Rasch Model to Measure Change Applying the Rasch Model to Measure Change in Student Performance over Time Jessica D. Cunningham; Western Carolina University Kelly D. Bradley1; University of Kentucky 1 Please use Kelly D. Bradley as author of contact. 131 Taylor Education Building, Lexington, KY 40506- 0001,
[email protected] or (859)257-4923 1 Rasch Model to Measure Change Applying the Rasch Model to Measure Change in Student Performance over Time Abstract Newton’s Universe (NU), an innovative teacher training program, strives to obtain measures from rural, middle school science teachers and their students to determine the impact of its distance learning course on understanding of temperature. Although limited research exists examining the usefulness of the Rasch model in measuring change over time, this study applied the method of racking and stacking the NU data to examine change in student performance over time. Locally, researchers involved in the NU course development can use these findings to further improve the course and the student assessment instrument. Researchers across various fields can use the methods shown in this study to improve assessment instruments, course development, and measures of change over time. DESCRIPTORS: Rasch Model, Racking and Stacking, Measuring Change in Student Performance, Newton’s Universe teacher training 2 Rasch Model to Measure Change Applying the Rasch Model to Measure Change in Student Performance over Time Challenges regarding student achievement in math and science education remain an issue for rural educators in general and particularly in the rural regions of Appalachia. Newton’s Universe (NU)2 is an inquiry-based teacher training program striving to obtain measures from rural, middle school science teachers and their students to determine the impact of its distance learning course on understanding of temperature.