RANGERS INTERNATIONAL FOOTBALL CLUB PLC Annual Report 2020 RANGERS INTERNATIONAL FOOTBALL CLUB PLC Annual Report 2020 RANGERS INTERNATIONAL FOOTBALL CLUB PLC Annual Report 2020 Contents Directors and advisors 3 Business review 4 Strategic report 10 Directors’ report 17 Directors’ responsibilities statement 19 Corporate governance statement 20 Independent auditor’s report 21 Consolidated income statement 23 Consolidated statement of comprehensive income 24 Consolidated balance sheet 25 Company balance sheet 26 Consolidated statement of changes in equity 27 Company statement of changes in equity 27 Consolidated statement of cash flows 28 Company statement of cash flows 28 Notes to the financial statements 29 2 RANGERS INTERNATIONAL FOOTBALL CLUB PLC Annual Report 2020 Directors and Advisors Directors John Bennett Graeme Park Douglas Park RANGERS INTERNATIONAL FOOTBALL CLUB PLC Alastair Johnston ANNUAL REPORT 2019 Julian Juul Wolhardt Barry Scott Company Secretary James Blair Registered Office Ibrox Stadium, 150 Edmiston Drive, Glasgow, G51 2XD Auditor Azets Audit Services, Titanium 1, King’s Inch Place, Renfrew, PA4 8WF Solicitors Anderson Strathern LLP, George House, 50 George Square, Glasgow, G2 1EH Bankers Barclays plc, 5th Floor, Aurora, 120 Bothwell Street, Glasgow, G2 7JT Registrars Link Group, 34 Beckenham Road, Beckenham, Kent, BR3 4TU Stockbrokers JP Jenkins, 80 Cheapside, London, EC2V 6EE Company Registration Number SC437060 3 RANGERS INTERNATIONAL FOOTBALL CLUB PLC Annual Report 2020 Business Review Chairman’s Report It is an honour and a privilege to present my first report as Chairman of Rangers Football Club. When I returned to Ibrox in March 2015, I advised my fellow shareholders and directors that I believed it could take us a decade to restore our beloved club to where it belonged, both on and off the field.
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