
KS2L Mathematics 102221 Statistics/Handling Data Data!

Student Introduction Dino Data Challenge! During the course of your visit, find out something Can you use your maths skills to about each of these : find the most popular dinosaur? ü ü salerii Which one do you like? In this activity we will determine which are the ü lengi It might be down to favourite dinosaurs at museum ü Hypsiliphodon features, speed, size, power, using maths skills! ü looks, or even name! Tally up the responses, pictogram the ü Sauropodomorpha frequencies and figure out who’s best! ü ü

Charting your favourite dinosaurs! Task 1 - Tally

ü As each student in your group or class tells the teacher which dinosaur they’d like to vote for, you need to mark their answer next to the corresponding dinosaur name on the tally table below. Don’t forget to add your own vote!

Isle of Wight Dinosaur TALLY TOTAL Iguanodon

Neovenator salerii

Eotyrannus lengi






Page 1 of 4 Task 2 - Pictogram The frequency of each vote on the tally chart now needs to be shown on the pictogram below. Draw one dinosaur in the correct column for each vote received.

Iguanodon Neovenator Eotyrannus Hypsilipho- Valdosaurus Sauropodo- Polacanthus Baryonyx don morpha

102221 Page 2 of 4 OPTIONAL: Cut out and stick dinosaurs! Iguanodon Neovenator Eotyrannus Hypsiliphodon

102221 OPTIONAL: Cut out and stick dinosaurs! Valdosaurus Sauropodomorpha Polacanthus Baryonyx

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