White-Rumped Sandpiper Pectoral Sandpiper Curlew Sandpiper
White-rumped Sandpiper Vagrant Calidris fuscicollis Native Range: America GB max: 1 Sep NI max: 0 A White-rumped Sandpiper was recorded This species has now been recorded by at Lunda Wick on Shetland in September. WeBS in seven of the last ten autumns. Pectoral Sandpiper Vagrant Calidris melanotos Native Range: America, N Siberia, Australia GB max: 5 Sep NI max: 0 Pectoral Sandpipers were recorded at Reservoir, Castle Lake, Clifford Hill Gravel seven sites in England and two in Scotland, Pits and Cliffe Pools. October records typically all in autumn. After one at comprised singles at Pagham Harbour and Boddam in August, birds were seen in Shapwick Heath NNR, and two together at September at Pulborough Brooks, Balgray Port Meadow in Oxfordshire. Curlew Sandpiper International threshold: 10,000 Calidris ferruginea Great Britain threshold: ? † † All-Ireland threshold: ? GB max: 201 Sep NI max: 5 Oct Curlew Sandpipers are passage migrants to the UK, breeding in central Siberia with the bulk wintering in central and southern Africa. They are scarce here in spring, and numbers in autumn are largely dependent on the summer’s breeding productivity. Autumn passage spanned July to October, with the majority in September when a respectable total of 202 was noted and five sites recorded double-figure counts, the peak of which was a total of 24 across four locations on the North Norfolk Curlew Sandpiper (Tommy Holden) Coast. For inland WeBS counters this species Single wintering birds were noted at represents an exciting find, and five at Farlington Marshes and Thanet Coast prior Nosterfield Gravel Pits and two at Upton to the change of calendar year, and at Warren NR were notable, representing the Thames Estuary in January and February.
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