No. 96



Mr Higgins to the Chief Minister:

Appropriation Bill – Department of the Chief Minister

Please provide copies of:

 All questions, which have been received from the public in relation to the Estimates process and consideration of the Appropriation Bill for the 2017/18 financial year; and

 The answers to those questions that were presented to the Estimates Committee.

Please provide the information requested below for Agencies and Government authorities for which you have responsibility, as at 31 March 2017.


Please accept apologies if questions are not under the correct Output. Where this is the case, it would be appreciated if you could indicate the appropriate Output in your response. Thank You.



1. Please explain what this Output includes in terms of functions.

2. How was the funding allocation for this output determined? Please explain the outcomes that can be expected.

3. With such a large debt, the government’s advice to CEOs to find savings and the reduction in overall staffing in the Department of Chief Minister, why is it necessary to have two ECO5 positions at an annual minimum remuneration package each of $307,000? Royal Commission 1. What is the projected NT government expenditure for the Royal Commission into the Protection and Detention of Children in the Northern Territory and how does this differ from the original budget allocation?

2. What has the increase in costs included?


3. When will the Royal Commission’s findings be handed down and how does this timetable differ from when the Royal Commission was announced?

4. Why has the timeline blown out?

5. What proposals have been anticipated in line with the hearings to date and what funding proposals have been submitted to the Commonwealth Government?

Fracking 1. Please advise if a decision after receipt of the interim report from the Hydraulic Fracturing Inquiry will be made. If not, why not?

Capital Cities Agenda 1. What is included in the Capital Cities agenda and what specifically does it cover?

2. Please provide copies of submissions made to the Commonwealth Government.

3. In relation to the Capital Cities agenda what submissions have been made by the Darwin City and Councils and how do these relate to NT Government submissions?

Building Better Region’s Fund

1. What submissions have been made to the Commonwealth Government’s Building Better Region’s Fund and please provide copies of the submissions.

50% Renewable Energy by 2030 1. Please outline the methodology utilised in arriving at a 50% renewable energy target by 2030.

2. What impact will a 50% renewable target have on the Territory economy? What modelling or research has been done to this end? Please provide a copy.

3. Why is the Minister spending $700 000 minimum on an additional report at a time when Territory families are tightening their belts and experiencing a massive blow out in debt and interest payments?


Strategic Partnership Agreement

A MOU was signed between SA Premier Dean Brown and NT Chief Minister Shane Stone in Alice Springs on June 15, 1995. The signing of a joint strategic agreement between the Northern Territory and South Australia governments in May 2017 replaces the five year Memorandum of Understanding signed between SA Premier Jay Weatherill and former Chief Minister Adam Giles in Canberra on April 17, 2015 – just over two years ago.

1. Why was it necessary to throw this 2015 MOU out and replace it with a Strategic Partnership Agreement that seems to be more about style rather than substance?

2. What is the cost of the new website, the new logo and the marketing material to support the stated ‘unprecedented and historic agreement’?


Indigenous Employment

1. In the Labor Party’s Northern Territory Jobs Plan, there is reference to an Indigenous Innovation Project. What specifically will this be, and how much it will cost?

Regional Coordination and Aboriginal Affairs

1. What is the cost of the Aboriginal Affairs Unit and how many staff does it comprise?

2. Is it correct that the level of the position of Executive Director Aboriginal Affairs and its importance has been downgraded from ECO3 to ECO2?

3. The Kenbi Land Claim was finalised in the term of the last government. A whole of government Working Group was established to oversee the implementation. Please advise what expenditure and staffing has been allocated to this and what is the action underway and proposed.

4. What are the specific items associated with the settlement and what is the cost of each?

5. How many outstanding Aboriginal land claims are there? What are they and what are the plans and timetables for their resolution?

6. How many staff are engaged in the process of settlement of these claims including the number of Indigenous employees?

7. How many meetings has the Aboriginal Affairs unit conducted with Land Councils and how many Indigenous staff are involved in these meetings?


8. What action has been undertaken since the Economic Development workshop held at Lake Bennet that included traditional owners and key stakeholders of the Wadeye community, the largest Aboriginal community in the Northern Territory?

9. What process was put in place to engage with Aboriginal communities including the largest communities such as Wadeye, Maningrida, Galuwinku in the Economic Development Summit process?

10. How many staff are engaged by the department in regional centres?

11. What are the specific staffing numbers, location and cost for each regional centre? Please provide a copy of each location’s plans.

12. What are the numbers of Indigenous staff in each location?

13. The previous government committed additional resources and effort including CEOs as Community Champions of regional areas. How many Community Champions are there now and in what communities?

14. Is it correct that there is no longer a budget provision for this? Why is this the case?



Ministerial Expenses

1. Please provide a full breakdown of all ministerial office expenditure since 1 September 2016.

2. Is it true that Union Liaison Officers have been employed in the Office of the Chief Minister?

3. Please explain why the government considers it appropriate for tax-payers to pay for Union Liaison Officers?

4. Please provide a full breakdown of Ministerial Intrastate, Interstate and International travel, including names of all travellers (Minister, spouse, nominee, staff and persons external to Government), accommodation, travel allowance, entertainment, car rental, meals and incidentals.

5. Please provide a full breakdown of charter travel, across Intrastate, Interstate and International travel categories, including names of all travellers (Minister, spouse, nominee, staff and persons external to Government), and details of all costs against each traveller, ie the cost of the charter, accommodation, travel allowance, entertainment, car rental, meals and incidentals.

Note: Some of the information being requested in 4 and 5 above was provided in response to the Agency Administration questions received on 9 June 2017, but not all. 4/31

Trade Delegation to China

1. Why was it necessary for 13 public servants to travel to Japan, Korea and China in October and November 2016?

Germany and Netherlands Overseas Travel

1. Please explain how meetings in Europe contributed to the achievement of the ship lift facility which was the recorded purpose of the travel.


Communications and Marketing

1. Detail the operations and outcomes of the Strategic Communications and Engagement Unit as compared with the previous Communication and Marketing Bureau. Please include:

a. The number of staff

b. Salaries and operational costs

c. The funding component covered by intra-sector transfers

2. What marketing and public relations functions have been transferred to agencies?




1. How many Full Time Equivalents are currently employed within this Agency, broken down by Output and Business Unit?

2. How many Full Time Equivalents have resigned, retired, taken a redundancy package or have been made redundant, or terminated? Please break down these numbers by Output and Business Unit?

3. What has happened to these positions? Has the work been reallocated to existing staff?

4. Are there any plans to fill these positions in the near future?

5. Please advise the amount of travel allowance per trip and for what duration that has been paid to the Member for Barkly in his capacity as a Minister for travel to Darwin from 1 July 2009 to 31 March 2017. 6. Please advise whether a copy of a lease agreement from the Member for Barkly for accommodation used whilst he is on official business as a Minister in Darwin has been received.


7. If the answer to question 6 is yes, please advise what the address is, the terms of the lease agreement and when the original or copy of this agreement was provided.


1. Please provide the reasons why the following tenders were awarded interstate and secondly why they were done by select tender?

a. Development of an Early Childhood Development Plan to a Victorian Company at a cost of $126 584; b. Review of Aboriginal Engagement with the NT justice System to a NSW Company at a cost of $18 409.


1. How is the practice of combining private and official travel properly assessed and administered under Section of the NTG Travel Policy?

2. Would a different view be taken to a one off trip of this nature compared to a pattern of similar trip requests?

3. Please advise if mini-bar expenses are in fact allowed when used for the sole purpose of refreshments, not for official hospitality and not for bottled or canned water in countries where tap water is not drinkable.




1.  Social Policy Coordination (SPC) is responsible for: • the provision of social policy advice to the Chief Minister and the Minister for Children; • administration of the Community Support Grants program; • NT Government - non-government organisation (NTG-NGO) Partnership Reform; • administration of the Wet Weather Respite Response; • coordination of the NTG-NGO Partnership Group; • administration of a number of peak-body and NGO funding agreements; • Strategic Children’s Policy Coordination including the development of the NT Early Childhood Development Strategic Plan; • leading or partnering whole-of-government and whole-of-sector social policy reform and improvements.


 Royal Commissions and Inquiries (RCI) – The unit is responsible for the provision of high level advice, analysis and whole-of-government policy coordination on a broad range of local and national public policy matters which impact the Northern Territory, in particular those arising from Royal Commissions, other inquiries and reviews.

 Economic and Environment Policy (EEP) • Provide strategic advice across a wide range of public policy issues to the Chief Minister and Cabinet. • Work with relevant agencies and stakeholders to develop, guide and implement priority strategies and initiatives. • Lead the development and implementation of policies, strategies and projects that drive diversity, productivity, development and participation in the Territory economy. • Identify, promote and facilitate the delivery of strategic infrastructure and investment to achieve sustained economic development and productivity.  Federal Policy and Strategic Coordination (FPSC) o facilitate, negotiate and monitor the Northern Territory’s participation and input into national and international agreements, reviews and inquiries; o coordinate, facilitate and monitor the Northern Territory’s performance through national reporting frameworks, including the Report on Government Services, Productivity Commission and national reports; and o provide strategic advice across a wide range of public policy issues to the Chief Minister and Cabinet;

2. Funding was allocated based on the number of FTE in the relevant business units and the expected operational costs for the financial year. The following outlines the expected outcomes for the financial year. • NT Early Childhood Development Strategic Plan (10 years). • NTG-NGO Partnership Reform including streamlined funding arrangements; expansion of five-year funding agreements; development of a social outcomes framework; and the identification of alternative and innovative funding sources for the social services sector. • Sound and timely advice to the Cabinet, the Chief Minister and the Minister for Children. • Lead the establishment of the Office of the Independent Commissioner Against Corruption. • Support the Independent Inquiry into Political Donations in the Northern Territory. • Provide whole-of-government support and coordination of the response to the findings and recommendations of the Royal Commission into Instituional Child Sexual Abuse and the Royal Commission into the Protection and Detention of Children in the Northern Territory.


• Support and coordinate the Northern Territory’s participation in the Council of Australian Governments and Council for the Australian Federation meetings. • Supporting the Roadmap to Renewables Independent Panel Review. DCM is also responsible for coordinating the whole-of-government response to the Review and will develop an implementation plan to deliver on the response.

3. The Department of the Chief Minister (DCM) supports both the Government and agencies to deliver the Government’s priorities. DCM has a budget that is approved by the Government and it is up to each Chief Executive Offier (CEO) to determine the level and number of FTE that can be supported by that Budget. Given the breadth of issues that DCM is required to deliver; support; and provide advice on; and the large number of substantial reforms being undertaken both across Government and within DCM, it is critical that DCM has a high performing executive team that is capable of delivering on the Government’s expectations.

Royal Commission

1. The cost of the Royal Commission is estimated at $53.56 million. The Northern Territory and Commonwealth governments have agreed to each contributing 50% of the estimated cost.

2. The estimated cost is for the Commonwealth’s Office of the Royal Commission and includes expenses such as salaries of the Commissioners and office staff, IT expenses, legal expenses for Counsel Assisting and the Solicitor Assisting the Royal Commission, office equipment and fitouts, and property expenses.

3. The amended Letters Patent require the Royal Commission to: • submit an interim report of the results of its inquiry and any recommendations to the Governor-General by 31 March 2017; and • submit a final report of the results of its inquiry and any recommendations by 30 September 2017; revised from 1 August 2017.

4. The Royal Commission was originally required to deliver its final report on 31 March 2017. The Royal Commissioners subsequently requested two extensions to the original 31 March 2017 reporting date: • 1 August 2017, with an interim report to be provided on 31 March 2017; and • 30 September 2017 for the final report. 5. No recommendations or findings were made by the Royal Commission in its interim report.



1. The independent Scientific Inquiry into Hydraulic Fracturing of Onshore Unconventional Reservoirs released its Interim Report on 14 July 2017.

The Interim Report details the work undertaken by the Inquiry to date including information gathered from public hearings, submissions from the community, consultation activities and preliminary research conducted by the Inquiry.

The Inquiry has stated it will release a draft Final Report later this year and then a Final Report by year’s end, which Government will then consider.

Capital Cities Agenda

1. City Deals are agreements between the Commonwealth, state and territory and local governments to coordinate the development of policies to improve planning, investment and reforms to achieve productive and liveable cities.

The NT Government has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Commonwealth Government, and is working with the City of Darwin and Charles Darwin University as key partners to co-design a 10 year vision for a visually attractive, liveable and productive Darwin city centre.

The development of a Darwin City Deal provides the opportunity to bring together all levels of government, the private sector and the community, in a coordinated approach to build a unique and vibrant City Centre.

It is anticipated that the package will be made up of a number of projects aimed at creating a transformed CBD and sense of place for Darwin. The process for developing a package for negotiation with partners and investors is underway. The Government has committed $100 million towards the City Deal initiative.

2. Nil.

3. Nil.

Building Better Region’s Fund

1. The Building Better Region’s Fund is a Commonwealth funding program and all submissions would go to the Commonwealth. The NT Government is not eligible to apply to this fund.

50% Renewable Energy by 2030

1. The renewable energy target is the policy of the Government. It aligns with policies adopted in other jurisdictions in relation to renewable energy. It is judged that the target and the trajectory towards it are necessary for growing our economy, generating jobs for Territorians, providing savings for consumers and reducing carbon emissions.

2. Assessment has yet to be made on the impact of the renewable energy target on the Territory economy.


3. The Report meets an election commitment made in the lead up to the August 2016 General Election.

Strategic Partnership Agreement

1. The new strategic partnership raises the level of ambition for our bilateral relationship with South Australia, and goes beyond traditional inter-jurisdictional cooperation.

Our governments have agreed to focus on a smaller set of mutual priorities with specific objectives and actions to deliver tangible outcomes; as opposed to collaboration on a wide range of issues previously pursued under the auspices of the MoU.

The partnership approach has also been specifically designed to facilitate joint investment, collective advocacy, and give both jurisdictions greater flexibility to meet the specific needs of communities, and advance place-based outcomes and local decision-making.

Key activities to be pursued in 2017-18 include, critical road infrastructure upgrades; developing an international engagement, trade and investment action plan; improving the connectivity of the Stuart Highway as a tourism corridor; joint action on early childhood education to support our most vulnerable and disadvantaged children; and identifying opportunities to create high quality disability services, regional jobs and business opportunities through the rollout of the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

2. The breakdown of costs which includes joint contribution from the South Australian and Northern Territory governments :  Website – There was no cost for the development of the website as this was undertaken internally within the NT Department of Corporate and Information Services. The monthly hosting fee for the website is approx. $220 (GST inclusive).  Logo – Mojo Collective $1848 (GST inclusive), including the development of the Strategic Partnership Concept, logo and other material for letter heads etc. SA Department of Premier and Cabinet for design and development of marketing materials $1716 (GST inclusive).  Marketing material – The Exhibitionist for creation of 1500mm pull up banner, $1122 (GST inclusive)


Indigenous Employment

1. See attached policy paper (Attachment A).

Regional Coordination and Aboriginal Affairs

1. Total expenditure from 1 July 2016 to 31 March 2017 for the Office of Aboriginal Affairs is $2.2 million and as at March 2017 had 11.3 FTE.


2. The position is currently an ECO2 and is in the process of being evaluated as per requirements under PSEMA.

3. The costs for the whole-of-government Working Group that supports the implementation of the Kenbi Framework Deed between the NT Government and the Northern Land Council are met from within existing agency funding arrangements. The Working Group provides coordination support in relation to implementing key aspects of the Kenbi Framework Deed including the perpetual Open Areas Gazettal to secure permit free access to the beaches of the Cox Peninsula, managing mining interests and squatters in Northern Territory road corridors and ensuring the necessary preconditions are in place to allow the transfer of the areas to become freehold to Larrakia Development Corporation and the Kenbi Land Trust (i.e. Indigenous Land Use Agreements registration, remediation completed and Kenbi Land Trust Act commenced and Regulations in place).

4. Of the 65 000 hectares of land on the Cox Peninsula that was subject to Aboriginal land claims, agreement was reached to resolve the claims in the following way: • 52 000 hectares has been granted as Aboriginal land to the Kenbi Aboriginal Land Trust. • 13 000 hectares will be granted as Northern Territory freehold with one fifth of this going to Larrakia Development Corporation and the remainder to the Kenbi Land Trust. • To secure perpetual, permit free access to the intertidal zone and beaches of the area to become Aboriginal land on the Cox Peninsula, the following was accepted as compensation: • grant of title to Karu Park (Crown Lease Perpetuity) to Larrakia Development Corporation at no cost to use as a public park; and • grant of a 3.03ha industrial lot at East Arm to Larrakia Development Corporation (capital value of $6.06 million) for development. This land has been granted as Territory freehold. • Incentivised procurement provisions which involve the NT Government providing preference in development proposal assessments to proponents who propose to partner with Aboriginal organisations for the development of Crown land in the Darwin area. • the opportunity for Larrakia Development Corporation to partner in the development of Farrar West which incorporates an estimated 220 lots.


5. There are currently 42 outstanding Aboriginal land claims in the Northern Territory. At present, the NT Government is prioritising the resolution of the 23 outstanding beds and banks of rivers and intertidal zone land claims (DCM led), the finalisation of the three Kenbi related land claims (DCM), the Cobourg Peninsula and Upper Daly land claims (DTC led), the Anthony Lagoon, Ban Ban Springs Area and Coomalie/Deepwater, Wakaya Alyawarre, Wulna and Frances Well land claims (DIPL led) with DPIR progressing remediation works on the site of the former Rum Jungle mine which is affiliated with the Finniss River land claim. Outstanding land claims not listed above (e.g. four relating to Kakadu) are typically managed by DIPL in the first instance.

6. DCM’s Aboriginal Land Strategic Policy unit currently has five staff (including one graduate) with one additional Aboriginal staff member currently on extended/maternity leave.

Input will be required from DIPL, DTC and DPIR to complete the response to this question.

7. The amount of administrative effort required to respond to this question is too onerous and excessive and would result in undue diversion of resources from the core business of the department.

8. The Department of Trade, Business and Innovation (DTBI) provided the following answer to this question.

The Economic Development Summits held at Lake Bennet held in 2016 identified a number of initiatives for future development for the community of Wadeye. There have been substantial developments including a soil and water survey which identified significant opportunities. Land owners were engaged in the survey work. Thamarrurr Development Corporation has been through a major restructure and consolidation, and now are the major body driving economic opportunities in the land trust. As a direct result of the summits the following actions have taken place:  two business growth grants given to Palngun Wurnangat Aboriginal Corporation for business restructuring and growth planning. These grants will assist in enabling future retail growth in the community  Thamarrurr Development Corporation (TDC) have been successful in tendering for 25 housing refurbishments. In addition, TDC are tendering for 16 new house builds and a further 75 refurbishments. To support and enable this, the Department of Business and Innovation provided a business growth grant for business restructuring  TDC were provided a community champions grant of $150 000 for the purchase of a new grader to enable civil contracting works to be undertaken in the community  a further grant of $80 000 was provided for campsite redevelopments in the community homelands


 specialist analysis and advice has been provided to TDC to expand and capitalise on commercial accommodation facilities in Wadeye, and  the Department of Environment and Natural Resources has completed a comprehensive soil and water analysis program in the surrounding region to inform future agri-business potential of the area.

9. DTBI provided the following answer to this question.

Aboriginal communities were engaged in a number of ways. There were in excess of 50 direct engagement opportunities held across the NT including Nhulunbuy, Katherine, Tennant Creek, Timber Creek, Groote Eylandt and Alice Springs attended by Aboriginal people, Aboriginal representative groups and organisations. These included peak organisations including four land councils, NT Indigenous Business Network, Centrefarm/Aboriginal Land and Sea Economic Development Agency and individuals. There was some direct engagement with Wadeye people and organisations by way of a visit to Wadeye on 16 March 2017. The mayor of the West Daly Regional Council, Mr Harold Wilson also attended the Phase 1 update at the end of 2016, as well as the final forum held in Darwin in March 2017. The government also gave consideration to work already undertaken by the community over 2015 to develop an economic plan for the region.

10. 33.

11. 18 – Top End Region 2 – Barkly Region 2 – Big Rivers Region 6 – East Arnhem Region 5 – Central Australia Region

12. 15.2% of the Department of the Chief Minister identifies as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander.


13. Communities with Community Champions as at 31 March 2017.

Community Community Champion Milingimbi and Ramingining Vacant Formerly Dr Len Notaras CEO Department of Health Groote Eylandt Ken Davies CEO Department of Territory Families Borroloola Greg Shanahan CEO Attorney-General and Justice Wadeye Luke Bowen Executive Director, Department of Business, Trade and Innovation (might need to get his title) Maningrida Alister Trier CEO Department of Primary Industry and Resources Galiwin’ku Vacant Formerly Dave McHugh CEO Department of Infrastructure Gunbalanya Vacant Formerly Rod Applegate CEO Department of Lands, Planning and Environment Utopia Jodie Ryan CEO Department of the Chief Minister Ngukurr and Numbulwar Michael Tennant CEO Department of Trade, Business and Innovation Yuendumu and Lajamanu Vacant Formerly Mike Chiodo CEO Department of Local Government and Community Services Tiwi Islands Vacant Formerly John Coleman CEO Department of the Chief Minister Hermannsburg Vacant Formerly Ron Kelly CEO Department of Mines and Energy Yulara District Vacant Formerly Tony Mayell General Manager Tourism NT

14. The operational Budget for the Community Champions Program still exists.




Ministerial Expenses

1. Total Ministerial Offices expenditure from 1 September 2016 to 31 March 2017 is $8.3 million.

2. There is one Union Liaison Officer employed by OCM.

3. Unions are an important part of the Territory and this Government is one for all Territorians. The position mirrors other advisor positions which are responsible for liaising with business, sporting and community groups, multicultural organisations and members of our seniors community.

4. See below.

15/31 Department of the Chief Minister Intrastate Travel 1 September 2016 to 31 March 2017

Cost Centre Traveller Travel From Travel ToDestination Reason for Travel Official Accommodation Fares Other Cost incurred by Date Date Allowance agency to 31/03/2017 11GCA201D- TRAVEL HON M GUNNER Alasdair Henderson 14/11/2016 15/11/2016 Darwin, Jabiru, Darwin To attend meetings with stakeholders and community engagement. 105 145 - - 250 Alf Leonardi 6/10/2016 7/10/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin Accompany the Chief Minister to Community Cabinet and attend meeting with stakeholders. 148 87777 10 1,022 10/10/2016 11/10/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin Accompany the Chief Minister to Stakeholder meetings and Cabinet meeting. 148 136777 19 1,080 13/10/2016 16/10/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin Accompanying the Chief Minister to meetings. 311 409816 30 1,566 2/12/2016 3/12/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin Accompanying the Chief Minister to meetings. 74 1,204 777 246 2,301 14/12/2016 15/12/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To attend the Chief Minister's 2016 Christmas Reception on behalf of the Chief Minister. 117 103754 15 989 23/01/2017 24/01/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To attend meeting. 111 115777 49 1,053 24/03/2017 24/03/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin Accompanying the Chief Minister to Economic Summit. 624 10 634 Anthony Venes 14/11/2016 15/11/2016 Darwin, Jabiru, Darwin To attend meetings with stakeholders and community engagement. 117 145555 22 838 Bianca Fidock 14/11/2016 15/11/2016 Darwin, Jabiru, Darwin To attend meetings with stakeholders and community engagement. 105 145 - - 250 Cameron Angus 1/09/2016 1/09/2016 Darwin, Numbulwar, Darwin To attend meetings with stakeholders and community engagement. 5,182 125 5,307 6/09/2016 6/09/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin Accompanying the Chief Minister to meetings. 54 777 30 861 6/10/2016 7/10/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin Accompany the Chief Minister to Community Cabinet meeting. 148 135995 15 1,293 11/10/2016 12/10/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin Accompanying the Chief Minister to meetings. 148 118816 106 1,188 2/12/2016 3/12/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin Accompanying the Chief Minister to meetings. 148 114171 284 716 16/12/2016 16/12/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin Accompany the Chief Minister to attend NGO Sector meeting. 80 650 107 837 20/12/2016 20/12/2016 Darwin, Katherine, Darwin Accompany the Chief Minister to stakeholder meetings. 63 - - 63 8/02/2017 8/02/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin Accompany the Minister to stakeholder meetings. 591 10 601 2/03/2017 3/03/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin Accompany the Chief Minister to stakeholder meetings. 85 115624 221 1,045 24/03/2017 24/03/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin Accompany the Chief Minister to the Economic Summit. 624 10 634 Chief Minister 1/09/2016 1/09/2016 Darwin, Numbulwar, Darwin To attend stakeholder meetings and community engagement. 6,355 125 6,480 6/09/2016 6/09/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To attend meeting. 777 30 807 6/10/2016 15/10/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To attend Community Cabinet meeting and various stakeholder meetings and participation in the Alice Springs 2,474 -994 3,468 Masters Games. 13/11/2016 13/11/2016 Darwin, Nhulunbuy, Darwin To attend the opening of Arnhem Allied Health Centre Corporate. 6,591 125 6,716 14/11/2016 15/11/2016 Darwin, Jabiru, Darwin To attend Cabinet meeting. 1451,250 191 1,586 16/11/2016 16/11/2016 Darwin, Timber Creek, Darwin To attend Northern Land Council meeting. 5,570 - 5,570 2/12/2016 3/12/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To attend Stakeholder meetings with the Premier of South Australia. 114777 98 988 16/12/2016 16/12/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To attend NGO Sector Meeting. 650 10 660 29/12/2016 29/12/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Kintore, Alice Springs, Kintore Flooding Inspection. 777 10 787 Darwin 8/02/2017 8/02/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin **Travel Cancelled** 591 10 601 2/03/2017 3/03/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin Meeting with Stakeholders. 139624 10 773 24/03/2017 24/03/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To attend Economic Summit. 624 10 634 Craig Rowston 2/12/2016 3/12/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin Accompany the Chief Minister to attend Stakeholder meetings with the Premier of South Australia. 148 139606 45 938 2/03/2017 3/03/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin Accompany the Chief Minister to stakeholders meetings. 111 115781 10 1,018 Dan Crone 6/03/2017 7/03/2017 Darwin, Maningrida, Darwin Accompany the Chief Minister to site visit of Maningrida Solar plant and stakeholder meetings. 82 - - 82 Dennis Bree 27/09/2016 27/09/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin Attending meeting with stakeholders and community engagement. - 10 10 29/09/2016 29/09/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin Attending meeting with stakeholders and Assistant Ministers. 80 650 56 786 6/10/2016 7/10/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin Attending Community Cabinet Meeting. 148 126777 10 1,061 5/12/2016 5/12/2016 Darwin, Bathurst Island, Darwin To accompany Assistant Minister to attend meetings. 273 30 303 Fred Mccue 29/12/2016 29/12/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Kintore, Alice Springs, Kintore Flooding Inspection. 80 777 10 867 Darwin Graham Morrison 6/09/2016 6/09/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin Accompany the Chief Minister to stakeholder meetings. 777 30 807 2/03/2017 3/03/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin Accompany the Chief Minister to cover media event/announcement. 105954 10 1,069 Kathleen Gazzola 6/09/2016 6/09/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin Accompany the Chief Minister for stakeholder meetings. 777 30 807 2/03/2017 3/03/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin Accompany the Chief Minister to cover media event/announcement. 954 10 964 Kathryn Foran 8/02/2017 8/02/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs Accompany the Chief Minister to cover media event/announcement. 384 10 394 Kieran Phillips 6/09/2016 6/09/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To attend stakeholder meetings. 80 777 81 938 5/10/2016 7/10/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To attend Community Cabinet meeting, stakeholder meetings and community engagement. 202 199718 191 1,310 2/03/2017 3/03/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To attend stakeholder meetings. 29 115777 132 1,054 24/03/2017 24/03/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To attend stakeholder meetings and the Economic Summit. 624 10 634 Manny Koulakis 2/02/2017 3/02/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To engage with various multicultural groups and Associations. 148 114610 81 953 Maria Billias 21/02/2017 22/02/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To attend meetings and forward planning activities with stakeholders. 148 122699 218 1,187 Peter Wellings 10/10/2016 10/10/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To accompany the Chief Minster to attend meetings. 80 777 47 905 14/11/2016 15/11/2016 Darwin, Jabiru, Darwin To attend Community Cabinet meeting. 121 145 - - 265 20/12/2016 20/12/2016 Darwin, Katherine, Darwin Accompany the Chief Minister to attend stakeholder meetings. 63 - - 63 6/03/2017 7/03/2017 Darwin, Maningrida, Darwin Accompany the Minister to site visit of Maningrida Solar plant and stakeholder meetings. 15 - - 15 Phil Tilbrook 19/01/2017 20/01/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin Attending Workplace stakeholder meeting. 148 114610 10 882 Sandra Nelson 25/11/2016 26/11/2016 Darwin, Gove, Darwin To attend the White Ribbon Gala Dinner on behalf of the Chief Minister. 1861,592 218 1,996 Tom Lawrence 8/02/2017 8/02/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs **Travel Cancelled** 384 10 394 Zach Hope 21/02/2017 22/02/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To attend meetings and forward planning activities with stakeholders. 148 122699 10 978

16/31 Where travel has been cancelled, credits or partial credits may still be received. Travel expenditure reported is from the Government Accounting System as at 31 March 2017. Department of the Chief Minister Intrastate Travel 1 September 2016 to 31 March 2017

Cost Centre Traveller Travel From Travel To Destination Reason for Travel OfficialAccommodation Fares Other Cost incurred by agency Date Date Allowance to 31/03/2017 11GCA201D- TRAVEL HON M GUNNER Total 3,792 7,444 56,851 4,191 72,279

11GCA202D- TRAVEL HON N FYLES Deirdre Logie 21/09/2016 21/09/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin Accompany the Minister to attend the Elders Visiting Program Forum, Staff Memorial Day with NT Correctional 47 677 10 734 Services and visit the Alice Springs Hospital.

9/11/2016 9/11/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin **Travel Cancelled** 777 10 787 14/11/2016 15/11/2016 Darwin, Jabiru, Oenpelli, Jabiru, Darwin Accompany the Minister to stakeholder meetings and Community Cabinet meeting. 132 145 - - 277 24/01/2017 24/01/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin **Travel Cancelled** - 5 5 Ella Maguire 6/10/2016 7/10/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To attend the pre-sittings meeting. 97 141 699 32 970 Laetitia Lemke 24/01/2017 24/01/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin Accompany the Minister to stakeholder meetings. 80 777 113 970 Matt Punch 9/11/2016 9/11/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin **Travel Cancelled** 777 19 796 24/01/2017 24/01/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin Accompany the Minister to stakeholder meetings. 80 - - 80 Minister Fyles 21/09/2016 21/09/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To attend the Elders Visiting Program Forum, Staff Memorial Day with NT Correctional Services and visit the Alice 677 72 750 Springs Hospital.

9/11/2016 9/11/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To attend various stakeholder meetings. 777 10 787 14/11/2016 15/11/2016 Darwin, Jabiru, Oenpelli, Jabiru, Darwin To attend stakeholder meetings and Community Cabinet meeting. 145 555 76 775 24/01/2017 24/01/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To attend various stakeholder meetings. - 9 9 Ngaree Jane Ah Kit 23/01/2017 23/01/2017 Darwin, Groote Eylandt, Darwin Representing the Minister at the National Indigenous Critical Response Project. 780 47 827 11GCA202D- TRAVEL HON N FYLES Total 437 430 6,497 403 7,767 11GCA203D- TRAVEL HON N MANISON James Walter Gallacher 22/09/2016 22/09/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin Accompany the Minister to attend stakeholder meetings. 80 777 30 887

6/10/2016 7/10/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin Attending Community Cabinet Meeting. 125 686 15 825 13/10/2016 14/10/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin Attending Community Cabinet Meeting. 634 35 669 2/03/2017 3/03/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs Accompany the Minister to attend stakeholder meetings. 65 404 10 479 Kirsten McComiskie 14/12/2016 15/12/2016 Darwin, Katherine, Darwin Accompany the Minister to attend stakeholder meetings. 117 955 - 10 1,081 Lesley Major 22/02/2017 22/02/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin Accompany the Minister to Stakeholder Meetings and media appointments. 80 389 60 528 Matt Ellis 14/11/2016 15/11/2016 Darwin, Jabiru, Darwin Assist the Minister with Cabinet Meetings and stakeholder meetings. 109 145 - - 254 Minister Manison 22/09/2016 22/09/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To attend meetings with stakeholders. 777 89 866 6/10/2016 7/10/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To attend Community Cabinet meeting. 114 606 131 851 13/10/2016 14/10/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To attend Community Cabinet meeting. 320 634 121 1,075 9/12/2016 9/12/2016 Darwin, Oenpelli, Darwin To attend a local store opening and check road upgrades. 2,000 - 2,000 14/12/2016 15/12/2016 Darwin, Katherine, Darwin To meet with the Katherine Mayor and CEO as well as DIPL offices and the Member for Katherine. 109 - 10 119 6/01/2017 6/01/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To attend meeting. 677 10 687 22/02/2017 22/02/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To attend Stakeholder meetings and media appointments. 355 61 416 Philip Naylor 23/03/2017 24/03/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To attend the Economic Summit. 117 624 10 751 Richard O'Leary 6/01/2017 6/01/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin Accompany the Minister to attend meeting. 80 677 10 768 11GCA203D- TRAVEL HON N MANISON Total 773 1,642 9,242 601 12,257

11GCA204D- TRAVEL HON G MCCARTHY Alyson Brown 31/01/2017 31/01/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To assist the Minister at the Housing Review Committee meeting. 80 864 10 954 Chris Grace 5/10/2016 8/10/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To attend stakeholder meetings and accompanying the Minister to Community Cabinet. 284 627 674 89 1,674 13/10/2016 14/10/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To attend stakeholder meetings and accompanying the Minister to Community Cabinet meeting. 97 114 738 105 1,054 31/10/2016 31/10/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin Accompany the Minister for the presentation of the OCPE Recognition of Service. 80 582 75 737 1/12/2016 2/12/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin Accompany the Minister to attend the LGANT AGM. 606 35 641 7/12/2016 8/12/2016 Darwin, Maningrida, Darwin To attend meeting with Assistant Minister to discuss Housing and Local Government issues. 136 780 10 926 15/12/2016 15/12/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To attend stakeholder meetings to discuss Housing issues. 80 625 30 735 23/01/2017 23/01/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin **Travel Cancelled** 567 10 577 25/01/2017 26/01/2017 Darwin, Bathurst Island, Snake Bay, Darwin **Travel Cancelled** 136 - 136

30/01/2017 31/01/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To attend various stakeholder meetings with the Minister and the Housing Review Committee. 148 127 703 111 1,090 16/03/2017 17/03/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin Accompany the Minister to attend the Royal Commission hearing. 117 909 99 1,125 Emmanuelle Clarke 2/03/2017 2/03/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin Accompany the Minister to Room to Breathe Launch. 54 1,047 10 1,111 Jonathan M Ah Kit 14/11/2016 15/11/2016 Darwin, Jabiru, Darwin Accompany the Minister at stakeholder meetings and Community Cabinet meeting. 136 308 - - 444 Minister McCarthy 11/09/2016 22/09/2016 Tennant Creek, Darwin To attend the Swearing in Ceremony and to meet with new CEOs for Departmental briefings and meetings. 3,850 - - 3,850

5/10/2016 8/10/2016 Tennant Creek, Alice Springs, Tennant Creek To attend Community Cabinet Meeting and various Community events. 627 - 124 751

13/10/2016 14/10/2016 Tennant Creek, Alice Springs, Tennant Creek To attend Cabinet meeting. 136 - 10 146

16/10/2016 7/11/2016 Tennant Creek, Darwin, Tennant Creek To attend Sittings and stakeholder meetings. 6,300 526 10 6,836 31/10/2016 31/10/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To present the OCPE Recognition of Service Awards. 582 10 592 13/11/2016 14/11/2016 Tennant Creek, Jabiru To attend Community Cabinet meeting. 291 - 10 301 15/11/2016 7/12/2016 Jabiru, Darwin, Tennant Creek To attend Sittings and stakeholder meetings. 7,350 - - 7,350 17/31 Where travel has been cancelled, credits or partial credits may still be received. Travel expenditure reported is from the Government Accounting System as at 31 March 2017. Department of the Chief Minister Intrastate Travel 1 September 2016 to 31 March 2017 20/11/2016 20/11/2016 Darwin, Milikarpiti, Darwin To deliver the Remote Housing announcement. 1,318 - 1,318 1/12/2016 2/12/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To attend the LGANT Annual General Meeting. 132 606 10 748


Where travel has been cancelled, credits or partial credits may still be received. Travel expenditure reported is from the Government Accounting System as at 31 March 2017. Department of the Chief Minister Intrastate Travel 1 September 2016 to 31 March 2017

Cost Centre Traveller Travel From Travel ToDestination Reason for Travel Official Accommodation Fares Other Cost incurred by Date Date Allowance agency to 31/03/2017 11GCA204D- TRAVEL HON G MCCARTHY Minister McCarthy 18/12/2016 21/12/2016 Tennant Creek, Darwin To attend stakeholder meetings. 1,050 - - 1,050 12/01/2017 27/01/2017 Darwin, Tennant Creek To attend meetings with Stakeholders on behalf of the Minister for Education. 5,250 - - 5,250 19/01/2017 19/01/2017 Darwin, Gunbalanya, Darwin To attend school graduation and meeting Re: Housing break in's at teacher's houses on behalf of the Minister for 1,364 - 1,364 Education. 25/01/2017 26/01/2017 Darwin, Bathurst Island, Snake Bay, Darwin **Travel Cancelled** 136 - 136

29/01/2017 31/01/2017 Tennant Creek, Alice Springs, Tennant Creek Meet with Remote Housing expert panel and attend various stakeholder meetings and Cabinet meeting. 255 -139 394

7/02/2017 11/02/2017 Darwin, Darwin To attend Cabinet meetings and Sittings and Bombing of Darwin events. 1,400 - - 1,400 11/02/2017 12/02/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To attend meetings with stakeholders and attend the Rugby match with the Minister. 164 707 104 974 17/02/2017 22/02/2017 Darwin, Tennant Creek To attend Cabinet meeting, Sittings and stakeholder meetings. 1,750 - - 1,750 26/02/2017 1/03/2017 Tennant Creek, Alice Springs, Darwin To attend Budget Cabinet meeting. 1,400 713 10 2,123 2/03/2017 3/03/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To attend the Room to Breathe Launch. 1821,032 200 1,414 8/03/2017 10/03/2017 Tennant Creek, Darwin To attend stakeholder conference and Cabinet meeting. 700 - - 700 Peter Holt 9/11/2016 10/11/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To attend Central Land Council meeting supporting the Assistant Ministers. 117 111 650 116 993 1/12/2016 2/12/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin Accompany the Minister to attend the LGANT meeting. 148 114 582 55 898 30/03/2017 31/03/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To attend meetings with stakeholders prior to Community Cabinet meeting. 618 10 628 Robyn Grey-Gardner 12/03/2017 16/03/2017 Alice Springs, Darwin, Alice Springs To attend APONT Committee Meeting and meet with various stakeholders. 370 477 - - 846 Stephen McVay 11/02/2017 12/02/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin Accompany the Minister to stakeholder meetings. 125 164 707 10 1,005 31/03/2017 7/04/2017 Darwin, Tennant Creek, Alice Springs, Utopia, Accompany the Minister to the Room to Breathe launch and Community Cabinet meeting. 798 - 10 808 Ampilatwatja, Tennant Creek, Darwin

11GCA204D- TRAVEL HON G MCCARTHY Total 31,022 4,625 17,774 1,411 54,832

11GCA205D- TRAVEL HON K VOWLES Cathryn Tilmouth 14/11/2016 15/11/2016 Darwin, Jabiru, Darwin Accompanying the Minister to the Community Cabinet meeting. 140 273 - 10 423 18/01/2017 18/01/2017 Darwin, Gove, Gangan Homeland, East Accompanying the Minister to Dr Gumana Memorial Service. 43 1,073 10 1,126 Arnhem, Gove, Darwin 2/02/2017 2/02/2017 Darwin, McArthur River, Darwin To attend the McArthur River Mine site tour and attending Stakeholder meetings. 80 260 - 340 27/03/2017 29/03/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin Accompanying the Minister to meet with key stakeholders. 605 10 615 Jeff Collins 11/12/2016 12/12/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Tennant Creek, Darwin Representing the Minister to meet stakeholders. 920 876 1,796

Minister Vowles 5/10/2016 5/10/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To attend Community Cabinet meeting. 282 379 359 1,020 3/11/2016 5/11/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To attend the Undoolya Field Day. 267 606 300 1,174 14/11/2016 15/11/2016 Darwin, Jabiru, Darwin To attend Community Cabinet meeting. 145 - - 145 18/11/2016 19/11/2016 Darwin, Tiwi Island, Darwin Meeting Stakeholders with relevant local member (Member for Arafura). 155 30 185 18/01/2017 18/01/2017 Darwin, Gove, Gangan Homeland, East To attend the Memorial Service for Dr Gumana (AO). 1,073 10 1,083 Arnhem, Gove, Darwin 2/02/2017 2/02/2017 Darwin, McArthur River, Darwin To attend the McArthur River Mine Site Tour and meeting with stakeholders. 260 - 260 7/02/2017 8/02/2017 Darwin, Katherine, Darwin To meet with stakeholders. 109 - 10 119 27/03/2017 29/03/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To meet with stakeholders. 605 10 615 Sheena Dunne 2/03/2017 3/03/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin Accompanying the Minister to meet with stakeholders. 139 - - 139 Steve Rossingh 5/10/2016 7/10/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To attend Community Cabinet meeting with the Minister. 210 271 900 10 1,391 3/11/2016 4/11/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To attend the Undoolya Field Day. 148 134 622 58 961 18/11/2016 19/11/2016 Darwin, Tiwi Island, Darwin Accompanying the Minister to meet relevant stakeholders with local member (Member for Arafura). 445 60 505 Tristan Sloan 7/02/2017 8/02/2017 Darwin, Katherine, Darwin Accompanying the Minister to meet with stakeholders. 97 109 - 10 216 22/02/2017 22/02/2017 Darwin, Katherine, Darwin To meet stakeholders on behalf of the Minister. 43 - - 43 2/03/2017 3/03/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin Accompanying the Minister to stakeholder meetings. 125 139 796 100 1,159 11GCA205D- TRAVEL HON K VOWLES Total 887 1,868 8,699 1,863 13,317 11GCA206D- TRAVEL HON L MOSS Emma Young 18/01/2017 18/01/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To attend Major Briefing on Strategic and Indigenous Reserves. 80 586 64 730 2/02/2017 2/02/2017 Darwin, McArthur River, Darwin To attend meeting and inspection. 80 260 35 375 Jake Hauritz 23/09/2016 24/09/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin Attending media event with MLA. 125 135 702 89 1,051 6/10/2016 9/10/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin Accompany the Minister to meet with the Mayor and other stakeholders, attend the opening of the 2016 Masters 315 497 648 139 1,599 Games and attend Tourism Central Australia Awards 2016. Mary Fall 14/11/2016 15/11/2016 Darwin, Jabiru, Darwin Accompany the Minister to Community Cabinet meeting and attend stakeholder meetings. 125 145 - - 269 2/03/2017 3/03/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin Accompany the Minister to various stakeholder meetings. 85 643 208 935 Minister Moss 6/10/2016 9/10/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To attend Regional Cabinet Meeting, meet with the Mayor and other stakeholders, attend the opening of the 2016 423 648 193 1,263 Masters Games and attend Tourism Central Australia Awards 2016. 14/10/2016 16/10/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To attend Cabinet meeting, meet with stakeholders and closing ceremony of the Masters Games. 227 845 112 1,183 2/11/2016 3/11/2016 Darwin, Katherine, Darwin To attend the Arnhem, Northern and Kimberley Artists (ANKA) Aboriginal Corporation Annual Conference. 140 - 10 150

14/11/2016 15/11/2016 Darwin, Jabiru, Darwin To attend Community Cabinet and meetings with various stakeholders. 145 - - 145 5/12/2016 7/12/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Ayers Rock To meet with Stakeholders and attend ITAC Meeting. 425 452 81 959 19/31 Where travel has been cancelled, credits or partial credits may still be received. Travel expenditure reported is from the Government Accounting System as at 31 March 2017. Department of the Chief Minister Intrastate Travel 1 September 2016 to 31 March 2017

Cost Centre Traveller Travel From Travel To Destination Reason for Travel OfficialAccommodation Fares Other Cost incurred by agency Date Date Allowance to 31/03/2017 11GCA206D- TRAVEL HON L MOSS Minister Moss 18/01/2017 19/01/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To visit the Historic Precinct and to meet with Stakeholders. 103 489 34 626 2/02/2017 2/02/2017 Darwin, McArthur River, Darwin To visit and inspect McArthur River Mines. 260 - 260 17/02/2017 17/02/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin **Travel Cancelled** 677 60 737 22/02/2017 22/02/2017 Darwin, Bathurst, Darwin **Travel Cancelled** 136 30 166 26/02/2017 26/02/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To attend media announcement and meeting with stakeholder. 96 30 126 2/03/2017 3/03/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To attend meetings with various stakeholders. 139 643 10 792 24/03/2017 24/03/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To attend the Economic Summit and meet with Stakeholders. 624 10 634 Stephen Nugent 5/12/2016 6/12/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs To meet with stakeholders. 113 95 271 133 612 9/02/2017 10/02/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To meet with NRL Rugby Teams and assist with Imparja Cup preparations. 117 120 703 54 994 22/02/2017 22/02/2017 Darwin, Bathurst, Darwin **Travel Cancelled** 136 30 166 8/03/2017 8/03/2017 Darwin, Katherine, Darwin To attend meeting with Lord Mayor and various sporting bodies. 80 - - 80 Ursula Raymond 2/11/2016 3/11/2016 Darwin, Katherine, Darwin To attend Arnhem, Northern and Kimberley Artists (ANKA) Aboriginal Corporation Annual Conference. 101 140 - 10 251

5/12/2016 7/12/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Uluru, Alice Springs, Accompany the Minister to attend stakeholder meetings and ITAC meeting. 118 114 911 40 1,183 Darwin

18/01/2017 19/01/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To meet with stakeholders. 95 103 489 56 744 17/02/2017 17/02/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin **Travel Cancelled** 677 60 737 22/02/2017 22/02/2017 Darwin, Bathurst, Darwin **Travel Cancelled** 136 30 166 26/02/2017 26/02/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To attend media announcement and meeting with stakeholders. 80 96 149 325 24/03/2017 24/03/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin Accompany the Minister to Economic Summit and stakeholder meetings. 54 650 10 714 11GCA206D- TRAVEL HON L MOSS Total 1,568 2,951 11,779 1,675 17,973 11GCA207D- TRAVEL HON E LAWLER Bryony Bree 12/10/2016 14/10/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin Accompany the Minister to school visits and assisting with Cabinet meeting preparation. 241 382 610 10 1,243 14/11/2016 15/11/2016 Darwin, Gunbalanya, Jabiru, Darwin Accompany the Minister to Community Cabinet meeting. 107 145 555 10 817 8/12/2016 8/12/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Yuendumu, Alice **Travel Cancelled** 80 10 90 Springs, Darwin

2/03/2017 3/03/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin Accompany the Minister to school visits. 111 115 668 54 949 Fred Mccue 18/11/2016 18/11/2016 Darwin, Gove, Darwin Accompany the Minister to school visits. 43 1,016 10 1,070 8/12/2016 8/12/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin Accompany the Minister to Trades School opening. 80 643 20 743 Lee-Anne Jarrett Sims 2/02/2017 3/02/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin Accompany the Minister to NT Board of Studies awards and school visits. 125 111 610 10 856 6/03/2017 7/03/2017 Darwin, Groote Eylandt, Darwin Visiting FAFT Centres. 152 214 735 10 1,110 Minister Lawler 6/10/2016 9/10/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To attend Community Cabinet meeting. 570 610 189 1,369 12/10/2016 14/10/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To attend Community Cabinet meeting. 382 690 308 1,380 14/11/2016 15/11/2016 Darwin, Gunbalanya, Jabiru, Darwin Visit Schools and attend Community Cabinet meeting. 145 555 - 699 18/11/2016 18/11/2016 Darwin, Gove, Darwin Visit remote schools and the new Nhulunbuy Boarding facility. 1,016 21 1,037 8/12/2016 8/12/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To attend the Yarrumpi Trade Centre Opening. 643 135 778 29/12/2016 29/12/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Kintore, Alice Springs, Kintore Flooding Inspection. 610 10 620 Darwin

2/02/2017 3/02/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin Presenting at NT Board of Studies awards and school visits. 111 610 168 889 Nadia Phillips 18/11/2016 18/11/2016 Darwin, Gove, Darwin Accompany the Minister to school visits. 43 1,016 10 1,070 28/10/2016 29/10/2016 Darwin, Nhulunbuy, Darwin Representing the Minister at the World Teachers Day event. 444 63 507 11GCA207D- TRAVEL HON E LAWLER Total 903 2,174 11,111 1,039 15,226 11GCA208D- TRAVEL HON D WAKEFIELD Aimee Cadan 13/03/2017 17/03/2017 Alice Springs, Darwin, Alice Springs Accompany the Minister to Parliamentary sittings and stakeholder meetings. 546 624 10 1,181 19/03/2017 23/03/2017 Alice Springs, Darwin, Alice Springs To attend Parliamentary Sittings and stakeholder meetings. 716 - - 716 Andrea Martin 13/11/2016 16/11/2016 Alice Springs, Darwin, Alice Springs Meet and greet Ministerial staff. 284 422 1,243 178 2,128 20/11/2016 25/11/2016 Alice Springs, Darwin, Alice Springs Accompany the Minister for Parliamentary Sittings. 444 710 690 54 1,898 27/11/2016 2/12/2016 Alice Springs, Darwin, Alice Springs Accompany the Minister for Parliamentary Sittings. 444 702 671 93 1,910 21/12/2016 22/12/2016 Alice Springs, Darwin, Alice Springs To attend meeting. 121 85 628 88 922 12/02/2017 17/02/2017 Alice Springs, Darwin, Alice Springs Accompany the Minister to Sittings. 471 545 591 30 1,637 21/02/2017 24/02/2017 Alice Springs, Darwin, Alice Springs To attend Meetings with CEO Territory Families and Assistant Ministers. 257 327 610 90 1,284 7/03/2017 10/03/2017 Alice Springs, Darwin, Elcho Island, Darwin, AliceAccompany the Minister to stakeholder meetings. 258 218 1,477 30 1,983 Springs

12/03/2017 17/03/2017 Alice Springs, Darwin, Alice Springs To attend Sittings with the Minister. 444 795 685 35 1,959 19/03/2017 24/03/2017 Alice Springs, Darwin, Alice Springs To attend Sittings with the Minister. 658 685 35 1,378 Gabriel Boyd Yengbie 1/02/2017 3/02/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To attend the Strategic Planning meeting with Minister Wakefield's Office and stakeholder meetings. 241 271 628 62 1,202 Jane Elizabeth Alley 1/02/2017 3/02/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To attend the Strategic Planning meeting with Minister Wakefield's Office and stakeholder meetings. 241 271 628 99 1,240 Minister Wakefield 19/09/2016 5/10/2016 Alice Springs, Darwin, Alice Springs To attend Ministerial Business Meetings and Cabinet Meeting. 2,704 4,125 755 35 7,618 13/11/2016 17/11/2016 Darwin, Oenpelli, Jabiru, Katherine, Darwin, AliceTo attend Community Cabinet and stakeholder meetings. 914 284 865 30 2,093 Springs 20/31 Where travel has been cancelled, credits or partial credits may still be received. Travel expenditure reported is from the Government Accounting System as at 31 March 2017. Department of the Chief Minister Intrastate Travel 1 September 2016 to 31 March 2017 4/12/2016 7/12/2016 Alice Springs, Darwin, Alice Springs To attend Cabinet meeting. 1,371 805 5 2,180 16/01/2017 17/01/2017 Alice Springs, Tennent Creek, Alice Springs **Travel Cancelled** - 22 22

7/02/2017 9/02/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs To attend Cabinet meeting. 920 339 30 1,289 26/02/2017 1/03/2017 Alice Springs, Darwin, Alice Springs To attend the first Budget Cabinet Meeting. 1,380 636 60 2,076

Cost Centre Traveler Travel From Travel ToDestination Reason for Travel Official Accommodation Fares Other Cost incurred by Date Date Allowance agency to 31/03/2017 11GCA208D- TRAVEL HON D WAKEFIELD Minister Wakefield 6/03/2017 11/03/2017 Alice Springs, Darwin, Alice Springs To attend Cabinet meeting and second Budget Cabinet meeting. 1,840 697 30 2,567 8/03/2017 9/03/2017 Darwin, Elcho Island, Darwin To attend stakeholder meetings. 816 30 846 24/03/2017 24/03/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To attend the Economic Summit and stakeholders meetings. 624 10 634 Prue Jezierski 1/02/2017 3/02/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To attend the Strategic Planning meeting with Minister Wakefield's Office and stakeholder meetings. 241 271 628 30 1,170

Rajiv Maharaj 16/10/2016 28/10/2016 Alice Springs, Darwin, Alice Springs Accompany the Minister for Parliamentary Sittings. 1,148 1,691 861 95 3,794 14/11/2016 2/12/2016 Alice Springs, Darwin, Alice Springs Accompany the Minister for Parliamentary Sittings. 1,658 2,309 791 223 4,981 15/11/2016 16/11/2016 Darwin, Jabiru, Katherine, Darwin To attend Community Cabinet meeting. 139 -419 558 Rebekah Garrett 10/10/2016 12/10/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To accompany the Minister to meet with relevant stakeholders. 241 435 674 61 1,411 1/02/2017 2/02/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To attend the Strategic Planning meeting with Minister Wakefield's Office and stakeholder meetings. 148 135 610 110 1,003

Robert Durnan 16/10/2016 21/10/2016 Alice Springs, Darwin, Alice Springs Accompany the Minister for Parliamentary Sittings. 494 705 976 85 2,260 24/10/2016 24/10/2016 Alice Springs, Atitjere, Alice Springs To attend a local authority meeting. 35 - - 35 Sandra Nelson 8/11/2016 10/11/2016 Katherine, Darwin, Katherine Representing the Minister at the Domestic Violence Forum. 338 246 -101 685 Suzanne McCann 10/10/2016 12/10/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To accompany the Minister to meet with relevant stakeholders. 241 435 674 114 1,464 Traci Lew Fatt 1/02/2017 2/02/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To attend the Strategic Planning meeting with Minister Wakefield's Office and stakeholder meetings. 148 135 610 30 923

11GCA208D- TRAVEL HON D WAKEFIELD Total 17,683 16,519 20,523 2,322 57,046

11GCA209D- TRAVEL COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENTAnna Goode 2/03/2017 3/03/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To coordinate The Year Ahead function for the Chief Minister. 111 145 798 93 1,147

Anthony Venes 25/11/2016 26/11/2016 Darwin, Katherine, Darwin To attend community engagement opportunities and Katherine Markets. 113 91 - 22 226 25/01/2017 26/01/2017 Darwin, Mataranka, Darwin To attend the flag raising ceremony and breakfast, assist with the stall at the Family Fun Day MLA. 128 - - 128 30/01/2017 30/01/2017 Darwin, Bathurst Island, Darwin To attend Council meeting and meetings with stakeholders. 43 273 30 346 7/02/2017 9/02/2017 Darwin, Maningrida, Darwin To attend meetings regarding sport and recreational concerns. 44 355 762 10 1,171 14/02/2017 16/02/2017 Darwin, Katherine, Darwin To attend stakeholder meetings and community engagement. 233 182 - 22 437 Dennis Bree 25/01/2017 25/01/2017 Darwin, Bathurst Island, Darwin **Travel Cancelled** 43 291 30 364 Kelsey Ann Branford 23/01/2017 24/01/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin Accompany the Chief of Staff to attend stakeholder meetings. 148 723 10 881 2/03/2017 3/03/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To coordinate The Year Ahead function for the Chief Minister. 85 145 798 120 1,148 Kerry Gardiner 25/01/2017 26/01/2017 Darwin, Mataranka, Darwin To attend the flag raising ceremony and breakfast, assist with the stall at the Family Fun Day MLA. - 22 22 Kylie Bell 2/03/2017 3/03/2017 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin To coordinate The Year Ahead function for the Chief Minister. 111 145 878 15 1,149 11GCA209D- TRAVEL COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT 1,060 1,064 4,524 373 7,021 Total 11GCA210D- TRAVEL ASSISTANT MINISTERS Dennis Bree 12/10/2016 12/10/2016 Darwin, Jabiru, Darwin Accompany Assistant Minister to the Homelands and Health Regional Council meeting. 43 - - 43

Lynne Walker 27/02/2017 4/03/2017 Gove, Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin, Gove To attend meetings with stakeholders. 408 2311,630 212 2,481

8/03/2017 9/03/2017 Gove, Galiwinku, Lake Evella, Gove To attend meetings with stakeholders. 125 - - 125 12/03/2017 18/03/2017 Gove, Darwin, Gove To attend Parliamentary Sittings. 849 10 859 11GCA210D- TRAVEL ASSISTANT MINISTERS Total 576 2312,479 222 3,508

Grand Total 58,699 38,947 149,478 14,100 261,225


Where travel has been cancelled, credits or partial credits may still be received. Travel expenditure reported is from the Government Accounting System as at 31 March 2017. Department of the Chief Minister Interstate Travel 1 September 2016 to 31 March 2017 Cost Centre Traveller Travel From Travel To Destination Reason for Travel OfficialAccommodation Fares Other Cost incurred by agency Date Date Allowance to 31/03/2017 11GCA201D- TRAVEL HON M GUNNER Alf Leonardi 27/09/2016 1/10/2016 Darwin, Adelaide, Sydney, Darwin Accompany the Chief Minister to meetings with the Prime Minister. 331 775 2,652 161 3,918 7/12/2016 10/12/2016 Darwin, Sydney, Canberra, Sydney, Darwin Accompany the Chief Minister to COAG. 203 697 2,612 35 3,546

Cameron Angus 27/09/2016 1/10/2016 Darwin, Adelaide, Sydney, Darwin Accompany the Chief Minister to meetings with Prime Minister. 257 772 2,254 285 3,567 7/12/2016 10/12/2016 Darwin, Sydney, Canberra, Sydney, Darwin Accompany the Chief Minister to COAG. 230 697 1,257 39 2,223

3/02/2017 5/02/2017 Darwin, Adelaide, Darwin Attending the first match of the Adelaide Crows with the Chief Minister as Patron to the Club. 117 804 737 108 1,767 13/02/2017 14/02/2017 Darwin, Melbourne, Canberra, Melbourne, Attending the 10th Anniversary of Close the Gap being coordinated by the Prime Minister’s Office with Chief Minister. 233 563 891 35 1,722 Darwin

Chansey Paech 30/01/2017 1/02/2017 Alice Springs, Adelaide, Alice Springs Attend meeting with VIC GOVT. Minister for Aboriginal Affairs on behalf of the Chief Minister. 401 473 10 884 Chief Minister 27/09/2016 2/10/2016 Darwin, Adelaide, Sydney, Melbourne, Darwin to attend meeting with the Prime Minister and the Premier of South Australia. 1,191 4,411 1,675 7,277

7/12/2016 9/12/2016 Darwin, Sydney, Canberra, Sydney, Darwin Attending COAG meeting. 691 2,612 35 3,337

3/02/2017 5/02/2017 Darwin, Adelaide, Darwin Attending the first match of the Adelaide Crows as Patron to the Club. 804 2,960 301 4,065 13/02/2017 14/02/2017 Darwin, Melbourne, Canberra, Melbourne, Attending the 10th Anniversary of Close the Gap being coordinated by the Prime Minister’s Office. 614 - 30 644 Darwin

Kieran Phillips 27/09/2016 29/09/2016 Darwin, Adelaide, Darwin Accompany the Chief Minister to meetings with Prime Minister. 191 388 951 91 1,620 Peter Wellings 30/01/2017 1/02/2017 Darwin, Adelaide, Darwin Accompany the Minister to attend the Aboriginal Affairs Ministerial Roundtable. 191 356 1,067 99 1,712 13/02/2017 14/02/2017 Darwin, Melbourne, Canberra, Melbourne, Attending the 10th Anniversary of Close the Gap being coordinated by the Prime Minister’s Office with the Chief Minister. 233 563 - 30 826 Darwin

11GCA201D- TRAVEL HON M GUNNER Total 1,986 9,315 22,877 2,931 37,109

11GCA202D- TRAVEL HON N FYLES Deirdre Logie 5/10/2016 7/10/2016 Darwin, Sydney, Canberra, Sydney, Darwin Accompany the Minister to attend the COAG Health Council. 136 478 1,560 24 2,198

20/10/2016 21/10/2016 Darwin, Melbourne Accompany the Minister to attend the Law Crime and Community Safety Council Meeting. 109 234 1,742 65 2,149 23/03/2017 25/03/2017 Darwin, Melbourne, Sydney, Darwin Attending COAG on behalf of the Minister. 872 10 882 Minister Fyles 5/10/2016 9/10/2016 Darwin, Sydney, Canberra, Sydney, Darwin to attend the COAG Health Council. 905 1,538 368 2,811

20/10/2016 21/10/2016 Darwin, Melbourne, Sydney, Darwin Travelling on behalf of the Chief Minister to attend the Law Crime and Community Safety Council Meeting. 234 2,720 292 3,245 11GCA202D- TRAVEL HON N FYLES Total 245 1,850 8,432 758 11,285 11GCA203D- TRAVEL HON N MANISON Minister Manison 3/11/2016 5/11/2016 Darwin, Perth, Darwin To attend the Forum of Road Safety Ministers and Transport and Infrastructure Council Meeting. 471 2,259 10 2,740 1/12/2016 2/12/2016 Darwin, Melbourne, Canberra, Sydney, To attend stakeholder meeting (Council on Federal Financial Relations). 249 2,701 10 2,961 Darwin

23/03/2017 24/03/2017 Darwin, Adelaide, Canberra, Sydney, Darwin to attend stakeholder meeting (Council on Federal Financial Relations). 3,001 10 3,011

Richard O'Leary 3/11/2016 5/11/2016 Darwin, Perth, Darwin to attend the Forum of Road Safety Ministers and Transport and Infrastructure Council Meeting. 188 471 2,259 72 2,990 1/12/2016 3/12/2016 Darwin, Melbourne, Canberra, Sydney, Accompany the Minister to stakeholder meeting (Council on Federal Financial Relations). 117 249 2,701 70 3,137 Darwin

23/03/2017 25/03/2017 Darwin, Adelaide, Canberra, Sydney, Darwin Accompany the Minister to stakeholder meeting (Council on Federal Financial Relations). 163 3,001 10 3,175

11GCA203D- TRAVEL HON N MANISON Total 468 1,439 15,923 182 18,012

11GCA204D- TRAVEL HON G MCCARTHY Chris Grace 2/11/2016 5/11/2016 Darwin, Sydney, Darwin To attend meetings with the Minister to view affordable housing and the Housing and Homelessness Meeting. 284 1,014 - 40 1,338 Minister McCarthy 2/11/2016 5/11/2016 Darwin, Sydney, Darwin To view affordable housing options in various locations and attend the Housing and Homelessness Ministers Meeting and Dinner. 1,079 - 347 1,426

11GCA204D- TRAVEL HON G MCCARTHY Total 284 2,093 - 387 2,764

11GCA205D- TRAVEL HON K VOWLES Cathryn Tilmouth 12/12/2016 15/12/2016 Darwin, Melbourne, Darwin Accompanying Minister to COAG Meeting. 261 655 518 123 1,556 Minister Vowles 11/10/2016 11/10/2016 Alice Springs, Perth Meet with relevant WA Ministers and industry regarding Ord Stage 3. 464 - 464 13/10/2016 14/10/2016 Darwin, Alice Springs, Darwin Attending Community Cabinet Meeting. 117 2,369 164 2,650 12/12/2016 15/12/2016 Darwin, Melbourne, Darwin To attend COAG Meeting. 655 518 10 1,182 12/01/2017 14/01/2017 Darwin, Sydney, Darwin Signing of memorandum of cooperation with Japanese Government. 366 703 61 1,129 29/01/2017 31/01/2017 Darwin, Adelaide, Darwin **Travel Cancelled** 609 35 644 21/02/2017 24/02/2017 Darwin, Perth, Darwin Representing the Chief Minister at the 2017 Australasian Oil and Gas Exhibition and Conference (AOG) 2017. 781 963 178 1,922 23/03/2017 25/03/2017 Darwin, Brisbane, Sydney, Darwin Representing Chief Minister at Provincial Leaders Forum. 265 - 265 Sheena Dunne 12/01/2017 14/01/2017 Darwin, Sydney, Darwin Signing of Memorandum of Cooperation with the Japanese Government. 174 396 703 136 1,408 Steve Rossingh 11/10/2016 11/10/2016 Darwin, Perth **Travel Cancelled** 1,475 40 1,514 13/10/2016 14/10/2016 Perth, Alice Springs, Perth Accompany the Minister to Community Cabinet meeting. 389 30 418 22/31

Where travel has been cancelled, credits or partial credits may still be received. Travel expenditure reported is from the Government Accounting System as at 31 March 2017. Department of the Chief Minister Interstate Travel 1 September 2016 to 31 March 2017 21/02/2017 24/02/2017 Darwin, Perth, Darwin Accompanying Minister to the 2017 Australasian Oil and Gas Exhibition and Conference (AOG) 2017. 284 698 - 90 1,072 23/03/2017 25/03/2017 Darwin, Brisbane, Sydney, Darwin Accompanying Minister to China meeting. 265 - 265 11GCA205D- TRAVEL HON K VOWLES Total 718 3,667 9,239 865 14,489

11GCA206D- TRAVEL HON L MOSS Emma Young 24/11/2016 26/11/2016 Darwin, Sydney, Darwin To attend Sydney Environment Ministers Meeting. 136 382 558 13 1,089 Minister Moss 24/11/2016 25/11/2016 Darwin, Sydney, Darwin Attend the 5th Meeting of Environment Ministers in Sydney. 526 10 536

Cost Centre Traveller Travel From Travel To Destination Reason for Travel OfficialAccommodation Fares Other Cost incurred by agency Date Date Allowance to 31/03/2017 11GCA206D- TRAVEL HON L MOSS Minister Moss 7/12/2016 9/12/2016 Ayers Rock, Sydney, Darwin Attending meeting with Federal Sports Ministers. 660 466 10 1,136 Stephen Nugent 6/12/2016 9/12/2016 Alice Springs, Sydney, Darwin Attend the Sports Ministers Meeting. 288 990 527 48 1,853 11GCA206D- TRAVEL HON L MOSS Total 424 2,031 2,077 81 4,613 11GCA207D- TRAVEL HON E LAWLER Bryony Bree 15/12/2016 16/12/2016 Darwin, Melbourne, Sydney Accompanying Minister to attend Education Council Meeting. 102 271 2,324 92 2,790 Minister Lawler 22/09/2016 23/09/2016 Darwin, Adelaide, Darwin Minister attending meeting with Education Council. 164 2,083 30 2,277 15/12/2016 17/12/2016 Darwin, Melbourne, Darwin To chair and attend Education Council Meeting in Melbourne. 543 2,059 37 2,639 Nadia Phillips 15/12/2016 17/12/2016 Darwin, Melbourne, Sydney, Darwin Attend National Education Council Meeting with Minister Lawler. 144 271 1,624 69 2,108 11GCA207D- TRAVEL HON E LAWLER Total 246 1,250 8,090 228 9,814 11GCA208D- TRAVEL HON D WAKEFIELD Minister Wakefield 27/10/2016 29/10/2016 Darwin, Brisbane, Darwin Travelling to Brisbane to attend the Domestic Violence COAG Summit. 443 1,570 97 2,110 10/11/2016 12/11/2016 Alice Springs, Sydney, Alice Springs To attend a meeting of Community Services Ministers. 781 2,673 30 3,485 Sandra Nelson 27/10/2016 29/10/2016 Darwin, Melbourne, Brisbane, Darwin Accompanying Minister to Brisbane to attend the Domestic Violence COAG Summit. 1,120 2,894 35 4,048 Suzanne McCann 26/10/2016 29/10/2016 Darwin, Brisbane, Darwin Accompanying Minister to Domestic Violence COAG Summit. 268 450 833 30 1,581 11GCA208D- TRAVEL HON D WAKEFIELD Total 268 2,794 7,969 192 11,224

Grand Total 4,640 24,439 74,607 5,624 109,309


Where travel has been cancelled, credits or partial credits may still be received. Travel expenditure reported is from the Government Accounting System as at 31 March 2017. Department of the Chief Minister International Travel 1 September 2016 to 31 March 2017

Cost Centre Traveller Travel From Travel ToDestination Reason for Travel Official Accommodation Fares Other Cost incurred by Date Date Allowance agency to 31/03/2017 11GCA201D- TRAVEL HON M GUNNER Alf Leonardi 27/10/2016 6/11/2016 Darwin, Singapore, Tokyo, Pusan, Beijing, Rizhao, Trade mission and various meetings with stakeholders 422 4,136 11,839 120 16,518 Shanghai, Singapore, Darwin Cameron Angus 27/10/2016 6/11/2016 Darwin, Singapore, Tokyo, Pusan, Beijing, Rizhao, Trade mission and various meetings with stakeholders 422 3,623 4,706 120 8,871 Shanghai, Singapore, Darwin Chief Minister 27/10/2016 6/11/2016 Darwin, Singapore, Tokyo, Pusan, Beijing, Rizhao, Trade mission and various meetings with stakeholders 4,483 11,829 1,111 17,423 Shanghai, Singapore, Darwin Kathryn Worden 13/09/2016 16/09/2016 Darwin, Perth, Singapore, Kota Kinabalu, Kuala To attend the Sabah International Expo representing the Minister for Business. 1,057 2,187 150 3,394 Lumpur, Darwin 11GCA201D- TRAVEL HON M GUNNER Total 844 13,300 30,562 1,501 46,206 11GCA205D- TRAVEL HON K VOWLES Minister Vowles 4/12/2016 11/12/2016 Darwin, Singapore, Jakarta, Balikpapan, Jakarta, Meeting with stakeholders whilst attending the 9th BIMP-EAGA Games 1,548 1,756 120 3,424 Lampung, Jakarta, Singapore, Darwin

Steve Rossingh 4/12/2016 11/12/2016 Melbourne, Jakarta, Balikpapan, Jakarta, Lampung, Accompanying Minister to meet with stakeholders, and attend the 9th BIMP-EAGA Games 665 1,549 2,712 493 5,419 Jakarta, Singapore, Darwin 11GCA205D- TRAVEL HON K VOWLES Total 665 3,097 4,469 613 8,844

11GCA210D- TRAVEL ASSISTANT MINISTERS Dennis Bree 15/02/2017 19/02/2017 Darwin, Singapore, Seoul: Incheon, Busan: Kimhae, Representing Chief minister at the launch of the INPEX offshore platform Naming Ceremony in South Korea. 208 5086,962 120 7,798 Seoul: Gimpo, Singapore: Changi, Darwin 11GCA210D- TRAVEL ASSISTANT MINISTERS Total 208 5086,962 120 7,798 Grand Total 1,717 16,904 41,993 2,233 62,848

Where travel has been cancelled, credits or partial credits may still be received. Travel expenditure reported is from the Government Accounting System as at 31 March 2017. 24/31

5. See below.


Department of the Chief Minister Charter Travel 1 September 2016 to 31 March 2017

Cost Centre Traveller Travel From Travel ToDestination Reason for Travel Official Accommodation Fares Charter Other Cost incurred by Date Date Allowance agency to 31/03/2017 11GCA201D- TRAVEL HON M GUNNER Anthony Venes 14/11/2016 15/11/2016 Darwin, Jabiru, Darwin To attend meetings with stakeholders and community engagement. 117 145 555 22 838 Cameron Angus 1/09/2016 1/09/2016 Darwin, Numbulwar, Darwin To attend meetings with stakeholders and community engagement. 5,182 125 5,307 Chief Minister 1/09/2016 1/09/2016 Darwin, Numbulwar, Darwin To attend stakeholder meetings and community engagement. 6,355 125 6,480 13/11/2016 13/11/2016 Darwin, Nhulunbuy, Darwin To attend the opening of Arnhem Allied Health Centre Corporate. 6,591 125 6,716 14/11/2016 15/11/2016 Darwin, Jabiru, Darwin To attend Cabinet meeting. 145 1,250 191 1,586 16/11/2016 16/11/2016 Darwin, Timber Creek, Darwin To attend Northern Land Council meeting. 5,570 - 5,570 11GCA201D- TRAVEL HON M GUNNER Total 117 289 25,502 588 26,496 11GCA202D- TRAVEL HON N FYLES Minister Fyles 14/11/2016 15/11/2016 Darwin, Jabiru, Oenpelli, Jabiru, Darwin To attend stakeholder meetings and Community Cabinet meeting. 145 555 76 775

11GCA202D- TRAVEL HON N FYLES Total 145 555 76 775 11GCA203D- TRAVEL HON N MANISON Minister Manison 9/12/2016 9/12/2016 Darwin, Oenpelli, Darwin To attend a local store opening and check road upgrades. 2,000 - 2,000 11GCA203D- TRAVEL HON N MANISON Total 2,000 - 2,000 11GCA204D- TRAVEL HON G MCCARTHY Minister McCarthy 20/11/2016 20/11/2016 Darwin, Milikarpiti, Darwin To deliver the Remote Housing announcement. 1,318 - 1,318 19/01/2017 19/01/2017 Darwin, Gunbalanya, Darwin To attend school graduation and meeting Re: Housing break in's at teacher's houses on behalf of the Minister for 1,364 - 1,364 Education. 11GCA204D- TRAVEL HON G MCCARTHY Total 2,682 - 2,682 11GCA207D- TRAVEL HON E LAWLER Bryony Bree 14/11/2016 15/11/2016 Darwin, Gunbalanya, Jabiru, Darwin Accompany the Minister to Community Cabinet meeting. 107 145 555 10 817

Minister Lawler 14/11/2016 15/11/2016 Darwin, Gunbalanya, Jabiru, Darwin Visit Schools and attend Community Cabinet meeting. 145 555 - 699

11GCA207D- TRAVEL HON E LAWLER Total 107 289 1,109 10 1,516 11GCA208D- TRAVEL HON D WAKEFIELD Minister Wakefield 13/11/2016 17/11/2016 Darwin, Oenpelli, Jabiru, Katherine, To attend Community Cabinet and stakeholder meetings. 914 284311 555 30 2,093 Darwin, Alice Springs 11GCA208D- TRAVEL HON D WAKEFIELD Total 914 284311 555 30 2,093 Grand Total 1,138 1,006 311 32,402 704 35,562


Trade Delegation to China

1. DTBI provided the following answer to this question.

A small delegation of NT public servants led by the Chief Minister travelled to Japan and Korea in advance of the Rizhao Forum. He was accompanied by 4 senior officials from the departments of Trade, Business and Innovation and Primary Industry and Resources. The NT-Rizhao Joint Economic Cooperation Forum (the Forum) saw 93 attendees from the NT which was the largest overseas business delegation undertaken by the Territory. The Forum was structured into key sector streams (resources, infrastructure, agribusiness, tourism and education) which necessitated senior officials from each sector attending the Forum. In addition Mandarin speaking DTBI staff worked closely with Rizhao Government Officials in planning and logistics for the Forum; traveling to Rizhao in advance of the Forum to ensure that Australian attendee requirements were met.

Germany and Netherlands Overseas Travel

1. DTBI provided the following answer to this question.

The purpose of the Department of Trade, Business and Innovation delegation to Germany and the Netherlands was to highlight the benefits of maintaining the future Offshore Patrol Vessel (OPV) in Darwin, thereby attracting investment and growing the maritime industry support sector. The OPV is Defence’s replacement for the NT-based Armidale Class Patrol Boat. Three European companies were shortlisted for the design of the OPV; Luerssen and Fassmer of Germany and Damen of the Netherlands. The delegation included Rear Admiral (Retd) Mark Purcell who is a member of the Strategic Defence Advisory Board. The delegation’s key message was that the most effective and strategic location for OPV sustainment is Darwin. The companies were also made aware of current and future infrastructure capability in Darwin, including the proposed Ship Lift and Marine Industries Facility. The success of the travel in raising the profile of the NT marine industry is evidenced by Luerssen’s recent decision to conduct an industry briefing day in Darwin on 20 July 2017.



Communications and Marketing

1. a. Strategic Communications & Engagement Mar 2016 Mar 2017 (Pay 20) (Pay 19) FTE 29.06 12.48 Note: The former Communications Media Bureau was restructured in 2016-17 with staff predominately transferring to the Department of Corporate and Information Services and other agencies across government.

b. Total expenditure from 1 July 2015 to 31 March 2016: $5.6 million Total expenditure from 1 July 2016 to 31 March 2017: $2.7 million

c. Nil.

2. Nil.




1. Corporate and Governance Output Mar 2017 (Pay 19) Office of the Chief Executive FTE 7 Corporate Services FTE 33.54

2. Refer to Written Question 57.

3. Positions have generally been re-filled as individuals have resigned.

4. Refer to above answer (Q3).

5. The amount of administrative effort required to respond to this question is too onerous and excessive and would result in undue diversion of resources from the core business of the department.

6. These are personal details and are not required to be provided.

7. Not applicable.



1. a. A Tier 2 Request for Quote (<$100K) Darwin – Consultancy – NT Government’s Early Childhood Development Plan was released to market on 26 September 2016 and closed on 30 September 2016. In accordance with a Tier 2 process, three companies were provided the opportunity to respond, two being identified by Industry Capability Network NT as Territory companies with the appropriate skill set and experience to undertake the work; one company was an interstate company. A selection panel was established with one DCM staff member and two Northern Territory NGOs. One of the NGOs was unable to complete this engagement, and was replaced by another Northern Territory NGO. The two Territory companies did not respond to the request for quote; with one company identifying they were unable to take on additional work at that time. The panel undertook the procurement assessment process and identified the interstate provider as being suitable and the contract was awarded.

b. It related to an existing consultancy undertaken by the Office of Aboriginal Affairs from when it was part of the former Department of Local Government and Community Services. .


1. The traveller who is proposing to travel, initally submits a request to combine official travel with private travel to DCM Travel. Details of the travel include the dates of offical travel and private travel as well as destinations involved. DCM Travel submit details to the Agency’s Chief Financial Officer for a financial assessment to identify any additional cost to the NT Government in accordance with the NTG Travel Policy. The Chief Financial Officer will review the details in accordance with Corporate Tax Policy Advice Number 10: Fringe benefits tax implications for combining official and private travel and provide an assessment to the CEO. In accordance with the Travel Policy, the CEO will consider the travel to ensure no additional cost to the NT Government.

2. Not applicable.

3. No.


Attachment A

