Caucus of Women Legislators Fourth Quarter 2007

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Caucus of Women Legislators Fourth Quarter 2007 Caucus of Women Legislators Fourth Quarter 2007 State House, Room 460 • Boston, Massachusetts 02133 • Ph: (617) 722-2266 Past and Present Legislators Gather for 157, And Counting Reunion succeed the President in the case of the F ormer Representative latter’s removal, resignation or death. In Katharine Kane smiled at both the famil- the room full of past and present female iar and unfamiliar faces around the room state representatives and senators, Ms. as she received applause. Representative Kane was the earliest-serving legislator Marty Walz (D-Boston), Ms. Kane’s state present at that night’s event held at the representative and House Chair of the Cau- College Club of Boston, and is one of the cus of Women Legislators, had just recog- earliest-serving who is still alive today. nized Ms. Kane’s legislative service from Titled 157, And Counting after the 1965 to 1968, some 40 years ago. Ms. 157 women legislators who have served in Kane served under former House Speaker Former Representative Anne Paulsen, Representative the Massachusetts General Court, the Oc- John McCormack when Lyndon Johnson Lida Harkins, Former Representatives Barbara Gard- tober 11 reception and dinner brought to- was President of the United States. She ner and Barbara Hildt (left to right) chat at 157, And gether former and current women legisla- Counting. took part in the state’s ratification of the tors for the first reunion of its kind in re- 15th amendment to the Bill of Rights, which allowed for the Vice President to cent (Continued on page 4) Brown Bag Lunches Spotlight Lung Cancer in Women and Child Hunger Caucus Hosts Lung Cancer Alliance for Dr. Deborah Frank Speaks to October Discussion on Women’s Health Legislators and Staff About Child Hunger * * * * * * O ver lunch on October 25, legislators and staff I n introducing guest speaker Dr. Deborah A. joined co-chairs Diane Legg and Joanne O’Connor of the Mas- Frank to legislators and staff gathered for the Caucus of sachusetts chapter of the Lung Cancer Alliance for a discus- Women Legislators’ November brown bag lunch on child hun- sion on lung cancer in women. ger, Representative Cory Atkins (D-Concord) explained how Following an introduction by Senator Susan C. Fargo the idea for that day’s briefing came about. In late 2006, Dr. (D-Lincoln), Senate Chair of the Caucus of Women Legisla- Frank had contacted Representative Atkins after she was tors and the Committee quoted in The Boston Globe, responding to a report that found Save the Dates! on Public Health, both one in every three children in 35 poor communities around the women shared how Commonwealth was going hungry. “I was appalled,” Repre- each had been touched sentative Atkins said. “Child hunger should be a zero- February 13 by lung cancer. Ms. tolerance issue. We have the resources to make sure that every Go Red for Women Legg is a survivor of child in this Commonwealth is fed," she was quoted as saying. the disease. Her close The meeting between legislators, staff, and Dr. Frank, a recog- February 27 friend, Susan Levinsky, nized leader in the field of child development and nutrition, Annual Meeting was one of the results of that important (Continued on page 5) (Continued on page 5) Massachusetts A Message from the Co-Chairs Caucus of Women Legislators Dear Colleagues, Staff, and Friends: 2007 Co-Chairs Happy New Year to all! We hope you had a wonderful holiday season and survived the first snowstorms of our early-arriving winter. Representative Martha M. Walz As we enter the new year, we have news to report from the last Senator Susan C. Fargo few months and upcoming plans to share with you. Treasurer First, we welcome the Caucus’ two newest appointees to the Commission on the Status of Women, Azell Murphy Cavaan and Pam Representative Harriett L Stanley Malumphy, and congratulate a familiar face, Elizabeth Houlihan, on her Board of Directors re-appointment to the Commission. More information about each of these women can be found on page 4. We also want to recognize and thank the Representative Willie Mae Allen members of our Screening Committee for their hard work in reviewing and Senator Harriette L. Chandler interviewing candidates for our three open positions this year: Co-Chairs, Representative Mary E. Grant Anne Gobi and Mary Grant, as well as Willie Mae Allen, Kay Khan, Rose- mary Sandlin, Harriett Stanley, and Alice Wolf. Representative Kay Khan Our brown bag lunches in 2007 brought a number of important Representative Denise Provost issues to the legislature’s attention, and the first one planned for 2008 on January 17 spotlights the Massachusetts Public Higher Education Initia- Representative Mary S. Rogeness tive in Nursing Education, an innovative home-grown program that is Executive Director being replicated around the country. With a severe shortage of nurses in Diana Hwang the state, compounded by a shortage of nurse educators, our healthcare suffers. The Nursing Initiative aims to remedy both problems through the Members of House Members of Senate implementation of ground-breaking workforce development training and Willie Mae Allen Gale D. Candaras program development. We hope you will join us for this special briefing. Cory Atkins Harriette L. Chandler February 13 is Go Red for Women Day at the State House. The Ruth B. Balser Cynthia Stone Creem Jennifer M. Callahan Susan C. Fargo Caucus is proud to once again sponsor this important event that spotlights Linda Dean Camp- Patricia D. Jehlen bell Joan M. Menard the issue of women and heart disease, the #1 killer of women nationwide. Christine E. Canavan Therese Murray Also ahead is the Caucus’ Annual Meeting, scheduled for February 27, Cheryl A. Coakley- Pamela P. Resor Rivera Karen E. Spilka and a trip to MCI-Framingham to discuss issues pertinent to women in Geraldine Creedon Susan C. Tucker prison. A special report release, tour of the facility, and Q&A session Jennifer L. Flanagan Marian Walsh Linda Dorcena Forry Dianne Wilkerson with new Department of Corrections Commissioner Harold Clarke is Gloria L. Fox Colleen M. Garry planned. Susan W. Gifford Needless to say, we’re not wasting any time in starting 2008. Anne M. Gobi Mary E. Grant We always invite your ideas and feedback. Best wishes to all for Patricia A. Haddad a happy and healthy New Year. Lida E. Harkins Rachel Kaprielian Kay Khan Sincerely, Barbara A. L’Italien Elizabeth A. Malia Marty Walz and Susan Fargo Sarah Peake Alice H. Peisch Elizabeth A. Poirier Karyn E. Polito ABOUT THE CAUCUS OF WOMEN LEGISLATORS Denise Provost Kathi-Anne Reinstein Pam Richardson The Massachusetts Caucus of Women Legisla- Mary S. Rogeness Rosemary Sandlin tors is a bipartisan, bicameral group of female legisla- Joyce A. Spiliotis Harriett L. Stanley tors, the mission of which is to enhance the economic Marie P. St. Fleur Ellen Story Patricia A. Walrath status and equality of women and to encourage and Martha M. Walz Alice K. Wolf foster women in all levels of government. Page 2 Caucus of Women Legislators CONGRATULATIONS! Members share with us news of their achievements! In late September, the Spring- Representative Geraldine field Education Association Creedon (D-Brockton) was (SEA) presented Senator Gale D. honored by the Massachusetts Asso- Candaras (D-Wilbraham) with its ciation of School Committees Friend of Education Award. Timothy (MASC) as Legislator of the Year for Collins, SEA President, thanked her 2007. In announcing Representative for her support of “public education, Creedon as this year’s honoree, the the children and the teachers in MASC recognized her leadership as Springfield Public Schools…for many years.” Most notably, Vice Chair of the Education Committee and described her as Senator Candaras’ “hard work and strong advocacy was one a “forceful advocate” for key public education issues, includ- of the driving forces behind the SEA achieving a fair con- ing school building assistance funding and meaningful reim- tract for the City’s educators,” he said. bursement rates. The Women Legislators’ This fall, Representative Lobby/Women’s Action for Marie P. St. Fleur (D-Boston), New Directions (WiLL/WAND) pre- along with Senator Thomas M. sented Representative Kay Khan McGee (D-Lynn), was honored with (D-Newton) with its Pacesetters the Massachusetts Recreation and Award at its National Conference Parks Association’s 2007 Legislative held in Washington, D.C. from Sep- Award and recognized as Legislator tember 30 to October 2. Representa- of the Year for 2007 by the YMCA. tive Khan, the Massachusetts State Director for WiLL/ Both organizations lauded their work as Co-Chairs of the WAND, was honored for her “noteworthy legislative service, Massachusetts Special Commission on After School and Out her contributions to sound progressive policy, and her of School Time, which released its final report, Our Common groundbreaking leadership in the state.” Wealth: Building a Future for Our Children and Youth, in mid-November. On October 11, the Community In December, Representative Dispute Settlement Center hon- Alice K. Wolf (D-Cambridge) ored Representative Martha M. was named Legislator of the Year by Walz (D-Boston) at its annual Spirit the Massachusetts chapter of the Na- Mediation Gala for “her continued tional Organization of Women public service in the area of mediation (NOW). In honoring Representative and conflict resolution.” Wolf, the group praised her efforts “throughout her career” to “champion legislation that advances women’s equality.” “2007 was no different,” Victoria Steinberg, Co-President of Massachusetts NOW, said, citing her leadership on pay equity and compre- hensive health education legislation. Fourth Quarter 2007 Page 3 Caucus Makes 2007-2008 Appointments to Commission on the Status of Women cluded a 27-year ca- T he reer as the Vice Presi- Caucus of Women dent of Sales and Legislators has ap- Service and as Vice pointed Azell Murphy President/General Cavaan and Pam Manager of Opera- Malumphy and reap- tions.
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