
Original Proposed evolution to allow for consistent use all sizes across various applications

Beginning on a Raspberry Pi

Beta version 1.1 (04 June 2013)

! ! 2

Contents Making your output count ...... 36! ...... 37!

Unique ...... 38! Contents ...... 1! Exercises using , sort and uniq ...... 39! The line ...... 3! Knowledge check questions ...... 40! Raspberry Pi Setup ...... 5! Answers to and navigation exercises ...... 43! Getting Logged in ...... 6! Answers to redirection exercises ...... 45! Formatting conventions ...... 6! Answers to exercises using ...... 46! UNIX commands ...... 8! Exercises using wc, sort and uniq ...... 48! Navigating the file system ...... 9! Knowledge check answers ...... 49! Listing Files ...... 13! Possible additions ...... Error! Bookmark not defined.! File information ...... 17!

Wildcards ...... 19!

Creating / moving and copying files ...... 21!

Making life easier (or being lazy!) ...... 23!

Getting ...... 24!

File and navigation exercises ...... 25!

Viewing text ...... 27!

Piping and redirection ...... 29!

Redirection exercises ...... 31!

Searching within files ...... 32!

Exercises using grep ...... 34!

! ! 2

The command line Linked to the issues of memory, is the additional challenge of getting help on what you are doing. In a graphical environment, you can have overlaid help pages, pop-up help text or a wizard that steps you through each step. The command line was the way that any user interacted with their In contrast, a UNIX environment has a manual that is consulted separately computer until the early 1990’s when graphical interfaces like Windows in they way you might consult a reference book. Again, we need to know took over as the means by the typical computer user interacted with what we are doing in order to get the help we need. their machine. In contrast to the point and click interface of the graphical interface, the command line typically viewed as a flashing cursor waiting Another issue is one of too many options. If you want to edit a text file on to receive your text based instructions. a Windows system you will typically use notepad. On a UNIX machine you get the choice of , pico, nano and many others depending on the default configuration. To undertake some text substitution in a workflow we can use or . With many opinions out there are to the best options, making choices can be overwhelming.

Often a successfully executed command yields absolutely no response, just another command prompt awaiting your input when the task has completed. To the novice used to progress bars, popups and lots of feedback this lack of response can prove unsettling.

Why does bioinformatics use the command line?

So why do so many bioinformatics tasks rely on this complicated and unfriendly interface? Bioinformatics often requires the combination of various analysis stages with differing outputs and is often a task of a repetitive nature (e.g. applying a similar analysis with subtle changes to parameters each ).

This would be a time consuming and potentially error prone task to undertake in a point and click environment, but programs with a command Why do people fear the command line? line interface can overcome these issues and help with the easy automation of your analysis task. The main reason is that the command line relies on your memory. In contrast to a graphical interface there is no clues as to what you may want The command line does come with a few discomforts in the early stages, to do next, or any of the settings/parameters that you might want/need to but the benefits once you’ve overcome this early hump are huge and really set. As a user you have to have a plan about what you want to do and how do outlay the negatives. After all, not many racing drivers rely on a about are going to go about achieving it. automatic gearbox!


Raspberry Pi Setup Getting Logged in

USB Keyboard & Preloaded SD Mouse Card


Username: Power Supply pi



HDMI-VGA Note your password isn’t displayed when typed in. Monitor Convertor (VGA in) Once logged in your command prompt:

pi@raspberrypi ~ $

You can change your password using the command: Monitor

(HDMI in)


Formatting conventions UNIX commands

In these training materials we will use a few conventions that will As we’ve previously pointed out, UNIX relies on your memory to recall hopefully determining the difference between input, output and which command you need to run to undertake a particular task. However options . to the novice arrays of commands with names like , , , , wc or even and man provides absolutely no help to your memory recall. Commands that you can enter on the command line will we in red and look like this: Just like the evolution of text speak to aid the speed and ease of sending SMS messages, the sending the creators of UNIX were equally creative and lazy and reduced the names of their commands to the fewest numbers of runme -on thisfile letters, providing ultra-concise names for the used commands.

The output returned from a command will be inverted from the way it is In learning these key UNIX commands you may wish to not only learn the show on screen and be black text on a white background: two or three character command name, but also the function it is trying to achieve, which will most certainly help in you remembering both the names and functions of these core functions. runme... execution successful. thisfile has been output into thatfile For example:

Summary information about a command and any useful flags you may wish If I want to alter the directory I am looking at, to pass to a command are presented as blue text on a grey background: I need to change directory, runme Converts thisfile to thatfile Using the cd command. -on Defines the file to convert If I want to get a summary of the number of words, lines and characters in a particular file,

I need a word count,

Which will use the wc command


Navigating the file system We also get a clue about our location by looking at the first bit of the command prompt. The tilde (~) lets us know we are in our home directory.

Just like any other , UNIX operating system keeps things pi@raspberrypi ~ $ tidy and ordered by storing files in a series of different directories. These directories all have standard uses, but the one we are going to pay attention to is home. Similar to the ‘My Documents’ directory on a Moving around windows system, each user has a home directory where they can store their personal files. Changing directory is achieved using the cd (change directory) command.

So to change into a directory on your SD card called ‘/home/pi/files’ we

can just issue the command:

cd /home/pi/files

We can check this has worked using , or by looking at the command prompt:


Home sweet home! /home/pi/files pi@raspberrypi ~/files $ Having logged in using the username ‘pi’, you will first be placed into your home directory – ‘/home/pi’. We can check this by entering the pwd Alternatively we can use the tilde abbreviation for our home directory. command (print working directory) that will display our current location.

cd ~/files pwd

And again we can check our location with pwd. The system will reply with a line indicating your current location in the filesystem.




Relative and absolute paths Finally, showing off we can nest these commands together making something way complex than required at the moment, but forming a useful way of thinking about moving around directories. As well as specifying the full path when referring to files or changing directories, we can use relative paths that reduce the length of command To move into our files directory we can issue a command which takes us we need to execute. A single refers to the current directory, with a home, then into the files directory referenced from that location. double dot referring to the parent directory.

If we first move back to our home directory using one of the following: cd ~/./files cd To move back again we can up two levels into the home directory, before heading down into the pi directory again: or cd ~ cd ../../pi or cd /home/pi Summary of navigation commands

We can then move into the ‘files’ directory using one of the following: pwd Print the working directory cd files or cd Change directory cd ./files or . Current directory cd ~/files

.. Parent directory (one up) To move back to our home directory we can use

~ Home directory cd .. or cd ../


Listing Files If we want to list all of the files in a particular directory we can append the filename to the ls command and get a list of files elsewhere. E.g. to get a list of files in our home directory we can enter:

We can view a list of files in a directory outputted in a variety of styles and with different formatting and sorting. To start we will move to the ls ~ /home/pi/files directory which has a number of example files in it for our explorations. Sometimes looking in just a single directory doesn’t provide all of the information we want. If we want to all files and directories that have cd ~/files been created as child directories of our home directory we can include the -R (recursive) flag:

To view the files in a directory, just issues the ls (list) command: ls –R ~ ls The ls command has a few other useful tricks to help in quickly drawing your attention to the information you are after. Using the -F flag we can You will see an alphabetical list of the files in the directory which will append a / character to each directory and a * to any executable file (script wrap across your screen in a tabular format depending on the width and or program). number of results found.

ls –F ~ blank1 blank2 blank3 blank4 blank5 file1 file2 file3 file4 file5 text1 text2 text3 text4 text5 Another flag which is occasionally useful is the –a flag. The file names of hidden files in UNIX are prefixed with a full stop. The –a (all) flag lists all An alphabetical sort is useful, but sometimes we might want to check the files including hidden ones. If we have a look at all files in our home most recently created files. We can do this using the –t flag: directory: ls –t ls -a ~

With our example data, this will return the files in reverse order, as they You will see a few extra files including: were originally created in alphabetical order.

. .. .profile text5 text4 text3 text2 text1 file5 file4 file3 file2 file1 blank5 blank4 blank3 blank2 blank1


The basic ls list is useful for many purposes (e.g. checking a file name, or Finally, we should point out that all of the above flags can be comined that it has been created), but sometimes we need a bit more information together in one string to return a listing according to your desires, for about a file beyond just its name. The –l (long) flag returns a lot of extra example: information about a file including the files size, the date and time and modification and information about ownership and permissions to access ls –ltahFR ~ the file. ls –l Summary of ls options

total 40 -l Long listing showing permissions, ownership, -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 0 May 9 13:12 blank1 file size, modification date and time -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 0 May 9 13:12 blank2 File name -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 0 May 9 13:12 blank3 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 0 May 9 13:12 blank4 File size (in bytes) -t Sort in reverse chronological order -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 0 May 9 13:12 blank5 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 6 May 9 14:00 file1 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 6 May 9 14:00 file2 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 6 May 9 14:00 file3 Date and time of modification -a Show all files (including hidden ones) -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 6 May 9 14:00 file4

-rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 6 May 9 14:00 file5 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 6 May 9 14:01 text1 -h Easier readable file sizes 1K instead of 1024 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 6 May 9 14:01 text2 bytes -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 6 May 9 14:01 text3 Permissions and ownership

-rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 6 May 9 14:01 text4 (don’t worry about these yet!) -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 6 May 9 14:01 text5 -R Recursively list all files and directories

At the moment, just ignore the information about ownership and permissions. Whilst they are a fundamental concept in UNIX (and the -F Append to directories and * to executables cause of many headaches to system administrators) they are a bit complex to worry about at this point in your learning.

One final and very useful flag to the ls command is –h. If we combine this flag with the one for a long listing, the file size that is returned is listed in a more human readable format (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes).

ls -lh


File information blank1: empty blank2: empty blank3: empty blank4: empty The file command can make a guess about a file’s content and return a blank5: empty description about the identified file : file1: ASCII text file2: ASCII text file3: ASCII text file blank1 file4: ASCII text file5: ASCII text text1: ASCII text text2: ASCII text blank1: empty text3: ASCII text text4: ASCII text text5: ASCII text file file1

file1: ASCII text

You can include the names of more than one file in a space separated list files in order to multiple files in a single command:

file blank1 file1 text1

blank1: empty file1: ASCII text text1: ASCII text

Using * as the filename will return a list for all files in the working directory:

file *


Wildcards blank1: empty file1: ASCII text text1: ASCII text

Sometimes we just don’t know what we want! Wildcards can be thought of as a way of searching multiple options at the same time and returning all If we want to search for files with the prefix of text, then we can use the ? the results together. So if we want to search for all files in our wildcard which will match any single character. /home/pi/files directory that start with f, we can just type:

ls text? ls f*

text1 text2 text3 text4 text5 file1 file2 file3 file4 file5

To search for files that have 4 characters followed by the number 1 we can The wildcard * has a specific meaning of nothing or a string of characters use: of any length. So a search for f* would also return a file called f if it existed in our directory. Likewise a file called floccinaucinihilipilification ls ????1 (the action or habit of estimating something as worthless) would be returned if present.

To search for all files which have a 1 as their final character we can use: file1 text1 ls *1 Finally using brackets we can specify specific matches or ranges. So to find all files with a prefix of file and an ending between 1 and 3:

blank1 file1 text1 ls file[1-3]

Wildcards work with many different programs that can accept multiple files in their input, so for example we can check out the file types of all file1 file2 file3 files ending with a 1 using:

Multiple options can be specified with commas within the brackets (e.g. [1- file *1 3,7-9]), include ranges of letters (e.g. [a-z] or [A-Z]), or be combined to specifiy for example just letters and numbers [a-z,A-Z,0-9].


Creating / moving and copying files Directories

Creating directories is slightly different to files and uses the (make Having spend time treating your Raspberry Pi like a museum and just directory) command: looking a files as if they are precious exhibits, it now time to start getting creative and looking at how we can create, move, copy and delete files and mkdir junkdir directories.

If we try removing this directory using the rm (remove) command we get Files an error:

To start we will create a blank file using the command (this actually rm: cannot remove `junkdir': Is a directory updates the modification time on a file, but if a file doesn’t exist creates one first). So need to use the (remove directory) command: touch myfile1

rmdir junkdir If we now want to make a copy of this file, we just use the cp (copy) command: Summary of commands cp myfile1 myfile_copy

rm Delete (remove) a file To rename a file, we just use the (move) command:

mv Move a file mv myfile_copy myfile2

And finally to delete a file we just use the rm (remove) command: cp Copy a file

rm myfile2 mkdir Create (make) a directory

rmdir Delete (remove) a directory


Making life easier (or being lazy!) Getting help

Tab competition On the command line Tab completion is a function that helps fill in commands, directories and There is an almost universal convention on UNIX systems that issuing a filenames as far as the system is able. By partially typing a command and command followed by --help will bring up a summary of the key then pressing tab, the system tries to fill in the rest for you: information needed to use a particular command. Sometimes this is just a few lines: cd /h

mkdir --help cd /home/ And sometimes a few pages:

History ls --help Sometimes you will want to repeat a command, or reissue a previously executed command with minor modifications. The system keeps a The core UNIX commands will adhere to this standard, but not all of your commands that can be viewed using the history command: developers of other applications adhere to this standard. If the --help command doesn’t bring up any usage information try using the h or -? flags as alternatives. If all else fails, just issuing the command on it’s own often history brings up some usage information.

1 cd /home Manuals 2 history Most commands also have a larger body of text that is installed into the operating systems manual database. This can be accessed using the man This can be useful to create a backup of any work or scripts that you have command. E.g.: undertaken. However, when you are actually working pressing the up and down arrows when on the command line scrolls through this list of your man ls history

You can scroll though this information using the up and down arrows, use spacebar to advance page by page and press q to .


File and navigation exercises 4. Rename blank.txt blank1.txt

1. Create a directory called outputs 5. Rename the directory analysis_outputs

2. Create blank files named blank.txt, blank2.txt, blank3.txt in that directory

6. Delete the contents of the directory

7. Delete the analysis_ouputs directory

8. Display a list of the commands you have just entered. 3. List the files in various formats (normal, detailed, chronological).


Viewing text By default head and return the first or last 10 lines of a file:

head americanpie.txt UNIX has a number of commands that are useful to look at the contents of text files. Keeping in with the theme of Pis, we are going to use a series of commands used on text files to explore the lyrics of Don McLean’s classic tail americanpie.txt American Pie to explore these commands. The file is in your home directory. Returning the 10 lines is a useful default for many purposes, but sometimes you may wish to be more specific in the number of lines you To print the contents of a file to screen we can just use the cat (catenate) return. This can be achieved in two different ways, a formal way defining a command: parameter (-n) and then it’s value, the second a lazier way just using the number of lines as your flag to the command. cat americanpie.txt

head –n 2 americanpie.txt For larger files, it can be useful to pause the display after each page of or information using the more command. Pressing the space bar advances forwards to the next page: head –2 americanpie.txt more americanpie.txt Summary of text viewing commands

Pausing after each page can be useful, but sometimes the ability to scroll through a file is what you need to do. In an attempt at being comical, the cat Catenates and displays files standard command to achieve this is called (because less is more!). Just like the man command, you can use the up and down arrows to scroll through a file and q to exit back to the command line. more Displays a file a page at a time

less americanpie.txt less Scroll forwards and backwards through a file

Another two very useful commands for looking at text files are head and head Display the top line of a file tail. As the names may suggest these return a number of lines from either the top or bottom of a file. Typical uses for these commands include looking at the bottom of any log files (either system logs or analysis logs), tail Display the bottom lines of a file checking the output from any analysis or command has completed correctly and for checking the file format of a dataset.


Piping and redirection Occasionally we might wish to redirect our output to file, but also have it displayed on screen as well to check the contents. There are a number of ways to achieve this in a single line command. Using the ; character, we can string together a number of lines of code which are executed Piping is a very important concept in UNIX. Put simply it allows you to sequentially: send the output of a command/program directly into the input for another one. This allows the creation of chains of commands which allow some quite powerful manipulation of data files without the need to resort to a head americanpie.txt > junk.txt; cat junk.txt programming based solution. Alternatively (and more neatly), we can use the command to fork the Linked to piping is the concept of redirection. By default, the output of output stream to both the display and a file: many commands is printed onto the screen. By using redirection we can send this output to a file, either writing/overwriting a file or appending the output to an existing file. americanpie.txt | tee junk.txt

Piping Finally we may wish to append to data to a file. For instance we can create an output log using the date command and the >> append syntax:

Piping is achieved using the | syntax. As an example we can string together 3 different commands to pull out the 2 classic lines from our date > junk.txt American Pie lyrics.

head americanpie.txt >> junk.txt cat americanpie.txt | tail -n 4 | head -n 2

Working through the logic of what we have done. The command cat Summary of piping and redirection commands displays the file, which is then piped into tail to return the final 4 lines. These lines are then piped into head which takes the top 2 lines (of the final 4 we already selected) and returns these to the display. | Pipe the output of one command to another

Redirection > Redirect the standard output to a file

If we want to save the results of our previous command to a file, we can just append a > character followed by our desired filename. >> Append the standard output to a file

cat americanpie.txt | tail -n 4 | head -n 2 > junk.txt tee Fork the output to both screen and a file


Redirection exercises Searching within files

1. Using head and tail display the first chorus of our lyrics. The grep command is a simple way of looking for data within a file and returning lines that match your search term. This search term can either be an exact match or can include wildcards and other modifiers to the

search term to include a variety of matches.

2. Output the first chorus to a file called chorus.txt If we want to find out how many times the word Chevy appears in the lyrics of American Pie, we can use the command:

grep Chevy americanpie.txt

3. Repeat this command, but also make the output appear on the screen. This will return the 7 lines of our file that contain the word Chevy. In its basic form, this is an exact match (case specific) search. So a search for

chevy will return no results.

4. Repeat the above, but put a title on the chorus “American Pie chorus” grep chevy americanpie.txt and output the file to chorus2.txt

We can modify the command to be case insensitive using the –i flag which

will again return us our 7 lines of lyric.

grep -i chevy americanpie.txt

All of this of lyrics now may just get you in the mood for some ‘singin’. We can check how much ‘signin’ is occurring using the command:

grep -i singin americanpie.txt

But this returns all sort of ‘singin’. Lets say we are only interested in the singing about our impending demise we need to modify our search to only include ‘singin’ at the start of a line. This is achieved by use of the circumflex (Chinese hat) character.


Exercises using grep grep -i ^singin americanpie.txt

If we undertake a search for the word ‘down’, we get two results: 1. How many times does the jester appear in our lyrics?

Answer: grep -i down americanpie.txt

If we just want to return the line concerning the gaze of the king, we can just append a $ character which indicates the end of a line: Command:

grep -i down$ americanpie.txt 2. How many times does Jack appear at the start of a line? All these lyrics and ‘singin’ can only lead to one thing, a tapping foot and an sudden interest in dance and dancing. We can undertake a search for Answer: lines about dance and/or dancing using the * wildcard character, which you will recall searches for zero or more string characters:

Command: grep -i danc* americanpie.txt

Finally we might have an interest in lines which are either dry or contain whiskey. To undertake an either or search we need put the grep command 3. What would this command look like if you made it case insensitive? into a different mode using the –P flag (which enables Perl based searching), bound our search in apostrophe characters and finally use the | character to separate our search terms.

grep -P ‘dry|whiskey' americanpie.txt


4. How many times does dance end at the end of a line? Making your output count


The wc (word count) command can be used to various bits of information about the searches we were undertaking using grep. Command: If we pipe the output of grep into wc, we are returned a line containing 3 tab separated numbers.

5. Combining two grep searches, how many times were ‘we’ singing ‘bye- grep Chevy americanpie.txt | wc bye’ to Miss American Pie?

Answer: 7 77 358

The first number is the number of lines, the second the number of words Command: and the third the total number of characters returned. This is a useful summary, but the individual numbers can be returned by adding an

additional flag to the wc command.

6. How many times were people saying bye-bye? To return the number of lines we can add the –l (lines) flag. To return the number of words, use the – (words) flag. And for the number of Answer: characters use the –c (characters) flag.

grep Chevy americanpie.txt | wc –l


grep Chevy americanpie.txt | wc –w

grep Chevy americanpie.txt | wc –c


Sort Unique

The sort command will sort the contents of a file (or redirected output The uniq command compares adjacent lines in a file and collapses from another command) using the entire line as the sort key. identical lines into a single line. When combined with the sort command it is a way of identifying the unique lines in a file: head americanpie.txt | sort grep Chevy americanpie.txt | uniq

Addition of the –r flag will reverse the sort order:

Drove my Chevy to the levee, but the levee was dry head americanpie.txt | sort –r

Applied to our American Pie lyrics, we can see that the uniq command has By default a the sort is done character by character along the line, which no effect at all on the output compared to a simple cat display: doesn’t always make the most sense when sorting numbers:

uniq americanpie.txt sort numbers.txt

But combination with sort, will output the unique lines of our lyrics:

10 11 sort americanpie.txt | uniq 9

A few extra tricks allow us to return only repeated lines using the –d flag: The addition of the –n flag makes the program sort in numerical order:

sort americanpie.txt | uniq -d sort –n numbers.txt

And by combining the command with the –c (count) flag and an additional numerical sort, we can get a table of the number of times each line of 9 10 lyrics is repeated: 11

sort americanpie.txt | uniq -c | sort -n


Exercises using wc, sort and uniq Knowledge check questions

1. How many files are there in our /home/pi/files directory? 1. How would you change your password?


2. What does the command cd ~ do? Command:

2. How many unique lines are in the song American Pie? 3. How can you change from /home/pi/files to /home/pi/newfiles using a relative path? Answer:

Command: 4. What command will list all text files (.txt) in a directory showing their file sizes in an easily readable form?

3. Can you return a table of repeated lyrics with counts of their frequency, sorted in ascending order of duplication? 5. What command will show you the first 10 lines of a file?

6. What about the first 25 lines?


7. How about the last 12? 14. How can you count the number of lines in a file that contain the word pi?

8. How can you find out how to use a new command? 15. What command will append the output from a program called analyse to a file called output.txt?

9. What command file will rename file1.txt to file2.txt? 16. How can you create a new directory called newdir?

10. How can you move /home/pi/files/file1/txt to the /home/pi directory ? 17. How can you count the number of files in your home directory with a .txt suffix?

11. How can you delete all text (.txt) files in a directory?

18. How can you scroll though your output.txt file?

12. How about deleting all files that have the same format (file1.txt, files2.txt etc)? 19. How can you find out what all the files in your directory may contain?

13. How can you list all the lines in a file which contain the word raspberry or Raspberry? 20. How can you redirect the output from a program called analysis to both a file called output.txt and also show it on screen?


Answers to file and navigation exercises 4. Rename blank.txt blank1.txt

mv blank.txt blank1.txt 1. Create a directory called outputs 5. Rename the directory analysis_outputs mkdir outputs

cd .. 2. Create blank files named blank.txt, blank2.txt, blank3.txt in that directory mv outputs analysis_outputs cd outputs 6. Delete the contents of the directory

touch blank1.txt rm ./outputs/*

touch blank2.txt 7. Delete the analysis_ouputs directory

rmdir analysis_outputs touch blank3.txt

8. Display a list of the commands you have just entered. 3. List the files in various formats (normal, detailed, chronological).

history ls

ls –l

ls -lt


Answers to redirection exercises Answers to exercises using grep

1. Using head and tail display the first chorus of our lyrics. 1. How many times does the jester appear in our lyrics?

Answer: head -n 21 americanpie.txt | tail -n 5 3

2.. Output the first chorus to a file called chorus.txt Command: head -n 21 americanpie.txt | tail -n 5 > chorus.txt grep jester americanpie.txt

3. Repeat this command, but also make the output appear on the screen. 2. How many times does Jack appear at the start of a line? head -n 21 americanpie.txt | tail -n 5 | tee chorus.txt Answer:

1 4. Repeat the above, but put a title on the chorus “American Pie chorus” and output the file to chorus2.txt Command: “american pie chorus” > chorus2.txt grep ^Jack americanpie.txt

head -n 21 americanpie.txt | tail -n 5 >> chorus2.txt 3. What would this command look like you made it case insensitive?

grep –i ^Jack americanpie.txt


4. How many times does dance end at the end of a line? Exercises using wc, sort and uniq


2 1. How many files are there in our /home/pi/files directory?

Command: Answer: grep dance$ americanpie.txt 15

5. Combining two grep searches how many times were ‘we’ singing ‘bye- Command: bye’ to Miss American Pie? ls ~/files | wc -l

Answer: 2. How many unique lines are in the song American Pie? 2 Answer: Command: 94 grep bye-bye americanpie.txt | grep ^We Command: sort americanpie.txt | uniq | wc 6. How many times were people saying bye-bye?

Answer: 3. Can you return a table of repeated lyrics with counts of their frequency, sorted in ascending order of duplication? 7

sort americanpie.txt | uniq -c | sort -n | grep -v 1 Command: grep bye-bye americanpie.txt


Knowledge check answers 7. How about the last 12?

tail –n 12 file.txt 1. How would you change your password? 8. How can you find out how to use a new command? passwd

command --help 2. What does the command cd ~ do? man command

Changes your working directory to your home directory. 9. What command file will rename file1.txt to file2.txt?

3. How can you change from /home/pi/files to /home/pi/newfiles using a mv file1.txt file2.txt relative path? 10. How can you move /home/pi/files/file1/txt to the /home/pi directory ? cd ../newfiles

mv ~/files/file1.txt ~/file1.txt 4. What command will list all text files (.txt) in a directory showing their file sizes in an easily readable form? 11. How can you delete all text (.txt) files in a directory?

ls –lh *.txt rm *.txt

5. What command will show you the first 10 lines of a file? 12. How about deleting all files that have the same format (file1.txt, files2.txt etc)? head file.txt

rm file*.txt 6. What about the first 25 lines? 13. How can you list all the lines in a file which contain the word raspberry head –n 25 file.txt or Raspberry?

grep -i raspberry file.txt


14. How can you count the number of lines in a file that contain the word pi?

grep pi file.txt | wc -l

15. What command will append the output from a program called analyse to a file called output.txt?

analyse >> output.txt

16. How can you create a new directory called newdir?

mkdir newdir

17. How can you count up the number of files in your home directory with a .txt suffix?

ls *.txt | wc -l

18. How can you scroll though your output.txt file?

less output.txt

19. How can you find out what all the files in your directory may contain?

file *

20. How can you redirect the output from a program called analysis to both a file called output.txt and also show it on screen?

analysis | tee output.txt