Arxiv:1904.04922V1 [Cond-Mat.Mtrl-Sci] 9 Apr 2019

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Arxiv:1904.04922V1 [Cond-Mat.Mtrl-Sci] 9 Apr 2019 First-principles investigation of spin-phonon coupling in vanadium-based molecular spin qubits 1Andrea Albino, 2Stefano Benci, 1Lorenzo Tesi, 3Matteo Atzori, 2Renato Torre, 4Stefano Sanvito, 1Roberta Sessoli,∗ and 4 Alessandro Lunghi† 1 Dipartimento di Chimica ”Ugo Schiff” and INSTM RU, Universit´adegli Studi di Firenze, I50019 Sesto Fiorentino, Italy 2 Dipartimento di Fisica ed Astronomia and European Laboratory for Nonlinear Spectroscopy, Universit´adegli Studi di Firenze, I50019 Sesto Fiorentino, Italy 3 Dipartimento di Chimica ”Ugo Schiff” and INSTM RU, Universit´adegli Studi di Firenze, I50019 Sesto Fiorentino, Italy. Present address: Laboratoire National des Champs Magnetiques Intenses, UPR 3228 - CNRS, F38042 Grenoble, France. and 4 School of Physics, CRANN and AMBER, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland Paramagnetic molecules can show long spin-coherence times, which make them good candidates as quantum bits. Reducing the efficiency of the spin-phonon interaction is the primary challenge towards achieving long coherence times over a wide temperature range in soft molecular lattices. The lack of a microscopic understanding about the role of vibrations in spin relaxation strongly undermines the possibility to chemically design better performing molecular qubits. Here we report a first-principles charac- terization of the main mechanism contributing to the spin-phonon coupling for a class of vanadium(IV) molecular qubits. Post Hartree Fock and Density Functional Theory are used to determine the effect of both reticular and intra-molecular vibrations on the modulation of the Zeeman energy for four molecules showing different coordination geometries and ligands. This comparative study provides the first insight into the role played by coordination geometry and ligand field strength in determining the spin- lattice relaxation time of molecular qubits, opening the avenue to a rational design of new compounds. I. INTRODUCTION from the environment, while keeping the possibility to interact with each others. In practice three physical sys- Quantum information science deals with the represen- tems implement spin qubits: nitrogen-vacancy centres tation, storage and processing of information by means in diamond (NVC),[9] atomic impurities in semiconduc- of a quantum mechanical system. The basic element is tors, such as P implanted in Si,[10] and paramagnetic the quantum bit or qubit, namely the quantum analo- molecules.[11–13] In contrast to solid-state spin qubits gous of the classical bit (0, 1). Quantum computation based on dopant atoms, such as the NVCs, molecules exploits the quantum properties of the qubit, such as show a significant advantage, namely the chemical sys- superposition and entanglement, [1] providing an ideal tems hosting the spin can be tailored to tune the quan- platform for improving algorithms’ efficiency. In particu- tum properties and the coupling to other qubits. This can lar, one can design a range of quantum algorithms, which create quantum platforms,[8, 14, 15] providing a bottom- scale with the complexity of the problem in a much more up route to large-scale quantum register fabrication. favourable way than their classical counterparts. Several A spin lifetime at least 104 times longer than the time systems are currently investigated for the practical real- needed for an individual quantum operation[16, 17] rep- ization of quantum devices. For example: superconduct- resents the minimal requirement for the development of ing circuits, [2] trapped ions [3] and polarized photons.[4] a qubit. Accordingly, the figures of merit to consider in Among the various physical systems with potential for the design of electronic spin molecular qubits are funda- developing quantum technologies the spin, with its intrin- mentally two:[18] i) the longitudinal (or spin-lattice[19]) sic two-levels qubit structure, occupies a special place. relaxation time, T1, which corresponds to the lifetime arXiv:1904.04922v1 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci] 9 Apr 2019 Both nuclear spins[5] and electron spins,[6] as well as of a classical bit; ii) the coherence (or spin-spin relax- electron-nuclear hybrid systems,[7, 8] can be exploited for ation) time, T , which is the time characteristic for a this purpose. Electron spins interact more strongly with 2 spin to loose memory of a coherent quantum superpo- the environment, compared to the nuclear ones, and thus sition state. In the last few years, remarkable results they are easier to read out. In contrast, electrons have have been achieved against both T and T by investigat- shorter spin lifetimes and must be carefully protected 1 2 ing mononuclear transition-metal complexes.[13, 18, 20– 28] These results place molecules containing light met- als back in the quantum race. [29] Vanadium(IV)-based ∗ complexes represent a promising class of compounds to † [email protected] be used as fundamental components in quantum tech- 2 nologies. These spin 1/2 systems show long spin-spin lation found between the spin-phonon interaction ampli- relaxation time T2, up to 1 millisecond at liquid helium tudes and experimental spin-lattice relaxation times for temperature, when complexed with nuclear-spin free lig- the four compounds is then discussed. ands and diluted in nuclear-spin free solvents.[30] This property makes VIV-based compounds very attractive for further development. II. METHODS A common trend found in molecular spins[27, 31] is the rapid decrease of T2 on raising the temperature, a A. Vibrational properties calculations feature that limits their potential use at room temper- ature. The interaction with lattice vibrations, typically The simulations of the crystals’ vibrational properties connected to the T1-type relaxation, also contributes to are performed with a Gaussian and plane waves (GPW) the T2-type one and becomes the predominant relaxation formalism as implemented in the Quickstep module[38] mechanism when increasing temperature.[24] In solids, of the CP2K[39, 40] package. The GGA[41] functional in thermal motion is usually described by phonons, which the Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof approximation[42] (PBE) are energy quanta of lattice vibrations. Spin-lattice re- is chosen for all the calculations. Van-der-Waals inter- laxation is caused by the absorption/emission of phonons actions are taken into account with the non local rVV10 by the spin system. This process is possible due to the correction scheme.[43] The calculation of the Hessian ma- presence of spin-orbit coupling,[32] an interaction that trix is performed by finite differences, the Hessian matrix couples atomic and spin degrees of freedom and enables is symmetrized averaging it with its transpose and the the energy exchange among the two systems. acoustic sum rule is applied to impose the translational Although the experimental investigations in this field invariance.[44] Each atomic coordinate is displaced by are numerous,[18, 26, 28, 31, 33] the theoretical descrip- 0.01A around the equilibrium configuration, and such tion is still at an early stage.[14, 34–37] In particular, displacements± are used to compute energies and forces. the possibility to include molecules in a solid ab initio When displacing the atoms we have taken into account computational framework has been made possible only the crystal’s symmetries and only inequivalent displace- in the last few years, enabled by an extensive work of in- ments have been considered (see Figure S1 in Supple- tegration of density functional theory (DFT), post Hatree mentary Information - SI). The exploitation of symme- Fock (postHF) methods and spin dynamics for the calcu- try allows us to reduce the computational overheads by lation of the dynamical magnetic properties of multi-spin a factor of four for all the systems considered. The diag- systems. onalization of the Hessian matrix provides the phonons The present work introduces a comparative theoret- frequencies, ωα (Table S1 in SI), and the normal modes ical investigation of the spin-lattice relaxation in four of vibrations, qα. The latter are stored in the columns of VIV molecular complexes (Figure 1). In particular, we the Hessian’s eigenvectors matrix L. have focused on penta-coordinated vanadyl (VO2+) and hexa-coordinated VIV molecules, where the coordination is obtained by cathecolate[31] and dithiolene[28] ligands, B. Spin-phonon coupling coefficients calculations namely [PPh4]2[VO(cat)2](1), [PPh4]2[V(cat)3](2), [PPh4]2[VO(dmit)2](3), [PPh4]2[V(dmit)3](4) (cat = The calculation of the spin and the spin-phonon catecholate, dmit = 1,3-dithiole-2-thione-4,5-dithiolate, Hamiltonian parameters has been carried out with the PPh4 = tetraphenylphosphonium). These complexes ORCA[45, 46] package. The level of theory used is Com- have already experimentally shown to possess long co- plete Active Space Self Consistent Field plus second order herence times and remarkable differences in the temper- perturbation theory (CASSCF+NEVPT2), with a def2- ature dependence of the spin-lattice relaxation time. Our TZVP basis set for V, O and S, whereas def2-SVP is used approach consists in modelling their magnetic properties for C and H. The active space includes one electron and by first-principles, when perturbing the molecular struc- the five d-orbitals of the molecule. The molecular geome- tures along the normal modes of vibration, following a try used for these simulations is obtained by the periodic strategy adopted in previous works.[34, 36] In order to DFT calculation for the optimized crystal cell. correctly account for the vibrational properties of solid The calculation of the spin-phonon coupling coeffi- state systems, where intermolecular interactions become cients is performed following a tensor differentiation relevant, DFT calculations are performed in the crys- procedure as described in a previous report on Single tal phase, in contrast to previous studies where the gas Molecule Magnets (SMMs).[36] This procedure is here phase was taken into consideration.[34] The quality of applied to the Land´e g tensor that describes the coupling our computed vibrational properties is ascertained by IR between the spins and an external magnetic field.
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