Vol. 11, No. 2, SUMMER 2019 BONAVENTURE TheMagazine of St .Bon aven ture Unive rsity 16 Distance Doesn’t Matter For Dan, ’95, and Gayle Patton, honoring Fr. Richard Flaherty, O.F.M., through an endowed scholarship is as natural as the friendship they have shared with “Padre” for nearly 30 years. 18 The 21st Century Library In a digital age of untrustworthy sources, the multitude of benefits offered by a library – and its librarians – are more important than ever. 28 It Takes a Village Head men’s basketball coach Mark Schmidt reflects on the wins on and off the court. INSIDE Franciscan Minute . .4 Reunion Photos . .12 The Pathway to Success . .14 Class Notes . 33 Editor Editorial Contributors Photography Contributors Submit Class Notes: www.SBUmagazine.com Bonaventure Magazine Beth Eberth Susan Anderson, ’11 Danny Bush, ’13, ’15 Address changes:
[email protected] P.O. Box 2509 Tom Donahue, ’76 Liam McGurl, ’17, ’19 Additional contacts: 3261 W. State Road Emma Fox, ’22 Office of Alumni Services St. Bonaventure, NY 14778 Liam McGurl, ’17, ’19 www.sbu.edu/alumni (716) 375-2000 Jennifer Pulver (716) 375-2302
[email protected] Bonaventure: The Magazine of St. Bonaventure University is produced twice a year by the Office of Marketing and Communications. 2 President’s Message Lofty aspirations and the path to get there We have an obligation to help students envision their meaningful contributions to society rom the day I became the 21st president of St. Bona- He’s spent summers at our Franciscan Institute and at - venture University, I’ve had one overarching goal: that tended retreats at Mt.