A few of the questions in this Pre-Test Paper will be asked in the Final Exam on 6th March 2005.


JANUARY 2005 Time: 9.00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m. Total Marks: 100 The examinee should personally apply the sticker For Que. Marks Moderation bearing his/her details. Answer book without sticker Dept. No. Obtained will be invalid. 1. Apply 2.

Sticker 3.

Here 4.

Do not apply sticker of absent examinees. 5.

Filled by Examinee Only 6.

Examinee's Seat No. 7. (In Numerics) 8. Age of Examinee ...... 9. Education of Examinee ...... 10. Exam Supervisor should only sign after checking the sticker and the written details above. Good Writing Signature of Exam Supervisor ...... Total ☞ Note: 1. On the day of the Final Satsang Examinations, all Five marks will be examinees should obtain the sticker with their personal given for clear and details from the Exam Supervisor. Then, after applying the neat handwriting. sticker at the appropriate place on the front page of the answer book, obtain the signature of the Exam Supervisor. 2. Answer book without signature of Exam Supervisor is NOT VALID. 3. Figures given on the right hand side indicate the marks for that question. Examiner's Signature 4. Follow the instructions while answering. 5. Answers should be clearly written...... 6. Write your answer either with a blue or black pen. Answer will not be considered valid if written in pencil, or with a red, green or any coloured pen. 2 Q.1 Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct answer from the words given in the brackets. (10) 1. Mulji Sharma and Shriji Maharaj first met at ...... (Bhuj, Gadhada, Bhadra) 2. The site of Swami's cremation is called ...... (Akshar Deri, Akshar Mandir, Akshar Ordi) 3. We should like two things, devotion and ...... (food, studies, prayers) 4. became a sadhu at the age of ...... (15, 17, 19) 5. Maharaj used to give ...... kg of wheat to every house for grinding. (30, 50, 25) 6. On reading Maharaj's letter, ...... devotees want to Jetalpur to become sadhus. (9, 19, 29)

7. Mulji sharma was born on Sharad Punam in Samvat year ...... (1837, 1841, 1785) 8. Maharaj built a mandir of ...... in Gadhada. (Swaminarayan, Gopinathji, Ramji) 9. Maharaj proclaims ...... Swami as His prince. (Brahmanand, Shukanand, Gunatitanand) 10...... served his father and mother. (Dhruv, Prahlad, Shravan)

Q.2 Answer the following in one sentence. (10) 1. What is one's heart for?

...... 2. At what age was made the President of BAPS? 3. What do we attain by bowing down at the feet of sadhus? 4. What actions of Mulubha were spoiling the good name of the group and Maharaj? 5. What did Shravan's parents wish for? 6. When did Mulji Bhakta leave home and where did he go ? 7. What should the members of the family do every evening? 8. Which mandirs did build? 9. By what name was the dunce student known when he grew up? 10. Whose blessings should we try to attain?

Q.3 For any FIVE of the following, state who is speaking to whom. (10) 1. "It's me, Nirgunanand."

Who is speaking ...... To whom ...... 2. "It is still even harder to serve a devotee of God." 3. "As you've never done such a thing your hands will burn." 4. "Who else but you can be so compassionate!" 5. "Not now, when the time comes, I'll come for him." 6. "At what age should God be worshipped ?" 7. "Thank you Swami, you did not let my words fall empty."

20 3 Q.4 Answer any FIVE of the following. (Using 3 lines for each.) (10) 1. Why did the Diwan of Gondal feel regretful?



...... 2. What did Maharaj tell to the Brahmin scholars seated in the yagna and Jagjivan? 3. How did you explain the saying, "a handful of service"? 4. What did Sundarji tell the wedding party? 5. Appointing Shastri Narayanswarupdas as the President of the Sanstha, what did Shastriji Maharaj say? 6. What type of man was Munjo Suru? 7. Mulji had gone to burn his house. What did Maharaj tell him after calling him back?

Q.5 Place a tick (✔) against the correct statements and a cross (✘) against the incorrect ones. (10) 1. Maharaj and Mulji have known to each other since time eternity...... 2. Maharaj pointed to and said, "Then along with my worship, also worship Akshardham!" ...... 3. Swami showed Amrapuri to Munjo Suru...... 4. Gunatitanand Swami was standing under a roof overhang for a bath while it was raining...... 5. Shantilal was initiated into the saffron order at Amdavad...... 6. Gunatitanand Swami did not notice the monkey even once...... 7. Maharaj took his turban off His head and gave it to Ardeshar Kotwal...... 8. Maharaj did not discriminate between caste and creed...... 9. Dungar was unshakable and firm like the sun...... 10. Gunatitanand Swami was born on Kartik sud Punam......

Q.6 Write short notes on any ONE of the following. (In 10 lines.) (10) 1. Serving the Sick Sadhus 2. Our Body 3. Good of All

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Q.7 Complete the following . (Any Five.) (10)

1. Dahyo hoy ......



2. Bhagwan ne ......

3. Bhagwan bhajva ......

4. Panch das var ......

5. Aa to ......

6. Satya, hit ne ......

7. Aa lokma ......

Q.8 Pick the correct answer number from list 'B' for list 'A' and write it (only the answer number) in the given blank space. (5) A B 1. Minister of the king of Kutch ...... 1. Mulu Khachar

2. A dunce student ...... 2. Kamalshi Bhagat

3. Jinabhai ...... 3. Bhagatji Maharaj

4. Kathi Darbar ...... 4. Sundarjibhai Suthar

5. Pragji Bhakta ...... 5. Panini

20 5 Q.9 Complete any FIVE of the kirtans/verses below. (10)

1. Sarvetra sukhinah ......


...... dukha mapnuyaat.

2. Ame a yagna ...... kshobh shano chhe.

3. Seva karshu ...... dipavashu.

4. Ati manoharam ...... nitya darshane.

5. Swikari lyo ...... chiye tamara.

6. Kaju kamodna ...... kari chhe kathiyawadi.

7. Nathi ...... hridaya amara.

Q.10 Write short notes on any ONE of the following. (10) 1. Bhagatji Maharaj 2. Dunce Student 3. To Obey the Guru's Command

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