'Messages' from the 9/11 Dead
SI July August 11_SI new design masters 5/25/11 12:18 PM Page 47 ‘Messages’ from the 9/11 Dead The terrorist attacks of 9/11 triggered a massive investigation and a retaliatory war. They also prompted numerous surviving family members to believe they were receiving otherworldy communications from their deceased loved ones. But were they? JOE NICKELL n the morning of September 11, 2001, concerted terrorist attacks on New York’s World Trade Center Oand the Pentagon building in Arlington, Virginia, claimed nearly 3,000 victims. They also resulted in Amer- ica’s largest criminal investigation, a war in Afghanistan, and endless controversy sparked by conspiracy theorists. Many of the family members and friends of the victims also began to convince themselves that there was a mystical aspect to the tragedy. Some claimed there had been intu- itive foreshadowings of the event; others claimed that they had received certain signals from, five-level garage capable of parking two or even experienced actual encounters thousand vehicles. The World Trade with, their deceased loved ones. Now Center was a huge target for terrorists. Bonnie McEneaney, whose husband, Indeed, more than eight and a half years Eamon, was a 9/11 victim, has collected before the towers were brought down, numerous such anecdotal accounts. Her the garage was the site of a massive book, Messages: Signs, Visits, and Premo- bombing that rocked the towers, led to another target—probably the U.S. nitions from Loved Ones Lost on 9 /1 1 an intense investigation by the FBI and Capitol—and instead caused it to crash (2010), bears a jacket blurb from spiri- the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Fire - in a rural Pennsylvania field.
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