Philip Reeve | 416 pages | 06 Jul 2009 | Bloomsbury Publishing PLC | 9781408800607 | English | London, United Kingdom Larklight by | Scholastic

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you Larklight to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Larklight Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return Larklight Book Page. Preview — Larklight by Philip Reeve. David Wyatt Illustrator. Arthur Art Mumby and his irritating sister Myrtle live with their father in the huge and rambling house, Larklight, travelling through space on a remote orbit far beyond the Moon. One ordinary sort of Larklight they receive a Larklight informing them that a gentleman is on his way to visit, a Mr Webster. Visitors to Larklight are rare if not unique, and a frenzy of pr Arthur Art Mumby and his irritating sister Myrtle live with their father in the Larklight and rambling house, Larklight, travelling through space on a remote orbit far beyond the Moon. Visitors to Larklight Larklight rare if not unique, and a frenzy of preparation ensues. But it is entirely the wrong sort of preparation, as they Larklight when their guest arrives, and Larklight Dreadful and Terrifying and Marvellous adventure begins. It takes them to the furthest reaches Larklight Known Space, Larklight they must battle the evil First Ones in a desperate attempt to save each other - and the Universe. Recounted through the eyes of Art himself, Larklight is sumptuously designed and illustrated throughout. Get A Copy. Hardcoverpages. More Details Other Editions 7. Friend Reviews. Larklight see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Larklightplease sign up. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Larklight Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Start your review of Larklight Larklight, 1. Larklight 20, Dan Larklight rated it really liked it Shelves: steampunk, young-adultery. Art and Myrtle Mumby live in Larklight, a house that orbits Earth beyond the moon, with their father, their mother having disappeared years earlier and thought dead in an aethership wreck, Larklight one day, monstrous white spiders attack Larklight and send them scurrying. First off, if Larklight was thirteen, this would be my favorite book of all time. Larklight takes place in the s, only it's an 's with Jules Verne-esqu Art and Myrtle Mumby live in Larklight, a house that orbits Earth beyond the moon, with their father, Larklight mother having disappeared years earlier Larklight thought dead in Larklight aethership wreck, until one day, monstrous white spiders attack Larklight and send them scurrying. Larklight takes place in the s, only it's an 's with Jules Verne-esque space travel Larklight space is as Larklight was thought in the Victorian era. The moon is covered with desert and giant mushrooms, Venus is a lush plant-world, and monstrous white spiders from Larklight rings threaten to topple the British Empire of space. Interested yet? Philip Reeve crafted one hell of an adventure tale here, fit for kids of all ages. The dry British wit kept the story going, even in the slower parts. I LOVE the world Reeve created for this book, from Larklight pseudo-science of the aether ships to the hover hogs, pigs that thrive Larklight zero gravity and get around by farting. The characters are very much in the mold of those in Larklight literature: modest, prudish, and very dry. Except for Jack Havock and the space pirates, I mean. Wells, and many others. I'm anxious to see what he draws from the well in the Larklight two books. It also reminded me of other books, like Celestial Matters or Beyond the Moons. Steampunk fans also won't want to pass this up. So what didn't I like? Not a lot, really. I found some of the twists to be predictable but that's owing to the fact I'm about Larklight or possibly triple the target age for this. Like I said, if I was thirteen, I'd think it was the greatest book ever written. I'm giving it a four mostly out of sheer Larklight and enjoyment level. View all Larklight comments. Shelves: very-favoritesfantasy-sci-fiannie-and-katie-bookclub. What a glorious tale. I loved it! Certainly one of my new-favorite books; besides being oodles Larklight fun to read, it was thoughtful, imaginative, charming, adventurous, surprisingly well written with delightful illustrations. I would never have believed that Larklight Victorian outer-space adventure with aether-ship pirates, giant talking spiders, plots against the Empire Larklight no! God Save the Queen! All manner of praise for this book, Larklight I look forward to more! Larklight all 12 comments. Shelves: actionadventuremiddle- gradeLarklightsci-ficomedyabsolute-favoriteskatie-and-annie-bookclubyoung-adultfavoritesLarklight. I honestly think this is one of my new favorite books! Absolutely wonderful! Funny, creative, cute, charming, endearing, Larklight, and sweet! Delightful characters fill the book from cover to Larklight. The plot is both intriguing and pretty complex without being too confusing or obvious. The illustrations add to story and Larklight very fitting to the style of writing. Larklight book is filled with wit and heart. I adored it! Just about pages into it, and it's delightful! The char I honestly think this is one of my new favorite books! The characters are well drawn - not over "complex" but very real. So far, chapter one is quite Larklight and charming. Steampunk fans, anyone wanting an easy Larklight not dumb YA title. Shelves: ownsteampunkjuvenile. It's the steampunkiest! This Larklight was so much fun. Literally my only complaint is a few things at the end seemed wrapped up a little improbably. But wait Who am I to question what's probable? Anyway, the Larklight is a delightful little opinionated boy, and the plot moves along at a quite a Larklight, propelled by the chemical wedding in the aether engines, no doubt. I would totally Larklight this to anybody, it's quick and fun. Definitely giggled outloud a bunc It's the steampunkiest! Definitely giggled outloud a bunch. ETA: As the series continues I'm really appreciating the strong characters of both genders. Reeve doesn't hesistate to play with stereotypical gender roles, but both the guys and the girls here get to be heroes. View all 6 comments. So much Larklight There isn't any other word for the book: just, fun. I'd pretty much recommend this without any qualifications. More Larklight than the Hungry Cities Chronicles. I'm not sure if it's better. I think I like it better, though I don't love any of the characters as much as I loved Hester, because Larklight was really quite annoyed by the way the books ended -- I couldn't have told you what should have happened, but what did happen felt like a cop-out. I suppose I might Larklight as annoyed over La So much fun! Larklight - Wikipedia

Click here to download and listen to an excerpt from Larklight Arthur Art Mumsby and his irritating sister, Myrtle live with their father in a huge and rambling Larklight called Larklight When a visitor called Mr. Webster arrives unexpectedly, it is far from an innocent social call. Before long Art and Myrtle are off on an adventure to the farthest reaches of space, where they will do battle with Larklight forces in order Larklight save each other-and the universe. A fantastically Larklight Victorian tale set in an outer space world that might have come from the imaginations of Jules Verne or L. Frank Baum, but has a unique gravitational pull Larklight its own An adventure as big as the universe! Reviews "Reeve's Larklight is oh-so-British and utterly entertaining The climax is an absolute hoot, and leaves the door wide open for any number of sequels. Art, Larklight quintessential boy, narrates this rip-roaring adventure, allowing his very ladylike sister's diary to fill in the holes when they are separated, and the interplay between the two is priceless in itself. Jolly good fun, all around. Reeve's cinematic prose describes Larklight fantastic universe while also conveying a Victorian sensibility. Whimsical, detailed black-and-white illustrations enhance the text. Readers will eagerly suspend disbelief; they will be riveted by the exciting plot's twists and turns as our heroes face death-defying adventures and narrow escapes, all Larklight a frenetic pace. As Art would declare, 'Huz. This website uses cookies Larklight improve user experience. By Larklight our website you consent to all cookies in accordance with our Cookie Policy. It looks Larklight you are located in Australia or New Zealand Close. Visit the Australia site Continue on UK site. Visit the Australia site. Continue on UK site. Larklight (Larklight, #1) by Philip Reeve

Larklight, or the Revenge of the White Spiders! Larklight is the first book in the Larklight Trilogy. Larklight is Larklight space opera set in an alternative Victorian erain which mankind has been exploring the solar system for at least a century, and wherein most of the planets are inhabitable. Protagonist Art Mumby narrates an attack Larklight the British Empire and the solar system at large by an ancient, arachnid -like extraterrestrial race, against which he and his family play a Larklight role, aided by the pirate Jack Havock and his crew. The story begins at Larklight, a house that orbits Earth's moonwhere the Mumbys receive a visitor from the Royal Xenological Society, a Mr. Webster, who is revealed to Larklight an extraterrestrial resembling an enormous white spider. Larklight and his sister Myrtle escape; but their father is Larklight and held Larklight. Art and Myrtle leave in an escape pod and crash-land on the Moon, where they are encased with predatory larvae of the Potter Moth and freed by pirate Larklight Havock and his crew. Art Larklight shocked to find that Jack is only fifteen years old, and that he is the only human in his crew, while Myrtle is Larklight at being Larklight the company of a Larklight and demands that Jack take them to the moon's British residence, Fort George. En route aboard the pirates' ship Sophroniaa ship of the British Navy comes alongside and orders Jack to surrender or have his ship destroyed. Jack distracts the officers by pretending to hold Art and Myrtle hostage, giving Ssillissa, the ship's alchemist, time to activate the ship's Larklight and fly the Sophronia to safety. They conceal themselves on VenusJack Larklight old home, where Jack tells Larklight and Myrtle that the colonists Larklight, including his parents and brother, were changed Larklight trees by a sudden pollination. She escapes with a Martian maid named Ulla and her husband, Richardwith whom she learns that Sir Waverly Rain had been captured by the spiders and replaced with a spider-controlled automaton; believing the spiders might manufacture something much more sinister, they Larklight to London. Jack and Art visit Jupiter 's moon Iodescending into Jupiter's atmosphere to ask aid of the Larklightwho tells them to Larklight the key to Larklight. Not knowing what this is, they attempt to leave Jupiter, but are Larklight by their ferryman and escape to a broken-down harpoon ship attached to a native organism. They are rescued by the Sophronia's crew. Jack Larklight that Myrtle's locket now in Art's possession is the key to Larklight, in that it can activate a set of complex engines capable of transforming the solar system, and leads his crew to the spiders' home on the Rings of Saturn to exchange it for Myrtle's safe return. Larklight arriving at the spiders' home, most of the crew are captured. Art is later taken before Professor Phineas Ptarmigan, formerly of the Royal Xenological Institute where Larklight was imprisoned until he was twelve, who reveals that he wishes to use Larklight to destroy the Solar Systemleaving the remains to the spiders whose ancestors had colonized Larklight planetesimals. Meanwhile, Ssillissa Larklight her crewmate Yarg free the captured crew and Larklight additional prisoners, Sir Waverly and Larklight mother Emily. Having freed Larklight from the spiders, the protagonists visit Earthwhere Larklight gigantic Larklight spider is attacking London. There, Myrtle takes control of the machine and uses it to kill Mr. Webster, and later re-unites with her family and Jack. The epilogue reveals that the race of white spiders has not been exterminated, but subdued, and that Ptarmigan has been placed in an insane asylum. The Mumby family return to live at Larklight, which they deprive of its otherworldly machinery. Warner Bros. In AprilShekhar Kapur announced that he was to direct, and that he and Steven Knight had been working on the screenplay for three Larklight. Alison Greenspan and Di Novi were to produce. The film was to be released on 1 Januarybut after the death Larklight the director Anthony Minghella inKapur took over his unfinished movie New York, I Love You[1] and postponed Larklight. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article's plot summary may be too long or excessively detailed. Please help improve it by removing unnecessary details and making it more concise. November Learn how and when to remove this Larklight message. Novels portal Larklight literature portal. Retrieved 29 October Works by Philip Reeve. Larklight Starcross Mothstorm Categories : science fiction novels British novels children's books Larklight history novels Children's science fiction novels Io moon in fiction Jupiter in fiction Larklight trilogy Mars in fiction Mars' moons in fiction Novels by Philip Reeve Rings of Saturn in fiction Saturn in fiction Steampunk novels Venus in fiction. Hidden Larklight Use dmy dates from September Use British English from September Wikipedia articles Larklight plot summary needing attention from November All Wikipedia articles with plot summary needing attention. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. Help Learn to edit Community portal Larklight changes Upload file. Larklight as PDF Printable Larklight. Larklight Larklight.