I-IAMPSHIRE. -- ··- ---~---~-- SUPERINtrENDEN1' JtHGJS'l'RARS, REGISTRARS OF BiltT.rlS, DEA.THS, &c. I-IAl\iPSH l RE.-As subdivided into J?1s'l'lUCTS.1~1:14er the Registra~ion .-Act a. t:lnd 7 .,vlLLtAl! IV. ~l1ap. 85, 86, of Births, Deaths, and fvlarriag~~, ~ho,y1~1~ ~J~e sev~rct! Parochial ~mons, ~v1t}~ the Rt:oISTRAas• DisTRICTs the Name and Address ot Supermtendent hegtstrars, Reg1strai·s of births and Deaths mHl the R~gistrars of l\/IarriagesJ in tl1e.several Patoehial Unions in the County. ' • .. 111; Thi letters A, B, ~-c. 1efe1· to the severalDivisio1!s o..f Uni.oils <m, -the acc-0mpanyi119 1.1!ap of Hampshfre; .1; · mut tli.e ji92trc refets t.o iltt~ J.'ahla of Unions, aboce. I UNION. Registrars' • NaUJ.e 11.11d Addrpss of Registr:irs or Nnme :md Adclt<'SS or Name :ind Addre,s of D.htricts. Birtlu1 a'nd Deatlis~ Mnrriago Registrars. Superintend. Registr&rs., A L Alre~1fo~?, t A.lres.ford,New R. !{.yder, New· Al~esrm.·d . Jaspe1 W1~ghdt, Ropley ...••••.•.J. S. Hathaway~ Bishop Sutton A1res1or • B 2. Alto1?., . ~ .~instead •••••. \V. H·.,~1·boi-, Bi~s~~a~, Alton ··~··· E. Andrews, Alton M. ll. i1oss, . ~elhoutne ...... .J. D~ben1\am, J~U~. Sdbom:n~, do. ~ Alton. A.ltou. ..... ; ••.• C. Biddle, Alton . Andove1· ~ ••••• R.. c· l Cl . •\1 A d J. H ld A . cl ,1 . l:lt . ·tb· ri e • 001.\, n1nr11 e, n over • •• •• • • o . up, n ov~t· G 3. :11 nuovet ns o 1 , 'l'hoJ. Lnmb,<1}f 'l'arrant. ... •1. ~urrer, Huyistbot11e Tar~ant, do. Andovcl', Long Parish .. H. ,vheeler, )VherwelJ, do . l .L1idgt!1·shul1 ••. G. P{jstans, .Amp'ui·t Ch-ecn, do. ~ 4. Basingstoke, '.) ~asii1gstt>ke ••• 1G. '\.Villi::\ Ba~ingftoke ............ C. Doman, Basit1gstoke .Ge~. Lamb, C bramlex •••••• 'Y·· pen~}s,.. Shet:~ekl,__ ' Ba~mgstokc. S Dum1nel' •••••• C. H11I, Church Ouldey B n. Calherfagtrm, ~ \ l-l~· 1~· Glas::;e, Horndntu1 . n G l FI d R G l d Hur11dean. .. ,. • u.. a e, orn ean ............... H. .• a ·e, ~~Ir: orn ean r 6. Christa.kiirch, .~ . H.eu.hPai.n, Chrlstc1)urch •. J. Scott, Ch.ristc11·t.11·cl1 R h. Cl • l l Clu·istc m·c 11• .. ....... .... • .• S atp, n·h,tc 1urc 1 0 7. Dro.rford, ~ .. ,.r t : G V 1YT A . k' B. 1· . ' ltl . ~I ,, S ... t. \~ es meon..... • • n\.:Oget· ·s, l'v e~trneon, Hon •• L. J. Lo\·e ·m, b wp tt ,u,t i, · 1am l • '-'· nutu, B· · '· ltl · -'· L T L · k. B· 1.. ' 'txr l l . H bl d ··· H . d P ~. ,vi.v,, ~ : ldtn • :· , o,·e ·m, >lS 1op ,-\ . Ha t 1a1n am c oIJ, 0111 • · Hambh:don ••• F•. Houd, D1·oxfo1·d, A.lto11 . ' . ~i S. Fare/tarn, ~ . · . · . · B. P. Ru~ie, '~itc11fleld .... ,•. ~; A~dre~"s, Tit.ch.fi.e1d •••••••••••• vV •.C.ase, , F~~·.eliam Farchum. · r arc ham .••••. \\. Case> Fa1·eham .................. R. Gough, I itchfielu Z 9. Fordh19lirhl9e,~ : G. ('. Haw lcm:e r 1· ·d . · . • ,·. d' . b . ' < or< mgbr1 ge J. Lc.ngford, Fo1·dmebr1dt'te ••• •~. J, Langford Fordiugb1·idge F or mg. r1<1 g.e. · · "" o 1 - a lOilrirlleyn.1ntny~ Hnrt.\y .'.Vntr,y 9.rr. Ho\Yard,ll~l"t1yrw, Hartfxdb1· G. Cook, jun. oamam J as. Brooks, Od ham. and S. Andrews, Od1l1a.m Odilrn.m. Crondalt.. .. JC. 11 ]f(luant, ~ · . · C. B. Longc1.·oftt . Uavaut ..••••••. H. Parker, Ha,,im't................... H. Purl{~r, I{ avant Havant. :L 12. I{1ltsle11, } ' sec \Vinche~tet\ ??I 13. J(i11r1,"clete, '\ ,,.,.. 1· t-'T D l K' l H · J K' · · 'l.. ,! ,v. lio.·ldincr . l . l\.~ng.~1c ere •••• n., . a e, misc ere ..... .......... • Dae, mgsc ere Kin!_;scle,:~:J H1ghclt:re;, ~·· C. It. Hull, E, '\Voodbay, Newbury 1 (l • I_', • • ,,' \_ ,., ' '-' • I •, .. · •' ,•'· ' 2426 POST .OFF1C.E KVltSX.BY with ~PFl:S:LD, a, pari~b, inclu~ing rectory, in t11e 1u1tronage of Sir \V. Heathcote, Ba!t,, , d 'l d tli Iugh l'Oad il·om nnd enjoyed by the Rev. John Keble, A.u. The Umon the hamlet of Ampfield, an 61 uate on e workhouse is at the extreme eastern end ot' the village •. Romsey to Winchester, distanco 6! miles east of ttc AMJ.>~IELD, u. bamlet of Hursley,, 11len.snnt1y sitll11.ted 2 former; and 4l miles f>:001 the latter towns., l!ursley ~~r ' nilles west of Hursley, llas a chm·<m ot: considerable bcnut1f· -with its large and elegant mansion, the t'eat of Sir \V1 ham. it is nearly new, and built in the Gothic stl:1e; ·the ma.te~1a ·.Heathcote, Bart., overlooking a vnst tra.ct of country' is blu·e bri"'k and st•·ne. lt bas a sla.te rOQf ancl belfrv, w1tlt rich1fE wooded and well stocked wilh deer, and au~rounded " " ., "d ble beauty for many n. tasty octagonul spire. At. the wes.tern entrance _of tbc by p antatlons au d scenery of cons1 er~ . • 11 , f el1ur·chj'DI'd 1·a n conduit, cu"'•ouslv bmlt of stone., w1lh an miles. The church is an ancient bwld1og, pr1neapa Y o . r;, " - ~ brlck, with square tQwer of stone. The whole of the appropriate scriptural tablet, and surmou!lted with a cross. edifice with Ute e"ception of tlie tower, is about to be taken The living is endowed witll £2,000 by S1r \V • Heatheotc down, ~nd a new one to lle erected on its site; a. temP.?rary and J. \Vhit~, .Esq. The present incumbeut Is tl.te Rev. place of worahip ~ now being fitted ~p for tbe re!!~pt10!1 of Robe~t 1;. \Vilson, A,'.M. tlie congl'egation during tbe alterations. The hvmg 1s n , , GENTRY Elcock Mra. Hannah, sl1opkeeper Payne Jnmes, gamekeeper 0 Alner lUsses Charlotte &; Ann Fowlie V\'i~li~m., l~nd steward Pinnick Hem·y, sl1opkeepcr Chnmberluin Thos. eeq. Cranbury park Garrett W11ham, furmer,.Standen PJumridge Hy~ master ol'Freescbool Heathcote Sir Wm. bart. Hursley park . Goffe Edward, farmer, S1lkst.ead Poole Mrs. Mary, farme!_, Ampfield Heathcote Mr~ HursleJ park Good Ralph, clerk to tlie Union Porter Rlchard, f11rmer, :::,r.unden Keble Rev. Jol;n., .&:.M. Lrectorj Hall Robt.' Wliite H,otse,' Amp6eld. Remsbury ,vmiam, former Lovell Langford, esq · Hall Thomas, a~opkeeper Self John, farmer Loven Mrs Haskel John, brickmuk(ll' Sillence Bonj. shopkeeper, Amp_fl <>lu White Josepb esq. Ampfield house Hick$ Oharle!',' Dolphin,' & carpenter Sillencc Thomas, farmer, Ampfleld Wilson Rev. Robert, .A..M. Ainpfteld HosldnsEdw~.timber mercht~Ampfleld Sillence T. jun. farmer Young Rev. Peter, A.M Lavington N1cholus, farmer . Vine Henry, saddler TRADERS, Martin Job, shopkeeper Vine Mrs. Jane, matron or Union Bailey Charles, farmer '.Miles Henry, parish clerk Vino William, governor of Union Bailey William., farmer . .l\Iills \Villiam, 1>ost office master ,,raltou Wmiam, i'armer1 Martleu Barton Henry, farmer . .Misselbrook Henty, boot&. ahoe maker Westbrook Henry, butcncr Boll Wllliam, ' l(ing', Head' l\Usselbrook J osepb, boot & 6hoe mnker Wild }[rs. Elizabeth, blacksmith :Bunce William, builder Moore Mra. Elizubetll, shopkeeper \ \Villi George, blacltsmitb ])enois Theodore, stirgeon Morley Charles, b1acksm1Lh --- Po.ST OFFIOE.-William·MJUs, mast~r; Letters aiTive by Joseph. ,vi11te, esq. ,·ice-c11~irman; Rev. Jolln Keble, , foot '()Ost from Winchester; morning at 7, despatched chaplain; Theodore Dennie, surgeon; Ralph Good, clerk; / evening at 8 · William Vine, governor; lirs. Jane Vine, matron Union lVorlilto~eJ. for tll~ Parishes of Baddesuy, Hur- Church, Rev. Jolin Kebl~,.A.M. rector; Rev. Pt!ter Young, 3ie11, Farle;r, t 'utterbou,·ne• . TJ1e Hoard meet t]1e lJLst A.M. curate; Henry l\:r,ns., clerk • , ·tuesday,-rti the month. W. C. ·Yonge, esq. eho.1rman; Ampjiela Chiwch, Rev. Itobert F. \Vileon, A,l\l. incumbent K~tr;iao'U'RNE TARRANT ls ala1·ge village in· and with 18 shillings, part of £9 per annum ariaing from·£.jOO Il~o;-iJpshire, _eitnated in ,a ·. narrow but pleasant. valley, consolidated nnnuitles, invc~ted by Richard 13uony in 17~0, th\ :,,•ugh ,which, for three parts or the year, flows a small and by a deed executetl by him directed to he o.nnually dis• · ·: · · ·1,m called·. the Swift, which rises in the parish. It is tribnted to the unprovided poor of Hurstboui·ne Tarrant., --1; 6! miles north-east from Andov~r, and 10! miles but 18 sllillings tbert!of was to be applled by the trusteefrnr ·, /;·: .,~est from Newbury; it is in the Union of Andover, wardens to th~educating two or more poor children, The , :. Jt~ndred of Pastrow, Division of Kingsclere,,dioce:e three sums, £5, £2 10s., and 18s., are now approprinted to.. ·. ·.,, .:: .chester, and in the northern division of the county, the support· of the National school, witl1 £8 per annumd . ·:,tains 900 inhabitant$. '':,.'be living, now in the gift of presented by D. Dewar, E!)q., and£10 pei• annum pres.ent-e. --- :',i'sl1op of Wlnc~ester, , is o. vicarage, witl1 Ferobams by 'l'. A. Smith, E:;q., making together £~6 s~., wlnch 1s : .. ) 1 or ~ernhams Deane, annexed. It is now Iiel<l by further o.ugm:nted ~or a SLtfficient stipead for th.e ma~ter by , )!ev. Gilbert Alde1·, nr.A., and the Rev. JalJles Connell, annual subscriptions from the landownera and 1nhab.1tants.,. , Jis the cur~te. The tithes are commuted, the recto1·ial, Tl1e ,vhole parish, including the hamlets of Ibtl1orp aml :, ·,. on llvea to. J~hn King, Esq.), at £I,34~ ver Upton, compr!ees 5,035 atres, in which tllere are two large .,... ·,, and the v1car1al at ;£456 lls. 6d. pe1· . ~nnum. woods and two commons, of 200 acres and 70nores; the )~~!al glebe ·Is worth £,5() Y,early, exc}uf,ive ,~f the lutter di~tlnct from the £orm~r; tlle ownel'a and occupierg .
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