Wqt Llniurtsity of !1Linntlintn
wqt llniurtsity of !1linntlintn FORTY-FOURTH ANNUAL COMMENCEMENT 1916 THE UNIVERSITY ARMORY THURSDAY, JUNE EIGHTH, AT TEN O'CLOCK ORDER OF EXERCISES [\'lARCH-from HAthalia" M endelssohn UNIVERSITY ORCHESTM. DONALD FERGUSON, B.A., Director SONG-"Hail, Minnesota" Minnesota, hail to thee, Like the stream that bends to sea, Hail to thee, our College dear, Like the pine that seeks the blue, Thy light shall ever be Minnesota, still for thee A beacon bright and clear; Thy sons are strong and true. Thy sons and daughters true From thy woods and waters fair Will proclaim thee near and far; From thy prairies waving far, They will guard thy fame; At thy call they throng, And adore thy name; With their shout and song. Thou shalt be their Northern Star. Hailing thee their Northern Star, INVOCATION The Reverend SAMUEL FLETCHER KERFOOT, D.D., President of Hamline University ADDRESS-HPresent-Day Humanism" The Reverend SAMUEL MCCHORD CROTHERS, D.D., Litt.D, Minister of the First Unitarian Church, Cambridge, Mas sachusetts OVERTURE-HPreciosa" Weber UNIVERSITY ORCHESTRA CONFERRING OF DEGREES President GEORGE EDGAR VINCENT, Ph.D., LL.D. ;I ANNOUNCEMENT OF HONORS AND PRIZES HYMN-"America" My Country I 'tis of thee, My native Country, thee Sweet land of liberty, Land of the noble, free- Of thee I sing; Thy name I love; Land where my fathers died I I love thy rocks and rills, Land of the Pilgrims' pride Thy woods and templed hills; From every mountain side My heart with rapture thrills Let freedom ring I Like that above. Our fathers' God I to Thee, Author of liberty, To Thee we sing; Long may our land be bright With freedom's holy light; Protect us by Thy might, Great God, our King I BENEDICTION The Reverend Dr.
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