In Ingham County, Bert C
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S.pringport Bindery SDringport, Mich. tWSi Vol. 105 No. 53 December 30, 1964 2 Sections, 22 Pages lO~ Per Copy Goodbye Millions !WillI Pour and Into Roqd Proiects Mason wUl soon be surrounded with several million dollars a grade separation at Covert Rd. worth of state road work, and US-127 near Mason, esti Hello The projects w111 be part of mated cost, $568,000, to be put the plan to put US-127 to full under contract in October. freeway status, Here is the latest Already under contract are 2 other jobs, the Columbia road Old Man 1964 bows out Thursday night midst schedule of cantract lettings, for the project. overpass and the Cedar street all the celebrating which usually goes along with Constructlon of a grade separ interchange, They were placed under contract along with inter atlon at US-127 and College Rd., the cutting of the ties of the past and start of a changes at Bellevue road at Les new year. estimated cost, $125,000, tp be put under contract in April, lie and Territorial road on the Ingharn-Jackson county line. The old one has been a blinger. It was Construction of 3,7 mlles of Biggest part of the project wlll US-127 Freeway from Mason marked with progress for Mason in almost every be the 3, 7 miles of new 4-lane field of endeavor. north to Holt Rd., estimated cost, construction between the Mason $2.5 m1llion, To be put uhder Voters gave the go ahead to school operating contract in June. · north clty limits and Holt road. This will be along a new route millage, needed classrooms, recreation millage for Construction of an interchange running east of the present US- at Kipp Rd. and US-127 and a 127, young and old, and a swimming pool. grade separation at South st. In addition the completion of the new jail, and US-127 near Mason; es decision of the city to go for a city hall·fire hall tlmated cost, $500,0001 to be put under contract in July, : Camp Ingham facility and continuation of street, water and Construction of an interchange sewer improvements. In the city recreation pro at Barnes Rd. and US-127 and gram 6 new tennis courts are ready for play and Officials Mason's baseball diamond networlt is in action. ·~· All the progress hasn't been in the field of Hospital Study Sites government, either. Mason businesses have Members of the board of dir spruced up old buildings, built new ones and plan· ectors of Camp Ingham Inc., ned new ones. which is planning acam,!orboys Meeting in this area next summer, Tues. Home building has been continued at a fast day visited 6 Ol' 7 possible camp and healthy pace. Churches have also been in the sHes In the D3.11sville game area, Date Set The organization has a site building act with new buildings and moderniza 2 mlles fram Eden In Vevay town tion of old ones. Members of the Mason'Gener whip but agreed to look over other al hospital corporation, the board All the building hasn't been with hammer possible sites after some Vevay of directors, members o-1 the residents voiced opposition to the volunteer organizations serving and nails, though. There has been a resurgence camp being in their area. the hospltal wlll meet . Monday of community effort and the attaining of com· Robert L, D!'ake, president of night, January 25, at : the li rnunity goals and establishment of new and loft· brary for the annual meeting, Camp Ingham lnc., said several good •sites were found in Tues. ier ones. Reports from the board com day~s check. The group also dis. mlttees and the volunteer groups The year 1964 hasn't been without its disap will be made, cussed the possibility ot putting pointments and sorrows. There's been plenty of . the boys' in-program at the camp The Mason General, hospital in the conservation area. heartache mixed in with the bright and shining bylaws have been changed, All moments. that is required Is !or· cltizens Accompanying Drake and the to sign the annual membership board members were Lawrence All in all, though, 1964 has been a good one. log at the meetlng in 'order to Dayton, regional game manager Now is the time to malte the resolutions for be members of the corporation, of the state conservation depiu·t ARTHUR W. JEWETT, Mason business man and former mayor, is this Previously a $5 membership ment and Marvin Cooley, direc 1965. If every person in the community vows to fee was charged, This has been tor of the Rose Lake statlon, make himself and his community a better place year's recipient of the Vernon J. Brown Community Service Award given by the abandoned. Also maldng the trip were 2 res in which to live, think of the accomplishments Kiwanis club. The honor was announced at a meeting of the Mason Kiwanis Main ltem otbuslness, accord idents of Vevay township, John ing to Al Rlce, president ot the Ridgely and Homer Launstein, which can be reached in 1965. club Tuesday night. Shown presenting a plaque to Jewett is Mayor Gilson board of dh·ectors, wlll be the Ridgely expressed great interest Pearsall. Jewett was cited by the mayor and by Dewayne Evans, who represented election of a director to a 3- and support for the proposed year term. The term .ot George camp after Tuesday's tour, Drake the Kiwanis club, for his service to thE\ community in the form of gifts and labors. Fogle expires. He Is not eligible Said, under the bylaws for re-electlon, Jewett has spent most of his life in and around Mason. He attended Mason high The camp, which it is hoped A nominating committee com. Noel-Not Motel school, Michigan State university, is a veteran of World War I, and for many to open in July, is to be known posed of Mrs. Winston Dancer, as Highf!elds, years has operated a greenhouse and commercial floriculture business and Mrs, Fred Young and Glen DUllll, Nom!natlons may also be made Detroit Man Finds funeral home. He has been active in Democrat party work and was the party's from the floor at the annual meet candidate for the legislature and.coroner several times. Gifts cited included Ing, Mason Man land to Mason General hospital, Mason Baptist church and parks to the city. Meal Demand Costly Previous recipients of the award have been Vernon J. Brown, Nelson D. Brown, Re-Appointed Glen Coon and Leland Austin. All he wanted was something lie and that he had every right Ingham County Probate Judge to eat, but nonetheless, John Will ·in the world to go in there and Livestock T. Kallman has re-appointed Joy Dunn ot Detroit, wound up in get a meal, Frye, puzzled at 0. Davis, a Mason businessman the Ingham county jail early first, asked Dunn, "What sign?" and resident ot Ingham county1 Christmas morning. Apparent Pointing to the brightly decorat Saks Firm for another 3-year term to the ly an overdose of holiday spirlts ed Honaker home, Dunn said, soldiers and sailors relief com. and a brightly decorated resi "That one right there, the one mission, effective January 1, dence were the cause of Dunn's that says, "Motel", The puz. To Form 1965, to December 31, 1967. downfall. zle was solved Immediately be Delhi Tract Is Offered It started when Dunn walked Rives Livestock Sales Barn, a The soldiers and sailors relle! cause the sign actually read new corporation which has leas up ta the home of Mr. and Mrs, "NOEL". commission is responsible for ed the Hanchett yards at high. the administration of funds to Ted Honaker, just outside stock Dunn was turned over to Ingham bridge about l a.m. Christmas way US-127 and Rives road, will assist honorably discharged in county o-!!icers who took him to meet at the yards TUesday, Jan. digent soldiers, sailors, mar morning and demanded something the jail 1n Mason where he was to eat, · As Ingham College Site uary 5 at B p.m. for the purpose ines, nurses or members ot the boaked on a charge of being drunk of selllng stocktointerestedper. womP.n's auxillary of all wars Mrs, Honaker woke her sleep and disorderly and, it is as A 60-acre tract of land on ing husband who took one look The text of the resolution reads County Community College in the sons and electlng 'a board ot di or military expedltions; and in sumed, h£ was given the meal E. Holt road just west ot Col as follows: rectors, case of their death, to aid their and Immediately phoned stock he had been trying so hard to get, lege road in Delhi township is development of such an instltu ot schools, at 147 W, Maple street bridge pollee. WHEREAS, the Charter Town. tion In Delhi Charter Township, in Mason. The barn and yards are owned dependents. They see to it that Later l1e was fined $10 and being offered as a slte for the ship of Delhi has available· a by Howard and Duane Hanchett the funds are administered prop Ol!icer Harold Frye went to ordered to pay costs of $15 by Ingham County Community col Meanwhile the new Community The trustees wlll meet weekly sixty (60) acre tract of land, for a few weeks at 7:30 a.m. who have operated them tor the erly and 1n accordance wlth the the Honaker residence and found Judge Roy Adams qf Mason jus lege, College board of trustees meet past 3 years, ' Dunn, !till demanding that he be donated by Mr.