TUE 8D A T . M A IC H M . I H l Tha i^uiivtsf iKanrir^Btfr lEpgntng Ifgralii Avaraga Dally Nat Preaa Ron Far the Wsek Badtog quarters. He w ill operate tha st»- March 11. 1951 HosUssss ^ ths masting of the tton himself If approval to given, David R. Kallay, non of Mr. and Board Tables tauigkt partly ctoudyi Mrs. Thomas T. KeUey pf 84 Republican women’s Club tomor­ To Lecture Here la Granted Extensian Drescher road, a atudent at Naw row aftemoor. at the home of Mrs. Walter N. Welr.waa granted a 10,145 About Town Ray Warrsn, 109 Prlncston strsat, two years' extenalon o f permission Hampton achooL N «w Two Requests Mbsr a« Sha Aa9H w If it At hoiM for tho fprini^ wiU ba Mrs. Ralph Uuidbarf. Mrs. to have a repairer’s license at 342 Easter Lilies raaa o f ObeolatleM a^Md m m tSat <* JliJSi; “ m tha annual winter Robert Gorman, Mrs. David Keith, East Center street. Anthony Agos- Manehettsr—A CUy of VOlago Charm < 5 S a ld elM i win ba bald sports banquet held recently at the Mrs. William Roscoe, Jr., and Mrs. tlnelll received permission to erect Zoning Officials Relay an outside stairway on the east aavan o’dock thla he was awarded * William Stuck. On Sale Wednesday. At ’tHIRTY-TWO PAGES—(IN TWO SECTIONS) PRICE FIYE CENTS tlM HolUatar atraat acb^*> varsity letter. He has Decision on Applica­ side of a dwelling at 270 Hackma­ (ClasMSed Advertising on Pngs 19) M ANCHESTER, C O N N , W ED N E SD A Y, MARCH 21,1951 The Inasmuch Class will meet tack street. Romaldo Doyan YOL. LXX, NO. 144 am* to b ^ **? firsts been co-captaln of the team. 9 A.1L ^ ’^ f i*----- — ------:------f^toiriia vice cbfttnnAn o tb# n rit this evening at 7:46 at the Church tions of Roy H ag^orn was denied permission to re p ^ motor vehicles on property west 2 ? ^ ,^ of “*• The Manchester Rotary club of the Nazarene. The usual prayer ItMl Ooaa. and Alain ®5***Vhat**tf and communion service will be of 844 Middle Turnpike, west. meet tonight at the Mwchwter The Zoning Board of Appeala A holdover application from a Allies Ct^tiDue Advaoce Oabane haa aanounead u held In the msln auditorium to­ Country club at 6:30. President tabled two appllcatlona presented previous session was approved. 200 PLANTS AT Smawara any P«™f^ iJf Carl Furay will preside at the morrow evening at 7 i.'lO, Beginning Chunchon in Ruins standard Hrat aM certificates tn- by Roy Hagedom at Its session John Webster waa allowed to con­ F H IM «, S. WW 1 J Frank Costello Defies Probe open meeting. The main business Wednesday. March 28. evangelis­ terastad in befinninsr the ^ “ ^** ■* vert a single family dwelling Into will be a report of the nominating tic services will be conducted by laat night. Hagedorn Is seeking 4 VaagysM thiaMme they would he able to at- l*ermisslon to erect a gaaollne sta­ a two-family dwelling at 1085 NORTH KOREA this weetln* and naake up the committee and election of officers Rev. Ross Ekiirlck Middle Turnpike. eaaL and directors for the coming year. tion together with lights and signs for same on Middle 'Turnpike, rest of the work. Dr. Bernard Sheridan is chairman Anthony J. Brewer, Jr.. of j As U. S. Tanks Enter west, east of No. 240, which is of the nominating committee. Mr. ami Mrs. A. J. Brewer of 38d : S t catrlstopher’s Mothers’ Orcle closer than 200 feet from a lot re­ $J.29 For Fourth Tin e on Funds Keeney street, a .senior at Wesley- I win meet tomorrow eaenlng ai served to be used for the Broad an University. Middletown, has ■-,5 The meeting of tlic Bucklaiul atreet achool. Hla second applica­ HALE'S [Jriengbu alKht o’clock at the home of Mrs. been awarded his letter for varsity “r * Seeks A llied John O’Neil of 54 Marshall road. Community club scheduled for to­ tion la to repair and store used SPEHAL Stiff OppositioD Be- I HONCCHONt RefuRcs to Talk About morrow night haa been postponed wrestling at the same location. Both SEOUL Crime Probe FiKurcs to March 28. due to Holy Week. applications must carry a state Headquarters yoDd City; Claims 7 i ' *1 ' v s' .Ivdoog• News Tidbits Hie Aeiietfl, Piiitiirea The nekt meeting will be in the The food sale by the O. O. P. approval also. Agreement on form of a potluck supper and any women will open at Hale’s store at Red Force ^ e r 38th Self OR ProDioter ol Sole Agenta la Maacheater Description Is Wanted FOR Culled From (IP) Wire* neighbors and friends in the area twelve noon Thursday and con­ Hagedorn submitted a plot plan i Other Plants At •gpalVYangpyong' CNpyo Infra Red BroUera who would like to attend are invit­ tinue while the supply holds out. to the board, but an exact descrip­ 38th Parallel MILKMAID Bob Hewitt Tokyo, March 31.— {IP)— WONJU ed to bring a hot dish and attend Mrs. Hazel Finlay and Mri. George tion of the type building was not SUWON SOUTH Waterbury American, newspa For HouRewivesg Qtea AIDS F. Borst, chairman and co-chair­ An American tank force to­ the supper. Mrs. Lioulse Seymour is Bob Hewitt, cowboy explorer, available. The board tabled action per, says Connecticut Tavern Own- man, respectively, have arranged KOREA chairman of the committee in lecturer and photographer, haa until this plan was submitted. The $1.98 $2.29 $2.98 day rumbled into the former AcliesoD Asks C o d i i d o d cers’ Association haa marshalleU Plunge Into Oil« Real with Mrs. Robert McIntosh, tel. Kumyangjang Aithar Dng Stoiat charge. been engaged by the Brotherhood building, Hagedom said, would Chinese stronghold of Chun­ ■ forces for mass descent on State 6063; Mrs. Frank Gerlach, 6084, View OD Problem De­ ^Oun Capitol tomorrow in support of bill | ERtate Firm; Admita of Emanuel Lutheran church, for comply with standard service sta­ chon. It met only flag-waving The Friendly Circle will hold Us to call for food contrlbiitions, a program at the Bowera achool, tions owned by a major oil com­ that wo\ild allow them full liquor | Bootlegging After *26 regular monthly meeting tomor­ Thursday forenoon, if inconvenient Korean civilians. The Chi­ spite MaeArlhiir Au­ f< privileges .... Janies J. (iarroll.i Friday evening, April 20, for the pany he is dealing with. However, ; > Chunywtg row evening at eight o clock at the for the members to bring them to benefit of Troop 128, Boy ScouU, Hagedorn also plana to build a nese, who had made the cen­ thority to Cross Line first Senate C*rlme comnilllee wit | Community " Y . " A social hour will ness to balk al testifying liefore New York, March 2\.-AfT) the store. Mrs. Flnlsy will also of which Raymond Wogman is second story to be used aa living No Deliveries on Flowers tral Korean road center their FOR RENT follow the business meeting. collect if necessary. Her telephone television cameras, plans 1o ap­ — Underworld B obs, Frank acoutmaater. The profits will be troop massing in South Washington, March 21—(>P)— For AD Occasions Is 2-1411. used for camp equipment for the VONGiU’: pear before committee at Wnsh- Costello today defied Senate Manchester Grange will confer Korea, apparently had withdrawn Secretary of SUte Achcaon said STATUTI Mats ^ r < ^ Inglon hearing tomorrow . . . Fed- , troop. crime investigators for the the third and fourth degrees on a A special rehearsal has been north ol Parallel 38. today the United States wants a cral Security Administrator Oscai ITAUAN-AMERICAN Mr Hewitt will deliver a lecture Chunchon 1. 8 1-2 miles south rirclea Indlrste wldely-soparale areas where Chinese and North Ko­ fourth time in their elTorta to class of candidates at eight called by Director Henry Gryzb TRUSS FITTING common point of view with Its A l­ H. Kwing says some 100,000 newly | on •‘Roaming In Wyoming.” His o f the Red Korean border. rean Communists were reported trying to maintain orderly withdraw­ oitglhle oldsters are about to lose o’clock tomorrow evening in for St. John's third annual min­ descriptions and pictures. In both Ranges, Refrigerators lies in the 38th Parallel problem. find out his net worth. He CLUB strel show. It will be held tomor­ By AKRON Oradnated Experts. Housewares Dept. It waa from Chunchon that the al yesterday. Allied troops (black arrows) continued to advance their first month’s Old Age insur­ Orange hall. Supper will be serv­ color and black and wljlte film, of against moderate rear guard artinn. Censorship lifted, the Eighth said he wouldn’t answer the ed at 6:30 foi members and candi­ row eveqing, following the. Lenten Chinese mounted their two mas­ But he said no new authority Is re­ ance checks because they have EldridRO Street the marvels of nature’s architec­ Also Abdominal Snpports, Elas­ Washers a|id Al! quired for United Nations military Army revealed the rapture of the diungpyong reser\olr luid power question. With the same sul­ dates, preceding the meeting. The service which commences at seven Basement sive ofTensives In January and failed to apply. ture in tliat part of the country, tic Hosiery, and all types ol anr- February against Wonju, deep in forces to cross the old boundarj' station 25 miles northeast of Seoul. They captured the plants Intact len stubbornness he has dis­ Weddingro. MeetlnRS, third degree will be conferred by o’clock. Regular rehearsals have lift Ills audiences out of the reali­ Other Appliaivces I’rotc.slanl group, protests to Showers, Etc. been held on Monday evenings, jand gtcal appliances. Private Fit­ central Korea. between North and South Kory a, three days ago. ______King George VI that visit by iTin- played when the matter came tip a young women’s team, and the ties of life and hold men, women Acheson told a news conference will be more frequent aa the time ting Room. On the western front. South Ko­ ress Flizaheth to Pope Plus XII previously, Costello sold the com­ fourth by the officers under the and chil(iren enthralled. He haa the U. 8. Government Is consult­ TeL Daytime 8005 for tile presentation approaches, com rean nnd American task forces would be "an affront to national mittee was asking for informatlan leadership of Earle Hutchins, trailed thousands of miles with a. JW.HAU ing with other nations having Friday and Saturday, April 6 and MsMCMStna CSM» ranging up the historic invaaion H«-ntlmenl.” . . . .If people are it had no right to. After 6 Tel. 2-8203 master of Manchester Grange. saddle and pack horses in the re­ Quinn*s Pharmacy troops in Korea, is studying the 7, at the Hollister school audi­ route o f Korea bumped Into bitter Ex-Convict Is Slain going to live longi-r, society | I refused before,” OpaUUo motest regions of Wyoming, Utah eituation closely, and working on The JW HA1:€ cou Communist resistance north ol must change some of its policies said. ” I ’m not going to answer torium. and Montana, with hla camera it-with Gen. Douglas MacArthur's that question." ever ready for the amazing pic­ MaNCMUTM 4oMia Seoul. BO that oldsters will not spend Reservations for the Easter command. their laat 10 or 20 years in idle­ The gambler, labeled by the tures which emphasize his story of An American tank patrol on the He was asked whether on the breakfast at 8:30 a m. Sunday, at road' to Uljongbu ran into a hes'vy In New Haven ‘Ride’ ness and frustration, says Dr. R. - committee as head o f a national the beauty of these western wilds. political level there was any crime syndicate, pictured hlmoelf the Salvation Army citadel, should mlna Seld. B. Robbins, vice president of Alltcrt Anastasia (le ft) reputed executioner for Hie Murder. Inc., moh Mr. Hewitt has lectured before necessity for new authority for to the committee os one now en­ be made by Thursday at the latest, Men’s and W'omen’s Clubs and In “The small arms and mortar crossing the parallel. He replied American Medical association. of a dewade ago, wear* smoked glasses as he arrives st Federsl court Sre were so intense that It waa gaged In purely legitimate busi­ by calling the citadel office, tel. private boys’ schools and academ­ no— that there was no such neces­ Policr Discover Ralph Q gail Connecticut State Medical Soci­ house. New 'Vork, for the yesterday morning’s session of the Senate ness. 3787. impossible for the men to leave crime committee. Anastasia said he had ronJiinetlvIUs, an eye all- ies in all the large centers of pop­ sity but that this waa a matter on ety announces support for two And he said he wasn't going to the tanks and remove the'mines,” Mele 8 Body •"ID E»< a•>«» 8 t namt, nnd ksUed that he not Imi required to appear but the committee ulation in the New England and which a common point of view is bills now before I.s'gislaturc which talk sl>out what ooaets be has. eastern states. ”1116 lecture he is to '(f an operations officer said. would create Htat« Commission on (llre4'.ted that he he on hand for the afternoon session. On the right desired. Park; Shot in Costello pictured himaelf as a give in Manchester is one of the A t Oumchon, thousands of sol- He thus drew a sharp distinc­ Rock Of Rackeleers MentfU Health. . . .High schools is Edward J. Flnrio, longshoremen’s union organizer, of Hoboken. N diera moved up behind the spear­ >1., who t

> o w. I MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21. 1961 N MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., WEDNESDAY. MARCH 21, lOBl PAQETHRIX Costello's 1925 cltisenshlp papers Coventry and now of Storrs. Mr. State Clean might havs been .TOldaUa If hs Breen la the son of Mr. and Mrs. partially crippled eouala, w ere Okh' I Costello Defies $7,500 Awards Louis Breen of Storrs. The cere­ made by India through the Soviet dlipute feared again last night were bo'otlsgglng at that tlm s.' •upper at 6:30 o'clock. Mrs Lucile when the Board of Rducalinn de­ Seven Children covered in tne rulne. H m d e a f mony will .be performed In St. Of Racketeers Russians Silent Embaaav here to learn what ranged In age from one to 19 Several times. Halley askai CIRCLE Carlson■Tk hostess. There will be mu­ Killed in Korea "quantttiea of food grains the U. S. cided to aland pal on preseni pay Prolie on Funds tello bow he financed some 198U Mary's church In South Coventry. schedules. The Norwalk reachers years, I S t J - ' - In Legal Suit - The garden club meeting sched­ Rockville sic with Miss Pearl Hcimeixllnger S. R. will be prepared to siqiply In­ Perish in Blaze real estate operations. Cpstello (Continued from Page-One) STARTS TOMORROW in charge, a service of Worship On India Food’ Bid dia anil the terms." He added;^ HHsncintlon seeking a general 17.6 Maiwtn Henry, 14, escaped by protested It wss "unfair to hold uled for Wednesday nt 7:30 p.m. at and a program with Mra. Howard per cent Increase rejected the jumping from an uptaalra window. (ConUaned From Fife One) the home of Ronald Hathaway will "No reply haa been received." i m ll me down to whera tha money Settlement Reached Be- Oonpectlcut, the Senator indicated BIG DAYS — 7 E. Graves of West Hartford apeak- India has appealed to several Imard's offer to boost the salarlrs H ranl/ord, Ont., M arch 21-^(9»l He said he had urged the others to ' be held Thursday instead. New Delhi. India. March 21— of beginning teachers from $24(M) follow him but non* did. ihome?" asked Committee Coun- I came from." gambling waa operated by inaall Cubs’ Minstrel Ing on "Bells". —India haa asked R ussia If alie countries including the United - Seven children perished in a fir* I At one point, he aputtsred: The adult education course on fry bookies and policy workers to J'2600 a year. A gee lamp han|(lng too elOM to j sel Rudolph Halley. fore Trial Starts on textile printing sponsored by Festival of I’urlm can help case India's footl crisis iiy ; Slates, which has a request for that raced through a frame houM itiE IIIIIT l«Y$ I Costello aUrod at the ceiling "Money—money—money. Money and aa such can easily be con­ The Festival of Purim. or the 2.000. 000 tons of wheal under Con­ I'lie Icai'hers aasiK’lntion i ailed the celling waa blamed for th* fire. I accumulated!" Manchester Case the local Board of Education be­ 111 Rehearsal supplying grain but she has re-; In the Six Nations Indi.sn reserva­ momentarllv, blinking into the trolled by state and municipal en­ F east of Ix>ts is being ushered in celved no reply. Food Minister K, | gressional consideration. 1 the offer a "dlrert and calciiliited Mr*. Henry was nwty nt o n.UESE SMHT . The committee insisted that Cos­ gan Monday night with eight per- forcement officers. tion yesterday. nelghbor'a bouse. She said her hu»i 11 white, hot glare of kllcg lights. 1 sons attending. The class conduct- on Thursday, March 22nd. The M. Munchl told the parliamcnl to 'msiilt ' Tlie h'lnrd llieii withifrew tello had given such detailed in­ reading of the Megillah or the Rodies of six children of Wilfred band waa In tha United States and ■Then he said in his hoarse thin Three local residents receiveu . James T. Laidjaw started Gamblng and racketeering of a day. Pay Dlspiile Hares I Its offer and voted to .siilimit a snt- Vlllt/ MTTEINS I! voice: "No." formation on his buaiiieaa opera- aettlements totaling 17,000 yester- with designing and i'Utting lino- scale that would bring corruption To Be Held on March 29 Scroll of Esther will be helil at the Norwalk. March 21-i/r‘ The I iir.V Inidgel liiised on present 1 Henry, owner of the dwelling and their eldest daughter Irma June, Costello's ' attorney, George tlon.s, th a t any C onstitutional rig h t in the state's political offices was B'nal Israel Synagogue this eve­ Answering a member's question ' 16-year-old Arthur Crawford, a 18, waa In Buffalo, N. T. day. Just aa their accident case was | leiim blocks. The nexi of a series 11.. mini NOiwiilk teachers salaryI schediile.s. Wolf, has contended that his cli­ he might have not to give his net not indicated, he said. In Rockville; To In­ ning at 7 o'clock. i Munchl said official tnquiriea were ready for trial before a Superior of eight lessons will be conducted ent is constitutionally entitled , *orth had been abrogated. Monday at the George Hersey clude Special Acts Superior Court I to withhold data about hl.s wealth. Kcfaiivcr Interrupted to say the Court jury In Hartford. The suit Robert.son school from 7:30-9 p. m. At the se.ssion of the Tolland ' The committee lias asked for a le- I tommlUee has "the right to know arose from an accident at Hartford County Court of Common Picas 4'KEE PARKING In our paved lot on Main S t. Registration fee of $2 is f'jr cov­ HAVE VUtK PAItTY. Rockville, March 21—(Special) Iieslde our store. No MKTER PARKING In en­ ! gal brief on this elalni. ' what Ills net worth Is." road and Bridge street. ering coat of material used. hold 'Tue.sday, an extension until ; It says the brief wilt figure in !| Wolf atlll srgued, however, that Roland R. Wilson wa.s aw arded B A N U tK I UK tVEDDLNU —RebearaaU are progressing for tire hliH'k Soutli of Our Store. Miss Helen T. Reynolds of South i RECEPTION IN August 1 was granted in the .sum­ I its recommendation to the Senate \ this might incriminate Costello. $3,850, and his daughter, Sandra Coventry and the Waterbury I the Stephen Foster Musicale and mary process case of Ignatz Schi- to cite the witness for contempt of j Lee, Who w as 1 'j-years-old a t the YWCA staff with Miss Gladyre 1 Minstrel to be presented at the bek again.st Frank Ix-mok. the ex­ ! Congress. ! time of the accident, received $1.50, CAVEY'S VICTOR MATURE Freeman of Jackson street in Wll- | Sykes Auditorium on Thursday tension being granted by Judge ' As he began his seventh round John Kocamik, the third plaintiff, liniantlc left Sunday by ca'r to PH ON E .4IUI) TERRY MOORE Philip ft. Pastore. II with tlie committee, (.'ostello said j PIIIVAI'E lUMNO ROOM evening. March 29 for the benefit 1 aihion cue: HOI!... Natural Bridge Shut received $3,600. All live on Avery spend about five days in Washing- | WIlllAM lENDIX Tlie eoiirt took tlie papers in the I he has bci-onie an ordinary Inisl. Oliituary street. i ton. D. C. of Cub Pack II of Rockville. The ease of Motors Insiiranec Corp., in blue. Step richt 'uto line with the ness man. with Intere.sta in vari- The three were Injured wlien a Miaa Mary Burgoyne of Main Barber Shoppers will take part in against Oscar J! Chetelat in whicli tpirit o( the fashion season... in footwMr 1 oua honest endeavois. car in wlilch they were riding, atreet. South Coventry, had a.s this program which Is being spon­ there was a motion to cite in Ar­ thtf “sparkles” in latest style, r«chcs Plunge Into Oil driven by Wilson, waa struck from guests Sunday Rev. and Mrs. John sored by the Men's Union of the thur J. Jolie as co-plaintiff. new heights in expertly crafted deails, He made a plunge into oil on "a the rear by a trailer-truck owned E. Post and two sons. John E. Jr., ' Union Congregational cliurch. Tlie trial case of Mary Zira sets a new record for smooth, easy hunch, ' he said, and another into Deaths by the Guyott Construction Co., and Willlnm Avery, all of Stafford Under the direction of David Good- against Stanley Kulo. scheduled Sgt. Howard C.. Flavell j ! jet broilers because "1 tike it." I Inc., of New Haven and driven Springs. Rev. Post and his family for Tue.sday. went over. going comfort. See these smart, i,^bt‘etta ale, prominent Hartford music di­ Halley asked Costello whether j Eric C, Wlllerup ! by Rusaell T. Weir, also of New are former residonlu of South Cov-, Sgl. Howard C. Flavell. Jr , 24, I'alhern. Y oung 2nd BIG HIT rector, Uie program of familiar ilalr.v M«M-llng flattering patterns sswl I the broiler business and the New | E ric C. W lllerup, 77. of 416 ! Haven. The action waa brought entry. He was pastor of the Meth­ Stephen Foster melodies is being County Agricultural Agent John of 115 Maple street, was killeil Orleans Beverly Club were the against the company and driver. odist church here for two year.s . Ann Harding B arry urieani oeveriy \^iuo vn-rc m,; | atreet, formerly of East Sullivan completed. A feature will be the M. Elliott of Rockville is calling Mai'cli 1 in Korea while serving Ml only legitimate btisinesaea he was Hartford, died suddenly at his Tlie child was thrown from the before local parishioneiF united “The When You Furnish in M APLE! TIDAL WAVE well known Dean Family Quartet the,attention of all dairymen to in the Seventh Infantry Regiment. VOM engaged in now. 1 yesterday morning. arms of Mr. Kocamik, who waa with the Methodist church in | MiiRnificent “Cause and Swedish comedian Ernie Swon- the meeting arranged for Thurs­ when the Impact or- | Quarryville to form ii United Third Infantry Division, with a ^ --- -s Costello: I would say. yea. Of i He w.os a retireil cabinet maker, holding her Yankee” 'For Alarm” Bon of Portland, Conn. day at the North Coventry Grange course, I have a trading company. ! and had worked for Sage Allen curred. Methodist church there. EMOTION! Mall, when m ethods of reducing heavy tank company. He was a SO-SO Club veteran of World War H and had He was referring to a real es- and romp.mv In Hartforii foi The plaintiffs were represented SC x i >Ty tSFottcER" The 50-50 Club of the Rockville the grain bills in face of .increaa- tate company many years.' Before moving to i by Lcssner and Rottner, and the , Ing costs will be (liscu.s.scd. This been in service for seven years. Baptist church will hold a social He is, survived by his wife, Mrs. w M i s t ) Then he said he had "a little in­ I Manchester he had lived in East | defendants by Attorney J. Donald ' meeting this evening at eight will be an all day meeting stall­ terest in an oil field." Hartford for more than fifty Regnler of Hartford. Alfout Town ing at 10:30 a. in. Tlie speakers iii; Marjorie I.autenhacli Klavell, a o'clock at tlie liomc of Mr. and nine months old daughter Sharon, After a brief recess, Costello I yearn. He was born in Copen­ Mrs. George Brigham of Elizabeth dude J. S. Owens, extension Ag­ told tlie committer tlial in addi­ hagen. Denmark, on August 11. P,ichard B. Brown, .scaniun. USN, \ ronomist of the University of Con­ his paijrnf.s, Mr, and Mra. Howard | G o m p R O y atreet. Members are requoKted to C. Klavell, .''r.. three brother: SECTIONALS tion to his' other cash, he has i 1873. ami came to the U nited .^on of Mr. and .Mrs. Robert B. ' bring ten cent gifts with them to necticut: A. I. Spielmaii, associate Richard and Gilbert, both in the I about $4,00u to $5,000 In hia sum­ I States as a young boy. Soiilb Coveulry Brown of 260 Woodland street, and | USHNELL director, Storra Agricultural Ex­ mer home at Sands Point on Long i He leaves his wife. Thea Thor- John J, fummisk, radioman, sec-1 KC«PS this meeting. navy. Donald at home and a sis­ Class Thursday periment Station; Dr. H. Halcrow, ter." Mrs. Michael Kasliggl of] ERBNER’S Island.____ j .sten.scn W lllerup: six daughters. Mfa Pauline Uttle on»t.. I p. n , AhUott A ( ohUIIo pany. Yes—ii lakes modern designed furniture Q. What waa your contact with home after seven o’clock this e\e- at St. Mary's church will be at I ('artoona - “1 lying Dl«r M«n'* PIANO RICITAL KEENEY STREET PARENT CiouncU MeetUig There will be a musical program the punchboard industry? jning. ______7:30 a. m. and 10:30 a. m.: at St. ] Orch. ilalr. TEACHERS CU B lo properly fit modern small homes or Joseph's at 8:30 a. m. i Sun.; “Thp Knforerr’^ $S, 82.40, $1.80; 2nd Bair, lure- at the meeting of the Women's apanments. And these Sectionals show you A. No contact at all. people | Services at the First Congrega­ Council of the First Congregation­ bought these dolls, uaed tliem Mrs. Caroline Heiwchell served $1.20; Tel. Hartford 5-8177. Modern and Mrs. Caroline Belle Lambert tional church will be conducted I KASY I RKK I’ARKINO al Church in Vernon this evening. why. Group two end chairs around the priaei for the punchboardf. Horachell of 1245 Albany avenue, Tlitirsdav at 7:30 p. m.: Good Frl- | There will be musical selections by corner table, or put them together for a Costello said that neither lie Square Dance Hartford, died Tuesday at Hart­ day a t 7:30 p, m. E aster Sun­ Mrs. Doris Hamm, soprano, ac­ Loveseai. Stretch a line of armless chairs nor hia wife had any Interest in ford hospital after a abort illness. day there will be an Easter Sun­ companied by Mra. Doris Lutz, as­ lain SA VIRf * any business outalde tha U. H. The wife of John Herachell. she rise seiwice at 5:43 a. m. at tlie City View sistant organist of the Union along the wall... there's just no end to During the prohibition era. he leaves two daughters, Mrs, Zelora home of Dr. and Mrs. Loren Mac- 3 _ DAYS ONLY — 3 church Mias Antoinette Mueller flexibility. They're good looking and said, he bootlegged whiskey. Kllenherg of Hartford and Mls.s Lean on Monument Hill. This will entertain wilh accordion se­ SUIT gantlemon- Costello said he lias played Uic will be followed by communion at TODAY THRU FRIDAY Dance Hall lections. The program haa been rugged—and just about perfect. THESE Izetta Sullivan of Petersburg. STATE KEENEY' STREET horses now and then since 1930, Va.: one son. Oarence E. Hazen the church with an early Easter arranged by Mrs. Charlotte Gran­ ARE THE LOWEST PRICES WE'VE AT OUR REGULAR PRICES! SATURDAY NIGHT m a tc h in t; t a iu -i:s tailprod by Kirkland Hall but ne\-er waa a bookmaker. ot Coventry: four aistera, Mrs. breakfast served by the Ladies' ville. ' ' ' EVER HAD FOR FURNITURE He said he has been a "commis­ Bessie Cambert. Mrs. Emma Bai- Association about 7 a. m. Regu- j MARCH 31st—8-12 P. M. Food Sale sion•ion man”m an vho> nu merelymcir-ijr arranged ^ y. ivira. Mrs. v_nttnuti.c Charlotte v.i»* Cormier and lar aerticea will be conducted at ; 60c Plus «c Tax The Maple Street Parent Teach­ step Table ...... $1 l-!l’"» LIKE THIS. in Burlington’s for people to place beta with book- ■ Margaret Lombard: and one 10:45 a. m. 1 er Association will hold a food maker* and received a percentage.' in othcr. Alfred Wallace Lambert, The choir of the Second Congre- | sale on Thursday, March 22 at 3 Cocktail Tabic ...... I!>.'.>'> Solid Birchwood frames, double dowellcd* Asked if he knew the late A. , aji of Worcester, Mas.s.: several gational church will present an Arc p. m. at the Maple Street school. corner blocked, wood pegged. Cushions Women's Guild craosa-resistant rayon Capone, Co.slcllo said lie had seen : nieces and nephews, three gvand- Easter cantata "The Seven Last INGRID Chair Side or covered with bright patterns. Plaids or the Chicago mobster once In Flor- j children and two great-grand- Words of Christ” by Theodore Du­ The Women s Guild of the Un­ bois at the church Good Friday at toofQ ucrrcff ion Congregational church will BE SURE you hove the RIGHT NUMBER Lamp Table ...... 1 prints. _ Q "Did vou sell liquor to the: -phe funeral will be held from! 7:30 p. m. There will be no ad- B e r g m a n meet this evening with a pot luck Capone ayndlcate?" i the T. P. Holloraii Funeral Home, mission charge A silver c^lec- A VICTOR FLEMING PRODUCTION S H H f iN E 1 >175 Center street, Manchester, tlon will be taken. Donald Hay- _ I . _ J 4 A w in » AtiiffiAv momincr mL lUi30 with k and had to turn NO CLEARANCE SALE Sfecki, load*, hwuranc* Polici*i, about 15 away. ! Sofa Bed Suite $37.50 Mr. and Mrs. Dayton H. Whipple RoctepH, Caih. Jowoiry, ri$M and family of Lakeview Terrace CAVEY’S NO SPECIAL PURCHASE in Your Own Horn*! have visiting them her cousin. Mrs. $ 1 6 9 . 5 0 No Money Down George Hausman of Albany, N. Y. Mlsa Artene Mary Franz of IS NOW SERVING Deep roomy drawera south Coventry was a guest of REAL HONEST-TO-COODNESS Only $25 Down with turned knob pulls. honor during a miseellaneoua and Chest 28" wide and 41" greenback abower Monday night Two room.'' in one . . . a hand.some high. Antique maple at th* home of Mr*. Peter KUarsky SAVINGS ON A LARGE CROUP OF maple living room with a hidden bed­ finish. of Manchester. About 20 guests DELICIOUS HOT PIZZA room. Saves you space, saves you attended #rom Hartford. Manches­ money. The maple sofa opens into a ter. Willimantlc. South Coventry 6-Drawer a and Storrs. The bride-elect opened • FAILLE SUITS double bed, is comfortable innerspring her numerous lovely gift* under construction, ( hair and rocker are an appropriately decorated um­ included. Chests... brella trimmed with pink and HOT PIZZA DON, whit*. Table decorations were •PRINTED CREPES carried out in a color scheme of SERVED DAILY FOrI aERLY OF HARTFORD ROAD $44.50 Our Prico gr*«n and pink. A buffet lunch ' IS NOW MAKING HIS DELICIOUS • SILK SHANTUNGS Loop Pile 9 X 12 Rugs Others Ask ’1!! lor R • . waa nerved the guests by the host­ 5 P. M. TO 1 A. M. esses Mrs. Kllaraky, Mrs. Louis » HOT PIZZAS AT CAVEY'S The popular bouclc woven rug No Money Down Yeung, young Breen of Storr* end Mrs. Gustave OjdUf Fallot of Hartford. Miss Franz, • NAVY SHEERS by Charm Tred. Proshrunk, tilheusMs eecsMad washable. Rubberized non- $59.95 Extra large chest with daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward SIX drawers. Measures • Ma9n nf Hamry ttaai S. Fm iz, will be married April 14 HOT PIZZA skid back. Made in 11 decora­ . Ivy psrky Bend-out • lacks l amraly . . . $4«ippn9 s»Mh 2 Kays 32" wide and 48" high... to Blchard Breen formerly of South tor colors. Made in many $9 Down antique maple finish. • In—gk, O—raN $Im . 12 > $V4 > 8M ^ CAST’S”” pockets, hirn-back 3 9 SERVED SUNDAYS CROUP I other sizes. cufh.ln ISdoliciou* • N— Cnrrying H GOOD QUALITY IN POOD. • Tw* In —iy Ms 12 NOON TO 9 P.M. e Croup of 9 X 12 Axmlnlster rugs . . $79.95 Soveri. Siiot 10 to 1S, IS AGAIN FOREMOST IN THE BEST PIZZA $ 1 1 .8 8 This new open stock group includes beds, BANTLY e Broadlooms, astsorted weaves, priced dressers and nightstands to match chests. i/ 9I0.1S. 17.93 YOU'VE EVER TASTCD! REGULARLY $14.98 per sq. yd. fro m ...... 7.95 To Eat Horo Or Jdka Out. JUNIOR OR MISSY SIZES Ideal for guest or child’s room, cottages. e Deltox “Woolcraft” Broadloom, sq. yd. 3.85 O IL C O . e Deltox Woven fiber rugs, 9 x 1 2 ...... 19.95 HURRY ..HURRY ..DON'T MISS THIS CHANCE GROUP 2 TAKE ONE HOME - THEYHE DELIOIOIISI e Your stairs carpeted, including TO BUY AT THIS UNHEARD-OF LOW PRICE! TEL. S29S pads and labor (straight flight)...... 44.00 $13.88 e Rdomful of Quaker felt base to Ronge and Fuel ' AT THi enniR_ REGULARLY $19.$8 lay yourself, max. 15 sq. yds. AUTO STORES Oil Distributors FAMOUS FOR FINE FOOD JUNIOR OR MISSY SIZES TOUK nBESTONE DEALBK CAVEY'S Olooed'Wedneoday at Noon . . . Open Thuroday Until 9. ■ Advgftite 1b The Herald— It Paya Other Dmyn 6:80. OPEN EVENINGS by Appointment, SM BtADf Vr. TBL. 70$9 S8.T MAIN ST. phone 4159 or oee xalenman. . i.Jl U I'i



provide for average wage camera iu Commlaaloner Hill. He la a man urged to become a member of thla “to carry the brunt of the tax Use B-47 Jet housing needs have been definitely Blasts Price IN CLOTHING, association. : 'I- of great Integrity and courage.’ Week Rites load, aa well aa the brunt of the ira te The governor said hla confer­ Any of the present officers and other loads.'' In Atom Tests ***Tn^gwem or disclosed ence about the natural gas pipe At Center Chnreh present committee members will Curb System But. he aald, as a result of the held a long confe ence with OOP line was a "preliminary” one, and be glad to explain the details of organized etrength of the United Set for Parley leaders last night to survey the the new membership amendment. Labor Policy committee, "It does (Coatlaoed From Page One) ACCESSORIES AND that there was nothing definite he (Oonttnoed froM Page One) present Utus of some of the Center Congregational church The Finance committee presents not always have to be that way.” (‘■■i could say nbotit it now. and on Feb. 28 left Hlekam Ftcld, MR major issues before the legislature. Legislation is pending to re­ will hold its annual Communion plans to Include an evening of He reported at todays news service on Maundy Thursday at bingo later In the spring, a fair fence, agenclee. Honolulu, for an unannounced move or restrict tlic power of emi­ 'The reaulU speak for them­ destination Nothing was annoum • illliilal Notes munion meditation "The Ood of sary. for the iBSuance of a com- “We decided, therefore, to take communionCommunion" cominuingContinuing htsnm m-nc.-.aeries munltymuntty circular at tthe time of the Golway alrcet. The mirilatrel re­ said it waa Ida hope that the K'S'— a dramatic step. We voted tinanl- hearsal will follow at 7:30. Holy Warrantee Deed* t\1iRn R reporter remarked that (in the general theme of "The God opening of the park, mously for the withdrawal of laturc will "push ahead" on that. Piitlenis Tmlay ...... If® and Father of our l.«rd Jesus | nenry Williams of East Hart mass will be. sung tomorrow, |M, bid' frequently tnken tbe Proposed Icgislalion giving labor representatives from and de­ Linnle Murphy to Florence M. Adiuiltcd ye.sterday: William Chi’is f foi;orat- STRAPS _e. hR replied; .same wa.s uue for anti-pollution: Campbell, 76 North School street; Mrs. Brva Doyle bas been III at only way we could effectively Im­ utes each. 12:20 to 12:40, are an- N GLOTHING- “I think that a governor haw Susan Shearer, Lake street; Mrs. by Roberton. her home for over a week, having press upon the American people iiounecd for tomorrow and Friday cd, properties on While street aep- , H *h t aa«i eometlmM wj legislation. j On Good Friday morning at to have a subtsitute at Crystal I .irately to Daniel K. Kane et al IN CLOTHING- FOR MEN He that a gooa1928-1027, ino*7 artel and u'AH waa ■ a member nfof ce. State Public Works Com- Tolland Community Building com­ WE aivf~a«r IniisiHi extra uiJih across the ball f>f when he withdrew hla support l/Pi The condition of Sen. Van­ mittee held on March 12. It waa Tolland Grange and Fire depart­ . e,* 'CagtSMgS:! I j I air condltloiwd clothing l^ aalener. the foot is built inside all Baiet irom legislation which wotild au- denberg any ax.resident .-Mxtvikv of V...-the A added: Town of Tolland It welcome and Tolland South cemeterya ONE-STRAP CUT-OUT inoOUBg about expanding Its hous- "I have the greatest confidence months. Nothing to Buy... /Ht n. , I 4 tfng program until the states ? * > ^ ^ ^ f ' M' SANDALS In Red and Patrnt Leathnr. High Cuban COBpIltllr TO THB COMPUMINTS heel. WATER REPEUEIT! ■r-'i ■■' t ir c s lo n ^ 1 / "'vvs •'■-S' ■ ' ' ■'S'''':' . V.. NEW 1951 COLUMBIA BIKE STEP IN PUMPS

Am«rica's Smartest Bicycle Cuban herla. Red, Green. Black Reg. $0c Package and Bine. Various makes Hiirh as Dorothy Dodd, Rhythm Step, eto. $10.00 B U R P E E^S Csipiitii|r i Down H V b r i d Giant sm M{lnMr!i y ZINNIAS Daa't M ill this Offar... $ 2 . 1 ^ Thty'ra tha Ntw Giaat 2-TONE SANDAL Zinnias that Graw 18/8 heel. In Light Beige and Broun. Splash! Splatter!—with Northcool it doesn’t maiterf ■ i f Pej^Week ta tha Sizs of Muma! From ice cream atains to orange juice splashes, spots roll . IV, right offi Northcool sheds water, resiais wrinkles, pro­ .. G E T YOURS TODAY! FIRESTONF, BICV( LF.S vides greater comfort because it has 34% more porosity! Aa Low Aa $39.95 Safe in «he wash tub, safe in the cleaners!

Northecol TailormJ M fhe Famous Chgss Manner f TUSOME—Sizes 4 lo 12: Rayon Gabardine, Rayon Tropical YOUNB MEN'S or Rayon Fancy $ 1 1 .9 5 . BROWN Sfyliny ^ A l e v i s i o w Sufmi Co forward with assurance in a new Twin-Tone-no Haodsoine need to wait. Just a glance wilt convince you that OXFORDS ' r ' * ^ s V ,- t ROLLERSKATES they’re the latest in men’s fashion. Misses’ Brown and White DRESS SHIRT with Cap toe or 5loo- ' f ': ’ • Adiustatbfa NOW ONlt Tl V by r^sion^ Sole the narrower shoulders and lapels, the slightly caaln toe. • Rubber cuahiened 4 CQ SADDLE SHOES • Uklhai' straps Got Your Fishing License Yet 7 . . Com In .. We Got Em suppressed waistline (to make you look taller and In Kali-aten-lks and Arrobuta. Also all brown ox­ ARROW DART A' trimmer), the new, especially blended pfeid color i a t f fords, patent leather and one and two-strap pumpa. >-v f v.^4, tones-and the 14 Hand Tailored Points which distinguish GRAMERCY PARR CLOTHES . . HEY KIDS, LOOK! —brings a second look... SATISFACTION Hillaricb I. Brodsby 1/you're really going places, Twin-Tones are BASEBALL perfect for the man on the way up, and the man who's GUARANTEED BAT already arrived. Come in and try one on today! SPORT / Frafacfi from Doer to Oper Single & Double Breasted Models in all sizes COATS up MATSHIELD Loagvs Spocial S2JI8 • Solid Rubber A popular Item with men. Hortchida Covsr o Fits Over Any We have a good selection In all the latest colors, Inrlud- BASEBALL Professional Floor Mat • Easy Ing Tan, Green, Blue, Gray. FIELDER'S GLOVE to Lift Out AJI bIecs. NYLON 89c Has all the features big leaguers damand. finest aelected cowhids. Socks $2 7 - 5 0

,\nd I'p for oecoiions when a young man muil look hit very best. CumfortaUle? And Howl v .'i! Good quality broadcloth is “Dart” medium non-wUt col­ lar baa a luw neckbud that sin 0.00-U AND") ' \ ‘ Sanforized ogoinsl shrinkage, Iqoks wonderfully trins— 1*111 YOVaOlOTIklSi New tightly woven for'long wear. gives extra freedom at the throat. Sanfoiiaed-Iabeled. • Bd mp Removable itoyi in collar pre­ of ronrse (shrinkage leee N.lever before in television has so much-quality been offered for so than 1%). Mitoga ent for vent wilting and curling. In perfect fit. Ask us for the little.With picture quality so clear, so sharp, so steady . . . with tone Neckwear T H E RIACSHIP white or assorted solid colors. "D art.” quality so rich, so true—produced by the world-famed Capehart T ird ston o STETSON Symphonic-Tone System. Foremost in fine cabinetry, too, Capehart FACTORY-METHOD NEW TREADS p n Junior Sites 6 lo 14 *3.95 —a trim, lightweight jaunty Stetson that brings .w ill fill a proud spot in your home. And just look at the prices. No Appliod OR Soiwid Tiro lodlot or or Your Oona Tiros For Easter Terms availabte a second look from men and women alike. A hat I wonder the incomparable Capehart is your best television buy of that loves adventure in any season, looks ucll Youth s Sites 12'/, to 14>/i the year. There is a Capehart to suit every home requirement. if desired a n d A ll Spring with any outfit. Come in and try lio n . S | 2 S 0 Priema tta r f a t $299.95. Hundreds of popular patterns 17-incb rectangular tube for dear, bright The Orsf lime you waar and iTHE CAPEHART C p ||l|| 1 ' picture. World famous Capehart Sym- Osly to choose frojm In a myriad Other Stetson Hats 5IQ'®® pbonic-Tooe System. Attractively hoistiod wash Holeproof nylon le cb , of color schemes. in rich mahogany veneer. Combince boat 6-Piece Open Ind 'iM e^^repl'* 2JI8 you'll know thoy'r* torrific fcatures of table model and console tele­ seeks. Tops in comfort, waar •4- IRONWe TAIU 'Tor* vision cabinctt—iocorporatas utility ahslL WRENCH SET o Won't wRrp, a h |p and fit, they'ra latitfaetlon CEHOUSESSON om MIRNER I. I Ibl ^ . j f ' M Popular Sim . 1.10 soil or. dis. n j> n Other MakeSf. CA guaranteed to ploaso. Short Metal Carrying Oip. colof I- and °and regular lengths. Navy, WE GIVE GREEN STAMPS 1 brown, black, gray, groan AUTO STORES of HATS "P and maroon. Sizoi ^l/j.lS. AUTO STORE YOUR HRESTONE DEALER TELEPHONE 7080. MANCHESTER F a tD S5A MAIN ST. TEL 7BS0 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 1961 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 1951 Ra o k i

and tried to fore* with more or Assem bly to H old lee# suocea#. . K. of C Speaker S h o t J t s D escribed Mlkg Slary Chapman waa unable Session in Paris Qoao^’JIm Qo'. U> Attend the .meeting at the uaual y . - m hour. She did arrive toward Its Rev. Arthur J. Riley, historian h Mem hers clo#e and Mrs. Bryant. In behalf for the Knight# of Columbus, will Lake Success. March 21—{/PI— ,G r a n t s ^ W o r t h e entire fam ily &l tlM Connecticut Horticultural be the principal speaker at the The United Rtates General Aeeem- FACTORY • SHOE • OUTLET Society preaented to her th* socie­ r r r banquet-dance Golden Jubilee bly voted laat night to hold it* Htght ty’* gold medal for her especially fine exhibit of azaleas and other celebration of Campbell Council, 1931 eeselon in Paris beginning a uluk k , aketcbM- It----- ig gmulns tho **wible flower* In her contribution to the Knights of Columbus, which will Nov. 4. The vote was 24-17, With moving full k«CUM gotbortaca of th* ‘ «xhibltor* Uke w Hartford show. be held Saturday, April 21, at the 12 countries abstaining and aeven grown •hruba, trooa cv«n moM absenL to th Mlae Chapman brought to the KC Home in Hartford. The local meettng a beautiful afrangement The Aeeembly also approved roAMftUon of 0*nt*r sh« * 1*0 gave a KC chapter is observing Its 30th •pending 12,850,000 on extra coata of gnowdropa In a rectangular anniversary. E okurck bonac, . , mad from last; amusing *torla* of Incldanu white oontptner. on a black stand­ of the European nfeetlng. Thla la lo> ovonlnf of the '^connected with the recent *hoW.' Foster Williams will be toast­ $600,000 more than the sum origi­ ard. Mra. Fred Pohiman exhibi/.ed master for the occasion and John , lore*______kowor______InUr**t jgr*. Chrletln* McVrtgh nally approved. The United States, a hug* lemon sent to her from Tierney Is general chairman. p'^ra* arouaad from *he fact that m im Buckley attended th* ^ t FMflda by her daughter. Another the Phllllplnes, Iraq and Paklatan Father Riley is of the Archdio­ __ — 0# th* m*mUmfWho atUnd- Springfield flower show-., It w s daughter loaned for the occasion a objected to the Increase. cese of Boston and was commis­ rtow. in N*W York. Bo#- , only the second held there. « d l^ngerbread house, a Christmas The aes.slon la being delayed six , Hartford w**a Invited to. what impressed both visitors decoration, which was greatly ad­ sioned to write history of the weeks from Its usual opening date 21.5^2 2 K s apwaled to the lavish use of white hyacinths mired. The sidewalls were of th# Knights of Columbus by a com­ in September to allow erection of describe displays mat appea -welcome" was spelled mittee o f the .Supreme Board of gingerbread, the roof shingles new buildings for the aaaeiiibly. LADIES’ Menrv RockweU. the presl- i out in heroic slse with "'hlle hya- Dlrectora of the Order. round slices of candy, overlapped. He was born In I..owcll. Mass., “ "•eSetsT^briif business'--clnths — against‘"-t s * greengrten back- back The chimney waa made of candy dant, conducted • ------ground. The show was educational and received his early education In r,». ■Moion dorlnff which Mr§. Henry in square shape; the curved path tl public schoola bf that city. He Soutiliiiglon H oy OXFORD In that overv plant and flower was to the open door of the cottage r. 3 X r y andM rs. John Plckls* well labelled. An unusual natural received his A. B. degree from Bos­ F ware welcomed as new members. was of varl-rolored candy to rf-p- ton College and did graduate work wild flower exhibit had for Its resent pebbles. Tho grounds Rev. Arthur i . Riley Drow ned in D itch It was also anhounCed that tmurei at the MaHaachusetta Institute of setting a small swamp, with around the collage were In glis­ SHOES harden Club of East HarUord has skimk cabbages and other plants tening white and here and there Technology. $1.00 YoIub! ; 1 get th* date of May 17 for a spring After coniplcting hla studies at the "History of St. John’# Sem­ 1 Southington. March 21 9 0 that love a damp spot. Mrs. was an upstanding sprig of hem­ inary,” published in 1945. S o w to b* held in the Wickham Charles F. Berry of Umgmeadow, St, John's Seminary, Brighton, Michael Dumont, Jr., the three- Calf leather uppers. Novelty strap lace. Genuine leather sole. lock to repre.scnt trees. He Is a member of the Catholic f Ubrary: and the members were who lectured before the local Oar- Maas., Father Riley was ordained Mrs. Pohiman who was chair­ Historical Kociety, the American year-old son of an Army major Non-slip counter lining. Balanced heel. Brown or Black. r \GHT tor YOVJt urged to attend, and If possible, to | den Club in the fall, had a bcaull- June 5. 1931, and later attended o f l i y ^ 1 man of the hostesses, baked a Historical Association, the Colonial now serving In Alaska, drowned in | outflta your enter flower* in th* cultural o r.1 fill arrangement at this show. the CatKbllc University of Am eri­ quantity of gingerbread, which Society of Maaaachusetta, and the a rain-filled ditch at the Mountain | / \ t! arrangement claeee*. The Boston Kxhibit was served to all present. In can where he received his Master little girl Several ol the members attend­ of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy Bibliographical Society of America. View terrace housing development | Mrs Rbckwell expressed pride squares topped w-lth whipped I t'S f «•* * * * ______ed the Hub show in the Mechanics degrees. Futhcr Riley is a member of here yesterday. i' LADIES’ DRESS SHOES ia the fact that Mias Mary Chap- cream; and tea. during a pleasant Plymouth, Maas., Council No. 1100, The child who had been staying 1 laan. won a special prire at the hmlding. and Mrs. W. W. Kells social hour. He taught at Boston College, j Regia College and St. John’s Sem- , Knights of Columbus, and Cardinal with a family living in the devel­ Hartford sfrlfW. Mta. W^. VV. EeUs «a ve a few of its highlights. This 1 ' mid-century or 80th annual show Inary and was archivist of the l O'Connell Assembly, Fourth De­ opment because of his mother’s Fine suede, NEW BLOSSOM COHONS two prtsA, also Mrs. George Bor.rah Booets Txx of the Massachusetts Horticultur­ Archdiocese of Boston, He is ^ gree. illness, fell into the ditch while allng hack, y Reynolds. All three are past presl- Bozrah. March 21—(/Pi The an­ al Society is adjudged by many to playing with another boy of about \ Prutty os a pictur* and Sanforiiud to fill nual town meeting here last night author of "Catholicism Ip New , ankle dbnts of pie c'uh. Mrs. Fred John- be the niost gorgeous of all. Mrs. 31.3 More CasualUea his own age. He was taken from 88 m r e c i ^ 't w o award* for her voted to set the tax rate at 18 England to 1788," "Catholic Semi- . strap, high Kells said the orchid display was Wa.shington, March 21- i/P' - the water within five minutes but mills, an increase of three mills. nary Library Problems," "Anti- Little girls look like little angels in tha exhibit Of Afrlcon violet*. the mam feature in her opinion, Semitism to'Lino," ami "Catholic­ The Defense department today efforUi at resuscitation failed. or Cuban Lmst Show Here In 1939 The Finance board had recom- 1 identified 31.3 more caaiialtles of Medical examiner Dr. Eric Sim­ heel. crispness of spring-minded broad­ and the largest and most beauti­ mended a ’JO mill rate to compon- | ism and the New England Mind," ^Miss Ellen BOckley announced ful ever singed by the American. the war in Korea. A new casualty mons said the drowning was acci­ Select the shape most becoming to you sate for los.s of 20 per cent of the : B.s well a.s numerous articles on cloths and piques. Cay colors. 1-6X. I t It had been twelve year* since Orchid Society. They brought list iNo. 2.36) reported 40 killed, dental. The boys parents, Major from Grants collection of coloti, pill­ town's tak income through the religious and cdiicatinn subjects. the Garden aubtiad staged a large these exotic flowers to Boston by 251 wounded, 20 missing In action and Mrs. Michael Dumont are closing of Palmer Brothers Mill, Father Riley was co-author, boxes, bonnets, profiles and rolleri. In air from various parts of the and four Injured In accidents. residents of New Britain. Xlwic show. The lact one was m assessed for $400,000. I with Father John K. Sexton, of ^ in the Masonic Temple t country, from Hawsii snd other block, navy, poitels 1 .0 0 etny niiMue tniAW tuts ‘ th® opinion ol others thil it overseas growers. MEN’S was too laU to'arrange for a The show at Mechanic* hsll was ; Iwtst Is hel'g letter bonneh. gp^ng show, and dccUlon on the said to have required six seres of PRETTY Pl'Mrs matter was tabled. spsce. In grand hall, of the build­ PENNLEIGH \ Hisa Buckley had arranged with ing one could rest and listen to the Colors To Match Your Outfit Gleaming black patent. c 4 rtluir It)rug 81,-8. iral of the membera to speak organ recital* while taking in the beautv of acacias in their golden . Add a tbuch of Spring flowers. Chooio the spring shows, snd she wa* glamor, the wnterfall, grotto, wall Smooth SHIRTS... from a hug* garden of Roiei, Lilacs, Ikvlted to the hesd of the ha" 0/«/ien W . C H C l ^ e n a j r gardens of unusual slse and thou­ NOW/ mth B-12 A M tJ loalhor ceioirui aieeT asaaiset t-'. oanduct the program. Mra. Pmiip sands of bulb* planted In e variety Cod Liver Lilys of Valley, Clusters. 29*1.59* Cheney, speaking on the New \ ork *trp-in, high on looks and fit Nuwett honeiu, iheuldtr itro*. of pattern*. Oil-PINT gkow at the Grand Central Palace, The full program was made AYTINAL ‘ •V’’ ankle Krofih, pure 4.fill gatd an Indlar garden was In her even more Interesting by a display 942 Main St. Manchester, Conn. strap, r i’FF TOP ANKIETS WITH ft potrnt I opinion on# of the most unua"*! of garden magazines. These were loathor Granit own Pennieight lonforlzad lo Grants stiiril}- cotton*. U d intereatlug exhibits she had e-Hij. passed around while different MINERALS solo. Brow n Msr seen. Coconut palms, orchids, member* explained some of the hold ihelr 61. Quality broadcloth cut toni* ON SALE THURSDAY; FRIDAY & SATURDAY - y tha --la soft I-..!.!feminine effect with frothy a aeries of arches, trickling water, advantages of their favorite gar­ AYTINAL or Black. for comfort in white. tropical flah and a white macaw, too. 3“ / veiling. Select moline, mesh or shadow *elstlea den publication. MULTIPLE Fujed or loft itoy coHori. 14 Vi -17. Itlgeat of-tha parrot family, com- The Bolton membership in the DRUG STORE types in oil colors ol Grants C, club was well represented. Miss Coch capsules conloini 9 VITAMINS 29* flHed the picture YAU k Another display by a j^rden Millicent Jones waa asked to tell vitamins and 11 minerals Best Buy of the Year! Built OZS. PENNLEIGH PERFEa KNOT HES Nylon IQO club which Interested M ra.^eney about her Southern trip, to Flori­ 100 day's supply ,n o o . . S-6RAIN TAfLETS / was a typical American Main da. She visited gardens In that lO n iE 100 ocetote hond paints, rayon satins, jacquards. | f gtraet Thi church with Its appro- and other states, and happene soms. One of the men gave her an another truck­ BEAUTIFY BABIES foundsUon pUntlng at the facades armful which (fho brought home LARGE SELECTION 7Sc SHE load at these wirii our prutty, tub-loving of the different bikings. OF WELL FILLED TUBE OF 40 fin* leather MEN'S “ PENNIEIGH’’ Mrs. George Reynolds said a dis- (LIMIT 1) . handbags to 198 piay that appealed to her in the Doan’s Pills sell at this EASTER SOCKS }fgw York show indicated the pro- EASTER unheard of SUP ond V craaa of spring flowers in jihe bargain price ^ t h a of February, March. April OfSOOA . . .only $1.00 PANTY SET and May, In the atagee.of growth BASKETS It-OUNCE SUE plus tax. Darling styles for from the Ume they burst through (LIMIT 1) . the earth to profusion of bloom. Bicarbonate - infants and toddlers/ Degoribea New York Slww M9 Olds 98 Conv. Grant* Own Brand Mrs. B. F. Crehore attended the ’49 Plymouth Spec. Deluxe IDe 1,39 ahow In New .York, and her party CHILDREN’S SHOES A kravan Beet Buy A pretty baby is prettier 4-Door reversed tha'Usual custom of start­ still in full trimmed bonnets ing at tha bottom, as sverybody Tumps. patents, novelty compitto •48 Olds 98 4-Door 1i9 m WAX PAPER 23 at embroidered organdy figa does. They began at the top MOIST-TEX. 125-FOOT ROLL. (Limit 21 styles, elk shoes. .411 popu­ Give him plenty of sport and found It much more satisfac­ '47 Olds 66 4-Door lar colors. and dresa socks In new rsis or pique. While, pastels. tory. The Uble arrangemenU held '46 Spring patterns and col­ Whol little girl could re­ BTOch of Interest for Mrs. Crehore. ors. Built for wear. 10 sist the lace 'n rtiffla trim- 2-Door BOIUJEN'S to 11. i One for Easter was a centerpiece, med----' rayon solin slip? j ’49 Olds 98 4-Door NYLONS the base of which was two large BREMU. halves of an Easter egg in chins, Matchinglino panties, too. ’ j | 3s ■ •47 Olds 66 Conv. ■! containing narcissi, yellow calls |*0\\ (llTCCl Grants Provos You Con Dross Better for Loss While & pastels. 2 lo 14. i V 1 V t” i j 1 \ lillea, daffodils and irecala, also *46 Sludebiiker Chumpion Vs/uti to S2 98 Co/orfu/ Infant Food SPEND GRANTS CREDIT ^ I eggs, from one of which a chicken 2-Door ALL METAL FLASTIC 1.08 Twishd for extra COTTON SLIP. 4-14. 79<- was emerging. Both Mra. Crehore ’48 Olds 98 2-Door COUPONS LIKE CASH and Mra. H. B. Loarned were Im­ COMPACTS TUMBLERS stroiigth...to givo RAYON SLIP, 4-14.. 1.00 pressed by the Mexican exhibit ’48 Chevrolet Fleetline BltulifullyQQr v \ Stit A < SADDLE OXFORDS Open o Grant PCA (Permanent Credit and the exotic Bird of Paradise 4-Door deii'rnsd.UO Drieed . . . 8' ‘ (lowers which were shown In pro­ or wear this Eostorl Account)' for fast, easy shopping. '47 Olds 78 4-Door Made different fusion. They greaUy admired the styles lo choose l4 - « z . B ottia BOYS’ WASHABLE eshlbita by the Fairfield and ’46 Pontiac 4 Door from Oreenwich Garden Cluba of this 51 GAUGE Listerine $”3 88 SPORT SHIRTS CfOfits own first quality, 15 denier Others To Choose From state which won awards. luxury theers. Full-fashioned for BeUnd tha Soenea S to r^ Antiseptic booutiful fit with flattering dark Mrs. W. C. Bryant, another past Open Evenings PETAL TONE president, who has had a promi­ Ctntsur yz sooms. Buy box of 3 prs. B • 10 ’A . 1 nent part in all the Hartford CANASTA 7 9 * GRANTS for favorite CANDY COnON FROCKS abofwa, aald few p#o{d* realise the MANCHESTER preporatioaa for a flower show CARDS OTHERS FROM at tavgh Tata rayan that go on hehlall the scenes. The West Hartford Axxatas U used TASSEL 98‘ more or less every w *k » After MOTOR SALES BoHIa t o o ' Stay eatlar-$mert all year shrubs and plants have been forced WEST CENTER at NOTES — big color cfio/c#. 6-16. into bkmm long before their sea- HARTFORD ROAD BAYER “ son, aquarea of sod, also forced, 89 Becoming ffasfer drattat Plaid Broadcloth - 1.98 1 ASPIRtN tar your girl Flight Club Polos — $l 59< Other Basque Shirts------79c up Criip woffle pique, broad­ 3 1 cloth ond mondoloy dress­ es in Spring flower colors. S -a t. ia r In every size from 7 lo 14. BOY’S “FLIGHT OUB’* Perfection , Quality l6-/scbf LUG SOLE OXFORDS y 2IPPER Hind Cream Eastor juit isn’t BAB Duck r.#6 MEN’S SHOES only 4.49 it ’s Fun... 45< Eastor without awterlal m Thick t t 4 rubber coles defy let’s A Spring Tiniei In Selid Silver weerl leather uyyers, llsisgc, it ’s oosyl Four itylti i ietelci ter esira valee. 3)b-4c to cAesic from HOLLOW MOULD PLEAT-SWEH ChoiM ol Begging Hobbit, MAKE YOUR OWN Cuddle Babbit, Boy Rabbit Madlum SIza •S and Girl Rabbit Meusy hours SKIRT of enjoyrntnl for little Ibis. SAL EASTER GIFTS CHOCOLATES Jr.BOYS'HALFBELT SJJ NEPATICA j BOXER LONGIES Grants hos all tho things you needi , Baskots of oil sizes, colorful trim­ ) 10c to 98e (I®"’- 6 3 ‘ pl*e#4*uiag iaclade* ■ {r I'vJ mings of ovary doscription . . . and __ M, fork, taeipeoa, salad Top quality upper 0 9 8 oil so low priced. So# how much feck, boiler spnader. **d Doublo boxed pleoH a i leather, sturdy rubber you sovo by making your own gifts. 0 YUMMY JELLY EGGS cream soup tpeoa. m woshobie royoo chock* K Back t o sole*. A nigged brown ^ Chewy centers with colorful BASKETS ...... Be to 6»e solid*. Rich colors, 3.BX. cide aow that (or your next r « roan prople have tdmired shoe that’s a $7.98 Creasa-ras/efonf rayon sugor coverings. 25F lb. HgeM-lsdes flower, Uty “big” ooeasioB your table will Gillette CEIXOPHANE SHEETS. .5c, lOe •/ dU FaUey. Now Gorham he eel with Goihem’* “Lily of value. Young men’a gebardina It pract/caff PRISH COTTON >1^0 bria|B.it4# PMFM eetid $Uvtr, the V a ll^ * . A teaspoon eotu Blue Bladet SWREODED w a x PAPER...lOe shoes only $4.77. FILLED EASTER BASKETS that laMe ‘a UfeiiiM . . . then only ISv'fS, a eix-pieM piece- Pants stay neat, you sova EGO DYES ...... 10c lo 290 R A YO N M . O | ^ b pateed"ea. fer later zeaera- setting for one, 1^.75. Gime 4 9 < on (ycising bills. Brown, Big ‘n dainty boikeli brim­ tioM ta iM had admire. De- in, see.it today! EASTER TABLE COVERS. 29c ^ Criep lovhig'eottooo iM i io m s m I ; *TUSS BSSSS. blue, groy. Sizes 4 lo 10. ming with eatable, playable svtth ftothjr tetape. WMto EASTER NAPKINS ...... 17o J. FA. Ash i« MS the tachitivc Cerhsa Surlisg c u n sins, io i* i$, s.9i novelties. u a t . ' - * ’ « • eai piieii. (kat-msMieat knib hewUa. EASTER FliATES 17o ty 5 9 c t o 1 j 8 9 EASTER LIQUORS AT BAR6AIN PRICES C a / i o - J l e e ^ o a t c u e a ^ POPULAR iRAND DEWEY-RICHMAN RYI—A ILIND—R«g. 4.50 FuH Of. 3.7f FACTORY • SHOE • OUTLET 1906 IGG NOGS Stii2.45 IN STREET OLD 4t wiNis ^tsr w t jrV PHi'.A9HPHIA-^Rt« 3 47 5th3.7.^ Th* Only Gmiuin* Factory Sho* Outl*t n s M IN STREET. mon*y !io c k 5 W.T. GRANT CO. r - .t: :'

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN^ WEDNESDAY. MARCH 21, 1951 ■T^ MANUHESTBK e v e n in g h e r a l d . MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21. IVbl remitted a $100 bond to the a«- and his bond ot $18 was forfeited. civilian dafanaa program bare in- Huks Kill Three, cused. He was arrested on Mareh 13 by creased the Red (Voss budget Early Rincra Gr««|L Joseph A. Olrard of 38 Main Officer John Fersch of the tMI- enormously. (The need for the Kidney I Oppose Stale Btr?et Danielson w at found guilty ehester barracks. support of all person* Is very acute. Firnt Day m Spring Doris Mohr D 'lU II*- Eyewitness Says hnd fined $9.00 on a charge of Mrs. Ralph Wing, chairmaji of tia from the point of view Tel. Manehrsler 884$ Drive Reaches • . ■ I f you Ware up and happened violation of the rules of the road the local Red Crosa drive for funds, MayUridl' e ( apponeBts. . Restaurants and passing at an Intersection. The reports an additional $140 received. to look out the window at 5:36 (OMtlniMd from Page One) a. m. today you greeted The ease of Wllllsm Ai Slek, Jr. arcused was arreeted by Officer This makes a total to dale of4»l i ! ,88.93. Although the canvass LOUIS L FOSTER The Un»i«nMonable 38th Half of Quota Spring. There was nothing Force captain. He cams here after of North Troy, N. Y. was nolled McKenzie on Route 6 after passing ,1 a $ 2 0 bill works wonders Merrill Parkway Group about the morning to suggest through the I>ske street, Bolton not yet complete, the figure eo>*B kifsrr hnMti*»«iBe*eewa,i the Phlllpplnea liberation near the fin Trial Jusltco court last night, much lower than it aliould be foUie eMnetaia «< aaeeBieAestoeto I »»sgri»a The fact that General MacAr- J the change in season more end of World W ar II and sstab- Center road Junction. % •ehM, eiuliMM SB* pep |ui4ea (Leftl Sheraton Barrel Against Measure to i Tho accused was arrested by State Bolton Is to make its $76.7 quota. Wholenie k m u thur haa auddenly ordered all Lateat Figures Released than there had been yesterday lisbed the dairy and fann of Hardle John Klein, Foley street. Man­ DM’t s «t*r m UfM Bishu Witt .WM Back Occaaional chain Build Concessions or the day before, but the Police Officer Daniel McKenzie chester. entered a plea of guilty to Mrs. Wing states that gifts seem WHnfart* If ndiiMil kl4n» taattlM I neica correapondenta in Korea to add much, more to a Dairy Products, of 'Which he \vas this rmi «b si By Red Cross $6,010; gradual differences have been ' for violation of a public Utility a chut go of allowing a minor to to be larger this year tlian In I lie room than the ordinary president. iwums e« itres* yiii rtrsis, refrain from mentioning the 38th developing for some days. law, tran.nmrtlng merchandise for operate a motor vehicle. He was past but there have not hc«n ns FRUIT AND or niMsiiliw <0 etSs. Minor b------k 1H>. Report l»y Sections for" your open-arm type, Wowi- Hartford, March 21-(0 -The In the littered hbiise was found parallel, pt the very moment when Hose observers esn find leaf hire wUhoiil a Public Utility per­ ,irre.*ilrd on Route 85 on March 18 many individual contributors. iloB* due le eoM er wraps diet man en arm fronts, nail M erritt Parkway commission and an unsigned wHI bequeathing the Those who have not been at home S-lUas■OttSUK Mp Blshtstoiiinwi wf , frwiPMit — an the world Knovi-a that United buds on almost every side; the Hardle property to"" a younger mit. Prosecutor Kxy Cocconl pre- bv State Police Officer Angel -at IbrnlVb..^Ts poslMt — —e- esnesay w hUesewMkidim* IflU^weeopdJj 4 . Approximately half of the $11,- trim, damask covers ia when the Red Cross worksr i iilled ex-officIo member O. Albert Hill, grass is at a point where you brother, Thomas Stowafd Hardle. senlod a letter from the Ihibllc ’\iileh time a 14-year-old hoy was ___ at miHWHr. Cobb. Natlone forcea are approaching It grey, gold or green. are urged to contact Mrs. Ralph PRODUCE dl?!tt)»^^Aaew»l^^^^ t m ' 007.00 quota of the Uesldcntial Di­ state Highway commissioner, yes­ can tell one warm day will lU illly Commission stating tliey driving Klein's ton and a hall ' o »«r » r»pt». whUaoWmoOsnrwIpeeshefd. Clatt Mali Mrttar. once again, la diaquletlng. For the The will was prcparcaena SKel'i BC^MVIPCUHi *A T»a theory that thla audden cenaorahtp floors! ers are alive again, and in the Krerl Mliikln, 102 PhlUips street. 2-P03I, who will srrang" in h«ve '.:K2 no . main ht. • hsery rrlpf from thN* euena(orte-.h paign has been reported tp date The Herdies had relumed Feb. I'Pcelvcd his permit hut tlicre Imd , thr It hillM e( kidney .te*w_PB4 **«ea. the establishment of resUursnts sheltered a ^ ts the birds are Kail River, Mass., failed to appear the worker rail bsoli. MllUary OM f * « ; ...... f i w ia dealgned to keep the enemy with the release of the latest fig ­ 36 from an extensive visit in the 'been s delay in inading tho plat-s PHONK 2-2H4« ' Biwh out wedte. U«t DMB's rUle today 1 ^ . on the parkway. Rep. lAiwrence busy. j Trial Jtisiice John A. Swanson to an.swcr to a charge of s|>eedlng demands and the demands of the Om iBoM w Mall...... ! from knowing where we are ia not United States. ure of-36.010.73 from this division. Gilman (R ) of Bozrah, the only But all of these more refined M flt O w • ...... t ai very impreaaive, and the euapicio.i' WaaklT. »> ...... tisiHU By sectors the newly reported re­ Deltox Fiber rugs bring proponent of the measure to A p ­ .signs ot Spring might be •iifea, 4aU»«»B«i OBt taar...... exista that the censorahip la real­ turns are: now color chtinn to your pear at the hearing.' p>T)pr.sed that doubted except for one thing. floois at little cost . . That is. the skunk cabbage is ly dealgned to keep actions and .Section A ...... jn i i .'io $780,000 be allotted for the con- I»xl2 sizes for only Slli.95 Choice 39*^^ fresh and green in the bogs. T W t AI«W<3*T«) PKl*" , decialona with regard to the 38th Section B ...... 140.0.1 stnictiort of restaurants to serve and $21.95. The fi-esh, That is the sure sign, seen and fka iSaoeiataa Pnbb W Mteliw'Taly .‘lection C ...... 07.ou low cost meals on a concession ^^jtiad to tba uaa ol iaauBl*cBl'BB ot parallel secret from the United ...... 101.0.-> elciin colors and sturdy smelled. dMMUeiMa cradtiad to iL or Section U . . tc.xtured weaves nialto basis. Natlona public until after these ...... 278.7.. Section E l . Deltox nigs truly Amer* Gilman said the plan not only FORMAL actions and decisions have been ...... 374.7. Regularly 49.50 m L alao tba toe aawa pubH ihe«B«a- Section E2 , idi's smart rug buy. would protiuce substantial revenue ot * jBltoattoB o l ^ ' a l taken in the field. Section F ...... 077,.''i Choose from grey, green, for the state but would be a key ataiiatehaa Bafaia ar« alao ra a a r^ - GIRLS GO FOR THE MAN WHO WEARS One can sec in the news the old .Section G1 . no new rc|)oi t rose, blue or beige in safety factor In that it would pro: WEAR Section G2 . . . . t'on^plcte,; ruti tanriea ’*it «• temptation the temptation to let plaids, tc.xiurcs (sketcli- vide atopplng places where drivers Court Gises .Section U ...... 233.3 (Right) Sheraton Fan could rest. He said the net Income Iml ed I and plain.'!. Smaller Back Occasional chairs publtanara ta-'faaanUUtaa the appearance of military success Section II ...... 1882. from parkway ga.soline stations FO R HIRE and larger sizes at slmi- have brass ferules on George J. Rondesu, 33. of 43 ijlim Matbatra 9m W agyigr - N«» and the prospect ol a military ca- Section 12 ...... 3.'.ti.2 I iar low prices. last year was $1,200,000. Gilman Cutawa>’B and Tuxnliv I tar*. ObW*»B- «*trbW «»* fcatoB...... 3.')(!.40 legs, nail trim, and Liberty etreet, Hartford, pleaded' l»acity to keep going wipe out that Section .1 . . said that fatigue was blamed for available from our own •HI ROMASOUT combination print-and- AimtT BCRSAU OF Section K ...... 36!Ui.7 guilty to carrying a dangerous', earlier state of mind in which we | plaln covers. Prints In 6.5 of ell Parkway accidents and ■tock. No waiting noth­ Section Li . no new report weapon without a permit and was | vIRv.'I. —' lO ltl ______ehartreuM, black or about half of the fatal accidents ing to nenrt away for. saw the chance to acliicvc some i Section L2 ...... 711.00 ilataio 1‘ r'banb UoaPany. Ii^. green. on the Parkway. flned $50 by Judge Wesley C. Gryk j V U aial 'aapobaibUit, fot kind of peace at the 38th parallel. Section Ml ...... 2.7.7 78 Theodore 3. Wntkii.B of Green­ ...... 1110.27 In Town Court this morning. Ron. 11 t#Bufffapbieal Tora abpaanat And If. in this situation, the l.’nlt- Section M2 wich, chairman of th" Parkway Section N1 ...... 404.10 deau was placed on 30-day proba-, REGAL SETS AN ALL-TIME HIGH IN ^^TtSamanta »Bd ol^t cd Nations world takc.s to tern- commission said the commissioners la Th# Manffba>lat ETanUig lUralil- Section N2 no new r .p-ul % g p r voted unanimously to oppose the tion to give him time to pay the 1 BY poriaing again about the 38th pai- Bolton ...... no new report x: WATKINS Wcilneaday. March 81 measure. He said that materials line. allel, and fails to take a clear Should Finish Canvass that would be used in defense VALUE WITH THESE WONDERFUL ADAM! The Hartford man w as arrested ahould not be 'lecd in such facilities. j decision regarding it. our military Joseph Naylor, chnlrmnn foi yesterday afternoon after State “Only An Earthquake Watkins said that an experiment I Impetus will carry us across it the Residential Dlvl.slon of the ! Policeman Fu'nest L Angell aasv HE.VVY WEIGHT RAYON campaign committee, 1ms repeat- i presently is being'made In the sale The CairiBtlan Science Monitor him shooting a .22 caliber re­ again and wo will once more have edlv urged the majors, captains, o f coffee and sandwiches in the comments, movingly, on the relief mis.sed a chance to acliieve thi' and workers of this eampal.'^n unit Parkway gasoline atoUors "Tl'e volver in a Held near the Wilbur | Which ^VBB felt Uirough Europe the basic United Nations objective Iti ; to finish their hoiise-lo-Mo\ise can-;| state has complete control of Cross Highway. Investigation ss.l)le. this." he said, "and by this means GABARDINE other day when that great tremor we hope to find out how much de­ permit. wna discovered to be "only an The decision Involved at the •'Early Innd canva.-.sing Is the . „ . . „ , . . . ‘ PBalcst for nil concerned. It Is; mand there is fo- the serving of Prosecutor Philip Bayer told the I ••rthquake." 1.8th parallel is really Ju.st tkis. . volunlcer sollcilor.s snacks on the Parkway.” court that the accused had bought What people first suspected, the whether the Korean action shall to get the Job linisheil and out of the gun Saturday and was appar- 2-TROUSER ; \y . Monitor points out, was that prevent World War 111, or bring it the way. It Is easier for the ently trying the weapon out on| public v hn. however. nwHie of the bottles and o.^er chance targeta. atomic war had come. I on. Tliere seem.s to us no really Memorial Fund need for tli" appe il, become wesry A reckless driving count an ln st I •'s In this reaction, as the Monitor i renson why <-ither llic enemy of a Ion':, druun-out raituiu'gii.' Need an extra bed or two? Earl J. Campbell. 50, of 12 Cgnjp- ■ -i diacema, they revealed something or the United .V'ationa public De.spite lii.s iirginir, Imwever. re- Stands at $388 bell avenue. Vernon, was continued | very significant. should be kept in the dark os to turn.s from tills division of tile to March 26. "Apparently," sa>s the Monitor, the United .N'ation.s an.swcr to lhn‘ fund drive have b'-en cornin': in The Mlndel-Secord Memorial Other cases disposed of this] very slowly -Mr. Naylor reiter- SUITS “ large sections of mankind have choice. Fqnd. which ^as started In mem­ morning were: Harrison C. Com- ite.s bis appeal that the volimte’ r ory of the two Manchester teach­ Ish, 23. of Strawberry Hill, Stam­ now arrived at a point of develop­ wo-lmrs contact all ‘mmilies in Old Ipswich Maple ers w’ho were killed recently, now ford, paMilng rad light. $3: Stan-j their sectors so that the respoiis' ment where they fear the conse­ Television Score.s .\Rain stands at $388A0. Icy J. (3azdzicki, 37. 36 Charter quences of misguided human 'from this division may be appre­ Contributions to the fund have Oak avenue, Hartford, red light, | ciably aocelerated. thinking more than they fear the Having very frequently aimed come from many sources and have suspended Judgment: Edward J. " If each worker wlio has not varied from the pennies of the onslaught of giant physical forces.' our barb.s at television as an en­ Selleiw, 26. 11 Strant street, pass- .50 : done so, will immediately c om- children to a check for one him- ing stop sign, $5 bond forfeited: If so, they have come a step neai • . tertainment monstrosity -a littlcjpjpte his nr her cnnvas.s. the re- offers a variety of styles dred dollars. The purpose of the Carl Karskl, 27. 96 Spring street, cr to reality and to security---- |vvor.se than the wor.st vaudeville turin from llie Residential Divi­ fund Is to purchase a display case fo r Keeney school and to provide BockrUle, stop sign, $6; Spartaco ,"Mssfiy Europeans were relieved, in the lowest days of vaudeville i.s sion will do muib to lielp renli/e our .Manchester Red Cross ciuota,” some o f the extras for the physl Nerl, 40, Rockville, parking vlola- to learn that the cause of their our normal way of de.scribing It be said. e$Uy handicapped children. Al Uon, $6 bond forfeited; Merle D. terror was only an earthquake. - wo hasten to pay tribute to tliiit r e a ^ many ideas have been pre­ Parham, 2T, Warehouse Point, stop sign, $5 bond forfeited. And in that fact la a sign that hu­ same lolevl.slon upon its soconil sented for the use of this fund. REGULARS — SHORTS — LONGS Miss Mlndel had arranged for her A speeding count agslnat Morris man beings are Increaalngly ready great demonstration of real value home bound pupils to be trans­ Daitch. 66, of 334 Enfleid street. SIZES 36-46 to discern that their own thlnkin.; tc Amorioan .society and th< ported to special events at the Hartford, was continued from day ] and action—not untameable mate­ world. il different achools. This hind could to day. il be used to carry on that project, rial elements—are the decisive We refer to the immense audi­ THE FINEST - r attractive U b m ^ books epuM N* ■''''/•'i'*'''. tkH i«s''O et"U ,606 j Crease-reaistant fabric that glvep them tha hqad- factors in Human experience." ence it has garnered, in the past HVIVE'B A HONKT of a hat! A new, UgMe purchased for the ehildrim. some look and feal of all-wool gannaBta. Ttisaa weight snap brim, pre-blockad. smartly ptyladt It’s planned to open a special What was the thought that few days, for the Senate Crime I IN Meriden, Conn., March 21— mills come in alngle-breaated models with TW O room for the physically handicap­ narrow fancy band, alt popular colors! The hat swept Europe that morning? It Committee's proceedings down in Dot CapL Welter L. Turkon re­ of the year. Coma in and try it on! She'll losia it! ped children next year. Many P A IR of trousers for long wear. Tan, Gray, ported that burglars emaahed open was the thought that aomebody, New York City. The audicnee i* ' uses will be found for the fund Brown. Skipper Blue. a safe in the offices of the Penbek Suite are SINGLE-BREA.STED lutt an somewhere, had actually used attracted has been described a.i I USED CARS when this room is opened. Oil company here last night and illuBtrated above. mental or emotional processes to like a World's Series audience. Contributions to this worthwhile $730 project may be sent to Miss Ethel escaped with about $3,000. decide to launch an atomic war. it 1947 Chevrolet Sports­ Men and women have forsaken If. Robb at Lincoln school or to Company offlclale diacovered the vvas tha thought that, somewhere, their normal pursuits and pleas­ man . Radio and Your bed Mrs. Frsnees Miller at Keeney break when they opened the office.] an act o f human will had taken ures in order to concentrate on Heater. street scbool. for buaineee this morning. place. I the "big show." 1949 Ford "8" Custom. There must have been a mixture All tills has had the re.sult of Overdrive, Radio and is no better ^ e a tttw d ^ of thoughts eoncemlng this imag­ bringing very close to millions ol Heater. ined act o f human will, loosing people a relationship between poli­ Old Ipswich Solid Maple low post bed with man-made destruction on the tics and crime which may never j '47 Nosh "600" 4-Door. spool-turned foot board. Available in twin than its bedding WANTED U .< {\ j Cv i C ^ mr.‘T vfashioms world. One part o f this thought, before have seemed quite so real. | Radio and Heater. or full sizes . . . plenty of stock . . . to be sure, would be blind and bit­ It has been unpleasant, grisly j $44.50 each. ter and despairing hatred of those, stuff, a.s if America were heini; '42 Nash "600" 4-Door. SHADE TOBACCO SORTERS whoever they were, who had de­ called upon to look at a great run­ Radio and Heater. cided to loose thla destruction. But ning sore in its own body. Yet an WALDORF The Hartman .Tobacco Company bus another part of the same thought, evil which has long seemed far- '37 Pontiac 4-Door. Ra­ leaves Depot Square, North Manches­ we think, must have been that, off and Inconsequential to many dio and Heotor. since it wna a human decision in­ people suddenly became some­ HAIR TOP ter, at 7:05 a.m* goes down Main street volved, perhaps all people, every­ thing close and dramatic and dis­ 1947 Plymouth 2-Door. Guests arriving for the 4 8 .8 8 to South Manchester and proceeds down where, shared some roaponsiblUty week end? Family grow­ turbing—perhaps BO disturbing Heater. ing? Choose an Old Ip­ MATTRESSES Hartford Road. This bus return via for not having done more, in some that the complacency in which the swich .Maple bed or two the same route in the afternoon. 100% W O O L way, to prevent auch a human de- racketeer usually operates will no 1948 Mercury Converti­ now . . . add other pieces dsion. (chest, dresser, desk, bed­ Make aura your new beds, as wall as old. giva you longer exist. ble. Radio and Heat­ the restful, relaxing comfort your body requires. In other words, once it is con­ side table, etc.i from time The first, and even greater, er. to time. For lliere arc over Equip every one with new, buoyant Waldorf Inner- The Hartman Tobacco Co. ceded that it la what mankind service performed by television twenty pieces in the big spring Mattresses and matching Box Springs. Hartford Offleo—281 State SL—TeL Hartford 2-M44 1941 Ford "8" Tudor. Either place, ftill or twin sixa, $48.88. may do to man that la the world's while it is still in its infancy haa Open ' Stock Old Ip.swic! SPORT Collections. unparalleled danger, then it is al­ been its .somewhat similar dra­ Radio and Heater. so admitted that what happens t» matization of the United Nations, i 1942 Ford "6" Tudor. Add $5 for the world ia under human influ­ What it did for tlie United* Na­ S ox Spring legs. Always In Good Taste ence and control, and that, there­ tions was to make it a flosli and Heater. COATS fore, every human being has some blood affair Instead of some ideal­ 1941 Plymouth Converti­ potential reapcaalbility in connec­ istic abstraction, to malce its de­ BECK'S tion with it. ble. Radio and Heat­ From Cuffs To W aist! bates seem real and significant, to • R E G U L A R S And that ia the truth. Thla ia er. )ii6 MAIN STREET—MANCHESTER draw the interest and absorption j The Old Ipswich Spool-turned our world, and wrhat happens to It ot average Americans for these | I • L O N G S 1948 Chevrolet Station poster bed was inspired, by the With the Sqxon Grip. . . a trrt)le-trenta4 rub­ will be our own doing. Further­ debates, and to give reality to the j late Colonial period. 36-lnch head You Don’t Have To Wagon. Radio ond • S H O R T S berized inzide waistband that kaepa- shirt! more, once we accept that respon­ diplomats and the points of view posU. Full size, Umlted atock, Spend A' Fortune For sibility. instead of dodging behind Heater. $63. from creeping up .. does away hiking of other nations. | and tugging! a aome inevitability of fate, there In both these instances, tele- I are many ways in which we can vision has proved capable of doing 1 Tou'ra a standout avaiywheta in As aeon in Eequire’a Mr. “T” fashional do something about it. HARTFORD ROAD one of Itogal'a handsomely Uilorad something no other medium could j BUDGET A sport coats. Sizes 34 to 46 priced .The first thing, for instSnee, do as well, and, more than all our , USED .GARS thriftily starting at— •which all those who fear atoWc other famed modem melliods of I •Tiinnelbacka'’ dreas-alaeks are always in good taste from cuffe to waist, gmart war might do ia something very 270 HARTFORD ROAD a TERMS hip-fit; off-searo pocketg fo r smart styling. Tunnel loop* that never bar » tolt. communication, seems to be. really I TELEPH O NE 2-4168 PRETTY Tailored of fine quality heavyweight rayon gabardinas vlth the look and feel elemental. They might think doing something to make the j Gladly Arranged • f wcK^ 28 to 60 — in all poti^ar colors. wrhether they themselves, as indi­ world a community. I viduals, stand ready to launch $22*50 atomic war on aomebody else. If (Above) Old Ipswich Solid Mapla EASTER ■'thoy think they would, that bed with muahrooin top posts and thought ia a little part toward a cut-out panels. Full or twin sizes, CHECKS SOLID COLORS general dedsloB that there will be $4$AS. Plenty of etock. The ' AO ;$xnart hip-fit, off-seam same bed la made without the foot STRIPES PLAIDS ‘ pockets for smart'atyling. atomic war. I f they think they HUNDREDS panel and posts for $S4A0. FMll HAT would noti'that thought la in it- or twin sIm s in stock. HERRINGBONES oelf a eontilbatlaa to the poeeibll- Of Spring and Summer See our exciting collection . . . ^ gay aifd'wonderful Ity that thfiri w ill not be atomic Cotton or Ravon . . . even the price! war. DAYTIME FROCKS Rare's an Old Ipswich Solid Maple headboard with 'Viqiat wa win to have happen, shelf for books and radio; ,a cabinet for bedding (Leift.aft) ------Another variation of the or what wa win to oppose, haa a behind tha pillows. '' Full size, limited stock, $62. feotlasa-type PUiUgrim bed in Old $2 ®8 and *6-9* part in tha fiasIMonk which any Bedding extra. Ipswich Solid ktople.Maple. Liimlted~ in twin and full sines, $$fiA^ Rubberixed'^ fabric waist part of mankind makes., any­ t o YOU’LL FIND A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT where. A ft Jt art will only that band that wins the battle All Sizes 12 to 20 and 1 4 to 24>/i Hollywood Headboard ■ i- OF COATS, SUITS, DRESSES AND BLOUSES atoastc ho(8^ MiaH aot Ml on A « » * • , ef the shirt bulge. AT BECK'S ourwlvaa, M'fihA aMe wuia only , Uae Purnell Parking Lot for convenience. W e redeem that it MMW rOdpient S P I ^ G SPIUNQ . of atonie IlM Outfits 89'“ your parking Ucket with any bomba win aoNIp.Jdl both purchase. Open TuesdM mid SarU-mada Box Springs on lags, innerapring mat­ TOursday Elvenlnga. Cloaed SUITS COATS •.i tress and headboard, in twin size, comptata for Wednesdays ,et Noon. MEN'S SHOPS ' ..-/Hi •toig lwto wo tWak ia of IMJW. Choice o f Duran plaaUca for the mulU- button trimmed headboard. 6^ Mattokeite^ *15 ** .. ’24 “ ’15 ” a, ’39 ” M7 MAIN sm n wnoen mhuin* , ..'...y -.fV: - ' .' . 517 Main 8L to-J- Neat To of thoM who arc ^Davis Bakery \ MAN0BS8TKB EVENING HERALD, MANCHE8TER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY. MARCII II. 1991 W n CHESTEB BVINING HEEALD, K A N G H im it. OONM« WEDNESDAY. MAECH 21. 1951

we're full of tricks . . . BURTON'S THE GREAT, perform the neatest stunt of the year . , . hocus-pocus . . . dominocus . . . we present we're, magi'ci'ans ►/ ♦

g q Me m e e t b r o t h e r r a b b it BURTOI^'S MAGICA PRE-EASTER SALE \ HE DANCES ... ACTS ... ENTERTAINS .., we he’d to call up the spirits... (and hundreds of manufacturers) pull tflis magic sal^e out of a h a t.. .and right before easter just [8UMcXtC4'tt^k CoiUU HE HAS A GIFT FROM BURTON'S . . . when you need it m osti. .burton's doesn't wait until easter monc I to slash prices.. .that's nonsense.. .we know you want to wear * your new duds for the easter parade. . .and we've brought you v> )ping big bargains in quality merchandise.. .soma specially priced FO R EV ERY C H ILD [Accompanied By Mama] SHOP TIL 9 O'CLOCK ON THURSDAY NITES ,. .some discontinued numbers. . .a few timely clearances.. .but •ry item a whiz-bang of a buy. . .come scooting down to burton's ■' f WHO VISITS BURTON'S FROM 3 'tiL 9 bright and early thursday morning.. .and help "sale-a-brate" w lus! BRING THE XtDDIES TO MEET BROTHER RABBITI FREE EASTER CIFTSI O'CLOCK ON THURSDAY.

'?•' s ‘ *'■

j. 'specially purchased specially purchased, famous make tk fabulous . . . fantastically low-priced oui* pure-wool . . high-style] pure-wool . . . once 'in a life-time buys in hundreds of matchless values in ■n; SHORTY ATS k SPRING SUITS COTTON DRESSES SPRING HANDBAGS DESIGNER PEARLS

3 6 .-O • • • va p lues to 49.98 .... worth dollars more! 2 5 -00, 5.00 .... eepict of highor priced bag*

you know burton’s has quite a reputation for being connoisseurs of pearls . . . our buyer did everything short of witchcraft to yaaterday these suits were marked 49.98 in our regular beautiful leave it to burton's to bring you a wonderfully designed group bring you thi*-unheard of price for one to six strands of fine spring suit etock . . . today you can take advantage of our s.sle of cottons just when the season is starting . . . you’ll marvel at it took plenty of mumbo-jumbo to assemble this extraordinary j'ou love shorty coats becausd take you through summer, lustrous pearl necklaces . . . dog-collars, bracelets chokers . . . spring, and fall . . . you'll ra\S jut the.se highly st\ led fleece and buy one of the.se stunners for HO.OO . . . a gi-oup in gabardines, the .satin-stripe chamhrays, the galey and lord darby checks, the group of designer handbags . . . all with the **' '*"•_ • all finished with beautiful jewelled clasps .. . everyone has manu­ checks and tweeds, broken sizes, one of a kind, but ever\ one a fine gingham plaids . . . nil sanforized . . . all amazingly detailed expensive creations, you’ll find faille, calf, saddle leather, stiaw or suede toppers so uuusuall>f ?ned aiul so rcasonabh jiriced facturers original price tag attached . . . plus tax. in lilac, red, nude, or mint, sj 10-18. wonderful buy! sizea 10-18. for such a tiii\, terrific price . . . sizes 12 to 20, 16 'i to 24* and print beauties in every color imaginable . . . plus tax. matching earrings . . . 1.00 , handbag dept, j jcirclry bar coat dept. suit dept. dr«M aalM

•w ss.-^ ;e»TM»wr ^ ti.

■ »!#«»<■ • n b " -- •' 5 'specially purchasad m 'specially purchased ^ fc 'specially purchased ipacial alaaranea pure-silk . . . 'specially an unusual, exciting group wrinkle-resistant, rayon 16-rib 'specially purchased ! 5 1-gauge . . . dark seamed COTTON-KNIT 'specially purchased purchased JEWELRY s l a c k s SKIRTS L inen Blouses RAINCOATS String C loves UMBRELLAS NYLONS SCARVES BLOUSES . . values fo 2'J98 3 .9 8 . . . value 5.98 t 1 2 0 0 valnea to lt.9 i .79 . . . valua* to 2.91 ^ . value 4.98 1.35. . . value 1.98 1.00. . . value 1.50 2 we've 'apeclally purchased a group a special group of slacks, precision here's a blouse th a t looks thrice of white imported beads . . . over tailored by a famous manufae- top-dealgnera made these 'apecial- its price . . . sleeveless linen, trim­ wa're markad daani a group eg ai« 26 styles to choose from . . . neck­ ti;t'1 .“nuq-fit top.', adjtistable. ly-prieed skirls for ua in gahar- med in white pique, buy it In lilac, fine interlock-cotton bloueee, tn ueual, finely made ralneoata tn tmsjdnf . . . l*-rib, aturdy um- famous make aheer misty hoae . . . snatch up these scarves with hand laces . . . chokers . . . earrings, V. .ii.'!.' Ill hriiw n. green, black, plunge neekllne, crew-neck and , breliss in pUid, solid and rombl- rolled edges in exotic new prints riine, linen and rayon checks, sizes mint, maize, i-ose, tangerine, aqua, checks and gabs, alaae I I ta IS. •llek UttV« aherties that wash so £ v.ith dark or plain seams, sizes r- earrings . . . plus tax navy, sizes 10 to 20. 34 to 80. ■izea 33 to 38. gaucho styles, assorted color In nations, unaurpa.wd value. . . . they’re a real burton bargain'. aoiall, medium, large. s-rtl. . . ta whiU, b«l*# or ehamola. ^ to 11. ^ sporta dept. * aports dept. sports dept. accaafcory bar accessory bar sporta deipt umbraHa bar & hosiery d«t>t. X

•< ':j %- t.. -• » special clearance, judy fine cotton, toilorod 'specially purchased V; lined in cotton . . . fine cotton-eyelet trimmed rayon-tricot, famous-namo burniel, fine quality nylon-panelled nylon-trimmed rayon-tricot '■ quality bond 'spacially purchased K PETTI-COATS PANTIES PLAID SHIRTS Brunch C oats NITE-COWNS Handkerchiefs ylo n nklets BLOUSES BRAS GIRDLES I N A 2 for | . 0 0 t X . . value 2.98 for ^ 2 for 1-00 (.98... valua 2.98 1.00 . values to 2.98 you key thaaa paatiaa aB yaar yau went fM a t a imagine 9 inehea of exqtiisite aye- full ao liieh sweep hnaieli eeata you'll recognize the famous mak­ nylon ankleta with cotton linings let borders on our flneyotton petti­ 'round at T#c edch. taka advant­ beautiful bleek-plald nftw&ed, burmcl' made theao- beautiful print are the newest snd most practical age af our sale and buy a raal beautiful erepa tailored ehort eeler-fsst. eetton tailored ahirta. In pretty seersucker, trimmed with er’s name in a flash . . . but W# coat . . . outstanding value with sleevf ehirta by famous judy bond, dainty eyelet, blue, aqua or yal- clOMOUta, diaeontinued styles, panty girdles are also Included In hankies for our special aale . . . socks available . . . buy them at p.miisole top to match at 1.98. eupply In is'hite or pastel In holly- convertible neckllnea in aiaea S3 to manufacturers apecials included in these two-way stretch glidlei, promised not to tell . . . feminine woith much, much more than our from our regular stock In white, low, alaaa 13 to 30. styles . . . pink. blue, yellow, mint this special pries in whites and white, small, medium, large. wood «r band styles, slsaa 4 to 3. mint, blue or malse. aiaea 30 to 8g. SC. this sale group, cotton, eatln. ny­ elaatic bound on top and bottom, tiny priee. ' pastels, aizea 9 to 11- lon and strapleea models. 32-38 whltf, small, medium, large. and coial. sizes 32 to 38. lingerie dept. Ungaila dapt. sporta dept. I d e p t ro ta d ap t abc, white. Ungerle dapt. ace ary bar hosiery bar • corset bar eoraet bar .*

m m ^ from our regular stock . . . just i for Easter wearing 'specially purchased, fine cotton purt wool, 'spociolly purchased 'specially purchased’ well-moda elastic-top, double-crotch, fine cotton non-run, lace trim, famous make 'specially purchased, fine cotton i GIRLS' DRESSES GIRLS' BLOUSES GIRLS' NAVY COATS BOYS' BOXER SHORTS POLO SHIRTS TRAINING PANTS RAYON PANTIES '* ' . . . valu. to 4.98 :.98 . . . valua to 5.91 .19 . . . voluo 1.91 (4 .9 8 I- I V . . . value 1.98 value 2.98 for 3 sizes 3 to 6x. sizes 7 to IS. 4 1-00 fanaaua manufaoturar’a, flaa-maka aatton klouaaa. fiunnus menufacturer’a asle-priced group of tprlng tap value In aturdy gabardina aad corduroy aherts. a group of good buys, famous I in plaids, taffetas and cottons. special purchase of these dreasy panties trimmed alada 1 to 9. coats, limited quantity, sizes 3 to Sx. - In green, brown or navy, alaas 8 to Cx. top quality, color-fast, t-ahlrts. In pastel stripes, sturdy, famous make panties In white, sizes 3 to 4. with lacs ’n bows, white, pink, blue, yellow, sixes / sizes 3 to 6x. 3 to U. burton’s cl I'l ahop—^burton’s children'! ,shop burton'i chlldrcB’g ahop burton’s children’c ahop burton’s children’s shop burton’s childreYi’s shop ■; burton’s cblldren’e shop burton’s children’s shop

’■ W t" ' v'V gabardine, beautifully- soft, cuddly, stuffed ■■■ '* noh-run, rayon tricot, lacey shear, carafully-purehasad flowar-ladon, straw run-resistant, rayon tricot V ’ .'specially priced group styled nationally-advertised, dirndl-top, beautifully 'specially purchasad EASTER ANIMALS closeout on printed SLIP 'n PANTIE SET TODDLER DRESSES HAT 'n‘ BAG SETS NITE GOWNS Nylo n C loves Spring Blouses BOLERO SUITS a SHOES C o tto n Skirts a avaiy ana a Iraanil i.98 . , . valua 2.98 . . vaTuo 2.98 .19 . . . value 1.91 lace and rlbbona tHm


• b ' ' ■ i l l ICANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 1961 MANCHLS'IKK EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN- WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 1951 FAcnt luiAi'infi dent. Vhdtora were Rotariana d « t a from WUllmanUo rw rlw . to Samuel Pearl o f Rockville and Stephen Duble o f Springfield. The American artillery and planes the Chunchon valley on toe south, hold It in the “ To App««r Before Women’s Qub Rotary Club board’s duty was to save money was left with them to derive upon door prlee was won by Hiurvay wherever possible and that K Jar­ Lint Betrothal decimated a small enemy conceit-1 Chunclion was a more important Date Pushed iodg King. vis had further Information that Seeks). Allied tration forming for an attac« objective than Beoiil In toe Elghto Has Election The meeting next week will be Board Adds $165,400 *^****rimi/*'**^ ftrrr - might help save money, ho ohould northwest of Pangam. About half \ Army offensive launched ofie For Hospital Sa The maeUng was preceded by a held at toe American Legion be alloweii to speak. Unless, Ma­ Agreement on the 200 Reds were killed, i month ago. At that time the Reds $ite of Rally morcasbord supper, one o f w Home at 7 p. m.. with the Glaston­ honey added sarvastlcally, the di­ A British general told Eighth were Juat outatde Wonju and d ie - m et toe kind ever a ttem p ted ^ Harry Maidmenl I* New bury and East Hartford Rotary To Complete School rectors felt they were "so intelli­ Army correspondents the Reds clton, some 40 miles to the south. Mrs. Walter 3. Vsm ier Ot I ReHew !• Hot- the review. It waa greatly President; Other Offi­ clubs as guests. AT gent" they didn't need any advice 38th Parallel would not regain the Initiative in The Atliex renecupied Beaut mond rosd, who for toe peat ed and favorably commented upon irum a leading and successful con­ Korea. Lt. Gen. Itlehard Neimm .March 11. sd« has managed tos e n n t^ Gale, director general of training ____ at Meeting in the by many of toe speakers. All , the A. E. Stephens Construction tractor. "I'm Just a,plain, dumb Pledge Klnlah Plght spring rummage sals for toe cers Who Were Chosen (Continued from Page One) 111 the British Army, said the U. N. home-cooked, even toe rolls were Directors Divert Tl^at I company of Springfield, Mass., laboring man," Mahoney added. On the propaganda front. Red morlal Hoapital Women'e Auslll- 13 Dead, 29 Hurt Forces are slowly and methndletlly Fellows’ Hall baked by a member of the com­ which covers construction alone. Directors 1'. J. Crocliett and Al- Korean Premier Kim 11 flung aa- nry, has received a number o f Ui* Harry Maldment of 99 Robert Amount from Capital meets with these representatives pursuing their own course. mittee and served hot, It consisted I The $900,000 appropriation was den E. Bailey agreed that Jarvta snred RiiMla's Htalln that his peo­ qutrles in regard to toe date of to^/; of toe usual teropUng variety of road was elected president of toe When Wall Falls should be asKed to speak. twice a week. He dill not say whether the ple Intenil to fight the wsr to the R*v1«w. No. 1. Wonum'o Reserve Fund for the I supposed to cover utilities, fumlsh- His latest meeting ran on for an sale. J ^ appeUsera. meaU and poultry, caa- Manchester Rotary club at the HARPER’S OUTLET Allies planned to cross the politi­ bitter end. AWodaUoii, WM hooteM I Ings, etc., but was rendered inade- After several more remarks and hour yesterday ami a spokesman, Heretofore It bae always totem aerole dishes and salads, plcklM, cally significant border, but said The Communist New China News meeting held last • night at the Milan, Italy, March 21—i/f)— A 1009 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER Broad Street Building I quate by rising construction costs, confusion. Mahoney was asked describing it as routine, said no conducted in April, but occesloh^ «» toTl«w« » l a rany *" cranberry JeUy, home ' it was said. wliethrr be cx|)ecteldny. tlioin. Evtushek, chairman was ably m - Sheldon; treasurer. Richard Car­ Slarta Another Outburst ond snnlverssry of the economic made it uncomfortable for both' Britain to wuiinnn- TIm shofipiRg eonter for the thrifty, whoro bufsU among toamaelvea, the Although those opposing the ad­ The biggest differences over the The Eighth Army described the slsted by her slstev. Mra. A Im penter; secretary, Russell Wright; ing shelter from a sudden 85-mlle- ditional appropriation were pres­ and cultural mutual assistance pact workers and patrons. In a aeaaon' tic, with the local review having Shannon; Mrs. Bussell Smith, Board of Dlrectora voted 8 to 1 af­ This sparked a second outburst parallel are between the United Americans south of Chunchon ax sergeant-at-arms, Fred Nasslff; per hour wind, killing 13 asd Injur­ ent at the hearing and were hoard, between Russia and North Korea. when so many have been, and atm the larxeat number preaent. you always SAVE oa quality footwaar for ter an orderly public hearing at when Mchoney. with a "you asked States and Britain, with the Brit­ "holding elements" — a task force prealdent of the review, Mrs. Har­ assistant #ergeant-at-arms, Har­ ing '29 others. The age of the vic­ expected fireworks didn't develop are, suffering from colds. It haa^ lira. lUiaaell Smith, prealdent of riet Rlsley, treasurer: .Mrs. Irene tims ranged from four to six and the Vcrplanck school last night t i for it,” declared that "meetings ish government taking a strong strong enough to wlth.stnnd a vey King; and director, William and tho hearing was orderly Lignllr must he specially treat­ been decided to postpone toe nim -‘ Mantle, and In Ita behalf Vlncek, Mrs. Mary Lathrop and of the dead were girls. take 3165,400 from the Capital Re­ liave been lield by the Board of Di­ position aiialnst any great new Steama. The slate was presented 12 tho ontiro family. througlioiit. Harold A. Turkington. counterattack. They were' over the ed if It Is to approach the heating mage sale to the latter part o f S bS i the women and men ^ Rescue squads digging through serve Fund to complete the 18- rectors and I'm the only member extension of tlie Korean campnigp value of cosl. others who waltedion table bv toe nominating committee con­ chairman of the Board of Direc­ crest of mountain ridges ringing May. ■* ■ nrriiT-* pleaaure at the line Two handsome crocheted dolllw the rubble recovered nine bodies. room Broad street school. The only who hasn't been called in . . . I into North Korea. The British j sisting o f Benjajmn Crehore, Dr. tors, presided. ^ o u ^HU B OMWh e inviteda*,aea~n P******®"*?.|------were raffled off. Mrs. Mary Hills Four others died in hospitals. dissenting vote \va.s cast by Direc­ Juat want to find out what's go­ hopi' for ik negotiated settlement Bernard Sheridan and Karl Kel­ The wrangling started after the aaata oh the platform * " 0.*^ ? ^ of Wapplng won an oblong one The children were from the Sis­ tor Wajter Mahonev. ing on.” with the CAiinese Communists close of the public hearing when , caned on for reroarl^ In toe with pineapple design, .and Mrs. ler. ters of Mercy Institute on the out­ 'The $165,400 will be added to Director Hathaway Immediate­ fairly soon, .\t Hie same tlou’ IP waa Dlatrict Deputy NeOle Mrs. Dorothy RanMn President Carl Furay presided Save Save Save the $900,000 originally voted for Director Mahoney suggested that Britisli diplomats here hsve re­ Elnora Chlquette of Hartford a ly stated that he hasq^ attended at the open meeting and read skirts of Milan. About 300 had al­ the board aak Alexander Jarvis, w of New Britain. Her htia- tho construction of tlie Broad such meetings and added that "1 ported fary to discuss Charter Oak Diehl company of this town and 79.50 was getting under wsy here, three Advertisements shaw reported from the central | cago where ahe attended a confer- you, yellow? I was elected by the sewers" at such meetings. Mls.s ( ’orbett is with the Board of eaoe of offlclala. She reported on of those Jslled at New Haven were front that United Nations troops Jean Rogers, then rendered the people to find out facts and save Turkington ruled the question Eflueatlon. were unopposed by the vanishing Pay $2.00 Wtokly. . glMia for toe alxUeth annlveraary released by order of Superior following number*: "Concertante” The date for the wedding has Court Judge Kenneth Wynne. He Professional Club SEE PAGE NINETEEN money wheFeVef poHBlble." out of order and Hathaway ap-1 enemy. He .said armored Talrols I ■ celebration of toe order In 1952 at by Ruegger, "Fifth Sonata for the been set for .Saturday. April 21, st acted after State's Attorney Abra­ Brings a Reprinutnd pealed to the board. The board's were probing the area between [ I Bw far-famed Shamrock Hotel of Violin" by Handel, and "Allegro The outburst drew a reprimand 11 o’clock in St. James's church. Bouaton, Texaa; and also stated ham S. Ullman announced he had HARPER'S SHOES Wanted— Heal Estate 77 vote su.stained Turkington's rul­ the main Allied lines and Parallel lias Music Night Brillante ' by Ten Have. from Chairman Turkington and an ing. toe association has already concluded hla Investigation into URGENTLY Needed. Modern 1 I the New Haven vote fraud casea. Miss Marjorie Klopj>enburg, Arc the Right Shock for Your Children . . observation from Hathaway that Director Crockett moved the Ing. Jarvis who did not enter S| from Eighth Army headquar-l| aBMSsed a alxty million dollar re- MODESS Because homes, 'i to 4 bedrooms. Cash Mahoney "should be censured” for LADIES’ DIAMOND The state'a attorney said the Some unusually fine talent was music instructor in the local ^ question, but by this time tome bid. had stated that he was not 1 tp,.,, a P Correspondent Leif F.rlck-1 aarve fund, of which tola women's Right for Style . . . Right for Fit buyers waiting. Call Suburban the remark. iPBurance organisation la Justly probe had served a useful purpose displayed last evening when the .schools, sang very beautifully the members of the board had forgot- j making the .sttgge.stlon to bid for I son reported: "In pulling hark | It’s always the fashion to bn Realty Co., Realtors, 49 Perkins Mahoney contended that the proud. She also urged members of in stimulating efforts to rhange I’ rofefslonal Women'.i club held Its following songs: "O Sleep. Why INCLU D ING : PA TE N T. BROWN. RF.U. A L L W HITE, ten what the question was. After m yself." from Ohunchon. the ^Chinese Com -: WEDDING RINGS annual music night in the Federa- comfortable and poised and street. Phone 8216. munists .appareittly hfive with- fpv reviews represented last night what he called "the loosely drawn Do^-t Thou I-eave Me, " by Handel; BROWN and WHITE two tie ballots, Turkington broke The board then voted for S Krillianl Diamonds, Rel In Gleaming 1 Ik Gold. tion room at the Center church. Modess is so soft, so safe. the deadlock and voted to allow i additional appropriation and drawn their main forces back' to attend toe aUte convention in and "loosely administered" absen­ "Der Musensohn " by Schubert; CONSIDERING SELLING ^ Legal Notices Bridgeport In May. tee voting law. The first numbers were songs by "Velvet Shoes” by Thomp.son, and Jarvis to speak. thoMzed the general manager tojnovtli of tlie 38tli parallel. j YOUR PROPERTY T On the ea.st-central front,' Beautiful iHoor Work The three released, Mrs. Anna the "Greenellows.’’ a very fine "The Year’s at the Spring" by From AT A COl’ RT o r PKOBATE )ioU.>n Jarvis Stmloment sign the contract. flo o r work laat night waa beau- Girl Scout glee club composed of Box of 48 2,97 Without obligation to you. we at (^ventry, wiDiin and for the Dla­ Reg.44i0. Now $ C. Furino. 15, Gaetano Miranda, Beach. She. was accompanied by will appraise or make you a cash trict of Corenf . . on the 15lh day of In spite of all the to-do raised by 29.75 tifttlly exemplified by guards of representatives from the various 31. and Joseph Morgillo, .IS. had her mother. Mrs Maude Kloppen- 1.49 offer for property. See us before March. A.D., IBoI. the i.ssue, the contractor's state­ both toe local and a Hartford re­ Intermediate Girl Scout troops In been In Jail since January 23. burg. you sell Preaent Hon. Tliomas G. Wellea, Eaq., ments added little to the discus­ view, all wearing white gowns confined Is Anthony DePoto. Manchester, under the direction Judge. Pays SOe WMkly. still Following the short business sion. His most positive statbment Identical In style, and red cama- 60. Republican 27th ward chair­ of Mrs. Loretta Hansen. They Phone 6273 On motion of The Mancliester Trual meeting a social hour was held at All tho Sookoii't Smortokt Styles BRAE-BURN REALTY was that "I understand other com­ ttona. Captain Oglore White waa sang, "Swles Song," "Above the Company, Executor, on the teatote man. I which time delicimis refreshments In Piostie C alf or Folllo estate of H. Bertram Pnmeroj', late of panies have steel os well oa the NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR CREDIT! In charge and color bearers were Benjamin Levine, a New Haven Plain,’’ "O Lord. 1 Want Two SELLIN G ? Contact this office for ; were served by Miss Hulclah But- Coventry, within aald district, deceas­ company mentioned by the archi­ lira. Pauline Berrett and Mra. Republican leader who was chief Winfes." "Girl ScouU Together," prompt and dependable service. ed. Tit J W H A L ^ cQ&c tect.” (Keith Sellers Heine, the Ruth Staples. Mrs. Mildred Ted- moderator In the election, said the and also a round entitled "Kooka- ' ler. Alice Clampet Agency. Phone 2- This Court doth deerse that six Carter's Work Clothes ford was pianist, Mrs. Orace La- architect, had named a Hartford rea-son why New Haven was the burra” All these numbers were AAa n c h i i t i r C A M I» Beautiful HANDBAGS 4543 or 2-0880 or 2-0028 months be showed snd limited for the throp mistress of ceremonies. creditors of said estate to exhibit their concern as the source for the steel For Painters. Carpenters, Plumbem only city where people have been enjoyed Immensely. Most IT. S. lignite is found in During toe evening a class of clalma against tho same to the Execu­ which would be used in the Broad Jailed for vote frauds was "be-- Peter Mitchell, a promising Montsiia and South and North READY to sell? This office in need tor, and directs that public notice be twelve candidates was welcomed, of 4-S-6-7- room singles and 2- street school ) cause we have a very efficient young violinist, accompanied by Dakota. O n ly given of this orn'er by advertising In a a ^ each one waa presented with state's attorney.” 1,87 2 77 famlly houses. What have you? newspaper having a circulation In aald Directors Crockett and Harry_ a large red carnation by District Plus Tax •Tf the sUte's * attorneys of Buyers waiting. Call, write or district, snd by posting s copy tlicreof J. Firato questioned Jarvis, but ShoorJEWELERS Bros. Drauty Mrs. McCrann. M A t m ' S other counties went to work, we That add the flaishlng touch of smartness to your outfit. phone (all reply; confidential). on the public a^n post in said Town little else was brought out aa to MANCHESTER It waa voted to hold toe next of Coventry nearest the place where why he thought bids should be re­ 977 MAIN STREET could mi up the Jails," he assert­ Howard R. Hastings, Odd Fellows the deceased last dwelt. district rally In October, and to issued except that he thought aoeept the Invitation of the presl- ed. Bldg., at the Center, 489 Main Certified from Record. Senator Edward F. Bradley street. Phone 2-1107. THOMAS O. WELLES. Judge. they would be lower. A t the hcar- (D., Waterbury) told the commit­ tee; BENSON'S Personal Notices " I f vss rounded up all toe peo­ MEN'S m u ple that I personally know have abused toe absentee voting law, Card of Thanks prisons would be a lot more Smartly Styled Shoes Ws wish to thank all of our friends crowded." Chargg Accounts Invited sad nelfbbors for the klndne,, and Two main proposals were be­ m for EASTER and long after sgnapathy shown us daring our recant fore the committee. One wae to bweaTament We would especially Brockton made Goodyear wells for lop ^ 0 7 distinctive apparel for thank Our Lady of Fatima Mother's eliminate absentee voting except CiRle. St. Bridget's Mother's Circle. for members of the armed forces. quality, comfort and good looks . .. .Only M om M Children of Mary Society and the K. A less drastic bill would make FROM TIP TO TOE of C. All those who i«*nt the mass absentee ballots Invalid, except In Others From 3.97 Young Easter Paraders cards, thr heautlful (towers and loaned the case of servicemen, unless they the usr of their cars. were filled out In the presence of Mrs. SyWester Fltspatiiek representatives of all t i t l e s par­ ticipating in toe election. The Picture with the Billion Dollar tailored by the finest makers and children. Nicholas Spellman, a former to Boys' Sturdy Good Liking Goodytor Wolt EASTER DRESSES for BOYS TO ACE 12 In Memoriam Norwich Registrar of Voters and a former State Senator, said the fa loTlng memory of Pfc. William H. Only GIRLS' EASTER COATS Chamberlain, who died In action In absentee ballot law was relaxed I OXFORDS 4.97 as pretty as a picture Oannany. March 31. IMS. In 1944. primarily for the benefit X rCord, ’npd- rubber or leiitlleather soles for that long wear. Virgin Wool of serx'lcemen. Is eur hearta the torch of memory AND LAST At the time, he aald. "W e sizes sizes 3 to x Bams unfllckerlng. bright ant.' true; thought there was some honor and 8 9 5 , 0 ( 9 . 9 5 6 BUT NOT LEAST . . . . Ita light Is sweet, for It is fed Backgronnil! 1 to 4 ... COAT SETS h Integrity left In the people of Ob lore and tender thoughts of you. 2 . 9 8 , 0 7 . 9 8 Connecticut, and we did not think • ■endix Oredsieii'Bullt Chdtait Hit sisters. Mrs. Eleanor Hutton such abuses ss have been reported sizes 1 2 9 ® t o 2 4 ® 5 and Mrs. Elsie Taylor. 1 could occur." 3 to 6x .. from toddlers to size 8 NOTHNO • tendix High Fidelity Sound Syatom Special sizes 7 to 14 brldgs you FM at Hi flnott FlNEffl i^TWDERlTE olzea 9 . 9 5 , 0 1 9 . 9 5 3 . 9 8 , 0 8 - 9 5 THAN • Bondlx Super-Sherp Timing for a door, 7 to 14 .. 19 98 to 29 98 O SHOE IHo-liko pktero NYLON HOSE sub-teen 10 to 14 coal sets complete with match­ Smart Bunnies • Ftno PorfenMondo gott progromi tho way 16 end 80 Denier. 61 Gauge. First Quality Nylons. ing eton caps In blue or brown Tailored By: ‘you Nko to vfow thorn 5*^® to 8 ’^^ cover! or grey flannel, also in We don’t have to tell smart CXJATCRAFT checks, glen plaid., or donegals. tooose from the largest stock of G ASTW IRTH bunnies that there’s a world of • Mg 17" Rodtongtrior Dork Fodo Tubo bring* quality shoes In " i difference In poultry. They you oil tho pidturo o* the camera soot It . COATCRAFT pert and pretty dresses in Manchester, -p i/ d '/ ''";’!.. \ .09 p.ir j u b il e e ! fine picolay, dotted Swiss, have already discovered It with 3.00 trt: • Tho Smart SImplldity of BondIx Styling blendi with PEGGY n SUE tissue gingtaam, lawn, and gay young styles the first Mte of Plnehurat faun eny bitorlor docoreting Kheme ripplcsheen in pastels or Incoiporatlng ev­ fresh Fryers or Fowl. deep tones. Tailored by ery important Handee, TTiny Town, Nan- feature needed nette. Fleurette, and Cin­ for sound foot only virgin wools These, same smart bunnies know that the Beltsville derella. protection. Fed. Tax IncL in Venetian cov­ ETON SUITS 7 to 8 lb. Turkeys we feature for Easter wiU be of qual­ erts or hounds- ity equal to the famous Robarts we have for the Christ­ FREE! tooth checks, also a tremendous “T in navy or red . . . mas and Easter holidays. 4 .95,0 ||.95 selection of 6 to 8 . . . 5 .9 5 CROSLEY i r CONSOLE TV P. all with extra (Also Iqrger eviscerated Native Turkeys of fine qual­ wide add-a-year 6 >t to 12 6.95 ity). hems. sizes 2 to fi ETON r /?OH to top it all! wool, gabardine 12V4 to 8 . 7 .9 5 or corduroy . . . HATS PINEHURST HAMS cliecks or plain .'!• 4 to 7 .... 8.95 l< fs t RCA TABLE colors, brown, are toe last word In modem ham quality. Hama from eora fed GIRLS' HATS blue, green or 4 9 |.98 porkers, grown In the h ««rt of the com belt, cored by secret giey. |. ,o processes to produce exqablto teodemese and flavor. Tlnehorst IKODELRADIP Girls to Sub-Teen hams are ready to heat and aenre. Pleaae place yoor order aow fROMfCr OF MNMX AVMTION CORFORAIION tor a whole smafl ham, or either half . . . brown, green, Ratoll PriM navy, grey. MORRELL'S E-Z CUT HAM 42JS SUITS. 1-98 10 3 -9 8 Thfa hmtriooa Beudix Now, 1951 Bcodk Tdlevidon hrinfs you perffurmanoe model offera real «eu- styled with the RATH'S READY TO EAT you never dnened poedble . . . You will have to eee eole e^Uiig ead ^ grown-up look tiecrien Ita «nHt eab- cute Milan or domestic thaee magnificent aete in action to believe it. Here ie iaetay m ^ e straws and navy felts u: BLACK HAWK HAM edgfed tvlth white . . . over BOY SUITS' the fine perfonnanoe you have been waitinc far... the Uve taueetiy preeiet a twenty-five styles to se­ pertocUy hetanced ap- ZENITH lect from. MEADOWBROOK READY TO power to bring the beet in televiekm with movie ' aiaea 4 to fix we stock . peeience. A big lT*'iect- 9 . 9 5 , 0 1 9 . 9 5 ecreen clarity and detail. . . the fall, rich brillianoe of aagelar pietnre tuhew PORTABLE EAT HAM enneaart epeeker tad all widths Bendiz FM eound. . . wnart eimplicity of atyling that oUiir emhiiive 5-9« to 10^8 eises 4 to IS fmtuiee com- Retail FtIm AA-A-B- TSe OBADE W!j PINEAPPLE JUICE blenda with virtually any decorating aefaeme. Tliia Wuetol _____ sixes T to 14 crease resistant rayon or eutarieinieent at« «L95 virgin wool flannel . . . C-D-E«“E*B . j Chuck Ground 46 ox. cmn S7e matchlem quality and parformanoe is joet what you GLOVES by Nolan...... 1.00 to 1.69 checks, glen plalda or 7-98 to 19-98 plain colors. lb. 6 9 c would eupect from Bendiz, one oT AnMriee'e largeat In white or navy cotton or white nylon, 8HURFINE TOMATO ecalloped or turn back cuff. manufacturing erganisationa, a world leader in aub-teen 10 to 14 ee^ir(y.(, JUICE—46 ox. can 29c eleetronice end e pioneer in Radar. But, come fas and a staff of m . Sword Fish 19.98 to 2 2 -9 8 DELRICH COLORED aae far youieeif. . . your own eyee wfll convince you. Rotaii Prieo' 349,95 trained Fad. Tex leaL SEE *rHBM ON DUSnAT IN OrB STOBB Smart HANDBAGS ,1.00 to 1.98 SPORT COATS fitters lb. 5 9 c MARGARINE—45e . In navy, white, red or black, flhoulder etylea who.se aim Wmm no ehUaettoe to buy. Simply fIB «n t a coupon ip or small handle. 6 9 5 , 0 1 3 . 9 5 is to fit THOTiSAT, A T M C IL V a u do a rt your child siaes 4 to I t RADIO-TELEVISION amartly tailored sulta In perfectly SLIPS dainty, lacy .... 1.69 to 1.98 i m ^ B R D C E R Y e vtrtln wool eovsrta, flan- tartort plaids, wools, plain _ APPLIANCES. W)i an d-all rayon with' Iocs top and bottom, shirred back, strap or ebsek corduroy by ■I SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! (risetad or florsd sidrta. and built-up styles. cailps. Buddy or Andy 713 M AIN STREET' i • m EPHOHf 3s i s In plaint or checks. Hardy. ^ * 02 MAIN

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. C »!fN , WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 1961 W T It — llimi vablcle, which wad stopped tor fv o N e — u » s V:/ . , WFH.\— IV3.T ndt stroet was driving n Perratt William J. tdnboUn. M, of Mg.lgleolUd^ traffic. .• Jr- .,'lnanr wi Idcos and Marinas lukv* UMd no and Olsnney school bus that pull­ Atwntar road, Bprlngflald. Mnaa., I ^Z'Z Today's Radio " HAV — 9IU diaftass so f a r . ______Six Vehicles ed into lA k* street to pleli up IkMten umndard Ttm* UTH T — I23U Whtl* **act Ugurea may not m psssengsrs. The first £wo ( u n W U U L l-e il UMd, It nmy to* said the *■ tohind the bus w ^ driven by ‘ -H now beginning to approach tte ^ In 2 Crashes John Herbert, M. of Rout* 44, 4*> w n c — Mr. District Attomry. EASTER i^ ycn ilere 400.000 strength figure mentioned North Coventry, and HaroM R. ‘WDRC—Strika It Rich. h« Gen. Omar Bradley, chairman Beecher, 20. of the Unlverolty of WTTC—Backstage Wife. WTHT—Mr. Pre»ideht. 5ttfjorcailelto VSUff. in No Injurie* Reported Connecticut. Theae enra stopped W THT— FamUy Album. W DRC—Bing Crosby. I Enjoy Ad- but the Beecher car ^ puahed W H A Y — Pledge Program. W ONS—Family Theater. S n y last month. At the Umehe And No Arresto in the into the Herbert vehicle when W K N B —News; RaqUest MaU- 10:00— 'Expo rt «t spote. the Army tot^ « « struck in the rear by * third car W TH T—Music. 1 TO.000. Navy and Air ForM Local AccidentB driven by John 8. Gren. 80, of 215 _ H g ------W T IC -B ig Story. ; ^ ^ « n s •ttattgth then was approxlm^ely Clarendon atreet, Cranston,^ R. L„ W O N8—Hollywood. U. 8. A. WONS —Frank Ktiwanla; New*. 030.000 each, rte Marin* Corps six vehicle* were Involved in according to Patrolman Henry 4il5— WDRC Bo.Nliig Bout. Nwral •< Man- approximately 170,000. two accident* here yeeterday. No Gauruder. * W n C --8 teB a Daflaa. lo: injuries were reported, and police ^ _ W oMMli Chrto •■plorwl Last link in the chain waa % WONS-.:.Jsli>k Downey* Music u ’ONS I Love a My*lery. Home Grown Talent made no *rre«t*. fourth car driven by Raymond H. , Shop. 10:80— 'M rid at eOor n d Ns tranan* Four cars were •"solved in ^ doCOtSt- WtUburgh—(gV-Thre* t{»« Bidwell. 37, of Gilead street, He­ 4190— WTHT Nows. accident at 8:40 a. m. at Middle bron. that struck the Gren ve­ ;W HRC -Yankee Kitchen. w.. r i t United .Towlsh Appoal. at *Tdinn«>BiertJn# beat rooWea to get a triM wlto the Turnpike, east, and Lake atreet. PlUsburgb Pirates are Pltt^urgh hicle. The O” *" ••’<* Bidwell w n c —Lorenzo Jonea. W O N S - rack's Waxworks. ShnwUi-WIIIlsiii* store. 71S All vehicle* were being driven residents. Frank Thom- car* were towed from the scene. W H A Y —News; Petka Hop. WDRC—Music. rtreet.lsst w i«n f. west on the turnpike behind a bu* At 3:28 p. m.. car* driven by N. ' W TH T—Recipe for Listening. « r was served at M - aa live* * ' stone’s throw *W“y Avhen they pilled up the bu* 10:45— from ^rbea Field. Pltchero ^ b Searle Light, 65. of 146 Ridge­ WCCiC— News: Music Hail. WTHT—Three Son*. 1 by an IntsresUn* U lk toy made a turn Into t***® 4:4A— IdTouns. Ksw Xaglsnd color Purkey and Stan MlUnkovich live Loul* Kllnkhamer of 131 8«im- wood road. West Hartford, and 11:00— within the city’s limits. W TIC Young Widder Browb. New* on all atatlon*. i ttoe Shenrtn-Wnuams \VTHT-Muslc. ™ world’s largast producer of 11:1.1— WTHT-Sport.s Report, aWwt« yamietoes and lacquem S:0G— W tm C -N e w s; Old Record w n c —Song* hy George Sau- ^^Oolor plays a star part in ^ Shop. « beauty In yo«r home, ^ d . telle. W H AY —Story Queen. WDRC—World Tonight. Tounc. “There are so m a y . W THT— Big Jon and Sparky. WONS Jack's Waxwork*. nt e o l^ that It's often hj^tl- WTIC • When a Girl Marries. ^ n r . One authority saya there WHAY—Night Watch. W O N S -M ark Trail. 11:25— S e 18.000 colors visible to the I W K NB-New .s; Request Mati­ W DRC—Public Service Pl'O Sfted eye. But there need toe nee. ■ mytteiiouE about cwor We now have the complete, gram. 9:15— ' ^liWnatlone. It can be very elm- W H AY Sport*. WDRC -The Old Record Shop 1I:.S0— I If you know a few eieme^ ■WTIC—Portia Faces Life, WTIC- K..«ipeciully fur Yo\i. , ■ facta about color, then d>e€* i'W H A Y —Croabv's Quarter. the new Style Ouide and the Hrirlooms that are handed down from 11 : ! » — 9:30— W O N S -N ew *. Hvla Guide Companion. Between generation to generation are treasures W T H T -.lo * Oirnnd. |he cover* of the Style Guide tre I3rt)0— Callum W TIC—Jiiat Plain Bill W TIC - Nows and Music. Wtual room* In full color, each whose value increases with the years. W O N S-C lyde Beatty Show. Krequeney Modulation Sotograph ao lavffe It'a Mke try- . W H A Y — Band bv Demand. S w on your walla for color. stocking wardrobe WCCC —Newa; .Scorea and En- W FH A— I0.7.I MC. Nnmerooa Color Scheme* eorca. WDRC— KM «8." MC. "There are hundred* of color 1:00 p. m.-11:30 p. ni. Same a.s j i:45— a. m. hemes In The Style Guide. They You may not have family heirlooms They're the most beautifijl stockings in the W D R C —Curt Massey and Mar­ choaen by the Sherwln-\M1- WTIC— FM »6.5 MtX tha Tilton. WDRC— KM On the air 7 p. m.- M.>i Decorative Studio* because to leave your children but there Is some­ world! Sheer, cleor, exquisitely tailored , W TIC —Front Page Farrell. ey show good use of color In the 11:3.1 p. m. W H A Y — Sports. Same as WDRC. gme.” . thing even more important every one Smart, sister dress-alikes for Easter. Festive ; . . three proportioned to fit the ankle, tVKNB-.Sports. •The speaker analysed varlou* W TIC— FM On the air a. m.- A ONEDAY SPREEOF DOLLAR SAVINCVALUES I:SS— I •. m. ioovoB which appear In The Style can leave. That is a Savings Account. Fawn-Sheen . . . colorful Everglaze cotton moire, calf and knee as well as the foot .\ . in a W O N S-V ictor Borg*. Ohilde In term* of dominant and Same aa WTIC. Evening R(tg. 3Sc CHILDREN'S Speent colors. Room after colorful Start one, add to it regulprly. By doing dirndl-skirted and velvet ribbon-sashed. It’s white range of smart new styles and colors for Televlirton Rog. 1.49 haom paraded before the club, itoo— ^ W DRC—News. W NHO—TV. 4pch readily adaptable to aaeorted this you will Insure for your children ths organdy collar lavished with lace edging. Sizes 1-3, W H A Y —News. P. M. M o r oomblnaUons as Illustrated spring. You'll be thrilled .. .we are, tool 4:00—Homemakers Exchange; COLORFUL 4 for W m C —News. 12 INCH I f artists' drawings. 4:30—Vanity Fair. heirloom of security. $4.95: 3 to 6x, $5.95 and 7 to 12, $6.95. . W O N S—News. 00 ^•Every Style Guide page give* 4 :4 5 —The First Hundred Year*. 15 and 30 denier* 45 and 61 gauge nylone M:10— aaact spectflcatlon* for achieving $1.50 and $1.75 . W D R C-Jack Smith Sportscast 5:00— Lucky Pup. fO t same effect In your home,” 5:15—Time for Beany. conoN ^ h r Mr. Toung said. "Remember, we 9:15— EASTER 5:30— Howdy Doody. aay effect. You can't Judge a color WDRC—Jack Zalman. 6:00 -Sidewalk Interviewa. W H A Y —Supper .Serenade. by the way it looks in the can or 6:15—Song Shop. s o x fren on anudl paint chips. It's the WOMEN'S — CHILDREN'S AND ■ . wmC-<-8triotly Sports: Weath­ 6:30- -Faye Emerson Show. ^ ^ y It looks on your walls that INFANTS' WEAR . . . er. 6:45—New*. SUNNY PANTIES 'tounta. That’s why color experts W ONS—Sports. 7:00—Kukla, Fran and Ollie. drorked out exact directions for White, pink, maize and blue. With nurs­ 599 MAIN ST. SHERIDAN BLDG. WDRC—Record Album. 7:30 —Showroom. nig begging »t..vle, 12” high, well nude. geprodudng the color* lllustrat- : 7:45— Newsreel. ,i,e*\’” nec':^' - T H t LINCOLN’S iSal m -’’ . SdviH^ Batik o'^Maiicliestei' ■ 8:00— Arthur Godfrey. Pink orchid and nnuige. ery rhyme Irnnsfer*. !4l*e 2 to It. WTHT—Serthd GarnmeU; 9:00— Somerset Maughan Show. A MUTUAL SAVinCS BAflK Weather. w n c —Emile Cote Glee Club. 9:30—Plainclothesman. IJ. S. Has Doubled I 10:00-Boxing; Wrestling. All Deposits In This Banh Are Guaranteed In Full By The W O N S -N e w *: Stock Market Report*. I Concl—Newsreel, Snvinga Banka’ Oepoalt Guaranty Fund of Coonectlcnt, Ino. j Ooncl. News BuHetlna. ’coVo**' Its Armed Forces 0:49— I, ■; .1 WDRC— Lowell Thom**, Sweden'* contribution lo the Irem Pag* One) TEL. 5161 w n c —Three S U r Extra. United Nations cause In Koira i.s 824-828 WTHT—Weather. operation of a fully atafTed Red ’ ■1 ■treagth we have already attained MANCHESTER WONS— Evening Star. CroB* hoapltal at Pusan. DOLLAR SAVING COMPANION ITEMS s C o , — n total atrength in exceaa of 2,- M AIN ST. S:99— 900,000—was not attained In WTHT— Edwin C. Hill. GIRLS’ 3-6x and 7-12 J^forid War U until more than 21 7:00— 'yfrnOfim after our build-up started Featured at H A R M AG 'S Cor Easter WDRC— Beulah. m June 1940, following the fall of W ONS— Fulton Lewi*. Jr. BOLERO SUl'TS. .. France, and more than three W THT — New*; Headline Edi­ montha after Pearl Harbor.” America's Most Popular Brands tion. Broadcaat Over Voice W H A Y — Symphony Hall, BOYS' 4-12 - The President took unusual w n c —Bowdoln College Glee 4 flta«s steps to aarit world-wide dlicloa- au b . ure of the progress of American 7:09— 1 LEISURE SUITS..... »4 '‘^ defenses, and the exchange of W THT— Muaie. ARROW SHIRTS a*' ka telegrams was beamed around the More Useful Attachments- 7:19— . la '* n. ^ VO mobe by the State Department’s W ONS— Tello-Test. BOYS' 4-12 ^ Voice of America. oDART o KLM O N T W DRC—Jack Smith, The Defense Department gave w n c —”. . Cdhduct*. this country’s pre-Korean armed oDALE o ARDSLEY SPRING COATS..... $8®® force a tre n ^ at 1,4^8,000 men. w n c — New* ot (the World. Mr. Truman has announced the o SUSSEX W TH T— Lone Raltger. goal of 3,500,000 men aa soon as oHULL More Speeds W DRC—Club Fifteen, poasibie after June 30. And his w n c —Newa. laaderi In Congreas are^maklng a oPAR o GORDON W ONS—Gabriel Heatter. last-ditch stand against some at­ 7:45— TODDLER COAT SETS... $4"^^ QUALITY BEVERAGES tempts to place a ceiling of 4,000,- oDREW o BROCKLY WDRC— Edward R. Murrow. 000 men on the uniformed person­ W ONS— New*, BOYS' MAN TAILORED ^ ^ nel. WHITE — SOLIDS — STRIPES w n c — One Man’* Family. f 7l ? £ L f a O U S Evim more determined resistance 9:00— ha* b(en decided upon against any SizM 13Va to 18 WDRC— Mr. Chameleon. attempt to require Congressional W ONS— Hidden Truth. GABARDINE SUITS»10“ spproval to diapatching to Europe W THT— American Agent. inorc than the four dlvlsiona al- W H A Y — EmUe Cote Ole« Club. GIRLS' 100% WOOL - ^ foady promised to General Dw’ight W TIC—Hall* of Ivy, , . ,D. Elsenhower. 9:19— The monthly draft has been run “ p WHAY—Stars on Pande. nlng at about 80,000, but has been EASTER COATS.... tlO** / 9:90-:" ,\oh reduced to 50,000 for May. Six WDRC— Dr. Christian. ■national Guard divisions have WHAY — Mort^^BulId Ooii* BOYS' 4.10 FART WOOL •iheen called Into'service. ARROW TIES $1.00 up ducts. ' * , I a , A few days ago, the President w n c — Great Gildei^eav*. oa***' again proclaimed this ‘ country'* W ONS— InternatidUal Airport; vWillingnest to participate In a fool- Newa. SPRING SLACKS.... »2 “ ' proof disarmament plan involving WTHT—Fat Man. Inspection by the United Nations alligator coats GENUINE FELT HATS 0:00— .to Insure compliance. ' WHAY—Night Watch; BOYS’ REB. 149 MEN’S Frail 01 Tin Loom At that time, he made it clear (Gabardine) WTHT— Rogue’* CTsIlery. (that the atomic bomb can not be WTIC— Groucho Marx; . You SANFORIZED SANFORIZED 'SUt.awed, or conventional arms re­ Surain $29.75 ssjn 1 (Value 97.90) Bet Your Life. co- duced unless Russia agrees to ac­ W ONS—2.000 Plus. ^ u cept all the necessary safeguards. Gold Label $45.75 WDRC— Harold Pesry Show. ';Ai he told a United Nations Gen- Regular*, Ixmg*, Short*. Dokbo Holt SIJO aai SIOjN DRESS £*ral iVssembly meeting last Oc- DRESS “The Coat You’ll Uve In” tootr, "Paper promises arc not $059 enough.” Mr. "IVuman’s statement today W < • was an invitation to Allies of the McGregor Sportswear INTERWOVEN HOSE SHIRTS SHIRTS ■■ united. States to speed up the re- LABOR-SAVmR Reg. or *prMUl eollar*. White or color*. Reg. A f n r f R A A ' tmllditog of their armament* and S|Mrt Shirts $3J5 up or spread collar*. Slzea A lU I O w a W jlfoeir armed forces. i AHA c h m e n t s a v a il a b l e W hite or rolora. Size* 55c to SLSO 6 to 19. 14 to 17. ^ Need 600,000 More Drlnler Jackets $10.95 New S p^g Fstterna '■ It came after a conference at • 2-GANG DISC • SPIKE TOOTH IVa-k H.P. m m- j W•I*” W MIN'S ttAIARDINE ■OYS' 6 A IA Z 0 IN I 5,this naval submarine station yes-' HARROW HAMIOW Terday with Economic Stabilizer HOE-TKAC ■ I .Rric Johnston. SPORT SHIRTS SPORT SHIRTS GABARDINE SLACKS e s r u n r s E A T • DRILL SEEDin Priced Leaa Cultivator ” ” V "Xt White House said that (AH Season Weight) AIRMAN JACKETS New spring oolora Size* Heavy weight. Fruit of the .pohnston returned to Washington • CORN SHKlXni • SNOW PLOW to 19. Loom quality. Sizes S-M-L. <0 continue his efforts to bring or­ Built like toddy’s fine a«tomobH^ » d • 24-IN. l a w n d a in e d labor leader* back into S6J95 up $435 up • POWER TAKE-OFF outlast any other 1^*2 HP. ■" jhe mo'jilization program. M o w n The immediate goal of 3.500,000 1 Alttrotlons Froo! Water Repelleat. Wfhid Reatstwit. Power a-plenty In each o f B.epsMy-selmw \ •RICRUE RAR • 20-IN. LEAFM ILL tne nation’s miliUry/strength operate 26 9«lch-hltch atUehi^ts.-^venlCT^^ ^ a net Increase of 600 000 • STEEL LAWN • CDLTIVATOK ^ k ; handles adjust to suit operators height. i^ore will be needed. The number ROLLER for a demonstration!- JjcfaaUy wUl be somewhat higher SPECIAL! • S-FT. DCM F RAKE HfE I^JIY HIDHEST PRICES FOR •jecauae between now and the time • GRIST MILL ^ V f! i\ _g®*l will be reached, several • AIR OOMTRES80R ind* will have had enllat- WHITE BROADCLOTH SHIRTS • RRDSH aad LOG LRTE MODEL WRECKED CARS expire, become eaaualtles, SAW • SPRAT oim Lever lift cuRlvdter . . • revtrsibk ra the oervlee for other t«a- • nnt Quality shovels, fdjosts for width and • SonforlMd 2 for aRIOnrO SEAT • SVi -Dt. PLtMTf ^ A T HAVE YOU TO OFFER? - gneter of the Increase depth. ' . " has donbled manpower • "Ufa lusurad" CoHars • TABLE SAW • ELECTRIC W a Aho Bay AB Kinds of Usod ond Old C o n mull* from volunteer en- • Rtgular CMd Spftad CoHars GENERATOR tbe calling in of reserv- • WEED CITTTEp For. Ports • Rogulor $2.95 to S3.95 m ■ serrioea and the • 2-OANO IA W N RUGGED 4>H. P. PLOW-TRAC of, alx divisions, • POWER. SPRAYER ' MOWER ■ ' , ALL SIZES OF USED TIRES AT LOWEST PRICES! soBriiat taama and Heavier axle, gears and bearings; «g tta* National • T R A ILB R C A in WE GIVE CONSUMERS GREEN STAMPSl • ROTARY TII4JER extra quality coustraetion, mere ,A. \ Col or Sfo'i In about • CENTRmJOAL (Fer P1«w-Triw power. Operates all 27 attachments 2 9 2 ™ last September. PUMP Only) with power to spare. Big o y « « » e z' ‘' within bar tru d tires. In draft HARMAC PANmEO'S USED AUTO PARTS at oom* Telopheno 3346 training 'DfSTINCTIVI MIN’S WBAR" Horoco Stroot 946 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER—NEXT ITO ARTHUR DRUG I’luady 1056 MAIN’ST., EAST HARTFORD-i-NEXT TO SAGE-ALLEN at ele- tgyy^Air { MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ w EUNEBUAT, m a r c h 21. m l MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN- WEDNESDAY. MARCH 21. 1951 eon was aervad and an enjoyable Solomonaon with another house­ mantel clock by Mra. Calkins In warming party at their home, 39 Cenmunist apy an« theee eharger Former Neighbors behalf of the group and Mra. Solo- time waa had dancing and singing. Slain Ex-Gonvicl were widely pukliclaed. It also Sunday afternoon a group of Oliver road and presented them monaon waa given a bouquet of with a set o f diahes. A b o u t T o w n waa charged that he w m a rich green carnations. A buffet lunch­ relatives aurprlaed Mr. and Mra. Spring Here But Weather Vet Groups m U k e E n d t organiMr of Commuhlat activity.” Arrange Parly Vernon Lists Found by Police TEL. BlBl Ooldahorough continued: B24-B2B A l B i g d o w Mr and Mw. Jamaa X Mannlae ”Ih that atmoepbere he was Mrs. Frances Smith, of 343 West Gliurcli Rites Makes Liar of Calendarl R e n e w R o w MAIN ST. MANCHESTER aiid daughter Sherry M t (Gaattaoed froir Flags Owe) called before a Congreesional sub­ tarday for thalr home In CJhlca^ Center street and her daughter, •) HUatter apandlng t w weeka committee. He knew he wasn’t Miss Veronica Smith, assisted Iw « and did not appear to be troubled called before a Cdngreasional sub­ Mrs, Charles Calkins, 152 Drive B. VF’W, l^eglon In Dispute with Mr. Mannlaa'i mothar, Mm . Holy Week Activities By The Auociated Press ♦ North Oantral region ., until at, Emma Wltherell. of 114 Haw­ by anything. . ^ ^ committee to be asked some sim­ Silver Lane Homes, were the host­ least tomorrow afternoon. The' A m eempy? wTtiU ple question or any one question Spring arrived today and found Over Distribution of S n TWOA-aO, thorne street, who has been lib Campbell discovered the body as esses at a housewarming party Iteleuscfl by Pastor; cold air moderated as It moved In­ iiS m m t wlileh Mid that a The Chicago resldenU also v ls it^ hs was driving •'"n g s lonely road He knew_ . he - waa called to be given for Mr. and Mrs, Elof Solo- winter making a liar out of the to eastern and southern states. SoliHrr, Sailor Fund of a«aam «tbad Mr. Mannlse's brother, Francis near the bane of East Rock, a grilled.” monson, of 39 Oliver road, at the Seheiliile Details ralendar. But federal forecasters said there Sunday is Easier, Hurry to Wards prominent cliff In the eastern sec­ And some of the questions ask­ home of Mrs. Smith Saturday was not much springlike weather that tha gHaaaaoa a< th* w Mannise, of Bolton. 'Shop Spring's fresh, gentle breezes Hartford, Mareh 21. (Ah—Vet­ would " p ^ tion of the city. ed Field, the Judge went on, con­ evening. Announcement has been made except In the extreme South and The body was lying at the road­ cerned publications the subcom­ Mr. and Mrs. Soloinonson moved were missing except for a few the far Southwest. That’s where erans' organlzatlona are squab­ ta ia fU atop hi ^ The Biickland Community dub « f the schedule ot activities (or bling again about admlnlatraUon ■ eadnra aa pio»ld«d «" tha coHac side and It appeared at first that mittee regarded as subversive and recently from their residence at spota in the deep South and In tha most of the baseball teame are In is holding a card party at the “ Individuals the committee silver I-ane Homes to their new Holy Week and tile week follow­ o1 the Soltllera', Sailors’ and Ma­ twa harpaliila* afraemani. Biickland school tonight at eight Mele waa the victim of a hit and far Southwest training. thought most guilty of subversive home on Oliver road and twenty- ing at the First Congregational Light snow fell today over much rines’ fund. Iba aUtaioant o’clock. All members and friends run motorist. The bullet wounds Temperatures were below norm­ one frlcnda and former neighbors NYLONS church of Vernon, Rev. George B of the Great Lakes region as well At a legislative hearing yesler- pmonMiit to tha efforU of Stata In the face dispelled that theory acUvltles.” are Invited to attend. from Mystic, Windsor and Man­ Higgins, pastor. al over most of the eastern two- aa the Appalachians. Showers (lay. spokesmen for the Veterans 4 .00R E STYLE ftanato Rlcdutl who par- quickly, however. n » e questions put to Irield, ot ’ Foreign Wars requested that ttdpatad In tha dlacoaaloni. The body waa wearing a gabar­ Judge Ooldsborough said, were chester took this opportunity of Thursday. March 22, the Maundy thirds of the nation. It was cold In were reported in the far Southeast Qeorge E. Davis, fireman ap­ BEWITCHING NEW the central part of the country Ihe VKW be allowed to distribute ' MULTIFILAMEN1 TW* aUtaniant added that union dine topcoat, a blue suit, brown "perfectly legitimate and proper congratiilntlng them upon their Thursday observance of the Sacra­ and alao along the Pacific coast prentice, USN. is serving aboard new home. ment of the Lord's Supper with from the northern Rockies’ to the from northern California north­ appllentlon forma for benefit pay­ •ad company omdaU will socks snd brown loafer-typs qhoea. because It was the duty of the ments from the fund. Represents- i the destroyer U3S Olennon oper­ subcommittee to get such Infor­ They were presented a beautiful reception ot new members will be northern Appalachians. ward. RAYON SLIPS tha plant dlaclplUia program n ating in the Mediterranean as a Police Immediately set out to COLORS FOR EASTER Uvea of the American Legion op­ mation as they could.” held at ? p. ni. On God Friday this Icy blasts sent temperatures in which Oaorg^ Bal- unit of the Sixth Fleet. A liberal trace Melc’s movements last night. posed the request, asserting It waa danal. axeoutlre rice preddent of Because the body was warm But, he added, he has no reason church 1.11’ Join with other ilown below zero over Midwest Jobless rValme Drop liberty policy will enable him to areas. It was -8 at Bismarck, N. an attempt to shake control of the tha TWVA and Hiram S- Hall. visit manv of the showplaces of when discovered police theorixed to suppose Field did not claim the > Ohurches In the Rockville area in fund by their organization. Mgplow Yica praaldant ®’**'J5* It had been left at the roadside by protection af the Constitution In' three hour Good Friday aer\'ice D., -7 at Sioux FMIs, S. D„ and Hartford, March 21—(/P)— Un­ the Mediterranean during this Grantsburg. Wls., -8 at Norfolk. The fund, which receives a 2.98 ofpinonnal, win trta part. ^ the slayers. good faith. ISSESCOLDS from noon to 3 p. m. at St. John's tour of duty. Neb., -2 at Mason City, la., and employment Insurance cialma In share of revenuea from the state fcMNwU ti hr yml date wae announced for the meet Mele wsa the broUter of Alphonse Field waa on trial before him. •V I TO lACK OF VITAMINA DARK SEAMS Episcopal church in Rockville. “ Zip” Mele, New Haven fight the Judge emphaslxed, on a charge | Duluth. Minn. Snow waa hip-deep Connecticut dropped to 11,708. the ( Igarette tax, haa been admlnts- tna. ______Richard D. Flavell, fireman The men's workday for church manager and restaurant owner, of contempt of Congress, and was over some of the area. smallest total alnce V-J Dav, ac­ lered by the American Legion Exceptional price for a USN, husband of Mrs. Valeri ’ clcan-up will start at. 1 :.3l) Satur­ since It was established after and Robert Mele, gynaalum owner not being tried “for being a Com­ EVENING SHEERS day afternoon. The cold air from the Mldweat cording to the State Labor depart­ straight cut slipl Finest Flavell of 83 Packard street, re­ ment’s report. The week previous World War I. Attempls to rcniov and fight manager and trainer. munist or for being subversive.’’ moved south and eastward. Tem- mullifilameni rayon Blocks Plot cently participated In the largest SunriM- serrlcv peraturei were at or below freez­ 12,452 claims were filed an.«MS4dO o f the local coort, participated In ALL W O O L average of 78 accidenta a day. the coronation eeremony. Accidenta Ih 1250 totaled 33,- FOOD SALE ALL-NYLON SHEER BLOUSES FOR SPRING Styled to his iSdng with says Mao in Felpiag $7.49 to $9.98 $1.98 268 aa compared to 26,647 in 1249. « detachable western Men drivers killed or fatally to SIZES S MONTHS TO 4 Sixea 1 to 8 Jured outnumbered those of the buckle. All around clas­ Moaoow, March 21— (F)— ^Piavda Tlmnday, M a r e h 2 2 tic w aW fo r neat fit. raportad today that Mao Tna-tung oppoaltedex. with 86 male drivers leader o f t|M Chlnsas Oomanmlsts, kUled In 1950 while only eight fe Hortdy siftoer fiy.Wosh- SEE THESE MARY JANl PUMPSI 1 2 N o o n male drtvora died at the. wheel. 2 .9 8 la in his ca4ri*>l fit Peiping. ...,able rayon It strong, Petite party shoes, os doMy and (Tbara has bean much spacula- The fact“book states that in chomi- 7 7 C 050. I9 child pedestrians were eosHy cored for. In brown tloQ la M y on tha srtMieahonts of big os the littie girb who weor Iheml ^ J. W. HAU CORP. tilled. by' their own careleganeas. Nylon sheer Mouaea with the accent on femininity. And or shippor bki^ Mao who haa not bean heard from CHILDREN Mirror-bright potont leather, with long* The &4ptor Vehicles department Juat look at thla low price. Delicate embroidery, lace trim­ alnca hia laat piiMie appearance in Mancheeter Repabllcan 785 MAIN STREET ^ does not lay all tha. blame, on weetring composit’ton soles..814 to 3. lewpiww Peiping Jpa. 20. He baa been re- med collars. White, pink or blue. Sizes 32 to 38. CARROLLS NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Connecticut drivers, one out of p e iM by aouroea outside China aa WonMM’a CMb five cars Involved in fatal accl- asriouaiy til with a heart condition.) denta wns from out of the state .V. ,1,.. MANCHESTER EVBNINO HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN,. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 19SI

Help WiMtei— Feaele 16 ArUdn l«r Sal* 41 61 B o sIim nm MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 1961 AptiwoBtlen for Sale AntQ Ac >ri4 lliiviag* Chair, now ...... 14.88.. PROFEfiSIONAL Officee t » UConns Lose Trade In your Old motor on a low Help Wanted— Male Ml Junior Event Moriarty’s and Wapping 1980 C H E V R O L E l fordor sedsn. delivery Rerngeratora wasners not conduct electricity. Bag 219.95 Two IMcce Uving Room Centqr at Main atreet. Burke Sets Scoring cost W ard Rebuilt today! Call Important Twi Baseball 10.000 miles. JUdio, heater. 'Diia and .stove moving a specialty SAUOSMAN. 30-45. High sales covers 22 sq. it. 8 In. deep—-costs Suite,' now ...... 199.88 -opportunity for doctor^ dsatlSI* Bill Johnson at 5161 for further you only $1.39. Easy to install. To St. Johns 1 car 1s from an eetata. Beautiful Phone 2-U'.B3. aptitude for Intangiblea. Own car. Lawson siin. Green iipholstry, etc. Call Burton’s 8177. , Starts Tonight In Final Playoff Tonight L o st niMi F o bim I coBdttlon. Douglas Motors, 333 information. Guaranteed draw to 3 years. Rs- Just pour. Conit in today for a Reg. 60.06 Occasional Chair, free estimate on this low cost, P ace at East Side LOST -Whlt« gold bow-knot pin, Main. 1948 ■ CXJLUMBIA bicycle, two surae requasted. No employment n o w ...... 49.88 Loop Meeting Tonight Fainting-Fapcrtni 21 money saving insuinUon. Also Beige tapestry with fringe. Wanted to Kent Y " Sen-obave to snap out of it if they ex­ Bow Out in IVCAA Event email diamond in center, on Maple speed shift and a front wheel fee. Contact Wilson Agency, 54 Two Games Scheduled The Anal game of the Rock Wool batts, covers 40 Reg. 10.98 Biissinrtte and Stand. pect to take the Harveatcra to­ street or vicinity of Schultz brake. Call 2-0826 after 6 p. m, PAPER HANUING painting work Church. Hartford. Conn. U R G E N T — Man and wifa belijiS tor Beaketball Leagtie will be 1949 PLYMOUTH convertible square now ...... 8.88 night. At Garden, 63 to 52; Beauty Salon or KarTs Store at done personally, meaning good feet per carton, $2.89. evictedi require 3 or 4..coonlLCeaL art the United Atrcreft Club. Hart­ At Rcr; Six Teams played tonight at the "Y " atart- Exchange Stars Topple Call 2-8145 before 8:80 p. m. Montgomery Warit, Main Hlrcet. All while. Collapslhle stand. h u i to Elect Officers ford Tlgera, and the Hartford F'or Wapping, Yummy Kreysegg Columbia Lions Upset Manchestei Green. Phone 2-2832 work at moJeraie eoet. Raymond Call 6480. ' Seek Honors Ing at 8:18. Morlarty Brothera was the key man in the offense, Local Sport Tatro Plumbers in Garagefl—Services— F U L L OR P A R T time cab driver Reg, 1.98 ,Sq. Yd. Inlaid Linoleum Cuba. The P A ’a did not attend the Valued sentimcnUlIy. CONVERTIBLES Flske Tel. 2-92..7, for day work. Apply City Cab. LOAM. Must be removed for Inilld- Remnants ...... 25% off And Admit Sixtlr Qab and the Wapping Harvestcra are with AI Dumez and Dan Daly u 10 w a n t e d — 0 rooms. W ill pay laat meeting. New York, March 21—i/P)— Four Overtime Preliminary Storage ing purposes. $7 per 5 yard truck Reg. 4.95 "Rudolph" Chenille All teama intereated in Joining The Rec Town Junior Baaket- all tied up In the playoffs at one lending a supporting hand. INTERIOR and kxterioi painting, W A N TE D Aggressive man to good rent. Call Manchester 7887 For G>ming Season; The Gas Housers tried, to play a members of college basketbaU's Chatter paper hang’-if. ceilings reflniidied load. Maxliiiiim* haul at shove Throw Rug.s ...... 3.88 are invited to alt in on tonight a ball tournament will get under game each. To Cop Little League FcmmiBln II 1960 HUDSON CONCRETE Garage 80' x 38', for learn shoe business Neat appear­ Excellent for i hlldren's i-ooni. between 8:80 and 6. Morlarty'a have lost but one slow deliberate game but Wap­ price I ' i miles, (’ all 7195 or 2- Strong League Seen meeting. The aixth and final way tonight at 7 o'clock. elite top ten—Kentucky, St. John's, CONVERTIBLE rent. No poste. suitable for stor­ Fully insured. Ejxpert work. Wall ing. Wondsrful opportunity for Reg. 16.95 4 'j x 6 All Wool Rugs, contest and that to Wapping last ping spoiled their plans by ­ . Jobnny FalkowskI enjoyed an­ DRIVING TO Florida April 11. Can 2784. poaition will be filled tonight. Six teams have entered with Illinois and North C'arollna State— age. palntUig or repair; CHill 2- paper book.:. Edward R Price. Monday night In league play the ing the hair and making the Gas other big season as a basketball By Earl Y'ost accommodate 1 o. two lady pas­ right man. Salary and. commis­ now ...... 13.88 KuxInrMi I’riiperly for 7U There are many wrinklea to be four teams playing tonight. The will square off at Madison Square 7,900 miles. Radio, heater, Phone 2-1003 K U Y A L A N D aiiiith-tMrone port Orav and floral beige. TwtUglit League officiala and past season. Wapping on Mon- | House Gang play their kind of coach during the past winter. His Posting a 66 to 87 victory, the sengers. Ihfferences required. 9395. sion. Apply Kinney Shoe Store, ironed out before the league opcna winners will play the two teams Garden tomorrow night In the male and .tendaiv typewniars MONTGOMERY WARD RESTAURANT And (c* cream graaeWaa camera will ait down to that draw hyea tomorrow night. day night becauae they played a a game which they could not cope Hamilton Props won the Hartford Laurels gained the upper hand In W riU Box Q, Herald. automatic ahift, overdrive. 903 Main street. ita aeaaon early tn May. After the with. semi-finals oi the N C AA Eastern Industrial League championship All makes ot adding maumnes 828 MAIN STREET bar. Low rent. %lll consider raa- Ihalr moat Important meeting In Teama entered are the Black fast break and wore better hit­ the Rec Senior Basketball League New car guarantee. Repalrtnff tn officera are announced. league In the preliminary game start­ eliminations. . and he coached the Nasalff Arm s WANTED—Ride to Weet Ctoaat, Kuatneea Servicee Offered 16 ' W ANTED •old or rented. Repairs on al suiiable terms, ■ Reason for eelUng, aavaral yoara tonight in the Weat Haw'ks and the West Sides w'ho ting the hoop more consistently n iA M B K R S F'uri.llure for that mogula will go right to work pre- Kentucky. No, 1 nationally, will to the Eastern Pro League regular final playoffs last night with the preferably Los Angeles or Santa MATT'KESS. Tout Old mattresses makes Marlow’s. entering ullltary service. Inquire play the first game in tonlght'a than Moriarty Brothers. Tom ing at 6:30 the Jr. H i-Y will play FLOOR PROBLEM iS eolvsd with new gas or electric ran^e. A Mda Bee at 7:80. Highlight of the ' paring a achedule and reaching the Homestead Packers in the face a tired St. John’s team. No. 9, season playoff crowms. Johnny's champion Garden Groves. The Anna. Must arrlva befors April 1. 1948 MERCURY sterilised and leinade like new FIRST CLASS PLASTIC John Tonoll,' Stafford Sprtnfk, twin hill with the defending Kelly. Jim Suitor and Red Jacko Itnutsum, a-'Phaii tils counter. LAWN Mower l^ny-away sals. good selection ol apartment or ,Malrm will be the aeleotion of of- j agreement on umpires fees, pur- were not up to par In their per­ first game of the “ Y " Intermedi­ Illinois. No. 5, will oppose North Job with the Props was amazing Laurels captured the first game Contact J. W. Kaminsky, 113 Call Junes Furnltura and Floor Conn. Tel. 785. champs, the Garden Grove Jun­ Expert won. Janahlp, free esti­ MOLD DIE MAKERS Provide no\\ for trim, luxuriant regular site ranges. Complets fleert for the coming year chase of baseballa, rules and regu­ formance Monday night and will ate League final playoffs. Carolina State, No. 8. Illinois and Inasmuch as the team was winless In the best out of three game set Radio, heater, new top. Coveting. 36 Oak Tsl. 2-1041. iors meeting the Green Rivals In North School. i mates. Open evenings. Jiines Fur­ lawn this .siinin.cr, 10% down line of home furnlsliingi. amall Piaaident Nick Angelo an­ lations and other Incidentals Im­ N. C. State are expected to play in the first round of play. Howev­ at the East Side Rec before a slim A. TOOL MAKERS portant In the functioning of the the second tilt. The two teams niture. Oak atreet. Phone 2-1041. REPAIRS on sev Ing machines, holds any lawn mower for 90 appllan.ei and T.V.. Visitors wel­ I'arma and Imnd for Sals T1 nounced hit realgnatlon at the flrat that draw byes were the Reil the first game, at 7:45 p. ro. (est). er, the Props came back to win the crow-d. THRESHER'S PO n V Ring open- 1948 CHEVROLET * find MACHINISTS meeting held laat Wedneaday. Hla league. motors, pendulum olochs, scissors days. Got your hand or powor come. 501 Middle Turnpike East. Birds and Don Wlllia Oarage. Rookies Impress at Madison Square Garden here second round and the playoffs. Norm Burke, Fred Booth, Jack ing for season, Saturday after­ ASHFa AND Rubbish removed APPROXIMATELY 2 acres clear Budden declalon to divorce himaelf CONVERTIBLE sharpened. Trade, on sewing ma­ mower iio.v while nvallaitle. Mont­ Honrs 9:.30 to 8. 7:80 to 8:,30. The Black Hawks have for their and at Raleigh, N. C. Perry and Tommy Conran all col­ noon and Easter Sunday. 22 De­ Call Norman Pierce. 9 Trotter Steady employment and level land Ideal for 2 building from the activitlea of the league EpC I.PBgOP Work is progressing rapidly on lected In the double figures for the chines, oU' and new. F. X. Dion. gomery Wnrd. rosier Bob Cofleland. Boh Pan- Meanwhile, the Western N C AA pot street, Buckland. Radio, heater, new top. streeL Phone 2 0252. lots mile ftum Mancheater came ea a ahock and totally un­ Chi sox Manager the Little League baseball dia­ winners with Burke’s 17 points 7779. good wajfea. Complete gm up' — (Ol ft. rnfrlKiMiilor, large deep Putt OffIfP ciera. Bill England, Tony Tleman, will start catching up with the QUONSF.T HUT. Very good con­ Country Club, Call 8007 after 8 expected. Angelo ia the oldeat of­ mond at Memorial Field. The Rec being tops. Gus Gaudlno, hitting H E L P ! — Does your child have dif­ insurance which includes iife, fvoi'zo, $199.95. n ft. .120 Ih. deep LkRivler< ...... ion 96 86 281 Marshall Alfken, Ray Blanco, Jim East tonight, staging the first a U - a p p l i a n c e s eervicet! and dition. (■'oni|,lelely Insulated, par­ p. m. ficer of the league, having been .. Rfl 118 107 114 department maintenance crew is nine of eleven free throws and one ficulty in some of his school sub­ accident and health, hospitali­ freezer, $289.95. 15 ft. 640 lb. deep Fsrr ...... McArdle, Hal Duff, Rich Fonta- Chicago White Sox Manager two quarter-final games at Kan­ McCLURE AUTO CO. repaired, burnera, refrigerators PfiFfite Instmctkim 28 titioned into rooms. MtHlem bath, connected with the league alnce Aceto ...... 138 131 112 361 nella and Clem Morgan. doing the work. basket, w-as the only member of jects. Teacher willing to tutor ranges, aashers. etc All work zation, surgical and 'medical freezer, $379.95. 138 132 no 160 Paul Richarda, an old hand at de­ sas City. 373 Main Street kitchen cabinets built In. Ideal ita orguiixatlon nineteen yeara Mtrtin ...... The Weat Side la composed of the losers In the double scoring at home. Call 2-9752 after 4 p m. guarameed. Metro Service Co. COURT Reporting advanced dic­ HuumtS lor Sale TwAronlt^ ...... HR 109 107 114 veloping young pitchers, has tw-o Brigham Young, winner of thf bracket. coverage for employee and fur couple witli child. Movement Five Year Giisranloe ago, and aerved aa an officer for George Demko, Harold Duff, Har­ George Veltch writes from Sar­ Tel. 2-9442 Tel. Manchester k-4J8S8. tation aiK) typewriting. Mary fifteen yeara. Member teama hope National Invitatifn Tournament Second game in the scries w-lll T H E P R O S P E .n HUi School for family. Vacation with pay. to another Incatlon easily arrang­ TH REE 4-a A M ILY tiouaee In dif­ 667 522 1652 old Moore, Marshall Altken. Joe rookies on his squad that are pass­ asota that Chris Glenney and Bill Javnc Mitchell. Tsl. 8295. COLE MOTORS—4164 TotAlP . r>6:i last week, will take on little San young children Pre-kindergarten, 1941 CHEVROLET coupe, runs ed. Gun lie seen at 391 Hilliard ferent sections of town. Each Is Angelo haa reconaldered and will Wftlnqt Htrert (S) Shea. Ed Lynn, Don Flavcll and £ ing their tests with flying colors. O'Hara are right in claiming him be played Tuesday night at the R E PAIR IN G BY .si.uart R. Wol­ withdraw hla reaignation tonight. 119 96 126 Yankees Jose State w-hlle Kansas State will Rec. kindergarten, first grade. Monday good, radio, heater. Only $425. street, or call 6721. a wonderfu. Inveeimont. Vacancy MAMAro ...... Ill Jim Roach Richards, credited with turning (Vietch) to be a dled-ln-the-wool cott on washing machines, vac­ Apply The poalUon of vice preaident PhHHp# ...... 104 143 131 167 Garden Grove will have Bill Hollywood, Calif., March 21.— face Arizona. K-state and Arizona supporter of the New York Yan­ Tlie score was deadlocked at through F'hiday. Transportation 1939 (3ievrolet tudor. good motor, uum oltancrs, --otora, small ap' T U TO R IN G In mathematics, chem­ In one. Center Springs Realty muat alao be filled. Johnny Hed- Koslckl ...... 102 127 im 110 (>D Joe DiMaggto, chief drawing Hal Newhouser into a star with play first at 9 p, m. (est). IS-all at the period but the Lau­ furnished. Mrs. Lela Tybur. direc­ nevy. shocks. Douglas Motors, 333 NEW FITZOIBBONS top-feed coal D A V E N P O R T With slip cover. Co., 470 Main street. Phono 6988. 114 147 Sheekey. John Anderson. Eric kees. pltances. Welding and cutting-. istry and physics. Tel. 2-4014. A.B.A. TOOL and DIE CO. lund held that poalUon for the BruEtn ...... 90 131 c ard o f the New York Yankees, ia Oklahoma's Aggies, favored to rels surged ahead in the second tor. Phone 4267. Main. boiler fur hot water heating sys­ Phone 8514. . 9.1 96 118 307 Hohenthal, Steve Bellinghirl, Har­ Detroit, has been imparting hia Motor replacements A-1 Repair, M A N C H E 8 T E R —Two-fsmlly flat, paat three yeara and haa reaigned And^mon ...... old Cnrlsnn. George Zwick. Rob­ having a tough time at the plate. win the Western title and play canto to take a .39 to 30 margin tem. Original cost $14U. Will sell know-how to Harold (Skinny) Softball Twilight league offi­ W ANTED—Ivide to Pratt A Whlt- Sales, 180 Main. Phone 8597. 30 Grandview St. MAPLE CRIB $15. also four 4-4 Just a few steps from Main bacauae of hla appointment aa . Mlp A07 S70 1677 ert .Tohnson, George Eagleson. The great Yankee centerfielder heavily-supported Kentucky for at intermission. The Laurels held Help Wanted— Kemalc 35 fur $75. The Manchester Lumber ToUl* Brown and lefty Marv Rottblatt. cers and team managers will hold nel. Hours 7-8:30. From vicinity 1941 W IL L Y 8 4-door sedan. E x­ burner gas stove, suitable for etreet. Steam heat, oil, five-car Town Recreation Director. Only DIaba • (A) Paul Arcari and James Minnicuc- haa collected only tw-o hlt.s in 18 the title at Minneapolis March 27, a lead anywhere from five to nine DOORS OPENED, keys fitted, A Fuel Oo. Tel. 5146. an Important reorganization meet­ F U LL t i m e Salesgirl wanted. Ex-1 Manchester cottage. Phone k 9881. Hal Turklngton. aecreUry-treaa- Kochtn ...... 119 118 100 317 trips to the plate for a 111 aver­ Brown and Rottblatt allowed w-ill open their bid tomorrow night points throughout the last twen­ of Middle Turnpike Weak and cellent condition. Plione 5711. copied, vacuum cleaners, irons garage, 24x50. Business posatblll- 130 cl. I ing Sunday morning at lu o cioch perience preferred but not neces-! 18" POW ER MOWER $89.85. 21" urer, remalna available from the Aceto ...... 106 109 105 The Green Rivals roster will he age. How-ever, both hlow-s w-ere Richards plenty as they teamed to ty minutes of play. Try as hard South Hawthorne street. Call 2- guns, etc. repaired, shears, tles. Sale prlo* $18,800. Ceil Ells­ . . 94 106 94 294 against Montana State. Washing­ at the Personalized Floors’ office JOIN THE EASTER PARADE sary. Apply in person only at $104.95 with famous make Brlggs- JUST RECEIVED a few 1960 8H alate of officera that has been in WAlker ...... M. Patch. A BiardI, D. Kelly, D. home runs. blank the World Champion New as they might, the Caterers could 1689. knives, mowers, etc. put In con MAN FOR part time work. Apply worth Mitten, Agent. MancheeUr. rolUvei'rhlo ...... 89 112 92 291 ton. Pacific Coast champion, w-ill on Main street. Whether or not the IN A GUARANTEEa? CAR Burton's. Stratton motors. Cole Motora cu. ft. Kelvinator refrigerators, power for three yeara. 255 Biince, T MoHarty. F. Barry, T. Dodgers York Yankees, 5-0, In one of nine not get their attack rolling in Capitol Equipment Co., SB Main 6030. Dummy ...... R.S M) 86 oppose Texas A. and M. in the league will function again this r i d e W A N T E D from vicinity of FROM BROWN-BBAUPBE ditlon for coming needs. Bralth- $289.05 while they laet. Watklne A nominating committee, com- Tedford, .1. McDowell, L. Paris Grapefruit League games played the same manner in which they street. 4164. Miami. Fla.. March 21.—iT) — other game. season at Robertson Park w-lll be waite. 52 Pearl street. W AN TE D —Dental assistant. Ex­ Bros., Inc., 985 Mein street. .. 49.1 476 1490 yesterday. It was the first time swept past all opp.-isition during Washington and Main streeU to OFF PORTER STREET pooed of Jeff Keolscb. Bill Kelley TotAl* and R. Maramni. Tommy Brown, loading candidate Kentucky had its troubles for a decided at this time. League mem­ 1949 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DE­ perience preferred but not neces­ W A N T E D —Helper for truck, full GOOD F IL L for sa.e, cheap. De­ and Pat Bolduc, have not .made Hurtfurd Rotd For the Red Birds, Robert Lin- the Yanks were held rimless since the regular season. Pratt and Whltr.ey. Hours 8 to LUXE CLUB (X>UPE—Ra­ 4-,tNOLEUM Remnanls, 50c square for Brooklyn's regular left field while at Raleigh la.st night but bers are the Italian Americans, sary. Write Bo ; T, Herald. or part tiro*. Benson's, 718 Main livered or Uadeu on your own GAB STOVE with gas heating unit known the slate of officera they SAdrotIntkl nell, Howard Lantenbach, Robert last August. Prelim a Thriller 5:30. Phone 2-4846. dio, heater, seat covers. Beau­ yard Asphalt tile, wall covering Two large building loti, Emtrton .. berth, ia finding the goirtg rough brought Its Class to the surface in Broad Street Motors, East Hart­ truck. Apply at j l>, corner Broad Installed. Inquire 600 Center will propoae at tonight's seaalon. Modean, John and Earle Everett The preliminary game was a Don* by reliable, well-trained atreet. each 120’ front, having a Winter in exhibition games. Brown has The recruits spoiled the I ’ anka' time to trounce a fired-up Louis­ ford Uovalettes, Knights of Colum­ tiful dark green. YOUNG Lady sales clerk. Retail atreet and Middle Turnpike Weit, street. Tel, 5340. Several prominent baseball men in Jlsrold Brainnrd. Norman Vltt- thriller. The Exchange All Stars 1949 men. All job# guaranteed. Hall (•PM ...... failed to collect a hit in his last 20 appearance In Manager Casey ville team, 79-68. N. C. State, play­ bus, North Ends and Nlchols-Bris- downed the Tatro Plumbers in an AatoMoBileh Far dele 4 experience preferred — but not F U L L TIM E or part time porter, or call 7195 or 2-2784. Gravel and depth of 268’ to 102’. Level town were approached during the Mtdt^n .... ner. Meredith Morhardt, Stephen CLUB COUPE—Radio, heat­ Linoleum Co., 31 Oak street official times at bat. Stengel's home town, Glendale, ing without three of its stars, tol. The LA’s arc defending cham­ overtime. 30 to 25. The score essejitlal. Apply In person. The Apply Pine Pastry Shop, 658 (Cen­ loam available at other locations. and clean. Very desirable lot . week for a suitable replacement Millard and Neill Nod.len are 1950 C H E ’VR O LET club coupe. er, extra clean. Jet black. Phone 2-4022. evenings 6166 or Machinery and Toola 62 511 603 495 HVW Giants Calif. They set the proud Bombers thumped Vlllanovi , 67-62. pion,). was knotted at 23-aII ht the end Textile Store, 913 Main street. ter etreet. Phone 2-9485. for ranch type home. Near for Angelo, should he etand firm Tottlii ...... ll.sted down on four hits, two each by 1960 Chevrolet tudor. Will tr«de 1947 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DE­ 8109. Don Willis Garage will field St. Petersburg, Fla., March 21. A t Madison Square Garden, be­ of regulation time. SALE; Vitalized oil! Wards spring OWN SHOPSMITHI Five big ca- on his reaignation. Hank Bauer and Phil Rlzzuto cars 1931s to 1951s, any make, L U X E 4-DR.— Radio, heater, WANTED- -Experienced gas sta­ Porter Street school. N CAA Baakrtball at a Glance •lames Glenney, Oliver Toop, John -(yTi—The New York Giants fore 17,107, Illinois’ Big Ten A rt Pongratz w-lll again coach This contest w-as decided at the oil sale Is now on. Buy all the caplty power tools in one com­ nve Teams Beady model. Douglas Motor*, 833 Main. seat covers. Beautiful dark 24 H O UR oil burner, service. Mln- tion attendant. Apply Michael Eastern Quarter-Finals Perrv. George Case, Robert Wil­ squad probably will be cut before Rottblatt. who set the Southern champmns shattered Columbia's the Hamilton Props in the I’w-l- foul line. The wlrners wen- able Premium Giade Vitalized you'll pact unit! A complete power Five teams have been selected Association on fire last year w-h^n blue. neapolie controls. Earl Van Camp. Sheridan, Moriarty Brothers. Illinois 79 Columbia 71. lis, Wslt KosokowskI and .Tames the week is out. Manager Leo Dii- unbeaiten record- the only one left light Baseball League this season. to make but eight baskni.s to nerd for the months ahead at low workshop In ont compact tool! ARTHUR A. KN O FLA for the coming season — the he won 22 games and lost nine for 1950 BTUPEBAKER CHAMPION 1947 PACKARD 6 CYL. 4-DR.— Phone 5244. Kentucky 79 Louisville #8. Farrell. ro<-her. Farm Director Carl Hub- — , 79-71, w-hilc St. John’s dispos­ Pongratz served as a catcher- eleven for the Plumbers but the 4-DR. SEDAN — Overdrive, Radio, heater, overdrive. sale prices! When you buy Vital Shopsmith U an 8” bench saw, a Realtor British American Club, Hamilton Memphis, limited the Yanks to one winner.s dropped in 14 free Ihrow-.a B A K E R W A N T E D , Club Chianti, North Carolina Stale 67 Villan- bcll and ow-ner Horace Stone- ed of little Connecticut, 63-52. coach of the Props a year ago and radio and heater. Beautiful gray. W IN D O W S H A D S r made to order HELP WANTED Ized you buy the finest— regard- 12” disc sandar, a woodworking 876 Main Street— Est. 1921 Propa Silk City, Ela.'rt Hampton hit in five innings. Brown w-orked out of 23 tries to tirce liits In 14 Depot Square. Apply in person Bombers and Rockville. One spot ova 62. Umpires In the National I.,eagiie ham conferred yesterday over the Until they ran up against Il­ was named the Most Valuable 1947 CHRYSLER 4-DR.—Radio, and Installed. Venetian blinds lees of price! Bu> In drum-lots for lathe, a horlsontal and a vertical dislribulion of players for the for Richards at Seattle of the Pa­ seven attempts for the Plumh.-rs. 1949 STUDKBAKER CHAMPION only— no phone calls. Phone 5440 or 5938 is open and must be filled tonight. St. John s (B K N i 63 Connecticut In 1883 were paid five dollars a linois' Ted Beach and Don Sundcr- Player in the Slate Semi-Pro Bas-a- 4- DR. S E D A N — Overdrive, heater, dark blue. Good con­ and curtain rods. 24 heur service. 2 GIRLS FOR SHIRT greater savings! Reg. 89c gal. drill press .. yst you pay dollars farm system. The young pitchers cific Coa.st League in 1950, split­ ball Tournament. Holientahal scored 11 points Home Listings Wanted Teama known to be seeking entry S2. game. lage, Columbia’s Ivy League titlists and heater. dition. Estimates gladly given. Fagan LABORER Wanted for driveway Vitalized (Fed. tax Incl.) In one lass than you'd pay for compar­ on the way to the minora probably ting 26 decisions. fo ' the winners while .Tim Fairell. PRESSES and 1 GIRL FOR 55 or two .30-gnllon drums now had piled uf 22 straight victories 1948 STUDEBAKER L A N D 1946 CHRYSLER WINDSOR 2- Window Shad.. Cto.. Route 44 at construction. Apply Colls Con­ able single-purpose tools. Shop- CUHTUM 4ANCH Huuee, 6 ruOOM|| will remain until the club break.s Two veterans, little Bob Shantz Ken Lowd and Ed 'V-.JC'k added DR.— Radio, heater, extra only 66c gal Reg, $1.95 two gal­ this year and 31 over a tw-o-year Nest meeting of the Northern the other tallies. Mike E.«, avieh C R U IS E R 4-DR. — Radio, Bolton Notch Phone 2-4473.; struction CV 84 Middle Turnpike smith is versatile .. doM over bath, lavatory an. laundry roOBb camp April 2. and Carl Scheib, al.so turned in a clean. One owner. UNIFORM PRESSES lon (xiti (l-od, tax Incl.) reduced span. Connecticut Board ol ApprTi delphia Athletics trounced the Monday evening, April 2 at the 1948 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION Heater, new aeat cover*. done on any furniture Tlemann. half. But Beach popped in seven I.aiirelii 5- PASS. STARLIGHT street. built to highest standards. See fireplaosa. Alumitlum combBra* I The Boston Braves will enjoy a Brooklyn Dodgers, 12-1, at West British American Club at 7:30. Completely checked. 189 South Main street Phone out of eight long one-handed set r. n. y T C O U P E — Radio and heater. Benefits Paid Shopsmith demonstrated at tion Windows. % acre landaoBp* j holiday today - the only scheduled Palm Beach. Fla. 3 R«-»olh. rf ...... f> 0-1 1? 1948 BUICK SUPER 4-DR.—Ra- 5643. Help Wanted—Msle FRIGIDAIRE, Maple bed, book­ The duo limited the Dodgers to shots in eight minutes just before 1941 STUDEBAKER 4-DR. SE­ W ards! Only 10% down on con ing jilut. All tsatureu for inodMa parkling tyles , pre-season one—following their A meeting of all team managers 0 Vils:a. rf ...... 0 0-0 0 • dlo, heater. One owner clean case and desk, other miscellan­ S S the end of the half. Then Sundcr- Blue Cross Female venlent monthly terms. $189.50 I victory yesterday over Intra-city six hits. The A's. meanwhile, 2 Burke, If ...... 7-11 17 DAN. car. . PETER W P A N T A L U K , electrical eous articles. Phone 8076. living. Suburban Realty Oo„ R ig ^ pounded Ralph Branca, former lage went on a one-man scoring interested in playing in the Rec 1 SliriPkey. If ...... 3 1-1 7 contractor, malntanancc and wir without motor. $224.00 with ‘4- tors, 49 P ^h in s straeL P h « ^ ; rival Red Sox. Softball League during the coming 1949 OLDSMOBILE 3-DR.— Model Many Others YOUNG Woman or young man, teammate Bill McCahan and rookie spree to catch Cxilumbia, 57-57, 0 Pcrr>'. f ...... r, 6-5 12 Ing for Ugbt and power. 40 Foster Group Insurance IRON FIREMAN foiced-air stoker H P motor. Montgomery Ward. 8318. I Sid Gordon, lilt on the upper season will be held F riday night 4 BrriokJt r$: ...... 1 1.2 3 88. Radio and heater, hydra- full time. General drug store work I left arm by a Willard Nixon pitch Clem LaBinc for 11 hits. Scheib with ten minutes to go and send matlc. street Phbn* 8.308. furnace. (Complete with ducts and Main street. at 7:30 at the East Side Kec. Paul 1 ('oiiran. le ...... 3 11 BROWN-BEA’UPRE. Inc. Pleasant Place To Work with drlverij license. Apply In Manchester— 8 room single, epaM in that game, will continue treat- helped his own cause by driving in Illinois out front to stay. 5 Ma.kon...... 1 controls. (Tall 2-9846. Corrcntl served as president last 1-1 1948 OLDSMOBILE 4-DR. SE­ 30 Bissell Street Phone 7191 person. 459 Hartford Road. USED CATERPILLAR 23 Farm- for one more. Oil heat, flreplaoa, For Easter W ear : inenls with Trainer "Doc” Lacks. two runs with a triple. The A's St. John’s, looking a bit w-cary D A N — Modal 76. Radio, heat­ Experience Not Nece.ssary season w-hlle Nino Pagai^i was PO RTABLE Bar with 8 stools. alle, Allls-Chaimera tractors, garage. Nice section. 'Thirty d M The hu.sky outfielder says it isn't iced the game with an eight-run from its recent Invitation Tourna­ 21 Total.k 22 21.12 65 er. hydramatlc. Household Sendees secretary-treasurer. The league C*Ardrn W ANTED Living room set, stroller, sewing plows, harrows, limesowera. Spe­ occupancy. Priced $18,000. C a M Because it's Spring and bacauie you want to look your anything serious. assault against Mt-Cuhan and La- ment grind, rolled up a 25-polnt l.rote u>7> 1937 FO R D Coupe, Good condition. O ffe r e d 13A operated three nights a week at 4 BAb.’.H’k rf ...... 1 M 7 1948 P O N T IA C 8 CLUB (X)UPE machine and otlicr used furni­ cials on cultivators, plows har­ needed $4,800. beet for every occasion—we're quite sure yoti'll want to Tomorrow the TYibe plays host Bine in the seventh Inning. lead early in the last half against Call 2-3775. ^pply In Person the Charter Oak Lots. 1 Pajpani. rf ...... 0 3-.I 3 — Radio and heater. SHOE SALESMEN ture. The Woodshed. 11 Main rows for Fords. Dublin Tractor select your new Spring men's wear st Glenney e. to the . In another well-pitched game, little Connecticut and then almost o 0-0 4 &1ANCHBSTER Upholstering Uo. 4 Iliiosa. If . 1948 CHEVROLET 4-DR. SEDAN Co.. North Windham Road, Wll- Seven Room Single—Occupancy SO the Boston Braves shaded the Bos­ let the game get away on a strong I Hanlelson. tf .! ...... 3 O-l 6 1949 M E R C U R Y club coupe, blue. Re-upboUterlng. draperies, slip street. daye. 4 bedrooms, garage. On large ^ I Red Sox Dohnie Warren, Boys' Room — Heater. NEW MODEL LAUNDRY AND llmantlc. ton Red Sox, 2-1, at Bradenton, rally sparked by Vince Yokabaskas 5 (iiuKiinii, <- ...... 1 9-M 11 Radio, heater, undercoating, five covers. 48 Purnell Place. ( ^ I 2 lot. Priced $13,600. Cash needed 1 Sarasota. Fla., March 21. iJ’i supervisor at the West Side Rec, 3 (lavullo. rg ...... 2 1-6 1946 CHEVROLET 4-DR. SEDAN W E LL ROTTED Cow manure, Fla. The Brave* scored the w-in- and Bill Ebcl. How-ever. time ran w near new tires. Excellent condi­ 9521. Open cvenlnga. 73 Summit Street $4,000. Ted Williams w ill be kept out of coached the Little League cham­ 4 Orpcn, rg ... 0. 1 6 Heater. SALESWOMEN $16 a cord delivered. Phone 7083. today’s game with the St. Louis ning run in the sixth on a single out on the UConns. :i Ynung. Ig ... f> 0-0 4 tion. Low mileage’, private owner. Wearing Apparel— Fur* 67 SUITS pion Exchange All Stars during w e a v i n g of Duma, moth notes Leonard Glgllo. by Roy Hartsfield. an error and A capacity crow-d of 12,400 saw- 2 Roflgcrp. Ig ...... 3 2 8 1940 PONTIAC 4-DR. SEDAN— $1,695. Call 2-8070. Experience preferred but Two Family 8 and 4—011 steam Cardinals here to doctor a slight the past season. Ronnie Dalgk- and torn clothing, hoalery runs, licat. Garage. E xtfa large Bt^erywhera and all the time, enjoy that well dressed cold. another single by Earl Torgeson. the two-game show at N, C, Heater and radio. T FOR SALF^ -W ell rotted cow CAPE OR Cape Stole remodeled, ...... handed the Runnerup Tatro ...... 19 ;,7 1938 BUICaC Special 4-door sedan. handbags repaired. Upper re­ not absolutely necessary. feeling that Style-Mart Clothes helps to bring you. The.«if Manager Steve O'Neill said Ted The St. Louis Cardinals edged State’s Coli.seiim in Raleigh and 29'T.'lal.« ...... 1938 CHEVROLET 2-DR. manure, delivered. Call Pella from your old fur coat, $25. Guar- $13,600. Cash needed 14,000. 4 rown modestly priced clothes are finely and generously tailored Plumber team. Kefrri'C,’* Yc.st* lIiTtath Blue, clean car. Private owner, placement, umbrellas repaired, Good Working Conditions anteed workmanehlp. Let out apartment - rents at $48.60 per lidn't ask for a breather but add­ the Cincinnati Reds, -1-3, in 10 in­ almost tore down the house when Broa., 7405. 364 Bldwell street. Let out of luxury fabrics usually found only tn higher-pnrcd CHORCHES MOTOR SALES reasonable. 51 Walnut street, or men'e shirt oollan reveihed and month. For appointment call ed Williams needs the rest. nings at St. Petersburg, Fla. Nippy Bill Kukoy. subbing for All Amor, BE Our club secretary, earn 136 tn and Good Wages flirt, slightly higher. Open Mon- clothes. Members of the West Side Dales, F.Ach«8fe All-Star* <3A> Phone 2-9483 80 Oakland SL call 2-1485. replaced. M arlow's Little Mending "Ted hasn’t said anything about Jones, attempting a comeback, B. F. T free merchandise of your choice. dsys. Max Stlveiman, Furrier, 84 HOWARD R. H A ST IN G S ica , led the Wolf- w-innera of the Rec Junior Basket­ 1 Shop, We are building a chain of j it." O’Neill said, "but I know he drove in the winning run with a pack to Its unexpected victory over Hohenthal rf ...... 5 1.2 11 1936 L IN (X )L N sedan with 1948 Free premiums te your member.(x Roata and Aeeessorlet 46 Church street. Room 616, Hart­ Phone 2-llOT fly ball. Nippy also collected a ball League championship, wish to ...... 0 0-0 0 stores in Connecticut and this has a slight cold. So he’ll have Vlllanova. The Gary. Ind., sopho­ Aitkeii. rf ..v.. Ford engine, price $150. Call 2- 1942 OLDSMOBILE. hydrsmatic FLAT FINISH. Holland window 500 nationally advertised products ford. 6-0304. double and single. Stan Musial thank Michaels Jewelers for spon­ Cvr If ...... 0 0-0 0 6 ROOM Ranch type, fireplace, hot morning batting practice and then more popped in 27 points. 2005 after 5:30 p. m. in our big free catalog. Write to­ is the opportunity for a good f o r BOA'IS, motors, tackle, ma- $50-00 to $60-00 socked his first homer of the spring soring them and also Johnny Hed- rickral. If ...... 0 0-0 0 drive. Call 7944. ahadea mad* to measure. All ' ' rlne hardware and paints. Mc- T A N POLO coat, also black water heat, with oil, 2-ear ga ­ go home." Kentucky had its famous hands ...... 1 5-6 7 metal vsnstlaa bllade at a new day. Charles Williams, Goodwin man to grow with us. for the Cards in the first inning. lund for coaching them to a suc­ Farrell, c ...... 1980 FO R D tudor. Very clean. Good Intoah Boat Co., North and Pur­ Chesterfield coat. Both ■!*« 12-14. rage, nice lot, 2 week* occupan- Johnny Pe.sky. Billy Goodman full with its neighborhood rival, cessful season. Puige. c ...... 0 0-1 0 low prlo*. Keys made while you clubs, Inc., 8 (Tatharlns atreet, Tommy Upton, light-hitting condition throughout Full price nell parking lot. Chrla-Craft, Excellent condition. Call 5745. rv. 8. A. Bcechisr, Agewt Pbona and Lou Boudreau also will get Louisville, for a half, leading only Ix»wfl, rg ...... 2 3-5 i 1937 FORD Coups. Inquire 887 wait. Marlow's. Utica, N. Y. Apply In Person To shortstop of the St. Louis Browns, ...... 0 0-0 0 Mercury, Champion and Bcott- some extra tim e.off in the next Sheniihif. rg ... only 81,498. A real bargain. Main street, 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. 6M9. cracked a two-run homer with two 44-40 at the intermission. But Hero for the L,aurels in their Wojcik. Ig ...... 0 5-9 .5 Douglaa Motora, 833 Main. D A Y F O U N T A IN clerk, full or Mr. Perry Atwater. Phone 2-3102. Open day or so, the Sox manager added. Shelby Linville. scoring 22 points 0 SPORT COATS out in the 11th inning to give the triumph over the Garden Grove in Grau'y. Ig ...... 0 0-0 CLEAN CARS UNDER CEIUNO part time, with no Saturday or from 9:M a. m. to 8:00 p. m. ASSORTED BOYS’ sport jacksts, COVENTRY—4-room horn* with Mel Parnell and Ellis Kinder will altogether, pulled the team’s of­ the first of a best out of three Botldlnt—CiHitraetint 14 at Harper’s— 1009 Main St. size 12-16, $5 each. Call 6069. large porch. Secluded lot. Nice A real fine selection of sport coats, including many made Browns a 6-5 victory over the 30 BALCH PONTIAC w r i t t e n g u a r a n t e e s Sunday work. Experience not pitch for the Sockers. fense up by the bootstraps and the game series for the Rec Senior Totals ...... 8 14-23 Between 9 and 6 oonditlon. Fireplace, artcilaa of Imported selected woolens. You set that easy- com­ Cleveland Indians at Burbank, Tatro Plumhrra A'l-htart (2.M 1980 CHEVROLET SBaJAN FRED A. NEWMAN, Builder and necessary. Apply John Morton, Wildcats breezed home. League playoff title was Billy BETTER BUY USED CARS 1950 CHEVROLET 2-DR. SEDAN well. And what do you know! fortable feeling In a sport coat. Calif. The triumph was the Rulll'kn. rf ...... i 0-0 4 contractor. We are now epeclal- Bldwell’s Soda Shoppe. or Call 2-4831 Oiaoiunds— W atchi WantSd— To Buy 68 V l^agn^ Sheekey. The former Manchester ...... 0 0-1 n 1949 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 48 Only $6,350. Down payment, | l,- Browns' first over a major league Kohen. rf ...... 1981 Mercury Sedan laing - la finishing off your extra J tw e lry • Manrhestrr Motor 8alr« High eager scored all bis three ^lA<'A^lch, If ...... s 2-3 12 1848 CHEVROLET 2-DR SEDAN WOMAIjl TO Help mother of girl E A R N $1 - $8 per hour, part o r ______880. Call Bllsiworth Mitten, I Nowtchi 119 130 foe this spring. 0 rooms. Tel. Rockville 97TW’2. P. S. W A N T E D — Good used furniture baskets in the last two minutes of Lfand'»r. If ...... 0 0-2 1980 Mercury Sedan 1947 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN nearly '8. Someone who prefers full time. Call 7067, or writ* Box L E O N A R D W. Y O B l, Jeweler, re- Agent. Manchester 6930. Brofan . 125 Irtfi The New York Giants won a .3 Any quantity. W * offer you high­ $ - $ play, two of the hoops w-ere lap- Irlph, c ...... I M 1946 CHEVROLET SEDAN Have material for one more cus­ 2 4 95,10 35-00 MazTinll sloppily played 16-7 decision over Sport Flasliep ...... 0 0-0 0 1949 Pontiac Sedan good home to high wages. W rit* R, Herald. pair*, adjust watches expsrUy. est prices. Woodshed Phone 2- ins. Keeney, c ...... tom built house. THREH^ic a MILY house, on* * - 1 Varrlrk the Detroit Tigers at Lakeland. Cole, rg ...... 3 0 ^ 6 1946 OLDSMOBILE 6 CX.UB Box N, giving age and salary ex- Reasonaole prices. Open dally, 3154. 1949 Mercury SMan room apartment and two $■*>* MrCuro Fla. The Giants rallied for six has received his re­ Campbell, rg ...... 0 0-0 0 COUPE peeted. Thursday evenlnga,. 129 Bpruca runs in the eighth inning to sew up port for Induction into the armed Wamea'B Lrafati peed, If ...... 0 0-0 n 1949 Nash 600 Sedan 1946 PONTIAC 6 SEDAN COUPJB Sftoatloni Wanted— street. Phone 2-4387 looni apartment*. Large lot, S i ^ I TotaJp ...... 530 71 1736 CtrlMB 4 (1) Carson, Ig ...... 0 0.0 0 R o o fin g 1 « A n o Y O U A N D the children need location. A buy at $8,400. Oaa Bran** Tavern the game. Rookie catcher Ray forces. The Dodger right hander 1948 Pontiac Convertible Coupe 1946 FORD 2-DR. P a a a l e 8 8 1 Kooms Without Board 59 Cufhing ...... 88 99 1946 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION new clothes for the spring T Ellsworth Mitten, agent. Mm - Burton ...... 102 Nobel started the uprising with a won 15 games while losing eight, Therrlen ...... 95 92 Totals ...... 11 3-7 3.S ROOFING. Specializing in repair­ CHAMP HATS I AtamiLn ...... Ill 1947 Chevrolet Convertible C!OUPE Thousands of women earn this W O M AN W ill care for child In her Garden— I* arm— Dairy FURNI8 4ED Boom with kitchen cheater J980. pinch-hll . laat aeaaon. He will enter service Topplnif ...... 76 70 Rcffrce Glovtno. ing roofs of all kinds. Also new privileges for one or two gentle­ Try the new Feather Weight Hat by Champ. It weighs I> Grenkosky hlghlighlcd a six-run Hornets w-ere found guilty o f us­ M. Gowlea ...... 96 95 88 279 EIXPERT ItUOF repairs, gutter 6 rooms, 4 finished, shed and A Brown ...... 97 121 104 322 Today a Year Ago— Canada won All cars re-conditioned by fac­ ceptlonslly clean interior, good WOMAN FOR general cleaning In week, reference* exchanged. Re­ Oak street. sixth inning that broke up the ing center John McCormack after Holmei ...... 107 9€ 87 290 the w-orld's amateur hockey cham­ and conductor w<.rk, as well as 2-1380. (lonner*. Frank R. Woqd. Build­ Dukr ...... 122 105 99 326 Dt^U ...... 115 92 85 392 tory methods and guarantee. tires, mechanically excellent private home. Call 7865 after 4 ply Box A-Z. Herald. game. Bill Fogg, victim of the the Feb. 15 deadline for obtaining pionship In London. roofs, guararteed to stay in BEDROOM and living room, for ...... 101 138 116 :t55 Ponffrati ...... 99 95 114 308 Douglas Motors. 333 Main. evenings. ____ er. Phone 2-3440. 1 Skoog ...... 96 83 97 276 Blues' uprising, later was optioned players. McCormack joined the Five Years Ago—North Caroli­ place In any kind of storm. Call working couple. Private entrance. Hornets after leaving the Toronto BALCH PONTIAC, IiWL Household Goods i l I Gtglto ...... 100 106 124 330 to Baltimore of the International Total! 524 466 488 1478 na defeated NYU, 87-49, and Ohio DEPENDABLE Coughlin. 770T. WAITRESS Wanted. Must he W O M A N Desires to car* for child | Kitchen privilege. 166 Eldrldge Maple Leafs.. .Joe I^uis will va­ 155 CENTER STREET I M n for n i l League along with rookie third State downed Harvard. 46-38, in TRANSPORTATION AT A steady and reliable. Apply In per­ 5 days a week. Cell 2-4768. 8 ROOMS BUGHTLY street, second floor. SHOES 1 ToUIa ...... 516 553 540 1609 baseman W alt Deruckl. cation in Los Angeles until April ■•ward Leedwsplsf (4) an Eastern Regional N.C.A~A. bas­ ' P H O N E 2-4545 Barrister Hats Here yon will aee a fine se­ Chnnibnra Mnvrrt son. Tea Room. 883 Main street. USED FURNTTURB COVENTRY LAKE. Building, lot A t San Diego. CAllf., the San 1. The Brow-n Bomber la recuper­ Morton ...... 84 88 ketball tourney doubleheader in LOW PRICE Hrating—Ptambing 17 TW O HEATED rooms. West side. lection of the best shoes ob­ I WUkle ...... 106 106 98 J ating from a flu attack. Joe's Ilow'trd ...... So 107 1949 OLDSMOBILE Deluxe club with in Actor's Colony. Lake privil­ Diego Padres lashed four Pitts­ N ew York. 1941 CHEVROLET SPECIAL w a n t e d —P erson to In Dogs Birds—Pst* 41 Private family. Near bus line. tainable. Quality ia built in­ Chanibrra ...... 124 94 109 : Pease ...... 90 101 coupe. Full} equipped, hydrama- APPUANCES eges. Call Manchester 8862. Wllkowakl ...... 97 98 107 i burgh pitchers for 14 hits and l next ring opponent will be Amello Ten Years Ago—Heavyweight PLUMBING and Heating. Furn­ Call 5252. to every pair for comfort Crandall ...... 91 83 tic. Weldon Apartments, Apt. 6, DELUXE SEDAN bookkeeping dept. Inquire Mc­ FOUR VERY Nice Red CJocker Used a short time. Fully guaran- $' 1.00 S. Hlllnakl ...... — 100 119 : 13-2 victory. Eight runs in the Agramonte in Detroit, May 2... champion Joe Louis knocked out aces, oil burners anc bolltre. Earl Kinney Lumber Co., Bolton Notch. and wear. Florsheim—Bos­ Hard-hitting Jimmy Beau is a 7 D. Corn-lea ...... 100 101 300 Porter atreet. Phone 8735 Radio, heater. pupples. On* elx months old | teed. Only S L E E P IN G ROOM for rent. In­ SA L E OR Leaea. Main street boa$F KoTla Ill 128 115 ; first two innings Cemented the Abe Simon In the 13th round of Van Camp. Tel. 8744. 'Tel. 2-4528 for appointment. tonians — and Mansfield Low Man ...... 96 — — to 5 favorite to beat Chuck Hunter evenings B to 9. 1941 CHEVROLET SPECIAL quire 141 West Center. Phone 2- ness locaUon. Ue4d car perStttS shoes. decision for the Pacific Coast team. Totals ...... 460 410 805 1445 their tlUe bout in Detroit. of Cleveland In tonight's ten round Marth End Sods Skae PLUMBING, Heating. New work 3626. available. Also 1 1ndustrial Ignd, Totelt B34 S36 548 1610 Thvenly Years Ago— Gene Sara- PONTIAC 1947 Deluxe sedan DELUXE TUDOR Y O U N G LAD Y, evenings, main event at St. Nick’s Arana in Ivanitkl S3 and rapatrs. Copper plumbing, L i n . ’— .. P h » . M . I . - centraUy located. Suburban RaaU Home ,Tow« Boya zen won the 818,000 La Gorce coupe. Fully equipped. Perfect Radio, heater. candy stand. Apply State Thea­ I New York. The bout w llf be broad­ Ubert .... clogged drains cleaned with elec, ROOM FOR Rent. On bus line. ty Realtora, 49 Perkin* street r«a te r SerTlee (81 Olenaki ... Ojien Golf Tournament in Miami ter, M a i l e r . Manchester. Shown By Appointment Only 353 cast and televised... Only 8,828 condition. A bargain. Manchester 1940 CHEVROLET SPECIAL Continuous hot water. Gentle­ Phone 8215, ARROW SHIRTS Glrsion ...... 110 147 96 Philadelphia —

— Only four OpLlach .. Beach. trio motor. Vincent Mareln, 806 LIv* 8todi<^Vehiclcs Phone Mr, Albert SchmeiPke ...... 104 112 113 326 members of the Philadelphia Phil­ fans paid to see the New York 2-0725. DELUXE SEDAN WAITRESS Wanted. Apply tn man preferixed. References ex­ Whites, Stripes, Solid Colors. Mitoga Low Man -♦ North Main. Phone 4848. HarUord 6-0368 IN CO.UN'TKT U k * 6tmoepbar% HlllnskI ...... 106 94 114 314 lies now live in the City of Broth­ Knicks beat the Boston Celtics Ceaatrjr Clsb Waaiea Radio, Heater. person. Silk City Diner, 641 Main changed. Call 5457. cut for better fit, in fine sanforiz^-' Taszsrt ...... 122 129 139 .190 1948 W IL L Y S Jeep. Low mileage, S A D D LE H O RSES for rent. Also After 7 P. M. 46-4690 large 'buUdtng ^ w)tb labeled fabrics. The most flattering col­ erly Love. Three of them were last night. 83 to 69, at the Boston Totals 4U 440 417 1268 Brassies (3) CAN YOUR wartime emergency Low Mah ...... — 98 92 190 hydraulic plow, and in good condi­ McCLURE AUTO CO‘. street. for sale or trad*. Cedar H1U| PLEASANT Rooms. A t the O n - DrIvA W a t lar styles in the world. born theVe and sUU make their Garden. It w-as an N B A playoff N. Johnson ...... 84 89 plumbing last another emergen 8 FT. HOME Freezer. Famous trees. Overlook tion. W rite Box E, Herald. 8*78 Main S t Tel. 2-9442 Ranch, 34 Buah HIU Road. U an- m m 7778. 1675 residence there. The rest of the contest... Australian tag-team MsaekssSsr Badlatsr (4l Ballsieper ...... 91 78 cyT For free plumbing survey, EXPER1EN(^D Silk preseer for te r, single o r double. 14 and 16 Raoekl. builder. TotsU ...... 443 880 553 ____ 106 90 make, list $249.95. W * purchased, Bos Wlllia (SI wrestling ia festursd tonight at Bycholikl A. Johnson modern dry cleaning plant. Apply chaster 690b. Wadsworth street. players on the roster live out of Fordo ...... 95 108 call Tom Dawkins, Master a carload. Brand new. Scqled VERNON—4% mHb* ^ m - Ma^ OtkA ---- ...... 125 121 lOS 354 the Hartford Auditorium with Bull Lata .... In pereon. Maple Dry CSeanera the sUte of Pennsylvania. Bertenskl Low Man , ...... 79 80 Plumber, Manchester 2-9889. units. $8 extra for 5 yaar w ar­ Chester (3*nUr. Nlca d^oom $3-95 up LAlley ...... 92 112 92 296 Curry and Tiny Mills against and Launderers, 72 Maple street. 0 »9 9 Wilhelm Poultry and Supplies rantee. Sal* prlo* $169.98. It will WsBted— Rooms-—Board 62 LeAnky ...... 103 98 126 .126 Manuel Oirter and Rocco Oolum- 44o 393 1292 PLUMBING And Haatmg, epMial- cod, completely finhtM^ Youaga- ...... 87 in 101 299 Hdnnan T sUm Richmond Lticaa .... Totals ...... save you real money on the price Kompanik bo. Tw-o other bouts will complete Spaaas town cabinet UtclidK flrapkwt O'BHght . 122 97 219 Ed SnOivaB's Speciall ising ui rapaira. raraodetlsg. < t r a d e —Small pretty colored WOMAN Desires room with light ...... “ ...... $87 489 513 1469 Jennings .. F O U N T A IN help, day work, good of meat alone. Brunner's, Ine. oil heat hamment franuiA a r ^ Richmond—(iP)— Billy Herman the card with the first attraction Totals ... per water piping, new eonatnin- Banty cocks for setting eggs, or housekeeping privileges, near TIES 1492 at 8:30.. .Tommy Holmes has ac­ TTrisetss hens. Horace Reid. (^11 3252. Arrow and Wemble.v Ties. Every pat­ cepted the post as plsylng-manag- Brpcan ...... 97 91 90 378 Carlson ... over that counU.** 888 East Om ' O n te r If possible. Tel. 2-9469. 80 day occupancy. Full prlca ftfl,* tern and color you want! Solids, stripes, manager, will pilot the Richmond ...... 91 103 S3 277 McBride .. menu arnugeU. B d w ^ Johsaos, cr of the Hartford Chiefs In the Psretto .. 1M9 NE60URY BTENOGRAPHER. centrally lo­ ORDER Your Tuikeys for Easter, j ter etreet. Tel. 8191. 000. AUoe Ctompet Agmey, » prints, foulards and'satins. Easy ties ExhlMHon Baseball (Vs.) Cblta of the Piedmont Phillips ...... » — 84 178 Laklng .... Phone 8979 or 6(M4. Eastern League... cated Insurance home office.. Work 4848. Svealnga Mr*. W agn« k to knot and drape. Large selection of League this season. For IB years Beebe ...... 109 94 114 317 MORIARTY BROS. Fresh frosen, 12 to 25 upRiOHT Vacuum cleaner, two Apsrtmentk, Ftata, Yeaterday’s Reaulta ...... 93 91 131 304 Totals ..... 4S3 637 316 1374 Interastlng and varied. EhtedUent Bow Ties. Herman wras a National League McIntosh ''KFIUtBNT PlumMsg SBd beat­ Ready any tlnaa. gehaub'a Turkey] yeara old. Good condition. CaU Tonfmnits 0036. Chicago (A) 5, New York (A) star. He played In ten All-Star Pro BatketiNUl A t » Olanoe Psslanos CLUB OOUPE ing. Plugged drains maehtn* future poeaibUltle*. 6-day week. Fum , 188 HUIatown Road. 8769. 0. gamea and four World Serlhs. This cleaned. Cnrl J. Nygran, 808 Phone Hartford 2-1295, or vp ly T H R E E ROOM heated apartment, Totals - 678 453 493 1433 Ctaagwsre ...... 76 74.>W 347 Waatsd— Real BsUts f t 8t. Lnuia (A ) 6, Cleveland (A ) winter he was the mentor of a National Association playoffs Blaek. Fully Equipped. Oakland etreet. Phone 6497. at 75 Earn street, Hartford. iULD RED- 1ln Barn, 706 North furnished, nswly redecorated. Call up (all beat-of-Uiree). J. Andsrsoa ...... 100 K 81 361 ArtM c* fsr Sslt It u, 11 Innlnga. team In the Cuban L«agua. McCormick -...... M 73- 80 346 Milaage. w m Ownea Cj Main stTMt, buya and aeUa good 2-8023. \ ______FOR PROMPT actkm aad St. liOUla ( N ) 4, Cincinnati (N ) Eaatern Dlvtaloa Seml-FlBala Hodtey At • Glaooe O fT K S Vacation relief for July Benton ...... t6 U 80 367 ^ rtoad Below OelUag. ] used fnrntturn and aattquaa. al attonOoa Uat your 3, 10 Innings. ' Syracuse 91. Philadelphia 89 Msvioff—Trvsktaff— and August at M«n>orUI hoapl- BOl/TON — Building stone and Optimistic Owl r. Johnson...... 74 IW I8 374 Frank Danstu. Phone 2-8876. with Douglaa Blanchard. New York (N ) 16. Detroit (A) (overtime), (Syracuse leads 1-0). American League Flayoffa • 0 Ui. P.B.X. asperldie* ezrantlil flagstone. Alao rock drilling Buaiasaa Loeatloaa Serlea “A’*. (Beat of Sfven) 6447. Houston, Tex, — (N B A ) — W alt New York 83, Boston 69. (New ToUls ...... ~6iiiL 4U '4 4 3 1386 e s u Mise Johnsoi. at S ill. b e d r o o m s e t ; walnut, twdudae Par Rsat .64 Cleveland 4, Buff do 8 (over­ Pattors.ltr $1895 'ALL PHIL, for moving, light I Bofton (N ) 3, Boston (A) 1. Deakon loome ■§ W ce’t most York leads l-O). ry. thona S-061T. Stanley Patnod*| mnttraae** and time). ((^eveland leada 1-0). Dummy ...... -M M’” — IM .trucking, ashes, rnbUsh removal. HOU8SWORKBR for S. room PhUadelFhla (A ) 13, Brooklyn promiring candidate fejr pitcher. Weetern Di\-ta|on S e gil-n M ia springs, vanity, bureau, cb*at-of- STORE FOR Rent 316 Sprue# ■aHaa ‘V * (Beat of nve) Dummy ...... 74 74 74 333 modern home. Shccellent aalary, PEAT m m u i, $4 per yard, two SEE PAGE I (N ) 1. Rochester 110, Port Wayne II. Braun ...... 79 96 83 364 Specialize In movlnt- Good work. drawers, night table, chair, bed street. ApiHy Diane’* Soda Shop, (Rochester leads 1-0). Herahey 8, Indlanapolla 1. (Her- Call 2-3774 anytime, or 2-9248 full or part time. Phone 7918 or yards minimum. S- a bag. Bon-| Kansas City (AA) 8, Philadel­ Garden State Up lAickvood ...... 81 86 88 384 SIS CiNTIR S fliit ., HANCHfSTIR lamps. Good condition. Call 6710. or eaU 2-6068. phia (N) S. shey leada 1-0). UlUnakl ...... 93 88 84 366 after 5. 39 WeUington Road. Air Peat Oempany. 6818. PltUburgh (N) "B” 8, UCLA 1. Camden, N.'J.— I N E A )—Garden The New York Yankees at 1932 Beriea ‘K T (Beat e ( Dive) Barger ...... _ _ 79 79 San Diego 13, Pittsburgh (N( State Park will Increase purses and 1949 won the American Springfield at PllUburgh (can­ s»7 IS 1“A ” 3. . this year. League pennant by only one game. celled). \ Totals ...... 406 WEDNESDAY, MARCH n , ttK ^atuflfieBtrr Ewptttttg Ifpraft Seciion Two WEDNESDAY. MARCH 21, 1951 Jianrl|[eBter. lEoimins iferalh WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 1951 Pages Xi §6

SHE W IU LEAD THE 8ET YOUR SHOES EASTER PARADE IN READY PATENT MARLOW'S SERV-UR-SELF FOR SPRING SHOE DEPARTMENT LEATHERS FROM MAltLOWB FURNITURE MART WALK DOWN TO THE BASEMENT & SAVE! u p BEAUTIFUL CASUALS * 2.49 It's wise to foe* th« facts and oct on thoni. Marlow's Parnttara Vdoos a rm t A wonderful buy at this price. We also have a fine selection of como-ons to lurt you Into tho storo. It costs us loss to do bushioss with yee— straps, oxfords, Baddies for “ >1. thot's why It costs you so littio to do buslnoss with us. Shop at Moriow's for S m iD SY little miaa or growing girl. SESNAN Fumittiro Voluos. stride along In the Easter Parade In fine style. In shoes you’re FOR THE LITTLE GENT proud of. Bring tbern to OB now for repairs and STURDY LONG-WEARING reboildlng. Shoes cleaned and dyed, any color.

e Beet Materials e Expert Workmanship

I WHILE-YOU-WAIT I SERVICE Fine leather uppers; long-wear­ I Goon Sh(i>' U p'lir l*sysl ing soles. Many styles to More of those oh-so-comfortable PRICED FROM choose from. Priced from— Wedgies In a large variety of styles and colors. Leather. Suedlne and M t f W S simulated-leather. Sixes 4 to 10. sizes 8 to 14 Black, Brown, Red, Blue, Green, *2.49 * SHOE REPAIR Multi-colored and Black Suedlne. 3.49 MAPLE SOFA BED SUITE $ 1 0 .9 8 to $ 2 5 .0 0 Lower St. Floor Level You Sovu 40.00 On This Set! Nsvy, squa, red, gold and An nltrnctlve living room suite by dny; checks. nl lURhl the illvanola opens to a liirge-.slze Second Floor heil for two. The 2-plcce suite consists of sofa, matching chair or n>rker covered In smart, long wearing fsbrlcs. In radiant Maple Mnlsh. ^ ^ The Whole Fanuly Does Better At Marlow’i $15.00 DELIVERS BALANCE 15 MONTHS TO PAY m s FOR EASTER and SPRING Thursday Only! 14.95 7-WAY LADIES’ CLOVES MEN’S DRESS SHIRTS FLOOR LAMPS Whites and fancies. All sizes. 3-Pe. Maple White, navy, black, brown and other wanted shades. Cotton, Suede, Leather, FRUTT-OF-THE-LOOM String, Rayon and Nylon. » • ?> Easter Bunnies, Toys, Can- All sizes. Many styles to $2.59 2 tor $5.00 ixie dlea. Shredded Paper, Cello­ choose from. Priced from P phane, etc. Marlow’s haa ev­ Flower nodding elfin erything for a Joyful Easter. 98c charmer CREIGHTON QUALITY

LADIES’ $2.98 HANDBAGS SIRLS’ GLOVES 8t0rybo0h Counte$9' Black, Navy, Tan, Bed, Fashioned in straw cloths Green, and Brown. Plastic, Smartly styled cottons. A IHHa CotmfaM Origtiral Perfect suit hat. All colors. Leather, Faille and Fabrics. Sizes 3-6. Enchcmfmcnt for tho lollypop lol-lfib florod bock coat A splendid selection. All of rayon gobardino tWMtontd with a dainty pylon loco shapes and design.s. $1.19 Fine Selection of collar end nylon cufFi. OoubU broostad clotura. And $1.98 and $2.98 ramambor . . . 'll Fits A* Sh« Growi For An Extra Year's Children’s Hats Woor." Be-Poop bonnot faced with matching loco. Navy, Hat Bar—Main Floor nquo. pink. Sizes 1 to 4. Millinery Salon LADIES’ NYLON HOSIERY 4.95 MIRRORS Baby Shop— Main Floor, Left Second Floor 51-15 sheer. 51-30 daytime sheer. Sizes 8'.4 to 11. Fa­ mous Grace Mae quality. All Spring shades. You’ll Easter Parade In a hat that $1.25 BOYS’ DRESS SHIRTS takes a "straight-on” pose. Trixaly Famous Frult-Of-The-Loom shirts, small in size . . . gay-ttl-Spring ii» In White, Patterned or Pastel m n j|x color . . . flattering with the feminin­ Shades. All sizes. Sport and regu- lar collars. ^ ity of veil, feather and ribbon trim. Find the perfect complement fo r GIRLS' HATS your holiday suit in our new group, 19 to 22 head sizes. Beau­ now. tifully colored straws. ’^S-Pc. CHROME SEMI SHEER NYLON. .$1.25 pr. (Matching bags). BREAKFAST DARK SEAM SET NYLON ...... $1.25-$ 1.50 pr. BOYS’ COATS $6-98 and more DARK HEEL NYLON...... $1.65 pr. Coverts and Tweeds. Blue, Tan, Brown, GIRLS' COTTON BATISTE All with hats. Sizes 9 moa to 18 moa ALBA PERFECT FIT CHILDREN'S 2 to 6x and 4 to 8. NYLON ...... $1.50 pr. SLIPS Sizes 4 to 14. NO-MEND 81.29 up. Pre- DRESSES NYLON ...... $1.65 and $1.95 pr. teens 10 to 16. Cotton prints and solid colors. SHEER SEAMLESS Bright new spring patterns. Sizes $1.79 1-3. 3-6x, 7-14 and sub-teen sizes NYLON ...... $1.00 pr. up 8-14. WASHABLE FABRIC $1.98 and mors

Colorful ^ Valerie— a new Judy ^ n d that's as versatile as It la CLOVES fashion-right! It features a divided yoke, outlined in top stitch­ ing, and. a'wonderful 'S-way collar that can be worn as a ''V In nylon, sueded rayon and cot­ All Silk ^ ^ neck or biitton’ed high, mvidarin alyls, or turned over, Johnny ton allp-on "styles with self trim collar idea. Blouae la of tayon tissue faille that does up delight­ back. Sizes 6 to 7%. White and fully. In'drtomy spring'ahadea. Sizes 32-38. colors. CmLS’ SCARFS ^ 200 PLANTS AT BLOUSES COATS Sizes 9 moz, to 18 In tmall Olid large squares. All Rayons, nylpn sheers, nylon tricot, tissue faille. Tailored and' moa. 1 to 4x. Blue, BOYS’ SUITS new apriiif shades. lace trim, ^ o r t sleeves. White, pinks, blue; beige, gold, aqua. .29 Pink, Gold, Navy, Also dark shades, navy, brown, green in long sleeves. Aqua, Red. (Soma Regular ztylez and two-tone in Blue and with beta). Brown, glzas 4 to 12. 59c to $ 2 .9 8 Sizes 32 to 40 $2.98 ,o $7.98 h a n d b a g s • SPECIAL and mors

81ses 38 to 44 FOR YOUR EASTER PARADE Smart new styles In faille. . Plastic calf and genuine Other Plants At • «P Simulated Flowers i^ thar. Top handje styles In wide variety of shapes. For ymir eoat and suit or dress. nuB Tax $1.98 $2.29 $2.98 59c to $ 1.9 8 NEW SPRING JEWELRY No Deliveries on Flowgrs Barrlnga, neeklaeoa, scatter pins, brooches and b ra c^ ts In gold and silver finish. Also new pastel pearls, necklaces a ^ earrings. ' Hensewareg Dept. Baacmrat...... $1.00 and $2 .98 PlimTax . s. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 1061 HANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 1051 PAGE TWENTT-TI were: “Hall to the Lord's Annolnt- attended. Everyone injoyed the and 30 on Legallaing Oambling the topic of the sermon. whTch Pa»- community pot luek aupper. A S p. m. on Friday. On Tuesday toe tor Rev. Malcolm Crook uaed on ed”. "Falreat, Lord Jeeue” and dectomy and a gall bladder opera- j and la Important to all, who with “Ride On, Ride On m Majesty . film, “Ood la The Home” waa a n . Included la tha gifts from Booth of Chaplin. D. C. Ha waa tha aon of Dr. Rob­ the Hlatory Club and toe Univer­ 3fto. the Board of Deacons wUl March 18 a t the XI o’clock u rv - ing bomrd to conduct • new used Andover the abollahment of tola scourge Family Night a t the church social approprlata for toe Lenten ,neasoa otoar claaaea are a show case Mr. and Mra. Booth a rt tha mla- ert 8. SUIT and Mrs. Sarah De- sity Club ot Hartford and the mest in the ihurch social room. Ice. The choir of mixed volcei ren­ car aalM buatncM on to^ pomitaa American Legion Post, 138, of ***Tb# Hathaway • MlUar Post Presentation of a bill of Interest from our state. room on Friday the 16th was well entertainment. Wapping haniriBg outside toe gym office; a •lonarlea whosa mlaaion In Natal Foreat (Bdwarda) Starr. Baatdea 'ySk^tminf Rev. Afthur Wallrce waa speak­ dered "The Palma" and toe hymna formerly known as too W applng his wife Mra. Ellen (Curtlaa) South Windsor. Funeral services Ayttricw" Legion minstrel pre- The third meeting In the Tolland to many people will be made In picture of tha school now on dis­ Africa, our church haa bean help­ •anted last M d ay and Saturday er at the Lenten Sunday evening Auto Service. Alao Joseph Tereczl ing to aupport tola last year. Ev­ Starr of South Windsor, he leavea will be held at toe James Pratt J i* . Mai County La>’nian’a School of the old Senate Chamber at the A return party waa given Fri- play In the corridoK a maroon and Company Funeral Home, Hart­ waa flnanciiJly a auccaaa and en- .State Capitol on Wediic.sday. hour on March 18 a t 7:80. 'The of Strong road waa granted per- gold Ellsworth High bafmer; a erybody welcome. a brother, Robert S. Starr. Jr., of h«c hMM wftk Churchmanship will be held In toe lay night to the sophomore class South Windsor; a slater. Mrs. ford, Wedneaday, at 3 p. m. with by an. R nattad quit# a sum March 31 at 2 p. m. This la Bill 1 World la Gone After Him” was #f Ellsworth Memorial High mlaaion to build on an underalced Connecticut state flag and pic­ The 3 act comedy. “Henry's tMrarda tooir fund for too purpose North Coventry, Congregational lot owned by Peter Terazet. tures of former Ellexrorth Coach Tired Aunt." sponsored by the XV Harry A. Nichols of Enfield, N. H. Rev. James Lord of .St, John'# ichool by the freshman class In He was a 32 degree Mason, a life­ Church of East Hartford officiat­ ■ Btiea Hat taoavand ofr buUdlng their LLegion eron home. Monday, March 21, at 7 ihe auditorium. The thame of The Board denied Morris and Hugh Greer and hie basketball Club, win be given March 30 and 31 at 8 p. m. at the Wapplng long member of St. John's Episco­ ing, Burial will be In Center Cem­ « ftotat QtiwM aad ratarn*^ At toe clone of ' n m. Topic, Is There e Place for Lhe party was “Jungle Jamboree.” Samuel Pearl of Elmer street. East teams. etery, East Hartford, with mili­ EUlngton Orange Wednesday night P "'* » r\-„ »... Hartford their petition for a Thdre will be a Maundy Thurs­ Community Houae. The cast of pal chtirch In FJiat Hartford, a ^ c h year the sophomores and member of the Hartford Ski Club, tary honors. j a«r duttea at tha SUin(' the competitive program was won the Church In My Life Day bj freshmen give each other parties. change of zoning on land on the day communion service Thursday characters is as follows: Andy. da OAiW ctnaoHdatad achooL by tha men having toe best pro- Day? with John H. Ivea of Bridge- 4We Spring pageant of toe cast side of Route 5. They claimed I evening at 8 at the Wapplng Oom- Douglas Grant; HoTiry, Reynold teactii Pain Sunday m m . Mahlon Chapman was chslr- port leader. Union Grammar school which waa the business which they intended muntty church. There will be ape Burger; Irma, Cynthia Waldron; OiaaUwt WM bald man of the program and "P. T. to have been held Friday night to conduct that, that of welding, rial music by the choir, reception Reilly, Donald Harrison; Frank, The sunrise service on Sunday Porter OoUlna; Nan, Ramona . Sw d V dt t6a RockviUa Matho- Bamum'a clrcut” was presented. morning, March 25, will be held was postponed and will be held auto body work, painting, buying of new membera and a sermon by Leading toe big band waa Bldward Friday. March 30 In the town hall and selling cars and trucka and the paetor, "The Heart of the Lancaster; Barbara, Elizabeth at S:45 a m. at the top of the hill Kllacher; Theodosia. Mary Con­ •niuraday' alf^t th an wlU a Williams followed by the other of Bear Swamp road at Helmer’s. at 7 p. m. Practically all chil­ dismantling cars and trucka would Christian Gospel.” caadlaUcht Oommuntoa membera with all the Instruments dren of Union school will partici­ be determental to health and safety Next Sunday there will be an nery; Gregg. Henry Wayner; Ma­ The aerclce will be led by the dame Man'el, Oreasa Barter; cetebraua* the laaUtutlon ot the that Bamum had in his band, and pate In toe show under the direc­ to surrounding property. Easter service at 10:45 a. m. and High school membera of the church a special aervice at 7:30 p. m. tlarlaea, Lois Peterson; Doris, Lortfi Supper. The public la m- each one was a credit to the in- school. A breakfa.it will be served tion of Miss Margaret Keefe, mu­ The atmual gift to be left to toe ■trum«nt he played. John Mc- sic supervisor In toe elementary school in June by toe graduating Eriday, March 23 there will be Dorothy Harrison. ------. *rJr„nred i hv members of the Ladies Benev- Captain Charlea E, Starr of Tu­ '*TOe EUinston Woman’a club aHll Convllle. ring master. oient Societv at about 6:1.5 a.m. In schools. The proceeds will be Class of Ellsworth Memorial a meeting In the church at 2 p. m., I sponsored by the Ladies’ Aid. dor Farms. South Windsor, died bald a maatlna tbit toe clnirch social rcMini. turned over to the Union P. T. A. High School will be purchased by at eight In t b e n ^ following the big band an tne | regular preaching service Lawrence Dow presented a de­ three senior girls, Lois Huter, There will be a devotional service Sunday morning at the Army and an address by Mrs. Willltm Medical Center. Washington. brwy with WlU Vance animals In to**'‘.‘^***" 1 w ill be held in the church at 11 tailed report on the available land Arlene Luchina, and Audrey Rlv- a T S e r t apeaker. Hlf the big The Happy Hour will al.so In town now zoned for Individual be *Ihigllah Lyric Poet^;. ms way around the hall. tiRiu j the Conference use at a meeting Wednesday night f f ( j / f meeting la ••OanUemen’a'. nl(^t. wire walkers 60 feet In ' ' " * I hou^c for ni rsery age tots. The of the South Windsor Communitv Tha committee In charge lUlph Hailwood and E d w a r ^ Improvement Association. A iCrnMi Meyer, chairman of Uie town map waa used to illustrate lioateaa committee, d2gr’2 e ^ o r S e r /b r " n d on Easter Sunday Due skill to the last g p ? I to the illness of Mrs. Marcia Oar- his talk. He showed that In ad- i are aaatatlng: Mra. Robert Aborn, dition to that land which borders • WULACE STERLING Mra. John Lana, M ra.^rdon E to - thV^wirrwlUi a po*e with | win. director, who ha* been lios- on Route 5 which Is now zoned I s o . s . och, Mra. John S ***"?^ ^ aTlttle asslitance from the clowns. | pitalised the church school ctiolr mostly industrial there are about - Henry Sandberg and Mra. Freder I Spring entertaining a easy with Wallace itetling. ^ ‘.^ o^ D ow m . toe .Xpert roller U will be omitted The 240 more acres In town which gkater waa at his best a* he made i Junior and Senior choirs 'e»pec- could be zoned lndustrj,al. ! Incidentally, if you need an additional place setting. Twi la deaii up ^aOT the trip around the arena Nathan 1 tively »uH maet at 3:30 p m. and Other speakers were A. C. Hoi- j >ome extra fancy pieces, Hop by today. We have sU rubblBh muat be b urn^ land who reviewed the work of-j Sould be eaerclaed In the burning Edwards and Edwin Heintr were ' MX “'nurd Dimension Beauty" patterna in Hock, o * the great Houdini act. Nap ^ the Town Plan and Zoning Com- I of rubblah In the Full OUART mission and to^’n council Daniel | dl^plav. .See them today, use them tomorrow and The Boy Scouta will meet Schortmann took the part of the i dav In the Town Hall at 7 p.m., Hula girl in a grass skirl dan.e IN Cavanaugh who spoke on the pro- i Buying a carpet ia one of the txtff day lor a truly beautiful table. posed new zoning regpilstiona. Fred Arena showed his skill in the iVIRY lOTTli j household’s major purchases. So 2ndwith the Mra. Donald W. wMWallace ace*Jt ai strong man act. John Arena the The association ia studying the zoning situation hoping to obtain i you want to chooae wisely and 3:30 pjn., Thuraday at owner of the circua told of w here j TatnM UcKnlght, aon of Mr. he had procured Ida actora and anl- new buslne.ss In South Windsor to well. Here you can get counselling mali. Theodore Palmer gave in- , relieve the tax burden. The next and Mra. Horace R meeting of the a.s.sociation will service. Scientifically Bigelow- Sadd‘8 MUla. EUlngton, who la a cldenta in the life of Barnum as to ^ student at Cornell University, la be In April when there will be a trained carpet counsellors are hla bankrupt day# and how he ] guest speaker. home for a visit vrith hto came up each time with a new | /« N M flAVOB always on hand to help you. The March meeting of the ^ S O C O C R B ^ pINfR B LtN D Miss Marie Cavanaugh, daugh- ; et J humbug, which made a fortime 1 Bring Easter Joy With ter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Cava- j Bring all the vital atatistics of yPtatLJEWELERS d l ? Benevolent Bortety many times. Morton. E. Thompson i BUngton CongregaUonal FINfR TASTf . naugh. a Junior at Middlehury a golden sheaf member said for i College. Vt„ has been placed on the size o f : .i.i;i MAIN STREET — MANCHESTER hoatess committee la as follows, all he had been a Grange member ctolrman. Mlaa Grace Slices, m - the Dean's list. Miss Cavanaugh scheme of decoration with you. 60 years It waa the fust time he j graduated from Ellsworth Memo­ THI ONIY tTIRlINO tllVIR WITH "THIRD DIMINSION IIAUTY* J2ted by M " ® " ’ gfJ “ Ihad been to a circus in the Grange | rial High school in the class of FOR A LARGE SELECTION OF BROADLOOM lunlce Slkea, Mra. Itobert Sikes. and It was a fine show. Mr. Camp- I iSni Leland Sloan, Mra. John J. 1948. bell presented each one of the COUNTRY CLUB At a meeting of the American CARPET . . . VISIT THE jShlnahan. Sr., Maude S ^ e ,F M - women with a lolly pop to sweeten nle Thompson. Ruth Wood. Baa* WEP Legion Tuesday night it was voted up their somewhat Injured feelings no#a Wood and Mrs. AMERICA’S FIHEST BEVERAGE to sponsor g Jo^'p-wide paper col­ Blllngton ‘Granges M U c ^ ^ tn their defeat. FLOWERS lection Saturd;iy. March 31. Resi­ The kitchen waa In chaige of FLOWERS gtee team will confer the Hilrt de- A Hearty Easter Greeting and Invitation to All — dents are asked to tie the papers on a class of candl^tes at Raymond Peltier who with hi.s a.v- i’l'raoiiully selected YOU MUST AGREE COUNTRY CLUB IS AMERICA'S In bundles. MANCHESTER CARPET CENTER the Suirield Orange on Monday. alstanta served hot dogs and cof­ from leading grow­ Mra. Roy Gulley of Avery street fee. Ouesta were present from er#—get better Bow- FINEST BEVERAGE OR YOUR MONEY REfUNDiP Be sure to visit our shop for your selection in Easter Flowers. Long establish^ who has been a patient at Man­ 308 MAIN ST.. AT MIDDLE TURNPIKE TELEPH O N E 2-1.313 **^ ie neirt meeting ot KUln^on Manchester, Vernon, Somers. Wap- era—get more aatla- M growers and retailers of fine. Healthy pUnts and cut flowers. We urge you to chester Memorial hospital, has re­ plng, and Baldwinsville, while 1.19 fnetinn hy getting drive down to Krause Florist and Greenhouses and see our Easier Flower Show in turned to her home. Open Thursday and Friday Until 9 P. M. — \N ccinesday Until Noon Orange will be Wednesday. March >mir Easier flowern a la n d vrtll be held In the ®>lnK' membera were present. Malcolm Barlow of Manchester Open Other Days 9 to 5:30 — “The Specialty Store” here: all its Splendor. Our own grown Easter Lilies, Tulips, Hyaemths, Cinerarias. Daf­ ton Towm Hall at S p. m. The Mrs. Helen Quinn who ia ill at fodils, also Azaleas, Hydrangeas, Violets, Dish (;ardens and Foliage Plants. and Rockville was granted per- aubject for the her home was unable to return to mimion last Monday by the zon­ ■'There’s Mualc In the Air. '^th her school duties at the Con.soli- Cut flowers include Carnations, Snapdragons, Iris, Daffodils, Tulips, Roses, ^ iolets Mr. and Mra. Raymond N lw dated school and Mrs. Frank Mar­ chairmen, aaaloted hy toe follw - ble of Rockville la substituting for HERE'S PROOF! and Daisies. U r and Mrs. Fred Hemmeler. her. S f.' imd Mrs. Charle. Hein. Mr. Mrs. Henry Meyer of Mountain Remember the folki "Back Home" and Mra. Edward Wllllama Roger street la a patient In the Rockville Pease, Ruth Wood. Patil Frank. City hoapltal. Union Homemakers Oil!' »#aon«tion with leading Jr.. Anne Hepton and Mr. and Ernest Kloter of Main street, For That Artistic Look In CORSAGES horists throiiglioiil toe country Mra M ^ o iDeBortoll.' rnnkes il possible to deliver Ellington, la a patient ui the Rock­ I'lHslet Flower# anywhere by u 'm Barbara Patterson of ville City hospital. Get Savings, Service Corsages in their artistic splendor made up of a wide selection of SprtngSeld. Maao„ M tha guest of Fred G. Weld who ha* been SPRING SPECIALS w ire. b ^ slater. Mre. Frederick H spending toe winter with his flowers, Orchids, Gardinia.s, Roses, Sweet Peas and numerous com­ Arene of Maple etreet. AT daughter. Mra. Grace Goehring of And Satisfaction at binations. Order your corsage early to get the best selection.______m ^ n U HamUton of Maple Main street has returned to hla street la a patlant In toe Rockville home in New Hampshire. MILIKOWSKI , a ty hospital. Mrs. Walter Skinner of Crystal Union Furniture Store Mrs. Ira Eggleaton, toe new THE FLORIST prerident of toe Friendship Class Lake. Ellington, ia one of the four Blish Hardware’s Garden Headquarters delegates elected by Sabra Trum­ 69.1 M.AI.N STREET For Prompt Delivery Call 3700 Early of the Congregational Church has TELEPHONE 6019 taken over her dutlee end will i bull Chapter, DAR. to the annual soon announce toe membera of toe , State Conference at New London flower committee for the year. March 27. Mrs. Donald C. Fisk, I Mrs. Charles Hein who la a pa­ also of Ellington, ia one of the alter tient in toe Johnson Memorial nates to the 60th Continental Con­ METAL LAWN RAKE hespital at SUfford Springe Is gress at Washington, D. C. In April. Read Herald ,\dvs. FERTILIZERS slowly recovering from an appen- All soil in this area requires continual feeding and this KRAUSE should be done as early as possible. A bamboo type spring steel rake for that early .\n ideal balanced Ivpe offered for gar- cleanup. ^ qiU»t the Easter Buiuyiias forVOl'! FLORIST and GREENHOUSES y IV Jw K w dens or lawns. 621 H.\RTFORD ROAD SPECIAL RUBBER TIRED , Flowers Telegraphed To All Parts Of The Country______$4.25 Hundred Pounds WHEELMIIIOW V BONE MEAL -A natural organic food that is a slower hut non burning and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boothroyd $ proven builder. Easter Glory of RFD 1, West Willington 13-98 .Mr. Boothroyd is shown hero Mr. Boothroyd said, “My Regular Price 815.98— A Real Buy Hundred Pounds seated in tii.s living room wife and 1 shopped around $6.75 with his wife (iiiicc nrd lii.s plenlv and when we com­ Layer Cake pared quality and price we ' . ■ A .«istcr-in-law. .IiidV. Me i;i >m- Two golden, fluffy-light ploycd ns ;i pioductiim li-b'- were tlioreuphly convinced tliat Union Kiirniture Storc’a GARDEN GLOVES layers filled and iced with er at the M.-n-ow Mi c'.ir.c LAND LIME For sweetening sour or acid soils. Coinpuny on Laurel S tic 't low pi lee meant extra sav­ smooth vaftilla creme and NOTICEN ' in Hartford. Mr. Boothr-iyd ing.* for us ” Mr. Boothroyd topped with snowy shred# pnroha.oed a 3-piece modern ’ ■'.''A , ia a member of the United 65c 50 Pounds Hundred Pounds of fancy coconut. \nd Uleclncal. Radio and Ma­ living room in Boiiclo and ex- y Pr. $125 decorated with brightly chine Workers Union of clu.sively styled by Century V I "Vi . . . a 4-pie.-e niodci-n bed­ colored jelly America, CIO. Local 281. BOTH THESE BANKS WILL BE Dustproof and wear like iron. You need this ' Hl.s wife. GiBeC, is a mem­ room set. A Serta wonder- 'gg!*' rest inuei.suring mattre.ss item. ■ m ber of th" Textile Union, FLOWER and GARDEN SEEDS Harbinger CIO, Local 58. v.iih matching box Spring J, «nd a Bengal gas range. , We have over 700 varieties of tested, fresh seeds of the Yes, Members of Any Union CL OSED UWNMOWEE SPECIEL highest possible quality. of Spring.. fir And Their Families Will Save 10c Per Pkg. and up i p At The Union Furniture Store GOOD FRIDAY $ 1 6 - 9 5 The Union FurnitiU’e Store is locally owned and oper­ A 16” 4 blade rubber tired mower. Ball bear­ GLADIOLI BULBS! Pentland's Easter Flower Show EASY TERMS ated by experienced furniture ing equipped. Only 15% Down men. under the sponsorship ASSORTED COLORS of the International Associa­ 15 Months To Poy tion of Machinists. Lotjgc Regulars Holland Jumbos No. 1746. Welfare Commit­ You'ra headed for a pra-viaw of Spring whan Eastco'^Cake FREE DEUVERY tee SPRAY MATERIALS 39c Doz. 69c Doz. you visit Pentland's Eatfar Flower Show. Our Sp gay, so good, so deli­ Reranse of Union Scaleeide, Fruit True Spray, ciously festive for Euler sponsorship and low shop it completely banked with golden daffodils •..fluffy-light golden cake overhead, fine fur­ OPEN ^ Liquid Lima Suiphur . . .tulips in a riot of co lo r.. .the creamy white* coated with tempting apri­ niture and rugs ar* are the early sprays for your fruit trees. Better nett of Easter Lilies. . .and all the other gay flow* cot puree and covered with sold to you at much get at it now. ONION SETS rich diocolate icing. The (' lower prices. THURSDAY EVENING 6 TO 8 P. Jf. art that say "Spring is here!" Every plant, every top’sdeeorated a MX I: 1 lb. «5c t lbs. Kc 4 Ibi. $t JO flower, was rushed to us garden-fresh to bring wiffi chidu *n W' ' ECLIPSE their loveliness to your home en Sunday and long POWER LAWNMOWERS LADIES’ GARDEN TOOL SETS afterwards. ' 'll Won't you accept our invitation to coma in to* EASY TO GET fO M 6IN ^ ST. THE MANCHESTER TRUST CO. morrow and browse to your heart's content in Union Membsr* of Any Union MEMBER FEDERAL DETOSIT INSURANCE CORP. $ SSjK this glorious Spring Show? 119.50 I AOP'a advertised prices and Their Families Will Ba A 3 piece beautifully made act of rake, spade and hoc. are guaranteed for one Admitted by Identification. Brigga Stratton powered.'Therq’a none better. week; toeee prices effec­ JUST SHOW YOUR UNION And don't forget . . . A Pentland Corsage, N w tCapCdM tive through Tuesday, CARD. > m ttmtW March 37. planned to accent her Easter finery to perfection, W Open Mon. through Fri. 10 A. M. to 9 P. M. A THE SAVINGS BANK ■aiCrfM . should bo ordered early! Saturday 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. . ucM 67* OF MANCHESTER ru iF N l| t ■U M V lftl* A? UNION FURNITURE STORE I'ninl ALL DEPOSITS IN THIS BANK GUARANTEED IN FULL MttlMVf u SI* 1088 MAIN ST. HARTFORD BY THE-^AVINGS BANKS’ GUARANTY FUND OF CONN., INC. 17 OAK STREET + PHONES 6247 and 4444 793BUSH MAIN STURT HARDWAREMANCHRTiU, CO. CONN. "Am ■ m y


,------. ------the fanner "la typing------anyone” the George Hersey Robertson savinga made hy consoUdaitng but that 'Vhan distrlbutloafirtrlbutlf coaU Daily Worker Asks TO 4 OUT OF 5 Makes No QiHitti these functions,” ha added, "but Opens Food Price School. Mrs. Matthew Littelt T o Be AsBociate J A t I k i Ii w M are equal to production poets then South Cowenlpy president, will be chairman whether there be any savings or Increase Inquiry • o mlethli ^ n g neede telng.*' Readers ior Funds AT l^ s cu a l food sale April 6 at the Centef On Finance Plan not, the plan nhould be adopted ...TELEVISION REPAIRS.. Mra. rauUM U ttle School In South Coventry. The because it furnishes to the admin­ Jiwe IturW, srorld-famouB plan- Dr. FrAneis %. FU(»dv, • native * l^m p for Brass Coventry l-StSl nominating committee appointed istrative officer of the state a plan HAVING TV TROUm.E wSdstiirln.num ^ofrccjm ^ New York, March 21—< ^ T h e of Manchester win Ita Msoclated , Washington, March ll —(#1— LOANS I t s TO $S00 oh siowatusi a io n i is comprised of Mrs. Everett ' N. Hertford. March 21—<4’) -The whereby measures of economy oafi movlea, will be heard In Hart Dally Workei ‘•aya It la threatened with Dr. Btaney Wtehniaa In the be developed, pul Into effect and WE SERVICE AND REPAIR ALL MAKES OF TV __ MaNli Mr-<*>—A Without any plrtlcular fanfare, Marlborough n s n o ' and woman, Ivon 8 CASH------— YOU OCT D4ntal treatment haa been com­ Barth, chairman, Mrs. Louis Otar privately - financed Connecticut fold's Buahnell Memorial a with bankruptcy. It la appealing B married or single, get cash hotsky, Mr*. George A. Kingsbury. practice of Chiropody. ' | followed up." AUTHOttlCEp OAPEHART DEALER ■m M m gum p MMUBuno- Biano recital at 8:80 p. m. Wed­ Senator EUender (D., La.V has Pey'ts pleted oh 16 pre-school children Public Expenditure council Tuesday promptly at f t ssswaf. ISM ei. 20 Mo*.* The committee will bring In a PROMPT MERVICIsic — :RBAHONABLB PRICESI tb INUi annlvoMry of nesday. March 28. Pianist in a launched an inquiry to see what Mre. Mary L. Hall is • petlent for funds. through the State Dental Trailer He is a graduate of Manchester | made no claim of substantial econ­ Don’t borrow unneceitarily, sjste of officers at the April H « o( the bnM Induo- SJ?vle\heater in his native Vs^^en- can be done to check the rtatng In Backus HoaplUI, Norwich. A front page sditorial In the $245.80 $312.37 1 High school sad served In yiorld j omies If its plan for an IntcgraUd SoSltoiriMHilTiitiiigFir but If a loan wilt enablo you to at th* Nathan Hale Community meeting for voting on. Newly state finance department wrere tM> in UM unitoa sutoo pw cia Spain, at the age o f 8e\en, pricea of food. • Mra. Katherine Howard has r«- OoBsmunlst newspaper yesterday 349.22 451.45 War II ea a fighter pJlot la the | je eU ri oy *jr Rep. PtAUncn get a fresh start— pay medicM Center. Work began lost week elected officers will be Installed at e d ite d . F & D AUTO STORE head w Switxeriand'a Aa chairman of . th# BsnaU t* Imho •Minpt fr#ni turhed to her home here after said it must ralae $200,000. It or dental bills— As car or hom s^ M the May meeting. Third Air F*roe. ; ’live plan, outlined to membeea (R., .Oonn.t Conservatory pinno Agriculture committee Ellendsr W s Abovo poymonti co«of ovorytMoQ! on 37 auch children, many of Pr. lUwter received hie pre-chir­ TOUR FIRESTONE DEA1.EB In * ethtement wepmred to ec- spending the winter In New York urged Its readers to contribute and pay old bills— corns A loon of tfOOS'ww vws coiH t20esw wv*0 whoiiwnww promptlypivniiiny whom win have reappolntmenU A new high of 400 lunches w «r« In the CPEC Mdrch bulletin, ealla 8M MAIN STREET TELEPHONE 70 age of 18. conductor of ■> baa his staff collecting Informa­ ropoirf Im in lA conigewtivoAA A* A A. . ..A .^AAAikl..imoBthly lAAftAllioitoll- opody tnUnlhf et the University of i mmsr to get friends to contribute $5 In or phone today. served Thursday by the hot lunch for placing the following functions contpany introduction of a bill to tion from grocers, bakers, meat and HarUord with relatives. fBOftH of |t0 OS ooeb, (4 this week, made with Mra. Gea- donneettout w d Centenary Col­ ^heatras, compoMr each. . ! committee at the George Hersey in the proposed finance depart­ nutheriM the eUmp. *^***5im •d movie personality, thl* • f* "y dealers, wholesslers. Jobbers and Mrs. Gladys Dancauae has re­ nor Waterous. of Hartford, dental lege In Louisiana and graduated The worker blamed It*.financial $ A Y Robert.son School. On Tuesday M P i etlled that In IWJ the ^ sided genius will play diming I’ ll! dairies iio the committee can get turned home from the Middlesex IMAr tlic tt TO rfl** hygienist at the trailer. The den­ froip the Ohio College of Chlropo- 1 ment: accounting and budget con­ plight on "decllna In circulation” Mrs. Uttell. co-chairman of the trol. tax and revenue administra­ Ahel rorter and Co., of water* Hartford concert a clear picture of the price situa­ hospital where she underwent an tal work la being done by Dr. Ed­ dy with the degree of Doctor of 1 (OAUWB BY eOLM ) Moeart. Sch um an n , Lisrt. Ravel, and "harassment of our advertis­ t m b / m a l FINANCE c a ward Bronsteln of Hartford. B-. Conn., otartod tion. appendectomy. 2nd Beer • RATI TMIATII NltOtNO Surgical CYilropody. A fter receiv- | r a t v w n miisf be good whan thou­ tim of hraeo button* from *he#t "W e are trying to find out who ers," are .from the State Department Moore went to Norwich to get reporting. sands upon thousands of doctors D e^sty, Albenia and Oershnln. FM MAIN tm m , MANCtHSm, CONN, Ing hie degree he completed an ad­ M ata—the dr«t American u*e of gets what." Ellender told a report­ It said the newspaper la operat­ of Health, division of dental hy­ some 800 lbs. of potatoes at the "N o cTalaim Is made that thl* have prescribed It for so many years. An Aboard DM 3430 s Oeergs Hsskiss, YtS MANogsr .state Institution through Federal ditional y«ar of Internship at Ohio PSSTVtaW acta st onoe not only to re­ the direct furton of coP P " er. ing at an annual lesa o f at least giene. plan of It.seir will result In any ItsM nsSt Is mM«li sf all lattassilss Itssi surplus. They also picked up about Foot Cllnid. substantial economlns,” declared | lieve such coughing but also 'loosens TOR BETTER AND Bine to make bra**, an He said he is particularly inter­ $200,000. ’ New appointment.'* are being He I* married end hea two chil­ Athlilionfll Books New York -(/P)— The National eight cases of canned cherries and Charles L. Campbell, chairman of pAIetrm’ end makes It easier to raise'. of Jamea Emrraon in Epfland in ested right now In dairying and OFFICE OPEN TTHURSDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 8 made by Mrs. Charles Benjamin dren, Mark and Marianne end re­ Safe for both old and young, rteas- I t l l . ThU also wa* the flret League ha* had many cities rep- four CS.SPS of canned cranberry the board of trustees. pinna to Inve.itigate that aubject reaented on Its roaterq alnoe the Lignite Is a low'-grade coal. o f the Young Mother* rliib, spon­ sides In Manchester. roUtnt of braaa In thl* country. At Cheney Library sauce. The committee has a'so " I do believe there wltl be some soon. league was first organised In sors of the dental care program. Alldnigstorta ^PERTU SSIN ^ PROMPT SERVICE Th ? Btamp. If authorlted. would "I feel that the co.st of distrib­ received two-60 lb. cakes of butter 1876. In addition to the clubo N o appointments are being made IdMittfy Mystery Body b* placed on •*!* t" Waterbury New books recently received at uting and cooling milk is entirely for Good Friday. Mrs. Benjamin from government/ surplus cold ‘one day in advance of general aale now members, other Cities that storage in Hartfefrd by paying cold the .Mary Cheney Library Jose IturM too high.” he aald. "N ow If we were in the league were Hartford, has requested that an.vone unable Cranoton, R. I., March 21—(4^-- , I^tteraofn aleo got In a «ord enn find some way to reduce this storage eharge's. Manche$ter Better Barbers the following work* In I»ulavllle. Providence, Indlanapo- to keep * specific appointment The mystery men who#* body now Dr. Francis B. RJeder AT PRICES YOU ^Bopportlng hi* meaaiw to *ua- roM. the price of milk cmiM b# contact her In order that a sub­ Edward Breen formci'ly of Loyalty of Free Men, Alan i barn Ward; Cliri.tinnity of Main lla, Milwaukee. Buffalo, Claveland, Ilea la a Potters FJeld here vraz pend the copper Importjlutv reduced and dalrvmen would sell stitution can be made. Four ap­ South Goventry is now stationed C A N AFFO RD Main $9.. 0 pp. tht High School Bartii: Television Scr\icing. W .1^-' .Street. T. O. Wedel; Art of Serv- Syracuse. Troy, Worcester, De­ at Camp Rucker, Alabama. He I* "one of^the beet Freneb Chefs in EASTER Buclisbaiim; The Blue and the more milk. F.very cent the pointments were not kept last the Country," New York State po­ Job. 23 and remelned unidentified Ing Food .Utractlvely. .M. A. price would drop would Increase troit, Kansas City. Washington YonH L e a d t h e week. It Is essential that each the son of Mr. and Mrs. LsuiS lice have Informed Cranston au­ until the week-end, when two 4 lARBERS ON WEEK-ENDS Qrav. H. S Commager; Coyne Wenker; My Six Convicts. D. P. and Baltimore. There haa not Bro4n of Spring Hill, also former­ ■ a Pol of Ihe New- Tele’vlalon Eneyclopedla Coyne .sale*." ^ . half-hour appointment be filled thorities. laundry mark* gave the clue that Wilson. [been a change elnee 1800, because of the limited facilities. ly of South Coventry. I Gilead H Electrical School: Low hat. I.ow Ellender said he doesn’t believe Hie body we* found floating in he was George Francis Richard, Fragrant Tulip* In fiction; Danger from Deer, Persons taking advantage of this Ladies Night will be observed FLOWERS a cove off Narregensett bay on 66. Cholesterol Diet. K. V. D..bbin and Vlrki Baum; Bahim .■ Wheel . .1. T. by the Hartford Chapter Barber- The Young 1*eople met at the program and not having a tele­ others; My Life in Music. .lohn CaUlv.oll; Breath of Air. Kumer phone are also requested to con- shoppers SPEBSQSA Saturday * home of Calvin Flab on Sunday Ersklne; Parsonage Doorway. Mrs. Godden; Mr.s. Cilbcrl Lanca.stcr, tset Mrs. Benjamin for their den­ night at the Hayloft In South evening. The guest ‘•«dera tor A. L. M. Gebhard; Life of .Ic.siis. Coventry. Featured will be Fern the evening were Mr. and ^'cs. ; III, Mrs. J. K. Moffat; Follow Your V, F. W. - ROCKVILLE tal care appointment. All others E J Goodapeed: Holman on Has- i Heisrt, Mr*. Natalie Shipman; The a ill be contacted by some mem­ Dion. Lois and Bobble Koumer. FOR FASTER, BETTER DIAL SERVICE Jack Parson* of Hartford Theo- ketball, Nathan Holman; Practical! the Boeseh twins. Carlene Camer­ lOKlcal Seminary, who are wont­ Thirteen Clock.s. .lame.s Thurbor; ber of the club. Book of Food Shopping. H 8 . About 30 pupils of the George on. The ".'Sweet Adelines" of the HOLDEN’ S River of the .Sun, J. R. Vlliuan. FOR EASTER ing with Voting People'* prmips Hovey; Does It Alwav.s Lain Mere. EVERY THURS. New Britain tli.apter Barbershop- 61 WASHINGT(»N STHBE’L-TEI.. H7I.8 of the State Conference. The ile- ] Hersev Robertson school are be­ Mr. Hoyt? Murray llovt; Pennsyl­ ing Inritfd to attend the IPth an­ pers have been Invited to attend vOUonal aei^-ice was led by i^ai- ;vania Dutch. Frcdnc Klec.s; Hell AT I P, M. the program. Tin Pish and the acrlptiire lessen nual Shrtne circus in Hartford Bomb. W. L. I.anrence. BINGO dtiring its aix-dav showing begin­ FESTIVITIES wan read by Mis* Nancy Scran­ Picture History of World War ton. Delicious refreshments were ning April 2 at the state armory II, Life Magazine; Shooting an ' Chewing Wrigley’s SCOUTS CLUB, W, Mala Si. Roskvill* on Broad street. The invitation Havo You Water la Your Cellar served after the meeting A so­ F.lephant. George Orwell; Church I cial time and ainglng was enjoyed has been extended by two local 24 Hour and Contemporary Change. G. R members of the Sphinx .Moslem WHY YOU SHOULD BUY Oxiiam; Vpholstering at Home. Spearmint Heips FREE TRANSPORTATION Or A Sewage Dlsfrasal Problem? ^^Th# Connectieut State Fox- Shrine elub. Ambulance Page Parker and J. O Mornla; | BUS LEAVES CENTER AT 6:45 P. M. Adult admission tickets may be WINES AT FRED’S hunter'a Aaaociatlon held Its annual Automatic Tranemis.sions. .lud Pur­ YOU STILL HAVE TIME obtained at a slight reduction at mtatlng at ihe Hollister .ion ha* reap the rewards of highe<«t quality A special set-back party will be Mrs. Alice E. Foote Is ill with % 81.00 OFF ANY PURCHASE OF $10.00 OR MORE I: pneumonia and was taken to the — for tiie second coiwocutivc year — in rugged, higli-compressioti en­ Imbrit award held this evening at 8 p.m. at th* Nathan Hale Community Center In Manchester Memorial hospital on — bMn honored by the American gines . . . in the rigid Monul>ilt Iwdy- South Coventry with Anton M. LITTLF GIRLS’ Sunday afternoon. Society o'f Industrie Engineers! and-frame* . . . in Ix'autifiil styling Mr. and Mr*. Fred Way and Lsssen and Mr. and Mrs. Henry 2 STRAP Mis . Elixabeth Stedman of West Among all motor can, Hudson alone that will set the pace for years to come. Jackson in charge. Lawrence C. SADDLE OXFORDS Hartford spent the week-end at haa received the M trit Award, the Latimer will be in charge of a spe­ the Welleaway homestead. cial prizes project. AR.I.E.'a higheat honor. Hudson Ls Hudson ia a car dtnigned and built i f / Gleaming leather uppers. Dr. and Mr*. Walter Way. of There will be no sessions in the dted for "leadership in rcsenn'Ii. en­ to stay young—the most durable car Composition soles. Sizes Westport, Y „ Mr. and Mrs. locsl schools on Good Friday this 81^2 to 8. Raymond Schoonover. Mra. Mary gineering, design and mnnufaeture!” your money can buy! week. Way. Miaa Barbara Way and Wal­ Forty-seven children from the ler Way, Jr., of New York City iW t s f'noklrt /or Nnu tsploitung the many *Ti«4«-mprh «nd ptfoMi pt«4hit fourth, fifth and sixth grades of edieningte of "$tep-doun" dreign. CROSLEY ware gutata of Mr. and Mrs. C. the George Hersey ■ Robertson Daniel Way. on Sunday. school attended the second concert Mr. and Mrs. Deems L. Buell of in th* Junior concert series at the Laconia. N. H., were ^'eek-end Bushnell Memorial Hall on Thurs­ guests at th* homes of Mrs. Alice In The 1951 day of last week. The concert was Foote and Elton Buell. Atwadard trim .and otKpr Tun* i'll IH t BILLY SOSl SHOW by the Columbia University chorus. . The Gilead Congregational j • pwciflcatioaa and ASC-TV N»t««k McewMoriM *r« Mubiwcl to The group was transported to Come in and let ua nhnw you how church will hold a candlelight change without'hotiro Hartford by Charles Christensen Communion *er%'ice on Maundy In . his school bus. The group was Crosley’s excluaive Family Theatre Thursday. March 22 at- eight gccompanted by Miss Helen Mazur Screen frames new delights in tele­ •'clock at the Gilead church. gnd Mrs. Gertrude T. Guilford, Floyd A. Fogll, Jr., son of Mr. vision enjojinent. Smart idea, too, Easter Parade teachers. In, the evening, twenty- LITTLE GIRLS’ to buy NOW before the 25% tax. and Mrs. Floyd Fogll, has retum- four children from the seventh and bd to his home on Gilead street MULTI DRESS from the Backus hospital in Nor- eighth grades and hlgh-school at­ SANDALS vrlch, where h*. underwent an tended, being transported to Hart­ emergency appendectomy. It will ford by Leo F. Tremblay’s bus and TOOOURS* “DUST BEAVER” SHOES TODAYS OUTSTANDING w:ere accompanied by Mrs. Helen Sdlf 1.99 be a couple of weeks before Floyd RUSS RAINBOW Now aealleped sHap| will be able to return to school. He F. Hemingway and Mra. Eugene nifiee Rychling. etyle In Mack patent,' TV BUY! la an eighth grade pupil at the lo- leelkar veapi. ceafetla8U white. Meee 4 tn 8. eaf school. Mrs. Kuth Welles Fabyan of eletfatai. $« i*«, priftSI M . Mr. and Mra. Ralph Miner and You'H %— PUNTY of smartly drosiod mtn and woman who KEEP Melody Farms, South street, ia lydnah Haatnngnlnr PfehMO Take family of Newington have moved smart Hit "SANITONE" way. spending the winter in Delray. CtaiaeM Medal I1-483MU. AvMioW* to Gilead. Mr. Miner la employed ini at the Wellssway Farm. Benjamin J. Seaton haa re­ Rsdset-ssly car wirii Thty sand tholr things to us. WGUI^KLY. Dry signed as custodian of the Georg* Hersey Robertson school. He has d*sl|s ddaning. tha ICTTER dooning that COSTS NO MORE. accepted a position at the Pratt- Whitney Division of United Air­ Cal 2*0030 For Picli Up and Dollvary craft In East Hartford. Henry W. Reed of the USNB 'Ifoui 10% OiseoMnt. CASH and CARRY he* returned lo San Diego, Calif., where he will . report for active service. - l o m b i T o w ' Janet Reynold* has been elected TELEVISION Uest buy -for -the long president of the So-So-Sewera 4-H HUDSON '‘hub. Other officers are vice preai- h o m e COMfOR '!<»nt. Joan Koehler; secretary, BOYS' LUG SOU OXPOROS TREN^AGE GIRLS’ iScties.LOW ER-PliaO P A a M A U K • IINOWNEP SUPil-SIX • LUXUllOUS COMMODORE • fAIUlOUS HUDSON HORNET Vane Rtynolds; treasurer, Adele tunnei'i MORIARTV lehring: newa repprter, LorLee Ore*li "night Clab " br**4. AfOCCASIN LOUNGER r ~ — Bros liakcr. Mr*. James T. Laldlaw is Thick rwbtw Mlet 4«ly «eer- Soft Mather uppers. Long w ear­ WL > - - i ■ ho leader. Meetings will be at $isec $Jt i* A ing plostJe solee. Brown. 4 8 8 McCLURE AUTO COMPANY ' 'In . Loldlawr’s home In North aieen 4 ^ to 8. ^ TELEPHO NE S1 9 1 !S Coventry every second and fourth IN EAST C ^ R ITREET 178 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER £ l £ m Thtfmday o f each month after A N D FRIDAY UNTIL MANCHESTER . erhool. 816 MAIN STREET O P I N W I b N f S DAY. THURSDAY HARRISON STREET ; . .The r a A has ,purch»aed * "rull- W.T. GRANT CO A w * »”'■■'Utaarjvgrouad eouiomant for r*i!ii!'ll - ^ *45''. s' ■ANUHESrER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN* WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 1981 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN^ WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 198JL PAOl TWENTT4B1

April 27-28. In addition to Ken- be Bud Wllklnuon of Oklahoma. tucky'a owd football coach, Hank Iba of tha Oklahoma Agglea M Hn'M TM lB), for quartet end chorus was csp«c>' husbands end wlfea. were enter­ In ami Out Bird (Baarl Bryant, and baakatbaii and Ruatv Ruaacll of Southern tally effective In the uneocomiian* ' tained by Mr. end Mrs. Watson at M ethodiat. JoblesstDowii Biirlon Bunny Entertains Here ^Via Cnicis” led phraeee of the quartet nude up a coffee hour at the home of Mr. Finallv Flies j mentor, Adolph Rupp, there will R H E U M n iC of ^ rfa Steiner, Mrs. Woodhouee,: and Mrs. Alexander Watson. Mr. Girl \ ------Mr. Watson end Mr. Llebe. Mr.' Wi’lson wes congratulated on the Again in Week Heard Here Lundberg's performance deeervei outstanding performenre of hie Scout Nobleavllle. Ind—ilP)—Tom Kver- MMS-HMS s|M>ciel note. Hla fine baritone choir, end he, in turn, thankerl the Johnson Poultry Farm aon aaw a cat atalking a bird on Saerrd Ctnilula •Snii){ al voice was must moving In a beau­ group for Its splendid and rever­ hU windowaill tbe other day. Feel­ FOR FASTER, BETTER DIAL SERVICE Drop Noted Here as Un­ tiful interpretation of the agonies ent rendition. In the pattern of a EXTENDS CORDIAL News MUSTeroLE iind compassion of Our Lord. ' “hiiiraan'e holiday” the guests en­ ing aympnthetle Tom opened the employment Benefit Outer Church by Of Interest to the congregation joyed Informal singing sroiind the window and let it In, abutting out Claims Drop Slightly Large Senior Choir Is the fact that this presentation I piano. -■ P. C. B. the cat. of “Via Orucls” wes the first In intemeeat# Troop M. But when Everaon looked around Manchester. It was first presented EASTER GREETINGS Alt appreciative audience al SMU ot too VoiplMick Khool. The local iineniploymcnt altiia-' in the Uiilterl States by Mr. Wat­ he aaw hla dog, Elmer, grab the Center Congregational church M itbntod Ufo Olrl ScouU’ thtrty- tion decreaeed ■gain laat week by son and has been requested over BK MODERS. enjo y bird. Not only that, but Everaon 4.6 per cent. There were 168 total thrilled to the rendition Sunday and over again In the eburrhea tn WE HAVE HIGHEST QUALITY ' \ to tk WrthOay with • Uoop party claim* filed, including 85 females evening of “Via Crucls," a sacred ZIP-GRIP ■waara the dog awallowed it. Ap­ cantata on the rassion ' of Our which It haa Ween heard. IMt Wedhoodey oftamooe, parently Elmer haa no taste for of which 18 were Inltla) c|alma and Immediately following the THE CLOTHES LINE CAPONS ROASnRS FRYERS 14. w »„y o t th* »lrU havo olmoat 150 continued. Lord, by J. W. Cowlc. Tlie pro­ , 1 ■ birds. Everaon said Elmer coughed gram, following a bilef worship church service the choir and music The total number of claims tak­ (hat rrquiren no clothes complatad work c* their aecond up the bird and disgustedly slunk S-P-E-C-l-A-L service, brought to a fit ting con­ I oinniittce Including niembera' to a covicr. en for unemployment benefits in pins. Stninless sircl line, BROILERS AND FOWL eiaaa had*'* , . clusion the Palm Sunday services Tom let the bird fly out the the state waa down to the lowest of the church. Sung by the senior hall bearing pulleys. Fpr X fw wP THURS.-FRIDAY ONLY point alnce V-J day In August of ••M ot dramatic* pr**ent«d a window. [ ■(1 notice of their sale ap­ cent JuUetU Low birthday party lOlh. ' i No. 1, Where is th« geographi­ cohol. as the live trademark of Nation­ pears elsewhere in this paper. stendardt, ekilled professional service waa evaluated and plana were dis- nlng to have a food sale at tlie J. ^ cal renter of ■ the town of Man­ •nd nniformly fnir prices. That’s why W. Hals department store on Question No. 4 reads: “Do you wide Dispatch and Storage com­ cuaaed for a poUuck mipper, to be know where the first schoolhousr , ch ester? Tale Coach Waa Columbia Star pany. and has made several ap­ we’re frdnkly prond of the privilege of aivan on May 23, for older Inter­ [Thursday, April 5. Any contrilm- No. 2. W here la Goodwin’. Is­ I tlons of baked goo»is would be in Maiiche.ster was located’'? The. pearances during recent fund displaying the emblem in our Prescrip­ mediate and Senior Scouts. answer given is: “The first school- j land in the town of Manche.ster? New Haven— — Yalc’a a ssist­ drives. Bunny Rabbit evill have a tion Departmcni. For careful, conscien­ greatly appreciated by niembera No, 3. W hat Is the Indian name house in Manchester was located ant track coach, Frank Ryan, at­ wonderful Easter gift for every GLASS mmff tious compounding, elweys be sure to of the troop. ! —with no rGboundl A claaa in outdoor training for on KeeneV atreet" etc. for Boggy Stow? tended Columbia where he cap­ child who comes to Burton’s ac­ laadera waa hald on Saturday. Since aome members of Troop 1 Oiir town engineer can readily companied by an adult on Thurs­ For Every Purpoee Turns are diffcrenl. They brinf slmnsl bring ns yonr doctor’s prescriptions. The truth is. the Keeney street' tained the freshman and varsity instant relief from the torture of eiccst March 17, from 1:S0 o. m. through w ent to Europe In 1949 and since schoolhoiise was one of the orig­ answer tbe first question but the track teams. He competed In the day from 3 until 9 o’clock. - and Save g at Camp Merri-wood. Emily otheri are planning to go In 1952 Auto. Mirrors, Window stomach aiid. Rut chat’s onlv the half of inal five ordered to be built iu No­ other two are hard nuts to crack. field events. Three times he won it! I 'nitke "oxcr-alkali/rrs. " I urns neser s’mith, Claire Olda and Lucille the troop has been invited to have vember 17.')1. hut the Hop Brook I shall await the Development the IC4A and.National AAU shot Plate. Obscure cause a ’ recurrence” of the trouble, (let Safely Baker were the trainers. an exhibit at the Nat onal Con­ , mow Verplaiickl original school- Commission’, answers. put championship and held the a roil <»f 1 urns todav. I hey're so depend* $6.99 NORTHIEN 0 vention to be held In Boston in Oc­ tioiise wa.s the first to be erected Mathias Spiess meet records for these indoors. “No One Sella For Lees" Phone .1.122 able, so easy lo take! Slue er black weds crecc- PHARMACY Laadara. if you mxi y®“'’ troop tober. This ia the first time that a See History of Manchester, pages. In August of 1938 he defeated the •trae. SHtekad aalasila* cala. teve BO transportation for the local troop haa been invited to par- On/, lOc, rectee, } 5c with , 39, 40. IntematlonsI Hors* Problem Olympic champion, Hana Woelke ArtiiHr OrHS Stortf WHITE cube* kaal. Abe la beeqaa TVefCU Treaaurea exhibition to be ticipata In any way In a national in Berlin. ______rad uaaalli laaMar. held at the Hartford SUte j Question No. 8. reads: “Where j convention and the troop feels in Mam hester. '.vas copper mined, j Miami '.ip After ttirning it DEPOT -SQUARE TETi. 6548 Armory on March 31, from 2 to 9 quite proud of this invitstion. down in Spanish. Freni h. Italian The date on which Spring ar- MQUOR DEPT. GLASS CO. p m., pWhae call the Girl Scout ]slioitlv after the Hevoliitionary TUMS . OPEN AI.L DAY SUNDAY , War’’’ The answer to this ami German, The .lockey Club- rtvea variee from March 19 to Open 8 A. M. to II P. M. 24 Birch St. Manchester CntKeoH’ Johmon Shoes Office, telephone 2-9568. A rrange­ whlch deride.s sucli things finally M arch 21. I TUMS FOR THI TUMMV ments may be made by the Trip Spare Spartan* 1 rends: ‘ f^i|ipcr wa.s mined In Pay Your Electric l.ight and Telephone Bills Here i Mancliestr i, slinrtly after the Rev­ accepted the Hawaiian version for 950 MAIN STBEET — MANCHESTER and Troop committee for a apeclal a young Florida bred race horse. chartered bu. for you and your East Lansing. Mich.—iXEAl — olutionary War at Highland, Four members of the Mulligan T’n rk ” 1In'the language of the islands, the girls. [state coaching staff^ have twin Tins is not true, for the copper tongue twisting Mama Na Wawae means “Speedy of the Feet." Senior Troop 1 ha.s invited Ichddren. .mine ha.l not been In operation^ For aster, as always... M PRE-EASTER SALE SHIRT OF COMBED NEW SPRING TIES RICH RAYON $1 BROADCLOTH 3 2 5 SHOES SHOES M db I SHOES Big EoH*r msertnwnt of lh« i»«w**l p4itt*fB* Ward* 3-Slor BrmR. Coaapof* R *o •n d eolori w rayon ti*». Neota, panels, oRy odv«r1i*«d shirt, ot 3".95. Sonforiied aotina, dobby wsav*s and jocqoar'di. AH BEGINS TOMORROW AT 9 A. M. •omb«d broadcloth whh lor»g-lif» collar or* fun sizad and wrinU* resistoM. •ltd top«r-tailor«d body. Whit* ond fanci**. Oxfords - Loafers - Dress - Casual - Saddle - Sandals

Shop Around First — Then Compare Our Quality And Our Prices! 4 Typical Easter Values in Wards Men s Wear more people in THE BEST BUYS IN TOWN i Regular Price Sale Price S.WE Connecticut buy V $12.91 $9.91

Brand neiv gas-saving ’’RrH-lirt” F n-in-— $11.9$ ' $8.95 M ilk Chmemimlm Ckeeolmie Cmemmmmt standout leader in high rnmprrssinn! Bmmmimm mmU Ckleks L O J ^ ^ T €!rmmm B ggt $10.91 $7.91 Brilliant new Body bv Fisher— Easter goodies made of LOFT’S Fresh cocoanut covered with liigger—wider—smarter, loo! pure Milk Chocolate. LOFT’S Dark and Milk Chocolate. $9.91 $4.9$ M «>rp IfceuIv—comfort—room and view! Ill 13 »izes. 30e fo l|4-fF3 12 eggs, I lb. O t.OO \rw chaMw—aa even tmonther "Kockrt Ride'M C km a o tm o m $8.91 $5.91 Iraftroved OldBrnobilc Hvdra-Matir Drive*! Mearakmmllmaa ##•* See the nevr all-time great Siiprr *'88 *— Fluffy marshmallow covered $7.9I.$4.98 $4.95 with Dark and Milk Chocolate. at your Oldsmobile dealrr's ii'»w! than any other kind! I t egga, 10 osa. 7 0 9 Under $4.98 $3.9$

Easter Sun^lay-the famous parade of finery.,. and to help gladden this joyous day- NYLON HOSIERY, HANDBAGS1 fresh, gay, finer quality LOFT’S Candies.

RGfdor $1.41 81 Gm■fGlIDnniw RefukK $9.95 ftkem Mew

Rtfnlor $7.95 -VnliMf New ^ 4 ’^ ^ Fmmeg Emmtmr PINEHURSTS, FOR c u t B e x Bmotor Bommuot Rtfilnr $1.38 4f Oa■ft M Denter HANDSOME ARGYLE- Assorted candy eggs in G i f t B a x BegyUor $4.95 VduGt Hew $ 3 * ^ Easter package. LOhT’S dnest chocolatei in • PLUS VALUE Fsa'Saiau. mrmmritt. aad trim UlaMraHd rtitfrtl tm rSaaw asdUaS T Y P E S O C K S 995 a m aa VOCdiiaaM* tfrOa-Srwta Ortas •ftimmtl ml isira esai sa mil lasdstt. I t eggs. Ik ota. # 1 . 1 0 decoratod maul container. A ow aui MOTOtS VALUl Wg RwGiyB Mm Rlfht T* Ltailt Newber gI PwcImsm ly CwtwiMrs. AN SgIgs Phiall Siee tha hotl of othar L0FT*S Milk or Dark. IH Iba. 9 | a 0 0 ta ib a . {flay era) 9 3 . 9 0 C m m o t* i)iM * MNinB for doNor* iM ral tmditional Eaaiar Candy treata. W a rd t bwHeWlng naan'a aodo, righ* for N 8W SUPER "IS” OI^^OBILES.a.Now on Display I Soa fodoy - - - "•»»«• ^ "*•» •grit draw oi»d aport woorl KnR o f thirdy, lb*ir Hondaoata dyUng and Hta eoraful woy lyalfoua m areofiiad coMon in a voriaty of Bioy’raoMda for long-waaring comfort. 6- 11» S l l YOUR NEARiST OLDSMORILI DIALIR THE SHOE SALON li,miipd. woehfosl coton. Siu* 10 to 1^ LOFTS CaiuUes time § U m 'bdwivGly Ygms” MANCHESTER MOTOR SALES West Cenftr al Hartford Road 82t MAIN 8TRBBT 474 MAIN fT R in ACROSS PROM THE POST OPPICI and tliroathoat CGfinBctievt MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN„ WEDNESDAY. MARCH 21, 1951 MANCHSSfBR EVENING HBRALO, MAXHO'HBS'l'KIl. WEU«B»l>Air, MARCH ?1, lf6 l rAOB Tlf SNTti

ntUburgh’s Ralph Klner attend­ ped to handle any emergenry that B U t* egmpua, and win 30 with iig, at BiradriitM ‘ [W Ing pans, coffeepots,'etc., on of these Items, your humj la not u* **rv1r**rv1nf umM* W» Jbith •M o«t of a " W i r an eamad-run averag* of 3.03 In with th* Bmnnt. Qu* K*rlw^ 'l\’.i iMI*l* aa coach with tha . ing on their laurala the following Interinlnahly. A generous response I* quoted The article features a "Bafeiy Oklahoma A. and M.'s Ray- attending Colgate that'the KThltf 10. Are your eleclnc cord* m 1B30. Busty attaodad __ _ spring. Players in nolda. Wake Foreat’a Byrne and Sox paid him $«0,000 for rignlnf. ' yeunf*t«T ^Ho can eatch, as received on Palm Sunday at the Cheek List" which Will clearjy In­ goo«l condition? Kt. I.smls -(/I’l ( ’'•dc "Biizay” £x«m ple throw and hit any kind of a ball Collage in Us oativ* lfi^ii|MBj! There was griping about sal- Ferrick of Olenclyffe, N.Y., Sem­ FvankHWItr, Wayne T*rwllllg«r, Hebron Congregational church, to dicate how "scclilent-eafe” your If you can’t answer ye* to eadi Wares, coach of tiis ,'ardlnals. Will quit nrlea The noble athletes resented Freeton Ward, Baaeom Jackaen gets a Bcholarehip today. The high home Is. For Instance: t to anUr biaaaball In U W ” Major League inary give the Yankees a most be uaed to relieve acre nccdsi in |H Bonus Rule Southworth's driving tactics. Tou erudite pitching staff, backed up and Fpank B$u«n»wlt« «■<>"* eebools. than the ooUegea. run 1. Are nil medicine*, , pnisnnk gathered they believed the boss by Pfofasaor OstrowaKI of the ex-colleglaaa \rith tha Cuba. through them with a flnertoothed this country and abroad, for the and cleanlyg fliilda nut qf took too much credit for their ac- University of Scranton and Bouth- Bitdle ’Thbbetts joins the more comb than the professionals, so armed forces,, etc. This la called reach of children? Are medl- j compUshments. There was grum­ the great hulk o f the better ath­ Four New York Yankee em Callfomla’a W ally Hood. Cal- ■cholerly Indian*. w1h> Include A1 "One Great Time for Sharing.” It C H l E f clnes clearly labeled? John AntoneDi Ifom la’a JackI* Jeneen la about to letes reach seats of higher leam- 3. Are there hand rails on the ‘ bling. Rosen and Dal* Mitchell. Indi­ U part of the Protestant churchae Southworth had managed so Pitchers Hold Degrees; join the class. ana sent the ftfd* Ted Klusaewakl. ing. mjm. basement stairs? Am the Exhibit A to Boy» Who This simplifies the job of the of American to kee| Lent. Gifts successfully he believed he could Tebbetts, Kell, Rosen, Dr. Bobby Brown went to more Texas contrilHited Grady Hatton. By Chief James H. Schaub stairs well lighted ? handle any one and any number schools than you could shake ■ a Stanford sent Lloyd Merriman and baseball scout. will work through cbriatlan hands; 3, Are your scatter rugs firmly Iggiet on Suirting He knows just where to look PARIS of bolsheviks and clubhouse law­ Washington SUte came through Dropo Also on List stick at. which Is not the flrat rea­ through-our missionaries at home In a recent Issue, th* Reader’s lined m,> that they won’t slip? At Top In Bmscbull yer. With the difficulties that for superior talent. Arc your attic and haaeincnt son why the San Francisco In­ with Ted Tappe. and abroad,, through our churches, Digest came up with a mighty started brewing with the slteable Illinois’ Hoot Evera and A r­ free of oily rags and Utter? Clearwater, Fia.— (N K A)—Col- tern Is frozen, Jerry Coleman was hospitals, 'achools, and colleges, handy Home Aerldent Guide. With kansas State's George Kell head Are the stair treads securely Xn^ton, Fla.—(NBA)— g ift to AntonelU, and player ad­ legemen played baseball profea- exposed to the University of San Quirk Ontury and through chaplains in the arm- deaths ■ and permanent inJiiiieH ■jr iSItSeU l p M l»P « *• the ditions in 1943, he had one of the Franclaco. Jim Brideweser, the the Tlg*r*‘ delegation. The Giants ad forces. The offerings will not be fastened Next time you check your medi­ tric-light hulhs far away tte Boston NaOonals. At the Phillies’ camp here, you out, and the manager s obstacles Michigan’s Jack Wela*nburg*r t O I N I Y D O T at the Hebron Congregational Kaiser Wilhelm, ha* a aeries of Dresden plaques made of royal Sevres cine cheat or first aid supplies to from the hatliluh? Manager Southworth s heao- multiplied. see Tom Casagrande. the gigantic see that you’re adequately equlp- Fordham Junior, being taught to church and haa met weekly with china. It wilt be one of four mtlUon articles on display at the Bos­ Do yon always put your fty- hes started when Lou Perinl He grew nervous, sick, broke W* Also Hkve A ad the much-sought Rochester plav first base by Kddle Waltkiis. the choir here. During her enforc­ ton Antiques expo.sitlon In the Mechanics building, April 3-7, from down, shuffled off to Sunbury, O. COMPLIMENT YOUR EASTER ENSEMBLE 1:30 to 10:.30 dally. ^ school whla. W5.000 for A ieft-hand pitcher, too, he w ai to Beautiful Amortment ed absence her place at the organ Mlsa Nancy kelleher of Choatnut Hill and Miss Ann Waterman of “ ■gUnanritnie *F. ^M8. For the first time since South- paid $40,000 for signing. la being supi lied by Mrs. Herbert Of Our OwB Jamaica Plain are tracing the tale of royal courtship at a preview of , AntonelH’s father declined a worth established himself as a Owner Bob Carpenter simply W. Porter. manager, he lost control of his NEW SPRING COLORS th* exhibit. p»t«mr league contract, preclud- had to go for the totally untried SHOE H O M E M U E The Teen Agers met Sunday hig as little as three-months organization. This to auch an ex­ Casagrande. evening at the home of Calvin tent that the contemptuous play­ 91 Gauge. 19 Denier. With or without dark ^ o r league experience for his Didn’t Robin Roberts step al­ Fish, son of Mr. and Mra. Charles $136 more or less. This Is the last acres. 30 acres of land In the ers were cheap and small enough REPAIRING aeamn. CHOCOLATES m ^year-old son. most directly from tha Michigan H. Fish of Gilead. Guest speak­ of the series of benefit parties. rear of Charles J. Schmid’s place VAN’^Urf" to vote him no more than a one- : AntonelU had good stuff, but Of the Better Kind $1.49 pair ers were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tar- Members think the above sum will In Amston also go with the pur­ quarter share of the World Senes Iras hardly a Curt Simmons sonn of the Hartford Theological be enough to finance the Inetalling chase. It is not known whether j r Mickey McDermott, certainly money. DONE WHILE $ i . o o r x Seminary, who visit young peo­ of running water In Gilead Hall, tha Markhams plan to occupy the Repairs aouldn't pitch for an outfit head- A general houserleanlng was 80 Gauge. 18 Denier. ple’s groups of the state. They a greatly needed improvement. place or whether It will be thrown id for the pennant, worked little required to straighten out Billy YOU W A IT spoke on the planning of pro­ A t last report Mrs. Irene on the market. The sale was by ChafeFChap^ foreclosure againat the last owner ore the next two years for a Southworth and the Braves. Quick,riiiUb genuine MMiiifiA nliefMilUf* $1J9 pair grams for the year. Wright had about $5.'5 on hand In Work done right in our own garage FU U LINE OF SWEET MILK CHOCOLATE of the property, Howard Weseman, Sub In contention. Johnny Antonelli's bonus was from stinging sorenem. SAM YULYES The Infant eon of Mr. and Mra. the Red Cross drive now being bad business. in this reuabl* ointment Dennis Burks, Gregory James, conducted. She thinks the'drlve is who bought the place from th* No matter what your car needn in the way of repaira i The result was that he had no 701 MAIN STREET Porter* over a, year ago. gpportunity to learn how to pitch, RABBITS, EBGS, CHICKENS, ETC. wa* christened at the morning lagging, but hopes for better IucIl . . I from a tune-up to no overhaul . . . you'll he giving Bon exactly five games In two- NEW FANCY HEELS aerviro of the Hebron Congrega­ before the end of March. The drive A little friendly rivalry haa been will continue .through this month. stirred up as to who la the oldest youraelf and your car a break by bringing it to Van'n ^d-a>half campaigns. All with dark seama. COCONUT CREAM P R llT FIU.KD tional church. Mrs. Burks la ! He was In camp here when in­ the former Miss Barhsrs Brehant A Maundy Thuraday communion native resident of Hebron. Hon­ Garage. All makes, all models, we handle them all! Reg. to 3.98 EGGS BEAUTIFULLY DECORATED service for Hebron and Gilead ors seem to rest with Mrs. Mari­ ducted Into the Army. He wUl 81 and 80 Gauge. 15 Denier. NAMES ADDED FREE of Hebron. F O R S A L E MOSAIQUE HEELS All churches of th* town were people took place at the Gilead etta O. Horton of Hebron Center, All Kinds of Motor Ropoiring, Whotl Boloneing, C 33 when ha comes out, and with the possible exception of Paul fUU won’t know how to pitch, largely attended on Palm Sunday. Congregational church, Thursday 81 Gauge. 18 Denier. Palm branches were distributed evening at 8 o'clock, the Rev. Tones of Jones street. Charles Ignition and CorbUrotlon Ropoirs and Adjust- Choftor Lom • Cottogo • RuWlod f Under Southworth. the pen- WELL ROHED COW Daniel W ay of Gilead Is a strong nant-srtnner, the Beantowners DEAtrVIIJ.E AND BLACK TWIN HEEL« at St. Peter'B Episcopal church at George M. Milne, pastor, In montt. charge. ninner-up. All the above are in one Wg happy family unUl Beautiful Easter Baskets the close of the service. Rev. H. •wd~ ToMortd StyloB MANURE, DELIVERED 61 Gauge. 15 Denier. Attorney John A. Markham of their 80s. Mrs, Thomas Nagle Is the older heads heard about the R. Keen preached on Chriet’a tri­ .1M *sawRWPiw«ffi*awwie>, DUPUCATE HEELS FULLY PACKED Burrows Hill, Hebron, haa bought 88, but is not a Hebron native. lotaUy un-tried AntonelU getting umphal entry Into Jerusalem, and CoH and foot outlined In black , Rev. George M. Milne preached an the former Robert E. Porter place, all that dough. situated on the Hebron-Andqver Early Jesuit priests organized Johnny Sain was on his way to appropriate Palm Sunday sermon SERVICE CANTRUN 80 Gauge. 15 Denier. road. The sale includea a large the natives o f Paraguay Into 32 a third consecutive 30-game sea­ »hd up at the Congregational churches. REGULAR HEELS 0 9 c dwelling house and a farm of 40 colonies. son, for example. PEILA BROS. Mesh Hose and foot outlined in black. The program of servlcea for "How about me?” was the gen- TsIsphoM 7405 $1.69 pair Holy week here will Include a STATION THRfFTY tral cry. Raises had to be grant- PLACE We Also Have A Beautiful Aasorlment Of Our Own Maundy Thursday communion ad. 354 Bidwsll S»TM» $1.69 pair aerrice at St. Peter’e Episcopal VAN’S Sheer Crepe Hose Southworth got a lot of mlle- YOUR HOME MADE CHOCOUTES chTirch. and a Good Erlday serv- 427 HARTFORD ROAD $1.79 pair Ire. both at 10 a. m. The Good ORDER NOW FOR Friday service will Include fne AT THE TEXACO SIGH Business Sheer* Sine gouafi aad u|i Litany. Penitential office and ante-communion. Rev. H. R. WATiSraOOF FUSTIC $1.35 pair Keen will be In charge. There BABY Drop In For One Of Our Hot Lunch Specials will be a candlelight communion BARSTOW SAYS— or Afternoon Tea With French Pastry service at the Gilead Congrega­ SIIOSVER SETS THE tional church Maundy Thursday CHICKS at 8 p. m.. to which all of the TEXTILE STORE church people of Hebron and Gil­ Sn OUR WlOi SRICTION OF WMU AND IMUORS strong. Healthy, Tested Pieters Chocolate Shoppe ead are Invited. TTie Rev. George AVAOABU FOR TNI NOUDATt “ IT’S THE TRUTH” Chicks That M ill Produc* A. L. 8LOCOMB. Prop. M. Milne, pastor at Hebron and IT COSTS NO MORE TO OWN For %’oul 918 m a i n STREET 691 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER Gilead, will officiate. There will be two communion UOWOR STORK aOSFD AU OAT 0000 FRIOAT, MARCK tJrC. « Near Manchester Sa%-ings Bank 3.98 service! on Easter day at 3t. Peter’s Episcopal church, the first ★ at 8 a. m., the second at 11 a. m. ------WKIVKS ■aauHFul ahewor eurtoins with matehlnf Before ]iw iNqr AIY rai^e, see the NEW Mrs. Irene Wright, who heads tpe Red Cross drive for Hebron, COAST TO COAST ruffled window curtoinB in waterproof OUR tv; had received at last report ^ about plotticR. Largo tolocHon. GARDEN SHOP ' $100, from eight of the 35 sollct- CALIFORNIA SWEET WINES 1951 A^stin^ouse tore who are helping in the house 80*T - IHCtRT - MUtCAIW - WMITI KMT to house canvass o f the town. The sail oev (HtMT D iiM im IS W’ELL STOCKED WITH drive will continue through March. UNIT n u r SETS A L L TH E THINGS Y O l’ It ia hoped that at least a* much 6 5 ‘ 1 AO NEED FOR GARDEN .\ND * as was donated last year can be Bor OAllOH 2.79 I.A W N WORK realiied this* year. $1,600 ia the quota from the three towns be­ Easter Flowers longing to the Columbia Chapter, MADRONE WINES Columbia, Hebron and Andover. It •OTTUD m CAUFOeNia ★ is a large sum to raise ln>iew of I08T KMT - TAWNV PORT - MUtCATK BEAUTIFUL STURDY PLANTS-CUT FLOK ERS the fact that there are more and CRIAM IHRRRV - Cl UR DRY SNIRRT foV'"" Lawn Fertilizer more demands for public chanties , ; 0 9 R E D H O T to be met. t " ’ coW>»’ A FRANK SCHOONMAKER HlEaiON ROT ,t*8 and THAT WILL STAY FRESH LONGER • Prof. Charles. C. Kellers of ^ h e s f / Carlisle, Pa„ spent the week-end 30 SECONDS Lime Fertilizer See Our Display For This Easier at his Hebron home. He returns N. Y.' S. W INtS Wwinesday or Thursday to Car­ ROTTtRD m NtW YORK HATl lisle to spend the rest of his col­ lAWNt SORT - RMV SORT - WMIH SORl lege vacation. He has a good deal INERRT - SAIR DRV SHtRRY - lAUTHNt Spreaders of extra work to take care of, r." S / -K : T CO' LILIES, AZALEAS. DOUBLE AND SINGLE TULIPS, which has had to be put off owing STH ROTTU 95 ^ - to the death of his wife and his f ii Lawn Rakes HYACINTHS. DOUBLE AND SINGLE DAFFODILS. own illness, from which he has S o * " , - odly just recovered. COAST TO COAST Miss Elizabeth M. Horton ar­ gRJKyUW!4ll!iiW HYDRANGEAS, CINERARIAS. BRILLIANT STAR, rives Wednesday to spend about CALIFORNIA RED TABLE WINES Wheelbarrows 10 days vacation from her studies . . . of court*. DISH CARDENS at St. Joseph’s College,. Hartford, ■UROUNOY - OARn - nNTANDIl I f f •f*ctricl where she is a senior. She will be O O C GAI Garden Carle with her brother, John F,. Horton ro t" * ” g a lio n ” ” jug 1.89 i i c and family at the Governor Peters CUT FLOWERS. INCLUBIN© SNAPDRAGONS. TULIPS. place while here. CROWN SWEET WINES Pruning Shears W Paul Broome, who lost hla pet j DAFFODILS, CARNATIONS, ROSES AND IRIS dog lately, and who has tried to „ i o 4 i locate it through the newspapers, ------VHA»iPA4iXK ------has failed thus far to get any word er* Grass S n d of the dog’s whereabouts. He ha* m j _ 5 , $179.95 about come to the conclusion that COAST TO COAST Up the brown haired rat terrier, Uw Sandv. has been killed by an 8"i® 18ITTINCER ,M,otinD n*Nct im”“3.rs And a Full Lina of and perhaps thrown oiil of sight MimalafHYOUtkrfltl somewhere. But he does not en­ Vagatabla Seeds tirely give up hope. B R A N U IE S —^ The J. S. Nason Company of In Bulk Anderson Wllllmantlc dre the apparent low COASTTOCOAST S3.39 bidders for building the four room ,, m^ * r ------*■^ ■ rack*. • Now,-- yon bake . . . in any Work is expected to begin within n ek po*itian and MALT i gat pmract TCMilt*i mmy tim*. about two weeks. It will be hur­ RED CROWN *0 PROOF si SPREADS ; 2.69 OAllON SCALECIDE ried along as fast as possible, in ord«r to have it completed by the HAlt Reg. 6.98 do** tk* doer *f a ‘ h’T.V.’.-l’ -* ROBBINHOOD WPROOP S^ 4 y*******H??*i and fc*l tti* dilbNBO*. A W**tiagfaoii** door time school opens next fall. Th* 2.69 GALLON h a ^ n l M M which indicate* the qaalHy that i* built into NOW! addition will b* to the southwest BIG TRADE-IN Tnulr In your 10, I2 'i, 14 I part o f the school building. EVERY of tU* ranga. YouTl lova tha vamtik Two- A Complete Dormant Spray. •WUiSKiES- mm u A t f lf f s ail A B A inch TV for llunionfc Cookwg Um Color-GluiM Contvok • • . th« soora t i Officers elected to serve the Amston Fire company's Ladiea’^ M i r eonvanknor kalona tfaat adte - - - T O M M O O R E KENTUCKY BOURBON M Ft. ROT Auxiliary for the coming year, at "**2.99 ALLOWANCES the annual meeting,.are; President, Mrs. .Edith Fried; vice-president, NIiSONCOUNTY •^2.99 Mrs. William I, Borat; secretary. GET OUR DEAL TODAY Mrs. Robert P. Dlman; treasurer, 4.98 F E M B R Q O K rundib whiiKi y $« n . toy 2 . 9 5 BEFORE THE 25% TAXI Mrs. Charles S. Rarnes..The treas­ urer reports, nearly $350 rlow In the treasury, netted since th* l Y N N B R O O K riindeo wHi$m m Ft. m 2.99 L a h s e n ’ s auxiliary was started over a year Doubl# or Tyin'Sizo— Oaap Bullion Frm gt-—7 C olon BARSTOW’S ago. The members are hard at SUNNYRIDGE .,.0. nxa» o n .. f k S I 3 . 2 9 •AwwwmaiwwiieaoitiHw^ B8T. IMS Joat of P. O. PHONE 8234 FEED AND work trying to get enough ahead to fix up th* firehouse basement GREEN VAU L^ boorron whiskey fo Ft. Mff 3.75 so that it can be used for .social T m m I m H w Top TV Program: HARDWARE "ptherings. The next regular "WISlINGHOUsi STUDIO ONE" -'-ctin g will be April 5. at the COLONIAL PRIDE ionded whiskey lee PR.' S t 3 . 3 9 IllunnEii'S WNHC-TV. Moodnys’ 10 la 11 F. M. 34 DEPOT SQUARE home of Mra. DonalU sC d"V evening. This added to about BOCK Bta BOW AVAUMBU •'ll WE DEUVER! $115 prevloualy netted in the card 829 MAIN STREET P H O N t2 e im ■ \ party?y Twrtet. bring* the total up to I .‘W.


MANUHBSTEB KVBNINO h e r a l d . BIANCHESTER. c o n n .. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 21. 1951 TOONBRVUXB FOLKS BY FONTAINE FOX OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HUOPLB crtoplag oraokarc, toraala and to .nalM than 'm sbi whltor SporU Outfit crumbs. Tty It, too, for aottonlng / HOW AM t ^ WMAT if n W SPRIMA f by oantrut .Bsauty quMiu of butUr to spreading consistency for G r a n d m a , t h e D e m o n C h a p e r o n e J vxHcrd cMaDviNn m — ’,ow8 OF wlhAK-:Ki4a«o < that day racognlaod tha im­ sandwiches TWO OP THE 5TAIA TREADS CREAK TERRIBLY AiNTT iNe PBOPHaTi OF 06FffAY4— VUrtYf Sense and Nons^tsfl^ portance of hand grooming, coat­ CHCM60 AROUND ALU ^ 'JRAT IT.MAKl.f lUtS iOHL ing thalr handa with lemon OVER ma VdORLDf , EASTER OREETINO CARDS Y iM fiULLiaO 8V A O0N0U£ROR« Sign Langaage Juica (to bleach tocml or a are lovely In color, design, and sen­ HAVE >CX) geaN IM A By toe time a “whitening” lotion whlch^ wee timent at the DEWEY-RICHMAN CMB ALL VdIMTER m A T To mMt of toe drivers who view enough to marry, a ft not ertlflcial looking. ’ and was slap, slap, click. ster- plants will ornament the' home. "Slide-A-Lltc'• for men 1s hand­ li nobody sitting on top of the B ^ y 700 different tonea each ^e *ircona, all-gold, and St Artfully designed corsages will be der. useful in Innumerable ways—such Second—Pretty fair, but whan -total S S V of i l m almoat o a t 3.500 ahadeal.Bhadea). He cham'dngly deatgned somely done in tW'o ahades of l?bW(5 8V world. lovely on Easter costumes. aa dating sheets or individualizing our company presented arms you further Indicated diatlncUve i ganings. necklaces, and bracelet a browii with pild trim. These are Graham Cracker Bread towels. No sewing is needed; Just m ^ 3-11 HlG eiooo could hear slap, slap, Jtngla. m, w. « . J RWn.LIA>a» deliahtful color harmonies and which . . . ------may™...,.v,ii«»d be purchased sineh singly or or distinctive gifts. Ingredients: U graham crack­ press the tag on the fabric and it o FIgCT AlP PRE6SU(?B The man and woman approach­ Flrat—Jingle r What did thatt BOSTON ROCKERS, on display y ed the theater, evidently expert- combinations. The g«*»^ in striking matched sets. ers, >3 cup sugaF '2 teaspoon salt, will last through laundering or Second—Oh, just our medals. at KEMP'S, INC., 763 Main Street Ing an evening's enjoyment. As SSa to Jd their reSpectlve clubs ^ook at those old pictures In li.j teaspoons biflcing powder, '4 dry cleaning. A set of 80 labels, MICKKY FINN Si ring Nothing! LANK LEONARD are very comfortable to sit in and the attic. Perhaps the only re­ the man stepped forward to pur- in planning similar lecture pro- JANTZEN'S NYALIZED GII^ hichiv decorative additions to cup shortening, 1 cup chopped nut plus a marking pen for indelible If you have never felt tha jogr DLES. PANTY' GIRDLES. AND juvenation needed la a new YOU We.NiCK, I'M THROWIN^OKAt. A CANVAS BANNER THArS RIGHT/ WANT PLAGE cha.ae the tickets the woman of doing a kind act, you hava grama. ____ ones home decoration. The low, meats, 3 eggs (beaten slightly), ink, ia available at the Notionn A IlG BANQUET F0« ALL < PHIL! I'LL r r a r are now available ai frame. A batch of small pictures Department of the J.- W. HALE sn FEET HIGH AND I'M GOING AND STREAMERS grabbed hla arm. neglected much, moet of all your­ broad aeats and graceful high 1/3 cup milk. s - n - s t vumcoTTDAMrr THE CELEGATES SUNDAY ^GCT A FEW THIRTV FEET WlOB TO HAVE IT AU THE POLES-I Wonmiv- I do tint went to aee You will find this may become BLAIRS, T-IT Main Street. The backs arc represented at « or prints might be used in a group Method; Roll graham crackers CORP. self. wonder-fabric absorbs pcrspiiu- (T.HOUJIMH-PHIL NI6HT -MOST OP •BM WILlrtOP THE BIG WITH THBimeRDE ,STRUNG ACROSI PURDY AVENUE TO tola show, Alfred; I do not like one of your favorite streamliners; $16 50 in maple, and from $22.50 if matching frames were made for into fine crumbs. Add sugar, salt, UBERTY tion, holds its shape, driea rapi. F t'N '' Hi'siNKSS ISDOIN6AfiRUTJOg HAVE ARRIVED BY TNEN S STREBT? Chinese plays. ytw « a belt by itrlnging several in mahogany. Many have lovely them. and baking powder. Cut shorten­ One good test for water hard­ BY HERSHBERGER M MAKIN6 -AND 1 WANT TO HAVE 7W '-^P0R EQUAHe/ A husband drew up hla chair tpring-type plaat*c clothespins on and makes the most of one s ng- ness advises George Klumb, direc­ Man—But this la not a Chineae beside hie wife's sewing machine. antique gold paint designs. ing into dry ingredients until mix­ MWANStMfKTC/ RIGHT KIND OP ENTERTAINMENT^ you! pisy. a length of cord. Attach the clean- ure. Prices arc $4.9.5 to $10.95 in Modest prices for lovely EAST­ ture resembles texture of course tor of the Culligan Soft Water In­ Hubby —Don't you think you're an Ideal t>Tc of riirve-niolder. ER FLOWERS Is the nile at Mc- stitute is this: Woman—Tt certainly Is the running too faatT Look out! « Ing clothi to the anap pins to keep Easy Seafood Bisque cornmeal. Add nuts and combined title la right there on tho front CONVILLES, ,302 Woodbridge Put a drop of tincture of green You'll sew that wrong steam. 'handy when you are on a ladder You can avoid the trouble of Ingredients: S five-ounce can eggs and milk. Blend well. Pour of the theater. ."Sun. Mon. Tu.” washing windows or woodwork. shrimp, I ten-and-one-half-ounce Street. Easter lilies are priced into greased loaf pan 2'3 x 8 x4’ ... soap in a one ounce bottle of Mind that corner now! Slow down, laboriouslv rleamng grease from watch your finger. Steady! from $2.00; tulips in bud and Inches). Bake in a moderate By Sue Burnett water. Soft water should produce the wall behind the stove. Just give can condensed cream of chicken "Food Makes Passengers 111”, Wife—What'e tha matter with h a n d s o m e n e c k t ie s to add soup. 1 ten-and-one-half-ounce can bloom are $.2,5 each; hyacinths are (375F.) oven until browned and An Important part of your sports about an Inch of suds. If water it a coat of colorless shellac, then $..50 and up; lovely bouquets of newspaper heading nml quite oft­ vou, John? I've been runhlilg the eprlng-greeting touch for an condensed cream of mushroom bread springs back when gently wardrobes—a well tailored blouse is hard it will take more than en one glance at the prices on the if grease should sfilatter, all you do mixed spring flowers are $1.50; tounched, 50 to 60 minutes. this machine for years. Easter gift are still in stock to is remove it with a damp cloth. .soup, 2 cans water (using soup and shorts pair to make in crisp one drop to produce an inch. He menu will l\pve toe same effect. Hubby—Well, dear, I thought suit all tastes, sedate or hilarious, corsages are priced from $1.00. white,. Turn it into a practical points out that hard water wastes can as a measure). Phone 5947 for satisfactory serv­ you might Ilka me to help you, ' and at prices that cannot be found U G L. WALLPAPER WAX is Method: Rinse shrimp under EASTER EGGS in Lovell and street costume with the additions approximately 70 per cent of At a puhlie function one of the since you help' me drive toa car. elsewhere for the quality (becauw cold water, drain and cut In ice. Covol's delicious Candy Cupboard of the sew-easy circle skirt, 8700. soaps used. Tap water can be diners, a minister, found himself off impeweptlble IrreguIarltiMi at the answer to the home-makers dreams. It protects the paper halves. Put In a saucepan and add formula are $..59 at QUINN'S Pattern No. 3260 is a se\i*rite made soft by a softener system BOOIB AND HER BUDDIEH One Opinion BY EDGAR MARTIN III at ease with the fish course. Under ■ new law in Commu­ toe CHENEY BROTHERS REM- Candled Orange Sweet Potalocs against soil from dust or imie the cream of chicken and cream PHARMACY. The cliocolate cov­ perforated pattern In sizes 12, 14, provided on a service basis which He aampled' It dubiously. nist-controlled Blast Qsrmany, *NANT SALESROOM. Ingredients: 2 teaspoons dark CPiNfY W e ib V i V MMOM.VKR \ A VOO»A6 '0$$. hands; it makes the paper wash­ of mushroom aoup. Now add k,he ered center of Either coconut 16, 18 and 20. Size 14. blouse, 2 1-8 remove odorless magnesium and Minister—Dear me, whatever Is children esn reject parental oon- com syrup. cup brown sugar, cream or butter cream is as good MOWN ,V \ K (A W VlhtoB ViPiS YVtVWO 044 able; and Its transparent I ext lire water, atirrlng constantly aa you teaspoon grated orange rind, 3 yards of 39-inch; shorts, 13-4 calcium, the two chief villlans of IhlsT Hla neighbor glanced st trol when they reach tha age of t h e EASTER STORY ON do so. Heat over low heat, stirring to ta-stc as the briglit box is gay does not mar the beauty of the tablespoons (scant) orange Juice, V ^ 5 1 5 8 yards. hard water. his clericsl collar snd adapted his IS. Some children would consid­ VIEW-MASTER REELS mskea paper's color and frequently. Makes 6 servings. By 5lr^ Anne Chbot to look at. One-pound or two- Pattern No. 8700 is a sew-rite t'aWNYW.Uife H f s O comment to his comoany. er this sn outrage to Individ)^ 2 sweet potatoes (cooked, peeled Thc.se’ giant fruit designs work­ pound boxes of regular Candy . an attractively ts $1.49 a can at the JOHNSON perforated pattern for sizes 12, 14, A new Sterling silver candle VkjKX. \ \ v>)fv9 wuMbA OP v$p«r • Neighbor- Piece of cod that freeoiler snd cook butter or margarine. 1 egg (well pick a color which harmonizes UTTLE SONG BIRO- two minutes, stirring constantly. lored In dark colors at $5.98 to Old time beauty formula.s for beaten 1, \ cup orange marma­ hat holds good sized vials of both SAUY FORTH./ $8 98. Each coat ha.s a matching with your house, and paint yoiic your hands raised as much a-s lade. A perfume and cologm® B'*!**- initUls Inside the pail, there should (m iER WESTERN HATS $.69 lo $1.98 cap. A few MARK-DOWN VAL­ po.ssiblc to give them a ''lily- berge scent. The clever set is Method: M ij®nd sift flour, bak­ be no mistake. ■eaibraro Or BpanlMi Styles. UES are very attractive bargains white" appearance. Grandma ing powder, baking soda, salt, and $3.00. plus tax. at the WELDON P sitsr Straw. If one finds the right one in the DRUG COMPANY. will tell you that while girls sugar. Mix buttermilk, butter or Mom can teach her children broken sizes from 6 months to 4. in her day were not permitted to margarine and egg; add to dry in- Necessity is often the mother of many things . , , such as letting THAT »A& WON'T rouge their faces or lips, no one gredieiits mixing only enough to her son seat hej at the tabic. Then, If you haven't colorful maps, moisten. Plai'e half the batter in invention an(l many a smart cook HOLD NOT»«N * IP prints or pictures to pin up on the objected to a dab of rouge on a date, he can have the practiced VA GOT HOLI6 across the knuckles of their greased muffin pans and top each who keeps hei heat lamp handy in recreation room wall, coa^ color- the kitchen constantly discovers ease when he seats his best girl at IN IT / new ways It can save her time. the table. This quick, convenient sourse of Mnsotionof heat can be of great help la The Inquirer flBMf Leoeami PRISni.LA’S POP Plus Direr! Heatine BY AL VERMEER / yo u k n o w w hat M3UR YEG, HE'LL SUN LAM Pf FATHER ^ I D WOULD BRING WHATEVER , HAPPEN IF VOU HOME A GAVE MDU ANC5THER LA M P! GUN l a m p when'the season FOR ME! ■ T n r w **ilt $12 BD oUfiOB, it BBBma to ma this at iaatt ouaM to is Eastery hold ita own ggainat a 65-cant shaving lotion!” DAILY CROSSWORD PUZ'ALE Antwar to Provioua Putilo SIDE GLANCES BY GALBRAITH Musicol Instrument rjral held ita east end. Tha Plonowskl farm la at tha iuneUon of Card’s Mill road have closed their home at Colum­ down. There will be no further To Visit America ey to pay the blU. 10,145 annual meeting at the home of Mr, and Cook’s Hill road, just east of bia Oenter. ’n e y left on Friday “ Rec" nights at Teonmans Hall ' The 66-yoar-old Preatdent, a vat- ■1 tonigbt pwtly < and Mra. Mcbnrd Janaen on Trum­ the Chaatnut HIU Synagogue and for Presque tale, Maine, where thla aeaaon. eran Socialist polltlclaa from the at Ik r. OBiti Friday tokr bull Highway Saturday evening. is partly in Lebanon and partly In they will make their home for the Local young nnen who Reported Paris, March 21— Prealdent south of France, leavqa hia coun­ Bnomer’s at OtannlMiens The preaent officera were an re­ Columbia. Mr. Fox i^d hia two next yeer, while Mr. Phelan ia to the induction board for their Vincent Auriol sails tonight to try at an awkward moBMnt. Mtmcheater— A CUy of Villogo Charm tV«f • *«wr* elected: Stanley Field, prealdent; aona, Edward and Thomas operate working on a government project. physicals last week from this com­ Strikes of gas, power and trans­ munity were Allan Robinson and apend 11 days, make ^0 apeechea— BOMt, «Utt7 poultry Joaeph Kurcinik. vlce-preaident: a large dairy farm. They plan to Rodney Hewitt of Whitney road port workers have thrown the cap­ Mra tUchard Dimon. aecretary and use the bam on the newly acquired and Bklgar L. Butcher, Old Colum­ Ernest Zanotti. none of them about politics—and (daeaiaed AdvartWng Png* I huii|| o r * ^ Mtton to- ital into a crisis. Should the trou­ “HI-VALU” VOL. LXX, NO. 146 aa MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 22. 1951 Mra! Stanley Field, treaaurer. property, but not the house. That bia road, are both Seriously 111 at preside at 18 official meals in the ble turn political and raatilt in the (ElUHTEEN PACKS) PRICE FIVE Mra. Bdna fUmington of Lnhr- Mr. Plonowskl will continue to Windham Community Memorial Mo Regrela For Regret United States and Canada. downfall of Premier Henri ^ A«rto«»turo dlfMtBBiBt »•- occupy for at least the next three hospital. Queuille’s week-old cabinet, Aur- croft left Friday to apend aeveral Louisville—ijf)— One of the beat With him will be bis wife, an waeka in New York Qty, with re- months. Friday Mr. Fox sold the Winter eeaaon recreational ac­ entourage of 29—officials and oth­ iol would pl(^ QueuUle’a succenhir. equipment and. livestock on the tivities sponsored by Columbia known facta about the Kentucky USED CARS Reject Rail Just Out o f Range Hiss Starts latlvea. Derby la that Harry Payne Whit­ ers—and a huge load of steamer .IBM Uwl to Uvanock faed crop* new farm, at auction. Recreation CouncHhad their finale trunks and suitcases.’ Ten big Mra. Evan Kullgren of Erdonl Saturday night when those in ney's Regret la the only filly that Double Defender HiAfi Is tiMtod to tnointoln current Mr. and Mra. Edward MacDou- packing cases of silver, cham B w i^m ppliM ofMvattock road apent the week-end in Provl- gell and small son Edward. Jr., charge took the young people to has ever won the famous race. In Union Plan Serving Time Odds Commissioner denoa with ralativea. have returned to Cherry Valley the YMCA in Wllllmantic for one 76 years only 36 fillies have start­ pagnes and winea already have College Park, Md. — (NEA) — been shipped. pUna or* ekaafod. Kenneth L. Fox. who about three road after having spent the win­ of the popular programs there. ed. In 1906 Lady Navaree wab sec­ Maryland’! outstanding defensive faadan wUl bava to cut down on years ago bought the John Zmut- ter In at. Peterahurg, Fla. Mr. ’They enjoy the use of the swim­ ond. Five other filliea have finish­ The trip to see President Tru­ end at football, Elmer Wingate, ia T o End Row ptwJucUon o< baaf catUe. tolty- aki farm in Chestnut Hill, haa now MacDougell operated the Light­ ming pool, the gym and track and ed third. man and Canada’s Prime Minister a star lacrosse defenseman. BUY NOW For Perjury mm on milk production. UTeotock aa t» fa fattened and poultry- For Better Selaetloa Admits $750,000 Gain m o on the number of effa and •nd Better Vxhiee Carriers Infonn Senate Begins Five-Year Term produoad. Group That No Accord Tha department aald feara of On Conviction He Lied, farm labor abortagea at barveat Has Been Reached on Betrayed Country; Still time and a reluctance to plow up From Betting in ’49 land which baa been returned to BUY NOW Changes in Agreement Maintains jinnorenee m a n waa evidently keeping farm- aia from aapandlnc crop produc- And Get The **Crexm Washington, March 22 — (JPi— New York, March 22 — (;p) _ tloo aa muoi aa Secretary of Ag- Of The Croji’* •Tbe nation’s railroads today 're­ Jamea J. Carroll Tells rtoultuia Brannan aaya ia needed Alger Hiss, one-time bright young The Finger rointa under the defenae program. jected a unloii propoaal for aetUe- star of President Roosevelt's New Senate Crime Probers ment of their two-year-old dispute 4-Door Deal, surrendered today to begin He Received $110,000 molt! HBIES u e i c i i s HRSI *36 PLYMOUTH with th' Brotherhood of Railroad serving a flve-year-priNon term Vory nice for ■ car of thla Trainmen. for perjury. One Year for Adviee, Columbia age. Radio, Heater. Good D. P. Loomis, representing the The t6-ycar-old former high condition through- carriers, announced the railroads’ State department official his ap­ Finanring Grady and Mr. and Mra Curtis A. Holmes, out. Today only— wllw decision to the Senate Labor com­ peals to the higliei courts reject­ Mooney, Denies Doing married sixty years ago 8L Pat­ mittee at a public hearing. ed gave himself up to Federal rick’s Day, surrounded by many, Senator Murray (D-Mont), the Judge Henry W. C^Hldard. Biiaineaa With Book­ wMwy beautiful flowers sent them committee chairman, had called on Hiss was convicted Jan. 21, IPfiO by friends in honor cf the occasion, 41 MERCURY the carriers earlier to accept the on two counts ot perjury. Tlie ie Erickaon; Says He greeted more than sixty-five Blue-Gray. Radio, Heater. settlement proposal put forth by conviction, in effect, branded him firtends at an open house reception A -l rubber. Complete mo­ the trainmen. Doean't Know Costello at "Oreyatone," the old stone tor overhaul In CACO a liar and traitor who betrayed Murray had said he waa hopeful his country by turning over gov­ house to which Mr. Holmes I9«. Only— wlOw Bulletin! brought his bride in 1891. Tlie cou­ that if the carriers and the train­ ernment secrets to Whittaker ple oame here from New London. n m ittw iiin v uoHi BEER men could get together, it would Chambers, admitted courier of a Washington, March 2Z. Sira Holmes was the former Maud lead also to a settlement of dif­ Communist spy ring. 50 PACKARD ferences between the railroads and (tPy— A House subcommittea Douglas of that city. They have A UN 8-Inch houltaer la reloaded after pouring Ita heavy sheila Into Red rear guard elements dug Into The courtnmm proceeding last­ ordered the Internal Revanns two daughtera Mra Madeline MetaiUo Groen. Oenulao three other operating unions. the hllla in the background. The sign tells what the aoldlera are thinking about. (Photo by NEA- ed less than half . minute. David isitebaii, who teaches at the Man- taa leather npholatery, The trainmen's proposal, outlined Acme ataff photographer Bert Ashworth). . Sweeney, court clerk, called out Bureau today to check on dMstar Chraan school and Miss Ma­ both eeata, cuaWoae aad to the carriers yesterday by Mur­ HLss' name and the lanky, convict­ poaaible tax evasion In con­ rion Hr*"*— who Uvas at home backa. Under 8,(NI0 mllea. ray, Was based substantially on a ed perjurer surrendered himself nection with alleged cash ' and apflited tha Stone House Gift Like new. Ton’ll be the “ Memorandum of Agreement’’ Srst real owner. Should into the custody of Chief U. S. payments to former Naw Sbop.TlMgr both flajer P>od beal^th signed by the carriers and the Deputy Marshal Tom Farley. •ad tbs jog flt their noma, family aeU for 82486. C 4 9 0 C chiefs of the four unions at the U. S. Patrol Near 38th Parallel York Mayor William 'Md Msnda which fin their Uvea„ - Onr Price— #ZZ99 White House last Dec. 21. It later Hiss arrived at the courthouse O’Dwyer. A Moaly bride’s cake, made by Antomatie drive. White­ waa rejected by local union offi­ at 9:50 a. m. (e.s.t.), 40 minutes liisf Holmes and decorated by walls, Heater. cials. before he was scheduled to give Mias Marie Field, formed the oen- A FEW- OTHERS The trainmen propose two Shoots Way Out of Red Ambush himself up to begin serving his Washington, March 22.— tscploes fln the delightfully ap TO CHOUSE FROM! changes in that December agree­ jail sentence. His lawyers accom­ (/P)—James J. Carroll told potatad tea table which waa light ment. B ulletin! panied him. into combat at 26.000 feet Thurs­ Asked if he had any statement Senate crime investigatora ad wttb tapers held in handsomely They want another arbitrator C2iujichon, Korea, March— Governor Lodge Trges today a $20,000,000 a yakr SBgiovad candelahram MiasMltch- appointed in place of John R. day just aouth of the Yalu River to make, the ex-diplomat amlled '47 CHEVROLET s^^- 21—(Delayed)— An Ameri­ Good •Friday Worship border city of Sinuiju. eU and Miss Holmes, who planned Steelman, assistant to President and said: John P. Oana, president of ttie New York City Uniformed Firemen’s gambling operation in East 2-tone Blue. Beauttful 2- can tonk force pushed beyond The pilot who scored the proba- "I have nothing to add to the the ramption for their parenU, Door Sedan. Radio, Heat­ Truman. Association, potato a finger no he teatUlee before the Senate Crime St. Louis, 111., prodneod araro assistad by Miss Rachael captured Ctaunchon W e^es- Hartford, March 22.— l)le kill said he fired two bursta statement w’hich I Issued when er, many others. Clean as They also want a working con­ day to within-four air miles of Gov. John Lodge, in a procla­ committee in Federal Courthouse, N, Y., yesterday. Crane told the around $750,000 gross profit B doII, Miss Gertrude Gates, Mies into the Red jet, the second from the Supreme Court denied certio­ a whistle. Single owner. dition rule dealing with the cou­ the S8th parallel. This was mation designating March 23 Kefauver oommittee he gave former Mayor William O’Dwyer 810,000 in 1949. Carroll, for many F M d and the Misses Lois, Janice pling of air hose left to negotia­ only 200 feet. He said the MIO rari.” Very low mlHage. the nearest approach by as Good Friday, urged the peo­ went into a violent spin. In August, 1949, aa "evidence of support*’ by dty firemen In tbe may­ aad Charlotte CUrka. tion bewteen individual railroads The U. 8. Supreme Court last or’s campaign for reelectlon. years a St. Louis odds maker Like New. Amertoan foroee to the pre­ ple. "in our own anxious and Another American pilot caught A surprise party, arranged by Special! $1145 and the unions. week refused to review the con­ with a naUonal raputottoa, asM war boundary in the current disordered time," to think a MIG in a turn and aaw his bul­ viction. Hiss said then through hia tha East S t Louis operattflU waa W children, was tendered Mrs, Loomis told the committee, affenslw. about Christ's anguish and Vmtor Brousseau of Pine street, which has been investigating the lets rip into the plane, which attorney he would not contest the carried on by John Mootwy aag Sc- agony. streaked north toward Manchuria. verdict further. But he stoutly Michael Grady, Friday night, in honor of her long-standing dispute, that the Tokyo, March 22 — i/Ps — An *48 PACKARD dan De- "As evil forces gather about An estimated 6,000 Reds were maintained his innocence and ex­ State Police Chief He acknowledged ha beam aiii^tiath birthday. She makes her "-'TV., . ... carriers could not agree to either .” said the governor. "let us ben a with two of her family, Den- Luxe. Gray. Low mileage. American tank-infantry patrol 118 reported dug in six or seven miles pressed the belief that in time his associated with Mooney nd H B l l ® * proposed change. come together In our places of north of Chunchon. n h Brousseau and Mias Parmelta > a Overdrive, Radio, Heater, LisomlB said Steelman should re­ with mine-hunting engineers to­ name should be cleared. Grady and aald ha got 111) la Brousssau. Others preaent were Electro - clutch. dean. worship to meditate upon and Reds Pull Bock Troops His showed no emotion as he one year for "advice” and "uitana* main in the picture "because of day shot its way out of a Com­ to give thanks for the guid­ Warns on Race Bill Mr. Sad Mrs. Louie Veglard of ...... I his familiarity with the matters in The bulk of the CTommunist sat waiting for hia name to be ing.” WUUmantic and Mr. and Mra munist ambush less than three ance enshrined in the ageless troops, however, appeared to have called. Occasionally he craned his OarroII did not aay vriiat year $1375 question and the settlement dis­ story of Calvary." FlOyd Bcarborough o f South Wind­ cussions.” miles from the Red Korean border. pulled back north of Parallel 38. neck, trying apparently to peer that was. Hia lawyer had doelarod ham, daughtera aad their hus- Aa for the air hose coupling The tanks were moving up one But In the west, the Reds were over the heads of spectators in the Hickey Tells Hearing earlier that Carroll lx now retired side of the Pukhan River north ot getting set for a strong stand ' hdbds; Mr. 'and Mra Alfred Kogtit 4-Door rule, Loomis said that under aomt front rowa of the courtroom. Passage of Meiwni« Compromise front tha batting huslnaaa. aad Mr. and Mra. Mormaa Va* *50 PACKARD Caiunchon and the infantry were and then they aprpng it.’’ said C!pl. south c f the parallel. Exquisite' nicdliun blue. cireumstaaefls all members o f a ljl«s,^1iandaome and. brilliant, Under questlonlag, Daerall da gtard, an o f Wllllmantic; Mr. and yard crew have to be paid penalty plodding along the opposite hank Charley Hamilton, Virginia City, Field dlspatcheii said some 80,- was convicted after two trials, the Would Bring Crime niad ha had evar ra^ vad poile* The “ DrCamboat’’ car for when the Reds opened fire. 000 Communist troops manned O ffer Made lir a Jack Scribner o f East Hart* a man or family that ap- payments at present "It any mem­ Va. "Our tanks opened up on the first of which ended In a deadlock­ protaotlon ar had dlaeuMod pt fbrd. an grandchildren end Mr. ber of the crew is required to From high ground they poured hillside with everything they hsd, w’estem defense positions Ih de^h ed jury. Elements to th^ State taction with police offtdala. t » - u w prfM-tates quality, beauty, for 15 miles south of the border. end Mra Louis BrousMu of WUU- couple an air hose." He said those maohlne gun, rifle and mortar Are but it didn’t stop the Chinese. The second jury believed the CarroU’a aassion with tha flflaw luxury and prestige. New These Included two divisions of the saaatle, a nephew end niece. car guarantee. Radio. on ail sides of the patrol. “ Enemy fire was all around us startling story told by Chambers, Hartford, March 22—(4’)—State Democrats Say Proposal invaatigatora brought two polnta S b a Brouaaeau received many Heater, Whitewall Tire#, (Oonttnned on Page Four) “ They let us walk into the trap everywhere we turned. We finally Police CoinmiBiloner Edward J. where ^questions were ralaad as te lovely cards end gifts as weU as (Oostinued on Page Four) (Ountlnued on Page Four) By Shapiro on Dual whether there waa conflicting tas- Ultraimatlo Drive. Com­ scrambled acroae to the tanks and Hickey warned today that legis­ wen aa two birthday cakes. plete.. Priced reasonably they kept the Chinese down oh one Jobs Is Not Real Umony. Jenea Construction Company, e to make you buy! side while we moved out.” lative passHge of a horee racing One waa about his relations with ; local firm, has atarted work re- bill would “create a terrific en­ bookmaker Frank Erickm at Clash Over Gambling The tanks pulled back , to Chun- forcement problem.” Bulletin! ; building a abort section of the old, chon, carrying the wounded. Senate Funds Group I ao caUed, “Nigger Hill Road,” “ We would find ouraelves in the state Oapttol, Hartford, (Ooattniiad aa Page Foortaaa) which years ego linked Route 87 *37 PACKARD ^i^f Lt. Gen. Matthew B. Ridgpvay, same conditions as exposed by the Marnh 22—<.0— The Kepobll- ' end R(Wte 8, from Holmes Corner Heater. Solid car at a As Fund-Raising Aid commander of the U. S. Eighth Senatorial committee which is can-eont rolled House approved . et'87 to a apot near Hop River "weak” prifse. 3169 Army, discloeed that it was U. S. Against Tax Boost investigating gambling,” he added. by a voire vote today a bill I Village, on Route 8. A apeciel First Cavalry troopers who oc­ A public healing on the proposed prohibiting membera of tbe Judge Denies Greatest value ia town! maetoig In September voted to re- cupied Chunchon Wednesday. horse-racing bill is slated for April General Assembly from hold­ MdM a abort section from Holmes Legal Games of Chance Ridgeway messaged their com­ 18 at the State Capitol. ing any other paid job In the w past the homee of Dr. Ralph China Reds Democratic Committee At the same time, the Commis­ Collazo Plea You*d expect to pay more for a pre- douhle'mellow character. Gottfried 9KA O y i l ^ i-T on Pickup, Seen as Paving Way mander, MaJ. Gen. Charles D. Pal­ state government. F. wolmer and Joaeph Lucky to 9U n m l l Model FCIOL mer: "Thanks for Chunchon. Con­ Would Welcome House France Cuts sioner warned that “the heat” now the home of Albert Miche. mtttm>quality beer. But you don’t pay Krueger, who came to America in 1858, New. Brewster green. For Professional Gam­ Arrest 21 gratulations to you and your fine being placed on gangsters In other State Oipitol, Hartford, March Mrs. John Card, superintendent Ghrome grille, oU SIter. division.” Chief to Next Week’s Army Leaves areas could directly lead to more 22~{^)- Majority Leader Louis Puerto Rican Who Kill­ eg Columbia Congregational church a penny more for Krueger Finest Extra* handed down his brewing know*how oil air-bath cleaner. Un- blers, Hearing Told In the air. American Sabre jet crime in Connecticut. Shapiro offered Democrats a coip- Hearing on Budget “ We fear that when pressure ed Truman Guard to 'aehool fOUowlng a meeting of the Light...because Krueger sells at a “ reg* from father to son. So Krueger always dercoatlng. Spare. Be- fighters probably shot down a promise on the dual job lasua to­ officera and tM ^ ere held at the Hartford, Conn., March 22—(A>) Charge. 8 Europeans, Russian MIG-15 jet and damaged is exerted on gangsters in other day as the Republlcan-coqtrolled state Capitol, Hartford, March Acts When Train Walk­ places that they will come here,” Be Sentenced to Death home of Mrs. John Koselke, on the ular beer” pricel* was premium quality! Yet it always sold Sr $1875 —Conflicting pictures of gambling Japs, 12 Chinese Act­ another over northwest Korea. House opened debate on the con­ green, Friday night, has announced aa a threat to morality and aa a Four F-86 sabres drew alx MIGs 22.— * phone Co., seeking PUC pannisstaa , Jack Card and Walt Card. 9 U P U I l l l i otto. U k » new asked for a law to make it a crime announced he wanted to send for to diacusa plans for pooalble aa- that newspapers have speculated reached. Dr. Ui'ey aaid: “They are to raise its rates on one-p^y: that Russia has that many bombs, Student, 17, Admits Using Marijuana, Heroin A large crowd waa out for serv­ Ride for anyone, circuses and muaetims a boa conatrictor from a Kansas tkmwide strike o f more than 200,. working on IL I don’t know what lints, ran Into stiff oppoMtloa yao-' excepted, to keep poisonous, snake farm. 000 workers .. President Syngman and added: "I suppose ^50 might ztage It ia In. But I hope It won’t Hartford, March 22—(/P)v—A 17-year-oId Weaver High terday. ices in Oolumbia CongregsUonal Buy It! $1895 be a good guess.” church. Fom a loaned 1^ the par­ dangerous or dexdly snakes. “It's sU right to have water Rhee says Republic of . Korea work.” school student testified before Police Court Judge Hyman The company has asked permis­ The. boy, Robert Cilley, 16, of snakes as a hobby." said* Petrie, troops. If armed aad supplied, can Dr. Urey, who Is en route to He added that all the while the sion to inltiats a 85 to 45 cents a ishioners aad arranged by Mm. Israel to deliver a series o f lec­ Holtman that she used marijuana or heroin every day dar­ Howard A. Rica with soma few Norw'ich, wasn’t present at the "but a boa constrictor, that’s go­ take over UN war In Korea once atom bomb waa being developed month inereass oa oae party reft-, hearing yesterday but. former ing to far.” Red forces are driven to Manchur­ tures In Haifa, told newsmen he he had "hoped It would not be de­ ing the month of December. Beatrice Robinson, of 36 Blake denee lines. 11 to 11,50 a month on . other green plants, decorated the doubts whether the Russians have church, very beautifully. Mra. CUn- Lieutenant Governor Roy C . Wil- First Selectman Thomas Dorsey ian border. veloped, In principle.” street, testified that she obtained the heroin in the company of one-party business telephones shdit^ developed any peaceful uses for “L don't think the atom bomb la toa Dadd aaag “ Xha Palmar* aad 'C co.\, an old snake lAlnter himselS and James Shugnie, another neigh­ Ro.salie Blackwell, 16. of 160 Bellevue street, in an apartment a reduction of one minute in thv^ atomic energy. He said he placed a good tiring for us to have,” the tha chair Dlelinaoh'a arraagamsnt was among those.who objected to bor, agreed. Laid Shugnie: at 16 Bellevue Square. initla! talkliig and overtlm« periods)^ the anti-snflke hill. Treksury Balance no faith in a statement once made scientist said, "for I think It can on ton esUs of 35 cents or lesa. • at '‘In Joasph’s Loroljr Oardsa.’* "It’s ridiculous to put a boq by Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei only bring dsatnetlon.” He admit­ ItqMsU Aadrswa aaag .the prayer BRiinnEil Said Wilcox: coMtrictor into an area so thick­ Th« eompeny estlmstea thqt • Washington, March 32—(ff)— Vishlnaky to the effect that Rus­ ted that he ‘Is vary much afraid” Atom Spy Defendant Refuses To Talk rcapearo. Rebari O ir ii had Rich- 358 East Center 9treet "I'vo been bunting snakes for ly ' populated. Why, I’ve got two kicrcassd rates would msaa q ' Ihfl diWareeico. Ftebf.peelliro oflC^ gflFe The poeitlon of the Treasury sia was “mdving mountains” of the wsapon he helped develop. New York, March 22—(/P)— A defendant in the atom 300,000 net laereaso la ead K. Devla, Fm> Twaag RWB, were ysars and keeping them. We’v« kids, ages three and four, and I with atomic energy. apy piwxkNA oxftrs^tiBkt SRomu uxd fuilsITfy Open Wedn .Thars„ Fri. March 30. However, he said “There.is no trial refuaed to aay today whether he ever had belonged to ntvepue. V uihsta and took up tha eaOafltloa / ^ / c e T V f caught thoqsflnds o f ratUflsnakes don’t want that big snake around." Net budrot receipts, $813,344,- Exploded Seroial Itoniha quesUon in my* mind that if a flill- .R gfluneW SNMl sMI Until 9 P. M. and copperbflads in Oennecticut, Georfe Powell, a professional Oppositloa yastorday flsi " f t tha amralag. Dr. Kookaa 047,74; budget expenditures, $189,- *T am sure that the Rnssiana scale war should break out, the any gionp which d ise n s^ the Soviet Rosaian system. The Mrq, K w garet P fls e % ( k«pt them for awhile and then 529,811J7; cash balance, $6,M1,- have the atom bomb,” Dr. Urey question was put to Jalina Rosenberg, 34. an electrical en­ shipped them to Floiida where (OeMaasd an Bags Five) 484,053.26. said, "and I am sure they have (OoatlBiied aiva ga FlvflX gineer. by Federal Judge Irving R. Kanfnuuw r f
