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Notes and Optional Rules Spanish- - American Wal - :TU - I ' Pea I le <STRATEGIES AND @DOCUMENTED2 PLAY 1a Rodger MacGowan I - Looks Back I Longest Day. -+:$2 I jc aa1 ?'.. ,- .* , kX.**,.,? a,?.'., ^ C Streets of , :;-,: -. ' Stalingrad ?' 2 MOVES nr. 59, published October/November 1981 Opening Moves You or Him? I've had some reason lately to re-evalu- ate a piece of personal professional dogma that is something of a minor trademark of Circulation: 9500 mine: insistence on proper point of view (i.e., the third person) in those complicated tomes Creative Director Redmond A. Simonsen of jargon we call game rules. I've always held Managing Editor Michael Moore (and somewhat fiercely) rules should sharply Rules Editor Robert J. Ryer distinguish between the "player" and the Art Director Manfred F. Milkuhn "play-ees" (the game pieces) and further- more that the only way to be technically exact Contributing Editors was to phrase all rules language in the third Richard Berg, Claude Bloodgood, Ian Chadwick, Eric Goldberg, person, e.g., "the player moves his units in Charles T. Kamps, Steve List, Thomas G. Pratuch, Charles Vasey any order he wishes, during his Movement MOVES Magazine is copyright O 1981, Simulations Publications, Inc. Printed in U.S.A. All rights reserved. All Phase." I believed (and still do feel it to be es- editorial and general mail should be addressed to Simulations Publications Inc., 257 Park Avenue South, NY, NY sentially true) that the complexity of manual 10010. MOVES is published bi-monthly. One year subscriptions (six issues) are available for $I 1.00(US).
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