Depth Charts Byu Vs

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Depth Charts Byu Vs A2 DAILY HERALD Saturday, September 5, 2009 depth charts byu vs. oklahoma • 5 p.m. (Tv: espn; radio: 1160 am/102.7 Fm) Pl a y e r s t o Kn o w when the cougars have the ball byu oFFense oklahoma DeFense c 64 r.J. WillinG 6-5 308 Sr. De 44 JereMy Beal 6-3 261 Jr. 62 Marco Thorson 6-3 321 So. 90 David King 6-5 236 Fr. rG 60 terence BrOWn 6-3 340 SO. or 91 R.J. Washington 6-3 247 Fr. 62 Marco Thorson 6-3 321 So nG 86 aDrian TaylOr 6-4 291 Jr. rt 72 nick AllettO 6-6 329 Jr. 53 Casey Walker 6-0 302 Fr. 60 Terence Brown 6-3 340 So. Dt 93 GeralD MccOy 6-4 297 Jr. lG 76 braDen HanSen 6-6 300 Fr. 89 Cordero Moore 6-2 310 Sr. 54 Ryan Freeman 6-2 280 So. De 33 auStOn EnGliSh 6-3 251 Sr. lt 70 Matt ReynOlDS 6-6 329 SO. 84 Frank Alexander 6-4 259 So. 76 Braden Hansen 6-6 300 Fr. Slb 22 Keenan ClaytOn 6-1 221 Sr. te 32 DenniS Pitta 6-5 247 Sr. 5 Joseph Ibiloye 6-3 208 Fr. and 88 Andrew George 6-5 251 Sr. Mlb 4 ryan ReynOlDS 6-2 225 Sr. Xr 4 O’neill ChaMberS 6-2 210 SO. 10 Mike Balogun 6-0 247 Sr. and 83 Spencer Hafoka 6-0 196 So. Wlb 28 travis LeWiS 6-2 232 SO. Zr 6 McKay JacObSOn 5-11 189 SO. 12 Austin Box 6-2 220 So. and 29 Luke Ashworth 6-2 196 Jr. Fcb 1 DOMinique FranKS 6-0 192 Jr. rb 45 harvey UnGa 6-0 237 Jr. 32 Jamell Fleming 5-11 178 So. 10 J.J. DiLuigi 5-9 198 So. SS 27 SaM PrOctOr 6-0 208 SO. Donna McWilliaM/Associated Press Fb 11 ManaSe TonGa 6-0 238 Sr. 30 Javon Harris 5-11 196 Jr. Dallas Cowboys Owner Jerry Jones shows the view from a luxury 33 Bryan Kariya 6-0 214 So. FS 20 quintOn Carter 6-1 193 Jr. suite during a media tour of Cowboys Stadium in Arlington, Dennis auston qb 15 Max Hall 6-1 201 Sr. 13 Marcus Trice 5-8 178 Fr. Texas, on July 24. 13 Riley Nelson 6-0 207 So. pitta bcb 2 brian JacKSOn 6-1 200 Sr. english BYU tight end 19 Demontre Hurst 5-9 165 Fr. OU defensive end But the eye-popping details Had 83 catches for Had 32 tackles, 9 1,083 yards and six tackles for loss and Stadium to logistics. TDs in 2008 4.5 sacks last year Continued from A1 There’s a road inside the sta- dium that suite-ticket holders — opted to stay in Norman, can drive to for parking. and thus, get a crack at an- Both teams’ massive equip- other team hoping to climb ment trucks can access the when the sooners have the ball into the BCS landscape. (BYU unusual highway to reach the appeared to catch a break locker room. when NFL-caliber tight end, “It’s the biggest place I’ve ever byu DeFense oklahoma oFFense Jermaine Gresham, injured a seen,” Santiago gushed. “And ev- knee in Tuesday’s practice and erything is first class. Of course nt 52 ruSSell Tialavea 6-3 266 Sr. lt 71 trent WilliaMS 6-5 318 Sr. declared unable to play.) the locker rooms are amazing. 97 Tevita Hola 6-1 309 Sr. 79 Jeff Vinson 6-8 350 Jr. “Now I hope that (BYU) plays But it doesn’t matter what your and 98 Romney Fuga 6-1 295 So. lG 74 brian SiMMOnS 6-4 318 Sr. in a manner equal to, or even ex- job is as part of the game — me- le 92 brett Denney 6-4 260 Sr. 77 Stephen Good 6-6 291 So. ceeding, the stage they are on,” dia, trainers, it’ll be the nicest 57 Matt Putnam 6-6 255 So. c 83 brODy ElDriDGe 6-5 265 Sr. Mendenhall said Monday. “And place anyone’s ever been in. re 84 Jan JOrGenSen 6-3 259 Sr. 61 Ben Habern 6-3 288 Fr. that would be saying something There’s no doubt about that.” 37 Vic So’oto 6-3 265 Sr. rG 76 JarviS JOneS 6-7 297 SO. considering it is ‘the eighth won- Already it is the new home Slb 1 JOrDan PenDletOn 6-2 228 SO. 75 Tyler Evans 6-5 280 Fr. der of the world,’ which I think of the Jan. 1 Cotton Bowl and 39 Grant Nelson 6-3 226 Jr. rt 70 cOry BranDOn 6-7 310 Jr. some are calling it.” will play host to the 2010 NBA Mlb 35 Matt BauMan 6-1 229 Sr. 73 Josh Aladenoye 6-5 342 Fr. Hyperbole and truth might All-Star Game, 2011 Super 55 Brandon Ogletree 5-11 222 Fr. te 47 trent Ratteree 6-2 225 SO. be overlapping a bunch in this Bowl and NCAA men’s basket- blb 47 terrance Hooks 6-1 226 Sr. 82 James Hanna 6-4 243 So. case. ball championship (Final Four) or 42 Shawn Doman 6-2 232 Sr. Wr 80 aDrOn Tennell 6-4 199 Sr. BYU senior associate athletic three years later. Wlb 41 cOleby ClaWSOn 6-3 234 Sr. 24 Dejuan Miller 6-4 224 So. director Brian Santiago took Santiago said BYU fans 43 Jordan Atkinson 6-3 243 Jr. Wr 8 branDOn Caleb 6-1 187 Jr. a 6-hour tour of the sparkling have asked him about the Fc 26 rObbie BucKner 5-10 175 Fr. 6 Cameron Kenney 6-1 190 Jr. behemoth in July, spending a building, but he hasn’t had to 7 Brian Logan 5-9 176 Jr. Sl 85 ryan BrOyleS 5-11 178 SO. little time with building patri- convince anyone it’s worth and 25 Corby Eason 5-10 174 So. 17 Mossis Madu 6-0 200 Jr. Jan chris arch Jerry Jones and bringing the trip. Blue-clad Cougar fans bc 5 branDOn BraDley 6-0 200 Jr. qb 14 Sam BraDFOrD 6-4 223 Jr. back a portfolio of profession- will surely be outnumbered Jorgensen 20 Lee Aguirre 5-9 204 Jr. brown 12 Landry Jones 6-4 216 Fr. ally shot photos so that other by maroon-wearing Sooners BYU defensive end Kat 22 anDrew Rich 6-3 223 Jr. OU running back Fb 34 Matt ClaPP 6-2 246 Sr. school officials would know faithful, but expect about 1/4 of 54 tackles and 8.5 2 Shiloah Te’o 5-10 206 So. Rushed for 1,220 48 Brandon Crow 6-1 221 Jr. sacks, along with a yards (just 19 yds. lost) what to expect upon arrival for the crowd (20,000 fans) to be blocked kick in 2008 FS 21 ScOtt JOhnSOn 5-11 188 Sr. and 20 TDs in 2008 rb 29 chris BrOWn 5-10 210 Sr. their respective jobs. cheering on Max Hall and Co. 18 Craig Bills 6-1 209 Fr. 7 DeMarco Murray 6-1 214 Jr. Many folks who will be Some BYU followers from working may have never been around the country have been so excited to do so before, known to be budgeting for a from media to trainers and trip like this since the game and on special teams equipment managers. was announced. Cougar wide receiver Mc- Jeanann Hutchings and her Kay Jacobson, from the Dallas husband Gene, of Orem, will byu special teams oklahoma special teams area, has also visited the facil- attend the game as a gift from ity and says it’s all true. Jaw- her son who lives in Texas. FG/KO 38 Mitch Payne 6-2 210 Jr. K 17 JiMMy StevenS 5-6 159 SO. dropping cool. “Of course, we are thrilled,” P 99 riley StePhenSOn 6-0 183 Fr. KO 37 Matt MOrelanD 6-2 206 Jr. Players and fans will be Hutchings said. DS 59 JOhn Pace 6-2 214 Sr. P 36 treSS Way 6-1 215 Fr. stunned by the 600 tons of vid- She’s not the only one. The h 19 Matt MarShall 5-10 171 SO. Kr 1 DOMinique FranKS 6-0 192 Jr. eo board that stretches from game is huge, especially for Kr/Pr 6 McKay JacObSOn 5-11 189 SO. 85 Ryan Broyles 5-11 178 So. one 20-yard line to the other, Week 1. But there’s much 4 O’Neill Chambers 6-2 210 So. Pr 1 DOMinique FranKS 6-0 192 Jr. featuring the largest high- more to anticipate, as well. 85 Ryan Broyles 5-11 178 So. definition set in the world. It is “I tell everyone it’s off the h 81 carter WhitSOn 5-11 185 Sr. like having a plasma screen a charts,” Santiago said. “From DS 63 ben HaMPtOn 6-3 237 Sr. few feet away. the top seat to the front row, Santiago couldn’t get over you feel like you’re right in the the “sheer expanse” of it all, 2.3 game. Now, it’s still a stadium million square feet. and the team can’t be caught Not just the fan amenities, up in everything else. But it is or that the stadium’s massive one of the most amazing set- retractable roof can close ups anyone will ever see.” mckay Jacobson BYU WR/KR Dominique Franks OU KR/PR in 12 minutes — or that its Had 7 kick returns for 128 yards in 2006 Had six PR for 35 yards last season capacity can grow by 25 per- ∫ Jason Franchuk can be cent for a game to reach six reached at jfranchuk@ Associated Press and Daily Herald file photos figures.
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