IPM for Pennsylvania Schools A How-to Manual

IPM for Pennsylvania Schools A How-to Manual

Produced by the Pennsylvania Integrated Pest Management Program

College of Agricultural Sciences Cooperative Extension

Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture

The PA IPM Program is a collaboration between the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture and The Pennsylvania State University aimed at promoting Integrated Pest Management in both agricultural and nonagricultural settings.

As part of the PA IPM Program, the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, the Pennsylvania Department of Education, the Pennsylvania Department of Health, and The Pennsylvania State University Colleges of Agricultural Sciences and Education signed a memorandum of understanding to promote IPM implementation in schools. PA IPM drew on this partnership to develop this manual.

Pennsylvania Department of Education IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 

Introduction to the 2007 Edition • A “Frequently Asked Questions” section has been In the six years since this manual was first published, added on page 121 that answers many of the questions legislation has been enacted requiring each Pennsylvania PA IPM has received about proper application of IPM school district, intermediate unit, and area vocational- procedures and interpretations of state pesticide laws. technical school to develop an integrated pest manage- • A description of the Worker Protection Standard is now ment (IPM) plan (Act 35 of 2002) and to notify parents included in the “Supplemental Materials” section on and guardians 72 hours prior to any pesticide applications page 138. and post warning signs 72 hours prior to and 48 hours • There is now a universal poison control number used after any pesticide applications in school buildings or on nationwide: 1-800-222-1222. school grounds (Act 36 of 2002). • Copies of the acts are included in this edition on pages In addition, the Pennsylvania Department of Health 134–37. recommends that IPM be a part of indoor air quality (IAQ) guidelines for Pennsylvania schools. EPA studies of human • Additional resources have been listed and Web site exposure to air pollutants indicate that indoor levels of pol- addresses have been updated. lutants may be two to five times higher than outdoor levels. In 2005, the Pennsylvania IPM Program (PA IPM) Children, especially, may be susceptible to air pollution since sent surveys to all 501 school districts in the state inquir- they breathe a greater volume of air relative to their body ing about the status of IPM implementation in schools. weight than adults. One specific contaminant addressed by Of the 231 responses, 96 percent claim to use IPM to the EPA’s report Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools are control pests and have an IPM coordinator in place. pesticides. Chronic exposure to some pesticides can result in Another 92 percent responded that they have an IPM damage to the liver, kidneys, and nervous system. policy, and 97 percent of respondents maintain records The following are some of the important changes to on pest management activities. In addition, 94 percent of this edition: school districts surveyed used this manual to help develop • A new section on “Who Does What?” that explains what their IPM plans. Of the school districts that contract with the legislation requires of the school and others. a private pest control company, about 90 percent of them ensured that IPM is part of the contract. Additionally, the • The addition of “How to Develop an IPM Policy and survey indicated that ants, bees/wasps, and mice were the Plan for Your School District” on page 13 shows the major indoor pests that occur in schools. The most com- parts of an acceptable plan with an outline to adapt it for your school. mon outdoor pests included ants and weeds in landscapes and sidewalks. • The Pennsylvania School Boards Association policy We hope this manual will encourage all schools in has been replaced with an updated version reflecting the Pennsylvania to develop their own IPM programs and effects of the school IPM legislation. train their personnel to become familiar with IPM prac- • A sample notification letter for parents and guardians tices. Some personnel may with to be trained as certi- has been added, as well as a sample pest control fied pesticide applicators. This recent edition reflects the information sheet used to inform staff and parents and changes in Pennsylvania legislation, and it is hoped the guardians about pesticide applications. manual will enable schools to enhance their IPM pro- • The “Intent to Apply Pesticides” page has been replaced grams. Remember, IPM is not another thing to do, but with a “Notice of Pesticide Application” sign that is 8½ another way to do things. IPM in itself is not a goal to be inches by 11 inches as required by the legislation. reached, but a way to achieve a goal—safer, more effective • The “Contract Guide Specifications,” pages 17–21, have pest management. been somewhat simplified. Recommendations given in this manual are current as of April 2007. For further information concerning IPM, visit the PA IPM Web site at www.paipm.org. IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 

Acknowledgments Dana Lown, President, Ajax Pest Control; President, PPMA Many individuals and organizations have been involved with the development and production of this manual. We Michael Powers, President, Powers Pest Management,; President-Elect, PPMA thank the following reviewers, who provided invaluable Jerry Siegfried, Training Director, J. C. Ehrlich Co, Inc.; suggestions and corrections for the text: PPMA Project Coordinator Other Reviewers J. Kenneth Long Jr., Former PA IPM Program Assistant, Penn State Scott Camazine, M.D., Ph.D., Altoona Hospital, Altoona, Pa. The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture Jack Getkin, Herrmann Associates, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Retired Registered School Business Official Roger Dressler, Plant Industry Region II Supervisor Dr. Glenn Holbrook, Entomologist Dave Scott, Pesticide Certification and Training, Health and Safety Division Ed Van Istendal, Technical Director, B. & D. A. Weisburger, Inc. Jim Stimmel, Entomologist, Plant Protection Division John Tacelosky, Chief, Health and Safety Division We also wish to acknowledge information provided by the Dr. Karl Valley, Chief, Plant Protection Division University of Florida School IPM Web site (Thomas R. Fasulo, Webmaster, University of Florida), United States The Pennsylvania Department of Education Environmental Protection Agency, and other person- L. Jack Reynolds, Educational Coordinator nel in the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, the Dr. Patricia Vathis, Director, Office of Environment and Pennsylvania Department of Education, the Pennsylva- Ecology nia Department of Health, and The Pennsylvania State The Pennsylvania Department of Health University. Jon W. Dale, Director, Division of School Health, Bureau PA IPM Program Staff of Community Health Systems Cathy Thomas, PA IPM Coordinator, Pennsylvania Dennis Wilson, Environmental Health Administrator, Department of Agriculture Bureau of Community Health Systems Dr. Ed Rajotte, Professor of Entomology and PA IPM Coordinator, Penn State The Pennsylvania State University Lyn Garling, Manager of Programs, Penn State Dr. Paul Heller, Professor of Entomology Kristie Auman-Bauer, Public Relations and Outreach Steve Jacobs, Senior Extension Associate in Urban Coordinator, Penn State Entomology Michelle Niedermeier, Community IPM Coordinator Dr. Peter Landschoot, Associate Professor of Turfgrass Science Sarah Pickel, Education Specialist, Penn State Kerry Richards, Manager, Pest Management Information Amber Gray, Curriculum Development Assistant, Penn Center, Penn State Pesticide Education Program State Lyn Garling, Manager of Programs, Penn State, PA IPM Rhonda Griffin, Home Health Educator, Penn State Program Cathy Nardozzo, Webmaster, Penn State Dion Lerman, Environmental Health Program Specialist, The Pennsylvania Association of School Business Officials Penn State Patricia A. Haley, Industrial Hygienist, PASBO Facilities Managers Committee Designer Barbara First, College of Agricultural Sciences, The Pennsylvania Pest Management Association Penn State Fred Goldberg, B.C.E., General Manager, Pest Management Associates; Pesticide Advisory Board, Editor PPMA Amanda Rudisill, College of Agricultural Sciences, Win Higgins, Regional Entomologist, Western Pest Penn State Services; IPM Chairman, PPMA IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 

Contents IPM for Flies and Mosquitoes in Schools...... 59 Introduction to the 2007 Edition...... 2 IPM for Head Lice in Schools...... 72 Getting Started with School IPM...... 5 IPM for Rodents in Schools...... 74 School Integrated Pest Management Information IPM for School Lawns...... 77 for the School Administrator...... 8 IPM for Silverfish, Firebrats, and A Model Integrated Pest Management Booklice in Schools...... 85 Policy for Schools...... 9 IPM for Spiders and Ticks in Schools...... 87 School IPM Legislation...... 10 IPM for Trees and Shrubs on How to Develop an Integrated Pest School Grounds...... 94 Management (IPM) Policy and Plan IPM for Weeds on School Grounds...... 97 for Your School District...... 13 IPM for Wood-Damaging Pests in Schools...... 101 Sample IPM Plan...... 15 Inspection Checklist for Detecting Contract Guide Specification or Request for Structural Decay and Pest Damage...... 111 Proposal (RFP) for Integrated Pest Management IPM for Yellowjackets and Hornets Programs in Pennsylvania Schools ...... 17 in Schools...... 116

Forms...... 22 Frequently Asked Questions Concerning IPM Plans Technical Information for and Pesticide Notification Legislation, Acts 2002-35 Pennsylvania Schools—Pests ...... 30 and 2002-36 of Pennsylvania ...... 121 Pests Found In and Around Schools...... 30 Literature Citations and Additional References and Resources for School Integrated Pest Management ...... 128 IPM for Ants in Schools...... 33 Supplemental Materials to Help Develop IPM for Clothes and IPM Programs in Pennsylvania Schools...... 132 Carpet Beetles in Schools...... 38 Universal Poison Control Number IPM for in Schools...... 43 1-800-222-1222...... Inside Back Cover IPM for Fleas in Schools...... 54 IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 

Getting Started with School IPM

Since April 2002, Pennsylvania has enacted legislation law allows pesticide applications in schools only by certi- mandating the adoption of an Integrated Pest Manage- fied applicators, registered technicians, or by non-certified ment (IPM) plan for each school district, intermediate applicators or non-registered technicians under the direct unit, and area vocational-technical school in the state, supervision of a certified applicator. Notification must be and a 72-hour notification and posting period prior to given to all staff and parents or guardians of students who pesticide use in schools or on school grounds. request it 72 hours prior to pesticide use. Warning signs IPM is a decision-making process that emphasizes must also be posted in the vicinity 72 hours prior to and practices which quite often lead to a decrease in the for 48 hours after the application. The law also mandates amount of pesticide used. It manages pests through a 7-hour reentry period for common access areas whenever sanitation, exclusion, and nonchemical devices rather pesticides are applied. than depending exclusively on pesticides. IPM uses Typically, implementing an IPM program may cost information about pests’ life cycles to manage them with more at first because prevention and facilities maintenance the least impact on people and the environment. may need to be instituted. However, after the prevention Pests are any living organisms that negatively affect activities have been completed, IPM costs should be low- humans or their property. Pests include weeds and plant ered due to reduced access by pests. New building design diseases, as well as that feed on plants or stored should take pest management factors into consideration. products, transmit pathogens, or are nuisances. Other ani- Schools should follow these steps in starting an IPM mals, such as snails, ticks, mites, mice, rats, groundhogs, program: pigeons, and deer, can become pests in certain situations. 1. Develop an IPM Policy Statement IPM Begins with Prevention The policy statement should explain what is expected, how existing services will be included, and how An essential element of IPM is to identify the root cause students and staff can take part in the program. of pest problems at a particular site. Understanding what A model policy statement (Policy 716 – Integrated pests need in order to survive is the key. Pests live in areas Pest Management in Schools) developed by the that provide basic needs such as food, water, and shelter, Pennsylvania Integrated Pest Management (PA IPM) so they often can be managed by removing one or more Program and the Pennsylvania School Boards Asso- of these necessities, such as food and water sources, or by ciation is found on pages 11 and 12. closing off entry points into buildings. Proper design of new construction and prompt repairs 2. Set Pest Management Objectives and building maintenance are essential. Examples of pest management objectives include: Another essential element of IPM is monitoring on an • designing new facilities and structures to prevent ongoing basis to determine pest severity. pest occurrence and damage The judicious use of pesticides is a part of an IPM • managing pests that may interfere with learning in program when monitoring indicates they are needed and a facility necessary. • eliminating the possibility of injury to students and A fourth essential element of IPM is the involvement staff of the entire school community. In addition, some staff • preserving the integrity of buildings should be trained in IPM implementation procedures. • maintaining sports fields Whether an IPM program raises or lowers costs • responding to children’s health issues and preventing epends on housekeeping, maintenance, and pest manage- the spread of disease ment policies. The costs of setting up an IPM program • communicating about the IPM program with also can depend on whether pest management services are administrators, teachers, parents, students, and contracted out or provided by in-house staff. Pennsylvania maintenance personnel

Adapted for Pennsylvania schools from the University of Florida School IPM Web site article Getting Started with School IPM at schoolipm.ifas.ufl.edu/doc/started.htm. IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 

3. Designate Pest Management Roles 5. Inspect Sites and Monitor for Pests Designating roles for the pest management profession- Inspecting sites for pests or pest-promoting situations als (PMP), staff, students, and parents is an important is an important part of IPM. The pest manager should part of an IPM program. Cooperation is critical. The identify any pests found and attempt to determine more students and staff join in, the better an IPM where they came from. Structural and maintenance program will work. changes to the building may then be used to reduce • IPM Coordinator. Each district should designate one pest numbers. individual as the district coordinator for the IPM Monitoring traps are placed in areas where pests program. In districts with more than one building, have been reported. The numbers of pests caught are each building should designate a person to interact counted to determine if action thresholds (the amount with the district IPM coordinator. of pests that can be tolerated) have been reached and suppression measures are necessary. • IPM Advisory Committee. Some schools have found it helpful to establish an advisory committee to 6. Apply IPM Management Strategies facilitate communication. It could include parents, When the number of pests exceeds the preset action teachers, kitchen and maintenance personnel, and threshold, the pest manager takes action. The pest other interested persons. manager may physically remove the pests or suggest • Students and Staff. The most important job for habitat modifications that would prevent pests from students and staff is to help in keeping the school finding food, shelter, and water. Other management clean. Preventing pests depends on everyone working strategies used in an IPM program may include together to clean up litter and leftover food. building repair, improved sanitation, or a targeted • Parents. Parents’ first school pest management application of an appropriate pesticide. responsibility is to learn about and follow IPM prac- tices at home. Pests carried from home in notebooks, 7. Evaluate Results and Keep Records lunchboxes, or clothing can slow the success of an Accurate record keeping allows the pest manager to IPM program. evaluate the success of the IPM program. Records also help in forecasting when a seasonal pest may appear or • Pest Manager or Contractor. The pest manager (in-house personnel certified as a pesticide applicator when an outbreak may occur. After a period of time, people involved with the in Category 23 of [7 PA. Code §128.42]) or contrac- program will gain a sense of IPM activity priorities. tor (certified pesticide applicator hired from outside For example, any garbage or trash that may attract the system) is the person who inspects the facility, pests in and around the building must be removed monitors for pests, and decides if prevention or sup- daily. pression measures are necessary. The pest manager also keeps records of any pesticide use, including the kind and EPA Registration number, amount, location, and dates of application.

4. Set Action Thresholds The mere presence of a pest does not always require the application of a pesticide. The pest manager and school staff should decide in advance how many pests are harmless and how many require management (in other words, how many can be tolerated). This is called the “action threshold” for management of a particular pest. IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 

IPM Record Keeping Activities Seasonal inspections may be helpful in preventing some problems. In the fall, at the beginning of the school year, Keep pest sighting logs in each room and check them on many outside pests begin to migrate indoors. Be alert to a weekly basis. Depending on circumstances, sticky traps prevent their entry into buildings. In spring, birds may at- or glue boards used for monitoring cockroaches or mice tempt to nest in building corners or openings, increasing should be checked as needed. the possibility of parasitic bird mites entering buildings. Regular (monthly) flashlight inspections of kitchen areas, Needed structural repairs should be made as soon as behind appliances, sinks, soda machines, storage facili- feasible to minimize pest entry. Check for gaps around ties, and other areas may be needed to locate cockroaches, doors, pipes, and wires in walls, torn screens, cracks in silverfish, and ants. The cafeteria inspection check list on walls, and other flaws that could give pests access. pages 28 and 29 can be used for these inspections. Consider creating a student “Pest Patrol” club to Depending on individual school situations, an annual monitor various areas of the building and grounds for inspection of athletic fields, turf, and ornamental plants pests. Many eyes will spot potential pest problems more may be sufficient. If records have been kept showing past efficiently than one person can. pest problems, the inspection may be adjusted to monthly or weekly as needed. The IPM coordinator, teachers, students, parents, and administrators need to communicate regularly about perceived problems. IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 

School Integrated Pest Management Information for the School Administrator

The Pennsylvania Integrated Pest Management (PA IPM) Forms Program has prepared this manual to help your school Sample Notification Letter for Parents or Guardians establish an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Plan and This sample letter can be modified for the school to use come into compliance with the 2002 school IPM legisla- in generating a list of parents and guardians who want tion. This section of information for the school adminis- notification of each pesticide application. It should be trator has several documents as listed below. They should sent out at the beginning of each school year. (Pages 23 help you develop an IPM plan. Several of the documents and 24). have been adapted from information available at the School IPM Web site (see page 130). Sample Pest Control Information Sheet This sheet can be used to notify staff and parents and School IPM Legislation guardians about pesticide applications. (Page 25). Acts 35 and 36: Who Does What? This explains what the legislation requires of the school, Sample Notice of Pesticide Application the pest management professional, and the Pennsylvania The posting required by the legislation must be at least Department of Agriculture. (Page 10). 81" x 11" and must be in place 72 hours prior to and 48 hours after any pesticide applications. (Page 26). Policy Statement A Model Integrated Pest Management Policy for Integrated Pest Management Pest Sighting Log Schools Developed by the Pennsylvania IPM Program A pest sighting log should be kept at each facility, build- and the Pennsylvania School Boards Association ing, floor, or room—whichever is most practical with your The first step in an IPM program is to establish a school specific IPM plan. An individual (the district-wide IPM policy and, next, to inform teachers, staff and students coordinator or building coordinator) should be identi- about the policy. The notice can be printed and posted on fied to keep this document and be responsible for it. All bulletin boards to inform everyone. (Pages 11 and 12). employees in the given area should know who this person is and report any pest sightings accordingly. The pest IPM Plan manager reviews this document at the beginning of each How to Develop an Integrated Pest Management visit and responds appropriately. Any treatments that are Policy and Plan for Your School District conducted should be recorded on this document by the This is an annotated list of the parts that can be included pest manager. Review of this form should be included in an IPM plan, along with a sample plan your school can as part of the pest control operator’s periodic inspection modify to fit your situation. (Page 13). process. (Page 27).

Contracts Integrated Pest Management—Cafeteria Inspection Checklist Contract Guide Specification for Integrated Pest Management Programs in Pennsylvania Schools Because food handling areas tend to be the source of School officials may find these guidelines useful when many pest infestations, a separate inspection form is pro- creating bid specifications for pest management proposals. vided for cafeterias. The pest manager can use this docu- These specifications are provided as a starting place for ment to ensure that a thorough inspection is completed. those schools that outsource pest management. If One of these checklists should be completed during each used as a template for contracts, these guidelines should inspection. The pest manager should not limit the inspec- provide the pest manager with necessary descriptions tion solely to what is indicated on the checklist. The IPM and details in order to deliver quality IPM for schools. coordinator should review the pest manager’s comments (Page 17). on the checklist and take appropriate action. (Pages 28 and 29). School Integrated Pest Management Information for the School Administrator 

A Model Integrated Pest Management psu.edu/standards.html. In addition, the Department of Policy for Schools Education, the Department of Health, and Penn State’s College of Education have joined the Department of Developed by the Pennsylvania IPM Program and the Agriculture and Penn State’s College of Agricultural Pennsylvania School Boards Association, April 2002 Sciences in a Memorandum of Understanding to promote IPM in schools. Policy 716 A committee of staff members from the Pennsylvania Integrated Pest Management in Schools School Boards Association and the Pennsylvania Inte- The perceived impact on children of pesticide use on grated Pest Management Program collaborated to draft school grounds has stimulated political activity and inter- material to assist school boards and administrators in est in Integrated Pest Management (IPM). As part of this implementing IPM. public discussion, the implementation of IPM has been In addition to deciding about adopting an IPM policy, forwarded by citizens’ groups and government alike as a a school board should consider the following: means of reducing many of the concerns associated with pesticides. The Pennsylvania Integrated Pest Management 1. Designate a school district employee to be IPM Program (PA IPM) has responded to this phenomenon in coordinator. several ways. 2. Form a stakeholder advisory group that may consist PA IPM is a collaboration between Penn State’s of parents, students, teachers, school maintenance College of Agricultural Sciences and the Pennsylvania personnel, school administrators, pest management Department of Agriculture. All PA IPM activities and professionals, air quality experts, etc. responsibilities are a product of this collaboration. The School IPM Program has two main thrusts. The first 3. Write an IPM policy pursuant to local needs and is to facilitate the implementation of IPM strategies to conditions. manage pests on school grounds. The second is to move The following model policy and implementation IPM principles and activities into the K-12 curriculum procedures are provided for your information and as an example of interdisciplinary, environment-oriented assistance in preparing and executing a school district problem solving. IPM is included in the new academic IPM policy. Each school district should determine the standards for Environment and Ecology, (Public School policy and procedures most appropriate for its needs, Code of 1949 (24 P. S. §§ 1-101—27-2702) [22 PA. in consultation with the district’s solicitor. CODE CH. 4. Academic Standards and Assessment]). You can view the standards on the Web at www.paipm.cas. IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 10

School IPM Legislation • A pest control information sheet (containing the date of Acts 35 and 36: Who Does What? treatment, the name, address and phone number of the applicator and the pesticide used). (Sample on page 25). In April 2002, the governor of Pennsylvania signed two bills that mandate the adoption of an Integrated Pest • A pest control sign at least 81" x 11" in size. Management (IPM) plan for each school district, inter- (Sample on page 26). mediate unit, and area vocational-technical school in the It is the responsibility of the school district to: state, and a 72-hour notification and posting period prior • Post the pest control sign in an area of common access to pesticide use in schools or on school grounds. where individuals are likely to view the sign at least three IPM is an approach to managing pests that minimizes days before and two days after each planned treatment. human health effects and environmental contamination. IPM is a decision-making process that manages pests • Provide a copy of the pest control information sheet (by hard copy or e-mail) to every individual working in through sanitation, exclusion, and nonchemical tactics the school building at least 3 days before treatment. rather than depending exclusively on pesticides. Over time, the efficiencies in an IPM program can save schools • Provide notice (the pest control information sheet money. is sufficient) to the parents or guardians of students enrolled in the school at least 3 days before each planned treatment. The notice is to be provided to all parents Act 35 amends the Public School code of 1949 by adding or guardians using normal school communications section 772.1, Integrated Pest Management Programs. or to a list of interested parents or guardians who, This act requires that the school districts of Pennsylvania at the beginning of each school year, or upon the adopt an IPM plan by January 1, 2003. The act charges child’s enrollment, requested notification of individual the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture (PDA) to do applications of pesticides. the following: • Prohibit applications of pesticides within a school • Maintain a Hypersensitivity Registry. (This is a current building or on school grounds where students are practice). expected to be present within 7 hours following the • Designate an IPM coordinator. application, except where pests pose an immediate threat to the health and safety of students or employees. In this • Prepare a standard structural IPM agreement. case, the school may authorize an emergency pesticide (See Contract Guide Specification on page 17). application, and then notify by telephone any parent or • Provide other materials and assistance to help guardian who has requested such notification. schools develop an IPM plan. (This manual, IPM for • Maintain detailed records of all chemical pest control Pennsylvania Schools: A How-to Manual, is available treatments for at least 3 years. These can be provided by as a PDF file from: paipm.cas.psu.edu/schoolmn/ the pesticide applicator if included in the Request for contents.htm, or additional copies can be purchased Proposal (RFP). from: Publications Distribution Center, 112 Ag Administration Building, University Park, PA 16802- Exemptions: None of the above applies to the application 2602, phone 814-865-6713.) of disinfectant and antimicrobial products; self container- ized baits in areas not accessible to students; gel-type baits • Promulgate regulations. (The Pesticide Control Act of placed in cracks, crevices or voids; or swimming pool 1973 gives rules and regulations concerning pesticide use maintenance chemicals. Other state laws require record in Pennsylvania). keeping of the baits and swimming pool maintenance chemicals, but not the disinfectant and antimicrobial Act 36 amends the code by adding to the same section products. 772.1, Notification of Pesticide Treatments at Schools. This act provides the pesticide applicators and the school The Pennsylvania IPM Program has posted a list of with specific responsibilities. Frequently Asked Questions concerning the acts on the Prior to any pesticide application either in a school Web at paipm.cas.psu.edu/schools/faq.html. building or on school grounds, it is the responsibility The Pennsylvania IPM Program can help you estab- of the pesticide applicator to supply to the chief school lish your IPM plan. If you need further assistance, please administrator or building manager: contact us at the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture at 717-772-5204, or at Penn State at 814-865-1896. School Integrated Pest Management Information for the School Administrator 11

SECTION: PROPERTY IPM Policy for Pennsylvania Schools TITLE: INTEGRATED PEST Developed by the Pennsylvania IPM MANAGEMENT Program and the Pennsylvania School Boards Association ADOPTED: ______

REVISED: ______

716. Integrated Pest Management

1. Purpose The school district shall utilize integrated pest management procedures to manage structural and landscape pests and the toxic chemicals used for their control in order to alleviate pest problems with the least possible hazard to people, property, and the environment.

Title 22 The district shall integrate IPM education into the curriculum in Sec. 4.12 accordance with relevant academic standards. Pol. 102

2. Definition Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is the coordinated use of pest and environmental information to design and implement pest control methods that are economically, environmentally, and socially sound. IPM promotes prevention over remediation, and it advocates the integration of at least two (2) or more strategies to achieve long-term solutions.

SC772.1 Integrated Pest Management Plan is a plan that establishes a sustainable approach to managing pests by combining biological, cultural, physical and chemical tools in a way that minimizes economic, health and environmental risks.

3. Authority The Board establishes that the school district shall use pesticides only 3 Pa. C.S.A. after consideration of the full range of alternatives, based on analysis of Sec. 111.21– environmental effects, safety, effectiveness, and costs. 111.61 7 Pa. Code Sec. 128 et seq

SC772.1 The Board shall adopt an Integrated Pest Management Plan for district buildings and grounds that complies with policies and regulations promulgated by the Department of Agriculture.

4. Delegation of { } The Superintendent or designee shall be responsible to implement Responsibility integrated pest management procedures and to coordinate communications between the district and the approved contractor.

{ } The Board shall designate an employee to serve as IPM coordinator for the district.

SC772.1 The Superintendent or designee shall be responsible to annually notify parents and guardians of the procedures for requesting notification of planned and emergency applications of pesticides in school buildings and on school grounds.

{ } Appropriate personnel involved in making decisions relative to pest management shall participate in update training.

Page 1 of 2 IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 12

5. Guidelines Pest management strategies may include education, exclusion, sanitation, maintenance, biological and mechanical controls, and site appropriate pesticides. An integrated pest management decision shall consist of the following five (5) steps: 1. Identify pest species. 2. Estimate pest populations and compare to established action thresholds. 3. Select the appropriate management tactics based on current on-site information. 4. Assess effectiveness of pest management. 5. Keep appropriate records. { } An Integrated Pest Management Program shall include the education of staff, students and the public about IPM policies and procedures. SC772.1 When pesticide applications are scheduled in school buildings and on school grounds, the district shall provide notification in accordance with law, including: 1. Posting a pest control sign in an appropriate area. 2. Providing the pest control information sheet to all individuals working in the school building. 3. Providing required notice to all parents and guardians of students or to a list of parents and guardians who have requested notification of individual applications of pesticides. SC772.1 Where pests pose an immediate threat to the health and safety of students or employees, the district may authorize an emergency pesticide application and shall notify by telephone any parent and guardian who has requested such notification. SC772.1 The district shall maintain detailed records of all chemical pest control treatments for at least three (3) years. Information regarding pest manage- ment activities shall be available to the public at the district’s administrative office.

Title 22 Sec. 4.12

School Code 772.1

7 Pa. Code Sec.128 et seq

3 Pa. C.S.A. Sec. 111.21-111.61

7 U.S.C. Sec. 136 et seq

Board Policy 102

Page 2 of 2 School Integrated Pest Management Information for the School Administrator 13

How to Develop an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Policy and Plan for Your School District (Complying with Pennsylvania Act 35 of 2002)

Act 35 requires every school1 in Pennsylvania to adopt 9. Evaluation of your school IPM program. 2 an integrated pest management (IPM) plan by January 10. A description of the location of your school IPM 1, 2003. The Pennsylvania Integrated Pest Management plan and records. Program (PA IPM)—a collaboration of the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture and Penn State to promote The format of your plan can be as follows. IPM in agriculture, urban, and other settings—is providing 1. General school information. this guide to aid schools in developing their IPM plan. School name, Address, City, Zip Code, Telephone An IPM policy is a generalized guide to help school Number, E-mail Address, Plan Prepared by, and personnel develop a more detailed plan for action. An Date Prepared. IPM plan contains the more specific instructions about 2. The name and title of your school IPM coordinator. how to implement the policy at various school facilities. The PA IPM Program, in conjunction with the The IPM coordinator is the individual within the Pennsylvania School Boards Association, developed facility who is generally in charge of pest control the IPM policy for schools located just in front of this activities for the school. This individual is someone who has the authority and backing of the school section. Copies are also available from PDA, PSBA, or administration or management, has the primary the PA IPM Web site at www.paipm.org. The IPM policy responsibility for ensuring the IPM plan is carried should be written before the IPM plan and included as a out, and is the primary contact for the IPM com- part of it. mittee. Ultimately, this person is tied directly to the The IPM plan is basically a blueprint of how your integration of all IPM activities through the coordina- school will manage pests through prevention, monitoring tion of all parties, including custodial, building, food and safe control methods. On paper, your school IPM plan service, outside vendors, the pest control contractor, states what your school is trying to accomplish regard- grounds staff, students, parents, and teachers. The ing pests and the use of pesticides. It needs to reflect your school may designate their facility director or head school’s site-specific needs. Your plan will differ from other custodian as the IPM coordinator. The pest control schools. Finally, your plan will be a working document contractor cannot be the IPM coordinator, because and should be updated at least annually. the IPM coordinator should be someone directly employed by the school. Your IPM plan should include the following components: 3. The names and titles of your school IPM committee. 1. General school information. The IPM committee consists of individuals who have interests/concerns or who are involved in activities 2. The name and title of your school IPM coordinator. directly or significantly related to pest control at the 3. The names and titles of the members of your school school. They might include the school nurse, a IPM committee. representative of the food service staff, a teacher representative, a custodian, the pest control contractor, 4. Your school IPM Policy. a PTA member, etc. Outdoor plans might also include 5. Identification and description of your school pest a representative of the school athletic department, a problem(s). parks superintendent, or others who use the playing 6. Description of your school IPM information flow fields. (communication strategy) and training format. 4. School IPM Policy. 7. A record of pesticide(s) applied on school property. This statement of purpose should state the intent of 8. A record of non-pesticide actions taken on school the school administrator or management to implement property. an IPM program for your school. It should provide

1School. A school district, an intermediate unit, an area vocational-technical school or any of these entities acting jointly. 2Integrated pest management plan. A plan which establishes a sustainable approach to managing pests by combining biological, cultural, physical and chemical (pesticide) tools in a way which minimizes economic, health and environmental risks. IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 14

brief guidance on what specifically is expected— water, clutter, and pests, they are more likely to take incorporation of existing services into an IPM sanitation seriously. program and the education and involvement of 7. A record of pesticide(s) applied on school property. students, staff, and pest control contractor. Pesticides should not be used unless the pest has been 5. Identification and description of your school pest both identified and its presence verified. Pesticides problem(s). may be used only by a licensed or certified pesticide Proper identification and inventory of your pest prob- applicator (never by a teacher or unlicensed individ- lems is critical to understanding their management ual). Pesticides are generally used when other control and the prioritization and selection of the appropriate methods are not effective or practical in resolving a nonpesticide and pesticide treatment options. What pest problem. Be aware that Act 36, the companion are the most common pest problems? Are they new school legislation, requires a 72-hour notification or continuing problems? What specific areas are being period prior to any pesticide use, and posting a affected? What time of year do pest problems occur? warning sign 72 hours prior to and 48 hours after Are problems related to specific structural deficiencies any pesticide use. or sanitation issues? 8. A record of nonpesticide actions taken on school 6. Description of your school IPM information flow property. (communication strategy) and training format. The IPM plan should include nonpesticide pest Describe how pest problems specific to your school management methods and practices such as will be reported. Indicate the method that will be sanitation/housekeeping, trapping, pest proofing used and specify location of a pest and/or service (caulking, sealing cracks, repairing screens), and log. Indicate who in the school will be responsible for light management. responding to sanitation and building repair problems 9. Evaluation of your school IPM program. that are identified through inspection reports. For example, if a kitchen staff member observes roaches At least annually, the IPM plan should be evalu- in the cafeteria, who should the employee inform so ated. Is the IPM plan working? What changes are corrective action can be taken? necessary? Has new technology replaced some of the Training is another essential element of the IPM former pest control tactics? plan. Identify the individual(s) providing the train- 10. A description of the location of your school IPM ing. Who will receive the training? For example, if the plan and records. maintenance personnel do not recognize that non- chemical sticky traps are used as monitoring devices, Records of pesticide use, service reports, logbook, these important tools may be inadvertently discarded. posting and notification, emergency waivers should Also, sanitation should not be viewed as only the be kept at a central location readily available when maintenance crew’s responsibility. If students needed. Remember, records of pesticide use must be and staff are shown the connection between food, retained for three years in Pennsylvania. School Integrated Pest Management Information for the School Administrator 15

Sample IPM Plan (Only include information that is specific and relevant to your school).

1. General school information. School Name: ABC School Address: 123 Center Street City, Zip Code: Average, PA 12345-6789 Telephone Number: 123-456-7890 E-mail Address: abc.sch@school Plan Prepared By: John C. Ustodian, Facilities Manager Date Prepared: January 1, 2003

2. The name and title of your school IPM Coordinator. Name: John C. Ustodian Title: Facilities Manager Telephone Number: 098-765-4321 E-mail Address: jcust.abc@school

3. The names and titles of your school IPM Committee.

Name: John C. Ustodian Title: Facilities Manager

Name: Bea Stinger Title: Teacher Representative

Name: Pyccop Andropov Title: PTA Member and Parent

Name: Title:

4. School IPM Policy.

5. Identification and description of your school pest problem(s). The ABC Middle School has historically had problems with ants and mice. Our pest management contractor has identified these pests as pavement ants and house mice. The mice are usually noticed in the fall as the weather cools off, while the ants are seen throughout the school year. There has been a problem with staff and students leaving food wrappers and crumbs in various locations. Current control efforts have been reactive and not effective. The school plans to set up a monitoring program using glue boards for the mice and sticky traps for the ants to detect and pinpoint infestations or hot spots. Maintenance personnel and staff and students will be instructed concerning food waste sanitation. Pest reporting sheets will be provided to each classroom and the kitchen area and will be checked on a regular basis by John C. Ustodian (IPM coordinator). IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 16

6. Description of your school IPM Information Flow (communication strategy) and Training Format. John C. Ustodian (IPM coordinator) will meet monthly with Ima Beatle (pest management contractor) to cover monitoring reports. An initial meeting will be held on January 23 to establish a pest activity log binder. The log binder will be kept in the main office of administration and pest activity sheets will be distributed to teachers and staff. The sheet will indicate identification of pest(s) (if known), number seen, date, time, and location. The assistant principal, Ura Friend, will be responsible for notifying John C. Ustodian of logged pests from staff. Ima Beatle (pest management contractor) will respond to log complaints. If any sanitation or structural changes are needed, it will be written in the log along with remedial recommendations. Specific service reports will also be placed in the log binder that documents particular actions taken by the pest management contractor. Staff, teachers, and students will be instructed on how to log pest complaints and be given a brief overview on pest identification and the conditions that promote the pests. Pamphlets and fact sheets will be made available at the time of training and/or posted on bulletin boards in specific areas, such as the cafeteria and teachers’ lounge. This information will focus on pest reduction strategies connecting people’s behavior—such as overwatering plants, eating at desks, leaving crumbs on the floor, etc.—to pest problems. More specific training will be held annually and separately for maintenance and kitchenstaff.

7. A record of pesticide(s) applied on school property. Ima Beatle is our licensed pesticide contractor (BU-00000). Indoors, ______, a bait box, will be used to control the ants. For emergency situations, ______will be used to control flying stinging insects such as wasps.

8. A record of nonpesticide actions taken on school property. Whenever practical, nonpesticide means to manage or limit pests will be used. Ima Beatle (pest management contractor) will perform a thorough inspection and provide the IPM committee with a report identifying conditions that are contributing to our ant and mouse problems. Sanitary/ housekeeping deficiencies will be reported as well. Once this is done, a priority list will be generated to optimize a plan of corrective actions such as sealing openings with caulk and copper mesh, repairing leaks and screens, reducing clutter, and organizing stored goods so they are kept off the floor and away from walls. Mechanical traps will be used to reduce pests.

9. Evaluation of your school IPM program. At least once a year, the IPM committee will meet with the pest control contractor to evaluate the success or failure of this IPM plan.

10. A description of the location of your school IPM plan and records. A copy of this plan, annual evaluations, pest control contractor recommendations, and pesticide use records will be kept on file in the main office.

For additional information, check the PA IPM Web site at www.paipm.org or contact the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture 717-772-5204, or the EPA publication on adopting IPM at www.epa.gov/pesticides/ipm/brochure/. School Integrated Pest Management Information for the School Administrator 17

Contract Guide Specification or Request for Proposal (RFP) for Integrated Pest Management Programs in Pennsylvania Schools

2. PESTS INCLUDED AND EXCLUDED Disclaimer: This document is intended for guidance a. The Contractor Shall Adequately Suppress the and information only and does not pertain to any Following Pests actual contract. Contract details need to be adapted to local circumstances. Contact your school solicitor Indoor populations of rats, mice, cockroaches, ants for appropriate wording. (not including carpenter, pharaoh, and odorous house ants), fleas, stinging wasps, spiders, and any other pests not specifically excluded from 1. GENERAL the contract. Populations of these pests that are located outside of the specified buildings but within a. Description of Program the immediate exterior perimeter of the buildings This specification is part of a comprehensive are also included. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program for the premises listed herein. The goal of IPM is to b. Populations of the Following Pests Are Excluded from achieve long-term, environmentally sound pest This Contract and Must Be Separately Negotiated: suppression through the use of effective manage- Birds, bats, snakes, and all other vertebrates other ment practices. Management strategies in an IPM than commensal rodents; termites, and other wood- program begin with prevention, including structural destroying organisms; Carpenter ants, Pharaoh and procedural modifications that reduce the food, ants, and Odorous house ants; mosquitoes; inva- water, harborage, and access used by pests, and the sions of seasonal or overwintering such judicious use of pesticides when need is indicated as millipedes, box elder bugs, lady beetles, cluster by monitoring. flies, or other miscellaneous flying insects; pests that primarily feed on outdoor vegetation; and stored b. Contractor Service Requirements products pests. The Contractor shall furnish all supervision, labor, materials, and equipment necessary to accomplish 3. INITIAL BUILDING INSPECTIONS the surveillance, trapping, pesticide application, and The Contractor shall complete a thorough, initial pest removal components of the IPM program. The inspection of each building or site prior to the start- Contractor shall also provide detailed, site-specific ing date of the contract. The purpose of the initial recommendations for structural and procedural inspection is for the Contractor to evaluate the pest modifications to aid in pest prevention.N ote: The management needs of all premises and to identify buildings or partial areas within each building problem areas and any equipment, structural features, included in this contract are: (list buildings/partial or management practices that are contributing to pest areas [pool, kitchens, etc.] here). infestations. Access to building space shall be coordi- nated with the IPM Coordinator. The IPM Coordina- c. Contractor Bidding Requirements tor will inform the Contractor of any restrictions or In order for a company to qualify for the bidding areas requiring special scheduling. process, it must possess a valid commercial pesticide application business license from the 4. PEST MANAGEMENT PLAN Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture and The Contractor shall submit to the IPM Coordinator provide three references attesting to the company’s a Pest Management Plan at least five (5) working days knowledge or experience in the field of IPM. prior to the starting date of the contract. Upon receipt of the Pest Management Plan, the IPM Coordina- tor will render a decision regarding its acceptability within five (5) working days. If aspects of the Pest Management Plan are incomplete or disapproved, the Contractor shall have five (5) working days to submit Adapted for Pennsylvania schools from the University of Florida revisions. The Contractor shall be on site to perform School IPM Web site article Contract Guide Specification for Integrated the initial service visit for each building within the first Pest Management Programs in Government Buildings and Schools at schoolipm.ifas.ufl.edu/doc/contract.pdf. October 1998. thirty (30) working days of the contract. IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 18

The Pest Management Plan shall consist of five a. Pest Management Plan parts as follows: A copy of the Contractor’s approved Pest Manage- a. Proposed Materials and Equipment for Service ment Plan, including labels and MSDS sheets for all pesticides used in the buildings, brand names of The Contractor shall provide current labels and all pest management devices and equipment used Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS Sheets) of all in the buildings, a plot plan of rodent manage- pesticides to be used, and brand names of pesticide ment devices with service/install protocols, and the application equipment, rodent bait boxes, and Contractor’s service schedule for the buildings. rodent trapping devices, pest monitoring devices, pest surveillance and detection equipment, and any b. Work Request and Inspection Forms other pest management devices or equipment that Work Request and Inspection Forms will be used may be used to provide service. to advise the Contractor of routine service requests b. Proposed Methods for Monitoring and Surveillance and to document the performance of all work, including emergency work. Upon completion of a The Contractor shall describe methods and service visit to the building or site, the Contractor’s procedures to be used for identifying sites of pest employee performing the service shall complete, harborage and access, and for making objective sign, and date the form, and return it to the log- assessments of pest population levels throughout book or file on the same or succeeding day of the the term of the contract. service rendered. c. Service Schedule for Each Building or Site c. Contractor’s Service Report Forms The Contractor shall provide complete service Customer copies of a Contractor’s Service Report schedules that include specific day(s) of the week Form documenting all information on pesticide of Contractor visits and the approximate time of application. each visit.

d. Description of any Structural or Operational Change 6. MANNER AND TIME TO CONDUCT SERVICE That Would Facilitate the Pest Management Effort a. Time Frame of Service Visits The Contractor shall describe site-specific solutions Title 7, Pesticide Rules and Regulations (§ 128.106, for observed sources of pest food, water, harborage, see page 109) prohibit the Contractor from apply- and access. ing a pesticide in a common access area within a e. Commercial Pesticide Applicator Certificates or building or on school grounds when students are Licenses expected to be in that area for normal academic The Contractor shall provide photocopies of the instruction or organized extracurricular activities pest control company’s BU number and Pesticide within seven (7) hours following the application. Applicator Certificate or Technician Registration When it is necessary to perform work outside of for every Contractor employee who will be perform- the regularly scheduled hours set forth in the Pest ing on-site service under this contract. Management Plan, the Contractor shall notify the The Contractor shall be responsible for carrying IPM Coordinator in advance. out work according to the approved Pest Manage- b. Safety and Health ment Plan. The Contractor shall receive the concur- The Contractor shall observe all safety precautions rence of the IPM Coordinator prior to implement- throughout the performance of this contract. All ing any subsequent changes to the approved Pest work shall comply with the PENNSYLVANIA Management Plan, including additional or replace- PESTICIDE CONTROL ACT OF 1973 AND ment pesticides and on-site service personnel. TITLE 7—AGRICULTURE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, PART V. BUREAU OF 5. RECORD KEEPING PLANT INDUSTRY, PESTICIDES RULES The Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining AND REGULATIONS and municipal safety and health requirements. Where there is a conflict a pest management logbook or file for each building between applicable regulations, the most stringent or site specified in this contract. These records shall will apply. be kept on site and maintained on each visit by the The Contractor shall assume full responsibil- Contractor. Each logbook or file shall contain at least ity and liability for compliance with all applicable the following items: School Integrated Pest Management Information for the School Administrator 19

regulations pertaining to the health and safety of At the discretion of the School District, the personnel during the execution of work. Contractor personnel may need a criminal background c. Special Entrance check (Act 34 clearance), child abuse background check (Act 151 clearance), and, if from out of state, Certain areas within some buildings may require an FBI fingerprint card. special instructions for persons entering them. Any restrictions associated with these special areas 9. USE OF PESTICIDES will be explained by the IPM Coordinator. The The Contractor shall be responsible for application of Contractor shall adhere to these restrictions and pesticides according to the label. All pesticides used incorporate them into the Pest Management Plan. by the Contractor must be registered with the U.S. d. Uniforms and Protective Clothing Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and PDA. All Contractor personnel working in or around Transport, handling, and use of all pesticides shall buildings designated under this contract shall wear be in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s label distinctive uniform clothing. The Contractor shall instructions and all applicable federal, state, and local determine the need for and provide any personal laws and regulations. protective items required for the safe performance The Contractor shall adhere to the following rules of work. Protective clothing, equipment, and for pesticide use: devices shall comply with FIFRA and the specific a. Approved Products pesticide labels. The Contractor shall not apply any pesticide e. Vehicles product that has not been included in the Pest Vehicles used by the Contractor shall be identified Management Plan or approved in writing by the in accordance with Commonwealth of Pennsyl- IPM Coordinator. vania regulations. All vehicles will be locked when b. Pesticide Storage unattended on client property. The Contractor shall not store any pesticide 7. SPECIAL REQUESTS AND EMERGENCY SERVICE product on the premises listed herein. On occasion, the IPM Coordinator may request c. Application by Need that the Contractor perform corrective, special, or Pesticide application shall be according to need emergency service(s) that are beyond routine service and not by schedule. As a general rule, application requests. The Contractor shall respond to these excep- of pesticides in any inside or outside area shall tional circumstances and complete the necessary work not occur unless visual inspections or monitoring within one (1) working day after receipt of the request. devices indicate the presence of pests in that specific If the emergency service involves wasps or yellowjack- area. Preventive pesticide treatments of areas where ets, it should be on a “same-day” response when the surveillance indicates a potential insect or rodent call is made. In the event that such services cannot be infestation are acceptable on a case-by-case basis. completed within one working day, the Contractor d. Minimizing Risk shall immediately notify the IPM Coordinator and indicate an anticipated completion date. If pesticides When pesticide use is necessary, the Contractor are needed, the Contractor will provide a Pest Control shall employ products that pose minimum risk, Information Sheet to the IPM Coordinator (see 9e) have the most precise application technique, and and a Pest Control Sign (see 9f) to be posted in the need the minimum quantity of pesticide to achieve area for the next 48 hours. adequate pest management. e. Pest Control Information Sheet 8. CONTRACTORS AND CONTRACTOR PERSONNEL This form, containing the date of treatment, the All Contractors must be licensed as a qualified pest name, address and phone number of the applicator control business with the Pennsylvania Department of and the pesticide name(s) and EPA Registration Agriculture (PDA). Number(s) used, must be provided to the IPM Throughout the term of this contract, all Con- Coordinator at least 72 hours prior to any pesticide tractor personnel providing on site pest management application for the School District to give the 72 service must maintain and possess certification or registered technician cards issued by PDA. IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 20

hour notification required by Act 36. The Certified d. Insecticide Bait Formulations applicator will notify any persons on the Pennsylva- Bait and gel formulations shall be used for cock- nia Pesticide Hypersensitivity Registry not less than roach and ant management wherever appropriate, 12 hours and not more than 72 hours prior to the and must be inaccessible to children. pesticide application. e. Monitoring f. Pest Control Sign Sticky traps shall be used to guide and evaluate This sign, with the date and locations of applica- indoor insect management efforts wherever tion, must be provided to the IPM Coordinator at necessary. least 72 hours prior to any pesticide application for 11. RODENT MANAGEMENT posting in the appropriate places, and must remain 48 hours after the application. a. Indoor Trapping As a general rule, rodent management inside 10. INSECT MANAGEMENT occupied buildings shall be accomplished with a. Emphasis on Non-pesticide Methods trapping devices only. All such devices shall be The Contractor shall use nonpesticide methods of concealed out of the general view and in protected management wherever possible. For example: areas so as not to be affected by routine clean- Portable vacuums rather than pesticide sprays ing and other operations. Trapping devices shall should be strongly considered for initial cleanouts be checked on a schedule approved by the IPM of infestations, for swarming (winged) Coordinator. The Contractor shall be responsible ants and termites, and for management of spiders for disposing of all trapped rodents and all rodent carcasses in an appropriate manner. in webs wherever appropriate. Trapping devices, rather than pesticide sprays, b. Use of Rodenticides shall be used for indoor fly management wherever In exceptional circumstances, when rodenticides appropriate. are deemed essential for adequate rodent manage- b. Application of Insecticides to Cracks and Crevices ment inside occupied buildings, the Contractor shall obtain the approval of the IPM Coordinator As a general rule, the Contractor shall apply all prior to making any interior rodenticide treatment. insecticides as “crack and crevice” treatments All rodenticides, regardless of packaging, shall be only (application with a tool or nozzle specifically placed either in locations not accessible to children, designed for crack and crevice injection), defined in pets, wildlife, and domestic , or in EPA- this contract as treatments in which the formulated approved, tamper-resistant bait stations. As a insecticide can not be contacted or is not visible to a general rule, rodenticide application outside bystander during or after the application process. buildings shall emphasize the direct treatment of c. Application of Insecticides to Exposed Surfaces or as rodent burrows wherever feasible. Space Sprays c. Use of Bait Stations Application of insecticides to exposed surfaces or Frequency of bait station servicing shall depend as space sprays (including fogs, mists, and ultra-low upon the level of rodent infestation. A suggested volume applications) shall be restricted to unique minimum is at least one time per month. All bait situations where no alternative measures are practi- boxes shall be maintained in accordance with EPA cal. The Contractor shall obtain the approval of regulations, with an emphasis on the safety of non- the IPM Coordinator prior to any application of target organisms. The Contractor shall adhere to insecticide to an exposed surface treatment. No the following five points: surface application or space spray shall be made i. All bait stations shall be placed out of the while tenant personnel are present. The Contractor general view, in locations where they will not shall take all necessary precautions to ensure tenant be disturbed by routine operations. and employee safety, and all necessary steps to ii. The lids of all bait stations shall be securely ensure the containment of the pesticide to the site locked or fastened shut. of application. iii. All bait stations shall be securely attached or anchored to the floor, ground, wall, or other immovable surface, so that the station cannot be picked up or moved. School Integrated Pest Management Information for the School Administrator 21

iv. Bait shall always be placed on mounting rods 14. QUALITY CONTROL PROGRAM within the baffle-protected feeding chamber The Contractor shall establish a complete quality of the station and never in the runway of the station. control program to assure the requirements of the contract are provided as specified. Within five (5) v. All bait stations shall be labeled on the inside with the Contractor’s business name and working days prior to the starting date of the contract, address, emergency phone number, rodenticide the Contractor shall submit a copy of his program to type and active ingredient, and dated by the the IPM Coordinator. The program shall include at Contractor’s employee at the time of installa- least the following items: tion and each servicing. a. Inspection System 12. STRUCTURAL MODIFICATIONS AND The Contractor’s quality control inspection system RECOMMENDATIONS shall cover all the services stated in this contract. Throughout the term of this contract, the Contractor The purpose of the system is to detect and correct shall be responsible for advising the IPM Coordinator deficiencies in the quality of services before the level about any structural, sanitary, or procedural modifi- of performance becomes unacceptable and/or the cations that would reduce pest food, water, harbor- IPM Coordinator identifies the deficiencies. age, or access. The Contractor shall be responsible for adequately suppressing all pests included in this b. Checklist contract regardless of whether or not the suggested A quality control checklist shall be used in evaluat- modifications are implemented. The Contractor will ing contract performance during regularly sched- not be held responsible for carrying out structural uled and unscheduled inspections. The checklist modifications as part of the pest management effort. shall include every building or site serviced by the However, minor applications of caulk and other Contractor as well as every task required to be sealing materials by the Contractor to eliminate pest performed. harborage or access may be approved by the IPM c. File Coordinator on a case-by-case basis. The Contractor A quality control file shall contain a record of all shall obtain the approval of the IPM Coordinator inspections conducted by the Contractor and any prior to any application of sealing material or other corrective actions taken. The file shall be maintained structural modification. throughout the term of the contract and made 13. PROGRAM EVALUATION available to the IPM Coordinator upon request. The IPM Coordinator will continually evaluate the d. Inspector(s) progress of this contract in terms of effectiveness and The Contractor shall state the name(s) of the safety and will require such changes as are necessary. individual(s) responsible for performing the The Contractor shall take prompt action to correct all quality control inspections. identified deficiencies. (Adapted from IPM for Pennsylvania Schools: A How-to Manual to meet the new legislative requirements. For additional information contact the PA IPM Program at 717-772-5204 or 814-865-1896.) IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 22


The forms on the following seven pages are intended Integrated Pest Management Pest Sighting Log to help school administrators and pest managers with Page 27 record-keeping and inspection activities. A pest sighting log should be kept at each facility, build- They include: ing, floor, or room, whichever is most practical with your specific IPM plan. An individual (the district-wide IPM Sample Notification Letter for Parents or Guardians in coordinator or building coordinator) should be identi- English and Spanish fied to keep this document and be responsible for it. All Pages 23 and 24 employees in the given area should know who this person This sample letter can be modified for the school to use is and report any pest sightings accordingly. The pest in generating a list of parents and guardians who want to manager reviews this document at the beginning of each be notified of each pesticide application. It should be sent visit and responds appropriately. The pest manager should out at the beginning of each school year. record any treatments that are conducted on this docu- ment. Review of this form should be included as part of Sample Pest Control Information Sheet the pest control operator’s periodic inspection process. Page 25 This sheet can be used to notify staff and parents and Integrated Pest Management Cafeteria Inspection guardians of pesticide applications. Checklist Page 28 Sample Notice of Pesticide Application Because food handling areas tend to be the source of Page 26 many pest infestations, a separate inspection form is pro- The posting required by the legislation must be at least vided for cafeterias. The pest manager can use this docu- 81" x 11" and must be in place 72 hours prior to and ment to ensure that a thorough inspection is completed. 48 hours after any pesticide applications. One of these checklists should be completed during each inspection. The pest manager should not limit the inspec- tion solely to what is indicated on the checklist. The pest manager’s comments on the checklist should be reviewed by the IPM coordinator and appropriate action taken. School Integrated Pest Management Information for the School Administrator 23

Sample Notification Letter for Parents or Guardians (To be sent to all parents or guardians of students enrolled in the school at the beginning of each school year.)

The ______School District uses an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach for managing insects, rodents, and weeds. Our goal in using this approach to pest management is to protect every student from pesticide exposure. Our IPM approach focuses on making the school building and grounds an unfavorable habitat for pests by removing food and water sources and eliminating their hid- ing and breeding places. We accomplish this through routine cleaning and maintenance. We routinely monitor the school building and grounds to detect any pests that are present. The pest monitoring team consists of our building maintenance, office, and teaching staff and includes our students. Pest sightings are reported to our IPM coordinator, who evaluates the “pest problem” and determines the appropriate pest management techniques to address the problem. The techniques can include increased sanitation, modifying storage practices, sealing entry points, physically removing the pest, etc.

From time to time, it may be necessary to use pesticides registered by the Environmental Protection Agency to manage a pest problem. A pesticide will only be used when necessary, and will not be routinely applied. When a pesticide application is necessary, the school will try to use the least toxic product that is effective. Applications will be made only when unauthorized persons do not have access to the area(s) being treated. Notices will be posted in these areas 72 hours prior to application and for two days following the application.

Parents or guardians of students enrolled in the school may request prior notification of specific pesticide applications made at the school. To receive notification, you must be placed on the school’s notification registry. If you would like to be placed on this registry, please notify the district in writing. Please include your e-mail address if you would like to be notified electronically.

If a pesticide application must be made to control an emergency pest problem, notice will be provided by telephone to any parent or guardian who has requested such notification in writing. Exemptions to this notification include disinfectants and antimicrobial products; self-containerized baits placed in areas not accessible to students; gel-type baits placed in cracks, crevices, or voids; and swimming pool maintenance chemicals.

Each year the district will prepare a new notification registry.

If you have any questions, please contact ______, IPM coordinator.

Sincerely, IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 24

Carta de Notificación para Padres y Tutores (Para ser enviada a todos los padres y turores de los estudiantes matriculados en la escuela al comienzo de cada año escolar)

El Distrito Escolar ______utiliza el método Integrado de Control de Plagas (Integrated Pest Management, IPM por sus siglas en inglés) para el manejo de insectos, roedores y mala hierba. Nuestra meta es proteger a cada estudiante a la exposición de pesticidas utilizando este método. El método IPM se enfoca en hacer del edificio escolar y sus alrededores un hábitat no favor- able para estas plagas al remover sus fuentes de alimento y agua y eliminando los lugares donde se esconden y reproducen. Esto se logra a través de una rutina de limpieza y mantenimiento. Con regulari- dad se inspeccionan el edificio y sus alrededores para detectar si hay plagas presentes. El grupo de con- trol d plagas compone del personal de mantenimiento del edificio, de oficina y profesores y maestros e incluye a nuestros estudiantes. De detectar la presencia de plagas, se informa al coordinador del IPM, el cual evaluará y determinará la(s) técnica(s) apropiada(s) para manejar dicho problema. Las técnicas pueden incluir incrementar la limpieza, modificar las prácticas de almacenamiento, sellar puntos de entrada, físicament remover la(s) plaga(s), etc.

De tiempo en tiempo, puede haber la necesidad de utilizar algún pesticida registrado por la Agencia de Protección Ambiental (EPA) para manejar y/o controlar el problema de plagas. En estos casos, se uti- lizará solamente cuando sea necesario sin aplicarlo con regularidad y solo se usará la cantidad mínima que sea efectiva. Las aplicaciones se harán cuando no haya personal no autorizados en las áreas donde se utilizará el producto tóxico. Notificaciones serán puestas en las áreas que serán tratadas 72 horas antes de la aplicación y se dejarán por dos (2) días después del tratamiento.

Los padres o tutores de los estudiantes matriculados pueden solicitar que se les envíe una notificación previa de los pesticidas específicos que se aplicarán en la escuela. Si desean recibir esta notificación, sus nombres deben aparecer en la lista del registro de notificación de la escuela. Si deseen estar en la lista del registro, tienen que notificarlo al Distrito Escolar por escrito. Favor de incluir su dirección del correo electrónico si desea ser notificado (a) electrónicamente.

En caso de tener que aplicar algún pesticida para controlar una emergencia de plaga(s), la notificación se proveerá por teléfono a los padres o tutores que hayan solicitado dicha información por escrito. Las excepciones a esta notificación incluyen: desinfectantes y productos antibacteriales y microbiales, car- nadas en contenedores cerrados puestos en áreas no accesibles a estudiantes, carnada tipo gelatina que se coloca en rendijas y grietas, y los químicos que se utilizan para el mantenimiento de las piscinas.

Cada año, el Distrito Escolar preparará un nuevo registro de notificaciones.

Si tiene alguna pregunta, favor de comunicarse con ______, Coordinador IPM.


______School Integrated Pest Management Information for the School Administrator 25

(The Sample Pest Control Information Sheet will work as a prior notification of specific pesticide applications made at the school)

Sample Pest Control Information Sheet for ______(enter name of school district or building here)

A pest inspection and pesticide application have been scheduled for ______(insert date of application here)

This school district utilizes an Integrated Pest Management program, applying appropriate pesticides only when needed. Our applicators will select the most appropriate pesticide(s) from the following list of pesticides to control pests identified during their inspections. Not every pesticide listed maybe used.

List of Pesticides that May Be Used: brand name epa registration number






(enter brand names and epa registration numbers for any pesticide that may be used here)

For Additional Information, Contact:______(enter applicator name)

______(enter applicator address)

______(enter applicator phone number)

This information is being provided to all school staff and to parents and guardians who have requested this information to meet the requirements of Act 36 of 2002.

Note: The “Pest Control Information Sheet” is not required to be any specific size. It may be in printed form, or transmitted electronically to all affected parties. IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 26

Sample Notice of Pesticide Application A Pesticide Application is planned for the location(s) listed on this sign for:


Do Not Enter Treated Areas from

until Date and Time Date and Time

Location(s) ______




For more information contact:

(Name) ______

(Address) ______

(Phone) ______

Date Posted / by ______

Date Removed / by ______

This sign is required by Act 36 of 2002 and must be posted at least 72 hours prior to any non-emergency pesticide application and remain in place for at least 48 hours following the application. For emergency pesticide applications, this sign must be posted at the time of the application and remain in place for at least 48 hours from the conclusion of the application. To be removed by authorized personnel only. School Integrated Pest Management Information for the School Administrator 27

Integrated Pest Management Pest Sighting Log (This form may be copied as needed.)

Facility: ______

To Be Filled Out By School Official To Be Filled Out By Pest Manager Location of Sighting Type of Pest(s) Technician Bldg. # / Specific Location Sighted Date Action Taken Name Date Integrated Pest Management—Cafeteria Inspection Checklist (This form may be copied as needed.)

School Name: ______Date/Time of Inspection: ______Inspector: ______

Condition Satisfactory unsatisfactory Comments for Facilities/Maintenance

Building Exterior 1. Garbage storage area ______2. Garbage handling system ______3. Perimeter walls ______4. Perimeter windows/openings ______5. Roof areas ______6. Parking lot and/or drainage areas ______7. Weeds and surrounding landscape ______8. Rodent-proofing ______9. Other ______

Building Interior 1. Walls ______2. Floors ______3. Ceilings ______4. Floor drains ______5. Lighting ______6. Ventilation/air handling equip. ______7. Other ______

Food Storage 1. Dry food storage area ______2. Damaged/spoiled dry food ______3. Empty container storage ______4. Refrigerated areas ______5. Overall sanitation ______6. Other ______

(continued on next page) IPM—Cafeteria Inspection Checklist (continued) Condition Satisfactory unsatisfactory Comments for Facilities/Maintenance

Food Preparation/Distribution Areas 1. Counter and surface areas ______2. Food serving lines ______3. Spaces around appliances/equipment______

4. Other ______

Other Kitchen Areas 1. Dishwashing areas ______2. Garbage/trash areas ______3. Tray return area ______4. Storage area for pots/pans/plates ______5. Other ______

Utility Areas and Bathroom 1. Sinks and toilets ______2. Custodian’s closet/work area ______3. Other ______

Lunchroom area 1. Tables/chairs ______2. Office areas ______3. Vending machine area ______4. Other ______

Recommendation to cafeteria employees to aid in pest prevention:______

______This report reviewed by______(name) (title) This report reviewed on______(date) Action taken: ______IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 30

Technical Information for Pennsylvania Schools—Pests

Pests are any living organisms that negatively affect does not include potential pests like pigeons, starlings, humans and their property. Pest organisms may include sparrows, Canada geese, chipmunks, groundhogs, or deer. weeds, fungi, bacteria, insects, rodents, and other or- Information about pests not included in this manual ganisms. In school facilities, the most common pests in can be obtained from Penn State Cooperative Extension buildings are insects and rodents. In exterior areas such as agents, pest management professionals, Web sites, or other ornamental plantings, sports fields, and lawns, pests may references found in the literature citations and additional include weeds, plant diseases, and insects, among others. references listed at the end of this manual. A list of many of the insect, spider, and rodent pests IPM strategies depend on proper identification of sometimes found in and around Pennsylvania schools the pest you wish to manage. Misidentification leads to appears below. Not all pests found in and around schools improper treatment strategies and wastes time and money. have been included on this list, nor are all pests on the list Even pests of similar types often have different habits, necessarily found in any given school. In addition, not habitats, food requirements, and management strategies. all pests on the list are included in this manual. Those Penn State Cooperative Extension agents and other described in this manual have a page number after their IPM professionals can provide help with identification heading. The others are listed here to narrow down the and information needed to properly manage various search for further information concerning pest species. pests. They also can make recommendations about Other groups of pests that are not listed but occa- treatments, which may include contracting with a pest sionally invade schools are parasitic bird mites, bedbugs, management professional. ground beetles, and moths attracted to lights. The list also

Pests Found In and Around Schools Ants—Hymenoptera (page 33) Carpenter ant Camponotus spp. Larger yellow ant Acanthomyops interjectus Odorous house ant Tapinoma sessile Pavement ant Tetramorium caespitum Pharaoh ant Monomorium pharaonis Thief ant Solenopsis molesta

Bees, Hornets, and Wasps—Hymenoptera (page 116) Bees Apis spp., Bombus spp. Hornets Dolichovespula maculata Paper wasps Polistes spp. Solitary wasps Various species Yellowjackets Vespula spp.

(continued on next page) Technical Information for Pennsylvania Schools—Pests 31

Cockroaches—Blattaria (page 43) American cockroach Periplaneta americana Brownbanded cockroach Supella longipalpa Cuban cockroach nivea* German cockroach Blattella germanica Oriental cockroach Blatta orientalis Pennsylvania wood cockroach Parcoblatta pensylvanica Surinam cockroach surinamensis* * Found in greenhouses and mall plantings in Pennsylvania.

Fleas—Siphonaptera (page 54) Cat flea Ctenocephalides felis Human flea Pulex irritans

Flies—Diptera (page 59) Blue bottle fly Cynomyopsis cadaverina, Calliphora spp. Cluster fly Pollenia rudis Fruit fly Drosophila spp. Green bottle fly Phaenicia sericata House fly Musca domestica Mosquitoes Aedes spp., Anopheles spp., and Culex spp. fly (drain fly) Psychoda spp. Phorid fly (drain fly) Megaselia scalaris

Landscape Pests (page 94) Borers Larvae of moths or beetles , Coleoptera Foliage-feeding insects Beetles Coleoptera Caterpillars Lepidoptera Leaf miners Larvae of flies, beetles, or moths Diptera, Coleoptera, Lepidoptera Plant-sucking pests Aphids Homoptera: Aphidae Lace bugs Hemiptera: Tingidae Mealybugs Homoptera: Pseudococcidae Scales Homoptera: Coccidae, Diaspididae Spider mites Acarina: Tetranychidae Thrips Thysanoptera: Thripidae Whiteflies Homoptera: Aleyrodidae

Lawn Pests (page 77) Billbugs Sphenophorus spp. Chiggers Acari: Trombiculidae Hairy Chinch bugs Blissus leucopterus hirtus Snails Pulmonata: Helicidae Sod webworms Crambinae spp. Spittlebugs Homoptera: Cercopidae White grubs Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 32

Lice—Phthiraptera (page 72) Body louse Pediculus humanus corporis Crab louse Phthirus pubis Head louse Pediculus humanus capitis

Miscellaneous Pests (pages 38 and 85) Booklice Liposcelis spp. Clothes moth Tinea pellionella, Tineola bisselliella Firebrat Thermobia domestica House Centipede Scutigera coleoptrata Silverfish Lepisma saccharina, Ctenolepisma spp. Stored products pests Coleoptera, Lepidoptera

Occasional Invaders Boxelder bug Boisea trivittatis Cluster fly Pollenia rudis Earwigs Dermaptera Elm leaf beetle Pyrrhalta luteola Millipedes Arthropoda: Diplopoda Multicolored Asian lady beetle Harmonia axyridis Sowbugs Crustacea: Isopoda Western conifer seed bug Leptoglossus occidentalis

Rodents (page 74) Black rat Rattus rattus House mouse Mus musculus Norway rat Rattus norvegicus

Spiders (page 87) Black widow spider Latrodectus mactans Brown recluse spider Loxosceles spp. Jumping spider Phidippus audax Wolf spider Lycosidae Yellow sac spider Chiracanthium spp.

Termites (page 101) Eastern subterranean termite Reticulitermes flavipes R. hageni R. virginicus

Ticks (page 91) American Dog Tick Dermacentor variablilis Blacklegged Tick (formerly called Deer Tick) Ixodes scapularis Lone Star Tick Amblyomma americanum Technical Information for Pennsylvania Schools—Ants 33

IPM for Ants in Schools

Introduction Damage Ants become pests when they invade buildings in search Many species of ants, such as pavement ants, are par- of food or shelter. It is often very difficult and laborious ticularly prone to infesting food. Inside buildings, these to eliminate most ants from their outside habitat, so ants are merely a nuisance, since they almost never bite. management efforts should aim at preventing ants from However, ants walk over many different kinds of surfaces invading structures. Unfortunately, prevention is not and sometimes feed on dead animals and insects, so it is always successful and management actions must be possible that they can carry disease-causing organisms implemented. to human food. Assume that ant-infested food has been Although ants often are regarded as pestiferous, exposed to organisms that can cause spoilage, and throw they are beneficial in several ways. Ants are predators of it away. numerous pest insects, including fly larvae and termites. Carpenter ants may cause some structural damage as By aerating soil and recycling dead and vegetable they excavate moist, rotting wood and other soft materials material, they aid in the formation of topsoil. Ants also (such as foam insulation board) to make satellite nests. are responsible for pollinating plants in some areas. Ants provide a great service to the environment, and manage- Figure 1. Carpenter and Pavement Ants ment efforts that prevent or suppress ants are preferred over practices that aim to eliminate ants. 1 to 1 inch ⁄4 ⁄2 One node Identification and Biology Ants are social insects. They live in colonies whose mem- bers are divided into three castes: workers, queens, and males. The workers enlarge and repair the nest, forage for food, care for the young and the queen, and defend the colony. The queen lays eggs, and the males serve only to mate with the queens. Ants pass through four stages of development: egg, , , and adult. After mating with males, queens lay eggs that hatch into blind, legless larvae. The larvae Carpenter Ant are fed and cared for by worker ants. At the end of the larval stage they turn into pupae, which do not feed. After 1 to 1 inch ⁄10 ⁄8 a short period of time, adult ants emerge from their pupal Two cases and become worker ants. nodes The first step in managing pest ants is proper identifi- cation, since many types of ants may invade a structure. It is critical to identify the type of ant you want to management, because most ants differ in their habits and food preferences. See Table 1, “Common House-Invading Ant Species.”

Pavement Ant

(Illustrations from The Ohio State University fact sheet Ants in and Around the Home, HYG 2064-96)

Most of the information for this chapter was modified from: IPM for Schools: A How-to Manual. United States Environmental Protection Agency. EPA 909-B-97-001. March 1997. Bode, W. M. and S. B. Jacobs. Carpenter ants. The Pennsylvania State University. Entomology-HP-1. 1995. Jacobs, S. B. Pavement ant. The Pennsylvania State University. Entomology-NP-11. 2000. IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 34

Table 1.

Common House-Invading Ant Species Species # of nodes Description of workers Habits in pedicel

1 1 Pharaoh Ant 2 Small, around ⁄16 to ⁄12 inch (1.5–2.0 Nests in any secluded spot; prefers temperatures Monomorium pharaonis mm) long; yellowish to red; often confused between 80° and 86°F; frequent house invader; with thief ant, but has 3 segments in the club- often found around kitchen and bathroom faucets, like structure at the end of the antennae. where it obtains water; feeds on sweets but prefers fatty foods; eats dead insects.

1 thief Ant 2 Very small, around ⁄16 inch (1.3–1.8 mm) Often lives in association with other ants as predator Solenopsis molesta long; yellowish; often confused with Pharaoh of brood; omnivorous but prefers grease or high- ant, but has 2 segments in the club-like protein foods over sweets; frequent house invader; structure at the end of the antennae. may nest indoors in cracks and cupboards.

1 1 Carpenter Ant 1 Large, ⁄4 to ⁄2 inch (6–12 mm) long; shiny Nests in logs, stumps, hollow trees; may nest in moist, Campontus pensylvanicus dark brown to black; evenly rounded thorax rotting wood and foam plastic insulation board to make when viewed from the side. satellite nests; omnivorous; common house invader.

5 3 larger Yellow Ant 1 Around ⁄32 to ⁄16 inch (4–4.5 mm) long; pale Lives in soil next to foundation, under basement floor, Acanthomyops interjectus yellowish brown; when crushed, smells concrete voids, or rotting wood; feeds on honeydew of like citronella. subterranean aphids and mealybugs.

1 1 Pavement Ant 2 Around ⁄10 to ⁄8 inch (2.5–4 mm) long; light Nests under stones and edges of pavement, in winter Tetramorium caespitum to dark brown or blackish; head and thorax will nest in houses in crevices adjacent to a heat furrowed by parallel lines. source; slow-moving; tends aphids for their honeydew; feeds on seeds, insect remains, and greasy materials.

1 1 odorous House Ant 1 Around ⁄10 to ⁄8 inch (2.4–3.25 mm) long; Frequent house invader; nests in a wide variety of Tapinoma sessile brownish to black; emits foul odor when crushed. places outdoors and inside; multiple queens; colonies are localized; prefers honeydew from aphids, scales, etc., but is an opportunistic species and will feed on other sweets, protein, and grease.

(Chart adapted for Pennsylvania schools by J. Kenneth Long, Jr., PA IPM program assistant, October 1999, from the University of Florida School IPM Web site article Common House-Invading Ant Species at schoolipm.ifas.ufl.edu/tp6b.htm)

Detection and Monitoring • An ant infestation may indicate that there has been a Visual inspection is the most useful monitoring technique change in the methods of storing food or food waste for detecting ants, and can be very useful in preventing that allows increased food sources for ants. Note how a developing infestation. A thorough inspection and food and food wastes are stored in the area, and whether refuse containers are emptied and cleaned regularly. prevention program is required to locate the ant source. Inspect recycling bins to ensure that recyclables have • Make a map of the school on which you can note been cleaned before being placed in bins. problem areas and areas needing repair. • Talk with kitchen staff and custodians to learn more • A bright flashlight, kneepads, and a mirror are helpful. about the problem from their perspective. • Carry a caulking gun to seal holes and cracks during • Ants can be attracted to snacks kept in classrooms or inspection to prevent ants from gaining entry to the teachers’ lounges and to sweet drinks accidentally spilled structure. on the floor. • Keep accurate records during the monitoring program • Glue boards or sticky traps placed in areas ants are to help formulate an IPM plan and evaluate its likely to be found can be useful in monitoring. effectiveness. • Carpenter ants are attracted to moist areas. Check • Ants are most likely to be indoor pests in kitchens and any areas where there might be a water leak, or moist food preparation areas. or rotting wood (including firewood, logs, or stumps outside). Technical Information for Pennsylvania Schools—Ants 35

Management Options • Keep garbage cans and dumpsters as clean as possible to Habitat Modification deny food to ants, as well as roaches, flies, mice, and rats. The environment should be modified to reduce ant Proper Food Storage entryways and access to food. With quality materials and careful work, the alteration will be permanent and will • Food not kept in the refrigerator should be kept in make a long-term impact on the number of ant invasions. containers that close tightly. Cardboard boxes are not ant- or roach-proof. Caulking • Keep particularly attractive substances, like sugar and • Caulk all potential entryways with a silicone caulking honey, in a refrigerator. compound. • Although refrigerator storage is usually safe, ants • Use mildew-resistant caulk in moist areas. sometimes get into refrigerators even when the seals appear intact. When this occurs, a light, temporary • It is not necessary or practical to seal all cracks, but coating of petroleum jelly on the edge of the refrigerator begin with the access point that the current trail of ants seal will exclude the ants. is using. • Screw-top jars are ant-proof only if the lid has a rubber • Always carry caulk when making inspections, and seal, because some ants can follow the spiral ridges to seal as many cracks as time allows, especially those get into the jar. around baseboards, cupboards, pipes, sinks, toilets, and electrical outlets. Silicone caulks are flexible, easy to • Glass containers with rubber gaskets or plastic apply, and long-lasting. containers with tight-fitting, snap-top lids are also ant-proof. • Use weatherstrip around doors and windows where ants may enter. • Upon delivery, transfer packaged food into plastic or glass containers. To prevent roach problems, do not • Repair any water leaks and replace moist or rotting bring shipping boxes into the food preparation area. wood as needed. Instead, boxes should be broken down and stored away from the kitchen in a cool area until removed for Sanitation recycling. Sanitation eliminates food for ants. Thorough daily • Advise students and teachers not to leave unsealed food cleaning of school kitchens and food preparation areas is items in their desks or lockers. essential. • Any food kept in offices or classrooms should be stored • Sweep and mop floors. in ant-proof containers. • Drain all sinks and remove any food debris. • Storage shelves should be far enough off the floor to • If children regularly receive snacks in classrooms, these facilitate cleaning and to reduce the possibility of access floors should be vacuumed and/or mopped daily. by insects or rodents. No supplies should be stored on the floor. • Periodically give all food preparation areas a complete cleaning, focusing on areas where grease and food Physical Controls debris accumulate. These include drains, vents, deep fat At times when only a few ants are noticed foraging in fryers, ovens, stoves, and hard-to-reach areas behind or between appliances. Thoroughly clean these areas with a an area, squashing or crushing the ants may be effective. powerful vacuum. However, foragers represent about 10 percent of an ant population, so further management efforts may be needed. • At the end of each day, remove all garbage that contains food from the building. Vacuuming • Use soapy water to wash any bottles, cans, wrappings, • Use a strong vacuum to vacuum up trails of ants and other items that have food residues before storing effortlessly and quickly. them for recycling. • Vacuum up a tablespoon of cornstarch to kill ants in the • If dishes cannot be washed right away, it is very vacuum bag. important that they at least be rinsed to remove all food debris. • Carpenter ant colonies living under insulation may be removed by vacuuming. • Place garbage in sealed plastic bags, then place the bags into a rodent-proof dumpster or other storage receptacle. IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 36

Detergent Barrier Boric Acid Temporary “moats” of detergent and water may be useful Boric acid is one of the most valuable chemical tools in an during heavy ant invasions. integrated ant management program. It is formulated as a dust, gel bait, and aerosol. • Containers of food or food waste which must remain If kept dry, boric acid dust remains effective for long open during working hours can be placed in large, periods of time. Boric acid gel baits are very effective in shallow pans filled with water mixed with a small amount of detergent. controlling many species of ants. • Use this technique to protect potted plants from ants • When applying boric acid dust, wear a dust mask to that may be attracted to nectar produced by the plant or avoid breathing the material. to honeydew produced by plant-feeding insects. Elevate • Use a bulb duster to apply a light dusting in cracks and the pot above the detergent-and-water mixture by crevices. Boric acid should never be applied to large placing it on an overturned saucer. Make sure the plant open areas. is not in contact with anything that ants could use as a • Boric acid is approved for crack and crevice treatment in bridge. This will not manage an auxiliary colony which kitchen and food preparation areas. may already be established in the pot. • Boric acid can be dusted into wall voids and spaces Chemical Controls behind and under cabinets. At times, nonchemical methods alone prove insufficient to solve the problem. Integrating a pesticide into your Diatomaceous Earth and Silica Aerogel management program may be necessary to gain control of These are insecticidal dusts that can be used for ant the ant problem. management. Diatomaceous earth is made from fossilized Pesticides must be used in accordance with their EPA- diatoms, and silica gel is produced from sand. Both kill approved label directions. Applicators should always wear insects by desiccation: they abrade the wax and oil on the protective equipment during applications. All labels and insect’s outer covering, leading to dehydration and death. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for the pesticide Although these materials are not directly poisonous to products authorized for use in the IPM program should humans, the fine dust travels freely through the air and be maintained on file. Do not apply these materials in can be irritating to the eyes and lungs. Use a dust mask common access areas when occupied, and never apply and goggles during application. them where they might wash into a drain or sewer unless Diatomaceous earth and silica aerogel are especially otherwise labeled. Pennsylvania law allows pesticide ap- useful in wall voids and similar closed spaces. These dusts plications in schools only by certified applicators, registered can be blown into such spaces during construction and technicians, or by non-certified applicators or non-regis- remodeling. In finished buildings, they can be applied by tered technicians under the direct supervision of a certi- drilling tiny holes in the walls. These dusts also are useful fied applicator. Notification must be given to all staff and in crack and crevice treatments. parents or guardians of students who request it 72 hours prior to pesticide use. Warning signs must also be posted Granular Applications in the vicinity 72 hours prior to and for 48 hours after the Granular pesticide applications, if used appropriately, can application. The law also mandates a 7-hour reentry period act as a temporary barrier and prevent ants from entering for common access areas whenever pesticides are applied. the school building. The material should be directed along When treating for ants, use only crack and crevice the foundation 2 or 3 feet out onto the soil. Use only treatments. products manufactured and approved for this purpose and carefully follow the instructions on the labels. Detergent and Water When ants invade a classroom or food preparation area, the best emergency treatment is a mixture of detergent and water in a spray bottle. This mixture will quickly immobilize the ants, which can then be wiped up with a sponge and washed down the drain. Each classroom, cafeteria, and food preparation area should be equipped with a spray bottle so teachers and staff can safely deal with emergencies. Technical Information for Pennsylvania Schools—Ants 37

Ant Baits accepted a protein bait one week may be more Baits greatly reduce the amount of pesticide that must interested in a sugar bait the next. be used to kill ants. Foraging ants take the bait back to • The nesting and foraging environment can also affect the nest to feed to other members of the colony, resulting bait acceptance. Ants nesting and foraging in dry in colony death. Fast-acting baits kill foraging workers areas will be more interested in baits with a high water quickly, but are less effective than those that are slow- content than will ants nesting in moist environments. acting and can be taken back to the nest for consump- • When there are several competing ant species in one tion. Even if the queen is not killed, baits will usually stop area, nontarget ants may accept your bait more readily an ant invasion. If a colony has been starved by effective than the pest ant and, in some cases, prevent the pest sanitation measures, baits will be more readily accepted. ant from getting to the bait. Baits should be placed out of sight and reach of • Do not spray pesticides when using baits. Bait stations children. contaminated with pesticide are repellent to ants, and Some ants are very susceptible to baits, some are less sprays disperse the ant infestation, making it more so. There are many reasons for these differences, only difficult to place baits effectively. some of which we understand. If you are having difficulty • Place bait stations along foraging trails, but do not in managing ants with a bait, the following points may be disturb ant trails between the nest and the bait. Killing helpful: the ants or disturbing the trails prevents the ants from • Correct identification of the species of ant is essential taking the bait back to the colony to kill nest mates. since each species differs in its food preferences. Some • Do not apply bait until an ant problem is noticed. baits use a sweet attractant, while others use a protein If you use baits preventively, you may attract ants or oily attractant. The attractant used must be preferred into the building. by the type of ant you wish to manage. If you cannot determine the type of attractant by looking at the label, • Some baits come packaged in plastic disc “bait call the manufacturer for more information. You also stations” that come with double-sided tape so they should ask if the company has data to support the can be attached to various surfaces out of view. It is efficacy of their product against the ant species you are important to remove bait stations once management is dealing with. attained, because the stations may serve as harborage for cockroaches. Some baits are formulated as granules • After setting out bait, observe to see if the target ant is or gels that can be injected into wall voids through small taking the bait. holes. Gel baits also can be placed near ant trails in • Ant colonies have changing nutritional requirements inconspicuous places where they will not be disturbed. that can pose problems in baiting. A colony that IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 38

IPM for Clothes Moths and Carpet Beetles in Schools

Introduction Adult moths of both species avoid light and attempt to The insects discussed in this chapter, clothes moths and hide when disturbed, which helps distinguish these moths carpet beetles, are sometimes referred to as fabric pests. from other small moths found in buildings (see Table 2). They feed on wool, feathers, fur, hair, leather, lint, dust, Clothes moths are occasionally seen flying in subdued paper, and occasionally cotton, linen, silk, and synthetic light. Males fly more often than females, but both may fibers. Most damage is done to articles left undisturbed fly considerable distances and can move from building to for a long time. building in favorable weather. Adults can be seen flying at any time of year, but they are more common during the Identification and Biology summer months. Clothes Moths The life cycles of the two moths are similar. Adult The most common fabric-attacking moths are the web- females lay an average of 40 to 50 eggs. Incubation takes bing and the casemaking clothes moths. Both the webbing from 4 days to 3 weeks, or sometimes longer. If condi- clothes moth (Tineola bisselliella) and the casemaking tions are good—meaning abundant food, temperatures moth (Tinea pellionella) are common in Pennsylvania. around 75°F, and at least 75 percent relative humidity—a 1 new generation can be produced in a month. It takes over The adults of both species are about ⁄4 inch long and have 1 a year when conditions are less favorable, and periods up a wingspan of about ⁄2 inch. The webbing clothes moth is golden buff or yellowish gray with a satiny sheen, and the to four years have been recorded in the laboratory. The hairs on its head are upright and reddish. The casemak- larval and pupal stages combined may take from 45 days ing clothes moth is similar in size and shape, but has a to more than a year to complete. At ordinary household browner hue and three indistinct dark spots (which may be temperatures, adult moths live from 2 to 4 weeks. The worn off with age) on the wings, with lighter-colored hairs adults do not feed on fabrics. on the head.

Table 2.

Distinguishing Between Common Clothes Moths and Grain Moths

Species Distinguishing Characteristics

1 1 webbing clothes moth Wingspan ⁄2 inch, body length ⁄4 inch Tineola bisselliella Wings golden yellow without spots, hind wings rounded Body covered with shiny golden scales Tuft of reddish hairs on head

Casemaking clothes moth Slightly smaller than webbing clothes moth Tinea pellionella Whitish head Wings black on first third, lower two-thirds creamy white, may have some spots on white area Larvae always in case Adults fly in dark areas

4 Mediterranean flour moth Wingspan ⁄5 inch Anagasta kuehniella Hind wings dirty white, forewings pale gray with transverse black wavy bars Forebody distinctly raised at rest

5 3 Indianmeal moth Wingspan ⁄8 inch, ⁄8 inch at rest Plodia interpunctella Wings light gray at base with reddish-brown or bronze on outer half Favors dried fruit but will feed on many other stored products

5 Angoumois grain moth Wingspan ⁄8 inch Sitotroga cerealella Pale yellow forewings and gray pointed hind wings

Adapted from Olkowski, et al., 1991.

Most of the information for this chapter was modified from: IPM for Schools: A How-to Manual. United States Environmental Protection Agency. EPA 909-B-97-001. March 1997. Clothes Moths, The Ohio State University Extension Fact Sheet. HYG-2107-97. Jacobs, S. B. Clothes moths. The Pennsylvania State University. Entomology-HP-17. 2000. Technical Information for Pennsylvania Schools—Clothes Moths and Carpet Beetles 39

In heated buildings, female webbing clothes moths Damage can mate and lay eggs any time during the year. The case- Clothes Moths making clothes moth generally produces one generation Adult clothes moths do not feed; only their larvae each year. cause damage. Clothes moth larvae feed on pollen, hair, The larvae of both moths are also similar (pearly- feathers, wool, fur, dead insects, and dried animal white, naked bodies and dark heads), but the casemaking remains. Feeding holes are scattered over the material moth larva spins a characteristic silken tube under which and are usually small. Clothing, carpets, furs, blankets, it feeds. These tubes can include parts of the fabric. upholstery, piano felts, and myriad other items are subject Larvae of both species range from 1⁄ to 1⁄ inch long 4 2 to their attack. They will also feed on wool mixed with when fully grown. Their fecal matter is often the same synthetic fibers. Only the wool is digested; the other color as the material they consume. fibers pass through the insect’s gut. Clothes moths are attracted to stains on fabrics from food and human sweat Carpet and Hide Beetles and urine. Clothes moths most often damage stored Adult beetles are small and have short, clubbed antennae, goods, because the larvae are fragile and cannot survive but are otherwise varied in appearance (see Table 3). in clothing worn regularly. Their bodies are covered with small scales or hairs, which are visible with a magnifying glass. Larvae are brownish, Damage 1⁄ to 1⁄ inch long, and characteristically hairy or bristly. 8 2 Carpet and Hide Beetles As with clothes moths, the larval stage is the most Carpet beetle holes are usually concentrated in a few damaging. Females lay eggs throughout the year and the areas and can be quite large, in contrast to clothes moth eggs hatch in less than two weeks. The larvae feed for holes. As a group, these beetles cause far more damage varying periods, depending upon the species and envi- than clothes moths, since the range of substances they ronmental conditions. When ready to pupate, the larvae consume is much wider. Carpet beetles damage materi- may burrow farther into the food or wander and burrow als made from wool, such as sweaters, uniforms, felt, and elsewhere. They also may pupate within their last larval wool yarn. They also can destroy insect collections, skin or burrow into wood if no other location is found. furniture, and carpets. Hide beetles feed on animal car- Beetle larvae do not construct webs, but their shed skins casses and hides, and also damage furnishings, carpets, and fecal pellets make it obvious where they have been and fabrics. Some species also infest stored, dried foods feeding. The cast skins look so much like live larvae that such as cereal (see Table 3). under casual inspection they may seem to indicate a far larger infestation than is actually present. Some adult carpet beetle species feed on pollen and nectar; they may be introduced into a school on cut flowers. They are sometimes mistaken for lady beetles, because some species are similarly round in shape. IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 40

Table 3.

Important Carpet or Hide Beetles and Their Food Sources

Species Description of Adults Food Source

1 1 Furniture carpet beetle ⁄10 to ⁄5 inch long Wool, hair, fur, feathers, bristles, horn, silk, animal excreta, Anthrenus flavipes Definite cleft at rear stained linen, cotton, rayon, jute, softwood, leather, bags, Mottled with black, white, and dead mice, dead insects, dried cheese, old grain, casein, yellow scales dried blood, and glue of book bindings

1 Common carpet beetle ⁄8 inch long Carpets, fabrics, woolens, feathers, leather, furs, hairbrush Anthrenus scrophulariae Blackish with varied pattern bristles, silks, mounted museum specimens; adults found on of white and orange scales on blossoms; can enter building on cut flowers back Scalloped band of orange-red scales down middle of back

1 Varied carpet beetle ⁄8 inch long Nests of bees, wasps, and spiders; carpets, woolen goods, Anthrenus verbasci Mottled with white, brownish, skins, furs, stuffed animals, leather book bindings, feathers, and yellowish scales horns, hair, silk, corn, red pepper, dead insects in collections

1 1 Black carpet beetle ⁄10 to ⁄5 inch long, oval Feathers, dead birds, birds’ nests, seeds, grains, cereals, Attagenus unicolor Shiny black and dark brown woolen rugs, clothing, carpeting, felts, furs, skins, yarn, with brownish legs velvet, silk, upholstered furniture, milk powder, books, pet food, spilled flours, pollen

3 2 Black larder beetle ⁄10 to ⁄5 inch long Mouse carcasses in walls of building; partially burned food Dermestes ater Black with yellowish gray hair and other kitchen wastes in incinerators; pet food Black rounded and hook-shaped spots on underside of abdomen

3 2 larder beetle ⁄10 to ⁄5 inch long Stored ham, bacon, meats, cheese, dried museum specimens, Dermestes lardarius Dark brown with pale grayish dried fish, dog biscuits; can tunnel slightly in wood; yellow hair reported to attack newly hatched chickens and ducklings Yellow band at base of wing covers with about six black spots

1 2 Hide beetle, leather beetle ⁄5 to ⁄5 inch long Prefers hides and skins; used to clean carcasses; known to Dermestes maculatus Black with white hairs on sides survive on smoked meat and dried cheese; larvae can tunnel and undersides short distances into wood Apex of each wing cover comes to a fine point

1 warehouse beetle ⁄8 inch long Prefers barley, wheat, animal feeds, grains, pollen; found in Trogoderma variable Brownish black seeds, dead animals, cereals, candy, cocoa, cookies, corn, corn meal, dog food, fish meal, flour, dead insects, milk powder, nut meats, dried peas, potato chips, noodles, dried spices

Adapted from Mallis, 1992, and Olkowski, et al., 1991.

Detection and Monitoring The dead insect can be examined with a magnifying Look for holes in fabric, larvae, moth cocoons, cast skins glass or taken to your Penn State Cooperative Extension of beetle larvae, or insect excreta in stored materials, or county agent or another professional for identification. for small moths fluttering about in dimly lit areas. The An inspection should include the following locations: fluttering flight itself is quite distinctive, and may be • around carpets or furniture covered or filled with enough to distinguish clothes moths from food-infesting susceptible materials; infestations may be under the moths, which have a steadier flight. slipcovers, where it is dark and quiet, or in the pads Unlike moth larvae, carpet beetle larvae may be found under the carpet wandering far from their food, particularly to pupate. • around accumulations of lint and other organic debris, They will sometimes burrow into wood, Styrofoam, and particularly under and behind furniture that is rarely other objects in order to pupate. Also, unlike clothes moved; in wall and floor cracks; in cracks behind filing moths, adult carpet beetles do not shun light and may be cabinets, shelves, or other built-in items that may not be found crawling on windows. This is often the first place flush with the wall; behind baseboards, moldings and they are noticed. window trim; and in cold air and heater ducts These beetles and moths are easy to catch: cover the • around stored animal specimens, feathers, garments, insect with a jar and slowly slide a card under the open blankets, or other items made of susceptible materials end. Seal the jar and place it in the freezer overnight. Technical Information for Pennsylvania Schools—Clothes Moths and Carpet Beetles 41

• around bags or boxes of dried milk, fish or meat meal, Cedar Products dog food, and similar products (note that carpet beetles Cedar chests have long been thought to protect against can bore through cardboard and paper packaging) fabric pests, but it has been known for many years that If the infestation does not appear large enough to although cedar oil can kill very young clothes moth account for the number of pests found, or if cleaning up larvae, the oil does not affect eggs, pupae, adults, or larger the infestation does not seem to diminish their num- larvae, and that cedar lumber loses its oil in only a few ber, then a further search should focus on less obvious years (Back and Rabek, 1923; Laudani and Clark, 1954; sources: Laudani, 1957). Moreover, commercial repellents made from cedar, cedar oil, or herbs cannot be counted on to • bird, wasp, bee, squirrel, or other animal nests on or very close to the walls of the building give adequate control to protect goods (Abbott and Billings, 1935). • animal carcasses or trophies, insect collections, or leather or horn goods Vacuuming • cut flowers, or blooming bushes near open, unscreened Accumulations of lint, human and animal hair, and other windows or doorways organic debris in cracks and crevices of floors, base- • incompletely incinerated garbage boards, closets, and shelves provide food for fabric pests. These areas should be cleaned thoroughly and regularly In some circumstances, sticky traps placed in areas to prevent infestations. It is particularly important to where activity is suspected may be useful for monitoring. clean under furniture that is rarely moved (desks, book- Hang them where you suspect there might be an infesta- cases, cabinets); in closets where fabric items, furs, and tion and check them daily. Sticky traps that contain an feather-filled materials are stored; and inside and behind attractant called a “sex pheromone” are available for heaters, vents, and ducts. monitoring of the webbing clothes moth. A sex phero- mone is a chemical signal that female moths give off to Caulking attract males. Caulking or otherwise repairing cracks and crevices where lint and hair can accumulate will reduce the number of Management Options fabric pests that are able to live in the environment. Areas Physical Controls of particular concern are the spaces inside cabinets where Storage in Tight Containers shelves do not meet the wall and similar spaces in drawers If clean materials are placed in tightly sealed contain- holding susceptible materials. These same habitats are ers, they will be safe from infestation. The problem with likely to be inviting to cockroaches, which can also closets and similar storage areas is that they are almost damage stored products. impossible to seal effectively: the tiny, newly hatched lar- vae can crawl through any gap larger than 0.0004 inch. Cleaning and Airing Fabrics, Carpets, and Furniture Entomologist Roy Bry of the USDA Stored Product Since many fabric pests are attracted to the food, bever- Insects Laboratory in Savannah, Georgia, suggests age, perspiration, and urine stains in woolens and other wrapping clean, susceptible materials in heavy brown materials, garments should be dry cleaned thoroughly paper and carefully sealing the package with heavy-duty before being stored. If materials cannot be stored in tape. As long as the package is not punctured or torn, moth- and beetle-proof packages or containers, they the contents should be safe from attack for years. Clean should be shaken, brushed, and aired regularly. This will materials could also be stored in heavy-duty resealable kill delicate moth larvae and cocoons. Vigorous brushing plastic bags or heavy-duty plastic garbage bags (2.7 mils can remove moth and beetle eggs. Susceptible furniture or thicker, or a double bag) sealed with tape (Bry et al., and carpets that cannot be washed can be steam-cleaned. 1972). Fabrics and other items badly damaged by beetles All grains, cereals, and other similar susceptible should be thrown away in sealed plastic bags or burned. substances should be stored in tight-fitting containers If the item is salvageable, submerge it in hot soapy water that deny beetles access. Containers can be placed in the (at least 120°F) for 2 to 4 hours to kill the larvae and eggs. freezer for a few days to help reduce the possibility of an infestation developing. IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 42

Exposure to Heat Removal of Animal Nests Heat can be used to kill all stages of the clothes moth Clothes moths and carpet beetles can sometimes move hiding in cracks and crevices of an infested closet or into buildings from the abandoned nests of birds, rodents, storage space. Remove all materials from the space and bats, bees, and wasps, as well as from the carcasses of place a heater in the center of the floor. Turn the heater dead animals. Remove nests in the eaves or close to the to its hottest setting and monitor the temperature with walls of the school. Problems with birds’ nests usu- a thermometer that registers temperatures over 120°F. ally occur after the nestlings have left. Nests should be Keep the temperature at 130° to 140°F for 1 to 4 hours removed before the cold weather sets in and the beetles to kill the insects (Ebeling, 1975). Make sure there are begin searching for sheltered hibernation spots. Use traps no materials in the area that can be damaged by the instead of rodenticide to resolve problems with rats and sustained heating. mice. If rodents die in inaccessible places, their carcasses can become food sources for fabric pests and flies. Exposure to Cold Sudden changes in temperature from cold to warm can Chemical Controls kill clothes moths. In the Handbook of Pest Control, Crack and Crevice Treatments Arnold Mallis (1982) suggests that “if articles infested In older wooden buildings, these pests may be found with clothes moths were refrigerated at 18°F for several throughout the structure hiding in crevices that protect days, then suddenly exposed for a short time to 50°F, them from treatment. Mallis (1997) suggests using silica and then returned to 18°F, and finally held permanently aerogel or diatomaceous earth as a dust in cracks and at about 40°F, all moth life in them would be killed …. crevices and voids. An insect growth regulator (IGR) During the winter if furniture is placed outdoors at 0°F may be needed in some cases. Pennsylvania law allows for several hours, it often results in good control.” Smaller pesticide applications in schools only by certified applica- items should be bagged and moved in and out of bin-type tors, registered technicians, or by non-certified applicators freezers that are normally kept at 0°F. Infested items can or non-registered technicians under the direct supervision be placed in tightly closed plastic bags in a freezer for 2 to of a certified applicator. Notification must be given to all 3 days, since few insects can withstand this temperature. staff and parents or guardians of students who request it After that, they can be moved for long-term storage to 72 hours prior to pesticide use. Warning signs must also closets or chests at room temperature. be posted in the vicinity 72 hours prior to and for 48 hours after the application. The law also mandates a 7-hour reentry period for common access areas whenever pesticides are applied. Technical Information for Pennsylvania Schools—Cockroaches 43

IPM for Cockroaches in Schools

Introduction sewers, basements, and mulch. Pennsylvania wood Cockroaches are the most important pests within schools, cockroaches are usually found only in wooded areas. homes, and restaurants. They consume human foods and They occasionally invade rural schools. The Cuban and contaminate them with saliva and excrement. They pro- Surinam cockroaches have only been found in indoor duce secretions that impart a characteristic fetid odor, and plantings, where they may damage the plants. their shed skin contains allergens that can cause allergic The life cycle of the cockroach begins with the egg reactions such as asthma and other bronchial problems in case, or ootheca. In German, Cuban, and Surinam people inhabiting or visiting infested buildings. cockroaches, the female transports the egg case around with her until the eggs are about to hatch. Identification and Biology The brownbanded, American, and oriental cockroaches Except for size and markings, cockroaches are generally deposit the egg case in a sheltered place, and the Pennsyl- similar in appearance: all species are flattened, oval- vania cockroach deposits the egg case in wooded areas shaped insects with long legs and antennae. Only four (see Table 4). Cockroaches undergo a gradual meta- species are common pests in Pennsylvania. These are morphosis during their life. An immature cockroach, the German, brownbanded, American, and oriental or nymph, looks much like an adult, but is smaller and cockroaches. The Pennsylvania wood cockroach is an wingless. As a nymph grows, it sheds its skin (molts) a occasional invader in wooded areas, but dies shortly after number of times. The time it takes a cockroach to become entering a building, and therefore is not considered a pest. an adult is affected by temperature. Nymphal cockroaches Table 4 lists their important characteristics, while Figure 2 develop more rapidly when it is warm. offers a pictorial key to common roach species. Two other Cockroaches eat carbohydrates, protein, and fat. They species, the Cuban and Surinam cockroaches, have been will discriminate among foods if given a choice, but when found in greenhouses and malls in Pennsylvania. They hungry they eat almost anything. Some products not have not been included in the key. normally considered food—starch-based paints, wallpaper In general, cockroaches like to squeeze into warm paste, envelope glue, and bar soaps—contain carbohy- cracks and crevices, but the places they inhabit differ drates, and therefore are food for cockroaches. from one species to another. German cockroaches prefer Cockroaches are generally active at night and remain kitchens and lavatory areas, while brownbanded cock- hidden during daylight. Daylight sightings usually roaches are most often found in dryer classroom and indicate a large population that has overrun available office areas. American and oriental cockroaches are harborage or a recent emigrant cockroach seeking shelter. generally found where there is high moisture, such as in

Most of the information in this chapter was modified from IPM for Schools: A How-to Manual. United States Environmental Protection Agency. EPA 909-B-97-001. March 1997. Table 4.

Characteristics of Common Cockroach Species Common and German Brownbanded American Oriental Pennsylvania wood Cuban Surinam scientific names Blattella germanica Supella longipalpa Periplaneta americana Blatta orientalis Parcoblatta pensylvanica Pycnoscilus surinamensis

Color and Light brown with 2 Tan with faint v-shaped Reddish brown Dark brown-black Males chestnut brown, Uniformly pale green. Pronotum uniformly dark, dark distinctive black bars on the lighter bands on wings. throughout with a pale throughout. Adult male females black. Adult male Both sexes fully olive-green wings. Wings extend markings pronotum (platelike Nymph has 2 distinct band on the edge of wings do not cover wings cover the abdomen. winged. Good fliers. beyond abdomen. No known structure behind the brown bands running the pronotum. abdomen. Adult Adult females have short, males exist (parthenogenic head on the back). crosswise on body. females are wingless. nonfunctional wings species).

1 5 3 1 1 3 1 5 7 3 Length of adult ⁄2 to ⁄8 inch ⁄8 to ⁄2 inch 1 ⁄2 to 1 ⁄4 inch 1 ⁄4 inch ⁄8 to 1 inch ⁄8 to 1 inch ⁄4 to 1 inch

Average # of 37 16 14 18 26 56 26 eggs/egg case*

Life cycle from 64–251 days 143–379 days 320–1,071 days 316–533 days 324–700 days 144–181 days 162–219 days egg to adult

Reproduction Female carries egg Egg case glued to Egg case deposited Secures and conceals Egg case deposited only Female carries egg Female carries egg characteristics case until the nymphs ceilings, beneath on or near floor, egg case in crevice; during summer, in case until the nymphs case until the nymphs hatch. furniture, or in closets; usually close to food usually covers egg wooded area. hatch. hatch. will glue egg cases on and concealed in case with debris top of one another. debris. Needs high or sometimes with humidity to hatch. fecal pellets.

Preferred Usually found in Favors cracks and Usually found in Found in areas with Found in wooded areas. Tropical insect. Found Tropical insect. Found habitat kitchen and restrooms. crevices but prefers basements or sewers. excessive moisture. Males attracted to lights. only in greenhouses only in greenhouses Prefers dark voids them in warm, dry areas Prefers warm, moist Occasional invader in rural and malls and indoor and malls and indoor such as cracks and throughout the building. areas, such as: Found in cooler areas areas. plantings. plantings. crevices not more Prefers high locations of a building, such as: 3 than ⁄16 inch wide, in heated buildings, but • around furnaces Usually lives outside in Attracted to lights. Burrows into loose soil. especially in warm also can be found: or heating ducts • basements hollow trees, under loose moist areas, such as: bark, and often in wood Active at night. • under furniture • in steam pipe • service ducts piles and in crevices in • food preparation tunnels rural buildings. areas • in appliances that • crawl spaces generate heat • in drainage manholes Nymphs can be active in • undersides of tables, and grease traps Also can tolerate hot, subzero weather when kitchen equipment, • on the undersides of dry locations such as: exposed by pulling away and service counters counters that support • in sewers bark from trees. appliances that • radiators • kitchen cupboards generate heat Can live outside during Adults are present from warm weather. • ovens May through early October. • motor compartments • in ceiling light of refrigerators fixtures • hot water pipes

• electrical fuse boxes • in telephones • under floor coverings

• spaces under broken • in desks Can tolerate colder plaster or behind sinks temperatures, and • behind pictures and is capable of picture frames overwintering outdoors in colder regions of the • in boxes United States

• in piles of debris or stored material in closets

*The number actually hatched can be more. (Modified for Pennsylvania schools from the University of Florida School IPM Web site articleschoolipm.ifas.ufl.edu/tp4t.htm at ). Figure 2.

Cockroaches: Pictorial Key to Some Common Adult Cockroaches Harry D. Pratt




GERMAN COCKROACH (Blattella germanica) female male




pale streak

U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE AUSTRALIAN COCKROACH PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE LAST SEGMENT OF LAST SEGMENT OF (Periplaneta australasiae) Communicable Disease Center SMOKYBROWN COCKROACH Training Branch CERCUS NOT TWICE CERCUS TWICE AS (Periplaneta fuliginosa) AS LONG AS WIDE LONG AS WIDE Atlanta, Georgia — 1953 0 1/2 1 BROWN COCKROACH AMERICAN COCKROACH SCALE IN INCHES (Periplaneta brunnea) (Periplaneta americana) IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 46

Damage • Look for cockroach entry points, such as holes in walls Cockroaches can carry and transmit many common or floors, around pipes where they may enter a wall, pathogens that cause human and animal disease (Smith around electrical conduits, or in vents. and Whitman, 1992). Consequently, their presence in • Use the list of preferred habitats in Table 4, on page 44, kitchens and cafeterias should be deemed hazardous. to help you decide where to inspect, and refer to the list However, the most important health issue associated with of tools used to inspect and monitor for cockroaches on cockroaches is the production of allergens that can cause the next page. severe bronchial problems in sensitive individuals, most • Record on a “Pest Sighting Chart” locations where notably in children and the elderly. cockroaches have been found for repeat monitoring.

Detection and Monitoring Where to Inspect Efforts to manage cockroaches should begin with a Define the specific areas on a map that are to be inspected thorough visual inspection and a continuous monitoring for cockroaches. Inspect these areas from floor to ceiling program. Once cockroaches have located a suitable in a systematic and logical fashion, making sure no poten- harborage, they tend to concentrate in that site, which tial harborage areas are overlooked. Be sure to inspect: they leave only periodically to forage for food and water. • in corners of rooms at floor and ceiling level Thus, the first step in any inspection is to locate potential cockroach harborage sites. This effort should be followed • under, behind, and around sinks, toilets, showers, by monitoring of the area to locate specific cockroach bathtubs, drinking fountains, ice machines, dishwashers, beverage dispensers, and floor drains infestations. This monitoring must continue after treat- ment to determine whether management efforts have • the engine compartments of refrigerators, beverage satisfactorily reduced the cockroach population. dispensers, toasters, air conditioners, and other equipment Establishing a Communication System • in and under stoves, hot plates, heaters, and near hot A successful monitoring program depends on clear water pipes and radiators and frequent communication with principals, teachers, • in and around stove vents, hoods, and grease traps custodians, and food-service personnel. These people have firsthand knowledge of pest sightings, sanitation • between equipment and walls, and between adjacent problems, and other contributing factors, such as leaks, appliances condensation problems, and harborage sites. With a small • behind picture frames, mirrors, bulletin boards, and investment of time, school personnel can be trained to wall-mounted shelving serve as additional sources of valuable information for the • in false ceilings, vents, light fixtures, ceiling-mounted monitoring program. fixtures, and railings Make sure personnel understand the following: • in cupboards, linen closets, drawers, filing cabinets, • the goals of the cockroach IPM program and the role lockers, and cluttered areas monitoring plays • in and under cash registers, computers, telephones, • their role in the IPM program (what they can do to help electric clocks, televisions, switch boxes, and fuse boxes reduce the number of cockroaches and what kind of • in and around check-out stands, vegetable bins, and information they can provide) meat counters • how they can best communicate with the pest • cracks and crevices in walls and baseboards management technicians (using log sheets to write down pest sightings and other information) • under edges and in corners of tables, desks, counters, and other furnishings and equipment Visual Inspection • indoor and outdoor trash containers, dumpsters, and • Note any sanitation problems, such as food or grease recycling containers spills, food or grease buildup behind or under kitchen • loading docks and storage areas where incoming food, equipment, or improper garbage disposal procedures. supplies, equipment, and other potential sources of • Note any leaks or condensation. migrating cockroaches are received and stored Technical Information for Pennsylvania Schools—Cockroaches 47

When to Inspect Tools Used to Inspect and Monitor for Cockroaches Most inspections are conducted during daylight hours for Flashlight. Use a heavy-duty, corrosion-resistant the convenience of the inspector. However, since cock- model with a bright-colored body, shatterproof lens, roaches tend to remain hidden during the day, it is and halogen or krypton bulb. A smaller halogen difficult to assess the size and location of a population flashlight with a flexible neck is useful in tight, until after dark. Some individuals schedule at least one confined locations. Flashlight holders that can be inspection after dark, when the majority of the cock- attached to a belt are available. roaches are active. This will give you more information about the location of the cockroaches and the level of Telescoping Mirror. Use a furnace inspector’s or sanitation at a time when the building is supposed to mechanic’s metal mirror with a telescoping handle and be clean. Begin your inspection with the lights off, if rotating head. To illuminate areas inside equipment possible. A flashlight covered with a yellow filter (Roscoe and fixtures, reflect the flashlight beam off the mirror. #12) will prevent cockroaches from being disturbed while you look for their harborages and sources of food and Clipboard and Pen. Use the clipboard to carry water. Then turn on the lights and examine areas where monitoring forms, floor plans, and other documents cockroaches were observed. Note this information on during inspections. your map.

Floor Plan Maps and Building Plans. Carry a floor Flushing plan with the major equipment and fixtures marked. Flushing is a method of locating cockroaches in harbor- In large buildings, construction drawings that show ages that are difficult to see or reach. It is usually not utility lines, heating/cooling ducts, shaft connections, necessary, especially if you conduct thorough inspections. pipe chases, and other features are very useful for If you do encounter situations where flushing is neces- locating entry points, harborages, and runways. sary you can use pressurized air (available in an aerosol can) or a hair dryer. A blast of pressurized air will flush Sticky Traps. These are used to locate harborage the cockroaches from the cracks or crevices. Scattered areas and estimate populations. cockroaches will soon return to the harborage, where they can be monitored and treated. Flushing Agent. A pocket-sized can of pressurized air is useful for spot-flushing roaches out of inaccessible Monitoring with Sticky Traps areas where trapping is not sufficient. A visual inspection may not provide all the information needed about the location and number of cockroaches, so Utility Tools. A pocketknife equipped with various you may need to use sticky traps as well. Many brands of blades, screwdrivers, and forceps will enable you to sticky traps are available, but most have a similar design. open grills, electrical boxes, and other equipment for They are usually rectangular or triangular cardboard inspections. Carry small vials and adhesive labels to boxes with bands of sticky glue inside. Some models may collect cockroach specimens. A 10-power (10x) hand contain a dark strip that releases a cockroach attractant. lens (small magnifying glass) will help you identify The best sites for traps are near harborages and along roach species. Colored adhesive labels can be used to cockroach travel routes. Cockroaches may not enter traps mark hot spots, the location of traps and bait stations, placed in the open or outside their normal routes of and other areas. These tools can be kept in a tool travel. Initially, it is best to place traps near all suspected pouch worn on a belt. harborages, water resources, and travel routes. However, avoid placing traps in extremely dusty or moist areas, Knee Pads and Bump Cap. These are useful when because they will quickly lose their stickiness. crawling around for floor-level inspections. The more traps that are used, the sooner the cock- roaches can be located. Later, fewer traps can be used for Camera. A digital or Polaroid camera is useful for ongoing monitoring. Try to “think like a cockroach” as illustrating specific conditions (such as unsanitary you decide where to place the traps. A monitoring map situations or areas needing pest-proofing) in reports and the following examples will help in identifying the to decision makers or subcontractors not on the best spots. premises. IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 48

Trap Locations Evaluating Trap Counts Keeping in mind the habitats cockroaches prefer (refer to Use the trap counts located on your map to pinpoint sites Table 4 on page 44); place traps in the following types of infestation. of locations: • Traps with high numbers of cockroaches indicate nearby • near and under sinks and stoves harborages, and this is where management efforts should be concentrated. • in or near motors of refrigerators and other appliances or vending machines • Traps with few or no cockroaches should be moved to other locations until all main harborage areas are • in or near electric clocks, switch plates, and conduits pinpointed. For most programs, even one cockroach is • next to computer equipment (where possible) enough to start management methods. • near leaky plumbing fixtures Post-Treatment Monitoring to Evaluate Efficacy • near steam pipes or hot water pipes with insulating After the initial monitoring to pinpoint sites of infestation, jackets treatment efforts can be concentrated at these locations. A • near drains week or two after treatment, traps should again be placed • in drawers and cupboards at the infestation sites to see how well management efforts are working. Place fresh traps at the previous locations • in closets, on their floors and upper shelves and count the number of cockroaches in the traps after • in false ceilings or subfloor areas 24 hours. • in areas where packaged goods and equipment are If the trap catch has dropped considerably, the cock- delivered and stored roach population has most likely declined and prog- ress has been made. If not, another treatment strategy Trap Placement should be considered and greater efforts must be made to Cockroaches are thigmotactic, meaning they like to be in eliminate food, water, and harborage resources. To assess close contact with surfaces. So it is important that traps the continued success of treatments and detect any new be placed against the wall, countertop, etc. and for the infestations, continue to monitor after the IPM program opening to be perpendicular to it so a cockroach traveling is under way. Vigilance is important, and good record along the edge of the floor or wall can walk into the trap. keeping will save time and energy. Examples for trap placement include: Continuous Monitoring • floors and wall junctions To avoid future infestations, monitoring should be • floors and cabinets or other solid furnishings continued on a monthly or quarterly basis. This will alert • floors and appliances (stoves, refrigerators, vending pest management personnel to a new invasion before a machines) population can become established. Cafeterias and other food-handling locations should be monitored at least once • counters and walls a month because of the constant transport of food and • hanging cabinets or shelves and walls packaging (which may contain cockroaches) into and out Number and date each trap before you put them out. of these areas. Record the locations so none are neglected later. After 24 to 48 hours, count and record the number of cock- Management Options roaches in each trap. Record the date and the number of Education cockroaches on the monitoring form. Food-service and custodial staff play an essential part in any successful cockroach management program. Provide them with information on how to maintain cockroach- free kitchens, dining rooms, and waste disposal areas by applying the methods described below. Teachers, students, and other staff can play a significant role in maintaining a high level of sanitation in other areas of the school, so they also must be informed of their responsibilities. Technical Information for Pennsylvania Schools—Cockroaches 49

important to designate appropriate areas for eating—and Sample IPM Plan for a to enforce rules about eating only in these areas. The fewer Cockroach Infestation in a Kitchen designated eating areas there are, the easier it will be to limit pests. 1. Use sticky traps to locate cockroach habitat. 2. Lower the cockroach population by vacuuming Proper Food Storage areas where traps indicate cockroaches are residing. • Food not kept in the refrigerator should be placed in a Steam-clean infested kitchen equipment and sealed container. Cardboard boxes and paper are not appliances to remove grease if possible. cockroach-proof. 3. Initiate an education program for students, staff, • Screw-top jars are cockroach-proof only if the lid has a custodians, and building maintenance personnel to rubber seal, because young cockroaches may be able to gain cooperation. follow the spiral ridges to get into the jar. 4. Inspect all incoming items for cockroaches and • Glass containers with rubber gaskets or plastic their eggs. containers with tight-fitting, snap-top lids are cockroach-proof. 5. Improve sanitation and waste management procedures to reduce cockroach food sources. • Remove food products from cardboard shipping containers before moving them into kitchens or storage 6. Reduce cockroach access to water and habitat areas. Transfer food packaged in cardboard or paper to by repairing water leaks, caulking cracks, and plastic or glass containers as soon as the food arrives in scheduling other building repairs. the building. Do not bring shipping boxes into the food preparation area. 7. If the previous activities have failed to reduce cock- roach numbers, apply insecticidal dusts, baits, or • Advise students and teachers not to leave unsealed food gels in cracks and crevices in hard-to-clean areas. items in their desks or lockers. Any food kept in offices or classrooms should be stored in ant- and cockroach- Blow boric acid or silica aerogel into wall voids, proof containers. underneath appliances, or in other inaccessible areas where roaches harbor. Eliminating Water Sources 8. Monitor weekly and fine-tune management German cockroaches can survive for a couple of weeks methods as needed until the problem has been without food but they must have regular access to solved. Continue monitoring monthly or quarterly moisture or they will die within a few days. Cockroaches to ensure that sanitation measures are maintained find drinking water in: and to detect any incipient buildup of cockroach • sink traps numbers. • appliance drip pans • drain pipes • wash basins and tubs Habitat Modification • toilet bowls and flush tanks Cockroaches need food, water, and harborage to survive, • spills with harborage being the primary limiting factor. By • condensation on cold water pipes and windows modifying the environment of an infested building, you • leaky pipes and faucets can reduce cockroach access to these resources. Repair • pet dishes and aquariums leaking pipes and faucets, and caulk all cracks. With good-quality materials and a careful job, these alterations • vases will produce a long-term reduction in the capacity of the • beverage bottles structure to support cockroaches. It is important to note • various high-moisture foods that the simple act of increasing the distance between Much can be done to limit cockroach access to water by food, water, and harborage will dramatically reduce the increasing sanitation and making repairs. Clean up spills number of cockroaches a structure can support. and dispose of drink containers immediately after use. Keep aquariums and terrariums sealed with tight-fitting Limiting Areas for Eating screened lids. Repair leaks and dripping faucets, then drain If you expect to contain and limit pest problems (includ- or ventilate moist areas. Kitchen surfaces should be kept ing rodents and ants, as well as cockroaches), it is very dry when they are not in use, especially overnight. IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 50

Sample IPM Plan for a Cockroach Population in an Office or Classroom

1. Initiate an education program for students, staff, the direct supervision of a certified applicator. custodians, and building maintenance person- Notification must be given to all staff and parents nel to gain cooperation with the program. Since or guardians of students who request it 72 hours monitoring and management activities will prior to pesticide use. Warning signs must also be probably involve desks, computers, lighting posted in the vicinity 72 hours prior to and for 48 fixtures, and other equipment used by staff, it hours after the application. The law also mandates is essential that they be given advance warning a 7-hour reentry period for common access areas that work needs to be done. They also should be whenever pesticides are applied. made aware that the problem cannot be solved 7. If traps indicate that cockroaches have infested without their cooperation. electrical conduits and are moving into the room 2. Place sticky traps to locate roach habitat and through lighting switch plates, spot-treat the prioritize areas to be treated. switch box with roach baits, gel, or dust. 3. Vacuum areas where traps indicate cockroaches 8. If traps indicate that storage boxes containing are living. paper files are infested with cockroaches, treat with bait stations or tiny gel bait placements. 4. Improve sanitation and waste management in office, snack, and lunch areas to reduce 9. If the previous activities have failed to reduce cockroach food sources. cockroach numbers sufficiently, apply roach baits, gel, or dust in cracks and crevices, and blow 5. Caulk cracks, and schedule other building repairs insecticidal dusts into wall voids, underneath to reduce cockroach habitat. counters, or in other inaccessible areas where 6. If traps indicate cockroaches have infested roaches reside. computers or other electrical equipment, place 10. Baits incorporating an insect growth regulator bait stations next to infested machines. Never put (IGR) will help prevent future roach problems. baits directly on or inside computers or electrical equipment. Never use aerosol insecticides around 11. Continue monitoring until the cockroach computers because of the danger of shorting population has been reduced to a tolerable level. out the equipment. Give office and custodial Circulate a memo announcing that the cockroach staff a map showing where bait stations have problem has been solved and thank staff for their been placed and request that the stations not cooperation. be moved. Pennsylvania law allows pesticide 12. Continue monitoring on a monthly or quarterly applications in schools only by certified applica- basis to ensure that new infestations are detected tors, registered technicians, or by non-certified early. applicators or non-registered technicians under

Eliminating Cracks and Crevices furnishings in the locations indicated by monitoring traps. • Start by caulking where cockroach populations are highest. If cockroaches remain a problem, caulk • Screen drain covers in boiler rooms. additional areas. • Repair holes in window screens. • Use silicon or mildew-resistant caulk around sinks, • Weather-strip around doors and windows where toilets, and drains. cockroaches may enter. • Before beginning the sealing process, vacuum and wash • Where gaps can’t be sealed, they can be widened to the area to eliminate egg cases, fecal material, and other make them less attractive to cockroaches. For example, debris. the crack between freestanding shelving and adjacent • Caulk or paint over cracks around baseboards, wall walls can be widened by simply moving the shelving shelves, cupboards, pipes, sinks, toilets, and similar 1 inch away from the wall. Technical Information for Pennsylvania Schools—Cockroaches 51

Eliminating Clutter • Keep garbage cans and dumpsters as clean as possible Removing clutter from areas near prime habitat such as to deny food to cockroaches, as well as ants, flies, mice, sinks, stoves, refrigerators, and vending machines is one and rats. of the most important components of cockroach manage- Brownbanded cockroaches can survive for some time ment. Clutter in these areas increases the available without access to freestanding water, and they can live on harborage near food and water. All useless, idle, or soap or the glue on stamps, so simple sanitation alone outdated items should be removed from the premises. will not have as significant an impact on a brownbanded Also, in-house storage of food products and paper goods cockroach population as it will on German cockroaches. should be kept to a minimum. Physical Controls Installing Cockroach-proof Fixtures and Appliances Mechanical Barriers Whenever food preparation areas are scheduled for Pennsylvania wood roaches can travel up the outside of a remodeling, the school district can take the opportunity building and enter through an open window, weep hole, to install cockroach-proof kitchen appliances and fixtures, or ventilation duct. Screening these openings will prevent such as stainless-steel open shelving units. The round them from using these entry points. The males are also shape of the metal and the general openness of the design attracted to lights at night. However, Pennsylvania wood offer few hiding places for cockroaches. Freestanding roaches are not generally a problem since they need high storage units and appliances on casters enable them to be humidity to survive and usually die within buildings. rolled away from walls to facilitate thorough cleaning. Screens can also be placed behind grill covers, and over vents and floor drains to prevent cockroach entry. Sanitation Use caulk around the edges of the screen material to Sanitation disrupts and eliminates cockroach resources. make a complete seal. This disruption of the environment can play a significant Cockroaches can travel within and between buildings role in slowing cockroach population growth. Sanitation on runways formed by electrical conduits, heating ducts creates an additional advantage by making the cockroach and plumbing pipes. Seal openings around these runways environment so barren that they have a much greater with caulk, steel wool, or screening material. chance of contacting baits or dusts (see the section on chemical controls on page 52). Vacuuming Thorough daily cleaning is essential. A strong vacuum can be used to pick up live cockroaches, • Sweep and mop the floors. as well as their egg cases and droppings. A vacuum with a • Drain all sinks and remove any food debris. HEPA filter (capable of filtering out particles as small as • If children regularly consume snacks in classrooms, 0.3 microns) will greatly reduce the amount of cockroach vacuum and/or mop their floors daily. debris that becomes airborne during cleaning. Airborne cockroach debris (fecal material, body parts, and cast • Periodically, give food preparation areas an all-inclusive cleaning, focusing on areas where grease accumulates: skins) can cause allergic reactions in sensitive people. drains, vents, deep fat fryers, ovens, and stoves. If the cockroach population is large, vacuuming is Steam-clean drains and infested appliances. Thoroughly a way of quickly reducing the population. Once a large vacuum the area with a powerful vacuum cleaner portion of the population has been eliminated, it is much (see the section vacuuming on this page). easier to affect the remaining cockroaches with other • At the end of each day, remove all garbage containing treatment measures. food from the building to prevent cockroaches from Although the dust in the vacuum bag will usually clog feeding at night. the cockroaches’ breathing apparatus and suffocate them, • Use soapy water to wash any bottles, cans, wrappings, you can vacuum up a tablespoon of cornstarch to be sure and other items that have food residues clinging to them they die. before storing them for recycling. Trapping • If dishes cannot be washed immediately, it is very important that they at least be rinsed to remove all This is not a good option due to cockroach allergens. food debris. Although traps will often capture a number of cockroach- es, in most situations trapping alone will not produce a • Place garbage in sealed plastic bags before putting sufficient degree of control. it into a rodent-resistant dumpster or other storage receptacle. IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 52

Chemical Controls methods are discussed in detail below, including how they If nonchemical methods alone cannot solve the problem, can be incorporated into a complete integrated cockroach integrating a pesticide into your management program management program. may be warranted. Pesticides must be used in accordance with their EPA- Cockroach Baits approved label directions. Applicators should always wear Cockroach baits consist of a toxicant mixed with a food protective gear during applications. source. Current indoor bait formulations are applied as bait All labels and Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) stations, gels, dusts or pastes. The bait station is one of for the pesticide products authorized for use in the IPM the more popular application methods for educational program should be maintained on file. Do not apply these facilities because the stations are easy to place and have materials in common access areas when occupied, and residual (long-term) activity. Gel and dust bait formula- never apply them where they might wash into a drain or tions are also packaged for injection into cracks and sewer unless otherwise labeled. crevices that are not readily accessible. Until recently, When insecticides are needed, they should be applied paste baits were very messy and required application with as crack and crevice treatments or in a bait formulation. a putty knife. However, manufacturers have improved Crack and crevice treatment is the application of small these products by repackaging the bait material into amounts of chemical directly into cracks and crevices plastic syringes that are suitable for bait gun application. where insects hide or enter. This type of treatment is This greatly improves bait placement allowing paste baits particularly effective against German cockroaches, which to be applied into cockroach harborages as easily as gel spend over 90 percent of their day hidden away in dark and dust formulations. cracks, crevices, and voids. Broadcast spraying of insec- Currently almost all baiting products available for ticides greatly increases exposure risk and can lead to indoor use are formulated using one of the following cockroach resistance when the pesticide’s residual activity active ingredients: boric acid, fipronil, hydramethylnon, begins to decline and cockroaches are exposed to subleth- or abamectin. Some of these are in injectable gel formula- al doses. This type of general treatment should be avoided tions or bait station delivery systems. Other formulations whenever possible. If a broadcast spray is necessary, do it include injectable gels in a syringe or bait gun, as well as when students won’t be present for a few days (Integrated bait stations, gel aerosols, and flowable bait dusts that can Pest Management in Schools: IPM Training Manual, be injected into cracks and crevices. 1995). Note: Do not use spray formulation insecticides around computers, because they may short-circuit the Suggestions for Cockroach Baiting equipment. Plastic bait stations can be placed in and (Frishman, 1994) around computer equipment if cockroaches establish a • Large blobs of bait in a few locations do not work well. harborage inside. Put out small amounts of bait in many locations. Pennsylvania law allows pesticide applications in • Put bait near harborage and between harborage and schools only by certified applicators, registered techni- food. Review the Monitoring section for examples of cians, or by non-certified applicators or non-registered cockroach harborage, and use the information collected technicians under the direct supervision of a certified from your monitoring traps. applicator. Notification must be given to all staff and • Once you have pinpointed harborage areas, place the parents or guardians of students who request it 72 hours baits along edges or in places where cockroaches are prior to pesticide use. Warning signs must also be posted most likely to travel or congregate. If the bait is between in the vicinity 72 hours prior to and for 48 hours after the the harborage and the food but not in a place where application. The law also mandates a 7-hour reentry period cockroaches are likely to run into it, the baiting program for common access areas whenever pesticides are applied. will fail. Contact the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture for • Sometimes an inch one way or the other can make more information at 717-772-5203. all the difference in bait placement. If air currents are moving the bait odors away from the cockroach Management Strategies harborage, they may never find the bait. The most recent technological advances in cockroach management have been in bait formulations and insect • Do not place gel or paste baits in areas where they may get covered over with grease, flour, or dust. In areas growth regulators (IGRs). Other currently used prod- where this might be a problem, bait stations should ucts include desiccating dusts. Each of these treatment be used. Technical Information for Pennsylvania Schools—Cockroaches 53

• Avoid harsh environmental conditions when baiting. In sterile. As more and more cockroaches in a population excessively warm areas, baits can melt and run. In cold are exposed to JHA, the adultoids become predomi- environments, cockroaches do not move far and may nant. Because the adultoids are unable to reproduce, the miss the bait. In very wet environments, the baits may cockroach populations slowly decline over time. JHAs are grow mold and become unattractive to cockroaches. a very effective method of long-term German cockroach Boric acid baits hold up better in the latter situation, management. However, because JHAs do not kill exist- because boric acid naturally inhibits mold growth. ing cockroaches, they are slow-acting, taking from 4 to 9 • Check baits frequently to be sure they have not been months to achieve management. For this reason, JHAs completely consumed or inadvertently removed by often are combined with residual insecticides. Most of the cleaning. population is eliminated by the insecticide, and immature cockroaches that survive are sterilized by the JHA. Insect Growth Regulators (IGRs) Insect Growth Regulators (IGRs) are compounds that Inorganic Dusts disrupt the normal growth and development of insects. Inorganic dusts, such as silica gel and boric acid, have IGRs are considered safe compounds. They generally been used frequently for cockroach management. These have little toxicity to mammals because they act by dusts can be applied with a bulb duster into cracks and disrupting hormonal processes specific to insects. crevices under sinks, stoves, behind refrigerators, along IGRs that mimic the juvenile hormones of cock- baseboards, and in electrical outlets, cabinets, and wall roaches (and other insects) are called juvenile hormone voids. Silica gel is finely ground sand or glass that adheres analogues (JHAs). JHAs are chemical compounds whose to and abrades the protective waxes on the cockroach structures are very similar to the hormones that cock- cuticle, which causes death from dehydration. Boric acid roaches produce naturally to regulate development and is a stomach poison that is picked up by cockroaches reproduction. Juvenile hormone analogues disrupt both walking across dusted areas. The boric acid adheres to the of these processes. For instance, JHAs interfere with the cockroach cuticle and when the cockroach grooms itself, proper development of last instar cockroaches. Instead of it ingests the boric acid. Refer to the section on ants for the nymphs molting into reproductive adults, they molt more information about inorganic dusts. into “adultoids,” which often have twisted wings and are IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 54

IPM for Fleas in Schools

Introduction Adults can live 1 to 2 months without a meal and can Fleas can be a problem in all parts of the country except survive 7 or 8 months with one. They are the only stage in very dry areas. The most common species in school that lives on the host and feeds on fresh blood. buildings is the cat flea Ctenocephalides( felis). This flea The flea population builds up all year long in the form feeds on cats, dogs, and humans, as well as rodents, of eggs, larvae, and pupae, but rapid development into chickens, opossums, raccoons, and other animals. The dog biting adults cannot be completed until temperature and flea C.( canis) and the human flea Pulex( irritans) are less humidity are optimal and host cues signal for adult commonly encountered. emergence from the pupal cocoon.

Identification and Biology Associated Problems 1 Flea bites cause irritation, and sometimes serious allergic Adult cat fleas are small ( ⁄8 inch long), wingless insects with powerful hind legs that are adapted for jumping and responses in animals and humans. Other, more serious, running though hair. The adult body is reddish-brown to yet far less common problems are associated with the cat black, oval, and laterally flattened. Unlike many other flea flea. Cat fleas can carry or transmit various organisms, species, adult cat fleas remain on their host. After mating such as Yersinia pestis, which causes bubonic plague; and feeding, adult female fleas lay oval, white eggs. These Rickettsia typhi, which causes murine typhus; and smooth eggs easily fall from the host into cracks, crevices, Dipylidium caninum, the double-pored dog tapeworm, carpet, bedding, or lawn covering. A mature female flea which can live in dogs, cats, or humans. can lay up to 25 eggs per day for three weeks. 1 3 Detection and Monitoring Small, worm-like larvae ( ⁄16 to ⁄16 inches long) hatch from the eggs in 2 to 12 days. They have a distinct brown Fleas can be a problem in schools even when no pets are head and are eyeless, legless, and sparsely covered with kept in the buildings. Adult fleas can be brought in on hairs. The larval body is translucent white and a dark- the clothing of staff, students, or visitors. Other possible colored gut can be seen through the flea’s skin. Flea larvae sources include urban wildlife such as rats, feral cats, feed on dried blood excreted by adults. They will also raccoons, opossums, chipmunks, squirrels, or birds that eat dandruff, skin flakes, and grain particles. Larvae live may live in unused parts of buildings. Detection is as in cracks and crevices or on the ground where eggs have simple as seeing fleas or noticing bites around the ankles fallen. Under favorable conditions, they take 8 to 21 days of people in the building. Flea dirt—adult flea feces that to develop, but they can take up to 200 days under dries and falls off a host—also may be visible. unfavorable conditions. Larval fleas eventually spin silken cocoons in which Areas to Monitor they metamorphose into adults. The cocoons are sticky • In and around the cages of pets kept in classrooms and attract dirt and debris, which camouflages them. (also check the pets themselves for signs of fleas). Under optimal conditions, new adults are ready to emerge • Places where animals might find harborage, such as from their pupal cocoons within two weeks. They can, basements, crawlspaces, attics, eaves, rooftop structures, however, remain in their cocoons up to 12 months in the and secluded shrubbery near buildings. absence of a host or under unfavorable climatic condi- tions. Vibrations and/or elevated temperature stimulate Monitoring Traps adults to emerge from their cocoon. This ability to wait Flea Sock Traps until a host arrives can result in a sudden increase of These are homemade, knee-high, white flannel booties adult fleas when they emerge simultaneously from many that fit over the shoes and lower pant legs. When you walk cocoons. through a flea-infested area, fleas will jump onto the flan- As soon as the adult fleas emerge from the pupal case, nel and become temporarily entangled in the nap where they seek a host from which to take their first blood meal. you can easily see and count them. Long, white athletic

Most of the information for this chapter was modified from: IPM for Schools: A How-to Manual. United States Environmental Protection Agency. EPA 909-B-97-001. March 1997. Richman, D. L. IPM for Fleas in Schools. Universituy of Florida School IPM Web site at schoolipm.ifas.ufl.edu/tp5.htm. March 1998. Technical Information for Pennsylvania Schools—Fleas 55

socks worn over the shoes and trouser legs will also work, the flea population is likely to be small. Check the traps as will wide strips of sticky-backed paper wrapped around once a week. If no fleas are caught by the second week, the lower legs (sticky side out). Socks can also provide move the trap to another location or remove it. If the protection from bites if a person must enter a severely traps catch only a few fleas, the infestation is very small flea-infested area for a short period of time. and can probably be managed with the traps alone. In this case, leave the traps in place until no fleas have been Light Traps caught for at least a week. If more fleas are caught per These compact traps, roughly 4 by 6 inches in size, consist trap in a week, this indicates a more serious infestation, of a small electric light and a sheet of sticky paper. Adult and time must be devoted to finding its source (such as cat fleas seeking a host appear to be attracted to both an animal living in or under the building). the warmth of the trap and the light emanating from it. Research has shown that fleas are most attracted to green Persistent Flea Problems light and are more attracted to light traps if the light is Persistent flea problems in buildings where there are turned off for 10 seconds every 5 to 10 minutes; therefore, no pets may indicate the presence of rodents or other it is important to use a trap with a green light that can wildlife. In this case, it may be helpful to have a profes- flicker on and off. sional identify the fleas. A flea’s identity can be used Light traps are especially useful for monitoring in to determine the host animal and where to search for the offices or classrooms where no animals are present and host or its nest.

Sample IPM Plan for an Indoor Flea Situation

If monitoring has confirmed a high indoor flea to all staff and parents or guardians of students who population that requires an immediate response, the request it 72 hours prior to pesticide use. Warning following IPM program can be used to manage the signs must also be posted in the vicinity 72 hours situation. A significant reduction of flea numbers prior to and for 48 hours after the application. The should occur within 1 or 2 days. law also mandates a 7-hour reentry period for com- mon access areas whenever pesticides are applied.) 1. Protect Yourself. Wear long plants tucked into boots or socks. For added protection, you may 4. Apply an Insecticide If Needed. The first three steps want to apply an insect repellent to pantlegs and described above should reduce the flea population footwear. to a low level and keep it there while long-term measures (such as locating and removing wild ani- 2. Vacuum and/or Steam-Clean Infested Areas. mal flea hosts from the building) are undertaken. Since most fleas reside in carpeting, it should be If sufficient management has not been achieved, thoroughly cleaned. In uncarpeted areas, or where apply a borate insecticide to carpeting or spot-treat carpeting cannot be steam-cleaned, concentrate infested areas with insecticidal soap or pyrethrin vacuuming along baseboards, under furniture, (see Chemical Controls on page 57). If adequate behind doors, or in other areas where dust collects management has still not been achieved, a pest and flea eggs are protected from foot traffic. See management professional should be contacted to Physical Controls on page 56 for more details. apply a stronger insecticide, such as a synthetic 3. Apply an Insect Growth Regulator (IGR). pyrethroid. A combination of both an IGR and After completing steps 1 and 2 above, spray an appropriately labeled pesticide may be needed carpets and floor with an appropriately labeled in some cases. All label directions should be IGR (see Chemical Controls on page 57). The IGR followed to the letter and the applicant should will prevent pre-adult fleas that survive vacuuming wear appropriate protective clothing. or steam-cleaning from maturing into biting adults. 5. Remove Any Wildlife Nesting In or Under Building. (Pennsylvania law allows pesticide applications If flea problems persist but no pet is present, in schools only by certified applicators, registered check for wildlife in the vicinity of the building technicians, or by non-certified applicators or non- and remove any animals that are found. A residual registered technicians under the direct supervision insecticide may be needed under buildings to of a certified applicator. Notification must be given prevent flea migration indoors. IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 56

Management Options Flea Combs An integrated management program for fleas can be Classroom pets in a flea-infested room should be combed designed by selecting from the following strategies regularly with a special flea comb that can be purchased and tactics. See the sample emergency flea management at a pet store. Fleas and eggs removed from the animal plan below. should be dropped into soapy water.

Physical Controls Laundry Wild Animal Removal Wash removable floor coverings, such as rugs, located in Wild animals can be trapped by trained animal manage- areas where there are known infestations. Any bedding for ment technicians. Consult your Yellow Pages or obtain classroom pets should be washed regularly. recommendations from your Penn State Cooperative Extension county agent. Make appropriate repairs to Ultrasonic Devices exclude animals. It has been suggested that ultrasonic flea collars keep fleas off pets, but recent investigations have shown these Vacuuming devices to be ineffective. • Vacuuming on a regular basis throughout the year will keep developing flea populations low by eliminating Heat adult fleas and their eggs. Tests have indicated that cat flea larvae die after expo- sure to 103°F for one hour, and techniques to raise the • Vibrations caused by vacuum cleaners will stimulate new temperature in a room to provide this exposure have been adult fleas to emerge from their pupal sacs. These new developed. The heating process uses a common heating adults will be either exposed to any residual insecticide on the floor or captured in the next vacuuming. unit modified to include special blowers and flexible ducts. Companies have been using heat to kill termites and • Vacuuming is not very effective at capturing flea larvae wood-boring beetles for a number of years, and now some in carpeting because the larvae coil themselves around companies are experimenting with heat to manage fleas. the fibers. Vacuuming does, however, remove the dried One potential problem with this technique is that fleas can blood on which the larvae feed. burrow into carpets and upholstery, and perhaps escape • Use vacuum attachments to clean cracks and crevices. lethal temperatures. Caulk or seal these openings. • Most fleas will be killed when dust in the vacuum bag Drying or Flooding Infested Areas Outdoors suffocates them. To be sure they are killed, you can Outdoors, organic matter can temporarily harbor flea vacuum up a tablespoon of cornstarch. larvae. Either drying out these areas or saturating them • Vacuum badly infested areas thoroughly every day until with water will kill eggs and larvae. You can also treat the infestation is managed. these areas with insect-attacking nematodes (see Biologi- cal Controls below) or with an insecticide labeled for • When infestations are severe, you may need to outdoor use (see Chemical Controls on page 57). supplement vacuuming with steam-cleaning or other management tactics. Biological Controls Steam-Cleaning Beneficial Nematodes The services of a steam-cleaning firm may be warranted Insect-destroying nematodes (Steinernema carpocapsae) when flea populations are severe. This process kills adult can be applied to the lawn as a spray. These microscopic, and larval fleas and probably some eggs as well; how- worm-like organisms live in the soil and kill insects by ever, since the warmth and humidity from the steam also entering their bodies, feeding on their tissue, and releas- stimulates the remaining flea eggs to hatch a day or two ing harmful bacteria. They do not affect people, pets, or after the cleaning, some fleas may reappear. If the other plants. When the nematodes mature and reproduce, the steps recommended in this section are followed, the few nematode larvae leave to search for other hosts. They fleas that hatch after steam-cleaning should represent the cannot move far (only 1 or 2 inches) and die if they fail last of the flea population. to contact other insects. The nematodes sold for flea management are native to the United States and are found naturally in the soil nationwide. They will not adversely affect earthworms, but may attack insects other than fleas. Technical Information for Pennsylvania Schools—Fleas 57

Nematodes may not be effective in some situations, and Diatomaceous Earth and Silica Aerogel may also require monthly applications (Mallis, 1992). These dusts can be used for flea management. Diatoma- ceous earth is made from fossilized diatoms, and silica gel Tips for Using Nematodes is produced from sand. Both of these products kill insects • Use the number of nematodes recommended by the through desiccation: they abrade the wax and oil on the manufacturer. insect’s outer covering, leading to dehydration and death. Although these materials are not poisonous to humans, • Treat outdoor areas where you have found evidence of the fine dust travels freely through the air and can be ir- sleeping animals or areas that you know are regularly ritating to the eyes and lungs; therefore, use a dust mask traveled by animals. and goggles during application. Silica gel and diatoma- • Moisture is critical to the effective use of nematodes, ceous earth are sometimes formulated with pyrethrins, so water the area before and after the application. which are discussed below.

Chemical Controls How to Use Diatomaceous Earth and Silica Aerogel If nonchemical methods alone are ineffective, or only • Lightly dust upholstered furniture that is suspected to partially effective, then integrating a pesticide into your harbor fleas. Be sure to work the material into cracks management program may be warranted. and crevices. Pesticides must be used in accordance with their EPA-approved label directions. Pennsylvania law allows • Lightly dust rugs or pet bedding. pesticide applications in schools only by certified applica- • Apply to infested carpeting, leave for a couple of days, tors, registered technicians, or by non-certified applicators and then vacuum up. or non-registered technicians under the direct supervision • Dust crawl spaces, wall voids, attics, and other similar of a certified applicator. Notification must be given to all spaces where you suspect animals of nesting or resting. staff and parents or guardians of students who request it • Do not use in moist environments; neither material 72 hours prior to pesticide use. Warning signs must also works well when wet. be posted in the vicinity 72 hours prior to and for 48 hours after the application. The law also mandates a 7-hour Citrus Oil Extracts (D-Limonene/Linalool) reentry period for common access areas whenever pesticides D-limonene and linalool are citrus-peel extracts that are applied. Applicators should always wear protective have been used for years as food additives. Products that gear during applications. All labels and Material Safety contain d-limonene kill larval and adult fleas, while Data Sheets (MSDS) for the pesticide products autho- those containing both ingredients kill all flea stages. rized for use in the IPM program should be maintained EPA-registered citrus shampoos are mild enough to use on file. These materials should not be applied in common on young animals, but veterinarians caution that some access areas when occupied, and never where they might cats may react negatively if the material is applied in wash into a drain or sewer unless otherwise labeled. excessive concentrations. Citrus sprays also can be applied to animal bedding, but they should not be used outdoors Insecticidal Soap or to spray entire rooms. Insecticidal soap products can be found in pet stores and sometimes hardware stores. Some of these products Borates contain pyrethrins. Borate products worked into the nap of the carpet can Insecticidal soap can be used on pets, rugs, floors, and be used to manage fleas. This treatment is an intestinal other places where flea eggs or young fleas may have col- poison which acts on flea larvae that have ingested it. lected. Outdoor areas also can be treated with insecticidal These products may be effective for up to a year. This soap to reduce adult populations. Because this soap can product is sold through veterinarians, but application kill a wide variety of insects, mites, and other arthropods of borates by a pest management professional is recom- (many of which are beneficial), it should be used outdoors mended in schools. only in spot treatments where wild animals nest, and only when flea infestations are large. Imidacloprid and Fipronil Both imidacloprid and fipronil are available through veterinarians as spot-on oils that are applied to the shoulder area of a cat or dog. These materials become IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 58

distributed over the body within a few hours. (Consult a Insect Growth Regulators veterinarian before using either of these products on a pet Insect growth regulators (IGRs) inhibit the development other than a cat or dog). These insecticides are relatively of immature fleas, but do not kill adult fleas. Use of an nontoxic to mammals and kill almost all the fleas on the IGR product (or a borate product) in conjunction with an pet within 24 hours of treatment. Both products continue adulticide (imidacloprid, fipronil, pyrethrins, or pyre- to kill fleas for at least 30 days after treatment. However, throids) prevents development of immature fleas and kills fleas may feed, mate, and lay eggs before they die. adult fleas. Methoprene and pyriproxyfen are available in pet sprays, pet collars, and spot treatments. Fenoxycarb is Pyrethrins and Synthetic Pyrethroids available through professional pest management compa- There are a number of flea management products con- nies and is for outdoor use only. Lufenuron, a medicine taining pyrethrins and synthetic pyrethroids which are for dogs and cats, is available only from veterinarians. used as spray treatments to reduce the number of fleas. It manages fleas by preventing eggs from hatching. These products should be applied by a pest management professional. Technical Information for Pennsylvania Schools—Flies and Mosquitoes 59

IPM for Flies and Mosquitoes in Schools

Introduction in their flight around foods, particularly sweets, and are Many species of flies can be problems in schools. Each larger than filth flies. Filth flies are not aggressive and kind of fly has a distinct breeding site inside or outside do not bite. The cluster fly, which is also larger than the the school building. To manage pest flies, you must know filth flies, can be identified by its stout body with crinkled which fly is causing the problem and where it is breeding. yellow hairs. Common pest flies encountered in schools can be identi- Filth flies pass through four distinct stages in their life fied by characteristics shown in Table 5. cycle: egg, larva (maggot), pupa, and adult. Adult female filth flies look for moist places with the right smell to lay Garbage- and Manure-Breeding Flies their eggs. This can be in food waste in a garbage can or dumpster, in dog or cat feces, in dead animals, in kitchen Identification and Biology drains, in grass clippings allowed to rot in a pile, and House flies, dump flies, blue and green bottle flies, and even in moist soil that is mixed with garbage. The larva others that breed in food wastes (garbage) and/or animal hatches from the egg and grows until it is ready to form a feces generally are referred to as “filth flies.” puparium (a kind of cocoon), from which an adult fly will Sometimes flies are confused with wasps; however, flies emerge. Once the adult fly emerges, it doesn’t grow any have two wings, while wasps and all other winged insects larger; small flies do not grow into larger flies. have four wings arranged in two pairs. Wasps, unlike flies, fold their wings alongside their bodies when at rest. Most Damage pest wasps are colorfully marked with yellow, red, black, Flies that invade cafeterias and kitchens are not just a and white, and have narrowly constricted waists. Gener- nuisance. They also carry bacteria and other microbes ally, wasps are less likely to come indoors, are aggressive that can contaminate food, utensils, and surfaces.

Table 5.

Common Flies Found In and Around Schools in Pennsylvania Species Description Sources of Infestation

1 5 House fly ⁄4– ⁄16 inch long; gray; 4 stripes garbage, human and animal feces Musca domestica on thorax

Blow flies 1 5 Green bottle fly ⁄4– ⁄16 inch long; shiny green garbage containing mixtures of animal and vegetable matter; dead Phaenicia sericata to bronze animals; fresh meat; enters buildings less frequently than house flies

1 9 Blue bottle fly ⁄4– ⁄16 inch long; thorax dull; exposed meat, feces, overripe fruit, and other decaying vegetable Cynomyopsis cadaverina, abdomen metallic blue matter; enters buildings in cool season Calliphora spp.

3 Cluster fly larger than house fly, ⁄8 inch long; larvae parasitic on earthworms; adults enter houses in fall Pollenia rudis dark gray with distinctive yellow hairs; adults sluggish

1 Fruit fly ⁄8 inch long; yellow-brown fermenting fruit and vegetables, other moist organic matter Drosophila spp.

1 1 Phorid fly ⁄16– ⁄8 inch long; more hump-backed decomposing organic matter, including vegetables, fruit, flesh, (Humpbacked Fly) in appearance than fruit flies and feces Megaselia scalaris

1 1 Moth fly ⁄16– ⁄4 inch long; dark or grayish eggs, larvae, and pupa often found in slime or muck in drains, sewage (Drain Fly) with wings densely covered disposal beds, moist compost, and garbage containers; adults found Psychoda spp. with hairs near same areas

Most of the information for this chapter was modified from: IPM for Schools: A How-to Manual. United States Environmental Protection Agency. EPA 909-B-97-001. March 1997. Information on moth flies was adapted from Lyon, W. F. Drain Flies. The Ohio State University Extension Fact Sheet HYG-2071-97, and Jacobs, S. B. Moth flies in the home. The Pennsylvania State University. Entomology-NP-6. 1998. IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 60

Detection and Monitoring Other Garbage It is important to correctly identify the problem flies and • In food preparation areas, rinse all cans, bottles, and pinpoint their breeding sites. Some of the characteris- plastic containers before recycling or discarding. tics listed in Table 5 can help you with identification. Specimens also can be taken to a Penn State Cooperative Exterior Garbage Cans and Dumpsters Extension county agent, who should be able to assist in • Inform students, teachers, and staff about the identification. importance of placing garbage inside the proper To collect specimens inside, use sticky flypaper or containers. Garbage should not be left lying on the gather dead specimens from windowsills and light ground. fixtures. Outside, trapping is one of the easiest methods • To avoid attracting flies into the building, place of catching flies for identification (see pages 62–64 for dumpsters and recycling containers upwind from the guidelines on trap construction, placement, and baits). If outside doors of the school, particularly doors to the adult flies consistently avoid baited traps, the pest fly may kitchen or cafeteria. When dumpsters are downwind, not be a filth fly. flies are attracted to the waste odors and then find the odor trails that the breeze blows down from the Management Options doorways. Following these odor trails, they find their To manage flies, you must find and reduce breeding sites, way into the building. install and maintain screens to keep flies out of buildings, • Wastes should be collected and moved off-site at least kill those flies that do get inside with a fly swatter or once a week. Since flies breed faster in warm weather, flypaper, and reduce or eliminate the odors that attract flies. garbage collection twice a week may significantly reduce In a school with a frequent waste removal program, fly problems. it is very possible that few flies are breeding on the school • Make sure garbage can and dumpster lids seal tightly property. It is more likely that odors from dumpsters, when closed and remain closed when not in use. Do not garbage cans, kitchens, and cafeterias are attracting flies leave lids open at night; garbage can attract other pests, to the school from the surrounding neighborhood. House such as rodents. Repair or replace garbage cans that flies and blow flies, the species that most commonly have holes or lids that do not close tightly. invade buildings, usually develop outside and follow odors • Regularly clean garbage cans and dumpsters to prevent into the building. They can also be pests when students or the buildup of food waste. Use a high-pressure stream staff are eating outside. In schools where waste removal of water or a brush and soapy water, if necessary. A is infrequent, fly populations can be breeding at the waste solution of borax and water will eliminate odors. Do collection site. not allow soured milk to collect in trash receptacles; it is a powerful attractant to flies. If possible, dumpsters Habitat Modification should be fitted with drains so they can be hosed or Modifying habitat is one of the most important aspects scrubbed out as needed. Another option is to require the refuse company to clean the dumpster or replace it with of fly management. It is impossible to manage filth flies a clean one more frequently. Some pest management without controlling wastes and odors. companies will power-wash dumpster and dumpster areas as part of their service. Food Waste • Flies can develop in soil soaked with water used to • All food waste from the kitchen, cafeteria, and other clean garbage cans and dumpsters. Check these areas areas should be separated from other garbage, drained regularly. If you see maggots, scrape them up along with so it will be as dry as possible, and then stored in sealed the soil and dispose of everything in a tightly sealed plastic bags before discarding. plastic bag. • Place containers with small amounts of food waste, such • Inspect dumpsters and other outdoor trash receptacles as milk or yogurt cartons, into sealed plastic bags before daily, and remove any wastes lying on the ground. disposal. This will reduce access by flies. • Garbage cans on the school grounds should have • Promptly fix drains or electric garbage disposal units removable domed tops with self-closing, spring-loaded that leak, or drains that allow food waste to accumulate swinging doors. Cans should be lined with plastic bags under sinks or floors. Leaky drains can attract many that can be tightly sealed and removed daily. species of flies. Remove any food waste that has accumulated under sinks or floors or in crawl spaces or • If children do not have access to dumpsters, baits inside basements at the site of the broken drain, and then clean and residual insecticides on the outsides of dumpsters the area thoroughly. work well. Technical Information for Pennsylvania Schools—Flies and Mosquitoes 61

Animal Feces Flypaper Remove droppings promptly and put them into plastic bags Sticky flypaper is effective at catching flies because it takes that are sealed before disposal. Dog feces that dry quickly advantage of their natural habit of moving up to the may attract adult flies with their odor, but are unlikely to ceiling to rest. It will take several days for a new strip of host many maggots. Droppings that remain damp because flypaper to start catching flies. Use a number of strips at of humidity or rain can breed a number of maggots. a time and replace them when they are covered with flies or when they begin to dry out. Flypaper can be very use- Odor ful in areas where there are too many flies to kill with a Flies can detect odors across long distances. Smells of fly swatter, and where aesthetic appeal is not of primary souring milk from hundreds of containers thrown in importance. Flypaper is also a useful monitoring tool. dumpsters can attract thousands of flies from the sur- Do not place flypaper or sticky strips above or near food rounding neighborhood. Storing garbage in sealed plastic preparation areas. bags and having cans and dumpsters cleaned and emptied frequently to eliminate odors is very important. Removing Fly Traps pet feces also helps to reduce odors that attract flies. Fly traps can be used to reduce adult fly populations, Flies attracted to open kitchen or cafeteria doors, or capture specimens for identification, and monitor the to dumpsters or garbage, will rest on nearby walls, eaves, effectiveness of management programs. Fly traps are not and rafters. While resting, they leave fly specks, which toxic and are more selective than using insecticide. Traps have a strong fly-attracting odor. These brown- to need to be serviced regularly, placed appropriately, and cream-colored specks should be washed off with an repaired or replaced when damaged. odor-eliminating cleaner (a mild solution of borax and water can be particularly effective); otherwise, they will Trapping Flies Indoors continue to attract flies. Electrocuting light traps often are used indoors. The Food and Drug Administration states that they should be Physical Controls “installed no closer than 5 feet from exposed items.” Light Screens traps will not work well in a room with many and/or large Install screens over windows, doors, and vent holes to windows, because the bright light coming in the windows prevent flies from entering buildings. Weather-stripping is a much more powerful attractant than the comparative- or silicone caulk can be used to ensure a tight fit. Torn ly weak light coming from the trap. Light traps do work screens can be repaired with clear silicone caulk. Screen well at night. doors should be fitted with springs or automatic closing Some companies are now producing fly traps that lure devices that close the screen door firmly after it is opened. the flies to a hidden glue board with a near-UV black light External doors that cannot be screened should be fitted specially designed to attract flying insects. These were with automatic closing devices, and/or vertical strips of developed for cafeterias, fast food operations, and school overlapping plastic that allow human access but prevent lunchrooms. fly entry. “Air curtains” that force air across openings are Contrary to the advice provided in some promotional another alternative to screen doors. literature for ultraviolet light or electrocutor traps, these traps should not be used outdoors. They are relatively Fly Swatters nonselective in the insects they attract and will kill many In many instances, the old-fashioned fly swatter is the more beneficial and innocuous insects than pests. safest and quickest way to kill flies that have found their The following are key points to remember when using 1 way into a room. Aim the fly swatter about 1 ⁄2 inches light traps for indoor flies: behind the fly, rather than directly at it, because research • Use the number of traps recommended by the has shown that when a house fly takes off from a horizon- manufacturer, or, as a general rule, one trap for every tal surface, it jumps upward and backward. Stiff plastic 30 feet of wall. swatters seem to work better than wire-mesh ones. The • Ideally, traps should be mounted 3 feet from the floor fly’s unblurred range of vision is about 1⁄ feet, and the 2 on the perimeter walls of the room, because hungry flies swatter can be moved to this distance before striking. circle the perimeter of a room close to the floor when looking for food. They should also be placed 5 feet away from any open food and 25 feet from any doors or windows. Traps work best in rooms without windows. IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 62

A pest management professional can help with trap Trapping Flies Outdoors placement recommendations. To capture flies outside, use traps with a screen cone • Empty and clean the traps weekly to prevent dead flies suspended above the bait. These cone-type traps take from becoming an attractive food source for other advantage of the fly’s habit of flying or walking toward insects. light. Cone traps can be easily made from wood and aluminum or plastic screening; use the dimensions shown • Replace lamps at least once a year. in Figure 3. Flies are attracted to the bait in the pan under • The more expensive black light “blue” bulbs do not the trap. Once the flies are under the trap, the brightest attract more flies than regular black light bulbs. spot they see is the hole in the cone above them. They • The lamp should be directed toward the interior of the walk up through the hole and are trapped in the outer building. Do not place traps where flies that are outside screen cage. Since flies are attracted to the light and it is can see the light bulb. This may attract more flies. always lighter above them, they can not find their way • Place traps near odor sources such as cooking areas, back out through the hole in the cone. garbage cans, and outdoor restrooms, since odors will be more attractive (especially from a distance) than the light.

Figure 3. Cone Trap Diagram

A bait pan is placed beneath the cone. Make sure the top edge of the bait pan is above the bottom edge of the trap. The top also is made of screening, and should be hinged (to empty the trap) and closed with a hook and eye. Weather-stripping or a strip of foam or cloth glued to all four sides of the underside of the lid will prevent flies from squeezing out. Technical Information for Pennsylvania Schools—Flies and Mosquitoes 63

The following are key points to remember when trapping Traps hung in these areas must not interfere with the flies outdoors. opening and closing of the dumpster, and should be — Trap placement is important. placed in areas where people will not tamper with them and will not be offended by the bait odors. • If an area has a small or moderate fly problem, traps placed close to buildings can attract flies from all over • Place traps in sunlight. Flies are more active in the neighborhood and make the problem worse. It is sunlight, both outside and inside the trap. better to set the traps close to fly breeding sites, with — Empty the trap when dead flies cover about one any prevailing breeze blowing from the trap toward quarter of the cone. the breeding area. • Do not release live flies that are in the trap. Kill them • Do not set traps near doorways or entrances to by enclosing the trap in a plastic bag and placing it in buildings. the sun. After the flies are dead, the contents of the • Place traps away from outdoor areas that are used for trap should be poured into the plastic bag, sealed, eating or recreation. and discarded in a dumpster or garbage can. • Generally, traps are most effective when placed on — Do not clean the trap between uses. the ground, but they can be hung over the openings • The smell of the millions of fly specks deposited on of dumpsters and from buildings or fences as well. the screen is very attractive to flies.

Fly Bait Recipes

Bait is important to the performance of the trap. Here are some recipes and tips on using them.

Beltsville Bait (from Pickens, et al., 1994) This makes a dry bait that can be easily stored for a considerable time. It must be mixed with water before using.

Ingredients 1 pound granulated sugar 1 pound baking powder (double-acting type) 2 ounces dry active yeast (baking yeast) 6 ounces air-dried blood or freeze-dried fish meal

1 ⁄4 cup honey 2 tablespoons* water *Quantity of water needed may vary with the humidity of air when mixing. Use only sufficient water to bind dry ingredients together when they are compressed.

Procedure Mix ingredients thoroughly. Press mixture into a plastic ice-cube tray to form cubes. Invert the tray to dump the cubes, and let them dry to form hard blocks. To use the bait, add 2 cubes of bait to 2 quarts of water. Place bait in a wide-mouth pan beneath a cone-type trap. Flies are attracted to this bait from only a short distance, so traps should be placed within 6 feet of areas where flies are active. Bait pans should be cleaned and baited every 1 to 2 weeks and should be kept filled with water. IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 64

Liquid Yeast Bait (from Satrom and Stephens, 1979) This recipe makes 7–9 portions of liquid bait for use with a cone trap. It can be stored 20–30 days once it is ready for use.

Ingredients 2 quarts tepid (not hot) water (95°–105° F) 1 cup and 3 ounces active dry yeast (baking yeast) 2 tablespoons ammonium carbonate (optional*) *Ammonium carbonate is available from chemical supply houses and will improve the odor of the bait.

Mixing the bait Use a plastic (not glass) narrow-necked gallon jug with a screw cap for mixing, ripening, and storing bait. Bleach or milk jugs work well. Wide-mouth containers will not produce effective bait. Mix all the above ingredients in the jug. Important: With cap lightly sealed, allow mixture to begin to ripen (see ripening instructions below). It will foam up at first. After it subsides (1–2 days), tighten the lid and continue ripening till very smelly (2–9 additional days). Gases must escape while bait is foaming up (loose cap), but bait must finish ripening without air (tight cap) to attract flies.

Ripening the bait Allow bait to ripen 4–10 days in a place where temperatures remain above 60°F during the night and day. Bait is ripe when it is very smelly, with a musky, penetrating odor. Warm daytime temperatures will make up for slightly cooler (less than 60°F) nights, but in general, the warmer the average temperature, the faster the bait will ripen. Because of its heavy odor, the bait should be ripened in a well-ventilated area where it will not offend people. Do not ripen or store the bait in direct sunlight. Extreme temperatures can build within the jug, kill the yeast, and cause gases to expand enough to pop off the lid or break the jug.

Storing the bait To maintain potency, store bait with the cap kept tight. Open the jug only when necessary to refill the bait pan. Do not store in direct sunlight. note: Ripened bait should be treated as a decaying food material. It can cause gastrointestinal disturbances if ingested.

Using the bait Stir or shake the bait supply each time before adding to the bait pan. Pour about 1 cup (8 ounces) of bait in a wide pan on a level surface under the trap. Be sure the edge of the pan is higher than the bottom edge of the trap frame. The bait is effective in the pan for at least 3 to 5 days. It attracts more flies on the first day, and then gradually declines thereafter. Don’t let the bait dry out.

• Liquid bait, either the Yeast Bait or the Beltsville Bait, in cool weather when the main aim of trapping is to is a superior attractant that will not breed flies unless reduce the total number of flies rather than to suppress it is allowed to dry to a sludge. If either of these baits breeding. contaminates clothing and hands, use baking soda and • Baits such as decaying meat or fish scraps will attract water to remove the odors. mainly blow flies and flesh flies. These baits should • Yeast Bait has a foul odor that is particularly attractive always be put inside a rolled down plastic bag and then to female flies because it smells like a good place to placed in the bait pan. Periodically check the bait so that lay eggs. This bait will lure flies even from the most it does not become a breeding site for flies. The larvae attractive breeding sites. feeding on the bait can crawl out of the plastic bag and away from the trap to pupate. If larvae are found in the • Beltsville Bait will attract male flies as well as females bait, the plastic bag should be sealed, thrown away, and because it contains sugar. This sweet bait can be used replaced with a new bag and bait. Technical Information for Pennsylvania Schools—Flies and Mosquitoes 65

• Sex pheromone baits for flies do not last long and do Fruit Flies, Cluster Flies, Phorid Flies, not attract flies from a distance. They are likely to be more expensive and less effective than food baits that and Moth Flies can be made with common materials and attract both Identification and Biology sexes. Fruit Flies • Poisons are not needed in the bait. Flies are more Fruit flies are small flies commonly seen flying around attracted to the live flies in the trap than they are to 1 ripe fruit, especially bananas. They are about ⁄8 inch long. dead ones. However, if fruit flies begin breeding in the They lay their eggs near the surface of fermenting fruits trap, a granular bait toxicant should be added. and vegetables and other moist organic materials (includ- • The top edge of the bait pan must be at least 1⁄2 inch ing damp mops and cleaning rags, as well as residues in above the bottom edge of the trap. If flies can sit on the bottles, cans, garbage disposals, and drains). Their life top edge of the bait pan and look out under the trap, cycle, from egg through maggot and pupa to adult, takes trap catches will be poor. little more than a week, and the number of flies that can Prevent excessive amounts of water from getting into be produced by a single piece of fruit is enormous. These the trap. If dead flies in the trap get wet and begin to rot, flies are most often a problem in late summer and early they may attract blow flies that will lay their eggs on the fall, so careful storage of fruit and vegetables is necessary outside of the screen. at these times of the year. When the tiny blow fly larvae hatch, they crawl through the screen to feast on the rotting mass of flies. Cluster Flies This turns the trap into a messy breeding site for flies. Cluster flies are larger and darker than house flies and • Do not place traps where sprinklers will get them wet. have a distinctive yellowish color caused by the crinkled yellow hairs on their bodies. In the summer, cluster flies • In areas where there are frequent rainstorms, it may be lay their eggs in soil, where the maggots parasitize earth- necessary to fit the trap with a clear Plexiglas top. worms. Soil containing many earthworms is a common source of these flies. In the fall, the adults can be seen Chemical Controls clustering on the south and west sides of buildings. As the Except for odor-eliminating chemicals (such as borax) weather gets cooler, these flies begin looking for sheltered and baits, pesticides are not recommended for fly man- places to spend the winter and often enter buildings. agement. However, where children do not have access to dumpsters, baits inside and residuals on the outsides of Phorid Flies (Humpbacked Flies) dumpsters work well. The most common phorid fly,Megaselia scalaris, is small (1⁄ to 1⁄ inch long) with a yellowish-brown body Borates 16 8 and light brown wings. The adults seem reluctant to fly, Low concentrations of borax in water can be used to and they run around on walls, windows, and tables with eliminate fly odors. This solution is particularly effective a characteristic quick, jerky motion. The females are for removing fly specks from walls and eaves, and for strongly attracted to odors and lay their eggs on or next to rinsing out garbage cans and dumpsters. These solutions decaying material, both plant and animal. Food sources should not be used near ponds, streams, lakes, or other for the larvae are highly varied, from decomposing fruit, bodies of water, and should not be poured onto plants. vegetables, and meat to open wounds in animals and people to human and animal feces. The life cycle from egg to adult takes from 14 to 37 days.

Moth Flies (Drain Flies) 1 1 Moth flies Psychoda( spp.) are about ⁄16 to ⁄4 inch long, fuzzy, dark or grayish insects. Their body and wings are densely covered with hairs. Wings, appearing too large for the body, are held roof-like over the body when at rest, giving a mothlike appearance. During the day, adults often rest in shaded areas or on walls near plumbing fixtures and on the sides of showers and sinks. During the evening, these flies can be seen walking about drains and sinks. IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 66

They may breed in large numbers at sewage filter plants Cluster Flies and then be carried by prevailing winds to nearby build- Cluster flies are not as strong fliers as house flies and ings up to a mile away. Adults are small enough to pass can easily be killed with a fly swatter or removed with through ordinary window screening. a vacuum. Cluster flies also can be allowed to exit by opening the window. They can find their way into build- Management Options ings through unscreened doors and windows, openings Fruit Flies under siding and around roofs, unscreened ventilating Fruit flies are most active from early summer through spaces, cracks around windows, and holes where wires early fall. Problems with these flies can be avoided by penetrate the walls of the building. During warm winter ripening fruit in paper bags. Seal the bags by folding the periods, cluster flies hidden in buildings become active top over several times and closing them with paper clips and are attracted to windows. or clothespins. Once fruit is ripe, store it in the refrigera- tor. Careful storage of fruit during the rest of the school Phorid Flies year may not be necessary. Phorid flies breed in diverse sources of organic matter, If an infestation is discovered, look for and remove so it may take considerable sleuthing to find their breed- the material that is breeding the flies. Begin by searching ing sites. Once a site is found, it must be thoroughly for the obvious sources, such as ripe fruit and vegetables, scraped, cleaned, and dried. Large infestations of these then look at water from refrigerators, humidifiers, or sink flies are often the result of broken drains or garbage drains that may be fermenting; spoiled animal food; or disposals that allow organic matter to accumulate in even damp, sour mops or rags. Areas outside the building out-of-the-way places such as wall voids, under floors, near windows and doors should be checked for rotting in basements, or in the soil of crawl spaces. vegetable matter. All breeding sources should be removed and disposed of in a sealed plastic bag. Make sure that Moth Flies screens and windows near food preparation areas are in Moth flies do not bite humans, but may become a good repair. nuisance by their presence in large populations. Concen- trate on eliminating larval breeding sites from drains in Fruit Fly Trap floors, sinks, wash basins, showers, and similar places. To make a simple trap for fruit flies, combine 1 cup of To determine if the flies are coming from a drain, place a vinegar, 2 cups of water, and 1 tablespoon of honey in a glue board, sticky side down on a collar made of card- 2-liter soda bottle. Replace the cap, shake the mixture board, over the drain during a down time. Leave in place well, and punch holes in the side of the bottle above the overnight or for a few days to monitor for the flies. liquid so the flies can get in. Using string, hang the bottle Often the most effective method is to clean the drain about 5 feet above the ground. Periodically, the dead flies pipes and traps regularly to eliminate the gelatinous, should be strained out and the liquid reused. rotting organic matter, thus eliminating the larval food source. Infestations developing in drains often can be eliminated by flushing these areas with sink cleaning materials followed by very hot water. Clean dirty garbage containers, standing water in air conditioners, or other sources of stagnant water in the area. Technical Information for Pennsylvania Schools—Flies and Mosquitoes 67

Mosquitoes Figure 4 shows the stages as well as characteristics that introduction can help distinguish the three important mosquito groups. Since the introduction of West Nile virus into the United Adult females must have a blood meal before they can States, the public has a heightened awareness of the lay eggs. They have elongated piercing-sucking mouth- importance of mosquito control. Persons most at risk from parts used to penetrate the skin and ingest blood. The West Nile virus are the elderly and those with weakened bite of the mosquito, in itself, causes little harm, although immune systems. Not all mosquitoes carry the pathogen, itching and swelling in response to the mosquito saliva, nor do all people respond the same to transmission of the which contains a substance that prevents blood clotting, pathogen. may develop. The real harm can result from the mosquito Mosquitoes also can transmit pathogens besides potentially being a vector for several disease pathogens. West Nile virus; for example, some are vectors of Eastern Equine encephalitis virus, Western Equine and St. Louis MANAGING MOSQUITOES Equine encephalitis viruses, dog heartworm, and other Eliminate Mosquito Breeding Sites pathogens. The three most important mosquito groups By eliminating mosquito breeding sites on school (see Figure 4) are the Anopheles (carrier of malaria), property, the number of mosquitoes can be reduced in Culex (carrier of viral encephalitis), and Aedes (carriers the area. of yellow fever, dengue, and encephalitis). An effective • Dispose of anything outside that can hold water, such mosquito control program is essential to prevent these as tin cans, containers, pots, and particularly used potential problems. tires, which have become the most important mosquito breeding sites in the country. MOSQUITO LIFE CYCLE • Drill holes in the bottoms of recycling containers left Mosquitoes breed in standing water. This includes outdoors. swamps, storm retention basins, culverts, ponds, lakes, • Turn over wheelbarrows and other water-holding tools |and natural or artificial containers such as tree holes, when not in use. hollow stumps, pots, cans, tires, animal tracks, and plugged rain gutters. Some mosquitoes are capable of • Do not allow water to become stagnant in birdbaths, flying many miles, so control may need to be area-wide. ornamental pools or other outside areas. 1 All mosquitoes are less than ⁄2-inch long as adults. • Empty accumulated water from any trailers. During their life, mosquitoes pass through four distinct • Keep dumpsters and trash receptacles covered to stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. prevent water accumulation. Eggs are deposited either individually or in groups called • Alter the landscaping to eliminate standing water. Keep rafts on the surface of water or on soil where flooding in mind that during warm weather, mosquitoes can breed will produce puddles or pools. Most eggs hatch within in any puddle of water that lasts more than four days. 48 hours. Larvae are called wrigglers because of their wriggling Eliminate Adult Resting Sites motion in the water. The wrigglers feed on organic Cut back or remove dense brush and other vegetation debris and microorganisms and breathe at the surface from around buildings. Keep grassy areas mowed. Pro- of the water through tubes. After molting several times mote natural breezes to discourage mosquito occurrence. as they grow, they form pupae. Pupae are sometimes called tumblers because of their Biological Control defensive motion to escape predators. They are shaped Biocontrol is the use of biological organisms to control somewhat like a comma. pests. Larvivorous fish are the most extensively used bio- control agent for mosquito control. Predaceous fish, such Adults emerge from the tumblers, and as long as water is as bluegills (Centrarchidae) and killifish Cyprinodontidae( ) available in their habitats, the population gradually can be placed in permanent or semipermanent water bodies increases through the summer. The entire life cycle for larval control. Other biocontrol agents have been tested, varies from 4 to 30 days, depending on the species. but so far have generally not been operationally feasible.

Some of this material has been adapted from: Pitts, C. W., G. L. Holbrook, S. I. Gripp and W. K. Hock. Mosquito Biology and Control. The Pennsylvania State University. www.pested.psu.edu/spWNmosqbio.pdf. Higgins, W. Policy and Procedures For Mosquito Control. Western® Pest Service, Voorhees, N.J. Proceedings of the Seventy-Sixth Annual Meeting of the New Jersey Mosquito Control Association, Inc., 1989. pp. 45–50. www.rci.rutgers.edu/~insects/larvsurv.htm. IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 68

Figure 4. Characteristics of three groups of mosquitoes







MALE MALE MALE Resting Position

Illustrations from Mosquito Prevention on Irrigated Farms. 1967. USDA Ag. Handbook 319. Technical Information for Pennsylvania Schools—Flies and Mosquitoes 69

Avoidance applications are available from regional offices of the commission, the Pennsylvania Department of Environ- • Reduce outdoor exposure, especially at dawn, dusk, and mental Protection, the Pennsylvania Department of in the early evening during peak periods of mosquito activity (April to October). Agriculture, Penn State Cooperative Extension county offices, district forester offices, Pennsylvania Soil and • Avoid areas where mosquitoes tend to concentrate—in Water Conservation District offices, or the Soil Conserva- tall grass, margins of wooded areas, or in heavily tion Service county offices. wooded areas in dense vegetation. • Avoid wearing dark colors. Mosquitoes and other Larvicides biting flies are attracted to dark greens, browns, and Chemicals used to kill immature mosquitoes are typically black. They are less attracted to light-colored clothing, more effective and target-specific than adulticide, yet less especially whites and yellows. permanent than habitat modification. Several materials • Make sure window and door screens are in good repair. in various formulations are labeled for mosquito larvicid- ing, including some biorational pesticides, diptera- Repellents specific bacteria, insect growth regulators (IGR), and Apply insect repellent sparingly to exposed skin. An chitin synthesis inhibitors. Also labeled for mosquito con- effective repellent will contain 20 to 30 percent DEET trol are conventional insecticides, several nonpetroleum (N,N-diethyl-3-methyl-m-toluamide). Avoid products oils, and monomolecular film. containing more than 30 percent DEET, since in high The timing of larvicide application is dependent on the concentrations (more than 30 percent) DEET may cause nature of the control agent. Conventional insecticides kill side effects, particularly in children. Spray clothing with larvae at all stages and can be applied when convenient. the repellent also, as mosquitoes may bite through thin Bacterial toxins must be consumed by the larvae and clothing. (From the Pennsylvania Department of Health, are usually applied well before the fourth molt to ensure www.WestNile.state.pa.us/citizenfactsheet.htm). consumption. IGR’s must be applied later in the larvae’s development to upset the molting process. Chitin synthe- Chemical Control sis inhibitors are effective throughout the entire larval life. Pennsylvania law allows pesticide applications in schools Monomolecular films prevent the insect from remaining only by certified applicators, registered technicians, or at the surface of the water by reducing surface tension, by non-certified applicators or non-registered technicians causing the larvae and pupae to die. Nonpetroleum oils under the direct supervision of a certified applicator. Noti- kill larvae and pupae by suffocation. Give full attention to fication must be given to all staff and parents or guardians the label directions. of students who request it 72 hours prior to pesticide use. Warning signs must also be posted in the vicinity 72 hours Adulticides prior to and for 48 hours after the application. The law also The ground or aerial application of chemicals to kill adult mandates a 7-hour reentry period for common access areas mosquitoes is usually the least efficient mosquito-control whenever pesticides are applied. technique and is considered the last resort when other For most pesticides placed in water, a permit must methods have failed. Adulticides are often applied as also be obtained from the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat ultra-low-volume sprays in which small amounts of Commission. However the commission will allow persons insecticide are dispersed either by truck-mounted equip- to treat impounded waters with a mosquito larvicide ment or from fixed-wing or rotary aircraft. The tiny that contains Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (B.t.i.) or droplets must contact the mosquitoes to be effective. Bacillus sphaericus for waters where: 1. The water body is 1 surface acre or less. Questionable Control Methods Many devices are being sold to control mosquitoes, but 2. The water body being treated does not have a discharge over the effective treatment period. not all are effective. For example, outdoor insect light traps (bug zappers), Citrosa plants, and others are 3. The water contains no fish (bait fish or game fish). generally ineffective in controlling mosquitoes. Even bats In general, mosquito larvae control is more effective and purple martins have been shown to be no more than attempting to spray for adults. If special conditions effective than bug zappers in mosquito control as both are present, contact the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat are opportunistic feeders and they will feed on any insects Commission at 814-359-5147. The forms for other aquatic available rather than specialize on mosquitoes. IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 70

MONITORING FOR MOSQUITOES appropriate technique to obtain the most reliable results. The following techniques will cover most of the basic The following seven techniques have been developed for aspects of mosquito monitoring and control. Various sampling mosquito larvae and pupae with the standard combinations of these methods can be utilized to manage pint dipper: mosquitoes. 1. The Shallow Skim—Anopheles larvae are normally A sketch or plot plan of the school grounds is helpful found at the surface of the water among aquatic in recording locations where management may be needed. vegetation or floating debris. They can be collected with a shallow, skimming stroke along the surface, with Larval Surveillance Methods and Equipment one side of the dipper pressed just below the surface. Larval surveillance is an important aspect of an effective End the stroke just before the dipper is filled to prevent mosquito monitoring program. It can be used to deter- overflowing. mine the location, species, and population densities of 2. Partial submersion—Around emergent vegetation, pest and vector mosquitoes. It is vital for predicting adult logs and tree stumps, larvae may be drawn into the emergence and establishing optimal times for application dipper by submerging one edge so that the water flows of larval control measures. It is used to forecast the need rapidly into the dipper. In this method, the dipper is for adult mosquito control and to assess the effectiveness stationary within the water. of both chemical and biological control measures. 3. Complete submersion—Certain Culicine larvae (such Basic tools required for larval surveillance are: a as species of Aedes and Psorophora) are very active standard, enameled, or plastic dipper about 4 inches in and usually dive below the surface when disturbed. diameter (1 pint or 350 ml capacity), used for taking lar- In this case, a quick plunge of the dipper below the val samples (the handle of the dipper may be lengthened surface of the water is required, bringing the dipper by inserting a suitable piece of wood dowel or PVC pipe); back up through the submerged larvae. Bring the a small pipette or eyedropper; a pair of boots; vials, 6 oz dipper back up carefully, to avoid losing the larvae plastic bags or some other container for collecting larvae; with overflow current. labels for the collections; and a pencil. 4. Dipper as a background—This is an especially useful Mosquito larvae are found in a great variety of technique in woodland pools, for early season species. habitats. A number of different sampling techniques are Submerge the dipper completely within the woodland needed to determine the presence or absence of immature pool, going down into the bottom litter if necessary. mosquitoes and to estimate their numbers. Use the white dipper as a background against which When searching for mosquito larvae, proceed slowly larvae and pupae can be spotted. Come up underneath the larvae with the dipper. Once again, bring the dipper and carefully. Approach the area to be inspected with up carefully to avoid losing its contents. caution, as heavy footfalls will create vibrations that disturb larvae and cause them to dive to the bottom. 5. “Flow-in” method—This method is useful in situations Likewise, avoid disturbance of the water, as this will have where the water is shallow, with mud, leaf litter, or the same result. Approach the area to be sampled with other debris on the substrate. Specimens can be col- the sun in one’s face; this prevents shadows, which also lected by pushing the dipper down into the material on the bottom and letting the shallow surface water and disturb larvae and cause them to dive. If it is windy, mosquito larvae flow directly into the dipper. dipping should be done on the windward side of the habitat where larvae and pupae will be most heavily 6. Scraping—This method is used in permanent or semi- concentrated. permanent habitats containing clumps of vegetation, Mosquito larvae are usually found where surface such as tussocks. Dip from the water in, towards the tussock, and end by using the dipper to scrape up vegetation or debris are present. In larger pools and against the base of the vegetation to dislodge any ponds, they will usually be confined to the margins and larvae present. will not be found in open, deep water. Dipping should be done around floating debris, aquatic and emergent 7. Simple scoop—This technique seems to be the one vegetation, logs and tree stumps in the water, and grasses most commonly used by field personnel for larval surveillance and is frequently referred to as “the around the margins. Look for the presence of larvae and standard dipping procedure.” The technique involves pupae before beginning to dip. simply scooping a dipperful of water out of a habitat. The kind of mosquito larvae you are looking for, It is useful in a wide variety of habitats, especially for as well as the type of habitat you are working in, will collecting Culex. determine the dipping technique used. Choose the most Technical Information for Pennsylvania Schools—Flies and Mosquitoes 71

The basic information collected with each sample 2. April through June: Monitor every two weeks. should be: the date, location or site, type of habitat, 3. July through September: Monitor weekly, as this is the climatic conditions, degree of cloud cover present, the peak part of the season. larval or pupal density, stages present, and species 4. October finishes mosquito season. A sampling at this (determined in the lab through identification). time can help access the effectiveness of the control An average of 5 to 7 larvae per dip may indicate a program. need for using a larvicide in the area. An approximate time line to follow in a monitoring Samples and collection data can be submitted to the program is: state or county health department. Larval and adult samples may be collected and preserved in 70 or 90 1. Mid-March: First sample taken. Although this is still in percent ethyl alcohol for identification purposes. the cold part of the spring, and dip samples will most likely be negative, monitor anyway. This will allow the pinpointing of potential areas of activity later. IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 72

IPM for Head Lice in Schools

Introduction Body lice (Pediculosis humanus corporis) are practically Few conditions seem to cause as much concern and indistinguishable from the head lice. anxiety in schools and homes as an infestation of head The chief features distinguishing them are: lice in the hair of children. Many people associate head • Body lice attach eggs to clothing fibers instead of hair. lice with filth, but in reality these insects do not discrimi- • Adults and nymphs spend most of their time on nate according to social class or level of personal hygiene. clothing. They move to the skin to feed and are most Lice are parasites of humans. Three types of lice can numerous where clothing is in continuous close contact infest humans: head lice, body lice, and crab lice. This with the body, such as at the armpits and belt line. section deals primarily with Pediculosis humanus capitus, • Clothing plays a greater role in the transmission of body the head louse. lice. Body lice survive longer off the host (4–10 days) than head lice; eggs also survive longer off the host Identification and Biology (up to 30 days). Head lice (Pediculosis humanus capitus) are wingless • Body lice are unlikely to become permanently 1 insects measuring about ⁄8-inch long. They are flat and established on a host who maintains good personal gray-brown in color, with special mouth parts for pierc- hygiene, including regular changes to clean clothing. ing and sucking. Their laterally positioned eyes are small, and the female is generally larger than the male. Adult lice 1 Crab lice (Phthirus pubis) are shorter (about ⁄16 inch long) have six legs with large tarsal claws, which enable them to than the other lice, are oval in shape, and have greatly cling to hair shafts of a host. enlarged second and third pairs of legs with large claws. Lice are unable to jump or leap from victim to victim, Other epidemiologic features are: but adults and newly hatched nymphs can move rapidly • Crab lice mainly infest pubic hair; they occasionally from hair shaft to hair shaft. They live their entire life as infest other coarse hair—axilla, eyelashes, eyebrows, an external human parasite. They do not survive for more mustache, or beard. than one or two days without a blood meal. • Eggs are always attached to hair. Eggs of lice, called nits, are glued to hairs of the head near the scalp, especially near the ears and on the back • Clothing plays an extremely small role in transmission. of the head. A female can lay 8 to 10 eggs per day and When separated from the human host, crab lice die in less than 24 hours. a total of 50 to100 eggs during her life. Usually the nits hatch in 7 to 10 days, leaving behind empty shells attached • Transmission is almost always venereal; on occasion, to the hairs. (Unhatched nits are clear in color; hatched indirect transmission occurs from clothing, bedding, or empty nits are milky in color, with a missing top). The and towels. young lice must feed within 24 hours, or they die. It takes Legal Basis for Control of Lice about a week to 12 days for lice to become adults. Title 28, Health and Safety, Chapter 27, Communicable When lice feed on human blood, they inject their and Non-Communicable Diseases, Sections 27.71 (11), saliva into the host to prevent clotting. Meanwhile, they § 27.71 (12), 27.72, and 27.73 are the legal basis for deposit fecal material onto the scalp. People previously excluding and readmitting children to school in relation unexposed to lice usually experience little irritation to specified diseases and infectious conditions. from their first bite. After a short time, some individuals become sensitized to the bite and experience a general § 27.71 (11) specifically relates toPediculosis humanis allergic reaction, which may involve reddening of the skin, capitis (head lice) and provides for exclusion of students itching, and general inflammation. from school (public, private, parochial, Sunday, or other school or college or preschool) who have been diagnosed by a physician or are suspected of having pediculosis by

Most of the material included in this chapter came from: Guidelines for a School Based Program for Control of Lice Infestation and Other Related Conditions. Rev. 1986, Reprinted 1999. Pennsylvania Department of Health. H514.028P. 29 pp. Wisconsin’s School Integrated Pest Management Manual, School Pilot Program Draft. March, 1999. 258 pp. Technical Information for Pennsylvania Schools—Head Lice 73

the school nurse. Exclusion from school is for the period • The use of oils such as olive oil and coconut oil have of time until the student is judged noninfectious by the shown promise if left on the hair for at least 8 hours. school nurse or by the child’s physician. Consult with the school nurse or local public health nurse for more information. § 27.71 (12) requirements for body lice (Pediculosis humanis corporis) are identical to the requirements for Chemical Control head lice. Pupils are excluded from attending school until Chemicals should not be used within schools to control lice. judged non-infectious by the nurse in school or by the Infestations result from personal contact or the sharing child’s physician. infested articles such as combs, brushes, and hats. School § 27.72 provides for exclusion from school of pupils nursing staff can educate parents about proper louse showing symptoms judged noninfectious. management in the home.

§ 27.73 provides for readmission to school if the nurse is Prevention satisfied that the live infestation is noncommunicable, or Prevention is always better than cure. Here are some when the child presents a certificate of noninfectiousness suggestions that should help prevent an initial infestation from a physician. of head lice: The Pennsylvania Department of Health’s Regulations of • Assign hooks for coats in the cloakroom. Communicable and Non-Communicable Disease do not • Have students keep hats in coat sleeves or pockets rather include Phthirus pubis (crab lice). than in piles on shelves or on the floor. Control Options • Resting mats, towels, or pillows for younger children should be permanently assigned and kept separate while When lice are discovered in a classroom, all children in use and in storage. should be inspected for active lice. All members of the family of any child found with head lice also need to be • Sharing of combs, brushes, or hats should be avoided. checked for lice activity. Some school districts will adopt If an infestation should occur, several steps can help a “no nit” policy and not allow students back into the prevent a reoccurrence. classroom with any nits remaining on the hair. Unless the • All personal articles that have been in contact with the problem is addressed at home, an infestation may recur. patient’s head should be deloused. Normal laundering Because of increased resistance to prescription and with hot, soapy water (125°F for 10 minutes) or dry nonprescription treatments, head lice have become more cleaning will kill lice and nits on clothing, bed linens, difficult to manage, leading to more pressure on schools and towels. to provide treatments. However, schools should not be • Combs and brushes should be soaked for 10 minutes in sprayed to control head lice. a pan of very hot water. • Car seats, furniture, and carpeting touched by infested Nonchemical Control individuals should be vacuumed. Discard the vacuum Treatments of the Classroom bag immediately. • Vacuum furniture and floor rugs thoroughly. Discard • Avoid close contact with individuals known to be the vacuum bag immediately. infested. • Clothing (coats, hats, and other items) can be isolated in • Avoid letting others use your personal articles, individual plastic bags for each student. particularly hats, combs, and scarves. • Dry clean or wash clothing in hot water and use a hot • Bathe and shampoo frequently with hot water and soap. dryer setting to kill lice. Many lice are killed or dislodged in the process.

For more information about head lice, contact the Personal treatments Pennsylvania Department of Health, P.O. Box 90, • Because treatments do not kill 100 percent of the eggs, Health and Welfare Building, Harrisburg, PA 17108; it is important to retreat within 7 to 10 days for control. call 1-877-PAHEALTH (877-72-432584); or call your It is important to read and follow the directions on any district health consultant. Information also is available product used to control lice. on the Pennsylvania Department of Health’s Web site at • Nit combs are designed to remove lice and eggs from the www.health.state.pa.us and on the National Pediculosis hair and are very effective if used properly. Association site at www.headlice.org. IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 74

IPM for Rodents in Schools

Introduction The roof rat or black rat is more commonly encoun- Rats and mice often enter schools and warehouses in tered in buildings in the south, but is sometimes found in search of food and shelter. The most common rodent Pennsylvania. These rats are excellent climbers and often pests are the commensal rats and mice. These are Old nest in attics, wall voids, and hollow trees. They prefer to World rodents that have adapted to live with humans. travel off the ground and enter houses from nearby trees They include the roof rat, Norway rat, and house mouse. or along power lines. Roof rats prefer fruit, but will eat These commensal rodents have been carried by humans any type of human, pet, or livestock food. Rats usu- to every corner of the Earth. Rats and mice consume or ally fear new items in their environment and avoid them contaminate large quantities of food and damage struc- for several days. This means that traps should be left in tures, stored clothing, and documents. They also serve place for at least 1 week before they are moved to a new as reservoirs or vectors of numerous diseases, such as rat location. The presence of roof rats can be determined by bite fever, leptospirosis (Weil’s disease), murine typhus, gnawing damage, the presence of droppings, sightings, rickettsial pox, plague, trichinosis, typhoid, dysentery, sounds of scratching, squeaking, or gnawing in walls or salmonellosis, hymenolepis, tapeworms, and lymphocytic ceilings, and characteristic dark, greasy rub marks along choriomeningitis (Mallis, 1997). frequented paths along walls and on rafters. Rats have In most cases of rodent infestation, the pest animals large home ranges and may travel more than 50 yards can be managed without having to resort to the use of to reach food or water. Concentrating traps along rat poisons. Practicing good sanitation and exclusion will runways or favorite routes of travel is most effective. prevent most problems. If rodents do find their way Rats occupying buildings and sewers in Pennsylvania indoors, small populations can be easily eliminated with are generally Norway rats. These rats are strong burrow- various nontoxic methods. Rodenticides (rodent baits) ers, but can also climb well. They are excellent swimmers need only be used in cases of large or inaccessible infesta- and can swim under water for up to 30 seconds. They can tions. Trapping rodent pests is often preferable to using enter buildings by coming up toilet pipes. These rats usu- baits. Traps prevent rodents from dying in inaccessible ally dig burrows along building foundations and under places and causing odor problems. Traps also can be used debris piles. They have a strong preference for meat and in situations where baits are not allowed. fish, but will do well on any type of human or pet food. Raw or cooked meat and fish, especially sardines, are Rodent Ecology excellent baits, but peanut butter also works well. Like the The house mouse is the most common commensal rodent roof rat, the Norway rat is cautious around new objects invading schools. It is primarily nocturnal and secretive. and has a very large home range, more than 50 yards in The presence of mice is usually indicated by sightings, radius. The Norway rat is very aggressive and will drive damage caused by gnawing into food containers, or pres- roof rats out of an area. However, both species of rats ence of droppings. In the wild, house mice feed primarily may be found in the same building, with roof rats in the on seeds. In the school, they prefer grain products, bird attic and Norway rats in the basement. seed, and dry pet food. They tend to nibble on many small meals each night. House mice are inquisitive and Sanitation and Exclusion actively explore anything new. They also are good climb- Proper sanitation will do a great deal to manage rodent ers. However, they have a small home range and usually pests. All animals have three requirements for life: food, stay within 10 to 30 feet of their nest. Nests usually are water, and cover. Removing any one of these will force an built in structural voids, undisturbed stored products or animal to leave. Removing debris, such as piles of waste debris, or in outdoor burrows. Mice and rats are very lumber or trash, used feed sacks, and abandoned large nervous about moving in the open. The more cover they appliances, will substantially reduce the harborages for have, the more comfortable they are. They would rather rodent pests. Trim trees, vines, bushes, grass, and weeds run behind an object or along the baseboard of a wall at least 12 to 18 inches from all buildings to decrease than across an open space. cover for rodent runways and prevent hidden access

Most of the information in this chapter was modified from Kern, W. H., Jr. and P. G. Koehler, Nonchemical Rodent Control. University of Florida School IPM Web site at schoolipm.ifas.ufl.edu/tp9htm. March 1998. Technical Information for Pennsylvania Schools—Rodents 75

to buildings. Stacked firewood stored for long periods Snap traps should not be set where children or pets will provides good harborage for all three commensal rodents. come in contact with them. They have three different Store pet food and seeds, such as wild bird seed, in rodent- types of triggers: wood/prebaited, metal for holding bait, proof glass or metal containers to eliminate rodent access and expanded trigger, which is used in runways. The to these food sources. Collect and remove fallen fruit from expanded trigger is the most versatile, since it also can be backyard trees and orchards. Keep lids on trash cans and baited. Older snap traps with other types of triggers can close dumpsters at night to make an area less attractive to be modified to produce an expanded trigger. rats and mice. The drainage holes in dumpsters should be Traps should be placed where rodents are likely to be. covered with hardware cloth to keep rodents out. Rodents are creatures of habit and prefer to follow the Exclusion is also called rodent-proofing. This involves same runways they usually use. It is important to iden- making your structure a fortress that rodents cannot tify these runways and place traps there. Runways can breach. Rodents can squeeze through any opening that be identified by sprinkling a fine layer of flour or baby 1 their head can fit through. A ⁄4-inch opening can admit powder in suspected areas and looking for tracks. This is 1 mice, and a ⁄2-inch opening can give access to rats. Young a safe diagnostic method for determining rodent activity, rats and mice are the dispersing individuals, so these are but should not be confused with the use of rodenticide the ones most likely to invade new areas, like schools. Any tracking powders, which require a restricted-use pesticide opening that a pencil can fit through will admit a mouse. license. Rodents often run along edges, so traps should Below is a list of recommended materials for excluding be set along walls, especially where objects such as a box rats and mice. or appliance will guide them into the trap. Traps for mice • Galvanized, stainless, or other non-rusting metal. should be set 6 to 10 feet apart. Roof rats prefer to travel above the ground and are easier to trap along these • Sheet metal, 24 gauge or heavier. precarious pathways than on the ground. • Expanded metal, 28 gauge or heavier. The type of bait used depends on the species of rodent • Perforated metal, 24 gauge or heavier. pest. Peanut butter, pieces of fruit or nut meats are the best baits for roof rats. Peanut butter or gum drops stuck 1 • Hardware cloth, 19 gauge or heavier, ⁄4-inch or smaller to the trigger or rolled oats or bird seed sprinkled on the mesh. trap are good baits for house mice. When food is abun- • Cement mortar with a 1 part cement: 3 parts sand mix dant, nesting material, such as a cotton ball, tied to the or richer. trigger can act as an effective lure. • Concrete with a 1 part cement: 2 parts gravel: 4 parts sand mix or richer. Broken glass added to mortar or Multicatch traps are designed to repeatedly catch mice concrete will deter rodents from tunneling through a and reset themselves for another capture. These traps patched hole before the material hardens. have the ability to capture several mice with one setting, and the scent from the captured mice entices others to the • Brick, concrete block, tile, or glass will exclude rodents if in good repair. trap. However, these traps are expensive. Also, the cap- tured mice are still alive and must be dealt with. Methods • Wood will exclude rodents if no gnawing edges are of dealing with the captive rodents include submerging present. the entire trap in a bucket of water and drowning them, using drowning attachments available for some traps, Traps placing glue boards in the holding compartment of the There are four main types of rodent traps: snap traps, trap, or finding someone with a pet snake that eats mice. multicatch traps, single-catch live traps, and glue boards. Releasing captured rodents outside is not a solution, (Some people consider live trapping the least humane since they will quickly find a way back into the structure. method of killing rodents, claiming psychological stress Trap-wise rodents also are more difficult to trap than on the animal. The most humane method of killing naive ones. Like any other trap, multicatch traps must be them would be rodenticides, followed by snap traps, glue checked regularly to prevent the captured rodents from boards, and live traps). starving or dying of thirst and creating an odor problem. Available multicatch traps include the Kness “Ketch-All” Snap traps include both the classic rodent traps with the Automatic Mouse Trap, the Victor Tin Cat Repeating wood base and the newer metal clothespin traps. They are Mouse Trap, and the “Mini-Mouser.” designed to kill the trapped animal quickly and humanely. IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 76

Single-catch live traps are rodent-sized cage traps of clean surfaces with paint thinner or mineral spirits. The 1 1 various styles. These traps capture the rat or mouse alive best glue boards have at least a ⁄8- to ⁄4-inch layer of glue. and unharmed, but you have to deal with the captured Do not set glue boards near open flames or above carpets. rodent. Rodents should not be released, because they will Glue boards should be secured with a tack or small nail, return to buildings. Rodents caught in these traps are best wire, or double-sided tape if they are placed on ledges, dispatched by submerging the entire trap in a bucket of pipes, or rafters over food preparation surfaces or carpets. water. These traps should be placed against walls or in runways. The most effective bait for mice with this type of Ultrasound Devices trap is rolled oats (uncooked oatmeal) sprinkled inside the The principle behind ultrasonic devices is to create a loud trap, with a fine trail leading out. Rat-sized live traps are noise above the range of human hearing (above 18 to 20 produced by Havahart, Kness Manufacturing, Mustang kHz) that is unpleasant to pest species. The problems with Live-catch Traps, Safeguard Live Animal Traps, Sherman ultrasound devices are numerous. Animals can adapt to Live Traps, and Tomahawk Live Traps. Mouse-sized live most situations, and in a short time they become accus- traps are produced by Havahart, Sherman Live Traps, tomed to the sound. If the original attractant, such as Tomahawk Live Traps, and Trap-Ease Mouse Live Trap. food, is still present, the rodents will return. The short wavelengths of ultrasound are easily reflected, creating Glue boards are used just like snap traps. While both sound shadows. The rodents simply shift their activity to rat- and mouse-sized glue boards are made, these traps are these low-noise shadows. most effective against juvenile mice. Rats are often strong Ultrasonic devices will not drive rodents from struc- enough to pull themselves free from glue boards. Glue tures if food, water, and shelter are available. However, boards should not be set in wet or dusty areas, because they may have a part to play in rodent integrated pest these conditions render the traps ineffective. Wet feet and management. Ultrasonic devices may increase trapping fur will not stick to the glue, and dust coats the glue until effectiveness by altering the normal movement patterns of it is no longer sticky. These traps also should not be set individual rodents. Traps set in the sound-shadow areas where children or pets will come into contact with them. will become more effective since the rodents will be con- Glue boards are not hazardous to children or pets, but an centrated in these areas. The high cost of the units must encounter will create a frustrating mess. If that happens, be weighed against the increase in trapping effectiveness clean up hands with room-temperature cooking oil and to determine if they are cost-effective. Technical Information for Pennsylvania Schools—School Lawns 77

IPM for School Lawns

Introduction School lawns often cover several acres and serve impor- Tools Used to Monitor Lawns tant roles as athletic fields, picnic lunch sites, outdoor The following tools are useful for monitoring lawns. classrooms, and general recreational areas for the They can be carried in a sturdy bag designed to community at large. transport baseball equipment (available at most Heavy use of lawns and athletic fields causes stress that predisposes grass to attack by a variety of weeds, pest sporting goods stores). The soil probe with its insects, pathogens, and vertebrates such as moles. As a extension fits snugly in the bottom pocket designed result, most pesticides used on school grounds are applied for baseball bats, and everything else fits into an to lawns and athletic fields. upper zippered area. Because the bodies of children and youths are often • soil probe in direct contact with the grass, using pesticides on lawns • pH meter increasingly raises concerns among parents and health professionals. On the other hand, coaches and school • soil thermometer administrators are under pressure to ensure quality turf • 10X hand lens (magnifying glass) for use by students and by community athletic leagues. In addition, the competence of landscape maintenance staff • watering can and bottle of detergent is often judged by the aesthetic appearance of the lawns • plastic bags for collecting specimens that surround most schools. These various viewpoints • clip board and forms for recording data often come into conflict when pests threaten lawns and athletic fields. • a ball of twine or clothesline for taking transects The key to lawn IPM is regular scouting. Cultural • a small hand trowel and knife practices that optimize growth of grasses and minimize conditions favorable to pest insects, weeds, or pathogens • camera are vital to an IPM program. The following discussion • field guides for identifying pests and natural describes how to implement an IPM approach to lawn enemies (Turfgrass Insect and Mite Manual, by care. Since specific methods for managing all possible Shelton, Heller, and Irish, 1983) lawn pests is beyond the scope of this chapter, a general • pheromone traps for cutworms, sod webworms, and IPM approach is described, followed by complete man- other pests agement programs for a typical lawn pest, chinch bugs.

Detection and Monitoring An IPM approach to lawn management begins with a Background Information on Local Pests monitoring program. Monitoring entails making regular inspections of the lawn to gather and record site-specific When beginning a monitoring program, some effort information on which to base pest management decisions. should be made to become familiar with the common Monitoring enables pest managers to do the following: pest insects, weeds, and lawn pathogens in the local area. Learn about their life cycles and how to recognize them. • identify the pest(s) Table 6 on page 78 lists common lawn pests in Pennsyl- • identify any natural enemies of the pest(s) vania along with Web sites that provide more informa- • apply preventive methods to reduce the occurrence of tion about each. Additional information can be obtained pest problems from the Penn State Cooperative Extension office in your • determine if any treatment is needed county. It also is important to learn to recognize the natural enemies of common lawn pests and factor their • determine where, when, and what kind of treatments are needed presence into deciding if treatments are needed and which ones to use. • evaluate and fine-tune treatments as the pest management program continues over the seasons

Most of the information for this chapter was modified from: IPM for Schools: A How-to Manual. United States Environmental Protection Agency. EPA 909-B-97-001. March 1997. Additional chinch bug information is from: Hoover, G. A. Chinch bugs. The Pennsylvania State University. Entomology-Turf-2. 1992. IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 78

Table 6.

Common Pennsylvania Turf Pests and Web Sites Common Name Scientific Name web sites for more information

Diagnosing Turfgrass Problems www.agronomy.psu.edu//Extension/Turf/Diagnose.html

Ant, Nuisance Formicidae spp. www.ento.psu.edu/extension/factsheets/ants_in_lawns.htm

Black Cutworm Agrotis ipsilon ianrwww.unl.edu/ianr/entomol/turfent/documnts/cutworms.htm

Bluegrass Billbug Sphenophorus spp. ohioline.osu.edu/hyg-fact/2000/2502.html

Hairy Blissus leucopterus Chinch Bug hirtus ohioline.osu.edu/hyg-fact/2000/2027.html

Sod Webworm Crambinae spp. ohioline.osu.edu/hyg-fact/2000/2011.html

White Grub in Turfgrass Scarabaeidae ohioline.osu.edu/hyg-fact/2000/2500.html www.ento.psu.edu/extension/factsheets/white_grubs.htm

Asiatic Garden Beetle Maldera castanea bugs.osu.edu/~bugdoc/Shetlar/factsheet/turf/ Asiaticgardenbeetle.htm

Black Turfgrass Ataenius Ataenius spretulus www.agry.purdue.edu/turf/agry210/insects/ataenius.htm

European Chafer Rhizotrogus majalis www.uvm.edu/extension/publications/el/el199.htm

Green June Beetle Cotinus nitida www.aces.edu/department/extcomm/publications/ anr/anr-991/anr-991.htm

Japanese Beetle Popillia japonica ohioline.osu.edu/hyg-fact/2000/2001.html

Northern Masked Chafer Cycolcephala spp. ohioline.osu.edu/hyg-fact/2000/2505.html

Oriental Beetle Exomala orientalis www.leapipm.org/Oriental.htm

May/June Beetle Phillophaga spp. iaa.umd.edu/umturf/Insects/May_June_Beetle.html

Gathering Background Data on the Site maintenance activities and information about pests and The next step in a monitoring program is to map all lawn their management in each section. areas, noting locations of existing pest problems or You will need to compile an inventory of existing lawn conditions that can produce pest problems, such as bare maintenance equipment. In addition to mowers, do you spots or broken sprinkler heads. Identify the lawn grasses have an aerator, dethatcher, and fertilizer spreader that in each area and record the maintenance history of the can handle organic materials? Is there a spring-tooth har- turf and current horticultural practices. Soil should be row for removing weeds from infields and running tracks? tested at representative sites to assess fertility status and These are useful tools in nonchemical lawn management. requirements. If any pest organisms are present, be sure to Inspect the condition of the equipment, too. Are mower get an accurate identification. Many unnecessary pesticide blades kept sharp? Can mowing height be adjusted easily? applications can be traced to mistaken identification of Does the equipment have flotation tires to reduce soil pests. compaction? Prepare a list of equipment needs so they Next, give each major section of lawn an identifying can be worked into the budget process. number. Prepare a monitoring form for recording ongoing Technical Information for Pennsylvania Schools—School Lawns 79

Developing Pest Tolerance Levels members of the school and community in setting treat- Most lawns can tolerate some pest presence without ment guidelines can minimize confrontations and help compromising appearance or function. The challenge for develop broad support for the IPM program. the pest manager is to determine how much damage is tolerable and when action is needed to keep pest damage Evaluating Pest Management Practices within tolerable levels. Since the users of the lawn must When actions are taken to reduce pest presence, monitor- be taken into account when deciding whether or not ing data should be used to evaluate the effectiveness of treatments are warranted, it is a good practice to involve the treatment. Did pest numbers go down sufficiently representatives of these interest groups in setting pest to prevent intolerable damage? Were treatments cost- tolerance levels for lawn areas. effective? Is the problem likely to recur? Can conditions One approach is to work with an IPM advisory causing chronic pest problems be altered or removed? committee to develop pest tolerance levels for lawns at If not, can other ground covers better suited to site each school site. Tolerance levels will differ depending on conditions replace the lawn? location and uses of the lawns. For example, tolerance for pest presence on lawns at the front of the school in public Management Options view may be lower than tolerance for playing fields behind When pest numbers threaten to exceed tolerance levels school buildings. Tolerance levels may also differ depend- (in other words, when the action level is reached), a wide ing on the particular pest. For example, tolerance for variety of strategies and tactics is available to solve any damage by pest insects or pathogens that can kill large lawn pest problem. The first approach is to address areas of turf, leaving bare soil, may be lower than toler- conditions causing stress to lawns. ance for weeds that displace grasses but nevertheless continue to cover soil and serve as a playing surface. Stress and Pests Tolerance levels can be quantified in a number of The pest problem of greatest concern on school lawns— ways. The Transect Method for Monitoring Weeds in a and the target of highest pesticide use—is the growth of Lawn, discussed on page 80, describes a method for weeds, such as dandelions (Taraxacum officinale) or crab- quantifying the amount of weeds growing in a lawn. grass (Digitaria spp.). Presence of weeds is a symptom of This permits expression of tolerance levels by percentage a lawn undergoing stress or poor management, a common of weeds. For example, “Up to 25 percent weed growth occurrence on school lawns and athletic fields. Lawn stress is tolerable on the back lawn at the elementary school; can contribute to the development of insect and disease only 10 percent is tolerable on the football field at the problems as well. high school.” Sources of stress include levels of use unsuited to Tolerance for insect damage can be correlated with the grass species that has been planted, compacted soils, numbers of insects present and amount of visible dam- improper mowing heights, too much or too little irrigation age. For example, white grubs can be monitored by or fertilization, accumulation of thatch, and uneven examining several areas of soil underneath the grass. grading. A spade is used to cut three sides of a 1-foot square of Knowing the identity of the pest and something about grass. The grass is carefully folded back, using the un- its biology often reveals the specific source of stress. cut edge as a hinge. Soil from the roots is removed, and Relieving the stress can reduce or eliminate the pest the number of exposed grubs is counted. Then the grass problem. For example, the weed yellow nutsedge can be folded back into place, tamped, and watered (Cyperus esculentus) often grows in waterlogged soils, in. In well-managed lawns, depending on the species, so its presence could indicate a faulty or broken irrigation up to 15 grubs per square foot can be present without valve or a low spot in the lawn. The presence of chinch causing any appreciable damage to the turf. In stressed bug (Blissus spp.) damage, on the other hand, indicates or poorly managed lawns, however, 15 grubs per square drought stress. Brown patch disease, caused by the fungus foot might seriously damage the grass. Rhizoctonia solani, suggests excessive fertilization with By setting tolerance levels, pest managers and soluble nitrate or slow-release fertilizers, especially during groundskeepers can gear their management efforts to hot, wet conditions. keeping pest populations within tolerable levels, and apply treatments only if, when, and where necessary. Involving IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 80

The Transect Method for Monitoring Weeds in a Lawn

1. At the beginning and at the end of the season, establish three 6. By collecting data from the transects at the beginning and end parallel transect lines along the length of the field. Use the of each season, the turf manager can spot emerging problem center of the field and two imaginary lines on either side. areas. For example, if several boxes in succession are marked ‘yes,’ indicating weed presence, a closer look at this area on Note: Three transects will give sufficient data to indicate the the transect is warranted. Usually such ‘clumping’ of weed percentage of weed cover in the total turf area. If time is limited, growth indicates exceptionally heavy wear on the turf, although information recorded from one transect across a representative structural problems, such as severely compacted soil, a broken area of turf (for instance, down the center of the field) may give irrigation line, inoperative sprinkler head, or scalping of the turf sufficient indication of weed trends for management purposes. due to uneven grade, also may be indicated. By monitoring the turf area from season to season, the manager 2. Calculate the number of paces you will walk between samples. can tell if weed populations are rising, falling, or remaining a. Measure the length of one of your transect lines in feet relatively stable. This information will indicate whether or not (e.g., 360 feet). current turf management practices are keeping weeds at or b. Measure the length of the pace of the person doing the below the agreed-upon tolerance level. If weed populations transect. To do this, slowly walk a known length (e.g., 20 feet), are rising, changes in management practices are indicated. count the number of paces it takes to cover this distance (e.g., 10 paces), and divide the distance by the number of paces (20 feet ÷ 10 paces = 2 feet per pace). This figure represents the average length of the pace. Weed Monitoring Form for Turf c. Divide the length of the field by the length of the pace (360 feet ÷ 2 feet per pace = 180 paces). This establishes the Location of Turf ______Date ______number of paces it takes to walk the transect. Data collected by ______Length of pace ______d. Divide the number of paces by the number of samples to be Distance between sampling points on transect ______(for example, every nine paces) recorded (a minimum of 20 samples is recommended): Number of transects ______Length of transects ______180 paces ÷ 20 samples = 9 paces per sample. Thus, in this Sketch of location of transects example, a sample will be taken every 9th pace along the transect.

3. Stretch lines of string along the three transect lines, laying the string directly on the ground. Transect A Transect B Transect C 4. Beginning at one end of the first transect, walk the calculated Yes No Bare Weed ID Yes No Bare Weed ID Yes No Bare Weed ID number of paces (9 paces in the above example), stop and 1 | | | | | | | | | | | | 2 | | | | | | | | | | | | look at a 3-by-3-inch area (this is about the circumference of a 3 | | | | | | | | | | | | softball or the lid to a 1-pound coffee can) immediately in front 4 | | | | | | | | | | | | of your toe. 5 | | | | | | | | | | | | 6 | | | | | | | | | | | | 7 | | | | | | | | | | | | If this area contains part or all of a weed, check the ‘yes’ box 8 | | | | | | | | | | | | 9 | | | | | | | | | | | | on the first line under ‘Transect A’ on the monitoring form (see 10 | | | | | | | | | | | | Figure). If you know the identity of the weed, write it down. 11 | | | | | | | | | | | | 12 | | | | | | | | | | | | 13 | | | | | | | | | | | | If the toe sample area contains grass, check the ‘no’ box on the 14 | | | | | | | | | | | | monitoring form. If 25 percent or more of the toe area sample is 15 | | | | | | | | | | | | bare soil, check the box marked ‘bare.’ If less than 25 percent is 16 | | | | | | | | | | | | 17 | | | | | | | | | | | | bare, but a weed is present, check ‘yes.’ 18 | | | | | | | | | | | | 19 | | | | | | | | | | | | Continue pacing the transect line and marking the monitoring 20 | | | | | | | | | | | | form. Repeat along the two other transect lines. Average % weed growth ______Average % bare area ______

5. To calculate the average percentage of weeds, total the number Total the number of boxes marked ‘Yes’ in each column. Multiply this number by 100 and divide by 60 (the number of samples taken). The result is the average percentage of weeds of boxes marked ‘yes’ in each column and multiply by 100. growing in the turf area. Follow the same procedure to calculate percentage of bare area. Divide this number by the total boxes in all columns. The resulting figure represents average percent weed cover in the turf. Do the same calculation with the boxes representing bare ground. This will indicate percent area that will become weedy if not seeded to grass. Technical Information for Pennsylvania Schools—School Lawns 81

Reducing Stress on Lawns Core aeration involves removing plugs of grass to The best way to reduce stress on lawns is to use good improve air exchange and water penetration into the soil. horticultural practices during lawn installation and Ideally, heavily used turf should be aerated at least two maintenance. Even where budgets are limited, key sources times per year, although even a single aeration is better of stress can be avoided or diminished by minor changes than none. in maintenance practices, such as raising the mowing After aeration, and before seeding the desired lawn height or changing fertilizer formulations. The following grass, drag the lawn with a heavy drag mat to break up lawn care suggestions will help keep pest problems to a cores of soil left by the aerator and to fill in holes. minimum. Mowers and other maintenance equipment compact the soil. By rotating the point of mower entry onto the Maintaining Healthy Soil lawn from week to week, compaction at entry points can The most vigorous lawn growth occurs in loose, loamy be minimized. soils teeming with beneficial microorganisms, insects, Increasing the Mowing Height worms, and other organisms. These organisms play Most temperate grasses used on school lawns (tall fescues, critical roles in transforming thatch and grass clippings perennial ryes, bluegrasses, and others) can be mowed at into humus. Humus slowly releases nutrients and buffers a height of 21⁄ to 3 inches without sacrificing vigor or grass roots from extremes of drought or other stresses. 2 function as ball fields or recreational areas. The taller the Soil organisms also play an important role in biological grass can be kept and the denser the canopy, the greater pest management. For example, certain beneficial the interception of available sunlight. Because taller grass microorganisms protect lawn roots from attack by soil shades the soil, weed seeds are less likely to germinate. pathogens or insects such as white grubs. Adjust mowing frequency to changes in the growing The presence of humus in the soil is key to a healthy season. Weekly intervals may be appropriate when grasses soil ecosystem. One way to improve poor soils and are growing vigorously, but when grasses are semidor- maintain healthy soils is to ensure that organic matter is mant, 14 days or longer may be more appropriate. The routinely replenished by leaving grass clippings to decom- right interval between mowings allows grasses to recover pose, and fertilizing or topdressing with organic materials from the previous cut. such as sludge or composted manure. To prevent buildup of an organic layer, the organic material can be incorpo- Careful Irrigation rated into the soil using an aerator equipped with hollow Too much or too little water stimulates pest problems. tines and a heavy drag mat attached. This operation is For example, many lawn diseases result from excessive best performed during cool, moist seasons when grass is irrigation. Development of a disease can often be arrested actively growing. On smaller areas, a grass rake can be by letting the lawn dry out, then keeping irrigation to a used to incorporate the materials. minimum. On the other hand, chinch bugs require hot dry conditions for optimal survival and reproduction. Irriga- Planting Appropriate Grass Species tion during the spring and early summer may increase the School lawns are subject to high levels of use and wear, incidence of pathogen spread, especially the lethal fungus, and maintenance budgets are usually low, so it is im- Beauveria spp. The adults can withstand water because of portant to select blends of grass species tolerant to such the protective hairs on the body but the nymphs readily conditions and resistant to local pest problems. The Penn get wet and can be damaged by large water droplets. State Cooperative Extension office in your county can The length of time needed to adequately water lawns recommend grass species suited to local climate and con- is determined by the time it takes to wet it to the depth ditions. In Pennsylvania, tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) of the root system. Most lawn grass roots extend 4 to 6 is recommended for school situations. inches in the soil, but because grasses and soil conditions differ, irrigation schedules must be tailored to individual Reducing Soil Compaction lawns and adjusted for seasonal changes. Infrequent, deep When lawns are heavily used, or simply mowed on a irrigation is best, since frequent, shallow watering pro- regular basis, the soil eventually becomes compacted, and motes shallow rooting. Use a soil probe or a pointed tool, the pore spaces that allow water and air to pass through such as a screwdriver, to determine when soil is wet 4 to 6 the soil become compressed, creating adverse conditions inches below the soil. This will indicate how long to leave for root growth. Compaction can be reduced through core sprinklers on at each irrigation. aeration and amending soils with organic matter. IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 82

Irrigation equipment should be checked to ensure dwelling white grubs, or topdressing lawns with microbi- that it is in good repair and that all areas of the lawn ally enhanced soil amendments to kill lawn pathogens. receive adequate coverage. Low spots should be leveled or Chemical controls are available. Check with the drained to avoid waterlogged soils that favor weeds and Penn State Cooperative Extension office in your county pathogens. for information about pesticides appropriate for your pest problems. Keeping Thatch to a Minimum Thatch is the accumulation of dead but undecomposed roots and stems that collect in a layer at the soil surface. IPM Plan for Hairy Chinch Bugs

If the thatch becomes excessively deep—greater than Hairy chinch bugs (Blissus leucopterus hirtus) are the 3 ⁄4 inch—water and nutrients do not penetrate the soil most important of the “true bugs” (order Hemiptera) that adequately. When water puddles on thatch, it enhances become pests on lawns. Heavily infested areas may con- the habitat for disease organisms. Regular aeration keeps tain as many as 200 to 300 chinch bugs per square foot. thatch at an acceptable level. Excessive nitrogen applica- tions may result in organic matter production rates that Identification and Biology exceed breakdown, encouraging thatch accumulation. Adult chinch bugs overwinter in dry grass and other Excessive layers of thatch can be removed with debris that offers them protection. In spring or early dethatching rakes, or with power dethatchers available summer, depending on temperature and moisture, from equipment rental companies. It is wise to seed the overwintering females lay from 200 to 300 eggs on leaves area with desired grasses wherever lawns are thinned by of grass, or push them into soft soil and other protected dethatching procedures. places. Young nymphs (the immature stages) emerging from the eggs are bright red with a distinct white band Fertilizing with Restraint across the back. The red changes to orange, orange- Excessive nitrogen fertilizer produces weak grass that brown, and then to black as the nymph goes through five is susceptible to disease attack. A soil test should be growth stages in 30 to 40 days. obtained before planning annual fertilization programs. 1 Nymphs range from about ⁄20 inch soon after hatching Only the levels of nutrients needed should be applied. 1 to nearly the size of the ⁄4-inch-long adult. The nymphs Split applications (one in spring, one in fall) should be mature into adults, which are black with a white spot on used, rather than a heavy single application in the spring. the back between the wing pads. Use slow-release fertilizer to prolong the availability of nutrients throughout the growing season. Damage Fertilization can be used to directly suppress weeds Chinch bugs suck the juices from grass leaves with their and lawn pathogens. A study by Ohio State University needle-like mouthparts. They also inject a toxic saliva Extension Service researchers in the 1940s showed that an into the plant that disrupts the plant’s water-conducting application of 20 pounds of composted poultry manure system, causing it to wilt and die. Most damage is caused per 1,000 square feet of lawn in late fall and early spring by nymphs and adults concentrated in limited areas and stimulated early spring growth of lawn grasses, enabling feeding on the same plants until all the available juice has them to crowd out crabgrass. In this study, crabgrass was been extracted from the grass. This feeding pattern results reduced by up to 75 percent within one year. in circular patches of damaged grass that turn yellow and then brown as they die. In the yellow stage, the grass Direct Pest Suppression superficially resembles grass that is drought-stressed. As it When the horticultural methods listed above are not dies, the chinch bugs work outward from the center of the sufficient to solve the pest problem, direct suppression infestation, destroying a larger area as they advance. methods, including physical, biological, and chemical Populations of chinch bugs increase under hot, dry tactics, can be integrated into the program. conditions. In wet, cool years, or when lawns are kept Physical controls include using a flamer to spot-treat properly irrigated and not overfertilized, chinch bug weeds, or using a bamboo pole to flick off dew from populations decrease significantly because the moisture grass blades in the early morning to deny nourishment encourages the growth of the lethal fungus, Beauveria to lawn pathogens. Biological controls include applying spp., a pathogen of chinch bugs. microscopic, insect-attacking nematodes to kill soil- Technical Information for Pennsylvania Schools—School Lawns 83

Detection and Monitoring Habitat Management Lawns can be protected from damage by chinch bugs Chinch bugs are attracted to lawns that have an excessive through regular monitoring. The objective is to detect buildup of thatch, are insufficiently irrigated (often due pests while their populations are still small and determine to soil compaction), or have either too little or too much whether their natural controls—such as adverse weather, nitrogen. The discussion of good lawn culture provided other insects, and diseases—will keep the population low at the beginning of this section includes suggestions on enough to prevent damage. overcoming these problems. Proper habitat management Any lawn can tolerate a low population of chinch will go a long way toward suppressing these bugs. bugs and most other pests without sustaining significant damage. If the monitoring techniques described below Manual Removal indicate that there are fewer than 10 to 15 chinch bugs per Small populations of chinch bugs can be removed from square foot, generally no action is needed. the lawn using the soap solution and white flannel cloth It is a good idea to begin monitoring as early as mid- method described below. This is particularly appropriate May, before overwintering adults have finished laying when damage is just beginning to appear, since at this their spring eggs. A quick check of the lawn once a month stage chinch bug nymphs are still congregated in specific until September should be sufficient in most areas. locations and can be collected efficiently. Small vacuums Since nymphs tend to congregate in groups, it is also may be helpful. important to check several areas of the lawn. Infestations often begin on the edges of lawns, particularly in sunny, Biological Controls dry spots, so check these areas carefully. Spread the grass One of the primary tactics for the biological control of apart with your hands and search the soil surface for red- chinch bugs is conserving its natural enemies. At least dish nymphs or black adults. Chinch bugs may also two beneficial organisms often move in to feed on chinch be seen on the tips of grass blades, where they climb bugs: the big-eyed bug and a tiny wasp. The big-eyed during the day. Be certain to distinguish between the bug (Geocoris spp.) superficially resembles a chinch bug, chinch bugs and their predator, the big-eyed bug, which so pest managers must learn to distinguish between the they superficially resemble. two. According to Ohio State University turf specialist A second detection method requires a metal container Harry Niemczyk, “the body of the chinch bug is narrow, (such as a coffee can) with both ends removed. Insert this the head small, pointed, triangular-shaped, with small can into the ground and fill it three-quarters full with eyes, while the body of the big-eyed bug is wider, the water. Stir the duff at the bottom of the container. Count head larger, blunt, with two large prominent eyes. Big- the number of adults and nymphs floating to the surface eyed bugs run quickly over the turf surface and are much over a period of 10 minutes. Repeat this procedure in 3 more active insects than the slower-moving chinch bugs.” to 5 locations in the lawn where damage is present, or in (Niemczyk, 1981). adjacent areas. Although big-eyed bugs cannot be purchased from insectaries at this writing, recent research indicates that Management Options members of this genus can be reared easily and inexpen- Physical Controls sively, so they may become commercially available in the near future. Chinch Bug-Resistant Grass Cultivars If chinch bugs are a chronic problem, it may be advisable to replace existing grass with a type that is resistant to chinch bugs. Endophytic enhanced grasses may be used to repel insect pests. An endophyte is a fungus that grows inside a plant, and research has shown that turfgrass species containing endophytes have enhanced resistance to surface feeding insects, including chinch bugs, sod webworms and bill bugs. Try perennial ryegrass varieties such as Repell or Score, or a Kentucky bluegrass variety such as Baron. IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 84

Chemical Controls Soap-and-Flannel-Trap Method for Chinch Bugs If nonchemical methods alone prove insufficient to Put 1 fluid ounce of dishwashing soap in a 2-gallon solve the problem, then integrating a pesticide into your sprinkling can and drench a 2-square-foot area of management program may be warranted. Pennsylvania lawn where you suspect there are chinch bugs. Watch law allows pesticide applications in schools only by certi- the area for 2 or 3 minutes. Larger areas can be fied applicators, registered technicians, or by non-certified covered by putting the detergent in a hose attachment applicators or non-registered technicians under the direct designed to hold pesticides for spraying the lawn. If supervision of a certified applicator. Notification must be chinch bugs are present, they will crawl to the surface given to all staff and parents or guardians of students who of the grass. request it 72 hours prior to pesticide use. Warning signs must also be posted in the vicinity 72 hours prior to and Next, lay a piece of white cloth, such as an old for 48 hours after the application. The law also mandates bedsheet or a piece of white flannel, over the area a 7-hour reentry period for common access areas whenever treated with the soapy water. Wait 15 to 20 minutes, pesticides are applied. then look under the cloth to see if chinch bugs have If pesticide use seems necessary to bring a serious crawled onto it as they attempt to escape the soap. chinch bug infestation under control, insecticidal soap or Their feet tend to get caught in the flannel’s nap. pyrethrin should be considered. Pick up the cloth and either vacuum it or rinse it off in a bucket of soapy water to remove the bugs. The vacuum bag should be disposed of so that the bugs will not return to the lawn.

This method can also be used to monitor for other insects such as lawn caterpillars, mole crickets, and beneficial insects that feed above the soil, but it will not bring soil-inhabiting grubs or pillbugs to the surface. Technical Information for Pennsylvania Schools—Silverfish, Firebrats, and Booklice 85

IPM for Silverfish, Firebrats, and Booklice in Schools

Introduction on rayon, whereas silverfish usually damage it only Silverfish, firebrats, and booklice are discussed together slightly. here because they occur in the same or similar habitats. Characteristics of the silverfish: They prefer dark, moist environments with a supply of starchy foods or molds. Although they are all found in • lays eggs in any season, usually in secluded places similar environments, silverfish and firebrats are not close- • has a 3- to 4-month life cycle from egg to adult ly related to booklice. These nuisance pests can feed on • prefers moist areas (75 to 97 percent humidity) and wallpaper pastes, natural textiles, books, and manuscripts. moderate temperatures (70° to 80°F) They also feed on molds growing on various surfaces. • is active at night or in dark places, and is rarely seen Silverfish, firebrats, and booklice can live both indoors unless disturbed during cleaning and outdoors. They are frequently introduced into a building with boxes of materials that have been stored in • may be found throughout the building—sometimes in boxes and books, or in glass utensils and sinks they have damp basements or attics, but they also can wander in fallen into from the outside. Silverfish and firebrats are fast-moving and can travel throughout buildings. Once these insects • leaves yellowish stains on fabric find a good source of food, however, they stay close to it. • outdoors, lives in nests of insects, birds (especially In general, they cause little damage, but may cause people pigeons), and mammals, and under the bark of trees to take radical action based on their fear of insects. Characteristics of the firebrat: Silverfish and Firebrats • lays eggs in cracks and crevices Identification and Biology • has a 2- to 4-month life cycle from egg to adult Silverfish and firebrats belong to an insect order called • prefers moist areas with temperatures above 90°F Thysanura. Insects in this order characteristically have three long, tail-like appendages about as long as the • is active at night or in dark places body. These insects are wingless, with chewing mouth • found where heat and starches are present (for example, parts, long antennae, and a body covered with scales. The in bakeries); also found in furnace rooms, steam pipe mouthparts of silverfish and firebrats are used for biting tunnels, and partition walls of water heater rooms off small particles or for scraping at surfaces. The most Booklice (Psocids) common species inhabiting buildings are in the genera Lepisma (silverfish) and Thermobia (firebrat). The The most common booklouse (Liposcelis spp.) is a small, silverfish Lepisma( saccharina) is about 1-inch long when grayish, soft-bodied insect with chewing mouthparts and long antennae. It is flat and superficially resembles the fully grown and covered with silvery scales. It is grayish to shape of the head louse. The common house-dwelling greenish in color and its body has a flattened-carrot shape. booklouse is wingless. The size of an adult is approxi- The firebrat Thermobia( domestica) has a mottled appear- mately 1⁄ to 1⁄ inch. Because they feed chiefly on mold, ance with patches of white and black, and is shaped like 25 12 booklice cause little direct damage to plants and wood. the silverfish. They are commonly found in confined areas like the Silverfish and firebrats eat material high in protein, bindings of books, where they eat the starch sizing in the sugar, or starch, including cereals, moist wheat flour, bindings and along the edges of pages. starch in book bindings, sizing in paper, and paper under which there is glue or paste. These insects often attack Characteristics of the booklouse: wallpaper, eating irregular holes through the paper to get at the paste. Silverfish may bite very small holes in various • has a life cycle from egg to adult lasting about 110 days fabrics, including cotton, linen (they can digest cellulose • prefers warm, moist conditions that are conducive to the to some extent), and silk. Firebrats will feed extensively growth of mold and mildew and require humidity of at least 60 percent

Most of the information in this chapter was modified from: Powell, T.E. IPM for Silverfish, Firebrats, and Booklice in Schools. University of Florida School IPM Web site at schoolipm.ifas.ufl.edu/tp12.htm. May 1998. Jacobs, S. B. Booklice. The Pennsylvania State University. Entomology-NP-2. 1998. Jacobs, S. B. Silverfish. The Pennsylvania State University. Entomology-SP-3. 1998. IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 86

• found in books and paper products • Eliminating standing water. • sometimes found on houseplants, where they may be • Using a dehumidifier. feeding on honeydew (a protein-rich substance excreted • Replacing any single-glazed windows that repeatedly by plant-eating insects such as aphids), or more likely, accumulate condensation with double-glazed windows. on the sooty mold that grows on the honeydew • Using anhydrous calcium carbonate or silica gel to Detection absorb free moisture. Do not use these agents in areas Silverfish are found in bookcases, on closet shelves, open to children. behind baseboards, and in wallpaper, window or door frames, wall voids, attics, and subfloor areas. They prefer Drying Stored Articles bathrooms and kitchens because of the moisture. Firebrats Periodic airing and drying of articles stored in damp will be found in similar but warmer areas. Both silverfish areas may help reduce the mold on which booklice feed. and firebrats molt as many as 50 times during their life, so Disposing of moldy articles is often the simplest way of the appearance of cast skins can be used to detect their removing an infestation in an area. presence. Booklice prefer damp and warm habitats, so they are most numerous during the spring and summer. Chemical Control New buildings are not immune to booklice infestation. If nonchemical methods alone do not solve the prob- If you suspect that damage to books, carpets, curtains, lem, then integrating a pesticide into your management or other materials is due to silverfish or firebrats, confirm program may be warranted. Pesticides must be used in your suspicions using the following test: accordance with their EPA-approved label directions. • Mix flour and water to the consistency of house paint. Some insecticides are registered for managing silverfish • Coat one or more 3-by-5-inch index cards with the paste. and firebrats and/or booklice indoors, whereas others are registered for outdoor use only. Pennsylvania law allows • Let the cards dry, and place them where you have pesticide applications in schools only by certified applica- spotted the damage. tors, registered technicians, or by non-certified applicators • If silverfish or firebrats are in the vicinity, they will be or non-registered technicians under the direct supervision attracted to the card and will feed on the paste. Charac- of a certified applicator. Notification must be given to all teristic feeding marks appear as minute scrapings in staff and parents or guardians of students who request irregular patterns. In addition, the edge of the card may it 72 hours prior to pesticide use. Warning signs must be notched. also be posted in the vicinity 72 hours prior to and for If you see groups of small, whitish insects in damp 48 hours after the application. The law also mandates a areas, suspect booklice, particularly if mold is present or 7-hour reentry period for common access areas whenever the area smells moldy. Remember that booklice are pesticides are applied. considerably smaller than silverfish, and lack the telltale Diatomaceous earth, borate-based insecticidal dust three long bristles at their hind end. products, and silica aerogel can be used to kill these Silverfish, firebrats, and booklice also can be detected insects. Diatomaceous earth and borate-based products by placing sticky cockroach traps in the area where dam- must be kept dry to be most effective. age is occurring. When the insects are caught, they should Dusts should be applied only in cracks and crevices, be preserved in alcohol for professional identification. crawl spaces, and other areas that are relatively inacces- Management Options sible to humans and pets. Wear a dust mask or profes- sional-quality respirator to provide proper lung protection Physical Control when applying any dust. Dehumidifying Some baits for ants, crickets, and roaches are also Booklice, silverfish, and firebrats are living indicators labeled for silverfish and may be useful in some situations. of excessive moisture. If the moisture is not eliminated, Residual sprays are labeled for silverfish and firebrats it may bring more serious problems, such as termites, and can be applied where the pests are most commonly carpenter ants, and wood rot. seen. Dehumidifying reduces the moisture content of the Products commonly found in schools, such as bleach, air. Some methods for dehumidifying an area include: ammonia, and salt, can be mixed with water and used to • Mending leaking pipes. kill molds on surfaces where booklice feed. • Ventilating closed rooms and attics. Technical Information for Pennsylvania Schools—Spiders and Ticks 87

IPM for Spiders and Ticks in Schools

Spiders General Spider Management Introduction You can manage the number of spiders in an area by Despite their small size, spiders have evoked fear and reducing their food supply. If flies are getting in, screens revulsion in humans throughout history. Nursery rhymes should be installed or repaired. Security lighting may and horror films malign them, but fears about spiders attract insects at night, and spiders feed on them, so out- are largely unwarranted since most spiders are too small side lighting should not be placed directly over a doorway. or have venom too weak to harm humans. In fact, they Insects also may be attracted to poorly stored food or provide a great benefit to mankind by consuming vast mishandled organic wastes. Eliminating the food source numbers of insects in and around our homes and schools. for these insects will reduce the food source for the spiders. Spiders have 8 legs and 2 body regions, the cephalo- Removing debris and excess clutter also will reduce thorax (a head joined with a thorax) and abdomen. They the number of harborage sites available. Debris and lack wings and antennae. Almost all spiders have fangs stacks of wood, pallets, blocks, and similar materials and venom, but only a few are considered dangerous should be moved a distance from schools and elevated to humans, so it is important to be able to differentiate between relatively harmless spiders and those that should off the ground as much as possible. Vegetation should be be avoided and/or controlled. removed from the sides of buildings and grass should be The species of spider that causes the most concern in kept mown. For spiders already in residence, removing the home or school environment in Pennsylvania is the their webs and egg sacs discourages subsequent infesta- black widow spider. Since there have been reports of the tion. In most cases, vacuuming and reducing the spiders’ brown recluse spider being found in Pennsylvania, some food source will be sufficient to manage the problem. information concerning it will be included. Both of these The two potentially dangerous spiders—the black spiders are potentially dangerous to humans, and their widow and the brown recluse—nest in undisturbed areas, bites may cause severe reactions or even death. However, often near the floor; therefore, thorough vacuuming in these spiders usually will bite only if provoked, and then these areas from time to time also can help in their control. only under certain circumstances. A wide variety of chemicals are available for the con- Other spiders that may produce painful bites or be of trol of spiders. Pennsylvania law allows pesticide health importance may be grouped as: applications in schools only by certified applicators, 1. Active hunters: some wolf spiders, jumping spiders and registered technicians, or by non-certified applicators or sac spiders. non-registered technicians under the direct supervision of a 2. Web builders: some cobweb spiders and funnel weavers certified applicator. Notification must be given to all staff (Mallis, 1997). and parents or guardians of students who request it 72 hours It is prudent to use caution when handling any larger prior to pesticide use. Warning signs must also be posted in spiders, even though most are harmless. Generally, spiders the vicinity 72 hours prior to and for 48 hours after the ap- are not aggressive. Most bites occur when a spider ac- plication. The law also mandates a 7-hour reentry period for cidentally becomes trapped against the skin or when a common access areas whenever pesticides are applied. Mis- person picks it up. applied chemical treatments may cause more harm than the real or perceived threat from spiders. Crack and crevice Removing a Relatively Harmless Spider treatments may be necessary for the hunting spiders. Most spiders found in and around a school can be used as an educational opportunity to teach some interest- ing facts about these fascinating creatures. If any spider Black Widow Spiders found in the classroom creates anxiety on the part of the Identification and Biology teacher or children, and the teacher wishes to remove it, There are several species of widow spiders in the United invert a container of some sort over the spider, slide a stiff States, but the black widow (Latrodectus mactans) is the piece of paper over the mouth of the container, and then only native species found in Pennsylvania. release the spider outside.

Most of the information in this chapter is from: IPM for Schools: A How-to Manual. United States Environmental Protection Agency. EPA 909-B-97-001. March 1997. Green, S. G., and C. W. Rutschky. Poisonous Spiders. The Pennsylvania State University. Entomology-Public Health 85-1. Illustrations on pages 87–89, by Cristol Gregory. IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 88

The adult female black widow is normally a shiny, 1 First Aid for Spider Bites jet-black spider about ⁄2 inch in body length. With legs extended, the female measures about 11⁄ inches long. The 2 Wash the area around the bite, calm the victim, and female has the well-known reddish hourglass marking on consult a doctor as soon as possible. Those particu- the underside of her abdomen. Because their webs are larly at risk are the very young, the elderly and sick, near the ground and the spiders hang upside down in the or people with high blood pressure. Although the web, their distinctive marking is readily apparent. The illness and lesions from bites of some of the spiders adult male, which is not dangerous, is small (about 1⁄ inch 6 discussed here can be serious, deaths are rare. long) and patterned with black and white body markings. If possible, capture the spider so the specimen can Black widows like dry, undisturbed places, such as be taken to a doctor. Proper treatment may depend lumber and rock piles, stacked pots or baskets, rodent on identifying the species. Even the squashed remains burrows, water meters, the underside of bricks and stones, of the spider can be useful for identification purposes. and dry crawl spaces. Females stay in the web. The female black widow spider spins an irregular, tangled web. The webs are typically constructed in quiet, Detection and Monitoring undisturbed locations that are usually—but not always— Monitor for black widows at night with a flashlight or close to the ground. The female spends her entire life in the web. If disturbed, she may drop to the ground to headlamp. This is the time when they move to the center escape. Her eggs are placed in white, spherical sacs within of their webs and will be most visible. When making your the web. After hatching, the young spiders stay near the inspections, focus on areas that are dark and undisturbed sac for a few hours to several days, and then climb to a during the day, but not necessarily close to the ground. high point, wait for suitable air currents, and spin a silken Look in and around the following places: thread so they can float on the breeze like a kite. This • small crevices anywhere from the foundation to the method of “ballooning” distributes them over a con- eaves of buildings siderable distance. Once they land, the spiders begin to • the undersides of outdoor wooden furniture (for construct their own webs. The abdomen of a young black example, beneath the seats in the corners where the legs widow is patterned with red, white, and yellow, but has the are braced) black legs and general appearance of the adult. • piles of wood, bricks, stones, or similar materials Bites • the openings of rodent burrows Black widows are shy, retiring creatures that bite reluc- • water meters tantly, and then only in self-defense when threatened. However, when a female is defending her egg sac, she can • cellar doors become quite aggressive. • outhouses A bite may not cause pain at first. However, after a few minutes, the bite site becomes quite painful. Symptoms • storage rooms from the bite of a black widow include headache, general Black widow webs have high tensile strength and, with body ache, nausea, chills, slight fever, shortness of breath, a little experience, can be identified by the way they “pop” intense muscle pain, and rigidity of the abdomen and legs. when broken. An experienced pest manager can use this Seek medical attention. If reactions are mild, treatment information to find webs during the day. usually is not administered. However, medicine is avail- able if symptoms do become severe. The bite of the black widow is usually more serious for a small child or an Brown Recluse Spiders elderly person. Identification and Biology Brown recluse spiders (Loxosceles spp.) are extremely un- Black Widow Spider common in Pennsylvania and probably are found only in Latrodectus mactans boxes brought in from the south. One species, Loxosceles rufescens, may be found in basements and utility tunnels. Brown recluse spiders, L. reclusa, are identified by their 1 1 ⁄3 to ⁄2 inch long, thin legs, an oval-shaped abdomen which is light tan to dark brown in color, and a very distinctive violin- ventral view shaped mark on their back. This marking, with the violin

dorsal view Technical Information for Pennsylvania Schools—Spiders and Ticks 89

“body” near the eyes and the “stem” of the violin extend- soil or in foundations, walls, and window wells, especially ing backwards gives rise to their other common name, if small children play near these places. Employing sticky violin spiders. They have six eyes in three groups of two. traps in monitoring is useful in establishing the extent of 3 1 Their overall size is ⁄4 inch to 1 ⁄4 inches long with the legs brown recluse infestations, and also is helpful in providing extended. The males are slightly smaller than the females. a measure of control. As the common name “recluse” suggests, these spiders are shy, retreating from humans when possible. They pre- Avoiding Spider Bites fer to build their webs in dark, undisturbed places on or If either of these spiders is found around your school, it is near the ground. Unlike the black widow, brown recluse important to be cautious when working near these places. spiders hunt for prey some distance from their webs. They Gardeners and custodians should be careful about where usually come into contact with humans because they have they put their hands when doing outdoor work, and wear taken temporary refuge in clothing or bedding. Items left gloves and a long-sleeved shirt when working around lying undisturbed on the floor, such as supplies, toys, or woodpiles and other items stored outdoors that are likely clothing, are perfect daytime refuges for these spiders. to harbor the spiders. Such objects should be shaken out thoroughly if they Make sure students and staff can identify any danger- have been on the floor for any length of time, particularly ous spiders in your area and know their likely nesting in regions where the brown recluse is prevalent. and hiding places. Children should be taught not to tease spiders in their webs or poke at them, and not to put their

Brown Recluse Spider hands in dark crevices without looking first. The dangers Loxosceles reclusa of spider bites should be explained without exaggeration to avoid unnecessary fears. Teach students and staff that black spiders they see walking around are not likely to be black widows, since the females do not travel away from their webs and the males are not dangerous. 1 1 ⁄3 to ⁄2 inch

Other Spiders of Concern Wolf spider (Lycosidae) These large spiders are sometimes found indoors in base- Bites ments in late summer and fall when cooler temperatures Brown recluse spiders avoid areas of human activity. Bites arrive. They do not construct webs, but run rapidly after are rare and are usually the result of unused rooms sud- prey. They are not aggressive, but may bite if handled. denly being put to use, or accidental contact resulting from The bite is generally not dangerous. pressing the spider between the body and either clothing These and other spiders are best managed by clean- or sheets. The bites are almost always very unpleasant, ing and exclusion—keep screens in good repair, fix gaps producing an ulcerous wound called a necrotic lesion around doors, and caulk cracks around window frames, as that turns dark within a day and takes a long time to well as around pipes and wires coming into the building. heal. Young children, the elderly, and the infirm are most likely to be affected severely. Victims should seek medical Wolf Spider attention. Lycosa species

Detection and Monitoring The brown recluse spider wanders at night searching for prey. It seeks dark, uninhabited areas for protection. Brown recluse spiders usually are found on floors and baseboards. Only rarely are they seen on desks and tables. 1 inch Searches for this spider should concentrate on un- inhabited areas close to the floor, particularly in boxes, around piles of paper, clothing, and debris, in closets, and under furniture. Periodic checks outdoors should focus on storage sheds, piles of debris or wood, cracks in the IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 90

Jumping spider (Phidippus audax) Management Options These spiders move in jumps or short rapid runs. They are Physical Controls 1 hairy, stocky, and about ⁄2 inch long. This species is black To achieve some kind of permanent control of black with spots of orange or red on the top surface of the widow spiders, you must attempt to eliminate not only the abdomen. At times, they are confused with black widow spiders but their preferred habitats as well. If this is not spiders, which are not at all hairy. Active during the day accomplished, another black widow may locate the same and usually outdoors, sometimes they are found inside habitat and move in. If black widows regularly build their on walls, windows, and screens. They can bite. Generally, webs in certain locations indoors, try to modify these they do not appear in large numbers and can be removed areas by increasing the light, caulking crevices, or individually. reducing the insect population the spiders are feeding upon. As previously mentioned, check window and door Jumping Spider screens for holes that give insects access, and make sure Phidippus audax that foods and organic wastes are stored properly to prevent insect infestations. To reduce or eliminate possible web sites outdoors, debris and litter should be removed and discarded. All crevices in foundations and walls that are child-height and wide enough to stick a finger into 1 inch ⁄2 should be caulked closed. Because many spiders prefer undisturbed places for nesting and hiding, periodic, thorough cleaning can help reduce their numbers. Floors should be kept well vacu- umed. Boxes of paper and other items stored in closets, or anywhere else that is dark and undisturbed, should be handled carefully when first inspected. A small hand-held, Yellow sac spider (Chiracanthium spp.) battery-powered vacuum also can be used while check- These spiders have been associated with numerous cases ing through stored items. If a spider is vacuumed up, the of spider bites and cause a small irritating spot which vacuum bag can be placed into a plastic bag and then into may not heal for 8 to 10 days. They are suspected of being a freezer. Most bites from spiders probably occur when a responsible for most indoor bites (Lyon, 1995). spider is disturbed or handled. Wearing leather gloves while This yellow spider, which is about 1⁄ to 3⁄ inch long, 4 4 searching through stored items can help prevent bites. may have a greenish tinge to the abdomen. The jaws are brown and the legs are very smooth, with the front legs longer than the rear. The egg sac is a white, paper-like disk usually placed in a protected area, such as under a stone. They enter buildings principally in the early fall and are active for several months. They make small white webs in confined spaces where they spend the winter. In spring, they usually emerge from their white web cells and find their way outside. Outdoors, they do not build webs but instead construct a flat tubular sac opened at both ends inside rolled leaves or crevices, or under loose bark or stones.

Yellow Sac Spider Chiracanthium inclusum

1 3 ⁄4 to ⁄4 inch Technical Information for Pennsylvania Schools—Spiders and Ticks 91

Ticks The height at which questing occurs determines the size of the host. When finally engorged, they drop off introduction to lay as many as 6,000 to 7,000 eggs. Ticks are important because they can transmit human diseases. They are not insects but relatives of spiders. When feeding, the tick uses its “teeth” (chelicerae) to Adult ticks have 8 legs and insects have 6. Ticks are cut the victim’s skin and then inserts its mouthparts. The ectoparasites, and thus must take a blood meal from a feeding tube (hypostome) has many rows of barbs that host for each stage of their life cycle in order to survive anchor the tick to its host, making it difficult to with- and reproduce. Their life cycle includes egg, larva, nymph, draw by external force. Blood is pumped by a muscular and adult stages. The larval stage has 6 legs, but when it pharynx and the salivary glands produce an anticoagulant molts to the nymph stage, there are 8 legs. Ticks cannot fly that allows long periods of feeding without the host’s or jump. Many tick species can transmit organisms such blood coagulating. Pathogenic organisms are most often as parasitic worms, viruses, bacteria, spirochetes, and rick- introduced into the host in the tick’s saliva. ettsias to humans. The most important of these diseases in Pennsylvania are Lyme disease, caused by a spirochete, TYPES OF TICKS and Rocky Mountain spotted fever, a rickettsia. Some Four species of ticks are most commonly encountered in other diseases for which ticks are vectors include tulare- Pennsylvania. They are the American dog tick, Derma- mia, babesiosis, ehrlichiosis, Powassan encephalitis, centor variabilis, the blacklegged tick, Ixodes scapularis, tick-borne typhus, and tick paralysis. Information about (formerly known as the deer tick), the lone star tick, these diseases is available from many sources. Amblyomma americanum, and a groundhog tick, Ixodes cookei. TICK LIFE CYCLE Ticks have few natural enemies and a wide range of hosts. They typically take one blood meal in each of the three parasitic stages: larva, nymph, and adult. Both sexes are blood feeders, with the female becoming greatly distended with blood after mating and then producing many eggs. Larvae. Normally thousands of tiny larvae (“seed ticks”), with only 6 legs, hatch from an egg batch and crawl randomly in search of a host. When they find a small Female Male mammal or other host, they attach themselves and feed for a few hours up to three days, depending on the American Dog Tick (Dermacentor variabilis) species. During feeding, the host wanders and the tick (Illustrations from Ticks of Veterinary Importance. is transported where, when engorged, it drops off. USDA Ag Handbook No. 485.) Nymphs. After molting, nymphs have 8 legs and climb American dog tick is the most commonly encountered tick grass leaves or plant stems to wait for a host to walk in Pennsylvania. The immature stages often are found on by. Because they are higher than ground level, they rodents, while the adults frequently are found on dogs. tend to attach to larger hosts than before. After several The American dog tick has distinctive white markings on days of feeding they drop off and again molt. its back and is about 5 mm long with short, stout mouth- Adults. Ticks sometimes can wait for months to more parts. When feeding, the adult becomes greatly engorged. than a year for a suitable host. They seek the host by The American dog tick is the major carrier of Rocky climbing vegetation and wait for vibrations or shad- Mountain spotted fever. It can also transmit tularemia, ows to announce the presence of a host. The first pair and cause tick paralysis. It cannot transmit Lyme disease of legs is extended and used to grasp the host when spirochetes. contact is made. This behavior is known as questing.

Some of this material has been adapted from: Jacobs, S. B. Four Common Ticks of Pennsylvania. The Pennsylvania State University. www.ento.psu.edu/extension/factsheets/common_ticks.htm. 1998. Klass, C. Integrated Pest Management for the Deer Tick. Cornell University. Public Health Pesticide Applicator Training Manual. University of Florida. American Mosquito Control Association Public Health Pest Control Web site: vector.ifas.ufl.edu IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 92

Groundhog tick is the least commonly encountered of the four species listed here. It resembles the blacklegged tick and is about the same size. It is host-specific for groundhogs, but can be found on birds, small animals, or humans. It is not considered to be an important vector of diseases since it tends to feed mostly on groundhogs, although it has been found to be a vector of Powasson encephalitis. Female Male MONITORING FOR TICKS Blacklegged Tick (Ixodes scapularis) Dragging and Flagging (Illustrations from Ticks of Veterinary Importance. Monitoring for ticks is routinely done with a tick drag, USDA Ag Handbook No. 485.) a soft, white 3' x 3' cloth stapled to a dowel to which a cord is attached, with a second dowel or board at the end Blacklegged tick is found in over half of the counties in to weigh the cloth down. Questing ticks grab onto the Pennsylvania. Larvae and nymphs feed on small animals cloth as it is dragged over grass and brush. The drag is and birds such as squirrels, mice and grouse. Adults inspected for ticks at fixed intervals; for example, 10 paces prefer deer. Any stage can feed on humans. The adult in an area of relatively high tick density or 100 meters in female is reddish and is about 2–3 mm in length with less dense infestations. Tick drags will not work when the long mouthparts. vegetation is damp or wet. This tick is well known as the vector of Lyme disease Flagging is similar, but a smaller cloth, the flag, is and has been known to carry babesiosis, an uncommon, attached to one end of a pole with the other end used as a generally mild febrile disease. This tick typically requires handle. The flag is brushed over higher vegetation such as more than 24 hours of attachment before it can transmit thick understory in wooded areas and brush and shrubs the Lyme disease spirochete. in open areas, or in edge habitats and along property borders where vegetation is thicker. Ticks are usually found within 18 inches of the ground. Drag or flag sampling will collect only 1 of 10 ticks in an area. Repeated sampling at different times will increase the likelihood of finding a tick. Be sure to heed the suggestions in the following section on “Prevention” if you plan to sample for ticks.

MANAGING TICKS Female Male Prevention Lone Star Tick (Amblyomma americanum) • Wear light-colored clothing to make spotting ticks (Illustrations from Ticks of Veterinary Importance. easier. USDA Ag Handbook No. 485.) • In areas infested by ticks, wear long sleeves and long Lone star tick is found most often in the southern coun- pants tucked into boots or socks. ties of Pennsylvania. The larvae feed on small animals, • Walk in the center of paths, and avoid brushing against while the nymphs feed on many small and larger animals. vegetation. Adults are usually found on larger animals, and all stages • Repellents greatly enhance protection. Repellents can be found on deer and will feed on humans. This tick containing DEET have been found to be most effective. is light reddish brown, and most adult females have a central white spot on the back. This tick is about • Examine yourself carefully for ticks after leaving the woods or tick-infested areas. Check especially the hair, 5 mm in length with long mouthparts. shoulders, armpits, waist, and inner thighs. The lone star tick is known to be a vector of tularemia, ehrlichiosis, tick-borne typhus, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and causes tick paralysis. Technical Information for Pennsylvania Schools—Spiders and Ticks 93

Removal of Ticks Blacklegged ticks require high humidity. Heavily shaded, damp (but not flooded) areas covered with leaf • Use forceps or tweezers to remove attached ticks. Firmly litter are ideal. Sites where host animal activity is con- grasp the tick where it attaches to the skin and pull centrated are also important. Blacklegged ticks are often with a slow steady motion until it is removed. It may be firmly attached; continue to pull patiently until it is out. found in woodlots or wooded areas between lots, along edge habitats, and especially in unmaintained borders as • Disinfect the bite with rubbing alcohol. well as along rock walls, woodpiles and brushpiles. Sites • Avoid removing the tick with bare fingers. If you generally have a heavy understory of growth. All stages squeeze the tick, it can force the stomach contents back are rare on maintained lawns and are rarely found in open up through the hypostome. sunny areas. • Do not apply mineral oil, petroleum jelly, heat, or anything else to remove the tick as this may cause it to Chemical Control inject a pathogen into the wound. Appropriate acaricides applied at the peak of nymphal • Save the tick for future identification should you later populations can reduce tick populations significantly. A develop disease symptoms. Preserve it by placing it in a second application in later September or early October clean container (such as a vial or Ziploc bag) and keep may control the adult ticks. it in the freezer. Identification of the tick will help a Pennsylvania law allows pesticide applications in schools physician diagnose the disease, since many tick-borne only by certified applicators, registered technicians, or diseases are transmitted only by certain species. by non-certified applicators or non-registered technicians under the direct supervision of a certified applicator. Noti- Sanitation and Exclusion fication must be given to all staff and parents or guardians • Manage the landscape to lower the humidity where ticks of students who request it 72 hours prior to pesticide use. are likely to be found. Warning signs must also be posted in the vicinity 72 hours prior to and for 48 hours after the application. The law also • Reduce cover for mice, the principal reservoir host mandates a 7-hour reentry period for common access areas of the Lyme disease spirochete. Eliminate wooded, whenever pesticides are applied. brush-covered habitat; prune lower branches of bushes to reduce habitat for mice; and clean up storage areas, woodpiles and junk piles. • Immature ticks are most abundant in areas where deer are abundant. Keep deer away by reducing deer habitat or fencing them out. • Remove leaf litter and plant grass under shade trees to help reduce tick abundance. IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 94

IPM for Trees and Shrubs on School Grounds

Introduction Know Your Plants Landscapes vary so greatly that it would be impossible to Before you can properly care for the trees and shrubs on provide specific management suggestions for all the pest your school grounds, you must know what they are. Make problems on the many trees and shrubs that might be a map of the grounds and identify every tree and shrub. encountered on school grounds. Instead, we will try There are books that can help you with this, or you can to provide a basic framework that will enable you to solve take a specimen to a nursery, the Penn State Cooperative your own problems using information from your specific Extension office in your county, or a landscaping site. At the end of this manual are references to Penn professional. State publications about lawns and landscaping in Once you know the names of all your plants, do some Pennsylvania. They may help with specific problems. research on each one. Talk to nursery personnel and horticulturists, and read about your plants in gardening Plant Health Care Management books. From your research, you should be able to answer Plant health care management (PHC) is a new concept in the following questions: managing landscapes that was developed from the concept • What kind of soil does the plant prefer? of integrated pest management (IPM). Many arborists, horticulturists, and landscape managers have long felt • How much water does it need? that IPM’s focus on “pests” is too narrow when applied to • When should it be fertilized? landscape plants. More than half of the problems encoun- • How should it be pruned? tered in landscapes or gardens probably are not caused by insects, mites, or disease; instead, they are the result of • Does it prefer shade or sun? compacted soil, drought stress, overwatering, frost • How much heat or cold can it tolerate? damage, and many other factors. To manage landscapes • What are its most common pest problems? effectively, plant health and the ecosystem in which the plant is growing must be taken into consideration. PHC • What environmental problems—soil compaction, air pollution, salt damage, and others—is it susceptible to? takes just this kind of broad approach. PHC incorporates all the principles of IPM, including monitoring, record Your research and your experience can help you keeping, and integrating treatments, but PHC emphasizes identify key plants that are prone to problems and need plant health and proper horticultural practices. PHC is more of your time and attention than other plants. If plant management, not just pest management. By focus- there are many trees and shrubs on the school grounds, ing only on pests, we often overlook the horticultural or this information can help you focus your maintenance environmental factors that affect plant growth and health. activities. You also may want to use this information to remove plants that are not suited to their sites, that have Components of a PHC Program too many problems, or that require too much care. Van Bobbitt, community horticulture coordinator for Washington State University Cooperative Extension, lists Determine Key Problems the following 5 components of a PHC program (Bobbitt, Many things affect the health of a tree or shrub. They are 1994): generally divided into biotic factors and abiotic factors. Biotic factors are living organisms, such as diseases, • Know your plants. insects, mites, and deer. Abiotic factors include mainte- • Determine key problems. nance practices (fertilizing, pruning, irrigation), weather, • Study your landscape ecosystem. soil quality, amount of sunlight, and human activities such as vandalism or soil compaction caused by constant • Promote plant health. foot traffic. These abiotic factors probably are responsible • Consider a variety of strategies to manage pests. for the majority of landscape plant problems.

Most of the information in this chapter is from IPM for Schools: A How-to Manual. United States Environmental Protection Agency. EPA 909-B-97-001. March 1997. Technical Information for Pennsylvania Schools—Trees and Shrubs on School Grounds 95

Determining key problems involves deciding which • What is the history of each area in the school yard? situations or factors are most likely to affect the health of What plants were grown there? (This can be an your plants. Ask yourself if the problem is a serious threat important factor for some plant diseases.) Was the area to plant health, a minor threat, or just an aesthetic prob- covered with asphalt or concrete at some point? Did a lem. Your research and your experience will help you road or path go through the site? answer these questions. For instance, one plant disease • Are animals such as squirrels, deer, and dogs having an may kill a tree, but another disease may cause premature impact on the landscape? (The salts in dog urine can be leaf drop year after year without seriously affecting tree very damaging to plants.) health. • What human activities are having an impact on the It is likely that you will have not only key problems, landscape? Are children vandalizing plants? Are lawns but also key problem sites. For example, perhaps the growing right up to the trunks of trees so that mowers heavy equipment used in remodeling the school last year regularly damage the trees? Are city de-icing operations severely compacted the soil in several areas, or perhaps salting up the soil? drainage is poor in one corner of the schoolyard because • What kind of irrigation system is installed in the of heavy clay soil. These sites will need special attention, landscape, and is it in working order? Are plants getting and most likely special plants, too. too little or too much water? Learn as much as you can about your key problems. • Is air pollution a problem in your area? (Air pollution If they are living organisms, learn about their life cycles, affects plants as well as animals.) how to identify various stages of the pest, and how to recognize symptoms of damage. Do enough research to Since landscapes are constantly changing, you will help you decide which management options are both safe need to monitor frequently in order to detect problems and effective. early. Monitor at least every two weeks during the grow- You also will need to research abiotic problems. Are ing season. In mild climates, you also should monitor there specific symptoms that you can learn to recognize? once a month during the winter. Focus your monitoring What techniques are available for solving the problem? efforts on your key plants and your key problems. Be Which solutions can you afford and which are best suited aware that plants growing in poor conditions are under to the particular site? Are there specific plants that can stress and are often more likely to suffer from insects and tolerate the abiotic factors? disease. As you monitor, look for the kinds of damage symptoms you learned about in your research. Study Your Landscape Ecosystem The grounds of your school make up an ecosystem with Promote Plant Health complex relationships among the plants, animals, water, Proper plant care is the foundation of a PHC program. soil, sunlight, weather, and other components. Because Healthy plants mean healthy landscapes, and healthy of these complex relationships, there are many things landscapes have fewer problems and require less special you will need to pay attention to when promoting plant attention. The following points will help you to minimize health. Questions you will need to answer include: cultural and environmental problems, as well as pest problems. • What is your climate? What are the maximum and minimum temperatures? • Match the plant to the site. For example, you cannot grow a subtropical swamp plant in a cold, dry site. • Are there microclimates in the school yard that might Some plants cannot grow in full sun, and some plants affect plant growth? are better adapted to salty or compacted soil or soil • Where do the prevailing winds come from? Are they with poor drainage. For help with finding plants for unusually strong? your area or for problem sites, talk to local gardening clubs, nurseries, or extension personnel, or consult • What are your seasonal patterns of precipitation? books on regional gardening. • Where are the sunny and shady parts of the yard? • Select pest- and disease-resistant species. (These will change over time as plants grow and die.) • Know what kind of care each plant needs, and pay • What are the characteristics of the soil in each part of special attention to how you water, prune, and the yard? fertilize them. • What are the drainage patterns? IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 96

• Plant a diversity of species so that a single pest problem Biological controls will not devastate your landscape. Biological control uses other organisms to combat pests. • Include “insectary” plants in your landscapes. These More and more beneficial organisms are becoming are plants that attract and feed beneficial insects with commercially available, and by planting “insectary” plants their nectar and pollen; for example, sweet alyssum (see above), you can attract beneficial insects already in (Lobularia spp.), flowering buck-wheat Eriogonum( your area. spp.), members of the parsley family (Apiaceae) such as fennel and yarrow, and members of the sunflower Chemical controls family (Asteraceae), such as sunflowers, asters, daisies, Chemicals are not prohibited in a PHC program, but they marigolds, and zinnias. are used as a last resort, and then they are used judicious- • Use proper planting techniques when installing ly and in the least toxic formulations. Always spot-treat vegetation. to minimize the amount of active ingredient used. • Improve the soil with organic matter and mulches. Pennsylvania law allows pesticide applications on school grounds only by certified applicators, registered technicians, Consider a Variety of Strategies or by non-certified applicators or non-registered technicians If you determine that a problem needs to be treated, it under the direct supervision of a certified applicator. is important to consider a variety of strategies and to Notification must be given to all staff and parents or integrate those strategies into a comprehensive program. guardians of students who request it 72 hours prior to Treatment strategies can be divided into several general pesticide use. Warning signs must also be posted in the categories: vicinity 72 hours prior to and for 48 hours after the application. Education This can include educating students and teachers about No action respect for landscape plantings; the more that students This can be a valid strategy in many situations when the can be involved in the planting and care of various por- problem does not seriously affect the health of the plant. tions of the school yard, the less they will vandalize these Your research will help you understand which problems areas. Education can also involve training maintenance are serious and which are minor or simply aesthetic staff in various aspects of plant care and plant selection. problems.

Cultural controls These usually include modifying horticultural practices to prevent plant problems or to improve plant health. Technical Information for Pennsylvania Schools—Weeds on School Grounds 97

IPM for Weeds on School Grounds

Introduction Biennials A “weed” is commonly defined as a plant growing in a These weeds live 2 years, and reproduce both vegetatively place where it is not wanted. Plants can be unwanted and by seed. because they compete with desired species, because they cause harm to people or structures, or because their Perennials appearance or odor is offensive. The designation “weed” These weeds live more than 2 years. Although perennials can be quite subjective. For instance, the dandelion can produce seeds, the main means of reproduction is usually be considered a weed in one setting and a wildflower or vegetative; for example, by forming new plants from bulbs culinary herb in another. or corms, or by producing new top growth from buds On school grounds, there is usually consensus on the located on underground stems (rhizomes). weedy nature of certain plant species, such as thistles, docks, crabgrass, and poison ivy, that spring up where Weed Habitats they are not wanted. These species have common charac- Weeds tend to grow in places where the soil is bare or teristics that enable them to “take over” when conditions disturbed: are right. Landscapes can be designed and maintained in ways that minimize conditions suited to weed growth, • areas that have been cultivated (shrub and flower beds) reducing or eliminating the need for herbicides. The goal • trampled or close-mowed lawns is to encourage desirable plants to outcompete weeds in habitats where plant growth is acceptable (shrub beds, • unpaved play areas and paths turf areas, tree wells, student gardens), and to remove • sports fields conditions conducive to weeds in areas where vegetation is • fence lines not wanted (in pavement cracks, on running tracks, under fences). A review of basic principles of weed biology and • graded roadsides ecology will help identify conditions that promote weed • cracks in sidewalks or other pavement growth and suggest methods for encouraging competitive desirable vegetation and discouraging weeds. Extensive • areas where the same herbicide has been used repeatedly and plants tolerant to that material have moved in information concerning weeds in turf, identification and control can be found at: www.agronomy.psu.edu/Extension/ Weedy areas found on school grounds tend to be hot, Turf/WeedMgmt.html. (The management of weeds in turf dry, sunny habitats—often with low nutrient levels and is discussed in the section on school lawns on page 77.) soil moisture. Certain plants, such as thistles, knotweeds, plantains, and barnyard and crab grasses, take advantage Identification and Biology of these conditions. As they grow, die, and decompose, Weeds can be found among both broadleaf plants and the soil is stabilized, erosion is reduced, and the soil grasses. Like all plants, weeds are classified within 3 environment becomes more moist and fertile. Under general categories according to the duration of their life these improved conditions, plant species with less weedy cycle and their methods of reproduction. characteristics may eventually displace the weeds. Thus, a meadow left undisturbed may eventually become a forest. Annuals These are the most common weeds; they live 1 year and Detection and Monitoring reproduce by seed. These plants have a rapid life cycle that The purpose of monitoring is to determine if, when, enables them to germinate, shoot up, blossom, set seed, where, and why weeds are growing or posing a problem, and die within the space of a few weeks or months. Their and to assign priorities for habitat change and least-toxic rapid life cycle allows them to thrive on a minimum of weed suppression. The components of effective weed nutrients and water. monitoring are described here.

Most of the information in this chapter is from IPM for Schools: A How-to Manual. United States Environmental Protection Agency. EPA 909-B-97-001. March 1997. IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 98

Mapping Weed Habitats The first step in monitoring is to map areas where weeds Collecting and Preserving are growing. This does not need to be a detailed, time- Plant Specimens for Identification consuming process—a rough map will do. For areas to If you want to have a damaged plant inspected or monitor, see the list under Weed Habitats above. a weed identified, collect an adequate sample since a small part of a plant may not include all the Identifying Weed Species signs and symptoms needed to make an accurate It is important to accurately identify the most common diagnosis. Plant material that has been dead for an weed species on your school grounds in order to deter- extended time is generally useless in determining mine appropriate management methods. Knowing the the identity of the causal agent of a disease. For scientific name of the weed makes it much easier to obtain plant identification purposes include leaves, stems, information from research professionals and the scientific roots, and flowers or seed-bearing portions. A literature. Assistance is available from county Penn State single leaf or leaflet is not an adequate sample for Cooperative Extension personnel or pictorial weed guides. plant identification purposes. A method for preserving weed samples is described in the Place green leaves between dry paper towels box to the right. and enclose them in a plastic bag without adding Learn about the growing conditions required by the moisture. Carefully shake excess soil from roots. weed as well as its growth characteristics and methods of Place roots in a plastic bag with moist (not wa- reproduction. Weeds can be indicators of soil conditions terlogged) wood shavings or similar material to that need to be changed to discourage weed growth. prevent drying. Wrap fruits separately in paper and For example, yellow nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus) often grows in waterlogged soils, indicating excessive mail without adding moisture. If you are unable water perhaps due to a broken irrigation pipe or valve. to deliver the specimen in person, place the bag in Conversely, prostrate knotweed (Polygonum aviculare) cardboard mailing tubes, boxes or padded mailing indicates dry, compacted soil that requires aeration and envelopes reinforced with cardboard sheets and addition of organic matter. Changing the conditions send it to your Penn State Cooperative Extension indicated by the weed can discourage these unwanted county office. plants from growing.

Record Keeping It is important to record the time of year a particular Establishing Weed Tolerance Levels weed species appears, its abundance, and its impact on the School landscape maintenance budgets rarely stretch far landscape. This information will help determine: enough to suppress all weeds, even if that were desirable. • which weeds and how many of each can be tolerated in Aesthetic standards should be adjusted to take this into a specific area without the weeds impairing the function account. Assigning tolerance levels helps prioritize budget of the landscape or its aesthetic appeal allocations, facilitate long-term plans, and provide justifi- • whether or not management strategies are effective cation for weed management action—or lack of action. Identify areas where weeds pose potential health • whether weed populations are rising, falling, or staying or safety hazards or threaten damage to facilities, and about the same from year to year distinguish these locations from those where weeds are • whether new species of weeds are becoming a problem considered aesthetic problems alone. For example, poison (as often happens as a result of weed management ivy can cause severe skin rashes and itching, and weeds efforts) growing in playing fields or running tracks can pose trip- Without this information, it is impossible to determine ping hazards. Assign low tolerance levels to weeds in such the long-term effectiveness of management methods. areas, and place high priority on their management. On the other hand, assign higher tolerance levels—and lower priority for management—to weeds growing in shrub beds or along fence lines. Since most weed tolerance levels are subjective, one way to establish them is to invite a representative group to tour the school grounds and decide where weed levels are Technical Information for Pennsylvania Schools—Weeds on School Grounds 99

acceptable and where they are not. Such a group might Plant Selection include the school principal, coach, landscape mainte- In shrub beds, you can include ground covers with rapid, nance supervisor, PTA officers, students, and parents. It spreading growth habits that can outcompete weeds. is important that this group reach consensus on overall weed management objectives for various school sites, and Competitive Interplanting that weed tolerance and action levels derive from this When shrubs or ground covers are installed, weeds often agreement. Weed tolerance levels can be reevaluated on colonize the spaces between individual plants before the an annual basis. ornamentals can spread and shade them out. These weed habitats can be eliminated by overseeding newly planted Long-Term Weed Management Plans areas with fast-growing annual flowers such as sweet Long-term plans should focus on making changes to the alyssum (Lobularia maritime), farewell-to-spring habitat to permanently exclude weeds in areas where weed (Clarkia amoena), and scarlet flax Linum( grandiflorum tolerance levels are low. In some cases this may require var. rubrum). augmented budget allocations. Developing plans can help spread budget needs over several years. Mulching Mulches are used primarily to exclude light from the soil, Evaluation of Weed Management Programs thus limiting weed seed germination. Mulches can be The availability of herbicides has often helped perpetuate composed of organic materials (compost, wood chips), poor landscape designs and inappropriate maintenance stones or gravel, or synthetic landscape fabric. Landscape practices, because herbicides could be used to compensate fabric is preferred over black plastic, since it allows air for them. Gathering monitoring data can pinpoint the and water to move through the soil to benefit ornamental underlying causes of weed presence. The data can be used plant roots, but excludes light at the soil surface to thwart to change design specifications for landscapes, sport fields, weeds. playgrounds, and pavement to avoid encouraging weeds. To be effective, mulches should be applied immedi- The long-term costs, risks, and benefits of various ately after plants are installed. Bark or compost mulches weed management approaches also should be evaluated. should be 3 to 4 inches deep to exclude light. If landscape A one-time cost to install concrete or asphalt mow strips fabric is used, it should be covered with an inch or two of under backstops and fence lines and thereby permanently bark, stones, etc. to improve the aesthetic appearance of remove weed habitat may be less costly in the long run the planting area and reduce degradation of the fabric by than repeated herbicide use that may pose a potential sunlight. Landscape fabric can last for years if properly health risk, possibly resulting in lawsuits and poor public maintained. relations. Physical Controls Management Options Hand-pulling, cultivation, and using string trimmers and Horticultural Controls mowers are very effective weed suppression techniques. This approach involves manipulating plant selection, If labor is in short supply, make good use of parent and planting techniques, and cultural practices so that desired student volunteers, community service groups, and youth vegetation grows so densely and vigorously that weeds are groups. Classrooms can adopt a flower bed or a section crowded out. of the schoolyard to maintain and beautify. If students Planting beds can be rototilled and irrigated to force are involved in grounds maintenance, they will be more weed seeds to germinate. As soon as sprouted weeds careful around the plants and take pride in a clean, appear as “green fuzz” on top of the soil, they can be well-maintained schoolyard. killed by a second cultivation with the tiller set at 1 inch. Weeds on baseball infields, running tracks, and other Shallow cultivation prevents weed seeds from being bare soil areas can be suppressed by periodic shallow moved to the top 2 inches of soil—the germination range. cultivation with a tractor-mounted rotary harrow, also This will reduce weed growth while ornamental plants are called a rotary hoe or power rake (Rhay, 1994). In areas becoming established. with heavy clay soils, this method can be combined with adding sawdust to reduce the crusting and puddling characteristics of these soils. IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 100

Eliminate Weed Habitat To solarize a section of soil, do the following: Creating a “mow strip” under and immediately adjacent • Mow any existing vegetation to the ground. to fence lines can solve a common weed problem. When fences surround paved playing surfaces such as basketball • Cultivate to incorporate the vegetation into the soil. courts, the steel fence posts can be installed directly into • Provide a smooth surface by raking the soil so it is level. the paving material, 8 to 12 inches to the inside of the • Encourage weed seeds to germinate by irrigating the soil paving edge. The paving prevents weeds from growing 1 to 2 weeks before covering it. under or adjacent to the fence, and provides a paved strip for the wheel of a mower which can keep adjacent grass • Irrigate again just before laying down the plastic. trimmed. The strip also provides access for use of string • Use UV-stabilized plastic 2 to 4 mils thick. trimmers when shrub beds abut the fence line. • Anchor the tarp by burying its edges in a small soil Pouring a 16-inch-wide concrete or asphalt strip to trench around the area to be solarized. cover the soil under and beside the fence can modify existing cyclone fence lines. This retrofit can be performed Chemical Controls in stages over several years as budgets permit. The one- When nonchemical weed management methods are not time paving cost will produce many years of savings in sufficient to solve weed problems, herbicides are available weed management. for integration into the program. There are many herbi- Use asphalt or cement crack filler to fill cracks in cides on the market. For information on the efficacy and paved areas where weeds are a problem. hazards of various herbicides and on how to select an appropriate product for your situation, consult the Penn Flaming State Cooperative Extension office in your county. Flamers are used by a growing number of parks and Whenever possible, apply herbicides as spot-treatments school districts to treat weeds in pavement cracks, under to the target weeds. For example, a tool called a “rope picnic tables and benches, along fence lines, and similar wick applicator” can be used to wipe a small amount of places. This technique uses a small gas- or propane-fired herbicide on a single plant or patch of weeds. This reduces torch to sear the tops of young weeds. The heat raises the temperature of the sap in the plant cells, the cell walls human exposure and helps to protect non-target vegeta- rupture, and the weed wilts and dies. Flaming is most tion and beneficial soil organisms that can be damaged or effective on young annual and perennial weeds in the killed by herbicide residues. Wick applicators are available seedling (4- to 5-leaf) stage, because at that point the as hand-held versions or as attachments to small tractors fragile root system is killed along with the top growth. and riding mowers. Grasses are difficult to kill by flaming because a protective When applying herbicides, use a colorant to mark the sheath covers their growing tips. treated area. This will not only ensure even coverage, but Keep the torch about 6 inches above the vegetation also will help passersby see and avoid the treated area. Do and pass it slowly over the plants. Hold the flamer over not allow children to play or lie on the treated area—rope each plant briefly so the plant is heated but not actually it off and post a sign. burned. The leaves may lose their usual green color, but Herbicides must be used in accordance with their there may not be any evidence of wilting, let alone plant EPA-approved label directions. Pennsylvania law allows death, for several to many hours. Leaves that have been pesticide applications on school grounds only by certified heated sufficiently to burst cell walls will feel very soft to applicators, registered technicians, or by non-certified the touch and may turn a purplish color. applicators or non-registered technicians under the direct supervision of a certified applicator. Notification must be Soil Solarization given to all staff and parents or guardians of students who This technique uses a covering of clear plastic to raise request it 72 hours prior to pesticide use. Warning signs soil temperatures high enough to destroy weeds and their must also be posted in the vicinity 72 hours prior to and seeds. For solarization to be effective, daytime tempera- for 48 hours after the application. All labels and Material tures should average 85°F or more, so it should be done Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for the pesticide products during the hottest and sunniest time of the year. Solar- authorized for use in the IPM program should be main- ization can kill annual or perennial weeds as well as soil tained on file. Never apply these materials where they pathogens and nematodes. Solarization can also be used might wash into the storm drains, sanitary sewer, creeks, to destroy weed seeds and other soil pests in rototilled ponds, or other water sources. beds scheduled for new plantings. Technical Information for Pennsylvania Schools—Wood-Damaging Pests 101

IPM for Wood-Damaging Pests in Schools

Introduction Dry Rot or Water-Conducting Rot The job of maintaining a building includes detecting • a special kind of brown rot most often found in new structural pest problems before they become severe. Early construction detection means less costly repairs. Although the discov- • can disperse rapidly throughout wood, destroying large ery of wood-destroying insects often generates panic and amounts in 1 to 2 years premature decisions, these pests are slow to cause new damage. There is ample time to accurately identify the • characterized by large, papery, white-yellow mycelial pest and decide on an appropriate IPM program. Some fans of the work can be done by school personnel and the rest • forms large tubes called rhizomorphs that are up to an contracted out to a professional, or the entire job can be inch in diameter and can conduct water to 25 feet contracted out to professionals. • rhizomorphs are dirty white to black, and grow out and This section will discuss wood-attacking fungi, away from the moisture source termites, and wood-boring beetles. • rhizomorphs allow the fungus to extend its growth into dry wood containing less than 20 percent moisture Identification and Biology • wood surface may appear sound but wavy, even though Wood-Attacking Fungi the interior is heavily decayed Fungi reproduce from spores present in the air and soil. • relatively rare problem Thread-like structures called hyphae grow from the spores and penetrate directly into wood. A mass of hyphae, White Rot called a mycelium, is frequently visible on the surface of the wood. A mycelium often takes the shape of a fan • makes wood look bleached or a fluffy mat. Optimal growth occurs at temperatures • affected wood feels spongy when probed and is stringy between 50°F and 95°F on wood containing at least when broken 20 percent moisture. • no abnormal shrinkage The three major groups of wood-attacking fungi are • wood strength gradually diminishes surface-staining fungi (molds and mildews), sap-staining fungi (wood stains), and decay fungi (wood rots). Surface- Soft Rot staining and sap-staining fungi do not cause loss of structural strength and will not be discussed here; • seldom encountered in buildings, except where wood is however, they are evidence of moisture problems that in contact with constantly wet soil need to be corrected. The third group, decay fungi, • develops in marine habitats in wood that is too wet for attacks the cellulose and lignin in wood and causes other decay fungi structural weakness. They are hard to detect in their • attacks wood surfaces and produces a gradual softening early stages; however, advanced stages are quite evident inward from the changes in the wood’s appearance. Identification and Biology Brown Rot Termites • characterized by white mycelial mats Although there are a number of groups of termites in • causes wood to crack into small cubical pieces the United States, only the eastern subterranean perpendicular to the wood grain (Reticulitermes flavipes) and southeastern subterranean (Reticulitermes virginicus) termites are indigenous to • wood rapidly loses its strength and eventually crumbles Pennsylvania, with the eastern subterranean being the to powder most common. They are social insects and form colonies • wood changes color to a distinctive brown that contain several castes. These castes differ greatly in their form and function.

Most of the information in this chapter is from: IPM for Schools: A How-to Manual. United States Environmental Protection Agency. EPA 909-B-97-001. March 1997. Jacobs, S. B. Eastern Subterranean Termites. Penn State Cooperative Extension. 1992. IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 102

During the first 6 months of the development of a new Identification and Biology colony, the queen deposits only 6 to 20 eggs. The total Wood-Boring Beetles number of eggs deposited by a queen can be tens of Although some wood-boring beetles can cause serious thousands during her lifetime. Nymphs hatch in 6 to 12 damage, there is always time to identify the type of beetle weeks. As the nymphs increase in size and number, castes present before taking action. When dealing with wood- are formed. The worker caste maintains and feeds the boring beetles, it is important to know whether or not colony, and many species have a soldier caste that defends they will reinfest a piece of wood. Some beetles cannot, the colony. The darkly pigmented, winged reproductive and seeing their holes in wood means they have done caste (kings and queens) serves only to reproduce and start their damage and left. See Table 7 on page 103 for more new colonies. Reproductives “swarm,” or fly away from information to help you identify some of the most their original colony, only at certain times of the year. important beetles. Subterranean Termites (Reticulitermes flavipes) Anobiid Beetles (sometimes called death-watch or • Subterranean termites must be in regular contact with furniture beetles) moisture, which in most cases means they must stay 1 1 These beetles are small ( ⁄8- to ⁄4-inch long), reddish- in contact with the soil. (In rare cases, they live in the brown to black, and elongate with a very rounded back. wood above the soil, getting their moisture from a leaky Wood moisture content of 13 to 30 percent is required for air-conditioner, regular condensation, or some other development, so anobiids are more frequently a problem constant moisture source). in areas with higher temperatures and humidity. Furniture • They construct distinctive earthen tubes to bridge the kept in centrally heated living spaces is usually too dry for distance between the soil and wood. them to infest. • The passageways protect them from predators and Anobiids attack both hardwoods and softwoods and help prevent desiccation as they travel. These tubes are will feed on either newly seasoned or older wood. In important visible clues to subterranean termite presence. Pennsylvania, they are the most common structure- infesting beetle. Although they feed mainly on the • Initially, subterranean termites tunnel into soft spring wood, but as the infestation grows, they remove more sapwood, they also can damage heartwood that is close and more wood until most of it is gone. to the sapwood. In the wild, they live in dead tree limbs or in bark-free scars on the trunks. • They reinforce their excavations with “carton,” a The females lay their eggs in small cracks or crevices mixture of wood fragments and fecal material held on the surface of the wood. When the larvae hatch, they together by saliva. bore a short distance into the wood, then turn at a right R. flavipes usually swarm in Pennsylvania between angle and tunnel with the grain. Their tunnels get larger February and June. These black, winged termites are the as the larvae grow. Eventually the tunnels become so stage most commonly seen, since the other castes do not numerous that they intersect, and the wood becomes a expose themselves to light. Winged termites are attracted mass of fragments. Tunnels are packed with fecal pellets to light, and when they emerge within buildings, they from the larvae. It may take 2 to 3 years for larvae to swarm about doors and windows. After crawling or flut- complete their development. tering about for a short time, the termites break off their wings and locate a mate. Each pair attempts to locate Lyctid Powderpost Beetles moist wood in contact with the soil to start a new colony, 1 1 These are small ( ⁄8- to ⁄4-inch long), slender beetles that but few succeed. Most reproduction is due to secondary vary from reddish-brown to black. Lyctids attack only the or supplementary reproductives within the colony. No sapwood (outer wood) of hardwoods. damage is done by the winged forms. Females lay an average of 20 to 50 eggs in exposed areas of partially seasoned lumber with a high starch content. The hatched larvae bore down the vessels of the wood, making straight tunnels that then turn and become irregular. Most species complete their life cycle in 9 to 12 months, but they can develop more quickly if the tem- perature and starch content of the wood are favorable. The larvae pupate near the surface of the wood, and the emerging adults drill a hole through the wood to get out. Technical Information for Pennsylvania Schools—Wood-Damaging Pests 103

Table 7.

Characteristics of Damage Caused by Common Wood-Boring Beetles

Wood Attacked Recognizing Damage

Type of Part and Type Condition Exit Holes Galleries Frass Reinfest? Borer (tunnels)

1 Anobiid Sapwood of hardwoods Newly Circular, ⁄16 Circular, up to Fine powder Yes 1 1 powderpost and softwoods; seasoned to ⁄8 inch ⁄8 inch with elongate beetles rarely in heartwood or older diameter diameter; pellets Anobiidae wood numerous; conspicuous; random loosely packed in isolated clumps of different sizes; tends to stick together

3 1 Bostrichid Sapwood of hardwoods Seasoning Circular, ⁄32 Circular, ⁄16 Fine to coarse Rarely 9 3 powderpost primarily; minor in and newly to ⁄32 inch to ⁄8 inch powder; tightly beetles softwoods seasoned diameter diameter; packed, tends Bostrichidae numerous; to stick random together

1 1 Lyctid Sapwood of ring- and Newly Circular, ⁄32 Circular, ⁄16 Fine, flour-like, Yes 1 powderpost diffuse-porous seasoned to ⁄16 inch inch diameter; loose in tunnels beetles hardwoods only with high diameter numerous; Lyctidae starch content random

1 Round-headed Sapwood of softwoods Unseasoned, Oval to Oval, up to ⁄2 Coarse to No 1 borers (general) and hardwoods; some logs and circular, ⁄8 inch inch diameter; fibrous; may be 3 Cerambycidae in heartwood lumber to ⁄8 inch size varies with mostly absent diameter species

1 3 Old house Sapwood of softwoods, Seasoning Oval, ⁄4 to Oval, up to ⁄8 Very fine Yes 3 borer primarily pine to seasoned ⁄8 inch diameter inch diameter; powder and tiny Hylotrupes bajulus numerous in pellets; tightly outer sapwood, packed in makes ripple tunnels marks on walls

1 Flat oak borer Sapwood and heartwood Seasoning Slightly oval; Oval, up to ⁄12 Fine granules No 1 1 Smodicum cucujiforme of hardwoods, primarily and newly ⁄16 to ⁄12 inch diameter oak seasoned inch diameter

1 1 Flat-headed Sapwood and heartwood Seasoning Oval, ⁄16 to ⁄2 Flat oval, up to Sawdust-like; No 3 borers of softwoods and inch ⁄8 inch long may contain Buprestidae hardwoods diameter diameter; light and dark winding portions if under bark; tightly packed

1 Bark beetles Inner bark and surface Unseasoned, Circular, ⁄16 to Circular, up to Coarse to fine No 3 3 Scolytidae of sapwood only under bark ⁄32 inch ⁄32 inch powder; bark- only diameter diameter; colored; tightly random packed in some tunnels

1 Ambrosia beetles Sapwood and heartwood Unseasoned, Circular, ⁄50 to Circular; same None present No 1 Scolytidae of hardwoods and logs and ⁄8 inch diameter diameter as holes; softwoods lumber across grain; walls stained

Wood-boring Sapwood and heartwood Slightly Raggedly round Circular, up to Very fine powder Yes 1 1 weevils of hardwoods and damp, or elongate, ⁄16 ⁄16 inch and very tiny 1 Curculionidae softwoods decayed to ⁄12 inch diameter pellets; tightly diameter packed

Adapted from Moore, 1995

IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 104

You are unlikely to see adult beetles during an inspec- Detection and Monitoring tion, and the larvae are always inside the wood. There is It is important to determine exactly which organisms are no outside evidence of infestation on wood that has been present and causing damage before deciding on treatment attacked for only a short time; however, once adult beetles strategies. The actual damage caused by structural pests emerge, you will see their small exit holes in the wood. occurs slowly over a period of months or years, so there is You may also see piles of the fine, flour-like frass (beetle time to study the situation and make a decision. Correct excrement) that sifts from the holes. identification of the pest is critical to determining appro- Larvae usually pupate in the spring. The newly- priate management strategies. The diagnostic key on the emerged adults bore holes straight out of the wood, and a next page will help you identify the pest that is causing large proportion of the females lay eggs in the same wood the problem. Note that in some cases more than one kind from which they emerged. of wood-damaging pest may be present. The diagnostic key describes the major groups of wood-boring beetles Old House Borer (Hylotrupes bajulus) and the damage they cause. Wood-boring beetles can be These beetles are brownish black, slightly flattened, and distinguished from one another by the type of frass they 5 about ⁄8- to 1-inch long. The segment just behind the produce and the size and shape of the holes they create. It head is marked by a shiny ridge and two shiny knobs that is important to distinguish between those species of beetles suggest a face with two eyes. These beetles have become that can reinfest wood, causing extensive damage, and very common in Pennsylvania. those beetles whose damage is limited to one generation. Despite being called the “old” house borer, this insect If you are uncertain about which pest is present, get a is also very common in new construction. This beetle professional identification from the Penn State Coopera- attacks coniferous wood, such as pine, spruce, hemlock, tive Extension office in your county or a pest management and fir. The female lays her eggs in cracks and crevices on professional. The time and potential expense needed to the surface of wood, and the hatched larvae sometimes correctly identify the pest will be compensated by the fact crawl around before finding a place through which they that you will be able to develop an effective management can bore into the wood. They remain near the surface, program for your school. feeding on the sapwood and only gradually penetrating deeper as they grow. They do not feed on heartwood. Regular Monitoring The larval period may be completed in 2 to 3 years, Monitoring means looking for signs of damage to the but it can take as long as 12 or 15 years in dry wood, such wooden parts of the structure on a regular basis. Informa- as that found in attics. Old house borer tunnels have a tion gathered from these regular site inspections should distinctive rippled appearance on the inside. Unless the be written down. Include a map of the site with notes moisture content is high, the tunneling proceeds slowly. about problem areas. Monitoring should show whether a The larvae, while chewing with its hard jaws, emit a pest problem is getting worse and requires treatment, and rasping or clicking sound (very similar to the sound whether the treatment has been effective. produced by clicking fingernails). Although this beetle can reinfest wood, the likelihood of this happening in buildings that are occupied, heated, and well ventilated is small. Technical Information for Pennsylvania Schools—Wood-Damaging Pests 105

Table 8.

Diagnostic Key to Wood-Attacking Organisms Based on Symptoms

Fungi: Wood damaged and discolored with shrinkage and/or loss of structural strength. Colored stains or dusty coating on underside of floor, on walls, or on ceilings. Specific Symptoms Probable Cause Blue stain visible in sapwood. Blue stain fungus Fan-shaped white fungal mat with large, 1-inch-wide, dirty white, Poria fungus, or “dry rot” brown, or black thread-like strands (mycelia). Soft decayed wood with mycelia and checking (cracking) at right Brown rot angles to the grain of the wood, particularly on floor or perimeter joists. Wood looks brown and crumbles to a powder when touched. White mycelial mass covered with irregular specks or pocks. Fomes fungi

Insects: Holes, tunnels, galleries, or chambers on or beneath the surface of the wood. Specific Symptoms Probable Cause

1 Holes greater than ⁄2 inch in diameter. Carpenter bees

1 Holes less than ⁄2 inch in diameter. Wood-boring beetles Galleries or chambers found in wood. The wood surface is easily Termites penetrated with a screwdriver or ice pick. Earthen tubes or tunnels running from soil to wood. Termites Swarming winged insects at base of fence post, foundation, or Ants or Termites indoors, or a collection of wings but no insect specimens. Large bumble bee-like insects flying around exterior near the Carpenter bees eaves of the house. Some enter large holes. Damage mostly confined to siding or outer boards. Sawdust or tiny wood scraps on floor. Carpenter ants

Monitoring for structural pests should be regarded If monitoring by school personnel indicates signs of as an ongoing responsibility, repeated every 1 to 5 years termite or wood-boring beetle activity, a more thorough depending on the kind of problems in your area. Early inspection should be made by a pest management profes- detection of structural pest activity will result in consider- sional. These staff members should also be trained to ably less expensive treatment later. recognize obvious signs of damage, such as those listed under symptoms in Table 8. Although major structural School Staff Responsibilities for Monitoring pest management decisions should be based on the All personnel responsible for maintaining wooden recommendations of a trained inspector, having someone structures should be trained to identify the conditions on the school district staff who is knowledgeable about that can lead to infestation by wood-damaging pests. structural pests and can supervise outside contractors (See the inspection checklist at the end of this chapter.) may improve the quality of pest management and On page 106 is a list of equipment needed for monitoring. contain costs. IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 106

Treatment of inactive infestations would be an unneces- Tools and Safety Equipment for Monitoring sary expense. Ask for confirmation that living termites or Termites and Other Wood-Boring Insects beetles are present, as some companies do not make this confirmation normal practice. • Flashlight with spare batteries and bulbs • Screwdriver or ice pick for probing wood suspected Detection Techniques for Termites of being infested There are several ways to identify termite activity. The • Hammer or similar instrument for hitting wood and observation of swarming reproductives is an indication of listening for indications of hollowness a current termite infestation in the area, but simply find- • Ladder for inspecting roof trim and other ing a pile of discarded wings can be misleading. Winged off-ground areas termites are attracted to light and so could come from other areas. If only swarming insects are seen, a distinc- • Moisture meter with a range of at least 15 to 24 tion must be made between ants and termites. The easiest percent moisture way to distinguish between the two is to look at their • Pencil, clipboard, graph paper, and measuring waists. A termite has a broad waist, while an ant has a tape; with these, records can be made precisely on narrow, wasp-like waist. The four wings of the termite are the floor plan or elevation of the building where all of equal length and nearly twice as long as its body, moisture is evident or wood is damaged while the front and hind wings of an ant are unequal in • Tools for opening access entrances into crawl length and not twice as long as its body length. spaces The discovery of a mud tube extending from the soil • Hacksaw blade for checking earth-filled porches up to the wood is an indication of probable subter- adjacent to crawl spaces; when inserted under ranean termite infestation (these tubes are described the sill, the thin portion of the blade should not on page 102). If only one tube is located, monitoring penetrate beyond the sill or headers for other tubes should begin immediately. Break open • Good-quality caulk, such as silicone seal, and a tubes to see if the termites are active or if the tubes caulking gun to plug suspicious exterior cracks and are deserted; an active tube will be rebuilt within a few crevices; silicone seal is also available in a thinner days. Finding soil in cracks and crevices can also be an consistency that can be applied with a brush indication of subterranean termites. It isn’t always possible to detect damaged wood by looking at the surface. An ice pick can help you probe the wood, and listening for sound differences while pounding Using a Pest Management Service on the wood surface can help you find the hollow areas. When contracting for structural pest management For many years the only structural pest detection services, the choice of a company should be based method available was visual observation by trained, partially on their willingness to provide monitoring experienced pest management professionals. This method services for a fee separate and distinct from treatments. has been improved by such inspection tools as the Some pest management professionals offer free termite moisture meter. inspections with the expectation that the inspection cost will be covered by the fees for the treatments that follow. You can use the checklist at the end of this chapter to confirm the thoroughness of an inspection performed by a professional. Inspect both the inside and the outside of the buildings. If a professional is hired to do the inspection, ask to see locations that were infested and/or were found to have damaged wood. Discovering subterranean termite tubes or beetle damage is not necessarily evidence of an active infestation. Termite tubes or beetle exit holes or frass indicate only that termites or beetles were there at one time. In the case of beetles, the adults that made the exit holes may have been the last beetles that will ever emerge if they are from a species that does not reinfest wood. Technical Information for Pennsylvania Schools—Wood-Damaging Pests 107

Discovering beetle damage is not necessarily evidence The Pick Test of an active infestation. Signs that the infestation is still When monitoring your building, use an ice pick or active include fresh frass the color of new-sawn wood and screwdriver to probe wood you think might be live larvae or adults in the wood. Where you suspect an decayed based on its color or other changes you infestation of the kind of beetles that do not emerge for 1 several years (such as old house borers), you can con- detect. Insert the pick about ⁄4 inch into the wood and press sharply downward firm their presence by listening for the chewing sounds perpendicular to the grain. they make inside the wood. To amplify the sounds, use a If the wood is sound, a long doctor’s stethoscope or a cardboard tube from a roll of splinter will pull out of the paper towels. You can also place a cloth or piece of paper wood along the grain (as shown underneath the suspicious area for a week or two to in the figure to the right). If the monitor for the fresh debris and frass that are indications wood is decayed, the splinter of activity for some beetles. will be brittle and break into Management Options short pieces across the grain, especially at the point where Habitat Modification (All Wood-Damaging Pests) the pick enters the wood and acts as a lever. You can No structural pest management program is complete also detect decayed wood by its lack of resistance unless the conditions that favor the survival of the pest relative to sound wood. Mud-sills (wood installed on are modified. Moisture in or on wood is the single most footings) can be pick-tested without producing exces- important predisposing condition for wood damage and sive visual or structural damage, since they are not structural failure. visible from outside the crawl space. Sometimes wood treated with a preservative on the surface is decayed Reduce the Moisture Level of the Wood inside. The pick test can help reveal these hidden The investment in installing, fixing, or relocating gutters, pockets of decay. siding, roofing, vents, drains, downspouts, and vapor barriers will pay for itself in long-term protection against termites, wood-boring beetles, and fungi. Leaking pipes, drains, sinks, showers, or toilets should be repaired. For Moisture Meters wood-boring beetles and fungi, often the only manage- A moisture meter with a 15 to 24 percent range (to detect ment measures necessary are fixing leaks, installing vapor favorable conditions for anobiids) will help determine barriers, and using central heating to dry out wood and whether or not the moisture content of the wood is high keep it dry. The most common wood-boring beetles can- enough to support the growth of wood-inhabiting fungi, not establish themselves in wood with a moisture content wood-boring beetles, or subterranean termites. The below 8 percent, and the old house borer probably needs needles of the meter should be inserted along the grain more than 10 percent moisture. Wood must contain at of wood to give the most accurate readings. Temperature least 20 percent moisture before it will support the growth corrections should be applied to readings taken below of fungi. Few species of fungi can extend their growth 70° and above 90°F (correction tables are supplied with into dry wood, and these fungi are relatively rare. meters). The meters should not be used in wood treated In cases where wood is excessively damp or difficult to with water-borne wood preservatives or fire retardants. dry out, an immediate treatment by a professional may be necessary. Monitoring for Beetle Infestations When wood-boring beetle larvae mature into adults inside Ensure Proper Drainage Under Buildings the wood, they bore exit holes to the surface to get out. If the soil under buildings is constantly wet or becomes Table 8 on page 105 can help you determine what kind wet after it rains, this problem should be corrected. Equip of insect created the holes you find. If it is a beetle, the downspouts with plastic extensions to direct water away information in Table 7 on page 103 will help to identify from foundations. Grade the soil around the building to the kind of beetle and whether or not it is capable of rein- slope gently away from the structure. Installation of a festing. Consulting with a professional is also advised. vapor barrier under the building will correct many situ- ations, but more serious moisture accumulations need IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 108

other measures. Coat foundation walls with rubberized can become termite nesting areas. Small pieces of wood asphalt membranes to reduce moisture under the build- debris containing live termites can be soaked in soapy ing. Extreme cases may require the installation of a sump water to kill the insects. Wood debris containing live pump and/or Power Temp-Vent. French drains can also termites should be taken to a landfill or other area where be installed. French drains are lengths of perforated pipe the natural decomposing abilities of termites are useful. covered with crushed stone placed around and below the foundation footings to catch and conduct water by gravity Store Woodpiles Properly to a free flowing outlet or sump pump. The drains are Firewood or lumber piles should be constructed so that normally covered with a building paper or straw before no wood rests directly on the ground. Use cinder blocks being backfilled with soil to the normal surface grade. or concrete as a base on which to pile lumber or firewood and inspect the pile periodically. Large piles should be Improve Irrigation or Landscape Practices to Decrease as far from the building as is practical; smaller amounts Water Collection Near Buildings of wood can be moved closer to the building as they are Remember that water that falls on the sides of buildings needed, but do not store logs inside or in a place where from sprinklers can cause as many problems as natural they can touch the building or a wooden deck. rainfall. Plant Trees Away From Buildings Eliminate Direct Contact Between Wood and Soil Because trees and shrubs used in landscaping are often Ideally, wood should be at least 8 inches above the soil to planted when young, a common mistake is to site them prevent direct access by subterranean termites, prevent too close to a structure. Roots, branches and eventually wood from absorbing excessive moisture, and facilitate decaying stumps provide avenues for termite, carpenter the inspection process. Wood in contact with the soil must ant, and wood-boring beetle infestations. Trees and large be replaced with concrete. If wood is too close to the soil, shrubs may also provide roof rats, squirrels, and other remove some of the soil and grade it so that it slopes away animals nesting places and access to the upper portions from the building. of the building. Leaves clog gutters and can lead to water damage. Replace Damaged Wood with Treated Wood After managing the pest problem, if wood must be Mulch replaced, especially wood in vulnerable areas, it can be Using termite-resistant mulches may reduce the incidence treated with borates (see discussion under Chemical of termite activity; however, opinions vary on their Controls) to protect it from fungal decay and make it less effectiveness. attractive to termites. Whenever wood will be exposed to the weather, it is important to paint a water repellent on Maintain Buildings in Good Repair the bare wood before it is stained or painted. Depending The most effective indirect strategy for managing struc- tural pests is keeping buildings in good repair. Keep the on the product, water-sealed wood must dry for a few skin of the structure sealed using paint, putty, and caulk. days to over a month before being painted. Studies show Repair cracked foundations by injecting cracks with that wood treated in this manner resists weathering and various materials (patching compounds). Cracks should decay many years longer than wood that is only painted be chiseled out to a 1⁄ -inch depth and 3⁄ -inch width or stained. 2 4 before patching. Injectable bonding materials have some elasti-city to resist cracking, whereas cement mixes are Replace Moisture-Prone Wood with Aluminum, likely to crack if soil heaving or settlement is causing Concrete, or Vinyl ongoing foundation movement. Sometimes it is more cost-effective to eliminate wood altogether from the most vulnerable areas of the building. Inspect Lumber Lumber and other wood items should be carefully Remove Tree Stumps and Wood Debris examined for wood-boring beetle damage, such as small Decaying stumps, construction debris, and wood scraps holes, sawdust, or fine wood fragments, before using or near or under the building can be a source of termite storing. Wooden furniture should be examined carefully infestation. Remove all wood debris and stumps within for current beetle infestations before placement in the 10 feet of foundations. Never bury wood pieces; they building. Technical Information for Pennsylvania Schools—Wood-Damaging Pests 109

Use Kiln-Dried or Air-Dried Lumber Borate-Based Wood Treatments (Subterranean Termites Although close visual inspection of wood is essential, it is and Wood-Attacking Fungi) not a guarantee against beetle infestation. Some infesta- Borates are fungicides and slow-acting insecticides. They tions can go undiscovered for years before damage is are not repellent to insects (termites will construct tubes seen. Kiln-dried or air-dried lumber should be used in all over borate-treated wood), but do act as anti-feedants, construction projects. which means that pests prefer not to feed on wood treated with borates. When insects feed on wood treated with Physical Controls borate or, in the case of wood-boring beetles, chew For termites, heavily damaged wood should be replaced emergence holes through treated wood, the borate acts with sound wood. Wherever possible, use lumber treated as a stomach poison to kill the insects over a number with wood preservatives such as borates (see Chemical of days. Borates also act as fungicides by inhibiting the Controls below). Dispose of infested wood as described growth of wood-attacking fungi. above. Borates are used both in the pretreatment of lumber For wood-boring beetles, simply removing and for the construction industry and in remedial treatment replacing infested wood should be the first treatment of lumber in existing buildings. Use pretreated lumber to option you consider. Carefully inspect wood in contact replace existing lumber and prevent reinfestation in areas with the pieces that are removed to see if there is further of potential termite activity or in areas vulnerable to rot. infestation. In some situations, this may not be practi- Crawl spaces and attics can be treated by a professional cal because the wood is inaccessible or labor costs are using a borate fogger, by spraying or painting liquid prohibitive. If any wood has been damaged to the point solutions directly on the wood, or by pressure-injecting of structural weakness, it must be replaced or reinforced, the solution into the wood. A larger amount must be no matter what treatment is used. used in a fogger to get the same coverage as painting or spraying on the solution. Borates can be effective as an Chemical Controls insecticide to eliminate small termite and wood-boring If nonchemical methods alone prove insufficient to solve beetle infestations. the problem, then integrating a pesticide into your man- Since borates are water-soluble, they cannot be used agement program may be warranted. For information on to treat exterior wood unless the finish (paint or stain) or pesticides and on how to select an appropriate pesticide sealant is removed from the wood before treatment, and for your situation, consult the Penn State Cooperative then a finish or sealant subsequently applied after treat- Extension office in your county. ment. Since borates can move easily through the soil and Pesticides must be used in accordance with their leach away from the area of application, they should not EPA-approved label directions. Pennsylvania law allows be used in close proximity to lakes, streams, ponds, or pesticide applications in schools only by certified applica- areas where there is standing water. High concentrations tors, registered technicians, or by non-certified applicators of borates are toxic to plants, so treatments of the perim- or non-registered technicians under the direct supervision eter of buildings can result in inadvertent poisoning of of a certified applicator. Notification must be given to all plants and shrubs near the building. staff and parents or guardians of students who request it 72 hours prior to pesticide use. Warning signs must also be Desiccating Dusts Such as Diatomaceous Earth and posted in the vicinity 72 hours prior to and for 48 hours Silica Gel (Wood-Boring Beetles) after the application. The law also mandates a 7-hour Desiccating dusts can help prevent future infestations reentry period for common access areas whenever pesticides of wood-boring beetles. They are particularly useful in are applied. All labels and Material Safety Data Sheets confined spaces such as attics and wall voids where they (MSDS) for the pesticide products authorized for use in can remain effective for the life of the building. Desiccat- the IPM program should be maintained on file. Do not ing dusts alone are effective and safe. They act primarily apply these materials in common access areas when as physical, not chemical, agents, but they are commonly occupied, and never apply them where they might wash combined with pyrethrins. into a drain or sewer unless otherwise labeled. Desiccating dusts act by abrading the oily or waxy Always post durable signs where pesticides have been outer layer that coats the body of an insect. Water inside used in attics and crawl spaces so that future inspectors an insect is contained by this waterproof coating, and and repair technicians can identify and avoid the areas loss of the coating leads to the death of the insect from where possible. dehydration. IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 110

Diatomaceous earth has been used against termites Safety of Baits as a repellent, but the use of silica gel for termite control Much smaller amounts of active ingredient are used in is more common. Diatomaceous earth can be easier to baits than are used in chemical barrier treatments, so handle because it is composed of larger particles than there is less risk. Most of the active ingredients used in the silica gel. It is important to note that the product termite baits have low acute toxicity, and the concentra- described here is not the glassified diatomaceous earth tions in which they are used are generally low. Manufac- used for swimming pool filters, but rather “amorphous” turers are designing bait stations to be self-contained and diatomaceous earth. tamper-resistant to protect children and animals from accidental exposure. Termite Barriers Using insecticides as termite barriers in the soil relies When to Bait on uniform distribution in the soil. In some cases, soil Because termite activity is seasonal, baiting is more characteristics or structural defects may prevent this, and effective at certain times of the year than other times. barriers will fail. A pest management professional can The best time to bait the eastern subterranean termite provide conventional termite treatments. (For more (R. flavipes) is in the late spring and early summer. information on this extensive process, refer to Mallis, Less activity is expected from November to February, 1997, pp. 285–98.) although active termites have been found in bait stations in December and January. Termite Baits (Subterranean Termites) The termite baiting strategy involves two steps: finding Two Types of Baiting Strategies termites by placing baits in appropriate sites and then There are two general types of food baiting that can be exposing them to a slow-acting toxicant. The toxicant used: perimeter baiting or interceptive baiting. If the must be slow-acting so that termites have time to go back whereabouts of the termites are unknown, perimeter to the nest to spread the toxicant among their nest mates baiting is used. Wooden stakes, bait blocks, or plastic through food sharing and through mutual grooming. monitoring stations are set around the perimeter of a Since termites habitually wall off members of the commu- structure either in a continuous circle or in a grid pattern. nity and/or galleries when they sense a problem with their Perimeter baiting relies on the certainty that termites food supply, the toxicant must work slowly enough that foraging at random will eventually discover the bait. Once it goes undetected until a good portion of the colony has termites have been located, either by perimeter baiting been exposed. or by finding shelter tubes or active galleries, interceptive Baiting may eliminate a termite colony over a number baiting can be used. Here, actively foraging termites are of months (conventional chemical barrier treatments only intercepted with a bait. Interceptive baiting of structures try to prevent termites from entering a structure), but has a disadvantage in that quite often termite damage elimination may not be practical or necessary. Baiting is already has been done, and even though the colony is an ongoing process—you may eliminate one colony or eliminated, the wood may have to be replaced. portion of it, but another colony may eventually attack the structure in the future. Adequate control can prob- ably be achieved by reducing the colony enough that no termites are seen in structures and no professional pest management call-backs are necessary. Technical Information for Pennsylvania Schools—Inspection Checklist 111

Inspection Checklist for Detecting Structural Decay and Pest Damage

Introduction Flashings Check the following locations for structural decay and Make sure areas around vents, chimneys, and dormers pest damage. Check both visually and by probing with are flush and well sealed. Rusty or broken nails can cause a pointed tool, such as an ice pick (see page 107). Look problems in flashings. Aluminum or galvanized nails for signs of moisture, damaged wood, insect frass, and are required to prevent electrolysis (a chemical reaction termite earthen tunnels and/or fecal pellets. between dissimilar metals that causes the nails to disintegrate). Seal nail head and flashing joints with Roof, Overhangs, Gutters, Eaves, marine-quality caulk or silicone (tar preparations are Trim, and Attic cheapest, but they crack after a few years in the sun). Check the roof for cracks, missing shingles, and other openings where moisture might enter. Shingles should Damaged or Discolored Areas 3 extend ⁄4 inch or more beyond the edge of the roof and Search for exposed areas that are soft, tunneled, cracked, should form a continuous drip line at the eave and end rotted, or blistered. Check for algae, moss, lichens, or rafters, or at the rake boards that cover the end rafters. discoloration, since these areas indicate potential Remove leaves from the roof surface, and replace any openings for fungi and/or insects. Locate the sources missing shingles. Install flashing or an aluminum drip of moisture and make the necessary repairs. edge under the first course of shingles to divert rainwater from the fascia board and walls of the building. Outside Walls Be careful not to block eave vents. Install flashing; Rusty Nails it should curl over the forward edge of the fascia board Check for rusty nails or nail-staining, which indicates about 2 inches and then run about 6 inches beyond a moisture within the wall and/or the use of nongalvanized vertical line drawn from the inside face of the wall studs. nails. Replace rusty nails with aluminum or galvanized Check for the formation of masses of ice on the roof nails or screws. near the gutters, which can lead to water filtration and/or excessive condensation on interior attic walls. Deteriorating Paint Look for signs of deteriorating paint, such as loss of Gutters paint sheen and bubbling and peeling. Scrape and sand Check for poorly sloped, clogged, rotted, or leaking gut- affected surfaces and repaint. If the wood seems soft, ters that can lead to eave, overhang, or siding leaks and weak, or spongy, scrape out the spongy parts. If holes rots. Remove leaves and twigs that absorb moisture and 1 are smaller than ⁄2 inch in diameter, fill them with caulk. cause rot. Flush gutters with a hose before the rainy sea- Larger holes can be filled with epoxy wood-filler. If holes son. Install downspout leaf strainers and gutter guards. are very large, replace the wood.

Attics Stained or Buckled Siding Extra effort is needed to inspect areas that are difficult to Stained or buckled siding (with or without peeling paint) see or reach. Use a good light source and a probe. Search is a symptom of underlying moisture, rot, or insects. for rain seepage or decay around vent pipes, antennas, Check for moisture caused by splashing rain or lawn wall-top plates, skylights, and other vents. sprinklers. If possible, remove the source of the moisture and refinish or replace the damaged wood. Consider Eaves, Overhangs, and Fascia Boards using a more durable material, such as aluminum siding. Make sure there is at least 18 inches of overhang to allow Pressure-treated woods are treated with toxic materials, proper water runoff. Extend short overhangs. Search for and their use should be minimized. soft, tunneled, cracked, or exposed areas. Check areas where algae, moss, lichens, or discoloration occurs; these symptoms may indicate moisture problems and termites.

Most of the information in this chapter is from IPM for Schools: A How-to Manual. United States Environmental Protection Agency. EPA 909-B-97-001. March 1997. IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 112

Damaged Wood Junctions Foundation and Grade Moisture and insect problems often occur where wood Soil Surface pieces join or abut, particularly when there is shrink- Make sure the soil surface slopes away from the school age, splintering, or settling. Corners, edges of walls, building in order to carry water away from the founda- roof/siding intersections, and siding/chimney contacts are tion. Seepage under the foundation will cause it to crack particularly vulnerable. Apply water repellent and caulk and settle. Add fill to direct the water away from the to these joints, and monitor them regularly for building building, but make sure there is at least 8 inches between movement. the top of the fill and the sill. If clearance is small, con- sider installing foundation “gutters.” Install splash blocks Weathering of Exposed Lumber/Beam Ends and perforated pipe. Check their performance during Check for expanded, split, or cracked lumber ends, which rains, or test the system with a hose. A sump pump also provide access for moisture and insects. Even previously can be used to move water away from the foundation. treated wood is subject to attack if the openings are deep enough. Caulk cracks and monitor for further Low Foundation Walls and Footings Allowing developments. Wood-to-Soil Contacts Check for wood in contact with the soil. Wood should Cracked or Loose Stucco be at least 8 inches, and preferably more, above the soil Search for cracks in stucco, especially stress cracks around surface. Low foundation walls or footings often permit windows and doors. These conditions can provide access wooden structural members to come in contact with the to moisture, termites, and decay organisms. Caulk cracks. soil, providing access for subterranean termites. Repair If they are large, consider replacing the old stucco. these areas or install subgrade concrete “gutters” where the building sills sit too close to ground level. Remove Moisture Accumulation Around Laundry Facilities, wood that comes in contact with the soil and replace it Especially Dryer Vents with concrete. Check for signs of moisture accumulation around the vent. Modify the vent to direct exhaust air away from the Foundation Cracks building. Check for cracks that give decay organisms access to wood. Cracking may also indicate uneven settling. Moisture Associated with Pipes and Ducts Monitor cracked walls for discoloration and seepage Check for moisture where ducts pass through wooden during rains. Termites use cracks to gain access to parts of a building. Also check downspouts during heavy wood hidden from view. If the problem is serious, the rains for leakage and proper drainage. Insulate ducts, foundation may need repair. install splash guards below downspouts, repair the spouts, and direct water away from buildings. Brick Veneer or Stucco Applied to the Foundation Check the bond between the veneer or stucco and the Moist Window Sills, Windows, or Doors foundation wall. If it is failing, moisture and termites Check for cracked sills and casings, and poorly fitted may have a hidden entrance to wooden portions of the windows and doors. Badly fitted doors may indicate building. Remove the loose covering and explore the warping of the door or its casing from excessive moisture extent of decay. or uneven settling. Moisture problems can alter door jambs. Warped and cracked sills and poorly fitted Crawl Space, Basement, and Foundation windows and doors allow water access, which aids decay Make sure enclosed crawl spaces are vented to allow and provides initial insect habitat. moist air to escape. Milder climates are especially Caulk cracks and monitor for further development. vulnerable to dry-rot fungus. In humid climates, the Warped door thresholds and jambs may need replacement, subfloor can be wet from condensation from interior and casings may need repair if the cracks are too large to air-conditioning. Shrubbery or other obstacles that block caulk effectively. airflow through foundation vents cause air underneath the building to stay warm and moist—an ideal environment for termites. Clean existing vents of dust, plants, and debris. Foundation vent openings should equal 2 square feet of Technical Information for Pennsylvania Schools—Inspection Checklist 113

opening for each 25 linear feet of outside wall. An Water- or Space-Heating Units opening should occur within 5 feet of each corner. Add Check to see whether the heating unit is insulated. If the more vents if needed. The top edge of the concrete under soil near the flame is kept warm throughout the year due all vents should be at least 6 inches above the finished to lack of insulation, microbial and insect development grade to allow sufficient ventilation. Vents located below will be accelerated. Insulate the heater and cover the soil grade may require wells to prevent surface water from with concrete. entering subfloor and basement areas. Divert roof drainage away from vents. Paper Collars Around Pipes Since paper is almost pure cellulose, it is extremely Corners of the Building attractive to termites and should be removed and replaced Check for moisture accumulation and stains at junctions with other insulating materials that termites can not eat. of wood surfaces in these areas. Install additional cellar or crawl space vents. Miscellaneous Openings Meter boxes, bathroom inspection doors, pet doors or Enclosed Areas openings, milk delivery doors, and air exhaust vents Check for proper ventilation under staircases, porches, should be checked for water access, cracks, termite pellets, and other enclosed areas, since these are vulnerable to and soft areas. moisture accumulation. Look for decayed, discolored, or stained areas. Adjust or add venting. External Areas Porches Vapor Barriers Check for wooden steps touching the soil, and inspect for Check for condensation on the subfloor and/or sill, which possible decay or termite access. The porch surface must may indicate the need for vapor barriers on the subfloor slope away from the building to carry rain away quickly. and on the soil surface in the crawl space. Such barriers If the porch does not slope away from the building, check can be installed to reduce the moisture resulting from siding for moisture and termites. Tongue-and-groove poor soil grading, unexpected seepage, or high rainfall. flooring is a water trap. Cover the crawl space soil surface with a 6-mil If there is a space between the porch and the building, polyethylene vapor barrier. Use polyethylene instead of check for drainage problems. roofing paper, which can rot. A slurry of concrete can be Caulk and repair cracks. Fill spaces between tongue- placed over the plastic to protect it from rodents. Where and-groove floorboards with caulk or resurface and condensation continues, consider installing extra vents or refinish with wood-sealing compounds and appropriate electric-powered vents whose fans and openings are oper- paint. Another floor can be placed over the first. ated automatically (Power Temp-Vents). A sump pump can be installed to remove standing water. Earth-Filled Porches Soil should be at least 8 inches, and optimally 12 to 18 Wood-to-Stone or Wood-to-Concrete Contacts inches, below the level of any wooden members. Remove Check to see whether the wood is pressure-treated (look the excess soil where possible, regrade to enhance for perforation marks from the chemical injection on drainage, and redesign the porch to eliminate earth/wood the surface of the wood). Replace untreated wood with contact. rot-resistant or pressure-treated wood. Be sure sealing material is used between the wood and stone or concrete, Planter Boxes and place a metal washer between posts and footings. Check planter boxes that are built against the building. Move them 6 inches away from the building. If they are in Leaky Pipes or Faucets direct contact with the building, they allow direct termite Even small leaks keep the wood or soil underneath access to unprotected veneer, siding, or cracked stucco. continuously moist, thereby setting up ideal conditions One remedy is to allow a 6-inch space between the planter for termites. Areas where rain splashes on walls should and the building to allow for air circulation and visual be protected with rain guards. Do not allow sprinklers to inspection. This air space must be kept free of debris. spray the side of the building. Fix all leaks, and change irrigation practices where necessary. IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 114

Trellises and Fences Counter Areas Check for wooden portions of the trellis that touch the Check around and below sink surfaces for moisture and soil and are connected to the building, since they provide decay. Caulk or otherwise protect wall surfaces from a direct link to the building for wood rot and termites. moisture. Subsurface areas damaged by water leaking Check fence stringers and posts for decay. Cut off the from above may be tolerated if the surface leaks are decay and install a concrete footing for trellises and fence repaired. posts. Replace decayed stringers and leave a small gap between the stringers to allow air circulation. Separate Exhaust Vents wood and concrete with metal washers. Check for moisture leaks from outside. Repair with caulk or water-resistant sealing material, or replace the vent and Wooden Forms Around Drains the rotted wood around it. Use extra flashing to fill the gap. These are sometimes left in place after the concrete foundation is poured, providing termites with access Toilets routes to inner walls. Areas and joints around pipes rising Check the integrity of the floor around each toilet base from slabs should be sealed with tar or other adhesive by thumping lightly with a hammer. Check the wax seal to prevent water and termite access. Caulk the holes and for leakage at the floor/toilet pedestal intersection. If you monitor them for decay and excess moisture. detect leakage, check the cellar or crawl space beneath the toilets to see whether it has caused damage. Replace the Gate Posts, Fence Tie-ins, Abutments, and Columns wax seal if necessary, and repair the surrounding water Inspect these for weakness and rot, especially around damage. areas adjacent to the soil. Exposed areas can provide cracks for termite invasion. If wooden posts go through Showers and Sinks concrete into the soil below, check the posts for evidence Check all sinks and showers for a sound caulk seal. Look of termite attack. The bottoms of these posts should be for splash-over on the floors from inadequate water cut and replaced with a concrete footing. Cut post tops barriers or user carelessness. If moisture is visible from at an angle to promote runoff and prevent water from crawl spaces, it may indicate a crack in the floor or in penetrating the vulnerable end grain. drainage pipes. If moisture is visible in the ceiling, it may indicate cracks in the delivery pipes. Balconies and Landings Repair or replace flooring materials, pipes, drains, Surfaces should be sloped away from the building. Check or sink basins if necessary. Sealing compounds may be the junction of floor and siding for moisture and insects. useful when leaks are relatively recent and small, espe- cially if termites have not been found; however, regular Wood Debris Under and Around Buildings monitoring is necessary if sealing materials are used. Pieces of wood, particularly partially buried tree roots or construction lumber, can help support a termite colony Tile Walls until the population grows large enough to attack the Check for mildew stains. Make sure the grout in tile building itself. Since cardboard boxes are very attractive walls has a silicone coating to prevent water penetration. to termites, they should be removed from crawl spaces or Clean the walls regularly to remove mildew and improve basements with earthen floors. ventilation.

Interior Locations Ceilings Areas with water stains or mold growth indicate excessive Check for blistered areas, since these can indicate moisture and should be analyzed for corrective action. moisture leaks in the area above or inadequate installation Pay special attention to areas listed below. of a vapor barrier. Repair leaks and faulty vapor barriers.

Kitchen Pipes Windows Look for condensation and leaks, especially where pipes Check for moisture accumulation and/or water stains on enter walls. Repair leaks and insulate pipes where window frames and walls. Search for evidence of decay condensation is excessive. or insect attack next to glass areas where condensation accumulates, at edges where moldings meet walls and casings, and in window channels and door jambs. Technical Information for Pennsylvania Schools—Inspection Checklist 115

Gaps between window and door casings may be avenues a fire hazard. Containers of highly absorbent silica gel, for hidden moisture and insect access. Check interior activated alumina, or calcium chloride also remove walls beneath windows, especially if they are regularly moisture from the air in enclosed spaces. These agents wetted by garden sprinklers. should be placed out-of-reach to avoid accidental expo- Open windows when feasible to improve air circula- sures. Avoid use of silica gel where children may tamper tion. Install double- or triple-glazed windows when with the containers. These chemicals can be reused after replacement is necessary. Use aluminum frames if wooden drying them in the oven. Small exhaust fans also can frames are decaying. Adjust or move sprinklers so water improve closet ventilation. does not hit windows. Floors Closets Sagging or buckling floors can indicate shrinkage or Check coat and storage closets for dampness. A light rot from excessive condensation or water leaks. Gaps bulb left burning continuously in a damp closet often will between floor and baseboards can indicate wood generate enough heat to dry it out, but make sure the bulb damage from insects, fungi, or water-triggered swelling is far enough away from stored materials to avoid creating and shrinkage. IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 116

IPM for Yellowjackets and Hornets in Schools

Introduction and yellow. They are rapid fliers, and are more aggressive Yellowjackets and hornets are both beneficial and than other types of wasps. Their nests are always enclosed problematic wasps. They are important predators and with a papery envelope and can be found in the ground, scavengers, helping to manage pests and recycle organic hanging from eaves or tree branches, and occasionally in materials, but they also can sting humans and their pets. wall voids. Although often grouped together with bees, yellowjackets The queen begins her nest by building a small comb of pose a more serious threat to people. Yellowjackets can chewed wood. She lays eggs in the cells and, after the eggs sting repeatedly, while a bee can sting only once. Multiple hatch, tends the larvae herself. Once the larvae develop stings from yellowjackets are common, because they into adult workers, they expand the nest into tiers, built aggressively defend their nest when it is disturbed. one on top of the other. In the late summer or early fall, males and new queens are produced. After mating, the Identification and Biology queens seek a sheltered place to spend the winter and all “Yellowjacket” and “hornet” are the common names the workers die. The nest is not reused and eventually given to wasps in the genera Dolichovespula, Vespula, disintegrates. and Vespa; but for the sake of simplicity, the term Early in the warm season, colonies are small and “yellowjacket” will be used. Note that these common yellowjackets are usually not a problem. Later in the names are not reliable indicators of whether or not they season, when colonies are at their peak, these insects are pests. become pestiferous. In their search for protein and Yellowjackets are relatively short and stout, and hold carbohydrate sources, they are attracted to garbage cans, their legs closer to their bodies than other wasps do. dumpsters, lunch counters, and playgrounds, where they Paper wasps are more slender and have long dangling scavenge for food. legs. All yellowjackets are either black and white or black

Table 9.

Distinguishing Among Bees, Wasps, Yellowjackets, and Hornets

name Appearance Habits Nests Feeding Behavior

Bees Hairy, stout bodies with Noisy flight; sting mainly In hives, trees, or Collect pollen and nectar; thick waists; workers and while defending nest; buildings feed pollen to young and reproductives are winged foraging workers seldom share food with other adult sting bees

Solitary wasps Thin- or thick-waisted Visit flowers and In mud, or in holes Predators; provision other vegetation; in ground nests with prey for relatively docile young to feed on

Yellowjackets Stout, colorful; mostly Rapid fliers; aggressive Multilayered, papery Mostly beneficial and hornets black and yellow or individuals capable of nests mostly in ground, predators, but scavenger black and white inflicting multiple although some aerial or species become stings; social in large in structures; nests have pestiferous colonies, which they an outer papery covering defend vigorously called an “envelope”

Paper (umbrella) Long bodies with thin Social; search Single layered, papery Beneficial predators; wasps waists, long dangling legs vegetation for prey; nests without an envelope; feed prey to developing visit flowers for nectar; attached to fences, eaves, young in nest not particularly boards, branches; shaped aggressive like an umbrella

Adapted from the IPM for Schools: A How-to Manual. United States Environmental Protection Agency. EPA 909-B-97-001. March 1997.

Most of the information in this chapter is from IPM for Schools: A How-to Manual. United States Environmental Protection Agency. EPA 909-B-97-001. March 1997. Technical Information for Pennsylvania Schools—Yellowjackets and Hornets 117

Stings previous stings, half of all fatalities occur in individuals Insect stings are the leading cause of fatalities from stung for the first time. venomous animals in the United States. The people who Ordinary reactions to stings include localized pain, die from yellowjacket or bee stings are people who itching, redness, and swelling for hours to a day or two experience large numbers of stings at once or who suffer after the event. severe allergic reactions to the inflammatory substances in the insect venom. These allergic reactions include Nest Disturbance soreness and swelling, not only at the site of the sting, Yellowjackets that are foraging for food usually will not but also on other parts of the body that may be distant sting unless physically threatened, such as being squashed from the site. Other symptoms include fever, chills, hives, or caught in a tight place. But if they feel their nest is in joint and muscle pain, and swelling of the lymph glands danger, they will vigorously defend it. All wasps defend and small air passageways. In severe cases, the individual their colonies, but some yellowjackets are more sensitive may suffer a sudden drop in blood pressure and lose to nest disturbance and more aggressive in their defense. consciousness. While many individuals who experience Disturbing a yellowjacket nest can result in multiple allergic reactions have become sensitized over time by stings. This can occur when someone accidentally steps

Avoiding and Treating Stings

Children should be taught to stay calm when con- For hypersensitive individuals fronted by a foraging yellowjacket, because quick, • Anyone who is hypersensitive or who experiences jerky motions will frighten wasps and make them difficulty breathing, wheezing, fainting, dizziness, more likely to sting. Stillness, or slow, gentle or color changes (turning blue) should be treated by movements, will greatly decrease the probability of the school nurse and taken to a hospital emergency being stung. Slowly and carefully brushing off a room immediately. The nurse should have an yellowjacket that has landed on someone, or waiting emergency kit containing preloaded syringes of until it flies off, is better than hitting or constraining epinephrine for use with hypersensitive individuals. it since aroused yellowjackets will sting. Avoid • Keep the affected portion of the body below the smashing yellowjackets, because when crushed they level of the victim’s heart. give off an alarm pheromone that can cause other yellowjackets to attack. For all others If soft drinks or fruit juices are being consumed • Wash the area around the sting with soap and water on school grounds where there are many yellow- and apply an antiseptic. Washing can help remove jackets, warn children to look into their cups or cans the venom from the wound, which will help reduce before each sip, because someone can accidentally the pain and swelling from the sting.

drink in a wasp and get stung in the mouth or throat. • As soon as possible, treat the sting either with Tell them not to panic if they find a wasp taking a ice contained in a cloth or plastic bag or with drink. Ideally, all sweet drinks should be in containers com-mercially available products for easing the with secured lids, and the children can use straws for pain of wasp or bee stings. Ice will help reduce drinking. It may become necessary to prohibit eating the swelling, and the commercial products will and drinking outside during the peak of the yellow- relieve both pain and swelling. Some people claim jacket season. a paste made of meat tenderizer helps reduce swelling and pain.

First Aid for Stings • Antihistamines given every few hours, according to label directions, also can prevent pain and swelling. • If the sting is to the throat or mouth, medical attention must be sought immediately, because swelling in these areas can cause suffocation. Have the victim rest. Dial 911 immediately and give the victim an ice cube to suck. Do not administer sedatives. IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 118

on an underground nest opening or disturbs a nest in a lid. The lids and cans should be periodically cleaned of shrub or building. Sometimes merely coming near a nest, food wastes. Disposable liners can be used and replaced especially if it has been disturbed previously, can provoke when soiled or damaged. an attack. When these practices are not followed, school garbage Underground nests can be disturbed simply by (and the flies around it) becomes a food source for vibrations. Thus, mowing lawns or athletic fields can be yellowjackets in the area. If a large number of wasps are hazardous, and operators may need to wear protective around garbage containers, students may be afraid to clothing when mowing during the late summer season get close enough to place garbage all the way inside, and when colonies are large. It can be very frightening to be spilled food will attract more wasps. the victim of multiple wasp stings. If there are only one Dumpsters should be cleaned frequently by wash- or two wasps, back slowly away from them until they stop ing them with a strong stream of water. If the dumpster attacking you. Otherwise, it is best to run away from a service company has a cleaning clause in their contract, colony rapidly, protecting your face and eyes as much as make sure it is enforced. possible. To limit yellowjacket infestations inside the school It is important to educate children about the beneficial buildings, repair windows and screens and caulk holes in role of these wasps (they feed on pest insects, particularly siding. Building inspections for yellowjackets can be done caterpillars) and to remind them repeatedly of ways to at the same time as inspections for other pests, such as avoid stings. Since problems with yellowjackets are most rats, mice, and termites. Inspections should be conducted common in late summer and fall, teachers can be provid- monthly to ensure that developing nests are found before ed with this information at the beginning of the fall term. they get large enough to be problematic. See the box on page 117 for tips on avoiding and treating stings. Trapping Trapping with a sturdy trap and an attractive bait can Detection and Monitoring significantly reduce yellowjacket numbers if a sufficient If there is a chronic problem with yellowjackets around number of traps are used. There are a variety of traps on outdoor lunch areas or school athletic fields, inspect the the market. In general, cone-type traps are more useful area methodically to locate the nests. Nests can be found for long-term trapping that will last many weeks. In some in the ground, under eaves, and in wall voids of buildings. schools, unbaited yellow sticky traps (like those used to Ground nests are frequently—but not always—located catch whiteflies) affixed to fences near underground nests under shrubs, logs, piles of rocks, and other protected have provided sufficient management to protect children sites. Entrance holes sometimes have bare earth around from stings. them. Nest openings in the ground or in buildings can be A homemade, cone-type fly trap can be used to catch recognized by observing the wasps entering and leaving. yellowjackets simply by using the captured flies inside the trap as bait. (See page 62 for instructions on making the Management Options fly trap). The yellowjackets enter the trap to get the flies The objective of a yellowjacket management program and become trapped themselves (see Tips on Trapping should be to reduce human encounters with the wasps, but Yellowjackets in a Homemade Cone-Type Fly Trap on not to eliminate them from the entire area since they are page 119). If you use baits such as dog food, ham, fish, beneficial predators of insects. The two most productive or other meat scraps, or fermenting fruit and jelly, make and least environmentally destructive ways to do this are sure the traps are placed in areas inaccessible to students, to modify the habitat to reduce yellowjackets’ access to because large numbers of yellowjackets may be attracted food in the vicinity of human activities, and to use to the baits. physical controls such as trapping and nest removal. Area- However, the traps should be placed near the nest if it wide poison baiting should be used only as a last resort can be found, and/or near the area where the yellowjackets when other methods have failed and stings are frequent. are troublesome. Teachers can be instructed to make a short presentation on the purpose of the traps to satisfy Physical Controls the curiosity that students will undoubtedly have. Show Habitat Modification students the traps, explain how they work, and try to Garbage containers on school grounds should have tight- impress upon them the importance of the traps in main- fitting lids. The cans should be emptied frequently enough taining the safety of the playground. Then be sure to move to prevent the contents from impeding the closure of the the traps to an area inaccessible to students. Technical Information for Pennsylvania Schools—Yellowjackets and Hornets 119

When traps are full they can either be placed in a Adequate protective clothing and proper procedures freezer for a day to kill the wasps or enclosed in a heavy- can minimize problems and stings. It is important to wear duty plastic garbage bag and placed in the direct sun for protective clothing when removing wasp nests. Complete several hours. A third way of killing the wasps is to body coverage is essential, because yellowjackets and submerge the traps in a bucket of soapy water until the other wasps can find even the smallest exposed area. wasps drown. Use clothing made for beekeepers. This includes: The traps should be out only during the period that • A bee veil or hood that either contains its own hat or yellowjackets are a problem, usually late summer and can be fitted over a light-weight pith helmet or other early fall. When the traps are taken down for the year, brimmed hat that holds the veil away from the head. they should be cleaned with soap and water and stored. A metal-screen face plate that extends around the head is a desirable feature. Check the veil carefully for tears before each use. Tips on Trapping Yellowjackets in a • A bee suit or loose-fitting, heavy-fabric coverall with Homemade Cone-Type Fly Trap long sleeves. This is worn over regular pants and a long- sleeved shirt to provide extra protection from stings. Yellowjackets can be caught in a cone-type fly trap using only the trapped flies as bait. The following tips • Sturdy, high-topped boots. Secure pant legs over the will help improve yellowjacket trapping: boots with duct tape to prevent wasps from getting into trousers. • Use this trapping method where students cannot gain access to the traps or at a time when students • Gloves with extra-long arm coverings so sleeves can be are not in school. taped over them to protect the wrists.

• Mix the fly bait according to the instructions on pages 63 and 64. Vacuuming Vacuuming out entire nests is not recommended unless it • Set up the fly trap with the fly bait in the area where is done by a pest management professional experienced in the yellowjackets are a nuisance. handling stinging insects. • If the trap is still attracting only flies after a day Vacuuming is particularly effective when nests occur in or two, move the trap to a new spot around the wall voids, in emergencies where nests have already been perimeter of the nuisance area. disturbed, and in environmentally sensitive areas where • If your trap stops catching yellowjackets at some nests should not be treated with insecticides. point, but is still catching flies, try switching to a Some pest management professionals in some sweet bait such as fruit punch or jam. cities will perform this service for free so they can collect the wasps to sell to pharmaceutical companies for their Note: To avoid being stung, you should replenish the fly bait or move the trap in the cool parts of the venom. If the school is interested in this option, take time day—early morning or late evening. To kill every- to find a company that will perform this service for you. thing in the trap before emptying, put the trap into a large plastic garbage bag and seal the bag. Place the Chemical Controls bag in direct sunlight for several hours or in a freezer If nonchemical methods prove insufficient to solve the overnight. problem, then integrating a pesticide into your manage- ment program may be warranted. Pesticides must be used in accordance with their Nest Removal EPA-approved label directions. Applicators should always A nest can be destroyed through physical removal wear protective gear during applications. All labels and (vacuuming) or by using a pesticide (see Chemical Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for the pesticide Controls). Either way, great care must be exercised, products authorized for use in the IPM program should be because any disturbance around a nest can cause multiple maintained on file. Pennsylvania law allows pesticide stings. It is best to have a pest management professional applications in schools only by certified applicators, or other experienced person remove the nest. Nest removal registered technicians, or by non-certified applicators or should take place at night, when the children are out of non-registered technicians under the direct supervision of a school and the yellowjackets are in the nest. When illumi- certified applicator. Notification must be given to all staff nation is needed, use a flashlight covered with red acetate and parents or guardians of students who request it 72 hours film so it will not disturb the wasps. IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 120

prior to pesticide use. Warning signs must also be posted in Products with Components That “Freeze” Wasps the vicinity 72 hours prior to and for 48 hours after the Pyrethrins can be used to quickly knock down guard application. The law also mandates a 7-hour reentry period wasps at the nest entrance and to kill yellowjackets in an for common access areas whenever pesticides are applied. aerial nest when they must be destroyed in the daytime. When an insecticide is considered necessary for the These aerosol products are designed to project a stream management of yellowjackets, the best approach is to of spray 10 to 20 feet and contain highly evaporative confine it to the nest itself. Anyone applying insecti- substances that “freeze” or stun the yellowjackets. cides should use special clothing that protects against the chemical as well as against wasp stings. Insecticides Do Not Use Gasoline should be applied in the evening or very early morning Gasoline should never be poured into underground nest when children are absent, the wasps are inside the nest, holes. This dangerous practice creates a fire hazard, and cooler temperatures reduce insect activity. contaminates the soil, and prevents the growth of vegeta- A number of insecticides are registered for use against tion for some time. A ground application of gasoline yellowjackets. The following are most appropriate for use poses greater harm to children and the environment than in schools: a yellowjacket nest.

Silica Aerogel and Pyrethrins Avoid Area-Wide Control Measures Silica aerogel combined with pyrethrins is an effective Mass control measures are seldom, if ever, necessary, insecticidal dust that can be used to destroy an under- and they are expensive due to the labor involved in the ground nest or a nest in a wall void. Silica aerogel is made frequent mixing and replacement of bait. The effective- from sand and works by abrading the outer waxy coating ness of bait mixtures is also questionable, since the baits on insect bodies. Once this coating is damaged, the insects face considerable competition from other food sources cannot retain water and die of dehydration. that are more attractive to scavenging yellowjackets. Frequently Asked Questions 121

Frequently Asked Questions Concerning IPM Plans and Pesticide Notification Legislation, Acts 2002-35 and 2002-36 of Pennsylvania

Since the publication of this manual, the Pennsylvania Administration Buildings IPM Program has received many questions about the Q. Do the regulations apply to public school administration proper application of IPM procedures and interpretation buildings? of state pesticide laws. Since many school officials often have the same questions, we provide these questions and A. Yes, the workers in the building must be notified 72 their answers online at paipm.cas.psu.edu/schools/faq. hours prior to any pesticide applications, and posting html. must be done 72 hours prior to and 48 hours after appli- Specifically, the “Frequently Asked Questions” section cations. Parents and guardians only need to be notified of (FAQ) addresses Acts 2002-35 (Integrated Pest Manage- applications in buildings in which their students attend. ment Plan Act) and 2002-36 (Pesticide Notification Act) as well as IPM implementation. The legislation requires Athletic Fields schools to adopt an IPM plan and provide notification Q. Our athletic fields are not fenced in. Where do the pest to parents, students, and teachers in advance of pesticide control signs need to be posted? applications. The Web site includes an interactive form for people A. The PDA recommends posting the signs at common to submit their own questions. A Pennsylvania IPM entry points as determined by the school IPM coordina- Program staff member will find an answer from various tor. A notice of placement of signs could be posted on the experts and post the information on the Web site. staff bulletin board and sent to parents and guardians so they know where to look for the pest control signs. Disclaimer: The answers to these questions are for guid- ance and information. If you need further clarification, contact your school solicitor or the Pennsylvania Depart- Q. One of our athletic fields is several miles away from any ment of Agriculture (PDA) at 717-772-5214 for pesticide of our school buildings. Does a notice need placed in each information and 717-772-5204 for IPM plan information. school building prior to pesticide applications on that field? The following is a catalogue of questions and answers A. No, only workers in buildings at that location need to date grouped together by subject. Watch the Web site notification. Whatever method your district uses for for future questions. notification (postings in the buildings, e-mails, announce- ments) needs to be followed. The legislation also requires that a pest control sign be placed at the common entry point to that field; the 7-hour reentry time applies.

Q. We only treat the athletic fields in the summer. Is it necessary to notify the parents and guardians at that time? A. No, unless students are using the fields for normal academic instruction or organized extracurricular activi- ties. But workers in the schools at the locations need to be notified and the fields must have the treatment signs posted at common entry points. The 7-hour reentry time also applies. IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 122

Background Checks for Pest Management Professionals instruction or extracurricular activities. The term does not include areas such as kitchens, boiler rooms, utility/ Q. What are the requirements for background checks on pest management professionals servicing a public school in maintenance rooms, and areas that are physically blocked Pennsylvania? or restricted from student/attendee access.” A. The IPM legislation does not address this, but the district may require a criminal background check Containerized Bait Placement (Act 34 clearance), a child abuse background check Q. What regulations affect containerized bait placement? (Act 151 clearance), and, if from out of state, an FBI A. Containerized baits are exempt from the notification fingerprint card. and posting requirements but are not exempt from the Pesticide Control Act of 1973 (www.agriculture.state. Baits and Gels pa.us/agriculture/lib/agriculture/legalreference/pesticide- Q. Baits and gels are pesticides. Do parents and guardians act.pdf); they cannot be placed in a common access area need to be notified if either is used? within 7 hours of when students may be in that area. A. No, baits and gels are exempt from the notification. However, the certified pesticide applicator is required Emergency Applications to notify any individuals on the PDA Hypersensitivity Q. If a wasp nest is found under a sliding board on the Registry and, if they are placed in a common access area, school’s playground, and a certified pesticide applicator existing regulations require that no students be in the area sprays it with a pesticide such as Raid, is notification and for 7 hours. posting necessary and when can the area be used again? A. This is considered an emergency situation ac- Biocides cording to Act 2002-36 (www.palrb.us/pamphlet- laws/20002099/2002/0/act/0036.pdf). After the pesticide is Q. We use biocides in the air conditioning units on our buildings. Do the notification and posting requirements apply applied, the school shall notify by telephone any parent to their use? or guardian who has requested such notification, close that area of the playground for at least 7 hours, and post a A. Biocides used as antimicrobials in areas (air filtration pest control sign at the site for 48 hours. systems, etc.) in which students do not have access are exempt from notification. Q. If a contractor is working on a rooftop-ventilating unit and sprays a wasp nest when he opens the unit, do the notification and posting requirements apply? Category 18 Certification A. This is also considered an emergency pesticide applica- Q. Our vo-ag teacher is certified in Category 18 (research and education). Can she do our pesticide applications on the tion according to Act 2002-36. After the application, those football field and in the buildings? parents and guardians requesting notification must be notified by phone, and the area posted for 48 hours. A. No, Category 18 is only for research and education. If this unit were an air intake to the vent system, all Applying pesticides in schools and on school grounds common access areas affected by the unit would need to be requires Category 23 (parks and schools) or other specific evacuated for 7 hours. Note: If the contractor is not a categories (structural, etc.). certified applicator or in the presence of a certified applica- tor, he is in violation of the Pesticide Control Act of 1973. Common Access Area Q. What is meant by common access area? Exempt Schools A. An “area of common access” in Act 36 is referred to Q. What schools are exempt from the IPM legislation? as to where a pest control sign must be posted, such as A. The legislation specifically defines school as “a school the main entrance, lobby, or main bulletin board area. district, an intermediate unit, an area vocational-technical “Common access area” is not a term used in Act 36, but is school, or any of these entities acting jointly.” All other defined in the Title 7 Chapter 128. 2 as “the areas within schools are exempt from the legislation. a school building where students/attendees normally congregate, assemble or frequent during normal academic Frequently Asked Questions 123

General School Audit a pesticide was applied in a school by someone other than a certified pesticide applicator, the district could be Q. Will the state check the IPM plan as part of a normal audit? penalized anywhere from a warning letter to a fine of up to $10,000 depending on the situation. Finally, the room A. School audits done by the Bureau of School Audits in must now have a pest control sign posted for the next 48 the Department of Auditor General concentrate on areas hours and the school must notify by phone all persons that generate income, so it is unlikely that the IPM plan that requested such notification. will be included in any state audits.

Insect Repellents Home Remedies for Pests Q. Our teachers take OFF (insect repellent) on field trips Q. If soapy water or WD-40 is used to spray wasp nests, to spray on students to repel insects and ticks. Is OFF is notification and posting required? considered a pesticide? A. These are not pesticides and are not covered by the A. OFF makes pesticide claims on its label, so it is a legislation. However, many home remedies may contain pesticide by definition. To apply pesticides, an applicator’s materials that are actually more toxic than commercially certificate is required. However, since OFF is generally prepared pesticides that have been tested for their safety available to the public, the department suggests requiring and effectiveness. The department suggests checking with parental permission before using OFF and then letting the school solicitor concerning liability before using any the students apply a small amount to their hands and rub home remedies for pests. it on themselves, rather than the teacher doing it for them.

Hypersensitivity Registry Intermediate Units Q. What is the Hypersensitivity Registry and how can I get a Q. Does an IU office facility without school students copy for my district? housed within our buildings come under the authority of A. This is a listing of people mandated by the Pesticide Acts 35 and 36? Control Act of 1973 and maintained by the PDA who A. Yes, the legislation specifically includes Intermediate have had their hypersensitivity to pesticides verified by a Units in the definition of school, so the IU needs to physician and have asked to be included in the registry. prepare an IPM plan and, in the event of pesticide People in the registry must be notified by the certified applications, is required to notify workers in the building applicator of any pesticide applications within 500 feet of and post notices 72 hours prior to applications. their primary residence or secondary location. Copies of the registry are provided to each licensed commercial and Q. What is required where an IU has Headstart, Early public pesticide application business. Intervention, etc., has classrooms at buildings not on school grounds? If we follow all the guidelines of the Hypersensitivity Q. A. IUs are included in the legislation; therefore; notifica- Registry and our school’s notification list, can the people tion of pesticide applications is required for all parents notified prevent the school from using the pesticides? and guardians requesting it for the students under the A. No, parents and guardians can keep the student at IU programs, as well as posting 72 hours prior to and 48 home at the time of application, but they cannot stop you hours after pesticide applications. An IPM plan is also from using the pesticide. needed for the location of the IU programs. The depart- ment suggests including the required IPM plan as part of Improper Use of Pesticides the contract when the site is acquired. Q. If a teacher uses a can of Raid to eliminate some ants Q. Who is responsible for IPM at educational trailers owned in the corner of his/her classroom, do the notification and by an IU and housed at a nonpublic school facility? posting requirements apply? A. The department suggests that an IPM plan be included A. First, the teacher would be in violation of the Pesti- in the contract when the site is acquired. The IU is respon- cide Control Act of 1973 since only certified applicators sible for ensuring that the students at the off-site facility may apply pesticides. Second, the room and any adjoin- are covered by an IPM plan and that notification and ing rooms sharing a common ventilation system must posting is done according to the regulations. be evacuated and closed off for 7 hours. Third, because IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 124

IPM Plan Mosquito Treatments on School Grounds Q. Does our IPM plan need to be approve by the Q. Is notification and posting required for a Bt product used Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture? for mosquito treatment at a septic system on school grounds that is inaccessible to students? A. No, but the PDA is willing to review it and offer suggestions at the school district’s request. A. Notification is not required for the parents or guard- ians of the students, but workers must be notified and the Q. Where can I get more information about developing an area posted in accordance with the regulations. IPM plan?

A. A sample IPM plan is available in PDF on the Web Noncompliance http://paipm.cas.psu.edu/pdf/edpack2.pdf. If your dis- trict has not yet received a copy of the manual IPM for Q. What happens if our school district refuses to comply with the new legislation? Pennsylvania Schools: A How-to Manual, it is available as a PDF for download at paipm.cas.psu.edu/schoolmn/ A. Noncompliance of the school code (P.L.30, No. 14) is contents.htm. You may also use the following contact handled by the School Services Unit of the Pennsylvania information to request a free copy: Department of Education, which will process the refusal Cathy Thomas to comply in their usual manner. If the noncompliance Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture involves using a noncertified applicator to apply pesti- 2301 North Cameron Street cides, the school would be in violation of the Pesticide Harrisburg PA 17110-9408 Control Act of 1973 and the Pennsylvania Department of Phone: 717-772-5204 Agriculture will investigate. This could lead to penalties Fax: 717-783-3275 anywhere from a warning letter to a fine of up to $10,000 E-mail [email protected] depending on the situation. If a student is harmed by an illegal application of a pesticide, the parent or guardian Q. Where can I obtain a copy of the sample may also have grounds for a lawsuit. PSBA IPM Policy? A. A copy is found in the manual IPM for Pennsylvania Nondistrict-Sponsored Activities Schools: A How-to Manual and is also available online Q. Our buildings/athletic fields are used evenings and at paipm.cas.psu.edu/schools/PSBApolicy.html. A copy is weekends for nondistrict-sponsored events. Some partici- also provided in the PSBA policy manual available in all pants are district students. How do the new regulations member school districts. relate to this? A. Acts 35 and 36 (and Section 128.106 in the pesticide Land Adjacent to School regulations) deal only with district-sponsored curricular and extracurricular activities. Nondistrict-sponsored Q. Our school district owns land adjacent to the school grounds that is leased to a farmer. Do the notification and activities are given no additional protections or notifica- posting requirements apply if the farmer uses pesticides? tions beyond those on the pesticide label. That participants are staff or students of the school has no bearing. The key A. No, for the purposes of the act the land will be not issue is if the district has sponsorship or control of the considered school grounds since it is not under the direct activity. Example: A scheduled preseason summer practice control of the district and is not covered under Act 36. of the high school football team would require notification Q. Do the notification and posting requirements apply if a and the 7-hour minimum reentry time as a district-spon- neighbor to district property uses pesticides? sored activity. A community athletic association game/ practice on the same field on the same day with some of No, the act only addresses applications made on A. the same participants would not require notification, even school property. though the district approved the use of the facilities. These community group activities are not district sponsored; therefore, they are not covered by these acts or regulations regarding notification or extended reentry times. Frequently Asked Questions 125

Nonpublic Schools applied in a common access area within a school building when students are expected to be in the common access Q. Do private schools (or colleges, universities, day care centers, etc.) need to notify parents and guardians about area for normal academic instruction or organized pesticide applications and establish an IPM plan? extracurricular activities within 7 hours following the application.” Therefore, students may not legally apply A. No, they are not included in the legislation. However, pesticides, even as part of the curriculum. they are encouraged to develop IPM plans. A school as defined in the legislation is “a school district, an interme- Q. Does the legislation require notification and posting for diate unit, an area vocational-technical school, or any of swimming pool chemicals? these entities acting jointly.” A. No, the legislation exempts these from notification and posting. Parental Notification Q. Does every parent and guardian need a 72-hour Out-of-State Applicators notification for every pesticide application in the school Q. Our school district is near the state line. Can we contract or on school grounds? with an out-of-state pest management professional (PMP) for A. The PDA suggests generating a list of parents and pest control in our schools? guardians at the beginning of each school year request- A. Yes, provided the pest management professional is ing such notification of individual applications. A sample certified in the appropriate categories and has registered copy of a letter explaining how parents and guardians with the PDA by remitting the required fees to be certified can be placed on the list is available for download from in Pennsylvania. The PMP is not required to be retested; paipm.cas.psu.edu/schoolmn/postform.doc. These notifi- he/she only needs to send the required amount for certifi- cations may be made by first-class mail, e-mail, or other cation because of reciprocal agreements with each of our suitable means. surrounding states. Q. In what form may workers and parents and guardians be notified? Outside Agencies Using Pesticides A. Notification to workers in the building must be made Q. If a utility company, department of transportation, or the 72 hours in advance of pesticide applications through county uses pesticides around meters or rights-of-way on bulletin board notices, e-mails, individual notices via the school property, does notification and posting apply? interoffice mail, or in-house TV announcements. Parents A. Since the application is on school property, the and guardians may be notified through faxes, e-mail, notification and posting requirements would apply. The mail, or notices sent home with students. applicator (utility company, department of transportation, county) should provide the pest control information sheet Q. If pesticides need to be used where students do not have access, such as the furnace room, do the notification and and pest control signs to the district. Then the district posting requirements apply? would do the notification and posting in its usual way. A. Parents and guardians do not need notification, but employees in the building need notification and the area Pest Control Information Sheet needs to be posted. Q. Where can I get a sample copy of a pest control information sheet? Q. Can we send a list of dates of scheduled applications to all parents, guardians, and employees at the beginning of the A. A copy is available for download from paipm.cas.psu. year to meet the notification requirements? edu/schoolmn/postform.doc. You may also contact Cathy Thomas at 717-772-5204 or [email protected] for a A. No! copy of the sheet. Q. Our vocational agriculture program includes training in the use of pesticides as part of the curriculum. If the students Pest Control Sign apply pesticides in the school greenhouse as part of the cur- riculum, do the notification and posting requirements apply? Q. Where can I get a sample copy of a pest control sign? A. The Pesticide Control Act of 1973 states that “a A. A copy is available for download from paipm.cas.psu. pesticide other than a disinfectant or sanitizer may not be edu/schoolmn/postform.doc. You may also contact IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 126

Cathy Thomas at 717-772-5204 or caththomas@state. needed. The training is provided by the certified applica- pa.us for a copy of the sheet. tor with at least one year of experience as required by the Pesticide Control Act. A registered technician’s certificate is $20.00/year. Pesticide Applicators Q. Who can apply pesticides in schools or around school grounds? Pesticide Treatments While School Is in Session Which areas in a school could possibly be treated with a A. Only a certified applicator, a registered technician, or a Q. pesticide while school is in session? person under the control of the certified applicator who is physically present at the time may apply pesticides. A. Except as provided in the second sentence, pesticides may not be applied within a school building or on school Q. Who is a “certified applicator?” grounds where students are expected to be present for A. A certified applicator is a person who has been found normal academic instruction or organized extracurricu- competent to apply pesticides in the Commonwealth lar activities within 7 hours (or reentry time restrictions by passing pesticide certification exams administered by contained on the pesticide label, whichever time period is the PDA. longer) following the application. Students may not be present in an untreated portion Q. Our school wants a staff member certified to make the of the school building unless the area being treated has pesticide applications. How much does it cost? a separate ventilation system and is separated from the A. Applicator exam fees are $50 for the core and $10 untreated portion by smoke or fire doors or is a separate for each category. A three-year certificate is $10, and the building. school will also need to register with the PDA for a pes- ticide business license ($35/year). In addition, the school Pesticides must meet the requirements for comprehensive general Q. What is considered a pesticide? liability insurance coverage for pesticide applications. For further information, go to www.pested.psu.edu or A. A pesticide is a substance or mixture of substances contact your local regional PDA office. intended for preventing, destroying, repelling, or mitigating any pest, and any substances or mixture of Q. Which category is appropriate for an applicator to be substances intended for use as a plant regulator, defoliant, certified in to apply pesticides on district property? or desiccant. Included are herbicides, fungicides, rodenti- A. Category 23 (park/school pest control) will cover all cides, insecticides, and antimicrobials. Pesticides such as application on district property with the exception of Raid and poison-free pesticides are also included in this swimming pools. Category 24 (swimming pools) is needed legislation. for persons applying swimming pool chemicals. Poison-Free Pesticides Q. Does an applicator certified in a category such as 7, 12, 15, or 16 also need category 23 to apply pesticides in Q. Can our district use the poison-free pesticides now being schools? marketed for school use without notification and posting? A. No, category 23 is a category designed to cover all A. Poison-free pesticides are considered pesticides by the areas needed in pest management in schools, except the PDA and, thus, fall under the notification and posting swimming pool. An applicator with category 7 can apply requirements just the same as any other pesticide. lawn and turf pesticides but cannot apply pesticides in an area in which he is not certified, such as spraying for Record Keeping cockroaches in a building. Q. The legislation states that the three-year record-keeping Q. What is a registered technician? requirement does not apply to swimming pool maintenance chemicals or baits and gels. Does that mean I no longer need A. A registered technician is a person who is trained to to keep those records? do certain pesticide applications, meets the competency requirements of the Pesticide Control Act of 1973, and A. The Pesticide Control Act of 1973 still requires acts under the supervision of a certified applicator who records be kept by the applicator for swimming pool is responsible for the applications and is available when maintenance chemicals and baits and gels for the three- year period. The new act does not change this. Frequently Asked Questions 127

Request for Proposal (RFP) or Contract Guide Specifications Q. Where can I get a sample copy of an RFP or contract guide specifications to provide potential pest management professionals for bidding purposes? A. There is a sample in IPM for Pennsylvania Schools: A How-to Manual and posted on the Web at paipm.cas. psu.edu/schoolmn/postform.doc.

Students Q. Does the term “student” include adult night school students for the purpose of notification? A. Act 2002-36 specifies that notification must be given to workers in the school building and parents and guardians of enrolled students. Many adult classes meet only once or twice a week. The PDA suggests that the district give the adult students in those night classes the opportunity for notification by informing the district, in writing, of their desire to be placed on the district’s notification registry, but the legislation is silent on this.

Visiting Schools Q. Is notification required for a visiting school coming to a sports event or other activity? A. Notification is required for workers in the building and for parents and guardians requesting it for their students who attend the school. Posting signs serve as notice for any other visitors to the school. The 7-hour reentry time for the area is still in effect. IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 128

Literature Citations and Additional References and Resources for School Integrated Pest Management

Literature Cited in Manual

Abbot, W. S. and S. C. Billings. 1935. Further work Hoover, G. A. 1992. Chinch bugs. The Pennsylvania State showing that paradichlorobenzene, naphthalene and University. Department of Entomology Pest Sheet Turf-2. cedar oils are ineffective as repellents against clothes 2 pp. moths. Journal of Economic Entomology 28:493-495. Integrated pest management in schools: IPM training American Mosquito Control Association, J.B. Smith Hall, manual. 1995. MDA 288-95. Prepared by Pinto & Assoc. 176 Jones Avenue, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, for Maryland Dept. of Agriculture, 50 Harry S. Truman NJ 08901-9536. www.mosquito.org Parkway, Annapolis, MD 21401. Ph. 410-841-5710, fax 401-841-2765. 56 pp. Back, E. A. and F. Rabek. 1923. Red cedar chests as protection against moth damage. USDA Technical IPM for schools: a how-to manual. 1997. EPA 909-B-97- Bulletin 1051. 001. Free while supply lasts. U.S. Environmental Protec- tion Agency, Region 10, 1200 Sixth Ave., Seattle, WA Bobbitt, V. 1994. Join the plant health care revolution. 98101. Ph. 206-553-2584 or 800-424-4EPA. (Contact: Washington Park Arboretum Bulletin 57(4):12-15. Don Priest). 213 pp.

Bode, W. M. and S. B. Jacobs. 1995. Carpenter ants Jacobs, S. B. 1992. Eastern subterranean termites. Camponotus pennsylvanicus (DeGeer). The Pennsylvania Penn State Cooperative Extension. 6 pp. State University, Department of Entomology Pest Sheet HP-1. 2 pp. Jacobs, S. B. 1998. Booklice. The Pennsylvania State University. Department of Entomology Pest Sheet Bry, R. E., L. L. McDonald and J. H. Lang. 1992. NP-2. 1 p. Protecting stored woolens against fabric-insect damage: a long-term nonchemical method. Journal of Economic Jacobs, S. B. 1998. Four Common Ticks of Pennsylvania. Entomology 65(6):1735-1736. Penn State Entomology Department Fact Sheet. www.ento.psu.edu/extension/factsheets/common_ticks.htm Common house-invading ant species (chart). No date. University of Florida School IPM Web site at: Jacobs, S. B. 1998. Moth flies in the home. The Pennsyl- schoolipm.ifas.ufl.edu/tp6b.htm vania State University. Department of Entomology Pest Sheet NP-6. 1 p. Contract guide specification for integrated pest manage- ment programs in government buildings and schools. Jacobs, S. B. 1998. Silverfish. The Pennsylvania State Uni- 1998. University of Florida School IPM Web site at: versity. Department of Entomology Pest Sheet SP-3. 1 p. schoolipm.ifas.ufl.edu/doc/contract.pdf Jacobs, S. B. 2000. Clothes moths. The Pennsylvania State Ebeling, W. 1975. Urban entomology. University of University. Department of Entomology Pest Sheet HP-17. California, Los Angeles. Division of Agricultural 2 pp. Sciences. 695 pp. Jacobs, S. B. 2000. Pavement ant. The Pennsylvania State Frishman, A. 1994. 15 ways to misuse German cockroach University. Department of Entomology Pest Sheet NP-11. baits. Pest Control 22(4):23, 67. 2 pp.

Higgins, W. 2002. Policy and Procedures For Mosquito Klass, C. 1993. Integrated Pest Management for the Deer Control. Western® Pest Service, Voorhees, N.J. Tick. 139IFS100.00. Department of Entomology, Cornell University. www.cce.cornell.edu/suffolk/grownet/ticks/deer- tick.htm Literature Citations/References and Resources 129

Laudani, H. 1957. PCOs should treat cedar chests and Powell, P. K., ed. No date. Getting started with school closets for moths. Pest Control 25(10):39-40, 98. IPM. University of Florida School IPM Web site at: schoolipm.ifas.ufl.edu/doc/started.htm Laudani, H., and P. H. Clark. 1954. The effects of red, white, and South American cedar chests on the various Pratt, H. D. 1953. Cockroaches: Pictorial key to some stages of the webbing clothes moth and the black carpet common species. In Pictorial keys: arthropod, reptiles, beetle. Journal of Economic Entomology 47:1107-11. birds and mammals of public health significance. U.S. Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare, Public Health Service, Lyon, W. F. 1997. Clothes moths. No date. The Ohio State Communicable Disease Center. Atlanta, GA. University Extension Fact Sheet HYG-2107-97. Web site at: ohioline.osu.edu/hyg-fact/2000/2107.html Proceedings of the Seventy-Sixth Annual Meeting of the New Jersey Mosquito Control Association, Inc. 1989. Lyon, W. F. 1995. Spiders in and around the house. The pp. 45-50. www-rci.rutgers.edu/~insects/larvsurv.htm Ohio State University Extension Fact Sheet, HYG-2060- 95. 8 pp. Web site at: ohioline.osu.edu/hyg-fact/2000/ Public Health Pesticide Applicator Training Manual. 2060.html University of Florida and the American Mosquito Control Association Public Health Pest Control Web site. Mallis, A. 1982. Handbook of pest control. Franzak and vector.ifas.ufl.edu/ Foster. Cleveland, OH. 1,101 pp. Ray, T., G. M. Caputo, and S. B. Jacobs. 1994. Lyme Mallis, A. 1997. Handbook of pest control. 8th Ed. Mallis Disease: A Manual for Health Care Workers in Pennsyl- Handbook and Technical Training Company. 1,455 pp. vania. Department of Entomology, Penn State College of Agricultual Sciences. 14 pp. Moore, H. B. 1995. Wood-destroying insects. Pest Control Magazine. Cleveland, OH. 120 pp. Rhay, T. 1994. IN: Leslie, A. R., ed. Handbook of integrated pest management for turf and ornamentals. Mosquito Prevention on Irrigated Farms. 1967. USDA, Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FL. pp. 611–612. Agricultural Research Service. Agriculture Handbook No. 319. 32 pp. Richman, D. L. No date. IPM for fleas in schools. University of Florida School IPM Web site at: Niemczyk. H. 1981. Destructive turf insects. HDC Book schoolipm.ifas.ufl.edu/tp5.htm Sales, Wooster, OH. Available from 2935 Smithville Western Rd., Wooster, OH 44691. 48 pp. Satrom, G. and D. Stephens. 1979. A fly control handbook, IPM for manure and compost systems. Beneficial Biosys- Oi, F. M. 1987. IPM Tactics for Tick Control. Auburn tems, Emeryville, CA. 42 pp. (Out of print.) University. www.aces.edu/department/ipm/tick.htm Shetlar, D. J., P. R. Heller, and P. D. Irish. 1983. Pennsylvania School Boards Association. 1999. Turfgrass insect and mite manual. The Pennsylvania PSBA Policy Guide for Pennsylvania Schools; Section: Turfgrass Council. 67 pp. Property; Title: 716. Integrated Pest Management. Smith, E. H. and Whitman, R. C. 1992. NPCA field guide Pennsylvania pesticide control act of 1973, Act of March 1, to structural pests. National Pest Control Assoc. 1,083 pp. 1974, P.L. 90, No. 24, 3 P.S. 111.21-111.61 (1987) and Title 7–Agriculture, Department of Agriculture, Stier, J. C., K. Delahaut, P. Pellitteri, and B. Becker. 1999. Part V. Bureau of Plant Industry, [7 PA. Code Ch. 128], Wisconsin’s school integrated pest management manual: Pesticides, rules and regulations. Available from the School pilot program draft. Available at: ipcm.wisc.edu/ Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, Bureau of programs/school/default.htm Plant Industry, 2301 N. Cameron St., Harrisburg, PA 17110-9408. Strickland, R.K., R.R. Gerrish, J.L. Hourrigan, and G.O. Schubert. 1976. Ticks of Veterinary Importance. USDA, Pickens, L. G., E. T. Schmidtmann, and R. W. Miller. APHIS. Ag Handbook 485. 122 pp. 1994. How to control house and stable flies without using pesticides. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, Vargas. J. M., Jr., D. Roberts, T. K. Dannenberger, D.C., USDA Information Bulletin #673, 14 pp. M. Otto, and R. Detweiler. 1939. Biological management of turfgrass pests and the use of prediction models for Pitts, C. W., G. L. Holbrook, S. I. Gripp, and W. K. Hock. more accurate pesticide applications, pp 121–126 in Inte- 2000. Mosquito Biology and Control. Penn State Agricul- grated pest management for turfgrasses and ornamentals. tural Research and Cooperative Extension. 6 pp. PDF file A. R. Leslie and R. L. Metcalf, eds., U.S. Environmental available at: www.pested.psu.edu/spWNmosqbiol.pdf Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 130

Additional References and Resources

Print Materials Montana model school integrated pest and pesticide Bennett, G. W., J. M. Owens and R. M. Corrigan. 1998. management program, the. 1994. Montana Dept. of Truman’s scientific guide to pest control operations. Agriculture. Purdue University/Avanstar Communications, West Lafayette, IN. 494 pp. Olkowski, W., S. Daar, and H. Olkowski. 1991. Common-sense pest control: least-toxic solutions for Contracting guidelines for integrated pest management your home, garden, pets and community. Taunton Press. services in Maryland public schools. 1995. MDA 286-95. Newtown, CT. 715 pp. Maryland Dept. of Agriculture, 50 Harry S. Truman Parkway, Annapolis, MD 21401. Ph. 410-841-5710, Outdoor Integrated Pest Management for Maine Schools. fax 401-841-2765. 75 pp. 2002. University of Maine Cooperative Extension. Maine School IPM Program. Ph. 207-287-2731. 136 pp. Davidson, J. A. and M. J. Raupp. 1997. Landscape IPM www.thinkfirstspraylast.org/schoolipm guidelines for integrated pest management of insect and mite pests on landscape trees and shrubs. Bulletin 350. Pest control in the school environment: adopting integrated University of Maryland Cooperative Extension Service. pest management. 1993. EPA 735-F-93-012. Free while Ph. 301-405-3913. 106 pp. supply lasts. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Public Information Center (3404), 401 M Street SW, Directory of least-toxic pest control products. 1999. Washington, DC 20460. Ph. 703-305-6457. 44pp. The IPM Practitioner 20 (11/12), Bio-Integral Resource Center (BIRC). Nov/Dec. 1998. 52 pp. Pest management recommendations for commercial production and maintenance of trees and shrubs. 1997. Flint, M. L., S. Darr, and R. Molinar. 2003. Establishing Cornell Cooperative Extension. Ph. 607-255-2080. Integrated Pest Management Policies and Programs: A E-mail: [email protected] Guide for Public Agencies. Publication 8093. University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Riley, B. 1994. Getting pesticides out of our schools. Resources. 13 pp. PDF file available at: www.anrcatalog. Northwest Coalition of Alternatives to Pesticides, P.O. ucdavis.edu/PDF/8093.PDF Box 1393, Eugene, OR 97440. Ph. 541-344-5044. 30 pp.

Hollingsworth, C. S., et al. 2002. Integrated Pest Manage- Simmons, S. E., T. E. Tidwell, and T. A. Barry. 1996. ment for Northeast Schools. NRAES-152. Natural Overview of pest management policies, program and Resource, Agriculture, and Engineering Service, practices in selected California public school districts. Cooperative Extension, 152 Riley-Robb Hall, Ithaca, NY PM96-01 State of Ca. EPA-DPR. Pest Management 14853-5701. (607-255-7654). 60 pp. PDF file available at: Analysis and Planning Program. 68 pp. www.umass.edu/umext/ipm/publications/for_viewing_only_ ipmns.pdf Summary of structural pest control programs and imple- mentation of IPM in Maryland public school systems. 1997. Integrated management of structural pests in schools. Maryland Dept. of Agriculture, 50 Harry S. Truman 1994. Illinois Dept. of Public Health. PDF file available Parkway, Annapolis, MD 21401. Ph. 410-841-5710, at: www.idph.state.il.us/envhealth/pdf/imsps.pdf fax 401-841-2765. 37 pp.

Integrated pest management in schools: IPM training Urban integrated pest management: a guide for manual for grounds maintenance. 1998. Bulletin #358. commercial applicators. 1992. Prepared for U.S. EPA by University of Maryland Cooperative Extension Service. DUAL & Associates, Inc. Ph. 703-527-3500. Ph. 301-405-3913. 157 pp. Uva, R. H., J. C. Neal, and J. M. DiTomasco. 1997. Weeds Integrated pest management kit for building managers: of the northeast. A Comstock Book. ISBN 0-8014-8334-4. how to implement an IPM program in your buildings. 414 pp. No date. Massachusetts Dept of Food and Agriculture, Pesticide Bureau. Ph. 617-727-3018. 8 pp. PDF file What’s All the Buzz About Mosquitoes? IPM Brochure available at: www.state.ma.us/dfa/pesticides/publications/ No. 606. www.nysipm.cornell.edu/publications/mosquitobro/ IPM_kit_for_bldg_mgrs.pdf index.html

IPM workbook for New York state schools. 1998. Pub. No. 605. Sponsored by the New York State Dept of Environmental Conservation and Cornell Cooperative Extension. 9 sections. PDF file available at: www.nysipm. cornell.edu/publications/schoolwkbk.pdf Literature Citations/References and Resources 131

Videos Pest management in health care facilities. 1987. Featuring Videos with an asterisk (*) behind them may be borrowed Dr. Austin M. Frishman, Ph.D., and Jeffrey B. Tucker, from the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture. RPE. Video Development Services, Inc. Time: 90 min. Direct requests to: (Includes four Planning Guides).* The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture Web Sites Bureau of Plant Industry/Pennsylvania IPM Program American Mosquito Control Association, J. B. Smith 2301 North Cameron Street, Rm. G11 Hall, 176 Jones Avenue, Rutgers University, New Harrisburg, PA 17110-9408 Brunswick, NJ 08901-9536. www.mosquito.org Ph. 717-772-5204

EPA. IPM for Schools: A How-to Manual, includes Frishman, A. M. 1986. The Frishman Video Training complete EPA Manual, downloadable as PDF files. Series: Five-Volume Series (With Training Tips, a www.epa.gov/region09/toxic/pest/school/index.html Post-Test, and a Verifiable Attendance Sheet). Vol. 1. Practical pesticide safety, Part 1. Protecting the The IPM Institute of North America, Inc. Web site applicator. Time: 25 min.* with extensive school IPM information as well as IPM Vol. 2. Biology of the house mouse. 25 min.* Standards, pest control, links, etc. www.ipminstitute.org/ Vol. 3. Control of the house mouse. 60 min.* Vol. 4. Biology of subterranean termites. 60 min.* Pennsylvania IPM. Web site with much IPM information Vol. 5. Biology of cockroaches. 60 min.* and links, including the model Integrated Pest Manage- ment Policy for Schools, Developed by the Pennsylvania Integrated Pest Management (IPM) for Schools Series: IPM Program and the Pennsylvania School Boards 1997. Texas Agricultural Extension Service. The Texas Association. paipm.cas.psu.edu A&M University System: Five Volumes. 1. An introduction. Time: 15 min.* The Pennsylvania State University Entomology Depart- 2. Structural pest control. Time: 22 min.* ment Insect Pest Fact Sheets. www.ento.psu.edu/extension/ 3. IPM for food handling areas. Time: 16 min.* fact_sheets.htm 4. Bidding and contracting for pest control in schools. Time: 17 min.* The Pennsylvania State University Ornamental Plant 5. The challenge of administering pest control in schools. Disease Fact Sheets. paipm.cas.psu.edu/ProblemSolvers/ Time: 17 min.* land1ProblSolv.htm 6. Landscape IPM. Time: 32 min.*

The Pennsylvania State University Turfgrass Extension IPM in schools. Pennsylvania Dept. of Agriculture and Program. www.agronomy.psu.edu/Extension/Turf/TurfExt. Penn State. Time: 11 min.* html National Pest Control Association. No date. Produced by Purdue University IPM Technical Resource Center. IPM the University of Delaware. Includes Program Script, for Schools and Childcare Facilities. www.entm.purdue. Tips on Training, Pretest, Post-Test, Answer Sheet. edu/entomology/outreach/schoolipm/ Carpenter ants. Time: 29 min.* Safety with pesticides. Time: 15 min.* University of Florida. Web site with excellent information Stinging insects. Time: 20 min.* for school IPM. schoolipm.ifas.ufl.edu/ Subterranean termites behavior and biology. Time: 22 min.* Urban Entomology. Walter Ebeling, 1975. Most of the text from this manual is on this Web site. Pest control in the school environment: adopting IPM. www.entomology.ucr.edu/ebeling/ 1994. Featuring Dr. Austin M. Frishman, Ph.D. and Jeffrey B. Tucker, RPE. Video Development Services, Inc., PO Box 701067, Houston, TX 77270. Ph. 713-681-9004. Time: 90 min. IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 132

Supplemental Materials to Help Develop IPM Programs in Pennsylvania Schools

Pesticide Rules and Regulations in Pennsylvania Schools

Laws and regulations impacting schools have been passed be issued to any ... agency, nor shall any license remain over the years and involve multiple agencies’ jurisdictions. valid unless such ... agency has a certified applicator in its Consequently, there can be confusion about and incon- employ at all times. sistencies in the details of legal requirements. This is also Sections 29 and 30.1 provide for Criminal Penalties true of pesticide legislation and regulation in schools. and Civil Penalties for violation of the above regulations. Until recently, schools were treated as merely another The next section is from the publication TITLE type of environment in which pesticides were regulated 7—AGRICULTURE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICUL- under the Pennsylvania Pesticide Control Act of 1973. No TURE, PART V. BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY, regulations were in place to account for the special sensi- [7 PA. CODE CH. 128], PESTICIDES, RULES AND tivity of school environments. The longstanding regula- REGULATIONS. (The second part of the reference tion provided for the training and licensing of pesticide listed at the end of this article). applicators in school environments and placed limitations on who was allowed to apply pesticides. A hypersensitivity Definitions from § 128.2: registry was enacted to allow for special prenotification of Common access area—The areas within a school building sensitive individuals statewide in the event of a pesticide where students/attendees normally congregate, assemble application in their home or workplace. These regula- or frequent during normal academic instruction or tions were promulgated and enforced by the Pennsylvania extracurricular activities. The term does not include areas Department of Agriculture. such as kitchens, boiler rooms, utility/maintenance rooms The following information is excerpted from the publi- and areas which are physically blocked or restricted from cation PENNSYLVANIA PESTICIDE CONTROL ACT student/attendee access. OF 1973, Act of March 1, 1974, P.L. 90, No. 24, 3 P.S. 111.21-111.61 (1987). For complete text refer to the actual Current registry—The Pesticide Hypersensitivity publication. Copies are available from the Pennsylvania Registry with the most recent effective date. Department of Agriculture, 2301 North Cameron Street, Harrisburg, PA 17110-9408. Governmental entity—Any executive or independent In order to apply pesticides in a school or on school agency or unit of the Commonwealth, or local agency, grounds, the applicator needs to be a Certified Public/ including a county, a city, a borough, town, township, Commercial Applicator [Section 17.1], a registered Pesti- school district, municipal authority, or political cide Application Technician, or a non-certified applicator subdivision thereof. or non-registered technician under the direct supervision of a Certified Applicator. [Sections 16.1 and 16.2]. Integrated pest management—The managed use of Pesticide in this document means any substance or combined pest control alternatives, including cultural, mixture of substances intended for preventing, destroying, mechanical, biological, and chemical, to most effectively repelling, or mitigating any pest, and any substance or prevent or reduce to acceptable levels damage caused mixture of substances intended for use as a plant regula- by pests. tor, defoliant, or desiccant. [Section 4 (31)]. For in-house pest control, Section 15.1 applies. Pesticide hypersensitivity—Excessive or abnormal Pesticide Application Licensing. Each ... government sensitivity to pesticides. agency or other entity engaged in applying or contracting for the application of pesticides, as meets the definition of School—A public, nonpublic, or licensed private “commercial applicator,” shall hold a license stating those elementary or secondary school wherein a resident of categories in which it is to do business. No license shall this Commonwealth may fulfill the compulsory school Supplemental Materials 133

attendance requirements and which meets the applicable (12) Wood destroying pests—The use of a pesticide to requirements of Title IV of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 control or prevent termites, powder post beetles or (42 U.S.C.A. § 2000c) (Public Law 88-352, 78 Stat. 241). other wood destroying pests infesting a residence, The term also includes a kindergarten or preschool school, hospital, ... and an area adjacent to those program operated by a school and a child day care center structures. operating under a certificate of compliance issued by the (23) Park or school pest control—The use of a pesticide Department of Public Welfare. in a campground or recreational area of a public or private park or on school property. (This category is § 128.41. Requirements for Certification. recommended for in-house personnel). (a) A person is deemed to be a commercial or public applicator and required to be certified if one or more § 128.106. Additional Responsibilities within of the following criteria are met: School Buildings. (3) A person who applies or supervises the application A pesticide other than a disinfectant or sanitizer may of a pesticide to the following locations or who is not be applied in a common access area within a school involved in the following types of application: building when students are expected to be in the common access area for normal academic instruction or organized (i) Fumigation. extracurricular activities within 7 hours following (v) Playgrounds and athletic field—Includes a person the application. The applicator shall also comply with who applies a pesticide to a public playground or reentry time restrictions contained on the pesticide label, an athletic field. whichever is greater. (vii) Schools—Includes a person who uses a pesticide Reference: PENNSYLVANIA PESTICIDE CONTROL on school property, except for the use of disinfec- ACT OF 1973, Act of March 1, 1974, P.L. 90, No. 24, tants and sanitizers within the school building. 3 P.S. 111.21-111.61 (1987) and TITLE 7—AGRICUL- TURE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, PART V. § 128.42. Categories of Commercial and BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY, [7 PA. CODE CH. Public Applicators. 128], PESTICIDES, RULES AND REGULATIONS. (11) Household and health related—The use of a pesticide (Available from the Pennsylvania Department of Agri- in, on or around a food handling establishment, culture, Bureau of Plant Industry, 2301 N. Cameron St., a human or nonagricultural animal dwelling, an Harrisburg, PA 17110-9408. institution such as a school or hospital…

introduction to acts 35 and 36

Acts 35 and 36 are provided on the following pages. (For Although day-to-day enforcement of this law’s pesticide a detailed description of these acts, see page 10.) These components falls to the Pennsylvania Department of Ag- laws differ from the Pennsylvania Pesticide Control Act riculture, the party ultimately responsible for compliance of 1973 and Worker Protection Standards in that they by schools is the Pennsylvania Department of Education. were promulgated under the Public School Code of 1949. IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 134

HOUSE AMENDED PRIOR PRINTER’S NOS. 761, 1405, 1787 PRINTER’S NO. 1860 THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF PENNSYLVANIA SENATE BILL No. 705 Session of 2001 ACT 35, signed by the Governor, April 18, 2002 Amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), entitled “An act relating to the public school system, including certain provisions applicable as well to private and parochial schools; amending, revising, consolidat- ing and changing the laws relating thereto,” providing for integrated pest management programs in schools. The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania hereby enacts as follows: Section 1. The act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949, is amended by adding a section to read: Section 772.1 Integrated Pest Management Programs. (A) Each school shall, by January 1, 2003, adopt an integrated pest management plan in accordance with the integrated pest management policies established by the department on the effective date of this section, until regulations are promulgated by the department. (B) The department shall do all of the following: (1) Maintain a Hypersensitivity Registry to assist in the notification of students and employes who are especially sensitive to pesticides. (2) Designate an integrated pest management coordinator within the department to assist schools in the adoption and administration of integrated pest management plans. (3) Prepare a standard structural integrated pest management agreement and distribute the standard agreement to schools. (4) Provide other materials and assistance to schools to aid them in developing integrated pest management plans. (5) Promulgate regulations, consistent with its policies in effect on the date of this section, to assist schools in implementing their responsibilities under this section. (C) The following words and phrases when used in this section shall have the meanings given to them in this subsection unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: “Department.” The Department of Agriculture of the Commonwealth. “Integrated pest management plan.” A plan which establishes a sustainable approach to managing pests by combining biological, cultural, physical and chemical tools in a way which minimizes economic, health and environmental risks. “Pest.” An insect, rodent, nematode, fungus, weed or other form of terrestrial or aquatic plant or animal life or virus, bacteria or other micro-organism, except viruses, bacteria or other micro-organisms on or in living man or other living animals, declared to be a pest under section 25(c)(1) of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (61 Stat. 163, 7 U.S.C. § 136w). “Pesticide.” A substance or mixture of substances intended for preventing, destroying, repelling or mitigating a pest and a substance or mixture of substances intended for use as a plant regulator, defoliant or desiccant. “School.” A school district, an intermediate unit, an area vocational-technical school or any of these entities acting jointly. Section 2. This act shall take effect in 60 days.

This document was printed from a copy at: www.legis.state.pa.us.WU01/LI/BI/BT/2001/0/SB0705P1860.HTM, May 21, 2002. Any discrepan- cies between the official published version and this document will be resolved in favor of the official published version. Supplemental Materials 135

PRIOR PRINTER’S NOS. 1506, 2228, 2292, 3461, 3616 PRINTER’S NO. 3678 THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF PENNSYLVANIA HOUSE BILL No. 1289 Session of 2001 ACT 36, signed by the Governor, April 18, 2002 Amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), entitled “An act relating to the public school system, including certain provisions applicable as well to private and parochial schools; amending, revising, consoli- dating and changing the laws relating thereto,” providing for approval of unfounded debt in certain distressed school districts, for educational assessment centers and for notification of pesticide treatments at schools. (This document only includes the notification of pesticide treatments at schools). The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania hereby enacts as follows: Section 1. The act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949, is amended by adding sections to read: (Sections 636.1 and 697 are omitted in this document). Section 772.1. Notification of Pesticide Treatments at Schools. (a) The following apply to pesticide applicators: (1) For a pesticide treatment at a school building, the certified applicator or pesticide application technician shall supply the pest control information sheet and a pest control sign, which must be at least eight and one-half by eleven (8 1/2 by 11) inches in size, to the chief administrator or building manager. (2) For a pesticide treatment on school grounds, including athletic fields and playgrounds, the certified applicator or pesticide application technician shall supply the pest control information sheet and a pest control sign, which must be at least eight and one-half by eleven (8 1/2 by 11) inches in size, to the chief administrator or grounds manager. (b) Responsibilities of schools are as follows: (1) Except as provided in clause (3), notification of pesticide treatments shall be as follows: (i) For a pesticide treatment at a school building, the school shall be responsible for all of the following: (A) Posting the pest control sign received under subsection (a)(1) in an area of common access where individuals are likely to view the sign on a regular basis at least seventy-two (72) hours before and for at least two (2) days following each planned treatment. (B) Providing the pest control information sheet received under subsection (a)(1) to every individual working in the school building at least seventy-two (72) hours before each planned treatment. (C) Providing notice, including the name, address and telephone number of the applicator providing the treatment, day of treatment and pesticide to be utilized, to the parents or guardians of students enrolled in the school at least seventy-two (72) hours before each planned treatment as follows: (I) notice to all parents or guardians utilizing normal school communications procedures; or (II) notice to a list of interested parents or guardians who, at the beginning of each school year, or upon the child’s enrollment, requested notification of individual application of pesticides. The school shall provide procedures or materials for such requests to parents and guardians of students. Notification of each pesticide application shall be provided using first class mail or other means deemed appropriate by the school to each parent or guardian requesting notification. (ii) For a pesticide treatment on school grounds, the school shall be responsible for all of the following: (A) Posting the pest control sign received under subsection (a)(2) at the place to be treated at least seventy-two (72) hours before and for two (2) days after the planned treatment. IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 136

(B) Providing the pest control information sheet received under subsection (a)(2) to every individual working in the school building at least seventy-two (72) hours before each planned treatment. (C) Providing notice, including the name, address and telephone number of the applicator provid- ing the treatment, day of treatment and pesticide to be utilized, to the parents or guardians of students enrolled in the school at least seventy-two (72) hours before each planned treatment as follows: (I) notice to all parents or guardians utilizing normal school communications procedures; or (II) notice to a list of interested parents or guardians who, at the beginning of each school year, or upon the child’s enrollment, requested notification of individual application of pesti- cides. The school shall provide procedures or materials for such requests to parents and guardians of students. Notification of each pesticide application shall be provided using first class mail or other means deemed appropriate by the school to each parent or guardian requesting notification. (iii) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, where pests pose an immediate threat to the health and safety of students or employes, the school may authorize an emergency pesticide application. In the case of an emergency pesticide application, the school shall notify by telephone any parent or guardian who has requested such notification. School officials shall annually advise parents or guardians of their right to request notification of emergency pesticide use and shall explain procedures for requesting such notification. (2) Except as provided in clause (3), each school shall maintain detailed records of all chemical pest control treatments for a period of at least three (3) years. (3) The notice and record keeping requirements in clauses (1) and (2) and subsection (c) do not apply to the application of: (i) disinfectant and antimicrobial products; (ii) self-containerized baits placed in areas not accessible to students and gel type baits placed in cracks, crevices or voids; or (iii) swimming pool maintenance chemicals in the care and maintenance of a swimming pool. (c) The following prohibitions shall apply: (1) Except as provided in clause (2): (i) pesticides may not be applied within a school building where students are expected to be present for normal academic instruction or organized extracurricular activities within seven (7) hours following the application, or on school grounds where students will be in the immediate vicinity for normal academic instruction or organized extracurricular activities within seven (7) hours following the application; or (ii) the applicator shall comply with re-entry time restrictions contained on the pesticide label; whichever time period is longer. (2) Students may not be present in an untreated portion of the school building unless the area being treated has a separate ventilation system and is separated from the untreated portion by smoke or fire doors, or is a separate building. (d) The department shall promulgate such rules and regulations as necessary to administer this section. (e) The following words and phrases when used in this section shall have the meanings given to them in this subsection unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: “Applicator.” A certified applicator, commercial applicator or public applicator. Supplemental Materials 137

“Certified applicator.” An individual who is certified under section 16.1, 17 or 17.1 of the act of March 1, 1974 (P.L.90, No.24), known as the “Pennsylvania Pesticide Control Act of 1973,” as competent to use or supervise the use or application of any pesticide. “Commercial applicator.” A certified applicator, whether or not he is a private applicator with respect to some uses, who uses or supervises the use of any pesticide on the property or premises of another or on easements granted under State law, or any applicator who uses or supervises the use of any restricted-use pesticide on property owned or rented by him or his employer, when not for purposes of producing an agricultural product. The secretary may by regulation deem certain types of applicators using any pesticide on their own property or that of their employer as commercial applicators. “Department.” The Department of Agriculture of the Commonwealth. “Insect.” Any of the numerous small invertebrate animals generally having a more or less obviously seg- mented body, for the most part belonging to the class Insecta, comprising six-legged, usually winged forms, as, for example, beetles, bugs, bees and flies, and to other allied classes of arthropods whose members are wingless and usually have more than six (6) legs, as, for example, spiders, mites, ticks, centipedes and wood lice. “Nematode.” An invertebrate animal of the phylum Nemathelminthes and class Nematoda, that is, unsegmented round worms with elongated, fusiform or sac-like bodies covered with cuticle and inhabiting soil, water, plants or plant parts. The term includes nemas and eelworms. “Person.” An individual, partnership, association, corporation or any organized group of persons, whether incorporated or not. “Pest.” An insect, rodent, nematode, fungus, weed or other form of terrestrial or aquatic plant or animal life or virus, bacteria or other micro-organism, except viruses, bacteria or other microorganisms on or in living man or other living animals, declared to be a pest under section 25(c)(1) of the Federal Insecticide, Fungi- cide, and Rodenticide Act (61 Stat. 163, 7 U.S.C. § 136w). “Pest control information sheet.” A document which contains the date of treatment, the name, address and telephone number of the applicator, the pesticide utilized and any other information that is required by the Secretary of Agriculture. “Pesticide.” A substance or mixture of substances intended for preventing, destroying, repelling or mitigating a pest and a substance or mixture of substances intended for use as a plant regulator, defoliant or desiccant. “Pesticide application technician.” An individual employed by a commercial applicator or governmental agency who, having met the competency requirements as set forth in the act of March 1, 1974 (P.L.90, No.24), known as the “Pennsylvania Pesticide Control Act of 1973,” is registered by the Secretary of Agriculture to apply pesticides under the direct supervision of a certified applicator. “Public applicator.” A certified applicator who applies pesticides as an employe of the Commonwealth or its instrumentalities or a local agency. “School.” A school district, an intermediate unit or an area vocational-technical school or any of these entities acting jointly. Section 2. This act shall take effect as follows: (1) The addition of sections 636.1 and 697 of the act shall take effect immediately. (These are not included in this document). (2) The addition of section 772.1 of the act shall take effect January 1, 2003. (3) This section shall take effect immediately.

This document was printed from a copy at: www.legis.state.pa.us/WU01/LI/BI/BT/2001/0/HB1289P3678.htm, May 21, 2002. Any discrepancies between the official published version and this document will be resolved in favor of the official published version. IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 138

What Is the Worker Protection Standard (WPS)?

The Worker Protection Standard (WPS) is a federal law • protection against exposure to pesticides with which all states must comply. In the Commonwealth, • ways to mitigate exposures to pesticides these regulations are also enforced by the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture. Under the WPS, schools must • access to treatment if a pesticide exposure is suspected comply to ensure a safe work environment. The WPS is Most WPS requirements apply to all agricultural a regulation issued by the U.S. Environmental Protection workers or pesticide handlers, but there are some that Agency (EPA) that covers all restricted- and general-use only apply to certain persons such as those who handle pesticides used in the production of agricultural plants pesticide application equipment or clean pesticide- on farms, forests, nurseries, and greenhouses. In schools, contaminated personal protective equipment. All persons the WPS applies to agricultural and horticultural science must still observe the following: programs that are producing agricultural plants in either • Use the required personal protective equipment (PPE) a greenhouse or field setting. Since students are being compensated by receiving a grade for their efforts, they • Prevent pesticide contact (directly or through drift) during application are considered workers under the WPS. • Ensure that people who are not correctly trained and Note: Some inconsistency now exists between federal equipped are kept out of areas being treated with WPS as applied to “students as workers” in Pennsylvania pesticides schools and Act 36. Under Act 36, students may not be present in school facilities during or within 7 hours of a • Maintain REIs pesticide application. • Maintain no-contact early entry (includes moving • Parental notification is required 72 hours prior to equipment, irrigation, and other tasks where the pesticide application. workers will not come in contact with treated areas) • Reentry time listed on a pesticide label may be less than • Allow for short-term agricultural emergency or specially that required by Act36, which requires that the longer exempted early entry with proper PPE REI be followed (7 hours) The WPS has three main areas of focus: help minimize Pesticide handlers and workers in areas that have been potential for exposure, provide information and protec- treated with pesticides may be exposed to pesticides by: tion, and provide mitigation in the event of an exposure. The following is a brief summary of the key points of • preparing pesticides for use, such as by mixing a each of these focus areas. Complete details about the concentrate with water or loading the pesticide into WPS can be found at Penn State’s Pesticide Education’s application equipment; Web site at www.pested.psu.edu. • applying pesticides, such as in an agricultural field or greenhouse; and Providing Information • entering an area where pesticides have been applied to (The following applies only to those who are working in perform allowed tasks, such as picking crops. agricultural areas that have been treated with pesticides.) The primary purpose of the WPS is to protect not • Provide safety training for both handlers and workers, only those who apply pesticides but also employees who such as the agricultural science instructor or anyone else work in areas that have been treated with pesticides who may be handling pesticides or working in areas that within 30 days after the expiration of a restricted-entry have been treated with pesticides interval (REI) following a pesticide application. The REI • Allow access to labeling information for handlers and is designated on the pesticide label and is the time period early entry workers immediately after the pesticide application when, with few • Allow access to the central information location, exceptions, students or instructors are restricted from an which should be kept in a common access area in close area that has been treated. The WPS rules cover the REI proximity to where agricultural crops are being grown plus a 30-day time period following the REI. In general, the WPS requires that the following be • Provide an EPA approved safety poster at a the central provided: information location • information about potential exposure to pesticides • information about exposure to pesticides Supplemental Materials 139

Providing Protection • Provide handlers and workers, such as the agricultural science instructor or anyone else, with the appropriate PPE • Prohibit handlers from applying a pesticide that will expose workers or other persons • Exclude workers from areas being treated with pesticides during the REI • Exclude workers from areas under an REI as directed by the pesticide label • Equip early entry workers with proper safety training and personal protective equipment • Notify workers of applications location • Protect handlers during handling tasks

Mitigation • Provide decontamination supplies—water, soap, single-use towels, and spare overalls • Provide emergency transportation to the hospital for employees who have been exposed to pesticides To help growers and schools that produce agricultural crops comply with the WPS, the Rural Health Farm Worker Protection Safety Program was created and is located in the Pennsylvania Office of Rural Health at Penn State (porh.psu.edu/fwpp). This program is funded by the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture’s Bureau of Plant Industry. The program is run in collaboration with the Penn State Pesticide Education Program and offers: • WPS training to farmers and growers • Handler and Worker WPS training in language appropriate sessions • Farm WPS evaluations to help the grower be in compliance with the WPS standard • Working with grower groups to assist them in their concerns • Working with farm labor groups in addressing their concerns The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture (PDA) is responsible for the enforcement of the WPS in the Com- monwealth. The EPA has requested that PDA increase the number of WPS compliance inspections to ensure that the WPS is being followed. As a result, inspectors completed more than three hundred WPS enforcement inspections last year. Schools are included in these inspections if they all under WPS criteria. IPM for Pennsylvania Schools 140

Supplemental Materials available

Penn State Cooperative Extension Offices and/or the Pennsylvania Pesticide Control Act of 1973, Act of March Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture 1, 1974, P.L. 90, No. 24, 3 P.S. 111.21-111.61 (1987) and Booklice. 1998. Penn State Department of Entomology Title 7–Agriculture, Department of Agriculture, Part V. Pest Sheet. 1 p. Bureau of Plant Industry, [7 Pa. Code Ch. 128], Pesticides, Rules and Regulations. Pennsylvania Department of Carpenter ants. 1995. Penn State Department of Agriculture. 29 pp. Entomology Pest Sheet. 2 pp. Silverfish. 1998. Penn State Department of Entomology Chinch bugs. 1992. Penn State Department of Pest Sheet. 1 p. Entomology Pest Sheet. 2 pp. Sod webworm. 1992. Penn State Department of Clothes moths. 2000. Penn State Department of Entomology Pest Sheet. 2 pp. Entomology Pest Sheet. 2 pp. Weed management in turf. 1994. Penn State Cooperative Developing an integrated turfgrass pest management Extension. 27 pp. program. 1993. Penn State Cooperative Extension. 10 pp. White grubs in home lawns. 1990. Penn State Eastern subterranean termites. 1992. Penn State Department of Entomology Pest Sheet. 2 pp. Cooperative Extension. 6 pp.

Identifying common household insects in Pennsylvania. County Extension Offices 2000. The PA IPM Program. 6 pp. List of county offices is available at: www.extension.psu.edu/CountyList.html Managing turfgrass diseases. 1997. Penn State Cooperative Extension. 23 pp. Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture Regional Offices Moth flies in the home. 1998. Penn State Department of Entomology Pest Sheet. 1 p. List and map of regional offices is available at: sites.state.pa.us/PA_Exec/Agriculture/main/regions/ index.htm Pavement ant. 2000. Penn State Department of Entomology Pest Sheet. 2 pp. Universal Poison Control Number 1-800-222-1222 Visit Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences on the Web: www.cas.psu.edu Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences research, extension, and resident education programs are funded in part by Pennsylvania counties, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. This publication is available from the Publications Distribution Center, The Pennsylvania State University, 112 Agricultural Administration Building, University Park, PA 16802. For information telephone 814-865-6713. Where trade names appear, no discrimination is intended, and no endorsement by the Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences is implied. This publication is available in alternative media on request. The Pennsylvania State University is committed to the policy that all persons shall have equal access to programs, facilities, admission, and employment without regard to personal characteristics not related to ability, performance, or qualifications as determined by University policy or by state or federal authorities. It is the policy of the University to maintain an academic and work environment free of discrimination, including harassment. The Pennsylvania State University prohibits discrimination and harassment against any person because of age, ancestry, color, disability or handicap, national origin, race, religious creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or veteran status. Discrimination or harassment against faculty, staff, or students will not be tolerated at The Pennsylvania State University. Direct all inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policy to the Affirmative Action Director, The Pennsylvania State University, 328 Boucke Building, University Park, PA 16802-5901, Tel 814-865-4700/V, 814-863-1150/TTY. © The Pennsylvania State University 2007 Produced by Information and Communication Technologies in the College of Agricultural Sciences Code # AGRS-82 1.5M5/07acg4430