Loss Functions for Clustering in Multi-instance Learning

Marek Dědič1,2, Tomáš Pevný3, Lukáš Bajer2, Martin Holeňa4

1 Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Trojanova 13, Prague, Czech Republic 2 Cisco Systems, Inc., Karlovo náměstı́ 10, Prague, Czech Republic 3 Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Karlovo náměstí 13, Prague, Czech Republic 4 Institute of , Czech Academy of Sciences, Pod vodárenskou věží 2, Prague, Czech Republic

Abstract: Multi-instance learning belongs to one of re- their work significantly by deciding about whole clusters cently fast developing areas of . It is a su- of servers instead of each one individually. pervised learning method and this paper reports research A key prerequisite for the application of multi-instance into its unsupervised counterpart, multi-instance cluster- learning to clustering is that loss functions for clustering, ing. Whereas traditional clustering clusters points, multi- originally proposed for points, are adapted for bags. In this instance clustering clusters bags, i.e. multisets of points or paper, such an adaptation is outlined for three sophisticated of other kinds of objects. The paper focuses on the problem loss functions: contrastive predictive coding, of loss functions for clustering. Three sophisticated loss and magnet loss. functions used for clustering of points, contrastive predic- Of the three proposed methods, triplet loss and magnet tive coding, triplet loss and magnet loss, are elaborated for loss utilize some labels as part of the training process and multi-instance clustering. Finally, they are compared on 18 so are not truly unsupervised. As such, the authors expect benchmark datasets, as well as on a real-world dataset. them to outperform the method based on contrastive pre- dictive coding, which on the other hand is the most promis- ing and innovative approach from the theoretical point of 1 Introduction view. In the next section, basic properties of multi-instance Multi-instance learning (MIL) belongs to recently fast de- learning and clustering are briefly introduced. The adapta- veloping areas of machine learning. Though it is a super- tion of the three considered loss functions is explained in vised learning method, this paper addresses its application Section 3. A comprehensive comparison of them is then to – clustering. Whereas traditional presented in Section 4. clustering is one of points, multi-instance clustering clus- ters multisets of points, also known as bags. Such a group- ing of the points into bags is considered a property of the 2 Multi-instance Learning and Clustering problem at hand and therefore sourced from the input . While there have been some previous attempts at multi- Multi-instance learning (MIL) was first described by [7]. instance clustering, they use pairwise relations between all In its original form, it was developed and used for su- points in all bags, quickly becoming unwieldy and compu- pervised learning. Some prior art also exists for unsu- tationally infeasible. Our work uses multi-instance learn- pervised learning, such as [5, 31], however, it uses pair- ing as a general toolkit for learning representations of bags wise instance distances as a basis for clustering, which and then clusters the bags using those representations. This doesn’t properly utilize the inherent structure of the data builds on previous works by the authors and enables clus- and quickly becomes computationally infeasible. tering of arbitrary data-structures by expressing them as The MIL paradigm is a type of representation learning hierarchies of multi-instance problems and then using the on data which has some internal structure. Therefore, it internal structure to better solve the problems at hand. views a sample as a bag (i.e. a multiset) of an arbitrary Multi-instance clustering is evaluated in Section 4 in number of objects. The basic elements of MIL are sam- the application domain of computer and network security. ples from a space X and their corresponding labels from a While this is only one of many possible applications of space Y (a space of classes). Compared to usual supervised MIL due to its general expressive power for structured data, learning, MIL replaces individual instances with bags of it is the domain of choice for the authors. Here, MIL is instances from the space X such that every instance in X used to represent user activity as a bag of network con- belongs to at least one bag from the bag-space B. nections for each user in a fixed time window. For clus- [7] provides an example of a multi-instance problem tering, this enables detection of compromised users based where each bag represents a key chain with some keys (in- on their complex behaviours. Clustering opens a new win- stances). To solve the problem of finding which key opens dow of opportunity here by e.g. grouping servers with sim- a particular lock, a “proxy” MIL problem is presented – de- ilar behaviour together, allowing a human analyst to boost termining which key chain opens that particular lock. This Copyright ©2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under line of thinking leads to the pivotal definition of the label Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). of a bag as being positive iff the bag contains at least one positive instance. In later works such as [23], this interpre- The functions fI and fB are realized by a deep neural net- tation of MIL is abandoned in favor of a more general one. work using ReLU as its . The aggrega- An instance is no longer viewed as having a meaning in and tion g is realized as an element-wise or maximum of of itself, but only in the context of its bag. The notion of all the vectors. an instance-level label is dropped because in this interpre- The structure of the data is highly exploited using the tation, the bag is the atomic unit of interest. To this end, embedded-space paradigm. The approach uses multiple the embedded-space paradigm, described in Section 2.2, is layers of MIL nested in each other – the instances of a used. bag do not necessarily need to be feature vectors, but can be bag in themselves. The HTTP traffic of a particular 2.1 A probabilistic formulation of multi-instance client is therefore represented as a bag of all second-level learning domains the client has exchanged datagrams with. Each second-level domain is then represented as a bag of indi- A probabilistic way of describing multi-instance learning vidual URLs which the client has connected to. Individual was first introduced in [23] and builds on the previous work URLs are then split into 3 parts, domain, path and query, [19]. and each part is represented as a bag of tokens, which can Let for the space X exist a measurable space (X , A), then be broken down even further. In the end, the model X where A is a σ-algebra on X . Let P denote the set of consists of 5 nested MIL problems. all probability measures on (X , A). A bag B is viewed as A benefit of MIL is also its easy use for explainability a random sample with replacement of a and interpretability. The authors of [22] present a way to X governed by a particular pB ∈ P , extract indicators of compromise and explain the decision that is using the learned MIL model.

B = {xi|xi ∼ pB, i ∈ {1, . . . , m}} where m ∈ N. (1) 2.3 Clustering 2.2 Embedded-space paradigm for solving Clustering is a prime example of a problem typically asso- multi-instance problems ciated with unsupervised learning. The problem at hand, however, is not one of clustering ordinary number vectors While it is possible to use several approaches to solv- in a linear space. Instead, a clustering of objects repre- ing multi-instance problems, in this work, the embedded- sented by bags is explored, as that is the problem solved for space paradigm was used. For an overview of the other datasets introduced later in Section 4. While [28] present a paradigms, see [6]. clustering of bags using a modified Hausdorff distance on In the embedded space paradigm, labels are only defined bags and [17] present a clustering using maximum mean on the level of bags. In order for these bag labels to be discrepancy, a different approach to clustering of bags is φ : B → X¯ learned, an embedding function of the form used in this work. Among the main reasons for this choice X¯ must be defined, where is a latent space, which may or is the prohibitively high computational complexity of the X may not be identical to . Using this function, each bag previously mentioned approaches on large datasets and the φ (B) ∈ X¯ can be represented by an object , which makes it possibility of utilizing the representations previously intro- possible to use any off-the-shelf algo- duced in [22]. X¯ rithm acting on . Among the simplest embedding func- An approach based on the embedded-space paradigm for tions are, e.g. element-wise minimum, maximum, and MIL was chosen. In order to utilize the structure of the mean. A more complicated embedding function may for data, a MIL model is used to represent each bag in the la- example apply a neural network to each instance of the bag tent space X¯. This presents the issue of how to train the em- and subsequently pool the instances using one of the afore- bedding function φ, because its learning in standard MIL mentioned functions. is supervised. Specifically to the presented in Section 4, The embedding function φ can be actually written as [22] present an approach to learning to classify HTTP traf- φ = φ (B, θ) where B ∈ B and θ are the parameters of the fic by utilizing sets of URLs. Neural networks areused embedding, typically learned during the training phase. In to transform both instance-level and bag-level representa- the context of clustering, these parameters still need to be f : tions. The model is as follows: A neural network I learned over some kind of training. This itself presents an- X → X 1 2 is used to transform instances, followed by an other challenge though – off-the-shelf typically aggregation function work in some constant Hilbert space, whereas the latent ¯ space needs to change over the learning period. As is the g : BX2 → X1. case for MIL itself, end-to-end learning is used. A cluster- ¯ ¯ Finally, a second deep neural network fB : X1 → X2 is LC : B → R is chosen and used to express used to transform the representation of each bag. Combin- the actual loss for the embedding model φ and its parame- ing these functions gives the embedding function ters θ as

φ (B) = fB (g ({fI (x)|x ∈ B})) . L (φ, θ) = LC ({φ (B, θ)|B ∈ B}) . (2) If the cluster-loss LC is chosen correctly, minimizing L high-quality embeddings would need only a small amount over the learning period will yield a latent space X¯ in which of seed data points to reach relatively high accuracy. For the bags are already naturally clustered according to the this measure, the kNN was run thrice and the re- design of the cluster-loss function. Applying any off-the- sults averaged to compensate for high dependence on the shelf clustering algorithm on X¯ will then give good results. particular seed points chosen. How to choose the cluster-loss function LC is the focus of Section 3. 3 Investigated Loss Functions

2.4 Clustering evaluation metrics In Section 2.4, a method for learning a representation φ was described. In order to learn the parameters of the represen- In our research, several clustering evaluation metrics have tation, a clustering-loss function is required in the form been used. The primary metrics are based on the Silhou- M ¯ ette coefficient, the secondary ones on the kNN algorithm. LC : P X → R. The metrics are somewhat different to the ones traditionally used in evaluating clustering methods as all the datasets In this section, three ways of constructing such a clustering- used in this work are originally classification datasets and loss function are explored. First, an unsupervised method therefore have classes available. Each class can then be constructing a clustering loss-function is presented, fol- viewed as a cluster target and the learned clustering evalu- lowed by two supervised methods. ated against these targets. The first two metrics measure the homogeneity of clus- 3.1 Contrastive Predictive Coding ters (that is the property of instances of one cluster being close to one another) and their separation (that is the prop- Contrastive predictive coding (CPC) is a technique first erty of instances of different clusters being far apart), see introduced by [21]. The method builds the model on the [9]. To measure the non-homogeneity of a cluster, the av- ideas from predictive coding [8]. CPC represents time se- erage distance between items in a cluster is measured and ries by modelling future data from the past. To this end, the averaged over all clusters, giving the following for model learns high-level representations of the data and dis- items xj in clusters Ci: cards noise. The further in the future the model predicts,

n the less shared information is available and thus the global 1 X X structure needs to be inferred better. nonhomo (C1,...,Cn) = kxj − µ (Ci)k , n The core concept taken from CPC is a loss function i=1 xj ∈Ci called InfoNCE in the prior art. Given a of where values xt, an autoregressive model produces a context ct 1 X from all xi up to the point t. For a training set , predicted µ (Ci) = xj, X |Ci| future value xt+k, the current context ct, and a model fk, xj ∈Ci the InfoNCE loss is defined as |C | C with i being the number of instances in the bag i.   To measure the separation of clusters, the average dis- X tance between cluster centres was taken: − EX log fk (xt+k, ct) − log fk (xj, ct) . xj ∈X 2 X sep (C1,...,Cn) = kµ (Ci) − µ (Cj)k . n (n − 1) Optimizing this value will result in fk modelling the den- i,j∈nˆ i

Magnet loss is an enhancement of the previously described n 1 ! 1 X exp − 2σ2 Ni − α triplet loss, first introduced by [26]. Whereas the triplet Lmagnet = max 0, 1 + log , n Mi loss function essentially goes over all triplets of a data i=1 (7) point, its target neighbour and a point from a different class where α ∈ is a hyper-parameter of the method. Since and optimizes their distances, magnet loss maintains an R the method standardizes both of the terms of the innermost explicit model of the distributions of different classes in fraction by σ2, α is the desired cluster separation gap ex- the representation space. To capture the distributions, the pressed in the units of the . model uses simple clustering models for each class. Dif- The magnet loss is taken almost verbatim from the orig- ferently to triplet loss, for which the target neighbourhood inal article. The only change needed is a different way to is set a priori and is based on similarity in the original in- obtain the representation space by taking put space, magnet loss uses similarity in the space of rep- resentations and updates it periodically. Magnet loss also ri = φ (Bi) . pursues local separation instead of global – representations of different classes should be separated, but can be inter- In this usage, yi is the class label assigned to the bag Bi leaved. (making magnet loss a supervised method) and n is the n d Let {(xi, yi)}i=1 be a training dataset where xi ∈ R number of bags in the dataset. and yi are one of C discrete class labels. A general param- Due to the choice of the hyper-parameter K being non- eterized map f (·; Θ) embeds the inputs into a representa- obvious for most problems, alternative clustering meth- tion space: ods that would not need hyper-parameter tuning were ex- ri = f (xi; Θ) . plored. One such method, self-tuning [30] was implemented as a replacement for the K- al- For each class c, K cluster assignments are obtained with gorithm used in the original method. Section 4.3 presents the K-means++ algorithm [18, 2] where K ∈ is a hyper- N a comparison of the performance of these two methods. parameter of the method: Since magnet loss is an enhancement of triplet loss, it 2 is reasonable to assume it would perform the same or bet- K c c X X 1 X ter than triplet loss. One drawback of magnet loss is the I1,..., IK = arg min r − c s . Ic,...,Ic |I | higher number of hyper-parameters which need to be tuned 1 K k=1 r∈Ic k s∈Ic k k in order for the method to work correctly. This problem is The centre of each cluster is denoted µc : partially solved by the introduction of self-tuning spectral k clustering [30], however, that is outside the scope of this

c 1 X paper. µk = c r. |Ik| c r∈Ik 4 Experimental Comparison For each input, the centre of the cluster in which its repre- sentation falls is denoted as The three loss functions presented in Section 3 were exper-

c imentally evaluated on 18 publicly available datasets and µi = arg min kri − µkk on a corporate dataset from the domain of computer secu- µc k rity. The 2 metrics presented in Section 2.4 were used, i.e. and the squared distance of its representation from the cen- the Silhouette coefficient and the accuracy of a kNN clas- tre of the cluster is denoted as sifier built on the embedding. Both of these metrics were tracked over the learning period to also evaluate how the 2 Ni = kri − µik . models are learning in addition to their final performance.

The variance of the distance of the representations from 4.1 Datasets their respective centres can then be calculated as

n The evaluation was done on a set of 18 publicly available 1 X σ2 = N . datasets, listed in Table 1. All the datasets as used were n − 1 i 2 i=1 also made public . The models were also evaluated on a proprietary dataset For ri, the dissimilarity to all the inputs of different classes provided by Cisco Cognitive Intelligence, consisting of is calculated as records of network connections from clients (e.g. user computers or mobile devices) to some on-line services. K   X X 1 c 2 Mi = exp − 2 kri − µkk . 2σ 2 c6=yi k=1 https://github.com/marekdedic/MilDatasets.jl Source Datasets of a bag. This is a natural embedding of a bag as its ex- pected value. This model is referred to as the mean model [4] BrownCreeper, WinterWren in the rest of this work. A classification model has been [1] Elephant, Fox, Tiger introduced as a target to beat. This model was realised by [7] Musk1, Musk2 a MIL neural network identical to the previously described [27] Mutagenesis1, Mutagenesis2 one, with a final of 2 output neurons with an iden- [33] Newsgroups1, Newsgroups2, Newsgroups3 tity activation function added. The accuracy of the model [24, 25] Protein has been evaluated by selecting the optimal threshold on its [15] UCSBBreastCancer output. This model mirrors the model used in the proposed [32] Web1, Web2, Web3, Web4 methods, but replaces the clustering with simple classifica- tion. This model is referred to as the classification model Table 1: The 18 publicly available datasets used. in the rest of this work. Some of the three proposed clustering-losses have some hyper-parameters which need to be tuned. A of val- The dataset represents HTTP traffic of more than 100 com- ues was tried for each hyper-parameter in order to select panies. Two datasets were collected, each spanning 1 day the best configuration for each on each of the datasets. of traffic. The training data was traffic from 2019-11-18, For L , the values c ∈ {0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100} have while the data used for testing was collected the follow- triplet been tested. For L , the values K ∈ {2, 3, 8, 16}, ing day, 2019-11-19. For each connection, a proprietary magnet α ∈ {0, 0.1, 0.5} and the cluster index update classification system based on [14] provided labels, clas- in {5, 10, 25, 70} have been tested. sifying the connections either as legitimate or malicious (connected to malware activity). The data was sampled to include 90 % of negative bags and 10 % of positive bags. 4.3 Comparison of Results For each connection, 20 connection features were used, as well as a MIL model of the server URL, which is visualized Table 2 lists the accuracy of a kNN classifier build on the in Figure 1. embedding for all of the methods and all of the datasets. Figure 2 shows the value of the Silhouette coefficient and the accuracy on 3 selected datasets. As can be seen, CPC 4.2 Experimental Design is the worst performing of the methods overall, and, more significantly, shows no clear improvement over the learn- The models for evaluation were implemented in the Julia ing periods for both the Silhouette coefficient and the kNN programming language [3] using the Flux.jl framework for classifier accuracy. Between triplet loss and magnet loss, machine learning [13] and the Mill.jl framework for multi- magnet loss is somewhat better in the classification accu- instance learning3. racy, whereas triplet loss is somewhat better in the Silhou- The particular architecture of the models was chosen ette coefficient, indicating better separation of individual based upon previous experience with using neural net- clusters. Of note is also the differing behaviour for var- works in multi-instance setting [22]. Several architec- ious datasets, for example the clear dominance of triplet tures were tested and the best one selected for the exper- loss w.r.t. the Silhouette coefficient on the Web3 dataset. iments. The embedding φ was realised by a MIL neural This shows that none of the methods is a clear winner in all network consisting of 2 per-instance layers of 30 neurons, scenarios and the best one needs to be carefully selected. followed by aggregation formed by concatenating element- wise mean and element-wise maximum of all instances in a bag, followed by 2 per-bag layers of 30 neurons. All the 4.4 of the results neurons used the ReLU activation function [12]. Layer The null hypothesis that all three methods are the same as weights were initialized using Glorot initialization [11], measured by the accuracy can be rejected at a 5 % level bias vectors were initialized to zeros. ADAM [16] was used of significance by the Friedman two-way of vari- as the optimization method. ance by ranks [10]. Triplet and magnet losses are better For each of the datasets, 80 % of bags were randomly than CPC at a 5 % level of significance by the post-hoc chosen as the training data, with the rest being testing data. Nemenyi pairwise test [20]. However, the null hypothesis The models were trained using 100 mini-batches of size of that magnet loss and triplet loss are the same cannot be re- 50. jected at the 5 % significance level by this test. This further In order to provide some baseline against which the supports the differing results between these two methods as models could be compared (as there is no prior art for mentioned in the previous subsection. this problem), two other models were introduced. A non-machine-learning model was introduced as a baseline, which all models should surpass. This model implements 4.5 HTTP dataset the embedding φ as an element-wise mean of all instances Table 3 compares the three methods on the proprietary 3https://github.com/pevnak/Mill.jl dataset from Cisco Cognitive Intelligence. Here, magnet designed token features learned features of URL parts learned features of an URL learned features of a SLD

ψ evil (1) (1) evil.com evil d1 . . . dn φD d . . . d ψ com 1 n (2) (2) com d1 . . . dn

path http://evil.com/path/file?key=val&get=exploit.js ψ (1) (1) path/file path p1 . . . pn φP φU p . . . p u . . . u ψ file 1 n 1 3n (2) (2) file p1 . . . pn

key=val evil.com ψ φ (1) (1) key=val&get=exploit.js SLD key=val q . . . q s1 . . . sk 1 n φQ get=exploit.js q1 . . . qn ψ (2) (2) get=exploit.js q1 . . . qn

c1 . . . cm

Figure 1: Hierarchical model of a URL. The vector c1, . . . , cm represents the connection features.

Dataset CPC Triplet loss Magnet loss 5 Conclusion

BrownCreeper 0.900 0.882 0.900 In our work, the underexplored research area of multi- Elephant 0.575 0.900 0.825 instance clustering was investigated. Three methods for Fox 0.400 0.675 0.725 clustering of bags were introduced, of which one is unsu- Musk1 0.667 0.889 0.889 pervised (CPC) and two are supervised (Triplet loss and Musk2 0.750 0.950 0.950 Magnet loss). For each of the methods, the prior art it Mutagenesis1 0.658 0.816 0.912 builds on was presented, along with its modification for Mutagenesis2 0.708 1.000 1.000 the purposes of multi-instance clustering. All three meth- Newsgroups1 0.533 0.950 1.000 ods were theoretically and experimentally evaluated and Newsgroups2 0.600 0.900 0.950 compared. The experiments were conducted first on pub- Newsgroups3 0.683 0.700 0.850 licly available datasets in a reproducible fashion. Follow- Protein 0.820 0.923 0.897 ing that, a corporate dataset of network security data was Tiger 0.642 0.825 0.825 used as it is the intended application domain for this work. UCSBBreastCancer 0.333 0.667 1.000 Comparing the methods on the publicly available Web1 0.667 0.733 0.800 datasets shows the method based on contrastive predictive Web2 0.689 0.800 0.733 coding to perform the worst, with the other having no statis- Web3 0.733 0.800 1.000 tically significant difference between them. Similar results Web4 0.622 0.800 0.930 were also obtained on the corporate dataset of HTTP traffic, WinterWren 0.936 0.955 0.936 albeit none of the results were as good as anticipated. The method based on contrastive predictive coding performed Table 2: The accuracy of the final models for the publicly poorly on both the publicly available datasets and the cor- available datasets. porate one, however, the comparison might not be fair as the CPC method is unsupervised, whereas the other two Variant CPC Triplet loss Magnet loss can utilize labels on the training data, giving them a strong advantage. 2 classes 0.920 0.910 0.930 The initial expectation of CPC being outperformed 20 classes 0.893 0.868 0.904 proved to be true. Even as such, the result is interesting and has a value of its own in providing a baseline and a Table 3: The accuracy of the final models for the corporate comparison for these and future methods. datasets.

Acknowledgement loss is the best of the three methods, however, only by a The research reported in this paper has been supported by small margin over the other 2 methods. Since the datasets the Czech Science Foundation (GAČR) grant 18-21409S consisted of 90 % of negative samples however, none of the and partially supported by the GAČR grant 18-18080S. results is particularly remarkable and some further tuning would be needed if any of the methods were to be used in real environment. 1.0 CPC Triplet 1.5 Magnet 0.9 Mean model

0.8 1.0 Ratio 0.7 Accuracy

0.5 CPC 0.6 Triplet Magnet Classification model 0.0 0.5 0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 Learning step Learning step

(a) Musk2, Silhouette coeff. (b) Musk2, accuracy 1.0 2.0 CPC Triplet Magnet Mean model 0.8 1.5

1.0 0.6 Ratio Accuracy

0.5 CPC 0.4 Triplet Magnet Classification model 0.0 0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 Learning step Learning step

(c) UCSBBreastCancer, Silhouette coeff. (d) UCSBBreastCancer, accuracy 1.0 CPC Triplet 100 Magnet Mean model 0.8


0.6 Ratio 50 Accuracy

CPC 25 0.4 Triplet Magnet Classification model 0 0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 Learning step Learning step

(e) Web3, Silhouette coeff. (f) Web3, accuracy

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