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Playing itate Journal MADISON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 19^2 the Game DIAL 6-3111 with HENRY J. McCORMICK Illinois' great basketball team, one so good that one or PlayTonigh ;i nether of the regulars who helped bring that school an un- PrepF disputed Big 10 championship a year ago is not playing regu- larly this season, will sit idly by for a couple of weeks while «•»•. ^* n _ j.j.1 _ tlf_-l I_..»AAI» rhe other title contenders take their risks. Illinois lost only one regular from its championship team Kev Figure in City Cage Battle West, of a year ago; that was Don Sunderlage, an exceptionally fine Ice Skippers Ready for Races Wisconsin Must jruard. « Returning regulars included Olive Tollmer and Irv Also Meet Here Bemoraa at forwards, Bob Peterson at center and Bod Defeat Wildcats Fletcher at guard. Jim Bredar was picked to take Sunder- lage's place, but that didn't mean that the four returning regular* had their jobs, in 'Must' Game On hand was Johnny Kerr, a red-headed sophomore for .500 Rating skyscraper of 6 feet 9 inches who can move and has fine Badger Preps Go co-ordination, Coach Harry Combes used Kerr in place of Badgers' Weekend Follmer for a time, but he now seems to have concluded that to Richland Center his best bet is replacing Peterson at center with Kerr. Cage Trip Starts in League Contest Whatever his move as T.o starters, Combos' net result is to at Northwestern give him exceptional reserve strength. Peterson was a sopho- By MONTE McCORMICK more a year ngo who was outscored by only four Big 10 cen- By HENRY J. McCORMICK (State Journal SUff Writer) ters, three of them seniors. _ . (Statt Journal Sports Editor) Four Madison high school You'd think that would assure the 6-foot, S-inch junior Wisconsin's basketball team will basketball teams will take part from Elgin a regular berth this year, and it would at prac- try to bring its Big 10 winning per- in three games tonight, and tically every other school hut Illinois. centage up to .500 Saturday flight when it meets high-scoring, de- the feature of two battles being fllinoia'has ;i better one, however, in Kerr. _ fense-poor Northwestern at the played in the city is the Madi- Talent-lrulfu Illinois doesn't piny a Rig 10 game until jt Evanston high school gymnasium son Central-East meeting at meets Purdue at Champaign on Jan. 28. In the meantime, co- at 8 o'clock. The Badgers then play S o'clock in the East gymnasi- jRAdor Iowa will be playing two, third-place Minnesota will be at Michigan State Monday night. Coach Harold E. (Bud) Foster's um. playing three and dangerous Indiana will be playing a couple. Badgers have won from Ohio State Madison West will be host Four games are scheduled this Saturday night, and while losing to Purdue and Illinois; to Janesville in another im- here's how they figure: Northwestern has won from Ohio portant Bis Eight Conference Wisconsin over Northwestern by 3 points (71-68). State and Purdue while losing to Michigan State and Iowa. contest. Wisconsin high will Purdue over Indiana by 5 (76-70). Could Tie for Third play the first of its two games Iowa over Minnesota by 12 (65-53). Northwestern has an over-all in as many nights when it travels Michigan State over Michigan by 16 (66-50). season's record of four victories to Richland Center in a Southern • • » against six defeats; all the victories 10 Conference game; the Badger were scored on the Wildcats' home Preps will meet Lake Mills on the Lou-rll (Red) Dawson is the seventh head football coach court at Evanston high school, and field house court Saturday night. Pittsburgh has had since the late Dr. John Bain (Jock) Suth- all of the defeats were suffered in Park Meets Belolt erland quit the post after the IMS season. Succeeding Dr. road ;amos. Bcloit plays at Racine Park in Victory over Northwestern could the only other Big Eight game on Sutherland prior to Dawson 's appointment were Charlie shove Wisconsin into a third place tap tonight; Racine Horlick plays Ilowser, Ciark Shaughnessy, Wes Keslcr, Mike Millignn, Len tie if Iowa cooperates by defeating 1',-if.anovn nncl Tom Hamilton. The last named is Pittsburgh S Minnesota at Iowa City. The other Probable Starters athleric director; he coached in 1951 purely with the under- two conference games scheduled CENTRAL EAST standing that it would be for one year only. CHARLES BRENDLER N> l«on ... JonM • » • — Schachte Blackner Data on Starters Madison Central high school's basketball team knows It must Pond Brendlrr P«drac!ne .. Kurth John A. Hannah, president of Michigan State, is eager- WISCONSIN stop Charles Brendler, Madison East's 6-foot 6-inch <*»*?'-"»'*" TlPlcr .. Morrii ly giving out quotations these days, and I wonder if Pres- Pos. Hut. Witt. Year In order to win and remain in first place in the Bis Efcht Confer- Officla'li • ' Arch'le " Morrow. Madison, I nick Cable F fi-2 1S5 1 ence race The Purple and Gold players hope to give Brendler and Auile VanderMculen. Madlion. ident Hannah might not be intrigued by the noise he's mak- Ed Carpenter r «-4 130 * enou/h outside help to defeat Central ani give East a chance of JANESVII.LB WEST Amonif the sailors In the annual Northwest Ice Rcjatta which Paul Morrow <: «•» 20S 2 Clark t MacK ing without giving critical ear to the content. Al Nicholas G «-3 m 4 coin* into a tie for first plac. Brendler has amassed 41 and 37 a opens "n Lake Monona today will be the skippers pictured above Tom Ward G 6-0 IS3 3 Weber'! f «• » ™>JE* A story out of Bay City, Mich,, has President Hannah Mel Jones of Milwaukee and Art Slebke of Vmcentown, N, J., will points in different games this season and he s scorinsr at i 24.5 qnsrard c Marshall NORTHWESTERN clip, which is a record-breaking pace for the league CooDcr W jvfohoncT stating that Michigan State will break off athletic relations be two of the veteran skippers seeking titles. Pos. Het. Wet. Year 01flrla'l'«VHrrirT'berleth, Braver Dam. with any schools not falling in line with the so-called col- AmonR the Madison entrant. In the regatta Is John Bluel in Frank Ehmann F «-3 ISO ' and Wlllard Kcrkenbush. Portaie. his Class E boat, the "Shadow." The lower picture shows Btod Urry nellrfleld F fi-2 182 3 lege presidents' code" for de-emphasis in athletics. te Frank Pi-trancek r fi-« 240 2 about to be pushed by crewmen, left to r slit. Vic "»«"«• « John Blcvsr G «--1 '«» - Among the stipulations in this code were elimination of Don Blaha G S-.1 1S5 2 at . "iha Saturday night. The Barrett, Phil Town and Herb Krocman. Blue! is in the cockpit, other four games booked tonight' <priti" fofitbrtll practice nnd elimination of bowl games. Sr.turday night are Indiana at Pur- Six Badgers Picked in the Southern 10 arc Monroe at Michigan State is a member of the Western Conference Ft. Atkinson, Bavaboo at Reeds- due and Michigan State »t Michi- burg, Stoughton at EdRerton, and nOr'a-i ardent, courtship on the piirt of the Spartan*. If the lga.n, Rig in should vote to continue the Rose Bowl ngreemeut, Mich- Foster is set on four of his five Portage at Wisconsin Dells. ! Central, tied with Racine Park i.'nn State thru would have the privilege of resigning. staners, but he isn't settled on in Pro Football Draft for fir* place in the Big Eight Northwest Regatta 'one of his forwards. Dick Cable, p.-^idiMit Hannah said he had assured Coach Clarence promising Stevens Point freshman, . Conference, must win tonight to be Rams proceeded to pick up a pair certa:n of retaining that lofty ( Biggie) Munn that "no Michigan State opponent ingoing to will start at one forward, and his NEW YORK —(/P)— Six mem- of- All Americ' a endJ-s ~- ""'Bo•b fCare"""'y perch as Park is almost sure to I'oicl spring football practice unless the Spartans do." _ running mate will be Ed Carpenter, bers of the University of Wiscon- Starts Here Today Pete Anderson or Tony Stracka.!sin football team and three others of Michigan State and Dewey Me- defeacea t Bcloit., which has a 1-5 \Vhy not simplify that for Minm and put it this way; Connell of Wyoming in the regular ieaRue record. Paul Morrow will be at center with from the state of Wisconsin were draft, a drawn-out, all-day affair. Mi.:higii'n State can nold spring football practice if its oppon- Albert (Ab) Nicholas and Tommy selected by National Professional East, like West, Janesville, The annual regatta of the North- :.t.o boats finishing first and second 49ers Fare Well Kcnosha and Horlick, Is-tied for will : in each class; the free-for-al--alll winwin-- Ward at the guards. League football teams in the an- i-nts do. „ , „ westerwesern Icce Yachtinac g assn. Onluniy mthe aaSan nanisFranciscmo -locu49crs, thirt|]lr(di placepiace,, one gamRame behinueiunda mthe so when does your spring football practice start, Coacli: open this morninr at 9:30 on Lake nor will receive a large cup. Wildcats Younff Team nual draft meeting here Thursday. Tackle Jerry Smith and End Pat who plucked three All America Co-ieaders. The Pu:-ple and Gold • a • Monona with more than 100 skipskip- Amon/\i tiun^g thLt'^e.