2Nd Annual Conference of the Association for Psychosocial Studies
2nd Annual Conference of the Association for Psychosocial Studies ‘Being human in challenging times’ University of the West of England (UWE Bristol) 29 June - 1 July 2016 Introduction Welcome to this second Annual Conference of the Association for Psychosocial Studies. We have a full and varied programme on offer and a suite of rooms as follows: B block Lecture Theatre (2B025) will host key note addresses. Parallel sessions are in rooms 2B061, 66, 67 and on the fourth floor of B block in rooms 4B020 and 4B021. We have also set aside room 2B065 as food and food for thought space. Our refreshments and lunch will be available there, but it may also be used as a space for joint thinking, feeling and reflecting. Key Note Speakers’ Abstracts Paul Hoggett 'Shame and performativity: thoughts on the psychology of neoliberalism' Under neoliberalism performativity has become the dominant mode of regulation of the economy, of governance and of the self. Blending competition and surveillance performativity penetrates deeply into everyday life, giving rise to ‘self tracking’ cultures. The question, “Am I measuring up?” stalks us at work, in the gym and in our various roles as lovers, parents, etc. As a consequence shame becomes ubiquitous, not only in organisations and public life, but on-line, in social gatherings, even in the playground. This presentation will ask, to what extent does performativity lead to a perverse relation to reality, and what are the political consequences of this? And could shame be replacing guilt as the motive force of a new psychic economy in which the tyranny of ‘the ideal’ comes to replace that previously exercised by the super-ego? Paul Hoggett's Biography Paul Hoggett worked at the Battersea Action& Counselling Centre in the 1970s and was part of the original editorial collective of Free Associations.
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