Baked BLT with James Reeson

Weekdays at Club 11.30am on:

Ingredients 16 slices of FoodWorks 50g butter Best Buy bread 1 chicken breast 8 slices of FoodWorks 1 avocado Best Buy ½ an iceberg lettuce, 3 tomatoes (peeled) finely shredded 100g shredded FoodWorks Best 4 tbsp whole egg Buy mozzarella FoodWorks Best Buy Olive oil Salt and pepper Method Drizzle the olive oil over the chicken breast then sprinkle with salt and pepper and bake in an oven set to 220°C for 10-15 minutes, then allow to cool. Lightly fry the bacon until just starting to brown then set aside. Place the tomatoes into boiling water for 10-15 seconds, then straight into cold water and allow to cool before peeling the skin off and slicing as thin as you can.

Lightly the bread then butter on both sides, take 4 slices and place them on an oven tray and lay down 2 slices of bacon on each one then a layer of sliced tomatoes, followed by sliced avocado, top with mozzarella and another slice of toasted bread. Press the top slice down firmly then bake at 180°C for ten minutes. Spread mayonnaise over the top of the sandwich then place a handful of lettuce on top and another piece of bread, then turn over, spread with mayonnaise and add a few slices of roasted chicken and top off with another slice of bread (you now have a 4 layered sandwich) press down lightly and cut into triangles before serving.