Joyce Warner, M.A.

Welistart International's

Expanded Promotion of (EPB) Program

Thi activity was supportedby the United States Agency for InternationalDevelopment (USAID) under CooperativeAgreement No. DPE-5966-A-O0-1045-O0. The contents ofthis document do not necessarily reflect the views orpolicies of USAID. Abscess A6cttecc Acute Respiratory infection (ARI) OcTpa pecn paTopHaA uucbeKtHA Adipose tissue KHPOBaa TKaHb Advertisement PeaaMa, 061mmene Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) CuigpoM npuo6peT8Huoro 11MMYHHoro AebigHTrra (CIHj) Allergy Aaieprta Amenorrhea AMeHopeA Amino acid AImHOKHeCJoTa Anemia AHCMHA Antibody AnTTena Anthroprometric measuring A.HpnoriMeTpin'ecKHe H13MepenH Appetite AnneTwr Areola Apeona, OKOJIOCOCKOBblgl KPYXOK Baby Pe66uoK Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) HHHgaTaBa 6obmma Ao6poKeJiaTejbHoro OTHO[UeHHA E petGnKy Birth Po)KAeHHe Birth control PeryjiupoBaHie poxcKtaeMocTH, KOHTpOJb Ha, poxc aetiocmTo Birth interval HHTepBa.n Mexcgy p0gaMi Bleeding KpOBOTeneHie Blocked duct 3aKynOpKa npOTOKa Bonding flprBaiHOCTb Bottle BymritKa Bottle baby HcKyCCTBeHHO BcKapMJnuBaeMMf1 pe66eOK Bowel movement CTyJI (brassiere) BIocrralbTep Breast rpy, Breast cancer PaK MOJIOIIHoi xeJIe3bI MoJloKoorcacbmaTeJi,, MOJIOKOOTCOC Breast shell Hana,tKa na rpy gb Breastfeeding BcKapMurmlamHe rpybnio, rpyx[oe nCKapmunHBaHe Breastmilk rpyg~noe MOAOKO Caked breast 3acrotj nbd MaCTHT Calcium KajrbuHA Calorie KajnopHA Cancer PaK Carbohydrates YrjieBoxbi Cesarean section KecapeBo cenenHe Child survival BbDtunaHHe AeTefi Cleft palate Pacmuejmma ne6a Cold compress Xonotmn KOMUPeCC Colic Konixa Colostrum MOJ1O3rBO Contaminanation 3arpA3HenHe Contraceptive IIpoTosaaToqmoe CpeACTSO Contraction CXBaTKH (B pogax) Cupping rpnmeHeaue 6aHoKr Cysts Kc'ra Dehydration 06e3BoxnaaH e, Aerjatparatgw Delivery room Pot3aa Delivery (of baby) PoA161 Dermatitis AepMaTHT Diabetes ,Ha6eT Diarrhea Honoc, AuapeA Digestion rImeBapeHme Digestive tract ImteaapHrrenbne TpaxT Discharge (fluid) Bbe.teH rde Discharge (from hospital) BbmucbmarE Diuretic AhuypeTh'mecKoe cpeAeTco Dizziness ronOBoKpyceHHe I Ectoptic BlteMaTOn4Ha 6epeMeHHOCTb Engorgement Harpy6atie Enzyme (C)epMeHT Estrogen DcTporea Exclusive breastfeeding HcKioireIbHoe rpyAuoe BCKapMnUHBaHHe Expanded Promotion of Breastfeeding (EPB) Program PactuHpenHal nporpaMMa coAeftCTBaH pa maFrno rpyAHoro BCKapMJIHBaHIl Expressed breastmilk CteaKenuoe rpygHoe MOJIOKO Family planning method MeTog iAaHIPOBaH113I CeMbH Fat )Kip Fatigue YcTa. ocTb Fatty acid )KHpHa. KHCJIOTa Feeding KoprmaeHHe, BcKap.M.iHBaHUn, rrraiie Fertility lAwotoawrocTb Fissure UIe.mb Foremilk Pannee MOROKO Formula AeTCKaA cmecb Full-term AoHoameain&f Gag reflex PBoTHbie Qffixefle Galactorrhea raniaKTopeA Galactocele raiaKToteiie Gastrointestinal (G.I.) Tract )Keaygtoqio-1unenmI. TpaKT Gestation BepeMeHnOCTb Give birth Po)KaTb Glucose rJ iOKo3a Growth monitoring 1auHa5llKa pocTa Growth curve KpfBa poca Growth factor (IaKTOp pocTa Gynecologist rFmeKonor Hand expression CiAemmaHe MOfIOKa BpyqHyIO Hard palate TaBpgoe ne6o Health professionals MegumuncKie pa6oTnIxHH, Megtpa6oTHUKHf Hindmilk floa3Eaee MOJIOKO Hormones ropMoHbi Human milk banks BaHnK (xpamuimga) rpygHoro MOJnOKa Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Bipyc 1'MMyHoge4)fftlTa xlenOaeKa (BH ) Hygiene r'rueHa Hypertonic suck rinepToHimreCKoe cocamie Hypothalamus runoTailaMyc Hypotonic suck rHnoToHHmecKoe cocaHHe HMMyHH3auAII Immunoglobulins HMmyHorAo6yRHHbi Infant mortality AeTcKa.. cMepTHOCTb Infant morbidity AeTMcasi 3a6OJleBaeMOcTb Insufficient milk HexgocTaTotHoCTb MOJIOKa International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes Mexcgynapo tubrt caoxt npanxn npo~aBeHHi Ha PLWOK 3aM,;HHTeJieIt rpygHoro MORIOKa BTAyTblfl CoCOK Iron (Fe) )Ke.re3O Jaundice )KejiTyxa MeTOA BbixaXHBaHHA pe6e.Ka "KeHrypy" La Leche League (LLL) Meycasapo,..HaA .llra ha JIeqmu Labor CXBaTKH, nepBMfi nepHo poAOB Lactate Bbxpa6aTbBaT moJIoico Lactation consultant KoHcyjlbTaHT no .IIaKTaUHm Lactation Management Education Program (LME) lIporpaMMa 06yqeHnsi aegeumo jiaKTatffa Lactational Amenorrhea Method (LAM) MeToA JIaKTagHfOHHot amenopeu Lacteal MoIo'mfbl1

2 Lactoferrir. JIaKT4oeppls Lactogen JIaKTOreH Lactose JIaxT03 Lanolin JlaHOJHH Lipid JItrntA Macronutrient IwraTeJIbHblb MaKpo9JieMeHT Malnutrition HetocraTo'uocrb nwrami~q Mammals MneKonwraiouuie Manunary gland MoJIo'Ha xenem3a Mammography Ma.MMorpa4rbi Massage Macca. Mastectomy MaCTUTOMRA Mastitis MacTwr 1M,atemity ward Po~AI'IbHoe oTejenHe Maternity hospital PorIVbsbff OM Menses Men3ec, MencrpyaHaa Menstruation MencTpyatgH Micronutrient HIwraTe.bHubIf MHIKp03AJMeHT Midwife AKylnepKa Milk duct M eMbrt nPOTOK Milk ejection reflex Pe4.reKC BbUie4ieHH M0JIOKa Milk supply Bbipa6TKa MOJIOKa, ,ocraToqHOCTb MOJOKa Mineral Munepain Morbidity rSoje3HeHHocrb Mortality CMepTHOCTb to Mother Support Group rpynna nogepxumu "MaTepu-MaTepqM" Motherhood MaTepHncTao Mothering MaTepHHCKf HHcrHHKT Muscle tone Mbmlemblfi TOHyC Nausea ToLUHOTa Neonate (Newborn) HoBPoo.I*HHbIfI Nipple COCOK Nipple confusion IHyTamnta CoCKOB Nipple stimulation CTHMYJIrqLtH CoCKOB Nipple shields Hamua~AKa AnA cOCKOB Nipple trauma TpanMa cocKa Nursing (breastfeeding) KoptNuenue rpy;ibIo Nutrients THwraTertbHbte aemlecTa Nutrition flwratme Obstetrician AKymep-nmeKoaor Obstructe lactiferous duct 3aynopKa MoJIO'IHO1O npoToga On-demand feedings rpyAnoe BcKapMJIHBaHHe no Tpe6oBaHmo pe6enKa (ORT) OpaibHaA perlltpaTa.IUOHHa, TepanaHs Oral contraceptives Hepopalbnoe npOThB0a'aoqa oe cpe~cTBo Oral-motor disfunction Hapywenie opaJIHO-MoTOpHOIR 4ymgHrn Ovary 5IIPrHnK Ovulation OsynustAiR Oxytocin OKcwroQHH Pacifier IycemuMKa Pediatrician lIeuiaTp Post-partum rIocmaTaEal, bf Positioning I'o-toxenue pe6eHKa npn KOpMJienirH Potassium Kaar'u Powdered milk IHopoaIKoaoe MOoZo Pregnancy EepeMenHocrb Prelacteal feed ,lAorpyAinoe KOpMuieHe Premature birth lpexcJAeBpeMenabie poAbt Premature infant He~ouomennrrB pe6euoK

3 Prenatal RlpeHaTajmHbfi Primate IlptiMaT Primipara HlepBopolsmaq xceasmafla Prolactin HpojiaKTHH Protein BeniuK Public health O6mecTBeuHoe 3,RpaBOOXpaHeHHe Recovery Bb3aopoaeneHe Recovery room HocieonepauHlfiHa naiaTa Repiratory tract XlbtxaTeJblibie liyTH Restlessness BeenoKofffloe COCTOArnie RH factor Pe3yc-4)aKTOp Rooming-in COBMeCTHOe npe6blmaHHe MarepH m pe6eHKa B O9HOIC4 na.naTe pou'oMe Rooting reflex PeqjbieKc 3axBarblBaHHq Secretion CeKpegxui Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) Bone31-m, nepegaormvecq rtoJ1OBbIM nyTeM Slow gain/ Me.Hriai npH6aBKa Beca/3aAepLKda poCTa Skin to skin contact KOHTaKT KO)Ka K KOKe Social marketing CotuajihHbf MapKeTiHr Sodium HaTpffA Soft palate MrKoe He6o Sterilization CTepHIH3auHrq Stool CTy.I Stress CTpecc Sucking CocaniHe Suckle CoCaTb rpyAb Sucking reflex CocaTe.Ibblfl pe4bieKe Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) CHMaPOM BHe3alHafI cMepTH BHeUHe 3,AopoBoro pe66HKa Supplemental feeding AOKopm, flpHKOpM Swaddle neJIeHaTb, CBHBaTb Swallowing rAo'ramie Teat COCKa (Ha 6yTbulo'nKe) Thrush (candida) MOJOqnHHua Trace element .ieMCHT-1HgHAKaTop Training IIOarOTOBKa Tuberculosis Ty6epKyjAe3 United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) Mexc,ynaponHbMf ,teTCKHI Cbot OOH (IOHHCE4) United States Agency for International Development AreHTCTBO CILIA no MeCAYnapoOMy pa3BHTH1o (USAID) Uterus MaTKa Vaginal delivery PoxAbl qepe3 eCTCCrBeHHsle pogtOBbie nyTH Vitamin Bu'amH Vomiting PBoTa Warm compress TMrmbifi KoMnpecc Wean OTHHMaTb OT rpytH Weaning foods HpmKOpM Weight Bee Kopm ia Womb MaTKa World Health Organization (WHO) BceMupuasl OpraHH3aatrs 3xpaooxpanemtA (BO3) Regional Office for Europe EBponeficKoe Pernoa.abnoe Etopo World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA) BceMHpabfi c0103 xefncTBhi 3a rpy.AHoe BeKapMjniiBalHe


Welistart International is a private, nonprofit organization dedicated to the promotion of healthy families through the global promotion of breastfeeding. With a tradition of building on existing resources, Wellstart works cooperatively with individuals, institutions, and governments to expand and support the expertise necessary for establishing and sustaining optimal infant feeding practices worldwide.

Wellstart has been involved in numerous global breastfeeding initiatives including the Innocenti Declaration, the World Summit for Children, and the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative. Programs are carried out both internationally and within the United States.

International Programs Wellstart's Lactation Management Education (LME) Program, funded through USAID/Office of Nutrition, provides comprehensive education, with ongoing material and field support services, to multidisciplinary teams of leading health professionals. With Wellstart's assistance, an extensive network of Associates from more than 40 countries is in turn providing training and support within their own institutions and regions, as well as developing appropriate in-country model teaching, service, and resource centers.

Wellstart's Expanded PromotionofBreastfeeding(EPB) Program, funded through USAID/Office of Health, broadens the scope of global breastfeeding promotion by working to overcome barriers to breastfeeding at all levels (policy, institutional, community, and individual). Efforts include assistance with national assessments, policy development, social marketing including the development and testing of communication strategies and materials, and community outreach including primary care training and support group development. Additionally, program-supported research expands biomedical, social, and programmatic knowledge about breastfeeding.

National Programs Nineteen multidisciplinary teams from across the U.S. have participated in Wellstart's lactation management education programs designed specifically for the needs of domestic participants, In collaboration with universities across the country, Wellstart has developed and field-tested a comprehensive guide for the integration of lactation management education into schools of medicine, nursing and nutrition. With funding through the MCH Bureau of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the NIH, and other agencies, Wellstart also provides workshops, conferences and consultation on programmatic, policy and clinical issues for healthcare professionals from a variety of settings, e.g. Public Health, WIC, Native American. At the San Diego facility, activities also include clinical and educational services for local families.

WellstartInternationalisa designatedWorld Health OrganizationCollaboratingCenteron Breastfeeding Promotionand Protection, with ParticularEmphasis on Lactation Management Education.

For information on corporate matters, the LME or National Programs, contact: Wellstart International Corporate Headquarters 4062 First Avenue tel: (619) 295-5192 San Diego, California 92103 USA fax: (619) 294-7787

For information about the EPB Program contact: Wellstart International 3333 K Street NW, Suite 101 tel: (202) 298-7979 Washington, DC 20007 USA fax: (202) 298-7988