Congressional Reoord-House. 5359
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1886. CONGRESSIONAL REOORD-HOUSE. 5359 to understand it. There would be no difficulty in getting applications Mr. :BEACH. And I would state further Ulat the speech he deliv- - for admission. ered was not delivered upon any Friday evening sessi.on as I understaru::l :ur. .ALLISON. Evidently this hili cannot be finished to-night, and it. [Cries of "It was! "J · if tbe Senator from Uaine will yield for a motion to go into .ex-ecutiv-e 'Mr. THOMPSON. it was delivered on Friday evening. -session I will make that motion. · Mr. KELLEY. It purports to have 'been delivered by unanimous 1\fr. HALE. There are some considerations touching this very mat consent at two ofthese m.$tings, namely, on May 2S-arnd Jnne 4. ter of expense and other things that I desire to present before I close, Mr. .REAGAN. Mr. Speaker, howdoest'J,li.scomebefor.ethellouse? but I find it mther diffi..eult fo:r me to go on now; and I yield to the The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Pennsylvania stated tha.the Senator from Iowa. rose to arquestion of privilege, but the Chair thinks thatnp to the pres Mr. .ALLISON. I move that the Senate proceed to the consideration ent time the gentleman has not presented a question of that ch.1.racte:r. of executive business. Mr.. REAGAN. The gentleman ·ought not, it seems to me, to a-v.:rll The motion was agreed to; and the Senate proceeded to the consid himself'Ofan opport;unlty to make suoh a statement m the. bsenoem e~:ation of executive business. After one hour and five minutes spent the gentleman from Alabama. in execnti;e session the doors were reopened. 1\Ir. KELLEY. I propose at the proper time to move that these ~re OHIO SENATORIAL ELECTION. marks which were not within the .scope af the order t1uth0rizing those meetings, and which reflected not :on the absent mercly but on !the llr. HOAR submitted the following resoln:tion; whieh was ronsid dead- ered, by unanimous consent, and agreed to: ~Ir. REAGAN~ I .make the poin:t of order that th-e gentleman from .Re;olved, That the Committee on Privileges and Elections, 'to whom. were re ferred sundry memorials from the State of Ohio in regard to the recent election Pennsylvania is not stating .a question of privilege. of n Senator in tbali State, be authorized to employ a. Rtenogra.pher, to be paid The SPEAKER. The Chair suppo~es if .any rule or order '{Jf the out of the contingent fund of the Seuate. House has been abused by a member-, and a motitm is made to correct -co_-SIDEllATION OF THE CALENDAR. the abuse or to eensnre the member, that would involve a. qu-estion of Ort motion of Mr. ED:\IUNDS, and by unanimous consent, it was privilege in the first instance which the Chair must entertain. But ~t is to Or·cler·ed, That after the dispo ition of Senate bill No. 371, the rest of to-mor· not -within the province of the Ch..'tir to pass u p<tn the q ues-tiun a row and neJ~:t day be devoted to the Calendar under the five-minutes' limitation whether or not the rules and orders of the House ha-ve actually beeu for debate and subject to objection, which objection shall operate .only-to pass abused. That is for the House to determine, and to take sr:ch action over (he-case, retaining its place on the Oalcndn.:r; and that no motion -shall be a~ t-he from made to proeeed l{) the consideration of any bill where objeetion is made to the it may deem proper; Up to prasentmoment the gentlem::m consillemtion of the same. · Pennsylvania has made no motion which presents a question for the l\Ir. McMILLAN. I move that the Senate do now adjourn. considemtion of the House. The gentlem.!ln, the Chair understood, w, The motion was agreed to; and (:rt 5 o'clock and 50 minutes p. m.) proceeding to state he was about to Jru.\.ke a motion. the Senate 2.djourned until to-morrow, Tuesday, June 8, 1886, at 12 Ur. REAGAN. I propose to insist on the objection tiU the geu1.1e .o'dock m. man malres a motion. Mr. KELLEY. l sha.llthenmnkethemotionthat th~seremarks- Mr. HERBERT. Willthegentleman:from Pennsylmniapermitme CONFilll\1ATION. to make a suggestion? Executive nomination conjinned by t~te Senate Mo.y 18, 1886. 1\Ir. KELLEY. Yes, sir. ]!{r. HERBERT. If the gentleman proposes to make a. motion per Horatio S. Tryon, to "be at Weedspo:rt, Cayuga County, .sonal in its character, [ suggest to him lit would be eminently -proper New York. · f(}r bim to wait till the gentleman from .Alabama who made the ;peecll shall be in the House~ instead of proceeding to arrn:ign him in 1ril :ab sence. If the gentleman from A.l.abama were not to be pre ent. any HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. ' more during ,the session it might be proper for tlte gentleman from Pennsylvaniatoproceednow. Bat :I:think itwould b.eonlyfairtothat 1\IOND.A.Y, June 7, 1886. gentleman, whohaseerta:Wlysomethingtosayinhis.ownheh..ill, topo t- The House met at 11 o'cloCk a.m. Prayer by Rev. S. W. HAnnA- p~ne this matte-r 1lllti' he is present. WAY, ofWashington, D. C. Mr. KELLEY. Ca.n I have theassur.mec 'that I will ha-re ibe iloor The Journal of Saturday's proceedings was read and approved. when the gentleman from .Alabama is p~t? llr. BEACH. It is a privileged matter. LEA "VE OF .ABSENCE. Mr. HERBERT.· I can give the gentleman no assurance of ·U1s.t .By unanimous eonsent leave of .aooence was granted as follows: kind. If this is a .qnesti.on of privilege n<Yw it will be then, and the To 1\f:r_ liENDERSON, of North. Carolina) indefinitely, on account of geptleman from Pennsylvania will certa-inly lose none of his rights. sickness in his family. The SPEAKER. The gentleman can make :his motion and .let it To 11f:r. BARKSDALE, for to-day, on account of indisposition. stand, if be .desires, to ·be called up at some (}tl"ler time. To Mr. WILKINS, indefinitely. Mr. KELLEY. That will be agreeable to me. To Mr. WHITE, of Minnesota, until the20tbofthismonth, onac09unt The "SPEAKER. The gent!emanJs motioo;t, tbe Ch ir under tands, of importnnt business. is to expunge these rem;uks from the RECORD. EN.ROLLED BILL SIGNED. Mr. 'KELLEY. Y ~ sir; I propose to move that they be ex:pun_ged 1\lr. NEECE, from the Committee on Enrolled Bills, repm,ted that from the permanent RECORDJ and to prohibit the printing of !fn:rtller they had examined and found duly"enrolled a bill of the following title; copies by the Public Printer.. when the Speaker signed the same: M.r. HENDERSON, of Io!"a.. I rise to a matter of privilege. A bill (H. R. 5910) to detach the counties :of Howard, Little River, The SPEAKER. 'The gentleman will .state it. and Sevier from the western and add tbem to the ,eastern distr-ict <Yf ' Mr. HENDERSONa of Iowa. I desiretohavetheRECORDoorrec.ted. Arkansas. In the Rooo"R.D of yesterda;y moming a portion of an interlocutory dis QUESTION OF PRIVILEGE. .cussion between the g-entleman from Alabama. [Mr. WHEELER] a.nd myself is taken from. the eontext wbere it occurred and is inserted '!l.t l\Ir. KELLEY. Mr. Speaker, I risetoa questionofprivilege a subsequent part of his speech where no conversa<tion ··or;sion The SP~ER. The gentleman will state it. took place between him ·and me. l\1r. KELLEY. A question concerning the business, and in my j adg Mr. HERBERT. I will submit to the gentleman from Iowa that ment the character, of the House, which I will state as briefly as I can. he postpone his explanation till the .gentleman from ..Ala'bmna [lrir. On the 15th day of January the House adopted this resolution; WHEELER] is present. I know nothing about it myself, bu't I pn.t it Resolved, That on each .Friday the House shall take recess from 5 o'cloCk p. m. until 7.30 p.m., at which evening sessions private bills granting pensions re to tbe,g"Emtleman's sense-of fairness that that would betheprope:r oo:nrse. potted from thil Com.m.ittee on Invalid Pensions and the Committee on Pen Mr. HENDERSON, of Iowa.. Will the .gentleman from Alabama sions, and bills reported from tbe .TLtdiciary Cnmmittee to i"eiDove political dis- state wb.ether his colleague iB in the city? abilities only, be considered. Mr. HERBERT. I understand he is. On last Friday the House met under that order, and I find in the Mr. HENDERSON, of Iow.a. I unde1'"Stand if a correction of the RECORD of yesterday a twenty-nve-column speech on Edwin l\l. St~n lh!JCORD is to_he made it mnst be done within three days. ton, by the Representative from the eighth district of Alabama, ruaile A MEMBER. Four• days. · when avowedly no pension business was before the committee and uo 'Mr. HERBERT. I know nothing of tb.e gentleman having left the bill for 1·emoving disabilities; and I desire to bring to the attention of city. He has been here all winter, and I presume is here now. the House the fact that sessions granted in order to promote meritori Me. HENDERSON, of Iowa. I will not ask, then, to make the cor ous business are being peTverted to the ba est of ends, the sbnder of rection at this time, but I will make it within the period falling within the illustrious dead who died from devoted service to their country_ the rule if the gentleman sbonld not be in his eat before that periGlJ Mr.