What is the project? Why Woodside?sid

Connecting Woodside will make it easier and safer to travel around by foot and bike, transforming the area into a more attractive and accessible place for Gateway to all. the city This will be achieved by improving the look, feel and function of streets and public spaces, and reducing WKHQHJDWLYHLPSDFWVRIWUDIÛFYROXPHDQGVSHHGBalmo Car ownership e Road

Stronend St The expected outcomesPanmure of St the project will also is low - support Drive Murano St Forth & Clyde Cana A8 Roa

LQFOXGH KHDOWK DQGBenview St HQYLURQPHQWDO EHQHÛWV IRU DOO people to walk and Land and Environmental Services

people Queenliving Margaret in and visiting Woodside. cycle for everyday PHONE L WEBSITE Gr A81 eat Wester Road Proposed Bridge and Ramp by journeys CYCLE SEGREGATION

River Kelvin Str Saracen Scottish Canals QUIETWAY B808 OFF ROAD PATH SAUCHIEHALL ST PROJECT Sauchiehall ’s PS PS THE ‘UNDERLINE’ PROJECT Doune Gardens Road Forth & Clyde Canal QUALITY BUS CORRIDOR Wilton St eet Street PS PRIMARY SCHOOL Garscube Road

Maryhill Road SS SECONDARY SCHOOL Avenue Striven Ga BIKE HIRE Garriochmillrdens Rd oss St PROPOSED BIKE HIRE Clarence Driv Raeberry Street t Scottish ossachs Tr Canals Applecr Raeberry St Stree reet SUBWAY STATION

t Possil Road Hyndland Byres Road et RAILWAY re STATION Belmont St

Moun St A82 A81 PROPOSED

CAR CLUBRoad HIRE Garriochmill Rd Garriochmill Hopehill Road Road Dowanside odside Road N Wo Craighall N Woodside Road Possil Road Maryhill Road Highburgh Road SS S Craighall Road Lots of Gr eat Western Road Forth and Subway A804

Napiershall Street Spei Hunterian Bank Street Garscube Road Art Gallery Park Rd Clyde Canal PS rs Wharf complimentary Gibson St B808 Universit Conservatoire venue of

A879 PS re Eldon St W Prince’s St and connecting S Braid Hyndland St St Squa SS y e Driv Park Driv Woodlands St George’s Route to Wa re St George’s Road et Cross Subway and Sighthill A8 projects and e 2 PS Dumbarton Road Kelvin The ‘Underline’ Pr Kelvingrove Park Woodlands Road M8 A804 places West End Park St A804 Byres Road oject The B808 A804 hley St School of Art

As Port Dundas Road River Kelvin West Graham Stre Subway S River Kelvin Argyle St ee Lynedoch St Buccleuch St et Cowcaddens


Old Dumb rton Rd Woodside Terrace the River Skate Park Hill St

Buccleuch e Renfrew St Garnet St Hill St t Road Woodside Plac S eet Sauchiehall Str Scott St The Glasgow Kelvin ce School of Art A81 Newton Pla Conservatoire N Rose of Scotland et Renfrew St re Projec eet Sauchiehall St

t Berkeley St Bath St Mitchell t Berkeley St rdwara Library Cambridge Str

Gu eet A804 r Singh Sabha Bath St vinhaugh St Argyle Street Kent Rd W Re Kent Rd gent St Bath St Charing Hope Stree North St North M8 the Underline

Elderslie St Elderslie Cross Railway W George St Dorset St las St g W Rege Elmbank St Elmbank bell St Do r St Holland St St West Nile St

Dou at New City A804 Blythswood St W George St

Pitt St W Camp A81 Road St Vincent Street ClydesideFor Expresswa further informationFinnieston St and to comment please join our mailing list:

Pitt St

las St Bothwell Str

North St North Newton St Newton ee How will we do it? ou Argyle Stree Waterloo St .glasgow.gov.uk/connectingwoodsideCadogan Stree reet There are four main elements to the project...

CYCLE FOR MORE OF YOUR EVERYDAY JOURNEYS: Be ealthier, wealthier happier ou! O org.uk O co.uk

O Cycling .glasgow.gov.uk/cycling O NextBike www.nextbike.co.uk/en/glasgow/Well-connected,-connect Fully segregated Encouraging Great places O .glasgow.gov.uk/ralf O eforGood quieteforgood.org.uk routes cycle tracks walking + cycling O .org O .co-wheels.org.uk Shaping places people A network of routes madeRearrange up your traveImproving safety for everyone At least 5% of the project can be proud of, making of quiet streets which are using the street, with great budget will go to activities Woodside a more attractive pleasant and safe to walk and public transport integration and projects which encourage place to live .glasgowand visit. .gov.uk/smartertravelcycle, supporting people in and connections beyond people to walk and cycle. their everyday journeys. Woodside.

Visit Glasgow.gov.uk/ConnectingWoodside to have your say! How did we get here?

Who is behind the project?

Glasgow City Council Sustrans Scotland

Glasgow City Council’s Sustrans is the charity making Sustainable Transport team it easier for people to walk has successfully won major and cycle. funding through Sustrans Scotland’s Community Links PLUS scheme. Community Links PLUS is a design competition, managed by Sustrans Scotland and funded by the Scottish Government. It seeks big, bold and innovative You! projects to restore the balance of Scotland’s streets in favour of This project wouldn’t people walking and cycling. be possible without the community - your passion for change, and your input into the design process!

Visit Glasgow.gov.uk/ConnectingWoodside to have your say! What’s happened so far?

Part 1 of a 20mph 2 new bike hire stations, More accessible zone rolled out with 1 to follow streets

Part 1 of the 20mph zone has been rolled 2 new cycle hire stations have been We’ve dropped kerbs in 22 locations, out east of Maryhill Road. This is one of installed, making it easier to use making it easier for everyone to get about several measures to make sure Woodside Glasgow’s Next Bike hire scheme. Find in Woodside. is a place where people feel safe and them on Maryhill Road and Firhill Road. comfortable making their everyday Want to find out more? Is there a kerb you would like to see journeys. Part 2 will cover the rest of the Visit NextBike.co.uk/en/Glasgow dropped? Let us know where! project area.

100+ new bike parking You said... spaces and counting “Hopehill Road Hopehill Road closure - Make this permeable for We’ve improved the pedestrian and cycle cut through cycling” on Hopehill Road, planting grass and trees. What do you think?

© Google 2019 We’ve installed over 100 new bike parking spaces so you can lock your bike while you’re out and about.

Can you think of a location which could do with some bike parking?

© Google 2019

Visit Glasgow.gov.uk/ConnectingWoodside to have your say! When will it all happen?

Connecting Woodside is a big project, so The map gives an idea of when we’ll deliver it in phases. Mid construction begins on each phase, 2019 usually after about one full year’s All work is expected to be completed by the design and consultation work. end of 2021.

Raeberry Street, Mount Street & Hopehill Road Spring 2020

Autumn Garscube 2019 Road

Autumn 2019 Summer Summer St George’s 2020 2020 Road (North) West Princes Spring North Woodside Street 2020 Napiershall Road & Braid Square Street

Winter Underline & St Woodlands Autumn 2019/20 George’s Cross 2020 Road Winter Avenues 2019/20

St George’s Road (South) and Charing Cross

Visit Glasgow.gov.uk/ConnectingWoodside to have your say! How can you get involved?

Commonplace allows you to leave comments and ideas on online map of the area

The project team reads 1,325 all your comments!

Help us with the design process! Visit: Got an idea for how the total number Glasgow.gov.uk/ to improve streets of contributions on ConnectingWoodside near you? Commonplace so far...

Not online? Look out for For each phase of the Connecting Woodside more events project, we’ll hold an event like this one where later in the we show you our ideas and ask for your year! comments.

In June last year we held an event at Woodside Library about Garscube Road. Local Resident? We’ve also spread the word at the Canal Festival,

Visit Glasgow.gov.uk/ConnectingWoodside to have your say! Did you know?

1/2 mile 1 mile 2 miles 3 miles

Time it takes to travel by foot 10 mins 20 mins 40 mins 60 mins

Time it takes to travel by bike 3 mins 6 mins 12 mins 20 mins

This project will create safer infrastructure for walking and cycling What might stop you from using new infrastrucutre?

,GRQpWIHHOÛW Nowhere to Don’t like enough keep a bike walking or at home cycling by myself

It isn’t practical to walk or cycle Don’t know how to cycle

Visit Glasgow.gov.uk/ConnectingWoodside to have your say! North Woodside Road in Context

The Connecting Woodside Network… North Woodside Road Quietway…

Conservation area Vehicle cut through to with cobbles and avoid Maryhill Road steep slope traffic lights – high vehicleve volumes R R Busy mini-roundabout, dede

side with vehicles often going straight across S Road WoodsideS

Wide roadro segment with high vehicle speeds Lack of direct connection across Maryhill Road SegregatedSegr Cycle Routes

Connection to future Quietway routes St George’s Road Sauchiehall Street segregated cycle way ‘Avenue’ What is a Quietway?

• A safe, pleasant, convenient, quieter route within the project area which offers an alternative to busy main roads

• They provide a connection for pedestrians and cyclists to destinations and major streets within the project area

• A nice place to pass through, with improvements to the quality of the streets to reprioritise them in favour of people walking and cycling North Woodside Road (West)

What’s there now… What you told us… Ideas on improving these spaces…

Junction with South Woodside Road Rubbish is dumped and strewn by birds. Railingslings Difficult StreetS access Trees Area should be Planters Steep car free apart cobbless from local cars Wide and deliveries. Screening roadsr Concept design (South Woodside Road) – A new public space, removing Low level several parking spaces Junction with Great Western Road Replace cobbles on plantingting South Woodside Road to make this No dropped path cycle friendly. kerbs

Most roads off Great Western Road are blocked off for cyclists - it would be LackLa of public Turninging great to have this space circle often blocked addressed. ‘Mini Plazas’ – Blocked up street ends Individual seats Bencheshes enhanced and turned into small squares S Woodside S Woodside Road

Comment online at Glasgow.gov.uk/ConnectingWoodside Area of Focus North Woodside Road (Central)

What’s there now… What you told us… Ideas on how we could improve the street…

Western end Because it is so wide, drivers tend to speed along it

Interventions should WideW include trees and planting road to bring air quality, Under used biodiversity and other parking spacesces © Google 2019 environmental benefits. Raised tables with build outs – slow Cycle friendly speed humps – reduce traffic and create informal crossing points vehicle speed and allow cyclists clear path Eastern end

Make side streets accessible with dropped kerbs

The pavement and GreenGre Relatively high Green build verge drainage could be outs vehicle speeds improved, particularly on the south side Visual Narrowing (colour) – helps to Visual Narrowing (material)– helps to narrow the road and reduce speeds narrow the road and reduce speeds S Woodside S Woodside Road

Comment online at Glasgow.gov.uk/ConnectingWoodside Area of Focus Napiershall Street Junction

What’s there now… Ideas on how we could improve the junction… Colours indicative to highlight material changes

HighH volume of traffic

Difficult to cross Wide roads

© Google 2019

What you told us…

Most drivers treat it as a straight route ignoring the priority of any cars or bikes coming from North Woodside Rd

Narrow Cross Roads – Compact Roundabout – Alternative Roundabout Design – This crossing floods • Raised table to slow traffic • Sideways deflection to slow traffic • As a compact roundabout, but also like crazy! • Narrowing of road to improve • Traffic islands to narrow road and allows cyclists on North Woodside pedestrian crossing improve pedestrian crossing Road priority and continuity S Woodside S Woodside Road

Comment online at Glasgow.gov.uk/ConnectingWoodside Area of Focus Maryhill Road Junction

What you told us… Design progression… Design based on your feedback…

Create a junction to allow easier pedestrian and Dropped kerb cycle crossing for cycle Corners built out to accessss Extended public decrease speeds and Make the space with trees crossing distance area more & seseseating Straight as Existing Area Bins relocated attractive possible cycle ImprovedIm pedestrian crossing crossing pointspoin across all roads Public spacepace wwith seating Kerb to separate Green median Keep a gap in the cyclists and with trees, will pedestrians landscaping to maintain also help with Contrastingnt the connection to the Lidl surfacesu cycle area and steps drainagedr public space Concept Design Diagonal cycle materials crossing with Move the crossing low level lights on Maryhill Road to be where North Woodside Rd is

RemovalRe of fencing and Put seating in, bushesbu around green make a feature of space to open up area and Colours indicative to the closed off area Preliminary Design prevent litter build up highlight material changes S Woodside S Woodside Road

Comment online at Glasgow.gov.uk/ConnectingWoodside Area of Focus Related Project Updates

North Woodside Road & Braid Square Queen’s Cross Housing Association

North Woodside Road Braid Square Braid Square Concept Raglan Street Link Concept

One for the next stages of the project will be to look at the remainder of North Woodside We are talking with Queen’s Cross Housing Association, who are looking at designs to Road and Braid Square. What would you like to see? Let us know today or pop your improve public spaces around Cedar Court, North Woodside Road, and Braid Square. comments on our Commonplace website Glasgow.gov.uk/ConnectingWoodside More information should be available later this year.

St George’s Road (south) and Charing Cross Segregated, Raised tables to signalised cycle Reduced number of Reduction in parking make crossing crossing to access pedestrian crossing spaces with widened easeasierie for all West Princes Street points to make walking footwaysf through the junction easier

Segregated, bi-directional M8 off-ramp cycle way on the south Colours indicative to side of the road Enhancements to highlight crossing and existing green spacece show material changes

What do you think?

Direct walking and cycling Read on below to see more details and comment! connection to Sauchiehall Street Avenue Glasgow.gov.uk/ConnectingWoodside St George's Road in Context

The Connecting Woodside Network… St George’s Road… Canal Connection to the off road path along the canal

Connection to Quietway network at North Woodside Road

St George’s Cross Direct link into new improvements as part of segregated cycle route the Underline project along Garscube Road

Major junctions, with Maryhill Road & Phoenix Road, and M8 offff ramp & Great SegregatedSegr Western Road on Cycle Routes PedestrianP and cycle link ramp to the City Centre via

Quietway Avenues Project routes Sauchiehall Street ‘Avenue’ Wide stretch of road with Why both Segregated Routes and Quietways? high vehicle volumes and high speeds • The character of the road and the vehicle speed and volume determine whether segregated cycle routes are Quietways are most appropriate. Busy, vehicle dominated • Segregated cycle routes are being proposed where traffic speeds and volumes junction and motorway are higher, and additional protection is required to encourage more people to on and off ramps cycle.

• A Quietway approach is being used where traffic speeds and volumes are low to Sauchiehall Street ‘Avenue’ create safe, pleasant, and convenient routes, with improvements to the quality of City Centre the streets to reprioritise them in favour of people walking and cycling. Charing Cross

What you told us… Design Progression… Proposed design… Future segregated route up Woodlands Some routes Road as a latter stage require 4 or more of this project crossings as a St George’s Road pedestrian Very unattractive Narrow cycle laneane and The thought intimidating of cycling through Vehicle MultiMultiple Reduction in the the junction is quite dominated Crossings number of roads Removal of left turn terrifying pedestrians have onto the M8 from St to cross George’s Road

Priority should be given to pedestrians and 3m wide, bi-directional cycle path with 0.5 m cyclists at this crossing and Potential green kerb segregation in meeting point. screening of place of one vehicle the motorway lane It is a nightmare Removal of one for everyone, grassed ‘island’ to especially cyclists & Connection to make pedestrian route pedestrians Sauchiehall more direct Street Avenueenue More greenery to tackle air pollution Colours indicative to highlight crossing and show material changes

Comment online at Glasgow.gov.uk/ConnectingWoodside Area of Focus

Sauchiehall Street St George’s Road (south)

What you told us… Not a Design Progression… place for people, too trafficked not cycle Widen the High vehicle friendly footwayy speeds

Add greenery to Parking improve area and should be removed reduce Motorway here and segregated noise cycle way put in. Wide Road

Proposed design… Raised tables at Road narrowings to Widened footway Dedicated junctions to improveprove allow informal crossings Grant St with reduction in parking and access for all parking spspaces from opposite pavement loading spaces and cycleway B A 5.5m 6m 3m 2.5m

B A 3m wide, bi-directional cycle Potentialential to CyclewayCyclewa access ppath with 0.5 m kerb providede screeningsc to side streets, segregation in place of one with waiting area to the M8 Improvementsnts to Colours indicative to vehicle lane/off-peak parking green area highlight crossing and show material changes 3m 2.5m 6m 3m 2.5m

Comment online at Glasgow.gov.uk/ConnectingWoodside

Area of Focus

Sauchiehall Street St Georges Road & West Princes Street Junction

What you told us… Design Progression… Proposed design…

Add a pedestrian crossing over the Slip West StPrinces

road from St George's Dedicated Great Western Road Road to GWR Raised tables at cycle on-ramp junctions to improverove crossing to access for all West Princes The GWR Street bridge is under lit, forbidding and ugly

The area for pedestrians and cyclists to wait to cross to the West Princes St. side of St George's road is cramped & unwelcoming.

M8 off-ramp Floating crossing to separate cyclists and This area pedestrians is really difficult and time consuming to navigate and it could be made much more pedestrian-friendly. Colours indicative to highlight crossing and show material changes

Comment online at Glasgow.gov.uk/ConnectingWoodside

Area of Focus

Sauchiehall Street Garscube Road Update

What you told us… Preliminary design based on your feedback… B A A Please consider B placing a crossing at the Conservatoire Scottish Canals and school proposed ramp to the Canal and bridge over Sawmillfield Street Fast cars with no Canal area to cross

Possil Road Junction needs to be made cycle Traffic islands to friendly to improve create informal access to the canal crossing points New signalised Trossachs Street pedestrian made accessible crossing for cyclists outsideo the Introduce a crossing as schools and this 4 lane road is so ConservatoireC frustrating and dangerous Direct as a pedestrian to cross. connection to Floating bus the canal at stops installeded Bairds Brae More along routee greenery! Traffic calmed Improved entrance to junction designn Full cycle quietway network for pedestrians at Hopehill Roadad segregation would and cyclists Connection be tremendous in to the city the area centre via the ‘Metal Petals’ Ensure provision New public underpasspa of segregated cycle space created route and connection by removal of slip road into town and future A developments Not to A Not to Not to scale B B scale scale