Worlnih'liy. Ap-il 1', !Sil. end Elgk'kj Eteclt** MMrlct, t,'eaia*ei» foll«.*ini: hoi-.: f)«ily ThursdtvThursdlv., ^ep-emlie:^ep-emhe:- 2"., Pil, during tb* eaid gfUlcJaeiity M kar ame*. l*f Hon nistrlrt Ir. Red Beak Waati'i Club, mn* 'fkuradny, S»nt*ak»r IT, 1951, brr !7. I«ll, ^during ikt fnllo< n« during th* "ail» Kssow* a. ia* Rivera**. tMv* eidl r. 4 Vi p. m.. ^st.iriia>t. i 1ha fol'iowii* h. n a. a, to 4:31) *. a.. Raturdaia, fun- M**MM!'* Career tMtwrkl. Siturdtyt, Sunday* and Bol.diyl' Hc.iirl.iy! e-.'-epI'd. i *;? p. a*, Si'.urd!;!. S'indsj! and JIo!. Waa> fatatr. a* tar Uai* day* and Molidafi eieerted. Tk* koiimdirtaa al thi ttJtt art a* tapttd. 0a Ttundav, ST'esnhe- 77, lit!, tictpitd. Miat>. *»ril |(. tillt and Thuridiy, •awtmainf |« e*nt*i Ha* «f U>ca*t an. (*lli>we. via. t pwwMvjsaor ti. • »e». durimg the fol. HIM at klgl agt*r IkM *f tk* N*rla Oa Ttmrsilie, ••Btaakerr tTIT, ltM. the rc*-is!iali"ii li Ik* Ih* rcgittrati'Mi bouk. *ii; p* clo*cd until after 'lie forthcoming r,sn»ral i th« r**!»traUin b'i'jka w:!l be cioaeil limit* katKtt Daily, »;•• |7V to 1.11Bktaa)ak»r» rl»*t, tktare aaaiarlr tlsrif right of way ef th* New Terk aad long P. a).; Saturdays. Bundm md Molldapa llae *f locust *mu* u tk* c*r, tha r>iiatr*ti*n h«*ka aill •* alowd un- ijitil after ihe (arthcnoiing litnertl Ea*itkt>n nn Tut»dty. r*r,v*w>bir I, 1151'•. mtil alter th* (orthcoaing Oenerai • Tkt turn la •«tiaw4 «• trtln Bianch Rallrnad Cotatanv aai *l Ik* *x«pt«d. Al»u *tt tht l*at thrt* nighia tar Una of Shitw'hury avenut; theare til mfter the fnrOiecming 0*a*ral Ei*« •hx-tinn on Tuesday, Koveoaktr I. MSI. Not ire rf change nf rcaidtm-e or ap. B*rlion on TlMdty. Novtnbet I, 1>M, atkart ••« aallitaa «•• tram til tion u k* kali en Tuwdar. K*t*ak*i Naveaink or Skrewsbury River, end fn.a ; •a tke latt tkree days af regiatratimt eoutkerly along the center lie* *f tkanco limning U) Nortk*rly, *lnng Ik* Not re ef ektnga nf retidenre or ap plication for trantfer of regulation Nnl.re of clangt nf residence or *v- bfMMkai at tka Mrvie* w «u«H- fr*a 7 to t e'clock. or tt Permanent Shrewsbury avenue to tka c*nter Un* of aald Ruilniad rlgkt of way and along pliratinn for tranefer of registration ihall li- mad* either by writien request [•li.ation frj- trantfer of rc^it1 :at..m •at fttmlwtiat*. Mudcnti arc r<-Regittration Bureau Court House, Free- Cbtatout ttrect; Ikenre eaaurly aleng Kotk-a »f ekani* of i*ale)«m«a or aa< B1*ttl..n Di.tilrt No. i end Election l>l>- thill hi wiadt either by written request forwnriie'l lo the Municipal Clerk or the' «hal; l>e mailt either hy written re-juev. hold, yi*w Jeraey. *t any tiae kctweoa th* center line of Ckeatnut atrect te tk* »'. cation for tranefar *f ragiatratioa trlet Nn. I. to Mill Biuok: thence (U «Nirat ta aiaka •»• Juan from Wednesday. April 18. 1X1 and Thura. •enter II** of tk* C. R R. Co'* right at forwarded to tha Municiial Cltfk or the County B**rd nf Kl.etiont on for*it 1 fucasrHs-l tn the Municipal Ciark or lie •hill •* aaaa alther »» txiuan taiant KasMrly, along Mill Broak t* Chaatl County Board of Election* on farm* previdtt kr aild Municipal Clerk or [County Bntrl nf Klections en form* M >ir*teM la«l«4tB| m with day, aot>t**)k*r tl. ltsi, during tk* fol- way; thence northerly along center lln* fnr»ardad to tk* Nunicin*! Clerk m the Hill Road, thene* (I) Northerly, ileat lowing kourai Daily 1:01 a. at. I* l:lt •f C. R. R Ca't right of wey to kigk w*. Ceuntt Boar* of Cl*tti*m *n fnral rravidtd by aai Municipal Clerk nr Board or by eall'i-s in person at theI pi-nvi/ied hy .aid Munieinsl Clerk or Ml aijMl»m«>t. I Chapel Hill Ro.d. I* Mountain R«l AkV* of th* ninni^insl Clerlf ar jjgnsril or by calling in parish al tns p. a., Saturday*. suBdiri *nd Holid.t* lar Una *f 'he Nortk Mrewihurw rietr, »r**ld*dl kr Hid Munleiaal Clark *r Roed: tkture (I) Cnntlntilntt Narthartt Board or b; calling in pennn at Ih* *aetpt*d. theaca touthwaitirtr *lni< tinim up t* *ad in- |office nf th* Wuniciral Cltrk cr OMMNI JMIK i. IVthiRf it tht Oa Thunder, Stpitahar IT, Mil. lln* of North Shrewsbury rlvtr t* tk* otJ'* tt Ik* Munieiael Clerk er Count; (>l Eatuily, alnni Park aviiiiit in i L'ciinly/ a«ard nf tle'tine. u* to arid in- atiiding fenten.t,er ;T. riM. ' Cnii'nty Rnard nf l>'-unnt up t* *ail in. * aaly Btnaa avtr (a btvt htla) iht tht rtdntr*tl*ii book* Will k* *loi*d t*nUr lln* of Ucust rnvtnvM, tht Ptitt »o«rd al Eleetiene u> t* 1*4 Intluding privita road leading tkr*«gh tk* Mo' cluding .S*pt4inbtr ST. eluding Sept*nh*r :". 1911, until «ft*r tk* forthroalng rjenertl •r plee* of koylnalng. Souadanea ..I ihe KkN.-iiun Pl.trlcl* In fWk tf OtatrtX af th« ArmlM, a*rt*ak*r tr. Kll. ford properly; thtr.ra (It RoutlMrlr, The Boiling |>l*e* for Hkrlaahurr tke Renault) of te (Uv.n, ai«l tht poll. in* InUoe-ing ta a dascriiiUoa of the ••elioa ea Tuuday, Novmbtr t, ltsi. Tk* polling plae* for tk* Right* •**. alotf tk* pilv*t* road laadint thromk ^^ "I— ' Itt tkthe tri * fcoue*k nf f MrewikurMk r Ing Bltct la Mch U*n *f lha tha Ratfotd pi-*|.*rty, to Mnuutala Rill ••rtloa Owtriet* in tka Tswnikia at >• IHhi f plication lei ttintftr at ngiitratiea wiunl titner Co., Bridge Bold: thence ('I RatUrly, lo the tury, New Jir*ti. ftffis, vis: «Bt Mtkarlaat ta »r*Krib« hit awn •hall bt attdt wither ky wrlttea rttuttt W*tt Front itreet. Mlddl.t*wm and tka •illlif BIIMJ la »»'jnflry lint of MtMt* Dlltrirt ' F.tertloti DitttiLL 1 i* It-ielit iltftntd larwaraod t* tka Municipal clerk or I tka Mat. vU.t II thente (II RoinkeHe .•••>. t>i. uiIltbllR C. VANVURT. and rlcRi-riked *l 'ollnws: Innulnir-g all Firtl t>*cllo* DiHrivl l tar tha raak, *ut Btvtr Ninth thill** DWttai. |)'ltrlct. Na. ! ta tk* Naveeink Clark. that, vat-t of th« Hornvigh lynil vrs'. nf Kitction liiBirirt No. 1 Is hanky da- Rsfirtl of Clictlom er. t*iui* tlM fMMriet, Caaauly *VM» a line whirli begins at. a point whtre the feuc Realsitiiog in ik* eenttr line *f _ —a^ai ^gfAadl^lfgaA^^B^g. flMaBahaaaaBBa •hrewtknry River: tk*nr* (*l vVe,t*rle Pakriiary 10, |l||. nnad and dtlcribed si fniiowt^ pr«vld*d kp Mid Municipal Clerk er •venu* at kljh wafer lln* *f Ihv North •W aw^aBfJawl*™^ wa*laJ*fWV* •lone th* >aid river to tht eelal ar plae* f.eut.r line nf Huena Vi.ta Avei'ie if t).- All tiiat portion nf tht Borough ot Bomrd er by e»llin» la per**" tt tk* ihr*w*k|ry riwr. thene* Mttwly ll*n| Th* k*u*dtrlaj ef th* *( Heginning. NOIM.C leuilH wniilil, HIIMSert Ihe Shrewablir; Rumson, titiittt b«i'-«eeii the center of rivrr, thmce runinii^ antiih alunl tha NOTKB •Mr* af tka Muaiclpal Cl.rk *r> water lln* of Lorutt avenut t* tk* can. rallowt, ela.i ' RECHTBV AND ELECTION Ruenaon road from Hneire rote] due W»*t at tka Mo>.Cottatp Brlrd ol tlwtlcnt up t* lit) II- ttr lln* ef Rhrawskurp ••Muti ll*net Tk* palllny plici tar Ik* BJgkth Rlee- center hue of HU'-IIH Vi»ta Avenue ta lo drench t-enj*. thenct loutk t* tnd -^•Irttttl sautharlr alang center III* af Bknyw*. BRCINNIUG at Ik* Kctuburg (iitf tlon ni.tilct li th* Fire ROHM *f Mlddlt- ROROUUH OP CATONTOWN. N. J. tlint |)Oinl, whrre- Ihr i-enier line of Buene ih Ccualy Court Prekat* UivliieUli * "•on* tapteaibtr if, INI. y til Btitl Miiikway Rout! No. It la* including Whitt ro.d. bury avenue lo tk* caater llaa tf Cant. town rirti foapanr He. I, RUft Mlgk- ViatR Avenue inlri H,.I'|S ihe Rtiminn Bur- Ttly II. tttt, Ik* tukterieer, Ik* Tkt teliemrliia I* a ••tjpWt eattrla. • tktatt running U) loHitherly. al*ag Notice i* iteieby given that Ilialri.-i. Polling l'l«-s fnr thil dittriet it tkt nut itrert; tkrnr* easterly ml*ng eeote. S war, R*ad<*n't Oeratr, H. I. las .at of Election anil Heglstry in an* niilh :int; thE-ira writ aiun* the tlumlon ..-.jlritar of tk* tstate *f 0*1* Lay. af tk* Beetle* Dlatrlett It Ika lln* *f Chestnut street I* tk* rnltf lla* tka kaualtry line et tht Ttwntkip *f Hordiitflt lii'* '" a !•(» rt where tha aaiti Bnrmjgh Hill, rroiinel *«tnus. tM, dMMtad, will on Stturdty. leptia- MidtJettean md Iht Towaaalp of M*lm- if*" the Borough nf Eatmituwn, t''iunlv of right of *ty of tk* Ntw Tark * taaag MMrttt, of Mi.iito.iuih. Stale nt New Jetier. wi>: line intersrrt* lln rrriln- line of F*lr M.- m*c**d Elwlica Dlttriil l*r I, Ittl, it ll:lt A. M. In iht fore- III pltctt fer tark *t thi atldj Brtnrh rallrnadt thine* iouth*ail*rlr M t* th* Red Rill Raidi thane* (t) ven rnnil; thenrp north .long the renter aten/Mll at puklie tilt an the preaiMt I Ettarlyrtellewlng tko feed Mill Bead. Tki aaM^irltj et tat mat art M aett it till llacea hereafter designated tltetinn Dilttirt Nn. 1 la Hertbr d*> ti 119 Atlmry A-.-tr.iiS, AiUi.r, .ill. •long ranter lln* of right *t wiy af M*w lof, «1|.: a* line of Fair Haven rnad to the Shrews. ie.l *nd deaerihed *e Mllawei •kit BJattjM OttiiHt fork as Lung Breach rill road ta tk. t* tht B*m Hollow Road: tkenr. (I) bu'-y rivn. All that, fnrtieti ef tk* Btcough. nort* Ita Jtrsey f*r a ainiaua Brie* of cenltr Un* of Rlvtr *tr**t (pnduetdii «!••• tkt Bias Hallaw B>ad tattirlr ta REUIItNINn at the awtta tf «t» TUMMY, NOVEMBER t. 1151 It.ltt. ill tkit traet of land aiere atr- ttgtanlaa at a taint •• tk* tk*rt ef tki >*aj V*rk aid Un Brinek Ball- Creak an* «andr Reek ar Rtrltta Th* polling place for th* Flret RlM- of District nne. thaMerth ikreaskury Blv.r dlrwUy H- tkenee westerly along tk* rMlli lln* ti ( between *he' huuia of level, a. m. and Pell>i nltit for *ki. district it tkt ticalarly dtteriked aa fellowii Nnrtk tjknwikury rtv*ii thtar* aorth. wad right ef w*»i thtn«Till N*rth*rlr, Bay, and frvai Ikaat ranking (t) Men Cl-'rlct Ii at vVii'ciw Strtel Sthoal. All tht certain ttict tt Iltd la thttw*tn th._* pr***rtl«**r*a*r * own.d kr thi Man- Souther!., alaag Wat Ci**« aa* tilt tight, li. na., for i he imniose of conduct. Sttood tletlleo INit.ial. Fir* Mout* ei Ckurrh itreet, Beat art inf trip along hlgk water nia if N.rtk tlena t«* N«w Ttrk all Una ~ ' kaundarr lln. af RldHlta Dl.triM NtTl Ing the General Election. Clip af Atkury Park. Ceuatp al MM.awutk Beat art Rhr*w»hury river t* th* t*a**r lln. it haHroid HtM tl air tt Kill Election liiitiict 2 it h.rtby dtna.d I BID U AYRU. t>Mtk imd Bute at New Jersey, haawa tMI> I* ttkk * BBj*4 Bjuk W«*«wii wanc< to Park Avaauai thaa (I) Ctittrlr. Said General Election oill ha held II Bcmuih Clerk. •a jtkwardlr I* tht e*lt*t f Itat af Brtie) Uscir«imt atv*num, tht pales *r pltte at ba. (J) iMttrlf. •l*n» Part A < *• fnlluwsi Corttinini «II thtt tart of tk* Chat*! Rill) tan'* II) tk* said Municipality for the purpOM af tht Borough lyirg west of th* westerly V*kni*ry II. ltll. •trttt. tkat** alaaa tht aMtti MM af ginning. I ...... Aai electing a State Senator, two *ae*a- ll>* ol Election Dietriet I and east of * •r*i4 atntt tt Hi tatimitlwi with tka Tk* polttitf alir* ef •• aeti at tk* glut eeretiafiM 4*t*n*t*d AVMU.4 tk*a (II weiterdi*- ileta itnttr tin* of right *t *»*• at tht llait fllit'lcl it tk* Or* hmist of tht atkorly llll *f Atkury Avtnttt Tork A Loral Rrtleb raDratdi Coaaunlly P1r» Natic. ii hereliy givsa that qualiltd «t (ft'l t thane* (I) toutktrly *t me. Uonardo. N. I. Votara al tk* Borough of Eatontown, Kair Haven Volunteer fir* C*aa*ny •• TUUDAY. NOVBMBBB I. 1*11 tk*ne*;*_ x**tke*it*rlr *l*ag tha naltr nut alrsady registered In aaid Muniei. Fair Havrn Road, wllk Aikury Avtaue ana Una af right of way» aaif ffttf Tart a •0WARD W. BOP.EP.Ti. between thi heur* *f am «. m. and long Branch railroaroad t* ta taina*lnt dJIilltajiltttl Tewmhla Clark, pality, under tke Itwa of New Jeraey Tkird Eltillaa Otllrltl kt. p. m.. for th* purp*M *f cunduct. kury Avtint fifty feet Mat akava aMttlaaat tt tht ahar* ltd "f**t"froa tlV7outh*riyVlwi toutktrly lid»* Haf Bar. frtruart II. IIH governing vc'manent registration mm wtatfts taaa* »• tht Be*with Wait Birge*n Pltjt t* tht Mater a Election District 3. electing a State Stnatnr, tern mem- *JB) it tkt totat tr ajajt if N0TKB Jersey, Monday. «eHemher H, k*r* of tk* r.enerai Aeeear.lr arid two Una of right of wa•yr af 0a , ft Km.. atat. H M. t.\Ii Tuesday, September 2% and Wed- The pnlling plsr* fnr the Third El*e* WtUlk* «. rOTTRR. JR., thmc* nortktrly iltu tki tea ttr llat uf TOWNBHIP OP BMMWWURV. N. J. linn flialrirt II KnollWood Sourl. M. I Ult (I SMI't'N. and for th* fallowing municipal officee, l*w*t, atachliilt etftrt. tk* toutk tld« nl Wtlt Btrgta plict Illume, Fr^ehnld, New Jerrey, at any time ft*a4aBHB&aBs aBVaBBbtrftVaBBB BTaBBaBafaavaagfal Bortitlk Clark. vlt. Cttttr larraatki'i Owka, autured al.right angle* Ikaraut ttaae* betwrrn Wfrlneirlar. April IS, ma »,,,| w**Urly ind t»rall*l with weal aWrga* Thuraday, September 27, I Ml, during Feh: II«. » 19. 1951. One Township Commiuaaaaa f*r tk* •tBm»l;B It a aol.t wtjtrt tht MttlJ nlara t* klgk wittr lln. ef tk. Nmth fn l f ih*» yeert. Hae tf Mechanic ..*tn»H It InttrMFttd the following hours: Daily 9;ftO *. en. to REGISTRY AND ELtCTvwN— with taa tatter Hat et into Itrwt. gfcrnrebury rl»ni thtact "«•( *vj*aio* ear weeaony, won* eaiiwrav TUESDAY, KOVtMRCR I, llll 4;JII p. at.. Baturdara, lundayi and Mel. Townthio Ataeaacr for full terra. diaaei aaithwtrtly tlaag tha teater line alaag hlgk water lln* i Avaaua lo leutkilda Avaaua, thane* (I) idayl *xe**t*d, NOTICE Nntie* is ner*>'7 tfiven tht; iiualiflld •t Bnitd lUat t* IU litorwcUtlatorateUMa witwthh Shnwahurr riv*r ta tha eanttr Hit *l ioutk*rlr and W*at*rlr. »!••* eV«»thiMi kelween tkt hour. *f **ve* a. wi. and BORUUtaM OP RUhUON. N. J. vnttrt nf the Townlkm of atnloldel, River atmt. th* trial tt alt*t af k*. A**au* and Old Waaaa'a Rill Reid. I* • ilht p. m., fur th* purpat* ef conduct, da Thutntsy, Septeaktr IT, HM, not *lr*adv rtgi*ttr*n in laid Munici- thtaa entecmtir DlinMt af-Willie~ " * atnat, tkence ••tituia Rill Romd; Uunf* («) S»«tk. ing th* titnwal Eltctlo*. Notic* il lirrehy given that Imtrlet tka ceater lin* *f Wai; erlyM*IMU(, alea« gRil tkl* WhlpanorwilRaa4 l Vallap" Roa"d tka reiiatratioi. hooks will a* cloaerj lotil* *f Blectinu end Keiiatcr in aim pality, under th* lawi ef New Jeriey Millitt ritMir 6tit*a Carur. Adminlf aaetwarolr al*a "'TB**'eatlrn tl t *l*'4 for th* Tenth Btet to Ihtha* raraidU iwJIn(Muli i trewft*s tktka MountaiMntain imlit C.nartl tl*ttl*n wtU h* hmld In untit afle* th* forincoaing General lor th* Borough of flumiun, County governing geramtnt ngiilratio* may trttrla with will aaanat *l th* aittU Uaa Dl»Trlet'irth7RlVer"• r' Jtratt *ehMl. Rill Raad ta Braoi'i Back Reel ind th* said Blunlclralllv far tka purpose *f Clectlei aa Tuesday, Kevtaiher I, ltsi. •t Mtaaoutk, Stat* of New Jeriey, will re«il,er oe transfer witk th* Clerk of _a •Te^BaeLalkaa' afw BBBaraaVaaWaa aaaaiaWdBBWsgaBwgaT flaaB laaBB laa 1 Rank tltng Mid nad nnltl It tatorMCta with el.cting a State Senator, two mem. Notic* of (hatge af mldaiue «r an* *nl *l tk* plaeM k*rtin.fter dttig. the Mid aualelpall'y at kit aflat, me kareaWll*** ttttt trealaMn S laltl Mr II the Browa'i D«rk Raadt thnct (II Bare tf tha (itneral Aaeenshly and tw* pllcalirr, It.- Iraat'tr *f reii.tration lain m iech Rotd shall kt aud* either hr written reau.tt del. New J*rsiv *t anv tiae between AWaMiatilt with will «MMd at atralght atiaatIgtagltir, tkyt Mat te lu taleraN- tt tkt Bhrowibury or NavMlnk Blvari hollars for til* Csunty ot M*naiouth fnrwarasd to tk* Miincinal Clark or the JUKSIIAT, 1VUVGMBER I, list Wsilnt.day. Aiull It, l»l and Thura- tke Nortk Bhnwakurp rl»*l, time* ettt- for th* full tera nf three year* *wh afenttM. their «tkt* *nd dtainds Uea with ti* <*M«r Itttta of l.lnden •rly atony. Ik..._* center lln. tf N*ww)in tk*nce II) rtllewlng th* Shrewsbury or f th* ful tea nf hree year* *wh Count" y Boar~ d nf Klei'tiitn. on forwis kttween Ikt hourt ef seven a. na. and.lar, ,-ept.mber 17. list, during Iht a^* A a ^K* ^r *. >. .• a.* -d f tk MUi lll d thl MMI «"at»«•*•>*«•. undetanmiwir Mtk, plaM and Wailit* •trMt. tktnc* north. Ipringi rMd to Ike **nt*r tf Bread a-d far tkt MUwing aualelpal ode**, provided hy laid Munlciol Clerk eight p. in., for the inn uost of conduct. iolluwing kouia; Paily t:00 o. a), to _j trm tk* dale " atom, taat tatttatteur Ihtt a*ff Wil W*U. !tr*et| tktae. northerly along) Mtter el vli. Board 0-1 ky calling In perioii at tka fiaf the lienerai tileetion, 4:"t p. a., Silurian, Sundlyl lid Rnl. , ar they will k. Ulaviwtlai ailh tha Broad ttreet t* th* center Hot ef right *l tkettee IT) On. Towmiklp CoaaittMati* tot full *PAt* of tha. Municipal Clerk Sairl Cena.al BlefUmi will h* h*Jd In Idtyi tlfitttd ir it rtratntnt Btgf . MH**I th«nttr i al way of New fork * U>n« BriaU nil- uthtrly. fillotiaf th* keum term ef ihre* ycara. County Board nf Election! ua to and In- tk* laid municipality fnr th* purpoee ef • '•tion Bugiiii, Ciiirtk«uM, PrMe)«l*. •rlktr. •ne.irdlap »loig tha taw raadt th*ne* nerthwtaterly along emut Jtwita tkt Raroigt of Atlantic Rtgk- Am At.euor for tk. full term. clining Serttmatt JI, 1551. fleeting n .Slate .Senalnr, two mem-Ntw Jirtty. it ii* tiai k*t***n We». Hi* efright af way of thi Niw York • lands •»* tki Ttamihlp of Mtildlttewa, Notice I. hereby given Ikat qiKllled Tk* fallawlng I. a deaetlptit* et thi here of tke Ventral Aiseablr ind twon«d*y. April II, llll md Tkurtdty. •opted hoande.j lint «f the B*r< Lena Braith nil road t* a point tflatint member* of the Board *f Ckoxn Fr*e- Seit*ak*r "T, ltll. during tki fol tltV tt tkt Hint tr tlau tt RtBtaaliB. voter! of th* Township of Skrewahury, Rlettioa Dittrleti I* Ike Borough af Rat. . Rtolknk ttoat,MithwirSlytl ttd fMt froa tht atuttertp tide ef Ttt aeltlig pltei f*r th* l*f**d Stoe- not already registered In laid Munici- •mow* iad tk. eolliag altcu i* tmat loldtr* for Ik* County nf Mnnanuth lowin.-.. g. hount Diil--.-: , a. a. t* *-.>"i carvid tvindiry llat tf tht.Btn Weat Btrgtn pile* tawanrtd at rtikt •o full tarn nf thra* year* each lw 1 pality, undtr tha lawe af New Jersey flu ths a, a., Saturday*, luaf mdiyd i aad RtUdt-o R*a Baak to th* Ttac* Une. inglot tktntos thtnc* watterly ind tUm^tstrlet I. tk* rttrtanhltr* •••*«. governing permanent registration n*y flu nd for tk. (ullowin, munitiptl *Ac**, feV neraaatwardly Bleat Iht ttld ptrtllel ta Wttt Baigtn ataca t* tk* Mtrttlik, N. $. registrr or transfer with tht Clerk of a awBJa 'it. On^Thurtdtr, Settaabtr IT. ltll, Vanaai, Uk Uaa ta Iht ceaUr II** af M ctator lln* ef right of wty *f 0. R R. TVM UMMaa the «al.l municipality at her office. rc*U Bl*at'.e» Uittriat On* I. ktrabr dtHntd Mayoe for full torw. of tw* y*are. ikt rmgietrmtinn b»*kt oill kt .l«td •traet, th**e* wattwardlp along th* rta- of n. J.i thence northerly along e*tt*r dence. 111 Belshaw avenue, at any time and das-rlktd it tkat teetitn and '.*eri- Two Counellmen for tk* lull tera *f until ifttr tht tiriheaaing is*a*rtl It BfJS ft, B*i Bttk. K, f. ttr Hat tf tttrhiil* atratt. la It* InUr- llM tt right tl wty *f C. t R. ef N. X, Ratwa u4k* Attwaiy*. IH«i< ttttlni with th* MMtr lilt ef Braid Tht kouidirlta at between Wedneadsr, April 1>. ttSt and lory at tk* Btttwik Irnt Mtt tf t liaa Urat yetrs. ••etlen *• T'lttdcy. Nov*aktr I, ItU. it a MtTtt distant lit feet atothtriy fallow*, rli.i Thurailay, September S7 lD.'l, during denllated it fellow*; Notice I* keraby given tkat au*lil*d Nonce *f chug* *f roudMc* or a». • garrtttW* •lrt*t, the .paint tr file* tl Mglinlng. 1 tha following hmira; Dally lft;0* *, m. til aalllas place fjit tht Bt«ead *fic< rtMi RlnniMmo at th* tttartretle* of tk* BEfilMNINO it th* point wktr* watar **t*ra nf th* Borough ef Ruaion, plie*ti*a for Irta.ftr af rsgiltntiaa Mttitt t* Cradlten tt Frt*wi Clilau &I&AA&W wit*h to l:Hi) p. m.. Saturday*. Sunday* and «*l ilradr ragi.tend In laid Muiici- •hill ba aid* *itk*r kp wrtttm n*,uwt Aftltit galatt. * Ufttl 4litff1n w lRW#tMaM9llt Hf# aWttMt aet.t* high wgttr •Id rl/it of war at th* N*w Jtrtty Holidnya e»teuti-d, nr at Permanent Reg. lln. nf th. Hal* Highway lr.un.tu U- Hat af Soutkerr, Railroad with th* nortkerly fetia'e Break; tk.ne* along lit (enter pality, undtr Ih* law* of Ntw J«rMV forw.rdtd t* tk* Munlclpil Cltrk er the leUt* «t Ck.rit* A. Mlataa, DecMMd. wwakurr rl*tn thear* iKtratinn Bureau. Courthouse. Freehold, lin. o| th* Si el* Hithwiy t* vat palm ilni aaraantnt rtgittratiea aa.v Piirttlit t* tk* *rdcr *f DartMn Me- th hih t lln* ef larlun Bayi thanrt running (II New Jcrar-y, nt nny lime lietweeit Wcd Countr B»ard at Bliiliem tn feraii nird t»ct»M M*krt*t MUthwIp tleag tht Ugh witar NNat t tt New Jcray, nt nn e t Wcd where South .trett Intttstcl* with thi rejltler or tranafer witk thl Clirk al previdtd kr Hid Mt'nieipal Clerk; nr rtddla, »»f i*t*l* ef th* Cwmty at Mat. laaNtrth Rhrewsbury rlvtr ta thh * —.-RntitkirlrBnitkirlr . alonalangi ttht mialdd NtNew feraeJirtty; d Ail I* l!il d Thd tk* nid wwnMpt'lty al kit ilw d*. iwniith, thl* rliiP wild*, ta th* tprlir*. tor I[M 3 tht NewsM f ariigt rMd. tkt 8*uth*ra llallremd right of way to nejda;d;. . ApApril l I*I.. l! andd Thur>d*yThur>d*y. •tat. Hi th way i thtac. ilong cental lira Beiird *r ky calling la Mr*sn it Ih* «ept«mke«tk r IITT , llll.iil durini g thhe "fl "follol w I* South afreet t* tka PelnJ ohert th* awrlil Borauak Hall. River raid, Rta. ollle* of th* Munliigll Cltrk *r tin et th* iindartlgiad. Cirolyn Wait, aeljt ar p art tf btgtnnftf. CCoapton'' e CCmkk i tk.ne* C)) PJouth.rlyPJthl . •a*. N*« Jirsir. av any tiat **twe*n Sola R»««trl« et tha aitati af tht Mid The polling alace tor tka Rrt***th along Oaatiton'* Cteek and Mill Break Ing h»ur«: Dally *i*'i a. m, to It'll p. center lln* ••( Ri«h*fdton mils Inter- County Beard nf BlecUont ua ta ••< (•• •owing Into Canpten'i Creek, ta Oaonly in., fsturdeye, Sundayi and Holiday! Met, th. enter lin* of nouth etr**', Wedneaday. April ]«. II51 and Tkura. •Ming Swtaabar ST. ltM. Charlil A. Mlaten. dwcaiedt notice li Rread str**l I* Itt litarwetlen with thl Rtaetiti fMitrict I* WttteMa lagti* cxeeptcd. there* in • ataalght lint to the Inter, lay. Sertemher :;, l»M, •luring tke fol. k.raby giv*n t* Ik* ertditarl ef Mid d«- •tut, Ltlghtn tvnu*. Road No. 1. being th* road from N«« Th* palling plac* fer Roladal T*wn> etatei line at Rmrdlng Read. tk*ne* *Mt> Monaouth to K*yn*rts thence (I) Eaat. On Thunder, *feptemher 27. 1»5Iaeclin. a of Ron* road lid Grinkirfy following huurs: Deily 1:00 a. m, to reiHd t* prttent te thl Mid Ctrolyt wtrtllp aleag? th* eanUr lint *f Harding AMY ft BMINN, •rook. liOD p. m. or at I'ee/minent RegiMri- •kip it at th* Tnrathlp Rail. Rilad*!, W*lr. Sole beeutri>. their claim, under •rly. atena tkt «»l« County Road Ne. 1. the ttgiKtrition knnka will be eloird N*W »•!*». ettk witkin ill Batata* froa tkli dalt. Rnad ta lu lat*rwctl*a with th* wttlt •wraush Cltrk. to Hi Intiraactlan with Park f efcange nf residence or ap- April II, H.I I, and Thursday, ft*pt*m. t**a** tt jl*_lauroMtle* with tht am. RRt3ISIIIV AND RLECTWN thnea II) Northerly, along th* aala Diitrie'. It Bocoigh Halt. bar 27, US I, during the following Tabruarr It, lltl. tar lima *f B*rg*i Ptaci. tk*»e» tut- plication for rranettr nf registration head witeri ef Ware Crrnk and down ,r*titk tt IUd dtilamtetl en Tk* polling place for th. Third Ctae- The rolling pile* for tht Township Diitiict li tkt Fi«t Moult. plication fer trantfer ef registration will be audittd and Hated by tha Sur. TUESDAt, M0VRMRIR t. llll of .Shrewsbury la the Recreation Hall ANDRRW 0. RECUR. aha!! a* mad* either by writua cqunt la tha Hitter ef tha l*Ut* tf Ckarldi Bank t* lla laUraaettan with tht Mttat Bttwctn tk. kauri et t*vin a. a. and tloa rNatrietl* tk* Fir* Rniiw of th* •el- roiata of tha County of Monpiouth and MalfBaataU DaaYMaUalal Uwtj tl Wallaea atmt. tatact tenth- ore) Chmlral Cnttn* Conpany N*. ], entrance. Alfred Vail Homei. Benuak Clirk. forwarded ta the Municipal Clark er tki reported for ttuiement to the Monnouili ^VajmmmjmaBBg aV •»* tBBBaraj «lgkt p. m. tar th* purpoil ef cuduct- v waatwardlr along th* eaanr DM af W»l- Belftrd, N. I. MRS. ANN SWITKK. Ftbruary 1». list. County Board of Elections on ftrat founty Court, Protati Bivnion, on nnuait ta tha *rt*r al D*ra*a Mc« Itat atroet ta Ita InUntetlat atth tkt Gmnl Eltctlon. Townahlp Clirk. irovidtd by ttiil Munlciptl Cltrk or Thurtdsy, iht twe>nty.seventh dty nf •MirthViMla,, BurratMand* aat a tketklrtlet C.unthr ttfai Ma*.r ef. MtUr llae tf Uad«a plac*. thaaet 4U Otairil ElicUon will ka hold In .... Elecnea Dtdrlct, C*aa*oly Palmierr It. 19lt. REGISTRY AND CLUrlON Boird or ky tilling in etrcen at tha September, A. P.. 1SSI. at ID n'elerk A, r*aUr atataardl, kr a atrajgkt HM to th* eald Municipality for tk* purpoM ot Raawa at tha U*f»>d* Ovatrtu. office ot th* Municipal Ct.rk or M.. at the Ounty I'oun Niuae, Main Angoit, Hit, ta tk* aaalkatiaii of electing • Slate Senator, two mem- NOTICE Stailiy I. renn, gal* Ziecutor of the lha MI *f th* 8*c*td N»0on*l Baaki REGISTRY CUCTION "ounty Roard nf Elei-tinna no t* ind In tnd Court Strttti, Freehold. New Jeney. tkene* earthward!? ta th* tmtn Hm» tf bar* ot th* General Aietably *nd two Tk* hauidirit* at Ua Ma* at* a* •VJRJOUGH or SIA MICHT. N. J. cludinii SsMimhtr 37. 15.M. eattU *t Ckirli* Naraan. lecaaud, n*. mimbtra tf th* Boird of Chnten fn*. ntted: Auauit SI. A. P.. USI. till II kerekr given t* tke creditora *f Wmllae* atrtet. thnct w*.tw»rtlr t* tha fallaw*. rla.i Notic* It hereby given that Ulltriet e*nt*r 11a* af Braad atiMt, th* at*** at holders for tk* Cour.lv of Monatouth RBT.nmran at tka tatt-McUoi, ol TOWNSHIP OF ATLANTIC. N. t. Botrd of Election *nd Bsgittrr In and Boiinilail«e «if tba Election Districts li. UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY OF MM tmiiM tenhlblt to th* lubierlker, for th* full term «f thn* »an aiek NF.W VORK. Ml* *x*eut«r *• aforewld. their debti aalnt af avglaalnt. Seventh Avenu* witk th* Boundary Una Notice I* hereby given that Dlitrict tot Ih* Borough of Sti Bright, County th* Rorougk of Rumaon and tha polling and fn thi following municipal ofriets. of tk* Borough of Atlinlle Highland!, Hoard of Klietlnn and Regiitry In andof Manmouth. Stale of New Jcney, will place la each dlitrict are it followst Ry»- HENRY B. HENZS. an* aMaatiii agalmt tke male] eitate, un- The rolling elaca fer th* Third •*•• Aui'tant Vice rrtudent, der Mlh, within lix eontht from tha tlen Nitric la it the «anl*r RJIlh Ichttl and running thence (I) Southerly, ana for th* Townahip of Atlantic, County ni-tt at th* plan htrtinalttr duigut*t rtrat Election Oiilrkl. kulldlng. Kirdlia r**d. twa Oouncllaai ler ttrai of thr*. Weiterl;, along th* boundary ef Elec- of Monmouth, Slat* of New Jrrtty, will oa U Wall Street. date af the afartMld order, or th*v will lion nietrlct No. i t* the Mountain HIM Election District Nn, 1 it hrrsby dt Sew Ynrt- N Y. be f*rever karrtd of their aetlom there. Plan iieh. meet mt tha ilau k*r*ln* MMM ji 'ktrahf flvaa that lha ae- traa ti* CMUI line ef Btrges plac., list. 1151. nn ilia application of W»l!*n eounU al thl aukicrlker. Guardian ef tknee aoutkaattwardly by a straight idsya Mpewted, or it Pwmtnint Regis- Sandy Hook B«v; thane* (7) PMitoriy. and for th* following municipal offices', Miyne for tk* full ttrai of two mn. RuBinn litutts north of Rid** rold, tration Buraau, Courthoutt, Frtshold, and southerly, along th* laid Bay anrl vlt. Twu Ceuneilata lor lull ttraM al bounded on th* etil hy Navetlnk ave- K. Cilllins;ton. .^olc Executor nf the escata the Hilt* af laid ramlal Incompetent, llaa U tht curved boundary Une of tk. nr Maude, Sickles. c.-ei'"!i teker, A. D. till, it 10 «"«l«k a. «., enter Una tt Broad .treat ww>> tktk** * tuttutoro . •xcrptail. nlcipulity under th* l*«a of N*w Jirtty Ruatoi. On Thursday, Scatamber 2T. !•&!,tion District li th. ir*vent Park and pality. under tha lawa of New lartey Third Clattk.* Dtitrkt. of the aforciaid order, or they will be •t tht Ceuntr Court Heuae. Main lid •ntletl a witi h thh . etitat r lllnl * eff HHardHardini g govirniol permanent ragiatrttion tjiy forever barred of their aetiont tatrtfor Court ttr**ti, freehold, Maw Jernjr, l l tht rcglatration bouku will be elated Laonatrlrj Fit* Rouaa, Center Avenua. (overnlng permanent regittration may tlecllon Dlttrlrit Na 1 Is hereby dt. teal, tk. point or tilac* af bailnnlnr f<*fln*rifn, N. X t'gister or t amfer witk th« Cltrk of register er transfar with tkt clerk of eftlnit tha Uld tutiscribtr. D.«WA, .,^X. m, Tk* palling atie* for the fourth llae until after ' the forthcoming General said municipality it kit a Be!, Bor. fined and described at follown w Sb tlan dlitrlet li il th. Junlai hlgk ieao*l. Station on Tuesday, Nov*nbir t, 10*1. fifth Eletttan DiMrlct. Caeaaoaly Raawo th* uld municipality at hli atae*. r.i. Daie.l: freehold. N. J • «'i at the Hertk fllrtwakniy Elver direetlr lowing hnursi Ijaily t lOO a. m. »o 5:00 p. fnilnwini hount Dally tito a, a. tc The lolling plica for th* Third Bat. Rsd Banlc. N. I. County Board of Klectlnnt on form, right of w*y of thi New Vork and tang 12:011 noon, Stturday, Sundays and Hoi tlen PUtrlct It Oiear Anderton'e gl- httwata t»» pitpartaaa owned by. tha provided ky laid Municipal Cl.rk or Branch Railroad and Navaalnk Rlv«r oi m.. Satunlnys 9:14 a. m, to 1J;OI noon, Attorney!. HM*. atineaauth Bait Club and tka property Shrevohuiv River, and from tttinre run- Sunriaya and Holidays excaatad, or nnti Holidaf • *xccuttd. or at Poranntni ragt, Wathlngtoti tvenue, ktlwatn w*. Attaraan. elD.II Board or by calling In pennn it tht Rexistrntion Rurttii, Cnurthoult, free- taraan *vinut and Wtrd »vtnut. Run- kauwa u tk* Rarl Lyceum, thence office nf tha Municipal Clerk or ning (1) Northerly, along the »>d right at Permanent Rttfiitratlnn Rureiu, Mtmaaulh C*u»tv hurraiite'i Om«* wutwirdlwutkwirdly ttee th* * renur III* of BroaBroad ctt way line nt th* New York and Lima Cmirlhoose. ftaeholrl, New Jersey, hntrl, New Jeratv. at any time betv/ean M. Itrtettt . thanthan ** iouth Wnt.rly. atom tht ID, HIM and Thuraday. September Thursday. Sepltmhtr 27, ISS1, our M Boundaries of the Election Dlttrlcti Ing th* followitl hojrs: Dally 1:011 a. Ftbruar; 19. IBM, Itorl to present claims against astme, jDbn II witith th* eenttr lln* of Mon- Ban Hollow Bold, along tki boundary S7, 19.M. during tha following hours: Pursuant to the order nt Doraan Mr- Cl.ll A«tl*n (W»*r«). Met Order itrMt, tkenc* wMtwirdly iloni In the Rorouih of Niw Shrewsbury and lln* ol Election District No. 1, to th* Kail; D:iiu a. n. to 4:S0 p, m. Satur m. tn 4:10 a. a., Saturoayi, lunotp th. polling place In each district art •nd Holldiyi txeipttd, NOTICE OF APPLICATION Faddln. Surrogate nf the County nf Men- •f PtihU«*tl*a. tor Kit of Menaiouth itmt to <> Red HIM Rnarl, thence (HI Wwt.rlv and days, Sunildyi and Holidays eicepled. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: mouth, maile nn the twenty-fnurth dav Dolorej Mtratldtm, HalltlrT, ta. D*BJ|||* ...liea with th* cantor lln. of th* •• follow!: Southerly, along tk* Rrd Hill Road and On Thurnflay, Hcptember S7, 1951, On Thuraday. Repteabar J7, IIS I, n.EASE TAKG NOTICE, that the tin .if AugillJ 19.M, nn the application nr A. Rarntndei, Dattndtnt. • « rtid had of th* New Jeney Finl Eltctlea Dltlrlil ntong the boundary line between the tha reglatritlon booka will k* cloud tha ct^iMtrntiriu bnokn will bt ctid dersljinitl will apply In the MDnmnuth Helen f, Bi-rbium. Silc Eieeutris nf Ta DOMtNOO A. HIRNANORZl Sautharn nllraid. thence northwardly All that psrtlon of the Rorourh nf Township nf Mltlrllitown anrl the Town. until after the forlhcaming fiui until alter tha forthcoming Ilineral Ihe entale nf Jnieph A. Birrliaum. rt-. By virtue, et in orrler et tha Superlnr •lent tka «*nur ol tk* track, et thi Niw Shrewsbury, situate north of tht «hlt> of Bolfflrltl. to Swlmmlnr ftlveri Elt.-tlnn on Tnuamy, Novtnsbtr I, lltl County Court nn the :'l«t da; nf S*i< ceased, nntitf ii herehr given tn the Court If Ih. Stile ef New jmey madia Niw J*r*tr 8e«th.rn (allwad. to.the then-* (I) Eaittrly anil Southerly, along Elei-'ii.n nn Treirlni, November t, \fA. temher, 19.il, at. ten n'rlork in tha fnit- Central Railroad tricks, Nuti't ol chnni* of residence nr no* Nntic* e>f change nf rtsldtnee or in- nnon, nr ta soon thrrcafttr as eeunttl .'redltora nf said dtc-sierl tn exhibit tn an tki llth dty of Auguit, Ittl, in a ihor* *f til* Nsrth Sbrawikury river, Swimming River ami along tha Shrew*, pllratinn fnr trmsfer nf regiitntlo 1 th« luHsrriber 5ole K\ecutrii: It afnre. cau«e wkirtln Ralirai Hrrntndaa li thtaft wutlrnatftwrrlly mml northjitt. The uolllng nliM for Iht Klrat Pilee. hury or Navealnk River, u> tht point sr lillmtinn fnr trnnsfcr uf reiflstratinn 'tn ba htan), at th* Unurt Route i lion District in Ihe Rorniiih of Net ahn!l he mu'le e-ith-r by vt-rltten requeit ihall be mid* either by written reitur-e Freehold. Ntw .leniav, fnr an nrdtr laid their (i'bti and demands a««in" plalntl* and ynii ir< defendant, ysu ar« aardlp along the ihnr* of th. Nortk plat-a ef Rfginnlng. fnrnaidtd tr> Ih* Municipal cltrk or Ihi the said eotste. uml»r n».th. wi'HIn s<. hereby rMulred ta anawar lha romnlalnt !hr«w»bjry tlvtt to Ik* canter Una ba- Hhrewahury ia Iht Firthouit, Tinton lurwiirdlil tu the Municipal Clerk or the authnrlElns her tn ,i«iume tnothtr nam* Flllt, NDW Jenrr. Th* palling plar, fur th* Fifth Klac< t'nunty Bnard nf Electii.ns pn form: month* finm I hi |hglnilni of MonmnuLg it a hpoin atreat whir*t It Inl.riKt*tkt canto*r MARflRETTA L HrJKH. line nf F.lecllnn M.trlct No, Si thence Red Ra'ik. V. i, running U! Smitharly, airing tha bouml- Towmhip Clark. Borough Clirk. Rtd Rank, Ne

STOM AJU-CONttTIONID FOft YOUR COMfOM. Thursday, Friday, Saturday


«of)?«* of FrmuM by Petiei, Fatk, ftttmain, Piywt . , .. all i* iitei jor the nurture figure! nOO,66o Collection of Fabulous New Carolyn Furs

up to LdKJ/O

Significant 1951 fur fnhiom ... wry cn» • disKn

light of this tpteitl collection! During this thre«-diy

you'll h«v« th« opportunity to choose among glorious fun

crested for tht leading stores in the country. Many are eopitl

cf fortfost Paris originals. , . man/ art dyed in A* breath-

••king pattel tones of the yeart Whether you h«ve $200 or

$2,000 for the coat of your dreams, our wperr furriers will help

yo'u select a coet to fit your needs, your taste and your budget! 17.98 EXTRA SALESPEOPLE! EXPERT fVRtOMBM TO HBI# fOVt ••low:

From the ateliers of France's f6r«. most designers, we bring you the AND STOLES artfully planned lines of Paris ori-

ginals at a truly American price! New effecls, side-swept LUXURIOUS FUR COATS aUrtlnf at *169 drapery, hand-sewn beading,

unique necklines and slenderizing Varikera-kack MiHkntt blended In atartlni at \ ... all lending new flatter/ Wild Mink, Sable and Labrador to a woman's wardrobe. You'll ahades! 299 AaMrleaa SreadtaU (piwMaeed UMk» find sizes W/2 to 24'/2 and 38 lo 44 in the collection. See it today, Northern tUnlc Muikrat blended etartlnc at in Breath of Spring, Moonjlow and won't you? 1/ you buy nmt>... •ilverblue. •289 you laratt wletly and eonfldtntly In quality and enduring faihlon . . , An4 with out Buverette (dyed co«ejr) Layawiy Plan «r Bud«t Paymtat Plan, Beallne (dyed coney) •119 o »17« you may choose your eoat now, and fay Top photo: Mouton Lamh (or it gradually. 1 BalmaltTi "I.a CahaM' . . , otto- Balmain's "Trocadero" . , , pale man suit with velvet touches out- •atin revers frosted with jewels. Hack Fcntai Paw lined in jet. 14U i0 24'i. 1114 to 21 Vi. Orey Penlan Paw TO Natural Orey Kldakln

Black Persian Umb *399 TO »899 JACKETS

startlnj at Sheared Raccoon TO M69

Muekret Sheared Canadian Beaver Squirrel Raccoon Orey rerslan Lamb »549 o American Broadtail (processed Lamb) nudtoit Seal •679 SCARFS Seal '899

starting- per skla Alaska Seal '1099 TO '2230 • »21 XoUnsky Stone Marten M«nt|iariiiiKM! , , , two jiictc wonl 1 "Liru" . . , jacket FABULOUS NATURAL Hudson Bay dress with beaded collar. 34 -. to with yoke shimmering with bead Sable H't. RANCH MINKS •1750 TO O730 loops. 38 to U, Baum Marten Russian Sana

Shop Daily From 9:30 >Til 5:30-Rcd Bank Store Open Friday Til 9; Asbury Park Store Open Wednesday ^fil 9 7 Gents RED BANK REGISTER Ml cow VOLUME LXXIV, NO. 10. BED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1951 SECTION TWO—PAGES 1 TO 12. SehmdBmmdtaUeU PBA Has 37th Annual Ball at Moll* Bell Employeea to Vole Tiuton School Jf*M Meeting Tamight Battle Ended! At llfilmdri ami Deal Herden Offered I** beard •» sdajraXii* w« iSpecial to The Regiatevi Opens New Wing Lone Oak Map Xr:w IORH—rhc IsjtomatlMWl $1H Compromise .W*-i»ti«B of Machinist* aad • a'ctecfc toM M Kurt As Year Begins Gets Approval taii< f umniujihatioa Worker* of On Old Vouchers g Am»r.<», < IO, vta »k. la an •(MM awatiagi SStmctere Another Wrangle i-lirtion ordered by the National Exni|itnsat. ttNTON rAUA-MectlBf la tkt M Or. M. OMfg •KREWftBURY - This bor- SHREWSBURY;—A "peace offer* a*w board r*e*» *f the Tlate* oaewntatag prtorlpal, el ough, long-winded legal battle Trrhniral sad inerhMlral work- Ing" of 1100 -*a« offered Otto Her» rilU school, the Shrewsbury town- larte and wW aaewrr with Lone Oik, incorporated, ap- en at th*' two (daiiU, aa well den, retired police chief, at' Tuee» •his boar* of education ea TIMS- pears to have reached a happy end- as in ntbrr plant* In New 4ri- day night's council meeting". It rep» 4ay night dieeuoe** detail* *f tht •• tk* prajret. ing. This was evidenced Tuesday resents a rompromise payment for aew selioel r«»r that of»a*d yes- Bight when borough council author- •«•>• and this ril.v, will raatf n*l- the 1203.7« Mr Herden claims i* terday. ised the mayor and borough clerk tat* today at tae tarlntw l«a- due him for p'TioJ* airetcmng from Through the *v*aing, while the Elected State to sign a plot plan submitted by Moiie. 192* to 13I«. awetlag wtat *a, wark Mill wu Mri. rie-ence Forgotson Adams, Mr. Herden. will notify Borough Mac ama ta prepare to receive Ttun reeuttt ml the HMMCMI trUI Red Bank attorney, who ie presi- h* aswnuiired h»m later toy tae Attorney Leon Reu»?ille "in five childrea la tha MW classrarau •• dent of the corporation. days" if he is willing to accept the President of National Labor IVIallons board. •scaiag day. Deere *M Maek- Tha property—the former J. settlement. The ex-chief was ad- b*ard» were yet to b* Installed Wright Brown estate on the south- A tnaiortty I* nertmauy t« win. vised that acceptance v»iil bt a Tha board was very impressed Luther League west side of Sycamore ave.—has final settlement and that he would with tha advaaUgee •* tht aew been the subject of much court forfeit any future claim* of like bulMlag. which h«d be«B finance* n turc throitf h tha sale of |M»,«M worth Red Bawk Young HM, room procedures and numerous Mayar KaMMrin* HM Wfcif* cdMfjrafybtoi farraema* imarMA Widiami, president of tko da*) council and planning board meet- Methodist Home The vote to offtr the UOfl was a •( bM4s. Fainted la a ao(t •hade tank kc«l af Kw Mnlmt'i lamvatawt «tM The permit waa denied on the justment. The first request was in the sum of $l,C00 and dated Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm E. Mlnton mitted, Mr. Herden laid, whil* loading ta Ita basement and nret plied by the cwners. Easements for bull that such structures are made by the previous owner of the •oar. la the baaement of tha eld- July 2, waa csshrd July 6 at the and Mrs. Kay Boyd. Mayor Alfred N. Beadleston ae* such drainage have been submitted prohibited in a residential aone, in property, Daniel Frank, who built knowledges that some had been re- •r structure, alterations are being and are being held in escrow by which the Landau property is lo- a two-family house contrary to bank. The address at the dedication of eoMBleted U aalarg* tha cafeterlt 'Methodism's Magnificent Achieve- jected by previous councils. On* ••rough Attorney Leon Reusalll*. eated. The telephone company is toning regulations,- and asked for The second check, also made out bill was fur 136.28 for salary from •ad eeavert tha roam formerly Mr*. Adams and her husband, appealing Mr. Simpson's decision a variance for the two-family house to Tii°ivKi» JJoyd but this time in ment" will be delivered in the UMd at • principal's office lat* • Ocean Grove auditorium, by Bishop Mar. 24 to Mar. », 1111. Other* Col. John E. Adam*, attended the to the township aolting board of after the construction job had nnimint. nf $1,7*0, was cashed were for overtime work in January1 kitchen. meeting but arrived after council adjustment and la asking for a been completed. The application July 13. The final cherk, dated W. Earl Ledden of the Syracuse area, who during his early min- and February, IMS. amounting ta Tha board voted to subsidise had acted upon th* map. variance. was denied. July 25, wa» nvule out to a Joe W2.5O. An |M voucher wa* for •art M expense of operating the After approval, Councilman Wil- . The adjustment board haa set Mr. Landau purchased the prop- Francis In the amount of $1,009. isterial career served among oth- cafeteria If It Is necessary, to off- Each time the man cashed a er churches, Goodwill Methodist, accumulated work" en Halloween liam D. Layton asked why th* •aturdty, Sept. IS, at 10 a. m. for erty from Mr. Frank, and about a Riimson, and the Belinar church. from 1K» to 1943. The final I3S Mt any lossas between Income same procedure could not have a hearing on the matter at the year later applied for a variance chcrk he went, to Mrs. Nina L was for extra time on duty in 1*41 (ram lunch sales and the expanse been effected In the Ray H. Still- Mlddletown township hall. lor a two-family house, which we* Oakerson, teller. Following the meeting at 2 o'clock •f providing some studsntt with and tha address, representatives when tha tn-chicf said he should man property. The mayor answered The company ha* an option on also denied. Polii'H Sitltl tlie description Of of many ehurchee will gather at havt been on an eight-hour day. free lunches. It alsa waa agreed that Mr. Stlllmati'a development the man given by Mrs. Oakerson that three salaried employee! a JOOxSOO-foot plot for the pro- The board of adjustment ha* th* the horn* where Bishop Ledden At the outset, Mayor Beadletto*: map had been submitted to coun- posed structure on the rear north- power to deny a variance applica- tallied witli that given by Mr. Ly-will dedicate the new building. said council had three possible ao> would handle the cafeteria pro- cil before the planning board had east corner of the Landau farm. tion, but not ta grant. If tht board man In February, 19*0, after a gram. The new home, whlth carte for tioat t» take on the vouchers—pay There are M Luther league* In been crested, The plot i* 600 feet back from decides In favor of the telephone man tried to cash a check for them, reject them or compromise Mrs. R. C. Hallett, chairman of Newman Springs rd. company it will recom*o*»d to tht W.000. That check also had the 260 residents, opened Its doors In the state, with a total membership Declaring that the Lone Oak November of 194*. The modern five. them. He said that Mr. Htrdtn had the .board's eafatarta committee, Of Ml leaguers, the hlgheit ever map complies "in every respect to The proposed building will be township committee tkat a var. atme of Mr. I.ovttt forged to It. told him he would «ue th* bursugH Mid no one had yet accepted ehilr- 35x10 feet, and the antenna wilt be lance be granted and a, building At that time, the man went to stoiy eolunlHi briek structure wae if the voucheis are not paid. •namhlp of tht cafeteria commit* recorded for tti« N»w Jersey Lu our toning law and planning board envisioned 15 years ago by tha ther league. It shall be tbe respon- regulations," the mayor compli- l«'i ;eet high, with a J?xtt-foot permit issued. Mr. Lyman I HI in* Mm Mr. Lov tee of Ike Tlnto* rails Parent- •tt had given him th* check in board of trustees, when tha cam- •eUld'e Olive Teacbar auoctaUoa^ It- w« daeld- sibility of President Jacobeen to mented the planning board far Its paign waa launched. Construction, In answer to questions, Mr, "many, many houra* of work on payment for trees. He gave hi ad ta pravtll upon Mr*. Lastar B. Co-ordinate the programs of these name as Vincent Rutso and hie which wu delayed by the war sill* said that all th* bills "ar* Rigor to conduct the program various leagues of young people ia tk* eu*. address as 44 Jamaica ave., Brook post-war ahortagas, aUrted In 1MT. lawed" but that council eould tag again this year and to bond her tha state. Map O. K. Irwin's Yacht Works Purchases lyn. Mr. Lyman refused to cash The Methodist ritual prohibit! d«d "waive the sututa of limitation** The young man la a atudent at Ication of ehureh projeeta until •s tha person responsible for hand- In other toning matter*, council tha check saying he would have If It tilt they ahould be paid* In ling tht cafeteria money. Wagner Memorial Lutheran college, to get In touch with Mr. Lovett. clear of debt, which wu accom- discussing the bills, the meyor *al4 Statea Island, where ha Is studying approved a map submitted by Mr. Marine Works From Hans Wulf plished this year by tpecial eom- Bom* criticism was made that and Mrs. Charlet T. Bruno for the According to police, Mr, Lovet U.?r* I* na doubt but that th* tlma tut yaar eifeterla fund* had pass- for admisston to the Lutheran The* snld he had never made out a mlttees within th* New Jersey and wss put in. He added, though, that •logical seminary at Philadelphia, development off 81m lane, south of Irwln'* Techt works, Wharf ave., Newark Methodist Conferences, ed through two ar threa persons Sycamore ave. Anthony J, Piccola, check to any such person. there It no doubt but that they w«ta before being banked. It was said from whence he plane to euter the Correction in ha* purchased tha Red Bank Ma- sponsors of the home/ rejected for good muni by •the* Lutheran ministry. H* will be a Eatontown contractor, already has rine works, West Front at., from Police and members of the Fed' A contribution and pledg* goal that under law tha money must started, work on the tract which is eral Bureau of Investigation In- councils. L*ter in the dlicut*l*a« •ophomore this-year. Fred wat-an Umd Editorial Hana Wulf, according to an an- of 115,000 has been set up for th* Mr. Herden read from hi* note* be » bonded - person's" responsibil- expected to contain tf house* when nouncement made yesterday by vestigated the name and address ity. Mn. Hallett called the cafe- •nicer of his class, serving as sec- given and found both to be false. dedication by th* trustee* of the concerning a meeting at which tha retary. He Is a graduate of Red computed. A circular drive In the Tip*? ffsfifMwtf h*M fea%f*M4 Freeholder Joseph C. Irwln of the home. This sum will be used for teria program a *ll0,00ft«.year development will connect with Elm Mr. Lyman and Mrs. Oakerson council had voted 2-2 on one af tha business" were present to hear,council ac- atk^a, •• H S^M^B^KSW *)dh H aaf ^K^SS SBB^K SA kW SSb^hls\^B^BL^ age on the Navesink river and is years of age. He was also des- block grounds, creating and; turn- IS silar/ Increases tor cafeteria •• State Life Service secretary. As cribed as being well spoken, eil member* to vote for the ItOt employee* and noted that these a member of the Red Bank church cept East End ave., Crest dr.. and slow wwrsi inr HK* SHHIH IJUIILV* 270 feet deep. It has a large build- Uhlng additional Infirmary facili- •aca at the deeeel-door neeatlvo Ing with modern facilities for boat Police said the person who cash- ties and the purohaaa of shelving*, compromise, all but Mr. Layto* would tout about HOW for the be was a member of th* choir, Court dr., in their development on agreed with Mr. Sen lid's declare* school year. served a* the local league president the northeast aMe of Sycamore ave. Meeting af the Red Bank Mayer storage, repair and construction. ed the checks was well lnrormed lockers and memorial plaques. Easements were also submitted by a*d coiwetl Moaday night Mr. Irwln told Tbe Register his as to the activities of Lovctt's tion. At on* point, Mr. Schild Mki Upon word from Oeorga C. Ma*•ad later was elected to tha presi- nursery mi of Ml. Lovett, Rev. Dr. J. Eda-ar Wanhahiugh he didn't lik* to •*» a man -wha dency of the Shore district league, the Swarttels to permit drainage He announced at the ciceatlv* Arm It only going to utilise the «f the Methodist Publishing House, lone, principal, that tha service through their property and Into a session that he wa* In faver ot storage and repair facilities at New Tork, ii chairman of tha dedi- aerved th* borough for JS'i year*) had been exceptionally valuable One of his first acts ai state preei- present. leave "with a bad taste in hia teat year, tha board voted to pay dent was to ask the local church brook owned by the Pennsylvania and waa g*ing to bring Mm ««*•• cation committee. mouth." He said th* ex-chief b*4 psator, Rev. Harold Hornberger, to and Central Railroad companies. Men ap at the open coaaell matt- Other member* of th* Arm, 1110 a* IU share of the cost of which was started *4 years ago, betn "a little Indiscreet" In the paai operating tha library of the Mon-aerve a* paatoral advisor to th* Council alto ordered three Are hy- ing. Sean* member* of the CSMBV To Open Shop and had brought "unfavorable pub. atate executive committee. On this drants, six lights and three street HI dUewsed the ejacetle* briefly ara Captain Charles P. Irwin, mouth County Visual-Audio aids founder, and hit other two sons, Township Cives lieity to the borough." The counclk eommlsilon. Tha library distrib- committee he will be assisted by signs for the area. The entire ac- In ciceattvo union, bat no voto man added that, effective Sept. 1, ha •s Luelle Tyson of the Atone- tion brings to an and a subject waa taken. Edwin W. and Charles. The Arm At Fair Haven utes educational films and other is one of the largeat of Its kind in would Ilk* to set "the affairs of our facilities to member schools In tha snt Lutheran church, Asbury which haa been discussed at many Th* Register reporter at Mon- FAIR HAVEN-The Nnn C. Jon council meetings. Reaidents of the Monmouth county. Road Contract police department kept out of tha county. Park, who will serve ta Life Serv- day night'* open meeting aader- shop at 588 River rd., located In MIDDLETOWN — A contract newspapers." ice secretary. area at one time wera "up in arms" atoed Mayor Katharine Mima Tht building juat purchased by the borough's new shopping cen- To aatlat J. A. Koutney. school because of the lack of Ore protec- tha Irwint was built by the late for resurfacing part of the Middle- Councilman John Hawkins, DavH janitor. It was voted to hire un- The theme of the convention was WhHe and one ef the coandbnen ter, will be open for inspection by W. Russell and Harry T. Sickle* tion, lights and proper drainage. At t* aay that the question waa not Jacob B. Rue, and later told to town-Llncroft toad was awarded to der contract Jamee Scott at WOO "Lead On, O King Eternal," devel- Pierre A. Proal, who operated the the public next Wednesday at 2 Charles J. Hesse, Inc., Beiford, agreed to "go along" with Mr. oped under the headings of "The one such meeting, Mayor Beadle- brought ap In the executive ee»- p. m. following the ribbon cutting for th* currant year. It was ex- ston asked for their patience. His Red Bank Yacht works. The larg- Tuesday by tht township commit- Schild'* recommendation. Mr. Rus» plained that the Janitorial duties Day of March Hat Come," led by •lon. These star chamber seeelons est yacht built there by Mr. Pros] by Mayor Edgar V. Denise. teo for $2,807.80. The section to be sell stated, however, that he did not wit! be much heavier (his year Hon. James *". Hemmlngcr, Judge advice and their patience appar- are held regularly prior to the ently paid off. was for the late William W. The shop, featuring woman'e resurfaced ia from the New York think Mr. H«rden "used good judg* with the new wing to keep clean. of the Court of Common Pless, e* •pen council meetlnga, and are Vsughtn of Navesink River rd. , will be operated by Mrs. m«nt" tn ht> presentation and that doted to the public and reporters. * I'-. Layton have Special Office* new building be curbed and that also addressed by Rev. Leslie Con- Scott regarding an accident last quests for fnll and winter orders John W. Parker enforce the regu- rad, Jr., executive secretary of the len waa present, After Mr. Lay- they decided to move to Fair Ha- Iran, township engineer. The curve a ten-foot wida sidewalk be In- ton's remarks, the mayor asked Mr. RUMSON-The third annual Thursday in the State of Washing is being widened from 20 feet to 40 lations. Mr. Layton facetiously raw stalled reaching from Tlnton ave. Luther League of America. 8even ton, in which he, Mra. Scott, his ven where they would have new marked that he didn't care to sine* members of the local Luther league Allen If the drainage Is satisfactory. antique show under the personal and lamer quarters. feet In order to reduce the sharp- to the back of the building was direction of Frank Frisda k Son, brother and alater-ln-law were In noM, Mr. Finnegan said. "it cost us 1100 to get rid of oaa accepted. Tha board Is advertising accompanied the pastor to the con- Mr. Allen answered: "I think it's policeman." satisfactory." Mr. Layton counter- to be held at Red Men's hall, jured. Although the new shop win be The committee laid over until its tor bids to be received next Thurs- vention. In addition to Fred Jacob- En route to visit his niece Gloria, npen for Inspection next Wednes- day, one offer already made for n, they were Collie Soden, Ste ed: "That's not a good answer. Church st., will open tomorrow next meeting a request from the All police problems are not at as and will continue through Satur- the car, driven by Mr. Scotts day It will not. be open for busi- New York-KeaMburg-Long Branch end, apparently. With the gram* tha Job came to ll.lM. phen and Emllte Ruilcka, Robert You're tha engineer, you should be ness until nrxt Thursday morn- able to say 'yes' or 'no'." At one day, Monday and Tuesday of next brother Benjamin, waa struck Bus company for permission to mar school instituting double sis. Because of th* expected pressure tollman, Fred Page, Jr. and week. The show opens dally at 1 head-on by a truck. It happened inir. It will feature complete lines slons for tht third grade this year, Charles Lamberson. point, Mr. Curley attempted to ex- of , jackets, shirts, slacks, make local stops with ten buses a et new registrations and other ac- plain the drain but Mr. Layton p. m. and will continue until 10 about UO miles from Seattle. The day between Kear.sburg and Long Mr. Layton reported that the poiie* tivities accompanying tha opening o'clock every evening. district clerk suffered a four-inch sport elothns. bngs, jewelry, stock- ffleer will have to be at the tehoal waved him down. The streets ac- lncs and . Branch. The company now ha* bus- of school, Mr, Msione was given The two previous shows conduct- gash acroa* hi* forehead and two es running between New Tork tad for a doten crossing*, leaving him tha right to decide If today and Plan Dedication cepted, however, council voted to broken ribs. His wife suffered a Install two lire hydrants and three ed by Mr. Frlacla were both very Mrs. Rau was formerly associ- shore points, hut may not pick tip lesa than three hours a day tor r**> tomerrow shoutd be halt-days of RUMSON—A stained (lass win- successful and attracted many to broken rib and a aeverely bruised ated with the J. J. Newberry com- ultr police work. school. daw portraying "Christ Knocking light* on them. face. Benjamin Scott has a dislo- passengers in Kennshurg to be dis- the unusual collection of antiques pany of Fifth ave., New York. eh. Ted at points Mayor Besdleiton said he realised] at the Door" to be placed in the Mayor Bendltston said that the cated right hip and a broken pel' between there Rumaon Presbyterian church in and other assorted curios. Mrs. Strorlicl Is n formcf radio and Long Branch. the seriousness of conditions, but To Attend Public borough engineer had advised him In addition to the personal show- vis. Ills wlff: suffered a broken and recording nrtlat. having; done that the police committee should mempry of Mrs. Mary C. Colby, of a possible method of repairing tooth, tn addition, everyone In the work for Warner brothers, Lnews widow of Dr. Wlllium Calvin Col- ing by the, management, others car has minor cuts, bruises and Named Commandant atudy the matter further in *n at* Farewell in Newarl: by, former pastor of the church, Patterson ave., which all members tnking space at the exhibition are nnrt the Skuurns theaters In New tempt to see what can be done. Tha in agreed is In "very bad condi- the Opportunity Shop of Kcyport, abrasions. An Indian in the truck Jersey. For Signal School mayor said that while the school Cadet Barbara Kuhl of the Red Is nearlng completion in the stu- tion," The mayor said there are a suffered a broken neck. Bank Salvation Army Corps, with dios of A. L. Brink of New York Karl Waters of Huzlct, Richard J. FORT MONMOUTH - Named as board no doubt worked out the beet "tremendous amount of washouts" Dodger af Cheny Tree farm, Mtd- The ScotU hope to br able to the new commandant for the Sig- solution, it "certninly left us with) other candidates of the Northern city, well known itnincd glass return here next week. They pres- MitldlctoHi. VIW Fair New Jersey division, will be at artisan. and that Camp Wood traffic has dletown, East House of Bclford, nal School, Col. Reginald P. Lyman an Impossible police condition." been using the street as a shortcut the Ocni Shoppe of Long Branch, ently are at M2 West 60th st, haa assumed duties at Signal Cen- tending a public farewell Monday Rev. Mr. Colby served as pas- to highway 38. The only remedy, ha Thomas L, Armstrong of Long Seattle. Closed on Labor Day Mayor Attacks -Rumors' night st the Salvation Army cita- tor of the church from 1D30 until ter, succeeding Col. Harrod O. Mil- Regarding the appointment af a> del. Newark, said, Is to rip up the street and re- Branch, E M. Gilbert of Highland The sixth minimi fair of Middle- ler. A native of Rutland. Vt.. Col. 1900. The window ia being donated grade it. The added drainage onto Park, Antique House, Buffem, N. Netlce new police officer through Poll** Brie. Arthur a, Woodruff, divi- by friends of Mrs. Colby, f will not be responilble for any debts town post 2170. Veterans of For- Lyman was Signal officer for Third the street, he cautioned, may re- Y., Mac L. Brown of Old Bridge, eign Wars, was held over until La- Benevolent association examine* sional commander, will be In This will be the 15th window In Marlon Thomas of South Amboy, other thin Incurred by myself. Army prior to appointment at Fort tlons, council authorized the pay* charge of the farewell service to the valuable collection of nrtlstle quire curbing at some future data. Fred Rotten, bor day due to tlio rnln storm Sat. Monmoutii and previously activated The rmyor xald the borough ha* James Webb of Plainfleld nnrl the Keamburt Ston« Itoad. urday. ment of $70 for the work. Tha th* cadets who next Wednesday memorial glass presently a part Four Century Shop ot New York —A4v»tl>*m«nt. • he Stgnal Corps Training Center mayor said that clearances hava will be entering the Hnlvatlon Applied for additional "dirt road" TIIP main nri-ir « li'jl Dnrlsjp ?r. at Camp Gordon. Ga. Col. Lyman'* of the church structure. It will be funds from the state, but that It la city, been rei-cived from the F B.I. anf Army Training college for officers the eighth window In the collection Mtunttln Hill Nursery fttketl dan. vas won b/ .lir.ic;, HalllgHn predecessor, whil headed the Signal the «t;itc rolic» on the two applb at University Heights, the Bronx. unlikely the request will be granted Statf accrfdlud: Chapel Hill, Middle of 37 Second it., Rumson. The sec Corps' largest training center for designed and executed by Mr. town tnwmhlp. Charlotte Olien, direc- etnts — RaynioiH Moss and Robert MtJ. Henry A. Drlea has been Brink. unless the federal government cer- Comlnf Events ondary award of a Oprman shep- almost thrtc years, leaves to be- tifies the population Increase re- Try in id or a uriu of mil In Th* tor. Phone AT 1-OOH,—Advertlncmrnt. Relss—but that the PBA date set requested to present Cadet Kuhl Dedicatory services ta which the IUICI'A!) of yuLjr rlambakp, fnlr, cako in!t, herd puppy went to Charles Mack come a member of weapon* systems for the exam wa* unsatisfactory at the farewell gathering and to public will be Invited will be *n- corded In the '50 census, He said, auction or reunion, Aik for ClmlfiM Kit* Ceil of Liberty Bt., Midtllotown. Alfred evaluation group In the offlce of Tht association specified tonight *| tell of her loyalty to the Red however, that Mr, Allen's int.* tn MiU your purttnE* uml Iniurt thft Shot In contort In our nriHidHlonli P. Lench and Edward Duva were the Secretary of Dcftnse, Washing' nounctit upon the completion at ftfffi»tci-'ft npw HHKtiflr.cl rotuun at S •tori, Sherirmit'i, 41 irosd it., KM Bank corps. the Installation ol th* window, .(Continued on Page 10) st M ••Oon-.A«vj«lt««nt. Hsak.—AiveiUl*B)wl, co-chairmen. ton. (Coatidutd ea Pag* Mi. $, \m Graduate Plan*

To Open Studio ENTIRE STORE AIR-CONDITIONED FORT MONMOirm-Rudolph It Quarfcerbuah, con of Mi. •«« FOR YOUR SHOPPING COMFORT! lira. ChirlH A. Qu«ck*ii*>urt, Me Mala a*., m freauatea la*t from New Tork Institute of Pho- BACH tography, •!)« pl«"« »«*• ?S t>ptu feia own etudla here. A Ntw World of Fashion.«• yours to explore at Steinbach's!

A feeling for the dramatic... From our Budget Mezzanine! eloquently expressed in new fall suits Budget Priced

Upon presentation t» Mr. Quack enbuah of the NT I. certlfteete of graduation. Prealdent BaaiuM T. Falk commended him upon Mi tae Fall Dresses record aa a atudant "Tha ejualilty of your work aa a atudent Here," •aid President Fala;. "Indicates that yen ponees a hifh degree of erefte- •nanihip which ! am certain will eMtirei you nf sueceei In your prs- •.. HHIIIM dmiitnn in rayon feaaloti.' While at the Iniiltule Mr, Qtieefc rri'iH' or wihnnlinr ,.. rettt ankick received speclallfrd train- ing in all aapeelt of commercial "wardrobe fiinW" for cut* portrait and natural color photog- raphy, with particular emphaaie tint ami drew tiemr, at •pen pertrait photography. pricet! Uacroft Albert Boylan, marMniet mate, ftatlsned at Philadelphia, ipeat (ha week-end with twa paranU, Mr. •lid Mri. Edward Boylan. Oail Anable, dauihtar ef Mra. Sketched: Slna Anable, la a •urglrel petleat Rayon rrepr, touched wKk calort •t Pateraan General hospital. Snllly falling and stitched Mr. and Mra. rred Owena ana bodice; :'i lrnglh sleeves. Brown Mr, and Mm. Harold Perry and or chnrcoal grey »'llh apricot faille datwhtera Donna-Lee and Oall of si coll.ir ^nd pra-ket . . „ black with Jllvir Plaia attended tha nth wet- jiuwder blue. 14 to 20. dint annivenary of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Woodward Sunday at IO.fl JMver Plata. i Tha Community church will re- rVom s eoliect'on ef ei«qu?stf». eum* Sunday-eehool Mrvleea Sun- Photo: day at 10 a. m, and ehureh aer- eu?H, wa ikatch only two. raprtttnV vlcea at Jt. The title of Stanley Gabardine •port drm* with packet StllweU'a aermon la "Believe , In crest! Fly-front styling with Iln- I fhs iflimirabb flair far fashion •*• Teuraelf." per closing from hemline to collar, An' autumn ham dance will he Sparkling emblem on pocket. for.which Lilli Ann it famouk given at the ehureh hall Sept. 8 Green, tan, wine, navy or charcoal from • to 12 p. m. Tha muile Hicy. Sizes 10 to 20 and H'a to TKs forgeou* fabrics touched with lavish ae* will be furnished by Stanley Mela- 2i'i in tho group, toah and hla thrae-pitca orchestra Ml , e • th« "hand-carved" cut and fit., « ef Little Silver. Harold Cook and Paul Kennedy cuiromonnexbody and lined skirt-,,. the brfl» ttavt returned from Pine Camp, J». X, where they were with the lienf dttiqn artiitry that is evident in every data* National Guard for twe weeke. Mr. and Mra. Nicholas Terraneve •tteir to ths sr««Kv« ability ef Lilli Ann. •ad Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dl batt- reatls ef Brooklyn apent laat Tuesday with Mr. an! Mrs. Char- BUDGET SHOP, Mezzanine Ma Landau. Mil Urii Jack Flood and Jasm Marrieen Weat •akaraiaa ae> Black attsaaa will ef Brempton, Ontario, Canada, rls- Ita cellar aad tulle Ited Mr. and Mra. Robert fleet aleevei taeed »»• ever the week-end. ajoH-inltid ailk l«« Mr. and Mra. Roland Beekhew IMaak HletoK alia, and aon are vUltlng for two weeks MM. with Mr. and Mri. William Back- haul a>t St. Louis, Me. ••.ft Ltille Merrill ef Boulder, Col, epetit the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, E. Douglas Brandt NOW! Mr. and Mrs. Lee Miller end family apent Monday and Tueiday with relatives at Stroudabure;, Pa. Corporal James Volk of Camp te Jeune, 8. C, end Mra. James A New Low Price! Valk nf Mutawan spent the week- V snd with Mr. aad Mri. Walter Volk. Evelyn Saehie, daughter of Mr, and Mri. Milton Sachae, celebrat- You will discover.. ed her fourth birthday Saturday. Thoie attending were Mrs. George 51 gauge, 30 denier Sachse and Jamea Sachse of Mor- riitown and Mr. and Mrs. Oeergc Boyea ef Freehold. Mr. and Mri. Frank Studor and Separates in a Velvet* Mood daughter Jean have returned to Berkshire Nylon Hose Syracuse, N. T., efter-visiting for a few deya with Mr. and Mrs. E. Douglas Brandt. Mr, and Mra. Edward Field* vis- ited last week with Mrs. R. E. Your favorite Henderahot at Meadvllle, Pa. They pair alao visited at Lake Erie. buiineu ihecrs! 135 Mr. and Mn. George Stlrnweiis •.. elegant t'will-fe'aclc velveteen In a collection of glamor sep- and children are moving to Cleve- land, O. Mr. and Mr*. Charlea Toop and arates for college, informal entertaining, dates, end yes, . , • children Billy, Sutanne and Ann, Only a little while ago, you were paying 1,50 a pair far Mr. and Mra. Francia Laubmtlstcr oven for business! Choose your velvet* wardrobe h rich black- and daughter Evelyn, Mr. and Mri. •hese marvelous Berkshire nylon-.! For Berkshire dovotues Edward Fields, Mr. and Mra. Har- spiced with the newest high-fashion colors! ry Seylaz and daughter Claire, Ju- llua Stamina; and Sargennt and • • • this Is a practical windfall! New low prices on rhe Mrs. Arthur" Kurrasch spent Mon- day on a surf fishing trip. ! that wear and wear.., always look wonderfui! New fall colors to complement all your fall-winter cos- Kivcr Photo: Stephen Hanley, ion of Mr. and tumes! Beige, Taupe or Blend. 8'/2 to II. DRESS: Weer it with a for HIS. James Hanley of Hubbard ave., celebrated his seventh birth- class or office; without a blouse for dates. day laat Wednesday with a party. Jewelled accents at neckline; graceful flared Hl» truest* were Bob and Renec Msiko. Ricky Gill, Walter Treacy, ikirt. 12 to 18. Bob and Sally Shenk of thla place ' OTHER FAVORITE WEIGHT BERKSHIRES and Biff and Jeff Xlngdon and 22.98 Ricky and Virginia Beck of Fair AT PROPORTIONATE LOW PRICES! Haven. Mr. and Mrs. John Kelly, former- ly of Newark, have moved Into their now home at 20 Poater at. Par right: Wlnlleld Rumsey, ton of Mr. and Mm. Winfk'ld Rumsey of Hubbard u JACKETt % bolero sleeve. Black, gold or •vi-., leturned Saturday from a two- ChMren's Bonnie Doon" month stay at Miami Beach with rod. 12 to 18. nla grandmother, Mrs, Joseph Field. Mrt. Runicey returned earlier from i4.so ;• Florida after a month'a visit with Anklets for School her mother. SLIM SKIRT: Blaclc only. 12 to 18. \: Mr and Mr*. Marshall McDowell •f Carpenter at. returned Saturday Fine mercerized cotton drklo :c:k: f;r 10.98 with their ton Pouglat from H two- •he school crowd in ail the'r fjv;',:e week vaiatlon nt Laconia, N, H. Mi and MI-F. William Olaen and eolors. Navy, green, biowp, red, whi-e aon Mirkey moved Into their new 39c home on Alexander dr. Saturday or pastels. Sizes 6 to II. 'velveteen from Drummond ave., Red Bank. Chrli. DeFilipo of Front at. an- SECTION, Street Floor terlalnt-cl n group of nelchborhood youiifrtiMs Labor Day night at tha Xransbui-g amusemvnt park. They «CIY urni- and Marvin Qramman, f Art Kaney, K»«ny Nteon, Paul Fo« Shop daily from 9:30 'til 5:30—-Red Bank store open Friday til 9; Asbury Park store open Wednesday 'til 9 and Donny and Billy Flordland. WISP JAJTH Tbrt* vnifOM raotj QOTEMC Mayor Offfeiatef at Charm Fathiom Opening •inttr* M»ry Lc* ul Miry Thr Kllwl Mount JMitzar $rt*m\ of lUn* inn MONEY LOANED Franco of Quebec tteat l*tt week . *• JetMlry. •*)»*». Mwlrii Uttnaaeettj -" with Sitter Miry [*•'« parent!, IIT rmmrmtr AVKME, *H» ntMi TM BK *>?r f Ca—eeae, geaecaiara, etc. Mr. «n4 Mr.. Htrnta P. L*~ Ol*»«*« for chtl4r«n from 1he aae of a:x years in ail Kpps brecquc, of New MoBMoutk. dancinfT' Ballroom classes for trcn-ager». Evening <•!««« for !>u = *«•• Jpirla and women. Fall classeR start firj»trmhrr 17th. New York raakt it tht worid* Broadway Loan Co. .rgert colfe« importing tf«t»r.



our letter Nylom! Quick ftliet ttr c«)4 gt^^^^^BA if ^^aWtltftlgaaB. HtVa^tl ^gWktatVli AtaVtW tMBgfgfttlVgtj *% 4V 4ggtft ggattAgMgaafl VVIg*1*%W g*w ^kgaigj| VfgtftgVlgfttSA HaTftA RgiSatfl Jmty iNr* «4 U IrMtJ •». LwUftf w, bn «• r^bts M.yec M UitmM •! Otai Mn. IM S. !•§ 1.4t VgajflTrWg1tMtjb__V VH__VJ HHPPMI1^^-L—^J i •^WWtW^^^—^^W^ f#^™J ^IktIWB W^P1*^BJ*J*ajMgi^uli'J pl fjTBB^paaf/vag^Ajg>gg*j Ag^gggtww^r^tk jtftggW*W) aTtM^ggfgg**w™w¥*»ji M» • > CeMktjajf•••• f **JaWf | ^*»7*j»piW*JiiggaVtts2g|ggggW4 »JgggW? Agag«"•i » LIGGETT JR. Spuntti i Clmnhtt «f CtMtMTM. Mr. •**] Mra. Cfifrwi «r« ratidmf l.Ji S AIR-WICK IVrfrrt qual- w»r4 ftaihenbert *M Mr*. Hertert (UK Twin • ItM TtJUrt . Cntmt — it NM KNVI metaar aeWt. 5*/i *»a. ity, full tll.h- lUiktatMrf ** batten*!. Ceamtt' IN MIRItiCASI iollffl *hrrr« ALCOHOL, RUIIIN6 III ni'*p»t au- u* *ft|MlMment* were ntfi ••< i and powder all iit fml haWle tumn »li »(»••. plan* fw the eemtftg etuan'i »e- O'DONNIU Tt AVH AdNC Y '.'•'•7V<-%\ one. Si a tivitMt war* dUeutet* at •• Mien- It WOAO ST. RE 4-MN RIO IANK '•''*•••'''-•»/ iijilermi tivt •*••* meeting k«l« *i the »r*a> t. Meat'* hem*. Mn. HwiN Hetton. •HIMJET rUX AVMiMUM L29 Skin (one?. VITAMIN VALUES htrg WM ae-heatae*. Othtrt atte**> There la NEVES a chart* I** aav ttrvka. WOT TAIIETS HAIR TONIC ln( were Mrt. Jack Metoler, Mrt. ... r»v\ WtffmftM, Mr*. Hymen Far r*f/*f af f nm. 5O'i •thwart* Mrt. Hymen Karat**, Silt 'n Snlm Soffeni honrfi Mr*, Charlet 0eM*t*M, MM. Ma«r. tee Caftea, Mn. lamta*l Hegel. Mrt. PENCILS, #2 LEAO i Lfttla Pragtr iM MM. Jeaetti •. fint-iM *>tHii«. IMRA OEPILATORV >eg. 40c n dozen. \2 for t Riatolek. '4 *r. Ik in* troiei noi'r. torae h»be 65' The Mth wtMiftf MRaVerMty ef IODENT TOOTHPASTE PHILLIP'S Mr. art Mrt. VaMa Data** francia Milk of AioQneaio. 12 oi. bottle _39f IAVER ASPIRIN CO* ffwnovei t>g»ni, large lube 47' it., WM e*l*erat*4 «t a party h«M for vmch naatkine.100 « ** PAZO PILE OINTMENT lMt week at tht ham ef thtlr ee* IPANA TOOTHPASTE Multivitjmin In opplicolor tube, I or. 98' Capsules In-ltw aM «»y#httr. Mr. aM Mr*. IAUM IEN-6AY rV Feetfi < flwmi. 30c Site 47' tyman Marrl*. Wfekttunk. Other* «er eneat coMa. 7St Sit* 79* PINKHAM'S COMPOUND •r***nt wcrt Mr. aM Mn. Bart V. IVORY SOAP ]Ae Vegetable compound tl 50 Si/> G59 I»UNAMI NS| DM*** aM N* Daniel, UvitUwn. IENIEDREX JUMKf Puro, baby-mild. Mtdium Sue " 1.391 It. T.i Mr. aM Mra, MMt (beaten JOHNSON'S Mty Ptwitr Jflc POND'S COLO CREAM Wild liver e«nc*MOWOER SooHwna fa eti'n. tofq* Site ™*^ Merrie. Wiekatmk; Mr. aM Mn. Aafwiet. 3 til. *5< Sin S9* JERGENS LOTION JAe POSLAM OINTMENT Jtha Dal***, Braeklyiii Mln Oiattt Soothei ilchino 60c Sire [2*t 4)h j*i Htrtlt. Matlet: Mr*. 11(1- Soffena fconeV 30c Sue ^^ 4n» llekiat aM cMMrta, Barbara, IRONIZEO YEAST PETROGALAR ZVMACAPS JcMMttt, Carol, WlllUm aM **• *S9& t9»^"* Up/own't 8.60 laxative |f. 50 Silt 98* triela, Mr. aM Mrt. Jalm A. IM* -••-I 74« aM cMMrtn, Jtha AUa »M Oray, *4w** PALMOLIVE SOAP VITA KAPS KOLYNOS TOOTHPASTE Htgular Sit* tart 1 for Mlu Ruth Dotte*. Mr*. Jettle Del- Vt»,VQUC»niclmillyo»nabr,iml- AbfcoW'i Improvd..p tea aM Mlu Dtrli mat*. prices to fit m> pun*. Colooiil, AIA NOMI CMAMS fitm fewovino. 30c Site 47« atw unatu' Electric Portable Ma- modern, period Mylrs. Harry B. Themat, Maal* •!., hti liejtn. Cltaniini Cieam, _^ *m* KURI TAliETS MILES 1 A DAY chin* fiw *t little is WV.M)! , s« them.tr) them,«hoo«t \»»« tl Dry Shin Cleanti)i| ^M fffl VitowmCopi '?0'l 3.43 •*•« unc4 advaite«l lift ehalrmaii i (7Vi *UMI jarj ^W tr *ar for perJedVceainperi . I2'« 23' af the drive ta rale* Ml.000 ta eo*». Thtif are many fine cabinet tou.tMh KRUSNERUS N SALT ttralty bout* at Celby ealltfft, W Centf* lonativ 70c Sit* IComotoii roba. 90*1 la9V ttnrlllt, Me, aM ta HtaUhh KURLASH mermaneat mcnoritl la haejer *t RESINOL OINTMENT , SQUIBB rrtr. Herbert Ntwmaa. CAMAY SOAP Cy tiNCER iclk trtd tervicet itt for tkrn tar a. tof Sita LOO For eenno. 75c Sit* FragratM fer tht eetilag year Sewinj Machine*, and other r— rH(RAGRAN CAPSUIFS aM a Mw MtrchaMU* club war* productt only through SQUIII TOOTHPASTE 4lMm**W at a Mtttltft *f th* as- SINGE*. KWINO CtNTCM, cusnx USTIRINI Improved formula targe ..Sit*. ecuttoe baara af the Orammer lebeel rareat>Ttaeh*r tMocletlan identiAedbyth*Red'J»"oa . CASCARA QUININE Tooth Paste SLOAN'S LINIMENT htU «t Mrs. Jule* Alplnt't horn, on I the window, and Uill'm mmUi *-*-'-*•» |9'« Thritt-Pak. for muicl* ocfiei. BrtM *t Mrt. Jack Mtltltr wai never through nlw • CUM *QOIVrVi »• • Re£ 4k tubes SWEETHEART SOAP eaJMatet*. Other* attmdlat war* other atortior CARTER'S PILLS tegular tit* coke* far 1$C Mn. WaHtr IwartMl, Mn. Jtrvlt deafen. Centle oct>nq jaiiotwt. <0'« AIOEC KAPSEALS J f Htttriek, Mr*. Fraaeta WaliM, Mn. William Roman, Mn. Mwar4 CITRO CARIONATE I Soree-Dovil FOO'i 4a ANLTACTIHIKO COHPANI. Rethernbtrf, Mr*. Robert Buhler, Ifferyeacewt ao/H. 4 ait. LsteiM ttndseptte. Mn. Robert K. Hartawn, Mrt. 14 ws. STUART FORMULA o Ohtrt** H. Miller, Mr*. Uw OW0» TOUTS "» Mutovilomrfti 96'i 4a •»r*iU aM Mra. t. L*M tehaaek, SEWING CENTERS LIFEIUOY SOAP Jr. ' Step* "BO". Hep Sue. » for £TAMPAX SQUIII ICOMPLEX ^ M IROAO ST. •HONE b-3106 Amerieaa eMUaa* eat aaavtrai* RED IANK INNDf LAVORIS Worn internally. 3 Snea 39« Vitamin Capt lOO't Wa a( IM Bo«m4* of ai«at per capita Mouth Woan, It 00 Sita 79" per year. TABLITf TAR SOAP. PACKER'S LYON'S Tooth Powder For bath and lhampoo WHITE'S VITAMIN A J7 ^JXTiVeft .ntofMNy. With, Copw'ei ,, JOO't ^* • Jfr XrhlnfAAlltill fJCMtflriBt 4 Btiohtmitiohtmi tooth. 30c Siia 49* UNGUENTINE LUUX FLFLAKEA S for burnt. . Tub* > 59* for non'ory. largo Si>e 33' VIPENTA PERLES *g. fcia Until You Take It ON 3H ot$. *W AND ESPOTAIS N0N-MYINC 'VAPEX INHAUNT to»otiV*. 30c Sit*. 60'* For head cold± .__ 74« BOOKS fin firlrl TeFVrftWVVivltT VITALIS tonotiV*. 23c Swe. 16'* 28* byfttaxfoH Hair Ionic. 9 ounce bott/e MINGO DAINEY by Jimej Street EDWARDS OLIVE Tabs. MllTWMB Vont in Cuba efboofd! Wo« it murder? IgeteSt. gelefe^gg^aj gev I I ^Ht^t&ggglaBeH I far otntete'i foot •t^gattj agpejVBBBBi paej f t>*e^t**#aaiejvjej | OUR CUSTOMERS. WE APOLOGIZE BECAUSE OUR PfoHlwr's CAfTOMA THE DROWNING POOL MURINE EYE DROPS RI6> 2t( NHMS ggaV ,^ga\* Children's liuliv*. EltNn'v*. CAg by John Dots MacDontld Soother lirod eyei. 60c Sue STOCK WAS DEPLETED SO QUICKLY. Gentle *ctin|. 75c Site. »r SutpewieM—tough guy my»>ery. MAYRELLINE THE ROAD TO SAN JACINTO -BUT- FRIEZSNI " lie Cfeom moKore, eoiy to apply 1.00 2 *, 39* by I L. Forman Corn nmovr. $S< Sit* "* Th*y were hunterf, 1%* om'ma/i. 25c Mi-31 ANTISEPTIC WOODIURY SOAP 1Oe WE ARE GRATEFUL FOR THE OVERWHELMING RE- Fragrant, mild. »oa. Sue 1 far ,*O FEENA-MINT IJ UG. 39c, 4 on. Sove 20c CEPTION AND GRACIOUS MANNER IN WHICH YOU MIDOL TABLETS WITCH HAZEL 44e FLEET'S Plmplw-Stda far poriodie pain. 40c Sir-t for atroint, bruiie-.. Pm' *W WELCOMED US TO RED BANK. 66* MUSTEROLE " WERNET'S POWDER C7. EAT ANYTHING FOuTwAYTlWU 7^: Chttt rub for coMi. HeMidantol ptottt — WE — CoW reW.t«. . S.M. J4't 1JT MENTHOLATUM WILLIAM'S Aqua-Vflva s far thappod lip*. 1 oz. Shova lotion. 5 ax. bott/e 59 FALSE TEETH! LOOK FORWARD TO SERVING YOU IN THE FUTURE WITH THE INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION AND QUALITY Hilt* and it ninldt pirtctdv AND STYLING OF MERCHANDISE YOU WOULP RECEIVE 'our plMr tit* «nui:li' iiiJ e -r.i'*«/»«, IN A FINE FIFTH AVENUE SALON - "EXCLUSIVE BUT "GOLDEN GLINT RINSE ?3 'YARDLEY SHAVE I0WL for Iheno/r. S'I long-laiting lalhtr 1.2S fJ NOT EXPENSIVE." GROVE'S COLD TaMttl NATURE'S REMEDY 45° IHetHvi lotntiv*. 60 Tobt. YANKY CLOVER Rrome-Ovr'nin* tobJeta 39* Spicy Toiltt Waltr GLYCOTHYMOLINE NO-DOZ Awakmits 5S Mormlaaa. H ToWeta **J ZINC OXIDE OINTMENT Mouth wain. 60c Sit* Skin ointment, I oi. Tube HALEY'S M0 NOXZEMA SKIN CREAM KQm* <3c fcWoi/r Si>*. 6 on, J" ZONITE Charm Fashions toxotiVe emufafon. tt.OO Siia 79« Oiiinfeclant. 6 on. 54< HUDNUT SHAMPOO NUJOL MINERAL OIL CQe '•' O"« WHl ONLY »!*• 26 BROAD STREET Rtd Bank P)toaant tearing. 16 on. "* ZIP HAIR REMOVER fnf/cherf Creme, with egg 1.00 No ihavingl 60' e OOORONO CREAM R* _ 7PMnilni,in REXALL ASPIRIN 35 lff*cliv* deodorant. 75c Site 5UC • ZEMO LIQUID 59' Two Hurt in Chief Zieglar PoMt With HU 3 Police Officers Entering College rtMT A WALTaW BSABS TMEATBC FOB TMB Local Accident* I Of Osteopathy rorBsr BCBBCV ArrBAcnesfs DavM fcUrtia Mail, mm * Mr. taBaa- aa4 Mr*. M. I. M&U. Mft River ra., Fair Mavca, to* k«M aawpta* far 4, ef tM* y«ar'« frtrtana elaai at tka Pbila44l»kla Calltf • af OatacMtky. ft italnl »cg tatarday vaaa at He itarta hit faur iwara af trala> waa (track at raa tata a truck lay for th* D. O. iff* wfcaa daM- *M**a ky IM Maaaa af SM Paarl fit— ae«» W*4»mt»7- - • af tha Mall, • Ruauaa kick atkaal »rU- * seat aata aaa faottall atar. kaUa kia • TODAY • SAT., SEPT. 7 • S aat*> BtaaS a>. Tha^kay vat •. 4«a~rtc fraa Ltkiffk walwial- ty. HU faathall earatr at Uklgk ^k B^^^aj£jJ BBB^BBBMBBB^ Ataf BHBHBB^IBMI aPaMaUwM ehartet Craaaar cf t» Matte wai kteckc* ky a kBM la)«ry, kat II ••«. Pair Mavta, avfaraS a cut it waa tto trMtawat fives kit kaat itt it mvwwm* left eyelid Sttaaay whaa tha car ky Dr. ftaaMy M. Ckaat. B*«hla- **POICI OP ARMS AM ON wn mom km which ha wat ft paeatBgar, driv- hcBt. tkat WbitM la tto raaay ataa WIUJAN HOLOCN . NANCY OUON es ly BtJMtH D. Olever af Mid- th« aaM tea ta toeaaM aa aataa- tlctawa tatrathip, atraek a parked Batliic akytlciaa. aar aa Sarlag .at. Th* sarbaS tar Jaka Davaria Malta, aaa M Ut. ay MoatoB Seaweed aaa Mn. Vlto MaKa, Aafcwr Park, it mVMW SATUROAY' + af IB) Part** aw., fWr Havea. la aaterlag tto MBM claaa. Ma la alaa a faraur faatfcall atar at Aa- Oftft «ri»*a hp burr Park kick tehaal, wkara to a* Nrwk aa4 waa (ra4uata4 la INT. Ma varkaa A* C*f*a* ItiN At tot**** I:M Arthar s r*t«at »g*i«a tJa*j*Ytmgwt mttH'mq «t lirtfa SiVar euraufh Ml are, leftfor kK tolltf 4*«na at Valvanttr at tha at Wast p>aat •f IlUaaia aM TatoM »aHrar»lty, VftawM l««t *» «M«f • MVAft at aM ava. *a aaa va« Uklac a B. •. aasnt at tto *•<* At TMi CAtLTON 11 NOON SAT. iajtwad. Chisf SseW (hit wast attsststJ Caw>iawaw Hawartj \h§mt far "ynjutr crlriciam" af rkt »a*art. Orlaaaj iMtltutlaa, wtora to waa V«M4M>IIM4 Nl OMS I a mimbir ef Uu faauut "QrtM •fpsart awawhtf* m MM* tM«a af Tka Raeiitar. ess fJw t» • •§ SMS ^B^BBBBBB ti Wava" faattoll ttaa. itG SPKIAL KIDMI MAT1NH Bask, tanwtd at MM THE ADtOSTUKES OF •Baf BBV^BBBBS •!• B%BBB\ Bl Paul Cmtvtm B«ya See Alt* aa taaltf, a tar Arrvaa Mr. and Mr*. Ruaaell Barley of AN ISM* cwa itsjcnr tcm$tnvu. BhSB) BB^iaaia*J>SM) BB^BwBBBBBaal eBsV tBVaBBWBB Woodbury spent Sunday with their ROBIN HOOD SBBBBBMBMBW IrtaMaVaBl aW BIBBBBJBBBBM bridge ttratk tht raw af ft aw Paul Caruia af Long Branch hu ton tad daughter-in-law, Mr and B^R^aVP^Pf^BBJ^ VvBaBJBMBB tBjT I^VPf^aBBBBBra| kaafkt tka kuaiaiw m the CiUrella Mre. Ronald Enrley of New at. Braach. Bath tara wara tra««Nat kdlMlac at the corner of Oakland Mm. Edgar All man and daughter COLOR IY TKHNrCOLOft saath as avtviNnr sva. it. aM HrldM ave. from Mr*. fran> Jeanne and nlrcca, Patty Hartwick IMIIOL FLYNN . OMVIA OEHAVILANO Saalt* altiraatav awa trtvaa ela Oarltrno. of Center at. and Margaret Ouataf- ky Mat Kalktr af Wawark, aad Mr. Cariwo, «ha kai beta aav aon ef Monmouth Beach, returned O CARTOONS - FREE GIFTS • Mn. AaMlftt Pltaftl PJajajata H, alay«4 la hit KOBM city, U tnlarg- homt Sunday after twa week*' va- UtUt Mlmr, MWAM at Ito later. lag tha atsek ef froeerlea, fruit, cation in the pocono mountain* in RcgMlar AdBllaaioii • Kiddie 20r aactlM af MiNwakwy ava. aadaaaftctltnery and tobacco and plan. Pennsylvania. Improvement* t* the interior of the Mr. and Mra. Charlea Pheargdorf A MT drhrea to Mary DtTraUa •tar*. The fountain aervlce for lee and daughter Pamela Joan of New SUN. . wen. SEPT. 9 • 12 which *aatarla1K Mnw Maatt cream *o4a and keveracf* will be at. left lMt, week for New York avc, aatarttej la pasta, Jaltaa ta improved. Mr*. Mary CiUrella I* atate, where they are vWtlng reta- tiraia>nM aw ana nratm a ysrw- th* s*-«tr ef th« property in«l h»« tive*. a4 Mr, • wait to vaa toaa aceupylnff tka apartment aver Mra. Oeorge Doyle of New at. re- "--»- av*. Had Baak. tto ttor*. turned home Friday after attend- ing the convention of the Ladies' aigM. • tar trimfey Oar ! AfHaa- JraBrillOfO auxiliary of the Veterana of For- •aaflfMKrh, fatay aaatk aa eign Wars last week in New York Mrt. O*orf« C. Wledcmayer, city. at a aar, BaqaiMdMUl TMuto Sit "INSURANCI INVUTIGATOR" THEATRE SUN. . WED., SEPT. 9 - 10 - 11 * 12 ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS, N. J. The Screen*! Mightiett Spectacle Tfcmr, PrlH Sat. gat Mai PH., Sat. flat. Mat, NO ADVANCE IN PRICES I! OLIPTON win DORIS DAY •JOANNI DRU GORDON MaeRAI SAMSON AND DELILAH" —IN— —IN— COLOR IY TECHNICOLOR "ON MOONLIGHT MV» With • In technicolor • MNOS TNI ULL" HEDY LAMARR . VICTOR MATURE CAMERON MITCHELL JOHN DIRIK —IN— Supporting Cist of Thousands —IN— "SMUGGLERS GOLD" "Mask of th« Moa. • to Technicolor Alto Added; WESTEBUT FEATUBETTKi "OOTOTE CANYON" KIRK DOUQLAt SUNDAY—MONDAY SEPTEMBER »-M SUN.—MON—TUKS. JAN STIRLINO •VMDAT CONTINUOUS —IN— JOAN CRAWFORD OLKNN FORD "THI MO Frank Lovcjojr, Robert Young ANNI BAXTER CARNIVAL" DINNII O'KIKFK Tuesday H'edneaday 4 —IN— *O\S QRAWPORD 'G00DBYMJY FANCY" MFOLLOW THE tUN" ROBERT YOUNO Plui: A MABD HITTING CO-FEATUBB wltk —IN— STEVE COCHRAN — OAVd) BBMN DONALD O'CONNOR "GOOD BYE MY FANCY" HKUCNA CARTER —IN— Inside The Walls of Folsom Prison" "DOUBLE CROSBBONKg" "MISSING /WOMEN" A raal authtmtk Aim BMBI en ptken locatio*)! TUESDAY—WEDNESDAY-THUBSDAY SEPT, U—M-ll WatatMay One Day Thuraday One Day JOHN WAYNE Another Orand Tacaitloolor Mualeal! —IN— BRUCE CABOT REISS The Fighting Kentucklan" ROCIIELLE HUDSON JANE POWELL and VIC DAMONE —IN— LUMOIR AND SUHIY CO. STANLKV CI.KMENTS "OIRLN UNDER U" "RICH, YOUNG JND PRETTY" —ALSO— MAIN ST. IATONTOWN, N. j. PEUUY HTEWART ANN DVORAK —IN— DAVID BRIAN Mil DUIYMY OF MARYLAND" "0IBL8 Of THE .BOAD ARLENK DAHL INSIDE STRAIGHT I»A*IC *, mt rift


M M 21 ei. |Kt parado of hifi you'l find •» Safoway «Mi wotk can kol|» cam bop your food eoif iwtot and low. If wi pay you to pick your Cut Beets — 2 23. •auction! from tho numbon Rtttd noro and •htmlo of foSafaway 12oi. Highway Corn « 2 cms 27. COFFEES fOODS SAFEWAY 5 FRANC AMERICAN Airway Lucerne Milk 24c REDUCED PRICES CAM Nob Hill Lucerne Milk 2Sc Sara you more on your Sp3ffll6tti ° 2 25. IICH Edwards Cottage Cheese P 4 C COUPONS lib. FROZEN FOODS Whipped Butttr MlAtt Pork«Beans -™ 2 23. Orange Juice <««» Butter »«ADV UNI pmm4 ^lid 7^e Tide 2H47. R«gutw Pric* 2 (or 60t Sal* Pric* 2 (or S7« Lemonade glitter MONTtOH HAM AA 1» ttM 8()c 12 01 SIZE CM Strawberries Nl-AK Swiss Cheese SS *65= Hormel Spm 47> GIAWtUn l Old South JUKI Sliced Cheese » FROSTED 10 ox. Draft 2H. 47. SflAM |] w Ml. 22< < p R«gu!*r Pne* 2 for <0t $«!« Me* 2 for If* HOPALONG CASSIOY pkfl. Fancy Peas Cheddar Cheese -. SttSST Cookies Lima Beans MI-AM Cheddar Cheese Tuna Fish ^KAUCNTMIAT 7*««25« Baked Beans"»&»?..ft. Cut Corn IttDKVI l Sardines* Noodles «««•«««« Ivory Snow H23« Cod Fillets noon Rtgular Pric* 30< Uk Priet 2I« Salmon »»•«*« CAHOI 7HN.«* Beverly "**" *•"•* Grapefruit

Swanson's CHKXWWMAO ««.•*. 29« BKEAKFAST TIPS Blended HINDO* GOIO »al.«»1 o«

Frankfurters «OAOCAST i~t«49e Cornflakes **"*&* •«*• Orange WHO GOIO M ••. CM ) 0« Ivory Soap '£.26* $ c ( 4 PMSONAl AND 2 MEDIUM $IU IMS Spaghetti ^SS^< »*~~25< Kelloaa's &** CM M WM • »*9< Cragmonr ion MINKS Sirloin Stoak n«n »99c Boiled Ham «>«• 69 Apples JL * Pork Butts MMm *79c Bologna »""»" Cike Mix Lifebuoy ( Seedless Crapes 2 27 it SOAP reg siz« 3 b., 25 Hi less thai # I* a ejaartl bl • KM« food vtW toitft Camay Cleanser TASTY • Mb. ffl«k«t > quant. ( SOAP rag. tix« OLD DUTCH Fresh Prunes 15 • flwfcct fo» «ll milk «w. 31™ 25 2.25' • No bottles, knptp tot m Pirtlett Peart Potatott '"SST '«^^37< CiMay 4 lath IMI AIL Sunshine 4pkg oz. 3 SOAP In RtftlMtitw |l( FOR CLOVER LEAF COOKIES l5i i*ft>i«2/C 35 69 18; Frtth Corn nim | ADVERTISED PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU Bread ID .__ Crttn Cabbagt -4c SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 8th SKYLARK CRACKED WHEAT loaf 18• ••;• Orangtt • 12c Crttn Btant [Wt rtnrvt ih» right fo limit quantitkt Donuts SAFEWAY COLONIAL SUGARED dot. 23* nwwrwi. §, turn a**t Tttaday, Sept. \l, at S p. a. Suaday-actieol rtopant Kept. If. at tka beaac af Mtea fJM* Stout, The 11 a. m. scrvicet begia COUNSELORS AT LAW fyjritwjtt In rim M Wallieg ttr. Keypart. taepiratiati tar Service" will be Sept. Id. • WaB*<« St. B»4 B*«k the tMtt at? maw. Jska P- BaJsr's A Swttday-schosl and church pie- Te*ee»i» D. r*non< Edmund 1 CaaieM sarswa at tka It a. m. giiaday aanr- at* to pltnand for Sept. 15. Thaotora I, Ltbrfriiu. IChuidil Serwces I Atbury Part let. Church *chaal wtth Bibl* all •MOB r. Combe Tkomu J, tail* Ckwreh aerviee* win ha k*M to feotwrt •. Nalda Will.HIT K. Blair, ir. a.: w« at • tS a. a. *u at Id) a. am. Tka chair wul Abraham J. 7«*r tut at it a. a. kt OreM Aveaue Re fa rated reader taw earth**** ax tka stMtrch Ruaoton *•*• Warrm, Jr. Jfhn C. &tmt elMtreh, gwaday afteraaen at ltd At » *» a. a. Sunday-school will Roreo Kavaachitre „„ te Mak* Tatjr —— Rsv. aUfar i I atrviea sad Miaa Aaa Shaw wlil b* Caae True' will k* tk* SRhJeet af wiu k* hack a RM •fOtJdwiU a-etaek. PU». Dick VJtto at tke ergaa ceaetl*. begia for the fall term. tka aarmoa ta ba delivered by Rev. after a aaatfc'a aha ba braufkt «ajt gt Cartttiea Eastern kea** ato*ty 1 A aarvtee af **«cial raajaatt At the 7:30 p. m. worship service, QUINII, OOMMUS, McCUC ~ B. Wtbtter at tke 11 a. a. anal vacatioa. Ht will briag tkt r. Tht Lataon- Chrittima Reformed church, wIM ba praytra, foUewed by a hyaa *img, Rev. Jaaaas W. Marcball preaching A RUSSELL •orcriip. Only eac service •tetaagee tt the 11 a. a. and • P- citetia«* frees tha *p«aker. Stota Uto ckurch to will ba htld Wadatsday at S p. en the thtaat, "The Patience tf COUNSELORS AT LAW will be held each Suaday duriag tkt Mb)* and tht Cbrlatian Bcl«Mt aaaaidtriiig locatlag a cburck w The heard af Uuatce* will aatt m. service*. Music far tka aaralag tktt area, vititera are lavKat ta Wkitfiel* Buil*«f Rae] Ink thij ateath. The auartet will aia§ •arvtea Badar dtreettea af Jeka tartth. "ScUae* aad Mtattk witk Friday sight Kay to tk* Seriaturt*" by Mary atteM tbta etrvka. Tale akurth i* Hiomts P. IV:cniu& Vinrent 3. McCut tk* offertory anthem aad a aaWFarrtj will iackida "Praltjdt Mtra- 1 will a* raaderod. Baker Eddy, • entitled •Maa. aaanected wHk tke "Back to dad" William L, Iv-i«p«»]1. Jr. Ernest Fwane Myaa," Patera: aCertsty, haur •• tk* Mda. Braadcaat atrv- Benedict R. fcicoula Tbt minister will be priaclaal Fraaek; aatkta by tkt Tka OeMea Teat la fraa* Uttla Siivtr speaker at the State Pane* aaata •MM: "A* saany aa ara lad by tkt * CM be beard aver WMOM at SRWRI Shair, "Wow Oad B* IUR.Ul WPAT at d p. a. At t:tf a. B. Sunday-ackaal will ay. Trtatea, wk*r* kt wtM addrtaa VulpiUl, Mad RMtlUd*, Spirit of CM, they are the atae af kegw tar Use Ml term. Clasata tar JAMES r. SMITH R new recruit traaaf aaaa teaor- ," ClaraabatiH. ed." : "Ba fjad begtB st II a. a. with Rtv. Jaaat Utanng Aifin—Aut-»*orla«—FnM«riee Jeraey Stete petlaa, Rsv. Mr. Wet> rt* la ioviag rememhta— af hecreater d maa la M* awa at as*, ta Rev. Elaaer T. Scktok, bat* frea W. Manbadl praachiag an tk* Its W. rtaaA Ret) Baa* Win Phone B*d Bar.V «-5076 ster give* a tatiar lector* te oark _ tataca af Oad created ka ktai R vacatlan, will preacfc SuM*y at parent*, Mr. aad Mra. Aabrat O. tka II a'etotk etryle* *a "Peter, the***, "Tk* Patience ef Oad." Mall «M Uw R«. fair H»d, N. J. new data of retntMa at tka LMag and brother, Or. Maward C. RMl* and fteaato created he taea." Smith will sag tke tele. "Prayer my. laws, sal hp Mr*. 1Mb Bekaaffw Carnatlve Ik* Rack," Srat af '• aaria* of aat- Perfect." Tk* aaaier chair will stag at R RMRttrlal to her aether, Mr*. aM Health aclMa: •a "Mea Whoa Jeaua Made Tht pastor wlH I The paster* tofle far tha S p. a "Garden at Prayer" by Schratl. * S:1S p. a. at tka "iIHa KariRg. "Maa la aptritiwl aM Berfaat: aM The tavtal board will aeet a WILLIAM E. BEATY kecaute k* to aatrttuel aM porfact, Ip will ba "The Everlasting •urtiM* af tka aa Tha ehaac*l their ».'ll rtkstret Arms." Church tehael will meet at weak frea tealgkt at tka beat* af COUNWLOR AI LAW Maaatmtth Mtaaartai toaarraw at 1M p. a. Mr. Ftrrii, he aust be ta undtrtteed In Chrtt- Mr. and Mr*. Msrrisea Skaaptn* TOP SOIL tiaa Stwaat. Man ia idee, the lai Ma. a. TMt «hnr*h wM ka — -~—srgaalst aad chair diraetar, datlret The birthday lunch***, af tkt LB- an, Wiltow dr. INCOME TAX CONSULTANT •a«w«a« at |.W p. a. at tha wt«.an ehair aeaben to b* *******age af Lave; ha la net phy*ia.ttt." Tka ktdas of tha tkurek will CAU AFTM * •. M. — < 4T«), dief AM Mtlaty, paatsetMd fraa *L Rat Raak t«m 4tM »r MIM Shirlty Uli Wallaca, at prtctlet will kt MArttd M «Rt- last w**k, will ba MM Tuaaday Rt R fsad aal* at Davldaon't tavahtcr of Mr. aM Mra. Clark* tial music for Tkaakagivlag at w*ll Market, Uttto stiver, hegiaaladr at E. Walltx*. Crttt aT, UUIa Wlvtr, at for the weekly SuRdsy atrvic**. U M m. a. MANMNO Perttt Ch*ir raktaraal will take pkw* I p. a. Tha at acted* »t tkle tale ta David r. d«MMr« at OaraiM- Suaety-tehoet will raauae *•*• win ba utad to MILTON KOSENE tawn, Bf. T. Rtv. A Oeaald Magaw, pastor, Wtdnttday tt 7:M R. a., fallowed 54113 tioa* at » 4* a. a. SuadRy, ta ke R half hour later by tke atid-week aanttt af tfc* ckurek. MIM Edna Mahaa, auaarlataMtnt known at "Btopanlag and Rally Allan Ta*t, SuRdty^rbaai Bwparia- arvlct, at whiefc tke tsate will ba ATTORNEY AT LAW f tha iutt Ham far Wawaa at Day" "PrtattlaR Day" will ba ob-ttadtnt luadty tehael at 0:M a. «• ttarn- "Fellawsfclp la th* Church." M Sree* It. U CiMtaa Ckum. win aaMraa* tk* ttrvad Sunday, Stpt. Id, la tht Waaiaa'i aaaaelatta* arat W« and Christianity. The mutle will with adult, young #**ple'a and ekit layman at the Conference Center, ajMcovrrint snd correcting un-b»linctd «a by MM. H. Voatl aM MM. Mth- eeaptlta an organ pralada and of-dr*n'( claaata. At U a. •»., a g*a> Mt. Misery, Thuraday to Saturday, wbeeli, miillifntd frimcs, bfnt ixlcl... \am w. Parataa, Jr. Oawaj aM ta> Stpt. 13 to It. CordUtty l*tite$ Yom md Youn to Attend taciUM ihMt (onditiom ciute pins fail* fertory anthem by the chancel era! aateakry tar aiiiging *f kyma4 aeiaikiM frata tha atw ataaaa'a cal> chair. Buadey-tcbael aette at »:4Iprayers, getptl preaching tnd Caav ST. MASK'S EPISCOPAL we, blo».outi, loss of control ASD AC- Itetlaa at WIIMMIM OakMaa. aunloa. CIDIHTI. \m ui correct row at NOW a. a. and Tenth Ftllowthlp at 1M Ktaasburg tht) Morning Wor$klp Service at Eleeen 0'Cloek RivtraM* avt., will ha aMjtM, aM p. a. Tka ehurtk aattabllta at T p. a. •Mi aw iciefitific BEAR E*,*i»mtnt. Mra. Ktana tamttaraa, raahltn Reopening of the church school Th* Sewer* for Sunday will to SuRday far a halt hour af practice - (TWR Sarvl«M Cammanca Octobdf 14) aanmanUtar, will dMCrlh* the eta- •laglag. Th* evening atrvtoa ka- wHl tah* pltet Sunday at t:W " TbaikViirlipilrMairir tMi. Mrt. Cllf/ord laatrt aM Mra. liven by Mra. Bvtrett Brawtr an1 family In loving memory ef hen1gin* at T:SO a'elock. a. a. •'ThAidTh *«il dt la RttMalll* an M ekara* Tka aid-watk Biblt atudy. with Bar, Carroll M. Burck. RH Bank, mother, Mn. Harriett Butcher. rtetoMmeritus af Old Chritt Oidrit Hopp*" at tka rtatrvttlaaa. Rev. and Mn. Frederick Plktalaaste tar adulte aad children, to ktld Wedaetday at 7:10 p. a, ehureh. Shrewsbury, will be the •ill ba tht aptaktr* at a meeting etltbraat at Holy Communion at Mondty Right af Jualer Mary "HOW TO MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE" Suppl* srnoorh, er»«my e»(f- Had Bank Mount chapter. W. M. S.. at th* th* II a'eleeh sorvlee. Rev. Russell > te$ B*M "Quality" siaet im IVv. Harold Mornhargar win church. Htateasea will bt Mra. AW , Eatentvwn A. Smith, vicar, la tht deacon and iltin with HMI tuielouity low. preach an tha appthited laaaaa far btrt Oartau*. Mrt. John Orttn, The 11 n. a. atrviee will hava Rav. prtathtr. tha Idth Suaday after Trlalty at Mr*. Chhrtaa WIIMB and Mr*. Cal-David Ling bringing tha aaaaga. BT. CXEMENTTEPMCOPAL A- Ra t-A Tl*!a tf*LaUaaMR Right in tht swing of fashion. tha II o'clock Buaday maralng vln Row*. A nurttry to eeadueted In tha chap- Bclford Body Buildtn atrviee. ahmdaptKhool **MIBM will The eatcutlvt eomalttet will el during tke atrvlet. Tht T:tt p. 1W KVWITw IfpaWr VMNrfJII ba raumtd at •:•» a. a., with meet Tuttday night at tha ehureh. a. warablp iatludtt aa laforaal Rav. Carroll M. Burek, R*d Bank, elaaaa previdtd for all. Tha chancel chair will rehear** will bt tht celebrant at the Holy Ta #t Ti90 Aa MB a BIN* elaaa far adulte. kyanaiag. Communion ttrvlct Sunday at t:M Wtdntaday tvening. Tht board of Sunday-Mkaal meet* at •:•) a, Tk* patter will attend tht tste- dtacon* win bald a atetlng ntxt a, a. Rav. Rutted A. smith, vicar, HwW S^B^BVWfTawfan BP||Rpalt|TRfl BRS-1R*. «./•*• a. wltk elaaitt far all tgaa. A a dtacon and preacher. The re- Mff_- utrvt coataHtea aettlng sf Ibt Thurtday Right. meeting sf th* Suntoy-achool rtaff T*-«#dR# Uli Share Dlttriet Luther leagu* San* Tbt lovt gift box win be eptaed apenlng sa*s|on of the Sunday Unit HEAOI.HTftS FiflfW day at I p. m., at whleh will bt win b* htld Monday In the ehaRtl aahooi will bt held st 11 a. m, and a report an the kww* party at* p. a. dltevand the fall rally of tk* dto> at PtddM aehaal, Hlghtetewn, wilt trlet ta be held Sept. 10, at Haly Th* young people mett Sundays ht glvtn at R matting Friday Right at d:M p. a. aad WtdnttdRyt at Trlalty Lutntraa charch. Lake- Stpt. 14, at tht homo af Mr*. Har- wood. «feur Preaaratlea far Har- 7:10 p. a. IR th* chapel. ry Chamberlain, Spring at Mra. Mort than SIM ha* already bam riet?" will a* tht theme. A atrviea Cecil Ltdlard will be In charge af i« Caatenlan win ba conducted at tha program and Mra. Herbert th* contributed or pledged toward the d p. a. at tbt church by R*v. Mai SUMO goal to purchtst a new beat- devotional period. lag *y*t*m far the man**. Maav her* af the eoagragatlon what bavt SPECIAL Tha aVutkar league wl. _r BBFOBMBO net yet had the opportunity to oaa- teaerrow night the Srat tail feW Red Bank tribute or pledge may contact Mr. lewahlp btgianing at t a'eiaek Rt Plan* far the coming church Vlereck, treaturtr. tha ehureh. The program win In-year will be made and goalt aat at The Olttntrt will matt In tht clude a playlet by the leaguer* en- a meeting thlt tvening Of the can.chapel R week from tomorrow. Mrt. titled, "It'* all Oraek to Me." Ctl-tlstory. Andrew O. Becker la wttWant of •red pkUrte et the Wattem V. s. Rtv. «. 1* Wolff win oflklate at tht RrgRRlsatlM, which it opea ta by Otra and Ttddy SehlMga will tka wedding ttaorrow at S p. a.all wamen st tha eongrtgatlon. Rlaa ka ahown and there win baef Mlt* Mtrjorlt Spentltr af Ptnn- ON ALL group tinging and acotrdlaa ask*. tylvanla and Howard Canapbtlt, BAPTIST tram by lagraad Schneider. Re. Xtwman Spring* td. Leonardo frethmtate will b* atrvtd. All mam- Sunday-tchool begin* It* fall pro- Church ichool and a special In btra wHh thtlr chlldrta art gram Sunday at t.-M a. m. •traction claa far church number- DEMONSTRATORS vited. Thi* eaalng Sabbath kai betR ahlp candldatei, conducted by Rav. Tht list tan atttlng at tht am- dttignated aa Leyalty Sunday. Tka John E. Johnaon, patter, will aaat day-tcheol ttaff will bt held Men. Hater win preach Rt tka 10:41at t:4t a. a. Th«m* af tht paster's AND day night at tha ehureh. Tha plan- o'clock atrvlet aa tka aubjeet •ermon Rt tka morning atrvlet at ning eomalttte will submit a re-"Chritt Dtaandt DocUlon," baaed 11 o'clock will ba "Fiahcrt of Men." port af tetWltlta for tht coming on tht teat "Immediately thty toft The Inttraadlato and t a alar year, ta ha preatnted by Walter their nett and followed him." I youth mtttlng will be htld at 7 FLOOR MODELS Th* mlalator will ptrferm tha p. a. and tha evening atrviat at Ladies' AM society will rttumt wedding ceremony af Mits Batty «. Tht paator'a theme will ba, "Pt> It* aanthly tt*ii*ni next Wtdnte- Owytr. Bad Bank, and Dougla* ter-a Miracle at Joppa." day at S p. m. at tka church. An Hayden, Naptun*. Sunday at I p. The deacontata win mttt Tu*s- women are Invited. m. in tha church. day at a p, a. at th* horn* of Mrs. The patter will aoooapaay Mr*. Tht Women't Mltalontrr tocltty Walter J. Mia and the dtacent at KrUtbw Brandt to tha metthf nest will meet Monday at I p. a. at tha p. a. at Rotlkty L. P^tiwM't Wedateda* Right sf tht Slur* dis- church. * ^ owe. trict ehurehet whleh ara planning Delegate* to the Rtformed church Tka paster's study sf Exodus will to open R Lutheran Servicemen'! tummer eonftreaee wiU kave ka continued at the praltt, prayer etRter Rt the Atontmtnt Lutheran charge of tht program at thaand Bible atudy aettlng Wednes- church. Atbury Park, Stpt. ». Fi- Young Ptopie'* asclaty meeting day at S p, a. nal prtparatltni far the opening Wedneaday evening. Tha Ladle*1 aid society will m._ win bt mad* and eaVtrt will bt Tht Ladies' Aid *oel*ty will spon- Rt Mr*. Danltl Ltonard't hoat MaaaM elected. sor a Harold Jaeehttn fish dlnntr Rest Thurtday at t p. m. ntxt Thursday at • p. m. In the Setttntrfic lasts, sturtiy TRINITY EPISCOPAL church dining room. Bed Bank Mlddlttown rRorhtrt« txrro stitching and rsinforcsmsnf# Tkt atrvkts for tht Sntttnth ST. JAMES CATHOLIC Sunday after Trinity will bt Holy Regular U a. a. ttrvlctt wilt kt htavlsr setst snd Uarhw lininpt art lust Communion at I o'clock, reopening Red Bank returned Sunday, when ttudtnt of tht Sunday-school at t:30, morn- Sunday aaae* art at d, 7, S, t, alntottr, Richard J. Skoog. will « fsw of thtj many outttanding fsatvrts Ing prayer with sermon at It A 10, 11 and It o'clock. Thtrt alto preach on the tubjtet, "Have Tou nurttry I* provided for the chil- .will bt t and 10 o'clock maatte In Found Tourtelf?" dttigntd to add wsskt and months of dren of that* who attend tka 11Rtd Bank Cathollo high oehool au- Sunday-aehool, with Karl Helwig o'clock itrvict. 'ditorium. Sunday-school for cblU aa auptrlnttadtnt, will meet st 10 EXTRA wtor! Tha executive committee of thtdr*n attending nubile aebaol la htld •'clock. All cklldrm an welcome. after tht S o'clock maa. Tht can- 1 Woman'* guild will mttt In thtfraternity clta tor public high The Ladle* aid aoelety and tht pariah hill Tuteiay, Stpt 11, at 10 •ehool pupil* |« btld Tuoaday* at missionary toeitty will hold an all- fft# 4a«rTtFftHIC#l o'clock. T.SO p. m. day meeting nwt Tutsday In tht Every Friday thtrt ta a ctltbra- church room*. A covtrtd dlth tlon of Holy Communion at 10 Baptisms art at 1 p. m. Sunday* mncheon will be atrvtd. •ME fn# CH*rar#nc#' o'clock in the chapel. In th* aacrlaty. Th* Ftilowthlp club will mttt at Week-day mtttu art at 7 and t wm a'ctock. It, n, next Tuttday. 9AVI ffi# cnrr#fVfic# I BAPTIST Tha eholr will rthtarst Rtxt MtddlttOWR ST. ANTHOItrS OATMOUO Wtdneadty night at I o'clock. lUv. John B. Battt will prtteh Red Bank Vacuum CUanar on tht topic "ChrlaUan Faith: Fan- HTOH MINT SPIBITDAUST Sunday maatt* art celebrated at Here is the SINGER* Vacuum Cleanar—with S tuy or Truth" at tha 11 o'clock T, I, I, 10, 11 aad It o'clock. Bap- Chaptl Hill all new, exdutiva feature!: Sunday morning worship hour. tism* are Sunday* at 1 p, m. Can* Healing win ba eonduottd by RR Th* Sunday-school will matt m ftttlona Saturday from 4:30 to • aeertdlted haaltr at thU ehtpal a CMS MWIND nail in tui irHfctet wtetatlti*; k> dead. tht chaptl at t:4S a. m. under tht tvtry Sunday at T:M p. m. Regtular a CORP Mil (tent eerf fa? yet wilkia tkt (leaner HttH. ltadtrthlp of Woodrow Fraactt, m. and 7:S0 to > p. m. Tkt a TWIN >ANI maintain a Meat, eaHena etwat tl tttHa* oleei SIraeuioua Medal novtna to htld atrvlet of attttgto to at I p. a, tka enti •» Mia nettle at well ea itiitr*nidlaBl|t»Mt»BI wl novtna to St Anthony It k*w EMMANUEL BAPTIST atTtlAMllNIB I,, Ntw Monmouth (A Rtfultr Baptist Ftllowthlp) NOUIINtktt ' - Tuesday* at 7:10 p. t*. t'trlo wl(lf. •UBtiT Y^RMI Tht aornlng ttrvlct will moat at Atlantlo Highlands •MiiMiiii y it ABowanca far •wv •NM«I nodal 10:50 o'clock, tltv. William B. CALVABTBAPTIST '' Mtttlng plaet, resldtnct of Mr, It Mly •Vi SII ITI Wa'lt mania a dtrnmi- grove will bring the Communion ••'i.u.a.ral.fM. •—III ttiatlaa. In yn»r ow» koma Rtd Bank •M Mr*. Okwanc* Chritty, U But lTHt&lN meditation preceding tht ohterv- Sunday-school mtttt at 0:10 a.Lincoln avt., Atlantic Highland*. •nce of the Lord'* Supptr. m, and marnlng church worship la R*v. Howard M. Brvln will bring Church tchool mtete at 0:41 a. a.htld Sunday at 11 o'clock. tht mttttgt from tht Book of with claatti for all ages.' A program honoring tka official Ptalms at tht morning ttrvicc at At 7;IS p. a., thi evening airvlet •teff of tht church will he pr***nt- 11 o'clock, 41 TERMS AS LOW AS 5.00 A MONTH will bt htld, with tht mttsagt be- td Sunday at »:30 p. a, All art In- Churek achool matte at 9:48. The WTfflVlf MRT Int brought by the patter. Tht vited. Evening worihlp i$ at TiNbtglnntrt, primary, junior and In- SoM-S«rvic«d-Guarant«W at Your young ptoplt's eholr will prtttnt •'dock. A praytr (trvtee will takt ttrm*dlatt glrtt and junior hey* tptetai mutlc. place Wtdnttdty Rt 7:10 p. m. will mttt at tht Chritty rtsldane*. Praytr mtttlng and Biblt ttudy Th* Flown club will oh**rv* IU and tht primary and Intermediate 65 Iroad St. will bt htld at 7:10 p. m. Wednes- annual Flowtr day Sunday, Stpt boys, lenlor girl* and adnit elautt SINGER SIWING CENTER day. If, at 1:10 p. m. Mr*. Btatrlct at tht home of Mr, and Mrt, Frank Tht Young Ptoplt'a Christian at- Brooke la club prtsidtnt. M. Bell, n Third avt., Atlantic 69 BROAD ST. RED BANK aoolatlon will mttt at tht church Highlands. Rtd Bank on Thursday night at 7:80. This it FIBST CHVBC1IOF CHBIST Rtv. Mr. Brvln will bring the for all young ptoplt of high ttheol SCIENTIST 1>HONI RID IANK 6.3106 age, metiagt at th* evening ttrvlee at Rtd Bank • a'elotk. FOR HIKE HOME DEMONSTRATION The Ladles' Aid society will mttt Service* In First Church of Mld-wttk priytr service Wtdnu- B tt the church Wtdncadiiy after- ChMal, Scientist, Ml Broad at., artdty at I p. m, Stitna | Mimen dlr • Yur-THEY MUST IE GOOD! noon, Sept. 13, at 3:80 t'clock. htld Sunday* tt U a. m. and 1:15 Th* Royal Ambateadori will BED wjam nnttm, ttrrrMnt* «, tut Port HasusMMith SMSfUM AT Rum«cm Woman A flah dlna»r, «ponior>'4 by th» MAMO LISSOM « Y« Membera ef the \aA\n' auailiary of th« First P.« Killed by Train Ira auKiliary will be entertained m formed church, |nr«wor f. AaUeraea a*, wife of Jo«a O Mr. ana Mra. Kenneth Matl^n- m. Mra. HaroM Severln I* rheir- deram »f •iacfcpoiat rd. aad aon a«a children, Maryann and man. Navtsiak ave., IWseeea, died la- Derelopert and Ruilden aUatly laat Thursday m Kenneth, Jr., ana V. Hanf and wh«a ih« rta into the path of a daughter Do'.oiee attended the Mth 1 At the equator, twilight la vry Alteration! . Eitlmetai (Chearfully Given) saoylvaaia railroad train near wedding anniversary celebration short becauee the eun goei down tke Tramp Hollow croeeiag la party held Sunday for Mr. end Mrs. more aulckly In those latitude* HIGHWAY 3* KE t-IOM WEST KEANSIURS, N. J. what police called suicide. Her car Michael Hanf, Sussex. than farther aorth or snuth waa found parked la a wooded Mr. and Mrs. Luther Walling, ..- FUEL-OIL area aetfr tha croeeiag. spent the holiday week-end at Ni-j~" ~ •em ia tort Moamouth. Mr* agara Fall*. Thrir three sons, r.u-1 Aadereea wts a daughter ef Wil- ther, Jr., Rohert and Kennelh ! liam aa4 Aufuota Uader Hera atayed at the bom* ef Mre. E4wsr4 ' lead. She had baea a reeldeat a( MaeLennon while they were on the . thla area all her lire aad ef Rum- trip. j se« the paat JT years. Mr. Aaaer- Kenneth, aon af Mr*. Emmett M»ECIAL CASH PUN. ' aoei ia a well ka*>w« electrical aaa- Walling, celebrated hie aeventh | It ia muut to km thrift?—. Ml «M fassit—*A tractor. birthday party Saturday with a I •urviviag beside* her pereats, party attended by John O'Herron. we aalanit. Bui for ISMM* WIM elctere la save, «rha reside ia Port MeamaiMh aad Jr., Irvin Beaver, Blanche Hancock, we offer the •ppnrUraity. Von eaa't buy her husbaad, are twa daughters, Dorothy and Letter Nelson and Mr*. Joyce, wire or Cdwia H. Con- Carol Allen. heller—why pay ajm? way, Jr., Htace rd., Fair Havea, Mr. and Mra. frank Petruaal, Mr. aad Mre. June, wife *f Oeorge Mar- aad Mra. Dominie Amati and chil- tia of Baltimore, Mi; two grand dren, Lydia and Raymond, and ehildrea and a Brother, William Dominic Petrusai, Brooklyn, have HANCE 6L DAVIS ttardlaad af River Plea*, returned home after a vacation develops YOUNG TALENT Tha fuaaral waa held Saturday stay of two week* at tke Petruiai afternoon at tha Warden funeral summer home. •OUTON WAINMV Ta. M 4-0103 ham* with liar. Christopher H Mr. aad Mre. Bdward UuW.net- Saydar, vicar af taa Chapel of the ten and Charles White, Jeraey •tt wast he leagaefareSeltsMl Haly Cemaualea, Fair Havea, of. City, were Sunday gveeta at the atarta again," Met. Buefc HM. Setting. • home t Mr. and Mra. J. Vyrnea, 1 tMM like to Snd a Bice Burial wa* at Ray View ceme- and Mra. Bllea Beyle, ale* af Jer- kom ead he settled ay the tery, Leoaardo. Baarere war* Wil- aey City, waa a week-end visitor. Urn* tt'a started." STRAUS COMPANY.... liam O. Leahy. Roeea Ollloa*, The aixth birthdey of Qary, aon "Haw g)4 are year ahildrtea, Ralph r. Johasoa, Clareace Week- of Mr. and Mra. Charles Rogera, men, Carl T, Wiatere aad H. L Jr., waa celebrated last Thuraday. Mr*, awk," I eakad? Our »•»»••• li itaWe*) wirti •*• finett I«t»rue»ari frainad \» davolap yaur "M and 10," akt aiuwered. THE ONE-STOP Samualsoa. Mr. and Mre. Andrew Harvey, They will all go to elementary rrulay night membera of the Allqulppe, Pa., spent the week-end driM'a talatjH. Our imtmMJi and application af CHILD PSYCHOLOGY aehool tale ye*r." Fair Haven lions elub, led by at the home of Mr. and Mra. Dan-, •"resident Harold •. Perry, held iel Murdoch. itiiMjUff] aMrwnality akvalofmant, f^iu, charm ana) »*K-eanfaanea. "Do you have aay particular services at tha funeral home. Mr. The third birthday af Charles, Mkaal Mi m»d?" SEWING SERVICE STATION Aaderaaaj Is a past president of aen of Mr. and Mrs. John McCabe, NIW CLASSiS «aw («rminf far b*|inn*)ri ina) arfvancaaj •tua'anti in -• "Na, although tk* girls kav* th* elub. Rev. Hnyd*r, rh* waa celebrated Tueaday. beau going tu rttd Bask. It H*r* you ever counted tke number of ttopi of the ierv!ee elub, officiated. A turkey dinner a»vnl al a ta- might be best ta keep t*a« ble where a large birthday cake there, where their friends arc, you kave to make to gatker all ike item* you Atlantic Hlghlawis ww the centerpiece marked the hut wa wouldn't ahsolutsly la- party held Sunday for Jerry, aon BALLET atat." need for furt one netting projeet? Wa don't James T. rallon returned Mon- of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rudden "tt is happeas, MM. Sush, we day to his home, ti East OarAeld wha waa It years eld. Present were TAP kave eeveral aiea horn** in that tkink you kite (wko tout's to count tkmt ave., from Monmouth Memorial Mr. and M». William Hemberier, district, rauil Bead I bedrooms, hoapltal where for two week* he 8r. »nd son Bobby, Mrs. Margaret VOICE wont you?" kigk.) Anyway, we arm mre you will apmev underwent additional treatment for TrliMji.d, Mr. and Mra. Leonard Hiv- "Xi." iht replied. Within t injuries suffered early July S when ate, Mr. and Mra. Edward Rudden, day or two we ehowed her the elate the variety of our atotk, mi tkt time tha truck ha waa driving wa* In a Howard Pauaer, all of thla pace, DRAMATICS kauaa aka wanted. Aad they collision with a railroad locomotive and Mr. and MM. David Oreen, Ir- sought It. you tan MM witk HI. Whetker Wa fmbrin at the yacht harbor curve. vlngton. SfusWi efO slif!Wo to appaar an The Brownie and Olri Scout com- "You can't appreciate how M\u Jane Loekhart, daughter of or Tkreod, Needle* or SNIIOM, liiclrfm or Mr*. Etta Lockhart of South ave., mittee membera will resume their MAC liVY TV, RADIO sn*l $TA*I SHOWS feed thla (HII ta be eeUled thia week ia continuing her vaca- meetlnga neat Wednesday at the new a good aehool M< know Snap, Pint or Pattern*, you wAtt find It mil tion at Saranae Lake, !». Y., where home af Mra. Oeorge Oajanae, wa wont hive to move again. MIM ray fields auffered an arm Call for your appointment That waa the worst thlai wa aha arrived Monday of last week. hen. And, BEST OF ALL—Our safes people Seerttary ta Irving R. Zelehner, fracture in a fall last week an the for a free talent analyais had against reatlag—moving, who atalntalns law onleee an first porch of her home. alwaya moving. Aad trylag ta know wknt they're talking about. Their kalp. av*., Ml»s Lockhart will return ta The three-year-old dauihter ef keep located Mar Ma School wark itaat Monday. Mr. and Mra. Praneia Lemon waa 17 White St. Red Bank RE 64800 our klde ware ia, I'M tU4 /ml advice is youn for Iks mking. Mr. and Mra. William Budyck christened Margaret Mary Sunday wa'ra aettled!" and their daughter Peggy arrived by Rav. Robert Bulman in St. Beck-toaeheel daya will KMM •eat Thursday from their hema at Mary'a Catholic church, New Mon. ka hera a«ala. An you SET. feytena Beach, n,., to be guests mouth. Sponsors wera the baby'a TUCO? thla week of Mr*. May McMenry af aunt and uncle, Blanche Sherry tucc in- Memorial pkwy. Mr*. Sudyck I* th* and Louis Huy*. farmer Jean Blmmerman, daughter Mr. and Mri. Clarence Sellers, Robtot Wattrtoy af Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Zimmerman, Lebanon. Pa. and Mr. and Mra. Earl formerly of Atlantic Highlands, who Mover, BelleraviUa, Pa. were week- now ilio live at Daytana Beach. and gueats af Mr. and Mra. Ivin RE 6S5M George Stryker returned last Beaver. The Beavera attended the Thursday to hla horn* on Third wedding Aug. 19 ef their, niece, tt Waal rrawi at tmtum • II Illl. ave. after flying (ram California, Mian Mary Bhoup, to Eugene Mar where hi spent three weeks. He al- conl, at Peckville, Pa. *o made the trip out Weat by air. Mr. and Mra. John Stevenson and Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Levin* eon Oordon spent a week of their and family returned Sunday to vacation at the home of Mr. and Montclalr after spending the sum- Mr*. Edward Hon, Macedonia, O. mer at their home on Lincoln ave. and two weeks' with Mrs. J. Ja- Waldron P. Smith, Jr., ton of cotwen, Qreeley, Pa. Mayor anekMrs. Waldron P. Smith: Mr. and Mrs. Bernard O'Herron Edwin Dohson, 34, aon of Mr. and and children, Carolann and Jonn, Mra. Edwin Dohson, Jr., and Jo- Jersey City, spent the week-end seph Qiobla, aon of Mr. and Mrs. with Mr. and Mr*. J. O'Herron. Joseph Olohla, plan ta leave Sat. Pvt. Cheater Hendrlekn, Jr., son urday for Marietta college in Ohio, of Mr. and Mra. Hendrtcka, haa where they will be member* of the left Camp Kilmer tor Qermany. sophomore elans. Mra. Philip J. Dlnk*1bsrg, Jr., and President William McKinley's lut i*r daughter Donna plan to leave word*, after being shot hy an anar- tomorrow by air for Sacramento, chist terrorist, were "It Is Ood'a Cal., where th«y will be gueat* of way. Hla will, not our*, be done" her ptrentc, Mr. and Mra. Arthur Edward*, former residents of At- lantic Highland* and Highlands, who have been living in California five yew*, WHIM CAN Winter* In Iceland actually art I WND.. warmer than In 31 northern U. 8. stater,, according to the National EVERYBODY - BUT EVERYBODY Oeographlo society. IS tAaNO TO TITUY $ FOft TNI KfWIST ANP HIT KHOOL SWMNf • ROYAL and SMITOG0RONA PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS • ARTIST and DRAFTING MATERIALS • DESK BLOTTERS ft PADS CUMBERLAND OUTSIOI PAINT • ZIPPER NOTEBOOKS • PENCIL BOXES ft KITS A vary line oil-bete paint RADIO-TV • RING BOOKS A INDEXES • COLORED PENCIL SETS for outside use Retains IXPEftX? • MEMO ft STENO PADS • PENCIL SHARPENERS color and lustre for years. • World Globes • ERASERS SPORT • World Adam • GEM CUPS 50 • Dictionaries • Thumb Tacks 4* •* JACKETS • SCHOOL BAGS' • BRIEF CASES SPMVD-DRJ 3 hour Bnamat — II beautiful colon and t LUNCHEON KITS • DESK LAMPS white—It'a non-toxle—bablee 106K IN INI' ean ohew on toya and erlba Our eolliction of Sport JieUtt haa never baan btttar,.. w* h«v« Shstlandi • CASES •STAPLERS without letllnf upaet—$M in strips*, avarplaidi and ehaeli plui tha aver tmart harringbonai. W* hivo par pint >B SURD WITH both th* 3 button and 2 button mod*li plui tha n*w 3 button modal with flap • SHEAFTER, PARKER, ESTERBROOK CBNTEAb PAIKT8, pockets end double lid* vcnti. '

PENS, PENCILS AND SETS Oealari In this *?••: You'll find our stock includn ragulan from 36 to SO, thortt from 35 to 44, and L!fH» Silver Hardwara longi from 31 to 50 ... And utrt loncji from 31 to 46 for tho real tall fallow*. Wa have not forgotten th* itout fellows for wa also have stouts and short ttouti. LIMIe Silver, S. J. ftuno Irai. 26.50 to 35.00 )» Broadway, [. Ssvc lots of time by Grey flannel tUcit tong Braiiefc, N. 4. ' looking t in jth*V'Y*l!ow> 17.50 Natitrtdl lumbar-Co. Pag*i of your TeUphoaa Director* for Radios — •aUroad Ave., Repairing, Radio Suppliei >ind Parti-Wholcial* and Jtruy lullding Supply Manuficturing; Rtdio SH Broadway, Tubes, Television Equip, merit and Service. leagaVwek,M.J, NIW JIRSIY Illl miFHONI 17 BROAD STREET III (ROADWAY LONG BRANCH RED BANK 64)001 CENTRAL 7?,,*ts N PHU1AV 'TIL • r. M.t BED wjam nnttm, ttrrrMnt* «, tut Port HasusMMith SMSfUM AT Rum«cm Woman A flah dlna»r, «ponior>'4 by th» MAMO LISSOM « Y« Membera ef the \aA\n' auailiary of th« First P.« Killed by Train Ira auKiliary will be entertained m formed church, |nr«wor f. AaUeraea a*, wife of Jo«a O Mr. ana Mra. Kenneth Matl^n- m. Mra. HaroM Severln I* rheir- deram »f •iacfcpoiat rd. aad aon a«a children, Maryann and man. Navtsiak ave., IWseeea, died la- Derelopert and Ruilden aUatly laat Thursday m Kenneth, Jr., ana V. Hanf and wh«a ih« rta into the path of a daughter Do'.oiee attended the Mth 1 At the equator, twilight la vry Alteration! . Eitlmetai (Chearfully Given) saoylvaaia railroad train near wedding anniversary celebration short becauee the eun goei down tke Tramp Hollow croeeiag la party held Sunday for Mr. end Mrs. more aulckly In those latitude* HIGHWAY 3* KE t-IOM WEST KEANSIURS, N. J. what police called suicide. Her car Michael Hanf, Sussex. than farther aorth or snuth waa found parked la a wooded Mr. and Mrs. Luther Walling, ..- FUEL-OIL area aetfr tha croeeiag. spent the holiday week-end at Ni-j~" ~ •em ia tort Moamouth. Mr* agara Fall*. Thrir three sons, r.u-1 Aadereea wts a daughter ef Wil- ther, Jr., Rohert and Kennelh ! liam aa4 Aufuota Uader Hera atayed at the bom* ef Mre. E4wsr4 ' lead. She had baea a reeldeat a( MaeLennon while they were on the . thla area all her lire aad ef Rum- trip. j se« the paat JT years. Mr. Aaaer- Kenneth, aon af Mr*. Emmett M»ECIAL CASH PUN. ' aoei ia a well ka*>w« electrical aaa- Walling, celebrated hie aeventh | It ia muut to km thrift?—. Ml «M fassit—*A tractor. birthday party Saturday with a I •urviviag beside* her pereats, party attended by John O'Herron. we aalanit. Bui for ISMM* WIM elctere la save, «rha reside ia Port MeamaiMh aad Jr., Irvin Beaver, Blanche Hancock, we offer the •ppnrUraity. Von eaa't buy her husbaad, are twa daughters, Dorothy and Letter Nelson and Mr*. Joyce, wire or Cdwia H. Con- Carol Allen. heller—why pay ajm? way, Jr., Htace rd., Fair Havea, Mr. and Mra. frank Petruaal, Mr. aad Mre. June, wife *f Oeorge Mar- aad Mra. Dominie Amati and chil- tia of Baltimore, Mi; two grand dren, Lydia and Raymond, and ehildrea and a Brother, William Dominic Petrusai, Brooklyn, have HANCE 6L DAVIS ttardlaad af River Plea*, returned home after a vacation develops YOUNG TALENT Tha fuaaral waa held Saturday stay of two week* at tke Petruiai afternoon at tha Warden funeral summer home. •OUTON WAINMV Ta. M 4-0103 ham* with liar. Christopher H Mr. aad Mre. Bdward UuW.net- Saydar, vicar af taa Chapel of the ten and Charles White, Jeraey •tt wast he leagaefareSeltsMl Haly Cemaualea, Fair Havea, of. City, were Sunday gveeta at the atarta again," Met. Buefc HM. Setting. • home t Mr. and Mra. J. Vyrnea, 1 tMM like to Snd a Bice Burial wa* at Ray View ceme- and Mra. Bllea Beyle, ale* af Jer- kom ead he settled ay the tery, Leoaardo. Baarere war* Wil- aey City, waa a week-end visitor. Urn* tt'a started." STRAUS COMPANY.... liam O. Leahy. Roeea Ollloa*, The aixth birthdey of Qary, aon "Haw g)4 are year ahildrtea, Ralph r. Johasoa, Clareace Week- of Mr. and Mra. Charles Rogera, men, Carl T, Wiatere aad H. L Jr., waa celebrated last Thuraday. Mr*, awk," I eakad? Our »•»»••• li itaWe*) wirti •*• finett I«t»rue»ari frainad \» davolap yaur "M and 10," akt aiuwered. THE ONE-STOP Samualsoa. Mr. and Mre. Andrew Harvey, They will all go to elementary rrulay night membera of the Allqulppe, Pa., spent the week-end driM'a talatjH. Our imtmMJi and application af CHILD PSYCHOLOGY aehool tale ye*r." Fair Haven lions elub, led by at the home of Mr. and Mra. Dan-, •"resident Harold •. Perry, held iel Murdoch. itiiMjUff] aMrwnality akvalofmant, f^iu, charm ana) »*K-eanfaanea. "Do you have aay particular services at tha funeral home. Mr. The third birthday af Charles, Mkaal Mi m»d?" SEWING SERVICE STATION Aaderaaaj Is a past president of aen of Mr. and Mrs. John McCabe, NIW CLASSiS «aw («rminf far b*|inn*)ri ina) arfvancaaj •tua'anti in -• "Na, although tk* girls kav* th* elub. Rev. Hnyd*r, rh* waa celebrated Tueaday. beau going tu rttd Bask. It H*r* you ever counted tke number of ttopi of the ierv!ee elub, officiated. A turkey dinner a»vnl al a ta- might be best ta keep t*a« ble where a large birthday cake there, where their friends arc, you kave to make to gatker all ike item* you Atlantic Hlghlawis ww the centerpiece marked the hut wa wouldn't ahsolutsly la- party held Sunday for Jerry, aon BALLET atat." need for furt one netting projeet? Wa don't James T. rallon returned Mon- of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rudden "tt is happeas, MM. Sush, we day to his home, ti East OarAeld wha waa It years eld. Present were TAP kave eeveral aiea horn** in that tkink you kite (wko tout's to count tkmt ave., from Monmouth Memorial Mr. and M». William Hemberier, district, rauil Bead I bedrooms, hoapltal where for two week* he 8r. »nd son Bobby, Mrs. Margaret VOICE wont you?" kigk.) Anyway, we arm mre you will apmev underwent additional treatment for TrliMji.d, Mr. and Mra. Leonard Hiv- "Xi." iht replied. Within t injuries suffered early July S when ate, Mr. and Mra. Edward Rudden, day or two we ehowed her the elate the variety of our atotk, mi tkt time tha truck ha waa driving wa* In a Howard Pauaer, all of thla pace, DRAMATICS kauaa aka wanted. Aad they collision with a railroad locomotive and Mr. and MM. David Oreen, Ir- sought It. you tan MM witk HI. Whetker Wa fmbrin at the yacht harbor curve. vlngton. SfusWi efO slif!Wo to appaar an The Brownie and Olri Scout com- "You can't appreciate how M\u Jane Loekhart, daughter of or Tkreod, Needle* or SNIIOM, liiclrfm or Mr*. Etta Lockhart of South ave., mittee membera will resume their MAC liVY TV, RADIO sn*l $TA*I SHOWS feed thla (HII ta be eeUled thia week ia continuing her vaca- meetlnga neat Wednesday at the new a good aehool M< know Snap, Pint or Pattern*, you wAtt find It mil tion at Saranae Lake, !». Y., where home af Mra. Oeorge Oajanae, wa wont hive to move again. MIM ray fields auffered an arm Call for your appointment That waa the worst thlai wa aha arrived Monday of last week. hen. And, BEST OF ALL—Our safes people Seerttary ta Irving R. Zelehner, fracture in a fall last week an the for a free talent analyais had against reatlag—moving, who atalntalns law onleee an first porch of her home. alwaya moving. Aad trylag ta know wknt they're talking about. Their kalp. av*., Ml»s Lockhart will return ta The three-year-old dauihter ef keep located Mar Ma School wark itaat Monday. Mr. and Mra. Praneia Lemon waa 17 White St. Red Bank RE 64800 our klde ware ia, I'M tU4 /ml advice is youn for Iks mking. Mr. and Mra. William Budyck christened Margaret Mary Sunday wa'ra aettled!" and their daughter Peggy arrived by Rav. Robert Bulman in St. Beck-toaeheel daya will KMM •eat Thursday from their hema at Mary'a Catholic church, New Mon. ka hera a«ala. An you SET. feytena Beach, n,., to be guests mouth. Sponsors wera the baby'a TUCO? thla week of Mr*. May McMenry af aunt and uncle, Blanche Sherry tucc in- Memorial pkwy. Mr*. Sudyck I* th* and Louis Huy*. farmer Jean Blmmerman, daughter Mr. and Mri. Clarence Sellers, Robtot Wattrtoy af Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Zimmerman, Lebanon. Pa. and Mr. and Mra. Earl formerly of Atlantic Highlands, who Mover, BelleraviUa, Pa. were week- now ilio live at Daytana Beach. and gueats af Mr. and Mra. Ivin RE 6S5M George Stryker returned last Beaver. The Beavera attended the Thursday to hla horn* on Third wedding Aug. 19 ef their, niece, tt Waal rrawi at tmtum • II Illl. ave. after flying (ram California, Mian Mary Bhoup, to Eugene Mar where hi spent three weeks. He al- conl, at Peckville, Pa. *o made the trip out Weat by air. Mr. and Mra. John Stevenson and Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Levin* eon Oordon spent a week of their and family returned Sunday to vacation at the home of Mr. and Montclalr after spending the sum- Mr*. Edward Hon, Macedonia, O. mer at their home on Lincoln ave. and two weeks' with Mrs. J. Ja- Waldron P. Smith, Jr., ton of cotwen, Qreeley, Pa. Mayor anekMrs. Waldron P. Smith: Mr. and Mrs. Bernard O'Herron Edwin Dohson, 34, aon of Mr. and and children, Carolann and Jonn, Mra. Edwin Dohson, Jr., and Jo- Jersey City, spent the week-end seph Qiobla, aon of Mr. and Mrs. with Mr. and Mr*. J. O'Herron. Joseph Olohla, plan ta leave Sat. Pvt. Cheater Hendrlekn, Jr., son urday for Marietta college in Ohio, of Mr. and Mra. Hendrtcka, haa where they will be member* of the left Camp Kilmer tor Qermany. sophomore elans. Mra. Philip J. Dlnk*1bsrg, Jr., and President William McKinley's lut i*r daughter Donna plan to leave word*, after being shot hy an anar- tomorrow by air for Sacramento, chist terrorist, were "It Is Ood'a Cal., where th«y will be gueat* of way. Hla will, not our*, be done" her ptrentc, Mr. and Mra. Arthur Edward*, former residents of At- lantic Highland* and Highlands, who have been living in California five yew*, WHIM CAN Winter* In Iceland actually art I WND.. warmer than In 31 northern U. 8. stater,, according to the National EVERYBODY - BUT EVERYBODY Oeographlo society. IS tAaNO TO TITUY $ FOft TNI KfWIST ANP HIT KHOOL SWMNf • ROYAL and SMITOG0RONA PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS • ARTIST and DRAFTING MATERIALS • DESK BLOTTERS ft PADS CUMBERLAND OUTSIOI PAINT • ZIPPER NOTEBOOKS • PENCIL BOXES ft KITS A vary line oil-bete paint RADIO-TV • RING BOOKS A INDEXES • COLORED PENCIL SETS for outside use Retains IXPEftX? • MEMO ft STENO PADS • PENCIL SHARPENERS color and lustre for years. • World Globes • ERASERS SPORT • World Adam • GEM CUPS 50 • Dictionaries • Thumb Tacks 4* •* JACKETS • SCHOOL BAGS' • BRIEF CASES SPMVD-DRJ 3 hour Bnamat — II beautiful colon and t LUNCHEON KITS • DESK LAMPS white—It'a non-toxle—bablee 106K IN INI' ean ohew on toya and erlba Our eolliction of Sport JieUtt haa never baan btttar,.. w* h«v« Shstlandi • LAUNDRY CASES •STAPLERS without letllnf upaet—$M in strips*, avarplaidi and ehaeli plui tha aver tmart harringbonai. W* hivo par pint >B SURD WITH both th* 3 button and 2 button mod*li plui tha n*w 3 button modal with flap • SHEAFTER, PARKER, ESTERBROOK CBNTEAb PAIKT8, pockets end double lid* vcnti. '

PENS, PENCILS AND SETS Oealari In this *?••: You'll find our stock includn ragulan from 36 to SO, thortt from 35 to 44, and L!fH» Silver Hardwara longi from 31 to 50 ... And utrt loncji from 31 to 46 for tho real tall fallow*. Wa have not forgotten th* itout fellows for wa also have stouts and short ttouti. LIMIe Silver, S. J. ftuno Irai. 26.50 to 35.00 )» Broadway, [. Ssvc lots of time by Grey flannel tUcit tong Braiiefc, N. 4. ' looking t in jth*V'Y*l!ow> 17.50 Natitrtdl lumbar-Co. Pag*i of your TeUphoaa Director* for Radios — •aUroad Ave., Repairing, Radio Suppliei >ind Parti-Wholcial* and Jtruy lullding Supply Manuficturing; Rtdio SH Broadway, Tubes, Television Equip, merit and Service. leagaVwek,M.J, NIW JIRSIY Illl miFHONI 17 BROAD STREET III (ROADWAY LONG BRANCH RED BANK 64)001 CENTRAL 7?,,*ts N PHU1AV 'TIL • r. M.t WJ&W WfKlffTCTl HBFWCTfliWI #1 IWf

4r. after of***'** a aaoath at rotat Miee Patricia Siegfried, deufh leaaaat. apradmg a three-weoh tat af Mr. aa* Mrt. A. Siogfri** of Mies JaAaa l«aew and aiatar, atumferd. M*. THE ANNOUNCEMENT YOU'VE BEEN "" ' at, celebrated her fourth Mia* Deborah Laaow, have rotaraod Mr. aad Mre. Bayard birthday at a party *a her tew* to their hoasa oa Main at. after aM tea Bayard, Jr., have rater*** Tuesday aftaraawa. Tbagacitawera •vending July aad Auffuet at Caajp t* their beat* after vaattlaalag «a WAITING FOR Thereto, WaUiag. Relent GoMeteia, Maaapn in Olea Baey, M. T. Hemiltea, Bermuda. praak Start aad Araold QoHoteia Mr. and Mra. William RatckaTa ef taie piece; Barbara WaCeateM and aoaa have returaed to tkeir Mn. Me* McDeraMa baa rotura- *4 Keypert, Laura Uur ef Keeae- kome on Jehaaoa eve. after apeaa- t» t» ber home ia Jaakaaavta*. Shtrman's Special Purchase Salt eejrg aad Arleaa aad Rabert Rush IBf tWtwOo weeka at Beach Haven. Fla.. after vieltiag bar daughter af Red Baak. hy Oray, aoa of Mr. andaad tea-ia-law, Mr. aad Mr*. Oaa- Timot ald J. Nettle, af Mala at Mr. aad Mra. A. J. Zaua *ad Mre. Vincent Gray «f Cliffwood, n oust co daugatera of Duau»t were Labor celebrated hi* «r.t birthday at a Mr. aad Mra. Freak M. Uoyd. day woek-ead gueete ef Mr. *i>d party Tuesday. The (iteeta wera Jr.. havo raturatd t* their bam* BEACON Mr*. Charles Taylor. Mre. Phoebe A. Ziefler, Mra. Mar- aa Mala at. after vieMlag Mr. aa* Mist Virgiala Lee Tune, daugh- old Ziegler, Mre. Artkur Slagler, Mre. WiwJam M Bergea at Bar* ter ef Mr. aad Mra. Malcolm Tuaa Baiter a ant Ckipper Uegler, Mi-riagtea, R. I of Wtahiagtea ave.. celebrated her hael, Jamea, Peter »mt Paul Oarparal Cberiaa P»he. aaa af ISth birthday at a luacbeoa Tuee- Movino and Judith aad Harold Mr. aad Mra. gdajer N. Pie* til Spreads and Draperies day efteraooa. The guest* were Biegler of thia place, aM MraCbwre. h at., will raeaaw hi* etudie* Mra. Meary Aaca aad eaugbUt Jaawa shaaaoa of Riviera Beach, a* a aiudaai at Ruiger* uaivaraMy WAIT TUX YOU SEE Tilt: 01AMTY — THE NAME BRACOPJ Daw* af Fertb Aakey, Mr*. Heery fla. after returaiag from a *ev*arw**» Lorlee aad aoa tUaneU of Uaiaa Miea Patricia McKeca left Satur- eearet m the V. a. Martae Oarpa If ENOUGH — HOWKVEK, BH U *r. WE MADE THIS SPECIAL Baaek. Mra. Peter Pctcrioa of Mar day to apead a week'* vacatioa la raearve at Parrl* laiead, a. t. PURCHASE IT IS PO*§rHI i: FOR YOU TO SAVE AT LEAST gaavlil* aad Ruth McDonald, Kath- the Pocoaa aaountalaa. MN. Jooeak MeUaa at Uea Ftyaa, Caroliae Merrell, Saily Mr. and Mra. Ralph Herrkk left HALF. SO HURRY ! Frleatrd, Oladye Hyrae, Debby La- Friday te apead a vacation at tketf aaaah MeUea ara aa a aaar, Jaaa Bowie, Shirley Jaaee aad eummer cottage at Plae Orove, aa the B.B. cjaaaa ef? ~ Bases Chapmen, all af (hit place. Coaa. MlM Patricia Moeer, daughter al Mre. t. Ra: Mr. aad Mr*. Joseph fries of II Mr. and Mra. Frederick Maaer af talaMd at a party Taylor rd. are the parent* of a Broad at., ia recovering at her horn* at her daughter bora MeMay, Seat. S, at after being bruiaed aM acratchad Thuftaay afteraooa. nze Moameuth Memorial hospital. after ahe fell out of her father'! awarded ta Mre. IUla« W. Her* MlHoa Ouakle aad family have ear while i t waa mavlagg. MbMM rick. Mrs. Cvart af Ray rstsreed to their boats after apead- MoaeM r waartd etaartae d far bfbrofeoe a part. Mra. WMttem R. Cralf, Mra. DRIARY DORM BOOMS tag a vaeatlea aa Long lalaad. bonet but none waa found. Mre. Howard Erdauaa eater- Mr. and Mra. Thome* Ooe* of SIMewl*elMeemaat Twaetker swats AND CIYE YOtH ROOM talaed the Tuesday Evening Bridge Praepect pt. ara the pereatf tt a wars Mrs. Rjewssis sws* clab at Its Brat SMetiag ef the e*a-daughter bora Satarday, SopC I, . Mra, Bdwerd Carrie, Mrs. AT HOME A UrT TOO, aofc at aa outdoor twrkwue. The at Menmouth Memorial hospital. William C. Latdl, Mre. Sttekard BreV wtaaer* at bridge, which wee Richard Krdmaaa, Sr., ha* re-aaaaa, Jr.. Mra. Pawl A- Bsaa, Mra. Spread* come in Fall or played later ia the evening, were turned to hia hoBM «a Mala at. Lcroy Mekala aad Mra. Re*na*mer Miaa Bother Blau, Mre. Oerard Dev from hia poaitioa at Rldgeway, Fa- Cartaa ef thit plaoe aM Mrs. Twin Siae. lia aad Mra. Warren Vreeland. Mr. Krdmann ta *a vaeatiaa. Marry Teak* af Bad Baak. Mr. aad Mra. William Wumuth Mr*. Mae Oillia haa returatd te Mr. aM Mra. Beeeae Raasas are Regular Price |f<96 catenates* Friday evening at her home on Bread at. after vleit- he aatate ef a daughter, kara tackUII party la celebration of uda* An* m at Maaakaath ing in Nantucbet, Maaa. 7 their Mtk wedding annivereary. • avmaajs g da#wJBJ • ••aTf wb* ojay^rawam^aTWwoaj Drapea are Pinch Pleated] William r. Mtlligaa, Old Bridge, Mesjarlal keasttai. Their guaala were Mr. and Mrsoan ef Mr. and Mr*. Andrew MUM- Reaaielaer L. Cartan, Mr. and Mra, gan, 1* ueond alternate for ap- Mrt. Bite* Modonie was faest —•II 90 in. Ung. Joseph Baier, Mr. and Mra. Edpointment ta the military academy al hoaor at a baby ehowor ward Carrie, Mr. and Mra. Richard at Writ Fflint, MMIIgan ia a grad- by Mr*. Bvelya Kegular Price §.98 Pair Brdmejin, jr., Mr and Mrt. Raphael uate of the local high school, cleat A mlatataee baby we* tr*i*at«d C »vlln, Mr. and Mra. Paul A f mi. ta each faeet aa' a favor. Sean, Mr. and Mra. Haward Brd- Wine 'Blue. Green. Cold. ^^w wjPW wer**^/ BBB^BJ *•* Wv #W Robert Vaa Brackle haa returned attaadlaf ware Mrs. Btepfeas O. mana, Mrt. Leroy Slckrti, Mr. andta kit homo on Ravlae dr. after Uvate. Mra. Thelma Wlkwa, Mrs. Mra. WIHUm R. Craig, Mr. and Mra. •pending * weak at Brlelte with Mra, Ones Hyer, All Al One Low Prie* — Marry Kahn, Mr. and Mr*. John relative*. Mra. Helea Tuakera. Mrs. Martha w.a.st»*>isi USH Bggltaton, Mr. and Mn. Frank Let F-ennettt and John Newman Jokaaea, Mra. Fraaaat West, Mre. BUaa, Mr. aad Mra. Conrad Johann have returned to their home* la Thelma Hyor, Mn. tee Tvervey, Ike eat* labe ureas at aret- •*n, Mr. find Mra. dunning Clapp, PltUtltld, U»»«., after viaiting rel- CM carry ccaar and paaaMifera Ire. Asa Uakty. Hit* Marlaa oMryt Mf • Mr. aad Mr*. Blmoro Kattner. Mr. ative* and friendt here Sunday. Hyer, Mia* Mary Me*, Mite Deris •itknit tire*, wmffMamamtw l ejajmaiMt'lr VBl I WalBBRBV . VPnBBM* BBJBj«*•*•T• BBjBJaM • . aad Mra. Ralph Bedle, Mr*. Mar Mr. and Mre. Theodore Daloia of BBBma. VWWV / Strether aad Mlta Melea KewtaM eaa amadi Make your own teete guerlte Laird, Mn. Elva Barbancll, Main at. are the parent* ef a daugh- el MaUwea; Mra. tacta Mayer, Mr. aad Mra. J. Raymond Ketekel, ter born at Monmouth Memorial Mn. Etta Clark, Mr*. JeeepMae MViiMMMtrathna! Dr. and Mra. J. Wallace McCui-, hospital Monday, Sept. J. eaNMlel Healla aad Mn. Beatrlae »>rrera Mr. and Mrt. Otto Oetenfrld and Mn. John Van Pelt ia enjoying a •f KMMvtlM J MfA. lf9*tsw Mr. and Mra. William Rabel, all weck't vacation at her home ea MMdletewa: Mn. Masai of tail place; Mr, and Mra. Oacar Broad at. from her pealtlaa at theMra. Cathefiaa skaMtlt. Mra, Kurt ef MetinUlntide, Mr. andAmerleaa Caa company ia Jersey Qreemaa aad Mra. Mabel Lawerre, All Purchaece May lie Paid for Weekly. Mra. Rlehard Weith and eon Her-City. Maribate, aad Mrs. Deretky Ohea, TtUVWON bert of Chicago, III., Mr. and Mra. Mr, an* Mia. lUbert UMura. Mil* Oirlttlne Otata aad Mlaa Sea. SORRY, NO MAIL OR PHONE ORDERS Frederick Noble nt Holmd«l and Ravine dr., ere thh e parent* aff a IJTH OkMH 9m ©.t- ADMIRAL -H&A. Mr. aad Mn. Evert Slleot and Mr.second child, a daughter, ban Frt> Air ComiMtmed For Your Shopping Comfort aad Mre. Oeerg* Cherry of Key-day, Aug. tl, at the Perth Amber Mr. aa* Mr Oeaeral hospital Mra. LaMuia la have retwsed te tkalr ttohart ChriatlMt ana daufhtera the former Mlaa Illaabeth Devlla, Riviera Baaek, fie, after . mff a vlait wHh Mr. aM Mra. of Cleveland. O., are vlaltint hit Mr. and Mrt. Malcolm Tune aad CUSTOM BMthar, Mn. Robert Chrittlnat, f r. Awyetas PeaaetU at thalr daughter Virginia Lee have return* SHERMAN'S Batpkla ava. of Waahlniton at. *d te their home aa Weshtagtea TIM COMPANY A larfe rroup of the raeetitlM ava. after vlaitlng their aoa, P.P.C. Mr. aM Mrs. James . HOME DECOKATORS DfflRIIUTOIIS aM teaehlRf itaff of the hlf h and Maleotm R. Tuaa, at the Seett Air kava retaraM ta tkalr bema al gramaiar aehoola attended the fu Fore* baas In Illlnoia. Mlaa Silvia Waedbwy after eaawftag tke lav 1300 MAIN STMIT MADLIYIIACH •aral yeeterday mnrnlng for Arthu Caudill of Lawreneaburg, Ky. Mr.ker day week-ead aa the —— * U mOAD ST. RED BANK, N. J. Seran, a termer teacher, wha wa Tuno't fiancee, accompanied them ABBVRY VARK Viet* killed In a train wreck In Meti, an the trip. Irsnch Stare: to} AmsM Ava., rW ristisnt Oermany, about tan dayt aae. Thi •arvleei w«r# held In DeCapua'i Mite Nancy Havermaa ef Akrea, MONMOUTH COUNTY DEALERS funeral home, Newark, followed by O., and Robert D. Baraae of Wash- a*jaj fj*V^aaai^Ba^haaSffeh flaV Bmatati fBaaaaeaW B*T _B) ington, p. C-, have returned te PE BIDDER BUCK a aaieajw requiem ma*a at the «Kaw V^aakaW BBaaaaaatABa W _• Mra. William H. Sutphla, at tkeir aBBT^BJalWsWfl SM*BBaBJ alBVfMNsVs J"e *•» Uiaaa the Friday EvenlntPiBochl BHSBMAN FONTIAC CO. mfBfw^BBBBBmwamBBmJ BBBftfeL* ABB BFBBBBBmttsksWJ SBnBjBBwBSBmMeVBmBBmW/ MHB* j* %V) home In Rumhley, Md. FraakaM. N. J. elub at her koma on Jackaen al Mrt. Charlea B. Sprlnghera af BTBAUB MOTOM •lata Highway Ms Knyport. W. t. PrftM were awarded to Mrt. lunaet ave. aad her slater, Mrs. WBJtEB CHEVROLET US Flrat Ave, AH, Hlgklaasi. N. * Thamw Walling, Mra. Henry Dru- Andre Polah, ofSyraauaa, N. T, WBJUfEB'fl •TVDEBARBB atata HlcHway M, Brifotd. X. J. gaa ao* Mia. Michael J. Eovtno. left for a tour ef the South. Mr. and Mra. Raymond Ovsra af Paramut ware gutata af Mr. and Mra. Charlea Taylor etveral days latt week. Merrltt Warwick left Saturday for Canada to tptad twe week** vacation from hia poaitioa With THE the Farmers and Morchaata baak en Main at. Mr. and Mra. Al Anderson havo returned te their horn* la Carterot after vlaitlng Mr. and Mn. Freak Tourlne on Broad at. Mra. Blva Barbaaell kae rtturn- OPENING ed to her homo In Brooklyn after •pending tha Labor day week-ead aa the gueit ef her brother aM •later-ln-mw, Dr. and Mra. William H. Fangel. Mr. and Mre. C. William Ludl ON OR ABOUT and Mra. Lydla Walling ar* tpend- injr e vacation la Halifax, Kava Scotia. Klchard Simmer of Floyd Ben- nett field, U I., hat returned after viaiting hit brother and tltter-ln- law, Mr. and Mra. Charlta Sim- mar, af Suiphln ave. September 12 Ronald White of Hempatead, L. t, la tpendlng a ten-day vacation aa tha guett of Mr. and Mrs. Dan- iel Rlnear of Broad at. Mrs. Mildred Warne ha* return- ed to htr home oa Main it. after visiting her son-in-law and daugh- ter, Mr. aad Mra. C. V. Wabattr at Qreenboro, N. C. Mr. and Mri. Marvin Prlehard and daughter Salty have returned NANCJON to their home attar visiting Mr. and Mra. Russtll HammoM at Your Home Can Reach New thalr summer home at Cranbury Lake. Miea Pearl Keller It oa a meter Peaks of Perfection trip through the Watt. Mr. and Mrs. William Waamuth Fashion Resort Whether it'a six or sixty your houte can be made at comfortable and ef Amboy rd. ara entertaining Mr. livable as the newent home. We'll advise yon on any home improve- aad Mrt. Herbert Wleth aaf aaa Richard of Chicago. ment plan, recommend top flight materials to do the best job at lea»t Mr. and Mra. Jack Ollmore ef cost, put you in touch with a reliable workman. You'll appreciate Bchenck ave. art tha parents ef for a son, born Thursday, Aug. SO, at our sensible prices and sound advice. Stop la or call for fast delivery. Monmouth Memorial hotpital. He will be named William Craig Oil- more. Mr. and Mra. John C. Baker aM WOMEN'S and MISSES' roofing that with- «lat which ufa> lattt a haws-tlms. ITCH »*i.'l Safer Wti aitlmats caita »' Sf SPORT and DRESS WEAR roof- an far you. neighborhood Ho PLENTY OF PARKING SPACE « URGE, WELL-STOCKED 588 RIVER ROAD SHOWROOM . PROMPT DELIVERY ANYWHERE Texaco Roofing • Ready Mixed Concrete FAIR HAVEN'S NEW SHOPPING CENTER For Tran.it.Mlxed Concrete Call Deal 7-9800 PHONE RED BANK 6-V227 Monmouth Lumber Co. OCTW DAB.Y 9iM M SiOO — FRIDAYS lo 9i00 Seld I* Ria Ink ky Saa Her. Waelae. oran Hovm BY APPOINTMENT 79 CENTRAL AVENUE RED BANK, N. J. Staattt tad USSIM Dnii Sure* or your ae*M-ttwa dnwstet. REP *, m% June Methot Sweeps J. C Bern, Mrs. Banb Win Tourneys To Close Out Runson Golf Year DANCES Lightning Series RUMSON — With Laba. day wer* aaaouacad, Mr. Bank* aa* HICIITSTOWN bringing a clone to the oAclal Ruaa- Marsh Sryaa tying with Us. The ao» Country cluk tauraaaaeat sched- ladies' riagvr ate WM tied, Mr*. COUNTRY CUM ule, J. C. Bcera was crowned win- A. F. Kiag aad Mra. Craaa a*vta« MAtOWAM . fOOU BtABT Top* Monmoutfi loot Club. Roof 70 ner in the Vice Presidents cup «4s fUtMRUM f tournament and Mrs. W. D. Banks Other scores la th* Vice Praal- latt waj victor of th« Challenge cup. deat'a play iacluded A. E. Patttt, •Art WAV, scrrBNawa, uaa For If SI Point Cfomptathip 84-14—70; Carloe D. Kelly. 81-W— WATCH TMia A»V. Mr. Beers won the trophy with 71; R. G. Metcalf, 8J-13-T1; J. W. an 65-17 -«8. Marsh Bryan actually M4-0MS MEKT WKEK With Labor day bringing aa end had a lower net score, TS-t—4M, but Bryaa, 74-X-71; Hswlasd •. Jaaee, ta all point races for the It61 sea- Tmrpim.Sugmr H*y fight tie «'u disqualified for having 81-10-71. Bryan's 74, incidentally, son June Mot hot won Srst place played in the morning. Hia round waa the beat round «f the leag in both the Monmouth Boat club fictmnt tmUm* Slrmmd waj Rood enough, though, to getweek-end. and Lightning fleet 70 scries, sail- Bryan Brat place in the medal play Practice raunda will ka held to- ing Bon Grc. sweepstake;. morrow for a gruelling Tt-kalc ta- IXTRA Second place in the Monmejuth vitatioa touraaaaeat which will be CALL MD tANK 64X47 Boat club scries went to Ed Wa- Mrs. Banks defeated Mm. G. V.featured Saturday aad Sunday Coe, Jr., two up, to win the wo-here. That aaeaaawr-guaat affair ters in Revenger, while third ws< •t Ike Bay copped by Johnny Bull'* El Toro. men's division. In the beaten eight, closes dawa the curtaJa a« coat- EXCLUSIVE Reid Dickcisoa took fourth prise Mm, K. it. Crane defeated Mrs. A.petitiva activity, eaccat far toaab- in Windward. to ttewa at aha (MiWkt awat C. Swenson, three and two, jn thestone taumcyt which will be held finals. Second place in tbc Sect went to rrtday aaal ajaamdar. every second Sunday at laaf as The ringer tournament winnera weather permits. t TELEVISION, he. i John Spurdle. skipper of Water He a«M wW Mt kc tttovlaed. Witch, with Ed Water* third. John- ny Bull took fourth and Rod Gor- tkc atriai* wtM a* TURPIN don the fifth place price in Ban- Mr. HtwMtH >r"-il»i«n •hee. attead UM ahmr Eagles, Spring Lake Heights FINAL STANDING!! MONMOUTM BOAT CLUB kr wkat attck. aa Ik* taWfe a« Pout Skiiwer Ft«. Run ait, J. Mrlhot Its tke reat>. Ik* I*«MNI aaatck wa« Meet Sunday for NO Championship •iik'or, E. Watrvi l«> arra«c4 after Hugar Ear wa« The AtUntic Highland* Kaglea ] Harrington, p «....* 4 W Tm<>. J. Bull 7S t'., Ktyci, lb. _..._ | «AY ROBINSON WindwHid. It. Di'-kpj'Bon delcate. by Ttirata a will meet the Spring Lake Heights I'aylar, >• -™. • Banshee, K. Guidon ta Youth association Sunday at theHall, i I Bum. R. Davia Spring Lake Heights school dia- O. arilla, rf I fmn WrU HOT N TUVtSIO. YOOWILLHAVIA Wat,., Wilrh, I. Siiurdle mond for the Monmouth-Ocean Ptrkim. «f t Putii'iirc. J. Dili l)a»U, rf t R(M» MAT AT THi H.0W4Y410W, ROUNO IT Serrna, fl. Kelly county championship. The Eagles Rrnokn, rl I Ninhtmifr, C. Allaire ... won the right Monday when they T. Ktyct, rf • KOUMO MOTION WCTUMK Hill', Bet. W. Lane Raceway Closes aqueeged pajt Matawan A. A., S-4. Old Hun. J. Mnrsn Spring Lake Heights, meanwhile, Hen-Bob. H. Williun. . MATAWaM k. A. Silv«t Kniakt, K. HoUlina 4 This Saturday was taking a forfeit victory from AS a ii THUW8.. tm. . SAT., SEPT. 18 . 14 » ~ 2JJ, N. Cliflon " the Fort Monmouth Oianta. Fl», !!kb. • LIGHTNING FLKVT 71 FREEHOLD — Harneaa racing Eovino,, lb • Bon Or'. 1. Methot 809 To gain the champlonahi* round l If If4 RIO IANKI lONft MANCHIAHURY PARK I FRKHOLO Water Witch. I. Spurdle 272 hit a new peak in 1M1 at Freehold the Eagles had to register a run in rf., tl Revenger, K. Waters 26il Raceway, the tnoet aucccasful the bottom of the ninth. They held c I STRAND | STRAND | ST. JAMES | STRAND F.I Toro. J, Bull •>2 « , — 4 Miinahf?, R. Gordon 234 ! meeting in Ita hiatory ending Sat- a 4 1 lead at the aixth, hut twn Hum. R. Davit , Oafito, 31 4 4 2 28 ui Jay when the 24-da.y aummer «ea- innings later Matawan had tied it May. rf. I Gat ta oil burner that in* Windward, It. Diekeiion % •on will clue with a 12-rar* pro. up. Tarn lUirlngton hut led the - i gram. victory. He gave up but lour hits, Mullnney, rf. ... I Pstlriiee,' 1. Oil*..'.'.".'."'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. IRK Devlin, 11 4 Mitt top ecMoajr, rtaimin oil coaaunptiofl. Mopalnns V. C. Allaire it*'.; With two dnyi remaining of the struck out tS and walked seven. Nightmare, C. Alliire season the hoot over IMA mutuela Earl Devlin was the losing pitcher. «4 "7 *4 Bill'. B»t. W. Une He gave up seven hits, struck out Atlantir Hlihlseds... 1*1 ••! Ml—10 Tha Ibridheti Oil B«racr, backed bjr a 25 year Ol,| But, J. Ma,.H haa touched a new level of 39.S Ma»aw.n A A •»• l»4 «H-4 The lite. O. Parry a i per cent. 14 and walked but three hatter*. Tws-kaw hit—Oarlts, Strata mi by repajtatioB for Kouumy and efficiency, will Silver Knight, K. Hotallng i» ATLANTIC HI';HI.ANDR Drvlin 14. Hirrlii.lon IS. Baxa M HfH.Boh. H. William " 17 The previous reeord aeason'ii AH a II bnlU off Devlin J, MarrinrtM T. Nit hy Ann In. K. Hiyntnn 17 handle of I1.4J4.0OO IU far «ur-C. MilU. 3b „ 4 1 1 l.ltehtr—hy Devlin iBani, Nail), Har ttretcn your haarJag oil supply. Itwetrigatt. 2S3, N. Cllttofl )S llnrl. 2li 8 I i rln*tl and Oarlta), UaiilfM— parsrd tlio part week-end with Carolla anei Btaekarwn, 1 L«t u ihow you ita advantages. more than ll,TW,000 having been Ranklty, If S I T Mrs. Truswell, wagered at the only trotting and pacing track In th« state with parl Htrdtn Off«r«d B.HU Endtdi LOM Oik OIL DIUVMY INC. Hilbert Win mutuels, I HEJUKRT ST. KEU BA!«K LEONARDO — Mm. Hoy Tim- While the mutuel handle at the $100 Compromitt Map G»H Approval well teamed with Ronnie Hilbert Freehold track has been rocketing, PHONE RE 4-0*10 at Beacon Hill Country dub Tuei- the attendance haa been moving up- (Continued from page 1) (Continued from pag* l> day to win the Caddy-Lady tourna- ward over IBM and previous «e«- II p. m, but the mayor paid it gave tion is for another aoure* of re* eCivi CANO ment, final event of trie, women'a iiona with steady Increase, only on the. applicants ineufltcient notice. enue for resurfielng exlttlaf aehedule at thii hilly rourjr. . a leaner bails. The clerk will attempt to obtain a streets. The tourney wan player) simitar more mtl«factory date. ta the rro-L,Rdy affair of Injt week, f Win, Referring to the new police and Toridheel each woman golfer teaming with to remarks made by Mr. Herden at The mayor explained the caat at two eaddtta. The women played 5*3, Over Brooklyn lart month's meeting, the mayor repairing Patteno* ave. would ba with handicap while the eaddlei *ald it was partly his fault that the SU,ooo, Under the vuggeated rev- computed only f ro» scor»«. Hilbert, FORT MONMOUTH - Scoring discussion of Mr. Parker's tempor- enue, the atate'a theoretical *h*ra a promising ia-year-old folfer, all their run* In the fifth inning, ary appointment aroie. At that would be 111,700, th* barough'a acored *» to fo with Mm. Trut- the Slgnaieera defeated the Brook' time, Mr. Herden questioned the 11,500. If approved, the atate might w«ll'i food m-ff-M far a 78 tout. lyn All Stars, U to 3, Tuesday night legality of Mr. Parker, who is road not appropriate the entire 111,100 la SERVING Young Hilbert ha« been ihostlag at the poat diamond for Fort Mon- superintendent, collecting pay forone year but might allocate fuada excellent golf all «ea«on. A farmer mouth's 41»t victory In SO atarta. two borough position*. The mayor from year to year for the project. shop employee of Pro Andy Blkora, At Martin hurled Ma eighth tri said he had neglected to tell Coun- Council unanimously agreed ta umph In giving up only two hits cil President Harold McCormick, the lad known all the ahota—a fact who presided In the mayor's ab> *eek the fund*, declaring "we can't which la evidenced by hit ikrto- and fanning ten hatters. lose anything by trying." RED BANK over-par round. The victory wasn't an eaay one pence, that Mr. Parker had In- formed htm he wo\il«l no' bill the Thomas Farrell, garbage con- AND JERSEY SHORE AREA Mm. Truawelt «Uo caiM In forfor the Bi«n«lmfn «.« they h»d to borough as street auperlntendent tractor, requested permission ta the third place priae. Teaming w|th overcome a two-run deficit. Brook' while serving aa full time special make collection* six day* a week David Turner, *h« came In with lyn pitcher Frank DeCrenaao officer. Instead of the current three. Ha rot a net S3, her net M going along blanked Fort Monmouth over the Apparently attacking rumors explained that half the borough with Turner's gron 47. Sandwiched first four frames, giving up a harm- would have the present Tuesday, in second place wa« Mrs. Larry less single to Norm Menfel, the about the police appointment*, the mayor said that Mr. Parker is "do- Thursday, Saturday collection* Scott, S7-l»—38 and Frank Butch, letter's ISth straight game in while the other half would have 44, for a total of 82. which he haa hit safely. Ing a splendid job" but that it I* to NEON SIGNS be understood that the job la tem- Monday, Wedneaday and Friday porary and Is only until auch time collection*. He aald tha enormou* REPAIR SERVICE n« "we can obtain the torvlce* of a amount of extra traah mad* hia qualified officer." Declaring the request necessary. After hearlag AUTO Field Club Wins Playoff Berth; council ha* been accused of perpe- that no additional cost would ac- tr»tln?_ a "sham" In the appoint- crue to the borough, council gave LIGHTING ment, the mayor aaid he wished to ita permission, "provided lumcieat -ENGINEERED TO l'OIW NEEDS" Championship Play Begins Sunday reiterate itatementa at previous notice in given the rcjldente affect- at previous meeting* that Mr. Par- ed by th* chrnge.1' Leonardo Field club gained fourth Spero'a error on ITreibott'* ground- ker ta being hired on a month-to- place in the Jersey Shore Baseball er, month basis. In other buslne**, council con* league and a playoft berth Monday LtONARDO F. C. Armed the election of Jo**4>h E. afternoon by defeating Adelphla A, .. . All K Seller* a* a member of th* Sr* A., 2-1, at the Adelphia Held. Cnrhart, 3b. .„.,.,„„„„. Everett Youth to Get company, The league's playoff begin Bun- M». V. Compowdad day. The Red Bank Qiitnla, regular Tryuut With Browns ~M*Vt U*a Me" E8T. It*} aeaaoa winners, will meet the Long Jeffrey, cf. EVERETT — Francl* Kelly, aon They dlda't levs •* aar ••«, add Fnibott, ••. th* «ld ratker. I had kaca thair fa«*rit* Branch Republicans, third-place Nitelok, c ; of Mr. and Mr*. Prank Kelly of whe* I was yauaier kut tkafa all enr ASBURY PARK team, on Lorraine staldcr Memor- Wnrd, )• ... th* Dwight Foster farm here, haa n«w, But 1 am raallr bapii» a*ala W. ial Held, Newman Springs rd. Leo- Murdoch, rf. -. been invited by the St. Loul* eauu tkey put a elasaiaed ad la Tt» Katlttn, and a nie* lady beuekt SM. I 11180 nardo will visit the second-place It Browns baseball team for a tryout am la ny new kasse as*, happy, aad team, Freehold Merchanta. The AOsXTHIA A. A. at Coatsvllle, Pa, Saturday. loved aialn. AH winnera of those two contest will Patten, !. Francl* graduated in Juna from ArUelti yna don't leva ar eat* far PORCELAIN ENAMKL then engage in a beat two-out-of- Red Bank Catholic high achool, any mora ••111 ka land 'k r a)iksrs" . Us* three aeries to determine the cham- Roc, c Tha ReaiiUr's clsiiHedI ada t* ajsi rid Jjupulolf, ii. .„ where he played varsity ball at tint of many unwanted furniturilture* aaandd T kemisM - STAINLESS STEEL pionship. base and In the outfield In hi* sen-knld articles at all tines. Our law east The Field club scored two runi ior year. His father I* a former of then small advertisements krlnr M> Holmsn. c.' ".:Z"ZZ! .1 returns t» the rlaiiMeil adv*rtl>tr. Ttat's in the aixth inning Labor day, and Wll»on, rt. ZZ local baseball star, having played Th- R>si«ter'i way nf doing It. Csl! INDOOR I OUTDOOR ELECTRICAL DISPLAYS it proved enough to bring home the 8|i»ro, sh O'Donnell. Sk. • with Everett, Holmdel and Brade- at l-eeil and plsee tkat ad. win. Ed Fix totied a flve-hitter at Hyrei, 3 b, _ I velt ball elub*. —Advertlssanat Adelphia, which waa good enough Rofflan, |i "" • for a ihutout had not errora mewed Weit«»elt, p, .'..'."I"™. * ROAD-AD SERVICE, Inc. things up in the eighth when the SO. MAIN ST. ASlUAY PARK losers acored their lone tally. Leonard* F. C. .— ••• Miaae . Jake Jeffrey had a nice day atAWpWj •«• »0» lit—I T«o.baie Wti-Ja«r.» (J). SaerllMS bat for the winnera, poking out —Murdoek. DouUa playi — Carh.rt. two doublea in hia four appear- Ward: Fitlbott-Csrhart-Waril, Struck ances and acorlng one of the runs. out by Kx 4. Roman f, Weattrvtlt 1. Buei on ball, off Fix 8, Roman I. Hit He drove in the other run, aend* by pitcher, by Fix (Hyrei). Hlti off Ing home Walling who had singled. Roman • In II M Inalnaa: Westirvelt Jeffrey dented the platter on Uhnlrtu—falty and Teth, Scott to Meet Hanley at Beacon To Decide Cannavo's Opponent LEONARDO—Larry Scott will postponed because of Inclement meet Jim Hanley thia week-end at weather, it will be played at a Beacon Hill Country club to de-date to be announced. termine who will go against Willie Cannavo in the club championship finale. Party for Couple Scott, whoae mldatction Is heav- SPAR ily taped to counter the broken UTILITY SWITCH ribs he suffered recently gained the Married 40 Years lemi flnala Saturday by disposing LEONARDO — Mr. and Mra. VARNISH of Fred Merrlman 1 up on theHolmes Crawford, Navesink, were l&th carpet. Both Scott and Merrl- given a surprise party by their man were well off their game In children at the home of Mr. and If JWI need money, find out for ;;.foeL Emerjenrie»o( ill kind*. Saturday's match, both men poat* Mrs. Frank Crawford in celebra- yoanelf what Ibax folks have dis- ing 86's—far above their normal tion of their 40th wedding anni- amnd... tint HFC-Houwhold Sfattla n»i|Biial|liii.At HFC rounds. Merrlman enjoyed a 3 upversary. A buffet supper waa serv- finance Corporation—gim you you repay your loan in montMjr advantage a.t the end of the .first », ed at a table on which a large everything you want in fist, de- instalment* eapeciaUy arranged to but Scott's perfect ahort game wedding cake waa the centerpiece. pendable money aenrice. fit your income. Our rate on all whittled the lead until the match The couple received many gitta loam above $100 it substantially had to be decided on the final and greeting cards. fa* artiM. No matter who you below the lawful minimum. For green. Suott paired the laat hole Members of the family present arc or where you work, you can a prompt, businesslike cash loan, In regulation figures, while Merri- were Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Craw- borrow 820 to $500 here, without call HFC today! mim went 1 over with a 4. Can-ford and children, Janice and eodanan or guarantors. navo entered the finals a week be- Joyce, Leonardo; Mr. and Mrs. £0WESTPR.cl fore by defeating Jack Warren. Clifford Cooper, Holmes and Alvlia Uncial, Aunts and mony Cwiini wont your picture! .., Caab far say a**** aarptM. Car KVNVMM vOtfOtt! jttlttt ff*r C< frMft eUPy Other week-end activities at theCrawford, Naveslnk, and Mr. and order doivtt! W« hova experli—each on* know* me— repairs.., vacation etpensei,.. nikti ttmnmtr fimmtt tnmpany. local links found Cannavo posting Mrs. William Spengeman and chil- Or dental bills,, .taut So burro* wiuly. Bonouftm Ht C. proper papa/ ami •ipowr*. Ona or hundradi, wa raprinl the beat low from for the three dren William and Donald, Atlan- them. II you with wt'll even tint them! So give them freely days, a 37-41—78. Hanlty waa intic Highland*. PRONT ST. V||ir-M4lt THIS COU'OM tm second place honor* with 38-14 Others attending the party were when you need mer*-«_ —79, W. B, Johacn took low netMr. and Mrs. Ehvood Duncan and lr honors with 80-33-47. Mr. and Mm. George Crawford, ' Reprinti art 'mad*" at DORN'S PHOTO Stara! AMBOV, MBW BBCNSWICK, FINANCE In Monday's Scotch fouraome Red Bank; Mr. and Mrs. Albert TaUMTOlf, BLIIABITH Henry Bauer teamed with Mra, Bennett, Albert Bennett, Jr., and mtWABK. ») a»M It, 6tk An, PMtTH AMBOY, N. Jen-Firth Anker 4-M4* Larry Scott to win with ft net score Walter Bennett, Keyport; Mr. and VP*4*) EHt WwJ/ Lit. N: »»l of 72. Law grou suorej Jn this de- Mrs. Oeorgv finder and children partment included Mr. and MraLind, a and Cheryl, Naveslnk; Mr. Ed Savldge 46-47-BS, Pat Vita and nnd Mrs. Herbert Sleh and chil- Mrs, L. C. Richardson 47-49—96, dren Herbert and Jean, Locust, and L, E. Veilrgor und Mies Shir- nnd Mr. nnd MIH. Frank WUCIH- /\ PIP BOYS S10RE NEAR YOUR DOOR CITY. STATE „ _ ley Mason 47-50—97, worth and Raymond I* Taylor, ftuadt/a Ihora leagu* autca WM Atlutla Uifhlaadi. iwamm, «, twi •JON ATLANTIC* "ANTIQUI HUNT-WIN $10,000.00 IN PilZISH


PAYMENT 19" RCA VICTOR 17" RCA VICTOR HUGE 17" RCA "NEWPORT" "HILLSDALE" "HIQHLAND" YESTERDAY'S PRICE AT ATLANTIC-S269.95 NOW! $OQQK $ 95 taMki •> tM.M •• • ktmtMltil tokto im<«l it" M* Vtetor wHk atl $ 95 •rMftfMtotr i . . MNIM JMkrftr "Vlttitl*" 4t IHUMWM. FROM fwliii $475. 359 289 NO CASH NEIOtt! TAKE 18 MONTHS TO PAY!!* • M« IMM fMNy «M MA VMTM fMtarn HIM a iwh« tl too tow ANmtta pto* tottoy •< Mrty •Mt.M , NO CASH NIIDID! TAKI It MONTHS TO PAY* h\ 17" RCA VICTOR 17" RCA VICTOR "KENr* En$emble "REGENCY" APPLIANCE CO. Raduced from $399.95 Reduced from $415. 6 GREAT STORES READY TO SERVE YOU 95 95 259 329 Asbury Park Rid Bank Long Branch Keyport Frtehold Lakewood 711 Miln tt • Menmeulh tt tit Iraadway t iMt Front ti. SO Uit Main M. 1IT ••cond tb •ri StiMto"! *!* NMVt* MM Albnry rark MtM Keyport 1-SOU ftwhsM t-tWI Ukcwood t-UU

> MM*,


Ttw aaaaia <"W art "M» MM IMW" 4m* tiara daily, far •Hay'rs Mffaw a< finawiej tfwir t«»ar- Ma fsaaV taHafwlV M4 s»aNM«sY t>4 aaaatisMfly torvoa1. H yw aW» Ma what yaw wart a* Mia maw "jvtt atk far it." Wai fry to maat yaw SUNDAY MMER DELUXE V i !•# rradcfc Sasraasjt at ™a Mawy rifchsf n ax i«W fattiof far that waaMmaj racaptian m •facial a*r*y y«« may fco Official! af tho Air Faro ******* aiasrcal laat wttk at Mia ar^aftsjaNaa's MNl aMNtl m& vtntian in LM Anfalai, C*) '*d»M |Wt la ri|M) Warraa Oa aVawn af %hm Plata, riflawal vita IM •» tee * Cooi rasa* * Goo* rrtcMt H prctiaW far N«- Y«rk, N«« Jtnay *K4 fawnyl»>aiat HaraM C. i»utrt af WaiMiifjtwi, 0. Cp»t^ dtnt, ana* lrvina>l. ZaJckfltr af Atlantis HSfMana't, Mtianal «awwit»aswan. Mr. Stoart it (da farm, cr *uitt«nt McrtUry *f *K« Air *arca. Tfca #rta A.M. afficart ara M** at Tk» Oaaisliaaia MARCIA TOLAND and SKIPfM OAHIGKEN MOLLY PITCHER HOTEL Monica, ana4ima ratiaWa af MartM Oaviat, y tto Cost of UM ANsatto CaMl, •CO MNK ON STATION WfIX, JUNE, I9SI tht convtntian wtrs hsM it ttia) Ambamaiar Mad to air>pswsr bana.wtt MM at Hw Caaanut

...d tk« WinV4U« >W> ittajta* at tht OH October 5th me are preitHtiny a nctc Ckildrtn'i Bullet, "King Midst" Hl'NDAV Hlfhlwda MM. Rita BiiMtt. Mwly<*leetod ao. •t River Street tchwA auditorium at 8M P. it. Thii Ballet fog been Mrmlirr." nf Relief Engine com- aoclatlon aroildont, and Robert Ma- pany. Kill Bank fir« department, aiuan Marie Upli, *h» with bar ehctte were co-chairmea of the or- iccomplitked by our Summer Student*. parent*, Mr. and Mil. JtNM* UpU, rangementa committee for the will hold il.s monthly paper rallcc- Party. We arc now mcccptiua new ttudenU for cUuet at the Dorothy Choose from over tion .Sunday. The firemen nsk real- ana her *lit*r, ChrUtint, U •pend- drhU Ui tic iicw.spapei'H )n a bundle ing ih« with hrr lp Mi a. ChtiUi yelngat wa» hooteai Toland Dance Studio. There will be a wide and complete ichedule cover* and plai'i- them on th« curb or enti, Mi. und Mr*. Emiel Auflerl, ye«terdsy afternoon to membera of lawn. Collrctiona begin at 1 p. m. *«• guejt of honor »t • party Fri- "Our Club" at her homo on Ocean iiiif all typet of dance and carefully teparating age yroupt with cfotH$ day »t h«r (rin FLOWERS tion Sunday night met at the Le- T. MARKETS-RED BANK PAINTS - WALLPAPPR gion hall on Bay ave. when they 1 cntciUlixd more than 1W periom. 21 uo 01 011 14 Mtnwuth H It 6-3S3t 444 Iroaa St. Mr*. Anne Haye* was awarded a Tal. Rad lank 44020 IM detenu bond and more than w. PRONT ST. DELIVERY A* ** ™ **• MS other prlsei were proeented

MILLERTON RUGS. INC ASPHALT FOWL YELLOW SQUASH 178,000 Pieces of 4v4e -* Nationally Famous ARMSTRONG'S ASPHALT TILE FANCY POTATOES Tht test Quality Money Can Buy KHiEB TURKEY 55 Htavy 1-8' Thick 9 x 9 Til*

Enough Tile for a 5 Marbleized Enough Tile for a 2 Solid 9x12 fl. room Colors on KST GUT 4-29 9x12 ft. Room Colors 4i/2c £«. Dark Shades Cost only $6.64 Coat only «f|.S6 ntnr SIRLOIN EGG PLANTS 6 Marbleized Enough Tile for a H Marbleized Enough Tile for a Colors in |1/ )C 9x12 ft. Room Colors on 9xl2 '*• Medium Shades* Light Shades Coat only $||.32 Cost only UAN C Ea. 10 CHOBMD BEEF 59fe. p Install Your Own Tile Floor! EATING APPLES Save Money! MAXWKL c HOUII 1. You can lay Armstrong Asphalt Tile as easy a» We also carry complete line of Rubber Tile • COFFEE -83 ABC. No heavy rolls to handle or cut. Use your 5 ^ 29* spare time to beautify any room with any easy Linoleum Tile • Cork Tile. A complete line to clean Armstrong Floor—a long-wearing floor of Broadlooni by Gulialan • Alexander Smith NEINZ KETCHUP 27* 4- that stays fresh and new looking. • Artlooin • Magee • Wunda Weve and others. HEINZ CHILE SAUCE 35« 3- Moiiirch r««rte Stuffed 0llve$3Aoz 29*4- MILLERTON RUGS INC STOKELYS NO r, CAN PEACHES 3S« 3- 130 BROAD ST. (Opp. Sulnbach'i) RID RANK 6-S17t Stokelys NO > <« oz Pineipple Juice 35* 3- •too Ttk 7 Gents RED BANK REGISTER Ml COW VOLUME LXXIV, W>. 10. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER ft,195 1 SECTION THREE—PAGES 1 TO 14. Ground Broken for County Police Radio Building Red Bank's Marinf PBA Asks Mayor Basin Has Had a Mayor Declines Very Busy Season To Vote 'Yes* H' To Break Tie !>)U|irrviaiMl Red Bank Local WanU Iaiiie Refuses !<• Make Snap Decision The present boating season, To Be Decided by the Voters which is rapidly drawing to a close. In View of Council Arguments ha* been a most active one at the UaUeadayy aigat't eltadlatk la UMwould ararU* for tkt saUriet M new boat basin at Red Bank's Ma- An. ordinance providing for a ref-1 same fair treatment, and that, tlia mart* aad il rfca tkt tkrtt ana at HIM tack aad fine park, and according to Cunv * a avar • rtferca- RUssioner Evrrett Raytiton, »'h,: is fehaum it. the November generjl [council *houldn't create or con4oaa daa •• a «-kaur vvtek far BWBV tkt kalaact far etjuiseJMtt aad atk- Election on a 40-hour work week for in equities. When questioned lataf tr captasas. Mr. Jiaaalae aaM kt chairman of the park comnrileo, tars af tlM aalice toyirtwit m the 30 stall* ur mooring; eiaccs Red Rank polinmicn resulted in tjo. thi« statement by a reporter, ha ftllawtd iMt alfkt ay Red lank to- had aatalatd kit aguret fraai MM. Julia M. Keoagh, bareugh calltetar, rould hiv b'^n rented thrr: time.'; 3-to-3 council deadlock at Monday ! sail "tht nolicem»n art the oaly tal It af tk* Patfalawa't Beaeva- over. night's meeting of the K«d Bank borough employees protected hy a iMt ataaeiatita adaptlag a reaeltt- tat Wallaea Jeffrey, borough audj- lyor ami cnuncil. borough- supported pension plan. Uw reejatatlag Mayar Kathtria* w. The rates for the st.il'.-- were set Mayor Katharine Elkus White de- | Some of our other employe*! don't Slkat WMtt ta can a special uteet- tan ft Ta V< very low and thia hus '.ipcn mani- alined to ca^-t tho vote whii-h would even hive social security, let aloaa tag af tkt govaralag body tad tt fested by the uri>at denuind for have hrokin the de»dlo<:k on the a peneion or any iorm Of job aeew» rattaridtr k«r etaae) aa tkt Matter- Commenting aa tkt referendum. them. Inboard |JOW.I boats, 20 to Mitral membere of tht pallet **- 23 feet, wore charged $30, inboard grounds that .-he didn't have sufll- ity." At th. etuncil MecUag Mayer ient informntion on thr various ' Wklte refuted U break ttlintt i..tmtat expressed tkt tsseeia- power boai« undrr 20 fict. $20, sail- information AeMea Itn's view In tkt fallowing ramifications of the question to war- aa tht referendum prepeeal aa the boats undfr 'JO tVft $15 and row- 1 B.w-ausc of the time limit for •net, "All we want It ta give tkt boats or sni.'i! outltonrds $10 for rant a tn;ip d"i'|fion in 'h' face of grouad tkat mar* Matt should k« an evenly-.^plit. council and strong getting such propositions on tha gtota ta tka tariaaa phase* a( tka yattn af Had Bank aa opportunity the aoason. Yhe 30 sluices, as rent- general election ballot special at* •attar ktfara a deciiloa caul* kt decide tkt litwe." Tka pallet- ed this yi ?.v, have brought, in a arguments pro and con. a toateud tkat under tk* pre- gross of t,-'M. Councilman Oorgc A. Gray, tion by the council will now b* •*» ptted «0-he»r att up wttk tkrat aa- hairman of the police committee, I ces»»ry. Already Commissioner Baynton is A petition waa received Tka M.A. ratthitltfj. which la ditlanal men, affiear* wilt kt avall- •jukins plans for next year's ren- ntroduced thr oidinance and It amaai aikt Mayar Wkiu ta rt-abl* (or duty at busy traffic later- waa seconded by Councilman Ever- John st. r«*t w.'i be notified that they will have fcrred to llurough Attorney tm>A kt presented ta ktr tkii naming' raad ttatlM would kt ptatiMc. Tke 'ml uru.H,ii on ii renewal for thegomery, Jr., voted »ith Mr. Oray •Mathers af the ataaelattaa stated. (llrt altt argue thit they wtrk a nd Mr. Baynton in favor <»( iht or- Reii!«iile fen report at the mat ttit season. If the)* do not maki;dinance. Voting in opposition were meeting. Favorable action ntut b« taken by ttraigkt eitjbt-haur day, tkat two- application for a renewal within a tka awtMlt ktfar* midnight taster- third* of thtir working heurs art ^ouncilmen Harry Malchow, Harold Two liquor license traniftre were) lew day* after notification their Hurley and Thomas Oakley. tpproved. On* was for premise* If tkt praptttttM it ta ktat algkt tad tkat tkty work aU hoi- •pace will be open for rental to •Itttd •a tkt Ntvatjfetr tUctiaa tfayt. Mr. Gray announced that he wai it 102 Shrewsbury ave., and tha another party. opposed to the 40-hour work week ransfer wu from Louis Acerra ta* ball*. Pallet Chief rraak Rttttktr tklt Commissioner Baynton hag ac- U*t night's Mtit* wat takaa at morning stated tkat la kit aaiate* for policemen when he introduced a Louis and Ferdinand Acerra. Tha by, JMafh C. frwm, Afcrtm 0. V»aHmi tatj Vk»«r I. •ranhifar, ana* Rabart S. Jakutt*, «kwf «far. complished a. good job, and allsimilar ordinance two years ago. other was for property at 10T OalH • matting tf tht patlctmea't local a tO»hour schedule could k* worked those who have either rented stalls la tk« P§.A. building aa Ctthtrlat ant with tkrtt tstra man. The ordinance failed to net » *ec- 'and st., and the transfer wu fratx ir have been otherwise active at ond *t that time. "Now," he paid, Ferdinand, to Lou I* Aim*. ihe basin with their I am strongly in favor of a re- An ordinance wu passed on Saal Other matttra taktn up at lut Loett Felite Rttervet rafts are unanimous in their duced work week for the pollc*." reading, prohibiting parking arouad nlghft PBA. meeting, at whiek prai*e of the way rules have been Mentioning a few municipalities he circles on Manor dr, at R*4 Patrolman l»Mllp Jlannlnt, Patrolman Emtnon Wllllami, area- Plead Not Guilty in Narcotics Case; iarrled out for the basin's first sea- •Utt P.B.A. delegate, submitting a To Receive Bmdget In the county which had adopted Bank Manor apartment!. Another I4tnt, amitltd, were plant far tht ion. such an ordinance, Mr. Gray point- ordinance wa* pissed on final I rtptrt an a turvey af tkt 40>btur coating ttttt convention at Atkury Mooring spaces thi# year have atktr pallet depart- af MM ed out that the Red Bank police Ing, authorising the expenditure at vtk Park, a Pallet Athletic Uagiat 4ln. Monmouth Park Jockey Indicted been rented by Daniel B. Porn, 120 now spend considerable of their fJT.OOO for a borough garage an4 •ttnU *to*tht tUtt, said tkat at ntr and a tettlmonlal tilnatr ta at Plnckney id; John Bailley, 21 atattnt 4t atr ttat af th* total own tlrnn In court and In police storage building at TS Cheitaut tt> F.B.I. Agent Xlehatl J. Connolly, F1UCEH0LD - Indictouats wert Drummond pi.; W. McCaffrey, headquarter* on testimony and re- Mayor White reported a pleasant ntmbtrihip tf tkt ttate's 1M PBA. who ha* keen trantferrt4 to WateV on Otrtruda Cummlaga, ttmt ad- River Plata; Charles H. Elchman awoelttlont, apareta oa a Okrar lagton. handed up yesterday for tha second ports, respectively, and on youth conference with two representatives wtt time agaiatt Bv* man arrttted last Ire** June 90. Manor dr.; Donald Hubbard, 22 work. He said that even If they of the Pennsylvania railroad whet) wttk. tome wark 41 and torn* 44 Dtlegatti to tbt convention tun- Fran'* and Jtnnaro Santorlelle, Hubbard park; Harry Martin, 130 hourt, he sttd, whllt la Hobokaa day night at • aVttek to ttw M*> Hatch in what police ttld wee a had a 40-hnur week they would still the pros and cons of increased < day. Monday aad Tuesday at tht marijuana ring tparatim in Had II «r.d 94, respectively, R. D. 9,Spring at; John L&wley, 42 Con- put In more than 40 noun every muter, rates wsre discussed In full,' aa4 Olftoa tka poll* wark H.4 tfanttrty hotel art Patrolmen Wll> Frcenold, atrocious assault tnd over lane; James Hitchcock, Molly kourt wttkly. Ht tUtai tkat tbt Bank and Matawtn townthlp. week on polic* work. He also The mayor said tht conference wat) IIIIMM, , Jlannlnt,, Charkaii Janet aad Tht Ave, William B. Harrington, bV.tery on Joseph Kennedy, Smith- Pitcher; wmtam Burner, at. Mary a pointed out that the policemen did- a result of lettars of protest auth* Mow Brunswick aallat itaartmtat Irving Kraktwlteaklk k k af Had BBannkk I'urg rd., Freehold. Park, Middletown township; Wel- win ttart tht oMiowr wttk t*4ay, », of Newark, Habart lewis, 13, n't get sny legal holiday* off. orised by tht counell on In-created and Mtlrta UtU k af Mlddlttowa. Stt Shrewsbury avt., Rtd Bank I Martin Bkislock, 48, ltd Park lington Wllkins Jr., Little Silver; Mr. Oakley, chairman of th* rates. aa4 Uktww>4 win vatt aa tht Highlights will Include a pistol Richard Kice, M Linden pi.; Cath Navtmktr. Howard Sidney, Red Bank. Normr.r. ive, Union Beach, Indecent assault street snd garbage committees, artaatltlon la shoot at tht Spring Lake range, and ustult and battery on a five- erlne Mogcle, 212 River rd.; Jo- A««aat New Plft Trtjek Bask aalletmtm wark 41 kattn a Snaka. NuUwamp rd, Mtddletr etntt par W,«» af Tht dlaatr to Mr. Caaaolly < Spring terr,; Entity M. White, IS hree more police officers at an lry covered by Insurance. aMtatt4 vahiatlM. Tht H«0M Jtka « OtoWUno, Lawta aitd *•*. St. Nicholas pi; Joseph Becker, take. placj Saturday. Stpi. l»V rtkgtba pleaded not guilty yester- crease In the tax rate of 40 cent* Th* borough attorney wet authae* Little Sliver; Minor B. Tllton, or each $1,000 of assessed valua- iwd ta draw aa ordinance reetrte* day. Tht athtrt will bt arraigned rd., Plat Brook, tutault with In Route 1, Red Bank; George Glas- at a laUr d.tt. tent to kill and carrying a con- tion. ing parking ta the east aide at tey (Colonitl Flowers), Shrews- Mount at., and to the east side it Saturday Night William £. Johntoa, 33, whocealed weapon In tht shooting Apr. bury; Irving Rubin, Little Sliver; Mr. Malchow estimated that at Commissioners Set Next Thursday lived at **ranh'a hotel, freehold, 14 of Conrad Qreenhow and Ray- least four new officer* would b* Washington it, from Walltee gfc CATONTOWN-A asvea-weeh-old Alvin Abrams, Eatontown; Nell to Linden pi. when a art tbtrt teak three lives mond Leonard at Pint Brook. Clifton, Little Silver; Harold Wil- needed which would add from |l«0 Oerman ehepherd dog will bt tboUtt Jv.nt.l, wti Indicted en three o 12 to tli* tax rate, "I don't think Morton Kopllk «f 3H Newana For White St Widening Hearing principal award at Saturday liamt. Muena pi. and Commissioner lahorlou* or Springs rd. complained of motorlttg charret af manslaughter. He al-Body •( Soldier Baynton. heir duties are so Tht eommlMltntri af autta- flight's third annual Montt Carlo Itftily discovered tha Matt but did itrenuous they have to have *> 40- using that thoroughfare at a sptatV Ptllowlng tha hearing or anytpontortd by the local Racreation Mooring space* and anchorage mtnt apaolnttd by tht local mayor adjournments to It, tht commit- not report It. Arrives in U. S. hour week," said Mr. Malchow. wsy. Stuart A. Edlngton of New» association In the parking lot be- are unsigned to the holder* of a In answer to Mr. Gray'* conten man Springs rd. told the eeunell tnd eounelt wilt held a. heating a •lontre will make their report of Indictment* charging gambling COLTS NECK — Tht body of permit Issued by the commissioner atMNmtata to tha borough coun- hind borough hall. violation* wtrt preatnted against Ion that the borough had to com he had brought the matter of pd from tonight at • o'clock In Mrs. Louis a Mead, president of '. F. C. Robert L Cox of this place of and docks for a particular pete In the labor market for newI on Newman Springs rd. to cil. Ptllowlng that, council will Oeergt Etoll, 33, of MM Btnge ave., who wu killed In action tn Korea, boat and no other boat may oc- pete In the labor market for new ..... -„ . .. _,....._ ...... _ tke borough hall far tht purpott of notify property owntn of another tht association and general chair- Atbury Park, for possession of lot- policemen and wasn't faring so well ] council's atcntlon twice previously man of the event, said that tha wu among tht bodies of service- cupy a rented stall, mooring or determining aatttimtnti agalaat hearing for tht purpott tf con- tery slips Aug. M; William Watta, anchorage apace, until the said because of the police working con- and nothing had been done. firming or amending tht commit- entire proceeds of tha Hontt Carlo men scheduled to land yttterday ditions, Mr. Malchow said, "we havt Mr. Malchow said he thought 1U4 property owntra bantStad by the 46, of ISM SwnmerBeld avt., At- it San Francisco aboard the Ala- holder of a permit requests and re- widening of White *W tlonert' aasesiments. will go to Improve aad aquli> tho bury Park, poiteuion of lottery d ne all right >o far." Bank should get busy right away borough playground. to Victory. ceives the content of the commis- Kthuth M. VVyekoff It chair- The oommtitlonera will only con- tilpt June T; and Robart Wtekt, sioner of park* and. dock*, Mr. Gray took a firm stand that anil Ho somtthing about the sp*t4* man of tht board. Other members The d*g it a gift of Vantata Van* Pvt. Cox lied In Japan Mar. :ha council shouldn't keep the peo- ing menace throughout tht bets tld«r tuch property improvemtnte IMS Eleventh ave., Neptune, book- from wounds suffered earlier in Ko- During the seaaon several changes are Jacob Wyekoff. William T. at resulted from tht White at. Oudtn of Vanetaa breeding ken- making at Bradley Batch July St. of space assignments have been ple from voting on the Issue. ough He stated, "This U a probltW Jenet, Samuel Welmteln and Ed- nels, Middletown. Pedlneed, regU- ret. HI* wife, Mr*. Helen J. Cox, Mr. Malchow held that all bor-every municipality must tall* itl widtning at dlttlnguithed from tht Two autolsts were Indicted for rt. 34, Colt's Neck, received word brought about due to the sale of mund Cansona. Tht board hat met parking lot. Tht parking lot cost* tertd, Inoculated and wormed, tha causing death by auto. They ar* ough employees should iccttve tht hand, and the sooner the better." pup la valued at fioo. Mrs. Dan- of hi* death aoon after receiving certain craft or folk* moving away MVtral times, recently to study tht will ht paid by gantral taxation. William J. Burnt, JS. of tht Cadet and these stalls were reuslgncd to proptrtiei at thoroughly at poeai- Oudtn will bt prtarnt tht night of a letter from her husband in which Since tht parking lot ordinance Meat detachment, West Point, he tald ht had bten injured and othe'r holders. bte. The hearing It called to glva was patted by borough council, a tbt award to Instruct Its ntw own- named in the death Maylt, 1151, of an opportunity to thoat afftettd ttatt law waa panted permitting tr on tht cart and folding of a wu being sent to Japan for an shepherd. Thomas W. Brandon, a soldier, In operation. Steinbach'a to Show 2,000 State Hospital Patients ta txprets their view*. It alto will tht cost of parking lot Improve- Ocean township, and Carmen Rl- be an aid to tbt eoannlitlontrt ment* to bt attested at local Im- Tht second prttt will bt aa Pvt. Cox wu a native of nil ehiehi, BM High at. Long Branch, City, S. D, and enlisted In iheFur Collection In determining tht aaitasmtnta. provement*. tlght-wttk-oid ''puppy dawg," girt wheat mother, a passenger In her of Mrt. Martha Melon*. Four Army In 1941. He tervtd with the A special collection of fur* from Participate in Annual Field Day ear, waa fatally Injured Mar. 3* In Fort Monmouth military police un- ground pritts will bt given away, • head-on crash In Ocean township. the leading American fur manu- MARLBORO — More than 2,0004- among r'nem a set of auto ttat til Nov. 1880, when he wu assigned facturers will be presented by patlents were an the field yesterday | covets donated by tht Auto Seat Jersey City Detective Joseph F. overseu. Stelnbach company at its Red Mrs. Harry Kahn, Mrs. Walter Tag** (Buddy) Brooks, ST, wat indicted at the State hospital when the an- Bowers Gets Contract to Build Cover company of Broad at. In Surviving beside* hi* wlft art hit Bank store today, tomorrow and nual field day for patient* wu held. lor, Mrs. Harry Meerton, Mn. Karl addition, many games will be Infor assault and battery and un- parents, Mr, and Mn. Frank Cox Saturday. The collection, which is Heuser and Mrs. Elmer BunpttaatV lawful possession and use of a dan- Adding color to the event wu the operation for tht "small fry" aa of Hill City, and his five-year-old valued at approximately $100,000, is 80-plece Fort Monmouth band which Matawan Woman's club; Mrs. 1% Addition to Second National woll at for adults. Among them ar* gerous weapon, charges growing son, Robert Cox, Jr., and a brother, brought to Red Bank for this ape- M. Friedman. English town; Mr* out of a shooting July It tt the entertained ••'ith several selections »ne gun game, milk bottlt pitch, who ii in. the Navy. del showinjr to launch the fall fur before marching on field to pro- Harry Medansky, Mrs. Alvin Nt> The Second National Bank and home-made cake and pie booth, Ctndlellte Inn, Wall townthlp. Mason. Every coat bear* the Caro- ton. Mrs. Bessie Feldt. Mrt. J— merchandise booth and a aoda and On' vacation, the tlnct-tutpended vide music throughout the program. rome Bueler. Mrs. V. Siege!, Mrta Trust company yesterday aigned a lyn label, one of the foremost fash. It wu directed by Warrant Officer contraet with Philip J. Bower* for 2 Kemtiburg Copt hot dog booth. head of the Jersey City police con- Fish Supper Sept. IS Ion names. Miriam Matthews, Mrs. Etra Dtsi fidential gambling squad allegedly Juan Lameray. vidson and Mrs. Rose Kerber, Roe} the construction of a two-story To Get Hero Auardt Councilman Ralph I* Lewis will At Reformed Church Here to explain and help show Though most of the day wu addition to It* building at Broad bt In charge of a booth manned tired two thots from a .32 cal. the collection arc Walter Schwarts, Bank, tnd Mrt. J. L. Suydan, MrsY and Wallace at*. Occupancy Is ex- nkklt-plated revolver during an at- A fish tupper will be serve* In spent In event* for the patients, M. Hennessey, Mrs. 8. Harbor. Mm ' ASBVBT PABK - Patrr men by tha local Uons club. This wll New York fur designer and manu- probably the most enthusiastically pected In about three month*. ~ ~ i loder and Jattpli rac contain prlaet which havt bttn gument with Mn. Florence Pyott the cafeteria of the Red Bank Re- facturer, and Alfred Cohen, fur C. Pound*, Mrs. M. Better, Mrs. Aa and George Btlbert, owners of the formed church on Shrewsbury ave., received portion of the event* waa Slmmonet, Mrs. M. Pascal* an4 The structure will be about Ma el af donated by Individual Lions' mam- consultant from the Carolyn office. the wrestling match performed by 30 feet, Fart of the triangular piece ben. Mra. James Booth will bt InroacMouse. Brooks was hospitalised next Thursday starting at 5:30 p. Mrs. L. Chambers, Conn^etiejsjl "hero" awards Monday aigbt at m. Mrs. Harold Severln Is chair- These expert furriers will be at the Mr. Belvedere of Keansburg and of land owned by the bank on the nrtfetmen'a B«n»*»lent aa- charge of a home-made caki booth. with head Injuries tuffered In a Btelnbach store every day during Firmit Woman's club. tho northern ttdt of 1U building O. O. Mansfltld will bt In charge acuffl*. man of the committee and is beling Frits Ziegfrled of Germany. assisted by members of the Ladle*' the presentation. Edward J. Macklin, president of will be used. The addition will be of a merchandise booth. Nutntroua Brooks lut month told the Sen- The coat.? in the collection repre- ateel frame, re-enforced concrete, TIM |ati«litteft » Mf torn other* have volunteered ta work ate Crimes commlttet in Washing- Aid society, aponaors of the sup- Red Bark's Root Beer and Checker siivRn 10 ser av nonvivv. aajv per.. sent the latest trends In fur de- club, was master of ceremonies. He Candidates' Tea masonry. at tha affair, which promises to ton that ht had been cleared by sign, ranging from budget priced The aecond floor addition will awards are for V* ofltotfa' fctav- bt tht blggtst to date. the Monmouth grand Jury, The de- Tht society met Tuesday eve- kept things rolling at a lively and •ry laet Thank* giving when they mouton lamba to fabulous mink*. amusing pace, being generously ap- principally be used for the exten- tective maintains he wat "framed" ning at the home of Mrt. Leoi Many are direct adaptations of Planned by Gub tlon of the prtstntly crowdtd book- aaterad a K.asing hanta ftva In the shooting cue by Jersey City Pennlngton, Plnckney rd., at whlcl plauded by the large throng. At tuna* ta rvstj* a trapped fatnlly. plan* were completed for the sup furs presented in the Paris fashion 4:30 p. m., supper was served to the Plans for a candidates' tea In Ot> keeping department. The down- Generellis Buy gamblers. openings hy famous French de- tober were made at a meeting Itat stair* space will be for office space per. Other activities for the fal naUents by the hospital, a large Jockey lailctai season were discussed. Hostesses signer*. Included In the group are group of volunteer women workers Thursday of the executive board] for link executive*. Cleaning Business full lenRth coats, jackets, capes, of the Women's Democratic' elut) Officials of the bank said that 15 Coi nly Men Enlist Patrick 8. Boyle, 1». New Or-were Mn. Wallace Ranktn, Mra. sshtinR. of Monmouth county held latt Mr. and Mrs. Jtrry Qtnerflll oi leans, the jockey accused of using Harry Oaborn and Mrt. Pearl stoics and scarfs. Beside* present- Mrs. Leslie D. Seety of Eaton- reasons for the addition includt the For ftuty With Navy Tlnsch tvt., Leonardo, havt ttktn ing the latest silhouettes, the col- Thursday night at the headqaaf* fact that tha bank it continually an electric battery on a horse in Ralph. town, chairman of the Marlboro tcrs in Monmouth st. Mrs. AdtllM ovtr tht optratlon of tht fifth a race at Monmouth Park Jockey lection also includes the newest (ur taking on ntw dutitt and functions Th'i-teen men from Monmouth Avenue Cleanert and Dytrs at 17 shades such as moonglovv, breath of Women's auxiliary, was In charge Barton. Atbury Park, club prtah connected with detente effort da- eou-.ty, Including one from Red club July », was indicted for tam- of general arrangements. Members dent, presided. Plans were alto dst* Wtat Front st., and will conduct pering with a race horse. Gir! Sergeant Joins spring and silver blue, creates es- muds, at wall a* tha optratlon Brnk, were tworn into the V. S.'a tailor and cleaner business there pecially for the fashion-endorsed of Union county's Connecticut cussed for the November election of such department* «• for smalsmalll . >.»v-y last week at the Phlladel- under tht nama of Avtnut Clean- Mist Leah Ooodrlch, 11, M Run- Local Recruiters Farms Woman's club also assisted The nest business meeting will l hih tl b yon avt., Deal, daughter of a Deal move to pastel furs. in arrangements. Dosens of prizes loans which wa* roctntly tsUb-; P»>|* ers Sgt. Margaret Klappa, WAF, la be held Thursday night, Sept. ft, Itohed. It wa* pointed out the Th.. group comprised Victor An- policeman, wat indicted for petty Announctmtnt were awarded the contestants, gifts at the Red Bank headquarter*. AU Tht business was purchattd larceny In tht thtft lut Mir. 3 stationed In the Red Bank poti •lection on coming from such organisations as when tha bank was built tho.e thony Calandrlello, 70 John it, from the Fifth Avenut Cleaner* the tending last week's session were but IS employees. The brnk Red Bank: Edward Anthony of two cant of food worth 17 cents office daily from 8: JO a. m. to I November •'tth, everyone of courBc, rnuit the Belmar Woman's club, the Un- and Dyer* of Oceanport. Mr. Oene- p. m. to give Information and pro- be registered And r would Uke tn draw Mrs. Rita H. Douglas, Rod Bank, currently ha* about 80 emplo- ees. Rausah, 240 First ave., Atlantic relll, who has resided In Leonardo at Neptune City, She allegedly wu attention to the fact, cMicciiilly tn any ion county group and members of Mrs. Jane Kastner, Atlantic High* Highlands; Malcolm Chttttr Ltom part of a group suspected, of shop- cess immediate enlistment* In th new residents of thf township, fhnt no the auxiliary. lands; Mra. VYIUisn Bean, Long ard, Mlddtttown rd,, Ntw Hon- the past 25 years, hat btta a tai- WAC and WAF. one can vote unVi» they hnve registered lor since boyhood. lifting tn several shore towns. pertonHlly. Mrs. Elna Anable, supervisor of Branch: Mrs. Qostave J. FrertU Sailor Is Beaten, mouth; Arthur Jams* Kraust, Three others of tht group have 'al- Sgt. Klappa comes here from Me- Any voter In MliHlctown townihin may recreation, was in charge. She wuFair Haven: Mr*. Evelyn McCoy Hamilton rd., Leonardo; Donald ready bten prosecuted and sent- Chord Air Force base, Washington, reslkler nt the Township Hnll on Sntur- assisted by members of her staff. and Mrs. Mae McUughlin, Unit* Vincent Manning, IS New at., Sea TBVCK CATCHES FIBB enced. whers she completed a ttletype- days tictwoen 0 :.'to A. M nncl 11:30 A. Robbed at Fair H.ven M.. *nd nn each week day. any time from Mrs. Hcrminia Browne, musical Beach: Mr*. Castle Oreer and Mrt» Bright; Raymond Everett Moore, RUM8ON - Tht rear of a at** Others indicted Included: writer's course. In active service »:.1l> A. M. to h-M P. M. therapist, wai recorder of events. Robert Norton, Set Bright: MrB, PAIR HAVEN - Pr.lct are look- 1« May it., Ktyport, and Richard dtrd Oil gasoline truck making i Herbert Bailey, 43, 16 Leonard two years, she received her basic lor the coiucnlciiic iif thuie whu J. C. VltkiTs, supervisor of food Raphael Devlin and Mrs. OtarM Ing for two men v ho offered a Alvin May, 3t Ocean ave., Mon delivery to Paul Kestor'i servic ave,, Atlantic Highlands, Indtccn training at San Antonio, Tex. Her not attend during tho dnytimr. we have service, sssisted by W. T. Barker, Carey, Matawan, and Mrs. Mat sailor a ride back to Earle last mouth Beach. assignment here waa announced by srrinzrH to have n rtprrscntntivr prci- station, River rd. and Allen st. assault and battery and impairing ill Mll Mty uuHht' HI tin; l«"V|i!jlt|t \\»V, nil "'ere In charge of serving the sup- Mulcahy and Mrs. Helen BernaeatV night then beat hl'.i up tnd robbed Aliu Donald Mltchtll Bondurant, caught lire yesterday when a boy morals of a nine-year-old girl, M-flft. Francis 3. McMthon, whothee tollowintollonlli g uup Il* lirptembrrib : per. Asbury Park. him of WW. Ntptune City; . Irving Graham threw away a match near the William Bennet, 39, i«4 Hudson is In charge of Monmouth county MMondnd y evening,. Sriitrnibrr Ifi, I9il Assisting with the serving were recruiting- Thursday evi'iiinn, ^(.pttinbtr 1:>, llt.*>i According to police, FMInand Uwi, Jr., Neptune; Martin Gil- truck. ave., But Keansburg, atrocious u Monday evening, Srpumber \~, 13U Mrs. J. Spann JefTers, Mrs. James LAKOE POTATOES Bolero, a »«anv.n on the YuKslavIa bert, Avon; Kenneth Francis Bal- The driver, Thome* Vlraeola of sault and battery on Alfred P. Van. Thursdny rvi'tiiufa Suptomlicr -i», 1HJ1 McCosker, Mrs. Thomas Beet* and On display In the window of Tht) Victory, whic'i t* docked at Carlo, lsy, Spring Lake; Harold Carlylt Long Branch; drove tht truck In- BODY rOtINO Monday evenlntf, September 1M. ln.'tl Ravsrbroke, Apr. 14 in Middletown Thursday evening, September -7, 19M Mrs. Kenneth Critton, Junior Serv i.*lIster business office Is a batklt was going rack to hit ship when Marshall, Ocean Grove, and Josto a vacant lot where the blase township. SANDT HOOK — The body of The noun ure from 7 P. M, tn 9 P, M. Ice league; Mrs. Chester Woolley, of unusually large Katahdln pota» ho was plr'.od up by two men who tph Francis Reid, Engllshtown. was extinguished by Oceanic Hook Arthur M. Bostlck, 49, Water- Stephen Waldron of Plalnfleld, who The last d'lte when ttnynn* can re«:»ter Miss Patty Woolley, MIM Nell toes, mined by Mr. and Mr*. Ckorga offered tc drive him back to th* to vote at the election nn Nnvember 5th and Ladder company. bury, Conn., breaking and entry was swept from the deck of a Is Thill nday, SfPt^iuher J7. Hl.'l. Woolley and Miss Carolyn Ardollno. Hirmvlt on their farm on Red HM plor. Wh;n the car arrived at fair and grand larceny at Oie Culm boat durlnr Saturday night's storm West Long Branch; Mrs. Bruce rd., Middletown. Twenty-four P*> Haven, ..aid police, tht men stopped WEATHER REPORT Of course, thn?n WIKI have already reg- I will not bt r«it>onitble for anr 4«btt Ulnch, operated by John Clvltlt, a' way reoovtred y*Bterday off Benistered itt) no) hfivn to dn an, It is urKei Campbell, Miss Lillian Baquet, Mrs. tatoes fill th* basket to overflowing) on Pft'li lane where they beat him Cloudiness developing today, with lncuir«d other than by mrulf, Ketnsburg May ». Bright by Coast Guardsmen, Thethat those who tinvu nut registered Clarence Berger, Mrs, Jamet Qrady, Some of the potatoes weigh a pouM up ar d took hi* money. Bolero wit (Slirtied) RDbtrtJ.Btnnetl.8r.. Ithnulil lio sri nt tho rurliertt pniisibli; showers likely late this afternoon ItUhldo Avi., At!«Mlc Kllhtindl, AlAo Crlmi, 28, 146 Bridge live body was taken to the Posttn fu- Mra. O. T. Mnver, Mrs, Ivan Kuhns ar ) thrte-quarttrs. , fourd wandering around In a date neral home. III nnlrr tlmt VUII tunv vitc nt the lien. by Patrolman Peter Hart, Police In ar tonight, High In th* 7O'«, low—A4vtrtliem«ntf Red Bank, desertion and non sup eml Election in Nnvftnlin' nnd Mrs. H, W. Grathwohl, Shrews tonight In the 60's, Tomorrow, port of his wife and child, KotirrtFulU, bury; Mvs. FvanW Sindllngcr, Mra. KM*. CMI Hid Bank and Middletown town- cloudy with high in the 70>. Qen- Th* road to b'ttir (nil lilsirirr diiM For sal#. four-doni1 11M9 I'hcvrnM: H'i«'»nl W. Shop In comfort III our •Ir-MRtllleati •nip were notified. n«»» , mlv«rtl«lv«tl « In ThTht RtM rcsularlr. Charles Cummlni«, 2fl, 19 Allan 'pltmlltl condition; II.'.'is. Owner, MA Towttihtp Cldk. Vertion Beyer and Misses CUIre "tore. Shfrmsn'i, 41 li*ae tk, Sea tlt to modtratt southerly vrindi, —AdvirtUtmtnU lie st,, Ktyport, intuit and baltary 1.0419.R.—Advaitlttmtnt, —Ai!vtrll»%m«ri». and Carolyn Slndlingtr, Helmdeli n^k«utii*tint aafeafa?aVflmVBmiTe*JmniBVBMMH atk flaabBhaYf mwfrtwmmmm Dy mi AIKUMIM lo I«tW Hebrew ABorough to Fete prlapW^^nF^^^^fctW M fSCS | sVrvimg '• Air Fat** LBONARDO-Plut L. Phillip* «f Met L«t Night I Btllevlcw ave. if undergoing basic GtrtVa Skew. Kuril Delight.' Satiety Sum To* dairy dak leader* af ! training at «amp»oo Air fore* ATuumc Tki«- ATLANTIC MIOMLAWDB-Rep. ibert cf tk* cf the IS ahtb af • aft, are pareaU r*se, N. T. He ia the Phillip* ef Jeeaa* C. Ajchlncleea ef Ruaatoa Fall Aetmtie. Vctareat akaard IB'BM'I that BrtarwGod eve. tea week accepted aa iavttatiaa u Han HeU for Jury ettl !**»• atosjth ootjaay tt the MSI Flm Fall attend • luadte** at the Caaino «» • dajrt kahiag la e-H Dairy akow, kaM at •attar of' Tk* Keg- Oreaa Wvd. Saturday at t p. m., •aady Meek bay- tea fair last weak. Hey ia whltk will precede the AMantic On Rape Oitrge The bereugk'e merehaatt wtll Tk* MS 0*1*1 Mr, ami Mm. A»dr*dr*w J. — Highland* Oerdm club it*,*- Rur- At diaplay tha n*tie«al colert alee* lag tk* tw*-a*y Hail AtttMfal by ISO al Deligkta,g " ta ke held at :i.'e U- KEANSBURO-Patrkk LaaVuao, nnt ave the beet of tke awkanlapt ELT** M.It ef Bandy HaeHk k beb y peat, | 3», of H»l?okea waa bald arttkaut At tka attaint MJt mnttaf ef wiU be daatwtti with (age ta la Mew Jeraay Ta* Women's Society of Christ- Washington and Firet avca. I bail for the action of the graad tka Ladica' Hebrew eeclety Taea* af the th* Gueraaty Mr. ami m jury Monday by Magistrate lea Service ef th« Red Beak Meth- The »"••• will •» efwned at 2:30 d*r, Mra. Vletar Wegel laimdweed af the Utfimt aaalHary af tk* At- county "had tkt kaat of tk* ' of a aoa fcara Oditt church held It. first full a. •. »y Mre. Bruce Maaee ef r«ir ward F. Ambrose after ha waived the new teatker, Mr*. Haratd le- lantic HlfkleMd* Ire daaartmtat *ro£*. meeting last night folloirtag • cov- Have*, the tgure «kat«r known to preliminary hearing en a Charge •all, wka atreaaad the Iwaanaae* Martta at Frtntill cM. •red-diah (upper in fellowship hall. of rape. tkree part of aV*wl»g h the public aa Evelyn Chandlci* Five af Hebrew tad fAMday ackeei at- tMNkantc and wtu great tk* vet- arranged >' hlrs Malcolm E. llin- euaa and plate* will be awarded at A aiager at Club Mempkle aa eran* an**] their retara witk a»er* Braokedd*'* Buaflowar r •^wk^-oaTpk^d b, tors, fellowship chairman, and llri. the Ivacheea which will follow Beachway, LiBrun), wh» toM po- Ivaa KalaMM, reereaeateilv* af by kavtag her named Cooper Van tant, asaietart fellow- judging ef the exhibit! at 11:30 lice he ia employed by the Hebak- Tk* ktgk ****** head win W Champion flaeraaay. That k) asitHaf twiio»ay tka keaier Tewag Jwiea, takt at her the impeeost** kfttaan ship chairman. Member* anil a, BI. en department of public eafety and eaaerieacaa at Camp Te*>T*- kaard m a aeaetrt at ta* Sea kteaet wttk Mlm Joan DeWaama *t lit- guest* served at . R*port§ by the various officers boat* aad the Sea Scant aklp JU- brood aktw, aad Major, kwia tfce trt» from Uftw hai executed a harveet time back 443 Wett 25th at, New r«fh «My, •re aald by tk* ergaaiaaUea aad Seaiar aad Oread Champion of ejrere made at the meeting presided gi*und far the (haw at the Legion | an aitieUnt bookkeeper at Paly Mn. Chutavt Laweaaerg gave • katroaa from Oaaollea win eet a* p f dia Said to Maine ky aa Eatttra •v«r by Mrs. William Macdonald. hall, key lent traaaa ani neigh- clinic hospital there. camptet* kntacial etateaMat. Mra. picket boat wMk • doctor aad the *Ute «-M dairy akow. Mra. Miaa* aata* aatavday. president. New year books for baring eluke will preeeat exhibit* In a eutement ta notice, •wee aboard, Flarcae* Mattel of Oott't Mt» Gtaa MBCketaa of • Marry Madaatky headed • rtmmK- •reader aT tk* aalaaaL la 1MI-M5} w«r* given number* of In addition to thaea af the fellow, Thomai aaid she mat LaSruno 4t t*e which atrved y*tt*rd*y at tke Tha harkae a*aaaai*aiaa haa ds- iTli a a«rgleel kattfa* (h* various eirelel by (heir far- ing rlnb member*: the club and during a eonvaraatlen Marlboro •*!* 4ay. Memkeie ef tke ej w^p a^^a^v ^^^rw va^ana^awoav^^Brna'mi ammav ap^v ly t* be ciagratuiated lar nttfttaL •»(«• VIM Eleanor Mcrri. an- aalad ga* aad eM dar the party Mn. Iron* gtfw. US iranefc Mre Alice Auguitlne, Mn. Ul- he offered to get her a "reefer." aaclety volunteered to work far tke aad tk* "Owl M tke Open" aoptrt- nounced project! for missionary LiBruno, according.to polica wka able to m» af mm\m emb . eotejraod Sat«rday tram • education and service for the new Han Sewne, Mn. Margaret Con M. C. C. B. S. pet *kow and fair to mtat af tke Naaark Mtwa will avtr, Mrt. Dernthy Irwin, Mr» Al- •aid he has a record, denies tka ke held Saturday, lept II. «Mtaf two mtttka mtk ktr Ht> Churth year. Mrs. Finger J. Squire. adftr a prlaa for tk* daft largett Mr. MM Clalr Well* Miami, Ffc, ice Jatinaan. Mrt. Cecilia, Keilt, mention of a "reefer" in hi* tcv Mn. Jack WinUn and Mn. Vlo> •atck. Marry Oeyer of irvtagtea I'm proud to nperp t that wttk wife cf the church paator. thanked vemtlon with Miaa Thamai. of Rod the eaeiety for th« new refrigera- few L. Mr*. Alice Kirk. Mra. Helen Mar- tor Wegtl. o»chalr«n*B of the Mea> aad Or. A. taw Kaka af Mllbara. tha auMtlaa af tk"e jaala' r eaM e junior vttt remmaader of ^nymaayaBBABVBVAWy gl^pmBadkda*l a**aBBBB%J tor end the painting Imprevementi tin, Mra. Mildred Maaen, Mra. Lar- Police reported that Mlta Thr.tua to Carle, aaa»uae*d Nov. tt aa tke *l**e- Manmoutk •aid that I*Bruno drova Iwr tit DAV., are eo-ekalrmon M the ateati dhAdkBAafl afjm at tka atraad n*> ti the parsonage, J* Peters pi., Phillips Is a graduate of Mlddlt- mine Mulr, Mrt. Dale k. Otta, Mra. tentative date for tke annual event. ^wai ^^w§ By^^^aapaanB* ^a^ lown township )ilgh school and Oeerge Pi science dcgioe {rom Rutgers uni- ine Roberta, Mn. Marie ipengler, she said he would not IM her eut rear. Mn. Milt*. Oenrd aad Mr*. aad pabUeMf. eph Meghan ef Friehild pawed mt Mra, Bemuel Woiattela af 14* Mrt. A. Melvin Morrla announc- versity. Prior to entering the ser- Mra. Minnie Mcklee, Mn. O. D. of the car, police eaid. He grabbed Mn. Letter Olene are chat; third wtth Motta Jay *l Oak MM ed that the patron membership vice he was employed a* a cheat- •teelman. Mra. Charlatte Wela, Mra. and alapped her, Miai Thome* • rummage tale to second. la tke iwe-ytar-oM erne*. flit of MM to the Methodlrt Home ist by the J. Howard Smith eom- and threatened her with Uaee Mart** of Freehold pieced for the Aged. Ocean Orove, heeds Jaanna Waller. Mrt. Ann Humph- •aid, A memberthlp meeting will be New Law Gives pany, Port Monmouth. riea, Mrt. Alma Drinkwatcr, Mra. gun he said he had in the car'a held Oct. I. Mra. Martin Becker Srat wltk anaktailt'a SaaSitm the dl»trlet. The eum M 115 will aiaeeem. tn tke aenlor »*ariiag W fee tent to the home tar linen. Ellathath Nell, Mrt. Rebert WeUe, compartment. When Mlee and Mra. Irving Meakewita at* «*• n tpO* Mn. A. Q. MeOaitriey, Mra. Ber- Thomas told him the wu going chairmen and their committee Additional Aid •kin, Richard Potttr of Imlty*. when kt M a atalar. Utt year ke All new member* were weleom- tram Keitlet ant MM Mary tnglla. to scream for help, *hl ttld, h* cemprlte* Mn. Benjamin Ream*, tew* placed Srtt with HINerttt waa a meaner of tka AU-Wew lag. M by Miee Lucy Weglom, mem- AMtmr PARK - Tke weal to- Daley Ma* and Lane* Martin tf 1SCS Outlines Mrt. ttaalntan it chairman ef the held her hy the throat. Mn. All*« Kendall. Mn. Arthur clal aeturlty am** ia a very buty herthlp theirman, and entertain- ahaw committee and Mre. Jahnaon, In hi* itatement to police, U- Henhon, Mn. Milton Kotene, Mn. Freehold .pieced eeeoad wttk Mr. aad Mr*. Oekwrn* B. Marrl. ment wai provided by Mr*. Anna place the** dayiy,, with a Mgg beeet «**) af T«wt* Mill avt, and Mr. luncheon ehalrman. Club pre«ld«nt Bruno denied the entire Incident, Max Cohn, Mn. Cy frledman, MM. • MMt d | th t id •raaheaidera K*a*Mft*a* •fcMahla« Aardlner and Hri. Leonard Reade. Fall Schedule It MM. Wait. ' Me «*M that utter he met Miss Bernard rtantr. Mrt. ftairg* Men, •n aMMty dm |* the recent wide* U tit* Maker tan emaa, and Mm. frank I. Mttakoll af Sev »ho presented a *W. "k it ere EA'i'UNTOWN-Mra. George 1. Thomas at the bar h« did not **« Mr*. Ocorgt Aahenderf and MM.**>r*e* change* in tk* old-age and Robacher of Belmar phveod _ oatk ave, Uag traatk, have M> Rout* of Building Material" White.Id presided Tuesday night her again. He said she did not Irviag Rubin. aurvtven Inturanee ayatcm. Never- witIthk SprinBprlaagr MMaadaw OtMIt Mar. turned after apendhvi eeveral day* thelea*. J. Herbert Reid, manager, Maw MagUad ttatt* Announcement was made that • at a meptlng of the W• C«. tt the CHURCH^ NEWS ride in hia car The executive board eenaltU of la the elate or Ouemaey* pug. bMirmf tka Maw hue will be chartered to take that* today itaued a teeelal Invitation ta kldkm la*m>dkdRdk*l local Mcthodlat church In the the following: Olft book, Mrt, Quo- BBBBJ fBJTBBJBBBJB; and MoatmLCM Who with ta fo t« the Mew Jertsy •ALVA1MN ABMV peept* e I'n eevenl iinn* tto geget IIn fund, w* teak tkt ant three ptaoaa. home of ilri. Erncat Bchanck. tove Lewenberg; mtmbenklp, MM. toueh wltk hit promptly, If MnTaVs Ptan Methodist Conftrenee and to the Oevotiona were in charge of Mrt, U Linden al., Red Bank Una* Martin waa ant, Richard day to her nemo on Cedar at from aantverttry meeting of the W.S.- The eehedtiie ef ttrvieet and eth- Board Gives Martin Beektr aad Mn. Irving tlnee the new law wtat late effect, Oerald Schroll. Mre. Clllott Wil- Meikewlta; rillglou* obaervance, Patter wnt secant aad Mt tltttr, WaMtrbaia, •. C, wk*n an* waa a C.8. Sept. » at Ocean City. The er attlvitle* arranged by Major they have net already rtone to Conttaatt Hotter, waa third. guaat two weak* *f ker alater, Mr*. lltU waa in charge of the program. Staff Luncheon Mrt. Albert Bchwart* and Mr*, liar- Me gave the fallowing Hit: km will leave the church tt Reports \wtt made by Mia. Fran* Henry A. Drlea far RuMay tncludet MIMrtS rwtteburk, T.M ». m kabbatk Mheel elataet at a tt a. Joseph Clayton, county •uaertn- man Cohen; Ktuknrth eervke, MM. "I. People age •* «' ever who la Sttlng, It waa Richard Patter cli bruce on (he "Luncheon at Ml- of Imlaytttwa and tht Upper Mra. Mthard M. Sraauaor. the The church and the toeltty will m., to which all childNh not at- trndent of school*, (peaking at th* badere Kerber; haatiUllty. MM. have worked a* much at a yttr pp farmor Otttrufe Smith of U chael't" party; Mra. rrank Otgoad Henry Ritttrman and Mn. Morrl* Freehold Dairy club that 'kef ** *» npneented at the dedication on the children's party, Mrt, Wtl- tending any ether acheo! arc In- third annual opening day luncheon and a half en aoeial «*c«rlty-c*v- Sknwabury av*.. la attending tk* Saturday afternoon of the new vited; It a. m. eervlee at which given by the board of education Weattrman; telepkene, MM. Milton •r*d job*. The** In tklt group who Monmeuth county at tkt top. Mck> Mary »*tfc MtDtnnoll Behoal of litti on the picnir to Linwood and Slmmerman aad Mn. Mas Cohn: arda HIllenH Daley Mat waa Maw* f»r the Aged, Oeaan Orove. by Mra W. Lester Whltfleld on tht Majar Drlet will gnaak on "Qed'a far member* of the school *t*Slt an age fa or over een new get CkAiaa aaal Madillaai at Mauatan. aunahlM, Mn, Edward ttraua aad tht aecend boat Stted Miami la ^rowoNBmj VBW #mjBBBjpBriaBBBB| mm aww^^aBrw^»^^ liyette* for German bablet, whlck Illent BlaMlngi, and ta which the Tuesday at the Molly Pitcher ho- ojonthly boatSta evea though Mill miblle It Invited; yaung neopU'a tel, recommended that teaehereand Mn. Oeorge Man: nfr#thm*ntt, the entire ekew, tad wttk MS at* fBJt were completed and ihipped. It Mn. Harry medmaa aad Mn. malt, that la something to kt Patio* OMtf Pnnfc; W. Rautkeu r Garden Club Sendi waa reported that two memberi at- neetmc at •:»» e. m., with Core* their pupil* In acquiring cltlatn- "t. Mother*, or otker ptnoni la It ttttnamtt th f fa tkallomttthawg af tkallow Cadttt Rebert and Ronald Drlea In •hip, chancier and eultun In ad- Vranklla Marcua: program. Mn. ckarge af minor ehlMrea of de- proud of. H* had the best fttted tended the aummer echool at the animal la the aktw p«r*kaat| Jtrtty atilt ojtwmtioa t Pane* Conference Center at Mt. Miaery, charge; T:M* a. a. ttrett earner dition to making plain ta them Melvla OoodoMM aad Mra Melvta ooaaat World War n vetoraaa. At- OkkS today at tk* Lake Mohawk i Veteran* Flowert their reiponilbllitiet, right and re- Lowtetteln; Friday night service*, through th* Junior breeder fuad. It waa announced that home- eenriet at Bread and Monmouth a* dependent parent* of dettated , Sparta. r KAVnUMK- At a m.etlng af etc.; t a. at. evening eervlee, Major spect. Mr. Clayton wai introduced Mr*. Victor BUgel aad MM. Maur- World War n veterant. The Upper FneheM Dairy eh* ttkka ajMdteaaMdteal nautktt a4 •he Ifavatink Garden club Tuei- made pica will be aold a week frem by V*. M. Oregg Hlbbe, supervlt- ice Stalberg; rillctoua artlctte, Mra. oortataly did a Sao lab of Mttaf today by the aociety, with orden Drtta apetklng en tht tubject, "S. Wrvoa under age So, In faml- TMBMBI tkla wttkk arartt eJa» afternoon at the Navealnk II- "•ubttltutea fer Ckd." Ing principal. Ltwla Ootdfarb: publicity, Mrt. llea when tke hutband and an* tr tkeir aalmala far tkt aktw. At! ahThmtaaj. M krary. Mrt. frtltrlck CMre4ft to be placed iii advance by •roa> Henry B. iNolkerg; tmergtaey mtntloatd above. Rlekard Patttr UM*n pectiv« purchatera. A tllvtr tea Wemea'e Home Hague, with Mrt. Stanley Haviland, board presl- more miner children are receiving teaarted that the elub had ttnt dent, explained the Sept. » nf- council. Mr*. Vletar Hegel; yeuth btneSU. Under the aew law, the awtaal ftaM ^^AttBat BMMIBI ~ ~~ MS bedridi bouquet* ta hoapltal- will be held sept, T at Mra. Ray- Jullut Nlelata, ttentary, la charge, committee. Mm. David flacker, My. In addtttea tt thai, »«M* mond Bcnnett't Irviag pi. home, wilt matt Tttetday at • >. m., and arendum when local voten will bt wlf o ia iiitoe taata ean alt* qualify Otrtty, m Rotter tati vettrast at Fart Dim at the acted to approve th* etpendltun Mra. Norton Kroagelk ami Mn. It- for paygMnta, even tbeugk *kt la Smith of tkt aheb ka4 tka mauntr wmr Mrvleet project. The annual meeting of tha New thert will be band practice In at, an4 Mra, Mant) MtTtmltki Jereey Conference, W.I.C.I., will of ptOO.ooo for an addition to th* rael Brewlew; community pwaamg age St. M_. MettuoMU n at, ara aurgkal pa- charge ef Major Drite. Carpa Ca- high *chool, board, Mra. PMUB WaWm»n: ekap- aad Cartten Uwronoa kad tfco Mn- Bldredge ann*ua««d that he. held at the muate pier at Oetaa deta leatane will be given Thurt- "4. Fathen. or other poraaag car- tttntU t at Rlvtrvt*w. «nt fall project will ctntitt af City Sept. 2«. Other eventt Include A program of musical entertala- lain, Mn. Arthur H. Htnhea. ing far children of deceaetd woman etcoad kaat Mra. MU M. DMiflu, H.rktrt day at 1:10 p. m. by Mre. Drlea. A Tht beard of education la repre- alae plaetd Brat la a tlata of M) kurtiirlng tllpa of gtranlumt, be- a baiar and parcel pott tale Oct. atreet corner tervlee will be held ment wu presented by Mitt Louuw werktn. Children formerly could at, tpent tka wttk-oad with Mr. ' «enla and \*r It vcterMi nedtldt 2S and the nerving of turkey lunch- MeCue, who alto atrved ta plane tented by Mn. Samuel Cehen. Mn. net get monthly btntStt from their with kit atnlor calf, Mew* and Mm. Olnrd Dauglae, Octet- Friday at T:»» a. m. and a holinett accompanist. The Invocation wai Martin Becker, Mn. Herman Co- 1 mont Ida, faalea. Thate will bi dletrlbuted eona and dinneri election day. The matting, % aeivtet at atayer and mother ! aoeial aecurlty aecmnt If awe, L. I. ehirlhg Jtavembar. neit meeting will be Oct. I. given by Fran* Hurley, high tchool han, Mn. Archie Bretlew, Mrt. Al- their father w*a a member ef tht ?* thewmanaklp, &ar*thy aad Hits JkBMt BtuiUeat*. wka epcat •edltatlan, at I p. m. In charge ef " turn!* Jacoube, phytlct! bert SchwarU, Mt*. Kara David- Mrt. J. JUymoU DeRldd.r re Othert prcaent were Mn. Ardta Majer Driet. pi tame houtokoM at tke time ef her •Sty fmlth pmtat aaetad] aM wttk kor aunt. Mra. Mfted that the club had emhlblted training Inarutinttructor,, led the Sag esa. Mm. Mitten Koaeno aa4 Mn. death. Mow in many eate*, the** third respectively m tkt Brown Millet. Mr*. Oeorge Oavla, Mn. training a Waker Sttkak. Druonmond ave« at the HOlmati RFC, Oarden Chtrlei Dowen, Mra. Raymond WTHOIT aalute, and Ml** Emma Jam Lv Henry laoilbtrg. children ran kt p*M. kta rotnma ft htr ktmt la Bet- alubt Sftwer (how and wai eub- Bennett. Mra, Jam»» B»nn*tt, Mrt. ' Atlantic Highland* fetra, mutle leacb«r, tht alagkag Outata latndueed at th* moat- Then an kandredt of ptapl* In Moot of tkt arattt for Mltting entrlei for the Atlantic rred G. gteelman, Mn. Annabell of "The Star Spangled Banner." ing were Mrt. Jerome Shlman. Mra.thlt vicinity.- Mr. Reid aald, "who an* •bowing In tkt state aktw Prt. Mekard Btek, Sprlngntld, HlfhfcdHlf i Oarden club thow to Dennis. Mile Mary Dennie, Mrt, Rtv. Roy E. William Jr., will Mrt, Marie Muyakent, chairman Norman Sragar, MM. *«vl Breger, are In one of tke** oaUgerle* aad son to tka parent* of th* amk Matt, wka It attacked to tkt kt held taturday Mra OaRldder Annie Reynold*. Mrt. Traey Bo- preach Sunday at the it o'clock of the luncheon committee, wai a§- Mlat Edith Ltirl*. Mr*. Jack Ittuf- who ean qualify for btneSt* upon memUm, and tat local amk Vetd- Aitky Air Otrpa. apeoit tkt week- added «ha had accepted an Invi- water. Mre. John Dicta, Mrt. ttnrtet en the theme, 'The Chrit- aitted by M*>. Mildred Bower, Mllat man aad Mn. Kalman Hair. A making applleatloa. They can ftt •r* who work M diligently wtth end wttk Mim Jam Maelntoak af tation to attend the birthday Charlee Falkenburg, Mn. Minerva tlan and the Church" and at the a Beulah Breckenridge, Mn. Tina former member, lira. Urry Wataer, all naeattar* blank* and Infenaa- tht elub member* all through tkt p. m. weraklp an "Oraat CCrlet* in WflNM avIiVM Me luncheon ©f the Halmdtl R.F.D. Olbeon, Mrt. Richard Roberta, Mra. DeFalco, Mia* Ella Healy, Mlta waa ala* preatat. Men ky getting in ttoucc h with our year. To tht felltwtag taOtngoe, Pvt Pud atwny. V. a-. Anay thaw at the Beau Rlvtge next Eliie Demarot and three vUltora. the Life ef Chrlat," which will be Vera Henneatey, Miaa Irene Lett, emct *t dot Bangt ave, Aibury my tlaotn thanks and tkt thaaka Ir Ctrpt, who kat hot* tapendlnp g atanth. the >nt of a aerie* of three *ti> Mn. France* Manning, MlH Sgt. Conard of their respective ttab membtn: aa MMay Mtvt wttk hit pparent*i , MM. StMaaer rtas a Utter men* en "The Lift of Chrlat." Bun- Louii* McCue, MlM Mary A. Me- Bill Swain, Uadtr ef th* Freehold Mr. tad Mra. Dtnala Murray tram Richard Kurd, prttldtat ef 8 Girli Hurt da* tcheel aiMU at •:«• a, m. Cue, Mlas Dorothy Mcttttr, Mn. Dairy olub; Wilton Dangler, load. WattaMt avt,. att reHiratd ta Ma the Library aiteclttlon, thanklnr the IntenMdlatt and yeuth fel- Irene Stewart and Miaa Btrnaamt Welcomed Home MP Claims Intuit, or af the Wayatdt Dairy eMkt imp at Rat**, If. T, tka elub for the furniture Dip lewthla greue* mtet at T p. m. A In Truck Crash Stewart HtOMLAMOS Bgt, Richard W. Jthn Chtret, leader tt tht Wal. l Dttotttvt Cant. Ooargo Clayton aavtra far tht nUtng team af meeting af the W. I. C S. win kt Conard, M, U. S. Marine Corp*, waa Man Fined 150 m fcatHntag tram kU dutUt la the library. MIDDLETOWN — Eight teen- held Tutttay at t p. ro. Dairy elan, and Carttan Uwttuot, age, girl* were injured Monday af- Rumton Rangers Lose guett of honor at a weleomt-heme KBAWfcWRVRO - MagrtMaglttrato* IdSt- leader of tkt Upper FretkoM tkt toaal aaHtt department Mra. Philip Qeoawln reported on The baaaball aim. "B*«tball with party Tutaday ntgfct at tke Lagtoa Dairy elub. ternoon when the pickup truck ta the Tankata," with M*1 Allen aa P. AmbreM Tuetday alght Ifca volunteer project In t*r«(nln« which they apparently were going Ultle League Tilt hall en Bay avt. given by Ike Vet- aaed mehoiaa MlM«re, tt, of Rah> avrlcd on during the tummer at narrator, will be thown Wtdneaday erant of Foreign Wan pott aad tka ttate hoipltal, Marlboro. She fcr * "thrill ride" (truck a tree evening at 1:11 o'eleck at a meet* NEPTUNE—The Rumaon Raag- way, SM for being a aliordtriy p*^ Udtet' aunlUary after hia atrhral aan after he waa found guilty of MtOHLANM - MM. BmabttB addii efflel&li of the hoiplUl haa on Laurel ave. hen, acceding ta lag ef tke Mea'a club. en of the Ruraeon Uttle toagu* la tht alttrnaoa from Kona. Mtrrity Wtjol Alorv, Watt* wtt k* koatem ta aMaahan ttate police at Keyport barrack*. uttag offtnervt taagaagt toward 1 1 •aaraiied the hope that the work Tk« Junior choir rehaarica Thurt- dropped » 4-1 dtcteton Monday to Met at Lafluardla airport ky fcli w ^av^p^RBr ^^ ^^aj ^a^a* w^v^vwa ^nv aawvaawwiB iweuld continue through the winter, In Rlvti'vlew hoipltal aft BuMh tht O'Brien Poit Dodgen of th* Cpl. Howard Leonard, a Negro MP af "Oar Chw* neat Wednesday at day at T p. m. and tht atnlor choir auothar, Mra. Richard W. Conard, frem Fort Moamtutk. J Mra. Nelion B«n«dlct and Mn. McGutie, 14, of K tdttl avt., Eatt at I o'clock. ^^ Neptune circuit In a playoff tilt oaBeackblvdof .Mra. Hanld Oaktt Keaniburg, in poor condition with Jr., of Say an., the tergtaat, a Cpl Leonard teatmod that during Songa: One of Uw greateat gtfto 'Atfttd Feml wen named at new Rumaon alerted out fait to take vtttran of World War It who hat active memberi. a cut ekull and Barbara Dolan, If, METHODMT a check of military personnel 1a to mankind. Wa never ttop ta re- the lead, but later got Into dlaat- won the Purple Heart three time*, ailaa what an Important fart tkey of Bell Harbor, N. Y., In goad con- NavHlnk trout troublt when Ubneout beoehrnnt ban Buaday night, Mia- Wlnnera of tht flower arrange- dition with a cut left foot and pe*> wa* % guest of Mayor William F*h> euro wu In a group of four mta, play la eur tvery day life. Mara aatnt competition were Mrt. Htw- "Tht Okrlatlan and HI* Church" walked two. men and Catcher bab*r at the Lion* club dinner at which Included a toldler whet* era- at th* rink w* wilt play from IS Friday at|M. Und and Mr.. DiRldder. elan A, llble broken ankle. will be tht etrmon theme ef Rev. Chamtroy l»t a pitch gtt away In Monmouth Memorial hoapita) Cedar Inn. On Ibband d at thth e partty dthtlelt had been Intpected by an ta Tl numbera far each itmlon. and Mn. Benedict. Mn. Letter Roy E. William*, Jr. at tht Sunday which wai reapontlble for the win- te welcome era Betty Helm, It, of 16T Jtraey ning run crowing the platter. „ — - him_i wen CouneUmen MP atrgeaat aeeomponylag the cor. Mutie la juat aa important ta tht Arle* P, "BtetUM af Ttu." •leklei, Mrt. Fornl and Mn. Erlck morning tervlce at t:45 o'clock. Charlte Matatabuehler. William V. •oral. He taid Mlnauro eatlrs him akatlag rink aa It la ta the tonte. Loth, elau B. Mlii Emily Ooette ave., Earl Kesnsburg, in fair con- Sunday Joan A, "I Oet Meat." dition with cut* about the Mt. echool meet* at 10:48 Carr put the home team In tht Raueeher and Matthtw F. Koran. "Waekout- while he waa la Club Every place you vltK will have Virginia H, "Tee Young." •f Rumton judged tht arrange- o'clock. thick of tht battle nfttr Rumaon Sgt. Conard It on HVdey furlough. Miami. Surf club and Club Mem* name type of mutie, at tha eaady BMnta. . knee; Barbara Tell, U, ef 33 Ideal Epwerth laagui will meet Tuet- Jaaa P. Ta la Leva Again." ave., Eatt Keaneburg, In fair con- had a- 3-1 lead when he pounded He win npert to Hlngham, Matt, »'.ila, when th* atrgeant tuggtittd and Ic* cream ehope have tktlr Jacklt Ywttnff, "Charlie b My Mre. Ltallt D. Bteldy, chairman toy at • p. m. In tht flr* houie. eut a two-run home run.to knot at Ite eonolualon. that Cpl. Leonard aak civilian po- Juke bMM aa 4* th* aaaall tavern*, kf the Marlboro auxiliary, guett dition with bruliea of both tidet the contttt. Tht aeventh frame lice tt arrttt Mlnauro. ta npty te Darling.'* of the body, and Kay McOovem, the larger alaeee have haadt, Half Fay* at -ImUet," iktr, reported en volunteer decided the Itiut with the two Shrewsbury SalUnf Club the magtttratt'e repeated auattloa, tha radio prognmt atMM af at tha hetpttal. If, of Ocean avt,, Eatt Ktaiuburg, Coif* N*ok walki and wild pitch. the aorperal aald he centldtrtd tht Matrtty 0, "Detour* in fair condition with a pc'tlmt T. Reward Lloyd. Matawan, will ale. Th* tntermlealena at snmaa la Barbara W, 1 Ott Idem" HaatltMt were Mrt. Walter Has Active Weettaad term aa Intuit to hia ract. H eh, Mrt. Edward Pollack and fractured tplne and eut below lift preach on tht tubject, "Spiritual usually music Hardly a ear or CkarU* Kaatoth, Bo> Long for eye. An attlvt Khtdult marked tkt Mlnauro^and hit companlona taM truek travel* the road taiay wttk- Awfctte." Mn. I* W. Nlggiman. Wlektdnem in High Waco," at Association Holds the word uted waa "bugout," a term Tht tpeaktr at tht octtber Marie Kluenle, If, of UT 4*th «t., tha 11 o'clock Sunday morning formal doe* of tventa on tke out a radio and they all team HUBS a, "Longing Far You." Brooklyn, was treated tt Rlvtrvltw Executive Meeting Shrewsbury river fer Ike Shrew*- they eald a friend had brought haek tuntd to aom* elation wltk music. Meeting will be Mlit Alice Duitan ttrvlct. Sunday-Mhool will mtet from an army camp although thty k landaeape dttlgner. Monday for bruised right leg and at 1:46 a. m. bury Sailing club. A eummary of Thtr* have been atmt vary nice Margtt Ptrrl, who'* tkt guy from released. Patricia Sherlock, IB, ef WEST KEANSBURG-An exe- winner* It Usttd below: wtre unable to explain Its miaa- songi released lately and thty an Indiana you have your tya en? It Bray ave., East Keaniburg, wu nitivo meeting of the Parent- Ushtalnn ItaMrdey—I. S» Lejg. Ing. beautiful to akata tp but thtre la Favorite amg, "Btuuat ef You." Catkolie Choir Honon treated at Monmouth Memorial lor S in Hospital Teacher association wu held last UtfMm Wet«rs; I. Paddl. Phil Parker CplC . Leonard toM Magistrate Am- no aubatltute for th* old ones. Evta Anglo Barbara, whoa the aallor bruises of the left ankle and foot week at the president's home, At- Mebllan. (Henaiy)—1. Waten: I. rate that In hli tight yean In tht tending were Mr*. Joseph Howard, Wandtrer, Morris Shenteoc', (leasea)— among tht tttn-*ger« whtn tht or- you got your eye en? Two Membert at Dinner and released and Mildred Ann After Accident t, Wilm: 1. MrKiy. (Sunday «erl«M— irmy with tervlct tn Korea, tht Far gan play* "X Want a Ctrl," "Let Who la the ntw apple In Ron Kauffman. 17, of «7 Carr ave., Mra. Brucr Hunter, Mrs. Frank 1, Wslen; 2. Rain Beau. Harry Sadler. Bait command and In Europe ht Me Call You Sweetheart," "When The aenlor choir of St. Anthony' PINE BROOK — On» person Ji Bruno, Mr*. Charles Weaver, Mn. Comttt «v Klnralnnt I. >!*>, TA had ntvtr heard the term "bugout." You Wore a Tulip," they lit out Angle and Margii, why do you was treated for nhock and minor Frank Woodward, Mrs. Robert Bight In honor of two of Ita mem- er* In fair condition Uua morning Evan* and Mrs, Albert Courter, Jr. nyan. (Season)—I, S-Ur«. Jeh*. Clarki The magtttratt said that military with the tinging nnd thty nil know wear pom pomt en your tkattt? ben, Miai Frincei Galatro of bruises at her home. at Monmouth Memorial - hoapltal 2. Klnarton. (funtiy ssrlsa)—1. Kings- poliet mtmbtn an welcomed In tht the words. We have had akatlng Charlie H, can't you take a hint? Wathlngton at. and Mtaa Thtreaa The accident occurred, state po- whtrt thty wtrt taken early Sat- The first regular mtttlng of tht ""well YSits Jlaoday)-*. Ml. Jot borough for tht "great aid and etrv- aettlens whan, dttrlringl .a "1 Oarruto of Oakland at. They will lice said, on "thrill hill where the urday morning after th* ear In membership will bt held Monday, btrdi 1. 1lady, Jlei t Jehnkta. I let thty nnder the pallet." He de- Trio" thtji could bet heard RUM S., who IS K aaw, AUee P. become bridea In the near future. dirt road has a valley and a hill which thty wen riding left the Sept. 17, at » p. m. at tht tchool, —I. X «•• Me, Oln*ei r Klrehefi clared thty an "entitled to tht re- away. On* man who Itvtd ttve or BHat Ocean ave., Bait Keaaahurg. .o...»°,—1. Johmen: t. Urd.nri ituadawr tpect due all enforcement author!- Th* dinner wan given tt the Rrau- giving th? effect of going over a road and itruck a pole and itveral Sttlei)—l, Johnson: 1. Klroasf. block* from the rink waa telling MIMM 0, hew an you making Atlantlc HUhlandt. roller coaster," Police reported that tna*. Th* prettdent announced that Mldihlp Mitts tlundsy aad Mender) tie*" u a consequence of the pro- me he could hear th* singing; I tut wltk Boas S.T Miss Kauffman said ahe wa* going Mn. Ray Potthoff hat moved out —I. Uttle Toot. Fste Oermond: J. tection they afford clvlitant at wall asked him if It annoyed him ant JoAan M, it waa alto Othtrt attending wen Mra. An- According to itate police, tht car MnMd, OcnnlDeitnlae Ktlly. (8«ai«»—i<8si.i» . «••• u military personntt. about 40 miles per hour up tht hill wai driven by William O. Kearney, of town and has resigned htr he Informed mt he hated to an the haek skating Tuesday night tolnette Malineonlco, Mra. Oladvi ly. (Sunday Scrleal—I, Oermrad. Donald O'HIggtns, who U ita- •alumbe, Mn. Marie DeFilllpo, and when jshe reached Itt top, tht Tilton avt., Rtd Bank, in critical chairs aa hlatoritn and hospitality Sneskhoses (Monday)—1, Arrew, winter torn* whtn tha window* often. apparently loft control of tht chairman. Oeorca Oravbauilii 1. Teal, Hag r>«. tlontd at Fort Hancock, wu fined MM. Millie FamuUrl, Mr*. Eleanor condition la Dora Abrami, South (tunday g«rle»l—I, Pra«rbaugli. would ht dosed and h* could not Jean Pamell, haw come you eon* truck. She said die was unable te $10 for driving without a lletnu hear it. He said he wlthtd he could akatlng aa often new? It it te ate Manina, Mn. Roai Mallnconlco, ave., Atlantic Hlghlandi, who suf- and |S> for eartlen driving tt thi akd Mlttti Marie LoCicero, Gloria anything after reaching fered internal injurlet, Auulen New Courses Set FIRST rEAB RESUME get but there and sing with them. a certain M. C? the top nf the hill. State poliet remit of an aecidtnt Sunday at, Tht "Slpilng Trio" wu born at Chlaravillotl. Roae Phillips, vtn- William* of Asbury Park and KEANSBURO - Mra, Xettle Church it. and Csrr ive., whert tin All« P., you and Ruas 8. make oen* Poretlli, Gloria Adami. Rose Mid skjd mark.< 187 ff»t long ltd Kearney ure in fair condition. The For IN. J. Lawyers Manor, president, la*t night gavt a th* Singing WhMlt, and btglnnlng a eutt couple. to the tree struck hy the vehlclt, car ht wat driving mapped a utility this wiek wt'll hav* two trys tvtry Mgnataro, Andrea DCLuca and latter suffered a broken leg and Establishment of • ntw program retumt of tht yttr'a actlvltlea when pole at Iti bait. Tht car alto col- Jackie T,, wt're going to Mm Mary Cannavo, and Anthony Chl- The KeynoU first aid squad fractured ikutl. for practicing lawyers at Rutgers mtmbert of th« Independent Wo- lided with a vehicle driven by •vtning and one will be-the singing you when you go te Montana. aravatlotl, Carmen Paiumbo, Har- transported the four girl* te Mon- min'a league htld a dinner at Ye James O. MeCafrrsy of Ntw Bruns- trio. We wtll also have tha raqvaat Shirley R.. why don't wt set yea old Weber, John Ruddy and Leon- mouth Memorial and the Wett school of law wu announced yes- PTA TO HOLD TEA terday by Dean Alfred C. Clap'p., Cottage Inn, Kiyport, In celebra- wick. Thira wen tio Injuries and forma tor your favorite tang* at the rink any mtn? ard Porcalll, Keanshurg ambulance took tht tion ef the group'* flnt annivers- n cantus driving complaint against again. We ara alt* going tt bar* MMgt O* what happened It other three to Rivervlew. MUs LEONARDO — A wtleoming The program, open to all mem- the words to tbt aengt that are Richard B.? tta for ntw mothers and members ary. McCaffrey waa dUmftied by thi Kauffman, who police said obtained ber* of the New Jersey Bar amo- magistrate, uatd In tht trios printed aa wrery- Mary J., tt wu nice siting yon Red Bank Retident her driver's license Aug. 14, wai Is- waa dlecuaaad at th* first meeting ciatlon, Is designed to aid lawyer! RCMMAOE SALE en* ean have n copy and att fa- on skates again Friday night. of the txteutlve board of tht Par- To' Enter NJ.C. sued a jummoin for cureless driv- in specialisation and to acquaint mOHLANDS-Member* of the miliar with them la order to em- Reliance, whtn ari you going to ing. Further action will await the ent-Teacher association. Tht tea them with ndvancci In apeclalliod Math—Powers Nuptials will bt held at tht Leonardo grade Ladlei' auxiliary of tht Vtttrana bract mort songt that everyone Itant to play Tm In Love Again?" Mite Elinor A. Dili, daughter of outcome of the passengers' Injur- field*. It will begin with the open of Foreign Wars will hold n rum- ean sing. So start new expanding Chrii X, hurry up and com* skat- Mn. Francii W. Dill of 37 Waverly ies, police, said, achool, Sept. to, from 3 until 8 p. ing of the fall term, Oct. «. Sept. 16 at St. Anthony's m. Baby sitters will be provided. mage tale Saturday at the library your lungs so our tinging Mat ing again at night before tchool pj. and the late Mr. Dill, la among More than tt advanced court** on Bay ave. Mr*. Michael Kaclt In LITTLE SILVER — Mr. and Mn, will he something to remember, begins. county realdtnts who have been VAN INWEGKNS ENTERTAIN The board meeting wai held at the will he offered. Course* may be ap- home of the mw president, Mrs, chairman of the tale which will Chtrlei Henry Muth nf Church tt. 'till thin "I'll «ee yon In Seng," Mary Ann K, why don't we Mt admitted to the freahman CIHEB plied townrd the matter of Itw* begin tt 10 a. m. announce the forthcoming mat- you at the rink any mort? at New Jeraey Collige for Womrn, Mi. and Mrs. Kosroe Martin nf none it Ooodman, lNi>w Monmouth. degree, Tht F. T. t Burtau Heading PH., were week-mil gtif*t« f rltge of their daughter, Mls« Mar- Mary Jam B., why don't wt *•* Rutgeri university, at New FniriF- Registration "f nil Itw ttudentt RETURNS PROM HOSPITAL jorle Vivian Muth, to John Joseph Barbara Btrry, who It It new, you akatlng on Friday night* now? wick. uf Mi. and Mrs. L,ymnn C. Van CROUP CKOBS RAISES lnwrgen.of Willow dr. Both cou- will he held Oct. 4 and S at 40 ATLANTIC HIOHLANDS-John Powers, son of Mr, and Mrs. John Johnny or Vie? Rose B,, who la your ntw flamt? Other county retidenti in tlie ples observed their 31st wedding Memberi of tht Ladles' auxiliary Hector st. Conover, son of Mr. and Mn. Ed- A. Powers of Rumaon rd.. The cere- Hilda T., com* ikating men *ft- Ilia, do you itllt htvi a crush on •la** art Mi»» Miriam 8. Ltbedun, anniversary In New Tork city, nf tht National Federation of Pout ward E. Conover, returned home mony will be performed Sunday. en. Tammy P.? 41 Barker ave,, Shrtwibury town- wriPrn they attended "Ouy« «nd Office clerkt last night wired state HEANSBtnO SERVICES Friday from Monmouth Memorial Stpt. 16, tt l:tO p. m. In tht rec Piggy a., Monk R,, you mtkt a •dlth T, m'» Ilk* ta Ma you thip; MiH Nancy R. Meyer, Beech- Dolls" Bnd "Cull Me Madam." Sat- •tnatort urging their aid in tht KEANSBURO-Rev. Kdward »• hospital, where ht wu treated for tory of St Anthony's Catholic very cute couple. akatlng mort often, wood dr. Shrcwuhury; Mill Leona urdny Mr. and Mrs. Van Inwegen passage of a federal bill granting a fractured arm, Barbara W., who do you like now. R. Friedman, and Ml«s Karen 3. Zelley, Jr., pastor of tht Kttna- church. Bhakiy, hew an ytfu making out lenve hy jilnnr on a. month's trip raises to poatal tmployttt, burg Methodist church, will preach A graduate of lUd Bank high Shirley C, and Danny, ttity are with Virginia P.f Stern, Fieehold; Minn Joan M. Oa- 1 to Sim ,n, fnrtujia!, France and An award tu presented at tht on the topics "The Favored RETURN TO CITY HOME school, MIM Muth I* employed by atlll going *t«sdy, whtn will It hap- Jimmy P., when art wt going to loili, Vt'lUon nvr nnd Mint Mar- Italy. meeting, which wu htld at tht garet K. Prltchatd, Havlne dr., Chinch" and "The Tliltf" Sunday, TOOHLANDB _ Mr. and Mrt. Ntw Jtraiy Btlt Ttltphont at Red pen? ate you skating again? Elks lodge on Broad it,, to Mrs. The building committee reports Hirbirt Klriohner rtturntd Tun- Bank, Mr. Powtn ttUndtd school! Charlie Hombustlt, It wat Mae Murttt B, tomt tkatlng men Matawan. and Ml»i Renee L. Beck- flaucaite in unc of the oldest form* Peter Holt*. The group's next tr, Maple pi., Keyporl, the response tu the Mll«» of Dlmen day night to their home In Jtrny in. Washington, D. C, and I* tm- teeing you akatlng again Friday ofttn. of procoaied food, Even Homer re. muting will bt hi Id Wcdnttday, campaign hat bten good tha past City after tptndlng tht lummtr tt ploytd In tht laborttorltt of Bin- night, Com* mort efttn. Joan B., do you still havt a crush Thty will begin tlum kept, IT. Itrred to lautagt in tht Odyattyi Oet, I, wetlt, thtir cottait on Ocean avt, hart. dls aviation aoiporatlon. Oary C. and Fay H, tt wtt alee on Bobby «. WWllflWHI *V HH hAetiveDttty PTMMU CWrk to SaWatloa Army Rmnson Resident One of Sh New Jury to Hear Vbetesa Training at Fort ef Mr. e*4 . _ 31-Year State Police Veterans harges WOttT MONMOUTM — i aVaee «»., e*4 a*. W8- FREEHOLD — Superior Caurt lint Maartee A. «•**«*>, J. Sam ir, Fort M Moaaer will aurk M yeirs of Judge l"red«rl« R. Colie, charglag *BMf*l • P irviea ia th* New Jersey state th« incoming Monmouth cojnfty Hairy '• sWttal. » B. UBMOB *J> poUe* fee William O. Nicol of grand Jury yesterday, »»!4 that aa* aircte, Caaatry Ctak Cats***, *r* Ridf* td., Runson, who has special gambling matter will be at mat r MM| a**** aaaaty MotrvMt, aft i. •ratclMd that service (row from P e*erito to- Substituting for S'jp'riur Coart tfahdag wttk the IMtk ejgaal O**> day* highly mecDanlxed corpt of Judge Frar.lc T. Lloyd, Jr., J'Jlge , it, tka prataetioa. •trwtlea C*. hsu*, a* aart of tho ClColidl j «pj tily hurh j ref! ;nc« to al Corp* g*wa ftpta* _ It wee on Sept. 10, 1921, that th- sh'or*- hoard- Capt. •uttol, *wa of Mr*. Berth* irst clue of rerrutu for sUU pn- walk corI'V.'M]cnsirM .arrest ed this Mice, aM Ml afeto. Her lie* training was organized at Sf.i e Butt*i, Bin its id, I* a •iiBimpr for of Skills •sremaa far tk* New Jersey S*M leagtk tretl of Ma MM a* Ml Girt »y Col. H. Norman Sfhwaii- i kopf, long-time comman'l'r of the Buk*H i Telepfc—s ceaapaay, wb* a* a Miae Je*a Wlaassr _ The ju(1'i.e. '• o'd 'he j j- 1 organisation, and now administra- that )• fca*a*jinrt*r» cesmaauaieatiea *aV •Mar * atl—dai. Ska war* a •*!- Vjftf 'her or no*. indict- eer h> tk* niUfttaes, waa award- tive director in the .State Depart- a* few* styled s**»tler «* tka ment of LAW and Publin Safety. menta «hou>l he vor^d In the case! ed MM Braase Star *Mdal. beta*'* aM a Jurors nhouM ^p p^siifi by the "ae- NM w*J a menibrr of that first 1 Us*. sfcM**, se* at Mr. *sst group and ia today on* of only tualltiPR' of the ."i'-.mMon rather Mrs. M. A. Settee, to alt* a K*w Stl saen In the enlir* organization thtn hy "tpruyvi •" aiauments of Ban repairman, aM • (till *«tlv* ia the *tate police who whether the gnme. \* one of skill Star srtaswr a* aa laaflla Mr. aMM M_f kava belonged to it from the start. or "pure haz.irri " tiM asVar «Hk th* MM BigaU hat- MMker, Rismaaa, waa** taw*ar r fMf . He ta now a ma)ui anil l-i Ur|iuty RoportT* lo-irnri yr;'rrfliy that taHea la Ber*a*. •a* war* a pal* aoak fMaaddr supwiatendent uniier Col. Charlea the reMrinK May ^rm yiry consi't- OtMf Measaamth aouaty m**> hack aM ft wtaW at wMU law. SckaeA*. The other nirmheri uf ered evidm^p In at !".a.«t one of MM traiala* sue M/«gt «*• la kat kftk, aM awtwi M aM. that flrat group of state pollre th« Skilio Ba.-kp' caj.a and ds- T*a**r. tea of Ueyd S. faahlaaM kaaajwt tf iwaatMait members ar* Bchoeflc, Capt. Inn rided »gain«f vo'inj; an indictment, M Waaklaates) st, Raat- lei Dunn and Lieut. Harry A. Ci-' G. Arthur Firrm. Sfiring Lake, •aa, a* la*tall*r for K«w Jersey •at- ««war« Wlthiaj, aaJaetmt. bulla af the Morrlstnv.r. batrarkg. «-af de.ilzna'M jury foreman an< Bell and a former liae erew l*ad*r ar at Ik* Ualvataity at CaaaaMI- Capt. WiMism T. (i;irdincr snd John W. Vourhan, Oro^nport, dep- with tka Mth Sigaal batUIlM la cut, waa boot «aa. U*ber* wer* UeuU Claude Elmpndorf nf the rl«sji battery of rtllled law *n-' uty foreman. C*atral Eur***: Sgt. Arthur D. •ft. Rakart WkK* aM Cpl. WU- Treaton headqusrlna. forciimirt agents. , Prosecutor J. V^'or Carton told Smack, asa ot Mr. aad Mr*. A. D. Uaaii Maffer.. ratt MMHMMitMM h "When wfi otar1*d a*^k in W12 r^porur.i that th" invp.«ti?at:on ef •meek, Fre*h*l*\ ale* aa iastall*r After thhe lenaieay a ro*»««*B we provided a large area of the , "the l,ong Hrinch rn."!'1 la contin- Mr New Jersey Ball as* a for. wa* keU at tka Bnah hjMij*. Tk* fftfll W9B$tm r» 11010*% QtRttm MOM^Of Of NMM Ma). Nlco: recalls that training statft with the Brat oratnlird po- uinjr. He mid if any new d"V»!op- •Mr Navy electrician k*th la C*> cavala wM lira la •*• Brifkt Mr*. ffcarf «4 .rJLUgi AliW« U I*W mtrtmm 9wmm IgJ* 4W *>Ia«4W AM Wl with horse* waa the li.i - is of tin: lir-c protection It ever had. A!- men's ai" un''ovpred th-y v.-ill be rap* an« tka Paelge; M/Sgt. U«ie ReaeiRi * a gtMwat* of MHIIIMI BTfBBJfi W* "WWfJPt WVTIBJaT*1 PJi **tf/ •/PVTfJrBJ If*BB| PVTT IW FPiJUT tWV TTP Isidoctrination given ttie t\i»l CUHS. thouggh virtually unknown then, prr^cntetl tn the jjrantl jury. W. Utech*, *M ef Mr. aM Mra. M»>a«a^*MI*aw»iay«l*MI*aw»iay«latB*aa . mopr noivy «^« BnOti mMm m "Col. Jkhwarskopf frit that if we we have seen the servici e accumu- The retiring jury had voted three LMM LatKk*. Asbury Park, a M. STawparatiaa hot*. Mr. R*M k> couM aurviv* a rlcuroas L-uai»i' of late its enviable rerord anil m»tur» . indlrtmerits Hjiainaj t that cltv's pop - J. Ball ItsMMaa and fsrsjMr **etl*a training on homebnek WR would into leader with the Mth UvUle* hi a gra««at* af Pwiwi wnranity la dependahle right ertn for \\rf chief, Thorn** Msrks, who hes electrical oatinooriaf- m*k* out sll right. I).: decided the resident* of our state," [pleaded not z'vVy and w'!l t>ini Mttrap*; »"lsst Uaut. Jeaeph FraM. •hannan, Bataatawa, Mr. Maraa'a that those who got thrown off a Thus, as today's troopers com-j trial. Chief Mnrk.« wai indic'fd on Long Braneh, sen of Mr. aM Mra. aiater. couple ef timed and «nt. dixi'our-. plele thir rounds on fa«t, radio- ' |Wn conn'- s- r>!- -fniiin e- to .pro=ecute Bernard Frank of New Tork city, Th* couple ara matarlni t» tk* German Farm Scientists Studying aged and went home wore, ju.n aa 1 equipped vehicles, they continue known (ramble™ and nne for al- a* lastruetar at tka Signal Corp* W**t eaast and will pjak* tkalr i well off out of th« state, police." ! the tradition of that flrlt class;. \r rA n'trmp1-' *n irfl-im-» tfc« here, aad a turwur supply ••He** ! t MIM Patricia BlomneU-Brawn ham* tn Ban Ftaacieca. A total of 7S ofHcer» and men Hemoved, except in the memory Kr.ind jurv. with th* Mth tnfintry OiviiMn la dtufhUr af Mr. aM Mra. MatttaM New Jersey Markets This Week wer* graduated in n«emlif r of; "t th* six men still In service who Italy, *M M/lgt. Canton R. Bak- BI«M*la>BrawB of Wir*«*kury. ••• 1M4, and these, with Col. SchwaiT.- j wnre there when the organliation l*y. Sr., ICIberMi. sea nf Mr. aad CM* th* krM* af Mekard Wmjtm TRENTON—Five Oaraua agri- kopf, comprised the entire atnte ] was horn, ar* the echoing hoof- Mr*. P. W. skkley, Atlaatla City, Billlat*, «*• 1 Mr*. Warr*a Ckee- Mlas Rlsa Erika Maegl* af til cultural aJkiala visiting tka Unit- peltce organisation «t that time. | 'wits on rural hack road*, seeking Home from Korea, a Mechanic at Cole* Slgad wbera- bra Bllllnt* *f RaMWfl. **• •»* River rd.. and D*lray Boaek, Fla., ed State* under th* Ecaawnic O*- tory and • farmer **rg*aat major outstanding young Amerkaa karg- 4 Bridge Repair Teday the force totals more than | that lighted farm houa* and that tka lata Mr. Bltilafa, BMaraay af- •»*ratl*a Admlaistratioa program H0 men. ! hoped-for telephone. at Cfcmn Crew**r, Ma. lst, Thursday avcnlag waa marrt**) are etudylng marketing aad grade* ternoon. Th* eerenway waj •«• la the Prs*byt«rtan church t* Vie When Maj. Nicol was errad uated Travis on Leave la tk* restery •» •». Jama inspection ef farm product* I* New I waa for tha fallowing two yum* ATLANTIC HIUtn-ANPS - Lt. tor Harold Jeanlagt af Wetseetw, Jok Awarded Jtrsty thla week, aceardiag U W. Cathelle ekuKk by R*». Magr.J+ Mat*., aad Delray Beach. R*v. th* |r*t and only detective in the Church Poor Box William H. Travla, son of Col. Hafc sis* T. Ces*jr aM wa* Hll*w*d ay IrREsWOLD-VMkatt Bratker*, W. Ol*y, dlrtclor af tk* dlv«l»« Stats police, with th« entire state rl»on fl. Travis, V. S. Army (ret.V Charles I. Wtbatw, aaatar, «•*> ot market* ef th* SUM Depart- Council Retires a rectptlM at the Brawn fcam*. elated. Fort M»nm**tk, were Meesmful •a hi* territory. In 1&24 tlue« and Mrs. Travis, Is spending a Th* bride, five* la aaarrlag* by ment of Agriculture, oMelal kott more detectives had been added, Looter Arre§ted leave with his parents a', their Hdderi ye*t«rday far tkree af four to tks group, timilar group* from her J»thsr, wore * whit* ergeMy Tha brld* I* the daughter af Mra. •nd today there are more than a j , ONO BRANCH-A IT-year-old home, 11.1 Orean blvri., here, after gawa with aa a«4ke-*M«Mer neck- Catberlaa Moegl* *f R«4 Baak aa4 arldf* repair •aatraeta let by the tk* Nethertend*. rraac* and Eng- his return lite last month from Chief Bennett land have lecently vUlted New jr*. I former E»tontown youth was *r- Una aM a nagartlt-Uagth veilj»t th* late Herman Moegl*. Mr. Jen- beard at freeholder*. The feurtk Maj. Nicol remembers the parly Tuesday walking from a Japan *nd Korea. KBANMURO—Borouch council tulle attached to a e*i*y . Ik* nings, retired from th* Cromptan left weat ta Tkesxas Pr*«t»r «OM- Jersey. lr8tfi An Infantry platonn leader, Lt, ' antnlmouily and Knowles Vaom worst* la Wor- days in the corps when trooper* char,.h „„,, W|,h hl, ,rr#,t police TvMflay night tin adopt- carried a b*u*m*t ef ntatchlag pany, Leag Branch. Th* visiting agriculturists ar* eavered their rout^a by horse ana „ , , , Trsvis arrived in Japan In Au- *4 a reeolutlen retiring Chief of flower*. cester, u the son af tha lat* Mr. directing their effort* toward th* tn hsvB s0]v d bollt doMn gust, 1M0. Hi; landed in Korea - Palia* trwln 0. Bensett. *ir«ctlve and Mn. Alfred Jenalngs. Contracts awarded ta Frelbott when quarters were rented for rhllr(.hpOor box thefts In the past Mis* Delrdr* BlaaUkM-Brewn improvement ef the snarksU for them in rural areas, where tiic yenr in Red Hank, Long Branch early In July, 19» »""n iftnr the • •ept. 1, and raepmm*ndlni that was her lister's only attendant. Mrs. Thtresa MeCllntack *M so- were far |S,Sir for work en a farm product* In the Federal Re- board for one man for a. month outbreak of hostilities there and . -, the peneton eommiiilon (rant him public of Qermsny. New Jeresy and Katontown. "> Henry Chesbre Billings wai belt loist. Her number* were "B*eaw*" bridle near OK Mill la Wall town- sometime* came to a total of >» Included In th* thefts the youth spent meat of his time In the cam- a mlrement pmalon baeed an eno- man far hi* brethar, aM Michael and "Tha Lord* Prayer" William waa ehosen for study because or paign on detached service with half of hi* avaraga pay for th* skip; 0Mt far r*eoMUtj*tl**) of * It* well-aitaMlahed and eWclent admitted were tw» from St. .fames BtomS*ld-Browa, tk* brteVa breth- E. Crawford wa* organist. Tka llo church, Red Bank, ae- th* Air Force flying is an ob. •ait thraa year*. •r. was «ah*r. bride wa* given m marrlag* ay aa WhlppaerwlH rd:, near th* poultry, egg and product auetlen server In tactical mr control, spot- Th* action earn* after Council- Th* brld* la aa alumna ef the Arnold Btatur. Mn. Helen Matpai Amory U Haskell satate, Mlddls- market*. ting targets and conrentritlons of '., man William Turner. Jr.. Mked Villa Maria Convent la M*atr*al, of Miami, Fla., was matron af hon- t*wa township, aad IIM* for re- Th* group vUlted th* Flemlngten era, Ma). Nicol declared, usually enemy troops for at'ar.k aircraft. ~ Borough Attorney William R. or. Arthur Pottertan, former Jer- Egg and Poultry Co-operative egg depended on the occasional tele- N. Bonfoft*. .rre.ted th. The operations Involvine Air Force class of '*», and Va*sar collage, pair* t* a brldg* en L*oaardvlll* •h»"t »« Tuesday Blair, Jr., ta explain that rtatutw das* ef It. Her husbaM wasigrad "- •ey City commissioner, wa* beat auction market, which ha* operat- phones In farm house* to receive pilots and Infantry spotters was - man. rd. Mlddletewa and relay Information. morning as he waa walking nut Instrumental in the protection of direct counelt to retire a chief sf uat*d from th* University ef 1Mlehl- ed for JO year* under official grad- nf the Holy Trinity ehurch, Pros- pollee when he ha* reached th* gan in IMt aM I* a student at It ing and Inspection programs. A "Many nights," he added, "the V. K. forces, f

NEWLY RESURFACED ALLEYS /«wt SVMI vM b* opm for MM 4atty ol RADAR FOUL LINE GLASS-SHOP China and ftlast Shop. 2 P, M, itarHttg Monday, Stptembtr 10, BOMTY-UVIM IIOA0 ITatlr PRICE PER GAME SSe (Now oprni nightly.) Opm bottling every • • • nw muy ALLEYS OPEN AT 2 P. M. DAILY Saturday and Sunday, Wtv, vtoum Broad * Monmouth Sta. Red Baak I ffl Buy.• • and Save Many a Penny Savings at A&P frying •' broiling chickens

MI Iryfag «kkk> >•* WMMH«1

MB ROAST *'•* * *74« FmhRoN . SMkti ftrfc tbNMm Fntb Pick SfctiMiri tMkti Nrk litu A»r SMnilMN w FrMkfirttrt Nridnttft IM IMN SaitrM MHti Ita FtowMtrFit •etteffWi . »2* Mtgii tr Mitt Leaf LarfiShrinp . »B9i NtfUm i^ci cash in VOUt TIDI, IVOftY, DRIFT AMB MfOft V IMOW CttUMMft CAUFORNIA large head ATA«»...ANOtlT ^ lettuce extra savings i Ctliry «*1*« YtBewBiJNi «rlM«l4i|| Eff Htit fc7« Beete

Wr MV MflftMl rnl# t 1 lor til Mtehut Gifftt . » . .Jli Neetar Tea . . p Critttl laktf A#il«t Tea . . On Hi Ifculirritt Mtfttr't Spttlti Mti (TUo Pieklti* Itits AOID OVIft ONI YIAR Asnrtil Cir Apple Jiin Kntteiair's Wbitt lira Mr S MW MHtM MN « a ffl fml r«l CMftM Wfll • t lit FanskiFlisr ^^d aoMPkf.i|t Ant MM FiMtki Flter »«i|t YNtJtttolttlntarfcly „ •?• Ortifi ft SrapifriK Jilet •«•« t(r> AM Fege lleeld Syrap «^w 2|i cheddar AirilM hiM Jilii . ««.*•32« Meple Syrap U«,kot47l Mr I fffMT PINK far? aftor k^ to AV« " MtrtlNMlitw Fltff Kriepy Crtckert Penne) tin tike • ti*17i wfcow yoail find doMM •oI! MkloM doUtMlrrtcIf Evtpiratid Milk win H**.* *>. | hr 79* SeNhlit Nyirtx . tbtCakt . . 2*17. m lib (hit sharp CheJ- SwtMitwi Ctkt Mix Freaiia Seltiee Cretkire 1**311 ^ Rtytl Dttttrtt Wrieley Seep i^u..b!.M«^kH |>«*|7f Ik 69* MeiMllnlaki . . 2*11. Sliced Swiss Sailed Oristiif Sweetltirt Seep •*«•<>• 2^23* Md-OM-procMi K>. 57* o • IlilZ Stept Croim of Mushroom tt 01 CM 17l Flit littetlildt M*MT .4MCW29* •N III 4 PtfMlll Hd rwieii eeiNetfic m* 9 v* 2 MMW Ivwy fif • • • •• Cbel-B-BIt Candy Treats Fr—mn Foods VllVNtl Snbiri Cbeetlttt Seetrtt ^25« Lliby't Bran Fin . ^

BeiM Bill Cbim Spill Brapt Worlhn.ro nMpkt1|l Lliby'e Oreegt Jiln • <««-2Bt Mir t FUMf fnM tiai til Neri Ctiiy Belli Freni Fried Petttttt * • m Merri-Mlitt Mieite Steeke . . . fc YnlitLantPkf.lmytNvfcr24« JANS MMCI1

Atf'ihnMrPriM . . thrifts angel food ring Mtdt from • lamoai nci< •iifftctif MMiw tote* Met . 2* ST. p« . . . rushed to your AIP freih dom DM oven tkntgk Stlarhy to gim you Stpt. 8th. 1 43* Mtrvil Stitfwiii Brni Hwrfcwc moi S«IMwviM tMrat Only. Jelly Fligtrt save Eifllth MifNit Bll AMI Klrinti BIF WlMMll Alr'l PlTMr MM . tititfpKiTIi TllltVtrt (AophorCKwry) JtM Vriior Cliuitr Step Flikit MPi Ntw Mmi Priti . . m luy 2 pkgi. »l t ogulor prlc* f roo doonior cortiflMta forMltdiortookini

ABJ ^A| AMA|LA« IA. 4 ^^»a 2*27« ffltft FU CN»M Wirtfc , .Jl. •fW yVi •nVtrWr TOT I BWW Hand tomklMtlon CS7- r YN tit tlMttbilriftftr Oily 67t 3 «"• 26* 30. Cloonor

121 MONMOUTH ST., AT PEARL ST, Until O STATE HIGHWAY NO. 36 AT MAIN ST. RED BANK Ulllll w KBANSBURG PLENTY OF FREE MARKING Orohenf COUNTY WHTHS « Tax Revision Xorcrick Dniira The lasers] of Freak *V M^ Mr. aaa Mia, Osorao Mats at SSth, TT. of Molly PHeber Tllle** Nattiraliit, MM Dtyt in Jail r. held service* lest Thurs- Deatb In Red Rink and Vicinity I Cl&atOB ft* BoMosd, are sasoste Breach »»#., who died Tuesday of Oraextu Mayer •fiesta, at, Urged Ior N. J. las* week »t Rhfrvi»»- hospital af- day sight at th* funeral km Tha ef s doughte* hen Satarday a* IMMBUBO — Wood «O» a swrvie* wa* la charge af Cemmaad- _Mm* a»t»ti«.H*t aM for "esaid hespttsL Ur a short Ulnea*, waj held Fri- yean ara*l«*at ef the IHiMi* An- Mr. aad Mi* « A waraksg Shas the dToahwsad pi, Meadiy sight wu day afternoon at the Worden fit- *r Jeaa H atamm. Cast Ralph I. MABF IXMA PEBHBA f, aeraiaf at Fltkia hospital. H« Smith ead Frederick W. Opper. "M aadety, died Iua4ay after- ef Vaa * trailer caasf, it ^ *urpliss ia the "gtata eoMoaced te as day* la eotiaty Jail aara! bom*. Rev. Theodore E. A. RUMSON-Mli* Mary Luisa Pe- wa* tha lather »t Oaat. Jtmfk D. .. i at ale twma, » aunag at. eatewa, are aareat* ef * **• bam will her* little *s»et ta ot FreaheM hy Megietrate Edward LeVaa, rector of Cnrlet Epiecopel Mr. Sataeoth ia ewnrtvad ay hte flulllvaa af tha A*a«ry Park •*> Jeaeey* wile, Mra. Jeaaie A. Dietrich Sria- rieka, 02, ef M Lafayette St., died Mr. atkaati waa ketw >• F«*t F. As****** so a charge ef dioer- A Church, Shrewsbury, o«el*ted. Cre- Saturday morning at the Marlboro lie* AtparUaaat «M *f JaMat V. Elgta, Oatarla, Caaada. K* bad derly aeoduot to««gfct hy hie wife. ftiatlaa wu at IUM Hill crematory, seta. aM thraa aephewa af Hert- aulllvaa, ratirad aetgaaat af ta* he Mew jlreey CWmJ7rS ford. Ceaa. etate hospital, where *h* had beea beea a redeVat ef Red Beak tke at • autwatg, it, «r**t Mra. Lillian Noverlch, who *ceua*d Liaden. a patient the past five weeks. local iwllca departsaaat. aaet ten year*, prior t. which be ara aareat* afa*— beta Mm ef ustag iadsesot laaguag*. Also aurvlrlaf ara tw« ataer la a BMmafaadam ta trustee* Born la Czechoslovakia, ah* ia4 aud* kia hem* in Caaada aad at MaaaMl baattl aad adviaery board memhera, Balaa Neverkh was Said IM ea each e*m* to th* Unite* mate* «| years aaaa, Mattaaw F. aM Mwar« T. CMeaae. While HviM la Cateaff*. Mr. aaa Mr*. a we*k ago whoa ha woe age. She had been a resident sen Bwlllvaa, Aatury Varb; fear 4*ittt> Mr. skaaat* wa* a director at the M$ Oaietd awa. Fair th* put two month*. Mis* Ferlek* ter*. Mr*. Helea atamkafaa, Trea- Oeegtaphle aoeiety af that ctty. , ssid: "the i toa; Mr*. Lilllaa MeHeary. New- was employed for com* tin* by lia served ae Me traaaarer far stgaed bF bse wife wheaaM MONUMENTS Child* Restaurants, Inc., of New aik; Mrs. Mary Heller aaa Mia* maay year* aad at aae tim* was cal year wen H«JTSSSS ahead af Katherine Sullivan, this city; a Mr. aad Mr*. Mertsa 3. Wltssa last year wu good aewa, but ths he had palled wine from her aar a York city. hairman *f the escursie* cemmit- •f M Irvieg pL. Bateatewa. are after he wu prefaae ia aa erg*. brother, Michael Sullivan, New , conducting tours U the Great an eat*, geveraaaeat eeVlals aad Surviving ic a cousin, Mr, An- York city, and a aiater, Mn. Kath- parent* ef a diaaht*i bora tatus* ' M act b* BMat wiia her. aa Pazicky of th* Lafayett* at S*a*ky meiuitala*. Mr. athaats day at Meaasewth Memertsl hm> Charged witk t« couaU ef die- arine Gray, Plalaflela, aad 14 wa* elected aatroa af th* eaeiety ksta thlaklag that aay tem- address. grandchildren. pital. porary gaw wtt can aar state art erderly coadoetfer iaUrfertagwtta A requiem mass was offered yes- la IM1. H* ala* waa eve ef the Mr. aad Mas. Msny Mtyfeor of member* *f th* group imtwjm*at- •pedal Patrelmaa Edward PhlB- terday morning at Holy Cross Flonaa* eve. Beppost, are aareets 'As th* cammlaatea ea State Tas kett during hie lavestlfetim ef a church hy Rev. Richard Ewlng. n«. m?OM & wntitM al ia #stabll*hi«g a aatieaal park af a sea eonSoadey st Mismeiith in th* Imeky mouatahM. PcHey be* etreseed," he sstd, "New dlsturbaace early Saturday mere- Father Ewing recited the rosary HIGHLANDS Dr. Hugh E. Wy- Jersey hi aamaletely laehHag la a lag. J»ba Mlessk of »«e*iiad was Tuesday night at the Wordta fu- maa, So, a physician af m Wat*ry Mr, •ehtati wu • BMmber «f Mr. aad Mrs. Joetaa Fries af tt laag-f sage •seal aattey aad aeeds •aed $W ea each eouat # neral home. Burial wu in Mt. Oli- av«., Columbia, a. C, died early he board ef geveraera «f the Chi- Taylor rd.. Mstawsa. ars satasts iauiilgtot tas ravtsiiN ta ssset the Creating a distsrbsan earty Mea> vet cemetery, Saturday after «u(r>rlai a kaart cage Academy of ScieaaM IT year* of a daughter asra Moadey at M af a grewiaa *Ut* " day at Flyea'* Huaireeb bar oa attack while visiting his aaa, Pvt and w*» preslteat ef the IIHacU mouth Memorial hisaWil, la a moment of distress there Auduboa society. He wa* the an- Beaebway with tHtrelmaa Plaa- Is a tendency to he vary prodi- MISS. MATILDA UVNA FtLLOT Hugh E. Wyman, Jr., wh« i* *U- Mr. aad Mra. ThssaW Bsasts kett brought lass of HI asm te tioned with the 444ta Aircraft Con- ther of "Blrda ef lUinoia," gHibliaaV Uaasbury atotrt that th* bigv Expre$»ion of fal in expenditure. But when Rl'MSOV -• Miss Matilda LouUa •« by the state of Illinois, aad • Uwta R. Baasr of til Church at, you appoint ua to perform the Pillot, 78, died Sunday afternoon ': trol and Warning aquadraa at of a aaagktar hem goat tsa nraHsai wu at the least Betfard, aad Jeba Megaa, Wiaioja Truo Remembrance I Twinlight* here. member ef the City, CMeage Ki- MrVf VeMfV pfvpan|r IMMi KM final duties, you are mured at her home, Little View, Ward wauls, WileMower Preservatiea rlssa tmmm atoc* the end ef F. eVuHy art Mward OaragkaF Ne «Uier act of a normal that no flier service could be ave. | Born in Columbia, *oa M tk* Mr. art MM. WsMr Msassm tl ef Jersey City. late Edward and Paulla* Uwtoa aad Qarden club* af Illiaai*. fTsrid War «. Me said that la- •Han't life gives him more obtained for auch a moderate Born in Madison, Fla., Mis* Pil- The naturalist wae a eeatrlbv< WNiath St., Belferd, an asreatg Msgtotnt* Aajbrasa taed Jesse* • cost. A commodious chapel ii lot was a daughter of the lat* Ed- Wyman, Dr. Wyman die« aaortly of a daagbter bam Twisday at HH> Trailer ef Jersey CHy ITS art Da- complete EOUI satisfaction after midnight in hi* room at th* * af natural history material te Mkekf ta reuev* the local tas bar- than th* building of a Item- placed at your disposal without ward and Victoria Bellamy Pillot. the National OeograBhlu magaala* sea as atata aM, sarticalarly far vid Newkh* af Jersey Orty «• ea any charge. She hid been a resident of Rum- Highlander hotel. With htm war* Mr. aad Mrs. KeacMtti Brwra af charge* ef disorderly eertaet early erisi te hii loved ones who his wife, Mrs. Mirtlce Wilaoa Wy- nd Hauat »nd Garden, tad ea*> adwaatlia, lus reauiaed frasea at have (one on. son the past ID years and had been lucted nature columns In the Riv- BellvUw ave, tTeaaabara, are atf " im deealta higher state la- Meadey en Beaehway. They were ill the past nine yearn. Surviving ; man, &nd their daughter, Mia* eate ef a dsagkUr Hera astir*** arreatsd by Special Patrelmaa An- Our eelect Barre Memorials rside New*. H* ha* lectured t* art grsatly iscrtastd *ck**l are her brother, Andre P. Pillot, I Martha Vtyman. garden dubs throughout the eeun- at lUvanptcw hwaHal. Mularchuek. bear the Guild mark of ap- with whom an* lived, and a lister, AUo surviving are ave krothcra, Mr. aad MM. Onm DiFadeaa af proval, your gruarantea of a John E. Day John Wyman, Edward Wynaa, C. try. In recent y*ara he wa* In- taaatbsry aaw asld that tser* Mrs. Chart** Tlllman of Qultman, etruetor st th* FreebeM military M Lewer Maia at., Matavaa. are was a sabataatlal bscblag af re- fluer Memorial at no egtra Oa. W. Wyman, Dr. J. W. Wymaa and pareata af • am beta Martaf; a* CBit. Visit our showroom C. J. Wyman, and two sisters, Mn, academy. Ha wts MturaHst at aaesla far esaeadltsre* that have Warrant failed • The funeral wa* held Tuesday af- Cama Echs Hill. Clinton. Rlvervtew hcapMal. wMi Bttbtlc insaert, ssch as eda- and saa our displays of these Funeral Home ternoon at St. Oeorge'a Episcopal Walter Theus and Mm. J. W. Lan- or, who all live In the Columbia Mr. Rehanta WM a Member of Mr. aad Mn. Jaab OUatw at catlea, health and wrtfare aarviees, certified memorials. church, with Rev. Jamca A. Paul, lehenck ave., Matavaa, ara a*r- For Bronx Man area. at. Michael*' and All AM«ls' Epis- hlgkwaye art beacs eraekM Ma- MIDDLETOWN — A warrant uslstant rector, officiating. Burial, copal church. Berwys, HI. Hia eata ef a sw>«a WedMaJaraf trol. Artlon M any tfegrim, he PWa o-CW Hod las* under the direction of the Worden The body wai aent to Columbia said, will mesa lner*as*«l «tat« wai Issued last night by Recorder Sunday Xur burial Tuoaaay In Kim- wife, Mr*. Carrie FlafWr Rehantt, Oileert Msasea isr ta* arrsM of NMVBBBWWI •l§ pW Wm funeral home, was In Evergreen art addtttaaal tas JOHN VAN KIRK t died ta Chteag* IT year* age. beayUal. cemetery, Morristown. wood cemetery, The Poaten fu- t«t. ViMt CUM art Mr*. Dw> Nell Gardner, M, af Broas, N. T, Nwt t* Mt. Ollnl CeeNterf Tauawea* T-IPM neral home wa* In charge of local florvlviag are a sen. Worth t. who felled to appear to aaower Sehantt, with whom be lived; a wand ahllautt «f Barker aw, MM. GtxmOE K. RUBY arrangements. •ataatowa, ara aaraaw at a am charge* of assault aaa battery ad t F»«ae Rod Bank «4»lf slaughter, Mra. Ruth Spelman, Cha- Me petnted sat that th* ceadl- Fart Neaeoek Aag. K Canes Da> RIVER PLAZA — The funeral sy, N. Y.; eight grandchildren aaa bora Meaday *f bt week at Fart ttaas nsaaasibl* tar higher reve- R. f. L Kn IM Use" IMII ALREKT M. MAJON Menmeuth sUtlea hafaitaL berso of at Hewlsad p! «LeaeT of Mrs. Grace Myrtle Rudy, 77, of aeviral grest-grandchlldren; a aass aflea create greater •aaaelal Branch, is th* complainant. 31 Applegate it., who died Tuesday KEYPORT-Albert Montc*Jt*r •later. Miss Beanie Sehent*. Kit- aeedj. ^VkUs ssara metar nsWa of lant week after a short Illness Haigh, 6S, or 7S Maple »1., a former chener, Ontarie, and three broth* Mra. Wllbar C. Kiag tt Leonard* art aura driviag add MMMN,» WHbur Roekafeitow of VsaBraat was held laat Thursday afternoon member of the borough council, ere, Frank and Arthur Schtnt*, an Bsmu ef s am beta fuMiir h* ssld, "ta*r ama bring greater si, Xssasfcurg, was Sued If sad. «t th« Worden funeral home, with died Friday At Rlvcivlew liotkktal Rltrhaner, and Austin Benant*, af latt wsek at Tart Mwmantti trsatt aMtsHlan, mare highway I costs after pleading guilty to I Rev. Jaiiii>» Vf. Marshall, putftf Sf after a long Illness. He was born iskatchswan, Canada. atatlen hospital. aesiisala art the and far men bavlag dosed whll* driviag his esr THE FUnERRL HOIT>E Embury Methodist ehurcfc, Little at Stirling, »on of the late Samuel The funeral wa* held yesterday F.FC. and Mn. Lewi* J. Bor&w Mac msiatensae* and eoaitrue- and causing sa aeetdiat Aug. St Silver, officiating. and Ann Maria Montouter Halgh, afternoon at the Worse* fua*ral aa af tat Bay are., Highlaad*. an sa N«t*wamp rd. _ d Burial waa In Fair View eeme- and wai vie* president of John 3. home, with IUv. Robert H. Ander- •areaja af a d»«|btet bam Wm- VrgMf muaediata aetiaa toward tery, Beirera were J. drover Car- Reynold*, Inc., real estata mart- son, rector of Trinity EalKeaal day *f last «nk at Fart Maa> mtemgeat tas rerielee, Uunsbary *w*"wsot koaasbarc, wsa toed Of PERSOnfIL SERVICE ter, Jr., Robert K. Carter, Freder- gag* broker* of Vtw York city. church, ofllelatlng. ereiMttlm 1MB atewta sUtma Btaattot. waned taat *tha iacnase ta state m aad n for drtvnig wttaoat ick W. Carter, Howard S. Jeffrey, A former partner of Douwdaey, Dace at Re** Hill eremstsry, Mr. aad Mn. Hugh Oektar. ft* St«l A*nMa*a*>l^lm*l -* ** aaamt kel SlBanel glaejes Aug. It whoa opsratmg a Jr., John A. Jeffrey, Qrorge L. Rlchart and Halgh, Mr. Halgh was linden. •' R. D. a, art asreaU af s am !•«•> ^Bmj^mmjfdaBBjBBj BjBmBmfjBBj aampaj BKB Bjajafaj ear with a csadlUoaat tleesse. Th* as sa ojBnas ne* aeiaynsj aan#> assasat wass saljlbp ry Edwardardt Jeffrey, Warren H. Carter and Rob- a member of the Union League elub last Thtirssay at fltWa kas* saiy tmsrivasitat la tas state's WILLIAM 1 ANDMSON ert 8, Jeffrey, grandson* of Mr*. of New York city, a life member af Ras of If Willow si. K*F* 8O32 Hadtea AT*. lUd Bank Rudy. Radium lodgt, Free and Acceatad port, for fattiag te haM at a stop ATLANnC HIOXLANDI - Mr. art Mrs, John Peten ef M street Maatsss Riven of BMiMy Mr*. Rudy I* survived by her Masons ef Oulnlng, N. Y., aad • Thema* A. Batta, a lummer r**4- Wsghsga ave., ftsawaa, sr* aareaw m husband, George K, Rudy; four member of th* Keyport Yacht dub. tamlm ~ ' * 4W Aomal Bmt BmaV •AmfanmaW HD IANIC 6-1404 4*nt ef this borough awn Una af a davakter bera Friday at M*w- Bake Proceeds Go WTaW mi •• VoW flV IWr pBSBnviHp daughters, Mrs. Grace M, wife of He was an elder of th* Dutch Re- M years, ai«c Sunday at hit hem* sssaa Memertal kcsattaL ever doable white trasas Haas Aag. Russel L. Tetley, 83 Applegat* St.: formed church and had atrved a* at Tarrytown. N. Y. Amoag ether Mr. art Mr*. Ksaacth Xaaskl ef To New Building Mn. Oertrud* A., wife of J. Grover councilman eight years. places, he had been a gueet at th* auth st. Wast Xeaawarg, an • aBBl OJBBBBBf ^*HP •WB^PO"BBmBB| BBBBmBSaBBWW Carter, Little Silver; Mrs. Helen, Surviving art hit wife, Mrs. liar. lom*st*ad hotel u« Mrs..Van'! panats af a am bam VHla* st _ sf tas wlf* of Howard S. Jeffrey, Red orl* Hoagland Halgh; three daugh- heardlag houee. He was buried nnnmrawft l>*mm*Pal H, for erselty to sahaak. The Bank, and Mis* Dorothy Rudy, liv- ters, Mr*. Constance Cundly of yesterday at Tarrytown. atsssids msn tkta ttOI MmpUinaat was WHns MeNoal eaaoTa VawV eBsBWW ^^ m • • • tv« ~ —• bat ef rtef. H. LAUtlNCI SCOTT ing at home; ten grandchildren; Keyport, Mrs. Richard Larrabur* Mstawaa B. a, ar* aareats of s th* caw flve great-grandchildren ana a ion, of Interlaken and Mn. K«nn«th daughter bora met Tianday st at tha Sben hstel will g* tewsrd Harry A. Rudy, living at horn*. Mehrhof of Allwood, and il* grani- John Chlawntl, «t, died ywtorisy soamsath MMaerlal iMsaMsl. the utility btjHdluaT st the Uvmi Nlss Daase MORTICIAN children, at hi* hom*, 18 Clinton al. Ha was Mr. aad Mrs. BfcertTsyter at War SMSMIW, tUvwkjlM ftsiZ MBS. MABT C BfJBKE Th* funeral wa* held Monday *t bora Is New York city, aaa af ths Stir rt, Freehold, sre ptrrat* of Mtmben of the clambake < HIGHLANDS —. Mrs. Mary C. tfi* Reformed ehureh, with R»v. Al- late Santo and Sarah Buecafuschl a so* hora Friday at ftthta Ms- mtttes were Karaite Parker, I UKVter - Mr. aad Mrs. RIcV Burke, SS, wlduw* of Patrick J. bert O. Shlphorst, pantor, officiating. Chlmtntl, and had been a ruKtat Smith, MarUn Fehlhaber, Srd Duaa* af this borough have *«• Orareli I tret*, Bedford, N. J. Burke and n, resident of Bay st. Burial, under th* direction of the of Red Bank more thin 90 yean. Mr, aad Mra. Meaty Bsaas *t Imls Leder. jr., Ooem MeOawae, th* eagagMsest ef their here 60 yean, died yesterday at Ivy Bedle funeral horn*, was ta Old Mr. Chimintt wa* a retired cabinet PireeievUie rd, BagMeatowa, ar* •nul Mesa, Frank WMte art Aa- daughter. Miss Mai Dasa*, to nursing home, Middletown, •(•her* Tennent cemetery, Tennent. maker and wa* a member af tit, pareata of a deughter sen •star- tkoay Reaaam, was deaatod the ass _ A. Harper, saa ef Mr. and PboM KcHMlmrg 64S33 •h* had been a pstlent for a Anthony's Catholic church. day at Flthis heepital. ef theketoL Mn. Harold Harper, IM E. T4th month, she wan born In New York RICHARD H. BARBER Surviving are hi* wlf*, Mr*. Mr. aad Mrs. Keanetk White of The club will conduct a pi. St., New York. city, daughter of (he lati James Chrhtlna C«s«entlne Chlmentl, aad Park pi., River Flags, sre par- drive Suaday at t p. m. Memben Mis* Duane attended MIH Hew. LEONARDO—Richard H. Barker, three ton*, Santo Chlmentl, Carl of the eeaimtttee an James Me- J. and Catherine Kerrigan Ahearn, 43, of Leonard ave., died yeaterday eals of a daughUr oars Saturday Itt'i classes, th* Shipley school, art and was a member of the Rosary Chlmentl and John Chlmeatl, was at Pilverview keepitsl. Ootigh, Andrew Andtnon,, Henry was graduated from Bsrasrd eol- society of the Church of Our Lady at Monmouth Memorial hospital af' live at hems. Fehlhaber. Braost Vsughan, Jae- ter a long Him**. He wai tram at Mr. sad Mrs. Francis Oslllso ef Mg* in 1S4I. She wade Mr debut of Perpetual Help. Th* funeial will be held Satur- 111 Carr sv*., Kiaasburg, sre par- eph D*mpny, Jsha Rut, Martin at the Junior AsnmbllM la New Keyport, mm of the late Lewis and day at 1:10 *, m. at the Day fuairal Pshlhaber. Wilttsm Reutmu art Surviving are two ion*, James Ada Connor Barber, and had beea eats ef a daughter sera Friday at York la IMS. Th* bride-to-be Is the Burke ef Red Bank and Edward horn*. At I o'clock, M*gr. Saw*, Mr. Lodir. granddaughter of the late Mr. and btibtohea INS a resident of th* Keyport area more tar* Dl Lonnao, pastor, will amir Burke of Keyport; two daugh- than M year* before moving to At- Mr. sad Mrs. Victor Meyer Ia saswsr t* a rumor that tke In. Jsste* May Daaas of New ters, Mra. Mary Morrisaey of * high maa* af requiem at St. An- South Woodland ave., fair Ha* tastanetloa at Twtallihts wiu be York, sad the late Mr. art Mn. W. lantic Highland* and then to Leo* thany*. filter Eleanor will be a^ olossd by ths savsrammt aad sold Bloomfleld and Mrs. Louise Stod- ardo in the past year. art psroats of a ssa asra Sstvr- Campbell Clark, Newark. dsrd of Colorado; two brother*, ganlat and Mater PhllomsM sal la* at Maamouth MeOMttsl mas- to private mUrprtss, Samuel 111* Mr. Harper attended tat BueJv Surviving an hi* wife, Vra. Myr- Ilitor Aarunte will chant th* mast. ^ameaT saw ssB^^'w^Bvv^p^wei w^r^^*^*w^^^v BV^^^ John T. Ahearn of Highlands and berblatt art O. V. Kadesbach i ley schoel, Phillips Exeter scsdemy, The Mount Memorial Home Theodore J. Ahearn of Larchmont, tle Andrews Barber; two ton* and Burial will b* In Mt. Olivet ceme- altal. appelatsd a cemmlttn to have it a daughter, William Barber, Walter tery. Rev. Gerald J, Orlffla, curate, Mr. sad Mrs. Michael Mtrele of art wu graduated from Harvsrd N. T., and four sisters, Mrs. Mar- preserved as a historical landmark. eoliege la IMt art frsss the OneV gant Msnnlx of Chappaq.ua, N. Barber and Ml** Marlen* Barber, will rceltc tha rotary tomorrow M Orator si, Freehold, are par- Ir. Hlbsrblstt said yeettrday that Frederic K. Adaau, Mfr. who ltvt at home; five brothiri, night at th* funeral home. oats of a dsvaatsr asra Busaay net* School of BulMM Adminis- T.. Mrs. Theresa Neily of Water- he bso wind ths club's eplaloa tration of Harvard UaHmsltjr la vilit, N. Y., and Mrs. Geneva Kane George Barber of Key Wt*t, Fla. at Fltkia hospital > Rep. James C. Au«hlncloe*. and Miss Begins Ahearn of High- Milton Barber of Indianapolis, Ind., MBJ. HOWABFV. CBOaBBE Mr. sad Mrs. Thomas Oats ef II IMS. H* a*rv*d ta ths Navy ss sa The club received eonSrmatlon ensign art I* a member of tke or. land!. Theodore Barber of Keyport, Oba- Prispsit pi., Matswaa, are psreats that Harold intUr. Lfcm* tntoras- FUNERAL DIRECTORS diah Barber of East Orangs and PORT MONMOUTH-Mrs. Mar- gtalsed Naval Reserv* ss a Mi*> Th* funeral will r>* held Satur- garet Ann Croehe*.», wile of How- of a daughter bora Sstarday at tkmsl pnsldest, will attend the Merril Barber of Kearny, and a (li- Monmouth Memorial hotptUI. want (). g). Mr. Harpsr is with day at S:SO a. m. at th* homi of ard T. Croebee, died this morning stub'* silver jubilee calibration In Brown Brothsn Marrhasa A Co, her brother, John T. Ahearn on ter, Mra. Fred Evenon of Union at h«r hom* on Main at. after aa Mr. sad Mrs. Albert Page, mld-Dee,mb*r. Sgt. Rkhsrd W. Beach. MS Plaebreeh rd, Eatoatews, ar* Csasrd, Id. U.S.M.C.. who returned Nsw York. He Is tke gmrtsea of Bay at., Highlands. At •:», Rev. ilia*** of a year and a half. Ska th* lat* Mr. art MM. JSSSSS A, • 10 IrtM StTMf Red lank, N. I Jaaeph J. Donnelly, pastor, will of- Th* funeral will be held tomor- WM bora M Wlekdow, Iretenl, panats af a daughter bora Istar- Tsssdsy from Korea was a ium fer a solemn high mass of requiem row at 2 p. m. at the Bedl* funeral daughter of th* late Henry and day at Msaawtita Mensrlsl hos- of Meyer William Fehlssber at the tarper, N*w York, art of Mn. At. at Our Lady of Perpetual Help. home, Burial will be in Green Jjlla Klniella Brett, and cam* ta pital. eJmaer Tuesday night whim was atrt A. Rosa, New York, snd the Burial, under the direction of the Grove cemetery. the United State* U yean ago. Mn. Mr. and Mis. Andrew White at arid at the Cedar laa. late Mr. Roop, Upload, Pa. His Condon funeral hom*, will b* In Croaba* had been a rMldint of Mar rt, FrsehoM, are parsaU of olubs an th* Harvard ef New York Mt. Olivet cemetery, MBS. AWN E. MASON Port Monmouth more than IS a sea bora Tuesday st Flthis. hoe- art tas Amatittr Comsdy. year*. 7 Retara to College XEANSBURO—Mrs. Ann B, Ma Mr. sad Mrs. James F. ttombot Mrs. Anteriea to Be EX-POSTMASTER DIES •on, 78, widow of Martin Maaon, Surviving, besides her husband, of Its Oraage av*. Fair Haven, ars After Working it Fort DEAL—Joseph A. Poole, SO, of C.-i suddenly Monday at her home, ar* a son, Walter H. Croane* of 17* psrsaU of a na barn TWMdey at Selceted Sunday MONMOUTH MONUMENT 20 Lolwen ave. She wai born In Bast Bergen pi., Red Bank; three Seven residents of this ana In- Morgan ave., former local post- Rlvervlew hospital. eluding tv* from Red Bank will H master, died Fridny night at Mon- Norway, came to the United 8tatei daughter*, Mn. Marlon Caution ef Mr. sad Mrs. 8. Lyeon Matlaok ASBURY PARK- Mn. Ami*. Union, Mis* Margaret F. CrOibee. return to college this moats after ea» will be nleeted hen SuadaF COMPANY mouth Memorial hospital. Mr. 60 year* ago and had been a resi- of in Coaom lea*, Middletown three monthe' temporary employ. Poole served as poitmnster under dent of Keaiuburg more than M who live* at home, and Mra. Veron- township, are parents af s ssa ben In th* llth annual eoatest fsaturlaf year*. ica 3. Whtlan of Port MonmeuU: aunt it Fert Monmouth. widded bssutlss from all over (he Presidents Wnndrow Wilson and three brother*. Chrlatepher Bntt Tuesday at RKwrvtaw hsspttsl. Included on the list and thslr Headden't Corner, Middietown, Route 35 Franklin D. Roosevelt. He was a Surviving are a son, George W. aatlon. Josephson, Sr., two grandchildren, of Morristown and Harry and John Chief Radlomaa aad Mrs. Robert school* an: Martin Ides, US Spring Star* from sn arsaehM of the JAMES J. HURLEY, Msnaatr former editor of the Taxpayer and Brett of Newark; a sifter, Mn D. Hunter of Kotmdsl are parents st. Red Bask, Clarkaea college of Workingman's paper ami was at George W. Josepnion, Jr., and Mn. oatertalnmant world have agreed to Katharine Kelly, who lives In Eng- of a son born Saturday at Fort technology. Pottsdsm, N. T.; Man-com* hen Sunday afUrnoon te kilp on* time employed hy the Long Agnes E. Byrne, who all live In aad, and a granddaughter, MIM Monmouth station BesplUL ila A. Canspa, 31 DeForrest av*., PHONE RED BANK 6-3810 Branch Daily Record. Keansburg, and four great-grand- with th* staging of the famous pa. children. June Whelan. Cspt aad Mrs. Wilbur layer af Bed Bank, Newark College of En- gatat, which gets natlonwldi eov. Hep* rd* Port Msaawttth, ars pax-gineering; Richard M. Brown, N eras* ef niwspapiri, MISVISMB art Long Branch 64978 • Day or Night i. DANIEl' BARKALOW Th* funeral wa* held ywterday Th* Worden funeral horn* will •raMh ave. Red Bank, Oklahoma at the Kyan funeral home, with have charg* of arrangement*. •st* of a daughtsr bom Saturday nawsr**!*. FREEHOLD-/. Daniel Barka- at Fort Monmouth atatloa hsspital ttttltut* of Technology; Edwin H. The winner of th* "Mrs. America* low, 84, died Tuesday nt his home, Tcv. Edward S. Zelley, pastor of Cloth, II Wwbington at, Red Bank, the Methodist church, officiating. MM. ELUABETH M. PATTEN Sgt. First Claa* and Mrs, James eontsit Is selected not ea beauty R. D. 4. He was born in Freehold LONG BRANCH-Mn. Slliabtth J. Meeban of II CorUae ave. Eat-Lafayet* coUeg*. Baston, Pa.; Mil-alone, bat also oa her homemaklng township nnd had lived in this Burial waa In Green Grove ceme- ton Moeklsr. 117 Wort Front st, tery, Keyport. M. Patten, widow of John Patttn, ontown, ar* psrsnts of a ses bom ability. Besides parading before area all hia life. Saturday at Fort MeaSMata sta- Rsd Bsak, Wonsstsr Polyteehnlcil 2U<- died suddenly last night at her Initltut*. WorcetUr, Mass.; Oeorge the Convention ball audlinee in Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Lit. home, SI lint a**. tion hospital. bathing lults, the eonteeUnU win lie Earkalow; and throe sons, W. MRS. AMCE B, STORM! r. Hawkins, IM Orange av*., Fair Born In Philadelphia, Mr*. Pat Cpl. aad Mrs. TltsgersM ef Fort Raven, Fordham university, New be required to exhibit taelr favor- Harvey and Harry V. Barkalow of UNION BEACH—Mr*. Alice B. ten wu a daughter of th* lat* Msaeoek ars parents ef a ses born it* recipe* and sbow asm* srtlels this place and Edwin V. Barka- Storms, 32, widow of Lloyd D. Tuesday at Fort Monmouth station Tprk city, and Daaold E. Bligtove, thsy have mad* with needlework. low, Farmingdale. Emmanuel and Maria Walih Stem- New Monmouth, Aururtana col- Storms, died last Thursday at bach. She had been a resldtut of heepital. lege. Rock I*Und, III. Many of th* entertainment luml- The funeral will be held tomor- Mnnmnuth Memorial hospital. She this vicinity tha put 31 yean. Mr*. Mr. and Mr*. Anthony UCoati nsrie* will serve as judgu, whll* row at 2 p. m. at the Freeman wa* born at Belleville, daughter of Patten ntired four yean ago from of Tl It Oeorge pi, Xejuport, art All sr* aualifled atudmts of scl- others will ntlp entertain the crowd Not the Same funeral home. Burial will be in Frank Bartholomew, with whom her position as ftnlther with ths psriaU of a sea bora yeiterday at •ncs and (nglnserlng employed in that Is expected te All the hall, ta Maplewood cemetery, Freehold. abe made her home at MS Lorll- Kay Dunhill company of this city. Monmouth Memorial hospital. th* Signal Corp* laboratories undtr addition to tli* title* of "Mrs. Amsr- rard ave. here, and th* late Mary a depsrtmsnt of army program for lesV th* winner will receive prises DANIEL i. SULLIVAN Surviving ara four sons, John Mr. snd Mrs. Ckorg* WIMt af dl Our profession, like all others, Oarrlson Bartholomew. She also Patten, Allentowa; Samuel Patten, Irving pi* Bsteatewn, art parent* work niatsd to their stud"**. worth 17,500. lias made progress in the last ASBURY PARK—Danld J, Sul- U survived by tix children, thli city; Iug«n* Patten, Dot], of s dtulhttr fcorn yostsrdsy at livan, 71, of 021 Bewail ave., a re- The funeral waa held 8unday a and Vincent Patten, Rumcon; a Monmouth Memorial hossltsl. * Fitted $35, Costs W.S.C.S. to Meet decade. New and better methods tired special officer for Walter tha Bedle funerat home. Burial w«» daughter, Mn. Elisabeth Fornlno, Mr. snd Mrs. WsMrea Ihrllch and facilities have been introduced Reade theaters, died yesterday in Cedarwood cemetery, Kayporl. Long Branch, and 13 grandchildren. IT St. Oeorge pi, sro the ptnnti of By Magistrate Cobb In Fellowship Hall A high mas* of requiem will bt a daughter bora tali morning - WAYSIDE-TWO motor v*hici* ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - Fall and Worden service is notable for offered Saturday at • a. m. by R«v. Monmouth Memorial hospital. violator* paid fine* of 138 plus activities will be dtoeuued at 4 the fact that it is modern, in the Leo M. Cox at Star of th* Sea Mr. sad Mr*. John Nlgre, Sdt ooate last alght whoa thcyappcand misting to b* held nurt Tueaday DISTINCTIVE Brosd st, Ksyport. or* th* parent* bsion New Shrewsbury'* Mairts- at S p. m. In fellowship hall by the most comprehensive sense of the Cathollo church. Burial wlH be 1 under the direction of the Damlano of a son horn yesterday st River- tret* Walter N. Cobb. Women * Society of Christina Buy. word. ARTCRAR MEMORIALS funeral home, view hospital. Wilfred Mscsulay of Musschu* let et th* Methodist church. setts, a soldier st Fort Monmouth, A shower of linen and sn offering Perfection of Material and JAMES W. PATON, JR. wu fined HI art cost* for travil- of |ll wu glvtn by th* society for 'Air Conditioned for Your. Comfort Dorbrook Farms Cow Ing N mil** per hour in th* 30 Workmanship la Beautiful ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - th* n*w Msthedlit Horns for ths James W. Ptton, Jr., flve-manth m.s.b. sans on Shrewsbury av*. be- Aged. Ocean Grove, which will be New Design* old son of Jam** W. ana Edit Earm Silver Medal tWMn Vail Homu and Sycamor* dsdtsatsd Saturday afttrnoon. Cempton Paton of Mount ave, 8AT0NT0WN-4parkllsg M«ri eve. Harry Friedman of N*w York Hostesses tor Tuesday's meeting Our memorial* ar* manufac- died Saturday at Monmouth Me- a registered Jsrsty osw owned by elty paid 110 and costs for falling are Mr*. Charts* Herbit, Mrs. Her- morial hospital. Surviving, btsldes Dorbrook farms, ha* aarasd th* to halt at a stop strut snd 110 msn Daustsr, Mr*. Albirt Buseh, tured by skilled artisan* la our his parents, art his paternal illvsr madsl award ef th* Ameri- and costs for traveling 10 mills Mrs. O*orgi Bartluon, Mrs. Alf well equipped plant at West grandparents, Mr. and Mr*. Henry can Jersey Cattle club on a produe- per hour at Andenon'i corner, Nelsen and Mra. Calvin Mllltr. Loai Branch, Paton of Port Monmouth, and hi* tlen r«ord of I,3N pounds ef milk r)ww»iww.MWt»«i.«owM r. maternal grandparents, Mr. and snd del pounds of butterfat In Ml MTH ANNIVBBSABY PENNY IALB SCHEDULED Mn. Oeorge Fox of Belford. day* st the age of one year, tea HOLMDBLr-Mr. aad Mn. Harry Pride of Monmouth counelll, Son* uneial home. The funeral was held Tuesday month*. T. Appltfat* ef Shrewsbury av*., snd Daughter* of Liberty, met •O LPaONT ST. MO BANK NJ. at hit patirnal grandparents' Th* butteifst prodttottoa ashlivsd Mtw Mmwitwry, Sunday night Tuiiday night, with tha oounollor, LONG BRANCH MONUMENT CO. me home, with Xev. Charles 8. Web- by the oow la more than twlos aa celebrated their 11th wedding an- Miss Ruth Pennlngton, presiding. PHONE RED BANK 60557 ster, pastor of tha Red Bank Pres- much at 1* produced by tbs "avir- nlvinaty st a cockUlt snd dinner A social time fellewtd ths busi- Wall St. Tel. LO 6-3367 West Long Branch byterian church, officiating. Crema- age" dairy cow In th* U. I., accord- party at Plisssnt Vallsy inn. The ness iMilon. ' Croer Itadif I/ears <^ OependabkEajnomkal Service tion, undtr the direction of the Ing to AJC club. Tests on th* r«c guest* Included Mr. and Mn. Louis A penny sals will hi held after •nrs torn UXOMBATXD CATALOGUE Soott funsral home, wu In Rose- erd wet* mad* under the supsivl- Dorick aad Mr, art Mrs. Ouitavs th* nest meeting Tueaday sightHs lM Uadea, «los tl Rtttgsri npjnrsity. /, Fnret. •*pt la, ffffftlftftlt Ml and b the wa* thanked far Ma CaaaaHtte* - J*rdaa. thatla** wttk On I P. fi A t> (• Bfek ag otrty . urTk tkat the g. P. C. A. h*4 elated f til tk* tawathta aaae* arofcikttlag gage Strawberry Preserves ^35c ^ Tk* eaaiaMttaa ha* kagwck aa IMAlt A4ggkj frgm thg fir** frtth gtraw^grrlgt gnd gugarf A aVartob!. frgg*. ardlaaac* nagar atitdf I tint. # Cherry Preserves »"r.',25c *ir 95c Ctevariaaf tr*o* Otri •••wait troag with tatir laatem will rimwi tkalr gmHaga la tto •>• MM* Friday rtimm lag*. Preserves t25c ifr. tat Mn. Attfweta* Baiter aai okildrea. A4*l* aM MvaM, aa4 Mr. ••• w™ w, inwraMi •*•••) /••••• Mr. *ad Mn. Walter Dtaa af Ma> •111* guadar. Mr. tad Mn. gfreg PHac*. wyaa> Peach Preservest29c danek. L. r, aad Mn. Daratky Ctrlaaa aM daagator P IMAL MMItfMi WOf# woAk^SaW (tftS Mr. aad Mn. »». 0 Wdgtad- Mr. tag Mn. Cftm IUM aM [j«uit«< Mr. and Mn. Walter i. Ackeroaa Currant Jelly ^ 23c •Hat UM week-eat at Kiagetoa, M. T. with relative*. IftUl Jaaiea fatter, **a of Mr. aa4 Mn. Joka fatter, ha* returned t» Mt k**M la tVaaatakm after a Try rhgag prgfgrvtt and JtHigt on Suprgwg Irgod vlait with hi* graadaarwt*. Mr. Grape Jelly '^ 21c Mn. Wllllaai M. Aekertaa. Whrtt Mr. aag MM. Wfltiaaa O. Rtya •HM UM «Mk4M with relative* la Hkkevllle aM bawtt Vattef, I Mr. *M Mn. RM»l»h 1. Ckvit. Jr., iaa am DaaM ha«« ntaraaf BK/W ACME YOUK P&G COUPONS / •MM tfter a vMttlM MMat at ••> Ue Uk«. Mt. BREAD jjJ Color.d Mr. «M Mn. Obarlai B. aatat tha wath^M wHh thalr um SAVE 14c aM lft^lM^U , MMui N SAVI 13c Cheese • 57, MMr . aMM Mi*M . MwlMla aa I fuvt MtaraM freat aa a nofirOoetiized tte trip la M«w Tark Mate SPRY JOf

hem* H Mn. JMMM C. Oteaa. 135c Mr. tM Mn. J. rmak WakjaM aM MlMMartant K WM«M< an 32.99c nMM fPOTft Hamythfrt lift 4Wi Pettr Pan Peanut Butter Mr*. Affla* TaaMln SAVI 14c SAVI 7c tar Hiaroa Aaa, Ball Via, rleltod Mr. aM Mra. Ptfeg Rtgar Frlg tk* gatt week. NMUWMI JMt Mlet Ami* Deai .

Dean, Trenton, and Mia* Tjvtaa New! Farmdole a>' ^^B Dtaa af SaaMttat kaaattal apaal tk* kolMajr* wltk tkelr aaroat*. Mr. and Mra. Fred Daaa. Dry Milk'.? 35c Tk* Men* dak af a*. Mia* g^BBBjaBaBg vBVBapvl BJ»y BBJwB^ PBIBMBJ Metkodlet chmrth win haM Ma trat BJBBB^BaaaAB ^aaaPBmI •»!«BagtBaa^P•V •• faanAgJiI aaaaa^prwa^aaidBlBAf al 1 nSBf «SF fall netting Tkitrtdar eveatag at tat elrarcli raaau. BJat&M 7 af. INOWCROTMP •ear* will ha held. HAMS Taw ^MVMIV aWWwOT^ DAZZLE «•• lirvMa tllMtNl Rasptefri€!T "^V. 35c i at OM flt Mfl BLEACH SAVE 14c SAVE 13c rv*i!«ieut! EcowoW*>ca" —lamaa aM*nu**ak AIAAM^A ^M Rgfglgr »rk« Ttg fJUIfaj.! *a*m*l VS*>*ntaaaaBi 4^^aa*m_ 17c ? 29c newMei aura nATtiM wwtj* tonjjc Juice \ll We Ca«g«a Wgrik 10g Green Beans ^SSS '^ 22c Blue Suds I PriM.*f IN Baby limas JST '?» ljc Mr. aa< Mn. Vtaak Mtetoch aM Man At ft w*aalUe aMMna, Part LaMartete, Fla.. an Cauliflower -"TL ^ 26c apMtag a mtatu w»tk Mr. Mte- 2STl7c lath'a yaraato, Mr. aM Mn, Ma» Peas & Carrots "7E**. 1§c to>Mtetoeh, Oak HIM H. Katay BHta, tafMt «a«ghtaf H Succotash "^^ ^ 17c Mr. aM Mra. Dtnate Mvmy. Jr4 THRIFTY AMewr at, mi ekrlfteaM Maaay MUMITf MAW at at. JtaMJa a Oithalto «k«nk«, , lUl i Liquid Starch Bank. Th* wtora wan MMlw Sunsweet Prune Juice «5rr* 29c Blended Juice ^20c LMte Matt WehaM Vaal Mar. Lemonade m* *213c Jeha Wianaa b aiwKlag a «aa>- 19c X? 35c «lra at hte turn, "Coafeto a*M.N •" from kit law aractiM la Janty Orange Juict tL-11c HydroxSS? J!X2Sc ^k t B • MMgMy d*L*k*i B. 4a\gaV Cltar. BT^^a\^BitaWg|^BigB ***wB*"JnV| v^anaaj|| ••) ^av^aT^BJ •«•. pk*. I lit Atrkk Core»raB, wh« to aav Old Dutch Tomato Juice "iSf**. 12c ployed »t WeMlaad fam, ant WOOKieS VeaMleOe*«w ll^a. *ka. OX vacation of two wMka. Cleanser Evop Milk «« u 6J? 79c Mr. and Mn. Paul Sehltehtlat George InnS X 47c nav« returned from a motor trip 'tT 12c Pork & Beans' •* 2 r 23c Shredded Wheotr^18c through Now York atate. •BB] •MfidBO fjaak* aaadaB. Aafh Tha MeOulr. Plumbing Irm haa «yk) g*M*» •^••BBJPJ »lB»*t»iaaaj Bjannnnnj B^Pw JH^tj AcqiMinttd liutaltad a maw haattng tatter aM I UnCI MeatMed em iOC oil huraar, with a 10,M»*alloa raa- Pussy Cat with ply tank, at th* Vat,, vhw aebool ri8c Apple Butter ""»*.,« 22c ACMI'S building. Cat Food Unto Beans •Ml 1O-. COfFII Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ttottar aM 1*4*. *w IwW Tender Jells ST ^ 19c aon Rob«rt «n«nt Labor day at SIRVICEI Coney Ialand. Beef Stew Luden's "21SE? .X 19c Tnples A Amory I* Haekell af WoedlaM % farm li aojournlag{at SoutkaMatoa, Cranberry Sauce 2 tZ 31c v Mr. and Mn. Oaylord Barto aM Soup Mix a. 3^; 37c f Ideal Coffee EL, ..rr. 85c Mr. and Mn. Ralph Bart* motored 3 Little Kittens Apple Sauce SS tri1c 1 to Delaware for a vlalt with Mia- tlvta over labor day. Mn. Norma Cat Food AscoCoffee" """*.^ 79c Stirrup of White HOUM, N. J., waa a vlaitor W*dn**day of laat week Skippy Peanut Butter Plant WincrestCoffeeTkH77c at th* home of her parente, Mr. aM *T7c 111c Mra. Oaylord Barto. IH>l t William Fraka haa returned ta Oleo u t%, 30c Facial Tissues S^ Waahlngton If aval bat* after apend- KIRKMAN Ing a teav* with hla parent*. Mr. Wtfetertta 32C and MM. Herbert Frakt, gr., WIV Cleanser T mort Park. Flakes ^ Cmlfkmt (nrii$ tpttlM jnr* Burnett's Vanilla £T 30c Floor Wax nr ' far am Klrkmm CUmmtm at UUVeS iMlMlpaeM |*r 40C Shoe White ZST lw i FOLKS Mayonnaise * «!!!'h. 39c Shoe White "SEE? • iNtriTUTi o-Lup rercoiator Westinghouse Bon Oil V % k^19c Polish "SSSSiST** . $3.99 HAVE Bulbs "Xn Salad Oil **" Z.». 35c Parson's Ammonia i atirat Af JB) BLOOD Vinegar Hum w£r2 " 18c % Cider Vinegar E*i u*. 18c kXKip ST.COCOA !mm - *7 CADET White Vinegar,rL. 8c Soap DOG FOOD OPEN FRIDAYS TILL 9 P. M. rsr 9c

170 IROAD STRUT, RID SANK S76 RIVER ROAD, FAIR HAVEN ftf> BAMf. WWtW. 4, Ml milATIOMWAirTID rot MIX lit CMEVEOLBT—Baeeileat eee»4rtl*_. V4MUBI bSMRXf twtt-tiau po.ilioa REIRICERAT1I1 Kelvinator, lito aew, MAPLE PIECES, 4tok III. It I4MVBLI. 0m*4CW_. ff leaeral keaaewerki ATTEMftOM lltt; radio cn'onoirapk record aiaaer two bookcaaee M, *a*k cfaut •tiavtaaaara. raaairiaa;.. MaMia«MaM«.. a aaecbaaically perfect, interior eacallaat; Writ* feKr tppiittmaat. awMla* a#a. •MM* »» fie* Phileo, lisas Pnilco radio, |U. Call RB Ukl* II. crib, epri atwtia* *a4 •_«".*«•''•••*••' ' FaFa** aati- feur food (0«il4a. apatre: toater, eaet perietee iIff aar. , aa4 aalayy 4aaira4. to 1-0488.* retutalf. We w eovera. fof light: scar carburetor, gener* liat," iea allTaat Baak. V _._ available Thursday, atMHwJ* Mt f-15'a-R 2 Fincknty rd., Red Bank. aa«!l. akaat RE t-««tl. ator, starter, faa belt, apark slafl. A*e> "Olerk Tyaiet,' •TlkU—Mafor nall day Monday, Tue«- to* vith »H tto SETTER I.A»NSn.M yrar-Hcd and /or SOU!) MAMOOAllTrbairead e!*w feat *••»»•__ UjAJatW • Ward U ing (125. Call EA S-I44B-M • 4ay, Wedaaeday. four koun Thuraday, fto purctoea ef aw material*. Mere an fertiliae this fall. Kara«. lawa and dining room act, tea piece*. I17(; teisr- MAI*—tOCOM* COOK: auwriaaaa piere period bedroom aet, witb aew ben ^BXPETiCT^sWcTAX^TtSl For4 ¥.1 aeceaaary. CaU aU 1-trM aliat Friday and Saturday merniag. Can CtWf*: Tic tome ef tto leto yea taa aw: irden nupiOie*. J)iRbruw wrotktra, panel delivery witk extra teat: 4.el( wark ia atere or aimilar jobs. Also can Attie laaakttiea, •aplieatiea **• (I'kalrpond ave., Weal Long Rranck. LO ipring. and mattreie llll; dewa-AHIed. a A. M. 4* eeaae clerical work. Write kin4 of board ia kitckea et totk-waiafe four «.2«S(J. handsomely carved wala»t aadt aa* milea, IM like new: anly |l.>5(. Alee chair. |1UU; other piece!. Old Bare Aa- 1941 and 60 Mercurye. English Metera, werk you tove te Statioa "A," Box 8S, Blind tdi, Mint Tat Regiiter't baiement ar attie late • playreat*. Vtd- cHR"iS"CRAFT kit bo".ti, Outboard and 34 Maple ave. REJ»_-4545. . blivlk FOB aewipeptr Marlboro.' room or den. Complete) Una ef lumber. tiQue. route No. 14. Molmdel.* > f. O. Bex. 2le extra. inboard. Nint models, Priced from I_~SU"L_IVA!J~"S»fe Buy" Special— I-IIW-M* t'_BT-Tt_ E—Uain available fhuraday, millwork, hardware, paiat. wall board, ttb. Drlivind. Eaiy to build, Heualer POWER MOWER"—Sale ef meawra alf. BJarbt ta clu'ifr. ir reject roofing. ei4in«. plywead. 4oera, wladewe, purpose rotary mewcra. Seaaalee, at, It* aaak. fkaaa U (-lit*. 193(1 Oldsmobile t* Rocket elub coupe, DlSiiWASMEii ae Sunday werk . . t'ri4ay or Saturday; soane experience gidttrtiiement 1* rvtd by in.action, etc. free eeuee plea baok. Koford Co.. keypnrt. _ __ demonstrator!; IK. 20. 26-iack cut: I'k hydramatir, radio, heateri one owner; eaaployaent. Apply Ctorlet Btltau- carpentry, boat comtruction, plumbing, awwiettr. American Bu.lding Supply. Mighway li. CBlHUAHUA PUPPIES'- Male.; 11 to 4 k p. 4-cycle enginee. Carl Beck- only 12,00(1 anile!. |1.89S. Englitk Mo- •>d Baak.* W«ul4 contidtr working on estate, Kfcj aWe wiii lot to impossible fer et Hi-.-';'.!,1! Coiaet. Middletawe. Fkaae week! oid, AkC r«KislcrcH. Inoculated, ar.nn Sea Bright. SB I-M7I. If aw 34 Maple e"e. KE 1-1645 fOB, «e4 ttU am ualaet ttoy »r* diucwi to- RE 4-4444. worKfii. Make nice pcta. Moun. Wilaon onivw, RE l-4"u( any time. TicKARD coavertikle: camajiMiaa; •vt iay.waak. ''"'KIOOL BEKIOI wiikci toby lit. ave. Port ktonmouth. JiK 1-1469.* jap) tto MC0B4 ineertioe. CHILb'S BLOMb maple tkifslitt, III. fooo*d4 rubberru»»er.. B_E_ a-anee-w4-(0((-W.. ' imceM'nt'at Batatf tlaf jeb alter ackool er evenings. Call nteet in tto line ef plumkiatt and toal- OSfiBTYOUR JftESH killed ch'cHeoi RE 1-4477-4 Bit'." - 1(17.. W after I P. _.« V* eeeeeUetione vill to IMtW and turl-.ey* Rrintt your baaket for Pffl FOLLOWING need earl are aa die- ing tuppliet for tka kuilwiag at naavat- JwfT I#f VVlMwfeMtWwii Vlwl .•tl MlDfcU-AOEb wkitt t*4"y at ekengee made '" advtrtiiemeati rice apple.. RE t-lSlJ-Jt-L TUB. riVB FEET, totataaa »»II trfwi play far yeur intpoetior.: 1(41 Ckevr*- •at) kotr after receipt »t o«c«. ing ef vour IMCM, 4 large a innate at I porcelaia Aniak, caat Iraa, IILfflj let etation wagon, 1»4I ford eoavertible knowledge at ty»iat). Aaalaaata, Faa. ree day'i work. Call BE 4-1111 U7)LXANO*TIPKLESS furnace; perfect l>uri.riBi> an ivnt of bathtube, kaeiaa, toilet* aad awdicine 5, MH-Utl-W.' coupe, 1147 Neia four-door ledan, I9I( ter. Beuaaille 4) Cornwall. BE l-IHt, aaabetween ( and 4 P. M.* cabinet!, aitctoa kiokt, ftatvrinf tto fa- condition. Best offer. AT 1-0^114.• with fixture! 175.95. Buick four-door sedan, 1141 Buick con- OOW5fcEirrtra4i4ra.kur OffiMTT NfJiTst^Tik. care mothTr moue Vouaaetewa kitctoaai faa, ail and ii_f, vary ritaaatkla; O"Ofcirririr"r aeeire GAS RANCt ; 'txcellent con'il- COCKER SPANIE piiat Caa vert! He. I94D DeSoto two-daor aedaa, Plaia eoakinc; Bea4ia: eaeafartakle aad ckild after hospital; small home. coal trad toatinf plant* fat eteam toat, tionj^j>riri- I6H. (all KE f-0_l_ll_-ll. AKC rtgiattred: Hack >aj Vieit our used car lot and allow ua ta room; maaerate talary. Muet ~ kale] dutiei: baby aittinit daytime only. kot waur heat or kot air: all buraan aeen at f> Oak (adf Tkird at.«. tare, lave ekildraa. Ideal fat fJeetera and private references. Writ* witt MiaaeaiMlifMaaaywaU toatre.lt. CEWEfERY MEMOKIALS aold diVfct to 4tm«netrete these carl, tleRidder Bulek, Call CkMified you from the world'* largeat auarriea. Rumion • ^ Inc Itl Monmoutk at.. Red Bank, aecklag home aad eeeurity. Wriu "Sa. M. F,. Bo» 611. Red Bank." fuel tenke and atptit Make, (alvaaiud 1~94T~NA?H SEDAN, twa-door; very curity," Box 111, Bed Baak, trivia*- ea- kOTMBB WILL TAKE rare""orVhiTd" 2T| and blarli pipe aad Ittiage, tapper All kinds of KrunitfF. Krre CBt^atel CALMATIAR—RJPFIBT perience, refereneei, mlaitaum aalary. Rc4 Bwk 64MI13 tubiag and fittinfa, let! pipe and *t-and Rctlintt. Writu "Monuments," P.O. •narked ; reaaonahlt. Alaa kabyaraad foad eon4ltiOJi: ratio, keater, ever- fer woiking mother; good home care. tings. A larfe eeeerigeaat af tlectric Hot 4it. K.<)_Hank._ piano, fall evening.. KB l-ltll-I. drive, fog. .Pot lie-Mi, ISOO. Cat bCOUPLE—Foa r email ettate. Wife, haute. Pkone BE 4-6491-M. and gee water eeeurs, electric and ga.OAS RANiliK, four-burner, oven, broiler, COMIimAfIoN~Tll_.llt taaaa; (aael leen at 1 e« Sunnyereat court Little Sil- worker; kuikead te de fardeaiag. AbbRBCSING ENVELOPES and card! ver. RE 4-I09I-I.* aeme driving, feneral emeiateaeace. At- raniei, 'tctrit rtfrigirateri aid Irtti- utility tlosft; vtry good condition; for ..00 feet of radiatiaa. Burat caal. ' bur Ivint, II Welt luaiet tvt. ffceac ky kind at kome : experienced and rr. er.. i he famoua Mjere water pump. b! RK M1I g.i and oil: 1160. kut will aeeapt toat 5T~«TUi5EBAKf_7~ttarligkt coupe, tractive leaarate quarter!. Write, liable. Eleanor /ones, Michigan pi.. LOST AND FOUND anil tump pumpe. Numereae ether iteme. HOLLYWOoil BED. full aae, inner- offer. Meiiina. SI wkaralaat Mr, BaM Ava-Bri«ecnger, eigkt week! o{4: radio, "Imall E.tate," Bel til JU4 Bank. Part MJatimouth. aliddietewn Plumkinf aad Meatiaa Sup- iprin; mattr(S]<, fipring on lega, leath- Kearmburg;. Bf'Aafb HLL e*co*4-h*a4 el.tbeT tlr conditioning, lignali. overdrive: ettor GENERAL rlOUSBw'OlKn—I % tttt. r net to la fee* ta**itiaa. I. Ktrtor, Dlf—Small" __ lily Co, Highway N*. II. at Mtaddea'a erette back; aieo emy chair and Duo- FOR BETTBB THAN avar ttlatt-e extra acce.eerie. Coat 11.217. uerilct, Large ftmily. Muet provide PDT AbJDV—Small" job.; painting^ LotT—Fafsboos, number :5.?92. Sec Corner, Middlttawa. Oae mile aartk *f Th'rm ni! hraKr. Call HE 4-jlOl-K or • tvt., Be4 Beak. Phene 11,750 far quick tale; ar kett ••tr. traaatatttvtiaa; vletnitp Matllea't at carpeatry•ttlce, eella, windon andw cleaning cleaninf ond Kational Bnnk. . Red Bank. Pkaa* BE I-II7T. Oaea call at 239 Cambridge ave., r'air ifaven, Sea thaaa: Clider llf.lt, Itaffktt* Dealera invited. Call eveaiaga. V. F.nir:lllwakly. BE 4-II4I-M. et^rd.at wttict, Butaeti, cellar,! e anr d ground..' 101 Biv. etiLL OWNER OF LO;*t rnwboat piease after 7 P. M. •antla, complete III, aaatiaaal ta.'t May, II Sycamtit tvt., Bait Ktitaburf. TOOL lAIRI aaJ pr«l.r«'miImeellaltL t pkone RU 1-I15S-M write dtfcrilHion to Kill 1. Bos 347, All tlrpat a«"«aata rtliaad tlypara r# TriREE-PiECE aectional Hving room «et. and chair |4t.lt, kakr aarrla«« •rk, KB l-iwi-W, witk jek •keikn taperienee: ettwly am- CBCHJI - HUIBANWfJIiil D aiiperlntendent led Bant- friferator. one year od; excellent condition, •lawd Iktittaakalaa. a.ad.. Bapart TtTTroRl) • twe-4**r aedan: like aaw. aleyment witk avartiaovertimea . MarinerMtrlkata* TTeal aad fardener; wife, housekeeper. Beit LOST—BLACK fnaie Cocker Spaniel. Plion«_RE «_.1?17.R. I..71, tricyclt 14,71, Mt, i •aaikip. Will tall, «t, Oliver. KB I' Lest than twi yean aid. Pkeae KE aad Mfg. Ca.. Mattwai. at tefertMea; experitltceil. Write "Cou- . Mattwai. MA l-llll. 1 jtniweri to name of Spoil. L'hiid". we BUT AMD SELL n>tkii>(l tV.BciUll "STOVE," two-burner, It.inlel. 2S Eaat Front tt. rACHlNK Ot>MATO Pie/ Box 511. Red Bank. pet. Reward, fall EA n-u2Sl-R.- K Ot>MATOBl t. leer.'ma'. Content! mt kaawi, atoraa, attataa, ateel; rxrrlirnt condition; also elec- ckiae akap trades wltk at wittowt ea- WOMAM MOUIEktEPER would like po'. tric heater: excfllent condition. Votk TWO MEM'B BICfCUBIs tM laMl kaMM taato ;_drr t*4 «a»tl_ wtlla a«« Bed Bank, UtiaUtiaa ftve dayi Week; capable and ex. •allara. attlct, etiaa, (lutwait, ». •war be had for l«. Writ. f. O. Box or office tafe. All ia aaatlkat taa*t> llat,"" II >««k at. , Bkrawakury aaritaea. tteady emaiayaMat. Ikaaira I-II4I. C. ~~T935~~FOM) TWO-DOOR aedaa; I A. M ta 5:14 F. fi., t tall HA I. Mrlerleaeeda . Live out. Write "Experience,* FOR SALE tlguai, art okiacta aad all arit-a> 131, Red Hank. tion and reaioaakla. Cal KA l-ttlt. k). Fkaaa BB condition: l>5, BS (-K7I-B, till. Marlkora Taal aatl Ufa. Ca..Ba» 1111 Bed Bank, brac. Ruicil't, It gaH frtkt at. triok CABINET SINK, complete vitk SrioOTH-HAlRtD tarrlar, aif ataatka 1117 BUlcii r'OiJ»:o6oR aelia: rcdia. Mitawan. roMrsijnr LIKE i.undry anj rbona HE ••llll. combination rlothea washpr and diph- old; pedigreed. Caa4 «ttekd«fl **4 keater: excellent condition tkrougkout: SVbH PltODWTl kat tw. prUt.bR tTeartalnn a to do at horn., rrnionnblc FAN BELTS AND PULLEY! far aloe- wa.hrr; nink cquil'l'f-ri with Hotpoint «ood with children. BB l-ttlt-B. Ina, Jr., taeavatlaf and land clearing, IIOU. EA 3-07l7-J._ territoriei for qiwli4ed waaaea wka priee. Fkane BE 4-4JUjW. trie meter, in .tock. Douglai aVIee- K_«rliaiii- difiioiHl, RK tyjMTi-K. krart 4tlvt«tyt kuilt and rtpairad; All dirt. vlik ta earn a gaad iaeamt. Writa Adt ttta Ca.. It Cart Front etteet- fauna CsEft TIHIS—All SieT riaaoaaU'e DEN I II SAW, band law, jig aaad, gravel, tap toil and eindera; treea MERCURV CLUB coupe. 1(41, like new; WILL BOARr>; D children for workln* Bel Bint «-01»» _ _ _ liricea. Reosiipina and repairing, all r)UTT(INHA< K uphoisti re. good care. AT fH pIEED OF CARPET? Tk« neweiit *oia guaranteed. Vwjttr'a Skf-Trak ler- ciiHhion; in Kood condition; 125. Call RE C.1414-J. _ our Inore ui lotted let vWhini tackle; eieetlent kuy l-t i.l-B. la carpeting I. now on aale at Carpet vica Stmion, Huhwar li, Mat fiva at 103_Whitf_»t., Shrrwiibury. SOFA AND CHAIR twa aatl af lartra. Fcrma-Beal, durable, " teratck-proof; it 111. Ziska, 112 Broadway, T IALBILADV-~lt-l:ll *ally; Frl4tr FSmTsTrenr^atypi.t iWrer^ir. dealer (Broad at.. Red Rent leecond Coir,-'j., Middjetowa, DRILL PRESS, motor, tmd rriiny accel- II..; atudio couch, Its kaky earriata Branch. W»jl-H54-W_after_»:|t. algktt ta ( P. M.i te toll fcayt' ap- and folding oll E I24. eliminate, ce.tlt reecreplng. Manmoutk pleyment ia or near Rid Rank. Aim leert. E.timatea gladly given. BAUEia; HawlialiaadraVw •orieR, for 175, but worth anuch mere. and folding atrollar. RE I-424T-R. Mewer Shep Branrkpert ave., Portau BUICK. 19>l SEDAN, g.od paint. parel la aur new, tlr tea4itleeed kit knowledge of bookkeeping and ihort. EA 3-«4ji«.R._ t A RLE fOI> C.Aff ltov», III; kittkta ta- CAkVlTS ANIi RiiGS by Mohawk. Alu. or UMd. Conovar trot, lalat aad lar> t ff *k. LO 4-l4((-M._ „ ning condition: 110. Call BE I-4I4« • Bayt' depertment, Apy4y ia aeraaa, kta*. CjiJlJiEJ.ooJt.' aader Smith, Karaghcutian, Ma|«c rice, Wickatanktak.. PkoaPkoaa HO a.mi. TENTt)LI,S imCSIsri "Kiin.ul in.ula- hie and chain, 110: other kautakala] itemi. Phone EA l-t7U-llt7U . )« COlf»trrtTlollI repaire! No job1994 OLDSMOBILE four.door trampor. Mr. Natel.ee. 1. Krldel. Braad aad OBTCRDABLK YOUNG i»d7~«iircTS IM Anloom in the neweit colon, de- T AN«fHlN(fHlN(i «"«l»r»lHSl i (ion; W wUtr, tlnubta thick, reflector tae email nar too big. Additiene fer ekildren in her own home (lie dayi rill ir «T tatlon; 175. It? Wait Highland ave. I ind fabric, are now on dliplM et snd gift tha hot pritei. Call Swaru L»P«L' --_AI_lilj.3(J._ iroiist TRAILt«Tth». raoat; built. Fer free eitlmate. call Rueao'e Fraat ttt., Bed Bank.* I week. Call RE 4-4413/ Center, I Broad et. Red Btnk. Furniture, Hirkwar 35, HE I.IIII. CULLIE PUT, lix month. oldTTeaialc. Banevttini, 111 Manmautb tt., BedAtlantic Highland..' WE t.Ufc GOOb tra.le-ini o»"»our aid tri-colnr; honscbrokrn and inoculated; BARCAIK lie BUYS mahuanr dteia. Bant. BREB 4-441 441 J. . 1(4(1 DESOTO DELOXKT four.doar ta, VARrSNTBiW=Be~e* all-areund leliti f»r»i!urt >* irt hatt an uutlit far it.rcgialirrd AkC. i'huhe Uarbtrt (fnllten, er and vanity, PkMa RB I.IIIT afttt •ATVIEW WHIIrTfl kom. for fn-v»!fi dan _klkck. 'ill Itii t-lttt-B. i»r*.,il*i.. Apply wltkitr Biiilien, II WANTED •UILUIMU MA'ftkiALII. kttiaa Cal!_ Swarlt r'uroltura, Miftiw., as, ft Hf _«.?««!. )• 30 P. M. an watkaayt, ar tfUt I f. M. atatt a*4 ckrealei. Batta reaianakla. 1940 OOT TOfTSluii.ii.tei |.!cl-^, .illi Pacar'wtv.aak, Painm m?itat» r*., A ta. at Tva^ttrt, •nafliH. Maiional Luis bit Co, 50-UATLON TAHXE-TO* electric watr'r i gaturday.* BaglHere4 aaree oa duty at ill tlmei. removable terpaull" and frame wark. lumtan Fk l l-llll •aatk lattMk ata, at tto rallroai. I'OSISLAND BAIL faaciaf told aad heaters tircllint condition. AT !• far detalle tall AT l-«44t. mTT. III TO 11,004 STAMP tollectioni nnd trertad. Ha akaria (at aatlMtat. un.H._ ALL TVPB toilet aa4 Uak, tatmaMta. fresh air keater. turn iltnali. Owner tOTnwP ettiMBUIatieni U. 8. and foreign Pkaaa LO 1-2400. « unH' M5HI JA**h TA. MecHETLAR, areklteet: ««ff. driven 11,400 milei an* trtdtd ally ka. die aged; email mfamily: MtV'rotas Miona Saturdar and 8uR4ar. or weak- MASON iAHS SO dozen quart! and JL_ and katk. Write L S. B., Be* III, Bad ttampi. Mint U. S. stamps (any quan. lee at 41 Broa4 at., la tkt PattaraaPattaaa eauaa he needed a larger truck: Tlltl7 tltrlt alao International junioi cullec. day, after ( If. M., HE I-^UI-R 2. pint! 50c l>rr dor.rn; 2011,(100 WTU ''RENCH POODIX — Mlaltt»rt, klatk, IMI Raaai KKa . 4 . IeI44 Bt«k.Bt«k« elgkt-ply tires, original inare braad new: ' TOP SOIL! TOP EOILI TOP SOILt Very WAltR PUMPS—All tite». ;.t and nia. Ryr.nt «a>.tired hot air furnace s I3O0, eight month, all; regl.lered AKC, la- |.. ...tat imm. liaat. Ul* lettera. envelope., legal doc. food and teMed. Lawns traded and ton tyiiei, l>. 4 i. I'oxpani, leaker- ulated, wormed, RU l-llll. lion. Mount.En.clUk S»!ei Ca., Far* dlattly. M amenta Ikeatrical photos, playbill!, au- AT U0B52." dealer. Red Bank 1.4171. ply la pereea. Capital tafrapkt, terapbookt. Write, call or Till.. Phont EA I-»I4I-R-I, ' AlfTO UAS ((lOKINii arid baking itove. HOSE WHO AH LUCKT . fANTl—iOO'i wool Bobardine'i, r»g- HIlT^uRK _ Oabineta aad acratni ten* what i-su f,i-.t, C»>li iuiiuiuiateiy, 187 gtata Highway Sa leventh houle freeieri may lame day to fatwiaa HtlfWANTIO BepreMntative will eall If ntcrisery, ylar |14.Vt. fait price |».91; niton made to arder. U. A I. CaaiHar, from Navesink River rd., Middletown. leir nelarkbori. Wka kaa-n, If Iklt ntordini'i I4.K5, til aiiei. Sacco • Bcobvyville.Pfcoiia EA ••»l(l|.i.|!__. Phone RE I-4ZM.R.- orid liluiuon 4aet Rat ImprattT .. _ 8 •Jtrtt. 174 Amsterdam ave., (92d it.,1, Fanti Eiop, SO Wi« 1'ior.t it.. r.«a OBOCEBT-LUMCMEOKBTTB. Stock an* MEN WISHING BTIADV ampleymeat MewTark 15, N. T. lliVK luilikV, bran and copper con- TELEVISION, 12-ifKB table model, klond ope in, hut we ktva tke freeieri. BJId- equipment included. Price II.SOO. XPnitNCED greenkauH maa; Heady, •TdHEelT^PRlCES for Vour chieTavTare, tainera. Alio noveltiea far ill actaalona. cabinet; palomino riding horae, quar- letown Refriteratlon, Higkway II, tilBelling .an aecnuat ef 111 health. Call BB day ar nlgkt ikifte. Apply la aeraaa. all-year raund; gaod opportunity far O8HTAlTilT)SRENTED—NiTil'T)S""RENTED—N w mod; These mi ba tilled witk pint* and ter ridinf horsr, rortible typewriter; 02»!l E.tey Metal Produete. I Cattorlna tt.. fltiiwiia, aatiquei, flna linen., furni. •rn adjuitablt hntpital beda fnr lent, •••Ml. _____ right party. Pletn nil In atrten. Ipl. ture. limp., etltue., illverware, bric-a- hil bd flowera from our own (rMakoutta. Ipi- roa.onably priced. RE •-.". 192. UTCHrRS! SAVE tktt ipailtia tn4 flloWING KEW»A>E» wak, Fleriit. II Avenue af Twa Bivert. brat, Hlatlnge, leweiry. CaU ma far ent New and uird bedi for .«>. Call RE wak Kloriit, aa Avtnut af Twa ttivar.. *ISFIIi(iEBA"fbR7~SERVEL7~natural or LAGE tOtl ta wark" In Rjmaaa (•2(14, a»k for "Patitnt Service," Free •hriatage witk ne* atulpataat, Daa't a«4 loeal aewipaperl and magaiinet. nuriery. Gaed pay, Located ana 111 c 1 1 bottled gai, 135; pot Itove, t(l-itllon to t wlia iuyl Lima ta MtM Mtlttl Oet* preSt" t l.imatdla. .dlttelya ' , t>aa"4 txpaa --.--i «rl»tr te *a wtllttrlnf dallnr*. South J»n<> Surgical !urrl>'. tank, coal or kottled gai. 120; automatic kloeb from Bora kua tault. uU*ttt'l paid." Cklaa. It Bait frnnt It., Bed Bant. J'i" "***'* *" *' •' ••"draft control outfit for hot air coal fur- fi fret from Mi.Ulet.wa Stfrlfttatlaa, ale* aettikllltiei».. WWritti , "MtwtptH'i Nuraery, Inc., Little Silver. FfcaM M ta* keli> It frttekeenat Bwmeaa. vl" , nlttara*. autuea. lewalry, LIFE TIME GATES, Alr-craft aluminum. Ighwty 15. Ill l-»»». Sea Ml, Bel Bt.Baak.^' . ••Ity. Pltaie tall la Mttaa. Iplwtk. rtvalvert, ailver. In* furnl. All li.e. Immediate dtlivery, F. I. nace, lit; Hotpoint electric range. 111, I-IIOI, Fltritt, »1 Avttwt tf Twa SJttn. B«a). iAVI AT WHITE Furnitura f>ui»n • gone, Marlbore. fB t-llll. ATj-S2l5.il after t P. at,' XI. altEE. OIRUI PltttwwM frwata ISA BBIOttt^Wt aattr fer Mia tt tt. TOUNu MAN for paaitlen ai aaltt rep. leutk (a«ttf kaokt, rnapt, l«41tk market, retail, etik 11.000. nl.ked; permaaeat pailtlan wltk Ni* II ta HIS nth; tlio caih refittert I t.QW. tolanea tarwui tavern, bat an4 lltanta: vacatian and uiual beneflti. Apply ..em III ta 1100; typewriter. I. te •MI StRTi—Wear' Knepp Aeetrwt ave., near rallread nation. reettaraat, fully equipped: fraeeriei an* Completely initalled, ll«. Television Singeg r Sewing Mltkiaa Ca. II Bfta* It.. •IK; adding miehln.. eti. will eall akeet for met and women,, with built- IFRlNClR. SfANTIiL puppy, milt," It ELECTRIC BEWINO machine, mtkafaay •witii ttt tltMlm ltd tiller) alia Ba4 Bk re. anytime. Phone EA I. It trekei and cushion inner iclei. C. i. puppiei, Sva mentht ... wtekt eld. Beit dot In litter; lent eatttalt, raund tokklai at*t wttkw«r4 rlvtrfreet l_aptrty, reeldentlil. Fet Bank, Clatten. LO l-lltO-M, breed. A!ie 101 buiktll pedigree. Betutlfully marked, liver and i*4 forward; aittlltat aaadltlaa: tatrl> 4*tellt, tow Bowman in* Aaelttn, 1411 SAVE I'"C ON ROOflNO material tec "704. wltk tw* wklte. Cobbi Kennel., Syctmore avt. Ice, 155. Alta tyatwrlttr wttk ma«tl. Otetn IM. BS Mil*. FROFBUIOMAL etaplayiBaat aiw*, eadl available, I in I atrip thinglo, all BKW yUKWK.4»..4 p,l... BE 1-0710.* 1-1411. ey, Omee, itlet, teeknleal etfl** t^_Uw___^_—- on 1951 N, 1. certified plaati, ISO.tot ;Uto ., .Jtlqwti7 , china, tTlaai* telerc (4.60 iq.; (0-pound .late roll HOSPITAL Mb. marl, living room wTORBt—WONDERFUL kullneii la* •art, and exeeattvet (enly). Maw a*» ware""""SkSi, art ewhett "an* krlt.t.brwT Im. IweHaf 12.10 roll; II.pound fclti.12.10 Planli, II varietln ta rkoota froai, I, lultt: other bed! anil article.. KE 7- tttiaai nnlliM fay i<«kt mtnu. lltlent open lilly. Ckamt Sill** t4ltta_titk for tnytkiai aid tvtry. tall. B*l_h Mandr. Highway II. Kune •I, I and 4 >tara aid, Writa far price 1 __l fa%B> OHS-J, or ean be icen Robert! , Bon (I, iMtarlM. Ayeri-Feky, 111 Buav Ing, 401 Band avt. AS I-IIK. warf. KB (-0203-J, llat or phona Faajtortak MTI. Atraaa Mighway IS, halt mile nortk Centerville •usmus Nonas kut at >amt. Attrattlvt. eater. Baaell't, tl Sail Fraat at, lIMl IfMAPlR. laddlei and bridle! Brown, fJrowna Mill*. N. I. Largelt .»- aekool. taa I*, little Bllver. RK Lltll. Kami * ta I. latarvlawt I ta 1. «!uii*a klwWarry plant trawar "a Ha« CBaBPOOLB tlMM* k montks eld hound Mi441etown Btoek Farm, Tktmat B. itraer, wholeiala aad retail. Yaw la-COCKER SPANftL, black, mala; alx - I Opt* Baturdayt t ta II, female: eieillilltni t keiths inocu- F|fl4. Mighway »5, Red Wink, . monlhi old: pedigree ptperl. Prica III, tatkt tkMM4 Mi I SE (-4(45-1. .pert on Invited. tailed. Phaat aat tlatt ... .. tatteas rnnit nil at anee. Opportun- - — t»— ••••wet wwr qrM«r4iMtli WCINO TEACH welt ejuallkel ta •,- FOB MALE two-year-old win MC0NT!NU*» waakkkla ai4 Mt, =T»r nltn quality ant* all DINETTE SET. cheap ta a quick buyer. IU M7II. Httttp C. Tllttm, I Itr af a lifetime, Patttreea Atency. 10 taack popular ar popular aid elalil- . Jj** teyattr flrl; wtftt 4*4 kauri v analyiei, call Daytan Fertlliaer Corp., Ritmaoa. Brat* tt. BB t-tltt,* r#f w l kalred terrier; levea children: pedi- tttt wall mm far a*ar« rawta ra Dayton N I. Pkone Manmoutk *«»e- KE 4-13-s.H. til. Davit Itudlei ef Muilt an* Date. RU "itl" •"•'••*• '»« » '» ••« " but na pineri. Call HI S-1377-VV, •SOROOM Sift; dreaier, cheat, full tile wimui IAVI ll.llt CAIH ta Inveit In ku.i-Ing. Phone LO l-llll mernlafl. BWBOT turn kMt Virata t* lll.ll, taw tion 7.(011, Wa alia kty petiteti in* atat wltk — wltkout aervleei. Repllel IEONltD"F"AbTltV ttoilrct tht Mrtlcet full M* ANDBOARtJ; nrlvitTCthTliSI •Ml (at II Kail* twill. Klarla1* a*rilni ked, ehalr, mattress and apring; will " wet Urntt* Bmwto atrlitly taaldcntlal. Write full detail! part tlma. Apply 1* a. k vicinity. Phone RE 4.4S4S. Mil mattreai and iprinf separate; three* of middle-aged lady for light kouie- Pkona. Laft Candy Skoi 4I.A Bread f M« Wklllwlwra, U it*. NoRGfc IPACK HBATItft a>4 eutiidt piece living room let; will if 11 tofa iep- JKTICE. !•*• ta "Opportunity," Ro< III, Bel Bank... ,eevllia aud ike taie «l a t'/i-Xacol* it,. Red Bank. •«••» Itor.ge link. Will kett Ive.raom rnh I. Mnr.au, Jr, Itndtftnt trtkl BAVRIFHJE—Buntalow ealany, II unite, lirl, Tble ean to a •>!•*_ tut noma for I/I l-t«t>", bungalow. Ftice lio. Pkeae ka, t-ante: odd living room rhilr In; esi« tact eontractar. Shade, lawtrlm ana tal, tlpaf. rAIHf'aul MAfinB; UMIU Wt i*a*"ma. Axmlmter rug JSS; 1x19 Wiltan 1*8 teat atawd at>4 tttmmat ttmat, ikt right perm. S«* Bank irta m4 MAfinCt B ,.-•!> play yard and porch equip. OOM, Birharl S. tukir, Saute II. Bel< Other lull'i in Broadtoom tn* American ornamental treat, Ikruto, aa* 4v*l_f4tw4 lew rlgkta. Over ll.ltl aatttattail ami onvenlent te tNMPwrtatlea. AT I-llll!!"'; ' " * talTAT I ttoat for five-year-old girl. A »mall TIAmS MVTIB-Vaw Jaluat tor*. Orientals, KE 7.1170." of tto kitkttt a.uellty. rim fwtnltkw* lateaM; JII,(0( far quick tale. Writt .-•) wheel chair* for rant. Rea.on- fur all ahatti et dtiign. All watk tot. a. Ktw and uied chain for tala. Ca BRICKS—Bed, ueed, clean, tj lTtr4. fBTSAT»l«~l«INr.»,R ,««Tng maeklne and Calany. ! • all. Red ktanx. ROBERTS BMPLOTMTSNt Agency, 7T kuttonkola maker. Her.-, Ill Cedar isnally planne* in* mpervltt*. Fr*> lilWBSl!|Tl!.Bii 1-1414. aik for "patient tter.iee." Iminary viilti, altlmatei. in* dellverlee Broad it.. RB 1.1101. Commercial. 1:10 P M Tl irl 1 a delirery. Soutk Jtr.ey Surgical at,it.,. Baibit t Keaniburg.Ktaniburg.* re free, Alaa da lawnt, ratatilllnf, entitle, hotel *«4 teatiurtnt, t'laruet ** " " » ••• ••» •'•• pply, *» Eaat fMynt at^ReriJUnW; width* of flooring. Cheap. PtoBt OIIL BUKNEUNBUKN'EiTUNITT iiHercuiei)) ftntlrftntl t AUTOMOftULES L. Kelleher, prop. REAL ESTATE WANTED Itht tree movlnf an* trlmmlnf. Lect- _____^ H ' m , ,_M .— > ___—l 1 ^ • I MM rKXTffolbsKXTffolbs i5o.ioofbii5o.ioo~fbi.. of lets Journal Square I.I.I7III . heatinhi g uniit witi k 27r,.gallo7rll n ttankk ion Colt't Neck (Mall B. D. Ma, I. BRICKS—New, commomon anMd4 fatafata, , frofromm raecllent condition. |200. Smltk. 14 Slttrleta* ,.•_•!.?•*"*.•" ."'t* -J***** II cubic foot food compartment. PPrict I—New, tea 'reehold.> PkoM FS (-(((7-W.t. RWAStk * BOMB. Chry ar. SE 4-1111 *r Itqulrt FIVS TO SIX-ACRE farm, with nlct 140 to 141 per tkaaaaaa" •, 4tlWtrad" " . Miapla avta Fair Haven. RB t.tlOl.a HAU lurslng Home. Phone KE 4.0(11. I Intarnttlennl trutk kaute. Convenient to railroad .ta- R BOX. aprroxl- CBroWS"EL~lIl~7fiirFiS7roWSTELl5CTIllCr7fiireFitSr7il« i OtL UtJPB aMTtf(*4 Of tktMk Pkaat tSCEXLINT epportunity for perwn te . ITtKM anl aw, tnglater: in. Friee to llo.ono. Write, Mr, My Ut4. Complete witk machitit 1*41 JEtP—Faur-wktel 4rlia. Complitt cable feet, lio; Hotnolnt eltetTie itove, III. U»M ttwlrtw. Wa tail tW mike eitrt money doing ptft-tlmt till, liiemblin. Ukeritary aldl, ^ ter, llJ-IT Bprlnglield blvd.. Spring. it h motoriied - faur-burnere, lar e oven, |20; two boya' teeretarlal work In office, either In morn* lelll. Priee reeinnthle, Located In .»».»»• 1 K •a* teUvtt. marakft Ht*l* 444 ' TKIOSS fir y*«l *ld tar. "-" Onrdeni New .York; ' - ' " ' ___' Branch. For appointment, write Sickle bar. 1116. Call VwllV fcjtydei, J4 ' and 2t", 15 tack. RE I- Ing or aCleruouut .teavd* puiitiun. Wnte IdaT HOUR PROFIRTT with Groa. ttfttr Mtiatt Ca,, «». Luftvette it,. VHlCtTU a colTa'ctton. FreTeS. BkNtrlt Bkat. U Watt Ftata at, w* Mil, wt trade. Gaitt Auta "Euelltnt Opportunity," Bex 111. Bt* Tl AMERICAN Orienta __, III Meameuik *W Ba* Bank. anaa, w __ „««• llUtr _ Htllir. Complete .crvlee in Engli.h tntn44 German tklaa, aarly r«Tl AMERICAN Oriental rug,, Ilka niWniW. Bt* teak. Fkato SB MTI4. bru.k ind'rwi taw.' _ eur Americai n glaill . furniturai , llnemll , »atchth> LLt n tkark . halhlff prleel . CalClll afteft r II OUTION Ottrl tor ' ucrataiy.ltentg. il eitate and mnrtgage loins, Call k auilti, aadlroni, lamp., (tia!. f. M. AT 1-0B33. rather In Atlantic Hifklanit; e»ecl. ••III1.B.I after I Cfcwren.e ., Sckllllng, RE l-iloi. RE Many other' alicellane'aui itema," Mini *a_* aa* atrtiea. ut opportunity for Bntnelal an* edu. 4.5211. mrxuiHgmiriiiriniirrmuiH~gm WITHIN THREE miles of~"Rcd Bank itt* trie Ironer, cabinet itylt; whita enam- eatlenal advancement. Write "Atlantic OBNBRAL KOUtBWOBKBB. 1%. tlaa, In fee* neighborhood, older tyi* TftrH - . M VolflitltnJtrii.l llghlindi," Bo* III, Sea Btnk. , kautt *f lound construction, rive nr sin eouplea range finder: tlio t ekalr. three metal krdi, full, twin and BODX~r'oCSfAW^KilTVanTed far if. day week: kauri till ta till. MS twtmt, totk nnd baiement with heating .J EVER* atcatioa. Potury, - ilia Relleflexi wltk Eaiit Tea- S"_tfJ*i?.S?ainglt; all hav*e «2ipringBert •en, Ctrlton Sweet ShepM. Ntit t* Ctrl* Itttrvliw. •wt* girdtn tall, Good well or city wa« atty DM Flowtik 414 Broad p trator office de.k. Hideaway bed, two. ton theater. Red Bank.* ter. Outildt paint lad Inilda decoratinf i RB 440110 iUnmeutk. Fkana'KST.1IH.H: aecendery. Friient owner miy stay on ._ 194* refrigerator. Id »ltca living room mite, mihogany deaki. 1BT. CWIUAK ittT Sadtl, lour, Pteklag m cubic feet, in whtltMle tgf ___.BIB« W»^«'»)'( VPMf.wwfwi •••• ao.poun* ctptclty dtip upright piano, walnut dining room lultt, •kttl *iltt. kydrtull. iack ••* MACHINIST tn* teal miktn. Im. frteie In top, M, » R. Coal Cempaay. three-piece maple iun room tulte, leather •kttl *iltt. kydrtullkydm . iack •* _ C Baulk typewriter!, lew aa II9.K. 21 Broad it, akattkLL BllBxeellenB t t rlrunalnrunnlnngf etadltlentadltlen . Ftlct mediate werk. Oat* condition!. JaLftllfl! aUatMUaane*. fuaratUM. »erjj»> arm ckaln, platform roekeri, bar, child'! Mil.Mil" iis I-U19-_. I.WW alteair I F. M. Apply at Mtttwtn Teol an* Man. III Maavmeatk etrett, Ptone RB 4 Stvsh ••'•'"ke. Burdge'i Warehouaa (ne.t to , «tT« Agincy, II Maplt Hi, tuM,i»it Parkinlng .„,, CLEAN etri, It perfect •feeturlnf Comaaay, tl Mala at. M able for ftetery et S'*"?^' Sl"i « '»<> «• Clay at. raaalaalag tea4lllea an* priced rtaaen. tvt., Fair Haven, RE l-iSOS; real el. VAWTrv ewne*W1 ^" 'MACHINE^_w» ™ — »»»— - —. > Eai— — ~y» spindr— » - ^**i" 1224. lattM. LO I. Bed Bank, RE 4.0814 Matawtn. • , Iniuranee. mortgage loam. Buyer* Lata model, flr.t-clati condition. Moun, flta.i, ..t Formica top. tkltA llll Plymoutk aedan, 1(41 Chev- I ta II A.*. - • —• . Mo Rtr'RICtRAfOR, el,Kt cukl, feet; FIVl.»«CB"kltJkeiri7t, tatet tedta. lilt Fer* twe-door. 1941 awnwabary tvt. ' ' Write or Wlliaa a»t,. Port Monmoutk. KB I- Coljipaf, fat mlek aala. RE t-1191-i. 454 ghrtwibury tvt.. Rtd Wlllyt Jeepeter, 1141 Fer* ttdtn, llll 1419 between 4 an^ t_P^iy OIL HEATtR, kaatt tkrtt to «*t room.; Bwltk Italian wagoa, 1147 Ck.vrolet can. fffTOR SCOOtSR—In new condition. l Prlrt vtrtlbll, till Wfllyi ptml Itlivtry, Cart .- dairy (ami live Xavar uteJ. Can be teen at Burl1. fl lkl 4 wlile _. Nutiwamp rd, II taa to eats at Mattkewt Brother!. WIN YnUNfl MAN-Ai a ratal! laleiman and 1-504" evtnli Saturday. Sunday.* WANTED TO RENT OnOnllf Servict Itttion, Fair Havm, Phona lyt detler, Newman Sprlagi rd. Bed for admlnlltratlve dutiei. Mait Ilka RB t»H» te Meat people, preteat a feed appeer. iTgnar CHlKESECABlNtT, antlqua~naerato~n WtMAVtObi _ etltc anea. Only tha beet of refereneei are k. Applr EXPECTANT COUPLE de.ire. one or "BAILY AMERICANA" old pint, aecepttkle. Write, "Yeunf Maa," Box two-todroom furnished apartment; »l. chest of draweri; Ixll dining roam * ate* tin. Utr Bjjlck. elnity af Bed Bank. Occupancy Sept. 10. lanly viccm for ranch and co< ru«. PJhone RB 4-lBt.H. Trteltviilen.i|> Menmoutk 11. Red Bank. lanlal kernel; hutch cablntt har» PUPPY. TVV?) monlhi eld; retionakle MASOTTWOlW-rJry wtlli;"ttltaa^t. tl. Wrltt P. O. Bos 401, Rt* dltlon: m. REi t.uO-R, or ut at »( curb, ildtwalkt, drlvtwara. Jim Nan. YOUKO MAM. hluttriwit, otcha*. »aitir taklt, l»y Sum tiblei, bit- tn |tAed kerne. Cell Hlfkltndt (• Park ave.. Fair Haven. ninl. HI Ltifkton ave. RE I.IIII, HoVil, in Little Kitv.r or l*«t eoffet t.blt, ttt. Ruicil'l, II letlly Inclined, fer genenl ftetery SS»5»«J.". btiry Paarkr , er WALNUT BACK daybed, walnut dining HOTPOINT ELECTRlCrange. gco4 eon. itttLDW. JattUf ItlMIM fer winter itnisn er longer, Salt Front it. dltlon, 130; two portable dectrio heat promptly attmded to. Fleet aaatt*4. work. Dmeteetra Corporation, Bridie A8 t-4411 far apnolntmentt, Pbene BS 4.1410.B.'' room aultt, ana arm ehalr, pair of '". M tteh: pot itcivt, 110; electri Call M. Marion. 11 Mauat K S tvt,, it Btrftt pi,, Red Bank. COUNTER OIRL I ealll aflce: year': OKrfTLEMAN **IIHESo:ulelfurni.hT4 •kill, new; pair men'i lee ikatee, ilie Vtcttion, kell*tyi WIBINATIdN OIL ANfTga. range. In- *: hoy'i full ilit hlcyclt. Call BE I- raund poiltlon, Vtcttion, kell*t team, Parking aMace; with «r without anlra 40 Highland ave.. Kean.burg. with par. Apply it ence. In penepeneV •tall. Will eonilder one or two.room OPPORTUNITY SHOP—Antique!, .'inter OBxres. on At-rrrni.M .«., i Uan't Cletnen. Wklta it.. Bt* Bankk. apirtment: raaaonable. Permanent basil. carved Victorian lovt leat, ltdy'i chair thtlrt, fur Jarktt. 31s carrlift. U Writt "Ptraaantnt." Bo> 111. Bed Bank.' and two ilde chair., nahoiany corner ffono t cornice and diapeipei., kltekin eacakb wktt-not. Boiton rocker, mahogany drop- roUn.BUnNER gai stove. In fee* can: Bennett't Btrrlct Station, Hlfkway II, •OATS SLDBBLY COUPLE, wbe must va. dltlon. Apply II Otkland itreet, Be* bblind.. RB I Itlfor*. laaf table ajarbla top tiblei, pint dry Bank. BE (-1411-1 ' KftKftJTKJ S tT " tltt kome ky Oct. I, wish te rent tlak, china, colored ulaii. brlo-brac, nroir"8roinr8ETfERMf « p. t with ot Fleetlin«i IMM.HPe icdn__*«»»•n* dayi, to work in our new air condi- PtANO, SMALL upright, good condition. prtitlia, tte.s alto wark aad.4rtM Cape Cod lighten, fenderi, ttc. Rut. wcellen llll Far* aedaa. 1147 Chevrolet team tioned boya' department. Apply In per. ll-FOOT CO! BT MUdHIAT In txtilltat THREE OR FOUR.ROOM apartment or ell'l, 25 Eait Front it. Phone RE 4-O44I-M. ime. Buy dlraat aat) M«a> Bttaa't delivery. 1141 Ckevrolet itatien wagon. aon. J. Krldel, Broi* in* Front itl, tonlltleai new aallt; kal at (III, imall kouie) permanent i rraannahle Ikar. II Watt Fraal 4k. B*411(7 Buick Super ledln. 1141 Ckevrelet ledfink. rental; couple, one three.ye«r-old girli AKttQUE ROSfcWOOb"and"velvir ar. ttttlin wigon, 1147 Chevrolet 4-door te* In Red Bank. Write O. D. M, Bex alt. CATMT HofoRoLA, iT.inch teievlnon. 185. RE (-S17I.W. *TTHOP WAITRNIT anJ coulter flrl. Wo Sad Bank. blond wuuU, «ilU table to match. Be- FKILCO TELEVISION; 10-inch; good HO TAVNtUT dan, 1141 Plymouth tudor, llll Buick 4. Fllcka'i Drive-In, Hifhway II, Middle, condition; 178. RE 4-IOt>, •lie dry wtir deer Special aedan, llll Dodge four. town, pear Kive Carneri, Ml 1-0157, offer. lt* coit; alio RCA. Philco, Emerson at tlmttti fltta ... dtoi, llll Chevrolet ttdan, 1147 ti'WII. I've*! 4 !•_ ^,'wa lie. are n*> BL _ , - _ SEAMAN SKBKIFTI , llxll, totm I fttll discount termi. RE t-'ll't.' LOVE SEAT AN CHAIR to match; t.r FURNISH HOME, apartment, room. ond.t. fair Haven. k'erd ie4an, l(S0 Dludebaker '4-ton BOobttfc-Pfcft/ma charge" opeltlnf vowett* ky Cro.lty Marlnt enflne, 1-1 holttpred piece.; mahogany ataln fin- etc.: Three-piece living room EXPERT DRIVINO inttructlena, Uirn plek-ap. llll Chevrolet 4-door ledan. in Red Bnnk near railroad atation. duetlon. Engine niw In spring, Uied MISCELLANEOUS lapsiblt. Can he used as bassinette in ish : Koo< d condition, its. Phona RE 4 Miny ethtri. Lowest down payment, Manufacturing experience enentlal. Write £_" °_. »»«••»*•• iaerraet. Mil. 48<8. tulle, maple, II9.B0: Itve.piece ia itfety, to drive ttfily. Leak for tivlnit age, experience, quallneatlont, ttr; ll.c new; 112. Call RE «-90«0.' tke tar with twa itcerlng wkeele, ~' leaf til termt ponlbli. Veteran 10 "To Phone HI HIM after If, M, laWIINtM WANTBD-K CAWERATHASSEBXAt), two months old. KELVINATOR refrigerator: good condi- breakfait let 124.50, imall waiher etra ia auto drltlnf lattruetleni down, II month! ta pny. Open gun- reference!, lalary draired. to "Book* BDK yea kite a tion. Catherine it.. Red Bank.* _ n:r0OT-W»LTI»-|«ln': Cnryiler Ac* kmat ler tala; ku Witihb aacce.iorlts. Call RE «.2S92. IIS, maple cheat 119.50, bedi, com. 1911. Et« MttkoMethod* AutAtita* DrivePrlvtri OyrWIIIIItt J. Levin*. 41 Ocjajport keeper/' Box 511. Red Bank. Mirlne motor. Pkoni LO 1.1111. kuyart walling. B. V, CRIB AND MAtl'fiESS, baiilntUe, kiih 1944 EXCELSIOR motorcycle: good can- Plete, lit: add dreaaeri 17,60, 19.10, inf Scr.ool II Bail Ftaat it. a**., Wtit Law Braaeh. LO I-I4II er FOUNTAlN-COUNTtRT-iRL — Btttdy Wood Bait Werki. ekatr and folding rnrrlnge. Call RE dition- economical operation. Phone I8S2. poiltlon for right perien, raw koat, far. HI8-I4»7-J. 112.50, etc Ruicll'i, 25 Eait Front Dtrann, Friendly Lunehonette, HI Weit ll-FooT rMFlSUOHATTi .TTENTION —Damylnf permltt.d for I-1I40.R after 5 P. M." HI8I47J. at. iM til'LTmOUTH (otclal dtlme three. fttSH THOROVGHBRKh lady', hunter, AUTOMATIUM C DRAFT eontrol tor coal Pliienger coupe. Good condition, Cal r'ront it,, Red Btnk, or "honi RK I. titan All dirt broken rocki ar Monti. ektitnut ireldlnft; 16.1 hajidi; eight furnace; uied two winter), but oper- BE (-UI0-W or EA 1-0519 after " «>77H for appointment. 1110. Balbaeh, BP 1.1141^. BE Free. Contact RE (-245I-M. yaarl old: quiet, llargain price for good ate! like new. Include! thermo.tat but . , . P—Kinner carved love TSrwTSNfEO (or tiart time work! fl-'FOOt CAMM cralaer. tleept leu?, home. Phone HO 9-77BI.' rjulri connecthig wire. RE 4-2271-M.* tell, ltdy'i chain, roeken. oval mar fllTyoBP CONVlBf IBLH, radio, heat mult hive driver'! lleante. Apply to fully quipped, wltk mtny extrai nek REAL ESTATE FOR RENT HALL DfNBTTE let. Price 126. Phone REFRIGERATOR AND wiiHinjrmtehine. b]e top tablet, pint wtihitandi. vasei ar; maroon, white wall tire.: Immacu Frank B, Lawei, IS Newman Spring! ai dl.hei, !r«hU.|jteWet,.itt.i Ckry.tltr RU 1-0987/ in good condition. Can be leen at 14 mirror., secretary desk, china, tilvi Itta condition. Mu.t nil thii wiek-end, Ate II k. P. Frlea 11,111. Bank it., or Phone RF. I-60.I-W,* ittn reasonable. Main «t,, (next to A Oelag avtmai: mtkt offer. 57 Law.rd., Red Bank,* till, extemlot llll, ar Wilten't lan- OFFICFICE KPACB—BulMllf lottlt* en ; make nlc*- pet. for chil- WOOD — FIREPLACE, .tove, kindling. houie). Port Monmouth. KE 1-22(1. rttet ave,. Keaniburg, KB t-QOH-R.* BESPONSIBLE WOMAN te take yard, Long Branck, where boat may to Btaa* tU Red Bank. Inquire Strait* dren: fewjeft. Call RE^.^SiO.* dally, Sunday!.* . attunnBtaa* tt U444 Red1 BankBd. Itn ANDERSON GAS r.nBC four-l>\irner, Chnrlea H. Wilson', wood yard. S» ilTl CHBVHdLlS7.ood running con eharge of ichool age* children, Btattunnt 44-41 Broad tt^ griddle top: like new. Moving, Phone Peach at., New Borough Shrawihury, CHICLY THIS~M0TfTflR0l—Gii—, AlrnErC»ECbTOTOR^n*nSpi _ eUtltm Phone AT I-I((19-M,' boy II tnd flrl 10. Mult bl akla END OF SEASON kirgiln: UH feat W HOMEBttutrfflly fufHiiSel. Phone RE I.I 84t. Elsctrciteem portable electric .tea hnnger; Interior and exterior: II 1141 HUDBOM Commodore, four-door: •kit with Inboard motor % vary feed HWFou r reomHOM^Brfa and baths 110^ 0 per month. between 6 and? RE J-0J "I. radiator. Will take the chill on two n yenri' experience. Eitimttai cheerfully lo drive a ear. Wiling to help In condition. Call EA 1-0011 fer demoa- -Wly IRON fTKKM"AN autnmatfc stokir, in- POT STOVtrXN!) 30-aallon extra ihelvy radio, kaatar, automatic drive, lafety Wly Lot Cabin Inn, Ocean blvd.. At- dlnary tite rooms In fall and .print;. U given, Uiuli Cmtn 44> Skrtwikiiry tilhti;jl.lll. WB I.8I7I.M, home; conk ind wtltreii ilm em. trttlon lanllo land!. AT 1-029J tfttr T duitria< typr, model No. 4A iont:. hot water holler. RU I-UI4. it thil winter fnr "hard tn heat" roomi ave.. Red Bank, Phone RB (-4'44-M. ployed. Top wtgei, Write Box II, Electro Imiiultr. Lab, (2 White It. UK STAcmNHtV- -O"iS~~HendV~lether 14. Saleit heatn made. Plugt Into an ltttt7 LA BALLBA S THREE II.FOOT raw keatt. In feel 1.0404 _ CARBURITOBB aad magaetoe ratoiH. eeptionallill y LLgooSd d four-dooconditionr itdan; mn, y b Rumion, condition: cedar planking, etk rikt WILL SHARE MY w.ll-equipp.d torn, Inch: one Lndara and Shlpliy lathe. 10- wall outlet. Fnr details rail Carl Bee Oiiick, fattery workmaiiiklB, Otittit IN it Hnwland Jone. Mntor Car Co, COMPLETE hallironm fixtures; also Inrh: one milling machlnt. Call RE I- mann, SE 2-0070 or RE 1-4700, an Eleettle Ca. II Batt fraat tU Ba* N t Hwlgood condition; mny an* item; I47.K0 etch. Kutll But Yu4, (erttklt llx-roum hnuie with congen. 'arge pot stove. Inquire 3f> Eait Ber- Ml ave, and* * J W Wa MiFtt Ct RC COOK • HOUIEWORKEB: refereneei. HI Rector pi.. Red Bank.' Itl kuiine.i woman. No children pltaie. 105.1. Bank. Phone BB 4.01 tt. Bink, But Ilm. T. V. Reaionable. BS 4-W2S.M i].. Redd Bankk,, aftear^ 6 P. M. SAXOPHONE (tenor), made by Conn. SAVg ONdARhEN suiiplirs: caih~~an~ 1175 or offer, •Irep in four nighla a week; other help, 11-FOOT INBOARD Hat bottom run. Tdtt fUPPIES-LHteT feglerVa Gitnd lime oft. Ne»r but lint. RE (• about, Ideal for "shlng. Medil A between I and 7, Bargain, 112.',. Cue Included. Btil'l, carry: S-tO-r. fcrtlliier I'j.oO |>er hn K.HOUP, BSIVtCB •• Ik* rtptlr at ifiT UICK Reteimiittr, four.dnnchanir c aiH».M. AKC; 12 week, old; from field cham- 29-A Monmouth tt, Red Bank, drcd pounds: large UMle |ieal moia I rtdlii aa* awttrleaJ applltaaH. dam four brand new tlren: m conversion. Inquire II Otktanl it., Bed TO JUNE I. 1952—Monmouth Beach I Ion.hi n itock. Male. 135, fimalci 126. New Jersey Formula No. I gran aeeed AS 1 HOlfSEKEEPER. 45-50 yeari. Phone Bant, Trotter, two nice bungtlowi furnished: leven PIGS—KIV6 moniKa~oia7"reaioniiSle. Wt ekll tit u* wtUtii, StnVft Illy perfect condition; (ISO. I, B. Rue.J[r,, HllLdMlddlt/ Call MI r,.0S78-M.* . flOe per pound and flvc pound lot!: im (lll.W. KE I-I25S.J before s A. M. ar tfttr TROJAN It.FOOT out*oardt Ik.*. reemi an* bath; oil burner hot water iEALS, B. Rue.J[r,^ , Holl«n(Lrd.^Mlddletown/ ported Holland tulip., No. I alac. 11.91 Radla tn* Bleetrle Bkea, 14 Watt DON'T BUY ANOTHER ear until yo IP. M.; or write Box 119. Kenneburg.* heat I garage. Rent 100. Aluo other COMnTN7«T10N~OIL and gat atove". fat detail! on the Econo.Rate aut Johmnn motor, Both new thli yenr. iEAflLS^—THReX youtiKetrri ready to Anyone lnterenterl come after I P. M. per 60 bulbi: cvrrKreen. and «hrub«, I Front it. Red Bank. Pkane BS SEdiKtARy—Intereitlnrig g poiltlon open Hied only tan hour!. Both 1100, SB Intel an* apartments for rent. D. 1. itart fur this fall'n gunning; alio a and up, Myron Koglclcy'i Oarden Btori ntintl Pltn it low bink rttei. Allitat fnr woman In personnell d department of enneisey broker, 451 Church «'.., 4« While n., Red R«nk.^ Route 99, Eatontown, oppoilte Amerlc 4-1744. I-BOOI. B few broken houmlt. tlrt them now nndTEN-FIKCE filNINO room let, 140: four Imuranee company. Donald E, Asay, 4! Induatrlat concern located In Keyport North Long Branch. LO 6-10^5, aecomr ncquaUitnl. J, B. Rue, It.. Hol- Bilem lane, Little rjllver. RE (.91141. area. WiWritt e"Pl "Personnel," Box 515111 ,R Redd SAILBOATILBOAT, CCometo et, 1100 II told wklll onk dlnlnir chain II, oak buffet IS, ATLANTIC HiailLANDH—Kurnlahcil «!x land rdj Mlddlftown.' ^R«ATOjrRWdrr, porcel. WB PAY DlfhtM llll FORD TWO-DOOR, good condition: Bank, . HIM IIt i wwtttrt . SiStiltl la loo* tondltlatdltl , axtr-nalnn I«W» IIP, Call Ml ».02B».M.* try. Write or . Mt». Ctll AT I-0II7-R* BS (.1001. room houie; two-car garnne: benutlful KOKSE MF.AT.'tnih froten. 6 Ini., II.?TAS RANcri!. con.ole topi four-burner. Imlde and outs atx cubic fuett freest VoUNO WOMAN" is geqer.l housework'. location, AT l-0»(«, •Siieeial jiricu on r>(l |b". Pet mippltel. and hydratort perfect condition*, 17 (ii.(. ii A black four-dnni er to do housework and baby lit on rilicii Sumlnyl. Helm Miller, Highway RE *j8B4SJ^ 1141 CHEVROLET, Saturday night. RE (.4207 if ttr I IIP. FOUR OR FIVE-ROOM houie, filrni-hi,i RK B.4H1M.R. Branch. T.wlckl'a Fltetmaetar, radio...., heater: excellenl It, all aiilri north of Red llank^" SUIT, TIIHKR-PIBCE, grey iwamdown, FEEII- I'REII- FgEll=GTL. F. quulit PAINTERS AND DECORATORS. II Phone RE I-9M2. R_LIATinrWo9WN"foT"lliht homework" SITUATIONS WANTED er unfurnlihed, 2] Brny nvc, Kiut PET" SIJPIM.IKR l'ui",i.i;s""|» II,I; luini r condition; laZS. *" 1 Keaniburg. Oil heatinn aystem, Write «teri, t. in iii. t«. 1iiiiln 12, 115; blark Kabardine, 12. |r,: navy l.ayiin mnah }4.fir>, Krnwrr X 4.1, yvuri einerlenca In metropolitan trea. nnd vnri of elderly mnn, Phone AT ilnw,, .kui.k. ] II li11 lil L l IIIi " I' Sun- Mbnrditir 14. 112; ilriM, blnck «llk, 18. llarliv r:,, «|.r«lrli 1.1,', hnrsc fin! M.I Interior nnd nslerlnr work. pl»«tttlni HUlt'K SUPKU l«47 Tud P. 1, Hacltett, II So. Maple ave., Eiint »^: IIIIII1 ruliniriinr. I'.'. IS; fur CIPBI, HIIII ulHxIritf. Ruiihitpl SnlaH, tn Shrewa- Ornn/i', N J. J , llnvi II, in M .< i II .y , |i\ Hi.;- y ia .li.',; Inl .m iiilUiri (1 .411. Ailil 'J inal owner. Mu*l In- H:o"WKtt~(TAr!iJrTN"~"»T~iiTlvnlf homf, WIl.Ii BOARD CHILD, five yean and in li. Ih 1! ,1 llni,l. hut H, 12;,; rout. m.y. VI, 15; JacUI. en eh lor bill.', II rillilled w IIPII mn•>_««•„_lll» werkly: sir-nns. (noil pay, Write, wl.hei iU'CrBBrTlo rare for motheTr ind new-ltyih»«vy Iraffle itreel, Rronrhvuy, cnr» <•". II, I;: hirvile, 15; rnal, legging |>I, feels old, hut. ruonln Ue dltl.rin inil.dt «__ nit: 1121) *t «1H l ft n t Tkjr4 tve. CtU Caal 1041, er CM 4> ,!i yif1- |'.|*''Alf at.^Sl'" *"'* "**'* 1J»"fatal!' "••"••* ••'•••»•••> Wail HIP him ttALIffTATCrOtROfT KAL tfTATE COt SALE fttAL OTATE Mi SALS REAL ESTATE PCM iAUE REAL ESTATE ftMSA1 E REAL ESTATE fOR UU UAL OTATE fW IMA SMALL BCNGALOW-waitakl* *aly »•* LOT. MalOt. MOCK la, Migkwar I* BVM80M— *tua«lve klw r4. anpwtt. TWO-e'AMILY kouM la *•<( Bank; (our •RAHiD NBW I Ckala* iteatloa. CatV peraor.i. Availibl* aatil Oetttar ftk. oill karaw. kk**4 waue kfM: avafa: Union ave., Vnioa Buck; |S0». Liaa r«o*>, built-in koekea***. dlclaf roomi on firbt floor. Jive moms "ti i.,nit,cn hvlitt-fltlag ro**i; tawt k*4- ai*k*4. larfa living rot*, arge na Can »• seta ww. All *o*t*alout lalHlH . fwtft r dWvewa/dWwa/.. Bfcrta I* tmtm- iW' j corner eupboaida. ind«r« alttkoa. Mcond floor: in .xreilent location arid rooms, -ile bath; hot wator. ell; ft rag*. f kitM.n; two bedrooma, tile batk; Howard Morris. e»l Blv.r rd.. Pal* •*• tao. dALM rattj. H»lM • •• t«l*i •*.*••• : H»H,»v* k U II- a.o. Ve4room, kttk, iciteaod poiek. »*>- ia good condition: two-car garage. As*. Ai. r« 129 ;,u-i. D.nne K. Epra*. BMI- n.-e.r farafe, cr.rheal doori; lot v«n. US t-m*' _M*. Opaa **4 «l**od po«M*: • , four looatt a*4 • rate entunce to eecoid loor *p*rt- in» |lf,Sou. Walker • lindi... 1) L«-t tor.. Fhuii. BU 1-I15I.* Hallo. O.o4 buy, pne. |ll.too. y. •f Milk. Avtilthl* log*. 1. Writ.. bath: pri-wer eon.tructien. in Rlvrr •unt eontainiaf twa beiraaaia, fleepltf Front st. HE 6-3404. _ CI.TRA XlvT»l(e=Two-iMit>«*ai ma; Muteieeg, broke*, 411 Chuna at. dwelling, bath; auttwaUt tatti *MC r. 0. •*• II, lAUtllhr** ttf •laaa; aoal lr*4 Moaal keat: ai*4era ia poreh, kitchca.tt* a>4 1*fatter: tll.ptt. AN OUIR itofjSK 'in exre:i*n' «h«[.e. tl. batk; hot w*t.r a*, kott: kreea.- lortk Ltlg Brtfii. LO 4-10O5. .vee. wat: I1.0H. »»»». BB *-*»10-M. loho L Minugk. A«*a.r. PkMa BU With larf* living room wi'n nr.i'la''.', bus ocean, river; for rc*t frMt *Vti)ker 1-011 *_• •>> • *,i.f«r atraga. Aeairg ll'.oii!, ttAHSBJUIC, U«ft«Bitiaa. Call or writ* p*«r »• kitck.a. kedrtoa. tiled katk, teraaud llt.SOO. Walker * T,:.:. , tt Kn-.t •><•;!, nhnwcr; Co'emt* ail ktat: liv:ag C.rr *va. See llonn, I Boll.vlow, «i ««irtauattaa. U aa4 tl kB Broad at., koraufk of Ikrewibury, porek on ground laor, t% •.drooaoe. Front at. ME 4-1404. ronm, k.tchen . aeroena laelud.4; et**.ai- Beackaray. cveningi. and UWk.Mtte.Oa li|kMF H lura laft *a areaaiaea *«.. Follow tiled balk upatairaj e*eroatiaa r**ea wltk IF YOU AKE LOUKINS (or a fnur-be.1- ent;y .itn.red. Aaklag ll.too, Daaaia PLBAM TAU MOTtCC bar ie. kaiemaat, attaai all ktati at- •HlMSOSt — t*JEJilSHlD four-t*4r< e MM MH« Oajaa BwV'.c.tioa to llouie; October 1 to May 1. BB 4-510J. Beary Bigenrtuek. •>, 185.U0I. Hiaufk Afeaer. Pkoa* BU 1- .had, hnt, w.t.r heat, ml flifi; II*M> a-.-." urny k 'p'n#n, partry; hot wat-r tha Su.leUrif lnap*.rt^r (or a yermit to to bulms and eehoele: lltt •II*.- d.eor*ted. everything in jiweii sha:", B.!.r.r.cea required. Ckwltt fc. SwwUI ttloi *gM«t. i «:: h".v . •»,>-ir fare.i A.kinat 111,00a. construct . radio reiay .qjipm.nt kvil4- •WlliniOUT ifWlL. laeetl.atlrcon- l.rg. onC'iieed iiorch, living ruom. s.tnnt; H.-.i • K. lyra.. Realteri. Pkoat BC ina ta4 an-.Mat ttritetare oa sroporty Agency Monmtutk *v«. Phot* BV I* atructed .ix-ro**i dwlliaa*. Fireplac. rousa, dining room, kltcn.ii, fnr thu: Mil. ..^—J—J— LANDS—At wportunity to pur. 1. 1\ r. '•). * __ of aow ur f.rmariy Landau, *fpr*ti* ek*M • tkree-lt.ry nine-rooaa k.uM; t<« hatk., larf* ktttod *aaro*ai witk lirg. family, are Walker ft T ndill, 1 -.» •••ay IO'J feet nor-.h of >'e*gian Sprint* RANIBVK-1U Blrrtl* *t*. Aaah. eonaiaadinf rivtr view. Larfe torrea- Et.t Front et . Red Hank, |.n;.t (-3101. FA VIll,V "kitY—Four i*n* bedrooat. load, iL.nrraft). Said perttit haviag furnished bunfllow: attack*! ftrtfe: l.r*e flaw **n porek: t*it*kl. for room- i wo hathi: ov^r.iE. p.ntrp: k.t water 17.SOU. i'iMt l**i, liviaa >—». dla- lag or bearding kouse. Steam hot; gar- tioa rooai, pkot*(r*pale d*rk rooM, baea r*)u!*d ,tka America* Teiepk*** full kaientent: ««waitat l***ti*a. iaa rooai. ft*4»ra kltekaa, twa kedr.eaM. •mail tr**ahouM. tatoaiatie a*at: two- h>'*t: oi.n por<-k. rnen.r plat. Atta- •n* T.le«r.iih Conpany kM apirMled Avuilable Sept. IS. Ill* montk. lola- *ge; corner lot. Widow will tell tt ac. in* • i.i.'ilO. l)-rnil If. Byrna, Realtor.. "(TBttlM* ue., kat«e.a'L»«Tiraaek til. katk: eef«*d loor, Iw* kedr.nii; tut! eeit. I4.4M; 11.0** required. Irv. car gar.fe kea-tlfullr l*ndte*ped, %• BUSINESS BUILDINd In fair Ha. from IUCQ ac-io* to tk. Board of A4>u*t- ton Wat.i bury, Realtor. I* WtM Proat 1 •II kaattaaat, autoawtic *i| k*t watar a* Bag* Ageaer, LO 4-1400, tr atll Ml acre plot witk koat llip and avep water; Fh'.ne KII I-Ujl* ^___- *M*t of th* Towmkip of MMdietoo* a*4 «t. KB 4-«50n^ aaat, ia*»l*t«d. On* klock t* r«ilr»»4 I (2. S 0 0 Mi n Ufk_Af e*cf ._llJ_k!! 1*1 ven. Located in lie.t bumne.R it>- tKKNAKfirr nVf root*.. .neioMd at the aama lime makel au(i.icati.a l*r wtilitl.a Included ia rent. Do .v.ry- •t.tioa. ichooli and Itorei. F. A. G*kl- cation. Your bulinem anil hom'! all Ei'trrh; gel hot w*ter heat; two-car ( **rl*ne«. Said Board kaa la.4 a* tt* k*»i U Beackway. KB 4-0«44 er rl. LITTLE SILVER— Unfurnilked Mad- king I can t* tut* it plMMnt. Call »ttWtElTo6irreVir>oj.., *uto- SMALL FARM—II ftrtH* Mttp. aod.r tn. roof, h rt.il opcortunity gnrnaa. l*"'a lAdaMt. one hloek from tin* .nd pl*e. for th* heftrint ef *tl4 em home, three bedroom*, 1% If, ttonardo. AT 1-0185-W. ach""l ami traniportation. AT I-Otltl.IOtltl* tpvMi and apphcatiuu acturdu, Sop- •Mtle ail keat: attache! (arace; full Flv. Biaute* t* 1*4 Baak ttt- a* dtfeat overhead, borui Agency, t ftrt!«tftrt!«t InI llttl.'lifv.rlll ; living tea bar li, ttsi, at 10:00. A. M.. at tka tatha; itail ihower. Adult* girt- Wtf WUMB lumilked «»• meieat, Mirleo** Hannr M**r Lit- rooat afartatat; all utilities carafe. BWUBS— la B*4 Baak. T«a •*«••, ll* Stiver aekool, .n^i'Pi.f eent.r; kul tlo*. Uvir,* ma. dlulaa nm, •»*• Ptlf Haven. P.E 4-4632.* room wltb trenl.'., dl.Mt* Iktetria .w^ibl* Mall. All terte.l latmav* ferred. Reference.. 11II pot Witkia tea Kile, at Bid Baak. Oeev in aatk.i M 11*111; aot aif I... Bent 1131, reerlf kalil; Octoker ma, krtakftM raeoj. kltrkt*. Vitrh-n, ttn beiiroomi. 4«n or third ked- i* tan ane'ter are invited to i.tend. nontb IT littl. gilv.r Ptrkwtr, •aaer Octater IM: MU rMnt leuaantr. BB «-0l4l. t% kaditMu. •**. A ka*tala tt TOWHRINO OAkTIKUi'lurrouriTTnTi raoni. tile k.tk. BMutifully laad.MWl *JAP.L< OF AtkJUIThlBNT. # kaat, **al in. Ida pri*t if.lH. lovely colomll. Si\ ,arf e runoie, ' I lot 110x100. Attacked f.r.f*. Al.lag Little Sil»«r. U *-l«»|. 14 AatlaM. Bl Mill, IBs IIMB. BuaiM*; aorMf*!**: ktgk |]|,5ii*. Miaiifk Afettf. Pkta* im.OOO. Ay.n-F.ky AfMey. Bl I- Ttwutkip of Ml44l*t*wa, •r*w»«. AT l.«7«a,« bedrooaisj, tillii bath, ii&wder room, naraanaV, Twvaia^iai vniit, IKJBI BV I-0TI4* large aeretntil itoich, hot water heat, >» M***Misth County I COUMTB* LOCATION cuvtal.nt t* fully inauiat.d: I^.S.ul'O. Burus Agency, Notle. to Cred.tori to present Cil ln_Red Bank._ Call RE I-I52M k»wkaati»|, atetel; levt.-April. Mit- •awwrni mcH-u of*. *t. ifcw r •ekool tad ittr.ii liviaf reom witk PairHaveii. KK C-4. ,3J." OWNKK MOVING—Will tteride.l Afainit Eetate. ffdHE—(iOOIl location not t* BTorri* ila kaiiaeta teurle; M «p. BellreM tkre.-k.draMa k.uae. Til* katk. RVRnilNT I.Ot-'-in fuatml. H««l> It tht Mttter of tk. Batata *t Aaata leckfr's h.rdware: livin* «utrttrt i ^an.r Motel. a«k*avt II, II. Far"-Y*unf»towa kitek.n, autoaa*tie .eatrtl lupltet; Urge ttoeWic kiteken: t«« BIVCR 0AM—Attractlv* tU.r**ti Attrlctlv* two-ktdioo*) kor*. la ina-d.l. 8.IITI, , katt M«ar aehool, ekurek .1.4 trMt- eelonitl. Firtpltet I* tlwla«e eaoa, water, aandr bea!ini uoetae. L*^MMd. r«ar of itore. Inquire lr> Shrtwikury •wnTlWi .—.— .«. tadrMfH, tilt katk: full k*M*»at. foreei o«n.r to .acnhcii this attractiv. ronveniFn;. oct nn near R*4 Ittk. Purtu.nt ta the ord.r of Dornt* kftp »ve. RE 4-3808. porUtlu: M.t»». Call i. W. BOM. MO tcreened porek, l.wa.t.lr* la**Urr. kilekaa: toe klaik (r»«i Mit**ea U B.a**d IHI ktt Inlikt4 loor, atud. 4a.|> water lot. riOn'^Dil; l^.fOu. Boru. Living rnom, dininf room, kitek.t, Faddin, Surrofat. of the County ef M«*« WlTTEIfttn three-room ftarsiithtd [erred; rel«reare. ia _JBJ> M0USB-*f too**.' dinf, kMt tad tl.etrleitf imt.lled. autonttl. k.l water kttt: •*r*f>: Agency Fair rlav.n. RE ».4r>3J.* full cel'ir; n.w kMtlAf arittai: .or* •.uta. aad* «* tk. thirty-Ar.t day *f cot"t*f.; *ut.m*tit fti wat.r taMtf are fciltak.' tvtamttl. fti tat wtttr kMt, •had* tr.ei; |il,00«. f*kt Mlaugk OFF'to PARIS!—l,,,w down l.ayment. Augufl Ivlt, on the appiicstioa *f •nnd gtl kettkeat. lenBentt 144114. pinpit II sjtlll. .jit **I4 wat.r, Iripltct In lltltg t**B, l**tpti*a*llr well-built; IIZ.S01. Army man lU au4 il«mant)i sga;r,»t tre a*i* mmmm .uu4l, Igtaiik.d; jSO iridm Muntry kome. BE I-«IIT-M.|»l«7MI. LITTLB SILVER—Excellent lac*. BOOM MB BIPANIION -I* psta'*, 'inder oath, within lix montha tube tml sink; heat, electricity. Pkmt flX^foOkl H6C»F,-N.w. AlFbrick a*J •ere.. 8«vt*-r»*ai k*utt, katk, IIS,,1(10, Low iluwn Miyrri, ut fur nun.'trii' k trhpn with ihelvi'd vi!!* hiir'l- AT 1-1772-W. ave., Br4 Bank. If no ore ksaa, e«l tinn; beautiful lot witk treei and wi.od fldiiri. I'Vill cfllar, «i;r.*ned porrh, From the >ri>v*r b.rr.d of their te* WEST~BELMA1I—Mutt lit we* to •erected ptrcti, ftrevlac*, oak loon: ft- tkrulfkery; Modern home about tell W4 4-4SJJ.* • I'nrhifl >ara<'. Aytia-FthP A>t*ty f»oTJ«roiirtl»HEO lama*, «itk l»i- •••I fcott; *ddltl**al tkr**-r***i. UK «-2N::V tiona therefor againtt th. Mid auhicrlke • ppr#ciatfd: 'ovply •.so»M —._ vaM katk; will (umiak it deeired. Call ne: full ktiement. Ckoiet IwttlM. •ear. aid, having living rooai witk OWNbH MUNtiKfX. ~Altiartivs~r.ni.-h three kedrnona.' ynrlr rental: |1«« pw "itMn • M« • imiwiiMpl Btur. akrenburrirewiburr.. BE 4-24M-M,. Irapltc, dlninf ra**i, awd.rn well. kttk, bunftltw, bringi III* r.v. koMa in Huntsuii, less than n\ nunitln NEW RollSinjrMttie ,-i!v.r;',t,r.e he/- ionth. <«n BE «-«4Mt/- old, Living ruiiiit witli liii>(iliii'f, en* rooms til* hath, huge livinf rooi ' Wti Fr.ehoM. N. 1 . Auguit II, 111 I, aa< •«•«•?. Ill Bra** at., B*4Wk.Lt gel)ItTHoMtrwTlk oll.*r*4 k**t •quipped klttket (gt. raap* and **u*. Prire 111,101. Mi*ufk dtfiaei. BMII.Y HELEN GOETZE, kOVM^tt' an4 garage. Near rare track and II Pktnt BU 1-I71I.* eloeed breexrwey. kitrhen-dinett., two with firf>:>!A<-t, dining room, lovely .un 'lacked garage: new refrIterator **4 lalnutei (row, beach, fkon. LO |.»T«|.» dlikw*.k.r): twt bedrooaii, tile itv.lr kedrounil anil a liartially r.,ni. room, tile altchen: lot IDSllTI, Arete Bartihorne Lana, Rumaot, N. I. *tave: Beauty Beit Bjattrettei, Lofftttt katk. leeoad D*or, ir.rp large bed. plated expansion attic, full i-elinr, oil Kahy A«i«ey. RE 4-lltl. MAHIS LOlliSE '.OITZB. I* Orchtrd Aer»i. Five CtratM, Mlddlf Kit wVMIHSOM BAMOB] teat; *ttai'hi?il gunnf*. Asking llfi.Oni). 'I'll I! KK-ntliRifotr'K.tia I* Red BtriF Illll Htrtihorae Ltne, Rum.on, N. I. lawn. Call Rl 4-1711. r***i and room for t katk (plumb- imi««tirw(i«oiTrT(f " irul Agency r'att- HHVPII, Rt*. *.4.s:Vi.* Livirg room with ftr.plac., dlninf Twa Ml IktM w*4r*«fM, •<• lap 1*), Full baieaient witk larsa room lltll 'eel, flraplte*. dining NOTICE rooai, kltch.n, ape* porek oa tril loor: ro.'Til, elorfel. k>>'h*a With e«Hnet|. tl!| fJttl, foax II PMt kMfli IT.IM freeier: autaantls heatt att*rhrd Mulviu ail' hen, iivni;: rni>m with lire- i»ith. Imtwater-oii k.tt; fully laniiaeip.4 X:t GR£!1UN'CB tWiiU three be^r^omi. hstb on aacufid fltonri I..' AakliK tU.SC.O. Ay.n.Kahy, Rl CON3TRUCT1UN OF A UAiB U I*,!!* * »ii «•«« ttrtga. Vary raaionaSiy prleed. iteoai coal keat: lot *5alt»; taaei till. plaoi, full cellar, auloiiiiitn; ln-at ; ga- pfii« Ml Tut iraa. a rata. Clme ti) achnul, IMIHI-H ami now I-JKI". UTOKA'.E BUILKLNU tX>l fll tot. C*r*nad. Catalof. Everett M, Allalrt B •*• AgencrlMnf. BB I- Two-ear farate, Unyiutl *pportunltr *i *W>it(>U(iil OP HXD BANK, m TJW atk A^Mf, 41 Brat* «, pk.na RB I III.IOO Mlnugk Afanejr. BV I«7I4 • akoliplnt center In Little Silvrr. Aiki;i« II MAPLE AVI Tktra*. Blag't «ifkw*r, Middla* III*. ANl> VA 4Sfkt»n lli,0»l) Borui Agency, fair Havtn. ItK SI-Ri'IAL OF WEEK—Tkr**.ta4. CUtNTY OF MONMOVTM, NBW One of Re4 rOTIboai M4 katk, partlr furnliked iHK'HaveK n ANlhom>e VRABone yeaB r vld4Sikfnf; corner latT: ; JERSEY, AND AI'PKOFRIATUKI t»t.tloni. Call «gt_i;! ar varvralakad. W. 1. Coom. Ixr.atk living room, full dinint room: modern room home In Bad Bank I Itrgt llf.tiQO.oo THBRKPURE AND AU« WftTTf TATlT'Th'ia "" »tTr«cUvV~t"««: living room with fireplace: dining THORIZ1NQ THE ISSUANCE OP 4 BHldl. «"'•• Atlantic MlfklamU. ««W«hURY-|S0M1H1 » down MTTtS IILVER-yvint reel* with kitchen; two Aniihed badrooma, one un- bedroom cortHir,'. Livinif rnom with kMv fcooMI. coi»pletelr fut- . bed rooat bungalow, eapaailo* ft' rTr,i«hnt hrdroom, katk: itove, waikiat room : full htteaent; gtrig.; .l.atri. |IS.I*»I|I.I*I«« BONDS OOBB NOTBjf OP Twv-i llr.pai.. dlnint rum, kitchen: Irepl.ca, tile bath, itcam tii'.-it; giiruKe. TUB aOBOUfill POB alaa*4l ntrtftntari aiodern katk and tie." ideal location. Weart-Nearatk maehire: full batement; attached garaft. Ealri nttic. (Inly «'.i.r>mt. Hurus ranae; Venetian Mlndl. Vlluel Alb- TU aBUll POB rWAjTOIMQ tkrtt k.4f*a*i| and batk (on. m. Ailing II•,•00. Ella Wlltihlrt Atency. f |l:CH APPRurRIATION, « 1 T UUkrai avillakla le»t.iaW*r I*. jeerlj. Agency, li Broad it. Fkone MB l-tiil*.* Kair llnvi-n i(K ti-4.i:i:!. Ing 111,000. Lawley Agtaer. Bl iMalra III Maraiaoid. »».., Xait iATONfOWII-tw*.a**ia*w> a*«M. li- fli.llkedl: fall ktaement; garaf*. Realtor., 81 I-I00I. BB l-lltl. Opta BE IT ORnAJNEIi by tn. Marar MdJ •ooBT paail** atiie. Nil taetaaKti pl.t Altk Ililld: k*t watar all katt. flreplan. ty, la.. BB I-IIHO, rooms), ranch home, tiled luilh, mnd- I* tta Oaunty of Monmouth, N.w JtP* e.n'WWir. kittkmctt. and kftki aeaLfuraUkeit. PI*, three.rooia cottage, rentinf pair location, ne*r river *nd beach liviaf My. I aot 1.4 tha* two-talrd. of tN lat) raom with Arepl*ee, dlnlnt room, auft, •rn ilteken. Only ti.l:n down. Act PKI.MXB MOntRN-Llvlag room All a«» Biturd.r. Utilltln lale, lit Iraad it., Be4 porch, inod.rn kltckon: ***•••*! play- wlttk Ir.plae.; dinette, eomplet* •»•«• t* Ml*wa: ) Wsart-Nemeth Aftaty MBW — LIVING BOOB), ketutiful room ; four k.droomi, katk and powdtf Fair Haven. UK I.4SS1!.' kltckta wttk Itiaiita tap count* room, Two-etr garage; tie.ll.nl eoitll. lf.Kl> MiiRF. lioo&l! -VoV ihwild" •»• Vltehen, tilt ktthroom; two nlc. ».4< UCTION I. That thir* la tarakp •*• tlont Itf.too. Ell* Wlltiklre At**'P. this attractive elrht-mom (4 bed- roomi witk room for tw* more; *•• art, tw* ktdrooa)*, tilt kttk (til rooms) home In eboii-e Fair Haven lo- KMIIor., 81 1-0004, Bl I-IIM. O»M ttektd, itrtft. Hindi, range, watk. pltat.r walla) t Ml kateneat, ti- week.indl. cation, Ltrae living mum with *t>- aaaalaa attl.i tint*. Fin* large rltrt, dining room: two.car ««r««.; nil tr, Prlfldalr*: |I4,«OO. Ltwlaf M* kislldlng «a property a*w awtaa rirf.L.l)lJll.TBtm*tvv wnvsiY h*M*: lit* eat. A bur at II7,II'HI. Dortu Agenry, Af.ner. Re I-04I*. kp tfct iMrwagk tad known *. f I CkatU lot I* .Mtlltat laeatlM: lll.aoo. Ing room with Ireylace; twa ked-Fair Haven. RK t.»!,*»,* *«* Street, Btd Btnk, N*w itrmt. taw Alltlra li Baa Aftnry, In., Bl *• r«omi, katk. modern kltrken, ****ail**j M6CSIC TN UNION UFArHrilv. roonii". taktg alit Ut Ho in Blttk T| tt attic: full kteemtnl, *tt*ek*4 tartga: (k*wt *a tk* Borsugk ta* i III*. •tie. graundt. Ella Wlltthlr* Agnep, hath, tun porch, oil heated' garage. MIDPLBTOWM VtLUCB—Hlgk I* •ac.Ilent rondition. l''nr further inf'ir- Mrdtntf wltk plan, tnd a Bolter. SI 1.1004, II 1-liN. Opt* value, low malnt.nane* eott. Tw* u*f*f*r now on M* witk lit week-endi. matlon_ealLKE 7-ni.B-K tfler r, IV M. Bill BANK-F.«r.t.M* kung.low LOT ON TINT!IN AVE. KatontowV, keitrtoitt: living roan, ditlng teem; •a larf* tot, wltk ftrtfe tnd mail' *'f HiqiRewvMii Hnvie w.wit SOinu, on bus line: all utllitiei ami •elltr: fa rat., tereened porek, A la tkil ten at • kemt; living r*MB. •le* home) all around; |7V). Ctll RE law If ,000, Ltnley Agent?. RB I- tort* trett; M.I«0. Alltlft * l*t altr* asod.rn kltek.a-dla.ttt, bedr.»m. *.i a,ie.w ,fttr « P. N, SBCnON I. Pup tt* ImpMNfMM p. lat. BB Mil*. kttk. lust en.agk grtundl. NlM !••• WOODEIi PLOT—I ti acres.with lit 0410. punm* itattd In Sactlon 1 *f to* loettl**, tonvenl.nt t. *f*rrtkl*ti feet fronting Willow drive, two block! •idtattM, tHee. li kerokp " •-.OHO. Ill* Wllt.klr* A«.aer. BttlUrt, to Little Silver station ; on bin line up* ttttaa^ ••»> off TTw*nty-i*v*n Th* BBD BANK—LAROB tank, llvltf t-oooi. Blt.noi._i5Hn w*tk:»*4i: poiit. ator*. All utilities, Area of fine PAIB BAVBN-C*** Coll llvltg Boats* (Il7.oio.oo), Mid Mas luM- THOMPSON AOWCT—•» to Wmr»r»rl!y etnvenlMt I* til trta IIP Protwet ave. BE I.lll»-W. lispiitltn; Irtpltue, IN* talkratte. Btttaa mM la»jrov*mtat tr purtta*. fall iiMamt: ptrtltllp Itltked *•• "I **4M of tko loroufe at ONaVFA*1l1«T HvtlBB, av* r*o*it; fll TAN ROBN-BtTATI trail IkiM CARLONI AGBNCY—Nader* ranch- ptnaloa ttll*. Altt.k*4 •trag*. tBtuat Ml tjeoHIng Twoaty. iaprairtawati: lot ItalOu. Oa.-rami ttrat: twali tttdlt aatlaaa. UP* , .. «ttf4 t1*t flmMrtl DtBart kutfit**) M nu -M.d.ral..l l..r»*f wltk tort* tk*4. tre.i: larg. living 111*. Iteltatlaaa prtMitk**, ky «kMJdP». Hi Palf "I***. III-4II*.* r*t*> wltk Irtplara, dining room. •uta.ua ml* *7 IntaraM wiuk gar r**n k**M, *ll kaati tw* lr.pl*e«t 1 tiM *klltttl*at tktlltatt iTtai tm tw.-.tr t*rag.: l*t Till**. Pri«* Utttaa: twa kadreami, til. bath, ITJHOALOWJHOL W. TWTWO Mr****,' IttV. I*. Ing rooia,, kltekea; fall talltr: aalaMaalaMaa. wtttt (•%) HP ***«*». '14.00*. Wtirt-Naautk Attnip. 41 ABTIBTIO ItVBRFBONl <*tltf*l Vrteieway,' twa-car garage attached. I klk BKTION 4. k*«* BB *.»I4».» New completete hott watar .111 irttem;; f trtr- mo HOOK, **a»*ni*»t deep watar. Pin* paatllat: tw* Pall ktMm.Bt; automttte h.at, cap- .ft: excellent conditionditi s 11,11*1111. * PrtPn •mat *maua« tf band* tr tottt tt ka TTLE SILVER—LovelEVB»—Lovely «vIva-ioo« * (tw* dlaa rd. lultthl* fte tadrooiM) kritk kungalow: only Iv. •odera kttki. Oil katt; tartf*. por plumbing: Immediate occupancy, U. Uwei, Re« Bk^ IMU*4 f*r laid ta»pr««»»j..rtawr.i flTRKW^gilI—Palatial hNWi ttatf I* Tw*aty-lv* TkMtTkMtttM Ut *n aid. Witk tttaik.d ftragt **d Alklaf IU.II*. It* Vaa Kara Ik.wn ky appointment only. Prlc* DaUtra tltt.UI.U). . jreh. Pull tillar, kat wtttr, ail halt: Aftntw, Pair M** , M l-lttl.* 114,10*. 114 Lexington tv*., Ftlr living roam, ftreplae.: four tadrotat, •kaal l«-f**t wtUr at lav tlfti at* krft 1*1. N**r kui and a.kool. Prlet M two bathl, lavatory: ndlate httti tar- Ik) Tka wtiitttl l tl d ! jjl.lO*. Itkw*iu-M*eilln, I Wklt* it.. Ravia. RE4-HM. ago. Thrt* acres, aeeludtd: 111,11*. *f moa.y ta ta rtlaod from ill ttarata If ipraet. tta4* tr*M tad ISf-Illl Frank B. Ul Bed Bank.' for .aid laprovcoiMt tr purtwaj k* taruki. Wtll ttaitruittd te*-i VAN HOBN-OINimni Ouaalta* Twtaty-MVM TktOMnd I te*-r**ai tarn. BANK,—T- n room and batk: full BARLONB AlSBNCY—New bungalow; HEVCN ROOMS and tatk; tU pram tkr** !**•»; tR wtllltlM BaeltMd tuaporck tfftrda ilg-roaia raatk k***ti all kt*ti living rtoaa, largo kitchen, twn bail* conveniences; air farted all ktat OI0.0O), tk* KM tkarM 1jat*fc**t!S.*t*...ll^*tl!ea. II Catk- ~»Itw t" tfleuMt a.aumiul k* e.ll.r: tarut: Mparat* totndry roopi. Mtimttod mulm.ai t***aat . tttaa itTI I-1H7.W •( Pall ptin iflO*. tckwartl-Muklla, I Ultd katk; 4r*pl*M; kraaptway: fax rotma, til. bath: .ipaniion attic, full 10x118: two-Mr gtrtgt: tkad* its' " ' ar notM la ta l*M*d ttar*f*r I .bcl«tlv«M*tl*a. Wklt. at.. M 4-ir- tawmmt: ttttna httt with all; ont-car treei. But tt4 llkt*l kill pat* UP lilJP. I III.* ait. Half MM. lll.llt. Vta »*rt gatlgt attttkidt terttnt, Morat tatk, Tw* aallt* trtat twa rtlliMl Matl*at AftMP, F*li Mat.*. Ul-41**.* **a*tl*a kllndi. altetric itove all inelud- nearby ehurchel and tuikor. rattrl 1*4 •Jldrtd DoFart"*(il,lo*.»0( td. Prl** 111,000. Ill Leilngton »ve., MM far .aid kw»ran*Mat *r Ptlr Wa»et. Bl 1.11*1. tm OP htiwby dt fr*»t aartCi Mtgl* Cktf M4 nag*, fal MODBRH MWTII tstaaltli l». takvenlent to tehnoli, ihoppttg tnd T*w*rHlll. Urgt IMti tata. Irt- ittd tkeroby. Mlltrl Ittfkt window, tnf ieri.ni, tw* (b> Tk* portod *f awfalutt *tr ftrtfe. Pile* II.5H Netr a.w Mka*L Aiklng 111,11*. Ir.pltee: dining room, kltchin, tun ••Id ImprovemMt tr purpot*. wr»b» Itt-Matklla, I Wkltt it., BB I rooia; two bedrooaii, bath; automatic kltihtt. fltit taaltMd talk t*4 th* llmitatlom of section. I* il.lt HI4. iHV. V.n tttra Afa»cf, Pair M»M. II h.tt; icreem, itnrm ii.h: nne-etr gar- ihow.r; tw* itrf* kt4rt*ml, Iril ta 40:1-3* of ttid Local Band law Binar—puifOAbOW *n half aer. 4-41**.* (g*. A.klng lll.soo. ISI Lnlngtoa Imti tw* lutt tadruaw, tatk, tad teiordlng to tta rea*oa*Ha Mt fow ram* tad katk; fall eellar. avtt- l»e Fair Wtven, RE 41 »«l •till thowtr, den tr piayrooB, Md.r thtnaf I* forty (40) yaart. »O OUBLE, OSl ilailt, wllk katk. wiV•tilt .all k*at. Tuai III. Only I".Old. (•> Tk* tupplmnul d.bt faellltlei. No eaaklM Ml»ll»im SekwtrU-Maekll*. I Wait* it., BE 4. 0ARLONI AGENCY—Sl.-room kout.: ttirlge cloiet, tMond lo*r. Adt- •Mat required ky Mid law tat WOODBD BBCIUIIOM •- Baatk llvlnf room, Dining room, kitchen; S Throekmkmortoo n *¥«, latoatmrfk FkaM wSMOA^StZiBk '•eel' ia, llnag r**ft taut It fMt laafi tr* raaatt: «utt* eloieti thrtuga.at. Tw*-e*r atrip atd* ud_M*d tatk. " BA l-llll. tkr.. bedroom!, hith; hot water heat, mm. kltttafj. twa OCBANTOBT — Tkr**-k*dr**ti rank ttrtfti flnpltni taamatal, MM •a. ".red; axetllint opptrtunlty for gang* la bimMt: ipprailmtt.lp rUBNlBHED ROOMi, fi -•. IwO ByQVvvOTIvt . t?p*t torf* llflRt r**«, llnttte, rwittnf h*HM: ronvenl.nt to tkopplnt % *«»: IH.OOI. Will dMtrttt t* *lt with a> ultkoot Utikta a*l wtllltr ;•«•, wtiklpi ••• talk: aitatMtlt talt, III,***, Vta til; tw*^*r at* area, tramportatlon and achooli. For •alt pureh.Mr. Brok.n artttcttd. fltlai. I05O Ocaan a»«. _l*l lllilll; Ill.tlt. •kit*, ptfrliwratar. *to*m* rtatt, oily Mara Af**ef, Pair It***. Bl *. •ulek ttlt, priced tt 111,10(1. Ill (.«• iH.100. BekwarU-Maek!!*, I wklt* it.. * Ington tv... Fair Haven. RB **1Bta. Op» for Imp.etlon during working tta Sttta o« Ntw J.raty aM tuck hoaw: ~mnsrmornear Broad Itrott, *a bungalow, ant yttr hour* or ftr appotntmm Mil AI ititniitt ihow* that * groM dak* of nounge chain and reading lamp., von* FAITTJIAV;__ . four roaait _. tta Borotith. *» d**n*9 la Statwa REAL ESTATE FOR SALE M 14*11 wltk lr.pl*.*, BUMSON RIVER FRONT; four bed- i-IISO. Dlrectloal; ealt .n Mtrdlng lltl-11 of Mid Law. 1. laerNMsl by tlnuoui kat water, HE I.4HI-W.* M kt«rNl.t. tllaw 'katk •.. 0|0. E.. kiteklt'taa! i tilt k*th: full dltri txpamton attic FOX HILL—Ill-room *n< tad •••• Plaster wallt, Irtpltet: larft gtrtg. rooma; betmtd dining room eell- rd. to 121 Htrdinf rd., left through Iks* ordinance ky Twmty.lv* 1%*o> MICBIY nntSIsHEB room; prlwaU MOVB BIGHT IN—11,10* ttlk will buy attache• " d' garage: auutomatlt it!,. kett. C.CUB_ . taad Flv* Hundrad Dolltra (IIS.. home conveniently located. RE I- Sacrltet, owner mov attractive location: |1»,000. ScRwartl h*lf tt*rr home. Rolling ground!. ing; bot water, oil. Three.car gar- gate, to t*p of hill. tkl* weli-osjtippod, new ranch typ*. ntitlng Red Bank. S« . M.tklln, t WhIU tt.. BB «-IW. Flrtplte.i 111*1 tatk; tutaatatl* 100.00), and that th. Mid obllgatlmt ihrM-btdroeai kangtlaw. 0. I. l*ta tp* BE Mill. •ft (apartment overhead). Aiklng tvthorli.d by thia oroMnine* wW ta FURNISHED HoOMS—Very Itrit at- ALMOST NBW Cbb. Tkre. kti THOMPSON AGENCY—Ranch Souie. heat: f*rtf>. I1T.4I*. Van Horn artTtd*. CaaplttCoaapltttt tlaMrl.iMtrlt. kllekll.k.nk . In- 81* rooma and tatk. nreplac., parch 145,000. Dennli K. Byrne, Realtor!. RUMSON — ULTRA aiodern lii-roosa within all debt llmltttloa* pmarlkld tractive double room: alto llnfle: kill* ctoalai rang., nfrittratfr, ktt w r**a», twa kathi. radiant kaats tw*> Agniy, Ftlr Haven. BB l-tl«l.< ky i*id Law. lti*M icntieaan orelerrfd. Cenvenleat tar farage. Convenient l**ttl*a: 111.* plot llDtllt. Oil heat: double ftrtfe Phone BU 1.1 U0.« _ ranch houie, on keautlful wooded a* ktat.r inl walking auchln.. Largt SJMO*. 81 EaitFront it. BB 1-07(1(1,' landscaped acre: tl feet tf rioor-to-eell Tho following It.mt, a* talwd to ererrthliif. Bui panel door. Call tot M| Ilt rl I1I.0C*. I**.. Oranliiftr a Mell.f. Bl l-ttll, VKTKBANS SELLING HOMES—S.v.rol Ing Th.rmoptna wlndowi. Bsecptlontl tnd ttttkorlttd by Section 40:1-11 of B.BS t-Utl\ no amntr. LO 1-llU.l.' "I THOMPSON AoENCY—Livingriant, vetaran* find It neceiaary to ir-11 their dining rooai. kltehit, tkrtt bidroomi. VAN HORN-OLDER Pair Htv« eon.tructlon by engineer for his own tin, Mid Law. tr* and shall b* ektrttd EATtCITcOalFoRtABU TOW, d»u»le 'Avniuo Fiwa-ravHUONj •*•*« FIN* tan* la tutlltnt condition: ils komea became of ehange of employment, Prlee 112,«0l). RU 1.9191, or Hlekltlllt, at t tart *f th* cost of said purpts* or flntle: lome kltehen arl*llafet, 114 plte*, tw* ketted iuar»oi»i. 1% katkt, tatk, IrtpltM, tat air kMt, oil: .n.-c.i which makei It impoRBlblc to commut... N. Y.. 5-I148.R. to ta Intncod by th* Itiutnc* of laid H>rdl«« rd. RB «-44«.1.». WIUll COMOYBB-Tm n« •tl kitti nrtp.'. I11.490. OrtMlam nrttc. It 1,04*. It B*tt Frwt at, ndtu, til mwlr ptlnttd tad dteor. Opportunity for non-v.teran to tike over obligation.: (1) Not neatdlag Plv* *W»w.. BB Y.IIOO, RB Mill. tMd: daukli ftrtfi, OiHy Itl.om, e. Loaf plat 10x110: oil kett i 111,100. II E III.IO*.IO*. RE I.IIII.BI.IIII.B.. block, from aehool. Uua by door. In CONSTANCE SMITH Ag.my. II HOUSE—BIX roona ant kith: tkre* Pratt tt. RB 4.0T00,.* p.rlod MrnlMtd ky tatl ttetloa. hath anil ihower; Htchfn ptWIIem ar jkt II roomii kat water keat; btdrooail, cai heat) all Intprovimenta. 1H TUB CUCOUNTRY—twinN g room. *m- the lame location we can nrTi-r flvp-rnom Naple ave., Fair Haven. Rl I- SECTION I. Thin *rdinta«a ia*B ta hoard If rtcnlred. Winter prteei now Ineonv.nlent te kuilaeii intlra and bnek. Large ttrtga Hull: alto adjoining lot •Ml, kltehen, two bedroom, batk: •>• cottage for only I9"(i ca»h and IM 230S. Rer) Btnk and adjoining ••em.d to aup.ri.d. and rapMl ta effect. Rmei to all point, a few ate.Bieellent Income I ten.nti, good will, fur- where garage could he moved and c*n- NOW AVAILABLE—A ftw atlrt per month pay. for the home. No extrai. •rdlntno* af th* Btroagh kirtiafoia onHi.' walk. Cnll Mn. Morrli, AS >•niture and aqulpment l*tMt«,..BtlHai pamlon tttlc. full cellar, hot air htat, Polic.llon of hotli cottagrl ran he Im- towni. Writ* or phont for appoint- v*rt*4 Int. kunttlnw. Nicely located on thre.-b.droom ranch.re. Larf* alii lirfi ptot. Preient mortgage 11,000, ment.* •dopttd pn Juno 1». 1*31, ontltl«d~Aa :»14 keeauie of Illneu. Writ* "Old Afi welt if4* •( Bel lank. Prltt I1M«*. Ailinlklag 111II 1.900, . Walker 41 Tindall, II Medllte. Open Sundnyi. Morri'i'y dt Ordlnane* Providing for tht CopMrtM. Home." Bo» 111. Red Bank. raona. Ntwtit built In f.ttur.a, Bait Front i WalVer, Main and Church its., Keani* NEWLY nECORATED room (ar gentle. RB 1-11*1 after I P. M. far appoint- it Front at- RE 4-1404. tlon of t Ctraga tad Storag* MMlaB •lit. full lelltri, Na down payment for CAP!APBS COCOD COTTAGE; three bedroom, kurg. BEIT"BANR—SEAR Broad ' it., IHI for the Rnrnttgh of RH Rank Ma A*, man: refined home, one door off Broad nttrtni. Pun. tv» and WlVoff til* huh. full «»llar; tnttmstla h.at: ruorue. oil beat; ejie.Uejit fur rooming •t. Nice •urroumllnfl: refereneei. Ctll Baak, e.nrertlkt. to two apartateati! LITTLE SILVER—Owner tranifemd, LITTLE SILVER RANCH home: thru. tkorlllag an AppropriaUon and Ik* I*. kat wat*r. olMrti keat: inod.rn. Large tl., Ettontown. Ctll EA I-0H0. gtrat.: terena tnd M*rm ttiki kui lint, bedrooma, two batha: lar«e icrreneil-in or hoarding houtt: 111,000, Comtani outno* of Bond Antlelpatiot Mttai hefore T *. M. at II Waverl* pt., Ke4 raf*. ld.*l for work.kop *r unaI pre-war kungtlow netr kui. wh*al. walking distance tt Morel: 110,111, Hmlth 14 Mapln ave., Fair Htvin, U Bank. railroad itatlon; living room, rlreplice, r porch: large plot, near river; 119..ion. J Th*rofor." •IIMI. AIMRI 111,000, RE I Theodore W. MeOlnn.ii, IA I.OT40. Roliton Wtterbury, Realtor, It Weit f-8JD8. K •creened porch, dining roam, tiled klteh- 1 BBCTION 1. Th* fall fttlk < NICELY FURNI8HED room, wltaklt ftr en and hath: two bedroomi: dry cellar •••vn'tw nn*w«—Biw«"°uuir ri**r m sHMWSWUriY-Bunnlow. nvt room., Front it I»E |..1500.^ ^_ HOME, NEAR RTVER —li-foot llvln. tl'l'TU CUUNTRf koaie, thre. ml lei t lit, Nlne.rooti dwilllng, tw* tatkl. two her!roomi: full cellart l.ndictped ruum. fireplace, modtrn kltfhen: hoi of tha Borough ttr** tarrtarakr I gentleman, In prlvttt homti itraft. with billiard table; itetm oil heat: it- hot wtttr htat, oil. Splendid outlook. PAIR HAVKN—Modern Cap.'cod: four water he.t, oil-fired; four ktdroont tta punctual ptytMtMM tt tta, B.4 Bank; ««< room, kathi hot ah Uehed carat'. Aiklnt IIS.AOO. Mtk* garage, Iniulattd: l.rg. lot. all heat •f tad latartM tta Mid k RE a.<)T«.j, keat, taalt oacear garage. Hot tftdxlls lamtedl.t. poiMliiint 111,100. Inip.c- Alklng 111.1100, Hilgh Agency, 1ST henrooma; icrtfneil porch: attached IJO.ooo. Schtnck Agency, I Linden pi •f tad latartM a* tta Mid ok«gtt*Mi ROOM WITH TWIN bedi. comfortable i offer. Minugh Agency, phone RU 1 lion invited, Charles E. Sweeney Agency, garage: itrcamUncd kitchrn, electric re- RK 4-DJ97. •uthoritethridd ky t thih s ordtenM. Sail *kU. next to hath with ihower: other llnfle IT.BOO. Reed Ageney phone RE 1-0121. Rro*d it.. RB LIU', 1-110.1.* frigerator. Storm ia»h, iicreeni. ven.tian fttloni shall ta dlratk vnllmitof «k»4. Monmouth ave, Fhon.RU l.llff, BHREWSRURY—Culonlal Some. Ltrt roomil convahlently loeat.4* In Xe4 MATAWAN V!lttr. BF4> BANK—Old.r lyti. house, il* bllndl. Large plot : * I T.nO't. r",300 ntlo** of tht Borough, and tta Bare Bank I gentltmrn Tireferred. RB •• MAKU COX AOINCy, mIMra tn4 NEAR R«D BANK, four yetriolil: TiitPJ roomi: three kedPoamt: full cellar. et'h paymrnt, btilnnr, cnr gafartfr f . •rty within th* Borough for lh* pay* a»r fwtfit. Comaneh. 4rH T*rU modern kitchen i electrle itove. Full 4rr •attlnnt 110,300. Or for rent, 1*5 l.i'i.iiiin. Schintk Agency, a Linden pi, up**k, Pkant LO Mill. '.Hart fttllf Inmlited. *>r>.m, itarm monthly, Iniprrtinn Invited, Sweeney OLDKR 1IOUSK. Ann rc>iil"titlKl area : UK nnifn m.nt of said obligation, tnd tattrttl APARTMENTI wlndowi. Lot llttilftO, Fully land- Agency, Monnaoulk tve, Phom RU 1 BRICK VBNEER bungalow: four lonmi conv^nlfrit town; fivr hcilrnomi, Pi thtroon without llmltttlm *t rat* tt _. j. HOME — Convenient t< •mount. rou»TBAR-ObD bungalow i til f.nei leaped with lovely tree, and dowering telenre kltehen i "replace, tile ' htth tattiR, nil kfat: twn-rnr Klinik'F. Shnlllrl irhoiil. Living room, dlnlnt room Ihruhi. RB f.1114. RUM8ON—Excellent relldentltl are* reer.atlnn room baHement, oil heat: III,- go C I. for 113.40(1. Knl.tr,n Watrr- SECTION I. This ordinanet aatll Uke UNFUIINISIIED—rive-room apartment. Inl large modern kltehen. wltk mod- detp lot, tppronlaittely ig.foot (font' kitchen; three bedroomi, hath: gtrtge •rT.cl twenty (20) d*y. c'ttr Ik* I'll ern range, living room, two bedrootni, 100. Htlgh Atmcy. ]5? Broad it., XI kury Iteil'.ur, ID Wot I'mnt il, RB • 11,0110. Schinrk Agency, I Llndun pi., Avnil»blo tiow, Inquiru The T.rrat. ATLANTIC HIOHtANDS—Una, w.ll •I*, ipltndld lurmundlngn. Near bun, H-4IB', 1.1808.* |*10 • publication thertof tfter flr.al Pttftgt At'tx., Spring it,, Red Rank. RE 1.444* bath with ihower orir top, Full dr built kouie. Good condition. Belt •akooll, Owner aiklng 11,300, Chtrle HE 1.01*7, M provided kr Mid Loctl Bond Law. itr__ato_^upcrlntpndent on prtmliea, kllement with two laundry tubn ol neighborhood. Overlook! Bay and Aandr Iween.y Agency, Monmouth tvt LITTLB SILVER—Nurmanay eolonltl LITTLB SlIAtll IUIME-V.t',1 tun- YEAR 'ROUND one.lamlly home; t... hiat. Beautiful lot, Juit mltilife He SlatMM*! V iJ liNlsfTED—Two large modern roomi Hook, flood tranlportatlon. AT 1 Phone RU 1-1411, lnne Hvlng room, (lrepl.ee. terrace - ItructcH reslili net'; five riionif, tile block, from ocean: Ave mlnuttl t* ilclp.l Bank: 110,100. Call RE HUH, omi.w.» bath, flri'iilacr; vximnKinti nltic, full cel- rnlt depot anil Asbury Park High lehool Th* unlctpal boad ordlt*net!pub- \v th tintbrnnin; new refrigerator, hot MCTION-oTB.il bank. Fou7 dining room, kitchen, pantry: thne hid- llakad hareiwith «u Inttly DMK : r mil oil hent. Bui at eorneri II RUM5ON ROAD—Lot IIOKJSO. Beauti- ATLANTIC HinHLANI>8—A trn.fimlly nvmkiironmir , two tlla liathn. antomatlo roomi, firming mnm. twii hatht: mild'l lar. Screen", storm lfl-»h, vrnptlim •tnne'i tlirnw from 1'eal take, Four kid Sent. 4th 1991, and the twentr-day par* "utr* tn Hed Rnnk; Duiltieia cuuult ful location. Price 14.808. Rollton 'neome property; nine roomi, kathi, heat. Owner will lake two-thlrdi mort- room and balh. Alklng laj.Sllu. Excel- blind", Attnrlinl nirnirc; Sll.'.ll". Knl- rnnmi, llvlnc room, dining room, flr.' ltd at limitation within which t suit te. n.r", ni'il No pen; Its per month. KB Waterburr, Realtor and In.uror, II Wei lutomatla hot water heat: all copper {aye, Phone RE 1-0071. lent value Wtlker a Tlnilall, I* tilt Iton Wati'rhury, Ruiltnr, Id Weil Fl-nnl place, Hied Kitchen, picture wlndowi gar Vront »L. Bed BinV, phone l-'lol. at_ UK ll.:i.".t"i.- tlon or riroceldlng queltlnritnt thl wand- il.l ins.•_ # lilumtilnr, extra lavaturlre: very modern- QUAINT, CHARMlNo, century.nld vll- owe; nil heat. RKL'Llli'iit t'nndlllnn i Im 'ty of mien ordinance can bi commtnt.4 Fwiwt at, RE 4-U«(l, mi'dlnt* iKiiil'ancy. 40* Euclid ivc, AI TIIKKB" BOOHS. fiifnTiWl private \v Imnrnvod: new hot watnr »«« hratitr. lagi home, t'lv. roomi, bath, nm- Rr.n BANK—Six large room, and hith RUMSllN HANOI iiml'i' nmntnu'liiin ; JS iiruvldrd In the Local Bond Uw hat COLONIAL 8(S-R0{)M rrsidrticr, nhur«I. lti«|iri'tinn II to 7 P. M. kitchen and bath: all utllltleii IncluJed place, tunroom, aundeck, three bed Hlflh lot near ocean, on nice itrert! ie* plaeii enrn.r cupbntrdii, enoloiert hit air heal, oil human ont-eir nar Iwii livilriiDnm, l)'i>! Imlli.

Date far t elua artaaan IMI twk a* tM haaaa ar Mft. Wrtta 4. PaU to Cat Pary laONARDO—M«nkM» * th# vera Mri. Victor OraaMnger, Mr*. Miaaletowa Townaaia Aualllarr Pa- lica aaaoriaUoa Tueiday Bight aet Walter Grubb. ir., MM. d Caarlaa J. Waaaaa. US WBkwr «t* Adama and Ml* louiaa Hart*- aaaauac* tke aagag*a»Mt af tha Sunday, Oct. 7, for a clasaaak* ta horn*. Mr*. Nelsoa To4d «ril1 be g b* be 14 at Liouli' grove ea rt. St. lattar'a aeugfctar, Mlai NelM CUaa- Bab Hawkiae aria aaaoed ckalraaaa hostess t* th* club aext weak aatk rirakack, t* C»l. Marry Kea- Carl Btckmann Member* »f th* Ladle*1 ' Aid ea-i«tfc Vary, aaa ef Mra Ma EIKTRKALSEKVICE of th* arraagmeata «**a*aitt*e. eletjr af th* Reform** church will The bak* will atari at II »eoB. .Void an all-day meeting Tuesday Meeting it the greeahoua* claitv '.A th* church room*. take vlata Beat. M. room at th* high achool here, th* Mn. Harold Petty la a gueit auociitioa heard 1*» appointment thii week of Mn. Andrew Vaa- of Chailei Obrrlin of Floanax ave. Dyk* at Chrlit ehurrh rectory. achaat «f aunaiag aad K MMim (.WML MM7O0 POWM MOWMtt a* secretary t» replace Norman: Roy Martin aad hli son Jam** at tha Haaard hacaital. Cp). Fair I* Laughlin of East Keamkurg, who of Washington, P. C, were guest* a •teaser af tha Alt rare* a*d i* •MOM HD BANK reiigned, due to the preaa ef hull-1 last week oP Hero)* War*. •Uttaaad at MeOwlr* Air •A J. Stanley Thara of Nave- j Mr. and Mm. Irving Hanra, Jr., baa* at Fart Dl«. a!nk River r, Oct. », at th* high af PlainAcld were Labor Jay Jeaa HIMMII. aad MM. WI school, week-end guest* of Mr. Matthew*' thii Mreuga; MM. Ma *»• parenti, Mr. an« Mn. W. IrvingMr». Raymond Hill, Mra. Oeara* Oprn Hauw §ept. 15 Matthew*. r*ry and Mia* Edith flary, BatM- HHJUHOUS mTHB fRENCr Mri. George Htrtman left ye*- town; Mra. Herhert MeMall*, COCKTAIL HTi At PrevetitoriiMi terdey f*r Hawthorn*, where ah* Keaachurg; Jaaaahiaa leaaarat*, Opening Announcement rARMINODaiJt—Aa aaa* koiiM ia h*ad af th* department af mu-Mtu Viviaa I*»fare.t*. aad Mas Paper Temela • Gsastera • Paper Napkins Saturday, Beat. It, free* t te I » •ie ia th* irhooli, after ((ending Mildred Cardilla, Atanry Mr*! m . will mark the brfianiac of tkcth„e (utnmf„ r her*. , Mn. Jaaevh Ortm end Mia* Theresa 42d year «f operation «f the Tu- Mn. Mary C. ifitkt thii week Carbon*. Lang Urameh; Ml** Bar- berrulosin prevfntoriuat for chil- moved from the Bitchoff apart- hara Firehsek, Oeeaaaart; Mia* •ane'n* wmm dren hert. Mri. Alfred W. Heninen, t to riuahing, N. T Her ajrand- Utulr»ul*Me ruiara and MMMM M*r« Daa- Leete leaf line'eri vice prccidrnt and chiirni'an of the aon, John I^rke, Jr., waa a week- leli, Nutley; Mn. Dalaraa Hantan, tot I M receptioa committee, aaid the oc-end guest here. Neptune; Mia* Jaai Watherca, let* raaion will alao be uted to prevail Plant were made Tueaday It a Deal, ana Mia. Waltar naaaa, Ha- la the many pairona and friekaa tt aneetlneeting iatt ChrlaChrlitt churchurhh rectorrectory ] hahea. WALTER S. THOMPSON'S Nstebeeit tha preventorium the new tuperin- for the entertainment ef Biihoa tendent, Mri. John Whitdeld, who Hudson of Nfwcaatl*, England, 35.A mimoum ST. ICO BANK took charge af UM ateaey laat wha will viilt the ehureh Thur*- **. May. She it ably aaitated by Plilth) day, Kept. ST. when » auaaaf '* Fnnoa, builneei manager. hi* honor will he h*l«\ Th* Mihoa To H«4el Carai Party SPECIALIZING IN THE NEW The preventorium la a at-year- I* viliting colanlal churche* in aid agency, non-aectatlan, which th* United "tatn In celebration The aaaual welfare card party. IUMSON STATIONIRY give* health building care to needy of the cpon*or*d hy th* United WaMM'i boyi and firla between the agr« for the GIFT 4 TOY SHOPW of 4 and U who ire referred to it from tuberculoaii eliRiea, Pngrnt On River Road Ne»t to Oar Fnrnwr of the prevfntnrlum will He tnH CHILDREN'S FINE vii. Ooas* Neek Palat, and Mr*. orrs niDUi TILL • r. M. in an todreai by Dr. Arthur Hey- bury imong othen. Basil B. BruM, Laag •riMh, ar* HOMt Or MAIM!ABB CABM man, noted pedialrlclan, wha !• TKAMHWi chairman ef the medical heard. ea-ehalr*a«n. Senior ha*t*HM at* Mrs. Jas- eph C. Irwin aad Mr*. Uwl* B. WALTER S. nOIMQI^ l*r«f>. IMam for the annual trip ta NewThompson, Had Bank; Mr*. Dor- York city were made Friday at th*man MeKaddtn, Lang Braneh; meeting of the l*a>a' auxiliary Mn, J, rtniatn Wm»l!er. West at Brcvent Park and Leonardo Long Braaeh; Mr*. Richard «taut BALLET ART SCHOOL fire company at the fire house. Mri. and Mra. Oaorga Baweh, Aibury Roue Kovelesky was named chair- Park; Mn. Vletor Qraialnger and man of the arrangement* commit- j Mr*. Thorn** T. Morford, Middle- HELA SI.AMNSKA tea for the trip, which will be heHtown; Mr*. Elvin Hlmmill and Mn. Saturday, Oct. 13. She will be aa-Merril' l Thompson, Belmar; Mri. from HiUKT DE MOSTK CARLO «bted by Mr*. Rosemary Kerrigan. | Alfred W. Beadleston, Bhriwibuiy; Plans nlso wr;« diacuBsnd for aMrs. Eugen* Oara*lla and Mr*. card purty to be held Friday, Sept. Prter Cartmell, Rumion; Mrs. 21. Hostesses will he Mm, Mary I Charlei Btephtn, Little Bllver, and FALL CLASSES Malr, Mn. Anna Meyer, Mrs. MaeMr*. Roadie Bucknum, Bet oirt. Murphy and Mis. Ednit Supicntkl. The auxiliary'! next regular meet- Junior hoiteaie* are Mr*. Harry ing will be held rriday. Bept. 38, Clayton, Sd, Rumcon; Mr*. Carety FORMING when MM. Mary Albrrtaon, Mr*. Vtdilla and Mri. J. Bpa" Jeffries, Eleanor Blerne and Mri. Amelia Red Bank; Mn. RUIMII Bodlur, Orimm will he hoiteases, Mr*. Mr*. Harry Evans, Mrs. franklin FOR BOYS AND GIRLS Orimm alao will be guest of honor Clark and Mis* Patricia Evan*, at a birthday party. Mrs. Kovcleaky Lcng Branch. wai guest of honor at a birthday party which followed Frlday'i BALLET. TOE - TAP - CHARACTER buiinesi aeision. A guest thii week of her son and FOR STAGE AND TELEVISION laughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- iam Heffernstn, Jr., at their home Miss SaRy Says: PROFESSIONAL TRAINING AND nn Viola ave., la Mrs. Katherine' Hrffernan of Jenry City. ! 0*aaf^^^H Mr, tmil Mrs, llrnry Abram* of ORIGINAL ROUTINES fiola ave. are apendlnx two week*' aeatlon at Seaaide Height*. TEENAGERS CUSSES TO DEVELOP Labor day week-end guests of, Mr. and Mr*. Joseph Brady of Ltff" GRACE, POISE AND CHARM Center ave. were Mr. and Mrs. REDUCING COURSES FOR WOMEN Marry Hanson and their daugh- Fttturttj vtry if#Ki#ly ftr ters Gloria and Patricia of Mcr- SPECIAL CLASSES FOR PRESCHOOL AGE ick, l> I. Mr. and Mis. John DorDer of i • BROAD STREET RED BANK Newark spent Sunday at their cot- j tage an Center nve. PHONES RE 4V3676.M and RE 6-9728 Quests laat week of Mr. and Mri. Joseph Miller fif Center ave, 7.30 Mr. and Mr*, Roacoe Evert and ftfladfJiiaaltflal their »on«, John and Robert, re- liviVjBajpBjIfaap turned Sunday to their home at Battle Creek. Mich, end cut.) After spending several months In Newark, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad On Tuw*)*yt and Ttwndayt Retch returned last week to their home on Hamilton ave. Omits last Thursday of Mr. and r Mr*. Stanley Komelskt of High- you may have an land ave. and Mr. and Mr*. George Kevelski of Brevent *ve. were Mri. it not MMigh to diftinguitli A. Kordomeitko, her daughter, An- ••pointmtnt at his geline, and her gnnddaughter. Mary Ann, of Wyandotte, MJch. aiSe'deeU Mr. and Mra. William Ring and their aon William, Jr., (pent th* week-end at their bungalow on Center ave. Its the It-inch 7* COLOR GRAPH Week-end guest* of Mr*. Laura MISS SULLY m <«,*» •«• fewi Orove* at her home on Burlington ave. were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Almond and Miss garah Kckert of HAIR STYLIST Efflngtnn, Pa.; Mrs. John Wsrrf>n of Waldon, N. Y, and Jtra. Paul 31 MAIN ST. WHY YOU CANNOT RELY ON COLOR PangBorne of Ciimden. afCHOOMMAKMSTONC OCEANfORT • About 42 per etnt at men'*) cloth- ing manufactured in tha Unltid 34011 Mate* I* made In New Tork city.

^^M ^M • Its now only

•MMUt UdMWWMMi m Therc'a a proverb—"Never •cttfe foe leu thaa tht beat" —and you get the very best ^ with the RCA Victor new 10ANB POI ONI WMK ONLY FairleM. The cabinet it a rairaefc!Th e $ JS MBjT9rVtD#r otn through IJTB picture* sre wonderfully elear tad steady, lodted-in-pioe*. The aew Fair* New only 299 field (Model 7T122) looks better... is See the exquMu preaentation ol colored gems in the ColorPlmw Chaitii farpea k HIM He* ta weak itfMl area* at •Mittoaal ta identify gom by color alone! •Ml af oailf $30. See M fardetaib : AA IB*M ta* RCA VleWe r**Mr4m ie* Cm: Bat you, a layman, aren't expected to be able by casual observation to ar- Well, there's no more waah .. * lint Utere'e not Mel «i*(ria| eipwl ub*aina laatalbliaa a** «ui«t«*aaM... *f alUlik to RCA Victw mwm. rive at conclusions which oar Htptttrtd Jtweltr reaches through Ms yean much of YOU left either! Better call us for next week'a laundry. Prompt piek*up and de- of scientific study and experience. Hit identification of ferns is based on livery service. Call Red Bank 6-2228 } BETTER exact and established methods. Hit knowledge safeguards your purchase. CASH AH9 CM*¥ tMlt 18% < Be sure your consultant on gem purchases is a jeweler specially educated to ywi* NION LAUNDRY HOUSEKEEPING SHOP VCUANINO • UUNDNINa • *IM I Red 46 Monmouth $1 Rtdlank ReussiUes Plenty of Free Parking Space In Rear of Store on White St. BI0ISTI1ID JIWILII AMIRICAN OIM SOCIITT PHONI Ml 6.4310 OMN FRIDAYS TIL *:00 mm n\*% wwmr,*, g, tut Kenny Drive On Hi »• Mahone*/f Mark V. To Fight Polio BUNSON-Bfr. aad If* Ferrr 35th AnnirerMry WE'RE STARTING NOW aW lafa^B JiB^aayA d)J i. EX at T» Lafarctta at kav* aa- - Mr. ewd MM. HD BANK fer the Sister mm»et4 tk« ••(M*ai**t •* tfetlr Mattitaar Makeaay ef Ntm Terk Kaaav findaltaa eaaaaelga. are «a«gkt*T, MIM Joam Eli, raise the (wade t* tght aer party Maaday at Te Cettega aad Scfeati tnaa pan* «M aerva Belie vtctleae. The •M* arc. •""" •••• •« aowvereatj ^mm *lruaions, ao more mtinlf naawa Pa*. Alfred C Drieeeil. Ameaf the gveete were the eea- / ple'a aeae-la-law aad daugkten. Mr. e«oa». at dalag aa eaoeptlssia! lob and Mn. Richard Oenaertr ef New SB the Keaar Vfcwadatleei drive," Terk etty aad Mr. aal Mre. TtMeaae ataaidlf tt sfarvtt L Kttae, ea- riyaa ef Breekiya ana Miaa Mar- $. Only ALMYI ua«a th* cx|NMia»cbannel. otwtrMTdtraater at the Hater Kea- Jerte Maheaey, a realitut aaclal worker at Oak Ridge, Tenei. nun %jP ftHsje aada the f. Cvtry window ia cutlom at tha Bastera Area Mr. aad Mra. Maheaey have lea* haadejuartefa, SM fifth taken aa active pat la eaaamuedty rellgtoae and eoeial eveata here. to areaeklrr attain," Mr. Mr. Maneney la a atembar at tha eoatlaaed, ""tor Xew Jersey Amcrican-Irieh Hletorlcal aeciety aad the Ancient Order ef HtWrrt- Our wal Imtwa atwmmuw OOOt CANOPY i« far year raurie) af tbt litter Keaay easBpaiga, far aaa af New Terk city. Theodore the atatara area Hater JUaar It- Dirk ef Ualea and ieeeeth J«,a- R*VfeF«W*iTer^ ^T VJVA w**^v^ST| *VS| IVIn VJnfj Wa^^* e^tvj^PtwJT vrj VvVMtw VWV* •ttttte la to Jeraar CHy. KtHto leaaky af Jackeen Hclghta, Leag alwayt a alaaswe far ta ta tsa tiland. arraaged the dinner aad rfaarway wuf al yaar ravnej. Prtttctt yaur fuatfi, avaid* icy tfett gratt state da ta well. Oev. aaea haute. DrleatU'a terepttaee af tha easv ttas*. AeWt Mayfy at wti at arategfian (a yeur htmt. •—— Fd JL MCtfUT. MC palgt heaerary ehelrsatashlp was t Si MUM Lydia Kateaheutel, daughter ef TIM Ualted States hM atarlv •> Mr. aad Mn. Alfred KetMheuttl celebrated her third birthday Sun- H«vt ytu tvar ttmidartd INSULATION it yeur Home? Our EA6Lf-*ICH|R MUt 01 It a pa4«ata af Ru»- day at a party ef friends and meav INSULATION it famtw tWauaSaut tht U. S. Our awn tiport imttllari, imtail barti •M hiffk ackaol aa4 it caiplayM here of the family. by tbt ProcreHive Life Iiuurance Mra. Herbert Plnney and family, cowpuiy, Red Bank. Mr. Maine, Hartford, Conn,, were week-end wha M aUo a f ruiuatt of Bumton gueete of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. let ut tjivt you an titimttt tn thi taava ittmi, without etliqation <• you. PHONE kilk ichoal, la ROW aervltig with Stacker. Ida V. 8. Ntvy at Ktwaort, R, I, Miaa Maria Koakey hat returned OR WRIT! TODAY tr coma in tt tee ui. TWO TO FOUR WEEKS DELIVERY. Ha «tta ha* bat* act far tha »••• from Hollywood, Cat., attar spend- MARGERY ing tha summer there. Mr. and Mra. Arthur Marauet and daughter Eleanoi apent two CMP AMI MAIL THIS COUPON Allanti«JigblMMls "' weeka visiting Virginia Beach and CARROLL Sheila Joy Holta, daufht.r a( Atlantle City and touring tome SICKLEft ALUMINUM BUI DIM. PKODU.;,* southern etatea. Mr. an< Mrs. Walter HolU of M HIGHWAY 3S. ASIURY PARK. N. J. Bay ava., eelebratel her fourth The junior choir ef tha Method- let church held a picnic Tuetday blrth«»y Wadnetday of l»rt week. I am inttrtittet in Window! • Detti D SCHOOL OF MUET Oueati at a party on the law* at at Cheeaeejuake park. her home, where deearatloM wara Robert U Becker, son of Mr, in yellow and while with cut *,,*- and Mn. Lsult Becker, celebrat- Canopy • ImuUtion • • ELEMENTARY an an tables, Included Doiuthy ed lila aeeonil Mi Unity Friday at FWumha, ftheryt Wolf, Joe| Wald- a party. Attending were Jamie NAMI man, lutan Plniky. Bhannon Oru- Corrigan, Candace Corrlgan, Lynda • INTERMEDIATE har, Richard Plnsky, Theodore Gelpke, Larry Morgan, Mra. Aud- ADDRESS Becktr af Uang Branch and rey Morgan, Mra. Joan Corrlgnn, Thamaa lieanaM, Michael Karp. Mra. Mary Getpke and Bohert'a CITY • PROFESSIONAL Richard l*onard, Maraha Karp, gnndmother, Mrs. Lillian Clark, Roberta Krlniky, Fraddla Krlntky, New Monmonth, Emma Conaver, Penny Oreferaon, Mr. and Mra. Walter Ruteh, Oenevltve Conovtr, PhyllM Mur- Newark, Mr. and Mra. drover Mar- BAI1XTONLY phy, Bertha Conover and Craig tin and Mr. and Mra. John Per- ContoYoy af Atlantle Hlahtanda. rence, Jenty City, were week-end Other fueata war* Mr. aad Mra. holiday gueatt at the home of Mre. Sickler Aluminum Building Products Samuel Walnkofiky, Mr. ana Mn. Emily Hamilton. Mr. and Mn. E. Hyman Holta, Mn. JoMph Paluna- ROUTE 35, NORTH OF ASBl'RV CIRCUS Tatars., Frl. A Sat. oo, Mra. Larry Wolf, Mn. Abra- A. Foley. Union, spent Bunday ham Waldman, Mn. Abraham hen. ALLMAROLL AWNINGS — MOWING — SWING Backer, Mn. Mllford Plntky and Mr. and Mre. Donald Conroy en- STUOIO Mn. ElMnbar* ef Long Branch; tertained Monday at a barheeue Mn. Andrew Lynch af Long la- supper Mr, and Mra. Oraham TAKE Of TO 1154 TO MY NONE JL f. MHO land, lira. Daniel Stein af Red Rockefeller, Mr. and Mn. John Bank and Mra. C. Conaver, Mra. Kronenberge.-, Jr., and family, C. Charlta Conaovoy, Mra. Seymoar B. Lohaen, Mr. and Mra, B, Kra- M M—aMllfc ft Krlniky and Mra. Mai Karp ef nenberger. Mr. and Mrs. John Atlantle Highland*. Leach and family, Mr. and Mn. Joseph Rohemo, Mr. and Mra. Mar- Memhera ef tha Junior Ameri- tin Lohaen and family and Mr. and Mts. Waller Conroy. At River Road Radio & Television *« can t*fton ti»»tl»ii taam were fueet* ef Randy Hook Bay poat Mn. Mary Barber and daughter mtmbert Tueiday night at a din- Mary spent the week-ena with Mr. ner at tha Log Cabin inn where and Mrs. Henry Urban, Jersey PHONE RE 0-1417 they wara prattntcd tie cltipa City. aultaMy Inaerlbed after winning Mr. and Mra. Howard Opdyke tr $-014411 fourth plaea thla taaaon In league entertained at a picnic at th.tr play. P»it Commander Ouatare summer home In Milford over the Hutanltia racelvad, on tha poat'a week-end and holiday. Attending behalf, a trophy from the eouaty from hare were Carmen Opdyke Legion, ud Jack Mount, team and Toung. eaaefc, received a gift from tha Touth fellowship ef the Method- taam. Ouerta at the testimonial let church conducted a trip to dinner wera Mayor Waldron P. Coney Island hy bus latt week. Smith and Donald English of The group returned home em the Mount-Engllah Salea company, Keaasburg boat. Clave* members Red Bank, a ayanior af tha taam. wen In tbt party. Taam wembara at tha dinner were Mr. and Mrs. John Kottteh and PHILCO TV Peter MeVey, John OenntrelN, eon of Irvlngton spent the waek- Tony BUvela, Tomy Papa, •v... at New Low Prices! Stavola, Fred Menkena. John L»f- ROM had at vttlton over the week- tua, Harry Sage, Edward Donahue, end Mrs. Rose Stelnert and Mrs. Erneat Behnaevogl and William Sarah McQuillan ef tha Broew. Sehwellier. Port membtra who at- tended tha dinner wen Edward Mr. and Mrs. Herbert PhtlUpt. Townttnd, Kenneth Wilion, Oeorge Irvington, were guests over the Leddy, Harry B. Murtha, Robnt week-end af Mr. and Mra. William Abrann, Oena Allen, Charles Leih- Turner. f You are er, Dale B. Otto and Walter Ploelc. Mra. Martha Ruhman and Ma Henry and MIM Kathryn Ruhman attended the V.F.W. parade ta New York. aVIford Mr. and Mrs. Richard Beak an 6 spending this weak at their sum- Brenda Fowler, daughter af Mr. mer cottage at Mllford Lakea. Mr. and Mrs. B. Fowler, celebrated Beak ia enjoying a three weeks' picture ^Interested her alxth birthday Tuesday at a vacation. lawn party. Present ware Irene Mrtt Benjamin Andraach and (Milan, Ljmne Wallace, Carol Lew- daughter June attended the wed- It, Jane Runyon, Jaek Oakley, Ma- ding of Mra. Aadraaeh'a nephew, rie aad Jamea Toung, John Mo- Robert Rittweger, to MIM Joan Oarron and Jerry Fowler. Oroas Saturday in Irvlngton. A .95 Mark Allen Irwln, son of Mr. reception «u held la East Orange. In.lnterest on aad Mrs. Raymond Irwln, cele- brated hit first birthday at a fam- MIM Marjoria Wyawn haa re- ily party Sunday. Attending were turned from a two weeks' vaoatlon Wvrmtylun A Mn. Blanche Balr, Bt. toufi, Mo.; spent at Miami Beach, Fla. Mr. aad Mn. Evantt Allen, River Mr. and Mrs. Frank DtBalvIa TAX INCLUDW Plata; Mr. and Un. Clay Balr and and daughter Diana of Rahway ton, and Bonnie Warraek. spent tha week-end wits MM. Kit* Constantino, Your Money- Btentor, a native ef early Oreeet, Mrs. Robert Thome aad Mn. was aald ta have a volte as loud Raymond Swans spent thrte days aa that of 80 men. The word, last week with Mr. and Mrs. Ray- "stentorian," derives from him. mond VaaNote of Irvtngtoa. Here's the newest in TV. '« .. then, by all meant, deposit It In a Merchant* Famous Pbilco Balanced Co Beam picture plus super- 78 Trust Company Savings Account... for Merchants power duplex chassis, specially-designed so that B\o«k it's adaptable to receive «*l Trust pays full interest on ALL ACCOUNTS ... any newly-proposed U.H.F. stations or color large or small. Yon are not penalised by a reduc- programs in black and white. 8ee the Philco 1610 tion in interest when your account exceeds a speci- -iuat out! fied amount, as there Is no sliding scale. Your money should be earning f uU dividends ... if it Is not, we Invite yon to open an aeeount today and QUALITY NEW 17-INCH gala the EXTRA advantages offered by this bank. ALL-WAYS Philco Coniolt INTEREST 19 PAYABLE Sensttiotul console value-tne Philco 1839-with OCTOBER 1 and APRIL 1 (amoua Balanotd Baam picture—ATe Blurl iVa Smear/ ••IIy§fy Complete with Built-in Aerial in Mahogany-nnieh low MIT si • • w your ifll* eontole cabinet. Come in, ate it now I •Muranco of our quality eyvr-"•fl t • • olwoyi* RIVER ROAD RADIO Call Red knk 44203 to- day for Prompt Flck-up! & TELEVISION, Inc. iff liver Reed Fair Haven. N. J. DONALD'S DeLUXE PHONI (I 0-4147 "•" •""»• «""• 44 MARION ST. TEL. RED BANK 6-0203 Immediate Delivery • Phone for FREE HOMF TRIAL whim fmmumm m mi Exempt Firemen Officer* and Director, of ihe Keanaburg Taxpayer! Aaaoriation To Meet Sunday Many queetiooa concerning benO- Rt* of th* enema* Rremen will be dlteuaoed by etat* ofllccrt at * Betting of th* Momnouth County EOMnpt Firemen* uaociation, t-> be held Sunday at 2 30 p. in. at the Freehold llr* house. tUILD YOU! HOMI Accord in( to thf aaaociation preeident, JaB« Marry Bennett, Andrew Hutch, pretident of the »Ute aaaotiatlon, will be present. HOWAID' LOAN Accompanying him will be William Dugan and Gilbert Anthony, mem- ber* of the Morri* and Union coun- Ol T. HUNK ty fiecutiv* cenmittee, refpec- MAIN ST. A MATTHON AVI tively. All (Kempt firemen are urged ASKMV »AIK, N. I (ASt4M) by Prriident Bennett to attend Sunday'i meeting, which will pro- vide the opportunity to bear «tate MOWAIO officer* eiplain the funrtiona of uvmt MfmunoN, the etate aworiatlon and to anawrr any quedione about benefit* and other matter* that may be alked by mMnbert. ffiNCB ON itOIH «HJ*iT» MIRRORS DONT LIE! Andrew Bloomer of Columbia avt.. Union Beach, waa lined $5 by Magistrate John V. Crowell yes- Wkm '4tm ymn fcjf ym t // tticd} terday on a charge of carelesa driving. Tha complaint was made by Michael Romano, railroad erosa- iiig watchman at Weat Bergen pi. Romano Mittftcd Bloomer disre- garded hla tignal ta atop at the Hr O«J»E MINI crosaing. Eleie VanBrunt of Oxford ave., TIMf OUT! Fair Haven, waa fined IS for driv- Vacation time lua com* and */"*• ing without a license. She w.ia by laburtl J. KdMr. «WM{.(iM ayaiaW, tt Ida (Int Ha effect* will linger or. That given a tummona after being in- coat of tin and •rnn |y • (e p. volved In an accident Aug. M at tho fart that Oakland and Pearl ata. you have •« murk ftp arc It* aMUBft Fair Hitri flrtmen'e ooftball team* held o BUM toGi*. evidence that 4v rvaai Joint party Sunday at th* flre any man nee*U Mr. Md Mra. PYank Mrigham houae hare. Roy King was InGaoi CfjHPRC at Newark Rom* time off Mm !• •« that lie ran d ehlMren, Her! and Bill, r« h revive hi« Hd- MIGHLANtM! Tha body at BU> urned ta their home in TUMSO, Mra. Alma Ha.vden of TTS River OCBAWOrlT - Or. OoorfO D in* energy and phen Wnldron «f *\Hnto\*, wh« W. T., laat week after apendlng a rd. returned hoaae lait Thur*day Wilkinson of thi* place, a eoneult- ihui iarretee or NIW HOOF wat awept fr«m % boat in K«w ith with Mra. Vrlgham'g ant in manaiement. wilt be the in- eAcienry. after vialting relative* In Phila- structor of a eeurae en "Coat Re- When >eu can York hay near here during latur- mother, Mr*. William Blenheim, delphia. buy !«od at day nlght'a *t«rm, h»a R«t h«mof flair Haven rd. duction Technique* for Offee 1/ W$ m _._ arlcea and then atnre it found an yet. Mia* Mary Montgomery of Arl-Work" to be riven In Newark far lie •* you need it, no mure evi- avmY*sta%l tyLmf Mr*. Chrlttlna Batea *>f Brook- ington returned home Tuesday af- dinning Kept. 34. e Waldron waa waahe4 averboatd yn *pent th* week vialting her dene* it neceattrv to hiahligM th* from the JO-foat aklff Piuka when ter apendlng a month with her vein* ef a FROZrM roon LOCK- brother-in-law and nlace, Or. TA-brother and ilaler-in-iaw. Mr. and Tho course, which It helnit glv ER, ftton' i*. taday end let u« aha* It. tvi* hit hv «rt««, T»» ath«» win r. Stewart and Miia Bern*- en under the epnneorahip ef thi yea ko* a l.«»ei •!» uv* rut who wer* WMkl* id Mr*. John U Montgomery of Fair UNATTRACTIVE BULGES money for >cu . . . anil «a* for din* StcwaK of Fslr Haven rd. H«ven rd. Northern New Jeraty chapter Ktelf »KU» y«y ar* winning the is MST their companion, brsufht tha Society for the Advancement >rie* *ar. Rext Rank OH «t«rage the aklff ts ihnra. Mr. and Mr*. H. Lvnnwood Min- Harold D. Jacob, hunhand ef of Management, haa been deaifned • Leeker Co.. I", Herbert Strett. s* of hlr Haven rd. entertained R«d Rank e.S*O4, Per eeUaaate vitkeal akkf etlea. Three ether men, jo*a*h Caeil- Mr*. Betty .lamb at II Park ave., for »m>e and plant eiecutlvo* In •ember* of th* borough council haa lucceiafully completed leader- th* New ,Ter**y are*, which I* cur- no, Newark; George flhafer, Madl- and their wlv«» at dlnn*r lait SEE US RmmmiliiB & attmVmi CUM. •on, and Herman Cecchattl of ship aehool with th* J#th 8eld ar- rently facing a aertouo ahortag* of IM la* CaM Staraft wtek. tillery battalion, a unit of theaklllad offieo peraennel. 01 H It Orange were treated at Monmouth The UdiM' guild of th* Chapel Memorial hoipital Saturday night Ninth Dlvldon artillery, Fort Dlx. ON Mala «, Aafc«r» Park f-MO* of tha Holy Communion will hold Dr. WllklniOR ha* hod eateMlvo '*"W"«^PW UttifoV fw ni IJckot Ca, JACK NKHOLU after their outboard moterboat It* first m*#tlng of tha fall next Becaua* of rain, th* paper drlv* exptrleneo In th* application of U aterkwrt Btraot Na»mk B*«ck l-jail-R capdted in Rarltan bay about KM Wednetday night at tha **"»*> •cheduled for laet Sunday by th*oeieatlfle manof*m*nt to a wide M*. Aiwr fwmy INUtAVU feet off Atlantic Hlfhlandi. Tha houa*. Fair Haven Lion* club waa poat- range ef commercial, Induitrlol rmiiMofelf — aT— —_ ^. .. .* K JV . • trls wai rescued by Coait Ouarda- pon*d until next Sunday. In CON and caverRmeatal ergMloatiofia i Rev. Md Mra. ChrlatOBher H. A •a.lta%4oaaOR.foa •! men and flahtrmen Snydcr of River rd. left Tuecday of rain tha collection will be mode • coaaultont. Ho wao formerly pn ma morning for th* Pooono RMMR- he following Sunday. Tho club feoier of IMuetrial eogtaetrlag I taiu, **., wh*r* tboy «r* OBoadinf will meet next Thuraday night at th* Newark Oolleto of Eagl • weak. After leaving tha moun- the Willowbrook reetnuraM when tain*. Jtor. and Mr*. Snrdar will plan* for the donkey baaeball game Any protH whleh may bo By All Mtans Stt This Rich Quality Nationally Famous r*v*l throuch New York ttate. Sept. 30 with the Middletown Uoni from the eowoo will go to to* m The Ladle*' auxiliary to Rlv*r- III be dlacutied. The game will Norther* New Jeraey chapter, rl*w hoaplUI will hold Ita nrat fall • played at tha Leonardo achoel non-profit orgoRlaatlon. Oeorgo In- m**tlng Monday night at th* par-fltid. gram, Jr., of Madlooa, lo ' '/ M iah Roue* of tho Cbopol of th* Mr. and Mr*. Kenneth M. Meman of training. GULISTAN CARPET Holy Communion. Queen of Kemp ave. have returned Arthur Davlaon of Olllwpl* ave, from • motor trip to northern New «§»nt nj thi MinhaaU TruM to. M ^WRmmml f tnrnM t» hli jpo»IH»n •* euato- York itmt* and nerthiMtcrn renn- a» dian of tha fir* houa* Tuwday lylvanla. While nway they (pant a Red Bank. aft\B 4%mmBBR%aBB*^atfOBBRaai morning alter two week*' vac»- ew diya with Mr*. McQueen's Bobby Ahem, well known '\Ifltof' (1 iOR. brother and ainter-ln-law, Mr. andakater, I* spending aevtral day Mr*. Uall* Qal* ef Fair Haven Mri. Edward King ef near Hud- thi* week with Mr. and tin. Brae rd. apent th* week-end In Waih- •on, K Y. Mr. McQueen la preil Mipea of Clay it. ngton. D. C, where ah* viaited nlatlvu. R*v. and MM. William B. Mag- •am of River rd. returned home loot Thuraday oitor three week*' vaeotlen In ThouMnd Monde. Rev. UM lo fRiter of tho Method- DONT LET WINTER MAKE A lit church. Tho W.R.CJI. of («e Methedlet Church held U* Brat fall Meeting tut night at the church. The Fair Haven and Rumion TIKES MonKey of YOU Winttr IMI « way of MMaUrwj up Tea algklyetrM kreadleeai ahem afeeve la ea* *f the mnt vspular M on 4h« umutpoctino, * * * Don't lot tt tedar'a OnlUUa aaratta. Not* th* attractive acnll «*alcn. availabl* in Witt. MIH and |NH. TH* aenlptund *f*et aad dalleat* akadlng make* eotch you out on • LIMB, It Meal let ellhw ai*d*ra t tradltlraal temna. SM» thick. eleHly wevra »ll* *f 1»«* veel yaraa will ntala In keaitt «kre«gk tU year*. TRIADS Don't MONKEY oround. G.t your * an. II ft. NOW 73 bin (illod whilt pneot «rt low. M6. $U.« SO. YD. 9 Mora Valiws in 6ULISTAN CARPETS! Get Your HARD CARVED TWIST IROADLOOM WILTON IROADLOOM

100% WOOL TARNI 100% WOOL YARNS Supply Of Totar'* neat eomht after rarpet I* many ', Popular •nroil d«i«n with twn.dlm*i»leii*1 affett. eolor«. Cioaaly woven, Kard-twiat yama aaiure Styled to It any room. 9' width anly. led, keif*, lent wear. iron, and roit. Reg. BII.M VaalHr Haw »*. Yd. aat.M Reg. ftT.M 4italll|> New ta> v«. •!•.*•


Horn* i$ where the Hearth l$! FIREPLACE ACCESSORIES We an •howint a large auortmtnt ef black aad bran and all aalld wi UMX TOP AT MO COAL biaaa nREPLACE FURN1RH1NG1. Many ar* H.corat.r-itfUd aad a*l*et«d from «k* world famona REARTH-CBNTRC eelleatle* . . , BXTaU OOtt a* lovtty that will pan from gmaratiiin te ftneratiaa at tr**a- Re* hooag ptet om fo«g ur*d kalrltena, While LOW SUMMER Stop In and Stt Ser»Bi „ • Ml t* rir*llght*ra ...„...„.....,..„„ Andiron* ...„...... „„ • a.ea a> Caal H«d« „.., n» ht* PRICES Are In Effect •U.M t* «4«.M C*al ar.d Wood OratH •II.M «* fl||.M tftfOd HI ORT twB RtRBO. Wood Baihtu •ran Wood Roa ..._ McKELVEY of Freehold Sukaroomi for GultiUm'$ Fuiunu Rug* Had* in Frathold And for fin* furniture From AnwrtCaVt Bttt Makin MOUNT Sf ABOARD SERVICE 21 WEST MAIN ST.; FREEHOLD, N. J. GULISTAN MILL Itort Hour*: Mondav thru Saturdov 8.00 AM. to 5:30 P.M. NEAR OUR STOW Tin snvici "Serving The Shore" 71 While Si. RMI «U>rt Often Friday Until »:00 P. M. PHONE HI A44M • «. I. 6-024S • A. P. 2-2*20 • LI. 4-3131 *u»g «, mi Pap Ttrirtog* LISTEN TO NUUiWIttl Miltenberger A aurprie* party and ho us* •WEB MVCOT um j^| Betting Records Set Top Comet Pilot wtrariag <**re five* |fr. anil Mra. POWER MOWER SUE tha INHI algat af the aaaual tt. Th*ata* M. Dugea »t ail var Brook Christian Science A«Mt fair a* the eefcaal grouad* Lee MM**ib*r«*r, ealllag «rhite Ml. recently on the rampletion of Ai Factory AgMt't tiftn- •M taster •»•. hart. MM Marjr Ja- At Raceway Claud, eapp** toy honor* af Co*»*t their new home. They rereived Ufca M Say •»•. HifMaade. Maa- meat No. 11 ever th* w«ak-*a< ma ay htmtiful glfta. lnrluilmi a • DiiMMtritvfi • aay aitaraaaa wa* awarded MM wh*a tha f*m*1* *kip**r r»upk\** romplat* Arepltra *»t, Gueeta in- h I ariaa, a *»t FtnM«u 1,44} paint* far th* ****** a crawa. rluded Mr. anil Mre. Chatter Modern La* *1*» flalahed la th* au*»- A4aane. Mr. ind Mra. Charla* Tin- l.\ lark rUt. I >( *• 4 h.p. «H|«>. < llr>K.B Oiw M«ft Pty HEW* ti*r *ae tpat la the Menaioiitii d4ll. Mr. and Mre. William • eaflar*. Haad and trlf-proprllvd. R«at eltih gaal *»aa*lage with .* (.rare aaila«iag Bpat w h ii*i M i avacd »>y tJnaa K. rr*y tf Mill*r»= tre. gnlahed ia fourth apnt wtth hay vi«i*in» Mr. aaniilia hrother-in- LOIS MacMAHON JOICE vllle, r»., and the* rellewla* la 1.I1T painti. law and neter, Col. and Mre A. H. Parker. of Vnirr anrl Piann »«• eighth race with Tepef laat, Quarkenhu*h eaaaa la third Mr*. Mlebaal Dliaviky af Her alee awatd ley Wer. plar* In th* Mir. Until with a rlaburc, Pa . ind her nice*. Naitent IntarnatiantHy Kn»wn Ar+iit A eur#ri*lag I,*** turaed ant far Tl-polnt total. Th* Apy akipeare N*v*k itf I^hmon. P*., ware week- th* *ei>ii-P.*al raelng at/ at th* •gain tied up fourth *p«4 with tT end viailora i« Mra. oiaavaky'e ton Juilliaraj Gr*«yata Frehold Raceway far tha INI eu«- tilliet. and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mra. m*r aetting. Oily a 11-raea Sat- Railing e«mp*tltle>* for paiat Joaeph M. Oaivakv «f rilntoa pi. Private letitwi — Clan Lanani far laai urday pregram remain* at th* (Undlnge •*• elate throughout tha A "rally day" will ht held tt Old eauaty teat *»"»«*« racing aval, entire teeiea whlrh eaehied th* Thrift Eviacapal rhurch tt tha 11 PALISIASOM STAITS SiPT. ITfh with th* raceway idle today aad *kipp*r* to offer *ti*/ ewmpetltloa RADIO ft SUCTRJC IHOf s urvlee Sunday. Sunday- temerraw due te tha Hailt aa a •teh we*k-*ad a,-H«*l «il| hfgin Kept, II. nmsr. HRD RAKK MfMIM. MlM M-day matting. • r p . Mr*, ftarah K. niihrnw »f B**rh- The handle racketed further yee> •MatMaJ Ckaeiaa I. Akwata. Ba>- Starting Fall woad la vlnlina- her aon and PJOTICt - Mil lltlMATIi - erdey when |t9,TM waa bit, cam-' atuka >a*aJ Kapaif ataMea; CM. daugnter-in-lan-, |fr. and Mre. Roh- At w4lM«* entitle*. "An Or4 nen«a H paring with th* I3MTA wager**" O. C. CaatphaM. rat* Maaamnh; In Dog OhHieawc ert H. niibrow. fcafclii the Pttkt** ef MMM aa* fm Yaw !•** "ONI. laat year ea the ii«ii*r paat-Ubar an t Firt of Ntaer rraak N'.»a«, Matt af th* New Th* Rayehara CA*ap*ni«a Dag Th* Mathcr'i rlnh of Old Chriat pri»«," «M Intre4»*e. m at TNI THURSDAY NIGHTIRS II,H lurwuh Bill* My*r »* Hirringtoa, Del,, grtue orT rt. W, Midalttawa. the datt for the Drat mertinf «f TO BK HELP ON NOTICE acared la a phata ever Bd Kelly'* Quackenbueli Copt CIBII ln*»niotlon la given hy tht Mteon for Ho» *»«*< trxoaj !HI. 13 T»| CkrtAur T*»aiV>TV» »Mr4 * •aa O' Up, when Cutty Harmon? Richard H. *,»a,ulne, prnfeaeian*! P. M. Mutation take far eet!e!4 kikitt* fuurr l laa raced name la treat, t* haaet Myer Two Comet Race* ring trtln'r, who hat ronitiirtci Eat4Mltte*»ll •lallinintt tnaente walka ••< ritrfc, att te tteee tnta a runner-up apat tar driving rl«.=#f< in hie own arhnnt In North ••• eJditlaJdil n att t»t a TiataTit n PlPallls MMeatt . Moamouth float eluh •kipper* AT YMCA, RIVERSIDE AVE., RED IANK ftptcifiratiaaa Mr •• oktalnetf it tat with Howard (Mickey) Stake*, Me- Jeney. Mr*. Theader*.Martin, whit nn« j ««c« af the Tlnten rails Krkaal. dina, Ohie, wha went wlnli»« yet- whuektd up the weak-end Ceimet retid** In aahring. PH., a former •ill null ». la tat hta4a ef tka Ola- terday. My*r *ad Makaa trail Kel- winning* with rloh Quackenhmh ms\ m: SHUTS oR •», <(*» ly with IT BrtU e-achi thi Herotigh the neit week-end SUISCHIPTION, . Jl.00 laey a/ill at »u*ll*lr ei>tn*4 it Ika Tin- both morning aad aAtraasa rac«t The ladle*' auxliUiy nf th* Mr* Mr and Mn. rinrenei Utng and Ian falla Icksol. Sunny Hill, owned aad driven by an tht holiday. Tka kVlt« rcurvei tk« right I* f». Mike Larah af freehold, More* ia Saturday, Lee Milttnberger company will meet Monday at tht family if Wimijiitown ***** th* the firet rac* far a 111 pay*" brought htr Whltt Cloud over the home of Mr*. Jamca PJrowa, at holiday w*»k-*nit with Mr. *nd pled with Bill fcla'a Danny Ah- which time offlrera will b* aaml- Mra. W. L**trr WhltAeld. »ituic.oimii. Rnleh Dae In the number one tpot It.41 Mt, with a HS*> aiutuet in th*t» btat out her brother, Hank. Six natrd. final plan* will ha an- Mr. and Mr*. William Orl«th Diairict Clark. •ecaad race, the dally deuale re- other Comett failed to nnlih th« nounced an to th* place and dat* and thlldren and Mta. Derolhy tvraed 1*11.40. of th* »ftolr Mre. Ethel refill?, Davll apent Ilia wi'*li-end in IIX! T«ka aatlaa tkat tpplicitlon kai •*•• race due to th* heavy Wltiri that Mr>. Maritaret Ciadlfy and MraDi:yl*atown. , Pa. Mra. Davl* aptnt it to ika mw>' •»* Cwmrll ef Btd •aln acerel a driving double by kicktd UP and r.apelnd two hotla. Bnk ta tnaaftr la Ut4* R. Madiiiiar, fsllewing with riarlca, awae4 ••n>. N. J , th« Fl R«- Raattl homt for top honnri Sun- will »•«• Mm. Allen K rrawforit, Brown, («il ftinrihutloti lir«m» D.i titrnnfor* M r*tura, btatiag Unel* H«rry t* day tfternoen ta win Hit final lltufil te Ertwirrt J. Morln anil M>rt> r. h* flainh Una. M.R.C. Comet ract af tht taaton. Mra. Carney and Mi*. Brown. The Mr. and Mra. William Rnhintnn «f«n. T/A M»r«i\'« Limmr Ht«t, « Jot Maimiltu, veteran Klniman, auxiliary renlued 12,1 from tlie nf Throekmorton «ve apent the •Minuill 8t»tt. Rta Hank, N, J. Quaektnhush tailed hit Ruapentt ctk* aa.lt held li.at Saturday. Th* week-end in Atlantic City and alae> 8 Objfriiana, if any, thriila1 ka aillt !•• aeared ia th* fourth race with Fal- to leeaad plaet whitt Art Apy «ailliit>b 1* •r'.f.ne. to A. I. IkiM, tat. Mnridg* Bttr far a HIM ptyoff. brought hit ipeetre lata tht ihow next meeting will he Oct. g In viiittd with Mr. and Mra. NlehA- ««•• Cltrk *f «•* lank Charli* timi dreve his Sir Me-I- the Art houae, at which time the l»i flappleje of kukeweod. patitlaa. fire company'! and auxiliary'! l*th Patrolmtn Prank Pner w*a ee- ttDA * Opp l» vletary In tht fifth ract IIM II Mukkirt Fa far aa a»*a mailer »1*tery. annivenary will he obiervtd at an reptcd *a a new member af the annual birthday cavartd dlih IUP- Are company at Tuesday nlfht'a Alt attendance and mutual rac- per. meeting. Mayer P. Blln Priet will NMlea If hankr •I*** tktt tka Taam. arda were eitabllihed at tha rraa- Win. at MMtlng latt night, tht laeal Bey b* haktmatttr Sunday, Sept. 1«. tki* a( *44l»ta»«, i« tka Cmmtjr al held raeewny ever the hiitory- Manaiautii il tka kaMar at • VartiAtMa AQWCDOCT, L I-J*n Burkt't Scout commute* vottd to change at a clambake far mtmheri and •f Trt fait «a« cartrlnf Uti Maakart making week-end at the harnaat Kew jeneybred Se,uartd Away, a thi dat* af a venlaaa dinner for their famlllet. Tha borough conn- 1« »*« IT. In ilaek Mmikar I. an «•» racing aval. Saturdny an* Uhet tht benefit of Boy Scout troop 100. ell will be invited. . •atliM "H— Kasmkiari," IWIMI >• day found a total wagering mark • ta 1 ahot In "The Wait A Bit" MM naait af Ralph F. Fattinan. an4 tkal puree, a ilx-furleng daeh, btat It will be held In tht local gram- Mr*. Btnjamln VanKeuren, Mr •nlieatlaii ka» k*«n ma«a la kka Tawn. at tM,4K> far the tw. day* of Quillatln*, Oreentre* atabtti' crack mar tchool cafeteria. Tha dinner and Mrt, Philip Werner and two •kit CataailttM ta laka «a tNimmaiit haraet* racing. Tha new handle •f Ika aal4 Cartilcata af Tax ••!• an4 f*ur-y*arold eolt yeaterday aftir- wea te have beea held Saturday, children and Mr. and Mra. Fred Mark wa* eataUUhcd Monday wkca Sett, at, hut a number of tht far all Ika HIM 4ua (lltl.tl) tkaraan: tMl,«M waa wagtred, betting th* 8. Marrlt held a family plenle tut Ika Tavntkla Ca»»lW« of tki fl4juared Away wan by a half committee will bt away that day yeaterday at Metedeconk. 5aantkia af MMilM.M will taniUtr Ika retard that had her, ajadi Satur- at a firemen'* affair la- Treatea. Mi4 aapll'itlan at tk« nut «i*ftlni a( day when IU4.IU we* poured doiea length* with Jockey Erie Mr. and Mn. Herbert Marahlll Oar Gallartraa tka Tavaikl* Cnmnillca la ka kali an Ouerln In the "addle. Bquared or Weit Upton, Maia.. war* week- af Eulaahe PaMerat Isattmair II, tilt, at 1:1a aVlock In through tha mutual window!. Away, trained by O, C. Winfrey l» end gueatt of Mr. and Mrt, Rty tkt aftrrnao*. at Ih. Tnwnahln Caajmil- Saturday'a erawd «a« l.ltt, tin- Eaai Keanaburg ar lha Nallaw'i taa raam la tha MUdlrtown Townakla by Piping Rock-Itnptratrice end Tupper. Ment Fataami 9ll«rtaaiihhi Mall, « »nl«h tint til Mrtlat Intaraita* der the more than 1,300 figure mad* wnt brad by Mrs. Jtmia Purdy of Mn Ktnlly Ohtrl* »nt*rtaln*d Mra. Cerolint Shaw la vacation- will akaw cavta ta the a«IH Tavnakia fteturdav, Aug. ». but Monday th* Holmdel. Mr*. Purdy III tht dnugh- Clttawill akawa cavtmk?a Mlta * aaie a«IH t Tvnkkl over th* we«li-(nd Mr. and Mm.ng from her poaition with Twin Camailttaa mk? Ml aaimatat tkault fane emaihtd taUtlng ratardt for Ur of tht lat* W. H. LA Rnyttaux, J«mea O'Hart, North AtUngtaa, Boro Pedtral Saving! and Loan ami u«« nut wide ei. attendance when I,M waa re-whett Holmdel hrttding farm wta who »lao »p*nt ill laet wttk here; anoclatlon. •eritnee in helping ran aim your ft on* of tht matt farnaua In the Mr. and Mr*. Oe.org* Aataa aad parted. Mrt. Edith U«1* and Mrt. Cora Sterling airvlea, ? The tabar day llgure* compared ceuatry. ton, Nutley, and Mr. and Mr*. Mar- Wagner will leave for Boaton, with th* crowd of S.H5. with wa- rii Oooldfooi, Jiraty City, Man.. Monde* whan they will at gerlng at turtts on th* 1NA ta- 11 TEAaW OUt Otorgf Mead*, New Tork. apent tend the aatlonal convention of the bor day. Thome* Moore, ton of Mr. tndthe week-end and holidty with hit Soat and Daughtere of Liberty In 4 PIECE While the tabar day «gurt» Mrt. Joaeph Moor*, fluntet way, ntphew, Robtrt Evtna, and family. the Hotel Ktnmore. They art ei- E. R. 5 N Y D t R 8. CO Brought the Inereaae In handle ta Kaet K*tmburg, obterved hie ltth Mre. William Dowd, Ung In-ptcted ta return the following •UCE SITTINw M.I. tha feat Ubor day tteard birthday Wtdneaday of lut wtek land, wat a gueit aver the week- Thureday. ytgtirday a«Rt tbi gewon'i averaf* with a ptfty at nit horn*. OueeU end at the home of Mr. and. Mn Mr*, nenevliva Behwtrti hie re- up ta 41 i. wera Joseph Moore, Jr. Charlie Patrick Keating. urned ta hir Crtaford home after INSURANCE Th* li-race card Saturday It e»-and Johnny Wright, Billy and Mr. and Mra. Wittiitm Pureell pending a month with her ilatir, p*et«4'to further booit th* 1151Carol Hyere. Peggy Oardella, Harly vliited over tht week-end their Mra. Annla Reynold! of Houth «t Tix Included llguree. Th* aeaion'a hand!* In and Dickey Riehtrdion, Babby daughttr at tht Saerad Heart eon- Mr. and Mrl. Oearge Wlggi and 1H#. tht prtvloui hlgti had been Malnei, Tina Silow, Danny Oentlle, vent, Pa.i1 River, Ma«t. daughttr Sharon have rtturnid to 1 I1 U A I S A I ll.4S4.oon. Already more than 11 ,• Edwtrd Johnion, Mr*. Pauline Tht Cubi will reiumi their meet* heir South Carolina hama and •41,000 hat been tent through the Carey, Mra. Mary ntehtrdion, Mn. inn for tht fall next Wedntiday. Mr. and Mr*. Oeaa Qrigory have mutuel wlndowt during th* pree- Mary Wright and Mr*. Margaret Mr*. Ralph Raub. Middletswn, returned to their home in Minne- Lambtrtton. N. T., I* viiitlng Mr. and Mnapoli. s Minn., after vlsitinp; Mr*. Nilaon Rauh. Mita Anaitaaia Ktlly Wigga* and Mn, Oregary'e oarenti, Tn W0. Denmark Imported mar* of Newark and Mr. and Mr*. John Mr. and Mn. William HutUng. than 1«,000,

AT GIVE-AWAY PRICES PMRI* MlCHANII C ITIIIf RAYONS •lOIANK.N.i, SCHOOL Jutt off Broae) St., eppetitt Bostonians Merchanfi Truir Co. link 100% VIRGIN WOOL FLANNELS, 58" wide .3.29 yd. MENSWEAR GREY FLANNELS, 60", all wool ...2.98 to 3.59 yd. Ttbw ModtlSi Consows ft CorabiMiKNis PART.WOOL AND ALL-WOOL CLAN PLAIDS, 58" 2.29 to 1.29 yd. ALL WOOL WORSTED GABARDINES. S6" 6.30 yd. SUCH FAMOUS MAKES ASt ALL WOOL WORSTED JEKSKYS. 5 I" 3.29 yd. HCA • DLMONT • PH1LCO • GE FAMOUS CROMPTON CORDUKOVS, 36", 15 color* 1.63 yd. EMfiRSON • GROSLEY • MOTOROLA IMPORTED ITALIAN VELVETEEN, vclvel (inMi. 36" 3.93 yd. STROMBERG^AHLSON • FADA 17.9S DAN RIVER GINGHAM PLAIDS, wri nkUhed, 3*" 1.19 yd. An. Many Othtr FaiMW Mabt UNCONDITIONALLY WASHAHLE U AYON PLAIDS, 39" 1.49 yd. WMHMAANB LIKE-WORSTED RAYON SUITINGS, 42" to 60" 1.39 to 3.29 yd. SANFORIZED COTTON BROADCLOTH*), 36". all color* 69c yd. «n«| WnllV HwT NOTE: Only at BASKIIS'S, "largest fabric ntorc along the shore" will you Guaranteed to Be In Working Condition for th$ emit comfort $kl find all of the following: • MONMOIJTH COUNTY'S GREATEST SELECTIONS IN WOOLENS, Simplicity ii tha note of elegance. CaMitot** OPEN EVENINGS PARKING COTTONS, RAYONS, SLIPCOVER AND DRAPERY GOODS TILL 10 P. M. RIAft Of STORE tha aurk af good taite. Perfect eomfort It • VOGUE AND ADVANCE PATTERNS good irate. Here you hive all three la tha • CUSTOM-MADE SLIPCOVERS AND DRAPES AT LOWEST PRICES Bottoniin Pltteiu. Finely detigned in choice • LARGEST ARRAY OF FAMOUS BRANDS: BOTANY, WAVERLY, DAN ATONTOWM ru|geti, toh4e«Un| bmn veal leather. RIVER, INDIAN HEAD, AVONDALE, CROMPTON, EVERFAST, CO. RADIO 6c TELEVISION • ^1 HAMA, ETC. E • MARILYN CUSTOM.COVERED BELTS .AND BUTTONS 17 19 MAIN STREET EATONTOWN N J JOHN B. ALLEN CO. • BUTTONS, LININGS, NOTIONS, TRIMMINGS, PLASTICS TIL 7 • MODERN OPEN DISPLAY THAT LKTS YOU SEE AND FEEL EVERY T. R[D BANK * °** PIECF. Phone Eatontown 3-O4OO Nan »* rtmrum \m r, gu tv, wmm m aa4 AM* «ralaa. UrnKB 4»va YatbtClub Gravelly Pointer* Acker, Jack Fair. Uw«r« AMta. Blue Ribbon Winner at Hone Show aa4 awt; Oava « IMtJW Jainei Bcanlon »nd Richard Nuf- It ckaira, a^Crav •a« Baak Batwr da* a* 0:M Hold Get-Together fort, gunei; Walter Quaid, Williaaa thAnfl aaBaaatatkataTa Aaaaal at^aatiai Btackar4, Ellea PotMt aa4 «*dle VaatVK. at. taiar •* tlM Mattr PBttet Holds Dance HIGHLANDS - Residents of Elaney, Daniel Bownaa, trt* Bey- *l will aa aa aaVar rraea tfca er. Tom Fr«ser and Joieyh O'Briea, Daaaf SiaU aad1 Diaaa VaBau and Ukcavrrt Naval Air Katie* who AIR HAVEN — Th« ihwi- Gravelly Point, Water Witch, held •taiteri. Patty Keaptea aa4 iaae OauMlat, bury River Yacht club held an in-their t#th annual get-together Mon- wiU Ulk abawt the aefeaa* mm af Winners of athletic event* includ- pair elaa*. UghUr-thaa-alt craft formal dame Saturday night »t the day. Highlights of the affair were tl the following: Ruaniitg race*, clubhouse. Fried at th» affair were aquatic and athletic evente, movie*, Beth Allen and John Biemekaaaa, Mr. and Mr*. Henry Lochner of community tinging and the serving n% years old and younger; Marcia New Features at Lonp Island, who celebrated their of rcfrc«hmtnt.<. Piefecki and Roger Breanekaaip, 34th wedding anniversary, and Sea- Walter A. Wc*t. who haj btrn frven and eight yearn: Ana Acker man Cai! Herbrr. V. S. N., »on of genera! chairman every year since and Peter Quaid, nine and tea Youth Canteen Mr. and Mrs. John C. Hribei ot the affair u as inaugurated. \vp.« as- c yenr.'; Carol Quaid. 11 and 12 yean; KatTrORT-Rating thin year* Liiilc Silver, who marked hit 20th !sisted thi. year by the following Janet Molina and Harold Moore, 11 Tenth eeataea a« the beat the lacal birthd.TY. cotnniitti-cf: John Oiles, Mr*. Mai-and 14 yearn, and Mr* Edward Al- VfW. a** has ever had, Caalr- CCN0UL Moms M»i PCTaO The dull will elect officerr »t » iie N. Smith, William Rostra^l* len and J*iiv Abar, IT aad aver; aaia if. 1. Hallaraa aae arreag**1 nicetir.p tomorrow night. Nomine** and Kail Wolf, general committee; novelty race;. Carol tyltid and lar away Bear featuraa, iaelaalay arr as follow*: Edm.ind C. Carey. Mi*. Danirl K. Bowman and MrsCrai. g Allen, crab race; Craig Allen • caaaplete art af aew daaea rae- Rum. ta eaate te the paat atonday eve- Lnchnor. Mi and Mis Frank Riiey. Chi is Meyer* and Charles 'icffkfn, Kve.. who appeared Tueeday before waa the blue ribbon Monday at the ing; Kllea Pettit, Lyaa n*r«nca alage'Wrete • a'elatk. Mr. and Mi.- .lame? K. Wallen, Magi'trate Joha V. Crowtll (or the Hhore Riding club hone *how at Haupt and Terry Marri*. en aatf decoration?. 461 h time, waa given a lutpeaded The part le aaviag a aieaiWr- Mr and Mrs. Howie. Mr. »nd Mr?. the HAS utable, We*t l-on» Branch. ipoon race; Cynthia Roachea, Lee- •hip «>lve. Thaae Iat*rette4 are r>3lils:en. Capt. John Robin»i)n, AUo Mrs. Wiiham Banf-y, Williim .-.entencc of from (0 t* M day* la Other winner* were Diane La- lie fltochard and Dave Wa*»*rwiaa, jail on a charge of being drunk a*k*4 ta caatact Jaha Meager. Charlc? Soren.

Rarilan Bay Lion* To Elect Officers The IJoni club nf Rarlttn bay, SALAD DRESSING ^ organized to serve Cliffwood Beach, Keyport and Matawan, ha* 15 Coffw Mwm charter member'. It la •poniored TOMATO PASTE by the Middletown Lion* club: Three new memberj were wel- comed at the last meeting. They are William England and Wilbert Barker, CUffwood Beach, and Har- KECHNUT IAIY fOOOS old Dolan, Matawan. Qilti Wtg- arin*, Cliffwnnd f?»ach, chairman. Roy Matthews, Cliffwood, and Har old Dolan were appointed the at- tendance committee. The flrat *on« meeting of Rarl- tan club officer* with thote of oth- er Uonn flubs in the Northern FRDZEfl FRESH Monmouth county area will be held tomorrow at Old Dutch tavern, Keyport. Jack ArmiUce, tempor- ary chairman, Mated the club will meet next Monday night and elec- SIALQSWHT, CONCIWTIATIO tion of officers will take place at BRING YOU* a meeting Sept. 17 at the tavern. REAL GOLD P.T..4. McmlM-r. lo Hold Procter ft Ginble JUICE 2^3? ''GrI-Ariiuaintpd* Night LIN'CROFT- Plan* for the com- ing year and for a get-acquainted Coipons Here MODERN WAFFLES night Tuetday, Sept. 11, »t the *chool here, were made Tueiday nijht when members of the execu- tive board of the Parent-Teacber V ITS •ORDIKS ITS OOT TO M GOOD association met at the home of Mil. Ralph Pea«e on King* hwy,, UlfflES-UQIiORS Middletown. ' IEAM •«"» 2S» The set-acquainted night will be- gin at 8:1.5 with a communityJing IVORY SOAP to bi> conducted by Mrs. Pease with Joseph Mcndirs at the piano. HoaUfctcB will be Mrs. John Lam- WITH COUPON •OMEN? LEAF ken chairman, and Mis. Harold D. Hubbard, Mis William l.cwan- 39^ Broad St, Red BwMk. Ptietie R£ 6-3334 dow«ki and Mr*. Harry Scyia*. 4 Personal size Sea aiKiiuima resemble delicate lloweiF. Their dainty "petal*" arc actually tentacles reaching out to . trap unwary shrimps or other and 2 Medium email marine prey, according to the National Geographic 0009 SUNKIST -HAWS LEMOIS 39* BEER- 21!Af FANCY FANCY EXTRA LARGE M Metalee PASCAL CELERY eieiMiEis COMSTOCK N. Y. STATE - bun. ~ Wt love can . . . w* fr««t Naturally PenneaM la We •eMJe YOUR CHCHCI f 1^ '•m right. Thit'i why you tor OOMSTOCK niver need worry whan you CHAMPAGNE U. 8. No. 1 U. S. No. 1 l«iv* your c«r with us for Large «Tre. lubrication, oil change, tirt Bottle SWEET POTATOES YELLOW ONNNS roMicn, car cleaning, etc. Davldtoai Remember, for better lerv. IMPORTED (imo/.) FRENCH 3 *- 14# M Proof iet and superior «uto pro. FANCY CALIF. BUCKBERRY LIQUOR m% Grain U. S. No. 1 LONG ISLAND duett, drive up right here! CARROTS OOMSTOCK POTATOES Our Cere extra large bunch Will Melee CO.UHTOCK WIISKEY Your Car APPLE MMNDY BlaaiMI TOW* PAICN DLY-,Pl,*SON AL STORE Lait Longer * >r». tld