Umkhanyakude District Municipality
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01/52 UMKHANYAKUDE DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY 2 PROFILE: UMKHANYAKUDEDISTRICT PROFILE: UMKHANYAKUDEDISTRICT 3 Table of Contents 1. Executive Summary ............................................................................................... 4 2. Introduction: Brief Overview ................................................................................... 5 2.1 Location ................................................................................................................. 5 2.3 Spatial Pattern ....................................................................................................... 7 3. Social Development Profile .................................................................................... 8 3.1. Key Social Demographics .................................................................................. 8 3.1.1. Population and Household Profile ...................................................................... 8 3.1.2. Race, Gender and Age Profile ........................................................................... 9 3.4 Poverty Dimensions ............................................................................................. 10 3.4.1 Unemployment/employment ........................................................................... 11 3.5 Education and skills profile .................................................................................. 13 4. Drivers of the economy ........................................................................................ 13 4.1 Economic overview .............................................................................................. 13 4.2 Tourism ............................................................................................................... 15 5. Service delivery Service Delivery ......................................................................... 15 5.2 Human Settlements ............................................................................................. 16 5.3 Waste Management............................................................................................. 17 5.4 Electricity ............................................................................................................. 17 6. Governance ......................................................................................................... 18 6.1. Municipal performance ..................................................................................... 18 7. Project to diversify and grow people and economy .............................................. 20 7.1. Mkuze Regional Airport .................................................................................... 20 7.2. Mkuze Airport City Precinct Development ........................................................ 20 7.3. Mkuze Agri-Hub ............................................................................................... 20 7.4. Jozini Hidro-electric scheme ............................................................................ 20 7.5. Umkhanyakude Broadband connectivity .......................................................... 20 7.6. Hotel School / Tourism Academy ..................................................................... 20 7.7. Tourism Node - Bhanga Neck Community Lodge ............................................ 21 7.8 Environmental Features ....................................................................................... 21 4 PROFILE: UMKHANYAKUDEDISTRICT 1. Executive Summary The uMkhanyakude District Municipality known as “a model District Municipality in service delivery excellence” is a Category C municipality located along the coast in the far north of the KwaZulu-Natal Province. ‘uMkhanyakude' refers to the Acacia Xanthophloea fever tree and means ‘that shows light from afar'. The name reflects both the uniqueness of its people and their hospitality, as well as the biodiversity and conservation history that the region is very proud of. The Isimangaliso Wetland Park, formerly Greater St Lucia Wetland Park, encompasses the entire coastline. It shares its borders with Swaziland and Mozambique, as well as with the districts of Zululand and King Cetshwayo. It is the second-largest district in the province, and consists of the following four local municipalities: uMhlabuyalingana, Jozini, Big 5 Hlabisa and Mtubatuba. It is a very rural district, the largest town being Mtubatuba in the south, with Hluhluwe, Mkuze, Jozini, Kwangwanase and Ingwavuma further to the north. Covid 19 is not highly prevalent in the district at the moment. However, the increase movement of people where HIV infection is rampant might lead to changes in terms of numbers. The N2 running through the UKDM is a major strength to the district as it provides opportunities for growth and economic stimulation in the economy. Umkhanyakude is a poverty stricken district with high unemployment figures. Investment opportunities that exist in key catalytic projects for the area as planned and conceptualized are projects that include Mkuze Regional Airport, Jozini Hydro-electric Scheme, Makhathini Flats Development (Sugarcane, fruit and vegetables production and processing), expanded timber production, fishing industry based on natural resource harvest supplemented by aquaculture, expanded agricultural production of cashew and coconut oils and nuts for export, and establishment of high value–up market anchor tourism sites to ‘trigger’ further structured investment. PROFILE: UMKHANYAKUDEDISTRICT 5 The main economic drivers in the district include Community Services and Finance (30.6% and 15.8% respectfully). Educational levels in the district is significantly lower than the Provincial level and employment opportunities are limited. According to the South African multidimensional poverty index of 2016, the Umkhanyakude District is considered amongst the 10 Districts in South Africa with the greatest decline in MPI. 2. Introduction: Brief Overview 2.1 Location Umkhanyakude District Municipality is one of the ten (10) districts (Category C municipalities) of the KwaZulu-Natal Province. UMkhanyakude District Municipality is located in the far Northern region of KwaZulu-Natal Province in South Africa (32,014489; -27,622242). At 12 818 km² and with a population totaling 625,846, the District is the 2nd largest District in KwaZulu-Natal, in terms of size, and its neighbouring District, Zululand District Municipality second. 6 PROFILE: UMKHANYAKUDEDISTRICT The District comprises four (4) local municipalities, namely : UMhlabuyalingana; Jozini; The Big 5 Hlabisa Municipality and Mtubatuba. The district has eighteen (18) traditional leaders in each of the four (local municipalities). The Jozini and Hlabisa municipalities have the largest traditional community areas, accounting for 13 (62%) of the total number of traditional communicates in the district. 2.2 Historical Perspective The municipality shares borders with two countries being Kingdom of ESwatini and Mozambique. UMkhanyakude District is home to a World Heritage Site known as Isimangaliso Wetland Park encompassing the entire coastline of more than 200km. PROFILE: UMKHANYAKUDEDISTRICT 7 The Map below (Map 1) shows the location of the Umkhanyakude District Municipality in relation to other Districts in the Kwa-Zulu Natal province. 2.3 Spatial Pattern The settlement type in UKDM dominated by population residing in traditional; areas, which is in excess of 90%, and is by far the highest figure of all districts within the province. Fifty five (55.7%) of land cover within the district is natural land. Approximately 17.9% of the District is being used for agricultural purposes, with the majority of agricultural land being focused within the Mtubatuba Local Municipality (LM). Wetland accounts for 26.2% of the land in within the Big 5 False Bay Local Municipality. Approximately 33.2% of the District is formally protected and forms part of Nature Reserves. In terms of the Provincial Growth and Development Plan all towns (Mbazwana, Jozini, Hluhluwe, Mtubatuba, Hlabisa & Manguzi) has been identified as Quaternary Development Nodes. 8 PROFILE: UMKHANYAKUDEDISTRICT Households, Wards and Traditional Leaders No of No of Traditional Local Municipality No of Households Wards Leaders Umhlabuyalingana 39 614 18 4 1. Jozini 44 584 20 7 2. Mtubatuba 25 255 20 1 3. Big 5 Hlabisa 41 792 13 6 4. UKDM 151 245 71 18 Source: Umkhanyakude District Municipal IDP 2020/2021 3. Social Development Profile 3.1. Key Social Demographics 3.1.1. Population and Household Profile According to the community survey done in 2016, the total population of the Umkhanyakude District is 689,090 with a growth of 9,2% between 2011 and 2016. The District had a modest average annual population growth rate of 0.9% per annum between 2001 and 2011. The HDI of the district declined from a figure of 0.46 in 2000 to 0.44 in 2010 and is significantly lower than the comparative overall provincial figure (0.44 compared to 0.49). Life expectancy at birth is lower than the average figure for KZN which currently sits at 56.1 years. Population Figures UMhlabuyalingana Jozini Big 5 Hlabisa Mtubatuba Umkhanyakude 2011 156,736 186,502 107,183 175,425 625,846 2016 172,077 116,622 202,176 689,090 % 8,9% 5,9% 8,7% 3,2% 9,2% Growth Source: STATS SA Community Survey, 2016 PROFILE: UMKHANYAKUDEDISTRICT 9 uMkhanyakude Population growth 2009 - 2019 2,0% 1,8% 1,6% 1,4% 1,3% 1,3% 1,3% 1,3% 1,2% 1,2% 1,2% 1,2% 1,2% 1,2% 1,2% 1,1% 1,0% 0,8% 0,6% 0,4% 0,2% 0,0% 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015