City's Recreation Department 6rttnbtlt Is National Contest Finalist by Karen Pulver The Greenbeit Department of Recreation has once again been named as one of four finalists in the national 1~83 Gold Med~l Award Contest. which is given to recog­ mze excellence m the field of park and recreational man­ lJlews Jlt1Jitw agement. The contest winner will be chosen in October. AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER The Gold Medal Award, which five-year time span helps to en­ the Greenbelt department won in sure that other recreation organi­ Volume 46, Number 33 P.O. Box 68, Greenbelt. Maryland 20770 Thurs., July 7, 1983 1975, is co-sponsored by the Na­ zations will be recognized for tionc1l Recreation and Park As­ thEir accomplishments, and it ai­ sociation (NRPA) and the Na­ lows ample time for the winners tional S'ports Foundation. Park of the award to make significant and recreatjon groups from improvements in their existing ''Renko'' Wins Greenbelt across the United States may programs and in their plans for by Glynese Echols apply for the award in one of five the future. This year work done National Police week, ob­ categories based on population by the members of the recre'.ltion ---- size, the only requirement being department and the community served between May 16-21, that they must be sponsored by ended with a personal ap­ has again won the department a ~ a member of the National Sport­ finalist's position in the contest. pearance by Charles Haid, ing Goods Association. Community Support "Renko" of "Hill Street In 1975 the Greenbelt Recrea­ Irving attributes much of the Blues" at Beltway Plaza. tion Department, which was organization's success to the ov­ Haid's visit advocated public sponsored by Bob Windsor's All nwhelming amount of commu­ support of police depart­ Pro Sports in Laurel, won the nity involvement that the recrea­ ments and other law en­ Gold Medal Award for excellence. tion department receives. "Our forcement agencies because, The department won from among city staff has estimated that th.-, 200 applicants in the Class V recreation and parks operating as he put it, "police are very category, which includes recrea­ special people and they de­ budget would nearly double if all tion departments serving popula­ the volunteer leaders, coaches, serve special recognition." tions of 20,000 or less. The judg­ musicians, counselors and spe­ Haid was chosen to aid in the es, who chose Greenbelt as an out­ cialists were compensated for of National Police standing facility, based their de­ their time," he says. Week because "" cision on the many successful Irving goes on to explain that depicts police work more accur­ programs that the department the staff at the department rely ately than most dramatized ac­ had in 1975, and on the extensive on the service of all community counts. Detective Doug Sapping­ plans that the department had organizations as well as the police ton of ,the Greenbelt Police De­ for the future. Attention by the department and the public works partment explains, " 'Hill Street panel of judges was given to the department. Irving says, "Since Blues' shows the human side of department's use of parkland, its Greenbelt was established in 1937 police officers. The show does a extensive outdoor and indoor rec­ it has been very community ori­ good job of showing that we reation systems, and its innova­ ented. The reciprocal aid provid­ have emotions: we laugh; we cry; tive programs developed for all ed by all our community orga­ it's just more in.tense." Haid a­ age groups in the community nizations has brought Greenbelt greed, "Police have really high (from activities for toddlers to and our department to the point r.isk jobs. Police and innocent the Golden Age Club). The judg­ we are at today.'' people are the main victims of ing panel especially noted the 'I'his year in its application for brutality. Our motto, 'Be careful Greenbelt department's concern the Gold Medal Award, the staff out th re', says it all." Ior the mentally and physically of the ecreation department has Haid was not paid to come to handicapped, as seen through the placed special emphasis on sever­ Greenbelt. He vis,ited only to pro­ Bike-A-Thon for the retarded al of its fairly new programs mote National Police Week. Haid and the marathons for cancer and and groups. Although not new, participates in several charitable heart disease research. one of the groups chosen for projects, including those involv­ According to policy set up by highlighting is the Greenbelt ing Children's Hospital. He re­ the sponsors of the award, no Park and Recreation Advisory ceived about fi.frteen awards from winner of the contest may apply Board (PRAB). PRAB, which various law enforcement agencies again for the award for a period consists of members appointed by and government officials. Haid of five years. Harry Irving, di­ city council, provides continual was also made an honorary Greenbelt Police Chief William T. Lane (left) and Beltway assessment of program and serv- Plaza Merchants Association Promotion Director Pat Valle, rector of the Greenbelt Depart­ Greenbelt Police officer and citi­ ment of Recreation, says that this See CONTEST, page 9, col. 1 zen of Greenbelt. Saturday, May (right) escort their guest, Charles "Renko" Haid, to the 21 was designated as "Renko White House where vice-president George Bush presented Day." an award to Haid. See RENKO, page s; col. 1 -photo by Doug Sappington, NURSING CENTER HOLDS Parkway Dedication and this Nation. When it became SUMMERFEST FETE clear that the Senate would not The residents and staff at To Spellman Okayed approve the name change I pro­ OFFICIAL Greenbelt Nursing Center invite posed, and after consulting with the public to attend a Summer­ Rep. Steny H. Hoyer announced the family, I agreed to support fest celebration at the Nursing on June 30 that a bill dedicating the dedication. It is a fine tribute Home, 7010 Greenbelt Road, on the Baltimore- Washington Park­ to this dedicated and committed Saturday, July 9 from 9 a.m. to way to former Congresswom,m public servant." NOTICE 4 p.m. The main feature of the Gladys N. Spellman had been Mrs. Spellman was elected to Summerfest will be a flea market. adopted by the House and sent to four terms in the House of Rep­ including white elephants, plants the President for his signature. resentatives. Prior to this, she and books, hot dogs with kraut, The dedication was made "in rec­ served in elective posts in Prince A regular election to elect five members of. the City old-fashioned lemon/peppermint ognition of her efforts to upgrade Georges County for a dozen sticks and soft drinks will be for a most important transportation years, including Commissioner of Council will be held in the City of Greenbelt on Tuesday, sale also. corridor in the Capital region, Prince Georges, chairwoman of Space for the flea market is and more broadly, to recognizl! the Washington Suburban Tran­ September 20, 1983. Any registered voter of the City available to the public for a rent­ her service to the people of sit Commission and as a member al fee. Tables must be provided Maryland and the Nation as a of the board of the Washington of Greenbelt is eligible to become a candidate. by the seller. To rent a space or Member of the House," according Metropolitan Area Transit Au­ for more information, call the to the provisions of the bili. thority. She also served as Vice President of the Metropolitan nursing home at 345-9595 and The measure differs somewhi.t The Nomination period is July 1, 1983 thru August 8, ask for the Activities Depart­ from the original bill pa.,sed by Washington Council of Govern­ ment. Rain date for the event is ments and was a member of the the House in that it dedicates the 1983, and anyone wishing to be a candidate or to nom­ Saturday, July 16. Presidential Advisory Commis­ Parkway to Mrs. Spellman but sion on Intergovernmental Rela­ does not change the desi;;nation inate a qualified candidate should call the City Clerk at tions. During her term in Con­ WHAT GOES ON as the Hoyer bill provided. gress, Mrs. Spellman was instru­ 474-3870 or 474-8000. Nomination forms are available Sun., July 10, 7 p.m. New Cen­ Therefore, the Parkway will not mental in obtaining government tury Singers, A ttick Park be renamed. The National Park in the City Clerk's office, 25 Crescent Road, Mon.-Fri. (Greenbelt Lake) Service is now studying methods cooperation and funding for the upgrading and maintenance of Mon., Jul} 11, 8 :30 p.m. City to change the signs and the pro­ the Parkway. 8 a.m. to 4 :30 p.m. Council Meeting, Municipal vision to pl'ovide a marker indi­ cating the dedication. "Dedicating the Parkway, Center which runs through the very Tues., July 12, 8 p.m. Commun­ "While the Senate bill differs heart of the county Gladys Joves, Gudrun H. Mills, CMC ity Relations Advisory from my original intent," Rep, a Parkway which passes by so Board, C , nc1I Room Hoyer said, "I think it is impor­ many communities upon which City Clerk Thurs., July 14, 8 p.m. GHI tant that we honor this great she left her mark, will be a last­ Board Meetmg, Hamilton Pl. lady and her fine work for the ing monument to her good work," people of Prince Georges County Rep. Hoyer ~aid. Page 2 Explorer Scouts to Make Long Distance Relay Race Baha'is Memorial Planned On Saturday, July 9, at 8:30 In memory of the 16 Baha'is frttnbtlt Btws Jttuitw Canister at a.m. a 20- mile, Distance Medley hanged on June 16 and 18 in Shi­ AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Space NASA Relay running race will start at raz, Iran, the Baha'is of Green­ ALFRED M. SKOLNIK, PRES IDENT, 1959-1 977 Explorer Scouts from several Braden Field. This race gives a belt invite the public to gather on Editor: Mary Lou Wllllemaon, 441-2662 states are coming to Goddard 4-person team a chance to put Saturday, July 9 at 11 a.m. a t the Newa Editor: Elaine Skolnik, 474-6060 Visitor Center and Museum, Sun­ together a team to run laps of home of Nassrin Tavakoli, 9314 Copy Edllora: Barbar• Llkowakl, 474-8483 day, July 10, to put together a 2.5, 5.0, 5.0 and 7.5 miles for a Et!Jnonston Road No. 102. For Virginia BHuch• mp space shuttle payload. Visitors 20-mile total. A one-lap course further information, phone 345- STAFF can come and view their work of 2.5 miles will start at 9 :30. 6237. Sandra Barnes, Suzanne Batra, Rema Boscov, Jim Boyle, Sh irley Bryant, Lee Chambers, and ask scout representatives Participants can come early to Arthur Donn, Peter Durantine, Glynese Echols, Mavis Fletcher, Joan Freeman, Jenny register' and join a team if they Geiger, Judy Goldstein, Jim Harnisch, Marion Harrison, Peggy Hoot, Janet James, Ruth questions on what they are doing. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH Kastner, Martha Kaufman, Katherine Keene, Jim Lasworth, Dorothy Lauber, Loretta The scouts are participating in don't have one. There is a fee. Levesque, Leta Mach, Elizabeth Maffey, Ray Mccawley, Mary Moien, Diane Oberg, James Episcopal O'Sullivan, Eileen Peterson, Adrienne Plater, Ruth Powell, Bill Rowland, Eleanor Santora, a program called POST AR, an All Greenbelt finishers will re­ Charles F. Schwan, Jr., Pearl S"iegel , James Simon, Sandra Surber Sm ith , Germaine Tim­ endeavor supported by NASA, a ceive an award from the Green­ Baltimore Blvd. at Powder mermans, Joanne Tucker, Jean Turkiewicz, Ottilie Van Allen, Helen Webb, June Webb. major aerospace company, and belt Running Club, co-sponsors Mill Rd., Beltsville BUSINESS MANAGER: Mike Jones; Circulation Manager: Mae Gingell, 474-8690; the Boy Scouts of America. PO­ Summer Services Sprlnghlll Lake Circulation: Barbara Clawson, 474-4541; Newa Review: 474-4131 ; Staff STAR used NASA Goddard's with the D.C. Road Runners and Photographer: J. Henaon. Sundays 9 :30 a.m. Publlahed every Thuraday by Greenbelt Cooperative Publlahing Auocletion, Inc. Explorer Scout chapter to select t he Greenbelt Recreation Depart­ other scout chapters nationwide ment. Contact Larry Noel, 474- Rev. John G. Bals, Rector BOARD OF DIRECTORS to put their instruments in a Pres., Elaine Skolnik; Vice Pres., Bill Rowland; Sec., Barbara Likowski ; Treas., Virginia 9362, for information. 422-8057 Beauchamp; Mavis Fletcher. NASA small self-contained payload canister. The canister MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS: $20 per year. Advertising and news articles may be mailed 'When a thought of war comes, (Box 68, Greenbelt); deposited in our box at the Greenbelt Co-op grocery store before will be flown on a future space Mowatt Memorial 7 p.m. Tuesday or delivered to the editorial office in _the basement . of 15 Pa_rkway shuttle mission. oppose it by a stronger (474-4131). The office is open Monday after 8 pm for d1splay advert1s1ng ; deadline ,s thought of peace.' -from the United Methodist Church 10 pm. News articles and classified ads are accepted after 8 pm on Tuesday; dead­ More than ten amateur engi­ 40 Ridge Rd. 474-9410 line is 10 p.m. neers will come to Goddard from Baha'i Sacred Writings . across the country to fit their Sunday School 9:30 A.M. Volume 46, Number 33 Thursday, July 7, 1983 instruments together. A NASA Baha'i Faith (for all ages) clean room will be constructed Greenbelt Baha'i Community Morning Worship 11 :00 A.M. " KNOWING YOUR CAR" Cri me Prevention Com. at the Visitor Center so the young P.O. Box 245 Rev. Dr. James Chong Park scientists can build their payload Pastor SUNDAY EVENING TOPIC The Greenbelt Crime Preven­ Greenbelt, MD 20770 in a dirt-free environment. 345-2918 / 474-4090 474-1924 tion Committee will hold a series The NASA Goddard Visitor A mini course on "Knowing of Crime Watch Training Semi­ Center is open Wednesday- Sun­ Your Car" will be the topic of nars on the third Monday of each day 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. There is Holy Cross Lutheran Church's month at the Cultural Arts Cen­ free parking and admission. For RENEW YOUR FAITH Sunday evening summer series on ter in Roosevelt Mall ( Greenbelt more information call 344--8981. July 10 at 6 p.m. People will Center Mall). The first seminar IN GOD learn how to do simple mainte­ will be held on July 18 at 7 :30 nance on cars. p.m. Tennis News The program will begin with IN YOURSELF The Crime Watch Training by Jim Harbaugh a dinner at the church at 6 p.m. Seminars will teach participants You are invited to worship with us There is no charge but a free will how to recognize "suspicious ac­ Results of the G!reenbelt Fire­ offering will be taken to offset tivity," how to protect themselves cracker Tournament sponsored by GREENBELT BAPTIST CHURCH expenses. Reservations would be and their property by prevention the cit y recreation department helpful (345--5111) but people and when to call the police. are: Men's " "A", Joe Hess over Crescent & Greenhill Rds. should feel free to drop in also. Classes are open to all Greenbelt Benson King; Women's "A'', In­ Bible Study for all ages (Sun.) 9:45 a.m. Free baibysitting will be available citizens who are 18 or older. A ge Har baugh over Beverly Vay­ Worship Service 11 a.m. & 7:00 p.m . for children up to 12 years old. certificate will be issued upon hinger; Men's "B", Ron Amatuc­ Midweek Prayer Service (Wed. ) 8:00 p.m. completion of the training. Each cie over Ed Kapplinger; Women's Bedroom Farce Will semina r will last for about an "B", Kathy Reed over Anne Al­ hour and a half. len ; Women's Doubles, Nancy Play at Utopia The seminars are a joint un­ Cross and Beverly Vayhinger ov­ ST. HUGH'S CATHOLIC CHtJRCH dertaking of the Crime Preven­ Joni Dies and Inge Harbaugh ; "Not Now Darling" is the hi­ tion Committee, which is an offi­ Men's Doubles, Joe Hess and Jeff Rev. David Conway, Pastor larious bedroom farce that will cial eity organization a ppointed Hibbs over Kevin Lee and Ray Re,·. Francis G_ _Kuista , Assoeiate Pastor be presented at the Greenbelt by the city council, and the McDonald; Mixed Doubles, Bev­ Cultural Arts Center on Fridays Green'belt police department's erly Vayhinger and Sam Sain ov­ and Sa,turdays, July 15, 16 and Crime P revention Team. er J im and Inge Harbaugh. MASS SCHEDULE: 22, 23 at 8 p.m. Sunday matinee is at 2 :30 p.m. Weatherization Assistance The Greenbelt Recreation De­ Saturday 6 p. m. The Maryland .Traveling Rep­ partment did a fi ne job conduct­ ertory Theater · will bring Green­ Available for Residents ing the tournament. Thanks t.o Sunday 8, 9:30, II a.m., 12 :30 p.m. belt audiences a spicy comedy. Hank Irving and his staff, espe­ Prince Georges County has cially George Rogato, tournament Daily Mass: 7 :30 a.m. Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. Monday • Saturday It will be performed at the Sacrament of Rec:onc:iliation: Saturday 4-5 p.m, Utopia Theater, 129 Cen• ~rway. been recipient of a Federal grant director and David Craig, tourn­ For information call 474-7763 that helps support home energy ament conductor. (Recording) or 441-8770 one hour conservation. This program, ear­ The next events on the Green­ before showtime. marked for low-income families, belt Tennis Association schedule helps reduce the high cost of en­ Greenbelt Community Church are the doubles tournament, to 1////,fjf'.fi',ff. Recreation Dept. Forming ergy bills by making t he homes more fuel efficient. Features in­ be held August 6-7 and the an­ (United Church of Christ) clude insulation, storm doors and nual picnic. More details in a Hillside and Crescent Roads Sr. Citizen Softball League later .issue. windows, and caulking. Priority P hone 474- 6171 mornings A co-ed leisure league designed is given to households headed by G.T.A. for fun and exercise for ladies Senior Citizens and Handicapped. The next monthly meeting of 10 am Sunday Morning Worship and gentlemen 60 years and over Citizens of P rince Georges G.T.A will be held Friday, July and (retirees, 55 and over, are also County may be eligible for as­ 8, at the Dies residence, 101 Church School for Children welcome). No experience or skill sistance at no financial cost to the Northway, at 9 p.m. Although all Infant Care Provided at is needed, only the interest in client if the household gross in­ officers are expected to be there Fellowship Center behind Church sharing a good time while play­ come is less than: $7,020 (1 per­ other members are welcome. ing ball. The Greenbelt Recrea­ Rev, Sherry Taylor and son), $9,086 (2), $12,472 (3), There will be light refreS1hments. Rev. Harry Taylor co-pastors ,tion Department will provide the $15,386 (4), $18,158 (5), and $21,- Anyone interested in Jommg participants with everything 242 (6 persons). G.T.A is welcome to attend the needed - bats, balls, the fields Families who are renting their meeting. Or one may call 345- and maybe even a uniform shirt homes may also be eligible. Call 6557 or 474-6878 and request an too. the Offi ce of Emergency P re­ application. The program is free of charge. paredness, Weatherization Divi­ An organizational meeting is set sion, 699- 2658 for an appoint­ Drivers License Renewal Holy Cross Lutheran Church for Thursday, Ju1y 14, 10:30 a.m. ment. in the Youth Center Mu ltipurpose Now Includes Vision Test Room. Volunteer Coordinator 6905 Greenbelt Road Tony Pisano will be on hand to GHI NOTE:S Beginning July 1, motorists discuss specific playing schedules renewing t heir Maryland driver's Letters explaining rehab costs license have been required to pass Summer Sunday Evening Programs with interested players. Free cof­ and revised charges were sent to fee and pastries will be served. a vision test administet·ed by the members la,st week. Members who Motor Vehicle Administration or for the Community: continued their June charges will present a statement from a phy­ At Greenbelt Library not ,be ,penalized. If the payment sician or optometrist certifying did not cover the revised July that a vision test has been ad­ Tuesday, July 12, 10:30-11:15 charges, make an adjustment in ministered in the previous twelve July 10 & 17, 6-8 p.m. - Know Your Car .a.m., Movies for tots, ages 2--8. the August charges. Anyone who months. Thursday, July 14. Summer Quest has not received the letter should (A mini-course on car maintenance and care) call 474-6644. Under Maryland law, the min­ Reading Club, ages 9- 12, 10-10:45 imum vision standards for a dri­ a.m.; ages 5-8, 11- 11 :30 a.m. The Personnel Committee will ver's license permitting unlimited Begins with Dinner at 6 p.m.; Freewill offering Exhibits at the library during meet July 7 at 8 p.m. in the day and night driving are 20 / 40 the month Bi July: Framed Prints Board Room. The Parking Com­ in each eye (with or without for loan; Smock Dresses - Janet mittee will meet July 12 at 8 p.m. glasses or contacts), 140 degrees Worship Services 8:30 and 11 :15 a.m. Har~· n, Upper Marlboro; and in the Board Room. fie ld of vision (peripheral or Gree; It f>honc Books and Tele- T•he next regularly scheduled "side" vision ), and sound binoc­ Edward H. Birner, Pastor Telephone: 345-5111 phm. tHc Past - Emory Har- meeting of the Boa•·d of Direc­ ular vision (the line of direct mar. , 1t tur ;i ,Ju,., 11 a• !:I p.rn. sight at "in front" vision) . Thursday, July 7, 1983 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Wants Legal Review we once expected and which were enumerated in our contracts no T~ the Editor: longer exist. Letters to the Editor I read Mrs. Coxon's excellent There are at least three forms Her letter holds out the some­ it probably was-without attack­ letter on the need for revision of -of perpetual use contracts, the Secret Ballot the GHI bylaws to allow the original, the revised and the very To the Editor: how sinister suggestion that ing his motives or his honor. Charley Schwan and I, who at I agree with Coxon that the membership to vote for a secret recent one which eliminates cer­ In a recent letter to the editor ballot when controversial mat­ one time or another have been bylaws need revision, but my re­ tain safeguards written into the Eunice Coxon complains about ters are being considered. It is original contracts. The member­ the GHI bylaws and how I used bylaws chairmen, were probably visions would put a statute of high time our bylaws and corpo­ responsible for the deletion in limitations (from date of dis­ ship was not required to approve them at the May 18 annual mem­ rate papers w&e reviewed by by vote these .changes. bership meeting. I used the by­ 1963 of the section giving the covery of the allegedly wrong ac­ our law firm. I believe many ir­ majority of those present at a tion) on censu11ing of GHI offic­ The membership should insist laws ,to derail her motion for a regularities and ambiguities exist on getting our house in order by secret ballot on Steve Curtis' mo­ meeting ,the right to require a ers or staff and requiring proof which need to be corrected. We secret ballot, and that "the last of allegations; would undo the correcting and making as air­ tion to censure Don Volk for go into a new era of responsibili­ tight as possible the instruments two committees have had a blind 1982 bylaws amendments on elec­ something that happened three ties with the assumption of on which we conduct the business years ago. The bylaws do not spot as far as this particular by­ tion of Nominations and Elec­ mortgages acquired to rehabili­ of the cooperative. tions Committee (we were able to give the members present the law is concerned." But a bit la­ tate our homes. Some services Bettie G. Denson !'light to such a motion; only the ter she brags that she herself elect only four of the five N &E presiding officer can call for a has ''studied ,the bylaws many members at the May 18 meeting LICENSED e BONDED e INSURED secret ballot, under the bylaws. times" but "unfortunately missed because of the '1982 revision), Reasonable Rates Free Estimates All Work Guaranteed the section dealing with the and then get at the whole issue So here was Coxon at the Carpentry HOME AND YARD Plants & Shrubs meeting, breaking in on the dis­ chairman and secret ballots and of secret ballots on .issues and in Additions so apparently did the Ad Hoc elections. cussion of just what Volk Porches IMPROVEMENT Tree Service Committee on Election procedur­ Mat Amberg Lawn Care did, and with her motion for a Sundecks SERVICES Rota Tilling secret ballot. I knew that a se­ es . . .'' Those bylaws commit­ Painting M.H.I.C. # 13141 Concrete cret ballot on an issue arguably tees weren't the only ones w,ith blind spots. Storm Doors could be within the province of Swim Tearn News Windows Bob Wilhide 345.9368 Storage Sheds I was on the bylaws commit­ Roofing the Nominations and Elections by Sue Jones Ceramic THe NO JOB TOO SMALL Gutters Committee, and that if her mo­ tee that started to work prepar­ tion prevailed someone might ing the 1963 bylaw revisions Greenbelt and Temple Hills jump up and say a written ballot which were many and massiv~ had a hair-raising match last Saturday, tying twice during the on an issue is a referendum. Un­ - but I resigned with a public meet, but Temple Hills ended up AGENDA • REGULAR MEETING der a bylaw amendment I pro­ blast against the then board of directors for instructing us to the victor, 273-261. Once again, posed in 1963, which the mem­ our depth was our strength as OF CITY COUNCIL bers adopted, a referendum could prepare bylaws I thought were wrong. And at the May 15, 1963 we won only 20 of the 44 indi­ be by mail or at a polling place. vidual dual events. Steffan Son­ MONDAY, JULY 11, 1983 So, among those voting on the membership meeting at which the provision on secret ballot neveldt and Lynda Blue each censure of Volk would be persons won three events (the maximum) was changed to delete the mem­ 8:00 P.M. who didn't hear the debate and to score 15 points apiece. I. ORGANIZATION didn't know that no one gave bership's right to order one, I did James Fellows, Tara Yaney and any evidence of the improper in­ offer several amendments - Craig Dies took two first places, 1. Call to Order tent ascribed to him by censure. which were adopted - including and winning one event were 2. Roll Call So I looked in the bylaws and two to give the membership the Kathy Barwick, Molly Ahearn, 3. Meditation rig?t to send to referendum, by discovered that under the present Rob Reed, Candy Wersick, Kim Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag bylaws only the chairman can mall ~s well as at polling places, Lofgren, Liz Greig, Jenny Drake call for a secret ballot to be ta­ any issue properly before the and Josh Kepler. 4. Minutes of Council Meetings ken at the meeting. corporation. Blind spot, indeed! This Saturday we travel to 5. Additions to Agenda by Councilmen and Manager Coxon's charming letter dn the But I am unaltembly opposed Oxon Hill to defend our E Divi­ June 23 News Review complains to a motion censuring or other­ sion undefeated status. Swimmers II. COMMUNICATIONS that our bylaws don't go along wise condemning someone for un­ and parents should meet at 6. PRESENTATIONS with Robert's Rules of Order on proven allegations - partly be­ Greenbelt Pool at 7:15 a.m. 7. Petitions and Requests the subject of secret ballots. cause it ,is unjust to do so and Greenbelt welcomes the visit­ 8. Administrative Reports Surprise! Our by1aws explicitly ing swimmers from Bermuda and partly because the corporation 9. Committee Reports say tha,t, "The parliamentary could be sued for this by the vic­ looks forward to meeting them in procedure for conduct of all tim and we'd all have to pay for the water at Adelphi this Sunday. III. OLD BUSINESS meetings . . . shall be governed it in higher monthly payments. 10. A Resolution to Provide for the Number of Judges and by Robert's Rules of Order (Re­ It would have been better to Central Committee Meets Clerks of Election, to Provide for their Compensation, vised) insofar as is consistent have a simple motion two or and to Provide for the Rate of Oompensation to be Paid with these bylaws." On secret three years ago criticizing Volk's The next regularly scheduled the Chairman and Members of the Board of Elections for ballots the bylaws don't follow action for exceeding his authori­ meeting of the Prince Georges the 1983 Regular Council Election Robert's. And that's that. ty - if that was so, as I think County Democratic Central Com­ - Second Reading mitt~e will be held on Tuesday 11. A Resolution to Establish a Cable Television Public ?venmg, July 19, at 7:30 p.m. m the New Carrollton City Hall. Access and Local Origination Advisory Committee 8511 Legation Road, New Car­ - Second Reading rollton. 12. A Resolution to Establish Committee to Plan and Organ The public is invited to at­ ize the Celebration of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the tend. Incorporation of the City of Greenbelt, Maryland - Second Reading 13. Service Road - Parcel A, Springhill Lake North a. Transfer to City b. Waiver of Street Construction Requirements Likea · 14. Siting Study for Solid Waste Energy Recovery Project 15. Request for Community Bulletin Board - Boxwood good neighbor, Village StateFarm 16. Bus Shelter - Crescent Road - Boxwood Village IV. NEW BUSINESS is there. 17. Ordinance to Amend Section 15-7, "Part-Time Classified Positions" of the Greenbelt City Code, to Provide for a Pictured is an artist's version of the new Capital Office See me for car, home, Regular Tour of Duty Within each Pay Period of Less Park 4 building to open in May, 1984. fife and health than Eighty Hours But More than 35 Hours per Pay insurance. Period for Part-Time Classified Employees - 1st Reading New Building Underway 18. Reserve for Capital Improvements Expenditures 19. Interim Use Agreement - North End School Ground has been broken for a firms such as New York Life, 20. County Bill 52 - Site Development/Environmental Sur­ fourth office building at Capital Sentry Insurance Company, Avis, Don W. Taulelle, clu charge on Refuse Disposed at any Sanitary Landfill with­ Office Park. The new 145,000 sq. Olson Research Associates, are ft. building is scheduled to open also represented. 8951 Edmonston Rd. in Prince George's County in spring 1984. The first three Capital Office Park overlooks -Greenbelt, Md. 20770 21. National League of Cities and National Cable Television 110,000 sq. ft. buildings are now the Washington Beltway at Ken­ Association Compromise Agreement on Cable Television fully leased. ilworth A venue. Community 474-5007 Deregulation The new larger building will Realty Co., Inc. handles all leas­ 22. National Gas Regulatory Reform and Pricing Policy feature state-of-the-art energy ef­ ing and management for Capital 23. Greenbelt Commuter Rail Station ficiency and life safety systems, Office Park developl}rs Twelfth 24. Youth Service Bureau - Proposal for Consulting Services - Molly Schuchat two levels of garage parking, and Springhill Lake Limited Partner­ STATE FARM floors with high ceilings for spa­ ship. 25. Revision of Site Plan Application - Special Exception cious office interiors or high-tech The first phase of development Application No. 2768 - Automobile FHling Station computer flooring. includes four office buildings with - Greenbelt Road and Edmonston Road (Shell Station) Present tenants at Capital Of­ over 450,000 sq. ft. When com­ V. MISCELLANEOUS fice Park include Fortune 500 and pleted, the nearly 60 acre site wm A Items 18 thru 23, inclusive, carried forward from June 13, 1983 nationally-known firms, such as comprise a total of eight office INSURANCE Martin Marietta Data Systems, buildings with over one million @ meeting. International Business Machines, sq. ft. of commercial office space, NOTE : THIS IS A PRELIMINARY AGENDA- SUBJECT TO Litton Systems, and Computer a 300 room Hilton Hotel with State Farm Insurance Companies Sciences Corporation. Many fi­ full convention facilities, and a Home Offices· Bloomington, llhno1s CHANGE nancial, consulting, and insurance planned heliport. Page 4 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Thursday, July 7, 1983 thy, was named to the Dean's and talent in the form of the police field. Completion of this List with honors at Western large sign announcing the recent training earned credits toward a M~ryland College. Arts & Crafts Fair from the degree through the Community Stephen J ascourt, son of Hugh highly visible windows of Dr. Leo College of the Air Force. and Rena al. Maplewood Court, Walder's offices. Thank you, Dr. Beatrice Rodgers was recently was on the Dean's List at the Walder. named to the newly formed Citi­ by Eileen Peterson Jetr Nisenotr, who works :for ·University of Michigan spring se­ Airman Rory Treacy, son of zens Hospital Task Force by Congratulations to Greenbelter Marriott Hotels, has been trans­ mester. This summer he will be Raymond and Marcelle Treacy of County Executive Parris Glen­ Willie G. Chandler, who received ferred from Somerset, New Jer­ working for the U.S. Weather Springhill Lane and a 1982 grad­ dening. The task. force was form­ a "Million Mile Club" award sey to Marco Beach, Florida. Service. uate of ERHS, has completed Air ed to aid in the transfer of the Toni Bram was recently named Force basic training at Lackland :from Metro :for having driven Congratulations to Deanna county-owned hospital system to a .bus a million miles without a Baumgardener, who was selected Regional Editor ( the Washing­ Air Force ' Base, Texas. He is re­ preventable accident. Chandler as the first runnerup in the re­ ton suburban area) for the Mary­ maining at Lackland for spe­ a new private non-profit hospital received an inscribed pin with cent Miss Debutante competition land State Citizens Planners As­ cialized training in the security corporation. one sapphire. To receiv·e the sponsored by the Ebony Scholar­ sociation publication which is to award he had to have received a. ship Society at their recent Deb­ be issued quarterly. safety award for one calendar utante' Ball. .Airman John Heeley Jr., son of year. He also must have operated Father's Day was epecial for John Heeley Sr. of 15 Laurel Hill a city bus ei,ght hours a day Lawrence Shanahan of 2 West­ and Antoinette Ambro of Arling­ CG Floors (equal to 400 miles of accident ton and brother to ERHS sopho­ way. His eighth grandchild, Jac­ 12230 Distribution Place ex·posure). A million miles of lyn Naomi Shanahan was chris­ more William, recently complet­ driving equates to about 12 con­ tened at St. Hugh's. Jaclyn is ed, with honors, his Air Force Beltsville, Maryland secutive years of safe driving. the daughter of Pat and Debi basic training. He earned credits ,Liz Phelps of Greenbelt, a Shanahan. Debbie Brunatti of toward an associate degree in ap­ 937-4661 junior at Ohio Wesleyan Univer­ 19-B Ridge was godmother; plied science. The 1981 ERHS ·sity, just completed her second graduate has been assigned to ca Douglas Early was godfather. A consecutive outstanding season Lowry Air Force Base in Colora­ barbeque at Pat and Debi's af­ do. :for · the Battling Bishop women's ter the christening was attended CARPET SALE track and field team. Phelps Best wishes to Mildred York, capped her season with a third by many friends and relatives. 21 Ridge Road, for a complete re­ "DuPont" Antron III 100% Nylon - 5 Year Guarantee Mrs. Ottilie Norris of Green place finish in the heptathalon at covery from recent spinal surg­ Tefl.on treated for extra protection 26 Different Colors the NCAA Division III Track Ridge House was there to cele­ ery at George Washington Uni­ and Field Championships in Chi­ brate the christening of the versity Medical Center. cago, Ill. She also added seventh youngest great grandchild of Marine Pfc. Douglas E. Pat­ $14.75/Y ARD INSTALLED which she has twenty-six. pla'Ces in the high jump and 100- ton, son of Mary M. Paitton of including 1h inch pad meter high hurdles. Joseph P. Lepanto, son of Pe­ Lakecrest Drive, recently partici­ Phelps is equally successful in ter J. and Veronica M. Lepanto of pated in exercise "SoMd Shield ALL VINYL , SAVE 20% OFF 1 the classroom. She is a member Springhill Court has been pro­ 83." He us a member of the 2nd r of Ohio Wesleyan's Mortar moted in the U.S. Air Force to Tank Battalion, Camp Lejeune, I REMNANTS AT 10% I CERAMIC WALL f Board, a Spanish language hon­ the rank of first lieutenant. ' Le­ N.C. I ABOVE COST I & FLOOR TILES . ! orary member, was this year panto is a copilot with the 971th Navy Seaman Recruit Andrew named Phi Beta Kappa, a rare Bombardment Wdng at Blythe­ W. Morin, son of Margaret G. ------Offer good through July 31, 1983 _ honor :for a junior. ville Air Force Base, Ark. He is Moriin of Greentree Place, has Directions: NOTth on Edmonston Road, Left on Distribution Drive, In the first Centennial Athletic a 1981 graduate of the U.S. Ai,r completed recrudt training at the We're on the right. If you can't find us - give us a call. Conference Championships Phelps Force Academy, Colorado Naval Training Center, Great was named Most Outstanding Springs, Colo. Lakes, Ill. Field Event Competitor after Late but enthusiastic applause winning the heptathalon, placing Colleen McCarthy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman A. McCar- to Don Bowen of Charlestowne fourth in the high jump and long Village for donation of his time jump and taking fifth in the shot "Rick" Barber, GRI, CRS , put. A psychology major, Phelps of is the daughter of Mrs. Harriette D. L. P,helps, Hanover Parkway. WAH JNN Nyman Realty, Inc. "Delightful Chinese Cuisine" I ·''--~~ Sam H. Dan, Proprietor I 11116 Baltimore Blvd. • Beltsville 937.5390 Greenbelt Properties Available for Inspection: I A) BRICK: (1) 3 BR, large multi-gardened landscaped yard, new "pella" windows, new kitchen, built-in living wall, closing help, f55,900. (2) 2 BR, du5eu~center, Closing Help, $54,000. 1 B) 2 BR masonry, end with attached garage, extra large fenced 1 yard, CLOSING HELP, $45,500. Economy Liquors C) FRAMES: (1) 2 BR Remodeled End, LOWEST IN TOWN! : 1 Festival Notes ,, $32,900. (2) 2 BR, painting allowance, good wooded loca­ I tion, CLOSING HELP, $30,900. (3) 2 BR, good location, , 1 The Greenbelt Labor Day Fes­ Seabrook fenced yard, CLOSING HELP, $31,500. tival Committee is planning :for I (D) 3 BR FRAMES: (1) 2 story addition with skylites, lower the-\lf)Cloming Labor-Day Festival. than average elec. bills, southern exposure, CLO~ING Anyone who needs information I I HELP, $46,000. (2) Large addition, excellent condition. about the Festival can contact the Research Rd. $43,900. (3) Completely Redone! YOU appropriate committee officer or 1 VALVE MUST SEE THIS! Closing help, $35,900. (4) Research 1 chairperson. We Now Deliver Rd., new oak floors, CLOSING HELP, $34,900. Committee officers include STORES I E) CHARLESTOWNE ·VILLAGE: 3 BR 2½ bath, excellent lo- 1 President Deana James (345- cation & financing terms, new upgraded appliances, just 6232), Vice President Rena Hull listed at $65,900. (474-2852), Treasurer Ethelyn To Your Home Bishop (345-3894), Recording I Secretary Dianne Niedner (345- Properties Surrounding Greenbelt: 2680), Corresponding Secretary I Linda Lynch (474-5405) and His­ A) NEW CARROLLTON AREA: 3 BR brick & stone rambler, In Greenbelt attached garage, rec room, FHA assumption, $85,(!'oo. torian Wayne Williams (474- 9»2 lANHAM•SfVfllN IIOAI> 1259). ---..11oo«.MA_ntAHO B) RIVERDALE: 4 level split, 3 BR, rec room, 9½% FHA as­ sumption, reduced to $74,900. 1Committee Chairpersons are: Entertainment, Beverly Colvin C) HYATTSVILLE AREA: 3 BR bungalow ESTATE SALE • (1441-8822); Publicity, Leta Mach You no longer have to drive out FHA appraised $55,000. (345-8105); Parade, Wayne Wil­ liams ·and Richard Semler (474- New Subdivisions: 0885); Sound, Ken Voigt (474- of Greenbelt to crowded Shop­ ' 8451); Talent Show, Mary Jane , We now have new subdivisions where you can select what 1

Semler (474-0885); Crafts, Jack­ 1 you want, need, and can afford! ' ie Kruger (345-6599); Salute to ping Centers ... Just call us at : ~ American Workers, Diane Vreel­ I and (345-6484); Pet Show, Alma First time home buyers - 1O½ % financing still Marsden (345-1412); Special '1 ,I Contests, Therese Stringfellow available on GHI homes. ( 4 74 - 6232); Opening Ceremonies, ' , Money is now available for sales, renovations and equity loans. , Sandy Smith (474-6127); Miss 1 577-2500 I am at your service to explain how this new financing can Greenbelt Pageant, Jean Cook ' 1 assist you and your family in achieving your housing goals, ( 345-2597); Carnival, J Davis 1 (3'45-3243) and Hans Jorgensen *No Delivery After 9 p.m. both within Greenbelt and throughout the metropolitan area. I would likt: the opportunity to discuss the real estate market , ( 474-5810); Outstanding Citizen, 1 Bobbi McCarthy (474-6888); Art $10.00 minimum purchase. with you, of course with no obligation. . Show, Susan Ragan (474-3976), 474-5700 I Betty Timor (474-6775) and Vir­ 441-1010 I $2.00 delivery charge I Pleaae ask for "Rick" I ginia Williams (474-1259) and 1' Donations, Jim Parker (345- • 9573). Thursday, July 7, 1983 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Page 5

.. THE ONLY RATES THAT COMPETE WITH OUR RATES ARE OUR MHER RATES. Take your choice, then call 948-8800 fir inbmation. We're expecting you. JUMBO CERTIFICATES CERTIACATESOFD EPOSIT RATES EFFECTIVE ANNUAL YIELD 3 MOS. 9.SOo/o 9.96o/o (S2500 MIN.) &MOS. 9.75o/o 1024o/o (S2500 MIN.) 1YEAR 1025o/o 10.7ge/o (SSOOMIN.) 18 NIOS. 10.38o/o 10.93o/o $100,000 3 TO 6 MONTHS (SSOOMIN.) OTHER HIGH RATES: 2½~ 10.50% 11.06% 10.50% 12 MONTHS 10.25% 9 MONTHS 3½~ 10.75% 11.35% 10.25% 2 MONTHS 9. 75% 1 MONTH 4-5YEAlm 11.00o/o 11.623o/o i------(SSOOMIN.) DAILY MONEY AOOOUNT : To open your account fill out the coupon : I and return with your deposit. t I I I NAME ______I I ADDRESS ______I I I I CITY______I I I Average Daily Rate I STATE _____ ZIP . I : SOCIAL SECURITY#______: I TERM ______I I I I • OMA I I I I • JUMBO CERTIFICATE I

Effective Annual Yield : • CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT GR : L------$2500 Minimum Balance ------~ OMMUNI (SAVING S & LO AN) Main Office: 19114 Montgomery Village Avenue, Montgomery Village Mall, Gaithersburg, MD 20789 Each Account Insured by MSSIC to $100,000. Regulations require a substantial penalty for early withdrawal on all certificates. Rates are-subject to change without notice. Twin Pines office: 113 Centerway Road, Greenbelt, MD 20770 474-6900 IRS Recruits Vietnam Vets Pol ice Blotter The Internal Revenue Service Stern's Compiled by Mavis Fletcher has announced a concerted effort SHOE REPAIR According to the Greenbelt Po­ to recruit eligible Vietnam vet­ Beltway Plaza lice Department, the crowd which erans for revenue officer posi­ gathered for the annual fire­ tions. The Vietnam Veteran Lead­ works display was smaller than ership Program (VVLP). admin­ WHILE-U-WAIT usual and, on the whole, orderly. istered by ACTION, the federal EX PERT Shoe Repair The most unusual event was the volunteer agency, will use its 43 arrest of two males for posses­ local offices for recruitment. sion of a controlled dangerous HANDBAGS/LUGGAGE su·bstance by "the Greenbelt Na­ IRS will hire veterans under vy." Alerted to the two suspects' the aubhodty of the Veterans Re­ Shoe Care Products possession of the substance by adjustment Act (VRA), which laces & polishes Pfc. James D. Love and Officer provides for non-competitive ap­ Michael Rasmussen, the police pointments for disabled veterans We are Here ... rescue boat, manned by Cpl. and non-disabled Vietnam veter­ Douglas Sappington and Officer ans with less than 14 years of M-F 10-7 LJ ~ Alan J. Riskin, moved in and the education. The majority of the i Sat. 10-6 l~ !'n I ~ arrests were made. After turn­ GS 5-7 revenue officer positions ~.,_... _.__ .. _. _J ing the men over to Love and are located in California, Florida, Rasmussen on shore, the police Texas, New Mexico, Mississippi Greenbelt Rd. 474-9593 boat went to the aid of an over­ and other Sun Belt states. loaded private boat which had been launched illegally and was Greenbelt Police Officer Mike Rasmussen fingerprints a slowly sinking beneath its fran­ young Greenbriar girl, Dawn High, during Police Week Ac­ tic occupants. Other incidents tivities at Beltway Plaza Mall. included the arrest of a man for -photo by Doug Sappington disorderly conduct by Cpl. John Greenbelt Police Department A. Lann and the arrest of anoth­ er man for a traffic offense by "Renko" Visits Greenbelt Pfc. Fred E. Murray. As the result of an investiga­ (Continued from page one) criminately, and tha.t he has al­ tion by Det. Sgt. Ernest W. _., Since police work is the basis ways been there and always wilt Brumley, two male juveniles for his acting r9-le as Renko, I'm kind of a mixed-up Hindu­ were arrested for the strong­ Haid was required to get first­ Catbolic." armed robbery of a Springhill hand knowledge aibout ,the role he Deitective Sappington arranged Lake resident which occurred on plays. He went on ride-alongs the entire week, including Charles Feb. 9. With this arrest, the po­ with ,the Los Angeles police de­ Haid's visit, and received a com­ lice expect to close out as many partment and also participated mendation from Mayor Weiden­ as 20 cases in Greenbelt and in several narcotics raids in Los feld. Prince Georges County, includ­ Angeles. These· raids, he states, The Greenbelt Police Depart­ ing one case of armed robbery. "were really funny. Dope makes ment fi ngerprinted children every The two suspects have been you like a dope. I'd be si-fiting in day during police week. Not only charged as adults. was ithe process of fingerprintin,g a bar watching tihe poHce bust A breaking and entering oc­ people. Twenty minutes later, educational, it is ailso the begin­ ning of a new program whioh in­ curred in the 9300 block of Ed­ they could come back and bust a monston Rd. on June 28. Another couple more in the same bar." volves fingerprinting children and giving the prints to the par­ case occurred in the 7800 block of Haid also said tha,t one of the Hanover Pkwy. most valuable ,things he learned ents. If ,the child ever runs a­ while working with police officers way or is kidnapped, the printis Two cases of theft from autos was the attitudes they acquire could be turned over to the FBI occurred last week, one on the ,to aid in an Jnvestigation. during the course of their career. parking lot of Beltway Plaza on S TANLEY SINC LAIR PICKETT MARYLAND Ornc c The character "Renko", the Twenty-seven law enforcement June 30 and another on Breeze­ VICTOR ANDREW HOULON Su1TE 206. SueuRBAN BANK Bu1L01Nc; wise guy, was played at the pre­ departments were invited to Belt­ wood Dr. on July 1 or 2. SANrOR0 z. BERMAN (MO. & o. c .) 7 515 ANNAPOLIS ROAD W18.Y Plaza a nd fourteen had ROBERT J . SHER (MO. 0 . C. & VA ,) H YATT SVILLE, MARYLAND 20784 sentation of awards also. Haid A case of indecent exposure explains, "People expect Renko booths with exhibits. They were RONALD 8 . BERGMAN (MO, & 0 . C .) 301-459-8200 O'Ceurred on July 1 in the 9200 ROBERT J . CERULLO to ,be a certain way. If I came Hyattsvillle Police Department, LANDLORD & TENANT DIVISION here and wasn't ·like

. Providing Full Real Estate Services For The Deaf i TTY: 779-6380


WORKSHOPS No Commissions 10 Day Settlements!! No Settlement Costs Due to lack of interest. the Energy Management Work­ JACK DARLING 779-4777 shops for July and August have been cancelJed. A work­ shop will be scheduled in Sep­ GREENBELT - CHARLESTOWNE VILLAGE. (Be­ tember. Look for future an­ tween the American Legion & Greenbelt Lake) 2 BR, 2 nouncements in this paper. story Colonial townhouse just put on the market. Price Anyone who would like a par­ & ticular workshop, please call $56,500. Seller will pay a whopping $2,000 of your 474-6644 . closing costs. Call now - 779-4777. •• • • ~¼ • '.~ -. BODY RHYTHMS LANHAM-NASA AREA (Close to Good Luck & Cipriano Rds. $96,990. Beautifully appointed LARGE split-foyer features private elevated deck off dining rm. faces wood­ ~ Baskin- • Aerobic Dance Exercise ed area, (perfect for morning sun & coffee pre-work); family rm. w /raised hearth fireplace for winter entertain­ SUMMER SESSION ing or summer rec. walks out to deck covered patio. • • Super assumption at 8¼ %. Call to see today. 779-4777 . Starting Week of July 11 • - 6 WEEKS - SEABROOK-LANHAM. - $92,500. & price just reduced • GREENBELT: Ridge & Westway on this split-level home featuring fireplace, garage, flori­ • Robbins • da rm. & fam. - rec. rms. Now selling below VA apprais­ . M/W 7 :30-8 :30 p.m . ed price of $95,000. Seller's anxious, are you? Call • • T/Th 10:00-11:00 a.m. now, won't last the week-end. 779-4777. Quality Register at 1st class • • CALL 953-1540 for further info. or to pre-register • Ice Cream: @l Ask for - KIRK BRASFIELD (H) 441-1343 • cakes • pies. @ • cups & cones banana splits • • '~ • sundaes WALLPAPER SPECIALS WINDOW TREATMENT SPECIALS* shakes 20%·50%OFF 30% OFF • • •1" Mini-blinds by LEVOLOR •vertical Blinds by LEVOLOR • floats @ Catalogs and lnstock Wallpapers •woven Woods by KIRSCH •wood Blinds by KIRSCH WALLPAPERS TO GO CUSTOM DRAPERY SPECIAL* • • 500/o SAVINGS 250/oOFF FABRIC• LABOR• LINING 4t Custom Draperies O Top Treatments O Laminated Shades O Bedspreads O • • ·•CHUIIACHllR ORANCLOTH e lfl#YL• 8Y JOSllPH.0# One call does it all, we make, we • e PRll•PA.TllO tfl#YLS measure, we install! • 8Y lllSE#HART & UNIT•D • • MURALS 8Y CROWN • • SEE THE NEW ti Cipriano Square Retara of tlae Jedi 8865 GREENBELT RD . GREENBELT, MD. Wallc:overlnp • • 10508 Baltf•oN BIIHL/Rt. 1/IJcltao,llle, /lld. 552-3200 ffi Sale Ends July 24, 1983 'Z - - TELECHECK 11 - 11 Weekdays • • 11 - 12 Friday & Sat. •• • • Thursday, July 7, 1983 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW CONTEST cont. from p. 1 ice effectiveness through regular­ Rainfall Fails to Wash Out ly scheduled and special meetings INVITATION TO BID with recreation staff and the pub­ lic. The board's purpose is to Greenbelt's Fireworks Display lend stability to the organization by Eleanor Santoro by determining the needs of the The City of Greenbelt invites sealed bids for INSUR­ community and by making rec­ Despite Mother Nature's effort to shut out the Fourth ommendations to city council. of July fireworks display, the rockets still glared amidst ANCE COVERAGE - WORKERS' COMPENSATION, This year because of their hard hundreds of umbrella-ed spectators at Greenbelt's Buddy GENERAL LIABILITY, AUTO LIABILITY AND UM­ work, the members of PRAB, in Attick Park. Due to periodic thundershowers, the fireworks BRELLA COVERAGE - for the year beginning Octo­ conjunction with volunteers from were launched earlier than originally scheduled and lasted ber 1, 1983. Bids will be received until 2 :00 P.M., Mon­ the community, have begun plan.. about 45 minutes. day, August 29, at which time they will be publicly to further develop the park and For the most part, it was a works and sparklers some of the opened and read. recreation services in Greenbelt. pleasant day for picnickers by bystanders set off. Bids shall be delivered in a sealed envelope on the out­ In the contest application, the the lake. The first shower in the One Riverdale family who re­ side of which shall be shown the name and address of recreation staff in Greenbelt has early evening scattered the mained until the end has the bidder and the words "SEALED BID." Specifica­ also emphasized the many groups members of the Greenbelt Con­ been coming to the lake for 12 tions will be available after July 11 at the City Offices, which they co-sponsor with other cert Band of Prince Georges years to see the fireworks dis­ city organizations. Some of these play. They said they enjoyed 25 Crescent Road, Greenbelt, Maryland 20770, phone County, just beginning their sec­ 474-8052. are the Greenbelt Boys and Girls ond song. It wasn't until the end their day at the lake and the fire­ Clubs, Greenbelt's Little League, of the second rain storm that works in spite of the rain. "We're Springhill Lake baseball, Green­ people started to pack up and still here," they chanted. belt Performing Arts, the Labor leave without seeing the show. Lakeside North resident Diane Day Festival and many others. However, many remained, mostly Groves said even though it rained Through this involvement the young, to see and hear the Fourth "It was worth it to see the fire­ Greenbelt rem-eation department of July's favorite tradition-the works." And another resident has successfully shown that it is fireworks. Linda Candido s<1icf. "It's the next best thing to D.C." an increasingly integral part of The display this year as in the the community. past consisted of both aerial and In addition to the Gold Medal ground displays; but the star A ward, the association sponsors spangled aerials that lit up what J. Denson a Special Recreation Awards looked like half the sky, were Program which recognizes recre­ the crowd pleasers. Sighs of awe Photographies ation programs of parks and rec­ filled the park when these spec­ reation districts specifically de­ tacular favorites were launched. signed for physically and men­ Toward the end of the display, - WEDDINGS - tallly handicapped members of the rain began to fall more heav­ the community. Although the ily, but the grand finale was - PORTRAITS - Greenbelt Recreation Departmen• somehow squeezed in. With the did not enter the contest in this A.merican flag sparkling along­ - PORTFOLIOS - category, the staff did highlight side the lake, about 15 colored their existing Special Program aerials filled the sky, followed by ADVERTISING & in their application for the Gold eight booms. Then the show was Purchase Prior to July 15, 1983. Seller will Medal A ward. over. T.he dedicated audience, OOMMERCIAL Unique Program drenched as they were, applauded Pay Your Condo Fee for One Year: Since 1979, the Greenbelt Rec­ so loud that an encore aerial was PHOTOGRAPHY launched to cap off the spectacle. reation Department has been in- Compare Our Monthly Payments With Your Pracnt Rent. - volved in a unique program called By this time most had scurried J. Benson, Photographer 'the Margaret Brent Special Cen­ home, but those remaining few, ter Vocational Program. Students still filled with excitement, con­ 441-9231 S.lcs Down Monthly* of the program, who are multiple tinued to celebrate the Fourth of Model Price Payment Payment handicapped, work four days a July •by cheering private fire- week, for four hours a day in One ldn11. $45,000 $2,250 $434.90 Greenbelt. These students par­ CALL US FOR PERSONAL TOUCH ticipate in the center's work ex­ One Mnn. perience program to learn voca­ Family Rm. $52,000 $2,600 $509 21 tional ·skills for future job place­ Vacation or Business To: ments. One ldrm. "The students work on such China, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea or Loft $54,000 $2,700 $593 21 projects as daily maintenance and upkeep of grounds," says Ir­ Two ldnn. SSS,000 $2,750 5537 37 ving. "Motor development activi­ Taiwan? ties, such as basketball, billiards Tw!!·•~=~ih~d..;.;.· -·~ • \ $600 06 and bumper pool are the most ABC Travel Service Specialists in ORIENT =· \ ~ :;µ II popular events during free time." Suite 414, Riggs Bldg. Two ldrm. The recreation center has further 7411 Riggs Road (301) 445-5222 (0) Loft S61,ooo s3pso S608.73 enhanced this program by de­ Hyattsville, MD 20783 (301) 345-5574 (R) signing the buildings and grounds Three ldrm. $59,500 $2,975 $593.27 to allow tota-l use- by both senior Three ldnn. and physically handicapped citi­ ~- t~.(-~1;- zens. F•mity •p ----:';; • t -- )-1v $646 50 Once a group has been chosen Three ldrm. as a finalist for the Gold Medal Loft S62JXX) $3, 100 S639 50 Award, it is required to submit a slide show and cassette narration "INCLUDES PRINCIPAL, INTEREST, TAXES AND CONDO FEE to the award committee. Irving and his assistants developed Seller Paws All Closin9 Costs these materials, for submission by bapt Real E.stale 1'allcs June 80. During the week of Oc­ tober 2, the NRPA Congress for Recreation and Parks will be held in Kansas City, and at that time winners of the contest will be announced. Winners in each category will receive the Grand A ward Winner Plaque and a $1,000 cash award. Maryland Traveling Repertory Theater The cash award is to be used spe­ LAUREL cifically for a project for which Presents the spicy, bedroom farce funds have not previously been 7 500 Sandy Spring Rd. allocated. NOT NOW DARLING Laurel, Maryland 20707 301-953-9366 OPEN HOUSE, 2-6 p.m., July 15, 16 - 8 p.m. Open ·7 Days a Week Sunday, July 10 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath Condo close July 17 - 2:30 Matinee to University of Maryland and ' Agriculture Research. Only "Husbands, wives, mistresses, champagne $48,000. make Not Now Darling a definite. Dir: From Beltway, north on audience pleaser." Rt. 1, left on Montgomery Rd., left on 45th Place to Romlon Admission $3.50 Adults (Annual Percentage and 4505, unit 203. $2.00 Children, St~dents & Seniors Call Eva Dickerson. 345-1806 Rate 12% Subject To or 441-9.511 Utopia theater, f29 C.nterway, O,,..,.belt, Md. ' Change Mer 5 Years) Long & Foster Realtors, Inc. 474-7763 --~· ~--====;;:;;====-,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiii;a:.._ Page 10 GREENBELT NJ:WS RZVIEW Thursday, July 7, 1983 games. A nominal fee will be Tickets 1983 season. This special discount Middle School Award Recreation Review charged at the door. Splash party Tickets are available at the program is sponsored for the by Barbara Lowrey Summer Playgrounds hours will be from 8 :30 to 10 :30 Greenbelt Recreation Department benefit of the Maryland Recrea­ Playgrounds are held at the p.m. Business Office. weekdays 9 a.m. tion and Parks Association to A wards ceremonies were held Springhill Lake Recreation Cen­ Camp Pine Tree to 5 p.m. for discount tickets for continue its efforts in improving at Greenbelt Middle SC'hool on ter and 73 Court of Ridge Road, There are still openings in the Kings Dominion, Hershey Park, conservation, parks and recre9.­ June 2, with many Greenbelt stu­ Monday through Friday. All chil - 3rd and 4th sessions of Camp Great Adventure and Wild World. tion in Maryland. Support d6Il.ts receiving awards. The Am­ dren 6-12 years of age are wel­ Pine Tree. Tennis, swimming, These tickets allow unlimited use MRP A and save money on future come. Activities include arts and archery, crafts, gymnastics, field on all rides and attractions at amusement park trips at the erican Legion A ward Firsrt Prize crafts, sports, table games, na­ trips and special events are just each park attended during the same time. for an 8th grade girl was granted ture hikes and special events. a few of the fun and skill pro­ to Amy Alcorn. Receiving run­ Teen Splash Party grams planned for the campers. ner-up AmerJcan Legion A wards On Saturday, July 9, the teens Brochures and applications are LAW OFFICE OF DOUGLAS I. MALCOM will be hosting their third splas·h availBible at the Youth Center were Lisa Hammond .and Shaun party of the summer. Open to all Business · Office. Call 474-6878, Divorce, Uncont. $250.00 Douglas. The Mahlon Eshbaugh FREE INITIAL teens 1between the ages of 12 and weekdays 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., for Incorporation 200.00 CONSULTATION Memorial A ward was giwn to 18 years, activities will include additional details. Simple Will Jennifer Erickson. 35.00 music, coin toss and aquatic Discount Amusement Park Bankruptcy Beltway Plaza Awards for achieving High 250.00 Shopping Center Honor Roil at least one quarter Adoption 200.00 Greenbelt, Md. 20770 were given to J'Bmes Jordan, Ker­ Drunk driving, criminal and ri Pryce, Donna Reeves, Yun Soo other services available. Lee, Houman Modarres-Sabzeva­ 474-8808 Call for appointment ri, and Tosha Y anich. Eighth (Fees Exclude Costs) grade11s recognized for achieving OFFICIAL NOTICE VISA Master Charge Honor Roll the first three quar- . tem of the year include Amy Al­ corn, Razu Ayik, Lynnette Brad­ ley, Kristine Brown, Haelim Ohoi, -~omiHo ~utawraHt Joy Cousin, Jennifer Erickson, The Board of Elections will cons'ider the appointment of Judges Lisa Hammond, Denine Harden, FRENCH AMERICAN CUISINE and Clerks of Elections .to serve at the Regular Council Election Daniel Kriger, Yun S. Lee, Lau­ We cordially invite YOU to b_uy ONE DINNER ENTREE :rne Millar, Houman Modarres­ to be held in the City of Greenbelt on Tuesday, September 20, Saibzevari, Kathleen Moien, Beh­ 1983. The Board of Elecbions is seeking early applications from a ,et a SECOND DINNER of equal or lesser value naz Moradnejad, Janel Randall, interested citizens. Sonja Ross, Marisa Searle, Anu Evening only with .thia ·Ad. Tonwar, Stephanie Van Buren, Prior election experience is desirable, but the Board of Elections FR EE Offer enqs October 5, 1983 Tosha Yanich, and Maisoon Zag­ wil1 give cons,ideration to all interested applicants. However, only Not Valid ,wl\h Gourmet DlllMI' hal. Awards for Exceptional At­ experienced election judges may be considered for appointment as 10280 Baftlmo,e Blvd., Rt. 1 tendance went to Brian Kroni­ Chief Judge. All election judges and clerks must be qualified College Park Behway Exit '25A mus, Sean Robinson, Daryl Brooks, Da~d Cook, Gesualdo voters of the City of Greenbelt. 474-7300 Fonseca, and Maisoon Zaghal. Please contact the City Clerk at 474-3870 or 474-8000 for further Seventh graders receiving cer­ information. COCKTAILS tificates for achieving Honor Roll LUNCHEON - DINNER - SUNDAY BRUNCH the first three quarters of the Gudrun H. Mills, CMC Banqwta and Special _parti.. _ Catered too year, included Robert Bowen, City Clerk Walter Braun, Leah Choper, Pau­ la Clinedienst, Alexandra Cock­ burn, Cheryl Cravens, Ashley Emmanuel, Michelle Fried, Tina Horsman, Sharon Hunt, James Jordan, Elizabeth Kidwell, Chris­ topher Lee, Janine Liotta, Jun \(.~I-'\ h-: 9137 Baltimore Blvd. Lieu, Jefferson Lowrey, Lori Mar­ 11ul.. tin, Adda Ordoubadi, Carrie - College Park .,_ College Park, Md. Pryce, Donna Reeves, Sandra Rodriguez, Tammi Royce, Allison Tel. 474-7140 S-chadter, Steffan Sonneveldt, Eve Capital Beltway 195 Spector, Patricia Tig,hman, Mar­ garet Welk, and _Mark Wiener. Exit 25B ,, Take Your Pick GREENBRIAR OPEN SATURDAY 1-5 1 Bedroom, Family room, washer, dryer, wall to wall carpet; Patio. $44,000 Sunday & Wednesday Tuesday & Thursday Friday Sa~ 1 Bedroom, Family room, Den, washer, dryer, Balcony, carpet. $51,900 Steamer Night ~1~ \l 2 Bedroom, 2 Bath, Family CRAB FEAST room, washer, dryer, carpet BBQ CHICKEN Steamed CRAB & SPICED $65,900 NIGHTS Cherrystone 2 Bedroom, 2 Bath, Family & RIBS NIGHTS SHRIMP NIGHT room, washer, dryer, walkout Clams patio, carpet $54,900 ~$8.95 & 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath, Family c:() $8.95 ~ $10.95 room, washer, dryer wall to Sunday 3 pm - 9 pm Spiced Shrimp wall carpet, Balcony $59,500 Wednesday 5 pm - 10 pm 5 pm - 10 pm Meet Agent at 7722 Hanover @ $11.95 Si Pkwy, #103 5 pm - 10 pm or Cali 5 - 10 p.m.

Marllyn Hampton All feasts include french fried potatoesJ sweet corn on the cob, 577-2810 and cole slaw or 345-1400 I/{{ lfoa /!an £at I/{{ l/oa /!an £at lwtli • • • • • • REALTO~ Thursday, July 7, 1983 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Page 11 Patronize LAWN MOWERS REPAIRED. WANTED: Card table and fry FLUTE LESSONS CLASSIFIED: Fast, expert service. 474-8261. ,pan, reasonable. Call 474-8655. Advertisers Suzuki - Pr.ivate - Group $2.00 minimum for ten words, 10c MUSIC FOR ALL OCCASIONS­ WANTED: FILE CABINET, Methods each additional word. No charge Parties, Banquets, Weddings, cheap, good condition. Call 441- Yard Sales Elizabeth Beer Shiliing­ for listing items that are found. Dances. Call George Simons, 9346 evenings/ weekends. Submit ad with payment to the 345-8828. YARD SALE - 7-J Research. Ju­ S.S.A. Reg-istered Suzuki MOTHER WILL BABYSIT IN Instructor and Certified News Review office between 8 and FOR SALE: 2 contemporary love her home full time, M - F. Call ly 9, 10 - 4. Cancel if rain. 10 p.m. of the Tuesday preceding Classroom Teacher seats, $250; 8-ft. couch and easy 441-8890. publication, or to the News Re­ YARD SALE-Like- new clothes: chair, $350; 9-drawer dresser, Phone 4 74-4 773 view drop box in the Greenbelt baby, child & adult sizes; toys, $100. All in good condition. 345- FRANK GOMEZ books, collectibles, furniture, etc. Coop grocery store before 7 p.m. 2327. Tuesday, or mail to P .O. Box 68, Sat. 7-9, 9 am - 2 pm. Raindate LAUREL Greenbelt, Maryland 20770. * * * Sun. 7-10. Back yard of 114 PAINTING White Birch Court (Boxwood). BOXED : $3.75/ column inch. Mini­ HATE TO PAINT? PLASTERING BROOKMILL YARD SALE - Sat.. July 9, 10 to mum 1½ inches ($5.63). Want to get Rehab behind WALLPAPERING PIANO LESSONS; Peabody Also Quality 2, Rain or Shine. Community AT LAUREL you quickly? Room next to University Square Conservatory Graduate. Begin­ Reasonable Rates Ceramic Tile Dry Wall ners - Advanced. 953-7094. Tub Kit Installation Pool on Lakeside Drive. First Month CALDWELL'S APPLIANCE Call Charlie Light Carpentry Excellent Greenbelt References FREE RENT SERVICE-All makes repaired. 864-0084 Call after 5 p.m. 593-9323. GREENBELT/ GOMEZ Rent a Condominium Greenbelt References ELLERS TYPEWRITER RE­ (They go Together) NYMAN REALTY, INC. Immediate Availability P AIR - Electric, standard and * 474-38U * New Carpeting portable. Call 474-0594. CAR SEAT - Century 200 Safe­ "Rick" Barber, GRI, CRS Washer/Dryer each unit T- Shield. New. $35. 474-0648. MOUNTAIN WEEK or weekend * Certified Residential Spe­ Swimming Pool WANTED: BABY SCALE, 40" Exercise Room WALL TO WALL CARPET Condo at Bryce, Shenandoah Val­ cialist (CRS) playpen, good condition. 474-5605 ley. Sleeps 7. Tennis, lake, pool, Tennis/Basketball Courts ENTERPRISE CARPETS *Graduate Realtors Insti­ FOR SALE: LADY'S BIKE, as stables, golf, grass skiing. Rea­ tute (GR!) 1, 2, or 3 Bedrooms is, 26". $15. 474-4067. sonable. 474-4938. I Bedroom from $450 Lewis Merritt 441-1266 * Member, Prince Georges LOST - brown and white guinea FLEA MARKET this Saturday, I-95 Locatioti/1 mile All brands & Styles at REA­ pig in woods between Northway County Board of Realtors Open 7 days a Week 10 - 4, in the Center for the Arts • 1981 Realtor Associate SONABLE Prices. Call for and Woodland Way. $5 reward. Center. 474- 7841. 953-9366 Appointment Anytime. If no Phone Kramers 474-1439 or 345- of the Year answer, please call back. I'm FOR SALE - Toyota Corona 73 e 1979 Community In­ 7228. engine/ parts excellent, body needs out selling to your neighbor• volvement Award 345-7345 help (rust). $500/ best offer. • 1981-1983 Bd. of Direc- Man',s 10-sp. bicycle $70. Leaving Need country. must sell. Call 344-7870 tors PIANO TUNING AND REP AIR • MLS Listing A ward Tom Doremus Expert and Reliable Piano Serv­ or 982-0410. Bathroom Remodeled? • 1981 - 7th Pl: Most Settled COLORFAST ice to Greenbelt. Benjamin Berk­ HOUSEKEEPING DEPT. - Full • 1982 - 5th Pl. Most Settled ofsky. 474-6894. OAIL JOHN time employment, company bene­ WANTED! Painting & Cleaning fits. Apply Greenbelt Nursing Properties to market in the BIRTHDAY CLOWNS & MAGI­ 345-0516 Home, 7010 Greenbelt Rd. Services CIANS - Experienced, references. Greenbelt area. (GHI, WANTED: Golf cart with or Live bunny. Reasonable. 530-5199 Specializing in Ceramic Tile C h a r 1 e s t o w n e Village, Call 24 Hours a Day without clubs; 2 wheels for car Greenbriar, Windsor Green, tires size E 78-14. Call 474-9362. Lakeside, Boxwood, Lake­ EXPERIENCED TYPIST - Wi11 MOVING SALE - Suede couch ; wood, Woodland Hills). Call REMENICK'S edit. Low rates. Quick & accurate. round solid oak table with three for no obligation consulta­ Donna. 474-2451. wood chairs; twin size box tion. IMPROVEMENTS DOMESTIC HELP WANTED springs with frame; Dual 1009 turntable; shop vac; 2 white di­ 441-1010 474-5700 for 2 days a week from 9 :30 a.m. 11 to 1 :30 p.m. Must have previous rectoz,s chairs; more misc. i-tems. Ask for "Rick Paul Remenick 441-8699 experience and local references. Call 474--0810 Sat. after 9 :00 a.m. KHIC MO. 12M2 Please call 393-2117. WANTED: GARAGE TO RENT. Greenbelt are:a. Call 345-1814 PAINTING THE NEIGHBORHOOD COLOR TV ·• after 5 p.m. WORD PROCESSING: Letters, • INTERIOR & E XTERIOR labels, mailing lists, THESES, BACKPACK.ING F OR KIDS - 3 REPAIRMAN HAS A NEW PHONE NUMBER! reports, or any word processing to 8 day venture t hrough the _PAPERING requirements you may need. Call Shenandoah National Park for Drywall & Plaster Repair RON TOUSIGNANT : 441- 1033. groups of two to three children, 565-0001 ages 8 - 13. Laura Pinckney. GRADY'S PAINTING Computer Mini Floppy Disks. 5¼. guide, Montessori directress and 441-9078 Call Any Time inch with hub r ings, soft sector­ I provide in•home service in this neighborhood • days each week experienced backpacker. Phone: Greenbelt, Md. ed. Elephant at $24 f or 10 or 321-8192 or 248 1238. as well as some evenings and weekends. I'm bonded, licensed and Verbatim Data Life, Double Den­ top rated for over 20 yea rs. You can count on my estimates and sity, 10 in plastic box at $28. 441-2662. Also, plastic box, $3 ea. MINI STORAGE NOW prompt fair service. I always call before visiting. carry more than 5 times the no!'mal inventory .of parts, and can (almost) always WEDDING DRESS - Size 10, bridesmaids dresses in various AVAILABLE IN GREENBELT AREA repair your Color TV IN YOUR HOME, ON ONE TRIP. I repair sizes NEW. Will sacrifice. 345- Black &; White sets, HI FI's and VCR's also. 8828. 4x4x6; 8x4x6; 7x5x7½; 8x6x8; Thanks for reading IJIY AD, Please save It. Beltway starting at $17.00 per month Appliance Service 794-7800 F. JOHNSON Of IN-HOME TV SERVICE SAME DAY SERVICE on - I KEEP MY PROMISES - - , - •Washers • Refrigerators SPECIAL Edgewood •Dryers • Freezers $5.00 off on all TV &Audio •Ranges •Dishwashers LOCATED IN GREENBELT TV & Stereo Dependable Guaranteed Service Discounts to Senior Citizens Repair Work 493Z EDUEWOOD RD. Phone 345-5511 COLLEGE PARK, MD. Z0740 With This Ad We repair ATARI games ALL WORK GUARANTEED CALL 441-9116 Licensed &; Bonded ~~~~iv~!¾~~ BATH TUB co. SERVING THE ENTIRE METRO AREA I REGLAZING ' • Expert Moving & Packing Yorktowne • Inaured ' • Competitive Rates Special $ J7 9 • • Located in Greenbelt So You Pay Le11 Travel Time ' ' Business Institute • • Laree, Fully Equipped, Padded Vans CUA&\.'VTEED ' • Free E1tim_ate1 PORCELAIN • Free Exact Price Quote - SERVICES, INC. . • KRETSCHMER 345-0613 • MICHAEL BOWLES MOVING CC. Custom Colors The Comouter School in Greenbelt l 822-3210 GREENSELT'S #I MOVER'. Page 12 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Thursday, ,July 7, 1983 IHI Board Tackles the Problem of Insulation for the Block Homes by Mavis Fletcher In other items of information, Lewis, discussion cen•tered on the the installation of outside mer­ GHI residents are apparently nearing the end of their the board was informed that GHI life expectancy of the sla,te. This cury vapor lights as needed at wait for cable television. General Manager Tim Mitter re­ employee Dennis Lewis is resign­ factor is unknown because rec­ an ,additional cost of $135 per ported at the Board of Directors meeting J une 16 that ing to become administrator of ords examined so far have failed light. Edgemeade, a facility for juve­ to · pinpoint the of the A brief organizat ional meeting Storer Cable Communications and GHI have agreed on a nile boys. slate. ' S'!ate from some areas has of the Greenbelt Developmenlt contract for the installation of the cables. GHI manage­ The board accepted a report a longer life than that from oth­ Corporation was aJso held. At ment does not yet have a schedule for the installation but from the Engineering and Main­ er areas and no one seems to re­ this meeting the same peiisons will announce it when it is available. tenance Committee dealing with member where the slate used on w,ho serve as GHI officers and A discussion of op.tional fea- ship contract. It was estimated suggested solutions to moisture the GHI homes came from. The members of the board of direc­ tures to be offered to block home that GHI would be putting out problems in frame units. The board instructed management to tors were also elected to serve as owners and the question of block about $75,000 to buy the unit. · committee recommended exten­ dig deeper to try to find the the GDC officers and board. home insulation occupied the A motion to authorize the acqui­ sive surveying of the units be­ slate's origin a.nd referred the board's time for a considerable sition of the unit and its expe­ fore undertaking any remedial problem to the Engineering and part of the meeting. The ques- ditious resale passed 6 to 2 with measures. The report was re­ M1aintenance Committee. tion of offering .paint versus vinyl directors Joe Jenkins and John ferred to the management staff. The GHIDC board approved a CITY NOTES President Margaret Hogensen siding is complicated by the fact Lewis opposed. $31,700 contract w,ith Capitol El­ Special trash pickups are run­ that the paint colors to be of- The board also authorized a announced the following commit­ tee chairman appointments: Su­ ectric to instan electric heat in ning approX'imately 4 to 5 days fered have not been chosen nor change in the Rehab Loan Defer­ the GHI Administration building. san Gervasi, Aesthetics and En­ behind schedule because of the has vinyl siding been approved ral Program which will increase The contract also provides for large number of requests. by the Historical Trust. the monthly deferral from $35 vironment; Michael Prosise, En­ To h~lp sort out the need for to $70. As an emergency mea­ gineering and Maintenance; Tho­ insulation in the block houses, sure, the board suspended the mas X. White, Legislative Com­ Star Wars the board had instructed the rules and_ accorded ~i:ial passage mittee. RETURN OF THE JEDI management staff to obtain fact~ to a. motion author1zmg the ex­ The Audit Committee present­ Wallpaper on energy use, comparing brick, pend1ture of $6,150 for water­ ed a letter which had been sent available exclus,ve:y at block and frame homes. Accord- proofing the basements of three to Member Eunice Coxon. Coxon ingly, PEPCO had furnished in- of the large t?~hous~s where appeared during .the May 26 wm·~ Decorating Center formation on energy use for the emergenc~ conditions exist.. Both board meeting to request pro­ 937-3733 months of December 1982 through these mot10ns passed unammous­ cedural changes which would al­ April 1983 for 27 buildings con- ly. low a secret ballot on motions be­ taining 146 units. Ten of the Money for Refinancing fore the membership. In support buildings were brick, 10 block Unanimity also marked the ap­ of her contention that a secret and 7 frame. PEPCO also pro­ proval of a motion to authorize ballot was necessary, the Audit Is Your Feeling vided the ten highest and ten Committee letter quoted her: Bike the general manager to obtain "I lowest bills for three of the another $540,000 in money deriv­ have many examples to prove months. T'he results, which were ing from the Prince George's this lack of secret vote by by no means clear-cut, showed Housing Authority bond issue and members has been responsible that the block homes do consume to negotiate for an additional 1.5 for years of intimidation of em­ Sick Lately? somewhat more energy than ei­ million commitment. The $3 mi). ployees and members in business ther the fram~ (wbich consumes lion which GHI has obtained so here." Characterizing the charges V isit the Bike Doctors at the least) or the brick dwellings. far is completely committed and as "most serious", the commit­ However, in January the electric demand appears to be strong for tee's letter asked for the specifics bills in block homes ranged from this advantageous financing. of Coxon's charges of intimida­ College Park Schwinn $30 to $230, indicating that indi­ Therefore, the board approved tion so that the committee could vidual living habits may influence obtaining the additional money investigate them properly. Expert repairs. Speedy and Friendly Service. energy consumption more than before its availability comes to GHIDC construction type. Among the 10 an end in October. highest electric bills were 7 block The board also sat as the Members who brought up prob­ Green.belt Homes, Inc. Develop­ units but, to add to the confusion, lems and requests included J oe ment Corporation on t he same 5 block units were among the 10 Remenick of lE Westway who in­ lowest bills. Vinyl siding, judg­ formed the board that his wife evening. During thalt session, the 5003 Greenbelt Rd . ing from the two units which had slipped on the steel cellar board refused management the have it, lowers electric usage on­ door and suffered a broken arm authority to contract for a sur­ 345-7675 ly by about 4%. as a result of the fall. He re­ vey ( estimated to cost ,about 1 1 In the end, the board directed quested that the door be replaced $10,000) to determ,ine the state of ~CH • 1••,v® the managemeJ\t staff to get some by a wooden door which, he felt, the slate roofs. After the point V'lr IVI was raised by Director John - - • ----- cost figures on vinyl siding and would have been somewhat less painting, to get color samples for unyielding. The board expressed the board and to persist in ef­ its sympathy for Mrs. Remenick; RETAIL OPPORTUNITIES forts to get a decision on the sid­ however, it was pointed out that ing from Historical Trust. wooden doors rot and might even­ FULL-TIME & PART-TIME The board authorized the re­ tually prove unsafe. The matter purchase of the free-standing, 4- was re_ferred to the staff for rec­ bedroom home on Greenhill Road, ommendations. GREENBELT, MD of former GHI president James Barry Moien, 6 Woodland Way, Smith.--and his_wi.fe_ Agnes requested permission to build a We're Bradlees ! The newest-and we think .the best - Smith. Since their house has not swimming pool with an above­ full fashion softlines and hardlines self-selection''depart­ ground height of 48". The re­ been sold the Smiths had indica­ ment store to come ,to the Washing.ton, D.C. and Balti­ ted that they would exercise their quest was referred to the Aes­ option to have GHI repurchase thetics and Environment and En­ more area. And we're interested in talking with you the unit in accordance with the gineering and Maintenance Com­ about getting in on the ground level of retail provisions of their mutual owner- mittees. soon-to-open store in Greenbelt, MD~ As pal't of our Grand Opening we're looking for: SALES PEOPLE RECEIVING CLERKS It's Smile Season STOCK CLERKS PRICE MARKERS ~ toast to the most gorgeous smile in town-yours! The Tooth Tear:n wil l . polish your smile to its gleaming, beautiful best. Ors. _Garn her & Alhck, with CASHIERS· STORE DETECTIVES years of experience in virtually every aspect of dentistry, can make your CUSTOMER SERVICE REPS. smile healthy and your visits pleasant. The Tooth Team pledges to •keep pain to an absolute As you can see, there's plenty of variety and lots of minimum • help you relax, with less fear •make positions to go around. Experience is helpful but not quality dental care affordable by our great fam ily necessary. We train those with the desire to learn. plan, even if you "· .. don't have At Bradlees, you'll work in pleasant, insurance. So make stores with people who enjoy people. your appointm~nt, tha,t fit just about any schedule. plan a picnic­ and smile! Apply in person at our Greenbelt location, 8833 Green­ belt R'Oad,. on Thursday, Friday, Monday & Tuesday, July 7 8, Jl & 12, between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m.

There is always something new at Bradlee.s. 6201 Greenbelt Road Now it can be you! College Park, MD 441-2550 l qu•I Opportuml\, lmplo1e, Evenin hou•s ava ilable for you r convenience Master Card/Visa.