EmpireEmpire StateState CollegeCollege ALUMNIALUMNI AND AND STUDENT STUDENT NEWS NEWS VOLUMEVOLUME 3030 •• NUMBERNUMBER 22 •• SPRINGSPRING 20052005 ALUMNI MAKING THEIR MARK Their Passion, Their Vision, Their Lives DONORS REPORT ALUMNI TRAVEL PROGRAM Empire State College ALUMNI AND STUDENT NEWS Contents VOLUME 30 • NUMBER 2 • SPRING 2005 ••Joseph Moore President Kirk Starczewski FEATURES Director of College Relations Upfront . 1 Publisher
[email protected] Poet Alice Fulton . 3 Maureen Winney Director of Alumni and Student Relations Jazz Musician Kenny Barron . 4 Managing Editor Vocalist Laurel Massé . 4
[email protected] Hope Ferguson Journalist, Documentary Photographer Lorna Tychostup . 5 Community Relations Associate Editor PR Practitioner Rose-Marie Armstrong . 6
[email protected] Gael Fischer Journalist, Original Anchor of CNN Bill Zimmerman . 6 Director of Publications/Designer Author, Journalist Deborah Gregory . 7 Debra Park Secretary, Office of College Relations University of Buffalo Basketball Coach Reggie Witherspoon . 8 Alumni News and Copy Editor Dancer, Journalist, Editor Wendy Perron . 8 CONTRIBUTORS President and COO Richard Sager . 9 Janet Aiello-Cerio Alumni and Student Relations President and CEO Brenda Copeland . 10 Kim Berry Director of Gift Planning/ President and CEO Carol Evans . 11 Campaign Coordinator Company President and CEO Christopher Calisi . .11 Jeremy Jones Executive Director, Cover Story: Entrepreneur, Inventor and CEO Clifford Gross . 12 Empire State College Foundation Renelle Shampeny Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Legislative Affairs, Director of Marketing Department of Defense Daniel Stanley . 14 WRITERS Assemblyman Mark J. Schroeder . 15 Hope Ferguson Civil Rights Attorney Helen Ullrich . 16 Laura Arpey U.S. Representative Ginny Brown-Waite . 17 PHOTOGRAPHY Assemblyman Gary Finch .