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1 VOLUME XXXVIII.1 NO. 23. RED BANK, Njj J,, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1. 1915. PAGES 1 TO 10/ MRS. HARRY LEDDY BUYS LOT. SOUTHERN PIG ROAST. She Pays 3700 for a Corner Lot on The Seventh District to Have a Big Night'Next Woek. Prospect Avenue. THREE RABBITS COST THREE Mrs. Sarah Leddy, wife of Hairy An old-fashioned Southern dinner Leddy of Prospect avenue, has ITALIAN HUNTERS $93.60. and pig roast will be given at Odd Fellows'hall on Beech street Thursday bought tho lot on the George S. ln-One Did Not Hove a, License—Two giuham property at the corner of night of next week by the Twentieth Prospect avenue and John street. Had Licenses •wliil-h were Defec- Century social club. The various The lot is G2xlG0 foot and it adjoins tive—They oay They Will Sue the lodges of the town have been asked the properly of Louis K. Brown. Mrs. Clerks who Issued the Licenses. to .send representatives to explain the Leddy paid $700 for the lot. A con- Fines amounting to $93.(30 were benefits of lodge membership. The crete sidewalk and curb had been put imposed Saturday upon three Red affair will he more or leas political The Property Was Owned by William'A. French and down by Mr. Ingraham on the front Bank Italians who are not naturalized in its nature and it is expected that and side of the jot, and this sidewalk citizens. ' The men were caught in all of the statesmen of the seventh and curb cost ?180, making the cost Middlctown townBhip while returning election district as well as politicians of the lot itself $020. Thin price is.) from .a gunning trip. Tho largest from other parts of the town will be considered very cheap. Mrs. Leddy fine was imposed upon Antonio Lucia, present. The festivities '.vill wind up will build a house on the lot in thewho was arrested on two charges, one with a dance. Isifac Hopson, John spring. The ctale of the property for not hnving^a hunting license and Ilopson, E. S. Williams and E. A. was made by Hawkins Brothers. the other for carrying- a gun in viola- Carroll are the committee in charge. tion of the Btate constitution which The William A.' French property occupied by Allie S. Miller as a shoe makes it illegal for an alien to carry on the east side of Hroad street, near store. After the paper moved away j a gun without a license. On each Mechanic street, was sold by Haw- Peter Kroener occupied the second charge he was fined $20 and costs, ltins Brothers hist Friday to Morris floor of the building JIH a store room j amounting altogether to $18.80. Klinghaft'er of Aabury Park. The for his grocery business;. About 1878 he enlarged the building by extend- . The other two gunners arrested property is L-shaped. It has a front- FINE ENTERTAINMENT GIVEN were Joseph Condina and Joseph INDIAN DRINKS TOO MUCH FIRE age of 28 feet on Broad street and is ing it throe feet on the south side, WATER AND RUNS AMUCK. 100 feet.deep. In addition to this'lot taking in an alleyway which \vr.s on BY AMATEURS. | Fontano. Each mon was lined $20 it bus a piece of hind SQx.iO feet, ex- that .side of the building. and costs, amounting to ?23.-10 in Hardy Burleit Whoopot! Lilted His ! St. James's Drnmatic Club Gave Min- each case. Condina and Fontano had tending from Mechanic street to the About 28 years ago Theodore Sick- atrcl Performance and Vnriety Ancestors and Fired Off His Gun resu" of the plot. The property lies les bought tiie property from Peter gunning licenses, but the licenses as He Returned from Hunting Trip Sketches Last Thursday Night to a were not valid because these men do cm the, east and south sides of theKroener for ?M,000. Mr. Sickles ex- Lavge Audience. -—Shot at a Cop. George II. Wild building r.t the cor-tended Hie store deeper and con- not own real estate. The gunning 1 The minstrel show and cntevtain- law stipulates that an alien cannot Hardy Burlett of Bunk street went ner of Broad and Mechanic street'. ;, nected it with the building on Me- on the warpath last Wednesday. now owned by Mort V. Pach. The chanic street. Subsequently the ment which was given ThunlcsgivinK" Ret a. Running license unless he owns afternoon and night at St. James's real estate to the value of at. loast Burlett is a half breed. lie has In- price paid by Mr. Klinp-hafier for theproperty' came' into possession of dinn blood in his veins, and during French property wan §21,1500. Ashcr 3. Parker, who at one time was clubhouse under the direction of Rt.$2,000. Condina »iid Fontano ad- James's dramatic club was a very his rampage he displayed some of the Mr. Klinghnrt'cr hs\s a women's n partner of Theodore Sickles. At mitted that they did not own any real Ashor S. Parker's death the property successful affair. More than.000 per- estate. The licenses were issued by characteristics which have made fa- clonk and suit store at Anbury Park, sons were at the performance nt night Daniel A. Naughton, clerk of Rum.'-:on mous the Noble lied Men of the For- and he will conduct a similar sto.'c i descended to his daughter, Mrs. Annie est. PHOTO DY ANDREW R. COLEMAH. WATCH RED BAXM&S GROW! \ ' Herewith is shown a house which has jui^t been completed on Clif- ford place for William O'Brien. It was builh/at a cost of $2,250. The contractors were Scott it Scott. The house is 10x30 feet and has six rooms. A liou.se which is very similar in size and design has been built for Mr. O'Brien on an adjoining lot on the corner of W'estsido avenue and ft'enxcll us an upholstering establish-, (lay, thus giving both men ample time WHS in him by whooping and shooting show were well taken am) every num- of the fines from Mr. Nnughton and hat I ClitVoi'il place by the same contractors. mint. Mr. Tetley and Mr. Herk have [ to catch the boat for Florida, ber was heartilyy applaudedpp . I ftj,-. Sweeney, the law in regard to off his gun. The gun was discharged leases on their stores which do not: Two other parties were negotiut- six times. Burlett did not aim at any- BAPTIZED WITH JORDAN WATER I expiro until next October, and the l ing lor the purchase of the property, MichaeMihl l J . HyimHy n wast thh e inter- licenses for alienalien s wenett into effect d h d G d l thing but shot at random. The shot i IZE. property was bought subject to these I These parties, however, declined to locutor and the end men were George this year. Last yenr under the law h Grause, Ed ward O'Fhiherty, James then "in force an could get a'Ti- j«'<•, n°t it nnything.^but the whoops Watsf from Holy LanJ Uoed at lenses. | pay the price fixed by Mr. French, and the discharge of the gun came 'l'be story and a half buildinp; which | though one of tbeui came nearly to Jones, William Ityan, John Lavin and I cense' whether he owned" rcaTestate Ceremony at Red Rank Home. WOMEN'S AUXILIARY FORMED is on the Broad street part of the ' his figures and would probably have Leo Hennessey. The soloists were ol. not. near causing a horse to run away. i Water from the Jordan river, near | AT RED BANK LAST WEEK. property was built about 18,'JO. It • advanced to Mr. French's price had Miss Alice Schmidt, Miss Marjorie Lucia produced a gunning license The people of Bank street were Jerusalem,, was used Fridayy in pbap- Mullen, Miss Marie Skelly, Harold made t to Dominick Cisserella of alarmed. Some one telephoned to tizing- Jean Margaret Curchin, daugh- First of Series of Card Parties Will was occupied as a .store from the! not the purchase been made by Mr. ou police headquarters, and Chief Harry time it was built, the family who kept | Klingluifrer. Giblin, Leo Hennessey, William Ryan, ii{eii Bank. At. first Lucia said that ter of William Cuvchin of Hudson be Held Friday to Raise Money to Fred Jones, James Jonea, John Lavin, I he was Cisserella and that the license H. Clayton sent Policeman Joseph The ceremony wasp per-Buy Furniture for the Elks' Home the store in the early times living on { Mr. Klinkliaffcr, when he gets pos- th h f th hild' the second floor. Just before the session of the property the first of George Grause and Edward Farroll. belonged to him, but later he admitted Bray to* arrest the Indian. Mr. Bray formed at the home of the child's par- on Front Street. A chorus of fifty voices sang the | that it was not his license and that his approached the house cautiously, cuts by Rev. Jacob Leuppie, a former civil war the property was bought by next October, will make some im- Nothing happened till he was about pastor of the Methodist church at A women's organization with four- the late Peter Kroener, and he con- provenients to the store and will put opening and closing choruses and also name was Lucia. Cisserella has been teen members has been organized as the choruses following the solos. At arrested for giving his license to to enter the door.