Submission Data for 2020-2021 CORE conference Ranking process (Submitted as a comparator for IEEE International Conference on Big Data )

Uwe Roehm

Conference Details


Title: ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management Acronym : CIKM Rank: A


DBLP url:

Recent Years

Proceedings Publishing Style

Proceedings Publishing: self-contained Link to most recent proceedings: Further details: The proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management are published online via ACM Digital Library. The proceedings contain long (regular), short and applied papers, organised by the conference sessions. The session names include a corresponding hint whether it is a Long, Short or Applied paper session.

Most Recent Years

Most Recent Year

Year: 2019 URL: Location: Being, China Papers submitted: 1030 Papers published: 200 Acceptance rate: 19 Source for numbers:

General Chairs Name: Wenwu Zhu Affiliation: Tsinghua University Gender: M H Index: 68 GScholar url: DBLP url: Name: Dacheng Tao Affiliation: The University of Sydney Gender: M H Index: 124 GScholar url: DBLP url:

Program Chairs

1 Name: Peng Cui Affiliation: Tsinghua University Gender: M H Index: 38 GScholar url: DBLP url: Name: Elke Rundensteiner Affiliation: Worcester Polytechnic Institute Gender: F H Index: 60 GScholar url: DBLP url: Name: David Carmel Affiliation: Amazon Research Gender: M H Index: 45 GScholar url: DBLP url: Name: Qi He Affiliation: LinkedIn Gender: SELECT H Index: 22 GScholar url: DBLP url: Name: Jeffrey Xu Yu Affiliation: Chinese University of Hong Kong Gender: M H Index: 74 GScholar url: DBLP url:

Second Most Recent Year

Year: 2018 URL: Location: Lingotto, Turin, Italy Papers submitted: 826 Papers published: 147 Acceptance rate: 18 Source for numbers:

General Chairs Name: Alfredo Cuzzocrea Affiliation: University of Trieste, Italy Gender: M H Index: 44 GScholar url: DBLP url:

Program Chairs

2 Name: James Allan Affiliation: University of Massachusetts, USA Gender: M H Index: 69 GScholar url: DBLP url: Name: Norman Paton Affiliation: , UK Gender: M H Index: 58 GScholar url: DBLP url: Name: Divesh Srivastava Affiliation: AT&T Labs Research, USA Gender: M H Index: 89 GScholar url: DBLP url:

Third Most Recent Year

Year: 2017 URL: Location: Singapore Papers submitted: 855 Papers published: 171 Acceptance rate: 20 Source for numbers:

General Chairs Name: Marianne Winslett Affiliation: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA Gender: F H Index: 50 GScholar url: DBLP url: Name: Ee-Peng Lim Affiliation: Singapore Management University Gender: M H Index: 59 GScholar url: DBLP url:

Program Chairs

Name: Mark Sanderson Affiliation: RMIT University, Australia Gender: M H Index: 49 GScholar url: DBLP url: Name: Ada Fu Affiliation: Chinese University of Hong Kong Gender: F H Index: 64 GScholar url: DBLP url: Name: Jimeng Sun Affiliation: University of Illinois Urbana- Champaign, USA Gender: M H Index: 68 GScholar url: DBLP url:

Google Scholar Metrics

3 Sub-category url: Position in sub-category: 8 Image of top 20:

h5-index for this conference: 54

(Senior) Program Committee

Link to (s)pc: File: H-index plot: Information Contained within this graph is derived using the Elsevier 2021.

4 Where people publish

Top (Senior) Program Committee Members

Generated Report Name: conf submissions top spc/Comparator631 top spc.csv WPP Report: Graphs:

5 Reference item: \\ 1. International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM) ______

This conference was published at 125 times by 26 of 38 experts in the last 5 years.

The experts that publish at this conference are: Tetsuya Sakai(3), Justin Zobel(3), Michael Bendersky(2), Jaap Kamps(5), Maarten de Rijke(21), Guido Zuccon(8), Ben Carterette(2), Krisztian Balog(3), Mark Sanderson(5), Evangelos Kanoulas(7), Quan Z. Sheng(7), Carlos Castillo 0001(3), Alessandro Bozzon(2), Karl Aberer(4), Jun Xu 0001(7), Yi Chang(6), Irwin King(7), Jianyun Nie(4), Allan Hanbury(6), Xuanjing Huang(5), Raffaele Perego 0001(2), Djoerd Hiemstra(1), Iadh Ounis(10), Manolis Koubarakis(2), Alistair Moffat(4), Leif Azzopardi(7)

In 2015, there were 33 publications by 19 experts: Allan Hanbury, Tetsuya Sakai, Xuanjing Huang, Mark Sanderson, Justin Zobel, Maarten de Rijke, Karl Aberer, Yi Chang, Alistair Moffat, Jun Xu 0001, Guido Zuccon, Leif Azzopardi, Iadh Ounis, Jaap Kamps, Quan Z. Sheng, Irwin King, Jianyun Nie, Ben Carterette, Krisztian Balog In 2016, there were 27 publications by 17 experts: Allan Hanbury, Xuanjing Huang, Mark Sanderson, Evangelos Kanoulas, Maarten de Rijke, Karl Aberer, Jianyun Nie, Jun Xu 0001, Guido Zuccon, Djoerd Hiemstra, Iadh Ounis, Jaap Kamps, Quan Z. Sheng, Irwin King, Carlos Castillo 0001, Leif Azzopardi, Yi Chang In 2017, there were 22 publications by 15 experts: Tetsuya Sakai, Justin Zobel, Evangelos Kanoulas, Maarten de Rijke, Alessandro Bozzon, Karl Aberer, Alistair Moffat, Jun Xu 0001, Guido Zuccon, Yi Chang, Iadh Ounis, Jaap Kamps, Irwin King, Carlos Castillo 0001, Leif Azzopardi In 2018, there were 31 publications by 17 experts: Allan Hanbury, Xuanjing Huang, Evangelos Kanoulas, Raffaele Perego 0001, Maarten de Rijke, Michael Bendersky, Alistair Moffat, Jun Xu 0001, Guido Zuccon, Yi Chang, Iadh

6 Ounis, Jaap Kamps, Manolis Koubarakis, Irwin King, Jianyun Nie, Ben Carterette, Krisztian Balog In 2019, there were 12 publications by 8 experts: Jun Xu 0001, Guido Zuccon, Yi Chang, Evangelos Kanoulas, Mark Sanderson, Maarten de Rijke, Irwin King, Krisztian Balog

26 out of the 38 experts published at this conference in 1 or more years 21 out of the 38 experts published at this conference in 2 or more years 16 out of the 38 experts published at this conference in 3 or more years 8 out of the 38 experts published at this conference in 4 or more years 5 out of the 38 experts published at this conference in 5 or more years