FARRINGTON GURNEY PARISH COUNCIL Clerk: Jenny Howell Tel: 07591 257067 Email: [email protected] Website: https://farringtongurney.org/

Draft minutes of the ordinary meeting of the Parish Council held at 8.00pm on Monday 18th February 2019, the Memorial Hall, Farrington Gurney

COUNCILLORS PRESENT: Cllrs Paul Adams, Sally Bown, Mike Hedges (Chairman), Andy Jeffery (Vice Chairman) and Alan Smith. ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: District Cllr Les Kew, Clerk Jenny Howell, PC Stuart Peard, PCSO Kate Charlton and two members of the public.

10/18_68 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE AND WELCOME The Chairman opened the meeting. Apologies were received from Jon Cowgill and Ian McLennan and accepted.

10/18_69 NEW APPOINTMENT The Chairman welcomed Paul Adams to his first meeting as a Parish Councillor. Appointment paperwork including the Declaration of acceptance of office was signed.

10/18_70 DECLARATION OF INTEREST Declaration of interests were made by:  Cllr Alan Smith relating to agenda item – Applications pending: 2017/2765/FUL Farrington Park, (Mendip Council).

10/18_71 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION SESSION A resident raised the issue of pollution and the Air Quality Management Area (AQMA).

Neighbourhood Police Officer Stuart Peard provided an update on patrol plans and crime in the area. PC Peard reported that Farrington Gurney itself has been quiet but there have been a number of theft offences in the surrounding areas including a theft of number plates (Clutton) and a drive off at the petrol station (Farrington Gurney). PC Peard reported that three offenders were in custody within 30 minutes of break at a post office (West Harptree). PC Peard confirmed that the issue over the fleet had been resolved and that the neighbourhood team would now keep their fleet vehicles.

10/18_72 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES RESOLVED That the minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council Meeting held on 21st January 2019 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.

10/18_73 PARISH COUNCIL VACANCIES The Clerk confirmed that there were two vacancies on the Parish Council which may be filled by co-option. Expressions of interest / short written applications are invited.

10/18_74 CLERKS REPORT The Clerk provided a short report on activity / updates since the last meeting. A streetlight at Pitway Lane was reported to have been on 23 hours per day – SSE Lighting dealing. The Clerk raised the Keep Britain Tidy's Great British Spring Clean – 22nd March – 23rd April 2019. The Clerk also reported an issue with HMRC reporting. Members of the Council delegated the 2019/20 payroll decision making to the Clerk.

10/18_75 HIGHWAYS & PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY District Cllr Les Kew provided a brief update on the flooding in Pitway Lane. BANES Officers are reviewing and the District Cllr will chase.

Members noted that the planned resurfacing works to the A37 Rush Hill/ Road through Farrington Gurney commence on Monday 25th February 2019. The works are proposed to be undertaken under full road closures overnight between 19:00 and 07:00 hours and are expected to take up to two weeks.

The Clerk outlined the opportunity for help / project from Bath Ramblers. Cllr Bown has put together a list of improvements and will liaise with the BANES Council Public Rights of Way Officer directly.

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Consideration was given to the condition of pavements at the following locations  From the Co-op to Church Lane  The bottom half of Rush Hill  Pitway Lane (half way along)  Pavement bordering / adjacent to The Crescent.  Alongside Sunnyside. Pavements are covered by gravel and detritus due to a lack of drain clearance. RESOLVED That the Clerk write to BANES Council as the situation is now dangerous and poses a risk to pedestrians.

10/18_76 ALLOTMENTS The Chairman and Clerk reported on the allotments at Sunnyside and Ham Lane. It was confirmed that parish residents on the waiting list are prioritised during the allocation of plots (unless special circumstances exist which requires a common-sense approach). The Clerk advised that invoicing for 2019/20 will provide an opportunity to update and rationalise the plan of allocated plots and tenants. The Chairman provided an update on an informal meeting with Sunnyside resident who has now expressed an interest in purchasing a strip of land for residential parking. The Duchy own this land and the Clerk will direct the resident to contact the Duchy directly. The resident has been clearing a strip of land in their boundary.

10/18_77 PLANNING APPLICATIONS Members considered the following Planning Applications: a. Reference Number: 19/00426/FUL. Application Type: Full Application. Site Location: The Garden House, Rush Hill, Farrington Gurney. Description of Proposal: Erection of detached summer room The Chairman invited two residents to speak on the matter. A number of points were raised. The residents confirmed that they will be submitting their own response to the consultation process. RESOLVED That the Parish Council agreed a response which include: - The timing of the notification that this application was out for consultation. The Planning Application was not immediately available on the website when originally notified on 31st January 2019. - That no planning notice had been displayed on or adjacent to the property, thus alerting the public to this matter and perhaps leading to greater representation at the Council meeting. - In relation to this property there have been numerous applications over recent years and that in each case have been advised that as it is within the curtilage of a Grade 2* listed building, all development has to be carefully considered. The issues that the Council wishes to refer to the planners are as follows:  Does this latest application amount to over-development of the site;  Is the type, style and location of the proposed development appropriate to the site;  Are the construction materials appropriate;  To consider the responses from local residents as to the above matters.

b. Reference Number: 19/00208/FUL. Application Type: Full Application. Site Location: 15 Farrington Way, Farrington Gurney. Description of Proposal: Erection of a two-storey rear extension. RESOLVED That the Parish Council find no reason not to support this planning application. c. Reference Number: 18/04842/FUL. Application Type: Full Application. Site Location: 2 Marsh Lane, Farrington Gurney. Description of Proposal: Erection of a double garage, workshop and storage space. RESOLVED That the Parish Council find no reason not to support this planning application.

ii. Members noted the following planning decisions / applications pending a. Application Number: 18/05571/FUL. Application Type: Full Application. Site Location: 8 Rush Hill Farrington Gurney Bristol Bath and North East BS39 6TP Description of Proposal: Provision of new entrance, driveway and off-street parking area. Decision - Permit. b. Members also noted Applications Pending: 2017/2765/FUL Farrington Park, Mendip Council. The Clerk confirmed dates of the forthcoming Somer Valley Enterprise Zone Key Stakeholder Group Meetings as follows: 18/02/2019, 16/09/2019 and 09/12/2019. A meeting scheduled for 13/05/2019 will be rescheduled. 10/18_78 FINANCE RESOLVED – That: i. The Parish Council approve the following payments for February 2019 for £88.00 (table below refers). Cheque no Payee Amount 1118 Shiny & Bright invoice 02.01.19 (deferred from January 2019 PCM). £33.00 1119 Shiny & Bright invoice 11.02.19 £18.00

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1120 Jenny Howell (expense claim for SSL licence £9.00 and web hosting package £37.00 renewal £28.00 for 29/01/2019 - 28/01/2020 both through hosting.co.uk Total payments (recommended). £88.00

Members briefly discussed the cleaning of an additional telephone box (situated by the Parish Council Noticeboard, A37) at a cost of £10.00 per clean through Shiny & Bright.

10/18_79 GRANT APPLICATION The Parish Council note the NALC guidance in relation to grants to open Church of churchyards (circulated by the Clerk prior to the meeting). Members then considered a grant request relating to St Johns Church for £1,000 (grass cutting). RESOLVED That the Parish Council approved the grant application for St Johns Church for £1,000 (grass cutting). The Clerk prepared the cheque as follows: Cheque no Payee Amount 1121 Parochial Church Council of Farrington Gurney £1,000.00

10/18_80 WEBSITE The Clerk spoke of the process of updating the website. Some of the website has been customised and has been written in code as opposed to standard WordPress templates. A Cllr offered to meet with the Clerk to consider further.

10/18_81 ANNUAL PARISH MEETING The Parish Council were asked to consider potential guest speakers for the Annual Parish Meeting 2019. It was suggested that the Parish Council invite key community groups including Little Fidgets and the WI. Members to bring additional ideas to the March Parish Council Meeting.

10/18_82 UPDATES / INFORMATION FROM MEMBERS WITH SPECIALIST INTERESTS Members provided updates on the following matters:  Farrington Gurney Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) was declared 20th August 2018. The Action Plan is due to be published in early 2019/20. Measures require technical assessment. The Somer Valley Enterprise Zone will introduce more traffic movement.  A Cllr reported on footpaths – a damaged kissing gate is to be repaired by the landowner.  Major spend at the Memorial Hall on a new heating controller.  Gold bags were not collected. The Clerk will ask BANES to remind the collection team to incorporate collection from Church Lane on a weekly basis.

A Cllr reported on the Somer Valley Enterprise Zone  The first meeting since 1st August 2019 took place earlier in the evening.  It was reported that 60% of the Norton/ working population commute outside of the area, more jobs are required locally to prevent this, and the Somer Valley Enterprise Zone is seen as a step towards this, providing an estimated 1700 jobs. The projected rates income in real terms rises from £3.5 million in 2024 to £17.7 million in 2041.  The Stakeholder Group favoured industrial units for the site, as there is a noted shortage locally (0.9% vacant). Retail was mentioned, and a number of other options were shown including frontage being hotel / one or two retail options for use by site staff. The Stakeholder Group agreed that retail should be kept to an absolute minimum due to the potential effect on Midsomer Norton and Paulton retail centres.  Land ownership issues were reported to have been resolved. Terms to be agreed.  BANES Officer advised alterations to create a junction into the site was the key to start development.  There was agreement that the Sunniside traffic calming and the A37/A362 junction (i.e. changed to a roundabout) need to be sorted early on in the overall plan, to cope with the extra traffic.  Approval of a Local Development Order is the next step after commissioning the masterplan in March 19. This will define the first phase and workspace concept.  The next meeting is due on 17th June, 6pm, with a tour of other Enterprise Zones due on 9th April.

10/18_83 ITEMS TO NOTE OR FOR CONSIDERATION AT THE NEXT MEETING Pollution was raised as a priority for the March Parish Council Meeting.

10/18_84 DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next scheduled meeting of the Parish Council will take place at the Memorial Hall at 8.00pm on Monday 18th March 2019. There being no further business, the meeting was closed. Minutes are available here: https://farringtongurney.org/

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