NEW ZEALAND INSTITUTE OF FORESTERS (INC.) OFFICERS 1960-1962 President: J. E. Henry. Vice-President: A. P. Thomson. Treasurer: L. J. Slow. Secretary: J. F. Lysaght. Council: A. W. Grayburn, J. T. Holloway, D. Kennedy, P. J. McKelvey. Editor: A. L. Poole. Librarian: G. C. Weston. ANNUAL MEETING 1960 The thirty-third annual general meeting was held in the Sound Shell, , on Saturday, 7 May 1960, under the auspices of the Forest Research Institute and the Rotorua Section of the Institute. Opening The meeting was opened at 9 a.m. by the President, Mr D. Kennedy. The members were welcomed to Rotorua by Mr A. P. Thomson, Conservator of Forests. At a later stage in the morning, the meeting was addressed by Mr M. Linton, Mayor of Rotorua, and by the Hon. R. Boord, Minister of Customs and Member of Parliament for the Rotorua electorate. Attendance There were present two honorary members, 50 members, 54 associate members, 22 student members, and 25 visitors, making a total of 153. Apologies were presented from the Hon. Sir Eruera Tirikatene, Minister of Forests, nine members, and 13 associate members. Obituary The usual expressions of sympathy were made in memory of Mr A. C. Forbes, honorary member, Mr T. C. Birch, member, and Mr J. B. Grubb, associate member, who had died during the year. Treasurer's Report In presenting his annual report and balance sheet, the Treasurer, Mr L. J. Slow, reported that there had been a credit balance of £189 on the year's workings, which brought the Institute's funds up to £1,601. A separate formal account showed that the cost of printing and distributing the N.Z Journal of Forestry had amounted to £558, of which £244 was a charge on the general funds of the Institute. 375 President's Report A further advance of 19 brought the membership to 261, com­ prising 12 honorary members, 79 members, 122 associate members, and 48 student members. There had been 24 admissions, 3 deaths, and 2 resignations during the year. Editor's Report The report submitted by the Editor, Mr A. L. Poole, discussed the amount of material available for publication in the N.Z. Journal of Forestry and the prospects of a more rigid selection, increasing the size of the journal or publishing twice yearly. It was also dis­ closed that the unit cost of printing the Journal had risen to 7s. 2d. Section Reports The Rotorua Section, which now has a membership of 89, reported another full year's activities. Five evening meetings and a field trip to Pureora were held. The Napier Section reported that their inaugural meeting would be held on 3 June. Election of Officers The results of the postal ballot were announced and the officers listed above were declared elected. The Chairman congratulated those appointed to office and thanked those relinquishing office for their past services. Constitution After some discussion, and the failure of an amendment, the con­ stitution as drafted and circulated was adopted with only two dis­ sentient votes. Subscription Rates These were set out for the current year as: members, 45s., asso­ ciate members 32s. 6d., affiliated members 30s., and student mem­ bers 10s. Certificates The President presented certificates to the following: Honorary Members Deans and Taylor, Members Irvine and McQueen, and Associate Members Bonisch, Boyle, Jones, and Kerr. Addresses Dr S. Spurr, Professor of Silviculture, University of Michigan, gave a talk illustrated by slides on some aspects of forestry in the United States. Mr D. Kennedy delivered his presidential address dealing with significant events in forestry during the past year. Symposium The symposium on forest research was introduced by Mr T. A. Strong, after which papers were presented as follows: A. L. Poole, Thoughts on New Zealand Forest Research (Read by F. Allsop). J. E. Henry, Research in Private Forestry. „ R. J. Cameron, Universities and Forest Research. H. V. Hinds, Research in the Forest Service Outside F.R.I. N. H. Taylor, Research in Other Government Departments. M. H. Bannister, The Cypresses.

376 I. J. Thulin, Provenance Trials. G. M. Will, Soil Leaching and Mineral Deficiencies. G. W. Hedderwick, Bird Repellents on Seed. J. Beekhuis, Sample Plots and Thinning Grades. P. T. McKelvey, Ecological Research in Indigenous Forests. R. J. Cameron, Indigenous Forest Research. E. H. Bunn, Enrichment Planting in Logged Indigenous Forests. J. T. Holloway, Forest and Range Experiment Stations. J. S. Stronge, Farm Forestry Research. R. I. Kean, Animal Research. G. Duff, Log Volume Tables. T. N. Wardrop, National Exotic Forest Survey. G. B. Rawlings, Investigation of a Pathogenic Problem. J. W. Gilmour, Study of Tree Diseases. T. C. White, Detection Sampling of Forest Insects. J. S. Reid, Silviculture and Timber Grading. H. R. Orman, Variation in Properties of Wood. J. M. Harris, Genetics and Wood Properties. F. E. Hutchinson, Summing-up of Symposium. Next Meeting It is proposed to hold the 1961 Annual Meeting in Wellington, and it was suggested that the 1962 meeting be held in Dunedin. Control At the close of the meeting, the outgoing president, Mr. D. Ken­ nedy, handed over the control of the Institute to Mr J. E. Henry. tributed to the success of the meeting.

PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED Receipt of publications during the period 1 Sep. 1959 to 31 Aug. 1960 is acknowledged with thanks by the Institute. A selected list is given below. Literature received by the Institute is available on loan to members on application to G. C. Weston, Librarian, N.Z. Institute of Foresters, c/o Forest Research Institute, , Rotorua. AUSTRALIA Australian Timber Journal 25 (7-12), 1959-60; 26 (1-6), 1960. Victoria. Forests Commission: Annual Report, 1957-58. 1958. 34 p. Annual Report, 1958-59. 1959. 33 p. BRITISH COMMONWEALTH FORESTRY CONFERENCE, 1957 Proceedings. Canberra, 1958. 404 p. F.A.O. Asia-Pacific regional grading rules for hardwood logs other than teak. 1959. 28 p. Asia-Pacific regional grading rules for sawn hardwood timber (non- teak). 1959. 83 p. Asia-Pacific regional grading rules for teak logs. 1959. 52 p. Clip sheets (various). " Fibre board and particle board: Technical papers submitted to the International Consultation on Insulation Board, Hardboard and Particle Board, Geneva, 1957. Rome, 1958. 6 vols, (mimeo). 377 Forest Development Paper No. 14: Tree-planting practices in temper­ ate Asia: Burma-India-Pakistan. 1959. 150 p. Forest Equipment Notes (various). Forestry and Forest Products Study No. 13: Tropical silviculture, I, 1958, 190 p.; II, 1957, 415 p.; Ill, 1958, 101 p. Unasylva 13 (2-4), 1959; 14 (1), 1960. Yearbook of Forest Products Statistics, 1959. 1959. 157 p. GERMANY Federal Institute for Forest and Wood Research, Reinbek: Bibliography of forest- and timber-economy literature, 1959 (1-4). Reprints (various). GREAT BRITAIN Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux: 30th Annual Report of Executive Council, 1958-59. 1959. 48 p. D.S.I.R. Forest Products Research Laboratory: Bulletins: No. 1: Dry rot in wood. 6th ed., 1960. 35 p. No. 25: Identification of hardwoods: a lens key. 2nd ed., 1960. 126 p. No. 38: The efficiency of adhesives for wood. 2nd ed., 1959. 21 p. Record No. 30: The natural durability of timber. 2nd ed., 1959. 26 p. Empire Forestry Review 38 (3-4), 1959; 39 (1-2), 1960. Forestry 32 (2), 1959; 33 (1), 1960; Supplement, 1960: "The develop­ ment of pulp and particle board industries and their effect on forest management, with special reference to the Sandwell reports." (Report of discussion, Lyndhurst, Nov. 1959). 68 p. Forestry Abstracts 20 (3-4), 1959; 21 (1-2), 1960. Forestry Commission: 39th Annual Report, 1957-58. 1959. 84 p. 40th Annual Report, 1958-59. 1960. 78 p. Board mill survey: Economic study, United Kingdom. 1959. 69 p. Bulletin No. 31: Code of sample plot procedure. 1959. 113 p. Forest Records: No. 39: Collection of cones from standing trees. 1959. 33 p. No. 40: Preliminary yield tables for poplar. 1959. 14 p. No. 41: Fornes annosus in Great Britain: an assessment of the situation in 1959. 1960. 22 p., plates. No. 42: Use of home-grown softwood in house construction. 1959. 12 p. Guide: Cambrian Forests. 1959. 102 p. Leaflets: No. 1: The large pine weevil (Hylobius abietis). 1960 (rev.) lOp. No. 31: The grey squirrel: a woodland pest. 2nd ed., 1960. 18 p. No. 32: Pine looper moth. Bupalus piniarius. 1959 (rev.) 9 p. No. 45: The roe deer. 1960. 16 p. Quarterly Journal of Forestry 53 (3-4), 1959; 54 (1-2), 1960. Scottish Forestry 13 (3-4), 1959; 14 (1-2), 1960. INDONESIA Forest Research Institute: Communication No. 69: Normal volume table for Anthocephalus cad- amba Miq. (djabou). 1959. 12 p. (Indon. E.)

378 Reports: No. 74, 1959. 30 p. (mimeo.) (Indon.) No. 75: 7 p. (mimeo.) (Indon.) Rimba Indonesia 8 (3-4), 1959. INTERNATIONAL UNION OF FOREST RESEARCH ORGANISTIONS Experimental design and analysis in forest research (J. N. R. Jeffers). Stockholm, Almquist and Wiksell, 1959. 172 p. IRELAND Irish Forestry 15 (1-2), 1958; 16 (1-2), 1959. MEXICO Centro de Documentacion Cientifica y Tecnica: Bulletin (Sect. 5) 8 (1-9, 11-12), 1959; 9 (1, 3-6), 1960. NEW ZEALAND Farm Forestry 1 (5), 1959; 2 (1-3), 1960. Forest Service: Forest Research Institute: N.Z. Forestry Research Notes: No. 13: Relations between vertebrates and forest after the 1955 fire at Balmoral State Forest. 1959. 15 p. No. 18: Nutrient return in litter and rainfall under some exotic- conifer stands in New Zealand. (Reprint.) 1959. 16 p No. 19: Combined taper and volume tables for Pinus radiata - New Zealand, 1957: shelterbelts, and for Pseudotsuga taxifolia - New Zealand, 1958: all stands. 1959. 63 p. No. 20: Progress report on the establishment in New Zealand of Ibalia leucospoides, a parasite of Sirex noctilio. 1959. lOp. Technical Papers: No. 27: Vegetation of the Kaweka Range. (Reprint.) 1959. 18 p., 4 pl. No. 28: A root and stem canker of exotic conifers in New Zealand. 1959. 19 p. N.Z. Geographer 15 (2) 1959; 16 (1), 1960. N.Z. Geographical Society Record Nos. 27, 28, 1959. N.Z. Journal of Agricultural Research 2 (5-6), 1959; 3 (1-3), 1960. N.Z. Journal of Geology and Geophysics 2 (3-5), 1959; 3 (1-2), 1960. N.Z. Journal of Science 2 (3-4), 1959; 3(1-2), 1960. N.Z. Plants and Gardens 3 (4-7), 1959-60. N.Z. Standards Institute: Bulletin: 5 (3), 1959; 6 (1-2), 1960. N.Z. Standards: Numerical and subject index. 1959. 87 p. N.Z. Timber Journal 6 (1-12), 1959-60. Royal Society of New Zealand: Proceedings 87, 1959. Transactions 87 (3-4), 1959; 88 (1), 1960. Selwyn Plantation Board: Annual Reports for years ending 31 March 1953; 1954; 1957; 1958; 1959. NORWAY Forest Research Institute: Reports: Nos. 53, 1959; 54, 1959; 55, 1960.

379 PORTUGAL Forest Service: Extension Service: (Poplars.) n.d. 15 p. (Port.) Publications 24 (1-2), 1957. Technical studies and reports: (Wood preservation in Portugal: the contribution of semi-industrial methods.) 1958. 47 p. (Port.) (Two timber-measurement studies in pines.) 1958. 43 p. (Port.) (Forest policy and economic development.) 1959. 41 p. (Port, fr.) SOUTH AFRICA Journal of the South African Forestry Association Nos. 32, 1958; 33, 1959. SPAIN Ministry of Agriculture: Forest Research Institute: Annals: No. 3, 1959. Bulletin No. 78. (An export crate for oranges.) 1959. 24 p. (Sp.) Communication No. 8: (Studies on the eradication of Cyperus rotundus L. with herbicides.) 1959. 7 p. (Sp.) Forest Pest Service: Bulletin 2 (3-4), 1959. SWEDEN Forest Research Institute: Reports: Vol. 48, 1958-9. 1959. Royal Institute of Technology: Transactions: No. 147: Studies in forest road planning. 1959. 137 p. (E.) Royal School of Forestry: Bulletin No. 32. (Studies on the humidity of the Swedish climate.) 1959. 48 p. (Sw.g.) U.S.A. American Forest Products Industries, Inc.: Industrial forestry in the United States. 1960. 15 p. Department of Agriculture: Forest Service: Agriculture Handbooks: No. 160: Nailing better wood boxes and crates. 1959. 40 p. No. 161: Notes on Western range forbs: Equisetaceae through Fumariaceae. 1960. 254 p. No. 162. Managing grass-shrub cattle ranges in the Southwest. 1959. 40 p. No. 166: Forestation of strip-mined land in the central states. 1960. 74 p. Agriculture Information Bulletin No. 222: Forest industry oppor­ tunities in rural development. 1960. 27 p. American Woods: Maple. 1959 (rev.) 12 p. Eastern oaks. 1959 (rev.) 24 p. Redwood. 1959 (rev.) 6 p. Economics of forestry: a bibliography for the U.S. and Canada, 1953-54. 1959. 45 p. Forest Pest Leaflets: No. 32: Nursery diseases of southern pines. 1959. 7 p.

380 No. 36: White pine blister rust. 1959. 8 p. No. 39: Pine root collar weevil. 1959. 4 p. No. 40: Western dwarfmistletoe on ponderosa pine. 1959. 7 p. No. 41: Gypsy moth. 1959. 4 p. No 42: Elytroderma beetle blight of ponderosa pine. 1959. 4 p. No. 43: Butt rot of southern hardwoods. 1960. 4 p. No. 44: Brown-spot needle blight of longleaf pine. 1960. 7 p. Home and Garden Bulletin No. 64. Subterranean termites: their prevention and control in buildings. 1959. 30 p. Leaflets: No. 244: Community forests for rural people. 1959 (rev.) 8 p. No. 358: Powder-post beetles in buildings: what to do about them. 1959 (rev.) 8 p. Miscellaneous Publications: No. 808: A bibliography on forest genetics and forest tree im­ provement, 1956-57. 1960. 85 p, No. 820: Fifty years of service through wood research, 1910-60. (Golden Anniversary, Forest Products Laboratory.) 1960. 16 p. Production Research Reports: No. 30: Sand pine regeneration on the Ocala National Forest. 1959. 37 p. No. 32: Natural regeneration of swamp black spruce in Minne­ sota under various cutting systems. 1959. 22 p. Technical Bulletins: No. 1206: Eighteen years of selection timber management on the Crossett Experimental Forest. 1959. 68 p. No. 1207: Soil moisture depletion under several Piedmont cover types. 1959. 23 p. No. 1212: The larch sawfly: its biology and control. 1960. 52 p.. Duke University: School of Forestry: Direct seeding in the south, 1959: a symposium. 1959. 190 p. World Forestry Congress (Seattle, Washington, Aug.-Sept. 1960): Information Bulletin. 1960. 27 p. Tours. 1960. 23 p. U.S.S.R. (Science achievements in U.S.S.R, forestry, 1917-57.) Moscow, 1957. 355 p. (Russ.) (Structure, physical and mechanical properties of oak timber, by V E. Vikhrov.) Moscow, 1954. 264 p. (Russ.)


Honorary Members Champion, H. G., C.I.E., D.Sc, M.A., Imperial Forestry Institute, South Parks Road, Oxford. Chapman, H. H., M.F., School of Forestry, Yale University, New Haven. Cunningham, G. H., D.Sc, Ph.D., F.R.S.N.Z., c/o Plant Diseases Division, D.S.I.R. Auckland. Deans, James, Homebush, Darfield. Forster, F. W., B.A., B.Sc, Onehuka Road, Lower Hutt. Foweraker C. E., M.A. F.L.S., 102B Hackthorne Road Christchurch, S.2. Jacobs, M. R., M.Sc, Dr.Ing., Ph.D., Dip.For., Australian Forestry School, Canberra. Larsen, C. Syrach, Dr.Ag., M.Sc, Arboretum, Horsholm, Denmark. Legat, C. E., C.B.E., B.Sc, Beechdene, Lower Bourne, Farnham, U.K. Miller, D., D.Sc, Ph.D., F.R.E.S., F.R.S.N.Z., Cawthron Institute, Nelson. Rodger, G. J., B.Sc,, 38 Lymington Street, Tusmore, South Australia. Taylor, N. H., O.B.E., Soil Bureau, DSIR, Wellington.

Members Allsop, F., N.Z. Forest Service, Wellington. Barker, C. S., N.Z. Forest Service, Wellington. Bay, B., N.Z. Forest Products Ltd., Tokoroa. Beveridge, A. E., Forest Research Institute, Rotorua. Brown, C. H., N.Z. Forest Service, Invercargill. Buchanan, J. A., Forestry Training Centre, Rotorua. Cameron, R. J., Forest Research Institute, Rotorua. Chavasse, C. G. R., N.Z. Forest Service, Hokitika. Conway, M. J., N.Z. Forest Service, Auckland. Cooney, E. A., Selwyn Plantation Board, Darfield. Cruttwell, C. R., N.Z Forest Service, Wellington. Cutten, E. Y., N.Z. Forest Service, Christchurch. Darby, S. A. C, 22 Vernon Avenue, Palmerston North. Duff, G., Forest Research Institute, Rotorua. Ensor, E. E., N.Z. Forest Service, Reefton. Entrican, A. R., N.Z. Forest Service, Wellington. Fail, V. T., Pine Products Pty. Ltd., Taupo. Foley, T. A., Trade Commissioner (Timber), Sydney, N.S.W. Foresman, J. W., N.Z. Forest Products, Tokoroa. Gordon, A. A., N.Z. Forest Products Ltd., Tokoroa. Grayburn, A. W., Selwyn Plantation Board, Darfield. Groome, J. G., Hawke's Bay Forests Ltd., Tutira. Hedderwick, G. W., Forest Research Institute, Rotorua. Henry, J. E., N.Z. Forest Products Ltd., Tokoroa. Hinds, H. V., N.Z. Forest Service, Wellington. Hocking, G. H. N.Z. Forest Service, Palmerston North. Holloway, J. T., Lehmans Road, Fernside, R.M.D., Rangiora. Hutchinson, C. I., Anderson Hall, University of Washington, Seattle. Hutchinson, F. E., N.Z. Forest Products Ltd., Tokoroa. Irvine, R. E., N.Z. Forest Service, Rotorua.

382 Jackson, D. S., N.Z. Forest Service, Wellington. Jolliffe, W. H., N.Z. Forest Service, Wellington. Kennedy, D., N.Z. Forest Service, Hokitika. Klocek, P., 48 Miro Road, Upper Hutt. Latter, H. B., State Advances Corporation, Wellington. Levy, J. W., N.Z. Forest Service, Thames. Lloyd, R. C, N.Z. Forest Service, Kaikohe. Lysaght, J. F., NZ. Forest Service, Wellington. Macarthur, R. S., Marlborough Catchment Board, Blenheim. McKee, M. H. D., Kaingaroa Logging Company, Murupara. McKelvey, P. J., Forest Research Institute, Rotorua. McKinnon, A. D., N.Z. Forest Service, Wellington. McQueen, D. R., N.Z. Forest Products Limited, Tokoroa. Maplesden, P. W., N.Z. Forest Service, Rotorua. Martin, R. M., N.Z Forest Service, Wellington. Moorhouse, R B., N.Z. Forest Products Ltd., Tokoroa. Morgan, F. D., Waite Agricultural Institute, Adelaide. Morris, J. Y., N.Z. Forest Service, Ashley Forest, P.B. Rangiora. Morrison, F. T., N.Z. Forest Service, Kaikohe. Naylor, R., N.Z. Forest Service, Napier. Perham, A. N., Puru, Thames. Poole, A. L., N.Z. Forest Service, Wellington. Purnell, E. V. J., N.Z. Forest Service, Nelson. Rawlings, G. B., Forest Research Institute, Rotorua. Rawson, J. G., c/o Kaipara Forests Ltd., Wellsford, Northland. Reid, J. S., N.Z. Forest Service, Wellington. Roijaards, W M. E., N.Z. Forest Service, Reefton. Sexton, A. N., N.Z. Forest Service, Christchurch. Seymour, Z. L., N.Z. Forest Products Ltd., Tokoroa. Sijnja, H., c/o Queen Elizabeth Technical College, Palmerston North. Skipworth, M. R., City Reserves Department, Dunedin. Slow, L. J., N.Z. Forest Service, Nelson. Smith, C. M., 34 Anne Street, Wellington. Spraggon, N., Pacific Forests Ltd., Tokoroa. Strong, T. A., Forest Research Institute, Rotorua. Stuberovskis, Z., c/o Mrs A. Robinson, 91 Trowlridge Street, Apt. 10, Cambridge 38, Massachusetts. Swale, T. W., N.Z. Forest Products Ltd., Tokoroa. Syme, J. W., Tasman Pulp and Paper Co. Ltd., Kawerau. Thomson, A. P., N.Z. Forest Service, Rotorua. Thulin, I. J., Forest Research Institute, Rotorua. Usmar, R. K., Forestry Training Centre, Rotorua. Ure, J., N.Z. Forest Service, Rotorua. Ward, W. C, 90 Calabar Road, Wellington. Wardrop, T. N., Forest Research Institute, Rotorua. Wendelken, W. J., N.Z. Forest Service, Rangiora. Weston, G. C, Forest Research Institute, Rotorua. White, T. C. R., Forest Research Institute, Rotorua. Whitehead, P. S., N.Z. Forest Service, Bulls. Williams, R. W. M., N.Z. Forest Service, Wellington. Wilson, H. H., N.Z. Forest Service, Christchurch. Zondag, R., Forest Research Institute, Rotorua.

383 Associate Members Allen, T. H., N.Z. Forest Service, Reefton. Appleton, E. J., N.Z. Forest Service, Christchurch. Atkinson, G. C, Messenger Terrace, Oakura. Baigent, P. L., 118 Rutherford Street, Nelson. Bailey, L. H., 61 Vincent Place, Christchurch. Barnett, H. A. T., R.D.I, Tokoroa. Barnett, M. J., 46 Selwyn Street, Christchurch. Barr, N. A., "Beresford", Kaukapakapa. Bassett, C, Forest Research Institute, Rotorua. Blake, E. R., N.Z. Forest Service, Wellington. Blithe, D. M., N.Z. Forest Service, Masterton. Bonisch, J. P., N.Z. Forest Service, , via Rotorua. Boyd, O. A., N.Z. Forest Service, Kaingaroa Forest, via Rotorua. Boyle, R. F., N.Z. Forest Service, Kaingaroa Forest, via Rotorua. Bridgeman, C. O., N.Z. Forest Service, Christchurch. Buckett, M. R., 3 Waimea Lane, Remuera, Auckland. Buckingham, F. C, N.Z. Forest Service, Auckland. Bunn, E. H., Forest Research Institute, Rotorua. Calsaterri, —, Tasman Pulp and Paper Co., Ltd., Kawerau. Carter, W. G. S., Waipa Sawmill, Rotorua. Cavanagh, J., N.Z. Forest Service, Golden Downs, via Nelson. Childs, B. H., Forestry Training Centre, Rotorua. Church, J. A., N.Z. Forest Products Ltd., Tokoroa. Clausen, F. A., 133 White Swan Road, Mt. Roskill, Auckland. Cleland, R. W., Victoria Park Road, Cashmere, Christchurch. Clifton, N. C, Forest Research Institute, Rotorua. Collett, R. G., Waipa Sawmill, Rotorua. Colquhoun, D. N., Balmoral State Forest, Private Bag, Christchurch. Cook, J. I., N.Z. Forest Service, Napier. Cooney, H. J., N.Z. Forest Service, Tapanui. Coote, C., N.Z. Forest Service, Nelson. Corkery, D. B., N.Z. Forest Service, Invercargill. Craig, F. R. E., N.Z. Forest Service, Tikokino. Crequer, P. C, 15 Matai Street, Murupara. Croawell, J. R., N.Z. Forest Service, Rai Valley. Crowther, J. D., N.Z. Forest Products Ltd., Tokoroa. Cuff, C. H., N.Z. Forest Service, Bulls. Cunningham, A., N.Z. Forest Service, Napier. Currie, J. T-, N.Z. Forest Products Ltd., Tokoroa. Davies, L. T., N.Z. Forest Service, Ohakune Junction. Elder, N. L., 61 McHardy Street, Havelock North. Ellis, K. F., N.Z. Forest Service, Kaingaroa Forest, via Rotorua. Ewart, J. W., Myres Road, Otumoetai, R.D. 4, Tauranga. Familton, A. K., N.Z. Forest Service, Reefton. Faulkner, J. R., Matakana Island (P.O. Box 174, Tauranga). Fenton, R. T., Waipa Sawmill, Rotorua. Fitzgerald, J. P., N.Z. Forest Service, Kaingaroa Forest, via Rotorua. Fitzgibbons, H. F., N.Z. Forest Service, Westport. Fleming, H. B., P.O. Box 31, Rotorua. Frost, I. A., N.Z. Forest Service, Pureora Forest. 384 Gillooly, B. R., Wakefield, Nelson. Gilmour, J. W., Forest Research Institute, Rotorua. Goudie, K. A., Putaruru Timber Yards Ltd., Putaruru. Grainger, M. B., Forest Research Institute, Rotorua. Grant, P. J., Hawke's Bay Catchment Board, Napier. Greig, G. A. J., N.Z. Forest Service, Karioi. Harris, J. M., Forest Research Institute, Rotorua. Harrison-Smith, J. L., Whakatane Board Mills, Te Teko. Hassall, J., 81 Clyde Road, Tokoroa. Henderson, R. A., N.Z. Forest Service, Santoft Forest, Bulls. Holt, H. R., P.O. Box 146, Napier. Hutchinson, I. D., N.Z. Forest Products Ltd., Tokoroa. Janson, F. G., 28B Neilson Street, Auckland. Janson, R. W. G., N.Z. Forest Service, Nelson. Johnson, T. W., N.Z. Forest Service, Rotorua. Jones, G., N.Z. Forest Service, Totara Flat, via Greymouth. Kenderdine, C. A. B., N.Z. Forest Service, Wellington. Kerr, C. J., Tasman Pulp and Paper Co. Ltd., Kawerau. Kininmonth, J. A., Forest Research Institute, Rotorua. Kirkland, A., N.Z. Forest Service, Ahaura. Kraayenoord, C. W. S. van, Department of Agriculture, Palmerston North. Larsen, E., Forest Research Institute, Rotorua. Lawn, J., N.Z. Forest Service, Invercargill. Lawn, R. G., N.Z. Forest Service, Kaikohe. Leach, P. K., N.Z. Forest Service, Hokitika. McDonald, F. J., Hickson's Timber Treatments, Auckland. McEnaney, J. P., Carter's Beach, Westport. McKenzie, D. C, N.Z. Forest Service, Conical Hill Forest, Gore. McKibbin, W. J., N.Z. Forest Service, Palmerston North. McQuire, A. J., Forest Research Institute, Rotorua. Mair, J. B., P.O. Box 62, Tokoroa. Miller, J. T., Forest Research Institute, Rotorua. Milne, J.M., Rangitikei Catchment Board, Marton. Mitchell, J. M., N.Z. Forest Service, Kaingaroa Forest, via Rotorua. Moir, T., N.Z. Forest Service, Kaingaroa Forest, via Rotorua. Molloy, G. J., N.Z. Forest Service, R.D. Waerenga. Mountain, G. C, Mount Stewart, Katikati. Nelson, E. W., 15 Fearon Street, Motueka. Nicholls, J. L., Forest Research Institute, Rotorua. Olsen, P. F., N.Z. Forest Service, Kaingaroa Forest, via Rotorua. O'Neill, G. M., Waipa Sawmill, Rotorua. Orman, H. R., Forest Research Institute, Rotorua. Overington, J. R., N.Z. Forest Service, Rotorua. Packer, R. R., N.Z. Forest Service, New Plymouth. Pawson, V. J., N.Z. Forest Service, Hanmer Springs. Perham, F. J., N.Z. Forest Service, Auckland. Preest, D. S., Forest Research Institute, Rotorua. Prior, K. W., N.Z. Forest Service, Dunedin. Ranger, F. J., N.Z. Forest Service, Rotorua. Raymond, D. G., N.Z, Forest Service, Reefton. Reveirs, P. A., N.Z. Forest Service, Invercargill.

385 Reynolds, C. J. M., Owhango. Robinson, W. H., N.Z. Forest Service, Private Bag, Waiuku. Rockell, J. D., N.Z. Forest Service, Palmerston North. Rodger, J. R., N.Z. Forest Service, Rotorua. St. John, D., N.Z. Forest Service, Auckland. Simpson, T. E., N.Z. Forest Service, Wellington. Spiers, J. J. K., N.Z. Forest Service, Minginui Forest, via Rotorua. Stanger, A. G., Forest Research Institute, Rotorua. Skudder, L. A., N.Z. Forest Service, Iwitahi, Private Bag, Napier. Stanley-Harris, G., N.Z. Forest Products Ltd., Tokoroa. Stanton, J. G., 48 Miro Road, Upper Hutt. Sweet, G. B., Forest Research Institute, Rotorua. Te Aho, T., N.Z. Forest Service, Reefton. Thorpe, A. R., N.Z. Forest Service, Napier. Travers, W. W. S., N.Z. Forest Service, Hokitika. Trevelyan, J. F., c/o N.Z. Forest Products Ltd., Tokoroa. Wade, A. C. B., Central Police Station, Auckland. Wainwright, O., Whakatane Board Mills Ltd., Te Teko. Wells, R. J., N.Z. Forest Service, Palmerston North. White, A., Parks and Reserves Department, Lower Hutt. Whiteside, L. D., N.Z. Forest Service, Conical Hill Sawmill, Gore. Williams, A. W., N.Z. Forest Service, Hokitika. Woodward, A. L., c/o Marton Sash Door and Timber Co. Ltd., Marton. Wright, W. F., 122 Nicholson Road, Wellington. Affiliate Members Smith, R. W., Te Hau, Matahiwi, Masterton.

Student Members Allan, G. P. S., N.Z. Forest Service, Christchurch. Armitage, I. P., 9 Westbury Street, Naenae. Barton, I. L., N.Z. Forest Service, Kaikohe. Bawden, G. N., Forestry Training Centre, Rotorua. Beavis, M. T., Forestry Training Centre, Rotorua. Bowater, A. R., Forestry Training Centre, Rotorua. Brett, D. R. F., Forestry Training Centre, Rotorua. Buckley, G. V., N.Z. Forest Service, Nelson. Burdon, R. D., St. John's College, Oxford. Chandler, K. C., N.Z. Forest Service, Auckland. Christie, A. H. C, N.Z. Forest Service, Wellington. Cooper, R. F., Forestry Training Centre, Rotorua. Cornwell, R. L., N.Z. Forest Service, Tikokino. Cosslett, B. J., Forest Research Institute, Rotorua. Daly, A. J., N.Z. Forest Service, Christchurch. Diggle, P. K., N.Z. Forest Service, Wellington. Dudman, N. P. B., N.Z. Forest Service, Auckland. Ellis, L. J., N.Z. Forest Service, Tikokino. Field, D. A., N.Z. Forest Service, Wellington. Flux, A.A., Forestry Training Centre, Rotorua. Franklin, D. A., 47 Warrender Park Road, Edinburgh. Frumerin, P. B., c/o Butlin Industries, Pukekohe.

386 Fuller, A. V., N.Z. Forest Service, Erua. Grubb, C. R., N.Z. Forest Service, Minginui Forest, via Rotorua. Herrick, P. W., N.Z. Forest Service, Christchurch. Holt, G. C, Waipa Sawmill, Rotorua. Horne, L. L., Forestry Training Centre, Rotorua. Kelly, D. D., N.Z. Forest Service, Wellington. Lees, R. A., N.Z. Forest Service, Reefton. McKinnon, J. D., N.Z. Forest Service, Wellington. Malcolm, J. D., Ngaumu Forest, Masterton. Marshall, K. A., Forestry Training Centre, Rotorua. Mead, D. J., N.Z. Forest Service, Wellington. Mercer, N. J., Forestry Training Centre, Rotorua. Newman, L. W., Forestry Training Centre, Rotorua. Oldfield, K. D., N.Z. Forest Service, Wellington. Oliver, P. M., Forestry Training Centre, Rotorua. Read, L. E., N.Z. Forest Service, Rangiora. Reekie, W., Forestry Training Centre, Rotorua. Riley, J. K., Forestry Training Centre, Rotorua. Rockell, A. L., Department of Forestry, Edinburgh University. Simpson, W. R. J., N.Z. Forest Service, Auckland. Spicer, L. R., N.Z. Forest Service, Auckland. Stevenson, R. B., N.Z. Forest Service, Woodhill, Auckland. Sutton, W. R. J., N Z. Forest Service, Wellington. Swale, B. J., N.Z. Forest Service, Wellington. Vincent, T. G., Forestry Training Centre, Rotorua. Voort, C. P. J. M. van der, Forest Research Institute, Rotorua. Wallis, F. P., N.Z. Forest Service, Wellington. Widdowson, D. H., Forest Research Institute, Rotorua. Williams, I. M., Foresty Training Centre, Rotorua.


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