The Internet and WWW Aileen Pierce ATLS 2000 Meaning of Information Technology Vannevar Bush’s Memex Ted Nelson’s Universal Electronic Publishing System Internet

 In 1969 the US Dept of Defense developed ARPANET to safeguard communication among government, research, and education agencies in the case of an enemy attack. Internet to WWW

 1971 FTP (File Transfer Protocol)  1971 Internet based (Ray Tomlinson)

 1973-1975 Ethernet (Bob Metcalfe)

 1974 TCP (), grows into TCP/IP

 1974 Telnet

 1979 USENET  1983 ARPANET standardizes on TCP/IP protocols, the Internet is born World Wide Web

 1984 Domain Name Server (DNS)  1990 World Wide Web (Tim Berners Lee)  Based on Ted Nelson’s hypertext  Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)  Unique resource indicator (URI)  Command-line browser  Web server First Web Browser World Wide Web

 1993 NCSA Mosaic graphical browser (Marc Andreesen )  Multiple platforms  1994 Netscape  Founded by Andreesen and Jim Clark  1996 Netscape Navigator  90% usage at its peak (mid 1990s)

World Wide Web

 1995 Microsoft Internet Explorer  Bundled with Windows  95% usage at its peak (2002)

 1998 Netscape acquired by AOL  By 2006 Netscape had less than 1% usage

 1998 Mozilla Foundation is formed  2004 Firefox is released

Internet Growth Internet and the Web

"The Internet ('Net) is a network of networks. Basically it is made from computers and cables.

The Web is an abstract (imaginary) space of information. On the Net, you find computers -- on the Web, you find document, sounds, videos, information. On the Net, the connections are cables between computers; on the Web, connections are hypertext links.

The Web could not be without the Net.”

-- Tim Berners Lee What were Tim Berners-Lee's original goals in creating the Web? The Internet : The Gold Rush Tim Berners-Lee: “We have to be careful because the sort of Web we end up with and the society we end up building on top of it will be determined by the decisions we make. All the decisions – the protocols we design within the consortium, the ways we implement them within companies, as well as the decisions people make when they browse – will shape the Web. … People have to be aware of this. We have the answers in our own hands.”