Pompton Lakes DVD List - Date Added

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Pompton Lakes DVD List - Date Added Pompton Lakes DVD List - Date Added Date Added Title Call Number MPAA Rating Release Date 12/10/2019 Hustlers BLU HUS R 12/10/2019 12/10/2019 Where'd You Go, Bernadette DVD WHE PG-13 11/26/2019 12/10/2019 Once Upon A Time in… in Hollywood BLU ONC R0/12 12/10/2019 12/5/2019 Operation Finale BLU OPE PG-13 12/4/2018 12/5/2019 Dora and the Lost City of Gold J BLU DOR PG 11/19/2019 12/5/2019 Angel Has Fallen BLU ANG R 11/26/2019 12/5/2019 Blinded By The Light DVD BLI PG-13 11/19/2019 12/5/2019 Brubaker DVD BRU R 1/15/2013 12/5/2019 Ghostbusters, Ghostbusters II, Ghostbusters (2016) DVD GHO PG, PG, PG-13 2/6/2018 12/5/2019 Durrells In Corfu, The DVD DUR PG-13 12/3/2019 12/5/2019 Expanse, The : Season One DVD EXP Not Rated 4/5/2016 12/5/2019 Expanse, The : Season Three DVD EXP Not Rated 7/17/2018 12/5/2019 Blacklist, The : The Complete Fifth Season DVD BLA Not Rated 8/14/2018 12/5/2019 Blacklist, The : The Complete Sixth Season DVD BLA Not Rated 8/13/2019 12/5/2019 Crown, The : The Complete First Season DVD CRO Not Rated 11/7/2017 12/5/2019 Doctor Blake Mysteries, The : Season Five DVD DOC Not Rated 1/15/2019 12/5/2019 Big Bang Theory, The : The Twelfth and Final Season DVD BIG Not Rated 11/12/2019 12/5/2019 Game of Thrones : The Complete Eight Season DVD GAM TV-MA 12/3/2019 12/5/2019 Expanse, The : Season Two DVD EXP Not Rated 7/18/2017 11/20/2019 Poldark: The Complete Fifth Season DVD POL Not Rated 11/12/2019 11/20/2019 Handmaid's Tale, The : Season Three DVD HAN TV-MA 11/19/2020 Tuesday, December 10, 2019 Page 1 of 224 Date Added Title Call Number MPAA Rating Release Date 11/20/2019 Blinded By The Light BLU BLI PG-13 11/19/2019 11/13/2019 Toy Story 4 J BLU TOY G 10/8/2019 11/13/2019 Lion King, The (2019 BLU LIO PG 10/22/2019 11/13/2019 Curse of La Llorona, The BLU CUR R 8/6/2019 11/12/2019 Cobra Kai - Seaons 1 & 2 DVD KAR Not Rated 11/11/2019 11/12/2019 Peanut Butter Falcon, The DVD PEA PG-13 11/11/2019 11/12/2019 Angry Birds Movie 2, The J BLU ANG PG 11/11/2019 11/5/2019 Art of Racing in the Rain, The DVD ART PG 11/5/2019 11/5/2019 Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark BLU SCA PG-13 11/5/2019 11/5/2019 Hobbs & Shaw, Fast & Furious presents BLU FAS PG-13 11/5/2019 11/5/2019 Good Omens DVD GOO TV-MA 11/5/2019 10/30/2019 Stripes [Extended Cut] DVD STR R 6/7/2005 10/30/2019 Last Picture Show, The DVD LAS R 11/30/1999 10/30/2019 Philadelphia DVD PHI PG-13 7/25/2002 10/30/2019 Santa Baby DVD SAN PG 11/20/2007 10/30/2019 War, Inc. DVD WAR R 10/14/2018 10/30/2019 Bottle Shock DVD BOT PG-13 2/3/2009 10/30/2019 In The Electric Mist DVD INT R 3/3/2009 10/30/2019 Save the Last Dance DVD SAV PG-13 10/30/2019 St. Elmo's Fire DVD STE R 11/20/2001 10/30/2019 WWE: RAW, The Best of 2009 DVD WWE TV-PG 1/26/2010 10/30/2019 WWE: The Best of Smackdown 2009-2010 DVD WWE TV-PG 4/24/2012 10/30/2019 Chaos DVD CHA R 2/19/2008 Tuesday, December 10, 2019 Page 2 of 224 Date Added Title Call Number MPAA Rating Release Date 10/22/2019 Veronica Mars: The Complete First Season (2019) DVD VER Not Rated 10/22/2019 10/22/2019 Wonder Woman: Bloodlines BLU WON PG-13 10/22/2019 10/17/2019 Royal Tenenbaums, The (The Criterion Collection) DVD ROY R 7/9/2002 10/17/2019 John Carter DVD JOH PG-13 6/5/2012 10/17/2019 In-Laws, The DVD INL PG-13 6/1/2004 10/17/2019 Best In Show DVD BES PG-13 5/15/2001 10/15/2019 Teen Titans Go! Vs. Teen Titans J BLU TEE Not Rated 10/15/2019 10/15/2019 Stuber DVD STU R 10/15/2019 10/9/2019 Midsommar BLU MID R 10/8/2019 10/9/2019 Billions: Season 4 DVD BIL Not Rated 9/24/2019 10/9/2019 Booksmart DVD BOO R 9/3/2019 10/9/2019 Maiden DVD MAI PG 10/1/2019 10/9/2019 Red Joan DVD RED R 10/8/2019 10/9/2019 Ma BLU MA R 9/3/2019 10/9/2019 Walking Dead, The : The Complete Ninth Season DVD WAL Not Rated 8/20/2019 10/9/2019 True Detective: The Complete Third Season DVD TRU TV-MA 9/3/2019 10/9/2019 Chernobyl: A 5 - Part Miniseries DVD CHE TV-MA 10/1/2019 10/9/2019 Doom Patrol: The Complete First Season DVD DOO Not Rated 10/1/2019 10/9/2019 Annabelle Comes Home BLU ANN R 10/8/2019 10/9/2019 Anna BLU ANN R 9/24/2019 10/1/2019 Spider-Man: Far From Home BLU SPI PG-13 10/1/2019 9/24/2019 Shaft BLU SHA R 9/24/2019 9/24/2019 Yesterday BLU YES PG-13 9/24/2019 Tuesday, December 10, 2019 Page 3 of 224 Date Added Title Call Number MPAA Rating Release Date 9/19/2019 X-Men: Dark Phoenix 4K BLU XME PG-13 9/17/2019 9/17/2019 X-Men: Dark Phoenix DVD XME PG-13 9/17/2019 9/13/2019 Descendants J DVD DES TV G 7/31/2015 9/13/2019 Aladdin (2019) BLU ALA PG 9/10/2019 9/12/2019 Descendants 3 J DVD DES TV G 8/6/2019 9/12/2019 John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum BLU JOH R 9/10/2019 9/5/2019 Men In Black International BLU MEN PG-13 9/3/2019 8/27/2019 Secret Life of Pets 2, The J BLU SEC PG 8/27/2019 8/27/2019 Rocketman BLU ROC R 8/27/2019 8/27/2019 Godzilla: King of the Monsters BLU GOD PG-13 8/27/2019 8/20/2019 Batman: Hush BLU BAT PG-13 8/13/2019 8/20/2019 Dog's Journey, A BLU DOG PG 8/20/2019 8/20/2019 LEGO DC: Batman - Family Matters J BLU BAT TV-Y7 8/20/2019 8/20/2019 Brightburn BLU BRI R 8/20/2019 8/15/2019 Homeland: The Complete Seventh Season DVD HOM Not Rated 8/13/2019 8/13/2019 Avengers: Endgame DVD AVE PG-13 8/13/2019 8/13/2019 Avengers: Endgame BLU AVE PG-13 8/13/2019 8/12/2019 Godzilla (a.k.a. Gojira) DVD GOD Not Rated 1/24/2012 8/12/2019 Missing Link J BLU MIS PG 7/23/2019 8/12/2019 Pokemon Detective Pikachu J BLU POK PG 8/6/2019 7/30/2019 Union Pacific DVD UNI Not Rated 11/21/2014 7/30/2019 Long Shot BLU LON R 7/30/2019 7/23/2019 Hellboy (2019) BLU HEL R 7/23/2019 Tuesday, December 10, 2019 Page 4 of 224 Date Added Title Call Number MPAA Rating Release Date 7/23/2019 Alita: Battle Angel [DVD] DVD ALI PG-13 7/23/2019 7/23/2019 Alita: Battle Angel [4K UHD, 3D, Blu-ray] 4K BLU ALI PG-13 7/23/2019 7/18/2019 Public, The DVD PUB PG-13 7/2/2019 7/17/2019 Greatest Show on Earth, The DVD GRE Not Rated 10/10/2017 7/16/2019 Public, The BLU PUB PG-13 7/2/2019 7/16/2019 Titans: The Complete First Season DVD TIT NR 7/16/2019 7/16/2019 Shazam! BLU SHA PG-13 7/16/2019 7/11/2019 Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles BLU BAT PG-13 6/4/2019 7/11/2019 The Little Mermaid J BLU LIT G 2/26/2019 7/11/2019 Dumbo (Live Action 2019) BLU DUM PG 6/25/2019 6/18/2019 Us BLU US R 6/18/2019 6/18/2019 Wonder Park J BLU WON PG 6/18/2019 6/14/2019 Captain Marvel BLU CAP PG-13 6/11/2019 6/14/2019 Justice League vs The Fatal Five BLU JUS PG-13 4/16/2019 6/14/2019 Birds of Passage DVD BIR Not Rated 5/14/2019 6/14/2019 Captain Marvel DVD CAP PG-13 6/11/2019 6/11/2019 Never Look Away BLU NEV R 5/14/2019 5/29/2019 How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World J BLU HOW PG 5/21/2019 5/29/2019 Isn't It Romantic BLU ISN PG-13 5/21/2019 5/29/2019 Billions: Season Three DVD BIL Not Rated 9/25/2018 5/29/2019 Billions: Season Two DVD BIL Not Rated 8/15/2017 5/29/2019 Billions: Season One DVD BIL Not Rated 11/8/2016 5/29/2019 Outlander: Season Four DVD OUT Not Rated 5/28/2019 Tuesday, December 10, 2019 Page 5 of 224 Date Added Title Call Number MPAA Rating Release Date 5/17/2019 Stomp the Yard: Truth University DVD STO PG-13 5/15/2007 5/13/2019 Mule, The BLU MUL R 4/2/2019 5/13/2019 Lego Movie 2, The: The Second Part J BLU LEG PG 5/7/2019 5/13/2019 Capernaum BLU CAP R 3/26/2019 5/13/2019 Fighting With My Family BLU FIG PG-13 5/14/2019 5/13/2019 Apollo 11 DVD APO G 5/14/2019 5/13/2019 Padre, The DVD PAD R 10/30/2018 5/13/2019 Outlander: Season Two, The Etiquette of War DVD OUT Not Rated 11/1/2016 5/13/2019 What Men Want BLU WHA R 5/7/2019 5/13/2019 Apollo 11 BLU APO G 5/14/2019 5/8/2019 Boyz in The Hood DVD BOY R 5/3/2016 5/8/2019 Evil Dead, The DVD EVI Unrated 5/18/1999 5/8/2019 Partners in Crime: The Tommy & Tuppence Mysteries DVD PAR Not Rated 1/29/2013 5/8/2019 Shadow of The Tower, The: The Rise of The Tudor Dynasty DVD SHA Not Rated 1/25/2011 5/8/2019 Birds, The DVD BIR PG-13 2/16/2000 5/8/2019 Bull Durham DVD BUL R 7/18/2014 5/8/2019 South Pacific DVD SOU Not Rated 8/13/2002 5/8/2019 Birdcage, The DVD BIR R 10/7/2003 5/8/2019 Few Good Men, A DVD FEW R 5/6/2003 5/8/2019 Taking Lives DVD TAK Not Rated 1/25/2011 5/8/2019 Breaking Bad: The Complete First Season DVD BRE TV-14 5/7/2013 5/8/2019 It’s a Mad Mad Mad World DVD ITS G 7/18/2014 5/8/2019 Longest Yard, The DVD LON R 8/13/2002 Tuesday, December 10, 2019 Page 6 of 224 Date Added Title Call Number MPAA Rating Release Date 5/8/2019 Young Guns DVD YOU R 9/18/2012 5/8/2019 American Psycho DVD AME R 9/5/2000 5/8/2019 Outlander: Season Three DVD OUT Not Rated 8/31/2018 5/8/2019 Shakespeare in Love DVD SHA R 6/28/1999 5/8/2019 Far From Heaven DVD FAR PG-13 7/4/2017 5/8/2019 Divorce, Le DVD DIV PG-13 1/9/2007 5/8/2019 Without Me DVD WIT Not Rated 10/11/2011 5/8/2019 Bloody Sunday DVD BLO R 12/12/2003 5/8/2019 Producers, The DVD PRO PG-13 7/4/2017 5/8/2019 Grace and Frankie: Season One DVD GRA Not Rated 4/12/2016 5/8/2019 Manhunter DVD MAN Unrated 7/8/2003 5/8/2019 Crooked House DVD CRO PG-13 2/1/2019 5/8/2019 Divided We Fall DVD DIV PG-13 3/11/2013 5/8/2019 Two Women DVD TWO Unrated 6/13/2017 5/8/2019 White Noise DVD WHI PG-13 8/2/2016 5/8/2019 Big Trouble DVD BIG PG-13 11/6/2018 5/8/2019 Gladiator DVD GLA R 10/6/2000 5/8/2019 Ghost DVD GHO PG-13 5/13/2003 5/8/2019 Seven DVD SEV R 10/7/2003 5/8/2019 Terminal, The DVD TER PG-13 12/14/2017 5/8/2019 Insomnia DVD INS R 9/7/2010 5/8/2019 Any Human Heart DVD ANY Not Rated 4/5/2011 5/8/2019 Network DVD NET R 11/9/2010 Tuesday, December 10, 2019 Page 7 of 224 Date Added Title Call Number MPAA Rating Release Date 5/8/2019 Calendar Girls DVD CAL PG-13 6/15/2015 5/8/2019 Possession DVD POS PG-13 4/2/2013 5/8/2019 Midnight in Paris
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