Welcome, Student Developers Where can you find hot technologies, open-source communities, and job opportunities? Visit developers.sun.com/students/. Sun is looking for students who are ready to innovate and create the future of technology. Highlights Sun was founded by student developers, and we know that some of the best application development comes from students like you. Sun is committed to helping student developers get started on the right foot. With the Sun™ Developer Network for students, you can:

• Learn about and download new and cool technology • Build social networking applications with Zembly • Get involved with open-source communities • Access free student training • Become a Sun certified developer • Win stuff through contests and games • Apply for entry-level jobs and internships • Participate in more than 200 Sun Forums • Share tech tips, code, and articles with the SDN Share program • Access JavaOne™ conference online tech sessions • Get discounts on Sun gear and books • Stay connected to Sun through training and certification Campus Ambassadors discounted certification to all students. Save up to Sun has more than 500 Campus Ambassadors world- 60% and get free practice exams. Did you know that wide who help spread knowledge and awareness of Sun certified developers typically get paid a 14% leading-edge technologies. Come build a network higher starting salary? of future tech leaders and learn how to become a Campus Ambassador. Free and Open Source Software Participate in the open-source community. Share Win Stuff: Sun Contests and Events your code, thoughts, and ideas with developers Sun offers contests throughout the year where you worldwide. It's easy. Grab this free software: can compete with your fellow students from around technology, Sun Studio compiler and tools, Sun SPOT, the world in a wide variety of projects. Current Sun JRuby, NetBeans IDE, OpenOffice.org™ software, Open- contests include: Solaris™ OS, JavaFX™ technology, JavaFX Script and • Sun-Ericsson Application Competition JavaFX Mobile software, Darkstar, and GlassFish™ ap- • SunQuest Chronicles plication server. Start participating now for a chance to win big prizes! Connect With Sun's Community Sun hosts events around the world. Meet the devel- Join the Sun™ Developer Network, sign up for the Sun opers who make the technology real! Studentzone on Facebook, follow Sun on Twitter, share • Grace Hopper Conference (Sun Provides student your tips through the SDN Share program, read blogs scholarships) from Sun insiders like CEO Jonathan Schwartz, con- nect with your local Java and OpenSolaris user groups, • Sun Tech Days and visit Sun's Participate page: developers.sun. • Job fairs com/participate/index.jsp. • JavaOne conference • on Second Life Get a Job @ Sun Sun offers many types of entry-level jobs and intern- Get Smart. Get Trained. Get Certified. ships, including the following: Sun offers free training to all students: • Software or hardware engineer • With Sun Student Courses, get real-world training • Programmer or developer and earn a certificate. • Program manager • With the Sun Academic Initiative (SAI), get access • Marketing specialist to all types of courses: Web scripting, open source, Java™ Mobile technology development, beginner • Financial analyst Java training, operating systems, and much more. • Sales representative Student courses are also available for the NetBeans™ • Campus ambassador integrated development environment, JRuby, JavaFX™ • More at the Sun StudentZone and Employment pages: technology, and the Java ME platform, the Solaris™ sun.com/corp_emp/zone/ and sun.com/corp_emp/ OS, the OpenSolaris™ OS, and Sun SPOTs. Sun offers

Sun Microsystems, Inc. 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, CA 95054 USA Phone 1-650-960-1300 or 1-800-555-9SUN Web sun.com © 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Sun, Sun Microsystems, the Sun logo, avaOne, Java, NetBeans, JavaFX, Solaris, OpenSolaris, OpenOffice.org, and GlassFish are trademarks or service marks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. Information subject to change without notice. Printed in USA. SunWIN #542816 Lit.#SWDS14497-0 09/08