1886. CONGRESSIONAL REOORD-HOUSE. 5359 to understand it. There would be no difficulty in getting applications Mr. :BEACH. And I would state further Ulat the speech he deliv- - for admission. ered was not delivered upon any Friday evening sessi.on as I understaru::l :ur. .ALLISON. Evidently this hili cannot be finished to-night, and it. [Cries of "It was! "J · if tbe Senator from Uaine will yield for a motion to go into .ex-ecutiv-e 'Mr. THOMPSON. it was delivered on Friday evening. -session I will make that motion. · Mr. KELLEY. It purports to have 'been delivered by unanimous 1\fr. HALE. There are some considerations touching this very mat­ consent at two ofthese m.$tings, namely, on May 2S-arnd Jnne 4. ter of expense and other things that I desire to present before I close, Mr. .REAGAN. Mr. Speaker, howdoest'J,li.scomebefor.ethellouse? but I find it mther diffi..eult fo:r me to go on now; and I yield to the The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Pennsylvania stated tha.the Senator from Iowa. rose to arquestion of privilege, but the Chair thinks thatnp to the pres­ Mr. .ALLISON. I move that the Senate proceed to the consideration ent time the gentleman has not presented a question of that ch.1.racte:r. of executive business. Mr.. REAGAN. The gentleman ·ought not, it seems to me, to a-v.:rll The motion was agreed to; and the Senate proceeded to the consid­ himself'Ofan opport;unlty to make suoh a statement m the. bsenoem e~:ation of executive business. After one hour and five minutes spent the gentleman from Alabama. in execnti;e session the doors were reopened. 1\Ir. KELLEY. I propose at the proper time to move that these ~re­ OHIO SENATORIAL ELECTION. marks which were not within the .scope af the order t1uth0rizing those meetings, and which reflected not :on the absent mercly but on !the llr. HOAR submitted the following resoln:tion; whieh was ronsid­ dead- ered, by unanimous consent, and agreed to: ~Ir. REAGAN~ I .make the poin:t of order that th-e gentleman from .Re;olved, That the Committee on Privileges and Elections, 'to whom. were re­ ferred sundry memorials from the State of Ohio in regard to the recent election Pennsylvania is not stating .a question of privilege. of n Senator in tbali State, be authorized to employ a. Rtenogra.pher, to be paid The SPEAKER. The Chair suppo~es if .any rule or order '{Jf the out of the contingent fund of the Seuate. House has been abused by a member-, and a motitm is made to correct -co_-SIDEllATION OF THE CALENDAR. the abuse or to eensnre the member, that would involve a. qu-estion of Ort motion of Mr. ED:\IUNDS, and by unanimous consent, it was privilege in the first instance which the Chair must entertain. But ~t is to Or·cler·ed, That after the dispo ition of Senate bill No. 371, the rest of to-mor· not -within the province of the Ch..'tir to pass u p<tn the q ues-tiun a row and neJ~:t day be devoted to the Calendar under the five-minutes' limitation whether or not the rules and orders of the House ha-ve actually beeu for debate and subject to objection, which objection shall operate .only-to pass abused. That is for the House to determine, and to take sr:ch action over (he-case, retaining its place on the Oalcndn.:r; and that no motion -shall be a~ t-he from made to proeeed l{) the consideration of any bill where objeetion is made to the it may deem proper; Up to prasentmoment the gentlem::m consillemtion of the same. · Pennsylvania has made no motion which presents a question for the l\Ir. McMILLAN. I move that the Senate do now adjourn. considemtion of the House. The gentlem.!ln, the Chair understood, w, The motion was agreed to; and (:rt 5 o'clock and 50 minutes p. m.) proceeding to state he was about to Jru.\.ke a motion. the Senate 2.djourned until to-morrow, Tuesday, June 8, 1886, at 12 Ur. REAGAN. I propose to insist on the objection tiU the geu1.1e­ .o'dock m. man malres a motion. Mr. KELLEY. l sha.llthenmnkethemotionthat th~seremarks-­ Mr. HERBERT. Willthegentleman:from Pennsylmniapermitme CONFilll\1ATION. to make a suggestion? Executive nomination conjinned by t~te Senate Mo.y 18, 1886. 1\Ir. KELLEY. Yes, sir. ]!{r. HERBERT. If the gentleman proposes to make a. motion per­ Horatio S. Tryon, to "be postmast.er at Weedspo:rt, Cayuga County, .sonal in its character, [ suggest to him lit would be eminently -proper New York. · f(}r bim to wait till the gentleman from .Alabama who made the ;peecll shall be in the House~ instead of proceeding to arrn:ign him in 1ril :ab­ sence. If the gentleman from A.l.abama were not to be pre ent. any HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. ' more during ,the session it might be proper for tlte gentleman from Pennsylvaniatoproceednow. Bat :I:think itwould b.eonlyfairtothat 1\IOND.A.Y, June 7, 1886. gentleman, whohaseerta:Wlysomethingtosayinhis.ownheh..ill, topo t- The House met at 11 o'cloCk a.m. Prayer by Rev. S. W. HAnnA- p~ne this matte-r 1lllti' he is present. WAY, ofWashington, D. C. Mr. KELLEY. Ca.n I have theassur.mec 'that I will ha-re ibe iloor The Journal of Saturday's proceedings was read and approved. when the gentleman from .Alabama is p~t? llr. BEACH. It is a privileged matter. LEA "VE OF .ABSENCE. Mr. HERBERT.· I can give the gentleman no assurance of ·U1s.t .By unanimous eonsent leave of .aooence was granted as follows: kind. If this is a .qnesti.on of privilege n<Yw it will be then, and the To 1\f:r_ liENDERSON, of North. Carolina) indefinitely, on account of geptleman from Pennsylvania will certa-inly lose none of his rights. sickness in his family. The SPEAKER. The gentleman can make :his motion and .let it To 11f:r. BARKSDALE, for to-day, on account of indisposition. stand, if be .desires, to ·be called up at some (}tl"ler time. To Mr. WILKINS, indefinitely. Mr. KELLEY. That will be agreeable to me. To Mr. WHITE, of Minnesota, until the20tbofthismonth, onac09unt The "SPEAKER. The gent!emanJs motioo;t, tbe Ch ir under tands, of importnnt business. is to expunge these rem;uks from the RECORD. EN.ROLLED BILL SIGNED. Mr. 'KELLEY. Y ~ sir; I propose to move that they be ex:pun_ged 1\lr. NEECE, from the Committee on Enrolled Bills, repm,ted that from the permanent RECORDJ and to prohibit the printing of !fn:rtller they had examined and found duly"enrolled a bill of the following title; copies by the Public Printer.. when the Speaker signed the same: M.r. HENDERSON, of Io!"a.. I rise to a matter of privilege. A bill (H. R. 5910) to detach the counties :of Howard, Little River, The SPEAKER. 'The gentleman will .state it. and Sevier from the western and add tbem to the ,eastern distr-ict <Yf ' Mr. HENDERSONa of Iowa. I desiretohavetheRECORDoorrec.ted. Arkansas. In the Rooo"R.D of yesterda;y moming a portion of an interlocutory dis­ QUESTION OF PRIVILEGE. .cussion between the g-entleman from Alabama. [Mr. WHEELER] a.nd myself is taken from. the eontext wbere it occurred and is inserted '!l.t l\Ir. KELLEY. Mr. Speaker, I risetoa questionofprivilege­ a subsequent part of his speech where no conversa<tion ··or -dis.cm;sion The SP~ER. The gentleman will state it. took place between him ·and me. l\1r. KELLEY. A question concerning the business, and in my j adg­ Mr. HERBERT. I will submit al.so to the gentleman from Iowa that ment the character, of the House, which I will state as briefly as I can. he postpone his explanation till the .gentleman from ..Ala'bmna [lrir. On the 15th day of January the House adopted this resolution; WHEELER] is present. I know nothing about it myself, bu't I pn.t it Resolved, That on each .Friday the House shall take recess from 5 o'cloCk p. m. until 7.30 p.m., at which evening sessions private bills granting pensions re­ to tbe,g"Emtleman's sense-of fairness that that would betheprope:r oo:nrse. potted from thil Com.m.ittee on Invalid Pensions and the Committee on Pen­ Mr. HENDERSON, of Iowa.. Will the .gentleman from Alabama sions, and bills reported from tbe .TLtdiciary Cnmmittee to i"eiDove political dis- state wb.ether his colleague iB in the city? abilities only, be considered. Mr. HERBERT. I understand he is. On last Friday the House met under that order, and I find in the Mr. HENDERSON, of Iow.a. I unde1'"Stand if a correction of the RECORD of yesterday a twenty-nve-column speech on Edwin l\l. St~n­ lh!JCORD is to_he made it mnst be done within three days. ton, by the Representative from the eighth district of Alabama, ruaile A MEMBER. Four• days. · when avowedly no pension business was before the committee and uo 'Mr. HERBERT. I know nothing of tb.e gentleman having left the bill for 1·emoving disabilities; and I desire to bring to the attention of city. He has been here all winter, and I presume is here now. the House the fact that sessions granted in order to promote meritori­ Me. HENDERSON, of Iowa. I will not ask, then, to make the cor­ ous business are being peTverted to the ba est of ends, the sbnder of rection at this time, but I will make it within the period falling within the illustrious dead who died from devoted service to their country_ the rule if the gentleman sbonld not be in his eat before that periGlJ Mr.
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