In Utttrakhand, state assembly elections were conducted on February 21, 2007 for 70 assembly constituencies. A pre-poll survey conducted in 20 out of 70 assembly constituencies in Uttrakhand. The objective of the survey was to reflect the nature of voting behaviour and attitudes of people on electoral politics in the state. The survey was an attempt to understand the people’s perception on the performance of state government as well as the government at the Centre.

Table -1: Background of the Assembly election in Uttrakhand, 2007 Total Number of Assembly Constituencies(AC) 70 Number of seats for General Category 55 Number of seats reserved for Scheduled Caste 12 Number of seats reserved for Scheduled Tribe 3 Total Number of Voters 5985302 Source: Indian election statistics are available at the Election Commission of ’s website: www.eci.gov.in.

Table-2: Survey Frame Number of assembly constituencies surveyed 20 Number of polling station survey 80 Number of Respondents 1379 Type of Survey Pre poll Survey

Table-3: Sample Profile: Census of India vs. Survey Variables Uttrakhand* (percent) Survey (percent) Rural 74 79 Urban 26 21 Women 49 12 Scheduled Caste 18 51 Scheduled Tribe 3 3 Hindu 85 90 Muslim 12 8 Sikh 2 1 Other** 1 1 *Census 2001, ** Christian, Jain and Buddhist


Selection of Assembly Constituency (AC):

For the pre poll survey, it was decided to cover 20 assembly constituencies which were selected randomly using the probability proportionate to size (PPS) method. PPS method assures the same probability of larger as well as smaller sites.

Probability Proportionate To Size (PPS)

A list of all assembly constituencies were arranged in ascending order along with total number of electorates per AC then cumulative population of electorates was calculated. It was decided to conduct a survey in 20 assembly constituencies in the state out of the 80ACs. Thus, to arrive at sampling interval (SI) (or sampling constant), total population of electorates divided by 20 (suppose total electorates of the state was 20, 00000, divided by 20 then sampling interval becomes 100000). After that, a number less than calculated sampling interval is selected randomly i.e. between one and SI, in the column of cumulative population of electorates (suppose, randomly selected number was 10,000). This number is Random Start (RS). Random start is the first Assembly constituency. Calculate the following series: RS; RS+SI, RS+2SI; RS+3SI…, and these numbers of calculated series were matched in the column cumulative population of electorates and thus, lead to random selection of the ACs.

Selection of Polling Stations (PS):

It was predefined to interview respondent from randomly selected four polling stations of each assembly constituency. In order to select the polling station from each AC, a comprehensive list of PS in each AC was prepared and the total number of polling stations were divided by four (a pre determined number from each AC) to arrive at the sampling constant or sampling interval.

First Polling station was selected randomly which ought to be less than sampling constant thereafter, sampling constant was added to the randomly selected PS to arrive at the second PS . This process was repeated for the selection of next polling stations in an assembly constituency. It is how; different polling stations were selected in each assembly constituency.

Selection of respondent:

Thirty respondents were randomly selected from the voter list of each polling station. The reason for sample size was to circumvent clustering and it also has logistic and methodological concerns. For this, a list of voters at each polling station was obtained and the total number of voters (at each PS) was divided by thirty to arrive at sampling

2 constant1.Sampling constant was added to the first respondent number to get next respondent and so on till selection of 30 respondent has completed. For the present household survey a structured interview schedule was used and fieldworkers were cautiously selected. Only those who have acquaintance with the region were selected and given training thereafter as it facilitate in improving interviewer performance and subsequently, of the whole survey.

Table-4: Questionnaire Design 1. Language Designed Hindi 2. Language Translated -- 3. Language Administered Hindi

4. Number of Variables 103 5. Themes • Respondent’s Background • Comparison on performance of previous and present government • Performance of the MLAs • Public opinion about the politics in the state. • Question of Leadership

Table-5: Details of Training Workshop of Investigator: 1. Date 10, Feb,2007 2. Venue and HNB Garhwal University, Srinagar Uttrakhand 3. Number of Investigator 40 4. Resource person(s) • Dr. Aditya Gautam, veerbhadra Rishikesh • Dr. Annpurna Nautiyal, deptt Political Science, HNB Garhwal University, Srinagar. • Sanjay Kumar,Praveen Rai and Vikas Gautam, , Delhi, CSDS

Table-6: Data Collection and Processing Details 1. Date of Field work 11th -14th, Feb, 2007 2. Date of Data checking 15th -16thFeb, 2007 3. Venue of Checking Centre for Study of Developing Societies (CSDS) 4. Date of Data Entry 17th -18th Feb, 2007 5. Venue of Data Entry Centre for Study of Developing Societies (CSDS)

1 If there are 3000 respondents of a polling station, divide 3000 by 30 that will be equal to 100. Thus 100 is the sampling constant for sampling respondents for the survey. The first respondent should be less than 100 drawn from random number table. Thus , if 89th voter is the first respondent selected then keep on adding 100, that is 89+100=189(second respondent), 189+100=289(third respondent) and so on till select 30 respondent


Table-7: Details of Data Dissemination Electronic Media Name Date Time CNN-IBN 20th Feb, 2007 8.00pm


III. Details of Survey Team

Sanjay Kumar of Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS) Delhi directed the workshop. The fieldwork of the survey in the state was supervised by Aditya Gautam (Uttrakhand ), and Annpurna Nautiyal (Department of political science, HNB Garhwal University, Srinagar).

The Central team which designed, coordinated and analysed the survey comprised of Dhananjai Joshi, Praveen Rai, Himanshu Bhattacharya, K.A.Q.A Hilal, Kanchan Malhotra, and Vikas Gautam of CSDS.


Assembly Constituency Ac. No PS No No. of respondent 2 24 15 GANGOTRI 48 13 72 11 96 6 Total 45 GHANSALI 6 25 9 50 8 75 16 99 7 Total 40 CHAKRATA (ST) 10 30 27 90 18 Total 45 LAXMAN CHOWK 13 47 14 99 20 Total 34 RISHIKESH 17 36 11 73 12 110 12 147 18 Total 53 BHAGWANPUR (SC) 19 25 10 50 12 75 6 100 13 Total 41 MANGLOR 22 27 16 54 13 81 16 108 15 Total 60 BAHADRABAD 25 1 10 36 12 71 12 106 11 Total 45 LALDHANG 27 1 13 30 8 59 8 88 5 Total 34

6 BIRONKHAL 31 15 22 37 24 59 28 81 20 Total 94 RUDRAPRAYAG 36 15 23 30 23 45 24 60 25 Total 95 KARANPRAYAG 40 7 21 34 23 61 25 88 22 Total 91 DWARAHAT 45 13 22 34 25 55 21 76 25 Total 93 SOMESHWAR (SC) 49 6 22 26 20 46 22 66 20 Total 84 DHARI 53 1 25 36 25 71 13 106 26 Total 89 55 25 19 52 15 79 18 106 15 Total 67 KASHIPUR 58 35 26 70 25 105 25 140 24 Total 100 PANTNAGAR- 60 18 25 GADARPUR 36 25 54 25 72 25 Total 100


7 38 22 67 24 96 24 Total 92 DIDIHAT 68 6 20 25 20 44 19 63 18 Total 77 Source: CSDS Data Unit



Q1: Have you heard about the Assembly Election to be held in the next month?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid No 168 12.2 12.2 12.2 Yes 1211 87.8 87.8 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

Q2: If Assembly Elections held tomorrow, who would you vote for?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid 01: Congress 629 45.6 45.6 45.6 02: BJP 442 32.1 32.1 77.7 03: JD(U) 1 .1 .1 77.7 04: CPI 6 .4 .4 78.2 05: CPI(M) 1 .1 .1 78.2 06: BSP 58 4.2 4.2 82.5 07: NCP 2 .1 .1 82.6 08: Samajwadi Party 5 .4 .4 83.0 30: AGP(P) 8 .6 .6 83.5 50: MIM 1 .1 .1 83.6 62: JKDP 1 .1 .1 83.7 66: KEC 1 .1 .1 83.8 93: UKD 98 7.1 7.1 90.9 96: Independent 18 1.3 1.3 92.2 97: Other smaller parties 12 .9 .9 93.0 98: DK 55 4.0 4.0 97.0 99: NA 41 3.0 3.0 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

Q3: Would you vote for the same whom you did vote right now?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid Will vote for the same 961 69.7 69.7 69.7 party Can change the party 156 11.3 11.3 81.0 Cannot say/D.K. 262 19.0 19.0 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

9 Q4: Were you able to vote in the Assembly Election held five years (2002) ago?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid No 256 18.6 18.6 18.6 Yes 979 71.0 71.0 89.6 Do not remember 52 3.8 3.8 93.3 Not a Voter then 92 6.7 6.7 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

Q4a: (If yes), Who did you vote for?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid 01: Congress 427 31.0 31.0 31.0 02: BJP 328 23.8 23.8 54.7 03: JD(U) 2 .1 .1 54.9 04: CPI 8 .6 .6 55.5 05: CPI(M) 1 .1 .1 55.5 06: BSP 49 3.6 3.6 59.1 07: NCP 2 .1 .1 59.2 08: Samajwadi Party 4 .3 .3 59.5 20: AUDF 2 .1 .1 59.7 30: AGP(P) 2 .1 .1 59.8 93: UKD 86 6.2 6.2 66.1 96: Independent 15 1.1 1.1 67.2 97: Other smaller parties 10 .7 .7 67.9 98: DK 43 3.1 3.1 71.0 99: NA 400 29.0 29.0 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

Q5: What do you give importance while voting?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid Candidate 607 44.0 44.0 44.0 Party 620 45.0 45.0 89.0 Caste-community 42 3.0 3.0 92.0 Something else 35 2.5 2.5 94.6 Cannot say/DK 75 5.4 5.4 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

10 Q6: What is your opinion about the performance of UPA government at the Centre?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid Very satisfied 363 26.3 26.3 26.3 Somewhat satisfied 514 37.3 37.3 63.6 Not at all satisfied 255 18.5 18.5 82.1 Cannot say/DK 247 17.9 17.9 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

Q7: What is your opinion about the performance of present Congress govt. in the state?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid Very satisfied 335 24.3 24.3 24.3 Satisfied 504 36.5 36.5 60.8 Not satisfied 306 22.2 22.2 83.0 Not at all satisfied 99 7.2 7.2 90.2 Can not say/SK 135 9.8 9.8 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

Q8: Who did you think is the best Chief Minister among the three?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid Nityanand Swami 123 8.9 8.9 8.9 Bhagat Singh Koshiyari 308 22.3 22.3 31.3 Narayan Dutt Tiwari 650 47.1 47.1 78.4 None 148 10.7 10.7 89.1 No opinion 150 10.9 10.9 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

Q9: In your opinion, which government is better?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid Congress 587 42.6 42.6 42.6 BJP 391 28.4 28.4 70.9 Both 126 9.1 9.1 80.1 None 118 8.6 8.6 88.6 No opinion 157 11.4 11.4 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

11 Q10a: Has the development in improved, deteriorated or no difference?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid Deteriorated 82 5.9 5.9 5.9 No difference 339 24.6 24.6 30.5 Improved 883 64.0 64.0 94.6 No opinion 75 5.4 5.4 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

Q10b: Has the control over corruption improved, deteriorated or no difference?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid Deteriorated 196 14.2 14.2 14.2 No difference 739 53.6 53.6 67.8 Improved 304 22.0 22.0 89.8 No opinion 140 10.2 10.2 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

Q10c: Has the drinking water facility improved, deteriorated or no difference?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid Deteriorated 154 11.2 11.2 11.2 No difference 511 37.1 37.1 48.2 Improved 644 46.7 46.7 94.9 No opinion 70 5.1 5.1 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

Q10d: Has the security of life and property improved, deteriorated or no difference?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid Deteriorated 225 16.3 16.3 16.3 No difference 682 49.5 49.5 65.8 Improved 327 23.7 23.7 89.5 No opinion 145 10.5 10.5 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

12 Q10e: Has the condition of electricity improved, deteriorated or no difference?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid Deteriorated 145 10.5 10.5 10.5 No difference 404 29.3 29.3 39.8 Improved 748 54.2 54.2 94.1 No opinion 82 5.9 5.9 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

Q10f: Have the condition of government hospitals improved, deteriorated or no difference?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid Deteriorated 207 15.0 15.0 15.0 No difference 554 40.2 40.2 55.2 Improved 526 38.1 38.1 93.3 No opinion 92 6.7 6.7 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

Q10g: Have the condition of roads improved, deteriorated or no difference?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid Deteriorated 199 14.4 14.4 14.4 No difference 331 24.0 24.0 38.4 Improved 785 56.9 56.9 95.4 No opinion 64 4.6 4.6 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

Q10h: Have the education facilities improved, deteriorated or no difference?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid Deteriorated 142 10.3 10.3 10.3 No difference 356 25.8 25.8 36.1 Improved 804 58.3 58.3 94.4 No opinion 77 5.6 5.6 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

13 Q11: Have you heard about the change of name of the state?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid No 170 12.3 12.3 12.3 Yes 1122 81.4 81.4 93.7 No opinion 87 6.3 6.3 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

Q11a: (If yes) To what extent, do you think it is justified?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid Fully justified 418 30.3 30.3 30.3 Somewhat justified 281 20.4 20.4 50.7 Unjustified 343 24.9 24.9 75.6 No opinion 80 5.8 5.8 81.4 NA 257 18.6 18.6 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

Q12: In your opinion, what was the main issue in this election?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid To change the capital of 84 6.1 6.1 6.1 state To change the name of 78 5.7 5.7 11.7 state Development of the state 807 58.5 58.5 70.3 A good Chief Minister 189 13.7 13.7 84.0 Others 48 3.5 3.5 87.5 No opinion 173 12.5 12.5 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

Q13: In your opinion, where should be the capital of state?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid 785 56.9 56.9 56.9 380 27.6 27.6 84.5 Rishikesh 88 6.4 6.4 90.9 Others 48 3.5 3.5 94.3 No opinion 78 5.7 5.7 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

14 Q14: Who is MLA of your constituency?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid Correct 1025 74.3 74.3 74.3 Incorrect 192 13.9 13.9 88.3 Cannot say/D.K. 162 11.7 11.7 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

Q15: How many marks will you give to your MLA? FrequencyPercent Valid PercentCumulative Percent Valid 0 50 3.6 3.6 3.6 2 3 .2 .2 3.8 3 1 .1 .1 3.9 4 1 .1 .1 4.0 5 19 1.4 1.4 5.4 7 5 .4 .4 5.7 8 3 .2 .2 5.9 9 2 .1 .1 6.1 10 56 4.1 4.1 10.2 11 5 .4 .4 10.5 12 2 .1 .1 10.7 15 19 1.4 1.4 12.0 16 1 .1 .1 12.1 19 4 .3 .3 12.4 20 47 3.4 3.4 15.8 21 2 .1 .1 16.0 22 1 .1 .1 16.0 23 1 .1 .1 16.1 24 1 .1 .1 16.2 25 46 3.3 3.3 19.5 27 3 .2 .2 19.7 28 2 .1 .1 19.9 29 1 .1 .1 19.9 30 45 3.3 3.3 23.2 33 2 .1 .1 23.4 35 16 1.2 1.2 24.5 38 1 .1 .1 24.6 39 3 .2 .2 24.8 40 102 7.4 7.4 32.2 41 1 .1 .1 32.3 43 1 .1 .1 32.3 44 3 .2 .2 32.6 45 25 1.8 1.8 34.4 46 2 .1 .1 34.5 48 1 .1 .1 34.6

15 49 2 .1 .1 34.7 50 146 10.6 10.6 45.3 51 2 .1 .1 45.5 52 2 .1 .1 45.6 53 3 .2 .2 45.8 54 2 .1 .1 46.0 55 13 .9 .9 46.9 56 5 .4 .4 47.3 57 1 .1 .1 47.4 59 2 .1 .1 47.5 60 108 7.8 7.8 55.3 61 2 .1 .1 55.5 62 3 .2 .2 55.7 64 1 .1 .1 55.8 65 27 2.0 2.0 57.7 66 3 .2 .2 57.9 68 2 .1 .1 58.1 69 2 .1 .1 58.2 70 69 5.0 5.0 63.2 71 1 .1 .1 63.3 72 4 .3 .3 63.6 73 2 .1 .1 63.7 74 2 .1 .1 63.9 75 36 2.6 2.6 66.5 76 1 .1 .1 66.6 77 1 .1 .1 66.6 78 2 .1 .1 66.8 79 3 .2 .2 67.0 80 62 4.5 4.5 71.5 81 1 .1 .1 71.6 82 1 .1 .1 71.6 84 3 .2 .2 71.9 85 12 .9 .9 72.7 87 1 .1 .1 72.8 89 3 .2 .2 73.0 90 34 2.5 2.5 75.5 91 5 .4 .4 75.9 92 2 .1 .1 76.0 93 4 .3 .3 76.3 94 1 .1 .1 76.4 95 19 1.4 1.4 77.7 96 4 .3 .3 78.0 97 2 .1 .1 78.2 98 3 .2 .2 78.4 99 13 .9 .9 79.3 100 47 3.4 3.4 82.7

16 301 1 .1 .1 82.8 309 1 .1 .1 82.9 401 1 .1 .1 83.0 558 1 .1 .1 83.0 660 1 .1 .1 83.1 752 1 .1 .1 83.2 899 1 .1 .1 83.2 991 1 .1 .1 83.3 992 1 .1 .1 83.4 999 229 16.6 16.6 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

Q16: Should your MLA should get another chance?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid No 562 40.8 40.8 40.8 Yes 578 41.9 41.9 82.7 No opinion 239 17.3 17.3 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

Q17: How often do you listen news on radio?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid Regularly 232 16.8 16.8 16.8 Sometimes 527 38.2 38.2 55.0 Rarely 196 14.2 14.2 69.3 Never 424 30.7 30.7 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

Q18: How often do you watch news on T.V?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid Regularly 454 32.9 32.9 32.9 Sometimes 539 39.1 39.1 72.0 Rarely 161 11.7 11.7 83.7 Never 225 16.3 16.3 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

17 Q19: Are you supporter of any particular party?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid BJP supporter 377 27.3 27.3 27.3 Congress supporter 493 35.8 35.8 63.1 BSP supporter 61 4.4 4.4 67.5 Uttarakhand Kranti 71 5.1 5.1 72.7 Dal supporter Supporter of any 24 1.7 1.7 74.4 other party Cannot say/DK 353 25.6 25.6 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

Q20: Where did your ancestors live?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid 04: Bihar 1 .1 .1 .1 07: Haryana 2 .1 .1 .2 11: Kerala 1 .1 .1 .3 19: Punjab 2 .1 .1 .4 20: Rajasthan 1 .1 .1 .5 22: Tamil Nadu 14 1.0 1.0 1.5 23: Tripura 1 .1 .1 1.6 24: 37 2.7 2.7 4.3 25: West Bengal 1 .1 .1 4.4 29 1 .1 .1 4.4 30: Delhi 1 .1 .1 4.5 32 17 1.2 1.2 5.7 35: Uttaranchal 1230 89.2 89.2 94.9 50: Outside India 10 .7 .7 95.6 52 5 .4 .4 96.0 55 1 .1 .1 96.1 59 2 .1 .1 96.2 92 1 .1 .1 96.3 97 1 .1 .1 96.4 98 3 .2 .2 96.6 99: Not answered 47 3.4 3.4 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

18 Q20a: (If not originally from Uttaranchal) Do you consider yourself a Pahari?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid No 30 2.2 2.2 2.2 Yes 44 3.2 3.2 5.4 Cannot say/DK 6 .4 .4 5.8 NA 1299 94.2 94.2 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

Q21: Do you pray?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid No 144 10.4 10.4 10.4 Yes 1235 89.6 89.6 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

Q21a: (If yes), How often?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid Daily 759 55.0 55.0 55.0 Once a week 145 10.5 10.5 65.6 Occassionally 234 17.0 17.0 82.5 Only during festivals 91 6.6 6.6 89.1 No opinion 6 .4 .4 89.6 NA 144 10.4 10.4 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

19 Q22: In your opinion, who should be the Chief Minister of Uttarakhand?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid 01: Narayan Dutt Tiwari 368 26.7 29.4 29.4 02: 146 10.6 11.7 41.1 03: Nityanand Swami 19 1.4 1.5 42.6 04: 87 6.3 6.9 49.5 05: Gopal Singh Rana 2 .1 .2 49.7 06: 10 .7 .8 50.5 07: Indira Hridaesh 19 1.4 1.5 52.0 08: B.C. Khanduri 182 13.2 14.5 66.5 09: 26 1.9 2.1 68.6 10: B.S. Koshiyari 163 11.8 13.0 81.6 11: Ramesh P. Nishank 2 .1 .2 81.8 12: Kashi Singh Aeri 60 4.4 4.8 86.6 13: Samsher Singh Bisht 1 .1 .1 86.7 97: Others 167 12.1 13.3 100.0 Total 1252 90.8 100.0 Missing 98: DK 74 5.4 99: NA 53 3.8 Total 127 9.2 Total 1379 100.0

Q23a: How much importance do you give for the performance of the present government?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid Not at all 57 4.1 4.1 4.1 Somewhat 170 12.3 12.3 16.5 Very much 1034 75.0 75.0 91.4 No opinion 118 8.6 8.6 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

Q23b: How much importance do you give for the preference to caste-community?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid Not at all 573 41.6 41.6 41.6 Somewhat 398 28.9 28.9 70.4 Very much 251 18.2 18.2 88.6 No opinion 157 11.4 11.4 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

20 Q23c: How much importance do you give for the on religious issues?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid Not at all 731 53.0 53.0 53.0 Somewhat 253 18.3 18.3 71.4 Very much 209 15.2 15.2 86.5 No opinion 186 13.5 13.5 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

Q23d: How much importance do you give for on development issues?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid Not at all 81 5.9 5.9 5.9 Somewhat 200 14.5 14.5 20.4 Very much 986 71.5 71.5 91.9 No opinion 112 8.1 8.1 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

Q23e: How much importance do you give for on corruption issues?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid Not at all 157 11.4 11.4 11.4 Somewhat 210 15.2 15.2 26.6 Very much 803 58.2 58.2 84.8 No opinion 209 15.2 15.2 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

Q24a: Economic conditions have improved in Uttarakhand because of N.D. Tiwari. Do you agree...... ?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid Fully disagree 111 8.0 8.0 8.0 Somewhat disagree 135 9.8 9.8 17.8 Somewhat agree 428 31.0 31.0 48.9 Fully agree 540 39.2 39.2 88.0 No opinion 165 12.0 12.0 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

21 Q24b: N.D. Tiwari has neglected the interest of Uttarakhand while bringing new projects in the state. Do you agree...... ?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid Fully disagree 328 23.8 23.8 23.8 Somewhat disagree 299 21.7 21.7 45.5 Somewhat agree 278 20.2 20.2 65.6 Fully agree 153 11.1 11.1 76.7 No opinion 321 23.3 23.3 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

Q24c: There has been overall development of Uttarakhand during N.D. Tiwari's rule. Do you agree...... ?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid Fully disagree 183 13.3 13.3 13.3 Somewhat disagree 248 18.0 18.0 31.3 Somewhat agree 353 25.6 25.6 56.9 Fully agree 381 27.6 27.6 84.5 No opinion 214 15.5 15.5 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

Q24d: N.D. Tiwari has encourage corruption in the state. Do you agree...... ?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid Fully disagree 433 31.4 31.4 31.4 Somewhat disagree 243 17.6 17.6 49.0 Somewhat agree 201 14.6 14.6 63.6 Fully agree 143 10.4 10.4 74.0 No opinion 359 26.0 26.0 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

Q25: How much interest do you have in politics?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid Great deal 144 10.4 10.4 10.4 Somewhat 479 34.7 34.7 45.2 Not much 323 23.4 23.4 68.6 Not at all 433 31.4 31.4 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

22 Q26: Have you participated in political protest/demonstration/movement?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid Several times 104 7.5 7.5 7.5 Once or twice 259 18.8 18.8 26.3 Never 888 64.4 64.4 90.7 No opinion 128 9.3 9.3 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

Q27: Of the NDA and UPA govt in the centre, which of the govt. do you conside better?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid UPA govt. 539 39.1 39.1 39.1 NDA govt. 457 33.1 33.1 72.2 Both equally good 99 7.2 7.2 79.4 Both equally bad 77 5.6 5.6 85.0 No opinion 207 15.0 15.0 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

Q28: If you were choose any one leader from different parties as Prime Minister of the country whom would you like to choose? Frequency PercentValid Cumulative Percent Percent Valid 01: Sonia Gandhi 446 32.3 32.3 32.3 02: Manmohan 162 11.7 11.7 44.1 Singh 03: Priyanka Gandhi 11 .8 .8 44.9 04: Rahul Gandhi 47 3.4 3.4 48.3 05: N.D. Tiwari 12 .9 .9 49.2 06: Arjun Singh 15 1.1 1.1 50.3 08: Shivraj Patil 14 1.0 1.0 51.3 09: P. Chidambaran 2 .1 .1 51.4 10: Gulam Nabi 1 .1 .1 51.5 Azad 11: Digvijay Singh 1 .1 .1 51.6 13: Laloo Prasad 6 .4 .4 52.0 Yadav 20: Atal Bihari 377 27.3 27.3 79.3 Vajpayee 21: L.K. Advani 45 3.3 3.3 82.6 22: Narendra Modi 3 .2 .2 82.8 23: Arun Jaitly 1 .1 .1 82.9 24: Sushma Swaraj 6 .4 .4 83.3 25: Rajnath Singh 3 .2 .2 83.5 29: Nitish Kumar 2 .1 .1 83.7 30: Bal Thackeray 1 .1 .1 83.8 31: Chandrababu 1 .1 .1 83.8 Naidu

23 40: Jyoti Basu 5 .4 .4 84.2 50: Mayawati 48 3.5 3.5 87.7 51: Mulayam Singh 8 .6 .6 88.3 Yadav 52: Amar Singh 2 .1 .1 88.4 70: Any one from 13 .9 .9 89.3 Congress 71 1 .1 .1 89.4 80: Any one from 14 1.0 1.0 90.4 BJP 88 2 .1 .1 90.6 90: Anyone from 1 .1 .1 90.6 Left Front 97: Others 10 .7 .7 91.4 98: DK 119 8.6 8.6 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

Q29: What is your opinion about the performance of as a Prime Minister?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid Fully satisfied 345 25.0 25.0 25.0 Somewhat satisfied 617 44.7 44.7 69.8 Somewhat dissatisfied 94 6.8 6.8 76.6 Fully dissatisfied 106 7.7 7.7 84.3 No opinion 217 15.7 15.7 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

Q30: Should Manmohan Singh continue as Prime Minister or be replaced?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid Sonia Gandhi herself 451 32.7 32.7 32.7 becomes Prime Minister Some one else from Congress should replace 148 10.7 10.7 43.4 Manmohan Singh Manmohan Singh should continue as Prime 333 24.1 24.1 67.6 Minister No opinion 447 32.4 32.4 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

24 Q31a: How much trust do you have in Narain Dutt Tiwari?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid 01: Step one 249 18.1 18.1 18.1 02: Step two 146 10.6 10.6 28.6 03: Step three 194 14.1 14.1 42.7 04: Step four 103 7.5 7.5 50.2 05: Step five 121 8.8 8.8 59.0 06: Step six 62 4.5 4.5 63.5 07: Step seven 104 7.5 7.5 71.0 08: Step eight 25 1.8 1.8 72.8 09: Step nine 21 1.5 1.5 74.3 10: Step ten 54 3.9 3.9 78.2 88: No opinion 270 19.6 19.6 97.8 97: Not heard 30 2.2 2.2 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

Q31b: How much trust do you have in Bhagat Singh Koshiyari?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid 01: Step one 72 5.2 5.2 5.2 02: Step two 105 7.6 7.6 12.8 03: Step three 169 12.3 12.3 25.1 04: Step four 135 9.8 9.8 34.9 05: Step five 150 10.9 10.9 45.8 06: Step six 152 11.0 11.0 56.8 07: Step seven 91 6.6 6.6 63.4 08: Step eight 26 1.9 1.9 65.3 09: Step nine 19 1.4 1.4 66.6 10: Step ten 55 4.0 4.0 70.6 88: No opinion 349 25.3 25.3 95.9 97: Not heard 56 4.1 4.1 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

25 Q31c: How much trust do you have in Bachi Singh Rawat?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid 01: Step one 27 2.0 2.0 2.0 02: Step two 52 3.8 3.8 5.7 03: Step three 81 5.9 5.9 11.6 04: Step four 115 8.3 8.3 19.9 05: Step five 164 11.9 11.9 31.8 06: Step six 166 12.0 12.0 43.9 07: Step seven 128 9.3 9.3 53.2 08: Step eight 43 3.1 3.1 56.3 09: Step nine 21 1.5 1.5 57.8 10: Step ten 60 4.4 4.4 62.1 88: No opinion 378 27.4 27.4 89.6 97: Not heard 144 10.4 10.4 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

Q31d: How much trust do you have in Manmohan Singh?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid 01: Step one 209 15.2 15.2 15.2 02: Step two 196 14.2 14.2 29.4 03: Step three 200 14.5 14.5 43.9 04: Step four 162 11.7 11.7 55.6 05: Step five 120 8.7 8.7 64.3 06: Step six 96 7.0 7.0 71.3 07: Step seven 46 3.3 3.3 74.6 08: Step eight 18 1.3 1.3 75.9 09: Step nine 5 .4 .4 76.3 10: Step ten 18 1.3 1.3 77.6 88: No opinion 276 20.0 20.0 97.6 97: Not heard 33 2.4 2.4 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

26 Q31e: How much trust do you have in Atal Bihari Bajpayee?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid 01: Step one 409 29.7 29.7 29.7 02: Step two 147 10.7 10.7 40.3 03: Step three 155 11.2 11.2 51.6 04: Step four 131 9.5 9.5 61.1 05: Step five 90 6.5 6.5 67.6 06: Step six 78 5.7 5.7 73.2 07: Step seven 44 3.2 3.2 76.4 08: Step eight 21 1.5 1.5 78.0 09: Step nine 7 .5 .5 78.5 10: Step ten 24 1.7 1.7 80.2 88: No opinion 237 17.2 17.2 97.4 97: Not heard 36 2.6 2.6 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

Q31f: How much trust do you have in Sonia Gandhi?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid 01: Step one 400 29.0 29.0 29.0 02: Step two 223 16.2 16.2 45.2 03: Step three 132 9.6 9.6 54.7 04: Step four 89 6.5 6.5 61.2 05: Step five 78 5.7 5.7 66.9 06: Step six 88 6.4 6.4 73.2 07: Step seven 62 4.5 4.5 77.7 08: Step eight 12 .9 .9 78.6 09: Step nine 10 .7 .7 79.3 10: Step ten 41 3.0 3.0 82.3 88: No opinion 223 16.2 16.2 98.5 97: Not heard 21 1.5 1.5 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

27 Q31g: How much trust do you have in Lal Krishna Advani?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid 01: Step one 80 5.8 5.8 5.8 02: Step two 193 14.0 14.0 19.8 03: Step three 103 7.5 7.5 27.3 04: Step four 126 9.1 9.1 36.4 05: Step five 120 8.7 8.7 45.1 06: Step six 93 6.7 6.7 51.8 07: Step seven 169 12.3 12.3 64.1 08: Step eight 44 3.2 3.2 67.3 09: Step nine 21 1.5 1.5 68.8 10: Step ten 75 5.4 5.4 74.3 88: No opinion 298 21.6 21.6 95.9 97: Not heard 57 4.1 4.1 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

Q32: Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the work of Narayan Dutt Tewari?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid Fully satisfied 373 27.0 27.0 27.0 Somewhat satisfied 563 40.8 40.8 67.9 Somewhat dissatisfied 116 8.4 8.4 76.3 Fully dissatisfied 153 11.1 11.1 87.4 No opinion 174 12.6 12.6 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

Q33: Should the present Congress govt. get another chance?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid No 525 38.1 38.1 38.1 Yes 656 47.6 47.6 85.6 No opinion 198 14.4 14.4 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

28 Q34: Who is the most popular leader of Congress in Uttarakhand?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid Narain Dutt Tiwari 704 51.1 51.1 51.1 Harish Rawat 314 22.8 22.8 73.8 Indira Hridaesh 125 9.1 9.1 82.9 Vijay Bahuguna 93 6.7 6.7 89.6 Gopal Singh Rana 4 .3 .3 89.9 Others 114 8.3 8.3 98.2 No opinion 25 1.8 1.8 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

Q35: Who is the most popular leader of BJP in Uttarakhand?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid Bhagat Singh Koshiyari 500 36.3 36.3 36.3 Nityanand Swami 176 12.8 12.8 49.0 B.C. Khanduri 472 34.2 34.2 83.2 Bachi Singh Rawat 121 8.8 8.8 92.0 Tilak Raj Behar 38 2.8 2.8 94.8 Others 45 3.3 3.3 98.0 No opinion 27 2.0 2.0 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

Q36: In the gap between Garhwal and Kumayun deepening in terms of development. Do you agree?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid No 287 20.8 20.8 20.8 Yes 593 43.0 43.0 63.8 DK 499 36.2 36.2 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

Q37: After assigning as a seperate state, do you think the condition of women in Uttarakhand has improved, worsened or remained the same?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid Improved 600 43.5 43.5 43.5 Remained the same 462 33.5 33.5 77.0 Worsened 135 9.8 9.8 86.8 DK 182 13.2 13.2 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

29 Q38: If Elections held tomorrow, which party would you vote for?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid 01: Congress 631 45.8 45.8 45.8 02: BJP 489 35.5 35.5 81.2 03: JD(U) 2 .1 .1 81.4 04: CPI 5 .4 .4 81.7 05: CPI(M) 4 .3 .3 82.0 06: BSP 61 4.4 4.4 86.4 07: NCP 3 .2 .2 86.7 08: Samajwadi Party 7 .5 .5 87.2 9 1 .1 .1 87.2 20: AUDF 6 .4 .4 87.7 30: AGP(P) 16 1.2 1.2 88.8 50: MIM 4 .3 .3 89.1 88: SDF 1 .1 .1 89.2 93: UKD 54 3.9 3.9 93.1 96: Independent 5 .4 .4 93.5 97: Other smaller parties 6 .4 .4 93.9 98: DK 48 3.5 3.5 97.4 99: NA 36 2.6 2.6 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

Background of the respondent

D1: How Regularly do you read newspaper?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid Daily 363 26.3 26.3 26.3 Frequently 330 23.9 23.9 50.3 Occassionally 154 11.2 11.2 61.4 Rarely 81 5.9 5.9 67.3 Never 384 27.8 27.8 95.1 No opinion 67 4.9 4.9 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

30 D2: How Regularly do you listen to news on radio?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid Daily 264 19.1 19.1 19.1 Frequently 350 25.4 25.4 44.5 Occassionally 196 14.2 14.2 58.7 Rarely 137 9.9 9.9 68.7 Never 387 28.1 28.1 96.7 No opinion 45 3.3 3.3 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

D3: How Regularly do you watch news on T.V.?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid Daily 517 37.5 37.5 37.5 Frequently 324 23.5 23.5 61.0 Occassionally 181 13.1 13.1 74.1 Rarely 106 7.7 7.7 81.8 Never 211 15.3 15.3 97.1 No opinion 40 2.9 2.9 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

D5: Gender

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid Male 683 49.5 49.5 49.5 Female 696 50.5 50.5 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

D6: What is your marital status?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid Married 1054 76.4 76.4 76.4 Unmarried 276 20.0 20.0 96.4 Living with someone 8 .6 .6 97.0 Divorced/Seperated 4 .3 .3 97.3 Widowed 32 2.3 2.3 99.6 NA 5 .4 .4 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

31 D7: Label of Education (Respondent)

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid Non literate 240 17.4 17.4 17.4 Below Primary 72 5.2 5.2 22.6 Primary pass/Middle fail 146 10.6 10.6 33.2 Middle pass/Matric fail 149 10.8 10.8 44.0 Matric 221 16.0 16.0 60.0 College no-degree 301 21.8 21.8 81.9 Graduate 158 11.5 11.5 93.3 Post Graduate 67 4.9 4.9 98.2 Professional degrees 6 .4 .4 98.6 NA 19 1.4 1.4 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

D7a: Label of Education (Father)

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid Non literate 473 34.3 34.3 34.3 Below Primary 74 5.4 5.4 39.7 Primary pass/Middle fail 176 12.8 12.8 52.4 Middle pass/Matric fail 180 13.1 13.1 65.5 Matric 195 14.1 14.1 79.6 College no-degree 148 10.7 10.7 90.4 Graduate 76 5.5 5.5 95.9 Post Graduate 36 2.6 2.6 98.5 Professional degrees 16 1.2 1.2 99.6 NA 5 .4 .4 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

32 D7a: Label of Education (Mother)

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid Non literate 831 60.3 60.3 60.3 Below Primary 79 5.7 5.7 66.0 Primary pass/Middle fail 168 12.2 12.2 78.2 Middle pass/Matric fail 115 8.3 8.3 86.5 Matric 81 5.9 5.9 92.4 College no-degree 47 3.4 3.4 95.8 Graduate 25 1.8 1.8 97.6 Post Graduate 15 1.1 1.1 98.7 Professional degrees 10 .7 .7 99.4 NA 8 .6 .6 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

D8: Occupation(Respondent) Frequency Percent Valid Cumulativ Percent e Percent Valid 01: Scientist 2 .1 .1 .1 02: Engineers 3 .2 .2 .4 03: Doctors 4 .3 .3 .7 05: 4 .3 .3 .9 Accountants 06: 7 .5 .5 1.5 College/Univers ity teachers 08: Modern 3 .2 .2 1.7 Artist 09: Other 4 .3 .3 2.0 higher professional 10: Science 1 .1 .1 2.0 and engineering technician 11: Computer 5 .4 .4 2.4 operator 12: Alternative 2 .1 .1 2.5 doctors 13: Medical 3 .2 .2 2.8 Technician 14: School 26 1.9 1.9 4.6 teachers 15: Nursery 3 .2 .2 4.9 teachers 18: Priests 3 .2 .2 5.1 19: Other lower 3 .2 .2 5.3 professionals 20: Elected 1 .1 .1 5.4

33 officials (Central/State) 21: Elected 1 .1 .1 5.4 officials (District) 22: Managers 2 .1 .1 5.6 24: Officials 1 .1 .1 5.7 Class-II 25: Class-III 6 .4 .4 6.1 Employee (Clerical) 27: Traditional 1 .1 .1 6.2 clerks 28: Class IV 24 1.7 1.7 7.9 employee 29: Other 5 .4 .4 8.3 administrative workers 30: Big 13 .9 .9 9.2 businessmen 31: Medium 32 2.3 2.3 11.5 businessmen 32: Small 44 3.2 3.2 14.7 businessmen 33: Petty 7 .5 .5 15.2 business 34: Hawkers 1 .1 .1 15.3 35: Sales 1 .1 .1 15.4 Executive 36: 5 .4 .4 15.7 Salespersons 37: Shop 8 .6 .6 16.3 Assistants 40: Waiters 2 .1 .1 16.5 42: Barbers 1 .1 .1 16.5 45: Sweepers 1 .1 .1 16.6 49: Other 33 2.4 2.4 19.0 service workers 50: Mechanics 8 .6 .6 19.6 52: Jewellers 1 .1 .1 19.7 53: Tailors 3 .2 .2 19.9 56: Blacksmiths 3 .2 .2 20.1 57: Carpainters 3 .2 .2 20.3 59: Other 3 .2 .2 20.5 skilled workers 60: Miners 5 .4 .4 20.9 61: Measons 2 .1 .1 21.0 62: Potters 1 .1 .1 21.1 63: Stone-cutter 2 .1 .1 21.2 and carvers 64: Furniture, 3 .2 .2 21.5 basket, mat makers 65: Rickshaw- 1 .1 .1 21.5 pullars 66: Unskilled 17 1.2 1.2 22.8

34 labourers 69: Other semi- 3 .2 .2 23.0 skilled and unskilled workers 70: Owner- 14 1.0 1.0 24.0 cultivators 20+ Acres 71: Owner- 6 .4 .4 24.4 cultivators 10- 20 Acres 72: Owner- 15 1.1 1.1 25.5 cultivators 5-10 Acres 73: Owner- 83 6.0 6.0 31.5 cultivators 1-5 Acres 74: Owner- 222 16.1 16.1 47.6 cultivators 0-1 Acre 75: Tenant 7 .5 .5 48.2 Cultivators. 5+ acres Tenant 70 5.1 5.1 53.2 Cultivators 0-5 acres 77: Plantation 15 1.1 1.1 54.3 workers 78: Agricultural 29 2.1 2.1 56.4 labourers 79: Other 95 6.9 6.9 63.3 Agricultural Workers 90: House- 265 19.2 19.2 82.5 wife/husband 91: Students 105 7.6 7.6 90.1 93: 10 .7 .7 90.9 Unemployed workers 95: Other 7 .5 .5 91.4 occupation 96: Political 2 .1 .1 91.5 activists 98: 5 .4 .4 91.9 Unidentifiable N.A. 112 8.1 8.1 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0


D8a: Occupation(Father) Frequency Percent Valid Cumulativ Percent e Percent Valid 01: Scientist 2 .1 .1 .1 02: Engineers 5 .4 .4 .5 03: Doctors 9 .7 .7 1.2 04: Lawyers 1 .1 .1 1.2 05: Accountants 3 .2 .2 1.5 06: 15 1.1 1.1 2.5 College/Universi ty teachers 07: Writers 1 .1 .1 2.6 08: Modern 3 .2 .2 2.8 Artist 09: Other higher 10 .7 .7 3.6 professional 10: Science and 3 .2 .2 3.8 engineering technician 11: Computer 5 .4 .4 4.1 operator 12: Alternative 5 .4 .4 4.5 doctors 13: Medical 2 .1 .1 4.6 Technician 14: School 35 2.5 2.5 7.2 teachers 15: Nursery 5 .4 .4 7.5 teachers 18: Priests 4 .3 .3 7.8 19: Other lower 2 .1 .1 8.0 professionals 20: Elected 5 .4 .4 8.3 officials (Central/State) 21: Elected 2 .1 .1 8.5 officials (District) 22: Managers 5 .4 .4 8.8 23: Officials 2 .1 .1 9.0 Class-I 24: Officials 9 .7 .7 9.6 Class-II 25: Class-III 42 3.0 3.0 12.7 Employee (Clerical) 26: 3 .2 .2 12.9 Superintendents 27: Traditional 3 .2 .2 13.1 clerks 28: Class IV 37 2.7 2.7 15.8 employee 29: Other 3 .2 .2 16.0 administrative workers 30: Big 15 1.1 1.1 17.1

36 businessmen 31: Medium 36 2.6 2.6 19.7 businessmen 32: Small 61 4.4 4.4 24.1 businessmen 33: Petty 10 .7 .7 24.9 business 34: Hawkers 1 .1 .1 24.9 35: Sales 2 .1 .1 25.1 Executive 36: 3 .2 .2 25.3 Salespersons 37: Shop 6 .4 .4 25.7 Assistants 38: Rentire 1 .1 .1 25.8 39: Other 3 .2 .2 26.0 businessmen 40: Waiters 2 .1 .1 26.2 41: Dhobi 4 .3 .3 26.5 42: Barbers 2 .1 .1 26.6 43: Ayahs, 1 .1 .1 26.7 Maids, Domestic servants 44: Chowkidars 3 .2 .2 26.9 49: Other 22 1.6 1.6 28.5 service workers 50: Mechanics 6 .4 .4 28.9 51: Electricians 2 .1 .1 29.1 52: Jewellers 1 .1 .1 29.2 53: Tailors 4 .3 .3 29.4 56: Blacksmiths 1 .1 .1 29.5 57: Carpainters 3 .2 .2 29.7 59: Other skilled 2 .1 .1 29.9 workers 60: Miners 3 .2 .2 30.1 61: Measons 3 .2 .2 30.3 62: Potters 1 .1 .1 30.4 63: Stone-cutter 2 .1 .1 30.5 and carvers 64: Furniture, 1 .1 .1 30.6 basket, mat makers 65: Rickshaw- 1 .1 .1 30.7 pullars 66: Unskilled 23 1.7 1.7 32.3 labourers 69: Other semi- 6 .4 .4 32.8 skilled and unskilled workers 70: Owner- 19 1.4 1.4 34.2 cultivators 20+ Acres 71: Owner- 9 .7 .7 34.8 cultivators 10-20 Acres

37 72: Owner- 23 1.7 1.7 36.5 cultivators 5-10 Acres 73: Owner- 111 8.0 8.0 44.5 cultivators 1-5 Acres 74: Owner- 143 10.4 10.4 54.9 cultivators 0-1 Acre 75: Tenant 7 .5 .5 55.4 Cultivators. 5+ acres Tenant 79 5.7 5.7 61.1 Cultivators 0-5 acres 77: Plantation 11 .8 .8 61.9 workers 78: Agricultural 30 2.2 2.2 64.1 labourers 79: Other 55 4.0 4.0 68.1 Agricultural Workers 92: Employee 2 .1 .1 68.2 seekers 93: Unemployed 2 .1 .1 68.4 workers 95: Other 10 .7 .7 69.1 occupation 96: Political 2 .1 .1 69.3 activists 98: 8 .6 .6 69.8 Unidentifiable N.A. 416 30.2 30.2 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

D9: Caste/Jati-biradari/Tribe name Frequency Percent Valid Cumulativ Percent e Percent Valid 1: Bhamin 259 18.8 18.8 18.8 2: Bhumihar 10 .7 .7 19.5 3: Rajput 611 44.3 44.3 63.8 4: Kayasthas 36 2.6 2.6 66.4 5: Vaishya 13 .9 .9 67.4 6: Jain 2 .1 .1 67.5 7: Punjabi 13 .9 .9 68.5 Khatri 8: Sindhi 4 .3 .3 68.7 9: Other Upper 13 .9 .9 69.7 Caste 10: Jat 15 1.1 1.1 70.8 15: Patel 2 .1 .1 70.9 19: Other PP 43 3.1 3.1 74.0 20: Gujjar 12 .9 .9 74.9 21: Yadav 2 .1 .1 75.1 22: 5 .4 .4 75.4

38 Kurmi/Gowda 27: 11 .8 .8 76.2 Gaderia/Koop ula Velama 28: Kunbi 1 .1 .1 76.3 29: Other 12 .9 .9 77.2 Peasant OBC 34: 2 .1 .1 77.3 Badhai/Kamsa li 35: Kumhar 6 .4 .4 77.7 36: 5 .4 .4 78.1 Lohar/Kanchar 39: Other 4 .3 .3 78.4 Craftsmen 40: 4 .3 .3 78.7 Kewat/Palleka ri 41: 1 .1 .1 78.8 Dhobi/Rajaka 42: 3 .2 .2 79.0 Nai/Mangali 43: 2 .1 .1 79.1 Teli/Gandla 46: Toddy 1 .1 .1 79.2 Tappers/Perik a 47: Landless 3 .2 .2 79.4 Labourers/Bha rtraju 48: 5 .4 .4 79.8 Entertaining caste/Kalavant hulu 49: Other 1 .1 .1 79.8 Service OBC 50: 66 4.8 4.8 84.6 Chamar/Jatav/ Madigas 51: 2 .1 .1 84.8 Balmiki/Bhangi 53: 2 .1 .1 84.9 Rajbanshis/Ma la 54: 4 .3 .3 85.2 Namasudras/ Mahar/Malajan gam 55: Dhobi/Telli 1 .1 .1 85.3 56: 32 2.3 2.3 87.6 Dom/Sindhollu 57: Nomadic 14 1.0 1.0 88.6 58: Lowest SC 1 .1 .1 88.7 59: Other SC 20 1.5 1.5 90.1 69: Other Sts 1 .1 .1 90.2 70: Ashraf 38 2.8 2.8 93.0

39 71: Mughal 5 .4 .4 93.3 72: Rajput 19 1.4 1.4 94.7 Muslim 73: Other 8 .6 .6 95.3 Upper caste(Muslim) 74: 14 1.0 1.0 96.3 Peasants+Tra ders 75: 12 .9 .9 97.2 Craftsmen+W eavers 76: Service 8 .6 .6 97.8 muslims 79: Muslim no 1 .1 .1 97.8 caste 80: Jat sikh 7 .5 .5 98.3 81: Khatri Sikh 2 .1 .1 98.5 82: OBC Sikh 1 .1 .1 98.5 83: Sikh no 1 .1 .1 98.6 caste 99: NA 19 1.4 1.4 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

D9a: Caste group

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid SC 163 11.8 11.8 11.8 ST 39 2.8 2.8 14.6 OBC 118 8.6 8.6 23.2 Others 1059 76.8 76.8 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

D10: Religion

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid Hindu 1247 90.4 90.4 90.4 Muslim 110 8.0 8.0 98.4 Sikh 12 .9 .9 99.3 Buddhist 1 .1 .1 99.3 Jain 2 .1 .1 99.5 Parsi 1 .1 .1 99.6 Others 6 .4 .4 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

40 D11: Generally, which language is spoken in your house?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid 1: Telugu 7 .5 .5 .5 2: English 1 .1 .1 .6 3: Assamese 1 .1 .1 .7 4: Hindi 618 44.8 44.8 45.5 9: Kashmiri 3 .2 .2 45.7 19: Punujabi 6 .4 .4 46.1 28: Urdu 17 1.2 1.2 47.4 32: Bhojpuri 3 .2 .2 47.6 52: Garhwali 359 26.0 26.0 73.6 53: Kumaoni 263 19.1 19.1 92.7 62: Pahari 2 .1 .1 92.8 64: Naga 1 .1 .1 92.9 69: Lakher 1 .1 .1 93.0 74: Lepcha 1 .1 .1 93.0 NA 96 7.0 7.0 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

D12: Locality

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid Village 1091 79.1 79.1 79.1 Town(Below 1 Lakh) 204 14.8 14.8 93.9 City (above 1 Lakh) 76 5.5 5.5 99.4 Metropolitan 8 .6 .6 100.0 city(above 10 lakhs) Total 1379 100.0 100.0

41 D12a: (If Town/City) Type of house

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid NA 1103 80.0 80.0 80.0 House/Flat with 4 or 47 3.4 3.4 83.4 more bedrooms House/Flat with 3 or 4 97 7.0 7.0 90.4 Bedrooms House/Flat with 3 53 3.8 3.8 94.3 bedrooms House/flats with 2 pucca 33 2.4 2.4 96.7 rooms (with kitchen) House/Flat with 2 pucca 14 1.0 1.0 97.7 rooms(Without kitchen House with 1 pucca 14 1.0 1.0 98.7 rooms(With kitchen) House with 1 pucca 5 .4 .4 99.1 rooms(without kitchen Mainly Kutcha house 1 .1 .1 99.1 Slum/JJ/Fully Kutcha 12 .9 .9 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

D12b: (If Village), Type of House

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid NA 298 21.6 21.6 21.6 Pucca 353 25.6 25.6 47.2 Pucca-Kutcha 522 37.9 37.9 85.1 Kutcha 194 14.1 14.1 99.1 Hut 12 .9 .9 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

42 D13: Number of rooms used in the household

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid No rooms/NA 6 .4 .4 .4 One 58 4.2 4.2 4.6 Two 226 16.4 16.4 21.0 Three 316 22.9 22.9 43.9 Four 277 20.1 20.1 64.0 Five 220 16.0 16.0 80.0 Six 147 10.7 10.7 90.6 Seven 42 3.0 3.0 93.7 Eight 46 3.3 3.3 97.0 Nine and above 41 3.0 3.0 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

D14: Total number of family member(Adult)

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid Blank/NA 28 2.0 2.0 2.0 One 26 1.9 1.9 3.9 Two 232 16.8 16.8 20.7 Three 241 17.5 17.5 38.2 Four 325 23.6 23.6 61.8 Five 219 15.9 15.9 77.7 Six 155 11.2 11.2 88.9 Seven 51 3.7 3.7 92.6 Eight 43 3.1 3.1 95.7 Nine and above 59 4.3 4.3 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

43 D14: Total number of family member(Children)

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid Blank/NA 112 8.1 8.1 8.1 One 147 10.7 10.7 18.8 Two 415 30.1 30.1 48.9 Three 294 21.3 21.3 70.2 Four 210 15.2 15.2 85.4 Five 70 5.1 5.1 90.5 Six 35 2.5 2.5 93.0 Seven 31 2.2 2.2 95.3 Eight 23 1.7 1.7 97.0 Nine and above 42 3.0 3.0 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

D15a: Car/Jeep/Van/Tractor

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid No 1175 85.2 85.2 85.2 Yes 204 14.8 14.8 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

D15b: Colour or B/W Television

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid No 311 22.6 22.6 22.6 B/W 492 35.7 35.7 58.2 Colour 576 41.8 41.8 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

D15c: Scooter/Motorcycle/Mopet

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid No 985 71.4 71.4 71.4 Yes 394 28.6 28.6 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

44 D15d: Telephone/Mobile Phone

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid No 673 48.8 48.8 48.8 Yes 706 51.2 51.2 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

D15e: Electric fan/cooler

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid No 775 56.2 56.2 56.2 Yes 604 43.8 43.8 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

D15f: Bicycle

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid No 914 66.3 66.3 66.3 Yes 465 33.7 33.7 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

D15g: Radio/Transistor

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid No 502 36.4 36.4 36.4 Yes 877 63.6 63.6 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

D15h: Pumping set

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid No 1167 84.6 84.6 84.6 Yes 212 15.4 15.4 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

45 D15i: Fridge

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid No 1056 76.6 76.6 76.6 Yes 323 23.4 23.4 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

D15j: Cow/Buffalow Frequency Percent Valid Cumulativ Percent e Percent Valid 0 402 29.2 29.2 29.2 1 107 7.8 7.8 36.9 2 219 15.9 15.9 52.8 3 169 12.3 12.3 65.0 4 83 6.0 6.0 71.1 5 55 4.0 4.0 75.1 6 24 1.7 1.7 76.8 7 20 1.5 1.5 78.2 8 18 1.3 1.3 79.6 10 33 2.4 2.4 81.9 11 44 3.2 3.2 85.1 12 25 1.8 1.8 86.9 13 10 .7 .7 87.7 16 1 .1 .1 87.7 19 2 .1 .1 87.9 20 17 1.2 1.2 89.1 21 26 1.9 1.9 91.0 22 12 .9 .9 91.9 23 8 .6 .6 92.5 25 2 .1 .1 92.6 26 3 .2 .2 92.8 29 1 .1 .1 92.9 30 9 .7 .7 93.5 31 16 1.2 1.2 94.7 32 13 .9 .9 95.6 33 3 .2 .2 95.9 34 3 .2 .2 96.1 40 2 .1 .1 96.2 41 14 1.0 1.0 97.2 42 2 .1 .1 97.4 43 1 .1 .1 97.5 44 1 .1 .1 97.5 50 6 .4 .4 98.0 51 6 .4 .4 98.4 52 1 .1 .1 98.5 53 3 .2 .2 98.7 55 1 .1 .1 98.8 60 1 .1 .1 98.8 61 3 .2 .2 99.1 62 1 .1 .1 99.1 70 1 .1 .1 99.2 71 1 .1 .1 99.3 73 1 .1 .1 99.3

46 74 1 .1 .1 99.4 99 8 .6 .6 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

D16a: (If Urban) Do you or your family member have Air condition?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid No 233 16.9 16.9 16.9 Yes 55 4.0 4.0 20.9 NA 1091 79.1 79.1 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

D16b: (If Urban) How many number of Mobile phones do you or your family member have?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid 0 118 8.6 8.6 8.6 1 156 11.3 11.3 19.9 2 11 .8 .8 20.7 3 1 .1 .1 20.7 4 1 .1 .1 20.8 8 1 .1 .1 20.9 9 1091 79.1 79.1 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

D16c: (If Urban) Do you or your family member have Computer/Laptop?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid No 203 14.7 14.7 14.7 Yes 85 6.2 6.2 20.9 NA 1091 79.1 79.1 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

D16d: (If Urban) Do you or your family member have Washing machine?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid No 153 11.1 11.1 11.1 Yes 135 9.8 9.8 20.9 NA 1091 79.1 79.1 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

47 D16e: (If Urban) Do you or your family member have Credit Card/Debit card?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid No 197 14.3 14.3 14.3 Yes 91 6.6 6.6 20.9 NA 1091 79.1 79.1 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

D16f: (If Urban) Do you or your family member ever travelled by Air?

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid No 269 19.5 19.5 19.5 Yes 19 1.4 1.4 20.9 NA 1091 79.1 79.1 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0

D17: Total monthly household income

Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid NA 9 .7 .7 .7 Up to Rs. 1000 164 11.9 11.9 12.5 Rs. 1001- Rs. 2000 241 17.5 17.5 30.0 Rs. 2001- Rs. 3000 218 15.8 15.8 45.8 Rs. 3001- Rs. 4000 183 13.3 13.3 59.1 Rs. 4001- Rs. 5000 160 11.6 11.6 70.7 Rs. 5001- Rs. 10,000 237 17.2 17.2 87.9 Rs. 10,001- Rs. 20,000 116 8.4 8.4 96.3 Rs. 20,001 - Rs. 50,000 27 2.0 2.0 98.3 Rs. 50,001 and above 24 1.7 1.7 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0


Valid Cumulativ Frequency Percent Percent e Percent Valid Upto 25 yrs 349 25.3 25.3 25.3 26-35 yrs 348 25.2 25.2 50.5 36-45yrs 270 19.6 19.6 70.1 46-55yrs 188 13.6 13.6 83.8 56 yrs and above 224 16.2 16.2 100.0 Total 1379 100.0 100.0


Vote Casted to different parties with respect to gender, age, education, locality, religion and caste in Uttrakhand assembly election, Pre poll Survey, 2007

Congress BJP BSP UKD Others*

All 46 32 4 7 11


Male 44 31 4 7 12 Female 47 32 4 7 10 Age Group Upto 25 yrs 50 31 5 4 11 26-35yrs 45 33 4 7 11 36-45yrs 43 32 4 11 10 46-55yrs 43 38 3 9 7 Above 55 yrs 46 27 4 7 16 Area/Locality Rural 44 32 4 7 13 Urban 51 32 5 8 5 Religion Hindu 44 34 4 8 11 Muslims 63 7 8 4 18 Sikh 75 17 8 -- -- Others** 60. 30 -- -- 10 Caste/Jat Biradari Brahmin 37 48 1 5 9 Other Upper Caste 50 41 2 1 7 Rajput 46 34 1 8 11 Dominant Peasant Group 33 23 2 32 10 OBC 48 28 5 3 18 Chamaer/Jatav 33 12 41 3 11 Scheduled Caste 63 9 3 9 16 Scheduled Tribe 100 ------Muslim 65 8 10 4 14 Sikh 55 36 9 N.A 32 42 5 5 16 Level of Education (Respondent) Non Literate 41 25 9 9 17 Upto Primary 49 25 4 8 14 Upto Matric 46 34 4 7 10 College and above 47 37 3 6 8 Source: CSDS Data Unit, Uttrakhand Election Study, Pre-poll – 2007 Note: All figures in percent; N= Number of Respondents. Sample Size:13795. Those who did not cast vote and hold no opinion are excluded *Other party includes Janta Dal (United), CPI, CPM, BSP,IND,NCP,RLD,SHS,MUL,SP,JD(S), SMT,CPIML(L),FBL,RPI,LJNSP,JMP,UKD,SJP ( R) .NLP,BHJS, VVS,RJD,IJP, Other parties. ** Others includes Christian, Buddhist, Jain, Parsi and Others Rural¹ includes village, having minimum 5000 population Urban² includes town (below one lakh), city (above one lakh) and Metropolitan (above 10 lakh)