Bibliography--Constantino Brumidi Artist of the Capitol
Bibliography Principal Archives and Manuscript Collections New York Tribune Philadelphia New York Evening Sun New York Herald Thomas U. Walter Papers, The Athenaeum of Philadelphia Record Philadelphia. Washington Times-Herald Rome Washington Post Accademia di San Luca, Archivio. Archives of the Washington Star Academy of St. Luke. Archivio Storico del Vicariate di Roma. Historical Published Sources: Books, reports, and articles archives of the vicariate of Rome. Ahrens, Kent. “Constantino Brumidi’s ‘Apotheosis of Archivio di Stato di Roma (Palazzo della Sapienza). Washington’ in the Rotunda of the United States Capi- Archives of the city of Rome. tol.” Records of the Columbia Historical Society of Wash- Archivio Segreto Vaticano (Vatican City). Vatican ington, D.C. 1973–1974(1976): 187–208. archives. Aikman, Lonnelle. “U.S. Capitol, Citadel of Democracy.” Washington, D.C. National Geographic102 (August 1952): 143–190. Records of the Architect of the Capitol. Allen, William C. The Dome of the United States Capitol: Jesuit Archives, Georgetown University. An Architectural History. Washington D.C.: Govern- Benjamin Brown French Papers; Montgomery C. Meigs ment Printing Office, 1992. Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress. Amadei, Emma. “Il piu Piccolo Santuario mariano de Papers of the Commissioners of Public Buildings, Na- Roma: La Madonna dell’Archetto,” in L’Urbe, 12 tional Archives and Records Administration. (1949): 2, 15–18. Records of the Department of the Interior, National Apolloni, Marco, Alberta Campitelli, Antonio Pinelli, and Archives and Records Administration. Barbara Steindl. “Villa Torlonia: L’Ultima Impresa del U.S. Circuit Court Records, District of Columbia, Na- Mecenatismo Romano.” Ricerche di Storia dell’arte, tional Archives and Records Administration.
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