Written by

Eric Fisher

Based on a True Story

[email protected] 1-403-305-2488 FADE IN:

EXT. HOSPITAL ROOM - NIGHT SUPER: June 1987. South Africa. MRS. VAN HEERDEN (20s) lays in a hospital bed after giving birth. DANIE VAN HEERDEN (20s) sits next to her. DR. WILLIAMS (30s, female) enters. DR. WILLIAMS We found something. Danie grabs one of his wife’s hands. DR. WILLIAMS (CONT'D) One of his kidneys is not functioning properly. He’ll need an operation. Fear highlights the mother’s face. DR. WILLIAMS (CONT'D) I’m sorry. Doctor exits. Danie lays on the bed beside his wife, putting an arm around her. She breaks into tears.

EXT. EMPEROR'S PALACE - NIGHT SUPER: September 2006. Emperor's Palace, South Africa. Establishing.

INT. EMPEROR'S PALACE ARENA - NIGHT Bright light emanates from THE RING where CHRIS "THE HEAT" VAN HEERDEN (19) engages in with LUCKY MAVIMBELA (20s). Stuck in corner, Mavimbela tries deflecting but The Heat shows no mercy. A powerful implodes Mavimbela's chin. He drops. REFEREE (40s) motions The Heat to back off. Mavimbela rises, albeit wobbly. 2.

Bell dings. Chris saunters to corner. CORNERMAN (male, 40s) sets out stool. Chris guzzles water from bottle the Cornerman holds. Crowd cheers on as Chris bows his head.

EXT. HOUSE - DAY SUPER: Summer 1997. Johannesburg, South Africa. Natural landscapes surround a large acreage. Chris (10 years old) runs around house. He’s a passionate boy eager to please those around him in everything he does. STEPMOTHER (30s), sitting on porch, pencils something onto a pad. Chris' brothers ETHAN, TIM, and CALVIN lay on grass catching their breath. INSERT - Marks tally up to thirty-four on a notepad. Stepmother crosses a line through most recent tally. BACK TO SCENE Danie (now 30s) exits front door onto porch. He crosses his bulging arms, watching Chris dash across yard with a slight frown. He peeks at notepad before receding into house.

EXT. ACREAGE - DAY Chris keeps up rapid pace.

EXT. FRONT PORCH - DAY Chris stops his run, panting. Danie emerges onto porch. Stepmom hands a stopwatch and notepad to Danie. He inspects the stopwatch and notes. Danie pulls three R2 notes from his pocket. He hands his three sons each a note. The boys yell in excitement. ETHAN Thanks, Chris! Brothers scurry away, leaving Chris alone. 3.

DANIE Something wrong? Chris shakes his head. DANIE (CONT'D) Good. Follow me.

INT. HOME GYM - DAY Fitness and boxing equipment lays across large open room. Danie beats a punching bag. Chris holds a towel and water bottle in one hand and stopwatch in the other. He clicks stopwatch button. CHRIS Time. Danie halts. He steals bottle and takes a sip. After wiping his face with the towel he returns items to Chris. DANIE Again. Chris clicks a button. CHRIS Go. Danie beats into bag with a vengeance. Chris spots Ethan and Tim playing outside with a rugby ball. He grimaces. DANIE Pay attention. Chris reverts to his dad. He focuses on stopwatch. Moments later... CHRIS Time! Chris extends water bottle and towel like they're poisonous. Danie takes stopwatch from Chris before grabbing items. 4.

INT. CHRIS' BEDROOM - DAY Danie enters and sits on bed edge. He pats bed space next to him. Chris complies. DANIE One day, when you're old enough, I'll tell you something important. CHRIS But why can't you -- DANIE Not now. Okay? Chris nods he understands. Danie pats Chris on thigh before vacating room.

INT. GYM - DAY Men and women train by lifting weights, beating punching bags, and even old fashioned pushups and sit-ups. Danie spars with Chris. Both of them wear protective gear. DANIE Right arm is . Keep it high. Chris obeys. Danie doesn't refrain, using a combo. Chris allows three through. DANIE (CONT'D) Never lose your stance. Asking for a beating. Chris breaks into several jabs and left hooks. Danie only allows one through, which hits his stomach. He backs away. CHRIS Why is it called southpaw? Danie showcases southpaw stance against Chris. DANIE You have an advantage over right- handed boxers. Everything is opposite of what they usually see. 5.

CHRIS They get confused? DANIE Exactly. Danie brings a slow right swing to Chris' cheek. DANIE (CONT'D) Then bam! Down for count. Chris giggles as they exit ring. Danie helps Chris pull off his gloves. A fellow boxer named SEAN (20s) approaches. He pumps Danie's glove with a fist. DANIE (CONT'D) You met my son yet? SEAN Can't say I have, from the looks. DANIE Can he your stomach? SEAN Say what? DANIE Can my son punch your stomach? Sean smiles. He places his hands on his hips. SEAN Go for it. Go on. Embarrassment gleams on Chris' face. DANIE Don't be shy. Settling into southpaw stance, Chris pile drives his left fist into Sean's stomach. Sean takes a step back, catching his breath. Danie laughs. SEAN Whoa. DANIE Deep breaths. Wrapping an arm around Chris, they head for dressing room. 6.

INT. HOME GYM - DAY Chris pounds into heavy bag his father holds onto. GYM CORNER Chris performs push-ups on exercise mat.

EXT. HIPPO QUARRIES - DAY Danie races up a hill. Chris runs behind his father with Ethan in third.

EXT. HIPPO QUARRIES OVERLOOK - DAY Danie halts upon reaching level ground. He rests on a large rock overlooking a stunning landscape. Chris and Ethan sit on opposite sides of their father. DANIE Doesn't matter how big you get. Faith in God is what counts. Remember that, boys.

EXT. CHURCH BUILDING - DAY Establishing. An old nearby billboard has the words “HEID” in bold black letters. Rest of the word is not visible.

INT. CHURCH AUDITORIUM - DAY Chris sits in a pew with his father, stepmother, and seven siblings. The family almost take up an entire row. Black and white people compose the audience. Chris’s head bobs as he is close to falling asleep. Danie stretches right arm out across top edge of pew, moving halfway down the row of kids. He taps Chris on the cheek. Chris’ head jerks. He looks around before focusing on his father. Danie watches the pastor with a slight smirk. PASTOR (50s), lanky, soft spoken, preaches with a passion. PASTOR Evil deeds, thoughts, intentions. Those things coming straight from the heart! Those defile! (MORE) 7.

In Proverbs chapter twenty-three verse seven we read a powerful message. "As a man thinks, so is he."

EXT. CHURCH PARKING LOT - DAY Families leave for their vehicles or talk in cliques. Danie and his family head for two separate vehicles. DANIE Did you understand the sermon? CHRIS All I heard was an old guy yelling. DANIE He was yelling about keeping our hearts pure. Family stops at the vehicles. Some kids jump in one car and some jump in the other. Stepmom climbs into driver seat. CHRIS I don’t understand. Danie crouches to Chris' level. DANIE You know when I wash my boxing hand wraps? Chris nods. DANIE (CONT'D) After washing them, they are clean. Pure. Not dirty. CHRIS So our hearts should be like clean wraps? That’s kinda weird. Danie chuckles. He tugs Chris toward the car.

EXT. ROADWAY - NIGHT Danie pulls vehicle over to roadside. 8.

INT./EXT. CAR - NIGHT Chris, Tim, Calvin, and Ethan are passengers. Police car pulls up behind. TRAFFIC COP (30s, black) approaches. DANIE Sit still. Don't say anything.

EXT. ROADWAY - NIGHT Traffic Cop approaches Danie's open driver side window. TRAFFIC COP Do you know why I pulled you over? DANIE (stuttering) M, M, M, M, M, Mister, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, don't, don't... Traffic Cop waves him off. TRAFFIC COP Forget it. Forget it. Have a good night. Cop retreats back to his car. DANIE Take that, that, that, police, police, office, officer. The boys laugh. Danie smiles.

INT. CLASSROOM - DAY Chris works through a math problem in notebook. MRS. ATWELL (30s), strolls down aisle. She places a paper on his desk. INSERT - Test paper marked with an "A+" in red pen.

INT. GUIDANCE COUNSELOR OFFICE - DAY Chris rests in chair across from MR. CUMMINGS (50s, bald, suspenders) who props his feet on a makeshift desk. MR. CUMMINGS Chasing a unicorn, lad. 9.

CHRIS A unicorn? MR. CUMMINGS I read your file. You had a kidney operation as a newborn. Boxing is off the table. Chris gulps. Clears throat. CHRIS I've also thought about being an accountant. MR. CUMMINGS Accountant, eh? Better odds.

INT. HOME GYM - DAY Danie beats the punching bag while Chris holds the towel and stopwatch. Danie stops punching as he notices Chris’ glum expression. DANIE Something wrong, son? CHRIS Nothing. Danie kneels down to his son’s level. DANIE God likes hearing the truth. Chris exhales hard, gearing up for the revelation. CHRIS My guidance counselor said I couldn’t be a boxer. Because of what happened when I was born. DANIE You believe him? CHRIS Well, it’s true. DANIE Only if you believe it. 10.

CHRIS Doctors said I couldn’t. He said I couldn’t. Even God says so. Danie puts a glove on Chris’ shoulder. DANIE God challenges us in different ways. This is your test. Have faith he can carry you through. All the way. CHRIS All the way to where? Danie smiles. He rises. DANIE Wherever He leads. Chris looks away in thought.

EXT. HIPPO QUARRIES - DAY Chris punches his father's mitts with boxing gloves. Danie skips around, forcing Chris to move in for a punch. DANIE Jab harder! Harder! CHRIS I'm trying! DANIE Trying is for losers! Focus! Chris, weary, pushes into his father while punching. Danie backs up as a reaction. Panting, Chris stops, arms hanging at his sides. Danie yanks off his mitts. He helps Chris take off gloves. Danie sits on a large rock. Chris rests next to him. CHRIS I don't want to do this. Danie gives Chris a quizzical look. CHRIS (CONT'D) Today, I mean. 11.

DANIE Would you rather run five kilos? Chris shakes head. Danie lays mitts on rock. DANIE (CONT'D) Deep down, you got a tender heart. Not a bad thing. A tender heart can help someone find strength in God. Hearts made of stone, well, they don't connect with God as easy. CHRIS What is God doing for me? It’s not like I can hear him. DANIE Try listening. Chris nods. CHRIS So what kind of heart are you? DANIE I'll let you decide.

EXT. HOUSE - NIGHT Establishing shot of Van Heerden plot.

INT. HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Chris watches boxing bout on TV with Tim, Calvin, and Ethan. EVANDER HOLYFIELD pounds into opponent MICHAEL MOORER. Danie springs into room. DANIE Throw on your running shoes, boys. CHRIS But we -- DANIE No complaining! Danie vanishes from room. 12.

Chris stands. His brothers follow his example.

EXT. HOUSE - NIGHT Chris and the three step onto porch. They find their father waiting with his arms crossed. They head for vehicle. DANIE I'll be in the car. CHRIS It's really cold. DANIE Mind over body. Focus. Danie settles into car. Ignition turns over. Car rolls down dirt-ridden driveway. Chris and his brothers jog, catching up to the car.

EXT. ROADWAY - NIGHT Chris, leading his brothers, jogs just behind car on roadside. He pushes himself, coming up to the rear wheel. Danie pushes on gas, bringing Chris behind car. Chris amps up his jog, nearing bumper. Closer and closer, until... A POLICE CRUISER flashes its lights behind Danie's car. Danie pulls onto roadside. Chris and brothers swerve into grass, bypassing their father. They stop on roadside, bending over with hands on knees to catch their breath. Police cruiser brakes behind Danie. OFFICER RUDIBEGA (30s, black) emerges from driver's side. He marches over to Danie, who rolls down his window. OFFICER RUDIBEGA What are you doing? 13.

DANIE What do you mean 'what am I doing'? You can see what I'm doing. I'm training my sons. OFFICER RUDIBEGA You are killing them. DANIE No, look, they are my boys. I'm not killing them. They are boxers. OFFICER RUDIBEGA I could charge you for this. Child endangerment. Neglect. Pick one. DANIE Nobody can charge me. Not even you. Danie steps out from vehicle. The officer steps back. OFFICER RUDIBEGA Step back! Step back, sir! Danie approaches officer. He sniffs. DANIE You are under the influence of alcohol. Give me your name. Give it to me. Officer retreats to his car and jumps inside. He drives off. Danie eyes his sons who watch in shock. DANIE (CONT'D) Back to it. Danie enters vehicle. He rides past the boys. Chris leads his brothers, running behind the car with increasing momentum.

INT. RING - NIGHT SUPER: 8 Years Later Small crowd. Danie, Ethan, Tim, and Calvin cheer from seats. Chris (18) boxes FIGHTER (white, 18), beating him across stage. After strong to fighter's chin... SPLAT. Fighter falls onto side out cold. 14.

AMATEUR REFEREE checks fighter. He jogs over to Chris, lifting his left arm into the air. AMATEUR ANNOUNCER Finishing with a in fourth round... Chris van Heerden! Crowd roars.

EXT. HOUSE - NIGHT Establishing shot of farm.

INT. KITCHEN - NIGHT Chris' SISTERS and BROTHERS surround him at table. Danie watches from open doorway. His stepmother lights the last of eighteen candles. Chris blows out candles. His family cheers and claps. Family members grab plates from counter. Stepmother dishes out cake pieces to everyone. Danie crouches near Chris who sits on couch eating his cake. DANIE I have a surprise for you. Danie walks off. Chris places plate on coffee table. He follows father into...

INT. BEDROOM - NIGHT Danie motions to bed. Shutting door, he sits beside Chris. He leans over. DANIE I'm ready to tell you. CHRIS Am I adopted? Danie smirks, disaffirming with a nod. DANIE Son, all these years... I've been pushing you. (MORE) 15.

You are the one who had to go through it all. It wasn't because I don't love you. Danie connects with his son's eyes. DANIE (CONT'D) Truth is... I'm living my dreams through you. What I have in me, you have in you. I see you can be a champion. I love you and I felt... it's my job to push you. Make you work for what I believe and see in you. Because I believe God, in the name of Jesus, is using me. And he made me your dad. To push you. Tears of delight escape from Chris' eyes. DANIE (CONT'D) You must make a choice. Continue with boxing or study accounting. Whatever you choose, I support it one hundred percent. But it's your choice. Chris wipes tears off his face. He looks his dad in the eyes. CHRIS I want to box. DANIE Okay then.

EXT. MEDICAL CLINIC - DAY Adjacent to boxing gym. Chris enters through entrance door. The building to the right of medical clinic has a mural of two black boys smiling. One raises his arm. A STREET SURFER (male, 20s) rolls a cart with a handlebar and large tote bag down the street.

INT. MEDICAL CLINIC - LOBBY - DAY Chris heads to a counter where RECEPTIONIST (female, 30s) types on a keyboard. CHRIS Hi there. 16.

RECEPTIONIST Good afternoon. Can I help you? CHRIS Yes, I have an appointment with Doctor Van Der Merwe. RECEPTIONIST Your name? CHRIS Chris van Heerden. Receptionist types. RECEPTIONIST Awesome. Found you. He'll come grab you shortly. CHRIS Thank you. Chris sits in waiting area. FEMALE PATIENT (20s) exits from a hallway. Behind patient is DR. VAN DER MERWE (40s) with a clipboard. DR. VAN DER MERWE Van Heerden? Chris stands. He extends a hand. They shake. DR. VAN DER MERWE (CONT'D) Hi, I’m Dr. Van Der Merwe. CHRIS Nice to meet you.

INT. EXAMINATION ROOM - DAY Chris sits on exam table. Dr. Van Der Merwe checks Chris' blood pressure. He documents on clipboard form. DR. VAN DER MERWE Please hold out your right arm. Chris does so. Dr. Van Der Merwe wipes a spot with iodine before inserting a needle, withdrawing blood. DR. VAN DER MERWE (CONT'D) I'll be checking your blood for HIV, Hepatitis B and C, and diabetes. 17.

Doctor places white cloth over insertion point.

INT. XRAY ROOM - DAY Chris lays on table with a vest over his chest. XRAY machine activates, taking a snapshot.

INT. HALLWAY - DAY Chris exits bathroom with urine sample in a container. Dr. Van Der Merwe awaits. Chris holds out sample.

INT. EXAMINATION ROOM - DAY Dr. Van Der Merwe uses an instrument to check Chris' right ear. He places instrument on counter. Doctor sticks stethoscope on Chris' chest. Chris shudders.

INT. MEDICAL CLINIC - HALLWAY - DAY Dr. Van Der Merwe ushers Chris to lobby. DR. VAN DER MERWE Have Janine schedule an appointment two days from now. Chris shakes his hand. CHRIS Sounds great. DR. VAN DER MERWE Have a pleasant day, yeah? CHRIS You too, doc. Doctor vanishes into hallway. Chris approaches reception counter. CHRIS (CONT'D) Hi again. 18.

INT. HOME GYM - DAY Chris spars his dad on a large square foam mat. He holds his own against his father, throwing a few connecting swings.

EXT. HOUSE BACKYARD - DUSK Sun sets on horizon. Chris and Danie guzzle water bottles. Danie sets bottle beside tree stump. DANIE Beating your dad to pieces. Terrible. CHRIS No mercy. Danie and Chris laugh. CHRIS (CONT'D) You miss it? DANIE Crowds cheering. Lights glaring. Donating blood. Wearing gloves is a young man's game. Chris takes another swig from bottle. Danie nudges Chris with shoulder. DANIE (CONT'D) Cracking jaws was always fun. Chris holds out bottle. They make a toast. CHRIS To cracking jaws. Cheers.

INT. EXAMINATION ROOM - DAY Chris waits on exam table. Dr. Van Der Merwe enters with a clipboard. He shuts door. DR. VAN DER MERWE How do you feel? CHRIS Fine. 19.

DR. VAN DER MERWE Any issues? Problems? CHRIS Not really. Doctor rolls in chair to Chris. DR. VAN DER MERWE Chris, we're picking up diabetes in your blood and urine. You need to get it looked after. Chris' face explodes with shock and disappointment. CHRIS But I feel fine. DR. VAN DER MERWE I’m sorry. CHRIS Test me again. DR. VAN DER MERWE Chris... CHRIS I'll pay for it. Please. DR. VAN DER MERWE Even if you passed, you have a preexisting medical condition with your kidneys. CHRIS Look, I’ll sign whatever I need to. You won’t be held responsible. Doctor sighs. He opens drawer, pulling out a urine container and unused needle. DR. VAN DER MERWE Fine. I can finish today. It'll take some time though. CHRIS I can wait.

EXT. HILLBROW STREET - NIGHT Urban poverty at its height. Chris runs, maneuvering through a group of kids trekking in opposite direction. 20.

EXT. MEDICAL CLINIC - DAY Chris slows to a halt upon reaching front door. Enters.

INT. EXAMINATION ROOM - DAY Chris comes inside with the doctor. He sits. DR. VAN DER MERWE Came back positive. Same as before. Chris lowers head. Without making eye contact, he leaves.

INT./EXT. CAR - NIGHT Chris drives with teary eyes.

EXT. HOUSE - NIGHT Car parks on driveway. Chris jettisons.

INT. HOUSE FOYER - NIGHT Chris opens door. He lumbers into...

INT. HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Danie mutes TV upon seeing Chris come into room. DANIE How did it go? Chris plops into chair. Boring a hole into ground, he huffs. DANIE (CONT'D) Well? CHRIS He told me I have diabetes. Danie soaks this in. DANIE You don't have diabetes. It is bull crap. Not diabetes. You understand? Chris nods. He escapes from room. Bedroom door shuts O.S. Danie dips his head. He clasps his hands. 21.

INT. BEDROOM - NIGHT Chris locks door. Stepping over to bed, he prostrates on his knees. His forehead hits bed cover. He grits his teeth. Bringing his head up, Chris creates a steeple with his fingers. He closes his eyes, breathing in and out slowly. CHRIS Jesus, okay. This is it, man. This is your opportunity to prove yourself. I am coming to you. Show me what you got. If you are the Jesus I learned about in the Bible, I need healing. If you heal me, I promise I will talk about this. About you. I'll be a soldier. It will be you first. But you gotta heal me, Jesus. Please. He clenches covers with both hands.

EXT. MEDICAL CLINIC - DAY Cars rush to and fro.

INT. MEDICAL CLINIC - LOBBY - DAY Chris paces to Dr. Van Der Merwe. They shake hands. DR. VAN DER MERWE Sooner you accept this the better. CHRIS Look, I'm paying. Just do your job. Doctor grins. DR. VAN DER MERWE Fair enough. Round three it is. Chris and him pace down hallway.

EXT. HILLBROW STREET - DAY Chris jogs down sidewalk.

INT. EXAMINATION ROOM - DAY Chris awaits results. 22.

Doctor comes in. He sifts through papers on clipboard. He tosses clipboard on counter. Crosses arms. DR. VAN DER MERWE We couldn’t pick up anything. You’re cleared. Chris stares in wonder. On impulse, he hugs the doctor. DR. VAN DER MERWE (CONT'D) Congratulations.

EXT. HOUSE - DAY Car speeds down driveway. After braking to a stop, Chris runs around house to invade...

INT. HOME GYM - DAY Danie hits a punching bag wearing sparring gloves. Chris jogs up to him. CHRIS I passed! DANIE You did? CHRIS I did! Danie hugs his son. DANIE I knew you would! I knew it! Praises be to God! Danie takes sparring gloves off shelf. He tosses them to Chris. Chris puts them on. They position themselves on mat. DANIE (CONT'D) Show me how it's done, pro boxer. Chris moves in with a few punches. Danie blocks, giving Chris two punches to the face. CHRIS Nursing home jabs. 23.

DANIE Is that right? Chris sweeps in, finding his father's chin with a right jab.

EXT. HILLBROW BOXING GYM - DAY Jeep swerves into parallel parking spot. Engine cuts off.

INT./EXT. JEEP - DAY Duffel bag lays in Chris' lap. Danie lays a hand on son's shoulder. DANIE Don't hold back. Chris nods. He leaves Jeep.

INT. HILLBROW BOXING GYM - DAY Bee hive thriving with men training. Two boxing rings present. Inside RING, Chris spars an aged black fighter named TIBO (40s). Danie watches. Tibo pummels Chris without hesitation. Chris backs into corner, raising gloves to defend himself. NICK DURANDT (40s), tough as nails, shoulder-length curly blonde hair, wearing black beanie and three golden rings on each hand, leans against ring corner. NICK One two, one two! Move! Move your body! Chris escapes corner. A left smacks him across jaw. He holds onto ropes to avoid falling. Tibo backs off. NICK (CONT'D) Wear him out! He's older. TIBO Hey! 24.

NICK Giving him tips. Rest easy.

RING - LATER Chris fights another OLD BLACK FIGHTER (40s). NICK Watch his hook! Fighter gives Chris an uppercut to jaw. Chris retreats as man unleashes several punches to his body and face. Chris throws a wild swing. Fighter ducks. He slips inside, knocking Chris up and down ring with a menacing attack. NICK (CONT'D) Block! Block!

RING - LATER Chris fights a third BLACK FIGHTER (late 30s). Punches blast into Chris. Blood patches paint his swollen face. Chris manages a few decent jabs. Fighter shoots hooks, jabs, and at lightning speed. Chris blocks and dodges, but several beat into him. He back- steps from fighter. NICK Good work! Both of ya!

INT. DRESSING ROOM - DAY Nick helps Chris, eyes swollen, bloody nose, unroll wrap from his left hand. NICK You got spunk. No doubt. CHRIS Thanks. NICK Every young man I've trained has come from the ghettos or a hard upbringing. (MORE) 25.

This sport has been dying for a while. Social and political issues bleeding it dry. I do care where this sport is headed. Make no mistake. But my passion is all about watching young men pursue their dreams. Chris peers at Nick. NICK (CONT'D) A fire burns inside you. I see it. Doesn't matter how you start a fight, Chris. It's all about the endgame. CHRIS Easy to say. You're the wizard. Nobody stands a chance against you. Nick chuckles. NICK When that bell rings, remember only one thing. He's flesh and blood. FLASHBACK TO:

EXT. TOWNSHIP - DAY YOUNG BLACK BOY (13) and two of his smaller friends tread by a parked sedan. Danie departs driver seat. He motions to boy with a five rand note. DANIE Want some pocket money? YOUNG BLACK BOY What’s the catch?

EXT. FIELD - DAY Chris (10) waits in grassy area across street. Danie points to Chris. Danie, young boy and his friends street. Danie and two friends stop on sidewalk while the boy approaches Chris with a glare. FIST FIGHT in FULL FORCE. 26.

ENDING...... with Chris on ground with bloody nose and scrapes. Danie hands boy R5 note. Three boys march off. Danie watches with blank expression as Chris lifts onto his knees. He stands, wobbly, brushing himself off. Chris glances at his father before escaping into a run, never looking back.

INT. HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Danie enters room. Sniffles are heard. He discovers Chris behind couch. DANIE Come out from there. No movement from Chris. DANIE (CONT'D) Do not make me ask again. Chris crawls out. He sits on couch. Danie saddles up beside him. He slings an arm around Chris. Chris shudders. DANIE (CONT'D) Any man can take a beating. What he does afterwards is what counts. Like Peter, after he denied Jesus. Chris wipes his nose with an arm. DANIE (CONT'D) You didn't really run from me. One day, you'll understand. Danie drops R5 note in Chris' lap. He departs room. Chris picks up the rand note. Inspects. BACK TO PRESENT 27.

INT. DRESSING ROOM - DAY Chris scratches his eyebrows. CHRIS My dad once told me any guy can get beat up. It's what he does after. NICK He was right.

INT./EXT. JEEP - DAY Danie drives. Chris rubs his temples. DANIE Headache? Chris looks over to his dad with a sullen expression. DANIE (CONT'D) Being a punching bag isn't fun. CHRIS Wish I was a punching bag. They don't have any internal organs. DANIE You need more practice. CHRIS Not sure practice is what I need. Danie looks over at Chris, awaiting an explanation. CHRIS (CONT'D) Dad, I see myself becoming a world champion. I want it. But things aren't going as planned. DANIE Do you want it? CHRIS I did. I do. It's just... it's tough. DANIE Anything worth having will be a challenge. On flip side, you'd make a great accountant. Punching numbers. Not faces. No shame there. 28.

Chris lets out a slight grin.

EXT. HIGHWAY - NIGHT Jeep speeds down road.

EXT. BEDROOM - NIGHT Chris lays in bed on his back. He wheezes through his nose.

INT. HOUSE - BATHROOM - NIGHT Chris leans toward mirror. He touches bloody nose. Yelps. He bows head to sink, resting his hands on sink corners.

INT. HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Chris approaches his father and stepmom watching TV. CHRIS Hey guys. Danie mutes TV. He leans forward with hands on his knees. CHRIS (CONT'D) I... I can't breathe through my nose.

INT. HOUSE - KITCHEN - NIGHT Danie holds cordless phone at table. Chris sits opposite. DANIE Wednesday at three. Okay. Got it. Thanks heaps. Have a good night. He ends call. DANIE (CONT'D) Good to go.

INT. BEDROOM - NIGHT Chris rolls into bed. He closes his eyes. 29.

CHRIS God, this is hard. It's painful. Maybe this boxing thing isn't for me. Are you saying I should quit? Give me a sign, God. All I ask.

EXT. MEDICAL CLINIC - DAY Establishing shot. Busy foot and vehicle traffic.

INT. MEDICAL CLINIC - PATIENT ROOM - DAY Chris lays on gurney. FEMALE NURSE (20s) prepares a needle. Danie and Stepmom loiter near doorway. FEMALE NURSE I'm administering an anesthetic. When you wake, it'll all be over. Nurse pumps anesthetic into Chris. FEMALE NURSE (CONT'D) Counting backward from six, five, four, three, two, one... Chris slips unconscious. MALE NURSE (20s) accompanies her in scooting gurney into hallway.

INT. SURGERY ROOM - DAY Two SURGEONS (female and male, 40s), one being DR. KILGRAVE (40s, clinical) and three NURSES (female, 20s) perform surgery on Chris' nose. BRIGHT LIGHT shines onto Chris from ceiling. FEMALE NURSE Coming out from anesthesia now. DR. KILGRAVE Prep for post-op. His eyes open. One of his hands clenches Dr. Kilgrave's arm. Dr. Kilgrave stops in his tracks. All other medical personnel await with trepidation. 30.

INT. MEDICAL CLINIC - PATIENT ROOM - DAY Dr. Kilgrave comes next to bed. DR. KILGRAVE Hi Chris. How you feeling? CHRIS Strung out. DR. KILGRAVE That'll pass. Do you remember anything? Chris turns his head away, looking out window.

INT. MEDICAL CLINIC - WAITING AREA - DAY Dr. Kilgrave comes up to Danie and Stepmom. Danie rises from seat. His wife follows suit. DANIE How's he doing? Doctor glances at both, searching for right words. DR. KILGRAVE Never in my years of practice has anything like this happened. Danie steps in closer, awaiting explanation. DR. KILGRAVE (CONT'D) Under anesthesia, Chris said he saw a bright light. What appeared to be Jesus. He said to Chris, "Keep doing what you're doing. Don't stop." When Chris woke up, he said to me “Call Jesus. I spoke to him.” Danie smiles. DANIE To God be the glory.

INT. MEDICAL CLINIC - PATIENT ROOM - DAY Chris lays up in bed reading a small blue hardcover Gideon Bible. Danie enters. He pulls a chair up next to Chris. 31.

DANIE Hey fighter. CHRIS Hey dad. DANIE What passage you on? CHRIS Something I found in First Corinthians. DANIE Enlighten me. CHRIS (reading) "Therefore I do not run like someone running aimless. I do not fight like a boxer beating the air." DANIE What does it mean to you? Chris contemplates this. CHRIS Having direction. A solid purpose. Danie leans over bed. He grabs his son's nearest hand with both of his own. DANIE Awareness isn't enough. Take action. Live out your purpose. CHRIS I will, dad.

INT. HILLBROW BOXING GYM - DAY Chris steps inside ring to face off against Tibo. TIBO What's up young blood? CHRIS Hey. Nick claps his hands together. 32.

NICK Three minute rounds. When I say time, pull back to your corners. Fight like gentleman. Ready? Tibo shakes his head. Chris raises a glove. NICK (CONT'D) Box!

FIGHT IS ON. Tibo drives several jabs into Chris. Midway through hailstorm, Chris deflects like a pro, circling away from Tibo. NICK Jump in there, Chris! Roundhouse from Chris misses by long shot. SMASH. Tibo rams right fist into Chris' face. Chris wobbles around before regaining control. NICK (CONT'D) He won't make it easy, ! Chris waves for Tibo to come at him. Tibo smiles through mouthpiece. As Tibo moves in... Chris pounces forward, firing off quick lefts and rights, knocking into Tibo. To top off surprise, Chris fires a left punch into his stomach, paralyzing him. Chris unleashes havoc. Punch after punch. Tibo blocks a few jabs, but cannot switch onto offensive. NICK (CONT'D) Time! Chris and Tibo head to respective corners. Nick wipes Chris' face with cloth. NICK (CONT'D) Good body work. Keep it up. He'll always counter. Watch his right hook. 33.

Nick pats him on back. Chris moves into ring center to meet Tibo. NICK (CONT'D) Box! Chris and Tibo lock horns after forces collide. They pull away. Tibo clocks Chris with wicked right hook. He goes in for kill, but... Chris counters with uppercut, sending Tibo backwards. Chris follows with plethora of jabs, dominating ring. Stuck in corner, Tibo throws wild punches in desperation. Chris dodges attacks, connecting with several punches. Tibo's head pops back after a chin strike. His back hits ring corner with a thud. Chris strikes Tibo in cheek, keeping opponent in corner. Tibo breaks out with a few jabs. They return to ring center, dancing around each other until... NICK (CONT'D) Time! TIBO I've had enough, man. Tibo holds gloves up. They tap their gloves together. Hug. TIBO (CONT'D) Not bad. Not bad at all. CHRIS Thanks bro. TIBO Warn me next time. Chris smiles. CHRIS I'll do my best. Tibo leaves ring. Chris comes to corner. 34.

NICK Now that's what I call boxing.


INT. DRESSING ROOM - NIGHT Claps and cheers resonate from crowd. Chris punches the air while practicing leg work. He rests on bench, bowing his head. CHRIS God, I've come so far. Thank you. Help me go a little further.

INT. EMPEROR'S PALACE ARENA - NIGHT Chris paces through corridor into arena with Nick and crew. Crowd cheers. His green and white camouflage boxing shorts have "The Heat" imprinted in white below his naval. Lucky Mavimbela psyches himself up in ring. OVERWEIGHT ANNOUNCER (40s) places microphone near his mouth. ANNOUNCER 1 Making debut, weighing in at sixty-four kilograms. He's boxing in the black trunks. From our home country, fighting in blue corner... Lucky Mavimbela! Crowd cheers. Chris slips into ring. CORNERMAN 1 inserts his mouthpiece. ANNOUNCER 1 (CONT'D) Also making his professional debut in the boxing world, we have a southpaw weighing in at sixty-six kilograms. He has won ninety-four of ninety-seven amateur fights. Boxing in camouflage trunks. Hailing from Johannesburg, Chris "The Heat" van Heerden! Thunderous applause erupts from audience. 35.

Announcer leaves ring. Fighters take positions. REFEREE 1 motions to judges.

BELL CHIMES. Lucky moves from corner and circles to Chris' right. They exchange jabs. Lucky wades in with blows causing Chris to stumble backward. Chris breaks from onslaught. He replies with a powerful left hook. Stoic yet frozen from the hit, Lucky receives lunging punches from Chris. Lucky's back connects with rope. Chris pulverizes Lucky with blows to torso and face. Lucky manages to slide in a jab to The Heat's chin. They lock horns. Referee 1 pulls them off. Both fighters reenter the fury. Straight punches. Hooks. Jabs. Uppercuts. Body hits. Everything and anything, until... Bell RINGS. Chris and Lucky go to respective corners. Cornerman 1 wipes Chris with towel. Chris slurps water. WOMAN (20s) enters ring and exhibits a sign stating "Round 2." She leaves after circling ring. Bell dings. Cornerman 1 places mouthpiece into Chris' mouth. CORNERMAN 1 Go get him! 36.

Chris bursts into action, paying his right arm overtime. As Lucky slides to Chris's left... Chris pulls trump card: STRONG left hook. For icing on cake, Chris delivers a right hook and left uppercut. Lucky holds onto ropes to avoid falling. Chris lights lucky on fire with jabs. Crowd goes insane with exclamation. Last ditch measure, Lucky wraps himself around Chris. Referee pulls them apart. He gives permission to engage. Both boxers prance around each other. Chris releases a fire storm on Lucky. Lucky steps all over, trying to break through. No such luck. The Heat strikes Lucky up and down ring. Lucky shows massive fatigue. Bell Dings. Chris repels from adversary. Announcer jumps into ring. ANNOUNCER 1 Judges have come to unanimous decision. Winning in second round by TKO...Chris "The Heat" van Heerden! Announcer grabs Chris's right arm and slings it into air. Crowd clamors. SUPPORT STAFF from both fighters enter ring. Chris finds microphone in his face. ANNOUNCER 1 (CONT'D) Chris, any thoughts on your first pro boxing success? CHRIS Look, without Jesus, I can't do anything. With him I was able to win today. Prayer is powerful. (MORE) 37.

So powerful. I thank God. I also want to thank my family, especially my dad, for believing in me. He's my rock on this earth. ANNOUNCER 1 Congrats on your first major win. CHRIS Thank you. God bless. Chris pumps a glove into air. Crowd goes wild. He trails toward corner with his group.

INT. NASREC INDOOR ARENA - NIGHT Chris barrels into KEKETSO MATHABA with series of jabs. Mathaba swings right hook which Chris anticipates, ducking. Chris slides in, smashing Mathaba with a right hook. Mathaba stumbles. Chris rams a punch into Mathaba's chin, sending him to ropes.

INT. NASREC INDOOR ARENA - NIGHT - LATER REFEREE 2 holds Chris' arm into air. ANNOUNCER 1 Winner, by unanimous decision, Chris "The Heat" van Heerden! Audience applauds.

INT. DRESSING ROOM - NIGHT Chris bows his head on bench. His gloves cup around his ears. CHRIS God, win or lose, be with me tonight.

INT. NASREC INDOOR ARENA - NIGHT Chris fights MOSES MBOWANE. Moses slips a few jabs past The Heat's defense. 38.

Chris responds with a raging body and head combination, finishing with a crackling punch across Moses's chin. Moses plops onto his back.

INT. NASREC INDOOR ARENA - NIGHT - LATER REFEREE 3 holds up Chris's arm. ANNOUNCER 1 Winning by total knockout in fourth round, Chris "The Heat" van Heerden!

INT. NASREC INDOOR ARENA - NIGHT Chris battles JOHN MOKGOTSA. Mogotsa appears weary with blood patches on face. He retreats to other end of ring. Chris swarms inside with a lethal blows. Mogotsa falls onto back unconscious.

DING DING DING. Chris throws up his arms. Crowd cheers.

INT. TRAINING GYM - DAY Chris pounds away on a punching bag. An INTERVIEWER (female, 30s) and CAMERA OPERATOR (male, 30s) approaches Chris. FEMALE INTERVIEWER Chris, Chris, you got a second? Chris stops punching. He notices microphone. CHRIS I have two. Interviewer giggles, sticking microphone near his mouth. FEMALE INTERVIEWER We want to know what you think about last weekend's fight against Page Tshesane. About the majority decision for a draw. Up until then you were on an eight-fight winning streak. 39.

CHRIS Daylight robbery. One judge considered the fight a draw. I gave it my best. I don't necessarily agree, but hey, win or lose, I'm blessed by God. FEMALE INTERVIEWER How do you reconcile being a Christian with being a boxer? Don't they contradict each other? CHRIS No, no, they compliment one another. No joke. When I step into a ring, I'm giving God the glory. He gave me abilities. If I use them to testify about Jesus, I've done my job. Jesus gave more blood than I'll ever give with my boxing. FEMALE INTERVIEWER Thank you, Chris. CHRIS No worries.

INT. CONFERENCE HALL - DAY Chris sits at a long plastic table with PETER SMITH (40s), all business, chiseled face and dark buzzcut. PHOTOGRAPHS snap. MEDIA PERSONNEL situate themselves in seats. CHRIS (into microphone) Most fighters don’t get a shot for a world title. This is a huge opportunity, and I'm gonna grab it with both hands. MALE JOURNALIST How did your fight last year to Nikola Stevanovic affect you? You hadn't lost until then. CHRIS It was a twelve round split decision. I learned others share different perspectives on my ability. 40.

Another JOURNALIST (male, 20s) stands with tape recorder. MALE JOURNALIST 2 Chris, how do you plan on handling Mabuza? Peter leans into microphone. PETER With his fists. Crowd snickers. CHRIS He'll be getting the heat put on him from round one. My strength is work rate. You'll see heaps of that. Make no mistake, I don't underestimate who I fight. I know Mabuza has been in the ring with good fighters, like Kendall Holt. But I feel this is my time. I'm hungry for victory.

EXT. EMPEROR'S PALACE - NIGHT Establishing. SUPER: IBO Welterweight Title Fight. September 2011.

INT. DRESSING ROOM - NIGHT Chris leans against locker with head low. Peter paces. PETER How much does this title mean to you? CHRIS More than anything, boss. PETER Sure about that? Being found out, Chris lowers his head. Peter sits beside him and imitates the gesture. PETER (CONT'D) Ready when you are. 41.

CHRIS God, I've always needed you. But right now, I really do. Be with me. Keep me focused.

INT. EMPEROR'S PALACE ARENA - NIGHT KAIZER MABUZA (30s) hops up and down. He punches air, yelling. His CORNERMAN pulls off his cape. ANNOUNCER 2 (into microphone) In blue corner, weighing sixty five kilograms. Only one loss and draw in last nine professional matches. WBA Pan African Light Welterweight Title holder. Winner of South African light Welterweight title. In the black trunks, straight from Temba, Gauteng, the one and only...Kaizer "The Animal" Mambuza! Crowd shouts. Whistles. Kaizer performs a combo for crowd. ANNOUNCER 2 (CONT'D) Over in red corner, weighing in at sixty six kilograms. Southpaw from our very own Johannesburg. Coming into contest with sixteen wins, one loss, and one draw, wearing the green trunks, the menacing Chris "The Heat" van Heerden! Crowed shouts. Everyone vacates stage except fighters and STERN REFEREE (50s). STERN REFEREE Nothing below belt. No kidney shots. No head butts. Got it? Fighters nod. STERN REFEREE (CONT'D) Let's box. Referee points to judging area.

DING DING! Chris dodges a few stray blows. 42.

The Animal invades The Heat's space, bringing punches low and high. A left hook spins The Heat's head. Chris bleeds under his right eye. The Heat backtracks from The Animal, deflecting blows. He leaps forward, surprising The Animal with a fierce combo ending with a torso tap. The Animal and The Heat entangle with short bursts, popping each other's torso and head. Referee breaks them apart. STERN REFEREE Alright, alright. Box! Duo jab at safe distance until...

DING DING. They sit. Peter tends to Chris' blood. Chris sips water. Towels off. PETER He likes combos. They'll wear him out. Don't give him an inch. CHRIS Doing my best. PETER Watch those hooks. CHRIS They're predictable. PETER Convince us you're not. Get in tight. Peter departs. Chris bows his head. CHRIS God, help me in this fight. Increase my faith. In Your Son's name, amen. Bell rings. They engage. Wild punches. 43.

Chris throws two hooks from both arms which connect. An uppercut from Chris wows crowd.

SERIES OF SHOTS BOXING WARFARE for next ten rounds. Blood spills from both sides. LATER WOMAN (20s) showcases round twelve. She leaves fight area. Bell rings. Both fighters elevate. EXTREME boxing from both men. Chris almost loses mouthpiece. He uses upper arm to readjust it. He rips into The Animal. The Animal counters with assembly line of rights, leaving Chris reeling. Chris shoots in, pulling off an uppercut before locking around The Animal. Each fighter exchanges blows while inside. Face, torso, and chin. Everything is fair game. At a crescendo... DING DING. Crowd applauds. ANNOUNCER 2 and CREW for both fighters enter ring. ANNOUNCER 2 What an intense battle! Without further delay, coming from judge one, Manny Rimono... one hundred fourteen to one hundred eight. Judge two, George Stevens, one hundred eighteen to one hundred ten. Lastly, judge three, Bob Jacobs, one hundred eleven to one hundred five. Our new IBO welterweight champion by unanimous decision, Chris "The Heat" van Heerden! Claps and cheers take over arena. Referee holds up The Heat's right arm as he jumps up and down. Peter hands Chris the . 44.

Chris holds IBO belt into air. CHRIS Anything is possible with God! Anything!

INT. SANDTON CONVENTION CENTER - NIGHT Chris, wearing grey and black trunks, blood flowing from left eye, battles , a white welterweight. LANKY REFEREE Stop boxing, stop boxing. Chris lunges for Hatton prematurely. LANKY REFEREE (40s) pulls them apart. LANKY REFEREE (CONT'D) Time out, time out. Come here. Both of you. (to Chris) When I say stop boxing, you stop boxing. Okay? Take one step back. They box with a vengeance. Wild throws galore. Time and time again, they HOOK ANTLERS like ANGRY DEER fighting for a mate. In a rhythm, Referee 4 breaks them apart multiple times. Fighters lock together for what seems forever. Break apart. Chris skips forward with Hatton retreating to corner. FINAL body wrap. They break away. Hatton throws a wild right hook, which Chris misses by taking a few steps backward. After a few empty punches...

DING DING DING. Danie and CREW for both fighters invade ring. Video camera settles on Chris. Looking into camera... CHRIS The Lord says, "I will not give you a spirit of fear. But a spirit of power." Chris hugs his father and Peter. 45.

RING - MOMENTS LATER Referee holds fighter's arms. ANNOUNCER 3 Our third judge Mattelo Montelo scores bout one sixteen to one twelve. Your winner, and still IBO welterweight champion of the world, Chris "The Heat" van Heerden! Crowd erupts into cheers. Chris accepts title belt. PHOTOGRAPHERS snap photos in ring.

INT. HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Chris drinks glass of water at table. Phone rings. He picks up at the counter. CHRIS (into telephone) Van Heerden residence. Chris speaking. MICHAEL KING Chris van Heerden. How are you? This is Michael King. You may have heard of me. CHRIS Michael King? Like... the Michael King? MICHAEL KING Afraid so.

INT. HIGH RISE OFFICE - DAY MICHAEL KING (mid-60s), white hair, glasses, black suit with pink collar shirt, sits behind large ornate desk. MICHAEL KING (into phone) Someone I know contacted your trainer. Chris, I've been following your career. Congrats on snagging that IBO championship belt. 46.

CHRIS (V.O.) Thank you, sir. Thank you. A dream come true for me. MICHAEL KING Hey, I think it's time you stepped it up a notch. How does boxing in the sound? INTERCUT - LIVING ROOM and HIGH RISE OFFICE Chris is speechless. CHRIS I... I don't know what to say. MICHAEL KING We'll take care of your legal paperwork. Fly the friendly skies. See you this way soon. I'll be in touch. Michael hangs up. Chris stares at phone.

EXT. HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - DAY Unwrapped gift boxes surround a Christmas tree.

INT. BEDROOM - DAY Chris packs suitcase and a duffel bag. Danie knocks on door post. Chris turns. DANIE Heading off somewhere, champ? CHRIS I want to go to the States. DANIE You should.

EXT. AIRPORT TARMAC - DAY A plane taxis on runway. 47.

INT. JOHANNESBURG AIRPORT - DAY Chris heads for terminal. His father watches him go. DANIE Don't forget who you are. Chris turns. DANIE (CONT'D) And don't forget Him. Danie peeks at ceiling. Chris nods. He pounds his heart. Danie returns gesture in kind. He comes up and hugs his son. CHRIS Bye dad. Chris pulls away. He heads for terminal door, glancing back one final time as he does. Danie waves.

EXT. LAX TARMAC - DAY Plane touches down on tarmac.

INT. LAX AIRPORT - DAY Chris exits terminal tube. He gazes at hordes of people.

INT. LAX AIRPORT - BAGGAGE CLAIM - DAY Chris picks up luggage bag. A woman knocks bumps into his shoulder. Chris swerves around to her. A man in a business suit knocks into his opposite shoulder without acknowledging Chris. Chris looks at the guy moving away. CHRIS Hey! I’m right here! Chris spots two men in business suits, RALPH (30s) and JOE (30s) displaying a sign stating “Chris van Heerden.” Chris salutes the men. 48.

CHRIS (CONT'D) Hi, I'm Chris. Joe steals baggage from Chris, moving for sliding doors. RALPH Welcome to .

INT./EXT. VEHICLE - DAY Chris rides in back seat while Ralph drives. Joe peeks back to Chris. Chris gazes out window at the beach. CHRIS This is unreal. JOE (sarcastic) It's really something.

EXT. APARTMENT BUILDING - DAY Chris, carrying backpack, stops on sidewalk outside office. Ralph motions Chris to go inside.

INT. APARTMENT BUILDING HALLWAY - DAY Chris, Joe, and Ralph stop outside a door. Ralph opens with a key. Chris goes inside.

INT. SMALL APARTMENT - DAY Chris walks down hallway into an open living area with a small kitchen, dirty stove, and an old fridge. No TV. No furniture. Minimalist understatement. RALPH Living room. Kitchen. Ralph ambles to entrance for... BEDROOM Chris squeezes by them into room. A stretcher instead of a bed is in view. 49.

RALPH (CONT'D) Only a stretcher right now. Bed might come later. CHRIS I was told everything would be ready to go. JOE Don't worry. We'll sort it out. CHRIS Fine.

INT. SMALL APARTMENT BATHROOM - DAY Barely fits a toilet, faucet, and shower. After taking in view, Chris spins to the men. CHRIS It'll do.

INT. SMALL APARTMENT LIVING AREA - DAY Chris places IBO belt on a mantle.

EXT. BOARDWALK - DAY Chris types in number on cell phone.

INT. RECEPTION DESK - DAY MINDY (20s), perky, answers phone call. MINDY Good afternoon. King Sports. This is Mindy speaking.

EXT. BOARDWALK - DAY Chris dodges a family coming his way. CHRIS Hi, this is Chris van Heerden. I need to speak with Mister King. MINDY One moment please. 50.

INTERCUT - BOARDWALK and OFFICE Phone call comes in. Michael picks up. MICHAEL KING This is Michael King. CHRIS Hi, Mr. King. This is Chris van Heerden. MICHAEL KING Hey, Chris! How was the flight in? CHRIS Definitely an adventure. MICHAEL KING Good, good. CHRIS Listen, I'd like to know how long I'll have to wait for my paperwork. I can't box without it. MICHAEL KING Hang tight, okay? Hit up training gyms. Get rooted. How's that sound? CHRIS Alright. MICHAEL KING We're on your side. Talk soon, bud! CHRIS Thanks. Chris ends call.

EXT. BEACH - NIGHT Chris lays cross-legged watching sun set.

INT. SMALL APARTMENT BEDROOM - DAY Chris wakes up on stretcher. He picks up laptop. Activates. Opens email. His face transforms into mixture of heartbreak and shock. 51.

ON LAPTOP MONITOR INSERT - EMAIL MESSAGE: "Dear Mr. Chris van Heerden, I am writing to inform you of a change in your champion status. Due to leaving South Africa, you have forfeited the IBO World Title. You may retain the belt, but the title will be transferred to another contender. Thank you for your understanding. Sincerely, Howard Beaker. IBO President. BACK TO SCENE After Chris lays laptop on stretcher, he rushes into living area. He grabs the IBO belt off the mantle, throwing it to across the room. The belt hits the far wall. He storms into bathroom.

INT. BATHROOM SHOWER - DAY Water cascades. Fighting tears, Chris punches shower tiles lightly with both fists. He screams in agony.

INT. SMALL APARTMENT BEDROOM - DAY Chris drops on knees to pray on stretcher, but decides against it before any words leave his lips. With teary eyes, he curls up in fetal position on stretcher.

EXT. BOARDWALK - DAY Chris speaks with IMMIGRATION AGENT (female, 30s) on cell phone while pacing. IMMIGRATION AGENT With a visitor visa, you cannot engage in any professional sports matches. That would be considered legal work. CHRIS My promoter said he is working on a package for me. There must be something you can do. IMMIGRATION AGENT Without a work visa, there is -- CHRIS Yes, yes, I understand. 52.

Chris hangs up.

EXT. BANK ENTRANCE - DAY Chris withdraws money from ATM.

EXT. THE ROCK GYM - DAY Establishing.

INT. THE ROCK GYM - DAY Chris enters to find several HISPANIC MEN and WOMEN training. Everyone stops. Chris scans those eye balling him. As if on cue, everyone returns to training. Chris drops duffel bag near a punching bag. He punches slow, increasing in speed. JIMMY (20s), fellow boxer, struts by Chris. He stops, throwing out a hand. JIMMY Name's Jimmy. Chris shakes Jimmy's hand. CHRIS I'm Chris. JIMMY New around here? CHRIS You could say that. JIMMY Your accent sounds Australian. Where you from? CHRIS South Africa. JIMMY Oh, cool man. Listen, I'm having a few friends over at my pad tonight. Wanna come? Chris considers invite. 53.

EXT. FRIEND'S HOUSE - NIGHT Young 20-somethings hang out in small cliques on front lawn. Most hold beer bottles.

INT. FRIEND'S HOUSE - NIGHT Chris reclines on couch. People play beer pong, smoke marijuana on a nearby couch, and drink all around. Jimmy drops onto couch next to Chris with two beers. JIMMY Want a beer? CHRIS I'm fine. JIMMY Sure? CHRIS Yeah. Jimmy guzzles beer from both bottles. JIMMY More for me. Jimmy leaves couch. Chris tours house as if he's a ghost, watching others party.

INT. FRIEND'S HOUSE - KITCHEN - NIGHT Chris finds people dancing. Some hold beer bottles. As Chris moves past a DANCING WOMAN (20s), beer from her plastic cup spills on his shirt. She lays a hand to her mouth. DANCING WOMAN Oh no! I'm so sorry! Chris puts a hand out. CHRIS It's okay. Chris retreats into living room. He sits back on couch. On shelf, Chris catches sight of a family photo of Jimmy. 54.

INSERT - Jimmy's family photo displaying mother, father, sister, and him. BACK TO SCENE Chris pulls away from stare. His eyes dart around room.

EXT. BANK - DAY Chris touches button on ATM keypad. BEEP erupts. He leans toward screen.

INT. BANK OFFICE - DAY MR. HOLDER (40s) in a three-piece suit types on keyboard. Chris waits in chair across from desk. MR. HOLDER I see. He stops typing, focusing on Chris. MR. HOLDER (CONT'D) Apparently your accounts have been frozen due to frequent international transactions. CHRIS What? MR. HOLDER Very sorry, Mr. Heerden. CHRIS Is there anything you can do? MR. HOLDER Afraid not. Chris stands. He points at the man. CHRIS This is bull crap! You’re greedy criminals! All of you! Chris stomps out of the room.

EXT. FRIEND'S HOUSE - NIGHT Loud techno music plays from speakers. 55.

Chris dances with girl (20s) in living room. It's difficult to tell whether he enjoys or wears a mask. He moves away from dance area to a table with food spread out over the table. He grabs a paper plate and loads food to the brim before securing another plate on top for cover. Jimmy comes over and grabs another beer. JIMMY A little hungry? CHRIS No, no. For someone I know. JIMMY Alright. Cool. Jimmy moves off. Chris maneuvers through the crowd with the plates.

EXT. SMALL APARTMENT BEDROOM - DAY Chris lays on the stretcher. The two plates are on the floor nearby. Only food crumbs remain. His eyes open. He stares at the plates.

EXT. CHURCH BUILDING - DAY Chris halts on sidewalk. Families enter main entrance. FAMILY MAN (30s), with two small children and wife, notices Chris and waves. After returning the wave, Chris retreats in opposite direction on sidewalk. Nobody pays him any attention. Not even a glance.

INT. SMALL APARTMENT BEDROOM - NIGHT Chris lays on stretcher. Cell phone on floor rings. Chris picks up. CHRIS Hello? 56.

EXT. HOUSE BACKYARD - DAY Danie hikes with phone. DANIE Hey son!

INTERCUT - APARTMENT BEDROOM & HOUSE BACKYARD Chris rolls onto his side. CHRIS Hi dad. DANIE How goes the adventure? CHRIS Things are... things are good. DANIE Running and sparring every day? CHRIS Most days. DANIE Gotta stay fit out there. CHRIS Yeah. Yeah, I know. DANIE Something wrong? CHRIS No. I'm good. DANIE Had a dream last night. Very surreal. Me and Nelson Mandela was at a fight in the States. Out from nowhere you came into arena. Carrying a wooden cross around your neck. Muscles ripped. You won the fight. Maybe it means you'll win your next one. CHRIS Maybe. 57.

DANIE Well, keep strong. Talk with you soon. CHRIS Bye dad. DANIE Take care. Love ya. Chris ends call while holding back tears.

INT. SMALL APARTMENT LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Chris departs apartment. He sits against the building and holds out a ball cap to beg. People pass by without giving any notice.

EXT. APARTMENT BUILDING ROOF - NIGHT Chris comes over to ledge. He bends over, staring at the ground. As if coming out from a trance, he jerks his head. He backs away from roof.

EXT. DOWNTOWN STREET - NIGHT Chris lumbers down sidewalk near the beach. He stops by alley. A HOMELESS ALLEY MAN (60s) scavenges for food in dumpster. He tosses leftover food items into a shopping cart. Man catches Chris eavesdropping. HOMELESS ALLEY MAN Find your own dumpster! Chris picks up pace, moving to the end of street overlooking the ocean. He crouches on the sand. He pounds the sand with a fist. Slowly... Then faster. Harder. He screams in agony. Now two fists pound the sand. His fists stop their attack, resting on the sand. He breaks into tears. CHRIS Why?! Why bring me all this way just to spit on my face!? 58.

Chris gazes up to the sky. Wiping tears from his face, Chris grabs sand with both hands. CHRIS (CONT'D) Give me one more chance to glorify you. To share my testimony. Forgive me. Please, God. Sand trickles out from between his fingers.

EXT. DOWNTOWN STREET - NIGHT Very few people are out. Chris parades down sidewalk with newfound energy. No longer a hunchback.

INT. SMALL APARTMENT BEDROOM - NIGHT Chris sleeps. Phone rings. After a few rings, he answers. CHRIS Hello? SHANE Yo Chris! It's Shane! What you up to? CHRIS Oh, hey, I... just finished eating. Long day tomorrow with training. Going to bed soon. SHANE Hey, I'm just around the corner. I haven't seen you in days, man. I'll stick you for Denny's. You game? Chris rustles upright. CHRIS Yes! SHANE See you soon!

EXT. DENNY'S DINER - NIGHT Chris munches down food at booth with SHANE (20s, male, athletic) near window. They share a laugh. 59.

INT. SMALL APARTMENT BEDROOM - NIGHT Chris awakens. He stretches arms.

INT. APARTMENT BUILDING LOBBY - DAY Chris checks mailbox using a key. Package lays inside. He pulls out package. Opens. INSERT - Work Visa and Permanent Resident paperwork. BACK TO SCENE Chris jumps up and down. He cries out in joy. LANDLORD (50s, bald, overweight) encroaches, folding arms. Chris keeps up his happy dance until he spots landlord. He halts. Chris coughs to ease the tension. He motions to paperwork. CHRIS I love getting mail. Landlord grunts before stomping off.

EXT. THIRD STREET PROMENADE - DAY Busy with people in abundance. Chris runs along path. His phone rings. Chris stops to answer. CHRIS Hello? FREDDIE I'm looking for a southpaw. CHRIS Who is this?

INT. WILD CARD GYM - DAY Chris enters to find several men and women training. Nobody pays him any attention. FREDDIE ROACH (50s), white hair and goatee, black-rimmed eyeglasses, stands in a ring with (30s). NEWS REPORTERS and PHOTOGRAPHERS are present. A LIGHTING SETUP shines onto ring. The Heat's eyes go wide. 60.

Freddie motions for Chris to come into ring. Chris steps up through ropes. He shakes Freddie's hand. FREDDIE Hi there, Chris. I'm Freddie. Freddie Roach. Thanks for coming. CHRIS An absolute pleasure, sir. You're a legend. Freddie chuckles. FREDDIE Let's not get carried away. Freddie hands Chris head gear. Chris fits accessory onto his head. Freddie helps Chris put on sparring gloves. FREDDIE (CONT'D) Now, I want you to train with Miguel in a certain way. You're not going to like it. CHRIS How? FREDDIE Arms at your sides. No blocking. CHRIS What? No way. FREDDIE Have a little faith. CHRIS It's my funeral. Freddie pats him on the back. FREDDIE I'll bring flowers. Freddie leaves ring. Miguel psyches himself up in corner, punching the air. Chris leans over corner post. 61.

CHRIS Make my hands quick. My feet light. Grant me a strong performance, Lord. He swings to Miguel. FREDDIE Begin! Adhering to arms at his sides, Chris spars against Miguel. He skips around ring to avoid jabs. Miguel lands a few punches, but not many. OUTSIDE RING Freddie crosses his arms. FREDDIE Step inside, Miguel! RING Miguel moves in for punch. Chris slides to right, hooking Miguel's chin. His arm returns to his side. Chris keeps avoiding jabs from Miguel. He pops Miguel with jabs, never standing still. He boxes like a pro.

RING - LATER Miguel speaks to media. The Heat's feet land on solid ground. Freddie comes up to Chris. FREDDIE Great sparring, young man. Welcome to my gym. If you ever need a trainer, come knock at my door. Chris acts as if he's knocking on a door. CHRIS Knock knock. Freddie chuckles. FREDDIE How does a six week training camp sound? CHRIS Count me in. 62.

INT. SMALL APARTMENT BEDROOM - NIGHT Chris positions himself in child's pose. His forehead rests on his knuckles. CHRIS God, I wouldn't ask unless it was important. Help me with my money situation. Please God.

INT. WILD CARD GYM - RING - DAY Chris punches mitts that Freddie wears. FREDDIE Watch your posture. Chris adjusts his body. Freddie places both mitts toward ground. FREDDIE (CONT'D) Alternating uppercuts. Chris punches mitts with uppercuts in a rhythm.

INT. WILD CARD GYM - DAY - LATER Chris, without gloves, hits a tennis ball attached to a string which connects to a baseball cap he wears backwards. He alternates hitting the ball with both fists.

EXT. PROMENADE - DAY Chris ambles into a circular crowd listening to a COMEDIAN (30s, male) using a microphone. A few onlookers place coins and dollar bills into a bucket. COMEDIAN You know, I'd make meat puns, but I'm afraid to butcher them. You know? Hey, how many millennials does it take to change a lightbulb? Crowd awaits punchline. COMEDIAN (CONT'D) What's a lightbulb? I mean, hey, here's a smart phone with a light! Crowd laughs. 63.

HOMELESS MAN (60s) stumbles through crowd. Comedian points to the man. COMEDIAN (CONT'D) Now that's a gentleman ready for Halloween twenty-four seven. Pretty sure if he was kicking a tomato sauce can right now, and I asked what he was doing, he'd say he was moving. Perfect lifestyle. No taxes. Winter would suck, but hey, it's California. Chris laughs at jokes. Homeless Man approaches Comedian. He takes a quarter from his bag, dropping it into Comedian's bucket. Homeless Man walks away. Everyone watches in awe. Chris takes a few steps towards Homeless Man. Stops. He grimaces. Homeless Man leaves crowd. Sticking hands into his pockets, Chris jogs up to the man on sidewalk. CHRIS Hey sir. Homeless Man turns to Chris. Chris pulls out a dollar bill from right pocket. He hands it to the man. The man accepts the bill, bowing. HOMELESS MAN God bless you. CHRIS Don't thank me. Thank God. Homeless Man smiles. He departs. As Chris swerves to head other way, he comes face to face with PAUL (40s), burly, wearing flannel and jeans. PAUL Chris? CHRIS Paul? 64.

PAUL Good to see you! They shake hands. CHRIS You too. PAUL What are the odds? CHRIS Yeah. I know. PAUL What you doing out here? CHRIS Exploring. Keeping active. PAUL Good call. There's something I've been meaning to tell you. CHRIS You already have. PAUL What? When? An awkward pause. Paul chuckles. He points at Chris. PAUL (CONT'D) Facebook. Right. Well, I really do appreciate how you praise God during those fights. CHRIS Thanks. PAUL Hey, want to go grab some steaks? I'll spot you. CHRIS You don't have to ask twice. Chris and Paul head off.

INT. SUSHI RESTAURANT - DAY Chris and Paul head for a booth. 65.

PAUL My patience for waiting on a table is short and sweet. CHRIS Especially when it comes to steak. Paul laughs. They sit. A WAITRESS (20s, female, asian) hands them menus. Chris puts down menu. He gazes out window. PAUL Something wrong? CHRIS Right before we met, I came up to a homeless guy. Gave him a dollar. There was a voice, inside my head, telling me to give him what I had in my pockets. Thing is, I don't have much. At all. PAUL Family can't help? CHRIS Not really. PAUL They know you're struggling? Chris shrugs. Paul looks off. He sighs, interlocking his fingers. PAUL (CONT'D) Building homes is my passion. I knew I'd start from scratch. Jumped in head first. Never asked for any help. Never looked back. Paul taps table with knuckles. He pulls out checkbook. PAUL (CONT'D) Rumor on street is you need ten thousand dollars for a training camp. CHRIS Rumor on the street? 66.

PAUL Social media. Paul writes out check. He slides it over to Chris. CHRIS Paul, man, that's... you don't -- PAUL No strings attached. Chris inspects. A smile beams. He shakes Paul's hand. CHRIS Thank you. Thank you so much. PAUL My pleasure.

EXT. DOWNTOWN STREET - DAY Chris folds check, placing it in a pocket. CHRIS Thank you, God.

INT. TRAINING CAMP - DAY SERIES OF SHOTS - Chris stretches his right hamstring. - Chris utilizes wall squats with Freddie supervising. FREDDIE Don't peter out. Stay with it! - Chris yells due to the burn. - Chris spars another FIGHTER in ring. - Chris does chair lifts with one leg in air. - Chris runs on treadmill while working eight pound weights. - Chris does push-ups on a mat with a flour bag on his back. Freddie paces around him. FREDDIE (CONT'D) Bag won't lift all by itself! - Chris musters up one final push-up before collapsing. 67.

INT. MADISON SQUARE GARDEN - NIGHT Large crowd around ring. Cheers. Applause.

INT. MADISON SQUARE GARDEN DRESSING ROOM - NIGHT Freddie helps Chris slip on his second . FREDDIE More on the line tonight than a world title. Freddie ties up laces. FREDDIE (CONT'D) This is your final interview. You've been warned.

INT. MADISON SQUARE GARDEN - NIGHT Chris stands in blue corner. CECIL MCCALLA (late 20s), black, stands in red corner. Outside ring, behind Chris, stands Freddie with two CREW MEMBERS (males, 30s). MADISON REFEREE Alright guys, I want a clean fight. Take care of yourself above all else. Ready? Both fighters nod. MADISON REFEREE (CONT'D) Box! Bell dings. Shoe shiners protrude from both fighters. Minimal damage. Cecil rams a hard right into Chris' chin. Chris stumbles back. He resettles, dipping to avoid punches.

OUTSIDE RING CORNER FREDDIE Stick and move, Chris! Stick and move! RING 68.

Chris doesn’t comply, staying in a specific spot. Cecil unleashes a combo on Chris, ending with a left hook to his cheek. Chris hits ropes, tossing up his arms as jabs roll in without mercy.

OUTSIDE RING CORNER Freddie jogs over to side near the fighters. FREDDIE Shoulder roll that sucker! Chris performs a shoulder roll before wrapping around Cecil. They move into center ring. Referee puts a hand on both. MADISON REFEREE Split apart! Split apart! Cecil and The Heat recede. MADISON REFEREE (CONT'D) Box! The Heat slams Cecil with a few connecting jabs. FREDDIE That's it! Yeah! Bell dings. Chris returns to corner. Crew member lays out a stool while other crew member wipes off Chris with a towel. Freddie gives Chris some water. A cut is above Chris' eye. FREDDIE (CONT'D) First round and bleeding already. CHRIS Everyone bleeds. FREDDIE Not you. Stop pulling your punches. Go in full force. You ain't sparring. CHRIS Got it. 69.

FREDDIE Parry. Redirect his punches. CHRIS Okay! I got it! FREDDIE Then do it! Freddie and crew leave ring. Bell dings. The Heat and Cecil hold nothing back. Punches. Jabs. Hooks. Rib shots. They dance like their feet are on fire. FREDDIE (CONT'D) Stick and move! That a boy! Jabs spring from each opponent as they move about ring. Cecil brings in a speedy combo, ending with a right hook. Chris, shaken up, backs off. Cecil throws a few punches, which Chris blocks. FREDDIE (CONT'D) Nice blocking! Yeah! Chris swerves to left, surprising Cecil with strong jab. Cecil and Chris exchange punches back and forth. Bell dings. Fighters head to respective corners. Freddie wipes off blood from Chris's left eyebrow. FREDDIE (CONT'D) This fight is yours. Visualize and execute. Alright? CHRIS He's got a mean punch. FREDDIE You don't? Bell dings. 70.

SERIES OF SHOTS - RING - Cecil keeps Chris hostage in corner. Punch after punch smack into Chris as he holds his mitts up for defense. - Sign displays round 6 to audience. - Chris throws several blows to Cecil's face as they head down ring side. Cecil retaliates with a combo, sending Chris toward ring center. - Sign shows round 10 to audience. - Chris bows his head while on stool in corner. - Chris and Cecil exchange punches. They show signs of fatigue. In final bout, Chris gives Cecil an uppercut which brings him against the ropes. Ding Ding!

INT. MADISON SQUARE GARDEN - NIGHT - LATER Crews for both fighters, ANNOUNCER 4 (40s, male), and referee are inside ring. Announcer holds a paper up to his face. Referee holds up Chris' arm. He pumps air with other arm. ANNOUNCER 4 Coming in with a win by split decision, our new IBF international title world champion, Chris... The Heat... van Heerden! Freddie hugs Chris. FREDDIE I knew you had it, man. I knew it. CHRIS Thanks Freddie. Announcer 4 hands title belt to Chris. He marches to corner and props up on lowest rope, showcasing belt to audience. They cheer in admiration.

INT. MADISON SQUARE GARDEN - HALLWAY - NIGHT Chris, belt around waist, gloves on, walks with Freddie and crew. 71.

Plethora of MEDIA leeches with cameras and microphones encroach. GARDEN SECURITY GUARD 1 and 2 push them back. GARDEN SECURITY GUARD Stay back! NYC JOURNALIST (female, 20s) lunges out with tape recorder. NYC JOURNALIST Chris! Anything to say about the fight!? CHRIS Somebody once said men live lives of quiet desperation. With Jesus, I'm not desperate. I'm fulfilled. Every punch I do, every punch I take, Jesus is with me. He doesn't forsake me. I give it all to him. Praise Jesus. Praise God. Chris breaks through crowd. Freddie, crew, and guards pave way.

INT. WILD CARD GYM - DAY Chris balances on large exercise ball. Several PRETEEN BOYS sit with legs crossed. Freddie loiters nearby, resting against a wall. CHRIS Who likes boxing? Every boy raises a hand. CHRIS (CONT'D) Awesome. Alright. Sweet. Chris touches his temple with a finger. CHRIS (CONT'D) In boxing, you're not fighting the other guy. You're fighting yourself. We beat ourselves up better than anyone else. Mentally. Emotionally. You see, you gotta beat you before you can beat anyone else. Boys chuckle. 72.

CHRIS (CONT'D) Adversity introduces a man to himself. And prayer is important. Helps us overcome demons. I’ve had my share, trust me. Still fighting a few right now. Chris levitates off exercise ball. CHRIS (CONT'D) I'm grateful to Jesus for every opportunity. Without him, I'm nothing. He helps me fight those demons.

INT. COFFEE SHOP - DAY Chris sits at a table surrounded by four BUSINESSMEN in suits. Chris taps pen on a pad of papers. BUSINESSMAN 1 Any questions? CHRIS Do you guys have good connections? For setting up fights? BUSINESSMAN 1 We have a few contacts. CHRIS What's your track record? For helping fighters get in the ring. Things like that. BUSINESSMAN 2 Those statistics can be discussed later. Chris lays pen on paper. CHRIS I don't know. BUSINESSMAN 2 We're out for your best interests. CHRIS Best interests. 73.

BUSINESSMAN 2 Absolutely. We'll even let you borrow from us. Help pay your rent. After each fight you can pay us back. CHRIS Like a loan. BUSINESSMAN 1 More or less. BUSINESSMAN 2 We're the real deal. Guaranteed. Chris picks up pen. He signs on line. Businessman 1 slides paper to himself. Businessman 2 shakes Chris's hand. BUSINESSMAN 2 (CONT'D) Looking forward to working with you. CHRIS Thanks. BUSINESSMAN 2 Tell Freddie we appreciate the referral. BUSINESSMAN 1 We'll be in touch. The men leave the shop.

INT. WILD CARD GYM - DAY Men and women train. RING Freddie lunges out with a wooden baseball bat at Chris' shoulders. While backing up, Chris dips to different sides of the bat in a rhythm. FREDDIE There you go. There you go. Drop those shoulders. Freddie back steps with bat while Chris follows, dipping from side to side. 74.

SERIES OF SHOTS - Chris jumps rope - Chris bench presses. - Chris punches bag with gloves which Freddie holds onto. FREDDIE (CONT'D) Twist your hips more. Chris jabs twice with right then pumps into bag with a left. FREDDIE (CONT'D) Good, good.

INT. TV MONITOR - NIGHT ON SCREEN in boxing attire with names below their images: The Heat and ERROL SPENCE JR. (20s, black). TV SHOW HOST Live tonight from Richo Coliseum in Louisville, ... Chris "The Heat" van Heerden versus Errol "The Truth" Spence Jr. Only one loss between these two men and that was a disputed loss.

EXT. RICOH COLISEUM - NIGHT Establishing. TV SHOW HOST (V.O.) Errol Spence says "Everyone sees me as a top prospect. Hopefully, after this fight, they see me as a contender."

INT. RICOH COLISEUM - DRESSING ROOM - NIGHT Chris sits in chair with three CREW MEMBERS (male, 30s) around him. One crew member laces up a glove. Another member wraps opposite hand. Third crew member holds out a cell phone on speaker. FREDDIE I'm really sick. Sorry, champ. You got this. Just do what I taught you. You'll be fine. 75.

CHRIS Thanks. FREDDIE Best of luck. CHRIS Yeah. Bye. Phone call ends. Crew member places phone in his pocket. CREW MEMBER 1 Sorry, Chris.

INT. RICOH COLISEUM - RING - NIGHT Chris reaches out his glove and touches Errol Spence Jr.'s right glove. REFEREE HUTCHINGS Let's keep this by the books, gentlemen. You both ready? Fighters affirm with a nod. Bell chimes. They scurry back and forth. Light jabs. Spence taps The Heat in the head and gut. Chris bounces off ropes, heading back towards center ring. Spence thumps The Heat with three facial blows. Chris swings a right hook that misses. After a few misses from both fighters, Chris lowers hands. Spence jabs a few times, hitting nothing but air. Chris puts up hands again. Spence lays into Chris with a few jabs. Chris locks up with Spence near ropes. Referee pulls them apart. After Spence punches into The Heat a couple time more... Ten second warning sounds. Fighters go at it. The Heat swings and misses a few times. Bell dings. 76.

Fighters return to their corners. LATER While bent over, The Heat and Spence punch each other in close proximity. They break apart. Spence finds The Heat's chin with a jab. Spence breaks through The Heat's guard, connecting with opponent's face. Chris tries retaliating but it's fruitless. Spence rushes in, giving Chris a gut punch and left hook to his chin. Chris reverses back after the blast. Crowd rails "ooooohhhhhh." Spence succeeds with multiple jabs. The Heat can't connect any punches. Spence jabs twice with right then power punches with left. Chris stands up straight with arms at his sides, wiggling out of most recent bout. Crowd reacts with shouts. Spence smacks Chris lightly in stomach. After a few more attempts from both parties... Round ends. Fighters head to their corners. RICOH CORNERMAN (50s, male, black) inspects Chris's eye. RICOH CORNERMAN Left eye ain't looking good. CHRIS I'll deal with it. Crew member puts Chris' mouth guard back in.

DING. Fighters swing back and forth. During skirmish, Chris loses his mouth guard. REFEREE HUTCHINGS Time! Time out! Referee ushers Chris to his corner. Crew member inserts another mouth guard. 77.

Fight restarts. The Heat receives a hard punch, snapping his head back. He returns a punch. Spence breaks through in a combo to The Heat's torso and head. Chris locks up with Spence. Referee breaks them apart. Again, Chris can only guard powerful incoming punches. He locks horns with Spence again. They move across ring. Referee intervenes. REFEREE HUTCHINGS (CONT'D) Step back. Step back. Step back. Let it go, Chris. Let it go. Box! Chris skips backwards, guarding intense punches from Spence. He collides with ropes. He throws a right hook that Spence blocks with his left hand. Spence pounds into flesh. Chris can't shake him. The Heat manages to slip in a stomach punch. Spence lights him up with a few more jabs before... End of round. RING CORNER Spence receives water from cornerman DERRICK JAMES (black, 40s). LATER Bell dings. Fighters engage in ferocious battle. Chris taps Spence in the head a few times. Spence forces The Heat into corner, throwing power punch after power punch. The Heat's mouthpiece flies out of his mouth. Chris emerges from corner and bouts with Spence for a few seconds. REFEREE HUTCHINGS Time! Time! Referee splits fighters apart. Spence heads over to a corner to wait. 78.

Referee ushers Chris to his corner. Cornerman puts another mouthpiece into The Heat's grill. REFEREE HUTCHINGS (CONT'D) Listen, listen. This is important. Minus one point. Okay? Chris nods. Referee moves to ring center. REFEREE HUTCHINGS (CONT'D) (to Chris) Stay right here. (to judge) One point. Mouthpiece. (to second judge) One point. Mouthpiece. (to third judge) One point. Mouthpiece. Referee claps his hands and motions for them to restart. REFEREE HUTCHINGS (CONT'D) Let's go! Chris surprises Spence with two jabs to the face. Spence retaliates with several jabs and an impacting left rear punch. Chris wraps around Spence to avoid further damage. They pull away. Spence smacks The Heat around the kitchen with a couple punches. Bell dings. Round is done.

SPENCE'S RING CORNER Derrick leans in front of Spence. DERRICK JAMES He'll stop the fight cause of jabs. We need more jabs! Bust him up! Make him react!

THE HEAT'S RING CORNER Chris towels off. Drinks some water. Crew member gives medical attention to cut above his left eye. 79.

RICOH CORNERMAN Stop throwing punches in the center. Stay out on the sides. Move your head! Watch his jabs! RING Spence pierces flesh with sharp jabs. Body shots pound The Heat. Chris brings Spence against ropes. He slings jabs here and there, but mainly keeps up his guard. Spence has a hard time connecting. Chris keeps throwing, tapping Spence's face, neck, and body. Ding ding. RING Spence throws a mean left power punch, sending Chris to opposite side of ring. After recuperating, The Heat replies with a combo of swings, uppercuts, and jabs. Spence forces The Heat near the ropes. He breaks through The Heat's gloves, delivering jab after jab. After a crunching shot to The Heat's face, Chris replies with a right hook, forcing Spence to backtrack. The Heat drops his guard and performs his signature wiggle. Spence moves back inside. The Heat throws up his guard. The Heat breaks away from being caged. After a few jabs back and forth the bell rings. Fighters repel from one another.

THE HEAT'S RING CORNER Crew member applies aid to The Heat's cuts. RICOH CORNERMAN Stay strong, Chris. CHRIS He's quick. Strong. RICOH CORNERMAN Let him know how quick and strong you are. Do it, man. RING 80.

The Heat pulls off a few jabs. Spence showcases a few uppercuts and jabs. They move to ring side. Both inside, they share jabs and swings as if playing tag. Spence lands a right pile driver to Chris' chin, followed up by a vicious left hook. Chris lands on his knees. His head rests on his right arm. Referee kneels by Chris. REFEREE HUTCHINGS Five, six, seven, eight... Chris rises. He moves for corner. REFEREE HUTCHINGS (CONT'D) You okay? CHRIS Yeah, yeah. REFEREE HUTCHINGS Box! Spence lays into Chris, peeling him with punches. They move to opposite corner where Spence shatters The Heat's stomach. Chris drops onto one knee. REFEREE HUTCHINGS (CONT'D) One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine... Chris gets up. REFEREE HUTCHINGS (CONT'D) You okay? Chris nods. REFEREE HUTCHINGS (CONT'D) Okay. Time out. (To Chris) Stand over there. Chris wobbles to corner. Spence goes to opposite corner. A crew member redoes the tape on Spence's left glove. 81.

REFEREE HUTCHINGS (CONT'D) Time in. Box! A hard left punch from Spence crunches The Heat's chin. Ten second tap sounds out. Chris heads to corner since he thought it was the bell. Spence follows him over. Chris swerves around quickly to find Spence. After a few empty jabs the bell dings. Fighters go to respective corners.

THE HEAT'S RING CORNER Crew member places a cold pack on the back of Chris' neck. Another member squirts water into his mouth. Crew member puts ice pack on his nearly closed left eye. RICOH CORNERMAN Come on, Chris. Come on, man. You're in great shape, man. You gotta push. You gotta give it to him. REFEREE HUTCHINGS You wanna stop? CHRIS No. REFEREE HUTCHINGS Are you sure? CHRIS No. I'm good. RICOH CORNERMAN You gotta dig. Stay off them ropes! Ding ding. RING Jabs galore. Both fighters give the fight their all. Chris throws a roundhouse which knocks out Spence's mouthpiece. REFEREE HUTCHINGS Time! Time! Spence receives another mouthpiece in his corner. He jogs to opposite corner. 82.

REFEREE HUTCHINGS (CONT'D) Time in! Box! The Heat lands a strong left hook and a few jabs to Spence in ring center. Spence pushes The Heat onto the ropes and, keeping inside, brings fury with punches. Referee intervenes and pulls Chris away, ending the fight. REFEREE HUTCHINGS (CONT'D) That's it. That's it. Crowd applauds. Chris goes over and hugs Spence. He puts up Spence's left hand for crowd to see. Chris moves to corner. MOMENTS LATER Crew members congregate inside ring. ANNOUNCER 6 Winner by TKO. Still undefeated. Errol "The Truth" Spence, Jr.! Referee raises Errol's right hand into the air.

INT. RICOH COLISEUM - DRESSING ROOM - NIGHT Crew take off Chris' gloves. He looks as if he's in a trance.

INT. RICOH COLISEUM - DRESSING ROOM - NIGHT - LATER All alone, Chris looks around the room. He grabs a glove from off the bench. He yells, throwing the glove at a locker. Chris bows his head in defeat.

INT. HOTEL ROOM - DAY Chris lays on bed with electronic tablet in his lap. CHRIS (into tablet) Hi dad. DANIE Hey son. 83.

CHRIS Did you watch? INTERCUT - Chris and TABLET VIDEO SCREEN DANIE Yeah. CHRIS Dad, I had a bad feeling in my gut. Freddie couldn't make it. They told me I was one kilo over limit. So last night I ran twenty kilometers. I... I felt alone. DANIE Were you really alone? Chris shakes his head, understanding.

INT. LA HOSPITAL HALLWAY - DAY Chris, carrying a pair of boxing gloves, with three crew members, strolls down hallway. Chris almost walks past a room he glances into. He backs up and peeks inside. He decides to enter. Crew members serve as sentries outside room.

INT. HOSPITAL ROOM - DAY Chris comes up to LILY (8), bald, in hospital gown, who lays on a bed. Girl's MOTHER (30s) and FATHER (30s) rest in chairs on opposite side. They watch Chris with alarm. CHRIS Hi, my name's Chris. I'm a boxer. MOTHER Clearly. FATHER What do you want? CHRIS Is this your daughter? MOTHER What's it to you? 84.

CHRIS Could I speak with her? Mother and father exchange glances. FATHER About what? CHRIS About me. Father exchanges a glance with his wife. He purses his lips. FATHER Sure. Chris sits in chair near Lily. He places gloves on bed. CHRIS Hi. What's your name? LILY Lily. Your name is Chris? CHRIS That's right. He looks over to cameras flashing. CHRIS (CONT'D) Guys, cool it. Have a little respect. Media departs. Chris returns focus to Lily. CHRIS (CONT'D) I'm a boxer. Know what that is? LILY You hit people. On TV. Chris chuckles, as does the father. The mother looks at her husband like he's on dope. CHRIS Yes, I do. But always with gloves on. Chris leans forward in chair. 85.

CHRIS (CONT'D) Lily, I've only met my real mom once. She told me I had a kidney problem as a baby. After I was born, I was kept in the hospital for about six months. My mom also told me she had a certificate. LILY Certificate? CHRIS A paper. On the paper, it says I'd never be able to play any contact sports. Because of a kidney operation. Zero. None. I've played many sports. Rugby, soccer. For many years I've been a boxer. LILY Was the paper wrong? Chris nods. CHRIS We are worth a lot more than what's printed on a paper. Chris looks at the parents who are now in awe. CHRIS (CONT'D) With God all is possible. We can put our hope in him. Father steps out from chair. FATHER You need to go. Now. CHRIS One more thing. Father puts hands on his hips. DISSOLVE TO:

INT. HOSPITAL ROOM - DAY - MOMENTS LATER Wearing boxing gloves, Lily punches Chris in face while he leans over bed. She giggles. CHRIS Nice jab. 86.

Chris laughs. Father and mother smile on. A tear slides down mother's cheek.

INT. WILD CARD GYM - DAY Chris maneuvers around those exercising. He enters...

INT. WILD CARD GYM - OFFICE - DAY Chris taps on open door. Phone against his ear, Freddie motions for Chris to sit. FREDDIE (into phone) Sure, sure. Yeah. Boxing with a broken hand is not recommended. Okay. Bye. Freddie puts up phone. He leans back in chair. Sighs. FREDDIE (CONT'D) How you doing, Chris? CHRIS Fine. You? FREDDIE Listen... I really wish I could have been there. My neurological condition got all fuzzy. Out of sync. Chris leans against wall, nodding. Huffs. CHRIS I should have said no. FREDDIE Pride is a dangerous thing. CHRIS True. Yeah. Freddie awaits punchline. He holds out his arms. FREDDIE Are we good? 87.

CHRIS We're done. Freddie stands. CHRIS (CONT'D) No hard feelings. FREDDIE Sometimes things don't work out. CHRIS I respect you, Freddie. Always will. FREDDIE Right back at you. They shake hands. CHRIS Thanks for everything. FREDDIE Pleasure was all mine. Chris moves for door. CHRIS Can I still train here? FREDDIE What do you think? Chris smiles. CHRIS Thanks. He departs office.

INT. WILD CARD GYM - DAY Chris spars another FIGHTER (burly, male, 40s) in ring. Fighter swings a hook into The Heat's chin. JULIAN It's called peripheral vision for a reason! Chris backs off the fighter. 88.

CHRIS Time out. Time. Fighter recedes to ring corner. Chris spots JULIAN CHUA (30s) with arms crossed. He's a muscular asian man with a courageous heart and selfless spirit. Chris moves through area. JULIAN Move those daddy long-legs. Julian dances like a stiff robot. JULIAN (CONT'D) Mister Roboto wants his body back. Stay loose. CHRIS Julian? JULIAN Guilty as charged. Chris steps out from ring. CHRIS Nice to finally meet you. JULIAN Same to you, bro. They shake hands. JULIAN (CONT'D) Shall we get to it? INSIDE RING Julian spars Chris. JULIAN Keep them arms up. CHRIS I'm quick. Julian jabs Chris. JULIAN Apparently not quick enough. 89.

Chris puts up arms to block. He blocks a few jabs, but one comes through the center and connects with his chin. JULIAN (CONT'D) An opponent will always try to force through. Make sure they don't.

INT. WILD CARD GYM - DAY - LATER Chris performs wide push-ups along with Julian. JULIAN Switch to military style. Chris brings his arms in closer.

EXT. DOWNTOWN SIDEWALK - DAY Chris and Julian jog. Chris imitates Julian, punching the air in a pattern.

INT. COFFEE SHOP - DAY Julian and Chris recline at a table with coffees. JULIAN Six brothers and six sisters? Wow. Christmas must have been fun. You guys have a pet lion growing up? Chris laughs. CHRIS No pet lions. Only giraffes. JULIAN I'm a Filipino from Indiana. No lions were running around my neighborhood. CHRIS I was told you train everyone. Celebrities. Teens. Kids. Everything in-between. JULIAN Sure do. Yeah. 90.

CHRIS I also heard you had a shot at the Olympics once. JULIAN Once. CHRIS What happened? JULIAN I had some injuries. Surrendered to what all happened. Realized I could still train. Became a boxing coach. Short version. CHRIS Must have been tough. JULIAN It was, it was. Thankful for the time I could fight. See, my mom was into health. Didn't want me near a gym growing up. My dad, well, him and I would watch boxing on the tube. CHRIS My dad and me did the same. JULIAN Cool, so, yeah. One day I came home busted up. She found out I was boxing. Punished me by saying I couldn't go back to the gym. CHRIS Did you? JULIAN No. CHRIS I would have went back. They laugh. JULIAN What a surprise.

INT. LOFT - NIGHT Julian and Chris mingle amongst a crowd of HIPSTERS. 91.

JULIAN Lots of people in the industry here. CHRIS Oh yeah? FRANK (30s), suave, in a white suit, holding a bottle of champagne, slinks up to Chris and Julian. FRANK Julian, looking dashing as ever. JULIAN Hey Frank. Julian and Frank shake hands. JULIAN (CONT'D) Frank, this is Chris "The Heat" van Heerden. Chris, Frank Castlebar. Big time boxing promoter. FRANK Don't butter me up too much. JULIAN Chris, I'm gonna check out the food. Be back in a sec. CHRIS Alright. FRANK Chris van Heerden. The Heat. Yes, I know who you are. Up and coming. From South Africa? Am I right? CHRIS You are. FRANK Of course. FRANK (CONT'D) I've watched a few fights of yours. Wicked skills. Flare for the dramatic at times, but hey, who doesn't love drama? Am I right? CHRIS Sure. 92.

FRANK One criticism. Stomp on the brakes when it comes to preaching about Jesus. On camera, very tacky. Makes people uncomfortable. CHRIS All due respect, sir, I'd feel uncomfortable not talking about Him. FRANK What did He save you from? CHRIS My sins. Being alone. Feeling lost. Frank purses his lips, speechless. CHRIS (CONT'D) Excuse me. Chris dashes away from Frank, leaving him hanging.

EXT. LOFT BUILDING - NIGHT Chris and Julian head into the night. CHRIS I want you to come. You can meet my family. Where I grew up. See hippos, lions, hyenas. All of it. Julian laughs. JULIAN I'll think about it, man. I'm pretty busy. CHRIS Just let me know. Either way.

EXT. AIRPORT TARMAC - DAY Plane touches down.

EXT. HOUSE - DAY Chris steps up to door. Knocks. Danie opens up. He smiles. 93.

DANIE Chris? CHRIS Hi, dad. Danie gives his son a bear hug.

EXT. BACKYARD - DAY Danie cooks boerewors and rump steaks on barbecue. Chris loiters nearby with a drink. Closing lid, Danie comes up to Chris. DANIE Like old times. CHRIS Feels like a lifetime ago. Chris swigs his drink. DANIE Still downing cream soda like it's going out of style. CHRIS Once a kid always a kid. Danie chuckles. DANIE WBA Pan African title match. Sounds promising. CHRIS One week from today. DANIE Better hit the slopes. Prime those feet. CHRIS After you.

EXT. HIPPO QUARRIES - DAY Chris runs with his dad up a hill. They rest up at the top. CHRIS Losing to Spence wasn't all bad. 94.

Chris takes in the sun. DANIE Unrealistic expectations don't help anyone. Comes down to acceptance. Acceptance of yourself. CHRIS What if I can't? DANIE In prison, I had to show respect. To guards. Prisoners. Myself. First and foremost, God. He's here, Chris. With you. Right now. Always has been. CHRIS Do you ever think about the man you killed? DANIE You think about the man who sacrificed his life for you? Guilty as charged, Chris nods, understanding the witty reply. Danie pats his son on the back.


INT. EMPEROR'S PALACE ARENA - NIGHT Large crowd forms around ring.

INT. EMPEROR'S PALACE DRESSING ROOM - NIGHT COLIN NATHAN (30s) helps Chris wrap up his hands. Danie stands nearby. CHRIS Thanks for being here. COLIN Happy to assist. You feeling okay? CHRIS Crowds here are different than the States. People know me. 95.

COLIN I don't know. I get the feeling not everyone liked you leaving the country. DANIE He's good, Colin. CHRIS I do not look back. COLIN When you step into that ring, you'll be tempted to.

INT. EMPEROR'S PALACE ARENA - NIGHT Near ring, two TV COMMENTATORS (male, 50s) talk into microphones. A video camera records them. TV COMMENTATOR 1 Welcome to battle of the southpaws. We are here at the Emperor's Palace in Johannesburg. South Africa's own Chris "The Heat" van Heerden will be taking on Nambian boxer Sacky "Izinyoka" Shikukutu. They will be fighting for the WBA Pan African Welterweight title. TV COMMENTATOR 2 Now this is Shikukutu's largest fight by far. He told us earlier he knows the South Africans will cheer for their boxer, but he won't let that intimidate him since he knows what he wants and how to get it. Sacky comes into this contest with four straight wins. TV COMMENTATOR 1 It has been over three years since The Heat fought in his home country. Last time he fought here was for the IBO title belt, which he was forced to give up. TV COMMENTATOR 1 (CONT'D) Half a year ago he defeated Steve Clagget, a Canadian boxer, in Las Vegas, winning by majority decision. 96.

TV COMMENTATOR 2 Van Heerden is an interesting guy. Deeply religious. Dedicated to God. Beats guys to a pulp when required. I don't get it. Commentators laugh. TV COMMENTATOR 1 I know! Strange paradox!

INT. EMPEROR'S PALACE ARENA - AISLE - NIGHT Chris marches for ring with two VUSI MTOLO (30s), BERNIE PAILMAN (30s) and Colin. TV COMMENTATOR 2 Adding up not fighting here in over three years, the risk of losing in front of many fans after what happened with his title, yeah, he's got a few things on the line. TV COMMENTATOR 1 If he crumbles, he'll have lost on three continents, technically speaking. TV COMMENTATOR 2 Ouch. Well, both fighters are veterans. Should prove interesting. Chris steps into ring. SACKY SHIKUKUTU (20s, bald, black), wearing a Muhammad Ali white t-shirt and colorful cap, practices by punching into the air.

INT. EMPEROR'S PALACE ARENA AUDIENCE - NIGHT Chris' brothers Ethan, Calvin, and Tim (20s) watch from seats near the ring. SHOT of Peter Smith in audience.

INT. EMPEROR'S PALACE ARENA - RING - NIGHT Sacky settles down as SBK KAPERU, IMMS MOSES (30s, black), and JOSEPH ANDINDI (black, 30s) gather around him. Joseph pulls off Sacky's t-shirt. 97.

JAAP VAN NIEWENHUIZEN, (40s), the referee, heavyset, bald with a white mustache, paces around ring. ECCENTRIC ANNOUNCER grabs microphone. ANNOUNCER 7 (into microphone) In the black corner, coming in with twenty-two wins, three losses, and one draw. Hailing from Namibia. Weighing in at sixty-six point forty five kilograms. Another raging southpaw, the current IBO All-Africa champion and the current interim WBO Africa champion, please welcome to South Africa and Emperor's Palace...Sacky "Izinyoka" Shikukutu! Sacky lays his left arm sideways while resting his right elbow on his left boxing glove, forming a "snake." Danie, a BLACK MAN (40s), and a WHITE MAN (40s) each hold up one of The Heat's championship belts while in the ring. ANNOUNCER 7 (CONT'D) (into microphone) Out of the blue corner corner, at sixty-six point fifty-five kilograms. He boxes in the white trunks with gold trim. A fierce and determined southpaw from our own backyard in Johannesburg. Now fighting out of Santa Monica, California. South Africa's prospect of the year in 2007. Former WBC Welterweight champion, former ABU and South Africa Welterweight champion, former IBF International Champion, and the former IBO welterweight champion of the world. Undefeated on South African soil. He makes a return to his country of birth after three years challenging overseas. Coming in with twenty-four wins, two losses, and one draw, the mighty Chris "The Heat" van Heerden! Chris raises arms into air. Crowd cheers and claps. Jaap ushers Chris and Sacky close to each other. They stare into one another's eyes before retreating to their corners with their crew. 98.

Sacky's two crew members, Vusi, Bernie, announcer, Danie, and the two men leave ring. Jaap motions for the boxers to commence. Both fighters CLASH with tenacity. Sacky throws several wild roundhouse punches. Fighters entangle. Sacky punches into The Heat's ribs. While backing up, Chris lands a double tap to Sacky's face. Sacky pushes The Heat into the ring corner. He fires off a right roundhouse, which The Heat ducks. Sacky loses his balance, falling on his back. He rises and resumes fight. Jabs go back and forth. Chris pulls back into ring corner as Sacky misses several hits. They wrap up. Fighters break apart. Both land a few swings to each other's face before... Bell dings. Chris sits on his stool. Colin and Bernie pounce into ring. Bernie wipes Chris' forehead with latex gloves on. He gives Chris water. COLIN Look, I'm happy. But dig in. Stay focused. Put some shoulder in your jab. CHRIS Got it. COLIN Jab and move. Get in there. Colin and Bernie depart ring. Chris lowers his head. CHRIS God, help me to persevere. Bell dings. Sacky and The Heat grapple in close quarters for most of round. Both find open spots to punch. 99.

Jaap breaks them apart toward end of round. Sacky throws an uppercut, missing the mark. Chris steps in, landing a scathing blow with a right jab. Bell chimes. Chris and Sacky move to their corners. SHOT OF Danie in audience.

THE HEAT'S RING CORNER Colin sits in front of Chris while Bernie tends to Chris' face. COLIN I like what I'm seeing. Especially with the right hook. But stay off them ropes. The guy is a mauler. Don't let him inside. RING Chris and Sacky punch one another back and forth. Sacky forces Chris to ropes. He swings a left hook, which Chris backs up from, hitting ropes. Sacky follows up with a right roundhouse, smacking Chris hard. Chris breaks in with a few swings. COLIN (CONT'D) Get out of there, Chris! They wrap up. Jaap pulls them apart. Sacky lunges in again. They entangle. Both find hits with light jabs. Chris connects with three punches before bell resonates. SUPER: Round 4. INTENSE JABS from Sacky and Chris. The Heat gives a low punch. Jaap motions that the punch was too low. The Heat gets in a final jab before bell dings. 100.

THE HEAT'S RING CORNER Bernie gives Chris some water. Colin puts an ice pack against Chris' chin. COLIN What's wrong, man? CHRIS Nothing. COLIN Nothing? CHRIS Yeah. COLIN You are making friends with the ropes. Don't think so much. Trust your gut. SUPER: Round 5. Chris evades Sacky's punches by moving around ring. The Heat catches Sacky with two left hooks spaced a few moments apart. Sacky pulls back. Chris pummels Sacky with several three jab combinations. SHOT OF Danie in audience.

THE HEAT'S RING CORNER Bernie brushes a blood patch off Chris. SACKY'S RING CORNER Imms gives Sacky water. SBK crouches in front of him. SBK KAPERU He's tall. Likes empty space. Keep moving inside. Break him down. SACKY Alright. RING 101.

SUPER: Round 6. Chris reaches out with empty jabs. Sacky dances to his blind side and pulls off two punches. Chris almost loses his footing, regaining his balance. They interlock, jabbing with limited space available. They push from one side of ring to the other. While in close, Chris manages to uppercut Sacky twice in corner. He keeps Sacky in corner until bell dings.

THE HEAT'S RING CORNER Colin bends over in front of Chris. COLIN You want this? CHRIS Doing my best, mate. COLIN Show us some heat. The past is long gone. Colin returns mouthpiece into The Heat's mouth. Bell dings. RING SUPER: Round 7. Shots land from both fighters. Crowd roars. The Heat throws in several jabs. Sacky can't connect at all. Ten second warning sounds. The Heat keeps up the jabs, forcing Sacky into the corner. Bell rings.

SACKY'S RING CORNER Trainer places ice pack on Sacky's eyebrow. 102.

SACKY'S TRAINER Keep throwing punches. Keep moving. Hit him hard. Hang in there. SACKY Yes sir.

THE HEAT'S RING CORNER Bernie wipes blood from The Heat's brow. COLIN This is your time. Got it? Chris affirms he understands. SERIES OF SHOTS - Ring - Chris plants several body blows to Sacky, bringing him to ropes. He ends with a strong right jab into Sacky's face. - Sacky lunges at Chris with a right jab. Chris pulls back to opposite corner.

THE HEAT'S RING CORNER Bernie tends to a cut near Chris' right eyebrow COLIN Hey, you're boxing now. Come on. Don't fall asleep. You want to win this fight? CHRIS You know I do. COLIN Then let's go. Four rounds left. SERIES OF SHOTS - RING - Chris taps Sacky twice. They hit one another in face at same time. Crowd goes wild. - Chris blocks a few head shots. He leans in and punishes Sacky with two face punches. - Sacky and Chris interlock, punching one another in ribs. They separate. Chris taps Sacky with three jabs in corner. - Chris turns his back to Sacky. He returns to face him. 103.

JAAP Don’t turn around! - Sacky and Chris tangle up. Chris pulls out and unleashes three successful jabs. - Danie and brothers jump from seats in hysterics. - Sacky smashes Chris with a powerful punch. Chris replies with a series of punches to Sacky's gut and face. Bell dings. RING WOMAN (20s) showcases "Round 12" on poster.

THE HEAT'S RING CORNER Bernie tends to Chris' eyebrow. Colin sticks his body through ropes next to Chris. COLIN Okay, listen to me. Listen to me. Listen to me. Don't get cocky. Don't let him take it from you. Box, box, box. Hard jabs. Colin retreats through ropes. Bernie and woman depart ring. Bell dings. RING Chris and Sacky bring their remaining gusto. Jabs. Hooks. Haymakers. Body shots. Sacky can't land anything. Chris raises both his arms into the air. Sacky lunges in with a punch. The Heat dodges to the right. Chris shifts to Sacky's blind side. He fires a sharp punch into Sacky's left cheek. 104.

In remaining final seconds, Chris and Sacky tangle up. Jaap breaks them apart. Bell dings. Chris places both gloves on Sacky's shoulders. He says something to Sacky MOS. Colin, Bernie, and Danie, Joseph, Sacky's crew and PHOTOGRAPHER (60s, male) invade ring. SHOT OF Danie clapping in audience. Colin hugs Chris. Chris poses in a fight stance for photographer. CHRIS (to video camera) I will fall. I will stand up. The haters motivate me. I don't hate, baby. I kill them with humbleness. I will fall. I will rise again. Crew members from both teams shake hands. ANNOUNCER 5 (into microphone) Ladies and gentleman, we have been given the final scorecards. From judge Sean Lain, scored the fight one one seven, one one one. Judge Charney also scored the fight one one seven, one one one. And judge Thomas Vanpool scored the fight one one eight, one one zero. Jaap holds up The Heat's right hand. ANNOUNCER 5 (CONT'D) The new WBA Pan Africa Welterweight title champion... Chris "The Heat" van Heerden! Chris hugs Sacky. CHRIS Good job, mate. SACKY You too man. Congrats. Crew member puts belt on Chris. 105.

BRAD (40s), three-piece suit, comes up to Chris with microphone. BRAD Chris, another fantastic victory. Let's talk about the fight. First four rounds, it started out close. You were going toe to toe with him. Very close fight. Then you changed your strategy. Started standing tall around round five. Tell us about the fight. CHRIS Brad, first of all, thank you Jesus Christ for this opportunity. In the name of the Lord, I've done this. I knew Sacky would come out strong. Come out wild. In the first few rounds Sacky landed a few good shots. I acknowledged his power. But my coach told me to go back to what I do best. Boxing.

EXT. DURBAN BEACH - DAY Chris and Danie lounge on sand watching the waves. Chris notices a FATHER jogging alongside his SON (8 years old). Chris beams at watching the man jog with his son. CHRIS Those cold winter mornings. Running on the highway. Always staring at the boot. Never could get past you. Danie chuckles. CHRIS (CONT'D) I hated doing it. DANIE I know. CHRIS Now I'm grateful. Grateful you took the time for us. For me. DANIE Running past the car was never the goal. 106.

Chris smiles. CHRIS I once thought Jesus was my foundation. Boxing, above and beyond. Now I know boxing is my foundation. So that I can spread the gospel of Christ. DANIE Don't hold back.

EXT. HIPPO QUARRIES - DAY Chris races up hill. He stops at an overlook, scanning surroundings. Looking up to the heavens, he closes his eyes. Breathes in deep. Exhales. Chris runs down a hill he's travailed many times before.

INT. O.R. TAMBO AIRPORT - DAY Danie hugs Chris. DANIE This never gets any easier. They pull out from hug. DANIE (CONT'D) Call when you land. If you can. CHRIS Will do. DANIE Love you, son. Always. CHRIS Love you too, dad. Chris saunters off. Danie watches him go.


INT. APARTMENT BUILDING HALLWAY - NIGHT Chris rolls luggage to his door. He opens, entering...

INT. APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Chris sets down his luggage. He plops onto couch, exhausted. A cardboard box in the room has the IBO belt sticking out. Chris sets the belt on top of a bookshelf. He studies the placement with pride.

EXT. LOCAL PARK - DAY SUPER: 18 Months Later. Chris strolls on walking track. CHRIS (into phone) I believe I'm ready from Schwarzkopf.

EXT. ACREAGE - NIGHT Danie rests against a tree in backyard. DANIE (into phone) You sound like it. INTERCUT - Chris on WALKING TRACK and Danie OUTSIDE HOUSE DANIE (CONT'D) I'm honored to be your dad. Every day. Chris stops his trek. CHRIS Daddy, without you... I wouldn't be here. Danie smiles. DANIE Go with God tonight. Good-bye, son. CHRIS Bye dad. Chris hangs up. 108.

Danie lays phone on grass. He gazes into the night sky.

INT. KFC YUM! CENTER - NIGHT SUPER: Round 10 of 10. The Heat and TIMO SCHWARZKOPF (late 20s) wrap around each other in close quarters. Chris unleashes shots to Timo's head, culminating in a powerful body dig. He circles Timo, landing several jabs. Chris comes near ropes. Timo gives a wild gut swing, missing. He ends up wrapping his right arm around The Heat's neck who's bent over. He punches The Heat with his free left. KC REFEREE (40s, black) steps in to break it up. KC REFEREE No, no, no, no, no, no. Fighters break away. KC REFEREE (CONT'D) Go! Chris lands several head shots from different angles. Ten second warning sounds. Chris throws a straight punch straight into Timo's grill. He misses two jabs. Fighters WRAP UP. Chris lands a bottom left torso shot. Timo charges on The Heat with two wild lunging swings before entangling again. Bell dings. KC Referee ushers Chris to his ring corner. KC REFEREE (CONT'D) Okay, okay, okay. Chris lays arms on top rope. Julian gives Chris water from a bottle. Crew member and Julian untie The Heat's gloves. Chris had a bloody cut leading downward from his right eye. After gloves are off, Chris approaches Timo. They hug. Timo shakes hands with The Heat's crew. 109.

DAVE (announcer, tuxedo, 40s) approaches center ring with microphone and papers. KC Referee grabs Timo and The Heat's wrists, banging them together. He holds both their arms as... DAVE Ladies and gentleman, after ten rounds of action we head to the judge's scorecards. Ken Hendrickson, Kermit Bayless, and Amy Evans all score this bout ninety-eight to ninety-two. Chris Telus and Max Deluca both scored this bout ninety-seven to ninety- three. Your winner, by unanimous decision, Chris "The Heat" van Heerden! Crowd cheers. Chris pumps both arms into the air. He lightly hugs Timo. He taps Timo's right knuckles with his own. Chris shakes hands with three of Timo's CREW MEMBERS. Chris approaches EVANDER HOLYFIELD. Evander places a medal around his neck. He shakes The Heat's hand. Chris comes up to COREY REDMON (30s) who holds a microphone. COREY REDMON (into microphone) Congrats, Chris. After a significant layoff you threw a lot of punches. No ring rust at all. CHRIS (into microphone) Yes sir. First of all, I want to take this opportunity to thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. You know, without Him I am nothing. Without Him I wouldn't be here so I got to give praise to my Jesus Christ. Thank you for protecting both me and Timo. People need to understand I almost had a two year layoff. And I felt it early on in the rounds. I felt that I gotta get used to getting punched again. But it settled in towards the end of the fight and I started to get comfortable in there. 110.

COREY REDMON You took big shots in the seventh round. Were you hurt and if so how did you manage to battle through? CHRIS You know what, I'm not gonna lie. I got dazed. I think it showed. But the fact is I didn't go down. You know, my conditioning thanks to my coach Julian Chua. My mental coach. I was focused. And so I did get hit. But I knew from experience how to survive. COREY REDMON A great fight from you Chris as always. Thank you so much. CHRIS Thank you. Chris heads over to Julian and crew.

INT. APARTMENT BEDROOM - MORNING SUPER: Dec. 27, 2018. Light years from dwelling he previously occupied. Chris awakens. He lays feet on the floor, stretching his arms. Cell phone rings. Chris answers. CHRIS (into phone) Hello? PETER Hi Chris. Peter here. CHRIS Hey boss. How you doing? PETER You need to call home. Right now. CHRIS What do you mean? What are you talking about? 111.

EXT. ACREAGE - DAY Wind sweeps through the branches of the tree Danie relaxed under while speaking with Chris on the phone.

INT. APARTMENT BEDROOM - MORNING Chris drops phone on the nightstand. He lays on his side near the edge of the bed. He grips the top cover with both fists. Tears roll down his cheeks. His body shivers. He gives a guttural moan.


INT. CHURCH AUDITORIUM - DAY A framed photo of Danie rests on a wooden easel. Behind photo stands a wooden cross. White drapes hang off the left and right extensions. In front of photo rests a casket. An ornate set of flowers and decorative ribbons covers the top of the casket. Pastor JIMMY ABBOTT, wearing a purple suit and tie, black shirt, sits in a chair near the podium. Chris comes up to podium with two brothers, Ethan and Calvin. He grabs a stand alone microphone. After placing a set of papers on podium, he glances to audience. Clears his throat. CHRIS (reading off paper) My dad would always say "A man doesn't cry." When my father would notice that I wanted to cry he would say "No man, come on, a man doesn't cry." My daddy. My best friend. My hero. Today I feel so empty. My precious daddy. Words will never be enough to explain what I feel and what you meant to me. You were one of the best. One of a kind. 112.

INSERT - SHOTS OF INDIVIDUAL FAMILY MEMBERS IN AUDIENCE. CHRIS You were my David. My Samson. You were afraid of nothing and as strong as a lion. You were a good man until your last day. You were head of the house. A leader. A forerunner. Not only for me, but for your family and many other people as well.

EXT. ACREAGE - DAY Establishing shot of house and surrounding landscape. CHRIS (V.O.) Today I am the man I am due to you. If it wasn't for you I'd be a disappointment today.

INT. CHURCH AUDITORIUM - DAY CHRIS (reading off paper) You were and will always be my driving force. You loved me. And I loved you.

ON DANIE'S PORTRAIT CHRIS (O.S.) My dad was a man who could think on his feet. He was one of a kind. BACK TO CHRIS CHRIS (CONT'D) (reading off paper) Dad, I'm going to miss you. Your phone calls. Your voice. Your honesty. I will miss you. FLASHBACK TO:

INT. LIVING ROOM - DAY Chris (18) stands in front of Danie. Danie holds an R2 banknote in his hands. 113.

DANIE Let's see how quick you are. Chris quickly tries to snag it, but no luck. Danie smirks, ruffling his son’s hair. BACK TO SCENE

INT. CHURCH AUDITORIUM - DAY Chris shuffles around. He wipes a tear from his eye. CHRIS I only want to look into your eyes one more time. To tell you I love you. Just one last hug, and say, "thank you for everything." You touched and changed so many people's lives. And because of you, the world today is a better place. The effect you have on others is most valuable currency there is. Daddy, you had a big effect on many people. If I can only be the man that you were one day, then I will be satisfied. Chris chokes up. CHRIS (CONT'D) I greet you today, daddy. I know you are with Jesus. You are at a better place. It was an honor to be your son. Until I see you again, dad. Chris hands microphone over to Calvin. He takes his notes before stepping from the pulpit.

EXT. HIPPO QUARRIES OVERLOOK - DAY Chris rests on same rock as his dad and him had done prior. He glances at space next to him. Chris scans the surroundings. He gazes into the sky, closing his eyes.

INT. THE HANGAR BUILDING - LOCKER ROOM - NIGHT Chris reaches into his left shoe and pulls out a folded paper. Unfolding paper, he bows. 114.

CHRIS Lord, this is in Your hands. Help me honor a great man in a way pleasing to you. May I bring honor to you always. Not my will, but yours, be done. In Jesus' name, amen. Chris stuffs paper back into his shoe. He looks across the room, listening to the crowd O.S. BRIAN VILORIA (late 30s) and two HANGAR CREW MEMBERS enter room. The crew hold items for the corner: bucket, water bottles, and towels. CHRIS (CONT'D) Hey guys. BRIAN Hey champ. Brian pushes on Chris' left boxing glove.

INT. FIGHTING ARENA - NIGHT SUPER: The Hangar Building. March 2019. The Heat's THEME SONG emerges on loudspeakers. Chris, cape over shoulders, marches into arena en route to the ring. Brian and crew tags along. Arriving at ring, a crew member takes off his cape. Chris raises a glove. Audience cheering amplifies. The Heat enters the ring. He sits on a stool. Cameras flash. Brian gives Chris water. Crew member places guard in The Heat's mouth. Chris stands. Crew member grabs stool before exiting ring with Brian. Chris leans over corner ropes with back to ring. He bows his head. Closes his eyes. CHRIS For God has not given us a spirit of fear. But of power, love, and a sound mind. 115.

His eyes open. He turns to the ring. Bell dings. The Heat pulverizes the flesh of MAHONRI MONTES (late 20s). HANGAR REFEREE (50s) observes. Crowd goes wild as we... OVER BLACK SUPER: Chris “The Heat” van Heerden currently has 32 wins, 2 losses, and one draw as a welterweight boxing champion. He has acquired numerous titles, including the ABU welterweight title, South African welterweight title, IBO welterweight title, IBF International Welterweight title, and WBA Pan African Welterweight title. His father, Danie van Heerden, was murdered in South Africa by a man who inflicted a fatal gunshot wound. He was unarmed. This film is dedicated to Danie and all those who have lost their lives due to senseless violence.