
1. Dan Coats, Director of National Intelligence a. Dan Coats is the 5th Director of National Intelligence. Before his appointment under Trump, he served as a Senator and House member from Illinois, and the U.S. Ambassador to Germany. He has a background in law and served in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers from 1966-68. 2. Gina Haspel, Director of CIA a. Haspel is the 7th Director of the Central Intelligence Agency and first woman to serve in the position. She has been with the CIA since 1985 and has served as Deputy Group Chief, Counterterrorism Center, Deputy Director of the National Clandestine Service, Deputy Director of the National Clandestine Service for Foreign Intelligence and Covert Action, and Chief of Staff for the Director of the National Clandestine Service while at the CIA. She is known for her experience in counter-terrorism and has attracted some criticism at times for her methods. 3. Christopher Wray, Director of FBI a. Wray is the 8th Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, serving since 2017. He has a background doing legal work for the government under President Bush, particularly in the Criminal Division. In 2006 Wray received the Edmund J. Randolph Award, the Justice Department’s highest award for public leadership and service. 4. Kevin McAleenan, Acting Secretary of Homeland Security a. Currently the Acting Secretary of Homeland Security. McAleenan has a background in law and was motivated to work for the FBI after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, eventually making his way to the CBP Office of Antiterrorism. He also previously served as Acting Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border protection. 5. , Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency a. Gaynor is the deputy of FEMA and is serving as its acting administrator. Previously, he served as director of Rhode Island’s Emergency Management Agency. Deputy Administrator Gaynor has more than ten years of experience in emergency management. Prior to his experience as an emergency manager, Director Gaynor served for 26 years as an enlisted Marine and Infantry Officer in the United States Marine Corps. 6. Matthew Albence, Acting Director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement a. Prior to his selection as Acting Director, Mr. Albence served as the agency's Deputy Director. Prior to this assignment, Mr. Albence served as the director for Enforcement and Removal Operations, tasked with identifying, arresting, and

removing aliens who present a danger to national security or are a risk to public safety, as well as those who enter the United States illegally. 7. Lieutenant General Robert Ashley Jr., Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency a. Ashley is a lieutenant general in the U.S. Army. He previously served as Deputy Chief of Staff of the Army G-2, the intelligence staff of the Army. He is a career army military intelligence officer. 8. General Paul Nakasone, Director of NSA a. General Paul Nakasone is the father of Daniel Nakasone, a staff member at this very conference. In addition to his capacity as Director of the NSA, he is also the head of Army Cyber Command. He is a career army military intelligence officer. 9. General Mark A. Milley, U.S. Army, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff a. General Milley has had multiple command and staff positions in eight divisions and Special Forces throughout the last 39 years. Milley has deployed to Egypt, Panama, Haiti, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, and Colombia. 10. Bennie Thompson a. Thompson is a Democrat from Mississippi who has served as Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security since 2019. He additionally held the position from 2007-11. He has extensive years of experience in national security from serving on this committee. 11. Christopher Krebs, Director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency a. The role of CISA is to improve cybersecurity across all levels of government, coordinate cybersecurity programs with states, and improve the government’s cybersecurity protections against private and nation-state hackers. Krebs is a graduate from the University of Virginia and earned a law degree from George Mason University. Previously, he served as Assistant Secretary for Infrastructure Protection. Prior to coming to DHS, he was a member of Microsoft’s U.S. Government Affairs team, where he led work on cybersecurity. 12. James Murray, Director of the Secret Service a. Murray began as a special agent in the Director of Transportation. He joined the Secret Service in 1995, where he investigated cyber-enabled financial crimes and served as the agency's representative for the FBI-NYPD Joint Terrorism Task Force. In 2001, he transferred to the Presidential Protective Division. In 2007, Murray became the Secret Service's liaison to the United States Congress. He took office on May 1, 2019. 13. Uttam Dhillon, Administrator of DEA a. Dhillon is Acting Administrator of the Drug Enforcement Administration since 2018. In 2006, he served as the first Director of the Office of Counternarcotics Enforcement at the Department of Homeland Security. Throughout his career he

has directed complex investigations of major narcotics trafficking organizations and gangs. 14. Mike Rogers, Republican, Ranking Member a. Rogers is a Republican from Alabama who serves as Ranking Member on the Committee on Homeland Security. Rogers also serves on the Committee on Armed Services and has extensive experience with topics of homeland security. 15. Lauren Underwood a. Underwood is a Democrat from Illinois who serves as Vice Chair of the Committee on Homeland Security. She previously worked for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, with experience in the Affordable Care Act. She has been critical of Customs and Border Patrol in the past. 16. David Pekoske, Administrator of the Transportation Security Agency a. Pekoske is a retired U.S. Coast Guard Vice Admiral. He served as Vice Commandant of the United States Coast Guard from August 7, 2009 to May 24, 2010. He is also the Acting Deputy Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security. While TSA day-to-day operations are technically run by TSA’s Acting Deputy Administrator, Patricia Cogswell, for purposes of this committee, Administrator Pekoske will be in charge. 17. Dan Crenshaw a. Crenshaw is a Republican from Texas who serves on the House Committee on Homeland Security. He is a former Navy SEAL, with ten years of service and five tours of duty. He was injured by an IED and was awarded the Purple Heart. 18. Al Green a. Green is a Democrat from Texas. He has proposed articles of impeachment against President Trump several times. He is a strong supporter of gun control and fair housing, and serves on the House Committee on Homeland Security. 19. General Joseph Dunford, USMC a. General Dunford served as the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff until the 30th of September. Prior to his selection, he fought in the , , and the War in Afghanistan. 20. Admiral Karl Schultz, USCG a. Admiral Schultz is the Commissioner of the Coast Guard. He served as a liason to the House of Representatives and later to the State Department. He also worked in counter-narcotics roles and directed joint operations in the Carribean and Central and South America. 21. Mark Morgan a. Morgan had a long career in the FBI before serving as head of the U.S. Border Patrol under President Obama and as acting director of Immigrations and

Customs Enforcement under President Trump. He is now the acting commissioner of Customs and Border Protection. 22. Peter King a. King is a Republican from New York. He sits on both the House Committees on Homeland Security and the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. He held a controversial hearing on the “Extent of Radicalization in the American Muslim Community and that Community's Response.”