Immunsuppressive Virusarten, Bakterien und Protozoen

Adenovirus, Parvovirus B19, Vaccinia-Virusarten und Herpes Virus-6, -7, Varizellen-Zoster-Virus, Epstein Barr Virus, Cytomegalie Virus, Adenovirus, Coxsackie Virus, / Bunyavirus, Masernvirus, Mumpsvirus, Human virus, , Bourbon Virus, HIV … Mykoplasma, mycoplasmas (Autoimmunphänomene, autoimmune phenomena) Pleomorphe Formen, pleomorphic forms der planktonischen Bakterien mit Zellwand, planctonic forms.

Xu GJ, Kula T, Xu O et al. (2015) Comprehensive serological profiling of human populations using a synthetic human virome. Science, 348, 1106-1114. « VirScan may prove to be an important tool for uncovering the effect of host-virome interactions on human health and disease and could easily be expanded to include new viruses as they are discovered, as well as other human pathogens, such as bacteria, fungi, and protozoa. » Morris G, Berk M, Walder K, Maes M (2015) The Putative Role of Viruses, Bacteria, and Chronic Fungal Biotoxin Exposure in the Genesis of Intractable Accompanied by Cognitive and Physical Disability. Mol Neurobiol. Camille J, Tasiemski A, Gabriele Sorci G et al. (2017) Infections and cancer: the “fifty shades of immunity” hypothesis. BMC Cancer 17, 257


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Parvovirus B19

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3 Herpes Virus-6, -7, Herpes zoster

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4 Epstein Barr Virus

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Unbound MEDLINE results for: Epstein Barr and neurological disorder Refine this search 1962 journal articles in the PubMed database (2014)

 (2019) Why EBV Might Cause Autoimmune Disorders

Cytomegalie Virus

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Coxsackie Virus

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7 Phlebovirus / Bunyavirus

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 Human Borna disease Virus Therapy

Powassan Virus

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Powassan virus disease (2015)

Hermance Meghan E, Thangamani Saravanan (2017) Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases. July 2017, 17(7): 453-462. 17(7), July 1, 2017

Zika virus (ZIKV)

CaoB, Sheth MN, Mysorekar IU (2018) To Zika and destroy: an antimalarial drug protects fetuses from Zika infection. Future Microbiology 13(2) EditorialFree Access

Bourbon Virus

KDHE Office of Communications (2014) KDHE and CDC Investigate New Virus. KDHE Office of Communications.

New "Bourbon Virus" linked to death. (2014) Medical News Network: the University of Kansas Hospital. University of Kansas.


Douville R, Liu J, Rothstein J, Nath A (2011) Identification of active loci of a human endogenous retrovirus in neurons of patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Ann Neurol. 69(1), 141-51. doi: 10.1002/ana.22149. «We have identified a specific pattern of HERV-K expression in ALS, which may potentially define the pathophysiology of ALS. Targeting of activated genome-encoded retroviral elements may open new prospects for the treatment of ALS. «

10 MS Retrovirus

Garcia-Montojo M, Dominguez-Mozo M, Arias-Leal A et al. (2013) The DNA copy number of human endogenous retrovirus-W (MSRV-type) is increased in multiple sclerosis patients and is influenced by gender and disease severity. PLoS One. 8(1), e53623. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0053623. “MSRV increases its copy number in PBMC of MS patients and particularly in women with high clinical scores. This may explain causes underlying the higher prevalence of MS in women. The association with the clinical severity calls for further investigations on MSRV load in PBMCs as a biomarker for MS.”

 MSRV 99d6-00000aacb361&acdnat=1384701083_7c037e9ebe7e39bd42b0ab26be8610a1  MSRV

Torque teno virus (TTV)

Mancuso R, Saresella M, Hernis A, Agostini S, Piancone F, Caputo D, Maggi F, Clerici M. (2013) Torque teno virus (TTV) in multiple sclerosis patients with different patterns of disease. J Med Virol. 85(12), 2176- 83. doi: 10.1002/jmv.23707. Epub 2013 Aug 19.

Immunsuppressive Virusarten, weitere Beispiele, more immunesuppressive viruses

Human papillomavirus Papillome und Karzinome der Haut Hepatitis B und C Virus Leberkrebs Humanes Immundefizienz Virus Kaposi Sarkom Humanes T-Lymphozytenvirus I und II T-Zell Leukämie T-Zell Lymphom

Immunsuppressive Bakterien und pleomorphe Formen. Immunosuppressive bacteria and pleomorphic forms

Helicobakter pylori Adenocarcinom des Magens, MALT Lymphom, Non Hodkin Lymphom Fusobakt. fusiforme, Borrelia vincent Plattenepithelkarzinom Vibrio cholerae (IPSID), Non Hodkin Lymphom

Obligat intrazelluläre Fakultativ intrazelluläre Krankheitserreger Krankheitserreger

Chlamydia spp, Coxiella burnetii, Borrelia spp, Treponemen, Leptospiren, Bartonellen, Ehrlichia spp, Erwinia spp, Mycoplasmen, Brucella spp, Legionella spp, Listeria spp, Rickettsia spp, Para-chlamydia Mycobacterium spp, Neisseria spp, Salmonella spp, spp Mycobakterium leprae, Shigella spp, Yersinia spp, Babesia spp, Toxoplasma, Tropheryma Whipelei, Waddlia Protomyxzoa spp, Trypanosomen, Streptokokken spp, etc. Candida etc.

McManus M, Cincotta A (2015) Effects of Borrelia on host immune system: Possible consequences for diagnostics. Advances in Integrative Medicine

11 Capnocytophaga canimorsus

Mader N, Lührs F, Herget-Rosenthal S, Langenbeck M (2019) Being Licked by a Dog Can Be Fatal: Capnocytophaga canimorsus Sepsis with Purpura Fulminans in an Immunocompetent Man. European Journal of Case Reports in Internal Medicine; DOI: 10.12890/2019_001268

 Pleomorphe Formen der Bakterien, Pleomorphic forms of bacteria

Immunsuppressive Protozoen, Immunosuppressive acting protozoa

Shistosoma mansoni, Shistosoma japonicum Plattenepithelcarcinom der Harnblase Plasmodium falciparum Burkitt Lymphom Chlonorchis sinensis Cholangiocarcinom Opistorchis viverrini Cholangiocarcinom Strongyloides stercoralis T-Zell Leukämie

Kissler H. (2001) Is Multiple Sclerosis caused by a silent infection with malarial parasites? Part 1. Med Hypotheses 57(3), 280-291.

Kissler H. (2001) Is multiple sclerosis caused by a silent infection with malarial parasites? A historico-epidemiological approach: part II. „The possible significance of the old and rather forgotten provocative methods for the diagnosis of latent malaria is discussed.“

 Chronische Entzündung  Chronic inflammatory disorders

 Mitochondrien  Zytoskelett  Symbiogenese

 Borrelien und Immunsystem

 Krebsstammzellen

Schutz durch Virusarten, protective virus types

Bhat RK, Rudnick W, Antony JM, Maingat F, Ellestad KK, et al. (2014) Human Endogenous Retrovirus-K(II) Envelope Induction Protects Neurons during HIV/AIDS. PLoS ONE 9(7), e97984. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0097984

 Seneca valley virus, MikroRNAs

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