

-- ··- ---~---~--


I-IAl\iPSH l RE.-As subdivided into J?1s'l'lUCTS.1~1:14er the Registra~ion .-Act a. t:lnd 7 .,vlLLtAl! IV. ~l1ap. 85, 86, of Births, Deaths, and fvlarriag~~, ~ho,y1~1~ ~J~e sev~rct! Parochial ~mons, ~v1t}~ the Rt:oISTRAas• DisTRICTs the Name and Address ot Supermtendent hegtstrars, Reg1strai·s of births and Deaths mHl the R~gistrars of l\/IarriagesJ in tl1e.several Patoehial Unions in the County. '

• .. 111; Thi letters A, B, ~-c. 1efe1· to the severalDivisio1!s o..f Uni.oils

I UNION. Registrars' • NaUJ.e 11.11d Addrpss of Registr:irs or Nnme :md Adclt<'SS or Name :ind Addre,s of D.htricts. Birtlu1 a'nd Deatlis~ Mnrriago Registrars. Superintend. Registr&rs.,

A L Alre~1fo~?, t A.lres.ford,New R. !{.yder, New· Al~esrm.·d . Jaspe1 W1~ghdt, Ropley ...••••.•.J. S. Hathaway~ Bishop Sutton A1res1or •

B 2. Alto1?., . . ~ .~instead •••••. \V. H·.,~1·boi-, Bi~s~~a~, Alton ··~··· E. Andrews, Alton M. ll. i1oss, . ~elhoutne ...... J. D~ben1\am, J~U~. Sdbom:n~, do. ~ Alton. A.ltou...... ; ••.• C. Biddle, Alton .

Andove1· ~ ••••• R.. c· l Cl . •\1 A d J. H ld A . cl ,1 . l:lt . ·tb· ri e • 001.\, n1nr11 e, n over • •• •• • • o . up, n ov~t· G 3. :11 nuovet ns o 1 , 'l'hoJ. Lnmb,<1}f 'l'arrant. . ... •1. ~urrer, Huyistbot11e Tar~ant, do. Andovcl', Long Parish .. H. ,vheeler, )VherwelJ, do . . l .L1idgt!1·shul1 ••. G. P{jstans, .Amp'ui·t Ch-ecn, do.

~ 4. , '.) ~asii1gstt>ke ••• 1G. '\.Villi::\ Ba~ingftoke ...... C. Doman, Basit1gstoke .Ge~. Lamb, C bramlex •••••• 'Y·· pen~}s,.. Shet:~ekl,__ ' Ba~mgstokc. S Dum1nel' •••••• C. H11I, Church Ouldey

B n. Calherfagtrm, ~ \ l-l~· 1~· Glas::;e, Horndntu1 . n G l FI d R G l d Hur11dean. .. ,. • u.. a e, orn ean ...... H. .• a ·e, ~~Ir: orn ean

r 6. Christa.kiirch, .~ . H.eu.hPai.n, Chrlstc1)urch •. J. Scott, Ch.ristc11·t.11·cl1 R h. Cl • l l Clu·istc m·c 11• ...... • .• S atp, n·h,tc 1urc 1

0 7. Dro.rford, ~ .. ,.r t : G V 1YT A . . k' B. 1· . ' ltl . ~I ,, S ... t. \~ es meon..... • • n\.:Oget· ·s, l'v e~trneon, Hon •• L. J. Lo\·e ·m, b wp tt ,u,t i, · 1am l • '-'· nutu, B· · '· ltl · -'· L T L · k. B· 1.. ' 'txr l l . H bl d ··· H . d P ~. ,vi.v,, ~ : ldtn • :· , o,·e ·m, >lS 1op ,-\ . Ha t 1a1n am c oIJ, 0111 • · Hambh:don ••• F•. Houd, D1·oxfo1·d, A.lto11 . ' . ~i S. Fare/tarn, ~ . . · . . · . . . . · B. P. Ru~ie, '~itc11fleld .... ,•. ~; A~dre~"s, Tit.ch.fi.e1d •••••••••••• vV •.C.ase, , F~~·.eliam Farchum. · r arc ham .••••. \\. Case> Fa1·eham ...... R. Gough, I itchfielu

Z 9. Fordh19lirhl9e,~ : G. ('. Haw lcm:e r 1· ·d . · . • ,·. d' . b . ' < or< mgbr1 ge J. Lc.ngford, Fo1·dmebr1dt'te ••• •~. J, Langford Fordiugb1·idge F or mg. r1<1 g.e. · · "" o 1 - a lOilrirlleyn.1ntny~ Hnrt.\y .'.Vntr,y 9.rr. Ho\Yard,ll~l"t1yrw, Hartfxdb1· G. Cook, jun. oamam J as. Brooks, Od ham. and S. Andrews, Od1l1a.m Odilrn.m. Crondalt.. .. .

JC. 11 ]f(luant, ~ · . · C. B. Longc1.·oftt . Uavaut ..••••••. H. Parker, Ha,,im't...... H. Purl{~r, I{ avant .

:L 12. I{1ltsle11, } ' sec \Vinche~tet\

??I 13. J(i11r1,"clete, '\ ,,.,.. . 1· t-'T D l K' l H · J K' · · 'l.. ,! ,v. lio.·ldincr . l . l\.~ng.~1c ere •••• n., . a e, misc ere ...... • Dae, mgsc ere Kin!_;scle,:~:J H1ghclt:re;, ~·· C. It. Hull, E, '\Voodbay, Newbury 1 (l • I_', • • ,,' \_ ,., ' '-' • I •, .. . · •' ,•'· '

2426 POST .OFF1C.E KVltSX.BY with ~PFl:S:LD, a, pari~b, inclu~ing rectory, in t11e 1u1tronage of Sir \V. Heathcote, Ba!t,, , d 'l d tli Iugh l'Oad il·om nnd enjoyed by the Rev. John Keble, A.u. The Umon the hamlet of , an 61 uate on e workhouse is at the extreme eastern end ot' the village •. to , distanco 6! miles east of ttc AMJ.>~IELD, u. bamlet of Hursley,, 11len.snnt1y sitll11.ted 2 former; and 4l miles f>:001 the latter towns., l!ursley ~~r ' nilles west of Hursley, llas a chm·lu White Josepb esq. Ampfield house Hick$ Oharle!',' Dolphin,' & carpenter Sillencc Thomas, farmer, Ampfleld Wilson Rev. Robert, .A..M. Ainpfteld HosldnsEdw~.timber mercht~Ampfleld Sillence T. jun. farmer Young Rev. Peter, A.M Lavington N1cholus, farmer . Vine Henry, saddler TRADERS, Martin Job, shopkeeper Vine Mrs. Jane, matron or Union Bailey Charles, farmer '.Miles Henry, parish clerk Vino William, governor of Union Bailey William., farmer . .l\Iills \Villiam, 1>ost office master ,,raltou Wmiam, i'armer1 Martleu Barton Henry, farmer . .Misselbrook Henty, boot&. ahoe maker Westbrook Henry, butcncr Boll Wllliam, ' l(ing', Head' l\Usselbrook J osepb, boot & 6hoe mnker Wild }[rs. Elizabeth, blacksmith :Bunce William, builder Moore Mra. Elizubetll, shopkeeper \ \Villi George, blacltsmitb ])enois Theodore, stirgeon Morley Charles, b1acksm1Lh --- Po.ST OFFIOE.-William·MJUs, mast~r; Letters aiTive by Joseph. ,vi11te, esq. ,·ice-c11~irman; Rev. Jolln Keble, , foot '()Ost from Winchester; morning at 7, despatched chaplain; Theodore Dennie, surgeon; Ralph Good, clerk; / evening at 8 · William Vine, governor; lirs. Jane Vine, matron Union lVorlilto~eJ. for tll~ Parishes of Baddesuy, Hur- Church, Rev. Jolin Kebl~,.A.M. rector; Rev. Pt!ter Young, 3ie11, Farle;r, t 'utterbou,·ne• . TJ1e Hoard meet t]1e lJLst A.M. curate; Henry l\:r,ns., clerk • , ·tuesday,-rti the month. W. C. ·Yonge, esq. eho.1rman; Ampjiela Chiwch, Rev. Itobert F. \Vileon, A,l\l. incumbent K~tr;iao'U'RNE TARRANT ls ala1·ge village in· and with 18 shillings, part of £9 per annum ariaing from·£.jOO Il~o;-iJpshire, _eitnated in ,a ·. narrow but pleasant. valley, consolidated nnnuitles, invc~ted by Richard 13uony in 17~0, th\ :,,•ugh ,which, for three parts or the year, flows a small and by a deed executetl by him directed to he o.nnually dis• · ·: · · ·1,m called·. the Swift, which rises in the parish. It is tribnted to the unprovided poor of Hurstboui·ne Tarrant., --1; 6! miles north-east from Andov~r, and 10! miles but 18 sllillings tbert!of was to be applled by the trusteefrnr ·, /;·: .,~est from Newbury; it is in the Union of Andover, wardens to th~educating two or more poor children, The , :. . Jt~ndred of Pastrow, Division of ,,dioce:e three sums, £5, £2 10s., and 18s., are now approprinted to.. ·. ·.,, .:: .chester, and in the northern division of the county, the support· of the National school, witl1 £8 per annumd . ·:,tains 900 inhabitant$. '':,.'be living, now in the gift of presented by D. Dewar, E!)q., and£10 pei• annum pres.ent-e. --- :',i'sl1op of Wlnc~ester, , is o. vicarage, witl1 Ferobams by 'l'. A. Smith, E:;q., making together £~6 s~., wlnch 1s : .. ) 1 or ~ernhams Deane, annexed. It is now Iiel.·- PI1>er l\Usece, dl"ett~mnk,1l·~ B~Uey Wm. co~l ~ wood dealer "liop ke(!pcr, Pil\ Down l)ooro B11, cm·11

I \ t' l ,., . ·-··-~·· ( ' ...... ··- i - .. -~··' . nIRECTORY. 71 . [HANTS.] the vicarial at £455 lls. 6d. per annum. 'fbe vicarial £26 8s., which is further augmented for a sufficient glebe is worth ,£50 yearly, exclusive of the vicar's resi- stipend for the master by annual subscriptions from the dence. The church, dedicated to St. Peter, is very landowners and inhabitants. The whole parish,including ancient, and has a square wooden tower with 5 bells; the the hamlets of Ibthorp, or Ibthrop, three-quarters of a interior consists of a nave with ailes, separated by cylin- mile north-west; Upton, 2 miles north-west; and Con­ drical piers and low pointed arches, of the date of the latter bolt, 3 miles north-west, comprises 5,035 acres, in which part of the 12th century; a cbancel,in which are monuments there are two large woods and two commons of 200 acres to the memory of the Paulet family and others. The Inde- and 70 acres, the latter distinct from the former, the pendents have a chapel here, with a school. Here is owners and occupiers of the hamlet of Ibthorp only a National school, supported in part by two sums of £,5 having a right thereon. and which extends to everything and £2 IOs., bequeathed by William Jones and Peter 1!here growing for their own use in the hamlet, but not for Dore, in 1756, for the purpose of educating the poor, end sale; and they are the lordi each in their own right with 18 shillings, part of £9 per annum arising from thereof, as they are also of their own land in the hamlet £300 Consolidated Annuities, invested by Richard Bunny of Ibthorp. The general surface of the land is hilly, but in 1770, and by a deed executed by him directed to be fertile and productive, and the soil, which inclines to annually distributed to the unprovided poor of Hurst- the calcareous principally, is well suited to the growth of bourae Tarrant who have not received parochial relief, wheat, turnips and saintfoin. The rateable value is but 18 shillings thereof was to be, applied by the trustees £4,123; D. A. B. Dewar, Esq., is the lord of the manor. or wardens to the educating two or more poor children. PROSPEROUS is three-quarters of a mile north-east; The three sums, £5, £2 10s., and ISs., are now appro- Binley, 2 miles east; Stoke and Stokehill, IA miles south­ priated to the support of the National school, with £~ east; U pwick and Five Lanes, 2 miles south-east; French's per annum presented by D. Dewar, Esq., and £10 per I Lodge, 2 miles south; Wood House, 2 miles south-west; annum presented by T. A. Smith, Esq., making together Pill, 2 miles west; Brickleton is a tithing. Burstbourue Tarrant. IHerbert Wm.North, frmr. Low.Conholt TRADBRS. GENTRY. Hutchings George, coal merchant, Alex!lnder Henry, farmer & castrator Ahler Rev. Gilbert, A..M. [rural dean & butcher & beer retailer Bound William, farmer vicar] Knight Hannah (Mrs.), 'Coopers' Herbert Herbert, farmer Blount Joseph, esq Arm1.' k cooper Hutchings George, bricklayer Fletcher Rev. John[Indepndent.mnstr] Knight Stephen, maltster Nutley Johnt maltster & beer retailer Herbert Mr. John Massey George, baker & grocer Nutley \Villiam, gardener TRADERS. Medburst Elizh.(Mrs.), pntr.plmbr.&c Purver Ricbard Eli, farmer Annetts George, carpenter& whlwriglit Medlmrst John Vincent, surgeon Tanner Charles, shoemaker Anthony Anthony, tailor Miles Thomas, farmer Warwick James, beer retailer Bailey William. wood dealer Moon Charles, farmer, Pilldown farm Wilkins John, tailor Ball George,' Kinq's Head' North John, shoemaker Upton. Batchelor Ann (Mrs.), postmistress & Nutley Charles, maltster TRADERS. stamp office Osmond Richard, butcher Bartholomew John, 11en. mealman Batchelor Gha.s. sl10emkr. & pari>•h elk Poffiey James, hlacksmith Bartholomew John Stephens, corn & Batten \Villiam Dale, farmer, Pros- Purver John, relieving officer & regis- seed dealer perou~ farm trar of births & deaths Fosbury John,-farmer Bendle Hugh Elton, former, Mill farm Purver Mary Ann (Mr;;,.), ladies' school Gerrish Thomas, corn & seed dealer Chandler Jamec1, 'George:' Smith William, wood dealer Hedderley Jason Ivy, maltster&farmer Church Harry, farmer Waight William, hoop maker, timber Hunt Harvey, carpenter & wheelwright Dav Henry, carrier merchant & wheelwright Leach J osepn, farmer Dillon Eugene, inland revenue officer Webb William, harness maker Poore James. farmer Green George, shopkeeper Wilkins Robert & Isaac, carpenters &. Tarrant Henry, farmer Green J obn Hillier, farmer wheelwrights Vincent William, beer retailer Guy William, watchmaker :Ebthorp. Watts Richard, turmer Head James, draper & grocer Mosdell MiSBe11 Willis Walter, blacksmith PosT 0FPICB.-Mrs. Anne Batclielor, receiver. Letters CARRIERS:- arrive from Andover at 9 a.m. & ere dispatched at 5 Day, to Newbury, thursday; to Andover, saturday p.m. The nearest money order office is at Andover Clements, sen. to Andover, from Newbury, thursdav; to Parish Clerk, C. Batchelor Newbury, from Andover, friday, & continues on to Read­ National School, \Villiam Alexander, master; Mrs. Mary ing, saturday Alexander, mistress Whitmarsh, to Oxford, from Salisbury, wednesday; to Police Station, William :Milles Salisbury, from Oxford, saturday

HlJRSTBOlJ'KNE PK:IOR.S9 a parish in Whitchurch it is held by the Rev. S. T. Lockha1·t, of St. Mary Bourne. Union, Evingar hundred,N orth Hauts, 62 miles from Londou, The parish contains 468 inhabitants, and 3,132 acres of land. aud 2 from Whitchurch station. The church, St. John, is a The Earl of Portsmouth is lord of the manor, whose seat, neat structure, with low tower, which has a very fine peal of H urstbourne Park, is in the parish. Here is a paper mill. hells. The li¥ing is a vicarage. in the gift of the Bishop of APSLBY, FAULKNERS DOWN and NEW BARN are farms. Winchester, and the tithes have been commuted for £190; Burton Rev. RichardJohn,u.A.[curate] Goldin!? Edward, blacksmith & po8t offi Slade "\Villiam, manufacturer of blotting North .l\Ir. Henry Bunce LambGeorge,steward toEarlPortsmth paper to the Treasury, writing k Portsmouth Rt. Hon. Ear], Hurst- Lansley (Mrs.),former,FaBlkners Down printi:qg paper, Hurstbourne mills bourne park farm Smith Henry, wheelwrii?ht TRADERS. Lovell Char]es, 'Portsmouth Arms' Stevens .John, saddler & harness maker Bennett Thomas, parish clerk Mills Jane ( Mrl'l.), beer retailer Stride Philip, farmer, New Barn farm Butler Thomas, farmer, Apsley farm , Oborne George, farmer I Wright John, baker & beer retailer PosT OFPICE.-Edward Golding, receiver. Letters received through Andover road; arrive 8 a..m.; dispatched 7 p.m. The nearest money order office is at Whitchurch.

HYTBB is a hamlet, town, and ecclesiastical division phus Frederick Irby, M.A., is the curate. The churcl1, in the parish of Fawley, New Forest Union, dedicated to St. John, is of brick and stone, and liberty, South Hants, 6 miles from Redbridge station, was built in 1823 by publie subscription, aided by a 91 from London, 3 miles west of Southampton by grant from the Incorporated Church Building Society; water and 12 by land. It is most agreeably situated it has 250 free sittings. Here is a National school, sup­ on the bank of the Southampton water, and nearly ported by yoluntary contributions, aided by a small opposite to that town, with which a communication weekly payment by the pupils ; also a place of worship is kept up by the passage boats. In 1851 the popu­ for Independents. Andrew Robert Drummond, Esq., is lation was 680. The livl'ng is a perpetual curacy, the lord of the manor. in the gift of the incumbent of the parish of Fawley, PETTY is 1 mile west; Mullins, half a mile south-west, of the annual value of £,150; the Hon. and Rev. Adol- Langdown, l mile south-west. HURST.BOURNB•TARRANT. ! t.ii,l.)irish artly in the p~sli of Vemham's Dean. Thou;h hilly, th~ 1?8.rish is ge~erap.y fer~, and well snlt-0d to the growth of whe.at, turmps, samtfom, &c., the soil bemg chiefly ca.ln&re'· owi. I t includes more than 1200 acres of woods, and bas two high moorland '00111,­ .mons, one 200 and the other 70 acrett. On the latter, the inh-abitap.ts of I bthorpe hamlet have excluJ,ive co=nonright, but the other is open to all the p ai-ishioners, The parish extends to Prosperous, Puuk>w1t, and LOl!JlfT' Oonlw}t f artJ.is• . the latte1: of which is near the borders of \Viltshire. D avicl .Attin,vell Bai·Ue Dewar, Esq., of London, is lord of the manor, but a great part of the soil belongs to smaller freeholders. The CaunoH (St. Petei-) is an ancient structure, of mixed archit.ec­ ture, ,vith a wooden oo,ver and five bells. The cylindrical pillars and low-pointed arches of the nave ar e of the 12th century. Tl1e chancel was r estored in 1858, at the cost of £600, by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, as .i,ppropriators of the r ec­ tory.· It contains a handsome monument in memory of L ieut. F!ras . .11.ldm·, of the 77th regiment, who died at Soutari, Oct. 6th, 1854,, aged 21. He "'as the third son _pf: the present vicar. . 'Among tpe. other montiments is one t-0 o.Pattlet, and another 1n m~mory _of the R ev. P ete1· D el:>~, who was 40 ye~ vicllt here, a»d. died in 1.84.1, age.d 77. The ficarag~, va.l.µecl 'i.µ I{..~. at .£&. 13s, 4.d., an4 no)V·A\ .£?70, -w~th the curacy of Vernhrun's-Dean aune:xed to it, is in the pit.tfo"Ji~~!)f'the_J>jsl).op ' of Winchester and incumbency of the Rev. Gilbert ~<\.lder, M.A., who is ruso rur'@. .dean of the N. W. Divisu1n nf A11do•ver Deanery. (See page 68.) . T he.glebe is 8 _ac.res. The Vicarage House is a commodious .1·esidence, which was i)'tiproved .W ·1842, at the cost of .£800. The tithes we.re commuted in 1841- tbe- :viQaii!tl for £267. lls. Od., and the rec;torial for £704.. 17s. 6d. There is an J'l!dirprtnden:t Cltapel 'in the village, built'-~ 184.0, and there is a smaller one at Upton, The l'vational lffchool was built in 184.8, at the cost of £374.. 1'wo yearly rent chru:ges, viz., .£5 rleft ~y W1n. Jones in 1756, an.cl .£2. 10s. left by Peter Dore iii the· slµ1i~ yell,l'i ·a.to ·~pplied towards the support of the school. Poor wido·ws anp. ,vidowers of' tlie parish have 20s. a-year left by Mary Mu.ndy, in 170!.), out of ltita at N orth D o,VJ.!. I n 1775, .Richard Bunny gave .£300 three-per-cenf. consols·, in tl'ust for relie'tjp.~ ·the poor parishoners, and schooling two poor children of tba.t part of Upton:whic.a i.s in this parish. Out of the dividends the trustees p ay 10s. 8cl. yearly· t<>· the school, and they distribute the remainder runong 40 or SO poor p~h:ionersi. To. 1797, the Rev. Peter Deoary, left £25, in trust to apply the interest in clistii1"uti61ts • ~of 1·eligious hooks. The poor of hamlet have a ycru-Iy rent:charge of 7.s. 6d., left by Luke Pearce, out of land at \Vildhern. , Jn .the foll<:>wing D1REC'110RY of Rm1sTOOURNE-TARJU.N'l1 P.uusn, those marked.2 a.re in ll!TRORPE and 3 in UPToN. The Post Office. is at Mrs. Ami Batehelor's. Letters by foot­ post from An.dover. Henry Day, of Ibtbotpe, is the weekly CAJ\BmB t9 Nelbtnirv.· 0 11 Thursday, and Andover on Friday. . . ~ ,Alder Rev. Gilbert, ?,I.A., Medhurst Wl.lliam, J>lumber, Herbe.rt, W~. Nortli,. Lowq1 • vicar &rural de.an,Vicarage painter and glazier · Con'49lt · . · Ale~~r Wm. schoohnr · 2 l',1084.cll Mi8se1;1 l\files Thos, Parsonage fa.r11, ~'thony Anthopy, tailor Nutley Charles, -maltster . }IQO~ Charles, Pillaown 'B)l.U!ly Wm. wood dealer ]?urver Johu, relieving officer 2 Purver Richar11T:as. BatcbeloicOhs • Dragon 2 Wilkins J 'o'hn, .tiulor Poffiey Jas: , &par'.. .cil9~ k 'D11.11ce Mr James FARMERS. Send.all Jno. J;l~µgy ~ 'D ilw Wm. Hy. bo~g. school 2 Ala=.der Ry. cqstrator a,VillisWalter N9rth Joµri. ,.2 Day !{enry, carne1· . Bendle'· H ugh Elt-0n, IVi1i4- BUTCRE!IS, f!R9f~lPJ 11,'!, S Gerrish Thos. lru1d survr., niilt Ja,· 111 Hut9hiils\J;eo, S Bartliol~. valuer, & se~d~111ru1 Blount Jph. II Lockyer Qhas. 0~0:ll.d Rd, mewju. in~L Green Mrs Priscilla 2 Bound Wm. & John ~ ' 'c~'I;EN'tBns G1:een Geit - .G:uy Thos. watchmaker, &c. 2 Child Wm. Crjijwicit & 'Wheelghis. 3HuntHarvey 1 Knight Hanh. vict. Coopef s Eustace Caleb; Pr&sperOU8 ~etts G!lo, :ijead James , .Arnu . Ja.1'11l [maltsrer 3HuntH&i-vey l'l'Ias.sey Geo, Jle~llnu'!,t John Vmcent, sur- 3 Hedderley .Tason I vy, o.nd Waight Wm., Ro'bilrls Jpli, ~ ,B!ll!,I}~ • 2 Herbert Herbert timber 111ert Poftley Ju.., • •

• • , A'ND OVBR UNION: •..

TANGLEY, Ii scattered villttge near the borders of Wilt.shire, 5 miles. N.N. -W:: of Andover, has in its parish 278 souls and 1561 acres of hilly land, all enclosed, and including 4-8 acres of ,voodland. Wm. )Iortilnore, Esq., is lord of the manor, but a great part of the soil bclongs to the l?i.errepoint, Lawrence, Fo·wle, C\\:rt&., Smith, and other families. The Caunou (St. Thomas) is a small antique edifice, ,vith a lo,v wooden to,ver. The benefice is a ouracy consolidated ,vith : Rectory. tithes ,vere commuted in 1838, for .£330 per annum. Post via Ando·ver. Adams Eliz. shoplq_ir. & vict. Knight Hy. butoher & vict. FARMER£. (•Owners.) Five Bel/$ Cricketers? A1•ms Hn80n Robt. St;reet.farn~ Carter <:Jeorg~, blacksmith Leach Isaac, beerhonse • Lawrence Chas., Haye8 C!U'tilr MIU')', schoolmrs Winter Hew-y, shopkeeper Lawrence Thos. Asliridge Carter·Mr Tbos. & David Yvise George, shoema.).:er Leveridge Wm. 1'amgle.Y, Cook James, church clerk '\Vi~e Phoobe o.ud Robinson • Smith Daniel ' Green Chl\rleS, shoemaker Charlotte, shopkeepers Turtle Wm. Uer Green Hut:chins Chas. brickla-yer & IWise Wm. basket maker Young Charlotte, E1;uJt-end vict. Fox l'nn • • VERNHAM'S PEAN, or VERNlL\1\'l, is a largo liilly parish adjoining "\Vil:t-­ shire, extending fro111 V to H1uilcs N. of .An

HURSTBOURNE TARRANT is a 1arge viHage, 5} IBTHROP), three-quarters of a mile nortli-west, UPTON, 2' miles north-west from Andover, situate in a. narrow but miles north-west, and CONHOLT, 3 miles north-west, eom­ pleasant valley, through' which, for three months ofth& year, prises 5,036 acft's, in which there are two Jarge woods and flows a small stream caUed the Swift or Test, which rises in two commons of 200 aeres- and 70 acres, the 1atter distinct the parish: it is in the N ortbern division of the county, from the former; the owners and occupiers of the hamlet or Andover union, petty sessiona1 division and county court Ibthorp only having a right thereon, and which extends to district, Pastrow hundred, diocese and archdeaconry of Win- everything there growing, for their own use in the hamlet chestecr, and rural deanery of Andover north division. The but not for sale; and they are the lords, each in their own church of St~ Peter is very ancient, and bas a square ri~ht thereof, as they are also of their own land in the wooden tower with 5 bells: it has a nave with aisles, hamlet of Ibthorp. Rateable value .£4,788; the population separated by cylindrical piers and low pointed arches of the in 1871 was 887. datfl of the latter part of the twelfth century, and chancel, PROSPEROUS is three-quarters of a mile north-east. in which are monuments to the Paulet family and others. Parish Clerk, Charles Batchelor. The register dates from the year 1546. The living is a vicar- age,. yearly value £300) with residence, in the gift ef the PosT & l\[ONEY ORDER OFFICE & Savings Bank.-Charles :Bishop of Winchester, and held by the Rev. Gilbert Alder, Batchelor, receiver. Letters arrive from Andover ::tt 8.30 B.C..L.r late scholar of Trinity Hall, Cambridge, suFrog-ate. a.m. ; dispatched at 6 p.m. in summer & 5 p.m. in winter Three sums of .£5, .£2 lOs. ant! 18s., bequeathed by different INSURANCE AG-ENT.-Liverpool t London t Globe1 donors,. are appropriated to the support of the N ationa1 school,. C. Batchelor, Post office aided by annual subscriptions from the landowners and inha- Relieving O.ffieer t Registrar of Births §1- Deaths for bitants. The Independents and Primitive Methodists have Hurstbourne Tarrant District, AugustusHorrell,Upton chapels here. A. W. Dewar, esq.~ who is lord of the manor, National School, William Alexander, masteri Mrs. Mary- the MissM Mos

HYDE, 2 miles south-east from , is an applied for repairing the church and insuring against fire, ecclesiastical parisJ1, formed in 1855 from the old parish of St. The register dates from the year 1856. The living is a Mary, Fordingbridge, in the Southerndivisiun of the county, vicarage, yearl.v value £224, with residence and 5 acres of Fordingbridge union, county court district and hundred, in glebe land, in the gift of, and held by, the Rev. Richard the rural deanery of West Fordingbridge, and archdeaconry Peter ·warren, M.A., of Exeter College, Oxford. Eyre and . BLISFORD, FROG HAM' HUN­ Coote, esq., is lord of the manor. The principal landownera GERFORD and are places in this parish. are the Earl of Normanton, John Coventry, esq., and Eyre The church of the Holy Ascension, built in 1855, is in the Coote, esq. 1'he soil is of a mixed character; subsoil,

Second Pointed or Decorated style of arcbitecture1 and has gravel and clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley and oats. chancel, nave, nortll vestry and south porch, and bell turret The population in 1871 was 870.--Letters from Salisbury containing 2 bells. A sum of £200, prest>nted by Sir via Fordingbridge, the Jatter is nearest money order office.. Edw11.rd Hulse, hart., has been invested, the interest to be Cottman lflrs CheaterJane(Miss),farmer,Nth.Gorley Mitche11 Albert, corn dealer & miller~ Giles Rev. Edwin, B.A. Hyde farm Coles Mary (l\1rs.),shopkeeper,Stucton North GorJev Vi!!iey Miss, North Gorley Crosby Stephen, shopkeeper, Frogham Parker Thomas, farmer, Frogham Warren Rev. Richard Peter, M.A. ·Downer Mrs. farmer, Blisford Parker WiJiiam, farmer, Frogham Vicarage Dunn William, beer retailer, Frogham Pope Charles, farmer, Huog-erford Bailey Henry, smith, Frogham Gardner Wm. shopkeeper, Hungerford Read Peter,. Royal Oak, North Gorley Bailey John, farmer, Frogham Hockey George, flax dresser Skinner Christabella (Mrs.), Hydefrm Barter James, smith, North Gorley Ings George, hrick maker, Blisford Thomas Charles, farmer, ]Yorth Gorley Bartlett Robert. farmer, Kensington George, shoe maker Witt Vincent, brewer,. North Gorley Brown Philip, shopkeepr. NorthGorley Maynard George, farmer, Blisford W ort George,, farmer, Blisford,

HYTHE isa small town and ecclesiftstical parish, formed Icounty court district, Dibden liberty, diocese and archden­ in 1841 from the of Fawley, in the Southern conry of Winchester, and rural deanery of Fawley,. 7 miles­ dhi!ion of the county,. New Forest union, Southampton I from Totton station, 9 miles from Re

HURSTBOURNE TARRANT, a parish and village, 5& miles N.E. from Andover, and 10! S.W. from Newbury station, in Andover union, Pastrow hundred, North Hant~ The living, in the gift of the .Bishop of Winchester, is a vicarage, with Fernhams Dean, or Vernhams Deane, annexed; itis beld by tbe Rev. Gilbert Alder, M.A., rural dean. The tithes are commuted-the rectorial (leased on lives to John King, Esq.) at £1,340 per annum, and the vicarial at £455 lls. 6d. per annum. The vica.rial glebe is worth £00 yearly, exclusive of the vicar's residence. The church (St. Peter) is an ancient structure, and has a square wooden tower with 5 bells; there are monuments to the memory of the Paulet family and others. 'l'he Independents and Primitive Methodists have each a chapel here, with schools. Here is a National school, supported in part by two sums of £5 and £2 10s., bequeathed by William Jones and Peter Dore, in 1756, for the purpose of educating the poor, and with 18s., part of £9 per annum arisin~ from £300 Consolidated Annuities, invested by Richard Bunny, in 17~0, and by a. deed executed by him directed to be ann.ually distributed to the unprovided poor of Hurstboume Tarrant who have not received parochial relief; but 18s. thereof was to be ap­ plied by the trustees or wardens to the educating of two or more poor children. The three sums, £6, £2 10s., and 18s.. are now appropriated to the support of the National school, with £5 per annum presented by Mrs. A. B. Dewar, and £5 per annum presented by S. Stanley, Esq., making together £18 8s., which is further augmented for a. sufficient stipend for the master by annual subscriptions from the landowners and inhabitants. 'l'he whole parish, including the hamlets of Ibthorp, or Ibthrop, three-quarters of a mile N W., Upton, 2 miles N.W., and Con­ holt, 3 miles N.W., comprises 5,036 acres, in which there are two large woods and two commons of 200 acres and 70 acres, the latter distinct from the furmer, the owners and occupiers of the hamlet of Ibthorp only having a right thereon, and which extends to e"1erything there growing, for t.heir own use in the hamlet, but not for sale ; and they are the lords, each in tbeir own right thereof, as they are also of their own land in the hamlet of Ibtborp. The population in 1861 was 839. Mrs. A. B. Dewar. lady of the manor. PROSPE.itous is three-quarters of a mile N.E. PosTAL REGULATIONs.-Charles Batchelor, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from Andover at 8.30 a.m., dispatched at 1 p.m.; money-order office and savings bank. Post town, Andover. CARRIERS-Bevan, to Newbury, Thursday; to Andover, Friday. Clements, sen., to Andover, from Newbury, Thursday; to Newbury, from Andover, Friday, and continues on to Reading, S'aturday. National Sclt.ool-Wil1iam Alexander~ maBter; Mrs. Mary Alexander, mistress.

HURSTBOURNE TARRANT. COMMERCIAL. Ald?r Rev. Gilbert, M.A., rural dean and Annetta Geo., carpenter and wheelwright vtcar Anthony Anthony, tailor Baker Rev. Charles, Independent minister Batchelor Charles, shoemaker. parish clerk l3lake Thomas William, Esq and BUb-postmaster Dewar Mrs. A. B., Doles hall Blake Thomas William, surgeon Medhurst Mrs. John Cook :Jharlea, George and Dmgoon inn Nutley Mr. Edward Day Henry, wood dealer · National Gazetteer (1868) - Hurstbourne Tarrant

"HURSTBOURNE-TARRANT, a parish in the upper half of the hundred of Pastrow, Andover division of county Hants, 5½ miles N.W. of Andover, its post town, and 10½ S.W. of the Newbury railway station. The village, which is considerable, is situated in a narrow valley on the river Swift, which flows only during certain periods. The surface is hilly, but fertile. There are extensive woods and commons. It comprises the hamlets of Ibthorp, Upton, and Corrholt. The road from Newbury to Andover crosses the parish. The appropriate tithes have been commuted for a rent-charge of £1,340, and the vicarial for £402.

The living is a vicarage* annexed to the curacy of , in the diocese of Winchester, value £370, in the patronage of the bishop. The church, dedicated to St. Peter, is an ancient structure of the latter part of the 12th century, and has a square wooden tower containing five bells. It contains monuments of the Paulet family and others. The charities produce £19 per annum, a portion of which is applied to the support of the National school. The Independents have a chapel, and a school in connection with it. D. A. B. Dewar, Esq., is lord of the manor."

"BRICKLETON, a tything in the parish of Hurstbourne Tarrant, hundred of Pastrow, in the county of Southampton, 5 miles to the N. of Andover."

[Description(s) from The National Gazetteer of Great Britain and Ireland (1868) - Transcribed by Colin Hinson ©2003]


HURSTBOURNE TARRANT is a large village, including the hamlets of Ibthorp (or Ibthrop), lthtee­ on the rou.

DIREOTOil1~.] IT1\MPSJ{I RE. 259 at the rect ory, St. Mary Bour11r.. Rev. H<>rl)ert nrr "·l1cat, l1arley, oats and ti1rnips. 'l,l1e area is 3,226 Cr•osla11d Bl~ll )I.A. of Pen1broke Uolleg·e, (Jarr1britlgP, :tcres of land and 23 of 1vater; rateal1le ,·nJ11P., £5,9.+-i; is c111•nte in cl1arge. 'l,11e Wesleyan ch.a11el l1£~re ,vjll tlin 11011ulation i11 1911 ,vas 389 in the civil })ari~l1 and srn.t IOO. Ht1rstbourne Par]( is the seat of tl1e Cotlllt(i.s:-; I,5-J. r lJl tl1e ecclesiastical parish. of Portsmoutl1; the ma.nsion is a gabled Jacol)ea11 8exton, Sidne)· CooJr.. edifice of red briclt ,-vitli stone nlllllioned ,,iilcloi,-rs, Post Office.-George Ooolr, sub-postmaster. Lette1•s from sta11ding 011 a.11 eniinence in a beautifully-wood~d park \,\ThiLcl1t1rch. 'l'l1e nearest n1oney orcler & telegraph of 1,000 .acres i:;tocked "'·ith de<~r. 'l'he Couiltr.~s of office is at. Wl1itch11rch, 2 n1iles distant Portsmoutl1 is lad)· of the n1anor and i,ole Iar1do,Y11er. W L B S , The rivers 'reRt u11d Bo"L1rne, 1'·l1ich flo~· tl1ro11gl1 tl1is a 11 etter ox, at tation pa1·isl1, are stocl\ed ,vith trout, and tl1e fisl1ing here is Elemen-tary School (mixe{l), built in t855, for 100 the best of its 1tind in the south of E11gland,. '£lie soil childre11 i Mrs. Esther Pearce, misl1·ess is principally gravel; subsoil~ challt. 'l,he chief crops Railway Station, Horatio Le,vis 'faylor, station master PRIVATE D.ESIDENTS. Wil]cinson Wm. Fischer, Yew 'l'ree Lee Geo. Hodge, frmr. New Barn frm Ports1nouth Countess of, Hurstbour11e cottage Nu11n George, gan1ekeeper to the park Wise George J. Copper Beech Countess of Portsmouth Bell Rev. Herbert Crosland M.A. Woodham Major William B People's Refreshment House Associa- (curate in charge), Vicara.ge Wyld Capt. Wm. Hy. J.P. The Elms tion Limited, Portsmouth .Arms de Lacy Col. Charles Lacy, Apsley COMMEliCIAL. P.H. (Edward Saint, n1anage1·) Hill 1'-fiss, Tho Long house Ooolr. George, blacksmith & sub-post- Perry Richard, garde11er to tl1e Co11n· Malr.ins Col. Sir George Hy.F.R.0.S., maste1· tess of Portsmouth C.B., K.C.M.G. The Cottage Estate Office of the Countess of Ports- Putnam Richard Edmund, faTn1er, Savage Sir George Henry M.D. The rr1outh (Edmund Tancoclr, agent & The Dairy farm Island cleric of 1,orli:s) Village Hall (E. Tancoolr., hon. sec) Fleet Eliz.a (i\t!rs.), wateTcress grower Ware Gilbert S. farmer, Manor farm :S:URSTl30URNE TARRANiT is a large village, inclines to tl1e calca1·eous, is well suited to the growth on the road to Newbury, and in a narrow but pleasant of wheat, barley, oats, turnips and sainfoin. The whole valley through which. for three months of the year, parish, including the. hamlets of Ibthorp (o : Ibthrop ), 1 flows a small stream called the Swift, 1'.\:hich rises in three-quarters of a mile north-west, and Upton, 2 miles ' this parish, s! miles north-by-east from .Andover a11d nortl1-west, comp1·ises 4,841 acres, in which the1·e is a 4! miles· north-west from Hurstbourne station on the large ,vood an·d two commons of 200 acres and about n1ain li11e of the London and South vVestern rail~·ay; 59 ac1·es, the latter distinct from the former, the owners it is in the Basingstoh:e d,ivision of the co1111tJ·, A.11do\-·er and occupiers of the hamlet of Ibthorp only I1av.ing a union, petty sessional division and county court dis- right thereo11, and which extends to everythi11g there trict, Pastow hun

Home Page > Leisure and Wellbeing > History and Museums > Hurstbourne Tarrant Hurstbourne Tarrant

Hurstbourne Tarrant was a Saxon settlement (Hissaburnham), part of the extensive King's Forest. In 1266 Hurstbourne was granted to the Cistercian nunnery at Tarrant in Dorset, hence the name. Writer William Cobbett loved the village, staying often with his friend Joseph Blount at Rookery Farm where he wrote much of his 'Rural Rides'. He made more than 20 references to 'the village of Uphusband, the legal name of which is Hurstbourne Tarrant'. In one he commented 'I love this place'. The very large gravestone of his friend Joseph is just inside the lych gate of St Peter's Church. He left instructions that the stone should be large enough for children to play marbles on.In the church you will see the fine painting of the 'Three Quick and Three Dead'.

Ibthorpe. Ibbers Farm (Ibthorpe) is a possible site where Olaf's hostages settled. These people stayed as part of an agreement with King Ethelred made in 994 when the Viking, Olaf Tryggvason, having been confirmed by Bishop Alphege of Winchester, returned to Norway and converted his country to Christianity.

Upton, one of the small hamlets in the Parish, earns a mention in the Domesday Book. In the 11th century, 'Optune' formed part of the possessions of Edith, queen of Edward the Confessor.

NOTES FROM KELLY’S AND OTHER DIRECTORIES 1831/2 PIGOTS DIRECTORY Andover: Carrier to Newbury: every Wednesday evening Robert Dance and James Winter from the Bishop Blaize every Wednesday morning James Shipton from the Market Place [presumably via Hbt] …………………….. 1857 CRAVEN & CO’S COMMERCIAL DIRECTORY OF THE COUNTY OF Hurstbourne Priors: 1851 population 468 area 3132 acres. Hurstbourne Tarrant: The tithes are commuted at £1725:11:6. The glebe is worth £50 a year. There are 2 sums bequeathed for the support, in part, of the National School. Richard Bunny in 1770 invested £300 consolidated annuities to be annually distributed to those of the poor who have not received parish relief, but 18/- of the said interest was to be applied towards defraying the expenses of educating 2 poor children. These bequests have at different times been augmented and make the total sum of £268, the deficiency of the master’s salary being made up by a subscription. The Independents have a school here and a chapel. Ibthorpe, Upton and Conholt are hamlets included in this parish, which comprises 5035 acres and contains a population of 867. David Albemarle Dewar is lord of the manor and Brickleton is a tithing. Gentry Dillon Eugene Inland Revenue officer Alder Rev Gilbert MA Green George shopkeeper Blount Joseph Esq Green John Hillier farmer Fletcher Rev John Independent Minister Guy William watchmaker Head James grocer and linen draper Herbert Mr John Herbert William North farmer Hutchings George beer retailer & coal Trades merchant Annetts George Joiner etc Knight Hannah Victualler Coopers Arms Anthony Anthony tailor Knight Stephen Maltster Bailey William Wood dealer Massey George baker & grocer Ball George Victualler ‘King’s Head’ Medhurst Elizabeth plumber painter & glazier Batchelor Ann postmistress Medhurst John Vincent surgeon [trade!] Batchelor Charles boot and shoemaker Miles Thomas farmer Moon Charles farmer Pilldown Farm Batten William Dale Farmer Prosperous North John shoemaker Farm Nutley Charles maltster Bendle, Hugh Elton Mill Farm Osmond Richard butcher Chandler James Victualler ‘George’ Poffley James blacksmith Church Harry Farmer Day Henry carrier Purver John relieving officer/registrar Purver Mary Ann boarding school Smith William wood dealer Waight William wheelwright Webb William harness maker Wilkins Robert & Isaac joiners & wheelwrights National Schools Alexander William master Alexander Mary mistress Ibthorp Gentry Mosdell the Misses Trades Alexander Henry farmer Bound William farmer Herbert Herbert farmer Hutchings George bricklayer Nutley William gardener Purver Richard Eli farmer Tanner Charles shoemaker Warwick James beer retailer Wilkins John tailor …………………………………………………………………… 1859 WHITE DIRECTORY OF HAMPSHIRE, P. 462 (FICHE 5) The is one of the highest sources of the . “..parish of Hurstbourne Tarrant 867 souls and 5035 acres, rising in bold undulations…….more than 1200 acres of woods…2 high moorland commons, one 200 and the other 70 acres. David Attinwell Bartle Dewar is lord of the manor but a great part of the soil belongs to smaller freeholders…the Rev Peter Debarry was 40 years vicar here and died in 1841, aged 77. The vicarage, valued in K.B. at £8 13s 4d and now at £370, with the curacy of Vernham Dean annexed to it, is in the patronage of the Bishop of Winchester and incumbency of the Rev Gilbert Alder MA, who is also rural dean of the northwest division of Andover Deanery. The glebe is 8 acres. The vicarage house is a commodious residence, which was improved in 1842 at the cost of £800. The National School was built in 1848 at a cost of £374. Two yearly rent charges, viz £5 left by William Jones in 1756 and £2 10s left by Peter Dore in the same year are applied towards the support of the school. Poor widows and widowers of the parish have 20s a year left by Mary Mundy in 1706, out of land at North Down. In 1775 Richard Bunny gave £300 three per cent consols. {consolidated} in trust for relieving the poor parishioners…the poor of Ibthorpe hamlet have a yearly rent charge of 7s 6d left by Luke Pearce out of land at . The Post Office is at Mrs Ann Batchelor’s. Henry Day, of Ibthorpe, is the weekly carrier, to Newbury on Tuesday and Andover on Friday. Alder, Rev Gilbert, Vicar and Rural Dean Knight, Hen..b (illegible!), Vict., Cooper’s Arms Alexander, Wm, Schoolmaster Medhurst, John Vincent, Surgeon Anthony, Anthony, Tailor Medhurst, William Bailey, Wm, Wood Dealer (Ib) Misses Mosdell Ball, Geo, Vict. King’s Head Nutley, Charles, Maltster Chandler, Jas, Vict. George & Dragon Purver, John, Relieving officer and registrar Dance, Mr James Purver, Mary Ann, School Daw, Wm Hy, Boarding School Scott, Wm Hy, Excise officer (Ib) Day, Henry, Carrier Webb, Wm, Saddler etc Green, Mrs Priscilla Wickham, Wm, Gent Guy, Thos, Watchmaker etc (Ib) Wilkins, John, Tailor (Ib) Herbert Herbert Miles, Thos, Parsonage Farm FARMERS Moor, Charles (?Pilldown) (Ib) Alexander, Hy, Castrator (Ib) Purver, Richard Eli Bendle, Hugh Elton, Windmill Farm Blount, Joseph BEERHOUSES Lockyer, Chas (Ib) Brown Rd (Ib) Bound, Wm and John Hutchins, Geo (Ib) Child, Wm Criswick1 BLACKSMITHS Eustace Caleb, Prosperous Farm Poffley, Jas Sendall, Jno (sic)

1 ?Id/w Percy Ball’s “Chrisick Child” NOTES FROM KELLY’S DIRECTORIES ETC

BUTCHERS Batchelor, Chas and Parish Clerk Hutchins, Geo Hendy, Hy Osmond Rd North, John

CARPENTERS & WHEELWRIGHTS Annetts, Geo Waight, Wm (Timber Merchant) SHOPKEEPERS Wilkins, Isaac Green, Geo Wilkins, Thos Head, James Massey, Geo SHOEMAKERS Roberts, Jph


The principal landowners are John King Esq, the Misses Mosdell, and Henry Atkins Esq. P O Charles Batchelor, Receiver National School Wm Alexander, Master, Mrs May (?Mary) Alexander, Mistress

Hurstbourne Tarrant Hutchins, Geo, Butcher and Beer Retailer Alexander, Wm Henry Knight, {Stephen?} Coopers Arms Alder [vicar] Lambden, Wm, Wood Dealer Baker, Mrs Locke, Jane (Mrs) Straw Bonnet Maker Blake, Thos Wm esq Locker [?Lockyer] Charles, Farmer Hill, Henry esq Medhurst, Mrs Elizabeth, Painter, Plumber etc Massey, Mr George Miles, Thos, Farmer Medhurst, Mrs North, John, Shoemaker Nutley, Chas, Maltster COMMERCIAL Osmond, Richard, Butcher Annetts, Geo, Carpenter Purver, John, relieving officer and registrar, Anthony, Anthony, Tailor births and deaths Batchelor, C, Shoemaker/Parish Clerk Purver, Mary Ann (Mrs) Ladies School Blake, Thos Wm, Surgeon Purver, Richard Eli, Farmer Cook {Charles?} George Roberts, Joseph, Shopkeeper Day, Henry, Wood Dealer Robins, Robert, Farmer Green, Geo, Shopkeeper Sandell, John, Blacksmith Guy, Wm, Watchmaker Waight, Wm, Wheelwright and smith Head, Jas, Draper and Grocer Webb, Wm, Harness Maker Hill, Henry, Farmer/ Landowner Wilkins, Robert and Isaac, Carpenters and Hillier, George, Baker Wheelwrights ……………………………………………… MERCER & CROCKER’S HAMPSHIRE DIRECTORY 1871 Value of the living £370 pa. Alder Rev Gilbert Guy William watchmaker Alexander William schoolmaster Head James draper & grocer Bartlett Frederick relieving officer Herbert William North farmer, Lower Conholt Batchelor Charles shoemaker & postmaster Hill Henry farmer & landowner Blake Thos William surgeon Hillier George baker Cook Charles George Inn Hutchins George beer retailer Day Henry Wood dealer Knight Alfred Coopers Arms Green George shopkeeper Lockyer Charles farmer


Medhurst William plumber etc Adams Thomas farmer Miles George farmer Aplin William farmer Moon Charles farmer Bound John farmer North John shoemaker Bound William farmer Osmond Richard butcher Brown Richard beer retailer Sandell John blacksmith Bradbury Grant wheelwright Smith William wood dealer Holdway Charles shopkeeper Webb William harness maker Lambden William carrier Wilkins Isaac wheelwright Richardson William shopkeeper Ibthorp Wallis George farmer ………………………………………………. KELLYS 1875 Alder, The Rev, Vicarage Hillier, Geo, Baker and shopkeeper Mrs Adams Hutchins, Geo, Butcher and beer retailer Alexander, Thos Knight, Alfred, Cooper Blake, Thos Wm Knight, Alfred Jr, Cooper’s Arms Dewar, Albemarle Willoughby & Mrs, Doles House Lambden, Wm, Carrier Hartland, Wm Locke, Jane, Straw bonnet Maker Hill, Henry, Farmer and landowner Lockyer, Chas, Farmer Massey, Mrs Medhurst, Wm, Painter and plumber Stone, Mrs Miles, George, Parsonage Farm North, John, Shoemaker COMMERCIAL Osmond, Richard, Butcher & cattle dealer Anthony, Anthony, tailor Roberts, Caroline (Mrs), Shopkeeper Batchelor, C, Shoemaker & parish clerk Sandell, John, Blacksmith Blake, Thos Wm, Surgeon Wallis, Geo Henry (Mrs), School Cook, {Charles?} George Webb, William, Harness maker Day, Henry, Wood Dealer Wilkins, Chas, Carpenter Gerrish, Samuel, Seed merchant Wilkins, Isaac, Carpenter and Gerrish, Thomas, Land valuer wheelwright Green, George Shopkeeper & {farmer?} Wright, Arthur, Shopkeeper Head, Jas, Draper and grocer

Ibthorp (sic)

Mosdell, Misses

COMMERCIAL Adams, Thos, Farmer Aplin, William, Farmer Bound, John, Farmer Bound, Wm, Farmer and landowner Bradbury, Grant, Wheelwright & Blacksmith Brown, Thomas, Beer retailer Richardson, William, Shopkeeper

……………………………………………………….. WHITE, HISTORY OF HAMPHSIRE 1878 [The Church] contains a handsome monument in memory of Lt Fras. Alder, of the 77th Regiment, who died at Scutari, October 6th 1854, aged 24. He was the 3rd son of the present vicar. Adams, Miss Mary The Cedars Adams, Thos Farmer, Ibthorpe


Alder, Capt Chas RN The vicarage Knight, Alfred, Jr Maltster and Victualler, Alder, Rev Gilbert The vicarage Cooper’s Arms Alexander, Mrs Louisa Lambden, Wm Carrier Anthony Anthony Tailor Lewis, Chas Farmer, Pildown Farm Aplin, William Farmer, Ibthorpe Massey, Mrs Mather Batchelor, Chas Parish clerk and Miles, Geo Parsonage Farm postmaster Moreton, Thos Plumber, painter & Batchelor, James Shoemaker glazier Bound, John Farmer, Yewtree Farm, Mosdell, Miss Mary Ann Ibthorpe House Ibthorpe Mosdell, Miss Elizabeth Bound, William Farmer and landowner, North, John Shoemaker Ibthorpe Farm Osmond, Richard Butcher and Bradbury, Grant Wheelwright and cattle dealer blacksmith, Ibthorpe Payne, Charles Bootmaker Brown, Thomas Beer retailer, Ibthorpe Poulton, John Baker and grocer Day, Henry Wood dealer Richardson, Wm Shopkeeper, Ibthorp Dewar, Albemarle & Jane Doles House Sandell, John Blacksmith Gerrish, Samuel Seed merchant Seward, John Blacksmith Gerrish, Thomas Land valuer, Prosperous Farm Stone, Miss Ann Gilmour, Jno. Henry Surgeon Towler, Mr Charles Schoolteacher Golding, William Machine owner Towler, Mrs Emma Mary Schoolteacher Green, Geo Farmer and shopkeeper Turner, Mr & Mrs Edward Baker and Head, James Grocer, draper etc grocer Hill, Henry Farmer and landowner Wallis, George Henry Farmer, Deane Villa Hillier, Mrs Ellen Webb, William Harness maker Hillier, George Grocer and baker Wilkins, Charles Carpenter Horrell, Augustus W. Relieving officer, registrar Wilkins, Mrs Sarah Carpenter & of births and deaths, and vaccination officer for HbT wheelwright[?] district Willis, Mr Walter Hutchins, Geo Butcher and beer retailer Wright, Arthur Victualler, George & Knight, Alfred Cooper Dragon,baker, grocer & mealman Young, Mrs Matilda Farmer ……………………………….

KELLYS DIRECTORY 1880 Alder, the Rev Golding, William, Machine Owner Adams, Miss Green, George, Shopkeeper and farmer Dewar Guy, William Gilmour, John Henry, Surgeon Head, Miss Harriet Draper and Hill, Henry, Farmer & Landowner grocer Hillyer, George William Hillier, George, Baker and shopkeeper Massey, Mrs Hutchins, Geo Meadows, Mrs Knight, Alfred Farmer Stone, Miss Lambden, William Carrier Commercial: Lewis, John Farmer, Pilldown Anthony Anthony, Tailor Locke, Jane Batchelor, Charles Lockyer, Charles Farmer Batchelor, J, Shoemaker Miles, Geo Parsonage Farm Berry, Edward Coopers Arms Moreton, tom Plumber Day, Henry Wood Dealer North, John Gerrish, Samuel Osmond, Richard Hy Gerrish, Thomas Pyle, George Carpenter


Sandell, John Blacksmith Aplin Farmer Turner, Ebenezer Shopkeeper Bound, W J Farmer Webb, William Harness maker Bradbury, Grant Wheelwright/blacksmith Wilkins, Charles Carpenter Brown, Thos Beer retailer Wight, A George & Dragon, Bryant, John Farmer shopkeeper Gibbons, Joseph Officer of Inland Ibthorp Revenue Misses Mosdell Richardson, Wm Shopkeeper Adams, Thos Farmer Stagg, George Relieving Officer


KELLYS DIRECTORY 1899 The population in 1891 was 755. Doiley Manor is the residence of Herbert Edward Phillips Esq. Doles is the residence of Francis Currer-Jones Esq (though the property of A W Dewar). Principal landowners: Gerrish, Thos & Son A W Dewar Godwin, Emmanuel Builder, contractor, Wm Bound undertaker, plumber, painter, decorator etc and A B Heath steam sawmills Herbert E Phillips Goodyer, Timothy Blacksmith The trustees and J & G Atkins Esqrs Green, Henry Colson Grocer, baker & draper James Cordery and the trustees of Corpus Green, John Alexander Farmer Christi College Oxford Hillier, Henry Woodman Hutchins, Edward Cattle dealer Sexton: George Batchelor Hutchins, Geo Beer retailer and brewer Schoolmaster: Wm Corbett Hutchins, Henry Butcher Latimer, Wm George Bootmaker Adams, Miss The Cedars Lloyd, Mrs Martha Dressmaker Dewar, A W The Dean Locke, Jane Wardrobe Dealer Gerrish, Samuel Lockyer, Chas Parsonage Farm Gilmour, John Henry Pavey, Mrs Ann George & Dragon ph MRCS Eng LSA London Hurst Lodge Percy, Sidney Carpenter Hooper, Mrs Dalton House Purver, James Carrier and coal merchant Jones, Francis Currer Doles House Rainsford, James Head gamekeeper to A W Dewar Medhurst, Mrs Weeks, John Blacksmith Merritt, Mrs A Lea The Limes Wright, Miss Edith Shopkeeper Oliver, The Rev Charles Norwood Ibthorp Philips, Herbert Edward Doiley Manor Ballingall, Mrs Commercial: Bouwer, John Robert Ibthorpe House Baker, Mrs Eliza Coopers Arms Gerish, Wm Bell, Charles Baker & Grocer Bennett, Mrs Charlotte Farmer Bell, Samuel James Grocer,baker, Post Bound, Wm Office Briant, Edward Berry, Albert Edward Brewer, maltster & job Cox, Charles Woodman master Dewey, Jesse Beer retailer Briant Bros. Farmers & machine Richardson, William Shopkeeper owners, Prosperous Stagg, George Relieving officer Cordiner, Mark Henry Farm bailiff to Mr , Thos Insurance agent Phillips, Doiley


……………………………………. KELLY’S DIRECTORY 1903 Net yearly value of living is £217 with 12 acres of glebe and residence and held since 1892 by the Rev. Oliver. Here is a Congregational chapel, built in 1840, with 200 sittings and a Primitive Methodist chapel. The principal landowners are Herbert Edward Philips, Doiley Manor, Dewar, William Bound, A B Heath, Herbert Philips, Trustees of J & G Atkins, James Cordery and the trustees of Corpus Christi College. Population in 1901 is 743. Elementary school built 1845 for 130 children, average attendance 100- supported in part by 3 sums of £5, £2:10 and 18/- bequeathed by different donors. Adams Miss The Cedars Goodyer Timothy blacksmith Bell, Samuel James The Dean Green Henry Colson farmer Bromsfield Frank Garvery Harris, William butcher Dewar Doles Harvey, George A Coopers Arms ph Gilmour John Henry Hurst Lodge Hillier Harry woodman Hooper Mrs D Dalton House Hutchins Edward cattle dealer Medhurst Mrs Hutchins, Mrs Sarah beer retailer Merritt Mrs A Lea The Limes Lloyd Elizh. Martha Miss postmistress Oliver the Rev Lloyd Martha Mrs dressmaker Philips Herbert Edward Doiley Manor Lockyer, Charles farmer Parsonage Farm Commercial Miles, Emily Bedford (Miss) private school, Bell Charles baker & grocer Prosperous Bell Samuel James grocer, baker & draper and Miles, Norris B grocer & draper at Vernham Dean Pavey Ann Mrs George and Dragon Berry Albert Edward brewer maltster & job Rainsford James gamekeeper to Dewar master Weeks John blacksmith Briant Bros machine owners Ibthorp Briant Mark farmer Prosperous farm Coomber William James Child Francis Reginald farmer Dunton James Ibthorp House Collins William coal merchant Gerish William Cordiner M Henry farm bailiff, Doiley Manor Maynard Henry Martyn Gerish Thos & Sons land & estate agents, Ratcliffe Herbert Croakley surveyors & insurance agents Bound John farmer Gilmour MRCS Eng LSA public vaccinator 6th Briant Edward woodman district Cox Charles woodman Godwin Ellen Annie Mrs apartments, Deane House Jones Fred beer retailer Godwin Emmanuel builder, contractor & Purver James Coal merchant and farmer undertaker, plumber, painter & decorator etc & steam Stagg George relieving officer & saw mills; all kinds of English & foreign timber kept registrar 2nd district Andover Union in stock ………………… BENNETT’S BUSINESS DIRECTORY 1907 Hurstbourne Tarrant early closing day: Wednesday 4 pm. Population-ecclesiastical parish 751, civil parish 743. Railways: nearest is Hurstbourne, 4 miles distant. Bell, Charles Grocer & Baker Church Street. Grocer, baker & mealman. Horses and carriages on hire at the shortest notice. Agent for ‘My Bloom’ Teas and Coffee. Huntley & Palmer’s biscuits. Cakes of every description made to order. Bell S J Grocer Berry E Brewer, maltster & cab proprietor. Conveyance of every description on hire by the day, hour or week. Briant Machine owner Collins J Coal merchant


Coopers Arms G A Harvey proprietor. Wine & Spirit merchant. Dinners & teas catered for. Good accommodation for cyclists. Comfortable bedrooms. [nb date – burnt down 1904!] O Edwards Coal coke and wood merchant and haulier. Coal and coke at lowest prices for cash. Special quotations for large quantities. George & Dragon Inn Mrs Pavey proprietress. Good accommodation for cyclists and visitors. Good stabling wheelwright and smith. Gilmour, Dr Godwin, E builder & house decorator, plumber painter & glazier, sanitary engineer Goodyer T, shoeing smith W Harris Family butcher. HT & StMB. Best home-killed English meat. Prime Beef, Mutton, Pork.Lamb & veal. Pickled Tongues, Corned Beef etc. Families waited on daily. Hutchings, Mrs Costumier. Perfect fit and style guaranteed. Mourning and wedding orders receive special attention. Hutchins S J Maltster and brewer, ‘Plough’ Inn Brewery. Ales supplied in large or small quantities Lloyd Mrs Scientific dress and mantle maker, Woodford House. Perfect fit guaranteed. Miles N Grocer,Supply stores Purver, J Coal merchant Weeks J shoeing smith West D carrier ……………………………………………………..

KELLY’S DIRECTORY 1907 Living worth £204, with 12 acres of glebe and residence. Vicar since 1907 is Arrowsmith of Corpus Christi Oxford. Here is a Congregational chapel built in 1840 with 160 sittings and a Primitive Methodist chapel. Prosperous, ¾ mile north-east, is an estate of c. 200 acres, owned by T W Blake. Principal landowners are William bound, A B Heath, the trustees of Herbert E Phillips, the trustees of J & G Atkins Esqrs, James Cordery esq and Corpus Christ College. Hooper Mrs Dalton House Green H C farmer Loscombe, Col Arthur Russell Garvery Harris William butcher Coleman Joseph Parson Hillier Henry woodman Adams Miss The Cedars Hutchins Edward cattle dealer Arrowsmith The Rev Hutchins Sarah Jane beer retailer Dewar A W Doles Mulholland William farmer, Doiley Manor$ Gilmour Dr Hurst House Palmer Richard farmer Rookery Farm Merritt Mrs A Lea The Limes Pond John farmer Parsonage farm Oliver, The Rev Charles Norwood Smith Charles farm bailiff to L F Lloyd Doles farm Commercial Ibthorp Allcroft Walter farmer Doiley Manor$ Dunton James Bell Charles baker and grocer Gerrish, William Bell S J The Dean Prosser, H W Bell Sydney builder Smith Albert Ernest Blake Thomas William Prosperous Bound S & N farmers Briant Bros machine owners Bound, William farmer & landowner Brooks James farmer Briant Edward woodman Coleman Gilbert Charles blacksmith Briant George farmer Edwards Obed Coal merchant Ford George beer retailer Gerrish Thos & sons land & estate agents etc Piper James dairyman Gerrish William asst overseer clerk to parish council, Purver James coal merchant & farmer deputy registrar Staggs George relieving officer Goodyer Timothy butcher ……………………………………….. KELLY’S DIRECTORY 1920


Net yearly value of living £280 held since 1907 by the Rev Arrowsmith. ..Here is a Congregational chapel…and Primitive Methodist Chapel. The principal landowners are Solomon Ford and James Cordery. Chard Capt Harry Athelstan Garvery Coleman, Joseph William Vincent apartments Ford Solomon Doiley Manor Dalton House Commercial Coleman W G blacksmith Bell Charles Baker White, Victor carrier Briant brothers Machine owners Ibthorp Briant Basil butcher Anderson James J Ibthorp House Briant James carman Bound Sidney & Norman farmers, The Yews Brooks James farmer Bound, Arthur Courtney Brown Henry asst. overseer & clerk to PC, Dean House

………………………………………. KELLYS DIRECTORY 1923 Population in 1911 was 719 (civil parish) and 771 (ecclesiastical parish). Sexton: Alfred Wells Post Office: Miss Elizabeth Martha Lloyd Edwards, Obed Coal dealer Vicar: Clarke, the Rev James William Found, Mrs Mary J Beer retailer Dewar Hillier, Frederick George & Dragon ph Gilmour Hodges, Newton Grocer Hort, Sir Arthur Fenton, bt the Old Rectory Hutchins, Thomas* Farmer Merritt, Anna Lea the Limes Jones & Knight Ltd Builders Pearson, Dewsbury T Garvery House Miles, Norris B Grocer Radcliffe, Lt Col W Esseborne Manor Pavey, Mrs Ann Apartments, Old Manor House Shepherd, Charles Cecil The Cedars Ponting, John Farmer, Pill Heath Spencer-Cooper Cmdr Henry Edmund Harvey RN Stanley, Lt Col Edmund Hamilton Blake Doyley Manor Physician & Surgeon & public vaccinator Stanley, Lt Col Edmund Hamilton Blake White, Victor Carrier Commercial:*=farm of more than 150 acres Ibthorp: Briant, Basil Butcher Anderson, James J Ibthorp House Briant, George* Farmer Bound, Mrs Briant, James Carman Mackilligin, Neil Grant Briant, Mark Baker Prosser, Henry Wykey Windmills Brooks, James Farmer Bound, Arthur Courtney* Farmer Burder, Reginald E C* Farmer Briant, Edward Woodman Ching, Henry Thomas Collector of Taxes Briant, George Farmer, Bank Tree Farm Coleman, Joseph William Vincent Ford, Mrs Frances Beer retailer Apartments, Dalton House Pond, Harry James Butcher Coleman, William Gilbert Blacksmith Purver, James Farmer Cooper, Arthur Newsagent

KELLY’S DIRECTORY FOR 1927 Broadhurst, Maj Oswald Arcot Spencer Cooper Doyley Manor Ducat, cmdr Gerald JP, RN (Ret) Garvery House Straker, Capt Joseph LLM, FGCM FZSDoiley Hill Fleetwood-Jones, Rev Percival Vicarage Commercial: Gilmour, Mrs Hurst Lodge Briant, M & Sons Bakers Hort, Sir Arthur The Old Rectory Briant, George Farmer Merritt, Anna Lea The Limes Briant, James Carman Radcliffe, Lt Col W Esseborne Manor Brooks, James Farmer Shepard, Charles Cecil The Cedars Burder Coopers Arms


Cutting, Herbert G Butcher Ibthorpe: Edwards, Obed Anderson, James J Ibthorp House Found, Mary T Bound, Mrs Hillier, Fred George & Dragon ph Mackilligin, Neil Grant Hodges, Newton Grocer Prosser, Henry Wykey Windmills Holt, Frank Charabanc proprietor Bound, Arthur Courtney* Farmer Hutchins, Thos* Farmer Briant, Edward Woodman Knight, Wm Builder & asst. rate collector Briant, George Farmer, Bank Tree Farm Pond, Harry Butcher Ford, Mrs Frances Beer retailer Ponting, John Farmer Pond, Harry James Butcher Scull, Wm Jn Builder Purver, James Farmer Stanley, Lt Col

KELLY’S DIRECTORY FOR 1931 1921 Population: 619 (civil parish), 665 (ecclesiastical parish)The living is worth £402 net. The vicar since 1925 is the Rev Percival Fleetwood-Jones. There is a Congregational chapel…Doles is the property and residence of A W D Dewar, who is lord of the manor. Capt Henry Edmund Harvey Spencer-cooper is the principal landowner. Sexton: Alfred Wells Hillier & Wells Motor Garage Burder, Reginald the Rookery* Hodges Newton grocer Denny, James William Deane House Holt Frank charabanc proprietor Dewar, A W D Doles Hutchins Tom farmer Ducat, Cmdr Garvery House Knight, Wm Builder & asst. rate collector Fleetwood Jones the Vicarage Mills, John Farmer Gilmour, Mrs Hurst Lodge Pond, Harry Jas Butcher Haynes, Mrs Sunnymeades Savory, Miss Margaret M MD BSc Lond, Hort, Sir Arthur The Old Rectory MRCS Eng, LRCP Lond, Physician and Surgeon, Radcliffe, Lt Col W Esseborne Manor Shepherd’s Peace Savory, Miss M B Shepherd’s Peace White, W Jas* Doiley Farm Shepard C C The Cedars Spencer Cooper Doily Manor Ibthorp Straker, Mrs Doiley Hill Anderson James G Ibthorp House Commercial: Bound Arthur Courtney* farmer Briant M & Sons bakers Briant, Edward woodman Found Mrs J beer retailer Hicks, Mrs Clara Shopkeeper Briant, George* farmer Bank Tree Fm Ford, Mrs Frances E beer retailer Pond Harry James butcher Purver James farmer …………………………………………. KELLY’S DIRECTORY FOR 1935 1931 population is 620 (civil parish) and 658 (ecclesiastical parish). The living is a vicarage net yearly value £390…there is a Congregational chapel, built in 1840, with 160 sittings, and a Methodist chapel. Trelfall, The Rev Henry Charles 1934- Boake E J Doiley Manor Skipwith, Sir Grey Humbertson d’Estoteville Burder* Rookery Farm Owns Doles Colman, Miss Margaret Daltons Boake, Edmond Johnson Doiley Manor Denny, James William Deane House Bound, Arthur Gilmour, Mrs Are the chief landowners Hort, Lady The Old Rectory


Ponting, John B A Pillheath Mills Jn Farmer Radcliffe Lt Col Esseborne Manor Ponting John BA farmer, Pill heath Savory, Miss Shepherd’s Peace Savory, Miss Shepard, C C The Cedars Snuggs, Sidney Charles Skipwith, Sir Grey Doles House Varley, Harry Grocer Walker, Lt Col Charles Garvery House Ibthorp: Wright, Lt Col Ernest Doiley Hill Loder, George Edward JP(Lond) Commercial: Raynham, Miss Windmills Briant, M & Sons baker Standen, Sir Bertram Prior KCIE KSI Edwards, Mrs Effie Maria Coal dealer Trewby, Henry William Yew Tree Farm Elder, Mrs Agnes Tea Rooms, the Limes Winser, Louis Gordon Windmills Lodge Green, Mauric Colson grocer Commercial Hicks, Mrs Clara Shopkeeper Austin, William James* Farmer, Windmills Hillier, Fredk Motor garage Bound, Arthur Courtney farmer* Knight, W, Sec. HbT Conservative Association Briant, George farmer, Bank Tree Farm* Hon Sec Hutchins,Tom Farmer HbT British Legion Knight, Wm The Oaks, Builder Pike, Chas Beer retailer & clerk to PCC Purver, James Farmer * denotes farm of 150 acres and over KELLY’S DIRECTORY FOR 1939 Population 620 (civil parish) and 658 (ecclesiastical parish) . vicarage worth £390 ‘there is a Congregational chapel…and a Methodist chapel’ As 1935, except: Briant, M & Sons Baker Tugwell, Cmdr O N, RD RNR (Retd) Loder, George Edward JP Ibthorp House Prosperous Farm Tel 52 Hampshire & General Friendly Society Wright, Lt Col Ernest Trevor, Doiley Hill Tel 29 Musson, Geo Oak, farmer, Bank Tree Farm Bracher, Chas * Farmer, Medlands Tel 49 Pike, Chas White Hart ph Other telephone numbers: Skipwith 24, Raynham 38, Redcliffe Esseborne 42, Hort 44, Boake 43.