2001 North Carolina Women's Soccer • Page 78
History tistry, medicine, pharmacy and law. Five health schools -- Students Carolina was the nation’s first state university to open its which, with UNC Hospitals, comprise one of the nation’s Recent freshman classes at Carolina have set new standards doors and the only public university to award degrees in the most complete academic medical centers -- are integrated of excellence as measured by the rigorous coursework stu- 18th century. with liberal arts, basic sciences and high-tech academic dents have taken, as well as their grades and SAT scores. Authorized by the N.C. Constitution in 1776, the universi- programs. The incoming freshmen of 2001 are continuing that trend. ty was chartered by the N.C. General Assembly Dec. 11, In fall 2000, Carolina enrolled 24,872 students from all 100 Besides setting a new record for high school preparation, 1789, the same year George Washington first was inaugu- North Carolina counties, the other 49 states and nearly 100 the newest class will become the very best group of first- rated as president. other countries. Eighty-two percent of Carolina’s 15,608 year students Carolina has ever admitted. The cornerstone was laid for Old East, the nation’s first undergraduates were from North Carolina. Sixty-three per- state university building, Oct. 12, 1793. Hinton James, the cent of Carolina’s students were undergraduates, 28 percent UNC students have a long tradition of outstanding achieve- first student, arrived from Wilmington, N.C., Feb. 12, 1795. ment. Thirty-five have been awarded the Rhodes Location Scholarship since it was created in 1902, including the first The 729-acre central campus includes the two oldest state U.S.
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