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ALEXANDRIAAFFAIRS DOMESTIC SUGAR BULLETIN NO. 19 Arguments in Smith Chancery "Let s wrkuvsv Suit Being Heard. Get SPEARMINT COURT GETS $45 IN FINES Odd Fellows Observe Ninety-Fourth Anniversary of Founding They Say that the domestic Before of Order. sugar industry is not expand¬ Special f'orrenpniHlfnee «>f The Star. ALEXANDRIA. Va . April 28, 1013. Arguments on the demurrer in the fast to chancery suit of Howard W. Smith, re¬ ing enough be worth ceiver of the defunct Virginia Safe De¬ posit and Trust Corporation, against C. Jones Rixey and others, being a suit to of the con¬ saving. recover from the directors t cern the losses entailed by its collapse, are being heard today In the corporation court before Judge I/. Barley. The amount of losses involved is approximate¬ Show ly $44M>,OUO. The number of directors of the concern The Facts Are that is ten, some of whom resigned and others have since died. However, the suit is again«t all the former directors and those the are acting in that .capacity at the time of Refiners advocating the collapse of the concern. t "I love it all The bill tiled alleges negligence on the part of the directors in paying dividends "Free to stockholders which, it Is alleged, were Sugar" because the the time but not earned. most of all in Receiver Smith is represented by At¬ torney Samuel G. Brent. Other directors home R. is are represented by Attorneys James industry Boot C. Ver¬ expanding the theatre-" and H. B. Caton, G. U he, non Ford, Col. F. L. Smith, J. K. M. Nor¬ ton. and Mr. Rixey is represented by At¬ torney John S. Barbour. It is expected too fast to suit will late this afternoon before altogether that it be the arguments are completed. Peace Committee Invited. them. have testified Member.® of the committee appointed by They V Mayor Thomas A. Fisher to aid in the celebration in observance of the 100th anniversary of peace between Great Brit¬ that domestic beet are have received sugars _ . !ZJ ain and the United States invitations to attend the dinner to be held May 12 at the New VVUlard. Washington, by the Carnegie Kndowment for Interna¬ of the continually tional Peace in honor foreign making compe¬ .it" committees which will arrange for the celebration. The committee named by the mayor, including himself, is as follows: tition severer and a re¬ N John M. Johnson. J. K. M. Norton, George that E. Warfield. T. C. Smith, H. K. Field. John A. Marshall. J. Fred Birrell, E. L. 8 Daingerfiefd. Arthur lierbc?rt, Dr. Edgar Snowden. Dr. S. B. Moore, Rev. \\ illiam moval of the would J Morton. Robert S. Barrett, J. R. Zim¬ duty merman and Samuel P. Fisher. at Bishop Earl Cranston of Washing¬ ton preached at the 11 o'clock serv¬ it. ices yesterday at Trinity Methodist suppress Episcopal Church, the occasion being the observance of the 139th anniver¬ sary of the founding of that churoh. The services were largely attended and the church was appropriately dec¬ orated for the occasion. "The reminis¬ Get The Facts. cences of a Circuit Rider' was the subject of a sermon preached at the night services by Rev. Gus Hobbs of Baltimore. The Epworth League at 6:30 o'clock was led by Rev. G. A. Luttrell, pastor. The services In observance of the anniversary will continue each night this week, ending Friday. The members of the congregations of the Methodist churches will attend Domestic tonight, at which time short addresses Sugar Producers, is to to will be made by Revs. C. R. Straus- This inexpensive pastime easy bay, easy carry, easy burg. J. W. Duffey and W. U Mc- 322 Colorado Building, to pass around. The more you chew, the better for you. Can Danlel. that of else? Court Gets $45 in Fines. Washington, D. C. you say anything Fines amounting to $4."> were collected mint leaves is a con¬ in the police court today, fifteen being ar¬ The delicious juice of the fresh, crushed raigned. tinuous benefit. It refreshes the mouth, soothes the nerves, N. J. Lawler and .T. Edward Shinn, who were recently elected police commis¬ appetite, eases digestion and purifies breath. sioners from the fourth and first wards, sharpens from river at 11th respectively, qualified as such today be¬ that state to be placed in Statuary Hall Kirbv, oysters points, fore Mayor Fisher. in the 'National Capitol. Mrs. Hoxle's street wharf for the market. of Richard B. took first work was the statue of Lincoln iB.Xmm.Adv-. r The funeral Cogan Departure*. IT BY THE BOX place at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon which stands in the rotunda of the Cap¬ BUY for from his home, 1012 Prince street. Rev. THE MODERN WOMAN, itol. It was modeled from life when she Schooner Mildred from Alexandria It COS* of the Methodist and re¬ J. W. Duffev. pastor was a young girl, and is believed bv Nomini creek, to load pulp wood and atajn until Church South, officiating. Bur¬ for a Episcopal many to be the best representation of the turn; schooner S. E. Colburn. llsht. ial was made in the Presbyterian ceme¬ Potomac to load back to this city: Look for the spear Avoid imitations tery. The pallbearers were Harry Stan¬ martyred President in existence. After¬ point Frank Charles Entwisle, Mil¬ XXIX.Women in and she did schooner Maud S.. light, for Mar> land ton, Harper. Painting Sculpture. ward the Farragut statue which dealer* ton Watkins, William Davis and Mr. adorns Farragut in point to load cord wood fr the Love, the last-named two of Washington. Square Washington. here; schooner Eleanor Russell, light, Funeral services for P'rank H. Cath- Like Miss Hosmer. Vinnie Ream en¬ from Alexandria for Chlcomuxen creek cart, jr., who died iti Trenton. X. J., will By Frederic J. Haskin. joyed the privilege of being taken to with merchandise; steam ya< ht Lyndonia. r be held at 4 o'clock this afternoon at Rome and Paris to pursue her studies un¬ from l«Jth street wharf for a cruise on the Demaine's undertaking cnapel by Rev. der the best masters to be secured. Chesapeake; power boat Elizabeth Wil¬ Dr. John Lee Allison, pastor of the Sec¬ The number of women each year win- the Luxembourg. She received a silver son, light, for Coan river, to load shad ond Church. Burial will be After the completion of the Farragut and for the market here; sclioon Presbyterian iing distinctive honors in the fine arts medal at the Paris exposition of 1900, statue the young married Lieut. herring made in Ivy Hill cemetery. Mr. Cathcart the and has numerous other medals and hon¬ sculptress er Willie Clarance, light, from 11th street old. ends to refute the assertion that R. L. Roxie of the United States Army, to load back- was twenty-six years orable awards both in her own country who wharf for a Potomac point In observance of the ninety-fourth an¬ 'eminine mind is incapable of creative and abroad. induced her to give up her art work to this city; flattie Hazel, light, for of the of Odd Fellow¬ vork. In of kind, as well for many years. The Kirkwood statue is nets to shad and herring to tn» niversary founding painting every Women are finding the field of illustra¬ the only work she has undertaken bring ship, the members of the lodges of Odd is women are com- tion both remunerative large market here; flattie Rattler, light, fron; in sculpture, rapidly and interesting. since she resumed her work after a Fellows in this citr last night attended ex¬ One of the first women to lapse 11th street wharf for a bay point to load ng to the front. Considering how attract espe¬ of a of a special services at the First Baptist cial attention in this field was Mrs. Alice nearly quarter century. clams for the local market. at which time a sermon was ceedingly difficult it was half a jcentury Within the past ten years a notable Church, Barber Stephens of Philadelphia, who number of preached by Rev. Dr. W. F. Watson, igo for women to secure an advanced received a gold medal In London In 1902. excellent pieces have been pro¬ Memoranda. in their has been Mrs. duced by woman sculptors. One of the pastor. nstruction art, progress Stephens has mastered the art of moat recent is the Schooner Daniel J. Ballard lias been The local board of civil service examin¬ .emarkable. wood engraving, and thus is able to exe¬ magnificent fountain ers has announced that the ex¬ cute her now being completed upon the Rockefel¬ laid up at Alexandria to await business, following The most important art award ever own designs. Jessie Wilcox ler estate Janet aminations will 'be held here May 10 next: Smith and Elizabeth Shippen Green are by Scudder. It represents schooner Bessie Kord is at lower rivet- RESULTS THE to jiven to a woman is that for the com- also a boyish figure blowing a long trumpet, REASON. Logging engineer, male, salary, $;i,4<J0 well known illustrators. They both point to load barreled fish back to this $3,000 a year; hydro-electrical engineer, jletion of the mural decorations of the have been especially fortunate In por¬ and is attracting much favorable com¬ city; schooner Rita Cator is at a Mar>- salary, $1,8<K) to $*J,4«»0 a year. traying child Miss ment. load for dealers her* male, May Pennsylvania state capitoi at Harrisburg, life, although Green Miss land point to 21, drainage engineer, male.