What Shall We Tell the Children (About Inheritance)?

Andrew P. Black Portland State University [email protected]

Abstract Thus wrote Cook and Palsberg, in their 1989 OOPSLA pa- per “A Denotational Semantics of Inheritance and its Cor- Since the groundbreaking work of Kamin, Reddy, and par- rectness” [7]. That paper goes on to tell a story about the ticularly Cook in the late 1980s, there has been broad agree- meaning of inheritance that has become broadly accepted as ment that the meaning of inheritance in object-oriented pro- the standard semantics. Working independently, Kamin [12] gramming languages can be best explained using generator and Reddy [15] had previously published their own seman- functions and their fixpoints. Consequently, it is a little sur- tics, which are broadly similar. (Kamin’s is less composi- prising to realise that no current mainstream programming tional because it involves taking fix points over the whole language actually explains inheritance to its users in this program, rather than individual class generators.) way. Instead, most languages make up a “story” that pur- This paper does not contain any new results. It’s goal is ports to explain inheritance, but that on closer inspection to explain to you, the reader, as clearly as possible what you contains serious flaws. It is as if, being asked to explain the probably already know: how inheritance works. We look at facts of life to our children, we are so embarrassed by the operational and denotational definitions of inheritance, and truth that we make up a story about storks, knowing even notice where they differ. We consider the complexity that is as we do so that it defies the laws not only of biology but unexpectedly introduced by an apparently simple concept: also of physics. This paper explores both the truth and the immutable objects. Finally, we consider the question in the fictions about how objects are brought into the world. My title: what shall we tell the children about inheritance. Is the hope is that future programming languages can tell the chil- typical object-oriented programmer ready to hear the truth dren, if not the whole truth, then at least a partial truth that about the facts of life? Or should we continue to make up is consistent with the laws of mathematics. stories full of fictions and half-truths? I am interested in these issues because I am involved in Categories and Subject Descriptors .3.3 [Programming designing a new programming language called Grace [5], Languages]: classes and objects; inheritance which aims to be an “as simple as possible” language for teaching object-oriented programming to computer scien- General Terms Languages, Design tists. Because the target audience comprises novice program- mers, we want to introduce no more concepts than necessary, Keywords inheritance semantics, object initialisation, im- but because they will, we hope, become computer scientists, mutable objects we want those concepts to conform to the laws of logic and mathematics, and not be things that will have to be “un- learned” later. My point of view is that it’s OK for novices 1. Introduction computer scientists not to be told the whole truth; it’s not OK Inheritance is one of the central concepts in object- to tell them outright falsehoods. I agree with the late John oriented programming. Despite its importance, there Reynolds in believing that for this we should be convicted seems to be a lack of consensus on the proper way to of moral turpitude and have our tenure revoked [16]. describe inheritance. 2. How Objects Work Many languages don’t allow objects to exist unless they Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or have been generated by a class. This “classes first” approach classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation constrains the teaching sequence, and makes it harder to on the first page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute introduce objects to students. to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. MASPEGHI 2013 Montpellier, France Grace follows a few other languages, starting with Emer- Copyright © 2013 ACM 978-1-4503-2046-7/13/07. . . $15.00 ald [4], and including Reddy’s ObjectTalk calculus [15], OCaml [13] and Scala [19], in providing stand-alone ob- Square brackets are used to build a new environment by jects that are independent of any class. A Grace object is adding a list of bindings to an existing environment; ρ0 is very simple: it is a mapping from method names (seman- the empty environment. Methods are functions that take a tically, elements of an arbitrary index set) to method bod- list of arguments ~a, and return the meaning of the expression ies. A method body is a “parameterised behaviour”, that is, in the method body. (This will usually be a function from a parameterised expression whose evaluation can have ef- a store to a pair consisting of a store and a value, but for fects. The act of “sending a message” to an object, which in our purposes, it doesn’t really matter.) Here, the method Grace we call “requesting a method” of the object, involves body meaning is determined in an environment in which the parameterising the method using the arguments provided in method’s parameters are bound to its arguments, and self is the method request, and evaluating the method body. bound to the parameter to the generator function. Here is a point object in Grace syntax. It’s fine to have two explanations of something, so long as def point34= object { they correspond. As Cook and Palsberg [7] showed, the op- method x{3} erational and denotational definitions do mostly correspond, method y{4} but notice one place in which they differ. The operational method magnitude{ definition binds self when a method is requested, whereas the ( self.x^2 + self.y^2 ).sqrt} denotational definition binds self when the object is created. method isSmaller(p) { Specifically, this means that there is no way that the denota- self.magnitude> new goal of minimising the number of basic constructs in our lan- "Answera new initialized instance of the guage. It is, after all, quite possible to model both phenom- receiver(which isa class) ..." ena and concepts using the same language construct; for ex- ↑ self basicNew initialize ample, prototype objects can be used to represent concepts, Here the method Behavior >> basicNew creates the new in- while their clones are used to represent phenomena. It is also stance, with all instance variables bound to nil. After the in- possible to model concepts using classifiers (such as types) stance has been created, the initialize method in that instance rather than generators (such as classes). assigns to the variables of the instance, registers the instance, If we do put pre-methods into objects, and bind self at and does whatever else is required by the object’s designer. method execution time, we still need some mechanism to This makes inheriting initialisation easy: initialize is a real play the role of object factories. However, the operation of method, and can be inherited like any other. The standard inheritance could be supported by objects themselves. This pattern for initialisation is to first super initialize, and only is the key idea behind Taivalsaari’s observation that “cloning then to initialise one’s own instance variables. If it seems is inheritance too” [18]: we can use a clone of an arbitrary likely that a subclass might need to change the initial as the source of supply for methods to be injected into of an inherited variable, the superclass should initialise it us- an “inheriting” object. This model would seem to radically ing a default value method [2, p. 86], which a subclass can simplify the set of concepts needed to describe inheritance. override. Using a method for initialisation also leaves open Is there a catch? the option of lazy initialisation [2, p.85], a pattern that is also I believe that there is, and it arrises from an unexpected applicable to other languages. source: immutable objects. Let’s take a closer look at how Grace supports immutability, and how its objects differ from 6.2 those in other languages. The situation in Java is similar to that in Smalltalk; this is clear at the virtual machine level, although somewhat less so 6. Immutable Objects: Creation and at the level of the language syntax. Java object creation is Initialisation accomplished by the new bytecode. The newly-created ob- ject is then passed to a statically bound “method” of the cre- Objects generally have internal invariants that should be ating class called ""; this method is responsible for maintained if their methods are to behave correctly. When initialising the object. Java differs from Smalltalk in that the object are mutable, the normal mechanism for establishing "" method is not written by the programmer but com- invariants is to first create the object, and then to initialise the posed by the Java compiler. It comprises the assignment of fields to satisfy the invariants. Correct operation of inherited declared initial values to fields, a call to another "" methods generally requires the same invariants to hold in method (such as the "" of the superclass), which the “new” surroundings; ensuring this is often surprisingly might have been written by the programmer but is otherwise tricky. Let’s look at how a few languages create and initialise inserted by the compiler, and execution of the code from objects. the so-called “constructor”, as well as any code sequences enclosed in braces in the class definition. Based on the vol- 6.1 Smalltalk ume of questions on Java discussion websites, it seems likely Smalltalk doesn’t have any language support for immutable that few Java programmers understand how the initialisation objects. Objects with methods but no instance variables process works. Even the invocation of "" requires aren’t very useful, unless they are singletons, because any the special bytecode invokespecial: it’s not a normal method such object must behave identically to every other object of invocation, because "" methods are statically bound its class. There is no language-support for instance-specific and not inherited, but neither is it a static invocation, because constants; such constant values must be stored in variables, this is bound to the object being initialised. and it’s up to the programmer to communicate their values What about constants? Java doesn’t really have constants: from the factory method (usually in the class) to the instance. instead it has “final variables”, which start off life, like all variables, with a default value and are then assigned to ex- support immutability is that, even in a parallel program, im- actly once, usually1 in the "" method. When can one mutable objects can be accessed without synchronisation. assign to a final variable? Only when it is definitely unas- signed. When is that? The Java Language Specification de- The full benefits of immutability require that objects are votes an entire chapter to explaining the concept of definite created as immutable. While it is possible to make all objects assignment [11, Ch. 16]. initially mutable and later to “freeze” them, this introduces its own set of complexities and inconsistencies, as users of Why does Java have the complexity of final variables JavaScript have found [8]. Moreover, even if a coherent story rather than simple constants? I suspect that at least part of the can be told at the language level, the memory coherency reason is because true constants in objects would need to get mechanisms of a distributed multiprocessor are unlikely to their values when the enclosing object is created, something find it convincing. Thus, we sought a way to make object that is not supported by Java’s object creation mechanism. creation in Grace sufficiently powerful that separate and 6.3 OCaml later initialisation would rarely be required. The OCaml language is interesting because it was designed Grace achieves this with a combination of two features. as an object-based extension of the mostly-functional lan- First, variables and constants defined inside an object con- guage ML. OCaml allows mutable fields in objects, but im- structor can be set — as part of the creation process — to the mutability is the default: any field to which the programmer result of executing an arbitrary expression. These expres- wishes to assign must be explicitly declared as mutable. The sions can include self-requests on the object that is currently designers of OCaml therefore needed to find a story for ob- under construction. As Gil and Shragai [9] point out, this ject creation that did not rely on mutability. is potentially dangerous, because the requested method may OCaml objects can be created either using classes, which make assumptions about the object that do not (yet) hold, are like functions that create a new object each time they since the object’s construction is incomplete. Nevertheless, are called, or using immediate object expressions, which for the purposes of Grace — teaching programming, includ- generate a single object, but which cannot be inherited [13, ing the pitfalls that it sometimes holds for the unwary — Ch. 3]. A let binding in the class (but outside the object) can introducing a separate category of methods that are usable be used to bind a name to an object; naturally, the binding only during object creation seems like a high price to pay may be different on each call of the class, so this can be used to avoid this danger. Moreover, the most likely pitfall — to get the effect of instance-specific constants. Since such a accessing an uninitialised variable — is one that we already binding is determined before the new object is created, there trap. can be no question of using the initialisation expression on The second feature of Grace that helps us to create fully- the right-hand side of the let to manipulate the object: it does initialised objects is lexical nesting: an object constructor not yet exist. can be lexically enclosed in another structure, such as a A field inside an OCaml object is given its value before method, and the parameters and local bindings of that en- the new object is created, and the expression that computes closing structure can be used to calculate the values of the its initial value cannot refer to the new object. Mutable fields components of the object under construction. Indeed, this is can alternatively be initialised immediately after the object exactly what is happening in the pointFactory example in has been created; this is accomplished using an “initializer”, Section 3: the body of method x accesses xcoord, a parame- which is an anonymous hidden method. Because the initial- ter of the method that encloses the object constructor. izer is a method, it can access both self and the instance vari- ables. Unlike other methods, initialisers do not override in- Taken together, these features let us build objects with herited initialisers; instead, all of the initialisers are run in useful constant fields; here is a (highly unrealistic) exam- sequence. ple.

1 method checker(number){ 6.4 Grace 2 object { Two of our goals for Grace are supporting immutable ob- 3 def oneTwoList= aList.generatedby{ jects, and making object construction much simpler than in 4 lst −> aList.with(1,2) ++ lst} 5 def evenCache= self.computeIsEven Smalltalk or Java. Immutable objects — not just as a usage 6 method computeIsEven is confidential{ pattern (variable objects that happen not to change) but as 7 oneTwoList.at(number) == 2} a concept recognised by the implementation — are impor- 8 method isEven{evenCache} tant both to support a functional style of object-oriented pro- 9 print "This isa silly example" gramming, and to enable efficient implementation in dis- 10 manager.register(self) tributed memory computers. Another compelling reason to 11 } 12 } 1 static final variables are initialised using a static initialiser. In this example, the method checker() answers an object 7. Inheriting Initialisation (defined on lines 2–11) whose only public2 method, isEven, allows clients to ask if number is even. The confidential Inheritance and initialisation interact in sometimes-surprising method computeIsEven performs an expensive calculation: it ways. As Gil and Shragai [9] discuss, the very feature determines if number is even by using it to index an infinite that gives inheritance its power — being able to override list 1,2,1,2,... and checking if the extracted value is 2. inherited methods — means that inherited code can never be sure what a self-request will do. The initial design of This example shows that the value of a constant such as Grace avoided these problems by inheriting from already evenCache may be defined in terms of a method request, and initialised objects. Let’s look at the canonical example: that the requested method may refer to other constants. What def colourPointFactory= object { is the operational semantics of such an object constructor? In method x(xcoord)y(ycoord)colour(){ particular, what object does self denote on line 5? It should object { be the object under construction, which therefore needs a inherits pointFactory.x(xcoord)y(ycoord) computeIsEven method, which in turn needs the definition of method colour{c} oneTwoList. Note that Grace also allows statements at the } top-level of the object, such as on lines 9 and 10; this code } will be executed for its effect during object construction. } Allowing such code is convenient, but doesn’t actually add The original semantics was to copy the methods and any extra power: arbitrary effectful code can in any case be fields of the object specified in the inherits clause (the super- part of an expression used to initialise a field. object) into the object under construction (the sub-object). These considerations led us to a “two-phase” semantics This semantics has the property that the super-object was for object construction. In the first phase, the skeleton of the fully created before the sub-object even began to exist, so object is built: space is allocated for constants, variables, and there is no possibility of overriding methods that may be a dictionary of methods. The methods are closures, which involved in its initialisation — essentially Gil and Shragai’s may bind names defined in the object constructor (such as monomorphism restriction. This is both good and bad: it oneTwoList), or in the surrounding scope (such as number). preserves safety, but makes it harder for the sub-object to It’s OK for the methods to reference as-yet-undefined con- change the behaviour of the super object in ways that may stants: all will be well so long as the constants are defined be- be both safe and useful. fore the method is requested. At the end of this phase, self has The “object copy” semantics had two effects that sur- come into existence, but its fields have not yet been defined. prised us. The first is that any object is now copyable, even if In the second phase, the code inside the object constructor it has no copy method: object {inherits x} returns a copy of (but outside of the method bodies) is executed: in our ex- x. It also means that if the creation code of the super-object ample, this includes the expressions that give values to the is immodest [9], for example, by exposing a reference to self fields oneTwoList and evenCache, and the print and register to some other object, then that reference will be to the super- requests. We would like to say that both phases happen at object and not to the sub-object. object creation time, and indeed, from the point of view of Because of these issues, we changed the semantics of a client, the object does spring into existence atomically. inherits to eliminate the implicit copy and instead require the However, if cross-examined in a court of law, we would programmer to supply a fresh object in the inherits clause. have to be very careful. If the definition of oneTwoList were This fresh object is then mutated into the sub-object. This moved after the definition of evenCache, then the request of changed the symptom of immodesty: now, if the super-object computeIsEven would access an uninitialised constant, which is immodest, other objects can observe the mutation. could not happen if constant declaration were truly atomic. Similarly, if manager.register(self) were moved to line 3, then To try to conceal the mutation, we delayed the execution manager would be able to request isEven, which might fail if of code that might expose self as far as possible. We did this evenCache were not yet defined. by extending the “2-phase initialisation” rule, introduced in Section 6.4, to cover inheritance too. Informally, the idea is Evaluating this design honestly, we are forced to admit that, in the first phase, the “shell” of the sub-object, includ- that it is excessively complex. Perhaps more importantly, it ing its fields and methods, is constructed first, and is given a does not meet our goal: under certain circumstances, objects new object identifier id. Then the shell of each of the super creation can be visibly non-atomic, and the timing of exter- objects up the inheritance chain is concatenated onto the first nal requests can determine whether or not they fail by ac- shell; the whole composite object keeps the identifier id. In cessing an uninitialised variable. the second phase, all of the code involved in object construc- tion is executed, starting with the ultimate super-object and 2 In Grace, methods are public by default. The method computeIsEven is explicitly annotated as confidential, which means that it can be requested working down to the sub-object. During this process, self is only of self. always id, which means both that any references exposed externally are to the composite object, and that code used to Here, the factory method newGame declares a local variable calculate initial values can be overridden by sub-objects. size, and then returns a new object, whose methods close The disadvantages of this proposal include all of the dis- over size. The effect is exactly the same as if size were advantages of the original 2-phase construction rule. The declared inside the object. rule is baroque; it’s hard to imagine explaining this to a class- If the effect is the same, how does moving the variables room full of novice programmers without having to apolo- outside of the object help? Because the object’s initialisation gise. Mutation is still visible: although the shell of the object expressions are also moved out of the object, so the object is complete before self is exposed, not all of the fields are constructor is guaranteed to be free of side-effects. Let’s re- initialised, and other objects can consequently see constants write the example from Section 6.4 in this style: change from uninitialised to initialised. These disadvantages method checker(number){ are compounded by the loss of : an def result= object { object expression in an inherits clause has a meaning differ- method computeIsEven is confidential{ ent from the same expression in other contexts. Moreover, oneTwoList.at(number) == 2} method isEven{evenCache} the “freshness” requirement means that in practice the super- } object expression is almost certainly a request on a factory def oneTwoList= aList.generatedby{ method, which effectively means that classes are required lst −> aList.with(1,2) ++ lst} for inheritance. def evenCache= result.computeIsEven print "This isa silly example" 8. What shall we tell the children? manager.register(result) result Is there a simple and consistent story for inheritance and ob- } ject initialisation? I believe that there is, in the presence of Notice that we have moved all of the defs, and all of the what may seem to be draconian language restrictions: elim- top-level statements, out of the object constructor and into inate from object constructors both initialised declarations the factory method checker. The methods in the object result and top-level statements! These restrictions mean that no still have access to evenCache and oneTwoList. This code user-written code is executed during object construction, self has similar “2-phase” semantics to the original version — cannot escape, and creation code cannot be incorrectly over- first build the object exporting the method isEven, and then ridden, thus observing the “hardhat” restrictions [9]. Its ac- initialise the constants oneTwoList and evenCache. However, tually fine to allow variable declarations without initialisers this semantics is now explicit in the ordering of the exe- inside an object constructor, but this adds no power, so for cutable code in the factory method. simplicity lets imagine that we eliminate all declarations. In addition to forcing the evaluation of initialisation ex- It may seem that in imposing these restrictions, we have pressions to be completed before an object is constructed, severely impaired our programming language, but that is ac- these restrictions have at least three negative consequences. tually is not so. This is because Grace supports nesting and First, it seems likely that having declaration and use of lexical scope. Indeed, definitions and variables declared in- variables close together aids in code comprehension, so a side an object constructor are not really instance constants method body using temporaries and parameters is easier to and instance variables in the conventional sense. They are understand than a method body using instance variables, and just local variables of the constructor body; they will con- a method body using instance variables is easier to under- tinue to exist after the body has completed execution if and stand than a method body using variables from the surround- only if they are referenced by the returned object, that is, if ing scope. Second, methods that exist solely for the purpose they are captured by the body of one or more of the object’s of initialising constants must be moved outside of the object methods. being constructed, and into the enclosing object, where they To see this, lets suppose that two methods in an object can be accessed from the initialisation expression. This may representing a game wish to share a variable; for the sake of be considered good or bad, depending on your point of view. However, a method that is both used to initialise a constant example, we will call them setBoardSize and boardSize. All that is required is for this variable to be declared in some and is exposed to clients poses a problem: it must either be scope surrounding the methods: duplicated (clearly bad), or the client version (inside the ob- ject) must be implemented by requesting the version in the method newGame{ enclosing object. This is not as bad, but certainly adds more var size complexity than the version with a single method. object { method setBoardSize(n){ size :=n} The final negative consequence arrises because, in Grace, method boardSize{ size} everything is an object: there is an implicit object construc- } tor surrounding all “top level” code. If we disallow exe- } cutable code in object constructors, where do we put it? We could postulate an implicit “main method” that surrounds None of these solutions seems “obviously right” for a the whole program, but this seems like a hack. Shouldn’t the teaching language. Is it possible to satisfy all three re- principal unit of composition in an object-oriented language quirements without stepping outside the mainstream? Can be the object? MASPEGHIans help us to find a better solution, or to choose It is worth nothing that OCaml effectively implements between the alternatives described in this paper? these same “draconian restrictions”, not by banning exe- cutable code from inside an object, but by effectively evalu- Acknowledgments ating it (and thus determining the values of an object’s fields) before the object is constructed, as described in Section 6.3. The author thanks Kim Bruce, James Noble, and David Thus, OCaml does not allow initialisation expressions to ref- Ungar for fruitful discussions that have helped to shape erence self. This overcomes the first objection to the restric- this article. The anonymous referees also provided valuable tion (loss of locality), but not the others. guidance. 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