The Wingate-Winget Family In America



Printed in the ·united States of America THE WINGA"rE-WINGET FAMILY IN AMERICA


GrHE WORK of compiling the Family History of the Winget family was -JIL undertaken while many of the older members of the family are still living and exact data could be secured. For the material used I have searched the Court Records of New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Ohio, giving special attention to the Records in the counties where traces of the family could be found. Vital statistics; Cemetery records; War Records; Early Genea­ logies; Old Family Bibles; Lineage books; and Family Histories have all played a part in furnishing information. I have written letters to members of the family throughout the United States, France, England and Scotland, as well as visiting many of them personally. I fi~d a "History of the Wingate Family" was published in 1886. It was compiled by Charles E. L: Wingate, whose name will be found in the First Fam­ ily of Wingates in this volume. The early genrations of the family are repeated in order to make connections with the branches brought down to date. The Second or Caleb Winget Clan traces to Caleb Winget, born in England, 1744. He emigrated to New Jersey in company with two brothers sometime previous to the Ameri~an Revolution. The connections in England have not been found but be doubtless comes from the same original family. A number of families of this name have been located. I have not been successful in connecting them with either family and for this reason have placed them under Unconnected families in Chapter XI. I have given exact data as far as possible. Where any doubt arises about a date it is followed by a (?). U any errors are found please notify the compiler. Also if any new data is sent in, will be added to a later publication or typed copies sent to the families concerned. April 1931. The Compiler. ESTHER M. WINGET WARNER.


CHAPTER I Explanation of the Tree - 11 Origin of the Name ------11 Coats of Arms 13 The Early Wingates in England ------14 Wingates in Scotland ------15 The First Wingate Family in America ------17 John Wingate Family ------18 CHAPTER II The Second or Caleb Winget Family ------25 Poems by D. H. Winget, Rev. C. L. Winget, T. J. l\ilerryman - - - 28, 37, 39 Letter of John Newell Wingett ------31 CHAPTER III Ancestry of Wives and Husbands married into the Family-Shellabarger, Dolbeer, Ba]ey, Irwin, Cary, Dunlap, Coe, Merryman - - - - - 45 CHAPTER IV Descendants of John Wingate, the Emigrant--John, Joshua - - - - - 58 CHAPTER V Descendants of Cyrus Winget, a descendant of John Wingate-Zenos, Malvina, Alphonzo, Fidelia, Cyrus, Catherine ------80 CHAPTER VI Descendants of Caleb Winget, Emigrant--Of his son Reuben-Daniel (1786), Hugh, Caleb, Robert, Rebecca, Elizabeth, Sara and Aaron - 88 CHAPTER VII Descendants of Ziba Winget, son of Caleb Winget--James, William (1798), Reuben ------105 CHAPTER VIII Descendants of William Winget (1769)-Moses (1793), John (1795), Reuben (1800) ------CHAPTER IX Descendants of Stephen Winget, son of Caleb Winget--William (1797), Phoebe, Calvin, David C., Stephen Jr. ------121 CHAPTER X Descendants of Daniel Winget, son of Caleb Winget-John (1797), Jemima, W:Iliam (1799), Daniel (1801), Caleb, Mary - - - - 132 CHAPTER XI Unconnected Wingate-Winget families and names--James, Edward, Samuel, Joseph, Smith, Ezra, Peter, etc. ------149 CHAPTER XII Roster of Soldiers ------162 References 165 Appendix - 167 Index by given names of Wingates 173 Index of other family names 175 Index of given names of Wingets 177 Index of other family names - - - 182 Index of unconnected names and families 186-187

CHAPTER I EXPLANATION OF TREE HE Key to the two families herein recorded is not the same. In the first family the first American ancestor is numbered with the arabic numeral 1 ; his children with 2; grand­ children with 3; etc. Those numbered 3 are brothers and sisters under one head and first cousins to those under other heads. Those numbered 4 are brothers and sisters under one head, first cousins to others numbered 4 under the same main head and second to all others of the first family. For example ;-John 2 and Joshua 2 brothers. John 3 and Paine 3 are first cousins but John 3 and Anna 3 and others are children of one family. John 4 and Moses. 4 are first cousins while John 4 and Paine 4 are second cousins. In the second family, Caleb, the oldest known ancestor is marked with A. His five sons and daughter are marked with roman numeral I. 'fhe arabic numeral 1 designates the next generation. Those numbered 1 under each head are brothers and sisters and first cousins to all others numbered 1, of the second family. In the next generation, numbered 2, those under one head are brothers and sisters, first cousins to others under the same main head and second cousins to all others of the second family. The names preceeded by an * are the ones who have served in the Cause of their country. If any have been omitted it is be­ cause relatives failed to mention them. Dates following a name (1800-1844) signifies the life span of an individual. If a (?) follows it signifies that exact date is not known. ORIGIN OF THE NAME Several stories have been handed down through th~ generations as to the origin of the name "Wingate or Winget." One is that the fi:r;st Wingate ,vas a minister and gatekeeper of the Great Wing Temple in England and derived the name "Wingate" because of his position. When the first Wingate came to America he changes the spelling to "Winget." Another is, that a brave warrior was fighting with the forces of the Crown against its opponents and rendered a conspicious service. After hours had been spent beseiging a castle and all seemed hopeless, this powerful soldier rushed forward amidst a storm of arrows, seized the gate with both hands, tore it loose from its fastenings and made way for the troops to enter, and

11 12 Origin of the Name capture the castle. As a result of this feat he was called "Win­ gate." Another is, that Captain Wing of the British Army, was a guard of the Queens gate at Windsor Castle, England, and be­ cause of some feat of bravery was named "Winggate," later "Wingate." Harry A. Deferrari, Ph. D. says, "The family name of Win­ gate (also spelled Wingett) is of English origin, being derived from the old English "Windan" meaning "to turn" and "to wind," and "great" meaning "gate." It indicates an original place of residence near a gate which was moved by a process of winding. Many families which bear this name have received it because of · having formerly lived in one of the places called Wingate in the counties of Durham, Lancastershire and Northumberland. In a few cases "Wingate" is a modern variation of the Anglo s~xon personal name "Wingod" which means "Protecting God." Three persons bearing this name are mentioned in the Hundred Rolls" -Hundred Rolls was a record in England about 1275 A. D. The spelling of the name is varied in the early history of this country either thru mistakes in writing or changed by eccentric members of the family. Some claim the spelling was changed from "Wingate" to "Winget" at time of the Revolution. One member of the family is found to have used both spellings in his legal papers, using "a" before the war and "e" after the war, but we find no printed record that tells of the change. A legend handed down thru several branches of the Winget family is that the name was changed by the · emigrant, Caleb Wingate who came to America with two brothers, previous to the Revolutionary War. It is they feared they would be captur­ ed by the British and returned to England, so they changed the spelling of their name to "Winget" the Scotch spelling of the name and vowed never to return to the original spelling. With a few exceptions the descendants, in America have all used this form of the name. Several descendants claim the ancestor came from Scotland and this probable accounts for this impression. It is thought that James Winget, in Unconnected Chapter, was a brother or nephew of Caleb Winget of the second family but so far records have not been found to prove this. The foil owing has been taken from the "History of the Wingate Family" by Charles E. L. Wingate, published in 1886. "As to the spelling and pronunciation of the name the style has changed at various times; Wyngate, Wyndegate we find it in English records; vVengett, Windiett, Wendett, Windet. we find it in the American books. The spelling illustrates the looseness of the early orthography, the same sound being written in several different forms. Ninian Winzet, D. D., one of the most consoi­ cious, learned and respectable opponents of the Knox, the Scottish reformer is uniformly called Wingate by Knox's Reverend biographer, the critically accurate and accomplished Dr. McCrie, while in the ,viii of John Wingate, the progenitor of the American family, the name is spelled Winget, Windiet, and ,vingate indif- Coat of Arms 13 ferently, the g and d having, it is said, the sound of j as in James or g as in germ. When John, son of Col. Joshua Wingate, and grandson of the first American ancestor John, a pplied for marticulation at Harvard College in 17 40, he pronounced his name "Winjet." President Holyoke at once repeated his name with emphasis "Wingate," desiring him no more to abuse the good and honored name of "Wingate." The syllables zet, get, det, diet,-giving "z" not the sibilant but the compound sound as in the Italian, and d the lingual sound,-are not easily distinguishable in pronunciation. Gate and get are the most anciently used and may be adopted as correct. In America as in England the name Wingate was subject to varying orthography, the mispelling in many cases being due, without doubt, to the carelessness of recording clerks. Of this mispelling James Savage says, in his Genealogical History of the First Settlers of New Hampshire, ,vith that quaint system of ab­ breviation which he used: "Not the least of my caus·es of maledic­ tion against that usurp. Gov. (Gov. Andros.) and his surb. Walter Barefoote is, that, under their ad min. this name (Wingate) bee. pervert, into Windiat, to mislead honest, unskeptical Farmer." The forins of the name found today are Wingate, Wingett and Winget. A township by the name of Wingate is located in the Parish of Kello in the county of Durham, England. Seven towns in U. S. large enough to have postoffices, are named Wingate and Wingett. In each case some members of the family are known to have lived in the co1nmunities where these towns are located. The six having the name of "Wingate" are located in Dorchester coun­ ty, Maryland; Northern New Jersey; Union county, North Carolina :-see Washington Wingate, Cpt. XI; Center county, Pennsylvania; Marion county, Indiana-see, John C. Wingate, Cpt. XI; Runnels county, Texas; Washington county, .Ohio has a stream called "'Vingett Run" and a Hamlet called "Wingett." These are supposed to have been named by or for one of the sons of Caleb Winget, of the second Farnily, as three of his sons settled near Marietta about 1800, later moving farther north. Three sons of Daniel, a son of Caleb, moved to the same section about 1830 and moved later to Athens, Morrow and Meigs county. Fort Wingate, New Mexico was named for Benjamin Win­ gate, see Cpt. XI. COAT OF ARMS A Coat of Arms is a relic of mediaval times of the armorial insignia which was embroidered upon the cloth worn over the armor to render a knight conspicious in battle. Coat of Arms were later systematized and the insignia commemorated the adventure and achievements of the founder of the family who bore them. No one within the United Kingdom is entitled to bear arms without an hereditary claim by descent or a grant fro:n a competent authority. The Wingate-Winget Coat of Arms is blazoned as follows, according to Burke, Sable a bend erm. cotised or between six 14 The Early Wingates in England martlets of the last (gold). The martlets denote a mark of cadency and strict diciplinarian; one who adheres rigidly to the details of dicipline. The diagonal bars denote an honorable or­ dinary; the ermine bend is a mark of high rank. There are several crests (insignia worn on the head) used by different early branches of this family. The crest was not gen­ erally adopted until the time of the last Crusades. It served to dis­ tinguish the leaders in battle and was worn as a mark by their followers. The Crest herein given signifies the origin of the name and is the one claimed by the American Wingates. Several copies in possession of members of the family are claimed to have -been made from the original brought over by the Emigrant John. It is the crest of the Bedfordshire, England branch of the family. Another Crest of the same shire is a "hinds head." One branch of the family has a Crest that has a palm tree rising out of a rock with the motto, "Per ardua surgo," meaning "I rise with Dif­ ficulties." The Scotland branch of the family has two Crests: An arm, in armour, embowed, in hand a scimitar, ppr. with motto, "Suum Cinque," meaning, "To every one his own;" the second Crest has a tower ar, with cupola and flag gules. All families use the same shield but the Crests vary.--See Charles H. Wingate pg. 59. THE EARLY WINGATES IN ENGLAND The English fan1ily of Wingate is of great antiquity. The first individual we find bearing this name was Memyng de Wyn­ gate; lord of the Wyngate Manor at the time of the reign of Henry II, 1154-89. This Manor, in the parish of Ellsboro, in Buckinghamshire is now known by the name of the "Manor Grove." John de Wyngate, who died 1396, was a descendant of Hemyng de Wyngate. He married Agnes Beleurge sole heiress of the family of Beleurge of Beleverge and thus canie into posses­ sion of the estate of Sharpenhoe after which it was called "Wyn­ gate Manor." At the beginning of the Great Rebellion of Cromwell, Ed­ mund Wingate, grandfather of the Emigrant John, was a Justice of Peace and recorder at, living on the landed est~te of his father which he had inherited. Having for some cause been alienated from King Charles I who had treated him with m~rked personal kindness, he became an influential member of Parliam~nt ~nd supporter and friend of Cromwell, when he became protect­ or. According to the Historian Pearse, Edmund Wingate said, "I have a basin of the Dragon pattern said to have been the breakfast cup of Prince Charles, when a wanderer, and for some time concealed in the Wingate Mansion, during the interregnum; also, a ring with an admirable likeness of Charles I cut in onyx setting, reported to have been presented to him by Edmund Win­ gate." The Wingate estate finally descended, by marriage, to John Wingate Jennings, Esq. whose only child and heiress, Elizabeth, Win.gates in Scotland 15 married, Oct. 21, 1819 to George Pearse, Esq. of Harlington. He was a Magistrate and Deputy Lieutenant for Bedfordshire and held the office of High Sheriff in 1822. Of this family, Edmund Wingate, was born in Yorkshire, England in 1593. He was a mathmatician and st!:l.tesman. He studied law and subsequently resided for a time in France, where he instructed the Princess Henrietta Maria in English. After his return he was elected to Parliament for the county of Bedford. He was the author of "Natural and Artificial Arithmetic" "Ludus Mathematics" and other works. He died in 1656. General Sir Reginald Wingate, of London, Eng., born- June 25, 1861, is the son of Andrew and Bessie (Turner) Wingate. He married in 1888, Catherine Leslie, daughter of Captain Joseph Sparkshall and Renina Catherine (Leslie) Rundle, granddaughter of Commodore Walter Wemyss Leslie, Royal Navy... General Win­ gate was formerly Sidar and Governor General of Soudan in Egypt, succeeding Lord Kitchener, and has had a most distinguish­ ed war record. He was educated at Woolwich, and after joining the Egyptian Army in 1883 was military secretary to General Sir Evelyn Wood during the Nile Expedition. Later he was in charge of the Intelligence Corps, acting as Governor of some of the Provinces, served at the battle of Khartoun, and the Expedi­ tion to Fashoda, and was promoted for distinguished service. He has written several books on his experiences. Malcom Wingate, a son of Sir Reginald, was a Major in the World War and lost his life in battle of Somme, March 21, 1918. Another son of Sir Reginald is a member of the Political Depart­ ment of the Indian Civil Service and was recently decorated with a C. I.E. Mary Wingate, born 1636, was a daughter of Edward and Mary (Alway) Wingate. She married Sir Jerome Smithson of Stanwick Co., York Bt., and had a son, Sir Hugh Smithson who married Lady Betty, daughter of the Marquis of Hertford who was the son of the Duke of Somerset--known as "The Proud Duke." She inherited the Percy estate through her mother, Elizabeth Percy. In this way Sir Hugh eventually became the Duke of Northumberland in 1744 and it is from this union that the present Dukes of Northumberland are descended. The following gives the direct line of descent down to John Wingate who came to America about 1650. A. John de Wingate (-d 1396)m to Agnes Beleurge. B. Robert Wingate (-d 1496)m to Marjorie Blandell. C. William Wingate (-d 1522)m to Jane Morecote. D. Robert Wingate (-d. 1556) m. to Joanne Porter. E. Edmund Wingate (-d 1586)m to Mary Belfield. F. George Wingate (-d 1654)m to Anne Fitze. G. John Wingate (1636-1687) is supposed to be the emigrant John. Positive proof has not been found. WINGATES IN SCOTLAND Ninian Winzet (pronounced Winjet), was born in 1518 in Renfrew. Scotland. and died in Germany, 1592. In 1576 he was made Abbott of the Scotch Monastery at Ratisbon on the Danube. 16 Wingates -in Scotland "He was conspicious in the process of these religious controver­ sies which attended the Scotch Reformation and according to the estimate of his own party he rendered himself formible for the strength of his talents and the extent of his theological learning" -From lives of Scotch writers"-by Dr. David Irving. The names Wingate and Winget are still found in Scotland. There are Wingates living in Overton, near Wishaw, Lanark­ shire, Scotland at present. After considerable correspondence in attempting to relate the Wingets in America with those in Wishaw, the attempt was given up because no evidence could be found that would connect the two families. In fact they say the people in America are not of their familv. There are, also, Wingates in Stirling, Scotland and they are possibly of the same family of Wingates who settled in New York State about the Revolutionary War period. In a letter to Charles E. L. Wingate, 1888, Robert Wingate of Tacoma, Scotland, says, "The Wingate family in Scotland are not very numerous. Most of them can trace their relationship to one family who sett1ed in northern Scotland about 1700 and came from England about that time." In a recent letter from Sir Reginald Wingate of London to · Charles E. L. Wingate of vVinchester, Mass. Mr. Wingate says, "The tradition in the family is that the orig-inal house of the Win­ gates was in the vicinity of the present colliery town of Wingate in the county of Durham. It was from here that Edward I marching north for the invasion of Scotland, recruited 25 horse­ men from the Family and after the capture of Stirling, Edward apportioned them lands in Stir1ingshire .and from them, the pre­ sent Scottish branch of the · Family is descended. Presumably, other members of the Family moved south from Wingate, either before or after the Norman Conquest, and from them the Win­ gates of Harlington (Bedfordshire) and of Welwyn (Hertford­ shire) descended." The following letter was sent to Marcia Wingate who was working on the Wingate Family Tree but who passed aw~y leaving her work uncompleted. She was a descendant of the New York Wingates. 8 Union Street Stirling, Scotland. 12th December, 1917. Dear Miss Wingate; I received your letter of the 17th N ovem her. The gentleman you intended it for was well known to me-the late ExBaile Charles Wingate, who practiced here for many years as a solicitor and was a much resnected citizen. He died shortly after your visit to Stirling, and our family of Win­ gates was practically the only one left in the district. The name is uncommon in Scotland, hence the difficulty in genealogical research. My father was a John Wingate who died over 20 years ag':>. For thirty years he was precentor and choir master in the East Parish Church, Stirling. After his marriage to Jean Davisson of Dun blane, they settled in Stirling, where the family were all brought up. Eight of the family are alive. James is a school master at Cleland, Lanarkshire, and I am in business as a nrinter. My sisters, in rotation are; Maggie, Jean, Bella, Lily, Jessie, and Nellie, all of The First Wingate Fannily in America 17 whom are married with the exception of Jessie, who is a teacher in the Ter­ ritorical School here. Besides these, there were a Robert and Andrew, but they died while young. As far as I can learn, my grandfather's people were farmers in the district of Kipp en ( Stirlingshire) his name was Robert, and be bad a brother-probably Andrew who imigrated in his younger days. It is supposed, that he went to J amacia, but at that time, his f-riends lost touch of him. He was said to have been a very handsome man. Then I had an Uncle named Andrew Wingate who served through the Crimean War and Indian hunting with the 93rd Argyll and Sutherland High­ landers. He was one of the fameous "Thin Red Line" and came through these wars unscratched. I must not forget to congratulate your father on attaining such a vener­ able old age, and it is pleasing to know that a "Wingate" can lay such a claim to longevity. · Yours faithfully, JOHN WINGATE. THE :F'IRST WINGATE FAMILY IN AMERICA The earliest record we have of the Wingates coming to America is that of Charles ,vyngate, born 1613, who came to Virginia in 1635. We find no further record of him. Roger Wingate was appointed King's Treasurer for life, in Virginia. John Wingatt came to Jamaica, later coming to Virginia and is possibly the brother referred to in the letter of John Wingate in Chapter I. No furthur record of these men have been located. The name Robert and Willis Winget appear on the Census of Nor­ folk county, Virginia, in 1785. John Wingate, 1636, came to New Hampshire about 1658 and is generaily believed to be the ancestor of the American families of Wingate but later records show that three brothers came from Scotland to New York State about the time of the American Revolution. It is thot they originally came from England and may belong to the same family as the above John Wingate. The three brothers who came from Scotland settled in Schenectady county, N. Y. Robert and Andrew are two of the names but we do not know the· third. James Wingate, whose brief biography appears in Chapter XI is a descendant of Andrew Wingate. The following letter was written by Robert Wingate to his brother in Scotland but for some reason was not mailed. It was undated but gives evidence of having been written after the Revolution. "Dear Brother''; I again write you these few lines that I am in good health at present. Our brother, Andrew Wingate, he was complaining when I came to his house of a cold and now it has turned out to be Dropsy. • . . .He is very low at present. We hope he will get better if it be the Lord's will. He is well attended by his neighbors. He has six children-three sons, James,, William and John-Daughtes; Gracy, Margaret and Ketsen. James is 15 years old­ he holds the plow. Mrs. Wingate is a lusty young woman-rou·nd face and well looking. I have been staying with him as yet. I went the month of April and worked in Garden in Baltown, and had mind to continue for a year. The garden business is good here--they will get two hundred dollars a year and found. Baltown is a handsome country-an old settlement and good buildings on it--all wood. Stones is very plentiful in this country-all over; the ground is lying full of rolling stones-some parts flat, broad stones; other parts round. In Galway, they are building stone-dikes. The wood begins to get scarce. Some whole dikes; others, three parts of stone and strips in them; three rails of 18 John Wingate Descendants • boards on the top. I hear it said that they have fences of apple trees; the apples are as plenty as the potatoes. They will feed their hogs with them. Pears are not plenty-nor plums. Grapes grow in the woods. Princetown is very hilly and knolly. The most of the country is so that it cannot be laid out well. I have seen no ( ? ) in Princetown; yet the soil is clay; they flow' round the knolls. The crop of wheat and rye looks well, and has a great appearance. They have but little spring crop here. Some sew a few oats, and barley; the oats grow very poor; they are not so good as them that grow with the wind. With you, barley grows a little better. They are plowing now their fallow ground; plowing up their soil three years old, and some let it lie four or five years; they put nothing on it. They take a crop of wheat, and a crop of rye-some sow it with seed nd some not. The plows have but one handle. I cannot plow with them. They will plow a great deal in a day. They will miss a third part of it. Many of the farmers have limestone on them farms, and will not use it. They say that will not bear the expense. Some say it will, but I think they will come to use it. Their land is getting out; the first of the ground is the only chance of making money. A man that has a growing family and little money go to the woods. He will make out well after a few years. Every one has a difficulty at first. It is hard work cutting wood-the stumps will take eight or twelve years. They will put horses to them with a chain and pull them out; pine stump will stand in the ground a man's lifetime-this country looks very wild to a incomer. At first I thought would n-0t stay in it, but now I like better. Upon the whole I think· States is better country for a poor man to get along. They have chance of getting land. Equality is'nt a great measure here. Mr. and Mrs. goes along here to every. one. I saw Walter Doig going upto Dulhigh, and I hear that he is on a farm. · I saw James Doig going upsince, the other James Doig, David's son. They told me going to take land, but I have heard nothing of them since. They all well there in May. Walter Maxwell and his family is well. John Ferguson and that family.· · Remember me to enquiring friends. . . • . . I remain your brother and well wisher. ROBERT WINGET." JOHN WINGATE FAMILY M·any members of the Wingate family in America are believ­ ed to trace back to Capt. John Wingate of Dover, H. H. He prob­ ably came. over. when quite .young and lived with the family of Thomas .Leighton, Esq. We find no record of how he became connected with Mr.. Leighton, one of the leading citizens of Dover but when he became twenty-one years of age he received a 20 acre lot of fine land as a present from him and started to work for himself. Later the town gave him 20 ajoining acres. He carried on lumbering, farming and ship building. His work prospered and he amassed a large number of properties. In 1660 the town made him a "freeman," (a full fleged citizen) and grant­ ed him a tract of land two miles from the present City Hall, on the Dover Neck Road. Here he built his house, took his young bride and reared his family. This farm remained in possession of his descendants until the year 1912, a period of 252 years, and never passed out of the name during that time. John Wingate was the ancestor of a much distinguished fam­ ily. He was not early in public office, but attended strictly to his own business affairs. Dr. Belnap, the Historian, says, "In 1683 he was one of the principal land holders in Dover." His first public service was that of juryman, especially, on the grand jury. He was one of the selectmen in 1674, 1686 and 1687. When the DoYer Home:--teacl of the Fir:,.;t '\Vingate in America. .John \Vingate :--ettled here around 1658. Thi:,.; wa!-- the third house, built in 180:L In front :,.;tand the la:,.;t \Ying-ates who occupied the house.

J okn Wingate Descendants 19 Indian War began he was placed in command of a company of Militia, and thus obtained his title of Captain Wingate. He was in active service several years. John Wingate, his son, inherited the homestead and lived there all his life. He was a useful citizen. His prominence was in the military line as the Indians were very troublesome during his lifetime. The colonists had to contend with the French in Canada as well as the Indians. In 1707 John 2, was Captain of a Company in the expedition against Port Royal, the capitol .of the French settlement. Captain Wingate and his com­ pany did valiant work in assisting in winning the campaign for the English. Due to some bickering among the higher officers the campaign was not completed and the New Hampshire troops had to undertake a second expedition in 1710. They arrived at Port Royal in September. The Governor of the Fort despairing to hold out against such formidable forces surrendered after firing a few shots. Capt. Wingate participated in both expeditions. When he was mustered out he was allowed 49 pounds, 9 shillings and 9 pence on April 19, 1711 and 13 pounds, 9 shillings and 9 pence in Nov. 1712. His will is recorded in the Probate office at Exeter, and shows he was a man of wealth and that he made a fair distribution among his children. John 3 also inherited the homestead and spent his life there. He was a member of the Militia and in 1740 was commissioned Lieutenant of the 2nd Foot Co. of Dover. He was selectman 1729- 1752 and was moderator in several town meetings. He was a very able business man. Before 1745 he had risen to Captain of the Dover Company and in that year was elected Representative for Dover in the Provincial Assembly where he held office for several years. He was t,vice married, his second wife being the daughter of Maturin Ricker, an emigrant from England, who had been killed by the Indians. She was captured and carried to Canada but had been redeemed by friends. John's Will shows ample provision for his family. The homestead was left to his twin sons, Aaron and Moses. Joshua Wingate, son of John 1, settled in Hampton, N. H., where he became a valued and distinguished citizen. He was industrious, stern and rigid. So valuable were his services that when he wished to resign as Colonel of the Hampton Regiment the Royal Governor Shute urged him not to do so as he could not find another man to fill his place. In Oct. 1716, Gov. Shute visit­ ed New Hampshire coming from Boston. At the line between the two providences His Excellency was met by the Honorable Lieut. Governor of N. H. with a mounted guard from Hampton. They were joined by troops from Exeter. Upon arriving at Han1pton town, four companies of foot soldiers were drawn up on the Com­ mons, before Captain Wingate's home where the Governor dined. Captain Wingate received his commission from Governor Shute to comm~nd a company of Militia in Hampton. He was to serve under Colonel Mark Hunking. This commission imposed respon­ sibilities as well as distinction at that period. In 1722 he was chosen Representative from Hampton in the Provincial Assembly. 20 Joshua Wingate Descendants He was re-elected to this position several times. In 1731 he was appointed Major of the Regiment and in 1744 promoted to Colonel. In 17 45 he was in the Expidition to capture Louisburg. He married Mary Lunt and lived with her for 68 years. They had a family of eleven children. Their eldest son, Rev. Paine Wingate, was born in 1703 and graduated from Harvard at the age of 20. This same year he was installed as minister of the Church at Amesbury, Mass. He was one of the ablest men of his time. At 24 he married Mary Balch and she is said to have been a lady noted for considerable literary acquirements, and for her personal beauty. For sixty years, until his death, Rev. Paine Wingate served as a faithful leader and servant of his flock. Near the last he became so feeble he could not walk but his son Joseph, who remained at home, assisted him to the pulpit and he would then speak as strong as in his younger days. Rev. Wingate kept a diary in which he recorded all sorts of things of interest, marriages, deaths and many subjects of church affairs which depict the usual life in the church of the 18th century. The misdeeds recorded were various. For example:­ Abraham Colby was called to testify his repentence for his breach of ye Sabbath by coming down from Chester with a cart and two oxen and two horses, on the Lord's Day bringing a load of produce to market.-James Sandy, Jr. made a public confession before ye church, having been unawares overtaken by drink, and therefore disguised, as to be called Drunk.-Elizabeth Dow was diciplined for gadding about." Their sixth child was named Paine. He was born in 1739 and lived to be 99 years of age. He also graduated from Harvard as a minister at the age of 20 .. He was called to preach in the ne";N First Congregational Church at Hampton Falls, N. H. in 1763. He resigned his church in 1771 after having baptized 184 people and solemnized 319 marriages during his eight years ministry. He mar­ ried Eunice Pickering in 1766 and after leaving the ministry they moved to Stratham where he engaged in extensive farming. He became one of the most expert men in this trade in N. H. He took part in local politics, holding various town offices. At the be­ ginning of the Revolutionary War he was elected Representive to serve in the organization of the new government. He was a member of the last Provential Congress and the first United States Senate, being a colleague with the Hon. John Langdon. His term was from 1789-1793 and when it ended he was immediately elected Representative to Congress. In 1798 he was appointed Supreme Judge of the New Hampshire Judicial Court where he served for eleven years. He was a good speaker and preached excellent ser­ mons, but his career in public affairs is to his great credit and was the crowning glory of his life. He was one of New Hamp­ shire's greatest men of the Revolutionary and post-revolutionary period. He was probably the most famous of his family. Mr. Wingate and his wife lived together 70 years and reared a large family. His farm was still in possession of the Wingate Joshua Wingate Descendants 21 family at the time this data was received in 1922. It was a large and handsome estate on the east side of the road leading from Portsmouth to Exeter, extending back to the Swamscott River. The buildings are located at the foot of the hill on which stands the town church. The Hon. Moses Wingate, grandson of Rev. Paine Wingate, and nephew of Judge Paine Wingate was also a distinguished member of this family. He was a resident of Haverhill, Mass. and lived to be 100 years, 7 months and 20 days old. When a young man he kept a store on Merrick street. He was appointed the first Postmaster of Haverhill in 1793, a position filled for 21 years. In 1816 he gave up the store and went to the farm. He also enter­ ed politics, and was very successful in both fields. He was a member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives 1821-23 and of the Senate 1823-25 and 1827-8. He was a delegate to the Constitutional Convention, which began Nov. 15, 1820 and closed Jan. 9, 1821. Among his associates were Daniel Webster, John Adams, Chief Justice Parker and Joseph Story. He held the office of "Justice of Peace" for fifty years. This was at a time when a successful administration of that office was almost as dif­ ficult and delicate a manner as is the office of a Judge in a higher court at the present time. He cast a vote for every President from Washington to Grant. His Portrait is to be seen in the Haver­ hill Public Library. He was born in the same year as Napoleon and Hunbolt. The first had closed his fabulous career nearly half a century before the death of Moses Wingate. The other died many years before he passed away. Most of the prominent men of the Revolution were unknown at the time of his birth; Washington was quietly engaged in managing his farm on the Potomac; Webster, Calhoun and Clay were unborn. He was a boy seven years old when the Declaration of Independence was written. Railroads, steamships and the telegraph did not come into use until he was past sixty years of age. Charles Edger Lewis Wingate, great grandson of Paine Win­ gate has made a name in the Literary field. He is the author of, The History of the Wingate Family, 1886; Shakespeare's Heroes on the Stage; Shakespeare's Heroines on the Stage; Life and Let­ ters of Paine Wingate etc. and is co-Editor of Universities and Their Sons, One Hundred Novels Condensed etc. He is now Sun­ day Editor of the Boston Post. James Dana WinS?ate, brother to Charles E. L. Wingate, above, owns and conducts the Mercury Printing Company in Bedford, Massachusetts and is President of the Massachusetts Press Associa­ tion. John Wingate 3, had ~- son Daniel, born 1723, who married Mary Frost. daughter of Vljlliam Frost of Dover. He lived in Rochester N. H. and o,vred fl l~rge and profitable farm near there. In the winter he carrierl on extensive lumbering. He left his family well provided. for by hi~ Will. made Feb. 9, 1793. Their son William (1750) married Deborah Buzzell of Farmington N. 22 Joshua Wingate Descendants H. and emigrated to Pennsylvania, just before the beginning of the Revolution, and settled near Pittsburg. He was a skilled mechanic and expert house builder. William Wingate, son of the above William, followed his fathers trade and prospered in business. He married Sara Lindley and had several children, the oldest being Syrus (Cyrus) the seventh generation from John the Emigrant, and father of ope of the families herein recorded. Cyrus Wingate emigrated to Illi­ nois and later to Utah where many of his descendants are still living. George Wood Wingate, great, great, grandson of John Win­ gate, 4, was born in N. Y. He was a graduate of N. Y. Free Acad­ amy, a lawyer and a senior member of the firm of Wingate & Cullen. He conducted the construction of the first elevated rail­ road in Brooklyn and was at one time President of the Brooklyn Elevated Railroad Company. In 1861 he enlisted in 1st Regt. of N. Y. Calvary. Later he re-en.listed in Co. A. 22nd N. G. S. N. Y. and served in the Harrisburg and Carlisle campaign in Penn. He was promoted to Corporal, then Sargeant and after the war be­ came Lieut., Capt. and Major. After the Civil War he organized the National Rifle Association and served many years as the Secretary. He published a manual of Rifle Practice which was the standard work upon which rifle practice was developed in this country. He became Inspector of Rifle Practice of N. Y. State with rank of Brig. General, and served as President of the Na­ tional Rifle Association for 25 years. He was known as "The Fath­ er of rifle practice" and captained many international · rifle teams. From 1900 to 1917 he was a member of the Board of Education of New York City. In 1904 he founded the Public Schools Athletic League, in which millions of school children received beneficial athletic training and was its president until his death. Upon his death the "George W. Wingate Foundation" was created to perpetuate his work for the school children. He was a member of the general committee of the Boy Scouts and was awarded the silver Buffalo insignia of merit. He was author of, "The Great Cholera Riots," "On Horseback through the Yellow­ stone" and others. George Albert Wingate, son of George W. Wingate, above, graduated from Brooklyn Polytechnic Collegiate Institute, New York Law School, LL. B. Lawyer and has been, since 1918, Sur­ rogate Kings Co. N. Y. He enlisted in Co. D. 23rd Regiment N. G. N. Y. in 1889 and was rapidly promoted until he became Adjutant'A. D. C. was on the staff of Governor Theodore Roosevelt, Jan. 1, 1899-Jan. 1, 1901. Lt. Col. Division Staff. N. G. N. Y. Mch. 28, 1903, Col 2nd N. Y. F. A. June 1912. He served on Mexi­ can border as Colonel 2nd N. Y. Field Artillery June 24, 1916• Feb. 1, 1917. He served in World ,var from June 24, 1917 to Mch. 31, 1919 as Colonel and Brigidier General. He was awarded Distinguished Service Medal, New York State, Conspicious Service Cross, and Victory Medal with clasps for Defensive Sector, St. Miheil Salient, Meuse Argonne and two divisional Citations. He J oskua Wingate Descendants 23 graduated from Brigade and Field Artillery Officers School at Fort Sam Houston, and Artillery School of Fire at Fort Sill. Charles Fredrick Wingate, brother of George W. was a Sani­ tary Engineer and active in social reforms movements. He was founder of the Twightlight Park in Catskill Mountains in 1898. He was editor of the Independent for twenty years and lived in New York City. John C. Wingate, son of Joshua, 3, great grandson of John, 1, was Selectman of the town of Wakefield, 1780-85 and in 1788. He was Surveyor of Highway in 1776 and signed the Association Test at Wakefield Sept. 11, 1776. John Philbrook Wingate, his grandson, lived in Hemmingford P. Q. until 1868 when he moved to Burr Oak, Iowa. He and his son John bought a farm and they both spent the rest of their lives there. Henry, his oldest son set­ tled in the same locality. Henry P. Wingate, son of the above John P. Wingate, was a successful farmer. He was one of the first farmers, in Iowa, to go into diversified farming when the wheat crops failed. He owned considerable land at the time of his death. He was a man of strict integrity, whose word was as good as his bond. In his younger days, when borrowing money at 10 % to pay for his farm the money-lender at the county seat, Decorah, often said he would rather have the word of Henry and John Wingate and John Snead (a friend and neighbor) than the notes of any other men in the county. This universal respect for his honesty was encountered in many instances by his youngest daugh­ ter when acting as administratrix of her. parents estate, and prov­ ed of great value in necessary business transactions, many of which were easily consummated because, as different ones defin­ ately stated, she was "her father's daughter." One writer says "Henry Wingate was a successful farmer, more inteligent than most.'' Mrs. Joseph Lindsay, daughter of Henry Wingate has in her possession one of the wedding teaspoons and a cap box, lined with and 1804 newspaper, which were the property of Abigail Sanborn Wingate, wife of John. Her husband, Joseph Lindsay, was with the Canadian Pacific Railroad when it was first built through the Canadian Rockies. He remained with them five years when he became affiliated with the Great Northern Company which he -served for 40 years; mostly at the head of the Lakes as Superin­ tendent of Bridges and Building. Captain John Weeks, son of Martha Wingate (1718) Weeks, was Lieut. in Revolutionary War, a member of the Convention that adopted the Constitution of N. H. and was a member of the Legislature. His son John Wingate Weeks, was a member of Congress. John W. Weeks, a great, great grandson of Capt. Weeks, was an eminent Boston Banker. He was Secretary of War in the Cabinents of Harding and Coolidge. He was Rep. and Senator of Congress and Commander of Naval Brigade of Masachusetts. His son, Sinclair Weeks, is Mayor of Newton, Mass. Henry K. Wingate, great, great grandson of John, 5, graduat­ ed from Carelton College, Northfield, Minnesota in 1887. He 24 J oskua Wingate Descendants taught school one year at Taylor's Falls, Minnesota and then at­ tended the Chicago Theological Seminary for one year, and Yale Divinity School for one year, after which he went to Marsovan, Turkey as History and Mathematics instructor in the Anatolia College. He remained there two years, returned to the United States and completed his Theological course at Hartford Seminary. He preached in Minneapolis for a short time, married and return­ ed to Turkey in the Fall of 1893 where he remained until 1920. He was located at Cesarea, Central Asia Minor and lived there thru many years of wars and massacres. He is now living in Northfield Minnesota where his youngest son is attending Carleton College. His oldest son, John, is assistant Professor of Merchan­ dising in New York University and is the author of several books on the Merchandising subjects. Henry, the second son, is an at­ torney employed by the Sullivan and Cromwell Corporation law­ yers in New York City. William Wingate, a brother to Henry, above, is also an attorney located at Superior, Wisconsin. Charles H. Wingate, oldest brother to Henry, above, retired merchant, has in his possession what is supposed to be, the oldest copy of The Coat of Arms in this country, the one brought over by the Emigrant John. His three sons followed their father's trade, merchants. · ·cHAPTER II

THE SECOND OR CALEB WINGET FAMILY HE EARLIEST record we find of the Caleb Winget branch of the family is in the Bible of William Winget, a grand­ son of Caleb, now in the possession of Mary Hazel Winget T Varner, a great grandmother of Ziba Winget. The record, over a hundred years old, was written near the time of the death of Caleb Winget. This record states that Caleb Winget emigrated from England to America when a young man. The legend is that Caleb Winget and two brothers left England for America. Coming over, because of the fear of the British they changed their name to "Winget" the Scotch form of the name thus giving the impression that they were from Scotland. Rev. C. L. Winget told the compiler that his ancestor, the emigrant, was a son of Captain Wingate of England but changed his name to Winget when coming to America. Mrs. Della Winget Gardner has a chest in her possession said to have been brought from Eng­ land by this ancestor. It has been thought by earlier writers that this Caleb was a descendant of the emigrant John Wingate, through his son Caleb Wingate who emigrated from New Hampshire to Maryland but the above record destroys this idea. Reuben Winget owned property in Morris county, N. J. in 1755 and was possibly one of the brothers. It is thought that James Winget, Chapter. XI, was a brother or nephew of Caleb Winget. Caleb Winget settled in Morris county, N. J. but when 32 years of age he went to Westmoreland county, Pa. where he pur­ chased a tract of land. A few years later he left New Jersey with his family and settled in Pa. The court records of Greene, ,vashington and Fayette counties, Pennsylvania, sho,v that Caleb Winget purchased 250 acres of land on Ten Mile Creek, in 177 6 from John Walton. He took a patent on another tract, called "Deerpark" on Brush Fork of Ten Mile Creek, surv~yed Jan. 1, 1786, in pursuance of a war­ rant granted to Benjamin Morgan on Oct. 13, 187 4. He settled on a tract of 262 acres on Ten Mile Creek, in Morris township that he purchased and granted to his son Daniel on Feb. 20, 1786. It ,vas surveyed July 20, 1786 and called "Winget Disaster." This farm was sold in three tracts to Timothy Lindley, David Conger and Rhoda Gardner acording to the court records. Caleb Win-

25 26 The Second or Caleb Winget Family gate sold his first tract of 205 acres to Joseph Lucky for 80 pounds on June 10, 1782 and 150 acres to Rev. James Dunlap for 150 pounds on Aug. 21, 1781. Caleb Winget's name is found o"n records to be spelled "Winget" and his descendants all use this spelling of the name, with the exceptions of a few as hereinafter mention­ ed. He died Feb. 13, 1817 and is buried in the cemetery at Prosperity, Pa. His wife, Sara, who was born Jan. 1765, died June 8, 1850. Her body lies beside her husband. This was his second wife as she was near age of his sons and her name is not mentioned on early deeds and other writings. Caleb Winget had five sons, Reuben, Ziba, William, Stephen and Daniel and a daughter Hannah. We know nothing of the daughter but the data we have found of the sons families fol­ lows. Daniel, Ziba and Stephen, with their families came to Ohio, on horseback, in 1800. They came by the way of Kentucky, crossing the Ohio River near Marietta. The water was high at this time and the horses had to swim the river. They stopped at Marietta for a short time then went to Germantown where they lived in blockhouses. Reuben Winget owned a tract of land in Fayette county, Pa. called "Blacksmith." It was sold in three parts, according to the county records, on Aug. 26, 1793. Sixty acres were sold to Jesse Lucas for 75 pounds, 150 acres to Samuel Torrence for 110 pounds and 159 acres to James Adams for 110 pounds. He came to Ohio in 1800. He did not stop at Marietta as did his brothers but went to Cincinnati, an Army Post, by flatboat. He later set­ tled in Clark county, Ohio on a section of 640 acres which was granted to him by the goverment for $1.25 per acre. Part of this farm was divided among his sons, each receiving 70 acres for the sum of fifty dollars. He gave each daughter $1500.00 in cash. After his death the balance of the estate was sold. Some of this land remained in the hands of his descendants for over 100 years and recently part of it was purchased by later descendants. Reuben Winget married t:wice in Penn. and twice in Ohio. His great grandson, Benarr Blackburn Esterline, born in 1877, became A prominent lawyer. He served for a time in the Department of Justice at Washington, D. C., and later became the legal advisor of Attorney Mitchell. He ,vas holding that position when he met Reuben Winget--Ziba Winget--Descendants 27 accidental death in 1928. He never married but cared tenderly for his invalid sister to w horn he left the bulk of his estate . .Hugh Winget, a son of Reuben, took part in the War of 1812. In 1848 he moved to near Selma, Indiana. Some of his descendants are living at Selma and Montpelier and others have moved to Illinois. Rebecca Winget, daughter of Reuben Winget married Eph­ riam Shellabarger. His ancestory is given in the next chapter. A great granddaughter of Rebecca Winget says, that she rem­ embers quite distinctly, the dear beautiful little old lady of queenly airs and gentle manners who used to visit her home when she was a child. Ziba Winget left Germantown and settled on a quarter section of land adjoining his brother Reuben's near Enon, Ohio. Later he moved to Miami county, Ohio. His wife Jane, who died Feb. 1, 1836, is buried in the family graveyard on the farm near Enon. Elias Vicker Winget, a grandson of Ziba, was born in Green­ ville, Ohio. When he became 21 years of age he went to Illinois and engaged in the Blacksmith trade until his failing health in­ duced him to give it up and go into farming. He owned farm near Jacksonville and Sadorus. In 1865 he sold out and moved to Tolono, Illinois where he became engaged in the Hotel business. After four years he was appointed Postmaster of Tolono and held that position until his death. He was serving this position at the time of the assasination of President Abraham Lincoln. He was an active member of the Methodist Church and one of the pioneer workers in the church and Sunday School at Sadorus and Tolono. He fell a victim to Typho-Malarial Fever in July 1880 and lived only a few days. Joshua Walter Winget, son o! Elias V. Winget, was General Claim Agent on the Wabash R. R. at Springfield Illinois until about 1889 when he went to West Virginia. He followed the same ,vork here accepting the position to General Claim Agent for the C. & 0. R. R. from Richmond to Cincinnati which he held until his death in 1908. Laura Geanette Winget, daughter of Elias Vicker Winget, was a Home Missionary. She had charge of the Spruce Street Mission in St. Louis, for years and later was in charge of Rescue work in Los Angeles. Elizabeth Ann Winget, daughter of Elias Vicker, married Dr. T. J. Merryman but had no children of her o,vn. She cared for three step-children. Dr. Merryman was a prominent Homeopa­ thic physician practicing for 43 years. He was deacon in the Baptist church in Campaign, Illinois and Lincoln, Nebraska for a number of years. He was active in organizing Sabbath Schools in country school houses and other christian work. The cause of Temperance was dear to his heart and he was President of the Red Ribbon Club and active in the work. He was a poet of some note. He had several books printed, some for school 28 The Second or Caleb Winget Famuy recitation and some on the liquor question for the Temperance Unions. Lewis Earl Winget, grandson of Elias Vicker Winget, is Traffic Superintendent of four operating Telephone Companies with headquarters at Lubock, Texas. In 1899 he· started working for the Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company in Charleston, W. Va., as assistant to the Superintendent of State. He was later transferred to Atlanta, Georgia, where he became chief toll inspector handling toll curcuit layouts and toll switch­ board requirements with the installation of the functional organi­ zation of the Southern Bell Company. He was appointed Super­ intendent of Traffic for the Savannah Division. He held the same office for the Northwest Bell Company, located at Minneapolis, Minnesota, at a later time. Previous to the last appointment he worked some time in Boston, Massachusetts, under the super­ vision of Thomas B. Doolittle-inventor of hard drawn copper wire, and the father of the toll center checking system. ·From Minneapolis he went to Louisville where he was Di­ vision Superintendent and from there he became Division Engineer for the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company. He was one of the three engineers in charge of the Seattle cutover to panel m·achine switching equipment. He was General Superintendent of traffic in the telephone department of Brazilian Light, Power and Traction Company, Rio de Janerio and Sao Paula, Brazil. For two and one half years prior to going with the United Telephone Company he was General Traffic Manager of Inter­ national Telephone and Telegraph Company, for Spain, with headquarters at Madrid. He went through the period of installing the toll line plant for Spain, and the conversion of thousands of line~ from magneto and common battery service to automatic service. Alma Winget Cummings, sister to Levvis E. is the first Lady General Superintendent in M. E. Church in Huntington West Va., and is active in all local projects. Joshua Walter, a brother, is an attorney in Indianapolis. Rader W. Winget, another brother, is connected with the San Antonio Express daily in Texas.

THE COTTAGE BY THE ORCHARD lVritten for Mrs. Elias Vicker Winget, at the ti1ne of the death of her husband, 1880, by her brotke-r-in-l,aw. In "the cottage by the orchard" There thev lived in quiet pleasure There was once a happy home, Happy in each other's love, Then grief at separation There they drank of God's kind favor To the group had never come. And His blessings from above.

'l,here the father and the mother When the boys arrived at manhood Watched with tender care their fold . And the girls were women grown, Sought to educate their children Each in seeking their good fortune And their character to mould. Left their kind parental home. Ziba Winget-Descendants 29

Three have now been bound in wed­ Often now she sighs and wishes lock, For the happy home of yore; 1\laking for themselves a home, But the wheels of time have left it Two still meet life's cares and duties In the past, to come no more. Single handed and alone. But she's not without some comfort Husband dear and loving father Children's hearts for her still Now within the church yard lies, yearn . But his spirit, pure, immortal, And the kindness she has shown them, Has its home beyond the skies. They will try now to return.

Mother now is sad and lonely, To their home she's ever welcome, Husband gone whom she held dear, Come and go when e'er she may, Children five are now all scattered, Thus to her snall joy be given None remain to give her cheer. All along life's lonely way. May the comforts of religion Home to her is home no longer, Be to her a joy untold All are gone who made it dear. 'Til the toils of life are over, Now she lives among her children, And she reaches the heavenly Sometimes there, at others here. fold. -Dr. T. J. Merryman.


On a still Sabbath rnorn There anueared a fine vi1ew Let us look for the rift 'Twas a rift between clouds, That will surely be there With the sun shining through. 'Til faith we can see And o'r mountain and vale, We are under God's care. Shed it's bright shining light, 'Til the earth fairly shone, With a radiance bright. Then our clouds will subside, While our sorrows give way, When by gloom we're depressed, And the gloom be dispelled Or by clouds overcast; By the bright dawn of day. Or by sorrow we're pierced Like a cold chilling blast, -Dr. T. J. Merryman.

William Winget, a son of Ziba Winget, married Nancy Mc­ Cashan in 1820. She was born in a blockhouse at Red Bank Sta­ tion, near Cincinnati, Ohio. She was a little woman, scarcely weigh­ ing one hundred pounds and could stand beneath the arm of her tall stalwart husband. Her parents gave her a chest of linens, a set of dishes and a saddle for wedding presents. They lived for a time in Greene county, near the home of his father and Uncle Reuben. In 1831 they blazed their way into the forest of Shelby county where they entered a tract of land and built a home. Here they endured the hardships and privations of pioneer life. Here the father gave up his lif'e, 1839, in the struggle to combat the elements of pioneering. The wife lived to be 94 years _of age and spent the greater part of her life with her son, Milton, She lived interested in the world about her until her death. A few days before her death, her daughter Susanna, returned from the west to visit her after an absence of fifty years and it is thot the happy reunion proved to much for her frail body. In her hand writing the record of her fan1ily exists today as evidence of her 30 The Second or Caleb Winget Family scholarship, and her old Bible thumbed and worn bear mute testimony of her faith and trust. Milton Winget, second son of William, above, received a very meager school education. From this and his mother's training he was inspired to search for truth and knowledge until his death at the age of 87. When 13 his father died and he and his older brother took charge of the farm. Altho he lacked schooling he studied and educated himself and was considered a well educat­ ed man in his day. He could read Latin and Greek. -He taught school for some time, a profession which most of his children fol­ lowed. He served in various town and county offices. His daughter, Alice Maude, attended Ohio Northern and Miami Universities and is a teacher in the public schools of Sidney, Ohio. Her daughter Katherine M. Carey is a graduate of Oberlin Conservatory of Music. Her music ability has been recognized in her work at the Luthur Gulick Camps in Maine and at Chautau­ qua, N. Y., where she served several summers. Besides being a pianist of note she is proficient as a Supervisor of Music in the Public Schools at Pittsburg, Pa., in the Edgewood District. Milton William Carey, grandson of Milton Winget graduated from Ohio State University with Degrees of Bachelor of Science and Arts. He has been a member of the Sidney Band for a num­ ber of years and while at State was a member of the Ohio State Band and Columbus Symphony. He is a member of the High School Faculty at Astabula, Ohio and director of the band and orchestral. Marion A. Carey, a brother to Milton, above, was a member of the U. S. Army in Panama and is no,v a student of Coyne Electrical School in Chicago. Mary Hazel Winget, daughter of Milton Winget, was an ef­ ficient teacher in the Shelby county schools as were her sisters, Alma and Carrie. Leo Middleton Winget, son of Milton, also taught school in Shelby county for several years. After the World War he entered Ohio State University and graduated in the Law school. He is at present, a promising young attorney at Sidney, Ohio. His mother, Elizabeth Winget, makes her home with him. William Winget, son of Caleb, remained in Washington county, Pennsylvania and has many descendants still living there. One grandson Stephen E. Winget, is still a practicing physician. Silas Winget, a grandson of William Winget married Harriet Mattox, daughter of John l\'Iattox, who was the inventor of the first circular saw but did not have it patented. H1annah Bell Winget, daughter of Silas Winget married Work­ man Hughs, Jr. son of Samuel L. and Susan (Workman) Hughs. grandson of John and Sara (Wiley) Hughs, great grandson of Baranabas Hughs who came from Ireland in 1756 to New Jersey. John Hughs participated in the Revolution under Capt. Hendricks and Col. William Thompson. He went to Canada: under Col. Bene- William Wingett (1769 )-Descendants 31 diet Arnold and took part in the Quebec attack, after which he was made Capt. in 1775. Howard Winget Hughs, grandson of Silas Winget, graduated from the Washington and Jefferson college, Washington, Pa., at the age of 20 and then graduated from: Harvard Law School at 22. In 192-9 he was appointed Judge and that Fall was elected as Judge of Washington county for a period of 10 years. Previous to this he was District Attorney for 6 years. Rev. Stephen Winget, son of William Winget, was a noted Cumberland Presbyterian minister. There is a memorial window in the Waynesburg College Library of Waynesburg, Pennsylvania, in his honor. John Newell Winget, great grandson of William Winget is a Scientist and Chemist and the founder of the Wingett Hospital of Oakland, California. The following letter was written by J. N. Wingett founder of the Wingett Hospital at' Oakland, California. Mrs. R. J. Warner, I am sending this note as an exceedingly brief sketch of my past life. I, J. N. Wingett, have received former reports that I was established on earth September the 27th, 1861. While I was present at that time, I remember nothing about it, altho I very early wakened to fully realize that at the same time I was born into two worlds-the mortal and the immortal world, which are seperated from each other with a thin gauze veil. The majority of my time was spent beyond the veil, in the immortal world, which is a great school of learning in various channels of the world's required science, being a school of many times greater magnitude above Harvard than Harvard is greater in ability over the five year old child's kindergarten school of the mortal world. I have attended this great institution of learning every day of my life and never get tired of it. It only tires the material body, which is rested through increas­ ing material vibration to any degree desired for material rest at intervals. I remained at home till the First of November, 1880, when, at that time, I went to Pittsburgh, Pa., to take up mechanical engineering. Mechanical engineering was followed with chemical engineering, which was promptly fol­ lowed by· the · science of geology, in which I have had very successful results in actual service. During the year 1903, being in various lines of business on my account, one of my sales agents at Johnsto,vn, Pa., interested Mr. W. K. DuPont, who had various industries in that city, to locate a hydraulic system in preparing water for service in his steam boilers. The plant was located and immediately at the time I informed Mr. DuPont of the actual condition of his boilers and advised him to order full new sets of tu bes, as many of the tubes were cut through with nothing existing between the scale and open firebox, as the metal had been cut away and the scale would start to move off within five days. To this l\Ir. DuPont replied, with a shirk of his shoulders and a smile which gave me a very hearty internal s1uilc, knowing wh~t wa,;-; coming. On the fifth day the scale was moved off one of the boilers and the fire drowned out, and on the seventh day two other boifors went down in the same way. After all had been repaired and back in ~ervice, l\lr. DuPont left · word with my salesman to have me call at his office the first time I was in the city. which I did, not knowing what was coming. The first word that was spoken, Mr. DuPont passed these words to me, "Winget, I wanted to see and inform you, you have an overwhelming success and if you will allow me I will organize a company for you, giving you fifty-two percent of the stock and the same in any increased capitalization, and I will furni~h the required capital." The proposition was promptly accepted a-nd contracts signed. M-r. DuPont, in securing the contract and being one of the memhe1·s at the head of the DuPont Powder Company immediately went to their Army and Navy 32 The Second or Caleb Winget Famuy

Smokeless Powder plant and located a duplicate equipment on a battery of 2000 h. p. with the same result. Up to this point it may seem to the reader as subject of but little signi­ ficance-right here we will look into its meaning. Up to the year 190!3 the United States was without an army and navy national defense, not having powder that was passable to enter into warfare with, and but few there are who understood that the Spanish-American war was fought with German and Austrian powder and this country had a hard time to secure it from Gern1any. In the latter part of 1903 I was called to the factory office of the cc,m:pa.ny --on my arrival I was met at the gate by the manager, as it was near lunch time, was invited to take a short walk through the factory grounds. We went out one street and back another, as the majority of the plant was laid out in regular street formation and it appeared as an actual village, consisting of 270 buildings at that time, as I was informed. The strangest feature to me was I did not see a single person about that great plant not even a single person or sign of life. On our return to the lunch room I saw it was filled with a large number of men with fagged faces and expressions. Mr. DuPont asked me to wait till the men retired from the room, which I did. Then he informed me of their great strain; that the government furnished a specification that they could not meet in their own laboratories, and stated, "We have worked here with this army of chemists, the best that can be found, and we have worked hard every day and have not gained a single point towards meeting the gover­ ment laboratories." Then rising to his feet and swaying his arms said, "This great plant, costing seven millions and a half, at present it looks as though we will never be able to turn a wheel again"-then asked me if I would try to help them, as I had helped them out of other serious difficulties. I informed him I would first i:,e·quire to know the government specification. Mr. DuPont started to read the specification. When it was about one-third read, I called to him to stop and iµake quick note," first stating, "I see you are nitrating your cotton twelve hours." "Change the time with the same chemicals to fifteen minutes on old cotton and twenty minutes on new cotton," and specified other points of requirement and informed Mr. DuPont that when carried through the labatory as specified, the government specifications would be more than met, and it was wonderfully more than met, the specifica­ tion of requirement being given in less than five minutes, · whicP established a new construction of powder of the highest efficiency, in general warfare. The tests were made to government specificatio,ns and far surpassed the re­ quirements, establishing a positive defense in the World's War and to all Allied countries. When the chemists realized the results obtained, there was a general inquiry came to me from different chemists, "Where did you graduate?" and here is where they met with great surprise and mystery, when I informed them that I never had a chemical test book in my hands "and never talk with chemists, as I do not know their technical terms of language, and it is well that I do not--your institutions of chemistry is as the blind leading the blind and all falling into the ditch, as demonstrated in this case, or, in other words, wandering from the goal instead of to it, due to blindness established through false teachings." "My only source of chemical instruction is from the great school of the immortal world, and not of the mortal world of pro­ found weakness." There are other operations in the science of explosives, which in carrying out problems while at DuPont's I learned are greater mysteries in the way of results than the one here briefly defined, but I have not space or time to de­ fine them as it would require a very large volume. I herein offer a brief sketch in the philosophy of geology, with reference to a mine in Boulder County, Colorado, known as the "Revenge Mine." Mr. Ludlow, being the mining engineer in charge and having lost the main vein niear the surface, went -oin. following a small and almost valueless vein and it hardly paid expenses. There was a scheme worked out to salt the mine with fairly rich gold ore and sell it to the engineer. The proposition was proposed to the engineer, being Mr. Ludlow, who made a close investigation and decided the mine had been salted with rich ore and accordingly Mr. Ludlow gave up the mine. Dr. Bair, a nrofessor in Columbia University, occasionally brought some pro blems over to Wilmington for me to work out for the University, and he, being acquainted with Mr. Ludlow, they met on the street in Philadelphia. In the course of the conversaticn. Mr. Ludlow informed the Doctor that the William Wingett (1769 )-Descendants 33 mine, in his belief, had been salted and he was going to give it up. Dr. Bair advised him to go down to Wilmington and have a visit with me regarding the mine before giving it up. Accordingly, Mr. Ludlow wrote asking if I would give an interview. In turn I informed him it would depend on the subject and for him to write and let me know what his subject was. He wrote informing me it was relative to mining. Accordingly, I f~ed a date for him to call which he did. When meeting him a few every day words passed then he stated he wanted to see me regarding a gold mine•, "I have in center boulder canyon, at the start it was very rich but apparently ran out." At this statement I asked t,o be excused till I could make a sketch. In less than ten minutes I pre­ sented him. with a complete sketch of the interior of his mine, showing the complete workings of his mine with all four levels showing the exact removal of ore to the exact part of vacant space on each level set in actual feet, and at the bottom of the lower level being down 400 feet below the surface. At this depth I drew a proposed tunnel from the lower level across to the lost vein, which was lost 80 feet below the ground surface, and approached the vein with the tunnel length of exactly 63 feet to the former lost vein. After I had finished the brief sketch I then presented it to Mr. Ludlow for inspection. He pronounced the sketch perfectly correct and inquired who furnished me with the data. My reply being correct, I stated that no one furnished me with any information. To this statement he looked at me very questionably; then I said to him, "I never heard your name pronounced prior to receiving your letter, and never heard of your mine till you spoke of it a few minutes ago." "At the time you announced the location of your mine, in less than two seconds I was there and through it, securing a general view of the interior of your mine, returned in less than one-half minute, then got out this sketch then re­ turned back to your mine and secured all the measurements, and here it is with all accurate measurements absolutely correct, "Where you designated the location for a tunnel, I have tunneled through there." In reply I stated , ''You never have bee·n through that wall," which seemed to grate on his nerves, and, easing the subject off, I informed him, "I will get out a properly finished draw­ ing of the entire situation and will have it ready for your inspection one week from this time." On Mr. Ludlow's return one week later, I had the finished drawing showing the tunnel location, which seemed to infuriate Mr. Ludlow, and he asked me if I thought it proper to challange his statements when I knew nothing about it. I informed him that I did know all about it and advised hin1 to se·nd the drawing out to his superintendent for confirmation one way or the other, which he did. He received a reply in about three weeks an­ nouncing detail of my drawing complete and that the tunnel had never been put through as he ordered and gave the reasons. Mr. Ludlow assured me, the tu·nnel would be put through, if it took the shirt off of his back, which it would seem like doing and was carried through too. My first knowledge of it was through the superintendent in coming East---he had assays made in Washington, D. C. A three inch tube was roasted, leaving a gold sheet over the entire top surface and hanging over the top edges in form of beads, while the assay ran ten thousand two hundred and sixty dollars per ton. A great deal could be said about this, but time and space will not permit. Mr. Ludlow, as an engineer for a Philadelphia company, had a close duplicate; the com­ pany had spent two and a half years and $140,000 and never found their ore. In taking up the case, I went out to the Calville Indian Reservation in the State of Washington in the line of geology. I am obliged to close by saying, I have located a number of oil wells in districts far from the known oil territ­ ories, giving feet and inches of the various stratas to pass through and the depth to the oil, which proved to be correct in all cases, as the bit confirmed the accuracy of the story of the well as was given before drilling. Many large volumes could be written on the subject of geology. I will close by saying, a properly cultivated soul or the immortal being of man can pass through the bowels of the earth, taking observation of all things, with greater speed and less barriers than the. airplane can pass through the f_ree air.• Having passed over a few points of minor interest from the school of modern science, . I will now take up briefly the subject of paramount interest, namely; Chemical Therapeutics and Surgery, which means properly caring for the aflicted and dying world of unreasonable premature death. This is a subject that I warded off for years, although I was finally forced into sub- 84 The Second or Caleb Winge1t Family

mission, as I was born to the material world for the mission well proven, so to me through various avenues the general treatment is foreign to all former and stands in a class of its own idenity, being purely chemical _and not a trace of medicine is ever taken into the stomach. The principal requirement is to secure a correct diagnosis of your ailment----chemical diagnosis preferred, no mistake is liabel to be made, as a correct diagnosis must be made as there was never a disease of the human body that was not supported with its individual classificati-0-n of false chemistry. To cure is to know the constituent of the false chemistry and second to produce a chemical that will penetrate the body and destroy the existing false chemistry supporting the disease and .to eliminate it from the body, which means to cure. This new philosophy has spread over the world with remarkable speed. A doctor in Shanghai, China, having an afflicted wife, which he could do noth­ ing for or find any doctor that could, in hearing of this treatment, promptly brought his wife over to us. Her case was readily diagnosed and cured. The doctor, realizing what our chemicals and methods meant to the afflicted world, secured a good supply for various diseases, returned to China and treated his patients with the same marveleus results. The doctor then re­ turned to California and contracted for chemicals and equipment returned to China in the British Colony, equipped a large and finely furnished institu­ tion in Shanghai and named it the Wingett American Institutio-n of Shanghai, and they report a very extensive patronage, this territory being in the British Colony. Will ·now go from Ohina to Australia, having two patients come to us from that country. They were promptly cured and returned back to Australia and are now insisting on us establishing an office in that country. Will write you from Australia to Bombey, India, where we have sent chemicals for hospital service. Will go from there to London, where a middle aged woman was doctoring for cancer and her daughter for infantile paralysis and neither of them meeting with any improvement. They then went to Paris and doctored with no results, when in a mysterious .way the one having cancer was brought to the Oakland, California, office and was promptly cured, proven so by bacteriological tests showing no trace of cancer left. The mother then brought the daughter over from France, a young lady sixteen years of age, who had never been able to go to school, afflicted with infan­ tile paralasis. She is now practically well and going to a private school, being very apt and learning rapidly. We have treated patients who have came to us from other countries with the same great success, but cannot define them as space will not permit. We have cured thousands of pro-nounced incurables. As space is exhausted, will close by saying that at the present time I am arranging to establish a University to be known as the Wingett University of Chemical Therapeutics and Surgery. Will close by saying, Chemistry is the world's onnipotent power waiting it in its potency for the -service of varied science to all capable of administering in keeping within its sacred laws. J. N. WINGETT Step.hen Winget, with his wife and t'\\"O small children, left Washington county, Pennsylvania, in company with Calvin Cary and his brothers, Reuben, Daniel and Ziba and their families for Ohio. The families remained at Marietta, Ohio for a time where Calvin, the third child of Stephen was born. Stephen Winget settled in Union county early in the spring of 1801 in time to plant his crops. His family followed later in the spring. William Winget, oldest son of Stephen and Hannah (Cary) Winget was born in Washington county, Pa. He was three years old when his paren~ emigrated to Ohio. He married Tibitha Gill and lived in Champaigne county, Ohio for ten years. He purchased · a farm, all woods, and cleared it himself. He was a prosperous farmer. He served as trustee, member of the school board, was of a religious turn of mind and contributed freely to the church. He Stephen Winget-Descendants 35 reared four children of his cousin, William Winget, who lost his wife soon after the birth of their tenth child. Phoebe Winget, second child of Stephen and Hannah Winget was born in Pennsylvania in 1799. She came to Ohio with her parents when quite young. She married Capt. James A. Curry, son of Col. James Curry, of Revolutionary times. He was born near Belfast, Ireland, in 1752. He was a grandson of James Curry, an Irish farmer of the county of Antrim. James Curry Sr. came to America from Belfast, Ireland, on the ship "Good Return," in 1762 and settled near Paris, Kentucky where Mrs. Curry died at the age of 93. Captain James A. Curry was born near New California, Ohio. He was a farmer. At that time the country was an unexplored wilderness in the Northwest. Red men still claimed it and wild animals roamed at will. James Curry possessed a spirit of fear­ lessness. Attired in his hunting costume of tow shirt and buckskin pants he took his game sack, a dozen dogs and a rifle and went int.o the woods. He gets full credit for killing the largest bear, of its species, ever known to have been killed in this county. He once made a trip of one hundred miles to get a doctor for a sick brother. The route was thru the woods, yet he travelled at night. In Feb. 1811 he went with another man to Union county. The snow was two feet deep but they felled some trees and made a halfback camp, which sheltered them all spring and summer. Mr. Curry raised a crop of corn and in the fall returned to Chilli­ cothe for his parents. In 1812 he enlisted with the 40 day Volunte­ ers. With his equipment he mounted his horse and went to Urbana where he joined a company of horsemen and served in Col. Carr's Regiment. His steed, "Old Ned," altho 21 years of age, served him efficiently during his military career. In 1813 having been made Captain he took his company to the Northwest and joined Gen. Harris. At the close of the war -he was offered a Captaincy in the Regular Army but declined. He was a self made man. He was well versed in Geography, Philosophy and History. He was known as the best historian in the county, in his time. He was generous and hospitable and never turned the needy from his door. He reared a family of ten children. His son, James A. Curry, lost his life in the Civil War. Calvin Winget, the second son of Stephen and Hannah Winget, was born in Marietta, Ohio, in 1801. His parents moved to Union county soon after his birth. He married Cynthia Ann Irwin, a sister to General W. B. Irwin (See Irwin data foil owing) they lived at Milford Center for a time then moved to Marysville, Ohio, where he engaged in the Cabinet making business with his two brothers, David and Stephen. His first dwelling was a part log and part frame house which stood on the site east of the present Congre­ gational church. Later he purchased a house opposite the Ameri­ can Hotel. It was destroyed by fire with another house and a store in 1831. The store was set fire by thieves after they had robbed it. The next day the thieves, two white men and a colored man, were caught and sentenced to the Pen. Calvin Winget died 86 The Second or Caleb Winget Famuy 1840, of Milk Fever. He left a widow and several small children. His wife died four years later. He was first captain of the Light Horse Militia company organized in 1830. William Mascall Winget, grandson of Stephen and Hannah Winget, was a dealer in thorobred cattle, bringing the first thoro~ bred Jerseys to Union county. He learned the saddelry and harness making trade and settled at Pleasant Valley. He married Cynthia Culver, daughter of Charles and Betsy (Lockwood) Culver and granddaughter of Standish Culver of New York. They settled in Milford Center, Ohio, where he established a business. He served as Union county township clerk for four terms and Justice of Peace for many years. May 2, 1864 he enlisted in 179 0. V. I. and was honorably discharged May 29, 1865. He was a 32nd degree Mason and held prominent offices. He was also a member of the G. A. R. He was a popular citizen, honored friend and neighbor. His son William studied medicine and practiced for some years. Calvin M. Winget, grandson of Stephen and Hannah Winget, was killed in battle of Stony River, Tennessee. He was buried there by friends who placed a row of pine trees around his grave. He was a corporal in Co. A. David P. Winget, grandson of Stephen and Hannah Winget, was a Commandant in charge of Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, during the Civil War. He was quite famous in the West where he was known. His body lies in the Cemetery at Fort Leaven,vorth .. His son Dewitt H. Winget, living today, has also made a name for himself as editor, writer, rider of the pony express, soldier and Indian fighter. He was born in Union county, Ohio. When quite young he moved with his parents to Kansas. He became an in­ separable friend of William Cody (Buffalo Bill). One of his books "Anecdotes of Buffalo Bill" dedicated to Boy Scouts of America, depicts western life as he knew it with William Cody. As an Indian fighter, printer and editor his life has been filled with unusual experiences. He is perhaps the only living person whom Abraham Lincoln threatened to spank. He still carries the note written to Stanton, by Lincoln, and says he half wished it had been carried out. He tells it as follows: At the age of 14 I was a drum­ mer boy for the First Kansas Regiment at Fort Leavenworth, where my father was Commandant. I wanted to get on the firing line, so I went down to Washington. I went to see Secretary of War, Stanton. He thot me too small for a soldier and opined that we'd better shoot you for leaving your post as a drummer boy for the first Kansas Regiment! "I was scared, so I went to the White House. I told my story to the President. He was silent, then wrote a note to take to Stanton." The note was, "Hadn't we better spank this drummer boy, Danny Winget, and send him back to Leavenworth?" "When I saw those words-'Hadn't we better spank this drummer boy'­ that was too much. I started to cry. So he took me by the hand and we went out. I still figured I was due to get that tanning Stephen W i"nget-Descendants 37 but I didn't. He took me to a hotel; I got three days rations clean clothes and two-weeks' furlough and transportation home." Dewitt H. Winget, "Dan" as he is known to his friends has been confined to his home for several months being a victim to paralysis. He spends his time in his library among his books and the mementoes of a life few are privileged to know. He is the last of the old Cody scouts and friends of many whose names are prominent in the American epic. He calls to memory such men as Abraham Lincoln, Elbert Hubbard, Joe Mitchell Chapple, Opie Read, Eugene Field, James Whitcomb Riley, Gene Stratton Porter, and Col. William F. Cody (Buffalo Bill), all were his friends, friends who left him the products of their fame, books and poems they had written, pictures they had autographed and other trinkets and implements of life. Elbert Hubbard went down on the Titanic. His last letter was addressed to "Dan. H. Winget, Clinton, Iowa." "To my friend, Dan H. Winget" is the inscription on a huge rock in the Limberlost beside which Gene Stratton Porter stands, in a picture that hangs in the library. He has several books of Porters autographed and presented to Dan Winget. Opie Read, Eugene Field, Joe Mitchell Chapple visited Clinton on several occasions to see "Winget." Mary B. Mullet, associate editor of the American magazine, served her apprenticeship as a cub on Dan 'Winget's little news­ paper, "The Merry War." Will H. D. Koerner, great American cartoonist, was "one of Dan's boys" as a neighbor child. Fleix Adler, America's funniest clown, was another. Gen. W. D. Conner got many an inspiration from Winget's tales of war. But a friendship that will culminate only in eternity was that of Dan Winget and Billy Cody, whose parents came from Ohio together in 1851 and who grew up together in the same home in Leavenworth, Kansas. Later they were fighters together on the western frontier. Dan Winget refers to Cody is his book "Anec­ dotes of Buffalo Bill" dedicated to Boy Scouts of America, "to boys, for boys, about boys." "Take him for your example" he advises of "pard," as they called each other for fifty years after praries were their playground. Some Poems of Dewitt H. Winget REGRETS Written in reply to an invitation to the Daniel Winget Reunion a.t Marion, Ohio, August 16, 1917, sent to him by Grace Wingett. Here's to the clan of Wingets true, And Charlie bold, and Jack and Tom. And I am Winget, through and Who'll sail aloft and drop the bomb through, Upon the Germans in the trenches, And. Grace, just listen, I've a hunch, And lay them out upon the benches. I'd like to mingle with the bunch, I'd like to meet my Uncle Cyp, But cannot now, I'm pained to say, Who preaches both from heart and Come to you from far Iowa. lip, I know I'd meet Grace, Bob and Bill, And Lizzie Marsh. his sister dear, And Mary, sweet, and John and Phil, My only aunt, with vision clear, 38 The Second or Caleb Winget Family My fathers name was David P. I'm something of a peach myself. His brothers, William and James, you But give my love to all the clan, see, Both boy and girl, matron and man, With Cyprian, "Cyp" you call him And, Gracie dear, lest I forget, now, Please hand to each my deep regret, His ihair lies gray upon his brow. That I shall miss this happy day, And Charlie Winget, my cousin too, Because. I cannot get away. As far removed, dear Grace, as you, I've found him strictly on the level, Yours with greetings, And he's found me a little devil. D. H. WINGET. The Wingets all look good as pelf, Clinton, Iowa

TO THE WORLD WAR VETERANS What were we all fighting for? We only know, our country called­ I don't know do you? It seems just like a dream, I only know my country called­ Hat.c; off to those who freely made The red-the white and blue. The sacrafice supreme. And for many years to come Here's to the Gold Star mother, We'll hear in song and story, To our hearts she appeals Our deeds of valor on the field For our dear buddy-her dear son's While following Old Glory. Asleep in Flanders Field. D. H. WINGET. Cyprian Lee Winget, grandson of Stephen and Hannah Win- . get, made his home with his Uncle William after his parents death. He studied and educated himself for the ministry in the Christian Church and became a very proficient minister. He was Chaplain of the Ohio Penitentiary from 1894 to 1900. In 1861 he enlisted in Co. K. of O: V. I. as a Musician. He became ill with a fever and was sent home to die but recovered and lived to be 85 years of age. He was active in his work until his death. He composed a small book of poems which were published, a copy of which is in the hands of the compiler. He wrote "Inside the Prison Walls" but did not publish it. He was known by all branches of the fam­ ily and ·at one time started to compile the family history but did not complete it. His widow, now 91, is living and in good health. She is a remarkable woman for her years and spends much of her time reading and crocheting fine laces. Orris French Winget, oldest son of Cyprian Lee Winget was born at Woodstock, Ohio. He served in the National Army four years being stationed at Walla Walla, Washington. He enlisted Aug. 18, 1880 and was honorably discharged Oct. 7, 1884 and was a member of Capt. George F. Head's Company B. of 3rd. Reg. I. He returned to Ohio and attended Antioch College. Later went to Standfordville, N. Y., where he graduated from the Christian Theological Seminary. He followed his profession for a time preach­ ing in New Jersey and Ohio. He later moved to Cottage View Farm where he resided when he met his death due to injuries received, while drilling wheat, by a run away team. His daughter, Esther, a Trained Nurse, was Supervisor of the Freudin Johnson Nursery, of the Methodist Childrens Home of Worthington from 1919-1922. She had the full responsibility of selecting the child­ ren under four years of age and also of selecting the foster homes for the adoptable babies. She is also a graduate of the Cincinnati Missionary Training School and the compiler of this work. Her Stephen W inget--Des"Cendants 39 husband, Rodney J. Warner, is the Superintendent of the Public Schools of Osborn and Fairfield, Ohio. He is a member of the Rotary Club. Leon E. Winget, son of Orris F. Winget, is a farmer and lives on a farm that his great, great grandfather Dunlap bought from the government about 1790. Byron Lee Winget, the youngest son of Cyprian Lee Winget, above, was a railroad man. He met his untimely death by falling from a train at Maude Station, Ohio, while working for the rail­ road. His grandson, Donald is a musician and of inventive mind. He is now Sound Engineer for Radio Station WLW and spends as much of his 80 hours a week making elaborate machines to create sound _effects for radio plays. He says, every sound in the world can be created mechanically, including the human voice! His laboratory is a large room filled with the most pecular con­ traptions that suggests nothing at all but which, heard on the air, produce the sounds required in radio scripts. He builds a seperate machine for each sound and uses records only for mob scenes and constant baying of a hound. An example of his sound devices is that of a bell which is not a bell at all but a brass plate of· a certain thickness, size and shape to give desired tone and are struck with various materials. The sound of the Liberty, in a recent Air Drama was made by striking with his knuckles. He has invented several musical instruments which are finely toned. While still in his teens he was an organist of one of the large churches in his home city. Susan Fairchild Winget, wife of Cyprian Lee Winget, is a remarkable woman for her years. She is the daughter of Orris and Sara (Fish) Fairchild and granddaughter of Henry Fairchild, and of Stephen and Elizabeth Fish all of Vermont and a great granddaughter of Daniel Fairchild of Reading, Connecticut, and thot to be a descendant of Thomas Fairchild who came to America, from England, in 1639 and whose family was quite prominent in early Colonial times. Mrs. Winget lived in Woodstock, Ohio, at the time of Abraham Lincoln's death. The train passed thru the town and was stopped so the people could pass thru and view the remains. This is one of the things of interest she tells about. Poem written by Rev. C. L. Winget THE SOUL'S THIRST Ps. 36:9-For with thee is the fountain of life; in Thy light shall we see Light. When evening speaks the close of day, And shades of night obscure the ray Of yon clear orb, still shining bright, And by its veil excludes the light, My soul rejoices in the thought; 'Tis but a type; it vauneth not; Its shadows soon will pass away, And there will dawn another day. Ps. 5 :2-By whom also we have access by faith- into thi,s grace, wherein we Stand and rejoice in the glory of God. So 'mid the ever changing scenes Of HOPE or joy, of truth or dreams, My soul in walking by thy side, Blest Savior, on the shore or tide; 40 The Second or Caleb Winget Family

As up the steep or through the vale Along the highway, or by sail, No matter, Lord, I long the same­ A glory only in thy name. -C. L. W. 1897. David C. Winget, third son of Stephen and Hannah Winget, was born in Union county, Ohio. He was reared on a farm. He spent three years apprenticeship learning the carpenter trade in Urbana, Ohio. He was a natural and thoro workman and pursued his voca­ tion, cabinet-making, until unable to do so. He was Mayor of Plain City, Justice of Peace and held other political offices. He was also a Master Mason. He sent four sons to the Civil War, Calvin Reed, J. Preston, Harvey and Curry. Earl Tallman Winget, a grandson of David C. Winget, is President of the Winget­ Kickernick Manufacturing Company of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Stephen Winget, youngest son of Stephen and Hannah Winget, was born in Union county one month after the death of his father. After his marriage to Matilda Marshall, daughter of Thomas Mar­ shall, he went to Marysville and went into the Cabinet-making busi­ ness with his brothers Calvin and David. He was associated eight years with Jesse Gill in a saw-mill at North Lewisburg, Cham­ paign county. He was ordained as Ruling Elder in the Presbyterian Church at Marysville, Ohio on Nov. 17, 1855. His wife was born near Culpepper Court House, Furrier county, Virginia and came to Ohio when five years of age. Her people settled in Logan county and later moved to Union county. She attended the fourth of July celebration in Marysville in 1828 and could relate most of the events fifty years later much to the interest of her listeners. Thomas Marshall Winget, son of Stephen Jr. follo,ved the trade of his father. Milton Llyewlyn Winget, son of Stephen Jr. served in the Civil War with the Missouri I. V. for 3 years. He is now living at Celina, Ohio, with his son William. Michael C. Winget, son of Caleb Winget Jr. and grandson of Daniel Winget, was born in Green county, Pa. but when in his teens moved to Knox county, Ohio, then to Meigs county and set­ tled in Vinton county. He was a protestant Methodist minister and was ordained in the M. E. Church altho he had only the advantage of a common school education and that being limited to a great ·extent. He was a man of more than ordinary talent. The following article was composed by him while meditating upon his boyhood days in Pennsylvania. "Far, far away from here on the high and lofty plains of the great Keystone State, in peace and content I passed the days of my childhood. It was told me in life's summer day that pleasure streams did flow along the thorny path of life. I didnot find it so. The reminiscences of the past are now present with me as the busy hum of population died away on the sinking and swelling forest. The songster in the arbor pouring forth his vesper songs of praise on the topmost twig of the arch tree, as if he thought the nearer he could make his perch to heaven the sweeter his voice would sound. The mourning dove with wings all covered with silver and feathers of shining gold had fled away to the nightly bower. The star Daniel Winget-Descendants 41

that melted away in the light of heaven when the brighter sun rose on the world with a gleaming through the nightfall gloom. The sun had spent his fury amid the golden clouds of the Western skies. Th.en stationed his red sentinals in the Western hemisphere amid his own departing glory gone to shine on other lands. I stood on the rising ground looking far a way the distance of forty miles upon the blueridge called Laurel Hill, and as the evening shades prevailed the little fire fly lit up the swamps as pleasant as the air of a summer evening when it floats among the trees. Those juvenile days and years have long since receded and passed away, and on this beautiful month of May, eighteen hundred and eighty three, my meridian sun is shining bright and I trust I will still con­ tinue until I shake off this mortal coil and step down into the packet of death and put on the wardrobe of the skies to join the lookout angel standing on the hill of Zion." Daniel Winget, son of Caleb, emigrated to Ohio in 1800 with his brothers, Reuben, Ziba and Stephen but returned to Greene county, Pennsylvania, where his family was reared and married. Some of his descendants are still living there. Court records giving the names of the children of his four brothers have been found in Greene and Washington counties, Pa., and in Union, Clark and Miami counties, Ohio. A complete · record of Daniel's children has not been located. He left no will and no other court records have been located giving such a list. The following children have been placed as his family for the reasons herein given. We are quite sure Caleb, John and Daniel were brothers. they were all born near Waynesburg, Greene county, Pa., and came to Ohio about 1840. We have records showing that Caleb was born in Greene county, Pa., about 1803. He married and lived there until 1840. John and Daniel also married and lived in Greene and .Washington counties until 1840. The brothers settled first in Washington county, Ohio. John moved to Athens county where many of his descendants are still living. Daniel moved to Luzerne, Morrow county, and his descendants are living there today. Caleb moved first to Knox county, later to Meigs and then· to Vinton where he died. Anson Winget, a grandson of John Winget says, "I believe my grandparents were Daniel and Phoebe. My Aunt Phoebe was named for my grandmother . . . . . I remember hearing them tell of the four brothers who came to Ohio but can not recall their names." (Probably Daniel, Caleb, John and William). Mrs. Dora (Clutter) Winget, of John's family says, "your grandfather (the compiler's grandfather) had it all figured out. We all came from the one family in Pennsylvania .... When I was a little girl Warren Clutter (son of Ernaline Winget Clutter) made his home with us. He stayed also with Moses Winget (son of John) who was a close cousin. "This would bring out the fact that William ( 1796) and John ( 1797) were closely related. Mrs. Marion Winget, dtr.-in-law of Moses Winget (1831) says, "I knew Rev. Michael Winget ( 1826). He was first cousin of 42 The Second or Caleb Winget Family Moses. I have been to his home. He was then married to his second wife. The acount of the death of Moses Winget, son of John, was found in the family Bible of Michael Winget, son of Caleb, which might be considered an evidence of relationship. Daniel Winget is placed under Daniel Sr. Chapter X. They have the same name and lived in the same locality. Every other possible line has been eliminated in both Pennsylvania families either by name or dates. Mrs. Ullom, granddaughter of Daniel Winget says, "Your grandfather, Rev. C. L. Winget said 'my father and Daniel Winget were first cousins.' I have heard my father speak of his cousin Calvin and his Uncles John, Joshua and Caleb. My father's people came from Washington Co., Pennsylvania." Alfred Winget, grandson of Daniel Winget, says "I remember hearing my father speak of his Uncles Caleb and Joshua and of a Cephas who went west, but I do not recall their wives names. When they came to America there were three brothers and one went west.'' Charles Winget, brother of Alfred, says, "D. H. Winget of Clinton, Iowa, says that his grandfather and my grandfather were first cousins . . . . . I remember hearing my father speak of his cousin Cephas Winget (a son of John)." Others of the various families have written statements to convince me that Daniel belongs to this family. We have no definite· proof that William Winget ,vas a son of Daniel Winget. There however, is indirect evidence that can be accepted as sufficient to develop this conclusion. William Winget was born in Washington county, Pa., in 1799. When a young man he went to Maryland where he married Mary Tomlinson. They lived near Frostburg until about 1830 and then emigrated to Ohio and settled on a farm of 100 acres near London, Ohio. William died a year after coming to Ohio and his wife lived a year after his death. They left a number of small children that ,vere cared for by friends and relatives. (See page 121). According to the History of Union county, Ohio, William Win­ get, son of Stephen and nephe-,v of Daniel, reared four children of his cousin. They were Luther, William, Catherine and Eliza­ beth, children of William and Mary (Tomlinson) Winget. Just how close the relationship was we do not know. Other evidence that would place William as a son of Daniel Winget. Ziba and Stephen each had a son named William. William had a son, Reuben, born Jan. 13, 1800, early the year after William, in question, was born. We are sure of a complete list of the children of these three brothers and of Reuben, leaving only Daniel's family incomplete. The children in Daniels family whose dates we know were born 1797, 1801, and 1803. This would make it easily possible for William, who was born 1799, and his sister Jemima, born 1795, to be members of this family. Mrs. Della Van Auken (granddaughter of the William in question) says, "I remember Marion Winget and his sons, Stanley William Winget (1799 )-Descendants 43

and Reed real well. We called them cousins but I do not know bow closely we are related/' Marion Winget was a grandson of Stephen Winget. Miss Isabell Winget (great granddaughter of William Win­ get) says, "My father knew J. Preston and Marion A. Winget and Marion's sons, Jasper and Farmery, when he was a small boy. They are cousins, but he does not know how close. William Winget of Milford Center was a cousin to William of London." Other members of the various families concur the above impression. Rev. C. L. Wing~t told the Compiler that Luther Winget's father was a first cousin to his father but he could not recall his name. George Washington Burnham, grandson of William Winget, of Vinton, Iowa, is President of the Benton county Bar and Dean of the Bar Association. He was judge for twelve years in the 17th judicial district and was the first county attorney of Benton county elected in 1888. He says the greatest pleasure he gets out of his past judgeship is in recalling the many young men he sentenced to prison then paroled them, gave them some good advice, and then watched them make good. Thuel Burnham, son of Judge Burnham, is a world known pianist. As a child he was widely known thruout the U. S. as a prodigy of great genius and remarkable poise. He was soloist at the Metropolitian Opera Sunday night Concerts and played many other engagements of note in New York. While still quite young he went to Europe, travelled thruout England and became a great favorite in London. He studied under the great Leschetiz in Vienna for 3 years. He was hailed thruout Europe as a great artist. At the opening of the "World War" he returned to the U. S. for the first time since a boy.. He has been acclaimed one of the greatest of contempory virtousi. He spends two weeks each fall with his aged parents. James S. McCampbell', son of Mary Ann Winget and Joseph Mccampbell and a grandson of William Winget, studied Dentistry and practiced it in Xenia, Ohio, for about 30 years. He went to Alabama in 1918. In October three years later he took charge of a Mission Station in Green county, Tennessee, in the Mountain district. He is still in the work as minister and Bible teacher. In December 1923 he was ordained to the Gospel Ministry in Cincin­ nati, Ohio, by the First Ohio Presbytery of the United Presbyterian Church. His daughter Mary, is a musician, she graduated from the New England Conservatory of Music at Boston, Mass. She had charge of the music in the Girls College, Cairo, Egypt, for three years and during the summer spent part of her time traveling in Palestine, Syria, Italy, Switzerland and Greece. While in Greece she met the Rev. Robert Peters from the U.· S. whom she later married. He is a minister in Pennsylvania. Other ministers of this branch of the family are Luther Mccampbell and his son Alvin Mccampbell and Carl H. Van 44 The Second or Caleb Winget Fam,uy

A uken. William Ballentine Winget is a dentist, practicing in Chicago. He has a summer home near Richmond, Indiana. Luther Winget, son of William Winget was born near Frost­ burg, Maryland, and came to Ohio about 1832 with his parents. After his death he was taken by a cousin of his father, William Winget, son of Stephen, with whom he remained until his mar­ riage with Martha Jane Reynolds. He was a prosperous farmer and left a large estate to his wife when he died. After her death it was divided among some 90 heirs. He made life a great success and had confidence and respect of all who knew him. He was a Presbyterian and always gave liberally to the poor. He had no children but adopted William Balentine who had in his short life quite a military career. On Feb. 10, 1862 at the age of twenty, he enlisted in Co. I. 82 0. V. I. and for meritorious service and bravery on the field of battle, he rapidly rose from the ranks. On June 1, 1863 he became 2nd Lt. of Company E. and was severely wounded at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863. He was promoted to 1st Lt. of Company I. Dec. 20, 1863 and later made Captain of Company K. He was mortally wounded at Bentonville, N. C. and died in Fayetteville, N. C., March 27, 1865. His remains were interred in Kenton, Ohio, in Hardin county. CHAPTER III

ANCESTORY OF WIVES AND HUSBANDS MARRIED INTO THE FAMILY. 1 Henry Shellabarger (died in Switzerland, 1315). 1 ? Shellabarger. 2 Martin Shellabarger (-d. 1385, grson of Henry). 3 Jacob Shellabarger (-d. 1450). 4 Martin Shellabarger Hiatus here until we come to 9 Henry Shellabarger (1508-1592). 10 John Adam Shellabarger (-d.1559). 11 Martin Shellabarger (-d. 1595). 12 Rudolph Shellabarger (-d. 1635). 13 ? Shellabarger. 14 Abraham Shellabarger ( 1633-1712, grson. of Rudolph. 15 Ulrich Shellabarger (1690-1768). 16 Martin Shellabarger, emigrant to A. 17 Ephriam Shellabarger (1785, Pa.-1842, 0.) m. to Rebecca Winget. 17 Nancy Shellabarger m. to Caleb Winget. DOLBEER ANCESTORY JANE ELIZA DOLBEER, WIFE OF EPHRIAM SHELLABARGER AND OF JOHN N. DOLBEER, HUSBAND OF MINERVA SHELLABARGER A. Ivar ( 700 A. D. (?) ) Known as "Prince of the Uplands in Norway" m. dtr. of King Halfdon. B. Eystein, king of Norway to 755 when he was succeeded by Harold Harfgar. . C. Rogenwald, a supporter of Harold Harfgar. D. Rollo, founder of the line of "Dukes of Normandy" ancestor of William, the Conqueror. E. Walter (sixth son) inherited town and castle of Caen, in Norway. F. son ( name unknown). G. Walter DeCaen (grson.) accompanied William the Conqueror to Eng. Settled at Kenson manor in York.shire. Later known as Walter de Denson. He was ancestor of H. John Dykenson ( 1200 ( ? ) ) on down with various spelling of name to N. Nathaniel Dickenson (1600) Came to Salem with Gov. Winthrop in 1630. Lost 3 sons in Indian Wars, was prominent citizen. 0. Hezekiah Dickenson, settled at Springfield. Mass. 1675-6, m. to Abigail Blackman (Blakeman) of Stratford, grdtr. of Rev. Adam Blackman, 1st minister of the church at Stratford, a grad. of Oxford University. P. Johnathan Dickinson (2nd son) (Apr. 22, 1688-Oct. 7, 1747). Said to be with Jonathan Edwards "the two greatest men of their time" m. to Joanna Melyn ( 1683) dtr. of Samuel M~lyn grad. of Harvard in 1696.

45 46 Ancestory of Wi-ves anit Husbands Married Into tke Family

(He died Dec. 1711) grdtr. of Jacob Melyn (b. 1640 Antwerp, Holland). Early settler at. Elizabethtown N. Jr. gr. grdtr. of Cornillis Melyn (1602-1674) a Dutch pat­ ron who owned, at one time the whole of Staten Island. Q. Elizabeth Dickinson (1721, 7th dtr.) m. to Jonathan Miller of Barnets Mills, Elizabeth, N. J. R. Abigail Miller (Sept. 10, 1739-Mch. 18, 1802) m. Sept. 30, 1756 to *Daniel Baker (Jan. 6, 1733-Jan. 30, 1805) Rev. War hero (?). S. Daniel Bake·r (Feb. 23, 1766-Aug. 26, 1828) m. to Rebecca Headley (July 24, 1771-Jan. 7, 1861). T. Phebe Baker (Nov. 27, 1791-Dec. 13, 1878) m. to John Dolbeer (Mch: 19, 1792-Oct. 22, 1827) son of Eli (July 28, 1767-1806) and Rhoda (Bonnell) Dolbeer, grson. of John· Dolbeer and 2nd wife, gr. grson. of John Dolbeer (-d. 1780, Scotch Plains, N. J.) grgrg-rson. of George Dolbeer wealthy and prominent Boston Merchant, grgrgrgrson. of John Dolbeer (Feb. 11, 1669 and grgrgrgrgrson. of Ed­ mund Dolbeer of Ashburton, Eng. the founder of the Dolbeer line in America and descendant of one Dolbeer, of nobility in England, who was knighted for saving the life of "Black Prince." U. Isaac Newton Dolbeer (1814(?) ) m. to Eliza Tichenor, emigrated from N. J. to Ohio. V. John Dolbeer m.. Minerva Shellabarger see Tree. V. Jane Eliza Dolbeer m. to Ephriam Shellabarger See Tree. Ephriam Shellabarger (1785) was born in Lancaster county, Pa., and moved to Clark county, Ohio, when a young man. He married Rebecca Winget and settled on a tract of land in Madriver Township from which he opened up a farm and became a prosper­ ous and well-to-do citizen. Martin Shellabarger, his son, was a nat­ ural mechanic and expert woodworker. He had a copper shop on his farm, and in connection with this carried on farming for many years. Ephriam Shellabarger (1837) grandson of Ephriam Shella­ barger, and son of Reuben, O'\vned and operated one of the best stock farms in Clark county. He specialized in Poland China hogs for a time but after the Cholera epidemic gave his attention to breeding fine cattle and the running of a large Apairy. He owned considerable land at the time of his death. Reuben Shellabarger purchased 112 acres of woods, cleared and cultivated it. He built a log cabin where he lived until 1862. He added 200 acres to his farm, prospered and spent his later days in comfort and plenty. He was an active man in the com­ munity, holding the office of Trustee for years. He was a land appraiser and one of the n1ost prominent members of the Christian Church of which he was an elder. He was a man of decided views and held firmly to his convictions. He was of a jovial and genial disposition. Adolphus H. Smith, husband of Sara Jane Shellabarger, was the son of Adolphus H. and Sara (Cheevers) Morse, grandson of Justin and Maria B. (Lloyd) Smith of New York and of John Cheevers, and the great grandson of Paul B. Lloyd (an Irish nobleman who became one of the wealthiest merchants in New Shellabarger-Smith-Fultorb-Bailey .47

York City) and of Pollicopus Smith of Wales who came to America ·with two brothers. Adolphus Smith Sr. was termed a "hustler" in the broadest sense of the term and was genial, jovial and generous, one who was a universal favorite in both social and business circles. He carried on extensive farming and was a stock dealer. In 1855 he and Henry 0. Gilbert began operating a bank. Mr. Smith sold out his interest in 1861 and began supplying furnishings for the Army. During the Civil War he contracted to the amount of $12,000,000 and never had a black mark against him. He enjoyed the fullest confidence of the Government officials and was intrusted with large sums of money at various times. He owned over 1700 acres of land and considerable real estate in Cincinnati at the time of his death. Adolphus H. Smith Jr. attended Robbins' Military Acadamy at Springfield for two years and Notre Dame for two more. He was a prominent farmer and stock raiser and breeder of draft horses. He fed and shipped large numbers of cattle yearly. He was active in several lodges having attained the Royal Arch Degree in Masonry. Frank Fulton, husband of Emma Shellabarger, was the son of James and Elizabeth (Leabow) Fulton and grandson of William and Martha (Grimes) Fulton and of John and Sarah (Wymer) Leahow all of Northumberland county, Pa. The father of William Fulton emigrated to America from Ireland. James Fulton was a skilled millwright and helped erect mills all over Clark and Green counties. In 1852 he took up farming, after having returned to Pennsylvania and returning with his bride. He located on a 160 acre farm to which he later added 247 acres. He finally made a speciality of loaning money and was numbered among the wealth­ iest farmers in the county. He was an Elder of the Presbyterian Church and Superintendent of the Sunday School. Frank Fulton, his son was an only- child. He rented his fathers farm when he was 23 years of age and with the exception of one year farmed until his death. During the year he went to Colorado and was employed on a ranch. There he met and married Emma Shella­ barger, also, there on a visit, being a native of Clark county, Ohio. He was one of the most successful and praiseworthy citizens, more than ordinarily genial and agreeable and very intelligent. He was shrewd in business, strictly honest and upright and enjoy­ ed the esteem and confidence of all with whom he had dealings. John Leighu, the grandfather of Frank Fulton, was a piano maker of enviable reputation. He invested money in land~ and left a fine estate. His daughter Elizabeth, was a fine musician. She assisted her father in his business and taught both grade schools and music. In 1846 she went to Fairfield, Ohio, as a teacher of school and music and continued to teach until she was 60 years of age. She died in 1881. · Joseph Ball, a London attorney, who came to Virginia as a planter, ,vas the son of Col. William Ball ·and his first wife. He emigrated from Virginia to Pennsylvania where his son, Josiah, married Nancy McKinney. His grandson, James Ball, married 48 Ancestory of Wives and Husbands Married Into tke Famuy

Marg·aret Murry, the daughter of David and Elizabeth Murry. His granddaughter, Lucinda Agnes Ball (Dec. 6, 1843-1929) marri. ed Jesse Perry Bailey (1838), son of Joseph (1799) and Ann (1805-1887) Bailey and was the mother of Lillian Bailey (Geyer) who married Joshua ,v. Winget. Lillian Bailey's great Au:nt, a sister to Elizabeth Murry, her grandmother, married a Brough. She was the mother of John Brough, Governor of Ohio during the Civil War. He was the Governor who called out the men to serve 100 days. He afterwards went to Indiana to build railroad depots. He built the first Big Four Depot at Indianapolis, where a bronze bust still stands to his memory in the Union Depot. David Murry and his wife are buried in the Mound Cemetery at Marietta, Ohio. James Ball and his wife are hurried in the Barlow Cemetery in Washington county, Ohio. The homes of Mary Ball Washington and Betty (Washington) Lewis, sister to George Washington, who married Col. Lewis, are still preserved as public shrines at Fredricksburg, Virginia. · The old Bailey homestead, near Belpre, Ohio, is still in posses­ sion of the descendants of Joseph ~ailey. Col. William Ball, father of Joseph, married twice. His second wife gave birth to five daughters. The youngest was Mary who married Augustine Washington and became the mother of George Washington, the first President of the United States. IRWIN ANCESTERY The Irwins were prominent early pioneers in Union county, Ohio. William Irwin, native of Ireland, came to America before the Revolution and settled in New Jersey. He was in the first Regiment of the New Jersey, in Captain James Craver's Co., in the Revolution. He married Eleanor Brisband, native of Scotland. They moved to York county, Pa., where John Irwin was born in 1770. In 1791 he married Anna Steel, born 1768, and came to Union ·county, Ohio. Anna Steel was the dtr. of James and Mary (Harper) Steel, and gr. dtr. of James Harper in whose honor Harpers Ferry, W. Va. was named. It is famous for the Raid of John Brown. James Steel was born in 1741, in castle Blaney, Ireland, and died in 1823; in Sewickley Manor, Pa. He was a minute man in the Revolution and kept his knapsack by the door ready for service on a minutes notice. He was a member of the Md. Pleasant Association. Anna Steel, spent most of the time during the war in a block house near the Front. A picture of the Steel "Coat of Arms" is found in the American Magazine, bound copy for 1928. John Irwin served as the Ruling Elder in the Presbyterian Church at Milford Center, Ohio. He was also a song leader and a vocal teacher. He had in his library a large book of tunes of his own composition, written with pen and ink. He organized the first Sabbath School ever constituted in Union township and for a time held it in his own home. He sought earnestly the spiritual as well as temporal welfare of his own household and lived to see all but one of his children join the church he had helped to organize Irwin 49 One son joined another denomination with his wife. He was an excellent farmer and well versed in mechanical arts. He kept well acquainted with the political conditions of the various governments of the world. He served as Justice of Peace many years. Irwin Station, Ohio, was named for him. His death (1830) was caused by injuries received when he was thrown from a young and spirited horse he was trying to break.

CHILDREN OF JOHN AND ANN (STEEL) IRWIN 1. John Steel Irwin was born in 1793 in Ohio Co., Va. He married Betsy Kilpatrick, dtr. of Samuel Kilpatrick in 1816. He lived three miles from Milford Center, Ohio, on Big Darby. He served in the War of 1812 as a teamster. He was a farmer and teamster by occupation, and in those days of no railroads the lat­ ter took much of his time to haul goods for merchants. He was a staunch Democrat, served as Justice of Peace of Darby township and as Ruling Elder of the Presbyterian Church at Milford Center. He died in 1844. 2. William Brisband Irwin, born Oct. 2, 1795, Ohio Co., Va., died Oct. 17, 1878 in Ohio. He entered the State Militia as the lowest commissioned officer, and ,vas successfully promoted step by step to the office of Brigadier General, in which rank he served seven years. He resigned in 1840, after having served the Militia for 26 years. He was Justice of Peace for 28 years. A remarkable feature of his official capacity is that of no case tried -before him was ever an appeal taken from his dicision. He was county com­ missioner for several years, serving in that capacity during the erection of the old court house at Marysville, Ohio. He bought and erected the bell at a cost of $85.00 plus $19.00 for transporta­ tion and labor. This was in 1840. He was a Ruling Elder of the Presbyterian Church at Milford Center for several years. He was also a leader of the congregation in singing and a teacher of vocal music. He moved to Lebanon, Ohio in 1858. He was chosen the Ruling Elder of the Presbyterian Church there and served for 19 years, until his death. As a boy he possessed a natural genius as a mechanic. When quite young, during the time his father and brothers were taking their noonings, he would steal aw~y quietly, and devote his time to constructing a saw mill. His father's patience, was severely tried many times by having to call him for his son to go to work, sometimes he gave him a severe reprimand. But one day sub­ sequently, while' Mr. Irwin was walking along the creek, he heard a peculiar noise and upon investigation, and to his surprise, he saw a toy sawmill, perfect in construction, and running in good order. From this time on he never dictated to his son, William, how he should spend his noonings. This was the first and only sawmill ever constructed on Treacle Creek. In 1820, he erected a sawmill on Little Darby, about two miles below the mouth of Treacle Creek. He had to go fourteen miles to procure enough help to perform the laborous task of raising it. On this errand he started the evening before. It was raining, and the creek 50 Ancestory of Wives and Husbands Married Into tke Famil,y rising, but still he anticipated no damage to his foundation timbers. But after he was gone his thotful wife became anxious about the rising creek and about the safety of the timbers and went to the creek. She found the small timbers already floating, and with her own hands hauled them to high ground. When this was accomplished, she saw that the larger timbers were also beginning to float. Hurrying to the house, she tied her babe, seven months old, in its cradle, took the bedcord out of her bed, ran to the creek, and wading waist deep in the ,vater, placed the rope around the timbers and then made them fast to the bushes on shore and secured the frame. Thus by the thotfulness, energy and bravery of his noble wife, the entire timber for the mill was saved. Mr. Irwin was a farmer and Surveyer. One writer says, "He was recognized as a man of good judgment, and this kept him in almost constant official position. He was highly esteemed by his fell ow citizens, no stain of any kind at any time soiled his good reputation." He was industrious to a fault, working when most men of his years and crippled condition would have given up and done nothing. He was buried in Milford Center, Ohio. · On June 15, 1818 he married Anna Bigelow (1799-1851) dtr. of Russel Bigelow. They· had nine children. *William Lee and *John Russel were in the Civil War. John lost his life at Cedar Mountain, Va., on Aug. 9, 1862 at the age of 21. William married Margaret Kimball, Sept. 7, 1854. He built the first frame house ever built in Marysville, for Stephen McLain. 3. Mary Smythe Irwin (1798, in Ohio county, Va., Oct. 11, 1857, Ohio) as soon as she became old enough began teaching school. She taught for several years. She became the second wife of Cyprian Lee, a merchant of Marysville. Cyprian Lee was descended from John Lee of the colony that went from Cambridge, Mass, to Hartford, Conn. in 1636 and his wife, Mary Hart, the dtr. of Deacon Hart. At a later period, Samuel Hart, gr. son of Stephen Hart married Mary Hooker, a gr. dtr. of Rev. Thomas Hooker, of the same colony. Still later John Lee, of the fifth generation from John Lee, the colonist, married Mary Hart, a descendant of Deacon Stephen Hart and Rev. Thomas Hooker. They were the parents of Cyprian Lee, born in Berlin, Hartford county, Conn. on April 10, 1792. After reaching legal age he went to Virginia and lived with his Uncle John Hart. His Uncle returned to Conn. because of ill health and left Cyprian Lee to settle up his business and gave him a half interest in 2000 acres tract of land in Claireborne township, Union county, Ohio. He married first, Elizabeth Cooper, of Delaware, Ohio and settled on his land. He was a shoemaker by trade He was a short muscular man of large frame and quick of action. His was the first cabin built west of the Scioto in that section of the county and the day of its erection was a gala day. It was several miles from Rockwood, on Fulton Creek near the bridge on Marysville pike. He moved to Marysville in 1825 and kept a hotel for a short time then went into the merchan­ tile business. He was a genial social man, had a cheerful joyous Irwin-Ewing 51 temperment and entered heartily into sports of the times, ball games with men and boys, and hunts for game. He was chosen Captain of the local Militia for several years. Several quarrelsome men lived in the vicinity. On numerous occasions he was challanged in a way he could not permit to pass without asserting his manhood in a physical contest. In each instance the challenger met his master. These demonstrations of power and prowness became known to others and he was regarded with more than common respect. He was a religious man. He was elected Elder in the church of Marysville in 1841 and served in some church office until his death. In 1841 he started the Depository of the County Bible Society. In 1842 he was elected President of this organization and held it for 12 years. He died Sept. 24, 1854. 4. Cynthia Ann Irwin was born, 1800, in Ohio county, Va. and died in Union county, Ohio in 1844. She married Calvin Win­ get. They had six sons and two dtrs. Two of the children died in early childhood. *Calvin the youngest son lost his life in the Battle of Stone River, Tenn. See history page. 5. James Hugh Irwin, born in Ross county, 1802, married Polly Reynolds dtr. of Elisha Reynolds in 1826. He was a prom­ inent farmer and in politics, a Whig. He was an acceptable church officer and led the congregation in singing. He joined the Christian Church of which his wife was a member. They had four sons and three dtrs. Two sons were in the Civil War. *Gwynn was severely wounded and returned home with shattered health. *Daune died in hospital from diseases contracted in the service of his country. 6. Isaac Newton Irwin, born 1804, in Ross county-, was a child of remarkable intellect. The day before his death he gave his mother directions concerning the disposition of his playthings. He told her he was going to die. She thot it childish talk. Early in the evening, when he complained of being tired, his mother led him to bed and went to milk the cows. When she returned she asked where he was and was told he was still in bed. She said she had heard him singing while she was milking but they found him fast asleep. During the night some of the family heard him hard breathing. A light was obtained and they found him dying with the croup. He was just four years old. 7. Nancy Milton Irwin, born in Greene county in 1806, mar­ ried Thomas Twiford in 1831 and settled on a farm in Union county. It was the farm where her parents first located. Her only son, *Smyth served in the Civil War for 3 years. She had three dtrs. James Ewing, son of Moscal and Hannah Ewing of N. J. was born in Lexington, Co., Ky. Married Elizabeth Cary, dtr. of Calvin Cary. James Ewing and his brother Joshua settled in Union county in the spring of 1789. He was the only postmaster be­ tween Worthing and Urbana except at Dublin. It was thru his ef­ forts that this postoffice was secured. In 1810 he bought a stock of 52 Ancestory of Wives andJ Husband,s Married Into the Family ·goods at Chillicothe and opened a store. It was the first one in that section and was kept open for ten years. In 1833 he built a large frame storeroom adjoining his house. In 1835 his son David met an untimely death, just after graduating from Hanover Col­ lege, Indiana. He had been a law student. He fell victim to Typhoid Fever. After his death his father withdrew from business for a time. James Ewing was scrupulously honest in all his dealings. His word passed as current for almost any amount. He issued a style of currency over _his own signature (shinplasters) which was considered as good as coin. He was director of the Franklin Bank at Franklinton. He transacted a large business and accumulated a large amount of property. Jan. 10, 1804 he received $8.75 for seven days work, taking the tax list of Franklin county. He brought four sheep to his place in 1800. They were strange animals to the Indians. One day an Indian came with his dog. The dog caught a sheep and Mr. Ewing shot it. Had it not been for Jonathan Alder, a peace maker, trouble would have arisen. James Ewing lived in a log cabin until his death, Aug. 26, 1850, as it was so closely associated with his earliest struggles. He had a spacious frame dwelling on an adjoining lot. Several dtrs. died young. The son David mentioned above, and another son, Thomas M. Ewing, who lived in Jerome township, were his family. A LETTER WRITTEN BY WILLIAM B. IRWIN In 1870 some controversy regarding the locality of the first settlement in Union county arose and William M. Robinson, Esq. of Marysville wrote to W. B. Irwin of Lebanon, Ohio and received the following letter. Lebanon, Ohio, April 25, · 1870 Mr. W. M. Robinson Esquire-Dear Friend: I am trying to answer your letter respecting the organization of Union county, but am so feeble and nervous I fear I cannot wiite so it can be read-As to Ewings first settlement being at North Liberty I submit the following facts; My mother's brother, Rev. Archibald Steel, was a licentiate of the Presbyterian of Washington, Synod of Kentucky. In the spring of 1799, he was commissioned as a missionary to Southwest Ohio, then a territory. His mission was to visit all new settle­ ments, make out a list of all members of the church where ever they wanted an organization and report to the Presbytery for proper action. In fulfilling this mission, Mr. Steele kept a regular day journal, yet in the hands of his heirs, to which I have always had free access, and from it I got part of the history of the cihurch at Milford Center, Ohio. In that journal, after following it from place to place, we find that following; Leaving Buck Creek, took the trail for Darby; at 4 o'clock arrived at the house of my old friend, Joshua Ewing. There I found Joshua and his family, James, his brother, Betsy, his sister, and their aged mother, living in a new town on the west bank of Big Darby, named North Liberty. In June 1808, I was passing this place in company with Joshua Ewing and his oldest son, Scott ( now dead) James Ewing, Samuel Robinson and others; Joshua showed me the remains of the house in which he lived, also his brothers, at the time Mr. Steele called on him; state that one was memorial from the fact that in it he and Mr. Steele made up the roll of members wihich in after years made up the North Liberty congregation. In furthur confirmation of the above fact, on examination of the record of Presbytery, at the succeeding spring session a commission was appointed to visit the place, with others reported by Mr. Steele, and organized churches were expendient. The records show this last commission, in obedience to instructions, did in the Fall of 1800 organized a church in this place by the Dunlap-Goodman-Cary 53 name of North Liberty. Joshua Ewing and Samuel Kirkpatrick were then and there elected members. **** A good part of this would be more appropriate for church history than for a history of the county but the facts of the two were so interwoven that they give strength to each other. The appointment of a mission to look after the sheep in the wilderness, and then the report of Mr. Steele and the subsequent action of the Presbytery, adding the standing monument of those organized churches with the record of these divisions up to their present position, is abundant proof of the fact in the case. I have heard Mr. Steele and Mr. Ewing often speak in after years of the settlement of North Liberty, and of the visit of the former there and of many circumstances relating thereto. Now, my old friend, I remember well our buckskin breeches, linsey hunting shirts, corn huskings and singing schools. Those days are gone, I will be glad to hear from you as often as you can find time to write. Yours truly WILLIAM B. IRWIN. Mr. Robinson remarks at the end of his letter: In addition to Gen. Irwins recollections on this subject, I had a conversation with William and David Winget, nephews of James Ewing, and very early settlers in this country, and they both say they saw the cabins they lived in in North Liberty, many a time. This is the way I became acquainted with the fact. I also know my own recollec­ tions that after they left those cabins and went down into what is now Jerome township, the Indians occupied the cabins and grounds they vacated." (Mr. Marshall's daughter married T. Mar­ shall Winget.) DUNLAP ANCESTORY Margaret Ellen Dunlap, wife of Orris French Winget, is descended from two early prominent families. She is the daughter of Major and Ellen (Goodman) Dunlap, granddaughter of John and Dorcas (Dowell) Dunlap and of David and Elizabeth (Cullum) Goodman, great granddaughter of John and Ann (Clark) Dunlap, and of John and Charlotte (Shuck) Goodman, and great, great granddaughter of Alexander and Ann (McFarland) Dunlap, emigrant from Scotland, and of George and Catherine (Gouger) Goodman. Catherine (Gouger) Goodman, when a girl of twelve was captured by the Indians in Pennsylvania, in 1744, and carried to Ohio where she was held captive for 5 years. She was traded to some fur traders, from Canada, who released her. She returned to her home in Berks county, Pa., and when a woman of 66 years of age emigrated with her family to Ross county, Ohio. They settled on the same land she had camped with the Indians. She has been a,varded the honor of being the first white woman in Ohio and a monument marks her grave on the old homestead now owned by a descendant, Margaret Goodman Immell. Alexande_r Dunlap was the first owner of Goshen Pass in Virginia. His son, John, owned what is now Sulphur Springs, some of the most valuable land in the state. Alexander Dunlap came to America about 1735, emigrated from Scotland, th.rough Ulster, Ireland. All three of his sons participated in the American Revolution. CARY ANCESTORY The , in England, is one of the oldest and most noted. The earliest member of this family of whom we have re- 54 Ancestory of Wives a'Y/JJ; Husbands Married Into the Family cord was Adem de Karri, Lord of Castle Cary, of Karri, in the county of Somersetshire. This castle was a "stately edifice." A village exists there today called Castle Cary. As early as the reign of Edward I the name was spelled C-A-R-Y. 1 Adam de Cary (1170) supposed to be descendant from the Roman Emporer Carus General in Britian in 285 A. D. m. to Ann TI'!evett, dtr. of Sir. William Trevett, Knight. 1 Sir John Kary (1200-) Castle Cary, m. to Elizabeth Stapleton dtr. of Sir Richard Stapleton, Knight. 2 William de Kary, Castle Cary, m. to Alice Beaumont, dtr. of Sir William Beaumont, Knight. 3 John Cary (1270-) m. to Phillippi Archdeacon, dtr. of Sir Warren Archdeacon, Knight. 4 William Cary ( 1300-) m. to Margaret Bozon of Clovelly, Devonshire. 5 Sir John Cary, (1325-) Knight, m. to Jane de Bryen, 2nd wife, dtr. of Sir Guy de Bryen. 6 Sir John Cary (1350-Holway-) Chief Baron of the Exechequer under Richard II, Banished by Henry IV. m. to Margaret Holway. 7 Sir Robert Carey ( 1375-) distinguished for wisdom, fortitude and magnanimity. A great favorite with Heney V. m. 2nd to Jane Hanchford. 8 Sir Phillip Cary (1400-1437) m. to Christian Orchard. 9 Sir William Cary (1437-1471, Tewksburg battle) Knight of Cocking m. to Elizabeth Paulett. 10 Sir Robert Cary (1460-1540) in. to Margaret Fulkeram, 3rd wife. · 11 Robert Cary (14 ?-1586) m. to Margaret Milliton. 12 William Cary, Mayor of Bristol, 1546, m. 1520 (1505), sister of Ann, who married King Henry VIII., At Torr Abby is preserved the valuable pedigree drawn up by Herald's College at the express orders of Queen Ann Boleyn. It shows the Cary connection with the noble houses of Engla-nd. 13 Robert Cary (1525-1570) m to ? 14 William Cary (1560-) Sheriff and Mayor of Bristol m. 15 John Cary (1610, Bristol, Eng.-1681, A.) Joined Plymouth Colony, 1634. m. to Elizabeth Godfrey (-d. 1680) dtr. of Francis Godfrey. 16 Francis Cary (1649-1718) m. 1676 to Hannah Brett, dtr. of William Brett, an original proprietor & prominent citizen of Bridgewater. 17 Ephriam Cary (1679-1765) m. 1709 to Hannah Waldo ( 1687-1777). 18 Ezra Cary (1711-1778) m. 1734 to Mary Holman, dtr. of Col. John Holman. MoYed from Bridgewater to Morris Co. N. J., later to western Pa. 19 Ezra Cary (1735, Morris Co. N. J.-1829, Shelby Co. 0.) m. to Lydia Thompson. 20 Cephas A. Cary (Dec. 25, 1775-N. J.~1869, 0.) m. 1803 to Jane Williamson. 21 William A. Carey (Jan. 6, 1806, 3rd of 16 child­ ren,) Judge, put "e" in name. 22 William Frank Carey (Nov. 9,1837) m. 1872 to Margaret Glick. 23 Glick P. Carey (June 14, 1877-1918) m. Feb. 12, 1901 to Maude A. Winget pg. 19 Erza Cary m. 2nd to Rhoda Jerad, 3rd to Elizabeth Mendenhall. 19 Luthur Cary (1737-) 19 Calvin Cary (1739, Morris Co. N. J.-18? 0.) m. ? 20 Hannah Cary (1775, Morris Co. N. J. Madison Co. Ohio) m. 1796 to Stephen Winget pg. 19 Ephriam Cary (1741-). Cary 55

SIR ROBERT CARY The official pedigree of the Cary family in the College of Heralds states, "The said Robert Cary was so noted for his valor, fortitude and skill in arms, that an Aragonian Knight who in many countries had performed worthy enterprises, visiting England, and challenging any man of his rank to make trial of his skill in arms, he accepted the challange, and, overthrowing him in the combat in Smithfield he was knighted by the King. In memory of the combat, he assumed the arms of the said Arragonian Knight, viz-Three roses on a bend." Later the motto and crest were adopted and acknowledged by the King of Arms. Motto, Virtute Excerptae-Plucked by valor; crest, a swan proper. Shield argent, on a bend sable, three roses, argent. John Cary (1610) settled at Duxbury in 1634 but later went to Bridgewater. He was the father of twelve children. His name was early written "Carew" but because of pronounciation the spelling was changed to "Cary." According to a letter written by one of the grandsons, John was sent to France, by his father to perfect his education. His father died and on his return home he differed with his brothers in the settlement of ,the estate and receiving 100 pounds as his portion immediately sailed for America. Three years later his brothers, Miles and James came to America. Miles (1620-1667) married Anne Taylor daughter of Cap­ tain Thomas Taylor, in 1645 and settled in Virginia. James Cary settled in· New York state. John Cary was the first town clerk of Bridgewater. He was one of the original proprietors and first settlers of Duxbury and Bridgewater. His name occurs on the original grant as well as in subsequent deed made by Onsamequin,the Sachemor chief of the Pockonackee (later Massasoit) Indians in 1639. This deed was made to Miles Standish, Samuel Nash and Constant South­ worth, as Trustee in behalf of William Bradford, John Cary and 52 others. The deed embraced 14 square miles and was designed as "Satuckee." The consideration named in the deed was seven coats, a yard and a half to the coat; nine hatchets; eight hoes; twenty knives; four moose skins and ten and a half yard of cotton. This land was divided and parceled out by lot. John Cary drew a lot one mile wide and seven miles long from N. to S. His des­ cendants in the eighth generation still occupy part of the original tract. In 1656 John Cary was one of the ten freemen of the town. He was elected Constable, the only officer elected that year in Bridgewater. In 1667 he and Deacon Willis were chosen to take in all the charges of the late war (King Phillip's) since June last and the expenses of the scout previous to and since June. He was an intelligent and well educated and public spirited man. Tradition is that he taught the first Latin Class in the colony. He was on the muster-roll of the Military Company of Captain Miles Standish, in King Phillip's War. Cephas Cary (1775) vvas the father of sixteen children, eight by each of two wives-he married three times--all of whom lived 56 Ancestory of Wives and Husbands Married Into the Famuy

to maturity and married. He was noted as a man of high honor and for his liberality to the poor. William A. Cary, son of Cepas Cary, studied law and became a judge. It is said by his descendants that he walked from his home in Shelby county to Cincinnati to secure and English Grammer. He was a man of some wealth. Calvin Cary emigrated from New Jersey to Washington county, Penn., in company with the Wingets, Lindleys and others about 1780. He and his brother Ezra were in the Revolution being privates in the Militia in Captain James Craven's Company. In · 1800 he moved to Madison county, Ohio. On Jan. 14, 1830 Carys­ ville, Champaign Co., Ohio was laid out and named for him. Honorable Samuel F. Cary and Robert Cary, father of Phoebe and Alice Cary belong to this line of Carys, being descended from John Cary. 1 Geoffrey Boleyn was head of a company of Merchants, in 1424. During the War of the Two Roses he was Sheriff in the city of London. His courage and honesty obtained for him, 1457, the dignity of Lord Mayor. At the time of his death he gave 1000 pounds to the poor of London. He married a daughter of Lord de Hoo and Hastings. 2 William Boleyn was made Knight of Bath at the Coronation of Richard III. He was made Earl of Wiltshire, 1529. m. Margaret Butler, dtr, of Lord Rockford (-d. 1500) the last Earl of Wiltshire, Ireland, grdtr. of Thomas Butler, Earl of Oromonde. 3 Thomas Boleyn, a wealthy merchant of London, distinguished himself in time of Henry VII in expedition against Cornwallis. He m. Elizabeth Howard, dtr. of Thomas Howard, Earl of Surry, later Duke of Norfolk then Governor Norwich Castle. She was a grdtr. of King Edward IV thru her mother. Thomas Boleyn was ambassador to France, a favorite of Henry VIII and was made viscount of Rockford and Earl of Wiltshire. Lady Boleyn was one of the reigning beauties of the Court of Katherine of Arragon. 4 George Boleyn (1505). 4 Mary Boleyn (1503) m. to Sir William Cary, see Cary data. She spent eight years of her childhood with Queen Margaret of Austria. 4 ( 1507) m. to King Henry VIII. COE ANCESTORY The Coe ( Coo, Cooe) family was an early family in Gestingthrope, Sul­ lolkshire, Eng. Henry Coe of this family is the oldest of whom we have record. He was born about 1570. 'Dhe direct line is as follows; 1 Henry Coe (1570?-). 1 Robert Coe (Bapt. Oct. 26, 1596) m. 1623 to Mary (Oct. 27, 1628) m. 2nd Apr. 29, 1630 to Hannah Dearsley (1591). 2 Benjamin Coe (4th son, Bapt. Oct. 18, 1628) m. 1658 (?) to Abigail Carman (1635), dtr. of John and Florence Carman. Probable parents of- 3 Joseph Coe 1665) m. 1703 to Judith ? Probable parents of- Joseph Coe owned a 100 acre farm in Washington Co., Pa., in 1781. 4 Elder Joseph Coe (Dec. 11, 1704-Nov: 22, 1760) m. 1727 to Esther ? (-d. June 17, 1760). 5 Elder Joseph Coe (Sept. 30, 1738, Hanover, N. J.,-Feb. 11, 1825, Washington Co., Pa.) m. 1762 to Abigail Moon (Feb. 22, 1740, Rockaway, N. J.- (Oct. 9, 1796). 6 Joshua Coe (2nd son, Nov. 8, 1764) m. to Catherine Little (Oct. 14, 1769). 7 Abigail Coe (1804-July 5, 1845) m. to Daniel Wingett. Robert Coe embarked on the Francis_ of Ispwich, Eng. Apr. 1634 with his wife Anne (Hannah) and sons, John age 9, Robert 7, and Benjamin age 5 years. They settled at Watertown but a short time later went in a colony to plant Watertown (Wethers- Coe 57 field) Conn. He was administered, freeman of Mass., Sept. 3, 1643. He was dismissed, with others, from the church of Water­ town, May 29, 1635, to form a new church on the Connecticut River. In 1641 he moved to Stamforth (Rippowams) where he was one of the original pioneers. In 1644, he moved to Hamstead, L. I. and was one of the earliest settlers of Jamaica L. I. His son, Hon. John Coe, was a very early settler of Newton L. I. of which he was magistrate 1652-5, 61, & 62. Robert Coe was trusted with some power by County in 1664 and in N. Y. j urisdict. made sheriff 1669-72. Benjamin Coe, son of Robert, went to Hemstead, L. I., where he was among the earliest settlers. He later lived in Jamaica and some of his decendants are living there tod~y. This family of Coes have a Coat of Arms, a copy of which will be found in the book "Robert Coe, Puritan" by J. Gardner Bartlett, Boston, Mass., 1911. The Coat of Arms has a field of silver with three irregular strips of red running from the centers upward, one to center top, the other two to below the point of upper corners. The upper fields each have three black martletts and the lower field has six martletts. CHAPTER IV DESCENDANTS OF JOHN WINGATE THE EMIGRANT HE LINES of this branch of the family are not complete as a previous work gives them up to 1886. The lines brought down to date are those not in the "History of The Wingate Family" by Charles E. L. Wingate, and those of special interested to the others included in this work. *l John Wingate (1636 (?)-Dec. 9, 1687) m. 1666 (?) to Mary .- ·Nutter, dtr. of Elder Hatevil Nutter, m. 2nd 1676 to Sarah '.· (Taylor) Canney, dtr. of Anthony Taylor and widow of Thomas .. Canney. Their children. · 2 Anne Wingate (Feb. 18,1667) m. to Israel Hodgdon. *2 John Wingate (July 13, 1670-1717) m. to Ann ? lived in Dover, N. H. 2 Caleb Wingate (1672) went to Maryland or Delaware and is possible ancestor of the four Wingate brothers who emi­ gated from Maryland to Kentucky, 1799. 2 Moses Wingate (-d. 1705) unwed, sailor. 2 Mary Wingate (1677 (?) no record exists. *2 Joshua Wingate (Feb. 2, 1679-Feb. 9, 1769) rn. Nov. 9, 1702 to Mary Lunt (1682) dtr. of Henry Lunt Jr. grdtr. of Henry Lunt, lived in Hampton. 2 Abigail Wingate (1685 (?) rn. Nov. 16, 1704 to Samuel Henny, lived in Boston. ·

DESCENDANTS OF JOHN AND MARY NUTTER WINGATE *2 John and Ann (?) Wingate. 3 Mary Wh1gate (Oct. 3, 1691) rn. to Josiah Clark. *3 John Wingate (Apr. 10, 1693-Sept. 1764) m. 1717 to Dorothy Tebbetts, m. 2nd to Sarah Ricker ( 1702-1800) lived in Dover. 4 John Wingate (1719-1776) m. to Elizabeth Cushing, dtr. of Johnathan Cushing~ lived in Madbury. 5 John Wingate (Apr. 19, 1754-Sept 16, 1839) m. to Sarah Garland, dtr. of Deacon John Garland, lived in Madbury and Weare. 6 John Wingate (June 26, 1776-Aug.22, 1862) m. 1800 to Mary Cate, lived in Farmington. 7 John Cate Wingate (Oct. 15, 1802-Mch. 26, 1867, Jonesville, Wis.) m. June 21, 1832 to Eliza Hayes (-d.

58 John Wingate 59 Mch. 8, 1872) dtr. of Ezekiel Hayes, lived in Farming­ ton, moved to Janesville, Wis. 1854 (?). *8 John Hayes Wingate (Merchant) (Sept. 18, 1835- Jan. 16, 1907) m. Oct. 12, 1858 to Ann Marentha Knowles (Oct. 12, 1839-Jan. 14, 1905) dtr. of William Knowles, N. H. 9 Charles Hayes Wingate (Dec. 22, 1859) m. Jan. 2, 1882 to Ida Louise Bisbee. Pg. 24. 10 Nellie Cora Wingate (Aug. 15. 1883, Minn.) m. Aug. 10, 1915 to Chester E. Reibeth, 2421 Sherid­ an Ave., Minneapolis. 11 Jane Reibeth (Aug. 10, 1920). *10 John Frank Wingate (Feb. 8, 1885) m. to Mary Francis Sackett, 401 Glen Flora Ave., Wankigan, Illinois. 11 Mary Catherine Wingate (Dec. 15, 1922-May 2, 1930). 10 William Ralph Wingate (Mch. 9, 1888) m. June 1910 to Lennie Belle Pulliam, 3821 Zenith Ave., So. Minn ea polis. 11 Martha Louise Wingate (Mch. 3, 1914). 11 Ruth Wingate (Jan. 29, 1917). 10 Ruth Annabel Mary Wingate (Oct. 23, 1890) m. Sept. 29, 1914 to Albert Scriver, 2215 Sheridan Ave. So. Minneapolis, Minn. 11 Mary Louise Scriver (Oct. 26, 1915). *10 Morris Henry Wingate (Apr. 14, 1892) m. to Clara Sundberg, 901 W. Broadway, Minneapolis, Minn. No issue. · 9 Nellie Jane Wingate (1861-1864). 9 Henry Knowles Wingate· (May 23, 1865, Janesville, Wis.) m. 1893. to Jane C. Smith, dtr. of Rev. John Smith, Miss. at Marsover, Turkey. Hist pg. 23. 10 Ann Lois Wingate (died infancy, Turkey). 10 John William Wingate (Feb. 7, 1899, Talas, Tur­ key) m. to Isabel L. Barnum, dtr. of Stars C. Bar­ num, Conn., 72 Barrovvs St., Apr. UI, New· York City. 10 Dorothy Sears Wingate (Aug. 12, 1900) m. to Waldo T. Mareck. 11 Robert Wingate Mareck. 10 George Henry Wingate (Feb. 2, 1904-Apr. 26, 1907 Turkey), 10 Henry Smith Wingate (Oct. 8, 1905) m. to Ardis A. Swenson, dtr, of P. T. Swenson, Minn., 72 Bar­ rows St., Apt. R. 2, N. Y. City. 10 Arthur Haskell Wingate (Oct. 12, 1909) student. 9 William Snell Wingate (Mch. 28, 1868) m. to Bertha Bradish, Merchant & Lawyer, 1524 Ogden Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. No issue. 9 Fannie May Wingate (Sept. 16, 1869) m. Mch. 25, 60 Descendants of Jokn Wingate, the Emigrant 1902 to Frank Romanzo, 312 Nular Ave., Mt. Vernon, N. Y., No issue. 8 Stephen Wingate ( 1838-1857). *8 Henry Wingate (1842-Jly. 4, 1863). Kiled at Vicks- burg. 8 Anna Eliza (Dec. 13, 1844-1871) unwed. 8 Caroline Wingate (Aug. 17, 1848) unwed. 8 Charles Elliott Wingate (1850-1856). 6 Stephen Wingate (Nov. 5, 1784-Mch. 2, 1882) m. to Abigail Cate, sister to Mary Cate, above. Lived in Rock­ ford, Ill. 7 Benjamin Wingate (1808-1874) m. to Mary Rogers. went to Illinois. 8 Charles E. Wingate rn. 8 Walter Wingate rn. 8 Emily Wingate m. to (?) Blackmer. 7 Charles Wingate (Jan. 26, 1813 Vt.-Mch. 2, 1903) N. Y. m. June 1, 1837 to Mary Phelps Robinson (1810-Oct. 17, 1897) Brooklyn, N. Y., went to N. Y. 1833. ,,, *8 George Wood Wingate (Jly. 1, 1840, N. Y.-Mch. 22, 1928, Brooklyn N. Y.) m. Jly. 31, 1867, Malone, N. Y. to Susan Prudence Man (Apr. 14, 1842-Aug. 31, 1915) Hist pg. 22. . 9 Mary Helen Wingate (June 3, 1868) m. May 6, 1897 Horatio Gates Lloyd, a member of firms of Drexel & Co., Philadelphia and J. P. Morgan & Co., N. Y. Hartford Pa. 10 Horatio Gates Lloyd Jr. (Dec. 6, 1900) m. May 20, 1927, to Eleanor Biddle Barnes. He is a member of Drexel & Co. Grad. of Princeton, 1923, was stu­ dent at Cambridge, Eng., Hartford, Pa. 11 Horatio Gates Lloyd III (June 2, 1928). 10 Richard Wingate Lloyd (Aug. 5, 1904) Grad. of • L ◄ ,...~...,. P rinCeLOll, .l:1Z:1. 9 Louisa Man Wingate (Oct. 18, 1869-May 15, 1927) m. Apr. 8, 1911 to John Garrett Underhill, LL. B., Playwright., 2 Grace Court, Brooklyn, N. Y. 10 Susan Prudence Underhill (Jan. 7, 1913). 10 John Garrett Underhill Jr. (Aug. 7, 1915). *9 George Albert Wingate (Feb. 24, 1871) m. Jan. 23, 1899 to Maude Coquellette. See Hist pg. 22. 9 Charles Glancus Wingate (,June 28, 1872) Construc­ tion engineer. m. Sept. -27, 1895 to Grace Beatrice Depew, 51 Richmond Ave., Amityville, N. Y. 10 Grace Winter Wingate (June 4, 1896) m. June 24, 1921 to Orville Wasson, 119 N. Country Club Drive, Schenectady, N. Y. 11 Charles Oscar Wasson (Feb. 11, 1922). 11 George Wingate Wasson (Sept. 21, 1923). 11 Jeanette Beatrice W asspn (Dec. 22, 1924). 10 Marjorie Depew Wingate (Mch. 30, 1901) m. Mch. 18, 1922 to Robert S. Green. John Wingate 61

11 Marjorie Alica Green (May 25, 1923). 11 Joan Elizabeth Green (May 18, 1926). 11 Dorothy Wingate G-reen (July 21, 1928). *8 Joseph Phelps Wingate (Jly. 23, 1843) m. to Emma Williams (Jly. 31, 1850-Feb. _22, 1929). Clerk of Su­ perior Court. 9 Son ( died infancy) . 8 Charles Fredrick Wingate (M'ch. 5, 1847-Aug. 10, 1909) m. to Florence Dimond (-d. 1927). See Hist. pg. 23. 9 Ada Wingate (Aug 20, 1875-Apr. 13, 1888). 9 Carl Wingate (Dec. 7, 1876) Artist & Illustrator. He has just published "The Dry Points of American Clipper Ships." 8 Mary Christina Wingate (Apr. 21, 1849, N. Y.-Aug. 6, 1927, Mass.) m. Mch 12, 187 4 to Charles Tidd Car­ ret (Aug. 7, 1842, Trinadad, Cuba, on fathers estate­ (Aug. 10, 1909, Boston, Mass.). 9 Elise Henchman Carret (Jan. 31, 1875, N. Y.). 9 Edna Phelps Carret (Mch. 10, 1876). 9 Christina Josephine Carret (May 4, 1877-Nov. .16, 1923) m. June 26, 1907 to John Herrick. 10 John Frances Herrick (Jly. 28, 1908, Chicago, Ill.). 9 Francis Wingate Carret (Nov. 2, 1884-Nov. 22, 1925, Ill.) m. Aug. 24, 1912 Ethel Louise Holman (Feb. 18, 1885, N. Y.). 10 Francis Wingate Carret II (June 8, 1913). 10 Dorothy Holman Carret (Sept. 25, 1914). 10 Charles Tidd Carret (Apr. 25, 1917). · 8 Eliza R. Wingate (Mch. 4. 1873-dec. infancy). 8 Ella Wingate (Sept. 12, 1856-Dec. 13, 1928) m. Jan. 22, 1858 to Otto E. Draudt (-d. Feb. 11, 1928) Silk Merchant, N. Y. - -•• "'""\'" , ...... _ • ,L ~A ___ "10 '108'7\ n nn ~ Utto .l!;Owara vrauuL \.i:1.lJr • .1.~, .1.0 • , m. ....,ec. ~~, 1920 to Norma Erikson Sammons, Civil Engineer, 124 N. Hill St. Marion, Indiana. 10 Barbara Wingate Draudt (Apr. 28, 1922). 10 Anthea DeLucy Draudt (Nov. 16, 1925-Apr. 13, 1927). 10 Marcia Holland Draudt (Oct. 8, 1928). 9 Anna Susan Draudt (Oct. 2, 1889), 38 Cambridge Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. 9 Elsa Draudt (Apr. 28, 1891) m. Jly. 28, 1922 to Ash­ ton H. Hart. 10 Suzanna Hart (Dec. 13, 1924), High Falls, Ul~ter Co., N. Y. 10 Ashton Wingate Hart (Feb. 27, 1928). 5 Mary Wingate (1756) m. to *Pierce Powers, was a prison­ er at Charleston during Rev. Died of Smallpox in Boston. m. 2nd to *Gen. Richard Furber. *6 Pierce Powers Furber, his descendants were prominent in early history of Minnesota. Four other children. 5 Seven other children. See Wingate Hist. 1886. 62 Descendants of John Wingate, tke Emigrant 5 Dorothy Wingate (1774) m. to Moses Hayes. 6 Elizabeth Hayes m. to James Downes. 7 Dorothy Laura Downs m. to Moses Clark Doe. 8 Lucy Jane Doe m. to Frank Borr, Rochester, N. H. *5 Aaron Wingate (1764) m. to Ruth Stackpole Capt. lost at Sea. 4 Samuel Wingate (1721-1793) m. to Sara Titcomb. 4 Daniel Wingate (1723-1793) m. to Mary Frost (1724 ( ?) dtr. of William Frost of Dover, N. H. 5 William Winget (Nov. 8, 1750) m. to Deborah Buzzell. Lived Farmington, N. H. until 177 4, then emigrated to near Pittsburg, Pa. Hist pg. 22. 6 Daniel Winget ( 1780) m. to Dolly Walker went to Can- ada. 6 Sally Winget (1781) m. to Nicholas Tebbetts. 6 Deborah Winget (1782) m. to Ezra Corson. 6 William Winget (June 21, 1783) m. 1807 (?) to Sara Lindley. History pg. 22. 7 Cyrus Winget (Jan 22, 1815 Pa.-Jan. 14, 1854, Utah) m. to Catherine Hulet (Mch. 12, 1820, Ohio-Oct. 1918 Utah) dtr. of Charles and Margaret (Noah) Hulet. See Cha pt. V. for descendants of Cyrus. 6 Mary Winget ( 1785) m. to Durrel Stevens. 6 Lydia Winget (1786-d. childhood). 6 Joseph Winget (1789) (-d. childhood). 6 Abigail Winget (1791) m. to John Roberts. 6 Jonathan Winget (1794-1871) m. to 1st Eunice Roberts 2nd to Betsy H. Cook. 6 Benjamin Winget (1797-1887) m. to Lavina Davis. 6 Betsy Winget (1798) m. to Joseph Kelley. 6 Sophia Winget (1800) m. to William Mason. *5 Daniel Winget m. One of first census takers of U. S. *5 David Winget (1757) m. Eunice Tebbetts. 4 children. 5 John Winget (1753) m. to Susan Cam,ey. Six children. 4 Joshua Wingate ( 1725-1796) Col. in Rev. m. to Abigail Roberts. 5 Elizabeth Wingate ( 17 62-1809) m. to William Blake. 6 Lydia Ham Blake m. to Samuel Horn. 7 Harriet Newell Horn m. to James Gilbert Shute, N. H. 8 Ada Marian Shute m. to Charles T. Bauer, Mass. 7 John Blake Horn m. to Mary White Tay. 8 Mary Blake Horn m. to (?) Woburn, Mass. 5 Edmund Wingate (1756) m. to ? 6 Stephen Wingate (1788) m. to Susan Calef (1789-1875). 7 Abigail Wingate (Apr. 7, 1824-Apr. 26, 1893) m. Oct. 4, 1849 to Joseph Tibbetts Sherburne Libby. Lived in Dover, N. H. 8 Ella E~ora Libby (June 20, 1851-May 17, 1924) m. June 20, 1872 to Charles Howard Horton. 9 Fredrick Libby Horton (Jan. 6, 1877). 8 Mary Abby Libby (Sept. 5, 1853) m. Dec. 30, 1879 to John Wingate 68 Charles Edward Manock, 4211 Curtis Road, Chevy Chase, Maryland. 9 Bertha Libby Manock (Dec. 11, 1880). 8 Elizabeth Etta Libby (Aug. 9, 1857) m. Jan. 12, 1881 to Willis Ambrose Moore. 8 Flora Belle Libby (May 30, 1866-Dec. 26, 1883). 4 Jonathan Wingate (Bapt. 1727). 4 Dorothy Wingate (1773(?) -d. Childhood). 4 Noah Wingate (1735 (?) -d childhood). 4 Aaron Wingate ( 1737 -d childhood). 4 Sara Wingate (1738 (?) m. to Samuel Ham. 4 Ann Wingate ( 1742 (?) -1826) m. to *Capt. Sahdrach Hodgson, a cousin. 4 Aaron Wingate (17 44-1822, twin) m. 1770 to Elizabeth Plummer, dtr. of Judge. Plummer. *4 Moses Wingate 1744-1827, twin) m. 1780 to Joanna Gil­ man Wentworth, dtr. of *Col. John and Abigail (Millet) Wentworth, des. of Ezekiel Wentworth. 5 John Wingate (1782-1827) m. 1803 to Mary Torr, dtr. of Andrew Torr. 6 Mary Wingate (1806) m. to George Williams (-d. 1836) m. 2nd to Joshua Parker. 6 Joanna Wingate (1808). 6 Susan Wingate (1810) m. to Ebenezer Swain. 6 John Wingate (1812) Council Bluff, Iowa. 6 George Wingate ( 1814-1850). 6 Eliza Wingate (1816-1837). 6 Moses Wingate (1819) m. to Martha D. Walker. 6 Andrew Wingate (1821) m. to Sarah Hamlin. 5 William Pitt Wingate (1789) m. 1822 to Eliza Chandler, 2nd to Lydia Gray Chandler, sister to Eliza; inherited homestead at Dover. 6 Moses Wingate (1823-1892) m. to Lydia Snell, dtr. of *Col. Samuel and Sally (Horne) Snell. 7 Ellen Augusta Wingate (1849) m. 1867 to Henry Vat­ ter. 7 Charles Edwin Wingate (1851) m. to Mrs. Mary Cart­ er. 7 Harriett Francis Wingate (1856) m. to Benjamin Rogers. 7 Mary Emma Wingate (1859) m. to Horace Fowle, Bos- ton, Mass. · 6 Eliza Wingate (1824) m. to Aaron P. Wingate. By second wife. 6 Joseph W. Wingate (1827). 6 Sara A. Wingate (1829). 6 Mary F. Wingate (1835-55). 6 Lydia Amanda Wingate (1841). 6 Jeramiah Wingate (1842) m. to Arvilla S. Clements. 6 Henry M. Wingate (1845-1863). 6 Helen Cecelia Wingate (1851). 4 Mehitable Wingate (1747-1842) m. 1769 to William Han­ sen Jr. 2nd to James Libby. 64 Descendants of Jokn Wingate, tke Emigrant 3 .Ann Wingate (Feb. 2, 1694-1787) m. 1713 to Francis n·rew (-d. 1717) m. 2nd to Daniel Titcomb. 4 Joseph Drew (1717). · 3 Sara Wingate (Feb. 17, 1696) m. to Peter Hayes, son of John Hayes. Lived Dover, Mass. *3 Moses Wingate (Dec. 27, 1698-Feb. 9, 1782) m. to Abigail Church, 2nd to Deborah (Cushing) Watson, Dover, Mass. *4 Moses Wingate (1738-1769). *4 Benjamin Wingate (1740(?). 3 Samuel Wingate (Nov. •27, 1700-1752 (?) m. to Mary (Ro­ berts) Hurd Kittery. . 3 Edmund Wingate (Feb. 27, 1702) no record. 3 Abigail Wingate (Mch. 2, 1704) m. to Andrew Spinney, Kittery. No record. 3 Elizabeth Wingate (Feb. 3, 1706) m. to ? Hodgdon. No . record. 3 Mehitable Wingate (Nov. 14, 1709). No record. 3 Joanna Wingate (Jan. 6, 1711) m. to Ebenezer Hill. 8 children. · 3 Simon Wingate (Sept. 2, 1713) m. to Lydia Hill, dtr. of Ebenezer and Abiel (Snell) Hill, Biddeford, Me. 12 child­ ren. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN AND SARAH (CANNEY) WINGET *2 Joshua and Mary (Lunt) Wingate. 3 Paine Wingate (Sept. 19, 1703-Feb. 19, 1786) m. Dec. 12, 1727 to Mary Balch ( 1706-1789), Amesbury, Mass. 4 Mary Wingate (Dec. 28, 1728-Mch. 16, 1800) m. Jan. 9, 1752 to Ephriam Elliott,, Seven children. 4 Elizabeth Wingate (Sept. 17, 1730-Nov. 5, 1815) m. June 4. 1735 to Dr. Gershom Bartlett. 4 Paine Wingate (Aug. 10, 1732-Oct. 10, 1736). 4 Sarah Wingate (Nov. 23, 1734-Nov. 6, 1736). 4 Sarah Wingate (Aug. 27, 1737-Aug.28, 1824) m. Dec. 18, . 1760 to Samuel Bradley. 2nd to Daniel Quimby. 4 Paine Wingate (May 14, 1739-Mch. 7, 1838) m. May 23, 1765 to Eunice Pickering, his cousin. Lived in Hampton Falls and Stratham. 5 Mary Wingate (Jly. 12, 1766-Oct. 6, 1840) m. Jan. 6, 1788 to Andrew Wiggin, Stratham. 6 Harriett Wiggin ( Oct. 27, 1788-Apr. 6, 1836). 6 Caroline Wiggin (Apr. 20, 1790-June 19, 1817). 6 Andrew Paine Wiggin (Sept. 1~ 1791-May 20, 1846) m. 1821 to (Mrs.) Olive (Huse) Gilbert. 6 Eliza Wiggin (Feb. 23, 1794-Dec. 9, 1872) m. Apr. 23, 1820 to Andrew Taylor, son of Andrew Taylor, 4th Andrew in succession. Mem. N. H. State Senate. 7 Andrew B. Taylor (Feb. 14, 1821-Nov. 17, 1909) m. Jan. 28, 1847 to Hadassah E. Harriman. 8 Charles G. Taylor (Oct. 15, 1848-Aug. 23, 1867). 8 Flora M. Taylor (Aug. 9, 1851) m. to George D. S. Noyes. 7 Charles G. Taylor (Aug. 8, 1823-June 14, 1842) unwed. Joshua Wingate 65

7 George 0. Taylor (Feb. 19, 1826-Dec. 27, 1851) unwed. 6 Caleb Wiggin (Jan. 8, 1796-Aug. 10, 1887) m. Oct. 23, 1839 to Eliza Adams. 7 Mary C. Wiggin (Apr. 11, 1841-Feb. 1, 1926). 7 Annie E. Wiggin (Oct. 31, 1843-Dec. 7, 1925). 7 Caleb M. Wiggin (June 28, 1846-Nov. 25, 1846). 6 Caleb Wiggin m. 2nd June 13, 1848 to Amelia Robinson. 6 Josiah Bartlett Wiggin (Feb. 10, 1801-Aug. 1811). 7 Sarah Bartlett Wiggin (Aug. 19, 1803) m. May 13, 1827 to Andrew W. Miltmore. 5 Sarah Wingate (Nov. 7, 1769-Dec. 27, 1808) m. June 3, 1792 to Josiah Bartlett, signer of Declaration. 5 George Wingate (May 14, 1778-Sept 12, 1852) unwed. 5 John Wingate (Oct. 12, 1780-Jan. 28, 1831) m. May 5, 1808 to Sally Piper (1788-1872) dtr. of Samuel and Mary (Robinson) Piper, grdtr. of Mercy Chase. 6 Sarah Wingate (Mch. 14, 1809-May 12, 1906) m. May 12, 1832 to Asa Pratt Parkman, Palmyra, Me. 7 Caroline A .. Parkman (Jly. 15, 1833-June 8, 1882) m. Apr. 17, 1853 to Daniel F. Cook. 8 Francis A. Cook (Aug. 18, 1855-Aug. 1866). 8 Maurice B. Cook (Mch. 31, 1858). 8 Abbie L. Cook (Oct. 12, 1860-Dec. 1929) m. Dec. 23, 1880 to Cyrus L. Hamilton m. 2nd to Dallas Robinson. 8 Carrie M. Cook (Mch. 13, 1865-1917) m. to Howard Pike. 9 Francis Pike (1893) m. 4 children. 8 Leslie F. Cook (Feb. 1867-May 1873). 8 Clarence D. Cook (Oct. 30, 1870-Mch. 7, 1914) m. 7 John L. Parkman (May 11, 1835-Apr. 9, 1918 unwed. 7 Sarah E. Parkman (Jan. 24, 1837-Sept. 12, 1873) m. Sept. 15, 1854 to Erasmus Littlefield (Names changed to Parkman). 8 Edgar E. Parkman (Dec. 25, 1855) m. May 6, 1883 to Cora Foster. 9 Evelyn Parkman (May 1903). 9 Oscar L. Parkman (Dec. 16, 1860) m. May 21, 1885 to Ella Ames. 10 Chester L. Parkman (Sept. 11, 1888) m. Francis Tibbetts. 11 Lauress T. Parkman (May 22, 1916). 11 Ethelyn A. Parkman (Dec. 10, 1917). 11 Barbara F. Parkman (July 8, 1925). 10 Alfred L. Parkman (Jly. 15, 1893). 9 Orietta M. Parkman (May 23, 1863) m. Dec. 25, 1887 to George W. Leavitt. 10 Bessie E. Leavitt (June 5, 1889-Dec. 17, 1913). 10 Roy W. Leavitt (Mch. 22, 1894). 7 Mary H. Parkman (Mch. 12, 1839-Jly. 31, 1863). 7 George W. Parkman (Jan. 16, 1841-May 22, 1927) m. Aug. 27, 1866 to Melissa F. Robinson. 8 Willard G. Parkman (May 7, 1868) m. 1913 to Helen M. Keller. 66 Descendants of John Wingate, the Emigrant 9 Robert C. Parkman (Feb. 11, 1914-Sept. 15, 1918). 9 Marjorie F. Parkman (Feb. 28, 1916). 9 John W. Parkman (Apr. 21, 1917). 8 Charles E. Parkman (Mch. 13, 1870) m. June 12, 1917 to Alice J. Kramer. 8 Annie H. Parkman (Feb. 25, 1872) m. Aug. 23, 1901 to Herbert S. Barnard. 9 Beatrice A. Barnard (Aug. 6. 1902). 8 Nellie E. Parkman (June 16, 1876) m. Nov. 29, 1899 to Edward C. Batchelder. 9 Stanley P. Batchelder (Oct. 31, 1900) m. June 18, 1929 to Beatrice W. Peterman. 9 Eleanor F. Batchelder (Apr. 12, 1903). 9 Edna G. Batchelder (Apr. 28, 1906). 8 Amy G. Parkman ( Oct. 25, 1878-Jan. 23, 1881). 8 Russell A. Parkman (Apr. 2, 1881) m. Mch. 30, 1905 to Eva S. Huntress. 9 Dorothy H. Parkman (Jan. 27, 1906) m. Nov. 1, 1927 to Franklin S. Thompson. 10 Barbara J. Thompson (Feb. 19, 1929). 10 Pricilla D. Thompson (Sept. 27, 1930). 8 Ralph D. Parkman (May 7, 1884). 8 Ruth M. Parkman (Jan. 1, 1889). . 7 Loretta E. Parkman (June 20, 1843-Sept. 10, 1845). 7 Augustine H. Parkman (Aug. 3, 1846) m. 1895 to An­ nie Flanders. 7 Sylvester D. Parkman (Jan. 5, 1849-Mch. 27, 1918). 7 Charles F. Parkman (Sept. 8, 1852-July 25, 1929) m. June 29, 1899 to Sadie L. Dearborn. 8 Edna L. Parkman (Aug. 29, 1900) m. Aug. 29, 1923 to Louis N. Partridge. 9 Doris A. Partridge (Dec. 9, 1927). 9 Edward N. Parkman (Dec. 8, 1928). 7 Laura J. B. Parkman (Feb. 15, 1856) m. Mch. 1876 to Fredrick E. Flanders m. 2nd Oct. 4, 1885 to Joel M. Parkman. 8 Herbert L. Parkman (Oct. 19, 1g87) m. Oct. 28, 1914 to Ethel Deveraux. 8 Homer D. Parkman (Jan. 8, 1893). 6 Mary Wingate (Nov. 2, 181O-May 31, 1894) m. Apr. 18·, 1833 to Rev. George W. Thompson. 6 Elizabeth Wingate (Aug. 25, 1812-Jly. 3, 1888) m. Mch. 17, 1831 to Benjamin F. Clark. 7 John Wingate Clark (Apr. 16, 1832-July 10, 1916) m. 1853 to Martha E. S. Philbrook. 8 Elizabeth E. S. Clark (Mch. 28, 1854-Sept. 23, 1926) m. Aug. 31, 1876 to William Hamilton Blodgett (1854- 1908). 9 Francis E. Blodgett (Mch. 22, 1878). 9 Alice A. Blodgett (Dec. 31, 1880) m. Oct. 6, 1903 to Harry H. Olcott. 9 Clara B. Blodgett (Dec. 14, 1882) ID·. Nov. 5, 1902 to Fredrick E. Anderson. Joshua Wingate 67 10 Alice E. Anderson ( Oct. 22, 1910) . 9 Mary C. Blodgett (Feb. 11, 1884) m. Sept. 15, 1908 to Edward A. Marks. 10 Edward A. Marks (June 25, 1909). 10 Wingate H. Marks (Dec. 5, 1910)·. 10 Mary V. Marks {Aug. 5, 1913). 9 William H. Blodgett (June 6, 1886-July 20, 1923) m. · Apr. 28, 1908 to Mollie Booth. 10 William H. Blodgett (May 8, 1909). 10 Elizabeth B. Blodgett (Sept. 4, 1911). 10 Francis L. Blodgett (Dec. 31, 1916). 9 Anna M. Blodgett (1888-1893). 9 Edith R. Blodgett (1890-1892). 9 Agnes E. Blodgett (1894-1895). 8 Jessie H. P. Clark (June 26, 1856) m. Oct. 21, 1879 to Edgar T. Humphrey. 9 Ellen E. Humphrey (Aug. 29, 1881). 9 Eudora B. Humphrey (Mch. 6, 1888) m. June 27, 1916 to John H. Hazzard. 10 John H. Hazzard. 9 Isabel W. Humphrey (Oct 28, 1894) m. Nov. 20, 1920 to William R. Farrell. 10 Jessie H. Farrell (Feb. 21, 1927). 10 Betty Lou Farrell (Sept. 22, 1927). 8 John F. Clark (Sept. 2, 1861) m. Apr. 21, 1885 to Lucy Clement. 9 John F. Clark (June 17, 1886) m. Oct. 21, 1911 to Bessie Varick. 10 Ruth P. Clark (Mch. 9, 1913). 9 Harriette C. Clark (Sept. 9, 1888) m. Aug. 17, 1906 to Arno L. Huntley. 10 Doris A. Huntley (July 31, 1914). 9 David Clark (Oct. 11, 1895-Sept. 15, 1896). 8 Daniel S. Clark (Jan. 20, 1866) m. Sept. 6, 1897 to Almira A. Mesler.. · 9 Daniel M. Clark (July 5, 1898) m. June 21, 1927 to Gladys Shiel. 10 Edwin Clark (June 21, 1928). 7 George F. Clark (Aug. 1834-1845). 7 Mary E. Clark (Feb. 15, 1841-Apr. 6, 1883). 7 Sara C. Clark (Aug. 10, 1843-Mch. 14, 1914). 7 Anna R. Clark (Nov. 26, 1850-Aug. 20, 1870). 7 Benjamin F. Clark (Dec. 4, 1852-Apr. 13, 1873). 6 John Paine Wingate (June 10, 1814-Apr. 9, 1841) m. May 16, 1839 to Mary 0. Folsom. 7 Elias P. Wingate (Apr. 3, 1840-Nov. 12, 1840). 6 Anna Homer Wingate (Dec. 1, 1816-Apr. 14, 1914) m. Feb. 5, 1845 to John H. Gilbert. 7 John R. Gilbert (Oct. 22, 1848-Apr. 6, 1869). 7 Anna 0. Gilbert (Sept. 17, 1850-Aug. 16, 1899) m. Dec. 31, 1869 to Clarence A. Wonson. 8 Gertrude H. Wonson (Mch. 14, 1872-May 5, 1922). 68 Descendants of John Wingate, tke Emigrant 8 Marion S. Wonson (Dec. 27, 1878) m. Dec. 8, 1915 to Chester N. Whalen. - 7 Andrew P. W. Gilbert (Aug. 28, 1855-Feb. 19, 1919). 7 William M. Gilbert (Apr. 10-May 5, 1860). 7 Sarah M. Gilbert (Feb. 20, 1862). 6 Caroline Wiggin Wingate (Jan. 31, 1819-Jan. 20, 1892) m. May 31, 1851 to Dr. Samuel Baker ( Oct. 26, 1808) son of Samuel and Betsy (Baker) Baker and direct descendant of John Baker of Ipswich and Cornelius Baker of Salem, 7th generation. 7 Mary T. Baker (Feb. 3, 1853-May 1, 1867). 7 Caroline W. Baker (Apr. 4,-Aug. 9, 1857). 7 Florence E. Baker (June 8, 1859-July 15, 1883). 7 Dana W. Baker (Aug. 1, 1861) m. Sept. 7, 1886 to Fannie E. French. 8 Florence Baker (Nov. 19, 1890) m. Dec. 4, 1919 to Horace L. Clark. 9 Louise B. Clark (July 3, 1921). 9 Beatrice Clark (Jan. 21, 1924). 9 Joan E. Clark (Oct. 3, 1928). 8 Beatrice Baker (Aug. 8, 1892) m. Oct. 4, 1919 to Adel­ bert I. Newton. 9 Florence Newton (Aug. 31, 1920). 7 Elizabeth H. Baker (June 16, 1864) Senior teacher in the Robinson Female Seminary at Exeter, N. H. 6 George Wingate (Nov. 28, 1820-Jan. 28, 1903) m. Nov. 30, 1854 to Clarinda Frost. 7 Isabel Wingate (Mch. 2, 1858). 7 George F. Wingate (July 1, 1859-June 23, 1883) unwed. 6 Henry Pickering Wingate (June 22, 1823-Mch. 20, 1909) m. Jan. 1, 1855 to Sarah A. Pearson. 7 Henry P. Wingate (Mch. 1, 1856-Apr. 18, 187 4). 7 Mary S. Wingate (Jan. 12, 1858). 7 Elizabeth M._ Wingate (Dec. 7, 1859) m. Patrick H. Mack. 8 Ethel Mack (Nov. 2, 1878-Oct. 31, 1909). 7 John P. Wingate (Mch. 30, 1862) m. Apr. 26, 1916 to Margaret M. Carley. 8 Margaret M. Wingate (Feb. 20, 1919). 7 Sarah P. Wingate (June 13, 1864) m. Mch. 1, 1905 to Harry M. Taylor. 8 William W. Taylor (Dec. 17, 1905) m. Oct. 12, 1929 to Marion E. Gilbert. 9 Sarah A. Taylor (Sept. 28, 1930). 8 Sarah W. Taylor (Dec. 10, 1906). 7 Oliver S. Wingate (Aug. 25, 1870-Sept. 9, 1906) m. An­ nie L. Breed. 7 Charles Wingate (Sept. 21, 1872-Nov. 5, 1876). 7 Edith Wingate (Nov. 9, 1876) m. Sept. 5, 1900 to Clarence D. Pike. - 8 Sidney Pike (Aug. 8, Aug. 12, 1901). 8 Donald Pike (July 14, 1902-May 6, 1915). 8 Edith Pike (Jan. 23, 1909). J oskua Wingate 69

6 Samuel Dana Wingate (Dec. 23, 1826-July 5, 1867) m. Feb. 8, 1854 to Oriana Mitchell ( 1830) dtr. of Lewis Fannie (Dearborn Wedgewood) Mitchell. 7 James D. P. Wingate (Apr. 2, 1855) m. June 7, 1883 to Helen Woodbury Locke. 8 Helen B. Wingate (May 19, 1885) m. May 19, 1908 to Chester B. Kelley. . 9 Dana W. Kelley (July 10, 1909). 9 Pricilla B. Kelley (July 20, 1912). 8 Dorothy Wingate (Apr. 12, 1896) m. May 15, 1926 to Maynard J. Parrott. 9 David J. Parrott (Mch. 5, 1927). 7 Charles Edgar Lewis Wingate (Feb. 14, 1861) m. Sept. 9, 1885 to Mabel Nickerson (June 24, 1865) dtr. of John Freeman and Susan Sophie (Robinson) Nickerson. 8 Stratford Road, Winchester, Mass. 8 Mabel Wingate (Nov. 30, 1886). 8 Josephine Wingate (May 11, 1889) m. Aug. 20. 1919 to Herluf A. Knudsen. 9 Robert D. Knudsen (July 20, 1924). 9 Dana P. W. Knudsen (May 28, 1926). 9 John A. C. Knudsen (Aug. 8, 1927). 8 Dana J. P. Wingate (June 8, 1891-May 31, 1918) m. July 11, 1914 to Mildred Mansfield. 9 Diane Wingate (June 9, 1916-Feb. 14, 1918). 8 Orinna Wingate (Jan. 18, 1895). 6 Joseph Charles Augustus Wingate (Nov. 16, 1830-Mch 11, 19.05) m. Oct. 19, 1860 to Mary Green. Lived in Swatsow and Foo Chow, China and Stratham. 5 Elizabeth Wingate (Apr.. 15, 1783-Sept. 14, 1829) unwed. 4 John Wingate (July 4, 1741-Mch. 4, 1742). *4 John Wingate (June 25, 17 43-July 26, 1819) m. Oct. 15, 1765 to (Mrs.) Sarah Webster m. 2nd Feb. 1812 to (Mrs.) Kimball. He was Surgeon in Continental Army. No. issue. 4 William Wingate (July 9, 1745-Nov.30, 1821) m. to Mehit­ able Bradley (1747-1796) dtr. of Wm. and Mehitable (Em­ erson) Bradley, grdtr. of Joseph and Hannah (Heath) Brad­ ley, Haverhill, Mass. 5 Paine Wingate (1767-1833) m. to Mary Becker. 6 Paine Wingate m. 5 Moses Wingate (1769-1870) m. to Mehitable Bradley, dtr. of Peter Bradley, grdtr. of Daniel and Elizabeth (Ayer) Bradley, gr. grdtr. of Joseph and Hannah (Heath) Bradley m. 2nd to Sarah Smith. 6 children. 6 Charles Wingate (1815, Minister) m. to Lucy F. Stone. 5 Fredrick Wingate ( 1782-1864) m. to Hannah Page. 6 Susan Wingate m. to Daniel Waldron. 7 Daniel W. Waldron, Minister. 5 Mehitable Wingate m. to Thomas Woodbury. 6 children. 5 Sarah Wingate m. to Abner Kenrick. 7 children. 5 Francis Wingate (1784-1843) m. to Rebecca Dolloff m. 2nd to Rebecca Goodwin. 11 children. 70 Descendants of Joh.n Wingate, th.e Emigrant 6 George Wingate (1805) m. to Sara Wise. *7 George Edwin Wingate, Lieut. in Civil War, Command­ er 1870 of· Torpedo Service, 1872, Nitre Station in 1884. 8 Edward L. Wingate, Malden, Mass. 5 Susanna Wingate m. to Asa Davis. 7 children. Moved to Iowa. 5 Harrison Wingate m. to Chloe Smith, 2nd to Sarah Smith. 9 children. 5 Anna· Wingate (died in childhood). 4 Joshua Wingate (Mch. 3, 1747-Oct. 11, 1844) m. to Hannah Carr. * 5 Joshua Wingate ( 1773-1843) m. 1799 to Julia Casaline Dearborn, dtr. of Henry Dearborn. Brig. Gen. of Militia. *5 John Wingate (1774) unwed. Sec. to John Jay on trip to Algiers. 5 James Wingate m. to ? Pope, dtr. of Capt. John Pope. 5 Joseph F. Wingate m. to ? Tingey, dtr. of Comodore Thomas H. Tingey Repr. U. S. Gongress 1827-31. 4 Abigail Wingate (Mch. 27, 1749-Aug.28, 1807) m. to Henry Ingalls. 5 Mary Ingalls m. 1806 to Count Francis de Vipart, a · Royalist exile grson of Marquis de Vipart. She was im­ moralized by Whittier in his poem, "The Countess." 4 Joseph Wingate (July 17, 1751--Sept. 18, 1828) m. to Judith Carr. Lived in Amesbury Mass. and Hallowell, Me. · He was the first to break away from the Congregational Society. He went into the Baptist church with his wife as did his brother, Joshua who married a sister of Judith Carr. 5 Paine Wingate ( Oct. 3, 1786-Jan. 12, 1849) m. Oct. 12, 1812 to Mary Page (Aug. 18, 1794-Mch. 6, 1822). He was -5th of ten children. Lived in Augusta Me. 6 Fredrick Wingate (Sept. 16, 1814, Me.) m. to Hulda Hussey. Moved to Mich. 7 Sarah Elizabeth Ann Wingate (July 15, 1846-Sept. 21, · · 1870) m. to Charles E. Whipple (July 7, 1841, Kala­ mazoo, .Mich.). 8 Stella Whipple (Aug. 6, 1866) m. to Joseph Beckley (Aug. 15, 1864). 9 Elizabeth May Beckley (Aug. 4, 1886-Feb. 25, 1888). 9 Hazel Estelle Beckley (Mch. 8, 1889, Kalamazoo, Mich.) m. June 7, 1911 to William Harley Miller (Jan. 15, 1887) RI. Augusta Mich. 10 Joyce Estelle Miller (Aug. 22, 1915). 9 Naida Francis Beckley (Jan. 29, 1891) m. Jan. 26, 1910 to Floyd E. Haynes. 10 Bernice Floydell Hayes (Oct. 21, 1915, Mich.). 10 Florence Estella Haynes (Apr. 10, 1918). 10 Colon Bekley Haynes (Nov. 9, 1912). 17 N. Grana­ da, Apt. 106, Alhambra, Cal. 9 Marjory Belle Beckley (Jan. 16, 1894). 424 S. 7th St. Alhambra, Cal. Joshua Wingate 71 9 Harold Joseph Beckley (Jan. 25, 1889) m. 9 Charles Alton Beckley (July 11, 1904) m. 7 Josep:tl Wingate (desc.) m. No issue. 7 Charles Wingate ( desc.) m. to ? . 8 Dtr. desc. in infancy). 8 May Wingate (dee., age 19). 6 Levi Albert Wingate (June 15, 1817) m. June 29, 1842 to Rhoda Mitchell. 7 Levi Page Wingate (Apr. 3, 1843). 7 Elizabeth Wingate (Dec. 1, 1845). 7 Mary Caroline Wingate (Aug. 12, 1851). 7 Martha Alice Wingate (Dec. 10, 1853). 6 Levi Albert Wingate m. 2nd to Maria Trumbell (Dec. 15, 1866). 5 Paine Wingate m. 2nd Sept. 12, 1822 to Charlotte Swan (July 12, 1794-Jan. 14, 1855). Lived in New Sharon, Me. 6 Paine Wingate (Sept. 7, 1824-June 20, 1869) m. Jan. 21, 1852 to Mary Wing (Nov. 8, 1830-Apr. 10, 1867). 7 Albert Paine Wingate (Apr. 5, 1857) m. Feb. 2, 1880 to Mary Howard Pease (Oct. 21, 1861). 1903 Kearney St. Washington, D. C. 8 Edith Pearl Wingate (Dec. 28, 1881-Dec. 29, 1881). 8 Gladys Edna Wingate (Oct. 13, 1888) m. July 1, 1911 to Harry N. Foss (Nov. 13, 1887). 7 Charlotte Deborah Wingate (July 6, 1863) m. Jan. 9, 1886 to George Sleeper. 8 Theo Gertrude Sleeper (May 10, 1889) m. May 27, 1921 to Arthur Severence. 9 Dorathy Charlotte Severence (June 3, 1923). 8 Orville James Sleeper (Jan. 21, 1893) unwed. 8 Marion Wingate Sleeper (Jan. 21, 1896) m. Apr. 1926 to James Barror. 9 Donald Paul Barror. 6 Elizabeth Goodall Wingate (Oct. 2, 1827, Manchester, Me.-Oct. 16, 1871) m. Apr. 26, 1848 to William Alma Sampson (May 5, 1822-July 25, 1891). Of a much dis­ tinguished ancestory, having a Family Coat-of-Arms. 7 Emma Wingate Sampson (July 15, 1849) m. Dec. 24, 1873 to James Alexander Ricks (Dec. 11, 1847, High Point, N. C.-J an. 5, 1909). 302 E. Padon, Blackwell, Okla. 8 Bessie Stella Ricks (Oct. 5, 1874-Dec. 12, 1928) m. Mch. 14, 1894 to Lenos Garah Muret (June 11, 1868). Blackwell, Okla. 9 Enna Rozina Muret (Jan. 12, 1895) m. Nov. 29, 1922 Wilver Clyde Stout, Ponca City, Okla. 10 Kenneth Wilver Stout (Nov. 8, 1926). 10 John Phillip Stout (Aug. 28, 1929). 9 Julia Blanche Muret (Feb. 19, 1897) m. Mch. 2. 1918 to Rodney Edwin Waugh (July 11, 1896). Tonkawa, Oklahoma. 10 Dorathy Mae Waugh (May 23, 1920). 10 Wilma Leutte Waugh (Mch. 20, 1924). 72 Descendants of John Wingate, the Emigrant

10 Harold Rodney Waugh (Nov. 22, 1926). 10 Bess Eloise Waugh (Dec. 11, 1928). 9 Ethel Maude Muret (Dec. 6, 1898-Mch. 6, 1928) m. Mch. 15, 1920 to Paul Ibach, R.R. Arkansas City Kan­ sas. 10 Eleanor Elizabeth Ibach (Jan. 11, 1921). 10 Douglas Gahar Ibach (July 20, 1922). 10 Marjorie Maudine Ibach (Dec. 11, 1924). 9 Pauline Myrtle Muret (Jan. 5, 1901) m. Apr. 3, 1920 to Glen Elmer Van Slyke (June 20, 1900). Louisville, Kentucky. 10 Phillis Marie Van Slyke (Dec. 8, 1921). 10 Glen E. Van Slyke (Aug. 31, 1923). 10 Donald Van Slyke (Mch. 5, 1928). 9 Lewos Herschel M uret (Sept. 26, 1906) m. Dec. 24, 1928 to Lillian Haskins (May 17, 1906). Blackwell, Okla. 10 Susanne Muret (Dec. 7, 1929). 8 James Ralph Ricks (Feb. 24, 1876) m. Mch. 2, 1897 to Mary Beaver (July 25, 1878). 714 E. 18th St. Okla­ homa City, Okla. 9 James Wesley Ricks (June 27, 1898- Oct. 6, ·1918). 9 Chester Ralph Ricks ( Aug. 12, 19O1-July 7, 1902). 9 Marguerite Gertrude Ricks (Feb. 11, 1903) m. Mch. 20, 1927 to J. Ross Wildman (Apr. 9, 1899). Britton Okla. 9 Francis Maurice Ricks (Aug. 3, 1905) m. Nov. 27, 1927 to Alta Merle McCahn (Jan. 7, 1905). 823 W. 16th St., Oklahoma City, Okla. 9 Ralph Marion Ricks (Feb. 6, 1912-Feb. 8, 1912). 9 James Ralph Ricks Jr. (July 13, 1914). · 8 Mary Ethel Ricks (Nov. 4, 1877) m. June 11, 1927 to Ensley Noah Brooks (July 24, 1874). 124 S. 12th St., Blackwell, Okla. 8 Blanche Z. Ricks (Jan. 24, 1880 ) Winifield Kans. m. May 25, 1898 to Richard Allen Clark (Jan. 28, 1877, Filag Center, Ill.). 1330 Chess St., Parsons, Kansas. 9 Harold Allen Clark (May 13, 1900) m. Sept. 2, 1921 to Jean Eloise Maser (May 24, 1902). 500 E. Main St., Independence, Kans. 10 Richard Maser Clark (Feb. 10, 1923). 10 Gene Allen Clark (Sept. 6, 1928). 8 Gertrude Charlotte Ricks (Nov. 20, 1882) m. Oct. 22, 1905 to Ralph Rutherford Weed (Jan. 21, 1883). 8f>3 N. 71st. St., Houston, Texas. 9 Katherine Florence Weed (Sept. 26, 1906) m. Dec. 30, 1926 to Marvin A. Powell (June 27, 1906). 10 Charlotte Ann Powell (Sept. 17, 1930). 803 N. 71st St., Houston, Texas. 9 Florence Gale Weed (Sept. 14, 1909) m. Feb. 25, 1929 to Lafayette Aryln McCashland (Aug. 2, 1908). 9 Ralph Rutherford Weed (Sept. 12, 1912) m. Jan. 9, Joskua Wingate '73

1930 to Lalah Kinard (Apr. 3, 1913). Box 794 Big Springs, Texas. 9 Almond Alexander Weed (Feb. 24, 1915). 8 Maudine Ricks (Oct. 7, 1887 m. July 28, 1921 to Robert Alexander Nelson (July 21, 187·7). 309 W. Grand Ave., Tomkawa, Okla. 9 Geraldine Nelson (Dec. 12, 1922). 7 Louisa Sampson (Sept. 14, 1851-Nov. 11, 1859). 7 Maria Lizzie Sampson (June 15, 1815, Me.-Oct. 10, 1922) m. Dec. 31, 1876 to Cal Zeigler. Lived in Excelsior, Minn. · 8 Frank Zeigler (1877-July 5, 1900). 8 Maggie Irene Zeigler (July 1881-Mch. 10, 1892). 8 Marie Lizzie Sampson m. to ? m 2nd Feb. 1899 to Edwin Aldritt. 7 Charles William Sampson (July. 22, 1860) m. Nov 27, 1884 to Ella Carrie Leach (Feb. 8, 1864-Apr. 15, 1897). 8 Blanche Elmira Sampson (Dec. 20, 1886) m. Feb. 14, 1907 to L. G. Lawson (Sept. 10, 1882). R. R. Excelsior, Minn. · 9 Dorathy Margaret Lawson (Aug. 27, 1909) m. Dec. 7, 1929 to Joseph Thomas Twohey (Aug. 20, 1907). 10 Richard Twohey (Nov. 22, 1930). 9 Charles Henry Lawson (Apr. 3, 1915). 8 Lillian Ray Sampson (Dec. 20, 1895-Jan 2·, 1897)". 7 George Henery Sampson (Dec. 4, 1863-Sept. 7, 1865). 7 Edward Howland Sampson (Dec. 4, 1866) m. May 12, 1891 to Ella Fisher. 242 Bradford St., Redwood City, Calif. 8 Eugene Harttey Sampson (Jan. 14, 1893) -m. Oct. 2, 1920 to Florence Wales Holbrook, Redwood· C-ity. C~H. . · 9 Doris Jean Sampson (Mch. 23, 1925). 8 Leslie Howard Sampson (Sept. 28, 1894). Redwood, Calif. • 3 Sara Wingate (1705-1801) m. to Edmund Toppan (Md.) Hampton, N. H .. 5 children. 3 Mary Wingate (1708-1778) m. to Dean Timothy Picker­ ing. 4 Sarah Pickering (1729 m. to *Capt. John Clarke, son of Josiah and Mary (Wingate) Clarke. 4 Mary Pickering m~ Rev. Dudley Leavitt, 2nd to Nathaniel P. Sargeant. 4 Lydia Pickering m. to George D. Williams. 4 Elizabeth Pickering m. to John Gardner. 4 John Pickering (1739-1811) unwed, Register of Deeds, 20 yrs. Repr. of State and Speaker of House of Repr. in Mass. Judge of Common Pleas Court. 4 Lois Pickering ( 1742 twin) m. to John Gooll of Scotland. 4 Eunice Pickering ( 17 42, twin) m. May 23, 1765 to Paine Wingate. See pg. 4 Lucia Pickering m. to Israel Dodge. *4 Timothy Pickering (1745) m. to Rebecca· White, dtr. of 74 Descendants of Jokn Wingate, tke Emigrant Benjamin and Elizabeth (Miller) White m. Col. Adjt. Gen. Quarter Master, Gen. Deligate to Penn. Convention to consider Constitution; Mem. of Washington' and Adam's Cabinets, Postmaster Gen. 1791-1795. 5 John Pickering ( 1777) m. to Sarah White Eminent Philo­ logical scholar distinguished in Ancient Classics. 3 Joshua Wingate (Sept. 17, 1710-1783 (?) m. June 18, 1735 to Mrs. Dorothy (Moulton) Freese. Lived in Wakefield, N. H. 4 Abigail Wingate m. John Stickney (1711-1775) son of Moses and Sara Wardell Stickney, grson of Amos and Sara (Morse) Stickney gr. grson of Wm. Stickney. 5 Thomas Stickney (1747-1791) m. to Abigail Blodgett, dtr. of Samuel Blodgett. 6 Thomas Stickney (1777-1814) m. to Mary Ward. 7 Elizabeth Ward Stickney m. to Thomas William Hall, son of Jerimiah and Judy (Allen) Hall, grson of Thom­ as and Elizabeth (Knott) Hall of Va. gr. grson of *Step­ hen and Abigail (Sexton) Hall of Va. Stephen Hall of­ ficer in Rev. Lived at Culpepper, Va. 8 Clayton Coleman Hall (1847-1916) m. 1895 to Camille Ridgley Morris. *9 Clayton Coleman Hall (Sept. 24, 1896) Prof at Prince­ ton N. J. 100 Bayard Lane, Princeton, N. J. *4 John C. Wingate (July 28, 1739-1796 (?) m. 1768 (?) to Mary Philbrock, Hampton. 5 Mary Wingate (1769) m. to Nathan Watson of Brook- field. 5 Joshua Wingate (1771) m. to Sally Ricker. 5 Dolly Wingate (177 4) m. to William Randall. 5 Love Wingate (1776) m. to Johnathan Sanborn. 5 Sara Wingate (1778) m. to James Shaw. 5 John Wingate (Aug. 19, 1780-Sept. 14, 1842) m. Sept. 27, 1804 to Abigail Sanborn (Sept. 24, 1781-Oct. 7, 1855) Wakefield. W eni to Canada. 6 Almira Wingate (Apr. 2, 1805-Jan. 26, 1815). 6 John Philbrook Wingate (Jan. 18, 1807-Dec. 2. 1886, Burr Oak, Iowa.) m. Sept. 22, 1831 to Mary Flood ( Apr. 4, 1809-Oct. 3, 1874) dtr. of Noah Flood of Vt. or Me. 7 Henry Wingate (July 26, 1833-Feb. 16, 1898) m. Sept. 10, 1856 to Charity Eliza Willsie (Jan. 11, 1834. Hem­ mingford P. Q. Apr. 26, 1899, Chicago, Ill.). Buried Burr Oak. Iowa. · 8 Clara Ames Wingate ( July 24. 1857) m. Aor. 26. 1876 George Payne Bent, (June 16, 1854) son of Rev. George Bent. 2205 S. Gramery Place, Los Angeles, Calif. Lived in Chicago, manufacturer of Crown Piano. 1919 moved to California. 9 Clara Wingate Bent (Winnie) Mch. 10, 1877) m. June 21, 1898 to Ernest Grant Meikle. No issue. 9 George Henry Bent (Oct. 11, 1878) m. Feb. 27, 1906 Grace Fessenden Gardner. Joshua Wingate 75

10 Deborah Fessenden Bent (Feb. 21, 1907). Chicago Ill. 10 George Payne Bent Jr. (May 7, 1909). Ill. 10 Virginia Gardner Bent (Dec. 5, 1916). Los Angel­ es. 10 Henry Wingate Bent (Aug. 4, 1918, Ill). 9 Charity Mary Bent (May 23, 1884-Aug. 3, 1905) un­ wed. 9 Muriel Bent (Aug. 18, 1890) m. June 26, 1913 to Stanley Gale Harris. 10 Charity Bent Harris (Aug. 27, 1914, Chicago) 10 Ruth Harris (Sept. 9, 1916, Chicago). 10 Stanley Gale Harris Jr. (June 19, 1918, Chicago). 10 Cynthia Harris (June 6, 1823, San Franisco, Calif.) 9 Dorothy Wingate Bent (Apr. 5, 1893) m. Aug. 23, 1913 to Otto Schnerring m. 2nd July 1925 to Clayton Lane. With U. S. commerce attaches located at War­ saw, Poland. 9 Charles Matchett Bent {Aug. 25, 1895) m. Sept. 23, 1919 to Ida May Bourque. 10 Charles Matchett Bent Jr. (Sept. 9. 1920, Chicago). 10 Mary Wingate Bent (June 4, 1925). 9 Barbara Bent (Nov. 28, 1889) m. Oct. 1, 1921 to Ed­ ward Ogilvie Pringle. 10 Edward Ogilvie Pringle Jr. (Juluy 23, 1922, San Francisco) . 10 Joyce Pringle (Apr. 30, 1926, San Francisco). 8 Weston Peel Wingate (Mch. 12, 1859-Sept. 14, 1898) m. Jan. 6, 1883 to Mary Nunan (Nov. 25, 1861) dtr. of Maurice and Esther (Parker) Nunan. 9 Henry Nunan Wingate (Nov. 3, 1883-June 14, 1884). 9 Elsie· Charity Wingate (June 15, 1885) m. June 12, 1912 to William E. Inglish. 825 Bristol Way, Stock­ ton, California. 10 John Wingate Inglish. 10 Weston William Inglish. 10 Bonnie May Inglish. 9 Esther Susan Wingate (May 18, 1887-Aug. 30, 1898). 9 Mary Meriam (Bonnie) Wingate (Dec. 9, 1889-Oct. 22, 1903). . 8 Elsie Amelia Wingate (Feb. 3, 1864-Aug, 6, 1930) m. Nov. 5, 1888 to Orin A. Porter, Burr Oak, Ia. (Sept. 3, 1857) Superior, Wis. No issue. 8 Julia Willsie Wingate .(Oct. 2. 1867) m. July 12. 1906 ·Joseph Lindsay (May 20, 1858-Dec. 24, 1927). 514 Fifth St., E. Minnea polis, Minn. No issue. 7 Mary Wingate (May 23, 1835-d.) m. to Charles Rood. 8 Addie Rood m. to (?) Gates. 7 Louisa Wingate (Dec. 21, 1840-Aug. 23, 1871) m. Dec. 24, 1863 to Clark Bateman (1832-1920). 76 Descendants of John Wingate, the Emigrant 8 Mary Elizabeth Bateman (Aug. 8, 1868) m. to Ernest Bradley. No issue. 8 Achsah Bateman (June 14, 1870, twin) m. to ? Dag­ gett, Champaign, N. Y. No issue. 8 Harley Simon Bateman (June 14, 1870) m. to Mary Armstrong Mch. 1, 1875). Champaign, N. Y. 9 Margaret Louise Bateman (May 6, 1898)· m. to Mau­ rice Crook. 556 South St., Glendale, California. 10 John Bateman Crook (Aug. 14, 1927). 9 Helen Marion Bateman (Oct. 12, 1900) m. to Ray­ mond D. Heath. Mayflower Apt., Rome, New York. No issue. 9 Ruth Achsah Bateman (June 9, 1902) m. to Francis L. Stebbine. 441 Westminister Ave., Elizabeth, N. J. No issue. 9 John Clark Bateman (Jan. 20, 1904-Dec. 11, 1929) m. to Laurette La Fountain. 10 Two children. 9 Katherine Bateman (Dec. 7, 1905). 9 George Armstrong Bateman (July 29, 1907) unwed. 7 John Wingate (Apr. 17, 1843-Oct. 21, 1910) m. Oct. 7, 1869 to Lucy Cookman (1848-1929). 8 Albert John Cookman Wingate (Aug. 19, 1870, Iowa­ July 21, 1927) unwed. 7 Amelia Wingate (July 7, 1846:..July 18, 1917) m. Oct. 25, 1873 to Edward Munn (Oct. 5, 1840, London, Eng.­ Dec. 9, 1907). 8 Francis Munn (Jan. 17, 1887) m~ Jan. 30, 1910 to Archie J. Vermazen (July 18, 1875). 222 Dewey St., Hanford, California. 9 John Edward Vermazen (Nov. 8, 1913). 8 Clara Munn (Feb. 3,-3, 1888). 6 Asa Sanborn Wingate (Apr. 13, 1808) Charity Willsie. 6 Mary Philbrook Wingate (Dec. 17, 1809-Sept. 10, 1887) m. 1831 to Adam Robson, Durham, Ontario. 6 Milo M. Wingate (May 19, 1811-Apr. 22, 1813). 6 Henry T. Wingate ( Oct. 1, 1813-) m. to Martha Bell. 6 Ezra E. Wingate (June 27, 1815-) m. to Sabrina Mann­ ing. 6 Johnathan E. Wingate (May 16, 1822-May 18~ 1839). 5 James Wingate (1783) m. to Polly Shaw 2nd to Mrs. Phil­ brook. 5 Betsy Wingate (Aug. 30, 1807) m. to David Wiggin of Greenland. 6 Four children. 3 Jane Wingate (1712) m. 1732 to Rev. Stephen ChPse, a dis­ tinguished theologian and scholar. 4 Stephen Chase (1742-1805) m. to Mary Frost dtr. of Josenh Frost, grdtr. of Hon. John and Mary (Pepperal) Frost. Six children. Joskua Wingate 77 4 Six other children. 3 Abigail Wingate (1715, twin) m. to John Stickney. Eight children. 3 Anna Wingate (1715, twin) m. to Daniel Marsten. One child. 3 Martha Wingate (Mch. 30, 1718-1758) m. Nov. 10, 1737 to *Dr. John Weeks, of Greenland; an eminent physician, son of Joshua and grson of Leonard Weeks. 4 Joshua Wingate Weeks (1738-1806) m. 1758 to Sarah Treadwell. He was minister, took vows in England and re­ turned at beginning of American Revolution, to England. 5 Three daughters. *5 J. W. Weeks, Capt. 5 C. W. Weeks~ minister at Waymouth, later Manchester, Eng. Died in Halifax. *5 Foster Weeks *5 John Weeks *5 James Weeks British Army Officers. 4 Comfort Weeks (1740-1814) m. to Dr. Coffin Moore, son of William Moore, m. 2nd to Simon French. Seven child­ ren. 4 Martha Weeks (1742) m. to Capt. *Benjamin Randall One child ( died age 18) . 4 Mary Weeks (1745-1814) m. to Adino Nye. Two children m. 2nd to Joseph Brackett. Four children. 4 Sarah Weeks (1747-Nov.22, 1818) m. to Rev. Jacob Bailey Six children. 4 John Weeks (Feb. 17, 1749-Sept. 10, 1818) m. Dec. 27, 1770 to Deborah Brackett, dtr. of James Brackett of Green­ land. Leut. Amer. Revolution. 5 .Martha Weeks (Dec. 20, 1771-1872) m. to Edward Spald- Ing. 6 Edward C. Spalding. 6 Jphn Weeks Spalding. 6 William Dustin Spalding. 6 Eliza Spalding. 6 James Brackett Spalding. 6 Martha Spalding m. to Charles Stebbens. 5 Deborah Weeks (Feb. 29, 1776-1860) m. to Williaim Ayres m. 2nd to Jacob Emerson. 6 Deborah Ayers m. to Myron Chandler. 5 Elizabeth Weeks (1778-Apr. 1, 1844) m. to Judge Aziah Webb. 6 Eliza Webb. 6 Martha Webb. · 6 Marius A. Webb. 6 John Wingate Webb. 6 Sally Ann Webb. 6 Lucy A. Webb. 5 John Wingate Weeks (Mch. 31, 1781-Apr.3, 1853) m. to Martha W. Brackett, cousin, m~ 2nd to Persis Everett. 5 James Brackett Weeks (June 14, 1784-Mch. 19, 1858) m. Jan. 1810 to Elizabeth Stanley (Aug. 4, 1785-Dec. 24, 1854). 6 James Wingate Weeks (July 15, 1811-) m. to Martha Willard Hemenway, m. 2nd to Mary Elizabeth Burns, dtr. of Dr. Robert Burns. 78 Descendants of Jokn Wingate, tke Emigrant 6 Mary Nye Weeks (Aug. 24, 1813-Nov. 5, 1856 m. 1851 to Richard H. Eastman. 6 Sarah Stanley Weeks (N·ov. 15, 1815-Mch. 22, 1842) m. 1839 to Edmund C. Wilder. 6 William Dennison Weeks (Feb. 28, 1818-Feb. 27, 1885) m. July 4, 1843 to Mary Helen Fowler. 7 John Wingate Weeks (1860-1926) m. to Martha A. Sinclair. See Hist. 8 Charles Sinclair Weeks m. to Beatrice Dowse. Mayor of Newton Falls, Mass. 9 Francis Lee Weeks. 9 Sinclair Weeks Jr. -9 John W. Weeks 2nd. 9 William D. Weeks. 9 Martha S. Weeks. 9 Beatrice Weeks. 6 John Weeks (June 30, 1822) m. 1851 to Ellen Merrill. 6 Martha Eliza Weeks (Dec. 10, 1824-June 1872). 6 Persis Fayette Weeks (Feb. 3, 1831) m. 1854 to Rev. George M. Rice. 5 Mary Wiggin Weeks (Mch. 4, 1787) m. to Adino Nye Brackett, cousin. Four children. 5 Sally Brackett Weeks (Aug. 13, 1789) m. to Edward F. Bucknam. 6 Deborah Bucknam m. to James McIntire. 6 James W. Bucknam. 6 Martha Bucknam m. to Proctor Jacobs. 6 Mary Bucknam m. to S. H. Legore. 4 William Weeks (1751-Sept. 1821) m. to Susanna Haines, dtr. of Deacon William Haines. Six children. · *4 Ward Cotton Weeks (July 15, 1753) m.- to Mary Barber, dtr. of Jonah Barber. 5 John Weeks m. to ? Durgin. Eight children. 4 Abigail Weeks ( died infancy) . 4 Joanna Weeks (Dec. 31, 1755-July 17, 1826) ·m~ to Levi Folsom, son of Col. Jere Folsom. Nine children. 3 Love Winget (1720-1809) m. 1748 to Rev. Nathaniel Cookin 1713-1766) son of Rev. Nathaniel and Dorothy (Cotton) Cookin, grson of Rev. and Anna (Lake) Cotton, gr. grson of Gov. Simon and Ann (Dudley) Bradstreet, gr. gr grson of Gov. Thomas Dudley. Ann Dudley was 1st American Poet­ ress (-d. 1672). 4 Elizabeth Cookin (1779) m. to Dr. Edmund Chadwick. Ten children. 4 Hannah Cookin (1754-1897) m. to Rev. Timothy Upham, 1st minister of Deerfield. 5 Nathaniel Upham (June 9, 1774-June 10, 1829) m. 1798 to Judith Cogswell, dtr. of Hon. Thomas Cogswell. desc. of John Cogswell of Ipwich, who settled there in 1635. Was state Repr. 1817-1823. Eleven children. 5 Timothy Upham (1776). 5 Hannah Upham (1789) distinguished teacher. 4 Daniel Cookin (Mch. 2, 1756-Sept. 4, 1831) m. to Abigail Dearborn, dtr. of Levi Dearborn. Joshua Wingate '79 *5 John Wingate Cookin (June 27, 178?) m. to Elizabeth Smith, 2nd to Mary Hamilton. Nine children. 4 Five other children. 3 Elizabeth Wingate (Nov. 21, 1722) m. to Dr. John Newman. Eleven children. 3 John Wingate (1726-1812) unwed. CHAPTER V

DESCENDANTS OF CYRUS WINGET 7 Cyrus Winget (Jan. 22, 1815 Pa.-Jan. 14, 1854) m. Apr. 7, 1841 at Narvoo, Ill. to Catherine Hulett (Mch. 12, 1820, Ohio-Oct. 1918) dtr. of Charles and Margaret (Noah) Hulett, son of Wm. Wingate. See page,--. Their children. 8 Zenos Winget (June 29, 1842 Utah-June 22, 1907) m. to Clarinda Huetta Johnson (Jan. 15, 1847-June 22, 1883) dtr. of Benjamin Franklin and Dora Clarinda (Gleason) Johnson. 8 Malvina Winget (-d Oct. 20, 1930) m. to Silas DeMills. 8 Alphonzo Winget (Jan. 5, 1846) m. Jan. 5, 1866 to Almeda Mariah Washburn (Nov. 22, 1849, Utah-June 24, 1923) dtr. of Abraham and Flora Clarinda (Glea­ son) Washburn, grand dtr. of Joel and Lorena (Wil­ liams) Gleason and of Daniel and Anna Nancy (Wright) Washburn of N. J., gr. grand dtr. of Joel Gleason of Granville, Mass. and of Daniel and Philena (Mathners) Washburn, Mass. 8 Fidelia Winget (Dec. 18, 1847) m. to Oliver DeMills. 8 Cyrus Winget Jr. m. to Adelia Squirer. 8 Elvira Winget m. to James Locks. 8 Catherine Winget (Aug. 14, 1854) m. May 11, 1847 to Yergen Yergensen (Aug. 10, 1852) son of Andrew and Catherine Elizabeth (Nielson) Yergensen. DESCENDANTS OF CYRUS AND CATHERINE (HULETT) WINGET 8 Zenos and Clarinda (Hulet) Johnson. 9 Zenos Winget (Nov. 5, 1866-Sept. 3, 1875) m. Eliza R. Squires. 10 Luther Winget (Oct. 2, 1886) m. Aug. 31, 1.910 to Lavina Anderson (Dec. 2, 1891) dtr. of 0. A. and Thirza J. (Lee) Anderson, Monroe, Utah. 11 J. Luther Winget (Nov. 16, 1911-Nov. 18, 1911). 11 Wanda Winget (Dec. 31, 1912). 11 N. A. Winget (Sept. 21, 1914). 11 Vera Lavina Winget (Aug. 28, 1916). 11 Quentin Frank Winget (May 14, 1918). 11 Ruby Lona Winget (May 28, 1920). 11 Glenda Winget (Mch. 23, 1922). 11 Nora Winget· (Aug. 6, 1924).

80 Cyrus Winget 81

ll Zenos Vein Winget (May 7, 1926). 11 Betty J. Winget (Sept. 1, 1927.). 9 Cyrus Alphonzo Winget (Mch. 26, 1869) m. Oct. 21, 1896 to Hulda Augusta Jonassen (Oct. 28, 1873, Norway, Europe) Monroe, Utah. 10 Ruby Huetta Winget (Aug. 9, 1897) m. Aug. 22, 1917 *Harold Peter Oldroyd (Jan. 18, 1891) son of Isaac and Mary June (Buckanan) Oldroyd. Venice, Sevier, Co., Utah. 11 Arda Oldroyd (Mch. 6, 1920). 11 Hal W. Oldroyd (July 23, 1921). 11 Elva Oldroyd (Sept. 25, 1923). 10 Vida LaVern Winget (Nov. 8, 1900) m. July 26, 1922 Ambrose Vincent Black (Apr. 22, 1901) son of Charles F. and Mary M. (Stolworthy) Black Trop­ ie, Garfield, Co, Utah. 11 YuVon Black (May 1, 1923). 11 Beverly Black (Aug. 15, 1927). 10 Margaurite Winget (Aug. 12, 1902) m. June 3, 1925 to Owen Miles Ogden (Feb. 19, 1899) son of William and Emma (Frazer) Ogden Richfield, Utah. 11 Farrel Ogden (Feb. 10, 1927). 11 Betty Jean Ogden (Feb. 17, 1929). 10 Frank J. Winget (Jan. 16, 1904) Monroe, Utah. 10 Heber C. Winget (Sept. 12, 1909) Monroe, Utah. 10 John McKay Winget (Apr. 30, 1913). 9 Clarinda Huetta Winget (June 7, 1871-Sept. 12, 1878). 9 Catherine Melisa Winget (Oct. 12, 1873-Nov. 22, 1878). . 9 Zinnia Melita Winget (July 27, 1875-Nov. 18, 1898). 9 Benjamin F'ranklin Winget (May, 3, 1878-July 2, 1898). 8 Malvina Winget and Elias DeMills. 9 Elizabeth DeMills (Feb. 27, 1866) m. Feb. 27, 1886 to Marion Alonzo Cox (Oct. 10, 1860-Nov. 10, 1921) son of Frederick Walter and Lucy (Allen) Cox, 851 N. First St., East Provo City, Utah. 10 Leona Malvina Cox (Jan. 12, 1887) m. Sept. 11, 1907 to Elias W. Erickson (Sept. 8, 1887) son of Eniar and Gudrun Erickson, 843 N. First St., East Provo City, Utah. 11 Elias DeLyle Erickson (Sept. 3, 1908) m. to Leona Matheson. 11 Ronald Knight Erickson (Aug. 28, 1910) m. to LaPrul Emma Shaw. 11 Refell Leon Erickson (July 12, 1919). 11 LaRue Elizabeth Erickson (June 29, 1915). 10 Grace Elizabeth Cox (Aug. 17, 1888) m. May 20, 1014 to William Peace· Stokes (Jan. 25, 1888) son of William and Jane (Peace) Stokes. 11 William Lee Stokes (Mch. 27, 1915). 82 Descendants of Jokn Wingate, the Emigrant 11 Max Stokes (Dec. 25-25, 1918). 11 Grant Leonard Stokes (Nov. 13, 1921). 11 Ruth Jane Stokes (1925). 10 Alonzo E. Cox (Mch. 21, 1891) m. Jan. 3, 1923 to Norma J. Bigler, dtr. of Mark Bigler, Provo City, Utah. 11 Marion Mark Cox (Aug. 25-25, 1928). 10 Lucy Cox (June 27, 1895) m. Aug. 24, 1918 to Clyde Delos Gleaver (May 19, 1895) son of Sam and Martha (Gardner) Gleaver. 11 Mary Lucylle Gleaver (Dec. 9, 1919). 11 Martha Clarisse Gleaver (Aug. 22, 1921). 11 Gloria Gleaver (May 14, 1923). 11 Clyde Rex Gleaver (Dec. 17, 1926). 11 Phillip Lee Gleaver (Oct. 21, 1929). 10 Lee DeMills Cox (Apr. 8, 1900-Mch. 3, 1901). 10 Ruth Cox (Sept. 6, 1902) m. Jan. 30, 1924 to David Albert Searing (Sept. 24, 1893). 11 Leatrice Joy Searing (May 11, 1925). 10 Ileen Cox (Dec. 21, 1904). 8 Alphonzo Winget and Ameda Mirah Washburn. 9 Lucian Zenos Winget (Dec. 19, 1868) m. Oct. 4, 1887 to Mary Ellen Lisonbee (May 28, 1868) dtr. of James Thompson and Ellen Amelia (Johnson) Lisonbee, Box 288 Monroe, Sevier Co., Utah. 10 Myrtle Winget (July 27 1888) m. Nov. 2, 1910 to Earl Willer (May 31, 1888) son of Jessie and Emily (Robenser) Willer. 11 Florence Willer (Jan. 22, 1912) m. to Kile Holmes. 11 Luella Willer (Oct. 22, 1915). 11 Harold Willer (Sept. 13, 1917). 11 Nola Willer (Apr. 4, 1921). 10 Lucian Bernard Winget (July 25, 1890) m. May 21, 1913 to Jennie Sophia Larsen (Mch. 17, 1895) dtr. of James Larsen, Boise, Utah. No issue. 10 Fredia Winget (Nov. 27, 1893) m. Jan. 11, 1912 to Elvin Angus Johnson (Apr. 15, 1886) Monroe, Utah. 11 Lynn Johnson (Aug. 10, 1913). 11 Ray Elvin Johnson (Jan. 1, 1920). 11 Golda Johnson (Aug. 3, 1926). 11 Calvert Johnson (Oct. 30, 1928). 10 William Leonard Winget (Sept. 18, 1896) m. Sept. 18, 1918 to Leda Ann Warrenski (May 19, 1900) dtr. of George Albert and Lucy Ann (Bradbury) Warrenski, Sevier Co., Utah. 11 Bernice Winget (Jan. 8, 1919). 11 Lono B. Winget (July 25, 1920). 11 Cleown Winget (May 23, 1924). 10 Amelia Ameda Winget (Dec. 17, 1898) m. Oct. 4, 1919 to *Harvey Richard Jensen, Monroe, Utah. 11 Junior Harvey Jensen (Sept. 12, 1920). 11 Allen Jensen (Apr. 2, 1922). Cyrus Winget 88 ------· -· 11 Shirley Jensen (Apr. 13, 1924). 11 Maynard Winget Jensen (May 12, 1926). 11 Lucian Garth Jensen (May 22,-June 20, 1928). 10 Lula Winget (Oct. 18, 1905, twin). 10 Lapreal Winget (Oct. 18, 1905 twin) m. Aug. 1-1, 1926 to Warren J. Ross ( Mch. 26, 1904) Hon of John and Eliza (Christiansen) RoHR. 11 Geraldine Ross (Nov. 17, 1912). 11 Lulua Gean Ross (Sept. 26-Nov. 12, 19!JO). 9 Cyrus Abraham Winget (Mch. 24, 1871 twin) m. to Ann Swindle, Monroe, Utah. 9 Almeda Civilla Winget (Mch. 24, 1871 twin) m. t<, Alma Magleby, Monroe, Utah. 9 Alonzo Winget (Apr. 5, 1875). 9 Lulu Lorena Winget (Sept! 22, 1877). 9 Parley Winget (Feb. 11, 1880) m. S~pt. l r;, 1 !1<,o to Francis Jolley (Dec. 12, 1883-Mch. 26, 1918 J. 10 Velma Winget (May 9, 1901) m. to :Franch; liardy. 10 Fontella Winget (Apr. 24, 1905) m. t<, L,~:-di,! J1alcJ­ win, Salt Lake City, Utah. 11 Robert Xiles Baldwin (May 13, 1927). 10 Lafe Winget (May 29, 1908). 9 Parley Winget m. 2nd OG-1. 11, 192f of Beas.on and l!ary CS azor J l.hv1IB. 10 Mary .A.meldia \Vinget

10 Jamima Belle Beal (Aug. 26, 1893) m. Mch. 24, 1915) to Ottomer Carl Reichert (June 7, 1893) son of Emil and Elizabeth (Zwichel) Reichert, of Germany. 11 Malno Ada Reichert (Feb. 28, 1917) (?). 11 Carl Reichert (Jan. 18, 1919). 11 Ronald Reichert (Aug. 12, 1923). 10 Lilliam Beal (Mch. 16, 1895) m. June 17, 1919 (?) to Henry Edwin Day (Dec. 23, 1884)· Spring Canyon Carlon Co., Utah. 11 Beatrice Lilliam Day (Apr. 6, 1915). 11 Vonda May Day (May 31, 1917). 11 Henry Newell Day (Aug. 4, 1919). 11 Edwen Clive Day (Oct. 30, 1921). 10 Cyrus Beal (Jan. 13, 1898-Feb. 4, 1901). 10 Ada Beal (Jan. 25,-Jan. 26, 1902). 10 Emily Beal (Nov. 9, 1904) m. Oct. 1, 1925 to Har­ old Lambert (Aug. 1, 1899) son of Joseph Heber and Alice Matilda (Mishel) LambEfrt, National, Utah. 11 Ada Larne Lambert (May 22, 1926). 9 Melvina DeMills (Dec. 3-3, 1872). 9 Almeda DeMills (Apr. 11, 1874-June 1, 1902) m. Jan. 1896 to Edgar Alonzo Beal ( ..June 24, 1974-Aug. 29, 1924) son of John Alma and Lovina Esther (DeMills) Beals, Shonesburg, Utah. 10 Xellie Beal (Xov. 1, 1866) m. to Benjamin .Jergen­ sen. 10 .A.lmeda Beal (June 1, 1902) m. to Raymond Gre­ gerson. 9 :\Ielbourne Dellills (July 5, 1908) m. Oct. 31, 1901 to Jennie Petty (July 10, 1880) Monroe, t.:'tah. 10 Carlton Dellills (Feb. 10, 1908). 10 "\~ida Deliills (July 4, 1914). 9 -.\.d1inda De~Iills (Dec. 17, 1878) m. to Arthur W. Hall. 9 Je...."5e Delii11 ( June 21, 1882) m. to Zilphia GE:net Petty. 9 ..~de!ia Dellills (Feb. 6, 1885-..';ept. 11, 1906) rn. Apr. 5~ 1905 to Xatha.n Alma Petty (Jan. 1883). 10 llercJ Petty (Sept. 3-29, 1906). 8 Cyn.15 Winget and Ardelia SquirE:r. 9 )Ielnn Winget (Jan. 29~ 1896) m. Dee. 1()1 lf:1l!J tr> J f:nnie Greenwood (Dec. 4. 1898) dtr. r>f Barnard Bartley and Bertha (HawlE=v) GrE=E:nwrY->

l O Bertr. a Winge:t (Sept. 27 ! 1920) . 10 )Ielnn Glade Winget (Sep~. 3. 1924). 10 _.\11en Karl Winget (Jan.8.1928). 8 C ~th erin.e Elizabeth Winget anri 1-erZE:"'1 ·y· ~r.zen.. ~~!1. 9 Yerg~715en 1-ergen_~n (l!ay 6! 1)(75• rn. llch. l'>~ 1~10 to Carotiri.a Peter.:-on ( Jan. ~- 1~'71) ritr. rif P~r. ,.n\ ~r,,.;.. ___ --- r-~- .. .,..~n-•- fEn,_i~_-••-a,_~) .... l Pe;.;t·~ C-.:::'f..JL:.."J"",;;r..n "·!r,,.,..,.r,&,~ ) .. ,,..,. y-+-,,,ht_~. • 10 Rub~ ,-alere Yergeri~n (Feb. 11-F~b. ii,, lfj11 J. 86 Descendants of 'Jokn Wingate, tke Emigrant 10 Leon E. Yergensen (Dec. 14, 1912). 10 Elnaer B. Yergensen (Sept. 14, 1914). 9 Andrew Cyrus Yergensen (Jan. 7, 1877) m. Mch. 15, 1916 to Freda Blomquit (Sept. 5, 1883 Arno, Sweden) Monroe, ·utah. 10 Max Yergensen (Dec. 4, 1917). 10 Lucile Yergensen (Oct. 5, 1919). 10 Vere Yergensen (Mch. 14, 1921). 10 Irene Yergensen (Mch. 21, 1924). 9 Austin Yergensen (Apr. 20, 1878-Dec. 4, 1918) m. Dec. 13, 1899 to Ella Josephine Goold (Dec. 20, 1880) dtr. of Fredrick Bunning and Sara (Wichlan) Goold. 10 Winnie Josephine Yergensen (Sept. 16, 1900) m. to Artie Casemen. 10 Ivy Lapriel Yergensen (July 29, 1902) m. to Daniel Vernon Jones. 10 VaLear Yergensen (Nov. 25, 1905) m. to Theador Warren Farlow. 10 Myrle Yergensen (Sept. 6, 1908) m. to Glen Jensen. 10 Willard Goold Yergensen (lV[ch. 24, 1909). 10 Afton B. Yergensen (Oct. 30, 1913). 10 Austin Eris Yergensen (Mch. 28, 1919). 9 Charles Hanse Yergensen (Dec. 1880) m. Oct. 1901 to Sara Ellen Conders (Mch. 17, 1883) dtr. of Joseph and Ellen (Mills) Conders, Monroe, Utah.. 10 Delea! Yergensen (Aug. 13, 1907). 10 Clarice Madge Yergensen (Apr. 23, 1910). 10 Virginia Yergensen (May 11, 1914). 10 Elden Jay Yergensen (Feb. 13, 1917). 10 Glen Yergensen (Jan. 6, 1920). 9 Katheryn Elizabeth Yergensen (Dec. 31, 1882) m. to George Wooten. 9 Ida Yergensen (Jan. 1, 1885-July 14, 1920) m. June 1907 to Albert Robinson (1887) Fillmore, Utah. 10 Clark Robinson. 10 Marian Robinson. 10 Max Robinson. 10 R. L. Robinson. 10 Ida Evelyn Robinson. 10 Katheryn Robinson. 9 Alphonzo Yergensen (Nov. 25, 1886) m. Oct. 15, 1906 to Flossie Winefred Goold (Apr. 29, 1888) dtr. of Frederick and Sara (Wickhind) Goold, Monroe, Utah. 10 Sara Bernice Yergensen (Mch. 17, 1908) m. to James Milton Chavir. 10 Rae Burgon Yergensen (Jan. 28, 1912-Feb. 25, 1916). 10 Darns Allen Yergensen (Aug. 22, 1913-Mch. 12, 1928). , 10 Kenneth Goold Yergensen (Nov. 6, 1915). 10 Hellen· Venice Yergensen (Nov. 15, 1917). Cyrus Winget 87 9 Niels Orwin Yergensen (Nov. 17, 1888) m. to Laverri Jensen. 9 Mary Yergensen (Nov. 30, 1890) m. June 4, 1913 to Jessie Murmen Christiansen (May 17, 1889) son of Godfrey Abraham and Lydia Christiansen, Monroe, Utah. 10 Del Rae Christiansen (Oct. 26, 1914). 10 Lois Christiansen (July 11, 1920). 10 J. Y. Christiansen (Feb. 18, 1923). 10 Barbara Christiansen (Sept. 10, 1928). 9 Willard Yergensen (Apr. 9, 1893-Jan. 1911). 9 Heber J. Yergensen (July 6, 1895). CHAPTER VI DESCENDANTS OF CALEB WINGET REUBEN WINGET A Caleb Winget {17 44,N. J.-Feb. 13, 1817, Pa.) m. to ? 2nd to Sarah ? (1765-June 8, 1850). Buried in Prosperity Cemetery, Pennsylvania. Hist pg. 25. I Reuben Winget (1765 (?) N. J.-1845, Ohio) m. to Mary? m. 2nd in Pa. to Elizabeth or Betsy (1770-1824). 3rd May 5, 1825 to Mary Rynerson. Buried on John Beard Farm near Enon, Ohio. Hist. pg. 26. I Ziba Winget (1766(?) N. J.-O.) m. 1786 to Jane McCreary (1760-Feb. 1, 1836). Jane buried on above farm. Hist. pg. 27. I William Wingett (Sept. 29, 1769-Oct. 26, 1841) m. to Nancy Hampton (1769-Apr. 30, 1844). Buried in Prosperity, Pa. Lived in Pa. Hist pg. 30. I Daniel Wingett (1772 (?) N. J.) m. to Phoebe?. Lived in Pa. Hist. pg. 41. I Stephen Winget (1775 (?) N. J.-Mch. 1807, Ohio) m. 1796 to Hannah Cary (1775-1860) dtr. of *Calvin Cary. See Hist pg. 34. I Hannah Winget. No record. I Reuben and Mary Winget, their children. 1 Daniel Winget (1786, Pa.-1832, 0.) m. to Ruth Blackburn (-d1869). Lived near Enon. *1 Hugh Winget (June 24, 1789, Pa.-Ind.) m. to Mary Conklin. Lived near Enon, 0., moved to near Selma, Indiana, in Nov. 1848 .. Hist pg. 27. *1 Caleb Winget m. to Nancy Shellabarger, sister to Ephriam, below, history page 45 and 46. 1 John Winget (Apr. 10, 1792-1824). Buried on farm near Enon, Ohio. 1 Robert Winget (-d before 1845) m. to Sarah? 2 Mamie Winget (1818-1819). 2 Nancy Jane Winget m. to ? McClain. Lived in Columbus City, Ind. 1 Rebecca Winget (1796 (?)-Oct. 1897) m. to Ephriam Shella­ barger ( 1785-1842) bro. to Nancy, above. Hist. pg. 27, 45. 1 Jane Winget m.· Abraham Pittenger. Lived in Muncie, Ind. (See appendix for descendants.). 1 Sara Winget (1800 (? )-Aug. 16, 1824) m. to Michael Confer, buried on farm near Enon. 2 Hannah Confer.

88 Reuben Winget-Daniel 89

1 Elizabeth Winget m. to Michael Confer. 2 Michael Confer. 2 Sarah Confer. 2 Eliza Jane Confer. 1 Aaron Winget (1803) m. to Matilda Ann Lytle. 1 :Margaret Winget m. to James R. ~lack. 2 Mathew Black m. to Ellen? 3 Jane Black. 3 dtr. m. to ? Evans, Druggist, Dayton, Ohio. DESCENDANTS OF REUBE:N AND MARY WINGET 1 Daniel and Ruth (Blackburn) Winget. 2 Patti Winget m. to Barney Rynerson. 3 Daniel W. Rhinerson m. to Tillie Gallager, Kansas City, Mo. 4 Edward Rynerson. · 4 Charles Rynerson. 4 dtr. 3 Betty Rynerson m. to Henry Yahn. 4 Martha Yahn m~ to ? 4 Betty Yahn (deceased). 4 Edward Yahn m. 4 Emma Yahn m. 4 Violet Yahn (deceased) m. 3 Jane Rynerson m. to Reuben Shellabarger. 2 James Blackburn Winget (Feb. 26, 1812-May 21, 1881) m. Jan. 31, 1838 to Violet McCreary (Apr. 10, 1816-June 12, 1899) dtr. of Archibald and Catherine (Cox) McCreary. Lived at Enon, Ohio. *3 Daniel Winget (Dec. 16, 1837-1909) m. June 2, 1864 to Min­ erva (Albin) Hupman (-d Oct. 20, 1922). 4 Molly Hupman (1857) dtr. of Minerva A. Hupman. 4 Minnie Winget ( 1865-1883). 4 Ida M. Winget (1867) m. 1888· to Charles A. Young (1866). 225 Stanton St., Springfield, Ohio. ·5 Chella Fern Young (1888) m. 1909 to Leon Barkman. 6 Reba Marcella Barkman (1910) m. 1929 to Thomas Castello. 7 Thomas Castello Jr." (June 26, 1930). 6 Dotty Gene Barkman (1915). 6 Joyce Ann Barkman (1928). 5 Thurl Young (1893) m. 1915 to Clara Goodwin. 6 Janice Young (1916). 6 Thurl Young (1918). 5 Reba L. Young (1895) m. 1919 to George Peters, 2233 Huron Ave., Springfield, Ohio. 6 Charles Edgar Peters (1921-1929). 5 Rolla Young (1897) m. 1929 to Lea Van Ruben. 4 Osker Dewitt Winget (1869) m. to Nellie Plumb. 5 Nina Winget m. 5 Arlo Winget m. 5 Marlowe Winget m. 5 Alden Winget ( died childhood). 4 Clifford Winget (1870-1929) Unwed. 90 Descendants of Caleb Winget 4 Opher Winget (1875-1877). 4 Clarence L. Winget (1879) m. to Helen Sennet No issue. 4 Edgar Winget (1881-1881). *3 Archibald Winget (May 15, 1843). Unwed. 3 Pricilla Winget (Sept. 15, 1840-1850). 3 Reuben B. Winget (Feb. 16,.1848). Unwed. 3 Benjamin D. Winget (Aug. 23, 1851). Unwed. In Pierce Co., Nebraska last known. 3 Mary Lavina Winget (Apr. 22, 1846-Feb. 11, 1928) m. to Adam Esterline (-d Aug. 31, 1900). 4 Violet E. Esterline (July 4, 1860) m. to Walter Beeson. 5 Maude Beeson (twin) m. to William Aark, R.. 8, Spring- field, 0 hio. 6 Horace Aark. 6 Arthur Aark. 6 George Aark. 6 Roger Aark. 6 Mabel (Dolly) Aark. 5 Mabel (twin) m. to Dell Arthur, Enon, Ohio. 6 Josephine Arthur (deceased). 6 Lucile Arthur m. to Ted Bausman, 201 Fillmore Ave., Dayton, 0. 7 Clarence William Bausman. 7 Donald Bausman. 6 Blanche Arthur. 6 Ralph Arthur. 6 Charles Arthur. 6 -Martha Jean Arthur. 4 Myrtle Lena Esterline (May 9, 1872-May 7, 1889). 4 Hettie Fontie Esterline ( Oct. 13, 187 4) m. Dec. 15, 1908 to Charles Reed. 4 Benarr Blackburn Esterline ·(Aug. 5, 1877-Oct. 21, 1928) Lawyer, see Hist. ' 4 Carena G. Esterline (Aug. 4, 1880) m. Aug. 19, 1903 to Silas Barton. 5 Evangeline Barton (Dec. 25, 1903) m. June 15, 1929 to A. P. Steele. 5 Christina Barton (Apr. 21, 1906). 5 Guy Reeder Barton (Feb. 26, 1908). 5 Silas Barton Jr., (Mch. 13, 1912) ~ 4 Gustava Esterline (Mch. 10, 1884-Dec. 16, 1885). 4 Mamie Belle Esterline (Jan. 2, 1887) Unwed, Enon, Ohio. 3 Ruth Belle Winget (Feb. 20, 1854-Oct. 22, 1918) m. to George Richey, 2nd to ? Berry. No issue. 3 Emma Elizabeth Winget (1859-1862). 3 James Thompson Winget (Feb. 3, 1857) m. Dec. 25. 1884 to Laura Reed. (Apr. 29, 1861) dtr. of *Wesley and Charlotte (Taylor) Reed, 1572 Lexington Ave., Springfield, Ohio. 4 Verna Winget (Apr. 2, 1886) m. Aug. 25, 1821 to Robert Nelson Coons. 5 Glenn Durant Coons (June 21, 1923). Reuben Winget-Daniel 91

4 Denman Winget (Jan. 19, 1889) m. Dec. 25, 1908 to Vir­ ginia Baird. 5 Elden Benarr Winget (Oct. 12, 1909). 5 Russel Baird Winget (Sept. 30, 1913). 4 Charlotte Winget (Feb. 9, 1894) m. Oct. 1929 to Frank L. Hamilton. 2 Iamba Winget (deceased) Unwed. 2 Evaline Winget m. to John Drummond. *2 William H. Winget m. ·May 31, 1849 to Emily Sleets. 3 Douglas Winget unwed, Oklahoma. 3 Leander Winget m. to Amanda Frock. 4 Ottis L. Winget (1887) m. to ? Medway, Ohio. 5 Clinton R. Winget (1912). 5 Sarah E. Winget (1922). 5 Otis L. Winget Jr. (1925). 5 Arthur D. Winget (1927, twin). 5 Archie D. Winget (1927, t\vin). 3 Adolphus Winget unwed, Springfield, Ohio. 3 Florence Winget unwed. 3 William Winget m. quarter blood Indian, Oklahoma City. 4 2 sons. 3 Harrison 0. Winget (Sept. 11, 1861-Aug. 29, 1924) m. to Martha Ellen Reigle (1861-June 1903). . 4 Stanley Clyde Winget (Oct. 23, 1894-Nov. 23, 1927) m. Nov. 17, 1921 to Bonnie Kidd (Nov. 3, 1898), 232 Indiana Ave., Dayton, Ohio. 5 Richard Eugene Winget (May 27, 1925). 5 Ruth Alice Winget (Dec ..6, 1926). 4 Virgil Viola Winget (Sept. 28, 1896) m. to Harry L. Arm- strong (Feb. 23, 1894), 1212 Bolander Ave., Dayton, Ohio. 5 Mary Viola Armstrong (Oct. 6, 1917-deceased). 5 Irma Louise Armstrong (Mch. 16, 1919-deceased). 5 Warren Leroy Armstrong (Aug. 2, 1920). 5 Helen Virginia Armstrong (Apr. 26, 1924). 5 Robert Eugene Armstrong (Aug. 5, 1928). 4 Ruth Ann Winget (Mch. 29, 1901) m. to John Gibson. 1205 Regent St., Bond Hill, Cincinnati, Ohio. 5 Avis Elizabeth Gibson (Sept. 16, 1920). 5 John Gibson Jr. (Apr. 15, 1922). 5 Lois Virginia Gibson (Dec. 16, 1925). 3 Ulyssis Winget (deceased) m. to Annie Foe. 4 Harrison Winget, Dayton, Ohio. *2 Samuel Winget m. to Martha Drummond, took name "Win­ gate" and ,vent to Burlington, Kansas. 3 George Wingate m. lived in Pueblo, Colo. last known. 3 Ann Marie Wingate rn. to ? 4 dtr. 3 Catherine Wingate (deceased). 3 Lewis Wingate, Portland, Oregon last known. 3 Charles Wingate. 3 Fernando Wingate, Kansas City. 3 William Wingate. 3 Lola Wingate. 92 Descendants of Caleb Winget 2 Elizabeth Ellen Winget (June 29, 1829) m. Nov. 8, 1849·to Elijah Alexander Ross (Apr. 16, 1825). 3 John A. Ross (May 26, 1850-1851). Buried on family farm near Enon, Ohio. 3 Charletta Ann Ross (Dec. 10, 1851) m. to Alfert Smith. 4 Sara Smith. · 4 Walter Smith. 4 Harry Smith. 3 Albert S. Ross (Sept. 11, 1853) m. to Jessie Gibbs. 4 Hazel Ross. 4 Guy Ross. 4 John Ross. 4 Fred Ross. 4 · Grace Ross. 3 Martha Jane Ross:(July 13, 1857) m. to Edgar Albin. 4 Mary Albin. 4 Clarence Albin. 4 Daisey Albin m. to Walter Weimer, E. High St., Spring- . field, Ohio. 4 Evaline Albin. 4 George Albin. 4 Earl Albin. 4 Frank Albin. 4 Rose Albin. 3 Samuel J. Ross (Sept. 2, 1859). 3 Ruth A. Ross (Sept. 7, 1861). 3 George B. Ross (May 17, 1862). 3 Franklin S. Ross (Aug. 27, 1865) m. to Rose· .Answalt. 4 Mamie Ross. 4 Carrie Ross. 4 Budd Ross.· 3 James W. Ross (Aug. 1, 1867). 3 William H. Ross (Mch. 18, 1870) *1 Hugh and Mary (Conklin) Winget. 2 Joseph Winget (July 27, 1822, 0.) m. Jan. 22, 1854 to Har­ riett Jones (-d May 30, 1856). 3 Albert Winget (Jan. 9, 1856-Aug. 25, 1858). 2 Joseph Winget m. 2nd Oct. 25, 1864 to Nancy A. Dowell (-d Nov. 15, 1885). · 3 Ida L. Winget (Jan. 5, 1866) unwed, 441 S. Finch St., Montpelier, Indiana. 3 Eugene C. Winget (Oct. 15, 1867) m. Aug. 29, 1891 to Mary Smith (-d Apr. 1, 1928-Oct. 15, 1925). . 4 Oscar Winget (Sept. 27, 1893) m. to Caynell Clark, Hart­ ford City, Ind. 5 3 children. *4 Thomas Winget (Oct. 13, 1896) m. to Laura Feaural, Hart­ ford City, Ind. 5 2 children.. . 3 Indiana Iona Winget (Feb. 22, 1870-Nov. 26, 1896). 3 Essie M. Winget (Jan. 11, 1872) m. Mch. 30, 1896 to John Reynolds (-d Nov. 5, 1924). 4 4 children.

9:4 Descendamts of- C

5 Hugh Miller (Sept. 25, 1910-Aug. 6, 1928). 3 John James Beard (Feb. 6, 1854-Oct. 22, 1884). unwed. 3 Arminnia J. Beard (Feb. 14, 1855) m. Dec. 21, 1881 to Jiles Thompson (-d Aug. 18, 1893). 4 Mary Edna Thompson (Mch. 3, 1883) m. Nov. 15, 1921 to Bernard Price. 4 Olive Rebecca Thompson (Oct. 27, 1884) m. June 12, 1920 to Harley Hamilton Stockstill, 213 Fountain Ave. Dayton, Ohio. 5 Juliet Rebecca Stockstill (1923). 5 Patricia Lou Stockstill (1925). 4 Alma Clara Thompson (Aug. 31, 1886) ·m. June 10, 1912 to George Fissel, St. Mary's, Ohio. 5 Betty Isabel Fissel (June 1914) . 5 Twins ( died infancy) . 4 Marguerite Orio Thompson (May 12, 1893) m. Ju·ne 1916 to George Goodall, Auburn, Ind. 5 Lucy Ann Goodall (June 1916). 3 Arminnia (Beard) Thompson m. 2nd Oct. 29, 1900 to Joseph Wiley, New Carlisle, 0. 3 George Albert Beard (June 12, 1856-Mch. 16, 1930 m. Oct. 9, 1890 to Ellen Marquet. 4 Marjory Beard (Jan. 30, 1891) m. Oct. 9, 1923 to Warren Wallace Diehl. 5 Warren Wallace Diehl (Dec. 1925). 5 Henry Hofman Diehl (May, 1928). 4 Janet Beard (Feb. 20, 1893-Mch. 10, 1894). 4 Mary Doris Beard (May 18, 1898) m. Apr. 22, 1925 to John Moores. 5 John David Moores (Oct. 10, 1928), 1801 Walnut St. Springfield, 0. 3 David Benjamin Beard (Jan. 24, 1859) m. Nov. 24, 1880 to Anna Kline (May 14, 1862-July 29. 1929) dtr. of Samuel · and Martha (Herr) Kline, grdtr. of Samuel and ? (Getz) Kline. 4 John Samuel Beard (Oct. 8. 1881) m. Dec. 27. 1906 to Bertha May Walhay (Nov. 17, 1881) dtr. of Wilson and Margaret (Mouk) Walhay, 517 N. Wittenberg Ave., Spring­ field, 0. 5 John Samuel Beard (May 9, 1910). 5 Margaret Ann Beard ( Oct. 19, 1911) . 5 William Walhay (Dec. 4, 1917). 4 Elmer Herr Beard (Jan. 16, 1883) m. Oct. 18, 1905 to Bessie Pearl Swadner (Aug. 22, 1882) dtr. of Edward and Katherine (Hebble) Swadner. 5 Edward Benjamin Beard (Apr. 3, 1907). 5 Kathryin A. Beard (Nov. 29, 1908) m. Apr. 18, 1931 to John J. Arthur, son of Glenn W. Arthur, 1934 Alvi St., Toledo, Ohio. 5 Francis Marion Beard (Mch. 3, 1911). 5 Jeanne Elizabeth Beard (Dec. 5. 1912). 4 Harry Kline Beard (June 14, 1885) m. Nov. 4, 1907 to Jessie Maud Hupman (Apr. 10, 1885) dtr. of Mac and 96 Descendants of Caleb Winget Alice (Brantner) Hupman, R. 2., Osborn, 0. 5 Roger Lewis Beard (Mch. 12, 1909). 5 Harry Lamar Beard (Oct. 13, 1915). 4 Esther Thelma Beard (Jan. 2, 1900) m. Nov. 18, 1920 to John Henry King (Feb. 8, 1898-) son of Gustavus and Anna (Brecht) King. , 5 Phyllis Ann King (Dec. 20, 1921). 5 Gustavus Beard King (July 18, 1925). 2 Reuben Shellabarger (1812-Oct. 27, 1889) m. to Elizabeth Baker (-d Sept. 5, 1873) m. 2nd to Jane Rynerson. 3 Ephriam Shellabarger (Sept. 28, 1837-Apr. 29, 1914) m. 1864 to Jane Eliza Dolbeer (Dee. 5, 1844-Aug. 5, 1924) dtr. of Isaac Newton and ? (Titchinger) Dolbeer, of N. J., desc. of Sir John Dolbeer of England 16C. Hist. pg. 45. 4 Charles Reuben Shellabarger (Aug. 15, 1865) m. Jan. 23, 1895 to Cora Adaline Sheets (Oct. 7, 1875), R. 2, Osborn, Ohio. 5 Millie Jane Shellabarger (May 18,1896) m. Meh. 3, 1915 to Edward Dunn (Oct. 5, 1883-Dec.7, 1927), R. 2, Osborn, Ohio. 6 Helen Augusta Dunn( Nov. 30, 1915-Mch. 20, 1920). 6 Charles Edward Dunn (Oct. 15, 1916). 6 Edward Newton Dunn (Apr. 12, 1918). 6 Frank William Dup.n (Apr. 17, 1919). 6 Thelma Mae Dunn (Jan. 22, 1921). 6 Doris Louise Dunn (Jan. 19, 1923). 6 Roger Samuel Dunn (Jan. 22, 1924). 5 Emma Gertrude Shellabarger (Dec. 16, 1897) m. Aug. 16, 1916 to James Herman Bruney (Mch. 31, 1893) R. R. Yellow Springs. 6 Gertrude Leora Bruney (Aug. 21, 1917). 6 Herman Elwood Bruney (Dec. 25, 1919). 6 Dewey Newton Bruney (Feb. 26, 1921). 6 Harold Emerson Bruney (June 12, 1925). 6 Margaret Adaline Bruney (July 6, 1926). 6 Christina Mae Bruney (Apr. 20, 1928). 5 Charles Newton Shellabarger (July 16, 1900) m. Mch. 21, 1921 to Wana Louise Geller. 6 Richard Newton Shellabarger (Dec. 24, 1921). 6 Paul Reuben Shellabarger (Dec. 16, 1922). 6 ~iorma Jan Shellabarger (Dec. 21, 1923). 6 James Herbert Shellabarger (Apr. 9, 1925). 6 Nancy Louise Shellabarger (Aug. 7, 1926). 4 Frederick Shellabarger (Sept. 26, 1868, twin) m .. 1898 to Pearl Miller, Osborn, 0. No issue. 4 Ernest Shellabarger (Sept. 26, 1868, twin-Sept. 16, 1869). 4 William Shellabarger (Dee. 17, 1874) m. 1904 to Ella Pence (July 9, 1883) dtr. of John and Mary Ann (Hill) Pence, grdtr. of Jacob and' Margrett (Craver) Pence, and of John and Rebecca (Roberts) Hill. R. 2, Osborn, 0. 5 Carl Elwood Shellabarger (Dec. 4, 1905) .. Musician, com-. poser. Reuben Winget-Rebecca, 97 5 Ernest Ephriam Shellabarger (Mch. 2, 1908). 4 Raymond Shellabarger (Jan. 29, 18-83-Apr. 4, 1918) m. to Lydia Rumberger, Enon, 0. 5 Evelyn Shellabarger (Jan. 1917). 5 Lillian Shellabarger ( , 1909) . 3 Melyen Shellabarger ( 1839 (?) ) m. to Mary Miller, Carlos, Randolph Co., Ind. 4 Ida Shellabarger m. Charles Fryant. 5 Theodore Fryant. 5 Shellie Fryant. 5 Eltie Fryant. 5 Ma·e Fryant (dee.). 4 Ellie Shellabarger (dee.) m. to George Miller. . No issue. 4 Forest Shellabarger (dee.) unwed. 4 Orian Shellabarger m. to ? 5 Son. 3 Minerva Shellabarger (Nov. 1842-Oct. 1897) m. to John Newton Dolbeer (Oct. 20, 1842-Oct. 18, 1916). · See History Page 45. 4 Carrie Ella Dolbeer m. to Clifford Mellinger, 29 5th St., Springfield, 0. 5 Merle Mellinger. 4 Herbert Vernon Dolbeer m. to Jennie Huhn, dtr. of *Joseph Huhn, civil war, grdtr. of John Huhn, grgrdtr of *Jacob Huhn, Mexican war, grgrgrdt of *John Huhn, Rev. War, 141 Englewood Rd., Springfield, Ohio. . *5 Kenneth Vernon Dolbeer (-Feb. 27, 1919, at sea in World War). 5 Herbert Donald Dolbeer rn. to Sue K. Fultz. 6 Mary Katherine Dolbeer. 5 John Huhn Dolbeer, unwed. 5 Richard Keith Dolbeer, unwed. 4 John Willard Dolbeer rn. to Laura Kline, dtr. of *Jacob Kline, Civil War, 309 S. Western Ave., Springfield, Ohio. 5 Anabel Dolbeer. 4 Maude May Dolbeer m. to Grover C. Waldron. 5 Ellis Waldron. 4 Roy Dolbeer ( died in infancy) . 3 Sara Jane Shellabarger (Sept. 26, 1846-Dec. 26, 1912) m. Oct. 17, 1871 to Adolphus H. Smith ( Oct. 1, 1850-Mch. 8, 1925). Hist. pg. 46. 4 Amelia H. Smith (June 6, 1872) m. to Alvin L. Baylor (Jan. 1, 1866). 5 Helen L. Baylor (July 25, 1890) m. to Franklin E. Dock. 5 A. Smith Baylor (May 25, 1896) m. to Helen Sprig. 5 Paul B. Baylor (Sept. 1, 1899) m. to Margie Reaume. 6 Jane Baylor (June 25, 1930). 4 Sara E. Smith (Aug. 27, 1873-June 27, 1883). 4 Maria L. Smith (Nov. 19, 1874) m. to Charles P. Johnson. See pg. 100. 5 Rilla A. Johnston (Nov. 23, 1894) rn. to William Pentz. 6 Riva Pentz (Apr. 12, 1916). 98 Descendants of Caleb Winget 4 Mary K. Smith (Jan. 3, 1876) m. to Clarence N. Ingledue (-d Mch. 25, 1907). 5 Adolphus A. Ingledue (Aug. 19, 1898). 5 Claude N. lngledue (Apr. 22, 1901) m. Edith Leffel. 6 Edith Maxine lngledue (Dec. 23, 1928). · 6 Marylin Eileen lngledue (Dec. 9, 1930). 5 Stanley R. lngledue (Sept. 10, 1903) m. to Eleanor Smith. 6 Pattie Anna lngledue (Dec. 12, 1928). 5 Katherine R. Ingledue (Sept. 23, 1905) m. to Kennetli Remley. 6 Betty Jean Remley (Oct. 16, 1925). . 5 Gladys I. Ingledue (May 17, 1907) m. to Walter M. Yates . . 6 Ruth Yates· (Dec. 30, 1928). 4 Mary K. Smith Ingledue m. 2nd to William H. Strayer 18 E. Madison Ave., Springfield, 0. 1 5 Elizabeth Strayer (Apr. 2I, 1913). 5 'Pearl Strayer (Nov. 3, 1918). 4 Justin Bates Smith (July 29, 1877) m. to Amelia Smith. 5 Adolphus N. Smith (June 7, 1899) m. to Letha Spooner. 6 Doris Smith (May 16, 1920). 6 Betty Jean Smith (Sept. 10, 1922). 6 Mary Christine Smith (Dec. 25, 1924). 6 Adolphus Smith Jr. 6 Robert Edwin Smith (Jan. 16, 1930). 5 Gertrude E. Smith (May 2, 1901) m. to Dewy Nalp. 6 Dewy Nalp (Mch. 22, 1926). 6 Raymond Earl Nalp (Oct. 28, 192_7). 5 Dorothy Smith (Oct. 10, ·1903) m. to John Stapelton. 6 Doris Maxine Stapelton (Aug. 27, 1927). 6 John Richard Stapelton (Aug. 2, 1928). 5 Justin B. Smith (Aug. 10, 1905). 5 Carl Smith (Aug. 14, 1906) m. 5 Amelia Smith (Jan. 7, 1908) m. to Lenard Hamilton. 6 William A. Hamilton (Aug. 14, 1928). 5· Sara Jeanette Smith (May 29, 1909) m. 5 Ralph Lloyd Smith (Nov. 19, 1910-Dec. 25, 1910). 5 Francis L. Smith (Dec. 16, 1911-Oct. 6, 1912). 5 Fay Edith Smith (Sept. 28, 1913). . 4 Arilla Jeanette Smith (Feb. 4, 1880) m. to John Elmer Drake, Yellow Springs, Ohio. 5 John Elmer Drake (Aug. 1, 1902). 4 Gertrude Ellen Smith (July 22, 1882) m. to Orris E. Lohnes, Enon, Ohio . .5 Edwin Bates Lohnes (Sept. 22, 1903). 5 Mildred Jeanette Lohnes (Sept. 4, 1916). 4 Helen V. Smith (Apr. 13, 1887) m. to Clarence Snider, m. 2nd to S. G. Hale. 5 Ward ·Snid-er (June 17, 1904). 3 Elizabeth Shellabarger m. to E. P. S. Athey. 4 Glenna Athey m. to Glen Baylor, bro. to Alvin, above. No issue. 3 Rebecca Shellabarger m. to John Dunkle. Reuben Winget--Rebecca 99 4 Clara Dunkle m. to Lu Wood, 909 N. Fountain St., Spring- field, Ohio. . 5 Mildred Wood. 4 Harry Dunkle m. to Kathryn Clifford. No issue. 3 Irene Shellabarger (-d Dec. 26, 1930) m. to Reuben Miller. 4 Bertha Miller (desc.) m. to John Brehm. No issue. 4 Luicle Miller m. to Clare Sylivia. No issue. 3 Emma Shellabarger ( desc., childhood) . 2 Elizabeth Shellabarger (Mch. 12, 1823-Sept~ 8, -1898) m. Jan. 12, 1844 to Thomas Patton Johnson (Jan. 1, 1817-Aug. 11, 1887). . 3 James Albert Johnston (Dec. 7, 1844) m. Dec. 1870 to Me­ lissa Drummond (Apr. 8, 1848-1894) San Carlos Hotel, Los Angeles, California. 4 Augusta F. Johnston (Sept. 21, 1871) 1629 Columbia Rd., Washington, D. C. · 4 Clarence Thomas Johnston (Oct. 23, 1872) m. Oct.. 20, 1897 to Bessie Vreeland, 1335 Hill St., ·Ann Arbor, Mich. 5 Clarence Nettleton Johnston ( Oct. 31, 1898) m. to Fran­ cis Buckbee. 6 James Buckbee Johnston (June 2, 1928). 5 Franklin Davis Johnston (June 23, -1900) m. to Margaret Woodwell. 6 Richard Woodwell Johnston (Mch. 8, 1931). 4 Albert Drummond Johnston (Sept. 2,' 1874) m. to Katherine Tidball, 719 17th St., Greeley, Colo. 5 Emily Tidball Johnston (Aug. 3, 1901) m. Dec. 31, 1923 to *Lt. John G. Howard, Ft. Sam, Houston, Texas. 6 Katherine May Howard (Dec. 2, 1924). 5 Elizabeth Drummond Johnston (Nov. 24, 1906) m. Aug. 19, 1930 to Robert W. Thompson, Gillette, Wyoming. 5 Florence Melissa Johnston (Feb. 2, 1909) student. 3 Margaret R. Johnston (Feb. 7, 1847) m. Aug. 29, 1889 to Tomas J. Ridenour ( desc.), Yellow Springs, Ohio~- N o issue. 3 Ephriam Shellabarger Johnston (June 2, 1849-Aug.18, 1930) m. to Ella Davis (-d Nov. 10, 1918). 4 Ada Johnston (Oct. 21, 1874') m. Nov. 13, 1895 to Wil- liam H. Farmer, ·Chesterburg Hotel, Portland, Ore. 5 Emma Bell Farmer (Oct. 11, 1896-Feb. 1, 1920). 5 William Johnston Farmer (Apr. 18, 1898) m. · 5 Mary Eleanor Farmer (Oct. 20, 1899) m. Oct. 3; 1927 to Gale L. Fox. · 6 Lowell Johnston Fox (Mch. 19, 1931). 5 Arthur Johnston Farmer (Oct. 20, 1901) m. Sept. 20, 1930 to Mona Thorp. 4 Maude Johnston (Dec. 19, 1885) unwed. Teacher-of Music in Cheyenne, Wyoming. 4 Marjorie Johnston (Jan. 18, 1893) m. July 15, 1915 to Albert K. Jensen, 408 E. 22nd St., Cheyenne, Wyoming. 100 Descendants of Caleb Winget 5 Kirk Jensen (Apr. 19, 1916). 5 Mary Ellen Jensen (Apr. 10, 1921). 3 Clarence Johnston (Dec. 15, 1851-Aug. 1881) unwed. 3 John T. Johnson (Nov. 9, 1855) m. to Laura Wilson (Mch. 17, 1866-Aug. 27, 1921). 4 Albert Johnston m. to ? 5 Son. 4 Isabelle Johnston m. to Dale Garver, 1287 S. Broadway, Dayton, Ohio. 3 Martin R. Johnston (Nov. 7, 1857) m. Jan.. 1882 to Annie . Miller {-d 1907). m. 2nd to Eppa H. Hall. · 4 Elden Thomas Johnston m. ·to Jessie ? .5 Nelia Johnston m. to Howard McDonald, N. Y. 4 Frank Martin Johnston m. to Marion Burrage. ·5 Martin Johnston. 5 William Johnston. 4 Sarah Francis Johnston. 4 Virginia Johnston. 3 William Edgar Johnston (Apr. 17, 1860-1879). 3 George P. Johnston (Mch. 6, 1862) m. 1910 (?) to Francis M. Phelps, Medical Doctor, Cheyenne, Wyoming. 4 Phelps Johnston (1915). · 4 George Johnston. 3 Frank D. Johnston (Nov. 10, 1865) m. Apr. 3, 1894 to Cor­ nelia. Wilson, 944 Riverview Ave., Dayton, Ohio. No issue. 3 Charles Patten Johnston (Dec. 3, 1869) m. 1894 to Maria L. Smith (Nov. 19, 1874.) dtr. of Adolphus Smith, See Sara Shellabarger of this Chapter. 416 Wildwood Ave., Akron, Ohio. See pg. 97. 4 Rilla Johnston (Nov. 23, 1894) m. to William Pentz.. 5 Rive Pentz (Apr. 12, 1916). 2 Martin Shellabarger m. to Elizabeth Sheller, dtr. of Adam Sheller, native of Frederick, Maryland, who came to Ohio in 1815 (Lived to be 97). 3 George E. Shellabarger m. to Emily Drummond, Ranchman in Colorado. 4 Hugh L. Shellabarger m. to Lulu Egleston. 5 Gertrude Shellabarger m. to Ruel Alford. 6 Marjorie Alford. 6 Mary Elizabeth Alford. 5 Ruth Shellabarger m. to George Hinds. 6 dtr. , 6 Carol Hinds. 4 Georgia Shellabarger ( died in youth, 1883). 4 Clifford Shellabarger (desc.) m. to Grace Lockwood. 5 George Shellabarger. 5 Hugh Shellabarger. 5 Stephen Shellabarger. 5 Max Shellabarger. · 4 Frank Shellabarger m. to ? 5 Two dtrs. 4 Claude Shellabarger rn. to ? Reuben Winget-Rebecca, 101 5 Four children. 4 William Adam Shellabarger (desc.) m. to Jessie Cousins. 5 Gladys Shellabarger. 5 William Shellabarger. 5 Dorothy Shellabarger. 3 Mary Elizabeth Shellabarger m. to Charles L. Lehow, grson of Christopher Lecha of France who, traditions says, came with Lafayette to America. Hist. pg. 4 7. 4 Charles Lehow (desc., infancy). 4 Annie Lehow m. to Howard Little, 810 N. King St., Xenia, Ohio. 5 Margaret Elizabeth Little (Dec. 18, 1906) m. Dec. 26, 1929 to Claud Brown. 5 Charles Leighau Little (Feb. 3, 1911). 3 Adam Shellabarger, prominent cattleman of San Luis Val­ ley, Colorado (Dec. 16, 1846-Oct. 18, 1915) m. Apr. 5, 1873 to Abigail Anna Wales. 4 Charles Walter Shellabarger (Aug. 8, 1875-Jan. 12, 1930) m. Aug. 27, 1911 to Ottilie Franklin. 5 John Nicholas Shellabarger (June 2, 1912). 4 Ralph Wales Shellabarger (Mch. 4, 1877) m. Sept. 14, 1904 to Blanch Ashley, Saguache, Colorado. 5 Emma Blanche Shellabarger (Nov. 3, 1905) m. Nov. 27, 1927 to Charles Hildred Selch. 6 Ralph Porter Selch (Nov. 18, 1928). 5 William Ralph Shellabarger (Sept. 6, 1907). 5 Martin Adam Shellabarger (June 13, 1910). 5 Florence Ashley Shellabarger (May 29, 1914). 5 Julia Alice Shellabarger (Oct. 13, 1917). 4 Mary Elizabeth Shellabarger (Oct. 16, 1879). 4 Emma Irene Shellabarger (Apr. 27, 1882-Oct. 5, 1894). 4 Clara Ethel Shellabarger (Mch. 7, 1884) m. Nov. 11, 1909 to Wm. A. Albert. 5 Otis William Albert (Dec. 7, 1910). 5 Jeanette Abigail Albert (Feb. 10, 1916). 5 Allen Shields Albert (Aug. 13, 1917). 4 Gertrude Elois Shellabarger (Jan. 15, 1891) m. June 29, 1921 to Wilbur W. Tudor. 5 David Wales Tudor (Apr. 11. 1922). 5 Dorothy Tudor (Mch. 29, 1924). 3 William Hieston Shellabarger, Ranchman (dee.) m. to Eliza­ beth Wales, sister to Abigail. No issue. 3 Emma Shell::1.barger (Feb. 15, 18fiR-1894) m. Dec. 28, 1875 to Frank Fulton (Apr. 22, 1853-1906). See Hist. pg. 47. 4 Charles Lehow Fulton m. to Paroda Bailey. 5 Benjamin Fulton. 5 John Fulton. 5 William Fulton ( died in youth). 5 Clifford Fulton. 5 Charles Fulton. 5 Marga.ret Fulton. 4 James William Fulton (dee.) m. to Gertrude White. (dee.). 102 Desce7UJ,a,nts of Caleb Winget 5 George William Fulton (died age 19). 5 dtr. (died infancy). 5 Clifford Fulton (Aug. 5, 1920). 5 Gertrude Fulton (Mch. 17, 1922). 4 Edgar Fulton m. to Ruth Bodfish. 5 William Fulton. 5 Elizabeth Fulton. 5 Helen Fulton. 4 Clifford Fulton (accidental death in youth) unwed. 4 Frank ·Fulton m. to Catherine Devine. 5 Robert Fulton (July 5, 1908) m. to Mary Smith. : 5 Frank Fulton (Aug. 24, 1910) m. to Lu Huston. 5 Ruth Fulton (Dec. 19, 1912). 5 Betty Fulton (Feb. 23, 1922). 4 Mary Elizabeth Fulton unwed, 810 N. King St., Xenia, Ohio, 4 Ralph Fulton (June 19, 1887) m. to Stella Funderberg (Oct 6, 1888) ? Osborn, 0. 5 Harold Fulton (Sept. 13, 1909). 5 Marjorie Fulton (.Oct. 5, 1913). 4 Nellie Fulton ( died in childhood) . 4· G·eorge Fulton m. to Leona Hamilton. 5 Richard Fulton. 5 William Fulton. . -5 James Fulton. 5 Donald Fulton. 3 Anna Shellabarger ( died in childhood). 3 Edith Shellabarger (desc.). 3 Ethel Shellabarger. 2 David E. Shellabarger (Oct. 15, 1836-Sept. 29, 1913) m. 1848 to Rosanna Johnston ( Oct. 2, · 1828-Apr. 4, 1884) sister of Tomas P. Johnston, above. · . 3 James· Ephriam Shellabarger (May 13, 1849-1853). 3 Casseillis Rebecca Shellabarger (June 15, 1851-i861). 3 David Walter Shellabarger (Feb. 2, 1854-1927). m. Kathe- rine Durst. 4 Infant (dee.). 4 Louise Shellabarger (dee.) . 4 Frank Shellabarger (dee.). 4 Della Shellabarger. 4 Rosanna Shellabarger. 4 Mary Shellabarger. 4 John Shellabarger. 4 Catharyn Shellabarger. 4 EtheJ ·Shellabarger. 4 Martha Shellabarger (desc.) m. ~o John Sprigg. 3 Thomas Breckenbridge Shellabarger ( Oct. 12, 1856-1857). 3 Anson Lee Shellabarger (Aug. 17, 1860-1925) m. to Mary Hedge. 4 Paul Shellabarger m. to Violet Shawver (Aug. 28, 1892) dtr. of Charles I. and Elizabeth (Morningstar) Shawver, grdtr. of Michael and Harriett (Rockell) Shawver, gr. gr. dtr. of Daniel,... ( 4th generation on. record) and Mary E. Reuben Winge~Rebecca,--Aaron ·103 (Shultz) Shawver of Jefferson Co., Ohio, formerly of Han- over, York Co., Pa. · · 5 Paul Shellabarger Jr. 4 Eva Shellabarger m. to Leonard Eisenminger ·(dee.). 318 E. Northern Ave., Springfield, Ohio. · No issue. 3 Edgar May Shellabarger (Oct. 13, 1864) m. to Florence Knott. 1014 S. Fountain St., Springfield, 0 .. 4 Clarence Shellabarger m. to Alta ? Daleville, Ind. 5 Clarence Shellabarger. ·5 Marybelle Shellabarger. 4 David Shellabarger m. to Imogene ? ; Springfield, Ohio. 5 Infant (dee.). · · 5 Janice Shellabarger. 5 Maxine Shellabarger. 3 Clinton DeWitt Shellabarger (Mch. 12, 1866) m. to Mary Belle Albin. 4 Aimee Shellabarger m. to Charles Collier. 818 Rice St., Springfield, 0. 5 Elizabeth Collier (1917). 4 Lydia Shellabarger m. to John Shultis. Los Angeles, Calif. 5 Jackie Shultis (1920). 5 Maribel Shultis (1922). 5 Walter Shultis (1925). 2 Ann Shellabarger (died age 60) m. to Abram Miller. Lived in Missouri. 3 Charlie Miller (died age 59) m. No issue. 3 Maude Miller m. William House (dee.) . 4 Son. 4 Son. 3 Maude Miller House m. 2nd to Oscar Hanna. Lived in Ar­ kansas when last heard from in 1921. 1 Aaron and Matilda Ann (Lytle) Winget. 2 Mary Jane Winget (1829-1840). 2 Esther Ann Winget 1833-35. 2 Reuben Winget (1840-1889) m. to Mary Ellen Decamp (1839-188q). 3 Charles Aaron Winget m. to May Rhine, 2nd to Myrtle ? and 3rd to Martha ? . Muncie, Indiana. 4 Albert Winget. 4 Lester Winget. 4 Russel Winget. 4 Anna Winget. 3 Oscar Reuben Winget m. to Lizzie ? R. 11, Muncie, Indiana. 4 Maude Winget m. to Charles Scull (-d. Dec. 21. 1930). Bx. 52, R. 8, Muncie, Indiana. 4 Gertrude Winget (deceased) m. to George Williner. Bx. 55, R. 8, Muncie, Indiana. . 3 Lois Ann Winget (deceased) m. to ? Lehman (deceased) No issue. 8 Matilda Lytle Winget (deceased) unwed. 104 Descendants of Caleb Winget

3 Emma Rebecca Winget (Mch. 22, 1861) m. to Jacob Sid­ denstick. 827 Dayton St., Yellow Springs, Ohio. 4 Pearl Siddenstick m. to G. C. Jenkins. 308 Bechtle Ave. Springfield, Ohio. No issue. 4 Nellie Siddenstick m. to Charles Sype. 5 Bertha Sype (1913). 5 Norman Sype (1914). 5 Robert Sype (1916). 5 Nellie Sype (1919). 5 Ernest Sype ( died in infancy) . 4· Ernest Siddenstick m. to Ruth Watts. 5 Vera Eileen Siddenstick (1916). R. 6, Xenia, Ohio. CHAPTER VII

DESCENDANTS OF ZIBA WINGET *I Ziba Winget and Jane (McCreary) Winget; their children. 1 James Winget (Feb. 1787) m. to Elizabeth Wilson. 1 Sara Winget (1789). 1 Caleb Winget (1791). 1 Archibald Winget (1793) m. Apr. 8, 1819 to Martha Davis. Clark Co., Ohio. 1 Joshua Winget (1795). 1 William -Winget (Aug. 6, 1798-1839) m. 1820 to Nancy Mc­ _Cashen (Sept. 6, 1800-Oct. 9, 1894) dtr. of John and Susan (Long) McCashen. Hist. pg. 29. 1 Elizabeth Winget (1799). 1 McCreary Winget (1801) m. Dec. 21, 1824 to Charity Livings­ ton. Green, Co., Ohio. 1 Reuben Winget (May 22, 1802) m. to Lydia Livingston (Aug. 22, 1805). Lived in Auglaise Co., 0. · 1 Jane Winget (1805). 1 Margaret Winget (1807). DESCENDANTS OF ZIBA AND JANE (McCREARY) WINGET 1 James and Elizabeth (Wilson) Winget. 2 Joseph Wilson Winget (1813-) m. to Hester Williams. 3 Anetta Winget (1846-Nov.17, 1905) m. to *Gavin W. Ryan (-d. Apr. 1905). 4 Arthur Wilson. Ryan (Sept. 9, 1867-May 20, 1812) m. to Metta Miller. 5 Edwin Ralph Ryan (May 6, 1893) m. to Tressie Burgen. 408 Cincinnati Ave., Xenia, Ohio. 6 Bonita Ryan. 6 Ralph Ryan Jr. 6 Tommy Ryan. 6 Billy Ryan~ 6 Robert Lee Ryan. 5 Son (dee.). 5 Gavin Wilson Ryan (Jan. 3, 1907) m. to ? McKaig Ave., Troy, Ohio. 6 Patrician Ann Ryan (1926). 6 Mary 0. Ryan (1928). 4 Ethel Ryan (Jan. 5, 1870) m. to I. A. Miller. 15 N. Center St., Versailles, 0. Bro. of the Metta above.

105 106 Descendantsi of Ziba Winget

5 Gavin Ernest Miller m. to ? . Wood and Weber St., Piqua Ohio. . ' 6 Ernest Miller Jr. (July 10, 1917). 5 Edness Ethel Miller (Oct. 12, 1897) unwed. 4 Daisy B. Ryan (July 23, 1872-d. infancy). 4 Hester Ellen Ryan (Aug. 30, 1874) m. June 24, 1896 to A. Alvin North. 404 E. 4th St. Greenville, Ohio. 5 A. Alvin North Jr. (Sept. 4, l':902). 5 Annetta Ardis North (July 4, 1904). 5 Nadine N ort;h. (Dec. 25, 1908, twin). 5 Noelle North (Dec. 25, 1908, twin-1908). 4 · Walter Rudolph Ryan (Oct~· 14·, 1876-d. childhood). 3 Elizabeth Winget (Jan. 8, 1849) m. to *James R. George (dee.) Piqua, 0. No issue. ·. 3'- -Anna ·Winget (May 20, 1854) m. to *John· B. Fouts (-d. Nov. 1, 1915). 222 E. Hermaµ St., Dayton, Ohio. 4 Edgar W. Fouts (Nov. 18, 1877) m. to Edna McMeaken. 283 Brevoort Rd. Columbus, Ohio. · · ·5 · Virginia Fouts (May 31, 1904). 4 Stella Fouts (Nov. 18, 1880) m. to Rush Zeigenfelder. 5 Betty Zeigenfelder. · · · •5 Rush Zeigenfelder (Jan. 18, 1904) .. 3 Stella Winget (Sept. 22, 1856) m. ·to Henry A. Kephardt (-d. Feb. 24, 1913). 634½ Maltman Ave., Los Angeles, Cali. No issue. · · · · 3 Sadie Winget (June 4, 1859) m. to William Shelton. 4 Herbert Earl Shelton (Sept. 29, 1887). 4 .. Edna H .. Shelton (Aug. 16, 1897) m. to. ? Mulhern. 5 John Edward Mulhern (Mch. 31, 1926). 3 James Edwin Winget (Mch. 29, 1862) m. Apr. 30, 1897 to Nellie Baines (Nov. 7, 1887) dtr. of George and Ella Baines. · 50 Ringgold St., Dayton, 0. · 4 Hester Winget (July 26, 1898) m. to S. S. Christiansen. 150 W. Euclid Ave., Detroit, Mich~- · No issue. 4 Mary Elizabeth, Winget (Aug. 24, 1900-Oct. 23, 1918 Flu). . 4 George Winget (Aug. 23, 1902) m. to Hazet Dunkle (Dec. 17, 1904). 270 McClure St., Dayton, Ohio. 5 Paul Edwin Winget (1923). 4 Regina Winget (Sept. 26, 1904-Oct. 23, 1918, Flu). 4 Edwin Winget (Feb. 15, 1906-Mch. 2, 1909). 4 Frank H. Winget (May 4, 1909) . . .4 John A. Winget (Nov. 12, 1911) .. 4 James Bernard Winget (Aug~ 16,"1914). 2 David Winget (1815-d. in youth) .. 2 Jane Winget (1816) m. to Eli Licklider. 3 Jacob Licklider. -4 Oliver Licklider (deceased)_, . 2 Sara Winget (1819,. twin, died in youth). 2 Esther Winget. (1819, twin, died in youth). 2 Joshua Winget (1820) m. to· Catherine Reed. James Winget· 107

3 Belle Winget (1845, living) m. to Newton Reed. Lynn, India- na. · No issue. 3 Nora Winget m. to Foster Marlin. _ 4 Marybelle Marlin m. to Dr. Schaffer. _Detroit, Michigan.. 4 Holmes Marlin. 2 Elias Vicker Winget (Jan. 11, 1823-Aug. 3, 1880) buried at Tolono, Ill., m. Nov. 27, 1845 to Elizabeth Minerva Ann Spence (-Feb. 2, 1915 Long Beach, Calif.). Hist pg. 27. Feb. 27, 1829-Feb. 23, 19.15) ~ 3 Infant son (Sept. 26-27, 1846). 3 Elizabeth Ann Winget (Oct. 22, 1848-Mch. 13, 1921) m. Aug. 12, 1881 to Dr. T. -J~ Merryman (-Aug. 13, 1921). Hist. pg. 29. . 4 Ethel Merryman (died age 7 months). Hist. pg. 29. 4 Amy Merryman (dtr. of Dr. T. J. by 1st marriage), m. to Macy J. Smith. R. 1 LaHabra, California. 3 Oscar Winget (Mch. 30, · 1850-June 1884, R. R. accident, Vancover) unwed. · 3 Arista Juliet Winget (Dec. 21,-1852-Jan. 10, 1853). 3 Joshua Walter Winget (Oct. 3, 1854-Nov. 12, 1908, Hunting­ ton, W. Va.) m. Sept. 8, 1880 in Quincy, "Ill. to Jessie Kendall Lewis (Aug. 28, 1861-Aug. 28, 1889) in Hannibal, Mo. Hist. pg. 27. 4 Lewis Earl Winget (Oct. 21, 1881, Ill.) m. Apr. 23, 1914 to Juretta Ann White. No issue. See Hist. pg. 28. 201 Myrick Bldg., Lubbock, Texas. 4 Alma Winget (Jan.· 25, 1884, Mt. Carmel Ill.) m. June 14, 1905 to *Elmer C. Cummings, mem. of State Tax Depart­ ment Charleston, W. Va., 2161 Adams Ave., Huntington, W. Va. Hist. pg. 28. · 5 Elmer Lewis Cummings (May 18, 1906). State Surveyor. 5 William Cummi~gs (June 26, 1907). 5 James Kendall Cummings {Mch. 12, 1918). Boy Scout. 3 Joshua Walter Winget m.: 2nd Mch. 11, 1896 to Lillian (Bailey) Geyer, Ball desc. See Hist pg. 47. · 118 E. Pratt St., Indiana polis, Indiana. 4 Joshua Walter Winget (Aug."'24, 1897) m. Aug. 24·, 1924 to Marie Alice Boyle, 5005 Park Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. See Hist. pg. 28. 5 Joshua Walter Winget Ill (M·ch. 20, 1928). 5 Alan Harold Winget (June 21, 1930). 4 Hilda Agnes Winget (Sept. 22, 1899). 4 Rader Wilson Winget (Apr. 25, 1906) m. Aug. 18, 1929 to Catherine Jane Brown, 701 Roosevelt Ave. Apt. 8. San An­ tonio, Texas. Hist. pg. 28. · No issue. 3 Laura Geanette Winget (June 27, 1858-Jan. 15. 1921, __ St. Louise, Mo.) m. to John Evans. I-Iist. pg. 27. No issue. 3 Edwin S. Winget (June 26, 1859-Apr. 13, 1931) m. Oct. 21, 1896 University Place, Neb., to Jeanette Francis M. Copeland (Scotch desc.). (Sept. 14, 1873). 4 Helen Dorothy Winget (Dec.--l, 1897-July 31. 1921) m. ·Dec. 1, 1915 to James Marks Clayton. St. Louis, Mo. (-d. Oct. 29, 108 Descenda,nt8' <>f Ziba Winget 1916). Educational Director of Y. M. C. A .. St. Louis, Mo. 5 James Marks Clayton (Nov. 27, 1916). 714 Jefferson St. St. Charles, Mo. 2 William Kyle Winget (1827-d. in childhood). 2 James M. Winget- (1825, twin). Took name of Wingate and went West. 2 Elizabeth Winget (1825, twin-Dec. 2, 1902) m. to John Tomas. 3 Oscar Tomas (1847) m. to Minnie Debray (1845). 4 Claude Tomas m. to Calvin Leatherman. 302 N. Monroe . St., Muncie, Ind. *5 Paul Oscar Leatherman (lost life in World War). 5 Fern Leatherman (deceased). · 5 Ivy Leatherman m. to Charles Dallon. _ 5 Clara May Leatherman m. to George Crane. 4 May Tomas m. to Emra Naida. No issue. · 3 Charles Tomas (deceased) m. to Emma Cory. 3 Maple Tomas (1850-Jan. 21, 1924) m. 1876 to Martha J. Finfrock. 904 Broadway, Piqua, Ohio. 4 Maude Tomas. · 4 Carl Tomas. 4 Merle Tomas. 4 John Tomas. 4 Kate Tomas. 4 James Tomas. 3 Ada Tomas (1860) unwed. Piqua, Ohio. 3 Beecher Tomas (1858) m. to Elta Lentz. Piqua, Ohio. 4 Ray Tomas. 4 Thelma Tomas. *2 John Parks Winget (Dec. 25, 1833-June 15, 1920) m. Apr. 9, 1867 to Francis M. Culbertson (-Aug. 18, 1884). Lived at Middletown, Ohio. . 3 Della Belle Winget (Feb. 15, 1868) m. Dec. 29, 1910 to William I. Gardner (-d. Jan. 4, 1919). Middletown, Ohio. 1003 S. Main St. No issue. 3 Sheridan McPherson Winget (June 18, 1873-Dec. 25, 1924) m. Sept. 4, 1903 to Laura May Smith of Linesta, Pa. No issue. 1 William and Nancy (MeCashen) Winget. 2 Stephen Winget (July 7, 1823-Apr. 28, 1894) unwed . . 2 Susannah Winget (Feb. 10, 1825) m. to George Randall. Went to Carthage, Missouri. 2 Milton Jackson Winget (Aug. 10, 1826-Sept. 8, 1913) m. 1851 to Elizabeth Ann Thompson (-d. 1868) no issue. Hist pg. 30. 2 Milton Winget m. 2nd to Isabelle Grossman (-d. 1873). 3 Son ( died age 11 months) . 2 Milton Jackson Winget m. 3rd 1875 to Elizabeth Middleton, dtr. of Hiram and Lydia Graham Middleton. 3 Minnie Ada Winget (Sept. 27, 1875-May 26, 1920) m. Aug. 20, 1900 to George W. Graham. W illmm Winget 109

4 George W. Graham (Mch. 18, 1901) m. July 1, 1920 to Austine Gandy. 5 Virginia Graham (Sept. 1, 1923). 3 Ellis Milton Winget (Nov. 5, 1877-Mch. 13, 1881). 3 Alice Maude Winget (Dec. 28, 1880) m. Feb. 12, 1901 to Glick Carey (June 14, 1877-1918), desc. of John Cary of Bridgewater, see hist pg. 30. She is a teacher in public schools of Sidney, Ohio. 624 S. Main St. 4 Katherine M. Cary (Jan. 20, 1902). See Hist pg. 30. 4 Milton William Cary (Nov. 9, 1905-June 6, 1931). See Hist. pg. 30. 4 Marion Andrew Carey (Mch. 26, 1907) m. 1927 to Pauline H. Drake. Ashtabula, Ohio. 5 Finley Milton Carey (Dec. 15, 1929). 3 Mary Hazel Winget (June 30, 1883) m. Aug. 8, 1906 to Charles H. Varner, son of Samuel and Mary Varner. 52 E. Burkhardt Ave., Dayton, 0. Hist. pg. 25, 30. 4 Caroline Hazel Varner (Sept. 22, 1908-Aug. 15, 1909). 4 Virginia Ruth Varner (Aug. 11, 1913-Feb. 15, 1921)-. 4 Marjorie May Varner (Dec. 21, 1914) Jr. Stivers High School, Dayton, 0. 3 Alma Ethel Winget (Nov. 23, 1886) m. 1905 to Alva Mottoe (-d. 1924). No issue. 3 Carrie Viola Winget (Aug. 31, 1890-June 4, 1928) m. 1909 to Cory C-. Kessler, son of Oscar Kessler. 310 Miami, Mo., Sidney, Ohio. 4 Agnes Kessler (May 5, 1911). Student at Miami University. Had charge of Harmon Playground in Sidney, Ohio last summer. 4 Friede Kessler (May 8, 1913). Graduate of Sidney High School. 4 Louis Kessler (May 1, 1916). Member of the Leopold Schepp Foundation. 4 Kenneth Kessler (May 1, 1921). Member of grade school orchestra. 3 Leo Middleton Winget (Mch. 14, 1892) m. June 28, 1917 to Violet Kies. No issue. Graduate of 0. S. U. Attorney, Sidney, Ohio. Hist. pg. 30. 2 Rhoda Winget (May 19, 1829-Mch. 11, 1837). 2 Margaret Winget (July 18, 1831---) m. to William Sut- ton. Went to Indiana. 3 James Sutton. 3 Frank Sutton. 3 John Sutton. 3 Guy Sutton. 3 Chester Sutton. 3· Emma Sutton m. to ? McCashen. 2 Louisa Winget (May 5, 1834) m. to William Line. 3 Charles Milton Line. 529 Culvert St., Sidney, 0. ' ·3 Marietta Line (Oct. 12, 1857-Oct. 17, 1927) m. to Samuel H. Bennett. 4 Walter S. Bennett, Haviland, 0. 4 Charles Bennett m. to Elizabeth Staley, Haviland, 0. 110 Descemla/nts of Ziba, Winget

Milton Wm. Carey

Milton W. Carey met accidental death at Butler, Indiana, June 6, 1931. He was a graduate of the Ohio State University, member of the Ohio State Band, Columbus Symphony and the Scarlet Mask Orchestra. He was History instructor and director of the Band and Orchestra at Astabula High School. Fraternally he was associated with the Phi Mu Delta_ Chapter. He was a noble son, an understanding brother and his character was untarnished by life's turmoil. He was a prince among men. Tho he lived but 26 short years his life was such that the world is better because he lived.~ubmitted by his Mother, Mrs. Maude Carey. · William Winget-Beuben 111

5 Ella Bennett m. to ? Snyder. 6 Two sons, two dtrs. 5 Clara Bennett m~ to Chris DeVelves. 6 Six sons, three dtrs. 5 Roy Bennett m. 4 Mary Ida· Bennett m. to ? · Hubert. · Latty, Ohio. 5 Garnet Hope Hubert (June 30, 1918). 5. M. Myrtle Hubert (Apr. 27, 1921-Mch. 2, 1929). 5 Lois L. Hubert (Oct. 29, 1922). 5 Howard H. Hubert (July 21, 1924). 5 D. Doyle Hubert (May 2, 1926). 5 Arlene A. Hubert (Mch. 3, 1928). 5 Cryil C. Hubert (Dec. 22, 1929). 3 Sara Line m. to Jacob Rostoffer. 5 Emma Rostoffer m. to ? Stevelton. 5 Six children. 3 Belle Line ( died age 14). 2 LaFayette Winget (Nov. 9, 1835-) m. to ? . 3 Two sons ( died in infancy) . 3 Laura Winget ni. to-Elmer Honnen, Port Jefferson, 0. 4 Jessie Fern Honnell m. to Blane Roberts. No issue. 4 Bertha Honnell m. to Dee Cambell. 5 Thelma Cambell m. to ? 6 Jessie ? 6 DeLano ? 6 Rosco ? 4 Forest Honnen m. to Margaret ? 5 Margaret Honnen. · 4 Charles Honnell m. to Donna Patton. 5 Edgar Honnell m. 4 Dorothy Honnen. 4 Mary Jane Honnen. 2 LaFayette Winget m. 2nd to ? 3 Allie Winget m. 3 Nettie Winget unwed. 3 Eddie Winget unwed. 3 Minnie Wi:µget unwed. 3 Rosie Winget li·nwed. 3 Oliver Winget (desc.) m. to ? 4 Son (desc.) 3 Ida Winget m. to Charles Everhart. . 4 Myrtle Everhart m. to ? N eedstine. 4 Myrtle Everhart ·m. to ?· N eedstine. 4 Mildred Everhart m. to Luse. 4 Cleon Everhart. 4 Son (desc.). 1 Reuben and Lydia (Livingston) Winget. 2 Austin Winget unwed. 2 Luther Winget m. June 10, 1855 to Caroline Taylo~. 3 Francis Marion Winget (July 14, 1857-Jan. 12, 1922, Flori­ da) m. Jan. 9, 1897 to Margaret Ellen Elliott (D~c. 10,_ 1859) dtr. of Richard and Catherine Elliott, grdtr. of William·-and 112 Descendants oI Ziba, Winget Matilda Elliott. 717 W. Auglaize St., Wapakoneta, Ohio. 4 Clarense E. Winget (Jan. 18, 1881) m. Feb. 22, 1906 to Myrtle Benson. · 5 Alvin Winget (1910). 721 W. Auglaize St., Wapakoneta, 0. . 4 Earl B. Winget (June 16, 1884) m. Nov. 2, 1904 to Minnie Fuelling. 719 Auglaize St., Wapakoneta, 0. 5 Geraldine Winget (desc.). 5 Helen Winget (1911). 5 Margaret Ellen Winget (1913). 4 Carolyn Catherine Winget (Dec. 7, 1894) m. Oct. 26, 1916 . to Victor Reeves Andrews (-d. July 1917) m. 2nd Dec. 14, 1920 to Herbert C. Cook, 132 E. Southern Ave., Spring­ field, 0. 4 Luther B. Winget (Jan. 25, 1897-Mch. 26, 1928) m. May _ 10, 1917 to Mildred Milliette. E. Pearl St. Wapakoneta, O.. 5 Mark Edward Winget (1923). 2 Calvin Winget (d. 1868, Typ.hoid Fever) m. to l\tiartha Jane Young (-d. 1900) dtr. of Joseph and Mary Young. 3 Minerva Winget (-d. 1896, Typhoid Fever). 3 Milton Winget (desc. 1900?) 3 Della Winget (-d. 1900?) m. to Jacob Ice. 4 Ethel Ice ( desc.) m. to ? · Blakeley. 4 Ernest Ice ( desc.) . 4 Gilbert Ice. 4 Lillian Ice. 3 Alice Winget m. to Fred L. Link. 212 W. Auglaize St. Wapakoneta, 0. 4 Edith Link m. to Carl F. Wintzer. Wapakoneta, 0. 3 Samuel Winget, Wapakoneta, 0. 4 Adrian Winget 4 Dtr. (desc.) 4 Two dtrs. 3 Clara Winget m. to J. J. Altland. Bowdil, 0. R. R. No issue. 2 Jordin Winget m. to Mary Richie. 2 Sara Winget (Aug. 22, 1832-Feb. 15, 1912) m. Oct. 10, 1852 to John Whitman (-d. Feb. 13, 1906). 3 Alice Whitman (Nov. 16, 1853) m. Oct. 29, 1885 to Henry Fouts. 36 S. Miami St., West Milton, Ohio. 4 Anna L. Fouts (May 28, 1887-June 12, 1919) m. June 20, 1912 to Tomas B. Radabaugh. 5 Robert Radabaugh. 4 Robert J. Fouts (Mch. 20, 1889) m. Jan. 4, 1910 to Clo B. Lightner (Mch. 29, 1889). 119 Norman Ave., Dayton, Ohio. 5 Richard L. Fouts. 5 Janet Louise Fouts. 5 John W. Fouts. 3 Jacob R. Whitman (Sept. 16, 1855-Apr. 12, 1923) m. Nov. 8, 1805 to Mary Burkes. No issue. 3 Enos Whitman (Sept. 20, 1864) unwed. Rebuen Winget 113

3 John F. Whitman (Jan. 11, 1872) m. Nov. 13, 1894 to Min­ nie Shockey. 4 Harry Whitman m. to Elsie ? 5 June Whitman. 4 Marie Whitman. 4 Earl Whitman. 3 Joseph L. Whitman (May 20, 1874-Jan.1, 1917) m. July 27, 1897 to Anna Anselman. No issue. 3 Lulu M. Whitman (Dec. 18, 1867) m. Oct. 29, 1891 to Wil­ liam F. Keifer. 4 Mabel Keifer unwed. 3 Martie E. Whitman (Nov. 24, 1869) m. Aug. 24, 1898 to Charles Sonntag (-1906). 4 Catherine Sonntag m. *4 Henry Sonntag (lost life in World War, last battle). 4 Eva Sonntag m. 4 Corrine Sonntag. 4 Walter Sonntag m. 4 Gladys Sonntag m. 2 James Winget m. to Sara Spraig. 2 Joshua Winget m. to Elizabeth Reichelderfer, m. 2nd to Jen- nie Miller. 3 Alice Winget m. to Moody DeLong. Cryderville, Ohio. 3 Emma Winget (desc.). 3 John Winget. 3 Charles Winget. 3 William Winget. 2 Mary Winget m. to John Parlett. 3 Lizzie S. Parlett (Aug. 25, 1865) m. to John Tam. 4 Walter Vernon Tam (Feb. 13, 1896). 4 Lillian F. ·Tam (Aug. 25, 1900) m. to ? Ticknor, Lima, 0. 4 Hazelle Tam (Mch. 21, 1891-dec). 3 Sara C. Parlett to ---Spees, Wapakoneta, Ohio. 3 Harriet Jane Partlett m. to----- Hardin, Uninpolis, 0. 3 Reuben Partlett. R. 1, Unionpolis, Ohio. 3 William Henry Parlett. 2 Jane Winget, m. to Joseph Mowery. 2 Catherine Winget m. to George Baker. 2 Ann Winget m. to John Tabler. CHAPTER VIII DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM WI~QETT I William and Nancy (Hampton) Wingett: their children. 1 . Phoebe Wingett m. to William Burns. Hist pg. 30. No issue. 1 Anna Wingett unwed. 1 Moses Wingett (Nov. 28, 1793-May 1, 1852) m. to Sara Day (Jan. 4, 1795-Nov. 29, 1875). *1 · John Wingett (Dec. 1, 1795-Jan 18, 1850) m. to Mary ? (1790- Jan. 8, 1888). 1 Reuben Wingett (Jan. 13, 1800-Mch. 29, 1850) m. to Hannah Sanders (1803-1890). 1 Stephen Wingett ( Oct. 22, 1808-Mch. 25, 1888). Cumberland Presbyterian Minister, m. to Kisiah Ninton. Hist pg. 31. 2 Florella Wingett (died while attending Waynesburg College, Pa.). 1 Elizabeth Wingett. 1 Hannah Wingett. 1 Margaret Wingett. 1 Sara Wingett m. to ? Sibert. DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM AND NANCY (HAMPTON) WINGETT 1 Moses and Sara (Day) Wingett. 2 B. Harvey Wingett (1816-Jan. 1878) m. 1840 to Matilda Garrett (1820-1894). 3 Caroline Minerva Wingett m. to Martin Smith. . 4 Joseph Smith ( died infancy). 4 Matilda Charity Smith (Apr. 12, 1881) m. Aug. 1917 to Wellington A. Davis, R. R. Fairview, W. Virginia. 5 Shelton Davis (Jan. 1919). 5 Shelby Davis (June 1920). 5 Paul Davis (June 1922, twin). 5 Pauline Davis (June 1922, twin). 4 Elizabeth Smith ( died infancy) . 3 Theodore Simpson Wingett (Dec. 19, 1844, Washington Co. Pa.-1918, .Hutchinson, Kansas) m. to Clara A. Fisher (Mch. 8, 1855-Nov. 1914). 4 Howard Joseph Wingett (May 22, 1875, Pa.) m. Apr. 5, 1898 to Betty Beane ( desc.). Taft, California. 5 Lena Leona Wingett (Jan. 9, 1900) m. to ? Morris. 6 Jaunita Morris. 5 Howard Albert Winget (Oct. 22, 1903) m. Apr. 14, 1928 to Frances Pauline Wood. 729 Kern St., Taft, Calif. Wholesale & Retail Poultry and Egg dealer.

114 Moses Wingett 115 5 Dorcus Clara Wingett (Oct. 22·, 1905) m. to Robert Doug­ las. 6 June· Douglas. 6 Barbara Douglas. _ 5 Layton Theodore Wingett (Oct. 18, 1907) unwed. 5 Ralph Burton Winget (Aug. 9, 1919).. · 5 Gilbert Wingett (Oct. 29, 1921). 4 Carrie Eva Lena Wingett (Mch. 8, 187?-July 1927) m. to ? Henzel. 4 Lona Wingett (twin to Lena, desc., infancy). 3 Theodore Wingett m. 2nd to Minerva Blatsley (-d. Aug. 1930). No issue. 3 Mary Elizabeth Wingett m. to Montgomery Sprowles. 4 Frank Sprowles m. to Lydia McDonald. Washington, Pa. 5 Montgomery Sprowls (twin) m. to Emma Nasser. 6 Wanita Sprowls (desc.). 6 Mary Sprowls (desc.). 5 Andie J. Sprowls (twin). 4 Norton Sprowls m. to Margaret M. Day, West Finley, Pa. 5 Ruth Sprowls m. to Roy Mourice. 5 Naomi Sprowls m. to Lee Woods. No issue. 5 Miriam Sprowls unwed, teacher. 5 Kennety Sprowls, unwed. 4 Edith Sprowls ( died age 12). 4 Matilda Sprowls m. to Silas Wright (deceased). 5 Jean Wright m. to Raymond Myers. 6 Louie Jane Myers. 6 Raymond Myers. 5 James Wright m. to ? • 4 Matilda Wright m. 2nd to Edward Jenkins. 5 Elizabeth Jenkins m. to Carl Montgomery. 5 Catherine Jenkins. 5 Edna Lucile Jenkins. 4 Winnie Sprowls (twin) m. to Edward Sutherland. 5 Elain Sutherland. 5 Edith Sutherland. 4 Minnie Sprowls (died age 2). 4 Garrett Sprowls (Md.) m. to Berna Burns, New Kensing- ton. Pa. 5 Lois Sprowls. 5 Burns Sprowls. 5 Roger Sprowls. 3 Sally Ann Wingett m. to Scot Watters. 4 Dora Waters m. to Albert Ramsey. 5 Vere Ramsey . ( died in childhood). 5 Clyde Ramsey. 5 Jennie Ramsey m. to ? 4 Samuel Watters m. to Della Gray. 5 Opal Watters m. to John .Buchannan. 4 Jennie Waters m. to William Knowles. 5 Raymond Knowles. 116 Descendants of William Wingett 5 Helen Knowles. 3 CQllins Osborn Winget (Nov. 14, 1857-May 30, 1910) m. Oct. 27, 1886 to Lucy Grim. 243 S. Linden St., Warren, Ohio. · · 4 Margaret Lindley Winget (Aug. 6, 1887) m. Dec. 7, 1905 to Artliur J. Archibald. 454 S. State St., Painsville, Ohio. 5 Mary Margaret Archibald m. Jan. 14, 1930 to Kennetn Reno. · 4 Harvey Morton Winget (Dec. 9, 1890) m. Mch. 6, 1919 to Elizabeth Martin. Box 4, Wampum, Pa. f5 Loraine Elizabeth Winget (Aug. 30, 1921). 5 Marcel Edward Winget (Feb. 27, 1923). 4 Mary Hope Winget (Nov. 26, 1892) m. June 17, 1924 to James P. Fitzer. 451 Ferndale Ave., Youngstown, Ohio. _ 5 James Robert Fitzer (July 8, 1930). 4 Hannah Hazel Winget (Dec. 3, 1895) m. Nov. 16, 1916 to Glenn A. Ritter. 5 Betty Jane Ritter (June 29, 1918). 5. Glen Howard Ritter (July 7, 1921). 5 Barbara Ann Ritter (Apr. 29, 1927). 4 Leonadus Winget (Aug. 13, 1898-Feb. 7, 1899). 4 Russel 0. Winget (Sept. 7-Sept. 7, 1900). 4 Opal Echo Winget (July 7, 1902) unwed. 3 Florella Winget ( Oct. 27, 1858) m. to Charles Tilton Axtell (Sept. 16, 1858-Dec. 29, 1914) son of Zenas and Asenath· (Patterson) Axtell, grson .of Phillip and Nancy . (Tucker) Axtell. 4 Leona Mabel Axtell (Apr. 5, 1881) m. May 15, 1912 to Dr. C. -J. Kerr, son of *Jackson and Margaret Kerr, Knox, Clarion Co., Pa. No issue. 4 Clara Asenath Axtell (Dec. 14, 1883) m. Nov. 19, 1903 to Joseph DeLancy, son of John and Pricilla DeLancy, Jeff­ erson, Greene Co., Pa. 5 Warren Axtell DeLancy (Sept. 14, 1905) m. June 6, 1929 to Olive Fordyce. 5 Charles John DeLancy (Oct. 5, 1907). 5 Joseph Allen DeLancy (June 27, 1910-Jan. 12, 1911). 5 Robert Leslie Axtell (May 23, 1916). 4 Lenora Martha Axtell (Dec. 19, 1884). 4 Hiram B. Axtell (Jan. 28-Aug. 1889). 4 Margaret Alice Axtell (Nov. 13, 1890-Oct. 23, 1918) m. · Sept. 1, 1909 to Donald V. Lewis. 4 Luther Winget Axtell (May 22, 1892) m., Jan. 1916 to Minnie Edith Schultz, 637 Carroll St., Akron, Ohio. 5 Charles Francis Axtell (Aug. 9, 1921). 5 William Edward Axtell (May 31 1.928). 3 Clara Wingett m. to Thomas Lacock. No issue. 3 Howard Wingett (1846-186'2). 3 Velma Wingett (died age 15). . 3 Stephen E. Wingett Md. (Nov. 30, 1861) m. to Laura Adam­ son, 142 E. High St., Waynesburg, Pa. Jokn Wingett 117

2 Allison Wingett (1825-Mch. 20, 1854) m. to Phoebe Jane ? (183'1-1854). 1 John and Mary Wingett. 2 William Wingett. 2 Messer Wingett, lived at Dun Station, Pa. 2 Neal "Wingett. 2 Stephen Wingett. *2 Moses Wingett (May 20, 1836-Aug. 12, 1917) m. to Mary Wilson (1848-Jan. 14, 1906). 3 John W. Wingett,, unwed. 3 Charley A. Wingett m. to Elizabeth Griffen, 88 Third St., Washington, Pa. 4 Beatrice Wingett. 4 Russel Wingett m. to Sara Donahoo, 519 Fayette St., Wash-. ington, Pa. 3 Oscar H. Wingett m. to Julia Cage. 4 Raymond Wingett. 4 June Wingett. . ... 3 Dessie Wing-ett m. to Elmer Brock. 4 Gertrude Brock. 2 Sallie Wingett m. to John Rutan. 3 Caroline Rutan m. to ? Paiden. 4 Flora Paiden m. to ? . Bain. 5 Victor Bain. 4 Emma Paiden m. to Williard Porter. 5 Grace Porter. 5 Nell Porter. 5 Pearl Porter. 5 Mary Porter. 5 Jane Porter. 4 Bessie Paiden m. to ? Strouse. 5 Frank Strouse. 5 Robert Strouse. 4 Daisy Paid en (deceased) . 3 Samantha Rutan. 3 Oliver Rutan. 2 Viney Wingett (deceased) unwed. 2 Dtr. (1830-1851). 2 Phoebe Wingett (1842-1891) unwed. 2 Ernaline Wingett m. to Zebulon Clutter. 3 John Warren Clutter m. to ? Lucket, ,vest Jefferson, Ohio. 4 Oswin R. Clutter, West Jefferson, Ohio. 3 Cephus Lindsay Clutter m. to ? 4 Minnie Clutter. 3 Charles Foster Clutter m. to ? 4 Bertha Clutter. 1 Reuben and Hannah (Sanders) Wingett. *2 Silas Wingett (Sept. 6, 1839-June 5, 1914) m. Oct. 30, 1860 to Harriet Mattox (Oct. 11, 1840) dtr. of John and Clarissa (Rial) Mattox grdtr. of John and Prudence (Rainer) Mattox, gtgrdtr. of Johathan and Tryphine (Fornham) Rainer, 540 Washington Ave., Chaleroi, Pa. Hist. pg. 30. 118 Descenda/nt8 of W illia,m Wingett 3 John Newell Wingett (Sept. 27, 1861) m. Sept. 25, 1884 to Flora Craft, 2203, 65th Ave., Oakland, Cali. See Hist. pg. 31. 4 William Floyd Wingett (Sept. 24, 1895) m. May 4, 1912 to Addie Armstrong. · 3 Stephen Elias Wingett (Jan. 18, 1864) m. Apr. 23, 1896 to Ella Young (-d 1912). 4 Infant (deceased). 3 Stephen E. Wingett m. 2nd June 23, 1914 to Elizabeth Jones, 225 Second St., Washington, Pa. No issue. 3 Oliver Lester Wingett (July 8, 1865) m. Sept. 19, 1889 to Anna Latimer, 420 Welsh Ave., Wilberdi:ng, Pa. 4 Logan Wingett (Sept. 14, 1890) m. to Jane Marshall, Brownsville, Pa. · No issue. ·4 Lura Wingett (Feb. 13, 1893) m. to Ray Beatty, 540 Wash­ ington Ave., Chaleroi, Pa. No issue. 3 Oliver Wingett m. 2nd Oct. 7, 1897 to Sophia McFerson. 4 Margaret Wingett (Oct. 9, 1905) m. to Logan Roan. No issue. . 3 Hannah Bell Wingett (Oct. 28, 1867) m. Oct. 31, -1889 to Work Hughs (Apr. 4, 1855-May 30, 1900) son of Samuel and Susan (Workman) Hughs, grson of *John and Sara · (Wiley) Hughs, gr. gr. grson of Barnabas Hughs who came from Ireland to N. J. in 1756-See Hist pg. 30. 8 Wheeling St., Washington, Pa. 4 Susan W. Hughs (July 29, 1890-Dec. 1896). *4 Howard Wingett Hughs (Aug. 18, 1891) m. to Catherine Verner. See Hist. pg. 31. Washington, Pa. 5 Mary Verner Hughs (Dec. 1, 1925) adopted. 3 Hannah B. Wingett Hughs m. 2nd 1909 to A. D. Kightlinger (-d 1925). No issue. 3 Clara Jane Wingett (Jan. 28, 1870-June 11, 1913) m. Aug. 27, 1895 to Joseph Ryan (1897). No issue. 3 Clara Jane Ryan m. 2nd Jan. 14, 1902 to Jacob Lowstetter. 4 Harriet Lowstetter (Jan. 28, 1903-died in childhood). 4 Genevieve W. Lowstetter (Nov. 28, 1907) studying music in Paris. 3 Anna Bertha Wingett (Feb. 9, 1872) m. Nov. 12, 1891 to William Sharpneck (1868), 428 4th St., Lock No. 4, Branch, Chaleroi, Pa. 4 Tressa Sharpneck (Aug. 7, 1896) m. June 23, 1913 to Thomas Hayden. 5 Elizabeth Hayden. 5 Virginia Hayden. 4 Tressa Sharpneck Hayden m. 2nd 1920 to Alexander Hill, son of Alexander Hill, of Scotland, S. Hills, Pittsburg, Pa. 5 William Alexander Hill. · 5 Margaret Hill. Reuben Wingett 119

4 Helen Sharpneck (Sept. 12, 1900) m. 1922 to William Lee, Rosco, Pa. No issue. 4 Ruth E. Sharpneck (June 16, 1911). 3 Harr.iett Elizabeth Wingett (Sept. 4, 187 4) m. 1901 to Martin Corbit, Greencastle, Pa. · 4 Tom Corbit (Apr. 10, 1905). 4 Ruth Corbit (Aug. 9, 1907). 3 Mary Isa Wingett (May 30, 1877) m. June 30, 1904 to Dr. Fred Muth, Wilberding, Pa. 4 Fred Muth (Dec. 17, 1905). 4 Elizabeth Muth (Sept. 17, 1907) .. 3 Dessie Verona Wingett (Apr. 28, 1882) m. July 3, 1909 to Charles Gear (-d. 1921). Prosperity, Pa. 4 Donald Gear (Apr. 20, 1910). 4 Dale Gear (Nov. 3, 1911). 4 Dorothy Gear (Aug. 10, 1913). 4 Clifford Gear (Nov. 28, 1914). 4 Harriet Gear (Nov. 28, 1916). 4 Lura Gear (Aug. 27, 1918). 4 Billie Gear (Apr. 1920). 2 Amanda Wingett (May 21, 1836-Oct. 12, 1883) m. Feb. 22, 1853 to Joseph W. Thompson (Jan. 30, 1831-May 17, 1892). 3 Albert G. Thompson (Apr. 21, 1854-Feb. 3, 1890) m. Apr. 21, 1884 to Anna Willard. 4 Luella Murell Thompson (May 28, 1886) m. Sept. 25, 1912 to Philip M. Hurley, 1641 Washington St., Denver, Colo. No issue. 4 Joseph Earl Thompson (Aug. 11, -1889-May 30, 1893) . 3 A. Wilbur Thompson (Aug. 23, 1856-Nov. 6, 1859). 3 Laura Jane Thompson (Feb. 26, 1858) m. Aug. 5, 1878 to James D. Spore, Wenona, Illinois. 4 Guy Williams Spore (Mch. 13, 1880) m. Dec. 25, 1905 to Moma Armstrong. 1406 Lincoln St., Davenport, Iowa. 5 Guy Wendel Spore (June 21, 1906). 5 Harold Spore (Dec. 11, 1908). 5 Raymond Spore (Apr. 13, 1910). 5 Moma Bernice Spore (Apr. 1, 1914). 5 Rose Margaret Spore (June 9, 1921). 4 Joseph Vinton Spore (Nov. 14, 1883) m. Mch. 30, 1918 to Syble Lumsden. 410 N. State St., Campaign, Ill. No issue. 4 Julia Edna Spore (Sept. 20, 1888, twin) m. Dec. 7, 1909 to Fredrick R. Wiley. 4204 Eastway, Toledo, Ohio. No issue. 4 James Edward Spore (Sept. 20, 1888, twin) m. June 18. 1913 to Bessie Madden, Wenona, Ill. 120 Descendants of William Wingett

5 Eunice Laurella Spo~e (Aug. 26, 1914). 5 James Clinton Spore (Jan. 20, 1918). 5 Betty Jane Spore (Dec. 9, 1920). . 5 Fredrick Robert Spore (Nov.-10, 1924-Mch. 28, 1925). 5 George Edward Spore (May 17, 1926). · 3 Willis R. Thompson (May 24, 1862-Apr. 15, 1888). 3 Charles R. Thompson (July 11, 1864-Nov. 15, 1865). 3 Hannah B. Thompson (Dec. 22, 1866-Nov. 3, 1890). 3 Cora V. Thompson (Mch. 14, 1870) m. Feb. 23, 1898 to Wil­ . bur W. Meyers. 306 W. Hill St., Campaign, Ill. No issue. 3 D. Elizabeth Thompson (Sept. 20, 1874) m. Sept. 12, 1906 to Seymour A. Rouse (-d. May 8, 1929). 306 W. Hill St., Campaign, Ill. CHAPTER IX DESCENDANTS OF STEPHEN WINGET I Stephen and Hannah (Cary) Winget: their children Hist. Pg. 53 and 56. · 1 William Winget (1797, Pa.-Apr. 5, 1874, Ohio) m. 1820 to Tabitha Gill (1801-1856) m. 2nd July 9, 1857 to Sarah Jane Reed (1825-1860 (?) dtr. of Jaines Reed. See Hist pg. 34. 1 Phoebe Winget (1799, Pa.-189?) m. Mch. 18, 1817 to *Capt. James A. Curry (Mch. 30, 1787-Mch. 1, 1874). See Hist pg. 35. *1 Calvin Winget (Apr. 3, 1801, Marietta, O.-Nov. 4, 1840) m. 1821 to Cynthia Ann Irwin (Apr. 17, 1800-1844). See Hist pg. 35 and 48. 1 David C. Winget (Oct. 22, 1803-Mch. 8, 1895) m. 1827 to Rhoda Reed (-d. 1827) dtr. of Alex Reed. m. 2nd Lucinda Reed, sister of Sarah Reed, above. Hist. pg. 40. 1 Stephen Winget Jr. (Apr. 1807-Dec. 19, 1879) m. to Matilda Marshall (Apr. 30, 1806-Jan. 23, 1895) dtr. of Thomas Mar­ shall. Hist pg. 40. DE-SCENDANTS OF STEPHEN AND HANNAH (CARY) WINGET 1 William and Sara Jane (Reed) Winget. 2 William Winget (1859-1861). 2 Anna W. Winget (1861-1813) m. to Arthur Baldwin. 3 Arthur W. Baldwin (Nov. 22, 1882-Nov.20, 1899). 3 William Harry Baldwin (Dec. 1884-Oct. 25, 1886). 2 Phoebe Winget (Feb. 1866-June 13, 1889). Unwed. *2 Luther Winget (July 2, 1823-Oct. 9, 1906) adopted son of William Winget of Maryland, cousin to this William. See William Winget Cpt. X. m. to Martha Jane Reynolds (June 5, 1830-Dec. 21, 1913). No issue. 2 William Winget (Sept. 14, 1827-Dec. 1814) adopted, bro. to Luther, above. 2 Catherine Winget (Sept. 16, 1829-1845) adopted, sister to Luther, above m. to John C. Robinson. See Cpt. X. 2 Elizabeth Winget (Feb. 8, 1832-1912 (?) adopted, sister to Luther, above m. to John McCloud of London, Ohio. See Cpt X. 1 Phoebe Winget and Capt. James A. Curry. 2 John Curry (Dec. 22, 1817-Apr. 27, 1904) m. Dec. 9, 1845 to Tabitha W. Gill (Feb. 14, 1828-Mch. 29, 1904) dtr. of Jesse Gill, grdtr. of Andrew and Susanna Gill. 3 Allen T. Curry m. to Elizabeth Krum. No issue. 121 122 Descendants of Stephen Winget 3 Louis C. Curry (1847-1921) unwed. 3 Thomas H. Curry m. to Neal Maddex ( desc.). 4 Clue V. Curry m. to Mary Sheehan. 5 June Lee Curry m. to J. J. Laird. 6 Mary Lee Laird (Sept. 21, 1930). 3 Frank P. Curry (Sept. 3, 1852-Nov. 28, 1907) unwed. 3 Olive C. Curry m. to J. D. Campbell. 4 Edith Campbell m. to William Bremer. 5 Donald Bremer (died age 12). 5 William Bremer. 5 Joe Bremer. 5 Ruth Bremer. 5 John Bremer. 4 Florence Campbell (desc.) unwed. 3 Jessie G. Curry m. to ? 4 Ralph S. Curry m. to Alice Lucile Grace. 5 Ruth Curry. 5 Susan Curry. 4 Ruth Curry m. to E. G. Evans. 5 Ralph Louis Evans. 3 Stephen Curry m. to ? 4 Mable Curry m. to ---Reisner, attorney. San Francisco, Cal. 5 . Three children. 4 Pauline Curry m. 4 Stephenson Curry Jr. unwed. 3 Jennie Curry m. to Clark Richard. Plain City, Ohio. 4 Imogene Richard m. to Dr. J. R. Allen. Los Angeles> Calif. 5 Joseph Allen Jr. (Aug. 6, 1920-Mch. 1921). 4 Mary Francis Richard. 4 Lillian Richard. 4 Walter C. Richard m. to Mary Price. 5 Betty Jane Richard. 3 Samantha (Mantie) Curry m. to John A. Cruikshank. 4 Mable Cruikshank (desc.) m. to L. R. Bunn. 5 Julia Bunn m. to Dr. J. Y. Bevan. Steubenville, Ohio. 6 William LeRoy Bevan. 4 Madge Cruikshank m. to L. R. Bunn, desc.· sister's husband. Plain City, 0 .. 5 Johann Bunn (1917) adopted. 3 James Earl Curry m. to Ella Mitchell. 4 Hester Curry (desc.) ~ 4 William Herald Curry (desc.). 4 Robert Lee Curry (desc.). 4 Mildred Curry unwed. 4 John C. Curry unwed. 3 James Mason Curry m. to Winnie Douglass. 4 Donna Curry m. to Wilba Cochenour. 5 Jack Cochenour. 5 Jim Cochenour. 5 Jerry Douglas Cochenour. 5 Donna Jean Cochenour (Apr. 2, 1931). Phoebe Winget Curry 123 4 Margaret Curry unwed. 2 Harriet Curry m. to William Beard. See appendix for descen­ dants. 3 Nancy Beard (desc.) m. to William Elder. 3 Hannah Beard m.·to James Killbury. 4 Hattie Killberry m. to Robert Sedgewick. 5 Son. 5 dtr. 3 Forester Beard. 3 Gilbert Beard m. to Celina ? 3 Jane Beard m. to Chas. Cain. 4 Meza Cain m. to Chas. Baker. 4 Edward Cain. 4 Frank Cain. 4 Kittie Cain. 4 Jennie Cain. 2 Nancy Curry (Jan. 19, 1822-Apr. 10, 1865) m. Jan. 18, 1841 to Samuel Robinson (Nov. 18, 1814) son of James and Jane (Morrison) Robinson. 3 James I. Robinson m. to Ruehamie Ford. 4 William Robinson. 4 Nellie Robinson m. to ? Williams. 3 Viana Robinson (desc.) m. to John T. McCullough. No issue. 3 Eldridge Robinson m. to .Mary McCloud. 4 Tessa Robinson m. to Rodney Guy. 5 Charles 0. Guy. 4 Bessie Robinson m. to Robert Goodrich. 4 Francis Robinson (died infancy). 3 Otway C. Robinson (desc.) m. to Hettie McDowell. 4 Mearl Robinson m. to. 5 James Robinson. 5 Son. 4 Erdine Robinson unwed. 3 Phoebe Robinson m. to John T. McCullough (desc.) sister's husband. 4 John Addison McCullough. 3 Addison Robinson ( desc.) unwed. 2 Mariah Curry m. to John Woodburn. 3 Dunallen Woodburn m. to ? Burns. 3 Clem Woodburn m. to Rose Wilc·utt, cousin, dtr. of Charles and Samantha (Curry) Wilcutt. 4 Son. 3. Eva Woodburn m. to Cyrus Turner. 4 Betty Turner. 4 dtr. 3 William Woodburn m. to ? 3 Otway Woodburn m. to ? 3 Louisa Woodburn m. to Edward Baker. 110 Locust St., Kalsburg, Ill. 4 Stella Baker. 4 William Baker. 124 Descendants of Stephen Winget 3 Leroy Woodburn (desc.) unwed. 3 John Woodburn. 2 Samantha Curry m. to Charles Wilcutt. 3 Freemont Wilcutt. 3 Addison Wilcutt m. to ? 3 Burns Wilcutt. 3 Charles Wilcutt. 3 Rose Wilcutt m. to Clem Woodburn, son of John and Mariah (Curry) Woodburn. 4 Son. 3 David Wilcutt (desc.) unwed . .2 William A. Curry (Apr. 11, 1832) m. Sept. 17, 1861 to Catherine Nonemaker (-d. 1871). 3 Charles E. Curry (desc.) m. to Flora Adams. 3 Mary L. Curry m. to D. D. Ketch. Plain City, Ohio. -4 Opal Ketch m. to R. W. McKinney. 5 Katherine McKinney. 5 Martha Louise McKinney. 4 Eldon D. Ketch m. to ? 5 Luann Ketch. 5 Lois Ketch. 3 Addison S. Curry m. to Rose Mitthorn. 4 Donavan Curry ( desc.). 4 .Helen Curry m. to ? 4 Dana Curry. . 2 William Curry m. 2nd Feb. 18, 1873 to Jennie Harris (-d. Jan. 31, 1879) dtr. of Guy and Nancy Harris. 3 Effie A. Curry m. to John Mitchel. 4 Mervin Mitchel m. to Emma Vigor. No issue. 4 Robert Mitchell m. to Helen Fry. No issue. 4 Helen Mitchel. 4 Curry Mitchel m. to Margaret Horn. Plain City. 5 Doris Mitchel. 5 John Curry Mitchell. 5 William Adophu Mitchel. 4 Mark Mitchel unwed. 4 Aaron Mitchel unwed. · 4 Maurice Mitchel (desc. childhood). 4 Olive Mitchel m. to William Hetrick. 4 Harriett Mitchel. 4 Martha Mitchel. 3 Bertha Currey m. to Bery Converse, son of Bush Converse. 4 Ruth Converse m. to ? Burnham. 5 Son. 5 dtr. 4 Dorothy Converse unwed. 4 William Curry Converse. 2 William Curry m. 3rd Feb. 10, 1880 to Nancy Bain (Jan. 13, 1840-) dtr. of Joseph and Sara Bain. 3 Joe Bain Curry m. to Hazel Robinson. 4 Lynn Curry m. to ? Phoebe Winget-Calvin 125 4 Joe Thayne Curry. 2 Phoebe Curry m. June 10 1879 to William H. Williams (Oct. 26, 1842) son of Ebenezer and Mary Williams of Wales, later Delaware, 0. _ . 3 Phoebe Mae Williams (Apr. 18, 1881) unwed. 89 W. 8th Ave., Columbus, 0. 2 David Curry m. to Agnes Chapman. 3 Gwynn Curry m. to ? 3 Daisey Curry m. to ? Kittridge. 3 Abbie Curry. 3 Eltha Curry m. to Leon Bidwell. 4 dtr. (adopted). 3 Phoebe Mae Curry. *2 James A. Curry (-d. Oct. 2, 1863 Ky. in hospital in Crab Orchard). Buried there. 1 Calvin Winget and Cynthia Ann Irwin. 2 Marion Winget (died in infancy) buried l\iilford Centel'-, o. 2 Minerva Winget (died age 4) buried Milford Center, 0. 2 James Winget (182?- desc.) m. to Jane Ann Ir,vin. 3 Charles Winget ( desc.). 3 James Winget (desc.). *2 David P. Winget (June 24, 1828-June 19, 1878) m. Dec. 24, 1840. Delaware, 0. to Elizabeth Alexander ( Oct. 14, 1828- August 13, 1867) dtr. of James and Margaret (Lee) Alexand~ er. Decendant of Martha Custis Washington thru Robert Lee. Hist. pg. 36. 3 William Winget m. to Belle Conrath. 4 William Winget unwed. 4 Mildred Winget unwed. 4 Mae Winget unwed. 4 Charles Winget unwed. *3 Dewitt H. Winget (Feb. 22, 1850) m. Nov. 1, 1869 to Ange­ line Emily Deeds (Oct. 1849-July 4, 1888), dtr of Phillip and Elizabeth (Mills) Deeds, 250, 23 Ave., S. Clinton, Iowa. Hist. pg 36 and 38. 4 Angeline Elizabeth Winget (Aug. 3, 1871) m. to Freeman P. Thompson (died July 1930). Kansas. No issue. 4 Louise Cody Winget (Oct. 11, 1874 at Leavenworth, Kan.) m. Oct. 23, 1895 to Hiram Percy McBride (Aug. 23, 187 4). 5629 Huntington St., Duluth, 1"Iinnesota. *5 Robert McBride (May 29, 1896) m. to Mary E. Miller. 3228 Ingersol Ave., Des Moines, Iowa. 6 Margaret Louise McBride (July 1, 1921). 6 Robert Bradshaw McBride (July 14, 1928). 6 Mary Lee McBride (July 14, 1928). 6 Richard Winget McBride (Oct. 10, 1929). 5 Angie Hila McBride (Feb. 18, 1898-deceased). 5 Percival Hamilton McBride (Sept. 15, 1901). 5 Phillip McBride (Mch. 10, 1906-deceased). 5 James Dewitt McBride (July 17, 1908). 126 Descendants of Stephen Winget 3 Dewitt H. Winget m. 1898 to Myrtle Lawrence. 2 Elizabeth Ann Winget (-d. 1915 (?) m. to Loyal Marsh (de­ ceased). 3 Victor Marsh (killed in Kansas by run-away team) unwed. *2 ·william Mascall Winget (June 1, 1829- 1901) m. Nov. 29, 1853 to Cynthia Ann Culver (1832-1885) dtr. of Chas. and Betsy (Lockwood) Culver. gr. dtr. of Standish Culver of N. Y. See Hist pg. 36. 3 Frank Winget (1885-1873). 3 Harriet Winget- (Dec. 10, 1857-Dec. 25, 1891) m. Oct. 28, 1875 to Walter Newman (Dec. 22, 1852-Sept. 6, 1917). · · 4 Nellie Newman (Nov. 5, 1876-Dec.20, 1891). 4 Grace Newman (Sept. 1, 1878) m. Aug. 13, 1894 to Walter . Midgley (June 9, 1872). 5 Lucille Midgley (June 19, 1896) m. May 7, 1918 to Joseph Dawson Hayes (Nov. 7, 1896). 6 Phillip Norman Hayes (May 6-7, 1921). 6 Jack Dawson Hayes (June 11, 1924). 5 May Ann Midgley (Aug. 27, 1898) m. April 9, 1921 to William. E. Jenkins. No issue. 5 Walter Jonas Midgley (Nov. 25, 1901) m. May 28, 1921 to Maude E. Bryan (June 20, 1902). 6 Martha Josephine Midgley (July 13, 1922). 6 Herbert Eugene Midgley (Nov. 18, 1923). 5 Walter Earl Midgley (Oct. 29, 1904) m. Sept. 15, 1923 to Margaret Dean (June 30, 1904). 6 Irma Francis Midgley (July 28, 1924). 6 Eardean Midgley (Jan. 7, 1926). 6 Walter Earl Midgley Jr. (Nov. 12, 1927). 6 Grace Joan Midgley (Aug. 12, 1929). 5 Carl Midgley (July 20, 1907). 5 Alice Marjory Midgley (June 17, 1913). . 5 Martha Josephine Midgley (Dec. 21-24, 1916). 4 Blanche Newman (July 5, 1880) m. Sept. 11, 1901 to Joseph Calhoun Roseberry (June 1, 1882) West Jefferson, Ohio. 5 Martha Louise Roseberry (May 7, 1902) m. June 27, 1922 to Isaac Harris Peterman (Nov. 27, 1890) West Jefferson, Ohio. 6 Helen Louise Peterman (April 3, 1923). 6 Dorothy Elizabeth Peterman (April 13,1926). 6 Harold Eugene Peterman (July 14, 1929). 5 Newman Winget Roseberry (July 17, 1904). 5 Maurice Taylor Roseberry (Feb. 9, 1908). 5 Walter Joseph Roseberry (Sept. 17, 1910). 5 Ebenezer Taylor Roseberry (Sept. 24, 1914). 5 Harriett Winget Roseberry (April 6, 1917). 4 Katheryn Newman (Oct. 29, 1882) m. Oct. 11, 1911 to Verne Eugene Crouch, California. 1404 N. Highland Ave., Hollywood. 5 Claire La Rue Crouch (April 8, 1913). 5 Verne Eugene Crouch Jr. (Mch. 12, 1916). ESTHER MAE WINGET WARNER Compiler of this work.

Calvin Winget 127

5 Jack Elwood Crouch (Nov. 9, 1919). 4 Noble Winget Newman (April 30, 1889-Sept. 6, 1899). *3 William E. Winget (Dec. 4, 1859-1893) (Md.). m. to Ella Davis. 4 Marie Winget. 4 Willie Gertrude Winget. 3 Elizabeth Winget (Sept. 10, 1862-deceased·) m. to A. H. Mourey 2nd to T. U. Gaines (deceased). No Issue. 3 Ann Winget (1867-1868.). 3 Mary Lee Winget (May 16, 1869) m. Oct. 1, 1913 to S. R. Kellow (died Mch. 6, 1927). Formerly in Deaconess work. Is now Ass. Hostess Emmans House, 161 Yamamoto-dori. 4 Chome, Japan, a Rest Home for Missionaries. No Issue. *2 Cyrian Lee Winget (Sept. 2, 1834-April 19, 1919) m. Feb. 1, 1857 to Susan Gregory Fairchild (Nov. 18, 1839) dtr. of Orris and Sara (Fish) Fairchild. See history page 38 and 39. *3 Orris French Winget (Dec. 30, 1857-Oct. 18, 1916) killed by run away team) m. May 5, 1880 to Lillian Evans. 4 George Lee Winget (Feb. 26, 1881-Feb. 17, 1928) m. Nov. 22, 1908 to Myrtle ? 5 Lillian Winget (Mch. 30, 1912) m. Mch. 20, 1930 to Law­ . rence Ramsey, 622 N. Nevada St., Colorado Springs, Colo. 6 George Luther Ramsey (Jan. 19, 1931). *3 Orris French Winget m. 2nd June 9, 1891 to Margaret Ellen Dunlap (Nov. 6, 1869) dtr. of Major and Ellen (Goodman) Dunlap. See history pages 38 and 53. 4 Infant son (May 3-8, 1892). 4 Esther Mae Winget (May 6, 1893) compiler of this work, m. Sept. 9, 1920 to *Rodney Johnson Warner( Sept. 16, 1897) son of M. H. and Louisa (Gilmore) Warner, gr. son of James William. and Mary (Carpenter) Warner and of Samuel and Nancy (Rich) Gilmore, gr. grandson of William Warner, Osborn, Ohio. Hist. pg. 38. 5 James Mordecia Warner (Dec. 12, 1922-Jan. 25, 1929). 5 Rodney David Warner (Dec. 8, 1924). 5 Robert Louis Warner (Aug. 25, 1928). . 4 Leon Egbert Winget (July 20, 1897) m. Oct. 31, 1925 to Elnora Feikert (Feb. 23, 1902) dtr. of John G. and Edna Iona (Nickell) Feikert. R. 8, Chillicothe, Ohio. 5 Barbara Susan Winget (July 23, 1927). 5 Joanna Winget (June 24, 1929). 5 Kathryn Eileen Winget (Feb. 17, 1931). 3 Byron Lee Winget (July 23, 1859-Oct. 2, 1889) m. Mch. 1884 to Emily Norton, dtr. of Oscar John and Elizabeth (Wil­ son). Norton grdtr. of John and Julia (Marrory) Norton and of Samuel Wilson, grgrdtr. of Rev. Andrew and Sarah (Al!e11) Wilson. Hist. pg. 39. 4 Donald N. Winget (Nov. 15, 1885) m. Dec. 31, 1906 to Clara Wier, dtr. of John Munro Weir, Scotch Canadiar.. iron1 Fowels Castel, Munro, Clan, Scotland and Josephine (P11il­ lips) Weir, 3533 Wabash Ave., Cincinnati, 0. 5 Donald Norton Winget (Oct. 29, 1907). Hist. pg. 39. 128 Descendants of Stephen Winget 5 Byron Lee Winget (Dec. 31, 1911). 5 Jackson Phillip Winget (May 6, 1913). 3 Sara Evangeline Winget (July 28, 1866) m. April 23, 1889 to William Miller, son of Zachariah and Virginia Miller, grson of John Miller. 508 S. Madison St., Enid, Oklahoma. 4 Harry Miller (Mch. 11, 1890) m. to Neva Robertson, dtr. of J. M. Robertson. Tulsa, Okla. · 5 Mae Miller (Oct. 7, 1925). 4 Susan G. Miller (Mch. 28, 1896) m. Oct. 30, 1914 to Roy Derby, son of H. E. and Louise Derby. 5 Catherine Louise Derby (Aug. 26, 1915). · 4 Susan Miller Derby m. 2nd to Orville Huett, son of Judge Huett, Lawrence, Kansas. · 4 Catherine Miller (Feb. 2, 1900) m. July 22, 1921 to A. E. Statford, 1502 Yordon St., Marshall, Texas. 5 Peggy Ann Statford (Feb. 9, 1931) adopted. 4 Anna Miller (July 16, 1901) m. Feb. 14, 1920 to Ance Cohb. 5 Ance Cobb Jr. (June 10, 1922). Enid, Okla. 4 George Byron Miller (May 26, 1909) m. April 20, 1930 to Alice Limpert, dtr. of D. C. Limpert, Ponca City, Okla. 3 Cynthia Ann Winget (Aug. 17, 1868) m. Nov. 18, 1890 to Jacob Curliss Harrington, R. 1 Camp Chase, Ohio. No Issue. *2 Calvin M. Winget (-Dec. 31, 1862), killed in battle of Stone River, Tennessee and buried there. Corporal. Unwed. 1 David and Rhoda (Reed) Winget. *2 Calvin Reed Winget (killed Sept. 20, 1863), at Chickamauga. Adjt. of 73 I. V. I. 2 Marion Winget m. Mch. 30, 1853 to Anna Arvilla Converse (April 22, 1833) dtr. of Jasper R. and Betsy Ann (Hemen­ way) Converse, gr. dtr. of Farmery and Mehitable Hemenway, of Bridgeport, Vt. · 3 Jasper .Stanley Winget (Jan. 20, 1856 deceased) m. Dec. 26, 1879 to Jessie Scofield (Jan. 11, 1861) dtr. of Myron H. and Louisa (Vincent) Scoville. 4 Anna Louise Winget (Aug. 10, 1884, 0.) m. Nov. 25, 1920 to Jessie M. White. 241 S. 4th St., Reading, Pa. 4 Augustine Converse Winget (Aug. 3, 1886) m. June 9, 1918 to Mary Rudolph Hahn. Tyrone, Pa. • - 4 Bertha Mae Winget (Nov. 1, 1895) m. Dec. 20, 1916 to Gordon (Stanley) Schreiner. 5 Jessie Louise Schreiner (Aug. 6, 1918). 5 Gordon Stanley Schreiner (Sept. 17, 1920). 4 Jasper Stanley Winget (April 9, 1899-May 23, 1902). 4 Myron Holly Winget (Jan. 18, 1901, York, Pa.). 3 Flora 0. Winget (Jan. 26, 1858-Mch. 25, 1865). 3 Farmery Reed Winget (Aug. 8, 1860-Mch. 7, 1897) m. Dee. 25, 1879 to Emma Tallman (July 14, 1859) dtr. of Nathaniel Tallman. 4 Earl Tallman Winget (April. 5, 1885) m. to Nellie Fern Walters (Mch. 14, 1886). 2843 26th Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Hist. pg. 40. 5 Charlotte Louise Winget (Sept. 9, 1~06) m. June 30, 1928 David Winget-Stepken, Jr. 129 to Horace· Miller Chope of Marshalltown, Iowa. 5 Earl Tallman Winget (Sept. 10, 1907). 5 Pricilla Dean Winget (May 8, 1922). 5 Cosette Joyce Winget (Dec. 3, _1924). 4 Annette Catherine Winget (July 6-July 26, 1894). 3 Son (died 1871). 3 Elizabeth Annette Winget (Jan. 22-Aug. 17, 1875). *2 Joseph Preston Winget (Dec. 4, 1843-Jan. 8, 1915) m. Aug. 1866 to Elizabeth Rose Phillips (Nov. 11, 1845-Sept. 1, 1908) dtr. of Milford Phillips of the Sharpless Family. 3 Flora Marion Winget (:Pee. 21, 1871) m. April 18, 1889 to Charles E. Blaney. 4 Elizabeth Blaney (April 2, 1895) m. April 21, 1917 to Joseph Priestly Hall Shipley. 5 Marion Elizabeth Shipley (Mch. 30, 1918). 5 Joseph Priestly Hall Shipley Jr. (June 11, 1925). 4 Isabel Blaney (July 4, 1897) m. Nov. 11, 1916 to Ralph James Paynter. 5 Grace Eleanor Paynter (Dec. 20, 1917). 5 Margaret Paynter (Mch. 23, 1920). 3 Flora M. Winget Blaney m. 2nd to Will Phillips, Park and Lincoln Ave., Rockville, Long Island, N. Y. *2 Warren Curry Winget (Aug. 8, 1844 Mo.-Dec. 7, 1928, Po­ mona, Cal.) m. Sept. 26, 1866 to Sara Marvin Pratt (Nov. 14, 1851, LeGrange, Ill.-Dec. 3, 1928, Calif.). 3 Cora Bell Winget (July 14, 1869) m. 1890 to W. L. Kleeber­ ger, 4610 Corless, St., Los Angeles, Calif. 4 Reed Kleenerger. 3 Allie A. Winget (Dec. 9, 1870) m. Nov. 12, 1886 to Edwin S. Norton of Varna, Ill. 3622 Jumpa Ave., Riverside, Calif. 4 Mary Lee Norton (Aug. 8, 1886) m. Feb. 16i 1907 to Hend­ erson G. Heath. 5 Doris Heath (1909) m. to Dames Ellerbrock. 6 Dtr. (1928). 5 Lucile Heath· (1911) m. to Ernie Bonnell, 5649 ·Melvine, · Ave., Tarzarra, Calif. 5 Norton Heath (1916). 5 Mary Lee Heath (1922). 4 John Curry Norton (July 28, 1896) m. June 3, 1917 to Charlotte Shumate of Waco, Texas, 1800 Q. St., Eureka, Calif. . 5 Virginia Aleise Norton (Mch. 8, 1918). *2 Harvey Winget (Sept. 26, 1847-Dec. 30, 1929, Sawtello, Calo. 0. S. Home Hospital) unwed. 1 David and Lucinda (Reed) Winget. 2 (David) Frank Winget (1865 (?) ) no data. 1 Stephen and Matilda (Marshal) Winget. 2 Thomas Marshall Winget (Aug. 1830-Dec. 27, 1877) m. Feb. 1853 to Tabitha Robinson (Feb. 1831-Dec. 1908) dtr. of Wil­ liam M. Robinson. Hist pg. 40. 3 Florida Winget (Dec. 1853) m. Dec. 1873 to S. Lewis Irwin (Jan. 7, 1849-June 1911) son of Samuel K. and Elmira (Tucker) Irwin, grson of *John S. Irwin, Marysville, Ohio. 130 Descendants of Stephen Winget

3 Willard Winget (Sept. 1857-June 1927) m. to Carrie Brown. 4 Ruth Alta Winget (Dec. 1894-April 1911). 3 Alta B. Winget (Jan. 1864) m. Oct. 1896 to Edward T. Fairbanks (July 1867-Sept. 1906). 4 Jean B. Fairbanks (July 1897) m. to E. L. Brown (-d.-1928). Box 50, R. F .. D. Berryn, Md. 5 Dorothea Jean Brown (July 1924). 5 Marguerite A. Brown (Jan. 1927). 4 Roy W. Fairbanks (Sept. 1900) m. Sept. 1924 to Agnes Menzery, 264 Park Ave., Tacoma Park, Maryland. 5 Elizabeth M. Fairbanks (Dec. 1925). 2 Jennie Winget (1834-1860) m. to Alfred Judy (deceased). 3 Leroy Judy (deceased) . 3 Fay Judy (deceased). *2 Milton Llewlyn Winget (Mch. 3, 1841-living) m. Sept. 6, 1866 - to Martha Childs (Sept. 24, 1846-June 27, 1885). 214 Logan St., Celina, Ohio. Hist. pg. 40. 3 Jennie Ora Winget (June 13, 1867-deceased) m. to James Beard. 4 Elizabeth Beard m. to Ernest Pitzler. 4 Alice Beard m. to Charles Cooperider, Unionville Center, 0. 4 Effel Beard (deceased) m. Lesley Trees. No issue . . 4 Lucy Beard m. John Gilbert. 5 Son. 4 James Beard. Columbus, Ohio (Baker). 4 Charles Beard. Bucyrus, Ohio. 3 Charles S. Winget (May 12, 1870-Jan. 26, 1898). Unwed. 3 Ida May Winget (May 10, 1873-Jan. 26, 1895) m. to ? Myers, 4 Grace Myers m. to ? Heath. 4 William Myers m. to Mary VanSickle, Millersburg, Ohio. (William met accidental death May 1930). 3 Laura A. Winget (Sept. 8, 1874-May 16, 1886). 3 Mary Winget (Aug. 22, 1876-Aug. 5, 1888). 3 Minnie Winget (Oct. 31, 1878) m. to John Scalip (deceased). 130 S. Walnut St., Marysville, Ohio. 4 Valita Scalip (1905). 4 Doris Scalip (1915). 3 Edward M. Winget (May 15, 1885-Aug. 26, 1923) killed in sawmill accident. Unwed. 3 William Llewlyn Winget (April 12, 1881) m. Dec. 24, 1906 to Anna C. Kretzschman, 214 Logan St., Celina, Ohio. 4 Howard L. Winget (July 19, 1907) m. to Elnora Huntley. 4 Francis M. Winget (Dec. 12, 1908). 4 Mary E. Winget (June 1, 1913). 4 William E. Winget (June 17, 1915). 4 Harold L. Winget (Jan. 15, 1917). 4 George E. Winget (Dec. 20, 1918). 4 Clarence E. Winget (Oct. 20, 1920). 4 Helen W. Winget (Aug. 15, 1922). 2 Charles Winget (May 1849-July 1927) m. Oct. 13, 1869 to Mary Crysler (1851), 121 S. Maple St., Marysville, Ohio. Stephen Winget, Jr. 181 3 Arthur E. Winget (1872-Jan. 1916) m. 1891 to Mary Haines. 4 Ethel Winget (1892-1896). 4 Clarice Winget (1893), 121 S. Maple St., Marysville, Ohio. 4 Edgar Winget (1896-1897). *4 Mac Winget (Sept. 23, 1898-June 6, 1918). Killed in action in France. 3 Ethel Winget (May 30, 1884-Aug. 1886). 3 Howard Winget (Feb. 3, 1887-Feb. 17, 1907). 2 Infant (deceased). 2 Infant (deceased). CHAPTERX DESCENDANTS OF DANIEL WINGET I Daniel and Phoebe Winget, their children. 1 Jemima Winget (1795-Dec. 15, 1878) m. to William Elliott (Dec. 1793-Sept. 15, 1872). Lived in Greene Co., Pa. Buried . on family burial ground near Waynesburg. 1 John Winget (April 10, 1797-Nov.8, 1897) m. to Mary Martha DeCamp (-d July 15, 1858). Emigrated to Washington Co., Ohio, 1830, later to Athens Co. 1 William Winget (Meh. 7, 1799 Pa.-Nov. 26, 1833, 0.) m. in Md. to Mary Tomlinson (Mch. 25, 1800-May 16, 1834) lived near Frostburg, Md. Emigrated to Madison Co., 0., 1832. See his­ tory page 42. 1 Daniel Winget (June 15, 1801-Sept. 5, 1846) m. to Abigail Coe (1804-July 5, 1845) dtr. of Joshua and Catherine Coe, see Hist. pgs. 42 and 56. Moved to Washington Co., 0., 1830, later moved to Luzerene, Morrow Co. 1 Caleb Winget (1803 (?) )m. to Martha ? lived in Green Co., Pa. and Ohio. 1 Joshua Winget, no record. 1 Elizabeth Winget, no record. 1 Mary Winget m .to James Boylan, lived at Nineva, Pa., moved to Michigan. DESCENDANTS OF DANIEL AND PHOEBE WINGET 1 John and Mary Martha (DeCamp) Winget. 2 Phoebe Winget, no data. 2 Cephas Wingett (Nov. 8, 1823-Feb. 6, 1895) m. Jan. 22, 1846 to Sarah Blakeway (Oct. 3, 1824-Oct. 9, 1901). 3 Albert Bryan Wingett (Dec. 3, 1846-July 19, 1926) m. Meh. 24, 1868 to Susan B. Friedline (Aug. 18, 1850-June 18, 1923). 4 Nevian C. Wingett (April 5, 1869-Nov.22, 1876). 4 Cephas B. Wingett (Mch. 18, 1874) m. Feb. 16, 1907 to Margaret Summers (Jan. 17, 1880). 515 W. 10th St., Topeka, Kan. 5 Jane Wingett (Aug. 9, 1911). 5 Mary Susan Wingett (Dec. 9, 1912) .. 5 Nancy Margaret Wingett (Dec. 1916). 4 Mary Mable Wingett (Feb. 2, 1882) m. May 1907 to Wil- liam C. Maier. · 5 Billy Maier (Dec. 23, 1911). 4 Ethel Evada Wingett (Feb. 18, 1885) m. Dec. 1908 to Bruce Batholomew.

132 Jok'llJ. Winget 133 5 Dwight Bartholomew (Dec. 20, 1910). 5 Duane Bartholomew (Sept. 1913). 4 Allie Francis Wingett ( Oct. 12, 1886-Jan. 10, 1909). 3 Mary J. Wingett (Oct. 5, 1851 twin-Jan. 9, 1877) m. April 10, 1871 to Charles F. Baker. 3 Martha E. Wingett (Oct. 5, 1851, twin) m. Nov. 3, 1868 to Bruce Stephenson. 4 Ray Stephenson. 4 Frank B. Stevenson. Omaha, Nebraska. 3 George Wingett (Jan. 22, 1854-Mch. 29, 1920) m. to Jane Crossin ( Oct. 7, 187 4-May 9, 1906). 4 Estlay Wingett. · 4 Eura Wingett. 3 Josiah Minton Wingett (Dec. 17, 1855-April 10, 1901) m. Sept. 3, 1899 to Lizzie A. Dallas, R. R. 10, Topeka, Kansas. *4 Minton Dallas Winget (Aug. 8, 1900) m. Dec. 1923 to Mamie A. Palenski, 1209 S. Emerson St., Indianapolis, Ind. 2 David Winget m. to Harriet Gabriel, in Gold Rush of '69. 3 Hannibal Winget ( desc.). 3 Grant Winget, Topeka, Kansas, last known. 3 Four daughters. 2 Milton Winget (-d Aug. 27, 1858) m. Dec. 18, 1856 to Eliza­ beth Clutter, dtr. of John Clutter. 3 Charles · Albert Winget ( died age 21). 2 Moses A. Winget (1831-1907) m. to Jane Gabriel, sister to Harriett, above. 3 Marion Winget (1854-1919) m. to Josephine Loiry, 455 Al- len Ave., Chillicothe~ Ohio. 4 Alta Winget, Chillicothe, Ohio. 4 Viva Winget m. to Chester Jones, Chillicothe, Ohio. 4 Roy C. Winget m. to Lulu Jones, Chillicothe, Ohio. 5 Medrith Winget. 5 Carl A. Winget. 5 Lloyd Winget. 5 Betty Jean Winget. 4 Virgil A. Winget m. to Mazella Breining, 149 E. Blake Ave., Columbus, Ohio. 5 John Winget. *4 Leatha J. Winget m. to R. D. Mabie, Brooklyn, N. Y., Red Cross Nurse, World War. 5 Marilyn J. Mabie. 4 Annice N. Winget m. to Alphonzo Juenger, Chillicothe, 0. *4 Austin A. Winget (1897-1918. Camp Shei;man, 0.). 3 Clarence Wingett (Mch. 14, 1856, Wis.-Dec. 5, 1928) m. Nov. 16, 1882 to Bertha Barker, lived on farm near Albany, Ohio all his life. 4 Faye Wingett (Nov. 22, 1886) m. June 9, 1910 to M. Abram Saylor, R. 2, Rockwood, Pa. 5 Maurice Jay Saylor (Dec. 29, 1914). 5 Maynard LaMar Saylor (May 9, 1922). 4 Guy Wingett· (Feb. 20, 1889) m. Oct. 1915 to Irene Elliott, Albany, Ohio. 134 Descendants of Daniel Winget 5 Lois Maxine ~Wingett (Mch. 1924). 4 Orville Wingett (April 1, 1891) m. Oct. 1918 to Lillian? 5 Jackie Ottis Wingett. Chico, Cali. 5 Gloma Maxine Wingett. 5 Calvin Wingett. 4 Emmet Wingett (Sept. 13, 1893) m. Sept. 15, 1919 to Pherice Tewksbury, Albany, 0. 5 Lucile Wingett (July 12, 1920). 4 Ruth Wingett (Feb. 11, 1895) m. April 1916 to Jesse Hines, 584 Frebis Ave., Columbus, Ohio. No Issue. . 4 Marie Wingett (Mch. 23, 1898) m. Nov. 1920 to Ben Dorsey Jr., Albany, Ohio. . 5 Christine Dorsey (April 2, 1923). 4 · Amanda Wingett (June 2, 1901) m. Sept. 1924 to Cecil Chesser, Albany, Ohio. • 5 Marilyn Chesser (May 2, 1926). 5 Helen Joan Chesser (Aug. 1930). 4 Rowe Wingett (Sept. 17, 1905) m. Oct. 1926 to Kathryn Yeager, 336 E. Fifth St., Lancaster, Ohio. No· Issue. 4 Rex Wingett (Jan. 23, 1910) unwed, 1587 1-2 Washington St., Charleston, W. Va. 3 Anson B. Winget (May 28, 1859, Athens, 0) m. Aug. 15, 1889 to Elizabeth Earle Hawks (June 23, 1860, N. J.) R.R. 9, Athens, Ohio. Hist. pg. 41. *4 Theodore Hawk Wingett (Oct. 2, 1895, Ohio) unwed. 4 Marguerite Charlotta Wingett (Feb. 23, 1899, 0.) m. Jan. 5, 1918 to Arthur R. Moore, Athens, Ohio. 5 Marjorie Eileen Moore (Nov. 18, 1922). 5 Doris Anita Moore (April 4, 1925). 3 John Henry Wingett( Dec. 26, 1864-Mch. 20, 1902) m. Dec. 31, 1889 to Ollie Coe (she m. 2nd to Joe Herron, New Marsh­ field, Ohio. 4 Howard Wingett ( deceased in infancy). 4 Constance Wingett m. to John Deens. No Issue. 4 Dena Wingett m. to Carl Russell. 5 Kenneth Russel (1917). 4 John Glen Wingett m. to Emma .? . 5 Mary Olive Wingett (1924). 4 Margaret Jane Wingett m. to Charles Goldman. No Issu~ 3 Martha Wingett (1860-1918) m. to George Troutman. No Issue. 3 Edward Wingett (Jan. 25, 1876-Sept. 20, 1929) m. May 20, -1891 to Dora Clutter (June 5, 1872), sister to Elizabeth above. 71 N. Warren Ave., Columbus, Ohio. 4 Kitson Isura Winget (April 16, 1892) m. Mch. 30, 1908 to Harry Coley. 5 Calven Edward Coley (Mch. 31, 1909) ·m. June 30, 1930 to ? Jokn Winget-Jemima-William 135 5 Louise Coley (Dec. 14, 1911) m. Sept. 30, 1927 to James Wolford. 6 Jean Ann Wolford (April 15, 1929). 5 James Coley (Dec. 18, 1913) .- 5 Jack Coley (Nov. 3, 1915). n *4 Ernest Clyde ·Winget (Dec. 14, 1893) m. Nov. 25, 1923 to Rose Otto. 5 William Edward Winget (April 3, 1928). 4 Viola Valley Winget (Nov. 25, 1896) m. Dec. 31, 1929 to Robert Ford. 4 Ruby Fern Winget (Oct. 28, 1898-Sept. 8. 8, 1926) m. Oct. 28, 1919 to Earl F. Verity. 5 Rose Marie Verity (May 20, 1921-Aug. 13, 1923). 5 Mary Louise Verity (Aug. 17, 1922). 4 Edgar Winget (June 27, 1905). 4 John Clutter Winget (April 15, 1911). 4 Agnes Winget. 3 Maude Winget (1880-1897). 1 Jemima and William Elliott. 2 Abraham Elliott (one of 14 children) m. to Mary Ashbrook. 3 Jemima Elliott m. to ? Burns, near Waynesburg, Pa. No Issue. 2 John Elliott m. to Mary ? (-d. 1864). 1 William and Mary Tomlinson Winget, their children. 2 Mahala Catherine Winget (Mch. 2, 1819) m. Dec. 17, 1840 to Roger Tainter Burnham, (twin to Oliver), (May 31, 1820) son of Erastus and Betty (Woodworth) Burnham, grson of Daniel and Martha (Smith) Burnham, gr. gr. son of Ebene­ zer and Elizabeth Burnham, gr. gr. grson of Ebenezer and Dorothy Burnham, gr gr gr grson of Josiah and Abigail (Varney) Burnham gr gr gr gr grson of Deacon John (-d 1716) and Sarah Burnham, John emigrated from Eng. 1635 to Ipswich, Mass. 2 Mary Ann Winget (Mch.· 11, 1821-Jan. 13, 1892) m. Aug. ·13 1840 to Joseph Mccampbell, Cedarville, Ohio. 2 Luther Winget (July 2, 1823-Oct. 9, 1906) m. to Martha Jane Reynolds (July 5, 1830-Dec. 21, 1913). Reared by his cou­ sin, William Winget. See pages 44 and 121. *3 William Ballentine Winget (1842-Mch. 27, 1865) adopted. See page 44. 2 John Winget (Aug. 19, 1825-Dec. 18, 1858) m. 1850 to Mary Elizabeth Proctor (May 15, 1832-Mch. 27, 1886). Reared by Stephenson Curry. 2 William Winget (Sept. 14, 1827-Dec. 1848) unwed. Reared by cousin, William Winget, page 121. 2 Catherine Winget (Sept. 16, 1829-1854) m. to John Robinson, reared by cousin, William Winget. No Issue. 2 Elizabeth C. Winget (Feb. 8, 1832-1912) m. to John Mc­ Cloud, London, Ohio. 186 Descendants <>/ Daniel Winget 2 David .Clement Winget (April 16, 1834-June 12, 1911) m. Feb. 26, 1862 to Mary Elizabeth (Proctor) Winget, widow of John, above. Reared by David Clement. DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM AND MARY (TOMLINSON) WINGET 2 Mahala Catherine Winget and Roger Tainter Burnham. 3 Mary Ellen Burnham (June 20, 1841-April 11, 1857) m. to Harry Stroud. 4 Harry A. Stroud, Hutchinson, Kansas. 4 Maude Stroud m. to ? Hedderly. 4 Edward Stroud m. 5 Clint Stroud. · 5 Grace Stroud m. to ? Shaw. 5 Edna Stroud m. to ? Gray. 5 Cora ·Stroud m. to ? Kibble. 3 Adelia Burnham (Sept. 10, 1842-Jan. 11, 1866) m. to T. C. Granger. 4 Henry Granger, Plankinton, S. Dakota. 3 Harriett Burnham (died age 16. 1844-1861). 3 Henry Burnham ( died age 16. Oct. 10, 1846-Dec. 8, 1861). 3 George Burnham (Feb. 22, 1850) Judge, m. Aug. 27, 1873 to Clara M. Young, Vinton, Iowa. Hist. pg. 43. 4 Thuel Burnham, World known virtuosi, see Hist. pg. 43. 3 John W. Burnham (Feb. 16, 1852) m. to Alice Ceselia Learns (July 27, 1857) in general merchandise business with two oldest sons, Plankinton, S. Dakota. 4 Lloyd W. Burnham (Dec. 19, 1883) unwed. 4 Vera Colista Burnham (Sept. 11, 1885) m. to ? Hurry. 5 Aneta Hurry (April 25, 1916). · 5· Geraldine Hurry (Dec. 7, 1918). 4 Melville C. Burnham (Sept. 8, 1887) m. to ? Plankinton, 5 Mary Alice Burnham (Sept. 12, 1920). 5 Vera Burnham (April 9, 1922). 5 Melva Joe Burnham (July 1, 1923). 4 Rupert E. Burnham (Feb. 29, 1896) m. to ? 5 Bobby Burnham Burnham (Sept. 20, 1921). 5 Germaine Burnham (Oct. 5, 1923). 5 Junior Burnham (Oct. 25, 1925). 3 Ollie Burnham (1855) m. to Alex Davie. 3 Philo Burnham (Sept. 16, 1856-May 12, 1857). 3 Elizabeth Burnham (July 21, 1861) m. to Frank Watson, Vinton Iowa. 2 Mary Ann Winget and Joseph Mccampbell. *3 William Newton Mccampbell (1841-1919) m. to Rebecca .George (-d Oct. 11, 1925) Xenia, Ohio. 3 Jane Mccampbell (Sept. 26, 1843-Sept. 18, 1904) m. Sept. 24, 1863 to John H. Van Sehoyck (July 8, 1836-Dec. 22, 1875). 4 Ida Ann Van Schoyck (Sept. 4, 1864) m July 17, 1915 to Rev. A. K. Strane, Mecflevy's Fort, Pa. No Issue. William Winget 137 4 Martha Jane Van Schoyck (May 10, 1866) m. Jan. 25, 1894 to James T. Brown (Jan. 30, 1859) Hilliards, Ohio. 5 Viana J. Brown (Jan. 14, 1895-July 25, 1895). 5 Walter D. Brown (Dec. 17, -1896) m. Oct. 17, 1929 to Cora Mathew. 5 Edith B. Brown (April 15, 1898) m. Sept. 29, 1920 to Fay Mosier. 6 James Leroy Mosier (Dec. 24, 1924). 5 Mary Helen Brown (Sept. 15, 1899). 5 Ida Pauline Brown (May 18, 1907) m. ·April 6, 1927 to Harvy Lisk. 6 Robert·W. Lisk (Nov. 4, 1927). 6 Dorothy Jean Lisk (Aug. 1, 1929). 4 Mary Elizabeth Van Schoyck (Mch. 17, 1868). Unwed, Reynoldsburg, Ohio. 4 Joseph Van Schoyck (Nov. 27, 1869-July 23, 1900). Unwed. 4 William Van Schoyck· (Sept. 21, 1873-April 20, 1928) m. July 4, 1900 to Della Hammers. 5 Arthur L. Van Schoyck (May 16, 1901) m. Dec. 8, 1925 to Agatha Alsbaugh. 6 Kenneth L. Van Schoyck. 6 Carol W. Van Schoyck. 5 Eva Jane Van Schoyck (Dec. 12, 1902) m. Sept. 14, 1928 to George Lorentz. 5 Lester W. Van Schoyck (Dec. 28, 1908). 5 J. Carl Van Schoyck (Jan. 18, 1911). 5 J. Harold Van Schoyck (Sept. 13, 1916). 5 Dorothy L. Van Schoyck (July 18, 1919). 3 Luther McCampbell (1846-Nov. 27, 1919) Minister, m. May 21, 1873 to Laura Alice Moore (Feb. 26, 1851-April 30, 1919). 4 Josephine McCampbe11 (Jn---e :'2. 1874-Dec. 15, 1902) m. May 17, 1893 to Neil W. Gray. 5 Laura Isabelle Gray (Aug. 20, 1900) m. to Ray Pratt, Armanda, Mich. 6 One child. 4 John Edwin Mccampbell (Aug. 19, 1876-Nov. 28, 1903) m. Aug. 10, 1898 to Nellie Muir. 5 William McCampbell (April 2, 1900) m. to ? Almont, Mich. 4 Robert Arthur Mccampbell (April 1, 1879) m. Mch. 18, 1908 to Jessie May Klingensmith, 913 Highland Ave., Greensburg, Pa. No Issue.- 4 James Walter Mccampbell (July 20, 1881-April 5, 1911) Unwed. 4 Alvin Luther Mccampbell (July 5, 1884-April 11, 1915) minister, m. July 14, 1910 to Florence Cameron. Shem. 2nd A. L. Zook. 5 John Luther Mccampbell (May 30, 1911). Detroit, Mich. 4 Jesse Paul McCampbell (April 5, 1887-Jan. 27, 1891). 138 Descendants of Daniel Winget 4 Mary Burdella Mccampbell (Jan. 14, 1890) m. July 1, 1919 to Edgar McQuiston. 5 Thomas McQuiston (Oct. 1922). . 4 Alice Jane Mccampbell (Oct. 8, 1895, twin) m. Aug. 15 1923 to George McNeil. · ' No Issue. *4 George William Mccampbell (Oct. 8, 1895, twin) m. June 24, 1919 to Lena Gertrude Foulk. 5 Martha Louise Mccampbell (Dec. 6, 1921). 5 Roy Lewis Mccampbell (Mch. 13, 1927). 3 Mary Elizabeth Mccampbell (1848-1871). Unwed. 3 Alfred Mccampbell (1850-1852). 3 James S. Mccampbell (Jan. 1, 1853) Dentist, later Presby­ terian minister, m. April 24, 1879 to Ella Herritt (Herriott) (June 17, 1852-Feb. 1921), R. 12, Greenville Tennessee. Hist. pg~ 43. · 4 Mary Mccampbell (Nov. 15, 1880) m. Oct. 1, 1908 to Rev. Robert C. Peters, New Cumberland, Pa. No Issue. 4 Joseph A. Mccampbell (June 26, 1885) m. Oct. 29, 1908 to Elise Harris, R. 1, Montgomery, Ala. 5 Mary K. Mccampbell (1910). 5 James R. Mccampbell (1912). 5 Ruth E. Mccampbell (1913). 3 John Mccampbell (July 5, 1855) m. Aug. 6, 1890 to Esther Jane Gray (Aug. 7, 1862-April 11, 1918) R. 2, Xenia, Ohio. 4 Joseph Alexander Mccampbell (Aug. 12, 1891) m. Dec. 31, 1919 to Lulu Pearl Klingsmith. 5 John Henry Mccampbell (Nov. 18, 1920-Mch. 11, 1927). 5 Mary Ann Mccampbell (July 30,. 1924, twin). 5 Ruth Esther Mccampbell (July 30, 1924, twin). 4 Mary Ethel Mccampbell (Aug. 8, 1895). Unwed. 4 Cora Maria Mccampbell (Dec. 14, 1897). Unwed, R. 2, Xe~a, Ohfu. . 4 Gray Winget McCampb·ell (July 8, 1900) m. Aug. 1923 to Edna Laura Collins, Camden, Ohio, R. 2. 5 Harry Gray Mccampbell (July 23, 1924). · 5 George William Mccampbell (Sept. 18, 1925). 5 Meryle Collins Mccampbell (July 31, 1928). 4 Lloyd Ramsey Mccampbell (Feb. 22, 1903). Unwed, R. 2, Xenia, Ohio. 3 Martha Mccampbell (1858-May 26, 1886) m. Sept. 21, 1882 to Nathan L. Ramsey, Cedarville, Ohio. 4 Mary Ramsey m. Dec. 31, 1920 to J. A. Kreitzer, Cedarville, Ohio. 5 Martha Eloise Kreitzer. 3 Robert Mccampbell (1860-1902) m. Mch. 31, 1885 to Sara Elizabeth Elliott, cousin to Esther Gray, above. 4 Pearl Mccampbell m. to Cameron Ricketts, Xenia, Ohio. 5 Grace Elizabeth Ricketts (1918). 5 John Robert Ricketts (1920). 5 David Edwin Ricketts (1925). William Winget 139 2 John and Mary (Proctor) Winget. 3 Emily Jane Winget (Dec. 12, 1851-Jan. 4, 1917) m. May 16, 1871 to *Thomas Henry Clemons (April 14, 1846-May 27, 1910). . 4 John Winget Clemons (Aug. 18, 1872). Unwed. 4 Thomas Henry Clemons Jr. (Jan. 14, 1874) m. to Minnie· · Gibson. No Issue. 4 Mary Josephine Clemons (Feb. 20,. 1876-Nov. 10, 1884). 3 Althea Josephine Winget (Dec. l, 1853-Dec. 27, 1924) m. Oct. 15, 1874 to *Elmore C. Wentworth (Dec. 9, 1846-Oct. 3, 1895). 4 Mary Jane Went,vorth (Mch. 29, 1878), 96 Lincoln St., Col­ umbus, Ohio. 4 Martha Althea Wentworth (Aug. 8, 1880-Dec. 6, 1880). 3 Mary Adelia Winget (July 18, 1855) m. Sept. 6, 1876 to John C. Van Auken (April 5, 1848-Sept. 12, 1918) Michigan. 4 Carl H. Van Auken (Jan. 1878-July 20, 1918) m. Nov. 2, 1897 to Olive Morgan (June 3, 1877). 5 Marjorie Van Auken (Nov. 6, 1898-May 6, 1910). 5 John Channey Van Auken (Aug. 14, 1901) m. June 22, 1921 to Myrtle Ruth Evoy (Sept. 11,1902). 6 Jean Elizabeth Van Auken (May 8, 1926). 5 Glenn Morgan Van Auken (Mch. 26, 1907-Feb. 9, 1927). 3 Twin sister to Mary Adelia ( died in infancy). 3 Harriet Alice Winget (1857-1861). 2 Elizabeth Winget and John McCloud. 3 William McCloud (deceased). 3 Richard McCabe McCloud (lawyer, deceased). 3 Luther McCloud (deceased). 3 John McCloud (deceased) . 3 George McCloud (deceased). 2 David Clement and Mary Elizabeth (Proctor) Winget. 3 David C. Winget Jr. (died in infancy). 3 John Luther Winget (Feb. 16, 1864). Kenton, Ohio. 3 William Ballentine Winget (Nov. 24, 1865) m. Jan. 24, 1895 to Laura Agnes Fulton (May 27, 1873), 6359 Stewart Ave., Chicago, Illinois. 4 Mary Isabelle Winget (Dec. 9, 1896). Unwed. 4 Mildred Josephine Winget (June 3, 1898) m. Mch. 26, 1917 to *Fred Henry Sells (June 17, 1894). 5 William Frederick Sells (May 15, 1921). 5 Elizabeth Sells {Oct. 18, 1924). 4 Alice Margaret Winget (Jan. 8, 1902) m. Sept. 10, 1927 to Howard Valade Mickle (Aug. 18, 1901). 5 Howard Valade Mickle Jr. (May 25, 1928). 4 William Fulton Winget (April 28, 1909) m. Nov. 19, 1927 to Ruth Alice Pence (Feb. 11, 1910). 3 Ernest Erskin Winget (Mch. 13. 1868) m. May 23, 1899 to Nellie Ethel Smith ( Oct. 28, 1873). 4 Allen Frederick Winget (Aug. 11, 1900) m. to ? No Issue. · 140 Descendants of Daniel Winget 4 Jessie Ernestine Winget (Jan. 2, 1906). 3 James Quitner Winget (Feb. 28, 1871) m. June 6, 1892 to Charlotte Gale Stearnes ( Oct. 29, 1871) Montezuma, Iowa. 4 Charles Quintner Winget (Dec. 25, 1894) m. April 11, 1916 to Gladys Straight (May 6, 1896). 5 Leotta Louise Winget (Mch. 21, 1917). 5 Kenneth Quintner Winget (Aug. 28, 1919). 5 Wayne Francis Winget (Nov. 25, 1922). 1 Mary Winget and James Boylan, lived at Nineva, Pa., later in Michigan. · . 2. Aaron Boylan (one of 12 children) (Md.), m. to Eliza J. Con­ ner, Milford Center, Ohio. *3 John L. Boylan (Md.) m. to Florence Dean, Milford Center, Ohio. 4 Bernett Boylan m. to Robert Jacobson. 5 Robert Jacobson Jr. 4 John Dean Boylan (Md.) m. to Pricilla Dunlap, Milford · Center, Ohio. . · 1 Caleb and Martha Winget, lived in Greene and Washington Co., Pa., came to Ohio 1841, lived in Knox Co., later Meigs, 2 Michael C. Winget (Feb~ 28, 1826) m. Dec. 1844 to Nancy Berry (April 18, 1873) dtr. of John and Jane Berry, lived in Meigs, moved to Vinton Co~, 1880. See history page 41. *3 Harvey Winget (Md. Aug. 28, 1845-Mch. 30, 1899) m. to Sara Burkett. 4 Wilton W. Winget (Md., accidental death, age 41). 3 Margaret Jane Winget (Nov. 8, 1846-Feb. 21, 1930) m. to *John W. Hopkins (Jan. 15, 1838-Apr.14, 1900) son of Rev. James K. Hopkins. 4 Rush Hopkins (desc., childhood). 4 Orville Hopkins ( desc., childhood). 3 Sophronia Winget (Sept. 11, 1848-May 2, 1924) m. to Dr. LaFayette Martin. 4 Edward Martin (Nov. 11, 1867-Jan. 5, 1896) lost life R.R. accident, unwed. 4 Flora M. Martin (Aug. 6, 1873) m. to Charles Halliday. 2218 Twentieth St., S. W. Akron, Ohio. 5 Marvin Halliday (Aug. 31, 1896) m. Jan. 1, 1916 to Clara Wallace. · 6 Alice Halliday (Feb. 26, 1917). 5 Rholden Martin (Aug. 26, 1898) m. May 20, 1920 to An­ na Houston. 6 Catherine Martin (Feb. 17, 1922). 5 Sophronia Janet Martin (Apr. 24, 1904) m. Dec. 23, 1926 to Douglas Messenger. 6 James Edward Messenger (Sept. 24, 1927). 5 Margaret Martin (May 28, 1915). · 4 Elwood H. Martin (Feb. 14, 1876) m. to Janie Huse. 1300 N. 5th St., Monroe, La. 5 Elizabeth Martin. 5 Harvey Martin. 5 Robert Martin. Mary Winget-Caleb, Jr. 141 4 Elwood Martin m. 2nd to Etta Tarkington. 3 Rholden Winget (May 24, 1850-June 17, 1868). 3 Ernaline Winget (June 14, 1852-Aug. 1, 1856). 3 Mary Winget (Sept. 16, 1853-July 28, 1854). 3 Stephen Frampton Winget (Mch. 20, 1856-Aug. 21, 1891) m. to Louise Jane Folger (July 3, 1865), dtr of Rufus Lathrop and Polly (Bennefield) Folger. 4 John C. Wingett (May 16, 1889) m. to Carolyn MacNaught (Apr. 12, 1891). · 5 Virginia Folger Wingett (Apr. 24, 1917). 5 Muriel Joy Wingett (May 16, 1921). 3 Isaac Cartledge Winget (June 9, 1858-May 12, 1916) m. to Roena Wythem. 4 Laura Winget m. to ? Steele. R. 2, Huntington, W. Va. No issue. 4 Winnefred Winget (desc.) unwed. 3 James H. ·Winget (Dec. 11, 1860-lost life in R. R. accident) m. to Hattie Eals. Omaha, Neb., last heard from. 4 Bessie Winget. 4 Emma Winget. 4 Rush Winget. 4 Faye Winget. 4 Harold Winget. 4 Mary Winget. 2 Michael Wingett m. 2nd Feb. 5, 1880 to Judith Clewell. 3 Elmira Winget (Apr. 10, 1881-Dec. 12, 1903) m. to ? De­ vore. 2 Charles Wingett m. to ? 3 Ellsworth Wingett m. 1894 to Minnie B. Whetstone, dtr. of Capt. T. N. Whetstone of Letart Falls, 0. Taught school in Meigs Co.· 4 Wayne Wingett (Apr. 5, 1897) Sheriff of Athens Co. 4 Three sons, two dtrs. ( one desc.). 2 Lemeul Wingett, moved to W. Va. 2 Phoebe Wingett (-d. Burlington, 0.) m. to ? Seaman. DANIEL WINGETT BRANCH 1801 1 Daniel Wingett and Abigail Coe. See Hist pgs. 42 and 56. 2 Franklin Wingett (Jan. 19, 1823-Mch. 29, 1892) m. Nov. 6, 1851 to Emily Truax (June 1829-Apr. 14, 1914). 2 Arminta Wingett (Jan. 24, 1824-d. in childhood). 2 Joshua Wingett (Aug. 30, 1826-Dec. 16, 1893) m. Aug. 30, 1852 to Jane Paschall of the Boone tribe (May 15, 1833-Jan. 24, 1913). 2 Milton Wingett (July 8, 1828). Unwed. 2 Artemus Wingett (Aug. 23, 1831). Unwed. 2 Newton Wingett (Feb. 5, 1833-July 27, 1893) m. 1854 to Elizabeth Nellons (Aug. 1835 (? )-May 31, 1899). 2 Silas Wingett (S-ept. 25, 1835-Mch. 14, 1865) m. 1859 (?) to Annie Pascall (Humphrey), sister to Jane, above. 2 Charles Wingett (July 13, 1838-Feb. 18, 1921) m. Nov. 16, 1861 to (Lydia) Hartpence (desc.) and 2nd Oct. 11, 1886 to Esther Bird (-Jan. 30, 1925). 142 DescendantB of Daniel Winget *2 William Barkley Wingett (Oct. 6, i841-Apr. 28, 1901). Un­ wed. DESCENDANTS OF DANIEL AND ABIGAIL (COE) WINGET 2 Franklin and Emily (Truax) Wingett. · 3 John Franklin Wingett (l\tlay 30, 1853-Dec.9, 1919) m. July 19, 1876 to Pho.ebe Jackson (July 23, 1857). 4 Lola Wingett (July 17, 1877) m. Jan. 28, 1898 to Albert Haruff (Dec. 10, 1873). · 5 Inez Haruff (Dec. 1, 1899) m. Dec. 31, 1921 to Reginald Sullivan (Mch. 17, 1897). 6 Reginald Sullivan (Dec. 31, 1923-May 27, 1925). 6 Robert Eugene· Sullivan (July 16, 1926) . 6 Patricia Ann Sullivan (June 4,-July 12, 1930). 5 Grace Haruff (Mch. 25, 1901) m. Dec. 24, 1922 to Carl Smithson (Dec. 22, 1894). 6 Gene Smithson (June 8, 1923). 6 Jimmy Jay Smithson (Feb. 28, 1927). 4 Mary Wingett (May 17, 1883) m. Oct. 14, 1903 to Warner Rinehart (June 20, 1880). 5 Naomi Rinehart (May 25, 1904). 129 Walnut St., Marion 0. 5 Donald Rinehart (May 15, 1910). 5 Richard Rinehart (Nov. 28, 1914). 4 Ethel Wingett (June 23, 1886) m. Aug. 2, 1903 to Walter Bachelder (Feb. 8, 1883-Aug. 2, 1912). 5 Perry Bachelder (Sept. 13, 1905) m. Meh. 8, 1926 to Helen Wick (Aug. 5, 1908). . 6 Jeanne Marie Bachelder (Dec. 16, 1926). 5 Evelyn Bachelder (Jan 11, 1911). 4 Ethel Wingett Bachelder m. Sept 22, 1915 to Willis Barger (Oct. 16, 1881). · 4 Ralph Wingett (Dec. 1, 1889) m. · Dec. 23, 1911 to Ferne Graham (Sept. 30, 1892). 5 Emily Dale Wingett (Sept. 9, 1912). 5 George Wingett (Jan. 3, 1915). 5 John Robert Wingett (May 10, 1930). 4 Dale Wingett (Nov. 5, 1894) m.l Dec. 18, 1912 to James Snyder (Feb. 10, 1887). (Md.). Cardington, Ohio. 315 S. Marion street.. 5 Wayne Snyder (May 8. 1918) .. 5 John WiHiam Snyder (Sept. 16, 1921). 3 Willis Clark Wingett (Sept. 12, 1855-Sept. 27, 1928) m. May 5, 1885 to Anna Kinney (July 9, 1864). 4 Grace Wingett (May 23, 1886). 134 N. Greenwood St. Marion, 0. 4 Iva Wingett (Mch. 13 .. 1890) m. June 30, 1910 to Arthur Van Atta (Nov. 28, 1887). 5 Marguerite Van Atta. (June 30, 1913). 5 Martha Van Atta (Oct. 5, 1918). 4 Floy Wingett (Dec. 4, 1894) m. Sept. 3, 1915 to Ernest Wideman. 5 Clark Wideman (Feb. 18, 1917). Daniel Wingett (1801) 143

3 Rosella Wingett (May 20, 1858-June 27, 1928) m. Nov. 28, 1876 to Lewis Jackson (July 4, 1852-Nov. 25, 1922). 4 Effie Jackson (May 5, 1889) m. Nov. 11, 1908 to Alexand­ er Hilderbrand (Aug. 11, 1887). · 5 Howard Hilderbrand (May 5, 1909). 5 Lesley Hilderbrand (Jan. 18, 1914). *4 Williard Jackson (Apr. 19, 1895) m. Sept. 24, 1918 to Helen Pineyard (May 22, 1892). 5 Charles Jackson (July 17, 1919). 5 George Jackson (Apr. 6, 1924). 5 Paul Jackson (Aug. 25, 1927). 4 Lloyd Jackson (Oct. 3, 1898) m. Sept. 4, 1924 to Goldie Tischer (Jan. 1, 1903). 5 Virginia Louise· Jackson (Aug. 11, 1925). 5 Iris Rosetta Jackson (Apr. 6, 1927). 3 Ella Jane Wingett (Aug. 16, 1861) m. Feb. 23, 1888 to Wil­ liam Ullom "(Feb. 17, 1867). 144 Charles St., Marion, Ohio. No issue. · 3 Addie May Wingett (May 18, 1864) m. Dec. 24, 1885 to John Corwin (Oct. 2, 1855-June 5, 1930). Mt. Gilead, Ohio. 4 Barkley Corwin (June 19, 1887). Unwed. *4 William Roy Corwin (Apr. 15, 1890) m. Sept 11, 1920 to May Wilson (June 3, 1892(?). 5 Reta Corwin (Sept. 21, 1921). 5 Fred Corwin (Aug. 9, 1923,twin)). 5 Robert Corwin (Aug. 9, 1923,twin). 4 Mary E. Corwin (Apr. 27, 1893) m. Jan. 15, 1914 to Ralph Burson (Mch. 11, 1889). 5 Franklin Burson (July 20, 1915). 5 Hartley Burson (Jan. 28, 1922). 5 Estelle Irene Burson (Apr. 13, 1929). *4 Fred Corwin (Aug. 14, 1895-Aug. 9, 1919). Killed in action in France. 4 Pearl Corwin (Oct. 12, 1897, twin) m. Apr. 29, 1915 to George Shade (Apr. 13, 1897). 5 Merle Shade (Nov. 9, 1916). 5 Ellah Shade (Feb. 19, 1919). 5 Anna Belle Shade (July 22, 1921). 5 John Shade (Feb. 18, 1926). 5 Elizabeth Berle Shade ( Oct. 8, 1927). 4 Berle Corwin (Oct. 12, 1897, twiri) m. Mch. 11, 1916 to Freeman Zolman (Mch. 4, 1892). · 3 Charles Wingett (July 4, 1867) m. July 4, 1893 to Zoa Barg­ er (Nov. 25, 1872). R. I. Nevada, Ohio. 3 Ida Wingett (Aug. 26, 1872) m. July 5, 1924 to Fred Braden (Nov. 4, 1866) R. R. 2, Mt. Gilead, Ohio. 144 Desc"endants of Daniel Winget 2 Joshua and Jane (Parshall) Wingett. · 3 Alfred Wingett (Aug. 15, 1853) m. Feb. 12, 1880 to Thresa Allen (May 22, 1855-Nov. 13, 1908) R. ~' Atwater, 0. 4 Niles Wingett (Oct. 25, 1881 died young). 4 Clark A. Wingett (Apr. 1, 1882) m. Sept. 20, 1919 to Lulu Ryan (May, 8, 1881). R. R. 1, Clinton, Illinois. 3 Alfred Wingett m. 2nd May 29, 1911 to Viola E. Mumby. 3 Lucy Wingett (Jan. 22, 1855-Oct. 3, 1893) m. Sept. 6, 1896 to Martin Knox (Mch. 19, 1854-Nov.29, 1926). 4 Edith Jane Knox (Oct. 18, 1886) m. Oct. 18, 1916 to Ed­ ward Quackenbush. m. 2nd. to Harry Talbott, Rockball, Ill. 5 Lucy Quackenbush m. to 0. T. Sisson. 6 Edith Eldena Sisson (1921). 6 Edward Sisson (1926). 6 Ro lend Gene Sisson ( 1929) . 5 Esther Quackenbush m. to Walter A. Stern. 6 Myrtle Stern (1925). 6 Betty Lue Stern (1927). 6 Robert Stern (1929). · 4 Neva Knox (Nov. 6, 1889) m. to Wm. Turner, Sterling, Ill. 5 Williard George Turner (Feb. 12, 1919) .. 3 Elvira Wingett (July 4, 1857-Mch. 7, 1884) m. Jan. 29, 1878 to James Carnine. Bismark, North Dakota. 4 Mae Carnine m .to Frank Bender. 214 E. 2nd St. Ber­ wick, Pa. 5 James Carnine Bender. 5 Paul Rudisill Bender.. 3 Leander N. Wingett (Jan. 24, 1859-Nov. 17, 1891) m. Nov. 12, 1890 to Emma Sapp. . 4 John Wingett (1891 (? )-died in childhood). 3 Howard Levi Wingett (Oct. 17, 1861) m. Dec. 10, 1887 to Elizabeth Jane Wattawa (Aug. 9, 1866) White Lake, Dakota Territory. 4 Elza Stickney Wingett (Sept. 16, 1888) m. Oct. 15, 1914 to Kate Behrendt. 5 Edna Wingett (July 15, 1915). 5 Adair Wingett (Sept. 5, 1917). 5 Robert Wingett (July 15, 1919). 5 Norma Jean Wingett (Feb. 9, 1922). 5 Arthur Wingett (May 21, 1924). 5 Elden Wingett (July 23, 1926). 5 Winefred Wingett (June 6, 1928). 4 Alice Wingett (May 12, 1890) m. Aug. 26, 1908 to Alva Byrum Blunt. South Dakota. 1Janiel Winget, Jr. 145 5 Pierre Byrum· (Dec. 4, 1909). 5 Howard Byrum (Jan. 13, 1911). 5 Alvin Byrum (Feb. 12, 1914). 5 Virginia Byrum (Apr. 10, 1920). 4 Sadie Wingett (Jan. 11, 1895) m. Jan. 29, 1922 to Chas. Moore, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, 1615 S. Norton, Street. 5 Marybeth Moore (July 19, 1925). Adopted cousin of Mr. Moore. 3 Ida E. Wingett (Dec. 11, 1862) m. Deel 2, 1886 to Sam Apk­ er (deceased). 323 Ford Ave., Highland Park, Michigan. 4 Ray H. Apker m. to Mabel Lambly. 5 Leon Karl Apker. 5 Leslie George Apker. 4 Deloss Read Apker m. Alice Dewees._ No issue. 4 Ruby Mae Apker m. Ritchie McVeigh. 5 Lloyd McVeigh. 5 Ida Mae McVeigh. 3 Eva Wingett (Dec. 11, 1863-Jan. 12, 186_4) twin. 3 Emma Wingett (Dec. 11, 1863-Sept. 13, 1864) twin. 3 Silas A. Wingett (May 4, 1865-Dec. 27, 1895). Unwed. 3 Charles E. Wingett (June 7, 1867) m. Mch. 18, 1908 to Alma M. (Himer) Hiddleson (Apr.. 12, 1862). No issue. 518 E. Wall St. Morrison, Illinois. 3 Rosa B. Wingett (Mch. 3, 1869) m. Oct. 31, 1888 to Andrew Jackson (May, 9, 1865-Dec. 20, 1917). 4 Joy Mae Jackson (Aug. 19, 1889-Dec.. 26, 1894). 4 Milo Jackson (Dec. 21, 1894-Aug. 28, 1920). 4 Earl Jackson (Oct. 28, 1896) m. Feb. 10, 1921 to Kathleen Lintiner, Detroit, Michigan. 5 Jack Jackson (Aug. 14, 1923). 4 Mabel Jackson (May 7, 1898) m. Feb. 2, 1920 to Otto Bouma (Dec. 25, 1898). Melrose Park, Chicago, Illinois. 5 Dorothy Rose Bouma (Jan. 24, 1922). 5 Clifford Bouma (Apr. 3, 1926). 3 Wesley Wingett (May 14, 1870-July 25, 1870). 3 Frank Wingett (July 3, 1872-May 10, 1873). 3 George Wingett (Dec. 11, 1873-July 1, 1874). 3 Arthur J. Wingett (Oct. 11, 1875) m. Oct.. 20, 1902 to Etta Kupahl. 229 S. Painter St., Whittier, California. 4 Florence Wingett (Adopted). 4 Paul Wingett (Adopted). 3 Albert Wingett (July 27, 1879) m. to Grace Marker. 1326 Chestnut St., Rockford, Illinois. 4 Benita Leon Wingett (Oct. 29, 1912). 146 Descendants of Daniel Winget 4 Grace Lenore Wingett (Aug. 20, 1915). 4 Norma Jeane Wingett (Sept. 6, 1920). 4 Albert Wingett, Jr. (Aug. 14-15, 1923.). 4 Mark Breevort Wingett (May 21, 1926). 2 Newton and Elizabeth (Nellons) Wingett. 3 Alonzo Wingett (Aug. 8, 1855-Dec. 7, 1898) m. 1\1:ch. 28 1878 to Clara Rebecca Hull (Nov. 22, 1858-Dec. 1, 1914). ' 4 Mary Gertrude (Mamie) Wingett (Apr. 15, 1879) m. Mch. 11, 1911 to Ephriam Kunkle (July 24, 1879). 119 W. Pleasant St., Mt. Vernon, Ohio. 5 Lawrence Kunkle (Apr. 6, 1912). 5 Mary Grace Kunkle (May 20, 1914). 4 Martha Ellen (Mattie) Wingett (Aug. 2, 1881) m. Nov.17, 1903 to Bert Graham. · 5 Kenneth Graham (Dec. 3, 1904). 4 Martha Ellen Wingett Graham m. 2nd D~c. 6, 1913 to .Al­ bert Breese ( Oct. 1, 1888). 5 Martha Breese (Jan. 2,-Jan. 6, 1916). 4 Burr Wingett (Aug. 17, 1883). · 4 Anna Wingett (Sept. 28, 1885) m. July 2, 1905 to Glen Detwiler (Oct. 29, 1886). 5 Blanche Detwiler (Aug. 14, 1906) m. to Elsworth Fryberg­ er. 1493 W. 114th St., Cleveland, Ohio. 6 Esther Louise Fryberger (July 11, 1930). 5 Burr Detwiler (May 31, 1910). 5 William Detwiler (Aug. 1, 1907). 5 Clara Ellen Detwiler (Aug. 9, 1912) m. 1929 to John Dalrymple (Apr. 1, 1907). 6 Murice Joy Dalrymple (Mch. 31, 1930). 5 Wallace Detwiler (Nov. 20, 1914). 5 Charles Detwiler (Apr. 28, 1917). 4 Edna Wingett (Dec. 27, 1888-Feb. 9, 1921) m. Oct. 28, 1912 to Verne McCammon. 5 Harriet McCammon (Apr. 28, 1913). 4 Addie Wingett (Feb. 4, 1891). Unwed. 4 Lydia Wingett (Sept. 29 1893) m. Mch. 20, 1912 to Charles McCammon (Sept. 30, 1889). 5 Delta McCammon (Aug. 4, 1914). 5 Donald McCammon (Sept. 4, 1917). 5 Sylvia McCammon (Apr. 26, 1920). 5 Betty McCammon (June 20, 1923). 5 Alice Dale McCammon (Oct. 1, 1925). *4 Romie Wingett (Apr. 12, 1896) m. Sept. 1, 1921 to Inez Powers (Feb. 4, 1904). Edison, Ohio. 3 Ida Belle Wingett (Dec. 25, 1858-May 17, 1884) m. 1876 to John Hull (1856-Nov. 25, 1920). Daniel Winget, Jr. i47 4 W. Clyde Hull (Feb. 9, 1878) m. June 30, 1896 to Myrtle Potter (Apr. 27, 1878-Feb. 25, 1898). 5 Austin Hull (Feb. 24, 1898) m. May 1919 to Cora Forridin (Aug.20, 1896). - 6 Kenneth Hull (Mch. 4, 1920). 5 Ida Hull (Aug. 6, 1909) m. June 15, 1927 to George Rode­ hever (Feb. 18, 1908). 6 Dorothy Louise Rodehever (Mch. 15, 1928). 4 W. Clyde Hull m. 2nd Oct. 8, 1902 to Elsie Marlott (Aug. 31, 1877). Kenwood Drive, Middletown, Ohio. 5 Grace Hull ( Oct. 6, 1906) m. Feb. 25, 1927 to Clarence Butterfield (Mch. 20, 1902). 4 Harley Hull (May 12, 1881) m. to Ethel Shield (Aug. 7, 1881). 916 W. Hillsdale St., Lansing, Mich. 5 John Hull (Sept. 11, 1905-Oct. 13, 1906). 5 Harley Donald Hull (Nov. 26, 1907). 5 Harold Hull (Feb. 10, 1912). 2 Silas and Annie (Parschall) Wingett. 3 Leslie Wingett (Sept. 20, 1860-Aug.8, 1930) m. Jan. 14, 1897 to Lucy Bigsby, Morrison, Illinois. 4 Harold Wingett (1905 (?), Chicago, Illinois . . 3 Dora Winget (Jan. 27, 1864, Morrison Ill.) m. to Alexander Brett (May 2, 1862-Nov. 2, 1889). Auburn, Washington. 4 Raymond J. Brett (Nov. 17, 1886) m. Mar. 3, 1909 to Nellie Ozala Clark (Oct. 19, 1887-Jan. 12, 1920) Auburn Wash­ ington. 5 Hiel Raymond Brett (Mch. 1, 1912). 4 Raymond J. Brett m. 2nd May 31, 1922 to Stella Jones. · 5 Donna Rae Brett (July 15, 1929). Auburn Washington. 4 John Williard Brett (Nov. 2, 1889) m. Apr. 2, 1913 to Emma Unetta Dyment (Feb. 11, 1894). R. 3, Wanatchee, Washington. 5 Oren Williard Brett (May 6, 1914). 5 Darrell Dyment Brett (Dec. 15, 1916). 5 Dora Unetta Brett (Feb. 24, 1919-Aug. 1, 1920). 5 Ralph Burl Brett (Sept. 7, 1920). 5 Lloyd Mervin Brett (Apr. 23, 1922). 5 John Gilbert Brett (Apr. 29, 1930). 2 Charles and Lydia (Hartpence) Wingett. 3 Mary Elnora Wingett (Dec. 6, 1862-Nov. 9, 1930) m. Feb. 28, 1884 to Andrew Jackson McCrea (Dec. 17, 1856-June 10, 1920). 4 Esther McCrea (Aug. 25, 1889-Nov. 20., 1919) m. to ? Burke. 5 Mary Burke. 5 Lewis Burke. 5 Irene Burke. 148 1Jesceml,ants <>I Daniel Winget 4 Mary McCrea (Oct. 30, 1896-Jan. 6, 1919).. Unwed. 4 Charles McCrea (Apr. 9, 1900) m. Nov. 23, 1919· to ? R. 6 Mayville, Missouri. 5 Katheryn McCrea. 5 Carl McCrea. 2 Charles and Esther (Bird) Wingett. 3 Esther Wingett (1887-1890). CHAPTER XI

UNCONNECTED FAMILIES AND NAMES· A.-Winget, brother tQ Caleb Winget, Cpt. VI. I James Winget (1770 (?). *1 James Winget (1795 (?) lived in Pa. and Ohio later moved to Missouri. In Revolution. 2 Calvin Hathaway Wingett (June 16, 1819-June 30, 1901) m. to? 3 Oliver Curtis Wingett (May 22, 1847-Aug. 12, 1918) m. May 25, 1869 to Mary Marie Norris (Apr. 10, 1852-Dec. 25, 1924). . 4 Eudora Wingett (Mch. 29, 1871) m. Mch. 7, 1889 to Annis Albin Hale (Mch. 12, 1870). R. 1, Box 209, Monteca, Calif. 5 Henry Burton Hale (Nov. 12, 1890-desc.). *5 Raymond Vernon Hale (Dec. 12, 1892) m. July 5, 1924 to Mrs. Charlotte Speack. Served 18 months in France, Bat­ tery C., 146 F. A. 6 Rae Margaret Speack, dtr. of Charlotte, by 1st husband. 6 Eloise Audery Charlotte Hale (Dec. 8, 1929). *5 Carl Sheldon Hale (Nov. 28, 1894) m. Nov. 18, 1920 to Carrie Alice Mayberry. 6 Byron Harold Hale (.Mch. 4, 1923). 6 Earl Edwin Hale (Sept. 9, 1925). 6 Roy Irwin Hale ( Oct. 25, 1926) . *5 Annis Vester Hale (Jan. 1, 1897) m. Jan 1, 1922 to Elsye Pechaco. 6 Myron Vester Hale (Nov. 23, 1922). 6 Audrey Maxine Hale (Nov. 26, 1926). ·5 Mary Lena Hale (Mch. 29, 1899) m. Dec. 26, 1917 to George Thorton. 6 Lena Irene Thorton (Oct. 9, 1918). 6 Dora Mae Thorton (Aug. 3; 1924-desc., infancy). 5 Ida Hale (Mch. 29, 1901-desc., infancy). 5 Harvey Franklin Hale (Mch. 21, 1904). 5 Elsie Ann Hale (Jan. 30, 1906-.Sept. 9, 1929) m. to George Lucken. 5 Edward Everett Hale (Dec. 20, 1907) m. Feb. 28, 1931 to Frances Warren. 5 Edna Fern Hale (Nov."25, 1911). 4 William Elbert Winget (Jan. 3, 1873) m. Mch. 18, 1898 to Daisy D. Lamb. Shooles, Neb.

149 150 Unconnected Famuies and Naimes 5 Hazel M. Wingett (June 6, 1898) m. Sept. 13, 1917 to Coin Boick. 6 Marvin C. Boick (Sep. 6, 1919). 6 Maxine Emma Boick (May 27, 1922). 5 Bertha M. Wingett (Feb. 7, 1900) m. May 25, 1922 to Paul Sollentine. 5 Glenn Milford Wingett (Oct. 8, 1903). 5 Howard Monroe Wingett (Sept. 11, 1906). 5 Esther Mae Wingett (Feb. 16, 1909). 5 Mary Lavunn Wingett (June 28, 1911). 4 Jasper Melvin Wingett (Nov. 14, 1875) m. Mch. 8, 1898 to America Ann Mills, dtr. of J. M. Mills. 1930 7th Ave., Scotts Bluff, Neb. . 5 Euphama Bell Wingett (July 10, 1899) m. June 16, 1918 to John C. Haslow. -6 Betty Jane Haslow (Oct. 24, 1921). 6 John Thomas Haslow (July 26, 1925). 5 Marian N. Grace Wingett (Feb. 28, 1901) m. June 12, 1923 to B. Walter Hills. 5 Norris Mills Wingett (Aug. 26, 1904-Jan. 22, 1910). 5 Myrtle Fern Wingett (July 8, 1906). 5 Charles Wesley Wingett (Dec. 18, 1907). 5 Wendell Thomas Wingett (June 26, 1912). 4 Calvin Brainard Wingett (Jan. 14, 1876) m. Sept. 10, 1901 to Olive Eggleston. 2430 · Virginial Road, Los Angeles, Calif. 5 Helen Lenore Wingett (May 28, 1903) m. May 9, 1923 to Richard McCain. 5 Carlyle Wingett (Mch. 21, 1912). 4 Minnie Edna Wingett (July 14, 1878) m. Oct. 6. 1895 to Charles J. Welburn. Page, Neb. *5 Elmer L. Welburn (Sept. 6, 1896) m. May 26, 1920 to R. Laura Story. 6 Two children. 5 Loyd L. Welburn (May 1, 1921). 5 Lois Irene Welburn (Feb. 21, 1925). 5 Oliver John Welburn (Oct. 29, 1899). 5 Jasper A. Welburn (Dec. 19, 1902) m. Mch. 21, 1924 to Ercile Suard. 5 Dorothy L. Welburn (Dec. 4, 1911). 5 Marjorie M. -Welburn (Apr. 15, 1915). 5 Mildred Esther Welburn (May 20, 1916). 4 George Warren Wingett (Apr. 14, 1881) m. Sept. 28, 1904 to Bertie May Lyons. Carol, Neb. 5 Nellie May Wingett (July 10, 1905). 5 Opal 0. A. Wingett (July 18, 1912). 5 Fern Wingett (Sept. 18,-Sept 18, 1916). 4 Effie May Wingett (July 14, 1885) m. Jan. 1, 1903 to Harold DeLancy, Page, Neb. 5 Melba DeLancy (Sep. 9, 1909-desc.). 4 Elzada Wingett (June 1, 1886) m. Aug. 18, 1905 to Floyd Franklin Holm. Orchard, Neb. J annes Winget ( 1795) 151 5 Renna Luceil Holm (May 9, 1906). 5 Benice Esther Holm (Feb. 18, 1907). 5 Leona Isabell Holm (Aug. 21, 1909). 5 Maxine Holm (Aug. 12, 1915). 5 Marjorie Deahn Holm (Aug. 5, 1918). · 4 Myrtle Fern Wingett (Feb. 10, 1887-desc., infancy). 4 Irma Ellen Wingett (June 22, 1889) m. Nov. 7, 1906 to Wilbur D. Knibbs. 5 Laliah Irene Knibbs (Aug. 24, 1907). 5 Lloyd Carroll Knibbs (Mch. 17, 1910). 5 Opal Elinore Knibbs (Sept. 16, 1912-Jan. 24, 1913). 5 Charles G. Knibbs (Nov. 7, 1915-Dec. 25, 1915). 4 Irma Ellen Wingett Knibbs m. 2nd to ? Hamlet. E. Sum­ mer St., Ellenburg, Wash. 4 Maggie· Grace Wingett (Feb. 4, 1892) m. Jan. 1, 1914 to Fred D. Spencer. . 5 Lyle D. Spencer (Sept. 25, 1916). Neligh, Neb. 5 Ruth M. Spencer (Feb. 10, 1920). 5 Betty Loµ Spencer (Jan 28, 1921). 4 Orpha Claire Wingett (June 6, 1900) m. May 16, 1920 to Charles Gerald DeLancy. Gordon, Neb. 5 Robert Harold DeLancy (Oct. 19, 1921). 2 James Winget. 2 Daniel Monroe Winget m. to Martha Norris. 3 Eva Alvirty Winget (Mch. 14, 1873) m. to Tom Chase. Neb. 3 Five other children. 2 Luther Winget. 2 Addison Winget m. to Susan Norris Combs. _ 3 Infant ( desc.) . *2 Ira Winget (Mch. 17, 1834-Pa.-May 27, 1900, LaCrosse, Wash.) m. Dec. 13, 1855 to Phoebe Jane Clutter (Oct. 10, 1834-Mch. 22, 1901) moved to Los Angeles Calif.. 1887. Build­ er & Contractor. Sons all followed same trade. 3 Jacob Milford Winget ( desc.). 3 Flora Augusta Winget (desc) m. to 0. M. Harriman. 4 Ralph Harriman. 4 Homer Harriman. 3 Charles Freemont Winget m. to Etta Cleveland. 4 Gene Winget (desc.). 4 Clifford Winget. 4 Evelyn Winget. 3 James Anderson Winget (desc.) m. to Minnie Noyce. 4 Guy Winget. 4 Glenn Winget. 4 Leslie Winget. 4 Grace Winget. 3 Eva Lusetta Winget m. to Frank Ransom. 4 Ernest Ransom. 4 Willie Ransom ( desc.) . 4 Howard Ransom. 4 Floyd Ransom (desc.). 4 Earl Ransom. 152 Unconnected Families and Names 4 George Ransom. 4 Merton Ransom. 3 Ira Hovey Winget (Apr. 22, 1868) m. Aug. 31, 1892 to Mina Rudolph (July 31, 1872). R. 2, Box 9, Au1,4ora, Oregon. 4 Olive Vida Winget m. Oct. 4, 1915 to J. G. Rice. 5 Edward Rice. 5 Elsie Rice. 4 Amy Eva Winget. 4 Gladys Mina Winget m. May 10, 1922 to Lloyd DeMaree. 5 Margaret DeMaree. 5 Doris DeMaree. 5 D~rothy DeMaree. 4 Myron Hovey Winget m. Oct. 22, 1927 to Vera Glascoe. 4 Letha Hazel Winget. 3 Fredrick Wilson Winget. · 2 Phoebe Winget. 2 Flora Winget. 2 Mary Jane Winget. 2 Eliza Winget m. to ? Wolf. 2 Three other children. ················································································································ I Edward Wingate m. to Susannah Bacot, dtr. of Samuel and Susannah (Foisen) Bacot, grdtr. of Pierre and Marie (Peron­ neau) Bacot, grgrdtr. of Pierre and- Jacquine (Mercer) Bacot, grgrgrdtr. of Pierre and Joanna (Moreau) Bacot, grgrgrgrdtr. of ? Bacot, born in France 1590. Pierre Bacot (1670) and Jac­ quine Mercer Bacot emigrated to A., 1690, lived at Goose Creek, S. C. 1 William W. Wingate (Sept. 6, 1793-June 7, 1845) Darlington, N. C.) m. Sept. 24, 1823 to Isabelle Ann Blackwell (Sept. 21, 1805-April 8, 1887) dtr. of Samuel C. and Mary (Hamlin) Blackwell, grdtr. of *Samuel and Elizabeth (Dizier) Blackwell. Samuel was in Rev. in Gen. Francis Marion Co., Va. See pg. 159. 2 Washington Manly Wingate (1828-Feb. 27, 1879) m. Dec. 16, 1833 to Mary Elizabeth Webb. See pg. 159. 3 Alice Olivia Wingate (Desc) m. to Needham Yancy Gully LLD, now Dean of Law at Wake Forest College, Wake For­ est, N. C. 4 Manley Wingate Gulley (-d. age 16). 4 Isabelle Gulley, Prof. in Latin. 4 Donald Gulley, Assit. Prof. to Father. 4 Tom Gulley. 4 Margaret Gulley m. to Augusts Bonard. 3 Lizzie Wingate m. to William J. Simons, 2nd to Norflett C. Lassiter. 4 Wingate Simons· (desc.). 3 Walter Blackwell Wingate m. to Lucy Emma Nutt, 2440 Marshall Way, Sacramento, Cal. 4 Minnie Wingate m. to ? Woodward, son of Congressman Woodward of N. C. 5 Dtr. 3 William Johnathan Wingate (desc.) m. to Mary Lawrence, 339 Ward St. Norfolk, Va. Edward Wingate-William 153 4 Laurie Wingate, unwed. . 4 Cora Wingate m. to ? Whitehead, Norfolk, Va. 3 Isabelle Wingate (Jan. 10, 1864) m. to Richard Battle. *4 Wingate Battle (July 7, 1891) m. 1917 to Margaret Low­ man. See pg. 159.. 5 Wingate Battle Jr. 5 Margaret Battle. 4 Cullen Battle (Jan. 30, 1894) m. to James Cooke Williams, 2003 Jefferson Rd., Athens, Ga. 5 Cullen Battle Williams (Apr. 2, 1925). 5 Eleanor Lee Williams (May 19, 1927). *4 Richard Battle (Aug. 20, 1895) m. to Rose Turk, Tulsa, Okla. See pg. 159. . 5 Richard Battle III. 3 Sallie Maria Wingate (Nov. 4, 1869) m. to Dr. M. H.P. Clark, Dentist. Wilmington, N. C. No issue. 3 Ruth Wingate m. to Dr. E. Walter Sikes, Pres. of Clemson College, Clemson, S. C. 4 Ruth Janet Sikes, studying voice in N. Y. 4 Walter Wingate Sikes, student in Law, Columbia. 2 Isabella Olivia Wingate (Oct. 22, 1833-Oct. 20, 1914, N. C.) m. Dec. 17, 1856 to William T. Walters of Va. (Sept. 20, 1822-Dec. 31, 1876). 3 Arthur Edwin Walters (Oct. 24, 1857-Sept. 29, 1881). 3 Infant son ( Oct. 26,-28, 1859). 3 Betty Lou Walters (Apr. 19, 1862-Apr. 22, 1915) m. Dec. 17, 1879 to George Taylor Prichard. 1632 Penn. Ave., Scran­ ton, Pa. 4 George Taylor Prichard (1880). 4 Edwin Walters Prichard (1881) m. to Winfred Smurle (-d. 1906). 5 Nellie Prichard m. Sept. 1927 to Thomas Theodore Hart­ ley Jr., 1632 Penn. Ave., Scranton, Pa. 6 Lois Hartley. 6 Theodore Thomas Hartley. 5 Robert Samuel Prichard (Apr. 16, 1885-Apr. 1923) m. Sept. 1. 1914 to Frances S. Dinorn. 6 Robert Earl Prichard was Prof. at Wake Forest, N. C. 4 Edwin Walter Prichard m. 2nd 1911 to Ethel Jackson. 3 Lydia Walters (Dec. 2, 1863) m. Nov. 22, 1882 to Wiley Major Rogers (Apr. 30, 1862-Sept. 2, 1904). 118 N. Wil­ mington St., Raleigh, N. C. 4 Emmie Rogers (Feb. 2. 1884, vVake Forest, N. C.) m. Nov. 9, 1904 to Benjamin Thomas Wade, Raleigh, N. C. See Hist. pg. 160. 5 Roger Christopher Wade (Aug. 4, 1908). Grad. Univ. N. C. 1929, made Phi Betta Kappa, Honorary Frat. 5 Margaret Elizabeth Wade (May 22, 1914). 5 Benjamin T. Wade Jr. (July 30, 1918). 154 Unconnected Families and Names

4 Elizabeth Rogers (Aug. 29, 1886) m. Dec. 23, 1912 in Dal­ las, Texas, to Millard Rewis. 606 Willard Ave., S. W., Atlanta, Georgia. See Hist. pg. 160. 5 Millard Rewis Jr. (Oct. 19, 1913, Dallas, Texas) pg. 5 Lydia Olivia Rewis (Apr. 14, 1914, Atlanta, Ga.). See Hist pg. 160. 4 Margaret Wingate Rogers (July 13, 1891-May 26, 1915). Unwed. 4 Wiley Major Rogers Jr. (Sept. 14, 1896, N. C.) m. 1915 to Isabelle Brown. Box 3, Rt. A, Green Cove Springs, Fla. . 5 ·Wiley Rogers III (May 6, 1917). 4 Annie Thompson Rogers (Sept. 7, 1898) m. Nov. 22, 1918 to James Emmette Shoffner, Raleigh, N. C. 5 James Emmette Shoffner (Oct. 1, 1921). 3 William T. Walters Jr. (Oct. 19, 1865-Oct. 4, 1907) m. Mch. 22, 1888 to Helen Brett, DeLand, Fla. 4 Nellie Walters (Apr. 25, 1889-Jan. 22, 1914) m. June 7, 1911 to Paul Edward Powell. 5 Rosalie Brett Powell (Nov. 4, 1912). 5 Kathleen Bishop Powell (Jan. 21, 1914). 4 Bessie Isabelle Walters (Sept. 7, 1891) m. Feb. 5, 1913 to Carl N. Miller, DeLand, Fla. ·5 Carl Walter Miller (Dec. 14, 1913). 5 Ralph Brett Miller (Feb. 6, 1915). 4 Mary Olivia Walters (Sept. 8, 1896). Served as, Miss., to Japan. DeLand, Fla. 4 Helen Blanch Walters (Aug. 11, 1899) m. Dec. 23, 1917 to James Willis McCormick. DeLand, Fla. 5 John Will McCormick (Mch. 20, 1919). 5 Helen Doris McCormick (Dec. 14, 1921). 4 William T. Walters III (Oct. 22, 1902) m. July 23, 1922 to Florence Stifle. Jacksonville, Fla. c/o McCormick Lumber Co. 5 Helen Bertha Walters (Mch. 23, 1923). 5 Barbara Ann Walters (Nov. 3, 1926). 4 Robert Brett Walters (Feb. 7, 1905) m. Nov. 25, 1924 to Lydia Williams. DeLand, Fla. 5 Robert Brett Walters Jr. (Dec. 20, 1925). 5 Joycelyn Walters (Sept. 17, 1928). 4 Catherine Foy Walters (June 3, 1907). DeLand, Fla. 3 Mary K. Walters (Mch. 24, 1868) m. Feb. 5, 1888 to William McDowell Dickson. Wake Forest, N. C. 4 Lulie Dickson (Apr. 11, 1889, Wake Forest, N. C.). 2622 Conn Ave., Washington, D. C. . 4 William M. Dickson Jr. (July 6, 1898) m. Sept. 1924 to Elizabeth Norwood. 42 W. Coulter, St., Germantown Pa. 5 William Dickson III (Feb. 4, 1926). 4 Waverly Walters Dickson (Dec. 20, 1908, Wake Forest, N. C.). Et1:IDmrii W~:ifli•• S...,, .JIJll#,J, C, UiJ

:ht DatljffDIJ~~ ~ a...... ---~ , .. bafll,- in J.~ ~- ~ mnen :ani11l hit.. ~ AWhhlld "'- nim - ~ :1n~~iaMaau1isCJa.&,..,.~... ._.. . · '- .· · 1~ liHiR;lffl in JIii& :anil Jiledla...... _.. ··· ... ··Willlt: .Jt.i1Hii,iitdmb,r m mile Wiilh:;

. . ' , J. :l"ritm liffi.fDGP;m-anil lilt "S lllJailU1111~•.ti11:•2ma _· &.ilia~ :Jiinc,~.. tffliin:maiJ4lalMFR~IILJll!ieilil(ll1ia 1•••~- :2 EI.wmc 1Wit?Bue. liiJeeii iiB 111 a· ilia ~lllL · ·

:2 3L~~.. .. l-~il!8BJE ((lfan.~lBIP/t,. ,. ~, -....e--- ~...···~~ . -· ~ ...... ~ a Ji111H6, Wn_ - . -~ :Btuesi. ~tMBle,3siK <-JRlm t.diiUea. -- . . .,, 156 Unconnected Families and Names- 1 Wingate, Del. perhaps desc. of Caleb Wingate of N. H. or may have been a brother to Caleb who emigrated to Pa. · 1 Joseph Wingate m. Venetia Downing, settled in Lexington C., Ky. 1799. . . 2 Robert Wingate unwed. · 2 Rebecca Wingate m. Elijah Warner. Had 2 children. 2 William Wingate unwed. 2 Joseph Wingate (Nov. 7, 1803) m. 1827 to Deborah Stone. 1 Smith Wingate m. to Susanna Capes. 2 Thomas Wingate m. lived in Owens Co., Ky. 3 Smith Wingate. 3 john Wingate, Kickman, Ky. 2· Cyrus Wingate, lived in Owens Co., Ky. Repr. in State Leg. 20 yrs. 14 children. 2 Isaac Wingate (1791-1876) m. to Jane M. ·Snead. 11 child­ ren. 3 Isaac Wingate (May 21, 1834) m. June 11, 1871 to Betty Bailey, .dtr. of W. C. and Desdemona Bailey. 4 Desdemona Wingate. 4 Isaac Wingate. 4 Ella H. Wingate. 2 Henry Wingate (1795-1862) m. Penelope Hart Anderson. Lived in Frankfort, Ky. Was most eminent in Free Masonry. 3 Lucian Wingate (1820-1846) m. to Elizabeth Knight. 4 Mary Knight Wingate (1871) m. to *Gen. Thomas A. Har- ns.. 5 Lucien Harris. St. Louis, Mo. 3 _Maria Louise Wingate (1822) m. 1842 to Russel McRery. 4 Russel McR-ery (Sept. 5, 1845-). 3 Marie L. ·McReary m. 2nd to Rev. Duncan R. Campbell, Pre. of Germantown College, Ky. 4 Henry Campbell. 4 Duncanson Robertson Campbell. 4 Mary Campbell. 4 Archibald Campbell. 3 Reuben Anderson Wingate (1823-1863) m. 1851 to Sara Graham, Shellyville, Ky. 4 Sallie Graham Wingate m. to Robert Poe, Baltimore, Md. 5 Josephine Poe. 5 Edwin Wingate Poe. 4 Edwin Bryant Wingate m. to Alice Waddell. 5 John Wad dell Wingate. 5 Edwin Wingate. 4 Henry Wingate. 4 Ellen Wingate. 3 Sara Hart Wingate (1825) m. 1843 to George R. McKee. 4 Henry McKee (died in infancy). 4 Lucien McKee (1847-1867). 4 Jane Duncan McKee. 3 Susan Mary Wingate (1828-42). 3 Robert Johnston Wingate (1829). 3 Henry Wingate (died age 2). Smitk Wingate--Ezra Winget-Peter 157 3 Ellen Wingate (1839) m .. 1861 to Dr. N. J. Sawyer, Frank- fort, Ky. 4 Lillian Sawyer. 4 Henry Sawyer. 4 Paul Sawyer. 4 Nat Sawyer (died infancy). 4 Natalie Sawyer. 4 Robert Sawyer (died infancy). 4 Mary Campbell Sawyer. ················································································································ *l Ezra Winget (Jan. 28, 1795. Va.-July 23, 1870) m. Mch. 30, 1815 to Eleano_r Cochran ( Oct. 17, 1795-Feb. 27, 1858-buried Mill Creek Twp. Union Co., 0.). He was Capt in War 1812. Washington Co., Pa., Militia. 2 William Winget (oldest of ten children, May 18, 1815, Va.) m. Feb. 15 1838 to Mary Flanagin (1815-1878) m. 2nd Apr. 21 1879 to Lucinda J. Jones. 3· Lucreta M. Winget (Nov. 14, 1844) m. to Leroy Decker. 4 Ella Ann Decker m. Oct. 28, 1867 to Kirk White Beach, son of Mashchil G. and Eleanor (McIntire) Beach, desc. of Sophia Converse. Ezra Winget said to be related to Stephen and Daniel (1801) · Winget by living descendants. May be desc. of a brother of Caleb, the emigrant...... •...... •.•...•...... *I -- Winget, Col. in Rev. May have been brother of Caleb Winget. 1 Peter Winget m. to ? 2 Thomas Winget (1827, Md.-1856, 0.) m. to Eliza Ward. Lived near Catawba, 0. 3 Thomaso. · P. Winget (b Md.) m. to Mary Lefferty, Clark Co. 4 Laura Winget m. to Byron Hull. Mechanicsburg, 0. 5 Ella Hull m. to Sewell Tullis. 6 Thomas Tullis m. to ? 7 Marguarite Tullis. 7 Martha Tullis. 5 George Hull m. to Anna Burgess. 5 Isaac Burton Hull m. to Mary Coffey. 6 Kenneth Hull. 6 Thomas Hull. 6 Margaret Hull. 6 Maude Hull ...... •...... •...... •...... 1 William Winget (Jan.I 22, 1843). Lives in Glenaland, Torquay, Eng.· - 2 Gilbert Joseph Winget (-Oct. 14, 1914-at Ypres, in World War). 2 Jessica Eliza Winget m. Oct. 28, 1896 to John Bailey. ················································································································ 158 Unconnected Families and Names 1 William Winget m. to Susan ? 2 Cordelia Winget m. Apr. 5, 1883 to William J. Barr. 3 Jessie Barr. 3 Walter A. Barr. ················································································································ *1 Enoch Wingate (1733-1828). On Stratford Co. Pension Roll, 1818. Pri. in N. H. Continental lines. Lived in Rochester. m. Mary Meserve. 2 Sara Wingate m. to Simon Chase. 3 Harriett Louise Chase m. to Dr. James Farrington. 4 Nellie Farrington m. to George McDuffee. Rochester, N. , H. ················································································································ *Luther Winget, Pri. in Capt. John Burns Co. War 1812 in 1st Reg. V. I. under Gen. Richard Cook, Washington Co., Pa. May be son of Daniel 1st or James 1 this cpt. ················································································································ Clarke Co. Courts Records of Ohio give following: John Winget m. to Mary Boyce Dec. 12, 1822. John Winget m. Jane Rynerson Jan. 1819-(Jane died May 2, 1820). Lena M. Winget m. Francis Sipe Nov. 4, 1848. Elizabeth Jane Winget m. Elias Marks Feb. 18, 1847. I John Winget died 1839. 2 Elizabeth Jane Winget (1833). 2 Phoebe Ann Winget (1835). 2 Laura Mariah Winget (1837). ·······················································•··••····················································· In Virginia we find the following Revolutionary ,soldiers:­ Elias, John, John B. and Martin. Spelled Wingate and Winget on records. In Maryland in 1790 the following Wingates were heads of · families:: Cecil Co.-Edward, Hezikiah, Peter: St. Ma::ry's Co.­ Henry: Carolina Co.-Thomas: Dorcherster-Zebulon. John W. Wingate, Right Grand Commander Knight Templers of Colorado, elected Sept. 1914. · ...... •...... •...... •...... •..•...... Isaac Wingate (-d. 1802) m. to Mary C. Caswell of N. C. 2 Thomas (-d. 1802). 2 Cynthia who married Mr. Lasdon in 1813. They all moved to Georgia before 1800. One descendant said their forefather lived in Delaware or New Jersey, drifted to Kentucky then to N. C. Mary C. Lasdon of Stratesboro, Georgia (some years ago) was a descendant. .•....•...... •.•••.•.•..•..••.....••...•..•••....•••..••••...••••..•••.•••••...••...... •...•.•••.•.... *Daniel Wingate ( 1720-1790). Served in Rev. m. to Elizabeth Irwin dtr. of James and Lovey (Cannon) Irwin. Isaac Wmgate-William-etc. 159 2 Leah Wingate m. to John Melson. *Cannon Wingate also served in Rev. Lived in Delaware. ················································································································ *Henry A. Wingate (Jan. 31, 1888, N. D.) Dental Corps. Grad. Q. M. C. School 24. Other military records Maj from 1910- 1920. Official Army Register 1930. ················································································································· 1 William Wingate m. ? Louise of Norfolk, Va.· 2 Napoleon B. Wingate (b. Northumberland Co., Va.). 3 Louise B. Wingate m~ Flodie Chalk dtr. of Marie (Stone) Chalk, desc. of Gov. Stone of Md., a signer of the Declara­ tion of Independence. 4 Mabel R. Wingate (Feb. 19, 1875, Manaskan, Va.). Lived in Baltimore, Md. ················································································································ John Wingate (-d. 1709) Will is on file Georgetown, Dela­ ware (Sussex Co.) ·m. to Ann ? Had Ezekiah, John, Ephriam, Thomas, Joshua, Nancy, Sally, Lena. One desc. was Mrs. R. S. Bell formerly of 215 W. Howard Ave., Decatur, Georgia . •..•...... ••...... ••...... ••••.•...... •..••••...••••..•...... •..•...... •.•.•.••..•. Isaac Wingate was born in Delaware in 1791 and emigrated to Franklin county, Kentucky when a small boy. He was a stockraiser and farmer. Isaac Wingate, his son was educated in the common school. He became chief clerk of the Senate of Kentucky and served for one term. He then became enrolling clerk of Senate and served for ten years. In 1884 he opened a general store in Woodlake which he kept until his death. He also bought arid sold leaf tobacco~ He was a member of the Baptist church. He was a Knight Templer, and passed all the chairs in the Blue Lodge and commandery. He owned a 230 acre farm and gave much attention to breeding of trotters and general stock. William W. Wingate (-d. 1845) was a pla-nter owning con­ ;siderable land and slaves and served in the Legislature for 2 years. He was Sheriff of Darlington District (Now county) for 25-30 years. His will is on file in Probate court of Darlington Co. W. M. Wingate, son of William Wingate, was made President protem, of Wake Forest College, N. C. at the age of 22 and became ·permanent President at the age of 25 and served for 26 years. He received his D. D. from Columbia & Washington D. C. Colleges. He was a .noble man and his memory is revered i:n North and South Carolina. The town of Wingate, Union Co., N. C. and the College located there were named in his honor. The Wingates have never lived there or been connected with the College. Wingate and Richard Battle, grandsons of Washington W. Wingate, won distinctions in World War. Cullen Battle, their sister, is very artistic and was a successful Kindergarten teacher before her marriage. She sings in the Episcopal Church at Athens, Ga. 160 Unconnected Families and Names-.

Emmie Rogers Wade, gr. grdtr. of William W. Wingate, is an accomplished musician, being a graduate of Medrith College of Music, Raleigh, N. C. Elizabeth Rogers Rewis, sister of Emmie, graduate .of Art from Medrith College and has taken a number of prizes in her work. · She taught Art at Boiling Sprjngs College for some time and her pupils exhibit took first place in Art in the Educational Art. Dept. at State Fair of N. C. in 1912. Her son· Millard Rewis won Dec­ lamation medal in 1929 from High School at Atlanta and Oratory medal, the same year from Mariet College, Atlanta, Ga. He also ·won a medal for Discus Throwing in High School in 1929. Lydia R~wiss her daughter, has ,von two gold medals for Bible Work in grade school and in 1931 won scholarship in Art from Joe Brown Jr. High School. She also won prizes on poster work the same year. -Benjamin Wingate, for whom Fort Wingate, New Mexico, was named, was born in Scot Co., Indiana. He was enlisted in Regular Army, Aug. 13, 1846 at Charlestown, Ind., by Capt. John S. Simonson' shortly after the beginning of the Mexican War, to serve 5 yrs. and was assigned as a private to Capt. John S. Sim­ onson's Co. G. Reg. of U. S. Riflemen, which was then being organized; was appointed corporal Dec. 8, 1846: appointed ser­ geant Jan. 16, 1848, honorably discharged as a sergeant of that Co. and Reg. July 4, 1848, at Vera Cruz, Mex., by reason of receipt of notification of his appointment as a. 2nd Lieut. in the 5th. Reg. U. S. Infantry, to which he had been appointed to take rank from June 14, 1848. Consequently his discharge as a sergeant took effect June 14. He was promoted a 1st Lieut. in Co. A. 5th Infantry, Oct. 23, 1854, when transferred to Co. D. Feb. 7, 1860, all in the 5th Inf. In the Civil War he was with his Reg. in N. Mex. and participated in the battle with the Confederates at Val Verde, N. Mex Feb. 21, 1862, where he was seriously wounded, as a result of which he died June 1, 1862. Before liis death he was brevetted a Maj. for gallant and meritorius service in that battle. He served in the Mexican War successively in Texas o_n lower Rio Grande River to the end of Feb. 1847 at seige of Vera Cruze March 1847; was with Gen. Scott's Army on the advance from Vera Cruz to the city of Mexico between Mch. 1847-Sept. 1848, on which latter day his Co. is shown to have entered the Citadel and City of Mexico in advance, his command having taken part during th·e march in the battle of Cerro Gordo, Contreras, Churubusco, and Chapultepec, Mexico. From July 31, 1848 the time of his death he served on the coast of- Miss., in Indiana Terr. at different places in West Texas, Florida, Utah and New Mexico.-Received from Adjt. Gen. Office, Washington, D. C. "James Wingate, (born Jan. 28, 1872) is the son of Andrew and Jeanette (Martin) Wingate of Princetown, N. Y. He was educated in Union Classical Inst. Schenectady N. Y., Union Coll. B. S. 1897 and M. A. 1927. State Coll. for Teachers, D. Ph., Albany, N. Y. Teachers Coll., Columbia U. N. Y. C. Teachers elementary school: Prin. 1897-1900; Supt. Schenectady Co. Schools, 1900-17; Asst. Elementary Ed., N. Y. State Ed. Dept., 1917-27; dir. Motion Pie- James Wingate-Benjamin Winget 161 ture Div., N. Y. State Ed. Dept.. 1927; former nssoc. ed., Amer. Ed. Men.: Beta Theta Pi; I. 0. 0. F.; Endowment Fund ( chmn., Bd. of Trustees). Clubs, University (Albany, N. Y.) Residence-1046 University Place, Schenectady. Office 220 W. 42 St., N. Y. City.- ·From "Who's Who in Government, 1930." Benjamin Winget (Jan. 27, 1845-des) was a Free l\fethodist Minister and was the General Secretary of Board of Confere nee Claimants and Church Extension Board. He was a Deligate to the World's Missionary Conference at Eidenburg, Scotland in 1910, and has visited the leading Missionary fields of the world. He was a prohibitionist. CHAPTER XII

ROSTER OF SOLDIERS IN THE FAMILY PRE-REVOLUTIONARY WARS John Wingate (1625) Capt. in Indian Wars. John Wingate (1670) Capt. of Co. in Expedition against Port - Royal in 1707. John Wingate (1693) Lieut. of 2nd Foot Co. Capt. of Dover Co. 1744, in battle of Louisburg. Moses Wingate (1698) Lieut. 1745 under John at Louisburg. Joshua Wingate (1679) Capt. later Col. (1744) of Hampton Reg. Col. in Siege of Louisburg. John Cary (1610), ancestor of Hannah Cary (Wife of Stephen Winget). In King Phillip's War. John Weeks, husband of Martha ,vingate (1718) Col. Caleb Winget (17 44) Priv. in Westmoreland Militia, Misc. list of soldiers that took part in Sandusky Exposition. Record Har­ risburg, Pa. Library. Cannon Wingate Cpt. XII. David Wingate (1757) Capt. Daniel Wingate Cpt. XII. Benjamin Wingate (1740) Col. Edward Wingate Cpt. XII. In Gen. Francis Marion's Co., Va. John Wingate (1743) Md. Surgeon in Continental Army. James Winget Cpt. XII. John C. Wingate (1739). Moses Wingate (1744) Capt. Joshua Wingate (1725) Maj. of 2nd Reg. 1775, later Col. of 1st. Reg. at Ticonderoga. Moses Wingate (1738) Capt. Joshua Wingate (1747) Col. Reuben Winget, Washington Co., Pa., Militia 3rd Co., Riflemen, 5th Battalion. Ranger of Frontier 1778-1783.

Samuel Wingate, Cpt. XII, Wagon Master, in Maryland. Samuel Blackwell, Cpt. XII, In Gen. Francis Marion's Co., Va. Calvin Cacy, father of Hannah Cary Winget, Washington Co., Pa., Militia, under Capt. James Craver. Joseph Coe (1738) Washington Co.~ liilitia.

162 Roster of Soldiers in the Family 163 James A. Curry, father of husband of Phoebe Winget Curry (1799). Col. Richard Furber Gen. John Hughs, gr. grfather of Howard Hughs (1891) under Capt. Hendricks, went to Canada under Col. Benedict Arnold, Capt. 1775. John Huhn gr. gr. gr. grandfather of Kenneth Dolbeer. William Irwin, grfather of Cynthia Ann Irwin Winget, Pr. in Capt. Potts Co., 5th Reg. Washington Co., Pa. Timothy Pickering (1745) son of Mary Wingate. Adj. Gen., Q. M. Gen. with Washington, 1776. Pierce Powers, husband of Mary Wingate (1756) Capt. on Priva­ teer Ranger. Prisoner at Charleston. James Steele, grfather of Cynthia Ann Irwin Winget. Minute.Man in Pa. on Frontier. John Weeks, son of Martha Weeks, Lieut. Ward C. Weeks, son of Martha Weeks. WAR OF 1812 Aaron Wingate '(1764) Capt. Caleb Winget (1790) Pr. in Capt. Wm. Stephenson's Co., Oct. 24- Dec. 22, 1812. David Wingate (1789) One of Fameous Dartmour Prisoners (1813- 1815). Hugh Winget (1789). In Capt. Wm. Stephenson's Co., Oct. 22- Dec. 22, 1812, Ohio. George Edwin Wingate Lieut. Commander 1870. Joshua Wingate (1773) Brig. Gen. of Militia. John Wingate (1776) Officer of U.S. Army, went to Algiers with Hon. Jay. John Wingate (1795) Corp. Hugh Winget (1789) 0. Troops, Capt. Wm. Stephenson's Co., Oct. 22-Dec. 22, 1812. . Moses Wingate (1836) Capt. William Winget, Pr. in Capt. Christian. Brotherland's Co., 1813- 1814. James A. Curry, husband of Phoebe Winget (1799) Capt. John W. Gookin (178?) grson of-Love Wingate Capt. Pierce Powers Furber, son of Mary Wingate (1756). CI\:lL WAR Aaron Winget (1839). Archibald Winget (1834) 520 0. V I. in muster of June 3, 1863, Washington, D. C. Calvin M. Winget, lost life at Stone River Tenn. Corp. Calvin R. Winget, Adjt. of 73 0. V. I. lost life at Chicamauga. Curry Winget. Cyprian Lee Winget (1834) Muscian Co. K. 0. V. I. Daniel Winget (1837) Aug. 11, 1862-Aug. 63. David P. Winget (1828) Gen. in charge of Fort Leavenworth, Kan. Dewitt P. Winget (1850) Drummer Boy, in Indian Wars also. Harvey H. Winget (1847). Harvey Winget (1845). 164 Roster of Soldiers in the Fa,mil,y Henry Wingate, killed July 4, 1863, Vicksburg, Miss. 12th Wis. Battery. Joseph P. Winget. Joseph Phelps Wingate John H. Wingate. (1835) Paymaster. John P. Winget, Lieut. Ira Winget- (1834). . Milton L. Winget (1841) Co. G. 7th Miss. V. I. June 6, 1861-June 14, 1864. Luther Winget (1823). George W. Wingate, Maj. Co. A. 22nd. N. G. S. N. Y. William B. Winget (1841) One of 100 days men. William Ballentine Winget (1842) Capt. William M. Winget (1829) Commissary Serg. C. H. 0. N. G., May 2-Sept. 1, 1864. Silas Winget (1839). Dr. John L. Boylan, grand son of Mary Winget (18??). Thomas H. Clemons, husband of Emily Winget. James A. Curry, son of Phoebe Winget died of wounds, 1863. James A. George, husband of Elizabeth Winget (1846). Clayton Coleman Hall (1896) gr. gr. gr. grson of Abigal Wingate (171?). Joseph Huhn, grfather of Kenneth Dolbeer. John Fouts, husband of Anna Winget (1854). Jackson Kerr, father of Dr. J. C. Kerr, son-in-law of Florella Win- get (1858). Jacob Kline, grfather of Anabel Dolbeer. Gavin Rayon, husband of Anetta Winget (1846). Elmore C. Wentworth (1846) husband of Althea Winget in Sher­ mans' March to Sea. William Mccampbell (1842) son of Mary Winget (1821). MEXICAN WAR Benjamin Wingate Cpt. XII. Jacob Huhn, gr. gr. grfather of Kenneth Dolbeer. WORLD WAR Austin A. Winget (1897) died in Camp Sherman. George A. Wingate (1871) Col. Brig. Gen. Leatha J. Winget, Red Cross Nurse. Mac Winget (1898). Lost life in France. Ernest Clyde Winget (1893). Orville Winget (1891) In Camp at Persida, Cali. John F. Wingate (1885) Capt. Paymaster.. Robert Winget (1896). Morris H. Wingate, Aviation Dept., Panama. Romie Winget (1896), Shell shocked. Theodore H. Winget (1895). Wingate Battle, son of Isabelle Wingate, 1864. Richard Battle, bro. to Wingate. Thomas Winget (1896). Alva Chapman, husband of Ann Winget (1907). Fred Corwin (1890) son of Addie M. Winget (1864). Roster of Soldiers in tke Fam,,ily-References 165 William R. Corwin, bro. of Fred (1890) Wounded in France. Kenneth V. Dolbeer (189?) gr. gr.grson of R·ebecca Winget (1796) Lost life in France. Howard Hughs (1891) son of Hannah B. Winget (1867). Willard Jackson (1895) son of Rosella Wingett (1858) Mechanic for Aviation, France. Harvey R. Jensen, husband of Amelia Winget, over seas 18 mos. Paul Oscar Leatherman, grson of Elizabeth Winget (1825) Lost life in France. Robert McBride (1896) son of Elizabeth C. Winget (1874). George W. Mccampbell (1895). Amis Hale (1897) son of Eudora Winget, Ctp. XII. Carl S. Hale ( 1894) bro. to Annis. Raymond Hale (1892) bro. to Annis. Harold Peter Oldroyd, husband of Ruby Winget, over seas 2 yrs. Fred Henry Sells, husband of Mildred Winget, 1898. Henry Sonntag, grson of Sara Winget, 1832, lost life in France. Rodney J. Warner, husband of Esther Winget, 1893, S. A. T. C., Columbus, Ohio. Elmer Welburn, son of Minnie E. Wingett, 1878. OTHER SOLDIERS Calvin Winget (1801) 1st Capt. of Light Horse Militia, Union Co., 1830. Orris French Winget (1857) Standing Army Co. B. 3rd Reg. 1880- 1884. · William E. Winget (1859) Curry Cadets, reviewed by Pres. Hayes, 1880. William H. Winget, Co. F. 153 Reg. 0. V. I. Clark Co., Ohio. Ziba Winget (176?) Pr. Co. 3, 5th Battalion, Washington Co., Pa., Militia, 1792. Fostor Weeks, British Army Officer. John Weeks, grson of Martha Wingate, 1718, British Army Officer. J. W. Weeks, son of Martha Wingate Weeks, Capt. James Weeks, bro. to John, British Army Officer. Elmer C. Cummings, husband of Alma Winget, Spanish War, Foreign Service. Marion A. Carey (1907) U. S. Army, Panama.

REFERENCES Genealogical Register of First Settlers in New England. Genealogical Dictionary of First Settlers by John Farmer, 1829. New England Historical and Genealogical Register-Savage. Lives of Scotch Writers-Dr. David Irving. History of Washington County, Pennsylvania-Boyd Crumbune, 1882. Commemorative Biographical Records of Washington County, Pennsylvania, Chicago, 1893. Wingate Family in England and America-John Scales of Dover, N. H. Phamplet. Daughter of the American Revolution Lineage Books. Sons of The American Revolution Lineage-Books. 166 · Boster of Soldiers in the FGmuy Court Records of New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Ohio. Records on file at Congressional Library. Union County Ohio History-Beers & Co., 1882. Madison County Ohio History.. . Clark County, Greene County Ohio History. Data of Cyrus Winget Family in Possession of Lucian Winget, Mon­ roe, Utah. Genealogies and History of Watertown, Mass. Robert Coe, Puritan, his Ancestors and Descendants-J. Gardner Bartlett, 1911. Court Records of. Maryland, Delaware and New Jersey. History of Hocking Valley, published by Interstate Publishing Co. John Cary, the Plymouth Pilgrim, by Seth C. Cary, 1911. The Cary Family of England, H. G. Cary, 1906. Cary Memorials, D. F. Cary, 1847. APPENDIX The following data was received too late to place in the proper place in the History. Rev. Thomas Miller, St. Helen's Manse, High Bonnybridge, Stirlingshire, Scotland is a minister of the Presbyterian Church. He is a distant relative of Sir Reginald Wingate of London, recorded in Chapter I under Wingates in England, but who should be under the Scotch Family. He is interested in the Family Tree and is working on the Scotch side of the family. In a recent letter to Sir Reginald Wingate he states, "If the links uniting the Scotish, English and American Wingate~ could be found, it would be a great discove.ry and I am anxious to do my bit in that quest from the Scottish side .... So I hope to eliminate the efforts both of Charles E. L. Wingate and Mrs. Warner in tracking the three-branched tree to one stem (if possible). The Scottish Wingates which you, Sir Reginald, represent were quite, I think, the equal ("God gie us a guid conceit o'oor­ sels") in originality, energy, calibre and character of both the American and English branches so it is time the Scottish Tree was given to the world ...... •....•.••....•..•...•.... ································ ...•.••...•.....••.•...... •.•...... 1 Katherine Wingate m. to James Todd. 2 Thomas Wingate Todd (Jan. 15, 1855, Sheffield, Eng.) m. Nov. 9, 1912 to Eleanor Pearson, 2657 Shaker Rd. Cleveland Heights, 0. 3 Arthur Wingate Todd. 3 Donald Pearson Todd. 3 Eleanor Margaret Todd. Thomas Todd is an atomist, of some note in both England and America, having received his degrees from l\{anehester University and London Hospital, England. *1 Daniel Wingate (1720-1789) m. 1743, Boston, to Elizabeth Irvin, dtr. of James and Lovey (Cannon) Irvin. 2 Leath Wingate m. 1765 to Daniel Nelson. 3 Polly Nelson (1770-1838) m. 1789 to Isaac Hall (1765-1813). 4 Leah Wingate Hall (1801-1880). Descendants are still living in Georgia. Daniel Wingate, 1720, was a soldier in Co. 8, Captain Thomas Hunt 16th Mass. Regiment. He enlisted Nov. 18, 1777. His name later appears on the pay roll of a Co. for Nov. and Dec. 1780 in Penn.; at close of the war he subscribed to the oath of allegiance to the State of Delaware at Dover. 167 168 Appendw CON'T CPT. VI 1 Jane Winget (June 2, 1805-Oct. 16, 1854). Buried near Tip. pacanoe City, O._ m. to Abraham Pittenger. Lived near Yellow Springs, 0. 2 Joshua Winget Pittenger (Mch. 4, 1835-Mch. 21, 1886) m. to Mary Ann Senseman (Dec. 8, 1842-Nov. 18 1906). 3 Eva B. Pittinger (Sept. 21, 1862-desc.). m. to Job Ullery. 3 Clara May Pittenger (Dec. 10,. 1864-Nov. 6, 1889) m. to John Herbst. 3 Charles Calvin Pittenger (Jan. 1867-Jan. 1868). 3. John Milton Pittenger (Mch. 6, 1869) Minister m. May 18 1904 to Florence Baker ·(June 15, 1879) dtr.. of Daniel and _Lydia (Kemp) Baker, Grants,rille, Md. Huntingdon, Penn. See note following. 4 Mary Angeline Pittenger (Nov. 11, 1908, Aluva, Dangs, Surat District, India). 4 Joseph Daniel Pittenger (Apr. 2, 1912, Panchgani, Satara Dist., India). 4 Lydia Rosaline Pittenger (Dec. _6, 1918, Dahanu,_ Thana Dist., India). 3 Cora Agnes Pittenger (Aug. 8, 1871) m. Nov. 29, 1894 to Rev. S. Z. Smith, 1259 Peter's Ave., Troy, Ohio. 3 Dorothy Jane Pittenger (May 22, 1874) m. Dec. 24, 1899 to .D. J. Grisso. 4 Two foster dtrs. both married. 3 Joseph Clarence Pittenger (Nov. 25. 1879) m. Dec. 19, 1917 to Opal Hummer of Portland, Ind. Pleasant Hill. Ohio. 4 Mary Celia Pittenger (Aug. 28. 1920. Atascaders, Calif.). 4 Joseph DaVid Pittenger (Oct. 15, 1922, 0.). 4 John Edgar Pittenger (Mch. 7, 1925. 0.). 4 Geneveive Ann Pittenger (Feb. 20. 1929, 0.). 3 Lura Beatrice Pittenger (Oct. 22, 1881). Rev. John M. Pittenger, grandson of J::ine Winget, is a Mis­ sionary. now deta.ined in America. The following letter received from him and gives a brief idea of his past work. Aug. 8, 1931. "Dear Cousin : . . . . Wife and I went to the Mission field in India in the Fall of 1904. We sailed from :New York Nov. 2. Our work was largely among the aborim.nies of the section where we worked. However the population was about equally divided between these aboriginies and the castle people and the percentai?e of converts was about the same. The territory is a rugged mountainous section and is covered with jungles some of which are the largest and densest on the west side of India. It is very malarious and no one escapes the jnfection caused by the mosquito's bite. I had malaria frequently, and, the doctor said, it was one of the most malagnant types. In Aug. 1914, my health broke so badly that I was compelled to stop work and we had to leave our jungle home and go to the mission station where our doctors resided. There I was under their care for several months and became strong enough to take charge of one of our other stations- when the missionary who had been in charge came home on furlough. . . While there on our first term of service which extended from the fa~er part of 1904 until June 1913, our two older children were born. We had such a wonderful time in the service. While far removed from civilization's many Apendiz 169 comforts and conveniences among a lowly and somewhat degraded people, the life and its accompanying wonderful service, was just as blessed as God promises it shall be. How we have longed to be back through the eleven years; detention here at home. We came home, leaving Bombay on June 15, 1913, via Italy, Switzerland and France. We attended the W orId's S. S.- Convention, held at Zurich, Switzer­ land in July 1913. This, with its attendant experiences and sightseeing until we sailed from Cherbourg, France was a period we shall never forget. We re­ ma~ned in the homeland until the night of Jan. 8, 1915 when we sailed from New York on the S. S. Arabie which sailed loaded to full capacity with war supplies for the Allies. The voyage over to Liverpool was a very stormy one. The Germans kept special watch for the Arabic to torpedo it. She escaped that time but on the return trip of · he next V'1yage from New York the Germans sent her to the ship's graveyard. We sailed from London to Aden where we again transhipped as we were on the large mail st.eamer going to Australia. From Arden to Bombay we sailed on the Salsette, a fast mail steamer, which carried the ma·ls from Arden to Bombay in those days. This ship and the l\iongolia which carried us .from London to Arden were both mined later in the war, not far fr"m Bombey.. Well I must stop. It's hard to do so when once the memory begins to recall such happy days as those spent in India were. We sailed from Calcutta home­ ward Apr. 27, 1920 and landed at Boston June 7... My health was greatlv im­ proved. I'm planning. at the request of many friends, to write a book of our experiences on the mission field. . . . . Your cousin, J. M. Pittenger." CON'T CPT. IX 2 Harriet Curry (desc.) m. to William Beard (desc.). 3 Nancy Beard (desc.) m. to William Elder (desc.). 4 Infant ( desc.) . 3 Hannah Beard (desc.) m. to James Killbury (desc). 4 •Haniet R. Killbury m. to Robert Sedgwick. 5 Marian Sedgwick ( desc.) m. to ? 6 Dtr. 5 Pearl Sedgwick (desc). 5 Marjorie Sedgwick. 5 James· Sedgwick. 5 Glayds Sedgwick m. to ? Vaughn. 5 Ruth Sedgwick m. to ? 6 One child. S Forrester Beard (desc.) m. to Sara Pricilla Farnum (desc.), 4 William Beard (desc. age 24). Clyde Beard m. to Don Whetzel, New Dover, 0. 4 Elizabeth Beard m. to John Butler, New Dover, 0. 5 Rita Butler m. to Jake Rauch. 6 Edward Rauch. 6 Chester Rauch. 5 Chester Butler m. to Monette ? 5 Clyde Butler m. to Maxine ? , Marysville, Ohio. 6 Fern Elizabeth Butler. 5 Ruth Butler m. to Luther Snodgrass, New Dover, Ohio. 6 Pearl Snodgrass. 5 Eva Butler. 5 Howard Butler. 4 Harriet Besrd m. to Henry Eibling. 5 Rosco Eibling m. to ? 170 Appendw 6 Mack Eibling. 6 Dorothy Eibling. . 4 Edna Beard m. to Eugene Bice, New Dover, Ohio. 5 Roy Bice. 5 Don Bice m. to Estelle ? 6 Billy Bice. 5 Josephine Bice m. to William Williams. 6 Jean Williams. 6 Jack Williams. 5 Homer. Bice. 5 Carl ·Beard Bice. 4 Jessie Beard m~ to Lutrell Elliot, Delaware, 0. 5 Rosco Elliot. 3 Gilbert Beard m. to Salina Andrews, Fairmont, Ill. 4 Della Beard ( desc.) . -4 Carl Beard m. to Cora Connett, Fairmont, Ill. 5 Ethel Beard m. to Jay Macy, Wingate, Ind. 6 Lowell Macy. 5 Raymond Beard m. to Clara White. 6 Claradine Beard.. 5 Ralph Beard m. to Mildred Shipps, Fairmont, Ill. 5 Russel Beard. 5 Cecil Beard. 5 . Clyde Beard ( desc.) . 4 Harriet Beard m. to Edward Richards, 1103 W. Springfield Ave., Urbana, Ill. 5 Vern Richards m. to Dorothy Lane, Urbana, Ill. 5 Floyd Richards. 3 Margaret Jane Beard (desc.) m. to Charles F. Cain (desc.). 4 Mary Louise Cain m. to Charles Baker, Crivitz, Wis. 5 Dtr. ( desc. Infancy) . 5 Ellis Baker ( desc. age 21 mos.). 5 James Baker m. to Mabel Olsen, Crivitz, Wis. 6 Marie Baker. 6 Dale Baker. 6 Carol Baker. 5 Cecil Baker m. to Theresa Nester, 508 Barnum Rd., Rock- ford, Ill. . 6 Joseph Baker. 6 Francis Baker. 6 Edith Baker. 5 Marion Baker ( desc. age 3 yrs~). 5 Joseph Baker m. to Doris Sears, Rickereal, Ore. 5 Margaret Baker m. to John Kashuta, 307 N .. 8th St., De- lavan, Wis. 6 Bernice Kashuta. 6 Harold Kashuta. 6 Elizabe_th· Kashuta. 6 Howard Kashuta. . 5 Malcolm Baker m. to Edith Campell, Crivitz, Wis. 6 Merl Baker. 5 Philip Baker. 5 George Baker. 1'11 5 Dtr. (dese. infancy). 4 Edward C. Cain m. to Chloe Crawford, Monon, Ind. 4 Francis P. Cain m. to Elta G. Ostler, 853 E. Walnut St., Frankford, Ind. 5 Elta E. Cain. 4 Catherine 0. Cain m. to Charles Ray (-d. 1915), 1229 Cott­ age Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. 5 Tressa B. Cain m. to James Smith (dese.). . 5 Edward F. Ray m. to Bernice Ernst, 1248 Wright St., India­ napolis, Ind. 5 Golda M. Cain m. to Walter 0. White, 1218 Cottage Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. 6 Walter 0. White. 6 Charles R. White. 6 Robert F. White. 6 Amery G. White. 5 Clarence Ray (desc. age 2~i). 5 Infant (desc.). 5 Nordica Ray (desc.) m. to Elmer Bryant. 5 . Walter A. Ray unwed. 5 C. :aernard Ray unwed. · 4 Margaret J. Cain (teacher). 4140 Wilcox St., Chicago, Ill. 4 Infant ( desc.). 4 Infant (desc.). 4 Harriet E. Cain m. to Henry Kellenburger, Monticello, Ind. 5 Thelma D. Kellenburger m. to Newell Hitt, 3746 Swift Ave., San Deigo, Cali. 6 Charles .L. Hitt. 6 Joan E. Hitt. 6 Donald ·L. Hitt. 5 Kenneth L. Kellenburger. 5 Lavon R. Kellenburger.

. INDEX OF THE FIRST OR WINGATE FAMILY Aaron ...... 1737- 63 Charles E...... 1850- 60 Aaron ...... 1744- 63 Charles E. L. . . . . 1861-12, 21, 69 Aaron ...... 1764- 62 Charles G...... 1872- 60 Abigail ...... 1685- 58 Charles ...... 1872- 68 Abigail ...... 17 ?- 70 Charlotte D...... 1863- 71 Abigail ...... 1704- 64 C\~f

Francis ...... 1784- 69 John P ...... 1862- 68 Francis D •...... 1921- 83 J ohn F...... 1882- 83 Frank ..... H• •••••••••• - 1904- 81 J ohn F ...... 1885- 59 Fredrick ...... 1814- '10 John W •...... 1899- 49 Frederick ...... 1782- 69 John ...... 1915- 83 Freida ...... 1893- 82 Johnathan ...... 1727- 68 Fontella ...... 1905- 83 J onathan ...... 1794- 62 George W...... 1778- 65 Johnathan E...... 1822- 76 George E...... 18 ?- '10 Joseph F ...... 17 ?- 70 George .... ,...... 1805- · '10 Joseph ...... 17 ?- 60 George ...... 1814- 63 Joseph ...... 1751- 70 George ...... 1820- 68 Joseph ...... 1789- 62 George W •...... 1840- 22, 60 Joseph F...... 17 ?- 60 George F...... 1859- 68 Joseph ...... 18 ?- 70 George ·A...... 1871- 22, 60 Joseph ...... 1827- 63 George H...... 1904- 59 Joseph P...... 1843- 61 Gladys E...... 188~ 70 Joseph G. A •...... 1880- 69 Glenda ...... 1922- 80 , Josephine ...... 1889- 69 Grace W...... 1896- 60 Joshua ...... 1679- 64 Grover C ...... 1892- 84 Joshua ...... 1710- 70 Harriett F...... 1856- 63 Joshua ...... 1725- 62 Garrison ...... 188 ?- '10 Joshua ...... 1747- 70 Hartley P...... 1926- 83 Joshua ...... 1771- 73 Heber C...... 1909- 81 roshua ...... 1773- 70 Helen C •...... 1851- 63 J oshua P...... 1808- 63 Helen B...... 1885- 69 Julia W ...... 1867- 23, 75 Henry T ...... 1813- 23, '16 J. Luther ...... 1911- 80 Henry ...... 1823- 68 Lafe ...... 1908- 83 Henry ...... 1833- 7 4 Lapreal ...... 1905- 83 Henry ...... 1842- 60 Levi A •...... 1817- 70 Henry M...... 1845- 63 Levi P...... 1848- 71 Henry P •...... 1856- 23, 68 Levi A...... 1851- '71 Henry N...... 1883- 75 Lewis M ...... 1919- 83 Henry K...... 1865- 23, 59 Luther ...... 1886- 80 Henr.r S...... 1905- 59 Lulu I...... 1877- 83 Iona ...... 1908- 83 Lulu ...... 1905- 83 Irma ...... 1904- 84 Louisa M...... 1869- 60 Isabelle ...... 1859- 68 Louise ...... 1840- 75 James ...... 17 ?- 70 Lo·no B...... 1922- 82 James ...... 1783- '16 Love ...... 1720- 78 James D. P...... 1855- 21, 69 Love ...... 1776- 74 Jane ...... 1712- '16 Lueian Z...... 1860- 82 Jeremiah ...... 1842- 63 Lueian B...... 1890- 82 Joanna ...... 1711- 64 Lydia ...... 1786- 62 Joanna ...... 1808- 74 Lydia A ...... 1841- 63 John ...... 1636-15, 18, 58 Margaret M...... 1919- 68 John ...... 1670- 19, 58 Marguarite...... 1902- 81 John ...... 1693- 58 Mary ...... 1677- 58 John ...... 1743- 69 Mary ...... 1691- 58 John ...... 1753- 62 Mary ...... 1708- 73 John ...... 1719- 58 Mary ...... 1728- 64 John C...... 1739- 23, 74 Mary ...... 1756- 61 John ...... 1725- 79 Mary ...... 1766- 64 John ...... 1741- 69 Mary ...... 1769- 74 John ...... 1754- 58 Mary ...... 1785- 74 John ...... 17'14- 70 Mary ...... 1806- 63 John ...... 1776- 58 Mary P •...... 1809- 76 John ...... 1780- '14 Mary ...... 1810- 66 John ...... 1782- 63 . Mary F ...... 1835- 63 John ...... 1807- 23, 74 Mary ...... 1885-- 75 John C ...... ,... 1802- 58 Mary C...... 1849- 61 John ...... 1812- 63 Mary ...... 1851- 70 John M...... 1813- 81 Mary S...... 1849- 61 John P. -...... 1814- 67 Mary E...... 1859- 63 John H ...... - ...... 1835- 59 Mary H ...... 1868- 60 Deacendam,ts of Otker Names 175

Mary M...... 1889- 75 Ruby L ...... 1920- 80 Mary A...... 1906- 83 Ruth A...... 1890- 59 Mabel ...... 1886- 69 Ruth ...... 1917- 59 Malvina ...... 18 ?- 80, 81 Sally ...... 1781- 62 Martha ...... 1718- 77 Samuel ...... 1700- 64 Martha A ...... 1853- '10 -Samuel ...... 1721- 62 Martha L ...... 1915- '69 Samuel D...... 1826- 69 Maude ...... 1885- 83 Sarah ...... 1696- 64 Marjorie D •...... 1901- 60 Sarah ...... 1705- 73 Maurel ...... 1925- 84 Sarah ...... 1734- 64 May ...... 18 ?- 70 Sarah ...... 1737- 64 Mazie B...... 1917- 83 Sarah ...... 1738- 63 Mehitable ...... 1709- 64 Sarah ...... 1769- 65 Mehitable ...... 174 7- 63 Sarah ...... 1778- 74 :Mehitable ...... 178?- 69 Sarah ...... 178?- 74 Melvin ...... 1896- 85 Sarah ...... 1809- 65 Melvin G...... 1924- 85 Sarah ...... 1829- 63 Milo M•...... 1811- 76 Sarah E. A ...... 1846- 70 Morris H...... 1892- 59 Sarah P...... 1864- 68 Moses ...... 16 ?- 58 Sophia ...... 1800- 62 Moses ...... 1698- 64 Stephen ...... 1 788- 62 Moses ...... 1738- 64 Stephen ...... 1784- 60 Moses ...... 1744- 63 Stephen ...... 1838- 60 Moses ...... 1769- 21, 68 Simon ...... 1713- 64 Moses ...... 1798- 64 Susan ...... _ ... 1810- 63 Moses ...... 1819- 63 Susana...... 1780- 70 Moses ...... 1823- 63 Velma ...... 1901- 83 N. A ...... 1914- 80 Vera L ...... 1916- 80 Myrtle ...... 1888- 82 Vida L ...... 1900- 81 Nelda ...... 1910- 83 Wayne ...... 1924- 83 Nellie J ...... 1861- 59 Walter ...... 18 ?- 60 Nellie C...... 1883- 59 Wanda ...... 1912- 80 Nora ...... 1924- 80 Weston P ...... 1859- 75 Noah ...... 1735- 63 William ...... 1745- 69 0liver S...... 1870- 68 William ...... 1750- 22, 62 0rianna ...... 1895- 69 William ...... 1783- 62 0thel ...... 1926- 84 William P •...... 1789- 63 Paine ...... 1703- 20, 64 William S •...... 186?­ ·59 Paine ...... :...... 1734- 64 William L...... 189 6- 82 Paine ...... 1739- 21, 64 Willian;t R...... 1888- 59 Paine ...... -...... 176'7- 69 Winnette ...... 1928- 84 _Paine ...... ·. .. 1786- '10 Woodson ...... 1930- 84 Paine ·········-········ 1824- 70 Parley ...... 1880- 83 Zinnia ...... 1875- 81 Printha ...... 188'7- 84 Zenos ...... 1842- 80 Quentin F...... 1918- 80 Zenos ...... 1866- 80 Ruby H...... 1897- 81 Zenos V...... 1926- 81 DESCENDANTS OF OTHER NAMES GALLEY m ...... , .. Bauer ...... 62 Aldritt ...... '73 Beals, E. A ...... ·85 Anderson ~.· ...... ' ...... 66 Beals, N. K ...... 84 . Arnold ...... ·...... 83 Beckley ...... 70 Ayres ...... 77 Bent ...... '14 Bailey ...... '77 Black ...... 81 Baldwin ...... 83 Blackmer ...... 60 Baker ...... 68 Blake ...... 62 Barnard ...... 66 Brackett, A. N...... 78 Barney ...... 84 Brackett, J...... 77 Barrer ...... '71 Bradley, S ...... 64 Barlett ...... 65 Bradley, E ...... 76 Batchelder ...... 66 Brooks ~ ...... · ...... 72 Batema~ ...... 75 Brookfield ...... 74 176 Inde::e of the Wingate-Winget Family in America

Bucknam ...... 78 Hodgdon ...... ,...... 64 Carret ...... 61 Hodgdon, J...... 58 Caseman ...... 86 Hodgdon, S...... 63 Chase ...... 76 Holmes ...... 82 Chavir ...... 86 Horton ...... 62 Chadwick ...... 78 Horn ...... ·...... 62 Chandler ...... 7'1 Humphrey ...... 67 Clark, B. F ...... 66 Huntley ...... 67 Clark, H. L ...... 68 Ibach ...... ~...... 72 Clark, J. N...... 73 Ingalls ...... 7 0 Clark, J ...... 58 Inglish ...... 75 Clark, R. A ...... 72 Isaackson ...... 83 Cook ...... 65 Jensen, B...... 83 Corson ...... 62 Jensen, G...... _..... 84 Cox ...... ;...... 81 Jensen, G...... 86 Cran·e ...... 83 Jensen, H. R...... 82 Creamer ...... 84 Jacobs ...... · 78 Crook ...... 76 J ergensen ...... 85 Dagget ...... 76 Johnson ...... 82 Day ...... 85 .Jones ...... 86 Davis ...... 70 Kelley, C. B...... 69 .L eM.tlls, 0...... 80 Kelly, J ...... ·...... 62 DeMills, S •...... '10 Kenrick ...... 69 Draudt ...... 61 Knudsen ...... 69 Drew ...... 64 Lambert ...... 85 Doe ...... 62 Larson ...... 83 Downes ...... 62 Lawson ...... 73 Dodge ...... 73 Leavitt, D...... :...... 73 Eastman ...... 78 Leavitt, G. W...... 65 Elliott ...... 64 Legore ...... ,...... 78 Emerson ...... 77 Libby,J. T...... 62 Erickson ...... 81 Libby, J...... 63 Farlow ...... 84 Lindsay ...... 23, 75 Farrell ...... 67 Littlefield ...... 65 Fauntin ...... 84 (Parkman) Flanders ...... 66 Lloyd ...... 60 Folsom ...... 78 Locks ...... ~·...... 80 Foss ...... 69 Mack ...... ~...... 68 Fowles ...... 63 Magleby ...... •. -...... 83 French ...... 77 Manock ...... ~...... 63 Furber ...... 61 Mareek ...... 59 Gardner ...... 73 Marks ...... 67 Gilbert ...... - ...... 67 Marsten ...... 77 Gleaver ...... 80 Mason ...... 62 Gregerson ...... 85 MeCashland ...... 72 Gookin ...... 78 McIntire ...... 78 Gool ...... 73 Meikle . :...... 7 4 Green ...... 60 Miller ...... 70 Hall, A. W ...... 85 Miltmore ...... 65 liall, T. Wm...... 74 Moore, A...... 63 Hardy ...... 83 Moore, C...... 77 Harris ...... 75 Munn ...... 76 Hart ...... 61 Muret ...... 71 Ham ...... 63 Nelson ...... 73 Hamilton ...... 65 Newman ...... 79 Hansen ...... 63 Noyes ...... 64 Hayes, M ...... 62 Nye ...... 77 Hayes, P ...... 64 Ogden ...... 81 Haynes ...... 70 Olcott ...... 6·6 Hazzard ...... 67 Oldroyd ...... _...... ~...... 81 Heath ...... 76 Parker ...... 63 Henny ...... 58 Parkman ...... 65 Herrick ...... 61 Parrott ...... 69 Hickey ...... 83 Partridge ...... ~ 66 Hill ...... 64 Peeterson ...... 84 Indez of the Second OT Caleb Winget Fa,mil,11 177

Petty ...... 85 Stout ...... 71 Pickering ...... 73 Stokes ...... 81 Pike, C. D ...... 68 Swain ...... 63 Pike, H. ·························~········ 65 Taylor, A...... 64 Porter ...... 75 Taylor, H. M...... 68 Powell ...... 72 - Tebbetts ...... 62 Powers ...... 61 Thompson, F. S...... 66 Pringle ...... '" .... . 75 Thompson, G. W...... 66 Quimby ...... 64 Titcomb ...... 64 Randall, B...... 77 Toppan ...... 73 Randall, W...... '...... 74 Twohey ...... 73 Reichert ...... 85 Underhill ...... 60 Rice ...... -~ ...... 78 Upham ...... 78 Ricks ...... 71 VanSlyke ...... 72 Riebeth ...... 59 Vatter ...... 63 Roberts ...... 62 V ermazen ...... 7 6 Robinson, A •..... :...... •...... 86 Vipart ...... 70 Robinson, D •...... 65 Whalen ...... 68 Robson ...... 76 Waldron ...... 69 Rogers ...... 63 Wasson ...... 60 Romanzo ...... 60 Watson ...... 7"4 Rood ...... •. • 75 Waugh ...... 71 Ross ...... 83 Webb ...... 77 Sampson ...... 71 Weed ...... 72 Sanborn ...... 74 Weeks ...... 23, 77 Sargeant ...... 73 Wells ...... 84 Scriver ...... 59 W!gg!ns, A...... 64 Schnering ...... 75 W 1ggins, D...... 7 6 Searing ...... 82 Whipple ...... 70 Severence ...... 71 Wildman ...... ·...... 72 Shaw ...... '14 Wilder ...... 78 Shute ...... 62 Willer ...... · 82 Sleeper ...... 70 Williams, G. D...... 173 Spalding ...... 77 Williams, G...... 63 Spinney ...... 64 Woburn ...... 62 Stebbine, C...... 77 Wonson ...... 67 Stebine, F. L...... 76 Woodbury ...... 69 Stevens ...... 62 Wooten ...... 86 Stickney, Jn...... 77 Yergensen ...... 80, 85 Stickney, M •...... ~ .. . 74 Zeigler ...... 73


Aaron ...... 1803- 89, 103 Allen F ...... 1900- 139 Aaron ...... 1839- 93 Allen H...... 1930- 107 Addie M...... 1864- 143 Allie ...... 18 ?- 110 Addie ...... 1891- 146 Allie A ...... 1870- 129 Adolphus ...... 18 ?- 91 Allie F...... 1886- 133 Adrian ...... 18 ?­ 112 Allison ...... 1825- 117 Adair ...... 1917- 145 Alma ...... 1884- 107 Agnes ...... 191 ?- 145 Alma E...... 1886- 108 Alan H...... 1930- 107 Alta ...... 18 ?- 133 Alden ...... 18 ?- 89 Alta B...... 1864- 130 Albert ...... 18 ?­ 103 Alonzo ...... 1855- 146 Albert ...... 1856- 92 Althea J...... 1853- 139 Albert B...... 1846- 132 Alvin ...... 1910- 112 Albert ...... 1879- 145 Amanda ...... 1836- 119 Albert ...... 1923- 146 Amanda ...... 1901- 134 Alfred ...... 1853- 144 Ann M •...... 18 ?- 91 Alice ...... 18 ?- 112 Ann ...... 18 ?- 113 Alice ...... 18 ?- 113 Ann ...... 1867- 127 Alice M...... 1880- 109 Anna ...... 17 ?- 114 Alice ...... 1890- 144 ...... 18 ?- 103 Alice M...... 1902- 140 Ann~ ...... 1854- 105 178 Indez of the Wingate-Winget Famuy in America

Anna ...... 1861- 121 Charles A: . . .. 18 ?- 117 Anna B...... 1872- 118 Charles A. . . . . 18 ?- · 133 Anna E...... 1880- 93 Charles ...... 18 ?- 125 Anna L...... 1884- 128 Charles ...... 18 ?- 125 Anna ...... 1885- 146 Charles ...... 1838- 141, 147 Annabel ...... 1903- 93 Charles ...... 1849- 130 Anette ...... 1846-­ 105 Charles ...... 1867- 143 Anette C...... 1894- 129 Charles E ...... 1867- 145 Annice ...... 18 ?- 133 Charles S•...... 1870- 130 Anson B ...... 1859- 134 Charles Q. . . . . 1894- 140 Angeline E. . . 1871- 125 Charlotte ...... 1894- 91 Archibald ...... 1793- 105 Charlotte L. .. 1906- 128 Archibald ...... 1843- 90 Clara ...... 18 ?- 112 Archie D...... 1927- 91 Clara ...... 18 ?- 116 Arista J...... 1852- · 107 Clara J ...... 1870- 118 Arminta ...... 1824- 141 Clark A...... 1882- 144 Arlo ...... 18 ?- 89 Clarence 1856- 133 Arleigh ...... 1901- 93 Clarence L. . . 1879- 90 Artemus ...... 1831- 141 Clarence E. .. 1881- 112 Arthur E ...... 1872- 130 Clarence E. .. 1920- 130 Arthur J ...... 1875- 145 Clarice ...... 1893- 131 Arthur ...... 1924- 145 Cleon ...... 18 ?- 154 Arthur D...... 1927- 91 Clifford ...... 1870- 89 Austin ...... 18 ?- 111 Clinton R ...... 1912- 91 Austin ...... 1897- 131 Collins 0...... 1857- 116 Augustine ...... 1886- 128 Constance ...... 18 ?- 134 Barbara S. .. .. 1927- 127 Cora B...... 1869- 129 Beatrice ...... 18 ?- 117 Cora E...... 1883- 93 Belle ...... 1845- 107 Cosette J...... 1924- 129 Benita L ...... 1912- 145 Cynthia A. . . . . 1868- 128 Benjamin D. .. 1851- 90 Cynthia A ..... 1907- 93 B. Harvey . . . . 1816- 114 Cyprian L. . . . . 1834- 127 Bertha M. . . . . 1895- 128 Curry ...... 1844- 129 Bessie ...... 18 ?- 141 Dale ...... 1894- 142 Bethany ...... 18 ?- 94 Daniel ...... 1 772- 88, 132 Betty J...... 19 ?- 133 Daniel ...... 1786- 88, 89 Burr ...... 1883- 146 Daniel ...... 1801- 132, 141 Byron ...... 1859- 127 Daniel ...... 1837- 89 Byron L ...... 1911- 127 David C...... 1803-121, 128, 129 Caleb ...... 1744- 88 David C...... 18 ?- 139 Caleb ...... 17 ?- 88, 93 David ...... 18 ?- 133 Caleb ...... 1791- 105 David ...... 1815- 106 Caleb ...... 1803- 132, 140 David P...... 1828- 125 Caleb ...... 18 ?- 93 David ...... 1830- 93 Caleb ...... 1851- 93 David C...... 1834- 136, 139 Calvin ...... 1801- 121, 125 D. Frank ...... 1865- 129 Calvin ...... 18 ?­ 112 David E...... 1887- 94 Calvin M...... 183 ?- 128 Della B...... 1868- 108 Calvin R ...... 183?- 128 Della ...... 18 ?- 112 Calvin ...... 1868- 112 Dena ...... 18 ?- 134 Calvin ...... 19 ?­ 134 Denman ...... 1889- 91 Catherine 18 ?­ - 91. Dessie ...... 18 ?- 117 Catherine ...... 18 ?­ 113 Dessie V ...... 1882- 119 Catherine ...... 1829- 121, 135 Dewitt H. . . .. 1850- 125 Carl A ...... 19 ?- 133 Dora ...... 1864- 147 Caroline M ... 18 ?- 114 Doris A...... 1925- 134 Carolyn C. . . . . 1894- 112 Dorcus ...... 1905- 115 Carrie E. L ... 187?- 115 Donald N. . . . . 1885- 127 Carrie V...... 1890- 108 Donald N ...... 1907- 127 Cephus ...... 1823- 132 Douglas ...... 18 ?- 91 Cephus B...... 1874- 132 Earl B ...... 1884- 112 Charles ...... 18 ?­ 141, 147 Earl T...... 1885- 128 Charles ...... 18 ?­ 91 Doris T...... 1907- 128 Charles ...... 18 ?- 113 Edgar ...... 1881- 90 Charles A. .. . . 18 ?- 103 Edgar ...... 1896- 131 Index of tke Second or Caleb Wmget Family 179

Edgar ...... 1905- 135 Florella ...... 1858- 116 Edna ...... 1888- 146 Florida A. .... 18i3- 129 Edna --·-···-·-···· 1892- 93 Florence ---·-·-- 18 ?­ 91 Edna·-······-·-···-- 1915- 1-45 Horenee -·------19 !- 146 Edward -·---·-· _1876- 134 .F'i«ty ------·····- 1890- 142 Edward Jl. -··- 1885- 1.30 - , Fnmeis .. --- ll35-Z~ ill Eddie -··.:--·-··-- 18 1- 114 F3:a1w:is 1L -·-- iW· 130 Edwin S. --·-·-- 1859- 10-Z Fnmk ------18 !- 94 Edwin ·---·---··-- 1906- 186 Fmnk ______18 1..;..._ 94 Eldo:n B. ·-··-•-·l.909- 91 Fomk ______1855 · 1865- 126 Eldon -··--···--- 1926- 145 :Faaek ___ __: ______129 Elza S. --·---·-·- 1888- 144 F,cimk --i.~-.. --·- 1872- 145 Efizabeflt --···· l.1 '?- · 88 Etank H. -···-- 1909- 106 Elizabeai ······- 18 '!- ll4 Fit-;a.J;Hp ------1823-­ 1~ 142 Elizabetii A. ·- l.8 !-· . 15 Geoige ------1854- 133 Emaheth · 18 ~ 1.32 ,rc_.,,,..., ~C> .,. ~i:ge ------.:1:10 -- 91 E6zabeih c:·-=-llrl5- 128 Ge,oi:ge ______· .1873,---- 145 Elizaheih ·-···-·- 1'799- 186 George L. ------lfi81--­ 12'1 Elizaheih -·. ·-- 1825-- 108 Geoige ---·-···- ~ 106 Elizahe1il E. -- 1829- 92 ~ . -·------·-;- 142 Etizahetii ...:. .. 1832-121, 13.5, 139 ~ E. ------l:9~ 130 l.885-- Ge!a1aine 1ft .,___ Ei:zaheth ·······- 93 -- •·-··-· ~ .. 112 Elizabetn A. .. 1848- 107 Gertrude ______lB !- 103 .r,:.n...--'- ~~'2- Elizabeth ·-···~ 1849- 105 ~.L",L, ··----.. ·---- ~~ lli Elmmeth ·-•:.. 1862- 127 Gloma I ·----- 19 !- 134 Emahetti A. -- 1875- 129 ·-·----·---- l.886- 142 Ella J_ ····--·---- 1861- 1-43 Grae.e L. ------1915- 146 Ellsworth ·...... · 18 '!- 1-41. Grace L. ------·- 191.V­ 93 Elias V_ ... ·----- 1823- lfi G!a◄,t ------··--- 18 !- 133 Ems 1L ···-· ··- 1877- 109' ------~ 133 Elmira ·····---·· 1881- 1-41 Hannah ______l"l ?- lefi Emra ····--··-··· 1857- 144 Hmumh ______17 ?- 88 Emily ;r_ ------1851- 139 HSl'ft13ah -~-·---- 18 ?­ 114 Emizy D ...... ig12-- 1-42 Bait:mh R. .... 1867- 118 EmoDJ ·------···- 18 !- 1-41 Ha-rmali H. ___ 1895- 116 Euuua ---·----··-- 18 1- 113 Hamiihal ... ·-·-- 18 !­ 133 Emma E. ·------1859- 90 Harold ······--·- 18 !­ 141 Emma :R.. ···---- 1861- 104 Harold --·····--·- 1905--- 14V Emma ····-·------1863- 145 Harold L. _____ 1917- l.30 1or.rr Emalin~---e ...... ·- 185:2- 141. lf-..v-dett_,__.,____, -·-· ·--- i.OcJA•- cl.39 EmaJine ...... 1851- 11V Haniett E. . ... 18114- 119 Emmett ..... ··- 1893- 134 Harwe-_y . ··------1845---­ 140 Ernest E. ···-·· 1868- 139 Harwey . ·----· ·- 184V-­ 1.29 Ernest .c. ······• 1893- 135 Harwe., I.. -·-- l.890- ll6 Essie I. ... ·--- ffl7:2- 92 1f-4itf·MSu.n 0. ___ lBSl-·- 91. Esther M.. ····-- 1819- 106 jJ:mhffUB --·--- 113 ?­ 91. Esther ·------18817- 148 Helen D. ---- _J&W­ HV EsBler .A. ···-·· 1883- 100 Hrieo W .. -·--- 18" llO Esther I. ---- ·- 1893- l.fl HEien ____ l:9ll~ ~ &t1ey ·--···--·--- 18 1- 132 :Bestet-iJett¥ -·----______l!t1--lfi98- 92 Ethel ·······-···- ~84- 1.25 106 Ethel E. ·-····-- 1:885-- 132 ffiJoa.A. ____ 1899- 10'1 'D"--.;J ~o -,_ EBle1 ---···-··--· 1886- 142 .i:D.'IWc.U.U ----- ..:UO • 134 Ethel ···-·········· 189:2- 131 Howard ------1846-­ 116 Eugene ...... 1;867- 92 .Hs,watd L. ···- l.8fil:- 1-44 Ema ...... 19 1- 132 Howard -··-·---·- Jg '?-­ 134 Eva ...... 1863---- 145 Hmmrd ~- ···- l.8Va- 114 ~ ...... 1:8?- 90 H:awmil ····-····· ~- 131 Farmery R...... 1860--- 128 Howard .A. ···- l.983- 114 Faye ...... 1·8 ?- 1-41 Ho-war.d L. . . .. 19fi­ 1-30 Faye ...... 1886- 133 Hugh ...... 11189- 88, 92 Fernando ...... 18 ?- 91 Iaml>a ...... 18 ?- 91 Flora M...... 1871- 129 Ida B ...... 1858-- 1-4£ Flora 0 ...... 1858- 128 Ida E ...... 1862- 145 Florella ...... 18 ?- 114 Ida L ...... 1866- 92 180 lnde~ of the Wingate-Winget Famuy in America

Ida M ...... 1867- 89 Joshua ...... '18 ?- 113 Ida ...... 18 ?- 111 Joshua ...... 1820- · 107 Ida ...... 1872- 143 Joshua ...... 1826- 141, 144 Ida M •...... 1873- 130 Joshna W. 1854- 107 Indiana I ...... 1870- 92 Joshna W. .... 189'1- 107 Isaac C...... 1858- 141 Joshua W •.... 1928- 107 1va I...... 1915- 93 Josiah M...... 1855- 133

lva ...... 1890- 142 Julia A ...4 ••••• 1928- 93 Jackie 0 ...... 19 ?- 134 June · ...... 18 ?- 117 Jackson P. .... 1913- 125 Kathryn :I • .... 1931- 127 James ...... 1787- 105 Kenneth Q •.... 1919- 140 James ...... 18 ?- 113 Kitson I...... 1892- 134 James ...... 18 ?- 125 Lafayette ...... 1835- 114 James ...... 18 ?- 125 Laura ...... 18 ?- 141 James B...... 1812- 89 Laura G...... 1858- 107 J ames B...... 1825- 93 Laura ...... 18 ?~ 111 James M...... 1825- 108 Laura A ...... 187~ 130 James T ...... 1857- 90 Layton T ... .-... 1907~ 115 J ames H...... 1860- 141 Leander ...... 18 ?- 91 J ames E ...... 1862- 106 Leander N. .... 1859- 144 James G ...... 1871- 140 Leatha J •...... 18 ?- 133 James D ...... 1908- 123 Lemuel ...... 18 ?- 141 James B ...... 1914- 106 Leo M•...... 1892- 109 Jane ...... 17 ?- 88 Leon F...... 1897- 127 Jane ...... 18 ?- 113 Leonadus ...... 1898- 116 Jane ...... 18 ?- 132 Leotta L ...... 1917- 140 Jane ...... 1805- 105 Lena ...... 18 ?- 115 Jane ...... 1911- 132 Lena L...... :. . 1900- 114 Jane ...... 1816- 106 Lena ...... 1866- 128 Jasper S...... 1856- 128 Leslie ...... 1860- 147 Jasper S...... 1'899- 128 Lester ...... 18 ?- 103 J emima ...... 1795- 131, 135 Levi ...... 1861- 144 J ennie ...... 1834- 130 Lewis ...... 18 ?- 91 Jennie 0...... 1867- 130 Lewis E...... 1881- 107 J essie E...... 1906- 140 Lillian ...... 1912- 127 Joanna ...... 1925- 127 Lloyd ...... 19 ?- 133 John ...... 1792- 88 Leotta ...... 1917- 140 John ...... 1795- 114, 117 Leotta ...... 1907- 93 John ...... 1797- 132 Lois A ...... 18 ?- 103 John ...... 18 ?- 117 Lois M...... 1924- 134 John G ...... -. 18 ?- 107 Logan ...... 1890- 118 John C...... 1889- 141 Lona ...... 18 ?- 115 J ohn ...... 18 ?- 113 Lola ...... 18 ?- 91 John ...... 1825- 135, 139 Lola ...... 1877- 142 John ...... 1828- 93 Loraine E. . . . . 1921- 116 John P ...... 1833- 107 Lucile ...... 1920- 134 John ...... 1857- 94 Lucy ...... 1855- 144 John F ...... 1853- 142 Lula J ...... 1878- 93 John G ...... 18 ?- 134 Lura ...... 1893- 116 John N ...... 1861- 118 Louisa ...... 1834- 109 John L ...... 1864- 139 Louise C ...... 1874- 125 John H. ..:.. ... 1864- 134 Luther ...... 18 ?- 111 John C...... 1879- 93 Luther ...... 1823- 135, 121 J ohn ...... 1891- 144 Luther B. . . . . 1897- 112 . John ...... 19 ?- 133 Lydia ...... 1893- 146 John C ...... 1911- 135 Mac ...... 1898- 125 John A...... 1911- 106 Mae ...... 18 ?- 125 John R •...... 1930- 142 Mahala C. . .. . 1819- 135, 136 Jordon ...... 18 ?- 112 Mamie ...... 1818- 88 Joseph W ...... 1813- 105 Margaret ...... 17 ?- 88 Joseph ...... 1822- 92 Margaret ...... 18 ?- 114 J oseph ...... 1843:-­ 129 Margaret ...... 18 ?­ 93 Joseph ...... 1894- 94 Margaret ...... 18 ?­ 134 J oshna ...... 1795- 105 Margaret ...... 1807- 105 J oshna ...... 18 ?- 132 Margaret ...... 1831- 108 Indez· of the- Second or Caleb Winget Family 181

Margaret J. .. 184~ 140, 145 Minna ...... 18 ?...;,,__ 94 Margaret L. .. 1882- 9.4 Minnie ...... 1865- 89 Margaret L. ..· 188'1- 116 Mirinie A •...... 1875- 108 Margaret ...... 1905- 118 . Minnie ...... 1878- 130 Margaret E. .. 1913- 112. · J.U.Inn1e,.,...... 18 .,.- 114 Marion ...... 18 ?- 125~ Minton ...... 1900- 133 Marion ...... 18 ?- 128 Moses ...... 1793- 114 Marion ...... 185~ 133 M.oses A...... -1831- 133 March ...... · 1920..:,_ ,93· Minton ...... · 183~ 117 Marcel E...... 1923- 116 Muriel J ...... 1921- 141 Marguerite C. 1899- . 134 Myroli H ...... 1901- 128 Marjorie E •.... 1922~ 134 Myrtle ...... 18 ?- 114 Mark B ...... 1916- ·146 Nancy L •...... 18 ?- 94 Mark E ...... 1923- 112 Nancy. J...... 18 ?- 88 Marie...... 1898-1· .., 134 Nancy A...... · 1837- 93 M ar1e ...... 8 .- 127 Nancy J ...... ; 1853- 94 Marlowe ...... 18 ?- · 89 Nancy M • ...... 1916- 132 Martin ...... 1820- 93 Neal ...... 18 ?- 117 Martha ...... 1833- 93 Nevian C•...... 1869- 132 Martha E ...... 1851-.. 133 Newton ...... 1833- 141, 146 Martha ...... 1860- 134 Nettie ...... 18 . ?- 111 Martha E ..... 1881- 146 Nina· ...... 18 ?- 89 Mary ._...... 18 .,?- . 132, 140 Niles ...... - 1881- 144 M ary ...... 18 .- · 142 Noble ...... · 1889- . 126 Mary E ...... 18 ?- 115 Nora ...... 18 ?~ 107 Mary ...... 18 ?- t41 Norma J ...... 1920- 146 Mary A...... 1821- . 135, 136 Norma J •...... 1822- . 145 Mary J...... 1829- · 103 Oliver ...... 18 ?­ 111 Mary L ...... 184~ · 90 Oliver L...... 1865- · 118 Mary J ...... 1851- 133 OphalE...... 1902- 116 Mary ...... 1853- 141 Opher ...... 1875- 90 Mary A...... 1855-. 139 Orilla. A •...... 1874- 93 Mary E...... 1862- 147 Orris F •...... 1857- 127 Mary L...... 1860- 127 0rville ...... 1891- 134 Mary ...... 1876- 130 Oscar ·············: 1850- 107 Mary I...... 1877- 118 Oscar R •...... 18 ?..:..... 103 Mary G...... 1879- 146. Oscar H ...... 18 ?- 117 Mary M...... 1882- 132 Oscar ...... · 1893- 92 Mary ...... 1888- 142 Osker . D. ·...... 1869....:,_ 89 Mary H...... 1883- 109 Ottis ...... 1887- 91 Mary ...... 18 ?- 93 Ottis L •...... ; 1925- . 91 M~~y ...... 18 ?- 113 Patti ...... 18. ?- 89 Mary H...... 1892-· 116 Paul E...... 192a-:- 106 Mary I...... 1896- 140 Paul ...... 19 ?- 146 Mary E ...... 1900- 106 Phoebe ...... 17 ?- 114 Mary E ...... 1913- · 130 Phoebe ...... 1799- 121 Mary S...... 1912- • 132 Phoebe ...... 18 ?- 141 Macy- 0 •...... 1914- 134 Phoebe ...... 18 ?- 142 Matilda L. . . . . 18 ?- 103 Phoebe ...... 18 ?- 108 Maude ...... 18 ?~ 1.03 Phoebe ...... 18 ?- 132 Maude ...... 1880- i35 Phoebe ...... 1842- 117 McCreary ...... 1801~ 1°05 Phoebe ...... 1866- 121 Messer ...... 18 ?.;_ 117 Pricilla ...... 1840- · 90 Medrith ...... 19 ?­ 133 Pricilla D •...... 1922- 129 Michael...... 1826- 140, 141 itade~ W...... 190.G-,.:.. 107 Mildred ...... 18 ?- 125 .-. Ralph ...... 1889- 142 Mildred J ...... 1898- 140 Ralph B~ ...... 1919- 115 Milton ...... 18 ?- 112 Raymond ...... 18 ?- 117 Milton ...... 18 ?- 133 Rebecca ...... 1796- 88, 94 Milton ...... 1826- 10·8 · Reuben· ...... 1765- 88, 89 M;ilton ...... 1828- '141 Reuben ...... 1800- 114; 117 1\1:ilton L...... 1841- 1a-0-· Reuben ...... 1802- 105, 111 Minerva 18 ?­ '9'3. Reuben M •.... 1826- 93 Minerva ...... 18 ?- 1~~- Re}Jben ...... 1840- 103 Minerva ...... 18 ?- J.:2.Q . B. . . .. 1848- 9_() 182 lnde~ of tM ·Wingate-Winget· Ft11W1,u1J in America,

Regina ...... 1904- . 106 Theodore T. . .. 1895-­ 134 Rex ...... · 1910- 134 Thomas M. . . .. 1830- 129 Rhoda ...... 1829- 109 Thoams ...... 1896- 92 Rholden ...... 1850- 141 Ulyssis ...... 18 .?­ 91 Richard ...... 1926- 91 Valita ...... 1905- 91 Robert ...... 17 ?- 88 Velma ...... 18 ?- 116 Robert ...... 1919- 145 Velma I ...... 1911- 93 Romie ...... 1896- 146 Vera M...... 1908- 93 Rosa B...... 1869- 146 Verna ...... 1886- 90 Rosie ...... 18 ?- 111 Viola V •...... 1896- 135 Rosella ...... 1858- 143 Viola V ...... 1896- 91 Rowe ...... 1905- 134 Viney ...... 18 ?- 117 Roy C...... 18 ?- 133 Virgil A •...... 18 ?­ 133 Ruby F...... 1898- 135 Virgil V...... 1896- 91 Rush ...... 18 ?- 141 Vn-ginia F. .... 1917- 141 Russel ...... 18 ?- 103 Viva ...... 18 ?- 133 Russel ...... 18 ?- 117 Walter H. . . . . 1856.....;,. 94 Russel 0...... 1900- 116 -Warren C..... 1844- 129 Russel B ...... 1913- 91 Wayne ...... 1897- 141 Ruth .B...... 1854- 90 Wayne F...... 1922- 140 Ruth A...... 1894- 130 Wesley ...... 1870- 145 Ruth ...... 1895- 134 Williard ...... 1857- 129 Ruth A...... 1901- 91 Willie G...... 18 ?- 12'1 Ruth A...... 1926- 91 William ...... 1769- 88, 114 Sadie ...... 1859- 106 William ...... 179'1- 121 Sadie ...... 1895- 145 William ...... 1798- 105, 108 Sall :e ...... 18 ?- · 115 William ...... 1799- 132, 135 Sallie ...... 18 ?- 11'7 William ...... 18 ?­ 91 Samuel ...... 18 ?- 91 William ...... 18 ?­ 91 Samuel ...... 18 ?- 112 William ...... 18 ?- 125 Sarah ...... 18 ?- 114 William ...... 18 ?- 113 Sarah ...... 1789- 105 William ...... 18 ?­ 117 Sarah ...... 1800- 88 William H. . .. . 18 ?­ 91 Sarah ...... 1819- 106 William K. .. .. 1827- 108 Sarah ...... 18.32- 112 William ...... 1827- 135 Sarah E...... 1866- 128 William ...... 1827- 121 Sarah E...... 1922- 91 William M. . . . . 1829- 126 Sheridan M. .. 1873- 108 William B. . . . . 1841- 141 Silas ...... 1835- 141, 147 William B. . . . . 1842- 135 SHas ...... 1839- 117 William ...... 1859- 118 Silas A...... 1865- 145 ·william ...... 1859- 127 Sophronia ...... 1848- 141 William B. 1865- 140 Stanley C. . . . . 1894- 91 William L. 1881- 130 Stella ...... 1856- 106 William F. 1895- 118 Stephen ...... 1775- 88, 121 William F. 1909- 139 Stephen ...... 1807-:­ 121 William E. 1915- 130 Stephen ...... 1808- 114 William E. 1928- 135 Stephen ...... 18 ?- 117 Willis C...... ;. 1855- 142 Stephen ...... 1823- 108 Wilton W. .... 18 ?- 140 Stephen F. . . . . 1856- 141 Stephen ...... 1861- 116 Winifred ...... 18 ?- 141 Stephen E. . . . . 1864- 118 Winifred ...... 1928- 145 Susannah ...... 1825- 108 Wilbur E. . . .. 1875- 93 Theodore S ... -1844- 114 Ziba ...... 1766- 88, 105 DESCE~DANTS OF OTHER NAMES Aark ...... ·...... 90 Archibald . ~ ...... 116 Albert ...... 100 Arthur, Dell ...... 90 Albin ...... ~ ...... 92 Arthur, Jn. ·...... 95 Alford ...... _ ...... 100 Armstrong ...... 91 Allen ...... : .. :...... 122 Athey ...... 98 Altland ...... 112 Axtell ...... 116 Apker ...... 146 Bachelder ...... 142 D~ of Ot1er NOIIMB 183

Bain ···································· 11'1 Coons ...... 90 Baker, C...... 123. 1 '10 Confer ...... 88, 89 Baker, G...... 113 Converse ...... 124 Baker, E. ·······-·················· 123 Corbit ...... 119 Baker, C. F...... :...... 133 Corwin ...... · ...... 143 Bald-win ...... 121 ...... 108 Barkman ...... 89 Crouch ...... 126 Barton ...... 90 Cooperider ...... 130 Bartholomew ...... 132 Cummings ...... 10'1 Barger ...... 142 Curry ·································· 121. 169 Bausman ...... 90 Cruikshank ...... 122 Baylor, A. L...... 9'1 Cochenom ...... 122 Baylor, G...... 98 Dallon ...... 108 Beard, J s...... 130 Dalrymple ...... 146 Beard, Jn. B...... 94 Davis ·································· 114 Beard, Wm...... 123, 169 Davies ...... 13'1 Beatty ...... 118 Dea.n, Ed...... 94 Bender ...... 144 Deens, Jn. ···················-····· 134 Bennett ...... 109 DeeCambell ...... 111 Berry- ·································· 90 Dewng ...... 113 Beeson ...... 90 Del..a.ney ...... 116 Bevan ...... 122 Derby ...... 128 Blaney ...... ~...... 129 Detwiler ...... 146 Black ...... 89 DeVelves ...... 111 Bonnell ...... 129 Devore ...... 142 Bouma ...... 145 Diehl ...... 95 Boylan ································ 132. 140 Dolbeer ...... 97 Bidw'ell ...... 125 Dorsey ·····························--· 134 Bra.nden ...... 144 Dock ·································: 97 Brandberry ...... 11 ···················:·············· 98 Breese . ······························· 146 Douglas ······························ 114 Brehm ································ 99 DiJnkle ································ 98 Bremer ...... 122 Dunn ·································· 96 Brett ····························--·-·· 14'1 E!dlin!t ...... 169 Bice ...... 169 Eisennmger ·················-······ 103 Brock -······························--· 11'1 Elder ...... 123. 169 Brown, E. I. ···················· 130 Elliott, L. .. _...... 1'10 Brown, J. T...... 13'1 Elliott, Wm...... 132 Bruney ...... 96 Ellerbrock ...... 129 Bryant ································ 171 Esterline ...... 90 Buchannan ···------········ 115 Evans ·································· SlQ Burke ·································· 14'1 Evans, E. G. ··············--··--·· 122- Burnham ················-···-····-·· 124, 136 Evans, Jn...... 10'1 Burns ...... ~...... 114 Everha.rl ······ ···--················· 111 Burson ...... 143 Fabert ································ 93 Bunn ·································· 122 Fair'l>a.nks ...... 130 Butterfield ························ 14'1 Fa.r111er ...... 99 Butler ...... 169 F':itzer- ···························-~····· 116 Byrum .. ::...... 144 F"issel ···········-··-··················· 95 Cain ·································· 123, 170 Fa.rd. ············-···-··-············--·· 135'bell ...... 122 Fouts, H. ·························­ 112 Carnine ...... 144 Fouts, Jn.. ····················-··-·· 106 Ca.rey ·················-················ 109, 110 Fox ...... 99 Castello ·····--····--·-··----·--····· 89 Fry- ···············-·-············-···· 94 Chapman ...... 93 F'ryant ...... 9'1 Chesser ...... :...... 134 F.ryl,erger ························-· 146 Chope ...... 128 Fulton ...... 146 Christia.nsen ······················ 106 GaiDf!S ············-··················· 12'1 Clayton ...... 10'1 Gardner ...... ~ ...... 108 Clemens ...... 139 Garver ...... _.... . 100 Clutter ···············-···-············ 11'1 Gibson ...... 91 Cobb ··············-·················· 128 Gea.r ···································· 119 Coley ...... 134 G-eorg-e ...... 106 Collier ...... 103 Gnbarn, B •...... 146 Cook ...... 112 G:ra.ham, G. W •...... 108 184 lnde~ of the Wingate-.Winget Family ·in America

Granger ...... 136 King ...... 96 Gray .· ...... 136 Kittridge ...... 125 Gray, N. W •...... :137 Kleeberger ...... 129 Grisso ...... 168 Knowles ...... 115 Gilbert ...... 130 Knox ...... 144 Goldman ·········-·················· 134 Kreitzer ...... 138 Goodrich ...... 123 Kunkle ...... 146 Goodall ...... 95 Lacock ...... 116 Guy ...... 123 Laird ...... 122 Hamilton, L...... 98 L~atherman ...... 108 Hamilton, F. L...... 91 Lee ...... -...... 119 Hanna ...... 103 Lehman ...... 103 Hale ...... 98 Lebow ...... ~ ... . 101 Halliday ...... 140 Lewis ················ ...... 116 Harrington ...... 128 Licklider ...... 106 Haruff ...... 142 Line ...... 109 Hayden ...... 118 Link ...... ~ ...... 112 Haynes, .J. D ...... 126 Lisk ...... 137 Heath ...... 130 Little ...... 101 Heath, H. G•...... -129 Lohnes .. -...... 98 Hedderly ...... 136 Lorentz ...... 138 Henzel ...... 115 Lowstetter ...... 118 Herbst ...... 168 Luse,.,... b"...... 111 Hetrick ...... 124 .1.,.1.a 1e ...... ~ ...... 133 Hilderbrandt ...... 143 Macy .-...... :...... 170 Hill ~ ...... 118 Marlin ...... 170 111 rtin. · Hines ...... 134 a.1.a ...... 140 Hinds ...... 100 Marsh ...... 125 Hitt ...... 171 Maier ...... ·132 Hopkins ...... 140 McBride ...... 125 Honnell ...... ~ ...... 111 McCammon, C...... 146 House ...... 103 McCammon, V •...... 146 Howard ...... 99 McClain ...... 88 Hubert ...... 111 M.c.Campbell ...... 136 Huett ...... - ...... 128 Mc.Cloud ...... ,.... 121, 135, ~139 Hug-hs ...... 118 McCashen ...... 109 Hull ...... 146 M~Crea ...... i47 Hurley ...... 119 Mc.Cullough ...... 123 Hurry ...... 137 McDonald ...... 100 Ice ...... ~ ...... 112 · Mc.Kinney ...... 124 In~ledue ...... 98 , McNeil ...... 138 Irwin ...... 129 M.'.c_Pherson ...... 93 Jackson, A ...... :145 ' ~~Qujston ...... 138 Jackson. L ...... 143 McVeigh ...... 145 Jacobson ...... 140 l\ferryman ...... :.. . 107· Jenkins, Ed...... 115 Messenger ...... :.. 141 Jenkins, G. C...... 104 M-eyers ...... : .... . 120 Jenkins, W. E...... 126 Mellinger ...... ' ...... 97 · 99 M~~gley ...... 126 Jensen ······ ·························· Mickle ...... 140 Johnston, C. B ...... 97, 100 Mitchell ...... 124 Johnston, T. P •...... · 99 ·Miller, Abe ...... 103 Jones ...... - 133 M"ller; H. R ...... 94 Judy ...... 130 Miller, I. A ...... 105 Juenger ...... 133 l\{iller, R...... 99 Kenhart ...... 106 Miller, Wm •...... 128 Kibble ...... :...... 136 Miller, G...... :.. : ... . 97 Kashuta ...... 170 Montgomery ...... 115 Keiger ...... ll-3 Mo:ores,, Jn...... 115 Kessler ...... 108 Moore, A •...... :.. . 134. Ketch ...... 124 Mo.ore,. C ...... 145·. Kellow ...... f27 Morris ...... : .. 114 · Kellenberger ...... 171 Mosier ...... ·...... 137 Kerr ...... 116 Mottoe...... ·.. ·.. 109 · Kightlinger ...... ~~: 118 Mounce ...... 115·· Killbury ...... ::.·... ::.". 123, 169 Mourey ...... ;.. . 127 Descenta,nts ·of Otker Na,mes 185

Mowery ...... 113 Selch ...... 101 Mulhern ...... 106 Sells ...... 139 Muth ...... 119 Shade ...... 144 Myers, R ...... 115 Shaw ...... 136 Myers ...... 130 Sharpneck ...... 118 Naida ...... 108 Shellabarger ...... 88, 89, 94 Nalp ...... 98 Shelton ...... 106 Nelson ...... 93 Shipley ...... 129 Newman ...... 126 Shultis ...... 103 Needstine ...... · 111 Shroyer ...... · 94 North ...... 106 Sibert ...... ' ...... 114 Norton ...... 129 Siddenstick ...... 104 Paiden ...... ·...... 117 Sissons ...... 144 . Parlet ...... 113 Snider, C ...... 98 Paynter ...... 129 Snodgrass ...... 169 Peters, G...... 89 Snyder, Js...... 142 Peters, Rev. R. C. 138 Snyder ...... 110 Peterman ...... 126 Sonntag ...... 113 Pentz ...... : ...... 97, 100 Spore ...... 119 Pittenger ...... 88, 168 Sprowls ...... 115 Pitzler ...... 130 Smith, A...... 92 Ph"llips ...... 129 Smith, J...... 170 Porter ...... 117 Smith, A. H ...... 97 Pratt ...... 'l3!l Smith, M. J ...... 107 Price ...... ---95 Smith, M...... 114 Quackenbush ...... 144 Smith, S. Z •...... 168 Radabaugh ...... 112 Sm:thson ...... 142 Ramsey, A...... 115 Spees ...... - Il3 Ramsey, N.· L ...... 139 Stafford ...... 128 Ramsey, L...... , ...... 127 Stapleton ...... : ...... 98 Rausch ...... 169 Sterns ...... 144 Randall ...... 108 Strayor ...... 98 Ray ...... 170 Strane ...... 137 Reed, Chas...... 90 Steele, A. P...... 90 Reed, N ...... 107 Steele ...... 141 Reisner ...... 122 Stevelton ...... 111 Remley ...... 98 Stroud ...... 136 Reynolds ...... 92 Strouse ...... 11'7 Richards, C...... 122 Stephenson ...... 133 Richards, Ed...... 170 Stockstill ...... 95 Richey ...... 90 Sullivan ...... 145 Ridenour ...... 99 Sutherland ...... 115 Rinehart ...... 142 Sutton ...... 109 Ritter ...... 116 Syp-e ...... ······ ...... 104 Ricketts ...... 138 Sylivia ...... 99 Roan ...... 118 Tabler ...... 113 Roberts, B ...... 111 Talbott ...... , ...... 144 Robinson, Jn...... · 121, 135 Tam . :...... 113 Robinson, Sam•...... 123 Taylor ...... 94 Rodehever ...... 147 Tompson, F. P...... 125 Roseberry ...... 126 Thompson, J...... 95 Ross ...... 92 Thompson, J. W ....: ... . 119 Rostoffer ...... 111 Thompson, P. W...... 99 Rouse ...... 120 Ticknor ...... 113 Russel ...... 134 Tomas ...... ~ ...... 108 Rutan ...... 117 Trees ...... 130 Ryn-erson ...... 89 Troutman ...... 134 Ryan, G. W ...... 105 Trumbo ...... 94 Ryan, Joe ...... ·118 Turner, C ...... 123 Saylor ...... 94 Turner, Wm...... 144 Saylor, M. A...... · 133 Tudor ...... 101 Scalip ...... ~ ...... 130 . mlery ························ 168 Schaffer ...... 107 miom ····················· 143 Schreiner ...... 128 Van Auken ...... 139 Scull ...... , ...... ·103 Van Atta ...... , ...... 143 Seaman ...... 140 Van Schoyck ...... 136 186 Index of tke Wingate-Winget ·Fonnily in America

Varner ...... 109 w=1uams ...... 123 Vaughn ...... 169 Williams, W...... 125 Verity ···················-···· 135 Williams, W •...... 169 Waldron ...... 97 Wiliner ...... 103 Warner ...... 127 Wilcutt ...... 124 Watson ...... 137 Wintzer ...... :... . 112 Watters ...... 115 Wolford ...... 135 Weimer ...... 92 Woodburn, C...... 124 Wentworth ...... 139 Woodburn, J...... 123 Wideman ...... 143 Wood, Lee ...... 115 Wiley ...... 95 Wood, Lu ...... 99 Willey ...... 119 Wright ...... 115 Whetzel ...... 169 - Yahn ...... ~ ...... 89 White ...... 128 Yates ...... 98 White, W ...... 170 Young ...... 89 Whitlock ...... 93 Zeigenfelder ...... 106 Whitman ...... 112 Zolman ...... 143 INDEX OF WINGATE UNCONNECTED NAMES Alice, 0 ...... 18 !- 152 Lucian ...... 1820- 156 Benjamin ...... 18 ?- 160 Mabel, R...... 1875- 157 Cannon ...... 17 ?- 159 Maria, L...... 1822- 156 Casendra ...... 18 ?- 155 Marie, L...... 1871- 156 Cyrus ...... 17 ?- 156 Mary, K...... 1871- 156 Cora ...... 18 ?- 153 Min-nie ...... 18 ?- 152 Desdemona ...... 18 ?- 156 Martin ...... ·...... 17 ?- 158 Daniel ...... 1720-158, 167 Napoleon ...... :...... 18 ?- 159 Eddie ...... 18 ?- 155 Rebecca ...... ······T 17 ?- 156 Edw.ard ...... 17 ?- 155 Reuben, A ...... 1823- 156 Edw.ard ...... 17 ?- 155 Robert ...... 17 ?- 156 Edward ...... 17 ?- 152 Robert, J ...... 1829- 156 Edwin, B...... 18 ?- 156 R. F ...... 1822- 155 Edwin ...... 18 ?- 156 Ruth ...... 18 ?- 153 Elias ...... 17 ?- 158 Sarah, H...... 1825- 156 Ella, H ...... 18 ?- 156 Sara ...... 17 ?- 158 Ellen ...... 1839- 157 Sallie, G •...... 18 ?- 156 Ellen ...... 18 ?- 156 Sally, M...... 1869- 153 Enoch ...... 1733- 158 Samuel ...... 17 ?- 155 Ernest ...... l... 18 ?- 155 Smith ...... 17 ?-· 155 Isabella, 0. ·...... 1833- 153 Smith ...... 18 ?- 156 Isabella ...... 1864- 153 Susan, M •...... 1828- 156 Isaac ...... 1791- 156 Thomas ...... 17 ?- 156 Isaac ...... 1834- 156 Thoma-s ...... 17 ?- 158 Isaac ...... 17 ?- 158 William ...... 17 ?- 159 Isaac ...... 18 ?- 156 WiHiam ...... 17 ?- 156 Henry ...... 1795- 156 William, W...... 1793-152, 159 Henry ...... 18 ?- 156 w·uiam, w. J...... 18 ?- 152 Henry ...... 18 ?- 156 Washington, M. . ... 1828-152, 159 Henry, A...... 1888- 159 WINGET James ...... 1872- 160 Addison ...... 18 ?- 151 John ...... 16 ?- 159 Amy, E...... 18 ?- 152 John ...... 17 ?- 155 Benjamin ...... 1845- 161 John ...... 17 ?- 156 Bertha, M•...... 1900- 150 John ...... 17 ?- 158 Calvin, H ...... 1819- 149 John, B ...... 17 ?- 15"8 Calvin, B ...... 1876- 150 John, C ...... 1851- 155 Charles, F ...... 18 ?- 151 John, W ...... 18 ?- 156 Charles, W...... 1907-. 150 Joseph ...... 17 ?- 156 Carlyle ...... 1912- 150 Joseph ...... 17 ?- 155 Clifford ,...... 18 ?- 151 Joseph, E. .. ,...... 18 ?- 155 Cordelia ...... 18 ?- 158 Katherine ...... 18 ?- 167 Daniel ...... 18 ?- 151 Laurie ...... 18 ?- 153 Edward ...... 18 ?- 158 Louis, B...... 18 ?- 159 Effie, M...... 1885- 150 Leah ...... 1801- 167 Electra ...... 18 ?- 155 Lizzie ...... 1817- 159 Eliza ...... 18 ?- 152 Unconnected Families of Other Names 187

Elizabeth, J •...... 1833- 158 John .. ,...... 17 ?- 158 Elizabeth, J ...... 18 ?- 158 Joseph ...... 17 ?- 155 Elzada ...... 1886- 150 Joshua ...... 17 ?- 159 Ephriam ...... 17 ?- 159 Laura, M ...... 1837- -158 Eudora ...... 1871- 149 Laura ...... 18 ?- 157 Euphama, B •...... 1899- 150 Lenn ...... 18 ?- 159 Esther, M•...... 1909- 150 Lena, M...... 18 ?- 158 Ev.a, A •...... 1873- 151 Leslie ...... 18 ?- 151 Eva, L...... 18 ?- 151 Letha, H...... 18 ?- 152 Evelyn ...... 18 ?- 151 Luther ···-················ 18 ?- 151 Ezekiah ...... 17 ?-. 159 Luther ...... 18 ?- 158 Ezra ...... 1795- 157 Lucretia .:...... 1844- 157 Fem ...... 1916- 150 M,ary, J ...... 18 ?-· 152 Flora, A...... 18 ?- 151 Mary, L ...... 1811- 150 Flora- ...... 18 ?- 152 Maggie, G...... 1892- 151 Frederick ...... 18 ?- 152 Marion, N. G•...... 1901- 150 Gene ...... 18 ?- 151 Minnie, E ...... 1878- 150 George, W...... 1881- 150 Myrtle, F ...... ·..... 1887- 151 Gilbert ...... 18 ?- 157 Myrtle, F ...... 1906- 150 Gladys ...... 18 ?- 152 Myron, H ...... 18 ?- 152 Genn ...... 18 ?- 151 Nancy ...... 17 ?- 158 Glenn, M...... 1903- 150 Olive, V...... 18 ?- 152 Grace ...... 18 ?- 151 Nellie, M...... 1905- 150 Guy ...... 18 ?- 151 Norris, M.· ...... 1904- 150 Ira ...... 1834- 151 0liver, C...... 1847- 149 Ira, H...... 1868- 152 0pal, A ...... 1912- 150 Hazel, M...... 1898- 150 0rpha, C...... 1900- 151 Helen L...... 1903- · 150 Phoebe ...... 18 ?-· 152 Howard, M•...... 1906..;..._ 150 Phoebe, A...... 1835- 158 Irma, E ...... 1889- 151 Peter ...... 177 ?- 157 James ...... 1770- 149 Sally ...... 17 ?- 159 James ...... 1795- 149 Thomas ...... 17 ?- 159 James ...... 18 ?- 151 Thomas ...... 1827- 157 James, A ...... 18 ?- 151 Thomas, P...... 18 ?- 157 Jacob ...... 18 ?- 151 Wendell, T ...... 1912- 150 Jasper, M ...... 1875- 150 WH:.iam ...... 1815- 157 Jessica, M...... 18 ?- 157 William ...... 1843- 157 John ...... 17 ?- 158 William ...... 18 ?- 158 John ...... 17 ?- 159 William, E...... 1873- 149

UNCONNECTED FAMILIES OF OTHER NAMES Barr ...... 158 Hamlet ...... 151 Bailey ...... -...... 157 Harris ...... 156 Battle ...... · ...... 153 Haslow ...... 150 Beach ...... 157 Herod ·······-·································· 155 Bell ...... 159 Hill ...... 150 Boik ...... , .. ·...... 150 Holm ...... 150 Bridger ...... 155 Hull ...... 157 Campbell ...... 156 Hughs ...... 155 Chase, S...... 158 Knibbs ...... 151 Chase, T...... ,...... i 51 Lasdon ...... 158 Clark, M. H. P...... 153 Luckner ...... , ...... 149 Decker ...... 157 Marks ...... 158 Demaree ...... 152 McCain ...... 150 DeLancy, C. G...... 151 McCormick ...... ~ ...... 154 DeLancy, W. M...... 150 McDuffee ...... 158 Dickson, W. M...... 154 McKee ...... 156 Dickson, F. M ...... : ...... 155 McRery ...... 156 Duncan ...... ,...... 156 Melson ...... 159 Fiarr~ngton ...... 158 M;ller, Rev. T ...... 167 Gulley ...... 152 Miller ...... , ...... 154 Hale ...... 149 Nelson ...... 167 Hall ...... 167 Prichard ...... 15 3 Hartley ...... 153 Poe ...... 156 188 of the Wingate.-Winget Family in America

Powell ...... 154 Spencer ...... :...... 151 Ransom ...... ~.... 151 Thornton ...... ~.. 149 Rewis ...... 153 Todd ...... 167 Rice ...... 152 Tullis ...... 157 Roberts ...... 155 Wade ...... :...... ·...... 153 Rogers ...... ~·...... 153 Walter ...... ~ ...... 158 Sawyer ...... 157 Shoffner ...... ···••M••······ .. 154 Warner ...... 156 Sipe ...... 158 Welburn ...... 150 Sikes ...... 153 Whitehead ...... 153 Simons ...... ~ ...... 152 Williams ...... 153 Sollentine ...... :...... 150 Wolf ...... 151 Speack ...... 149 Woodward ...... 152 Supplement to the Wingate-Winget Family History 189

SUPPLEMENT TO THE WINGATE-WINGET FAMILY HISTORY ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS - · Page 14 1.25 Memyng should read Hemyng. 18 1.37 H. H. should read N. H. 21 1.35 Charles E,iger should read Charles Edgar~ 1.42 James Dana should read James Dana Paine Wingate. 1.43 Bedford shoud read Medford. 25 1.4 Grandmother should read granddaughter. 1.33 1874 should read 1774. 37 1.38 A Dan Winget corner is to soon be established in the Buffalo. Bill Museum at Cody, Wyoming. 38 1.46 George Lee, the eldest son of Orris F. Winget, was a natural born musician. When a young man he was called "Wingetti" the Musical Wonder. He played the most. difficult pieces with ease. George B. Miller, son of Evangeline Winget, is also amusician. 44 1.2 Richmond, Indiana, should read Richmond, Illinois. 45 1.26 D. Rollo emigrated to Normandy, France. His descendants lived in Caen, Normandy, until G. Walter emigrated to England. 54 1.51 Wm. A. Carey m. Catherine Vandermark. 58 1.37 Jonesville should read Janesville. 59 1.38 Mary Jane Wingate, eldest child of John C., teacher. 1.14 Wankigan should read Waukegan. 1.33 Marover should read Marsovan. 1.36 Stars should read Star. 1.41 Robert Wingate Mareck (Apr. 19, 1928). 11 Richard John Mareck (May 28, 1931). 1.51 Minneapolis, Minn., should read Superior, Wis. The three sons of Henry K. Wingate all live at 200 E. 16th St., N. Y. City. 60 1.1 Should read Frank Romanzo Hill, 312 Nubar Street. 1.19 8 Hannah S. Wingate (Jly. 17, 1838-Jan. 6, 1928), eldest child. Taught school in N. Y. City until retired. 1.41 Maude Coquellette should read Maude Coquellette Lamb. 64 1.26 Mary Balch (1706-1789) should read (1707-1788). 1.28 Ephriam Elliott should read Ephraim Elliott. 65 1.9 Sarah Bartlett Wiggin (Aug. 19, 1803-Jan. 21, 1888). 1. 10 Andrew W. Miltmore should read Andrew W. Miltimore. 1.12 Josiah Bartlett, son of signer of Declaration, not signer. 68 1.44 Sarah A. Taylor (Sept. 28, 1930-Nov. 26, 1930). 9 Faith Taylor (Feb. 14, 1932). 69 1.6 Helen B. Wingate (May 19, 1885) should read (May 25, 1885). 1.9 Priscilla B. Kelley' (Jly. 20, 1912) should :read Priscilla B. Kelley (June 20, 1912). 1.23 Dana J. P. Wingate (-desc. May 31, 1918) should read (-May 13, 1918}. 1.26 Orinna should read Oriana. 71 1. Mary Caroline Wingate (Aug. 12,. 1849). 7 Levi Albert Wingate (Sept. 18, 1851). 1.53 Wilma Leutte should read Wilma Leuette. 72 1.15 Lewos Herschel Muret should read Lenos Herschel Muret. 19·0 Supplement to the Wingate-Winget Family History

1.28 Mccann should read McMahn. 73 1.·9 Maria Lizzie Sampson (June 15, 1815) should read (June 15, 1855). 1.10 Cal Zeigler (-desc. Oct. 10, 1922). 1.14 8 Maria Lizzie Sampson should read 7 Maria Lizzie Sampson. 1.31 Florence Wales Holbrook (b. Oct. 21, 1892). 1.33 Leslie Howard should read Leslie Edward. 7 4 1. Mrs. Dorothy (Moulton) Freese (b. 1703-4). _ 75 1.14 Cynthia Harris (June 6, 1823) should read (June 6, 1923). 1.16*Clayton Lane World War. 1.19*Charles Matchett Bent W. W. m. Ida May Burque. l's.33-37 Inglish should read Inglis. 1.51 7 Alvira Wingate (Feb. 15, 1837) m. to ? Atkinson. m. 2nd to Halstead J ~ Harden. · 76 1.5 and 8 Champaign, N. Y., should read Champlain, N. Y. 1.16 Stebbine should read Stebbins. 1.21 Two children (desc.) 80 1.11 Alphonzo Winget (-~esc. Jly. _1931). 1.10 Malvina Winget (Dec. 11, 1843-Oet. 30, 1930) m. June 12, 1863, to Elias (not Silas) DeM~Ja-n. 12,• 1838). 81 1.46 Ronald K:llight Erickson (Aug. 28, ~910) m. Aug. 24, 1928, to LaPriel Emma Shaw, 537 Deniar St., Salt Lake City, Utah. 12 Ronald Erickson, Jr., (June 19, 1929). 1.48 Refell Leon Erickson (Jly. 12, 1919) should read (Jly, 1.2, 1912) 1.51 1014 should read 1914. 1.35 Other children of Malvina Winget and Elias DeMill. 9 Elias DeMill (Mch. 21, 1864-June, 1865). 9 Eliza MeMill (Feb. 27, 1866, twin) m. Parlan McFarland. 10 Jennie McFarland (Jan. 27, 1884-1904). 10 Parlan McFarland (b. Manti, Utah) m. Anna Christensen. 11 Ruby McF8:rland. 11 J-ennie McFarland. 11 Wanda McFarland. 10 William McFarland m. to Luella Mortensen. 11 Donna McFarland. 9 Eliza DeMill McFarland m. 2nd to Albert Taylor. 10 Eva· Taylor m. to Emil Nielson. 11 Albert Nielson. 11 DeVon Nielson. 9 Elizabeth DeMill (twin) see page 81 ,line 36 following. 9 Partintha DeMill (Oct. 7, 1868) m. to Charles Hansen. 10 Charles Ellis Hansen (June 22, 1887) m. to Birdy Lamb. 11 Three children. 10 LeRoy Hansen (Jan. 22, 1889) m. to Ethel Lund. 11 LeRoy Hansen, Jr. 10 Melvina Hansen ( desc. in infancy). 10 Roszina Hansen (June 12, 1891) m. to John Ellis Barton (Apr. 27, 1888). 11 Leonard E. Barto.n (Sept. 25, 1910) m. to Mildred Dieder (Apr. _22, 1918). . 12 Jack Leonard Barton (May 20, 1931). Supplement to the- Wingate-Winget Family History 191

11 Wallace C. Barton (Sept. 12, 1912). 11 Clinton B. B~rton (Aug. 29, 1914)6. 11 ·Lucille Barton (May 18, 1916). 11 Erma Barton (Oct. 8, 1918). 10 Lura Hansen (Apr. 21, 1894) m .. tp. Iver Iverson. 11 Don Iverson. 11 Halbert Ive-rson. 11 Ruby Iverson. 11 Ileen Iverso.n. 10 Ellen Hansen (Apr. 5, 1897) m. to Nephi Christensen. 11 Kenoth Christensen. 11 Donna Christensen. 10 Hillard Hansen (1899-1918). 9 Monroe DeMill (Dec. 19, 1871) m. to Elnora Christina Jensen (Nov. 5, 1881). 10 Floyd Monroe DeMill (Oct. 3·0, 1900) m. to Fern Bjerre- gaard (Jan. 28, 1902). 11 Floyd Lear DeMill (June 19, 1923). 11 Mary Elenor DeMill (July 6, 1925). 11 Fern NaDene DeMill (Nov. 19, 1928). 11 LaZell DeMill (Nov. 26, 1930). 11 Pe-rry DeMill (Dec. 2, 1931). 10 Melvin De.Mill (Nov. 19, 1902) m. to Mabel Elsie Anderson (Oct. 3, 1909). 11 Mabel Faun DeMill (Oct. 24, 1929). 10 Florence Elenora DeMill (Apr. 21, 1905) n1. to Marvin Mads Anderson (June 25, 1902-). 11 Rita Florence Anderson (Mch. 16, 1926). 11 Marvin Reginald Anderson (Dec. 10, 1927). Zona DeMill (June 23, 1907) m. to Royle, Albert Langton ( Oct. 16, 1905). 11 Royle Monroe Langton (Aug. 25, 1927). 11 Zona Bobitte Langton (Oct. 8, 1929). 10 Zinda DeMill (Apr. 1, 1910) m. to William Geloth Bulow (May 13, 1903). . 11 William Ray Bulow (Oct. 30, 1930). 10 Fe-nton De.Mill (Jan. 3·0, 1914). 10 Melvina DeMill (May 3, 1921). 9 Roswell DeMill (.May 27, 1874-desc. in infancy). 9 James Warren DeMill (Nov. 18, 1877-desc. in infancy). 9 Myron DeMill (Oct. 21, 1879, twin), desc. in infancy). 9 LeRoy DeMill (Oct. 21, 1879, twin) m. to Rosland Cox, sister to Marion A. Cox. No issue. 9 Edwin DeMill (Jan. 28, 1884) m. Mch. 21, 19·05, to Hannah . Nielson (Apr. 3, 1886) dtr. of James and Maria (Larsen) Neilson. 10 Edwin Verl DeMill (Oct. 13, 1908) m. to Elvira C. Lund. 11 LaRue DeMill. 10 Dorthella DeMill (Aug. 2, 1910) m. to Milton Anderson. 10 Glendon DeMill (Mch. 5, 1913) n1. to Leonard Larson. 192 Supplement to the Wingate-Winget Family History

10 Hern DeMill (Apr. 16, 1915). 10 Gerald DeMill (Oct. 9, 1918). 10 Donald Del\1ill (July 24, 1928): 10 Janet DeMill (June 30, 1930). Page 82 1.1 After Max Stokes 11 Marion Elizabeth Stokes (Oct. 7, 1919). l's 9-15 Gleaver should read Gleave. 88 1.1 *Caleb Winget In Rev., see Roster. 1.15 Stephen Winget (June, 177 4-Mch. 1, 1807) m. Oct. 16, 179~, to Hannah Cary (Mch. 1776). 1.33 Rebecca Winget (1796-Oct. 1892) should read (1796-1872). 92 1.42 Eugene C. Winget(Oct. 15, 1867-Oct. 15, 1925). 1.50 Indiana Iona Winget (-Nov. 1896) should read (-Nov. 26, 1876). 95 1.18 Lucy Ann Goodall (June, 1916) should read (June, 1918). · 1.22 Ellen Marquet should read Ellen Marquart.· 96 1.48 William Shellabarger m. 1904 should read 1902. 97 l's 2-5 Raymond Shellabarger (Jan. 29, 1883-Apr. 4, 1918) m. Dec. 21, 1904, to Lydia Humberger. 5 Evelyn Shellabarger (Jan. ·28, 1907) m. Nov. 4, 1924, to Wm. H. Nelson. 6 William Raymond Nelson (Dec. 28, 1925). 6 Rilla Lillian Nelson (Mch. 10, 1927). 5 Lillian Shellabarger (Nov. 24, 1909). Page 97 1.13 Ellie Shellabarger should read Effie Shellabarger. 1.35 Before Maude May Dolbeer should be 4 Irene Belle Dolbeer, unwed. 99 1.4 Harry Dunkle m. to Catherine Clifford. 5 Richard Dunkle 1n. 5 Jack Dunkle. 103 1.9 Clarence Shellabarger m. to Alta Walker. 1.10 Clarence Shellabarger should read Edgar Walker Shellabarger. 1.12 David Shellabarger m. to Imogene Hunt. 104 1.2 Jacob Siddenstick (-desc. May 22, 1931). 106 1.32 Nellie Baines (Nov. 7, 1887) should read (Nov. 7, 1878). 1.39 Hazel Dunkle should read Hazel DunkeL 1Q7 1.8 Elizabeth Minerva should read Ellen Minerva Ann Spence (Feb. 27, 1829-Feb.21, 1915). 1.2 6 Address changed to Kansas St. Tel. Co., Baxter Springs, Kansas. l.38*Joshua Walter should read Jay Walter, m. Aug. 29, 1924. World War. 1.41 Joshua Walter should read Jay Walter. 1.42 Alan should read Allan. 108 1.43 Susannah Winget (Feb. 10, 1825) m. to George Randall. 3 George, Charles, Howard and 4 other children. 109 1.30 Freida Kessler (May 8, 1913) m. Dec. 27, 193·0, to Lee Harmony. 1.49-110 1.5 3 Charles Milton Line m. to Elizabeth Staley. 4 Ella Line m. to ? Snyder. 5 Two sons, two dtrs. 4 Clara Line m. to Chris DeVelves. 5 Six sons, three dtrs. 4 Roy Line m. 3 Marietta Line (Oct. 12, 1857-Oct. 17, 1927) m. to Samuel H. Bennett. Supplement to the Wingate-Winget Family History 193

4 Walter S. Bennett, Havaland, Ohio. 4 Charles Bennett. 111 1.18*Lafayette Winget, Civil War. l's 32-33 should· be No. 5, sisters of Edgar H':)nnell. Page 111 1.44 .Myrtle Everhart m. to ? Needstine should read Mary E'verhart m. ? Bradberry. 1.52 Jan. 9, 1897, should read Jan. 9, 1879. 112 1.20 Minerva Winget (-d 1896) should read (-1868). 1.26 Lillian Ice m. to ? Foulk. 118 1.20 After Gladys Sonntag should read 4 John Sonntag. 114 1.33*Theodore Simpson Winget, Civil War, 3 years. 1.43 Two children ( desc.). 116 1.9 *Harvey Morton Winget m. to Elizabeth Martin, of German and French parentage, at 'I'hianville, Alsace Lorraine. See Roster. 11 7 1. 7 Infant ( desc.) should be under 2:p.d marriage. 118 1.2 Flora Craft (-d Sept 1, 1932). Page 121 1.2 After this should come Ezra Winget (Jan. 28, 1795-Jly. 23, 1870), eldest son of Stephen and Hannah Winget, m. Mch. 30, 1815, to Eleanor Cochran (Oct. 17, 1795-Feb. 27, 1858). See·· Page 157, 1.10. 2 William C. Winget (May 18. 1816) m. Feb. 15, 1838, to Mary Flanagan (1815-1878) m. 2nd. Apr. 21, 1879, to Lucinda J. Jones. 3 Lucretia l\'.I. Winget (Nov. 14, 1844) m. to Leroy Decker. 4 Ella Ann Decker 111. Oct. 28, 1867, to Kirk White Beach, son of Maschil G. and Eleanor (McIntire) Beach, desc. of . Sophia Converse. 4 Edith Decker. 2 Susanna Winget (Aug. 30, 1817) m. to John Hariger. 2nd to James Gill. 3 Son. 3 Daughter. 2 Mary Winget (Mch. 21, 1819) m. to Judge James Bain. 2nd to Andrew Dodge. Buried at Kenton, Ohio. 3 Son ( desc.) unwed. 2 Stephen Winget (Dec. 24, 1820-desc. infancy). 2 Margaret Louisa Winget (Nov. 29, 1822) m. to Parkinson Crain. 3 Daughter. 2 Phoebe Winget (Jan. 22, 1825) m. to Robert Doane. 2 Joseph Winget (June 26, 1827). 2 James Cochran Winget (Nov. 8, 1829-Dec. 13, 1897) m. Mch. 22, 1852, to Martha Shelton (Jly. 26, 1837-Jly. 2, 1916) dtr. of Eli and Abigail (Strong) Shelton, grdtr. of Ezra and Nancy (Gates) Strong, gr. grdtr. of Ezra Strong and of *Gen. Silas and Mary (White) Gates. Silas Gates in Rev. 3 William Ezra Winget (Sept. 18, 1854, 0) m. Jly. 27, 1893, to Mary Dysart (Nov. 1, 1869), Jennings, Kansas. 4 Vera Helene \Vinget (Aug. 26, 1895, Ka.n.) m. Mch. 30, · 1920, to Tully S; M. W ol(. 5 Mason Winget Wolf (Feb. 22, 1922). 194 Supplement to the Wingate-Winget Family History

5 Harlan Lee Wolf· (June 18, 1924). 4 Cora Opal Winget (Dee. 8, 1897) .m. Dec. 26, 1921, to Howard L. Comfort, Kansas City, Kan. No issue. • 4 Edgar William Winget ,(Oct. 19, 1900) m. Apr. 8, 1930, to Isadore Douglas, Oberlin, Kan. 4 Walter Calvin Winget (Jan. 17, 1905) m. Mch. 3, 1928, to Anna Kinkaid. 5 Dennis Lee Winget (May 25, 1929). 5 William Richard Winget (Dec. 15, 1931). 3 Ja1nes Sheldon Winget (Mch. 24, 1856) m. Mch. 23, 1881, to Della Bridges (Oct. 1, 1858-Sept. 1920).' Auctioneer and Veterinary Surgeon, Lacrosses, Kan. 4 Clara Edith Winget (Apr. 22, 1882) m. De~. 25, 1907, to Marcena W 01·den (-Nov. 1918). 5 ·Rachal J. Worden (Mch. J., 1909) nurse, Carthage, Mo. 5 Evalyn Worden (Apr. 6, 1912). · 5 Martha May Worden (Feb. 3, 1918). 5 John Worden (Mch. 29, 1919). 4 Myra Winget (Feb. 9, 1886-Jly. 1922) _m. William Budde. 5 Pauline Budde (Mch. 21, 1919). 4 John Grover Winget (Sept. 19; 1887-Oct. 9, 1914). 4 Roger WHliam. Winget (Oct. 25, 1889-Jan. 2, 1911). 4 May Ruth Winget (May 3, 1892) m. Oct. 30, 1912,, to­ Albert Tullis (July. 1887). 5 Ruth Tullis (Apr. 9, 1919). 4 James Thomas Winget (Apr. 30, 1896) m. 1917 to Jaunita Gallon. 5 Janice Winget (Feb. 1919). 5 June Winget (May, 1920). 3 Charles Otis Winget (Apr. 23, 1858) m. Feb. -25, 1880, to Sarah Seaba (-d Mch. 1917), Garden City, Kansas. 4 James C. Winget (June 23, 1881-Mch. 19, 1898). 4 Edwin A. Winget (Aug. 9, 1883) m. Mch. 28, 1908, to Josie M. Dickerson. 5 Amy B. Winget (Jan. 2, 19'09) m. Dec. 15, 1928, to Clayton F. Ladwig. 5 R. Waldo Winget (Nov. 9, 1912). 5 Wilbur D. Winget (Mch. 21-28, 1923). 5 Lynn W. Winget (Jly. 28. 1926). 4 Mary L. C. Winget (May 19, 1890-Sept. 9, 1891). 4 C. Ansel Winget (Nov. 10, 1891) m. Feb. 12, 1913, to Ruth M. Coburn. 5 Leslie A. Winget (Oct. 24, 1913). 5 Alice J. Winget (Aug. 5, 1916, adopted). 5 Charles M. Winget (Dec. 25, 1925). 4 S. Edna Winget (Mch. 31, 1893) m. Apr. 15, 1917, to John C. Baldwin. 6 John C. Baldwin (Aug~ 24. 1918-desc. infancy). !j VjviDn r;. Bald·win (June 10, 1921-desc. infancy). [; I::;al,el Jean Bald,vin (Jly. 18, 1925). Supplement to the Wingate-Winget Family History 195

4 S. Edna Winget Baldwin, m. 2nd May 25, 1931, to Joseph A Brock. 4 Martha H. Winget (Sept. 9, 1895-Oct. 2, 1895). 4 Avis E. Winget (May 4, 1897-Jly. 2, 1897). 4 Hubert P. Winget· (Oct. 4, 1899) · m. Mch. 31, 1918, to Beulah F. Mc Ghee. _5 Sarah F. Winget (Oct~ 21, 1919). 5 Elizabeth L. Winget (Apr. 18, 1926). 3 Arthur S. Winget (Jan. 28, '1860, Keokuk Co., Iowa) m. Nov. 22, 1888, to Jennie- M. Keiser (1867), Cushing, .,Okla. 4 Rex. H. Winget (Oct. 5, 1889) m. Apr. 4, 1914, to Mamie 0. James. 5 James Winget (Feb. 25, 1916). 5 Martha Winget (June 5, 1920). *4 Max A. Winget (Oct. 20, 1890) m. June 20, 1920, to Terese Dysart. W. War. 4· Lamoine Wi:1get (Mch. 9, 1896) m. June ·14, 1916, to J. C.· Riley.- 5 Two infants ( desc.) 4 Luverne Winget (Oct. 6, 1898) m. June 20. 1918, to Don V. Eells. 5 Donna Eells (May 24, 1921). 5 Helen Eells (Dec. 15, 1924). 5 Rosemary Eells (Spet. 25, 1926). 4 Albe:rta Lowene Winget (Oct. 6, 1900) m. June 10, 1931, to Lafayette Switzer. 3 Luther Winget· (des_c., age 54) unwed. 3 Clara Winget (Jan. 25, 1870) ~- Dec. 25, 1895, to Ray W. Keeler (Nov. 11, 1869), Repr. Chokio, Minn. 4 Mary Eleanor Keeler (Sept. 25, 1896) m. Aug. 6, 1923, to *Harry 0. Spindler (Jan. 8, 1895, Grand Marsh, Wis. 5 Eleanor M. Spindler (May 2, 1924). 5 James Sheldon Spindler (Mch. 24, 1925, twin). 5 Dean Allen Spindler (Mch. 24, 1925, twin). 5 Harry Keeler Spindler (June 1, 1929). *4 Herbet Winget Keeler (Mch. 10, 190·0). m. Feb. 22, 1927, to Julia Brown (Aug. 13, 1903). W. War. 5 J. Wayne Keeler (1927). 5 Dorothy May Keeler (1932). 4 Martha A. Keeler (Dec. 11, 1909) m. Aug. 24, 1931, to Robert A. Horrocks' (Oct. 10, 1902). 5 Lloyd Horrocks (1932). *2 Luther Wood Winget (Oct. 18, 1831-May 21, 1864) m. to Mary Ann Scott (Dec. 12, 1832-Apr. 9, 1864). Civil War. 3 Emma Jane Winget (June 13, 1852-Apr. 10, 1907) m. to Thomas J. Elsom (-Dec. 16, 1910). 4 Stanley Els om ( desc. infancy). Nora Elsom ( desc; infancy). 4 Stewart C. Elsom (Jan. 4, 1879) m. .. to Ruth Shield, 1907 Calumet AYe., r·oiedo, O. No issue. 196 Supplement to the Wingate-Winget Family History

4 Mary Elsom (Dec. 16, 1880-May 22, 1921) m. to Ernest Hamner. 5 Lee E. Hamner m. to Margaret ?, -Portsmouth, Ohio. 6 Mary Elizabeth Hamner. 6 Helen Hamner. 6 Sara Hamner. 4 Lee W. Elsom (Jan. 4, 1884) m. to .Edith Lattimer, R. 2, Ostrander, Ohio. · 5 Donald Elsom. 5 William Elsom. 5 Mildred Elsom, nurse. 5 Russel Elsom. 5 Warren Elsom. 5 Mary Florence Elsom. 5 Max Elsom. 5 Bernice Elsom. 4 Ruth E. Elsom (Mch. 6, 1892) m. to William M. Kauff- man, 625 Kenilworth Ave., Dayton, Ohio. 5 Richard Kauffman (May 3, 1921). 5 Janice Ann Kauffman (Sept. 11, 1922). 5 Joan Hillar Kauffman. (Mch. 30, 1930). 5 Dorothy Lee Kauffman (Oct. 10, 1931). 3 Ella M. Winget (Oct. 14, 1854-Jan. 24, 1866). 3 Jessie Alma Winget (Dec. 26, 1856) m. Jan. 10, 1878, to Thomas_Lord (Sept. 11, 1848, Q-Aug. 3, 1929), 6112 83rd St. S. E., Portland, Ore. 4 Blanche Gertrude Lord (Oct. 26, 1878-Mch. 26, 1882). 4 Jessie May Lord (Aug, 28, 1880, 0) m. Feb. 7, 1900, to Walter S. Sanders. 5 Elizabeth Alma Sanders m. to David Young. 6 Carol May Young. 6 David Young. 5 Walter S. Sanders ( desc.). 4 Maude Lee Lord (Mch. 22, 1883, Kan.) m. June 8, 1921, to Francis White. 5 Thomas C. White m. to Celestia Nachand. 6 Cornelia Mable White. 4 Thomas Cromes Lord (Apr. 9, 1887-Apr. 21, 1909). 4 Cornelia Mable Lord (Oct. 12, 1893-:Apr. 27, 1913) m. Jan. 10, 1912, to ? Conroy. , 3 Ezra Harvey Winget (Feb. 26, 1859-1909) m. to Rose Lame. 4 Ethel Winget m. to Andrew Rasmusson. 4 Nellie Winget m. to Joe Marrotte. 4 Lena Winget m. to ? Dalgleish. 3 Ezra Winget m. 2nd to Lizzie Shoebottam of Canada. 3 Samuel Willis Winget (F_eb. 8, 1862-Mch. 20, 1910) m. Laura Roberts, 3rd to Annie B. Henderson. No issue. 3 Luther Winget (Apr. 4, 1864-Apr. 18, 1864). 2 Annie Elizabeth Winget (Dect. 7 ,183:7) 111. to 1\1:anuel Bovey, Ostrander, 0. 3 William Bov~y. Supplement to the- Wingate-Winget Family History 197 ------Page- 121 1.3 William Winget (b. Apr. 27, 1797). 1.6 Phebe Winget (Apr. 7·, 1799-Dec. 28, 1891, 0.). 1.8 Calvin Winget (Apr. 23, 1801, Marietta, 0.). 1.14 Stephen Winget (Apr. 16, 1807). 1.11 David C. Winget m. June 25, 1827, to_ Rhoda Reed (-d Aug. 25, 1857) dtr. of Alex Reed, m. 2nd Jly. 17, 1858, to Lucinda Reed. Page 121 1.14 Stephen Winget m. 1829 to Matilda Marshall. 1.20 Other children. of Anna W. Winget and Arthur Baldwin. 3 Mason Balwin ( desc.) . 3 Reed Baldwin m. Westerville, Ohio. 4 Four children. 3 Lois Baldwin ( desc.). 122 1. 7 Olive C. Curry m. to M. D. Campbell should read J. D. Mc­ Campell. 1.8 After Edith. Campell should be 5 Mary Olive Bremer. 1.14 Florence Campbell should read Flora McCampcll. 124 1.29 Mervin Mitchell (Dr.) m. Emma Vigor, dtr. of Dr. N. C. Vigor, grdar. of Dr. Henry Vigor and Joanna Cary, desc. of John Cary of Bridgewater, Page 54. 5 Mary Alice Mitchell (Feb. 8, 1932) Somerset, Ohio. 1.44 Bertha Curry m. to Bery Converse should read Albert Converse, son of Bushrod Converse. 1.45 Ruth Converse m. to Harold Burham. 125 1.37 Angeline Elizabeth Winget (Aug. 3, 1871) should read (Aug. 3, 1872) m. Sept. 1, 1890. 1.41 m. Oct. 23, 1895, should read m. Aug. 23, 1895. 1.43 Mary E. Miller should read Mary- Elizabeth Bradshaw. 1.46 Robert Bradshaw McBride (Feb. 23, 1925-desc.). 126 1.1 DeWitt H. Winget m. 1898 should re-ad Aug. 22, 1895. 127 1.14 4 Chrome, Japan, should read 4 Chrome, Kobe, Japan. 1.21 Myrtle Williams, dtr. of Orvil and Margaret Williams. 1.36 After Robert Louis, 5 Elvira Mae Warner (Dec. 13, 1932). 1.46 Marrory should be Mallory. 1.48 of John a~d Mary Allen. 128 1.8 Virginia Mae Miller (Oct. 7, 1925). 1.26 Children of D~vid and Rhoda Winget. 2, Stephen Winget (Jan. 4-13, 1832). 2 Marion Alexander Winget (Jly. 3, 1883, see page 128 for desc.). 2 William S. Winget (Jan. 1836-Jly. 9, 1842). 2 Calvin Reed Winget (Nov. 8, 1838-Sept. 20, 1863, see pg. 128). 2 Warren Curry Winget (Aug. 8, 1841, see pg. 129). 2 Joseph Preston Winget (June 4, 1843, see pg. 129). 2 Harvey Hamilton Winget (Sept. 10, 1846, see pg. 129). 2 Thomas M. Winget (June 24-24, 1851). Page 128 1.41 Gordon (Stanley) Schreiner should read Gordon H. Schreiner. 129 1.2 6 Horace Reed Chope (Jly. 19, 1932). 1.2 Earl Tallman Winget (Sept. 10, 1907) m. June 4, 1932, to Etola Dee Rodne-r. 198 Supplement to the Wingate-Winget Family History

129 1.8 Joseph Preston Winget m. Aug. 23, 1866. 1.29 Nov. 12, 1886, should read Nov. 12, 1885. 1.45 Children of D~vid and Lucinda (R~ed) Winget. 2 David Frank Winget (Nov. 5, 18~5). 2 Louis Winget (Aug. 18, 1869-Jan. 18, 1870). 13·0 1.12,* Alfred Judy, Civil War. 132 1.5 John Winget (Apr. 10, 1797-Nov. 8, 1897.) should read (-Nov. 8, 1879) . .133 1.27 Josephine Loiry (-d Dec., 1932). 134 1.2 *Orville Winget, world :war. 1.46 Edward Winget (Jan. 25, 1876-) should read (Jan. 25, 1867). 138 1.28 Klingsmith should read Klingensmith. . Page 139 1.38 Address is now R. 1, Richmond, Illinois. 139 l's 41, 42, 44 Sells should ·read Sell. 140 l's 2, 4 and 7 Guintner & Guintner should read Guitner. 140 1.22 Nancy Berry (-desc. Apr, 18, 1873). l's 40, 42, 43 and 46 Martin should read Halliday. 141 1.29 Ellsworth Winget ) b. 1870). . 1.40 Arminta Wingett (Jan. 24, 1824-1844) m. to Hib Minor, 3 infant ( dese.). 1.51 Charles Wingett m. Nov. 10, 1861, to Lydia Hartpence should read Lydia Molott ( desc.). · 141 1.42, 43, 4 7 Martin should read Halliday. 142 1. 7 Lola Wingett (Jly. 17, 1877) m. Jan. 28, 1898, should read June 28, 1898, should read June 28, 1898. 1.18 Mary Winget m. Oct. 14, 1903, should read May 7, 1903. 1.23_ Richard Rinehart (Nov. 28, 1914, should read Nov. 28, 1913). 1.30 Ethel Wingett Bachelder m. Sept. 22, 1915, -should read Nov. 22, 1915. 143 1.8 Helen Pineyard (May 22, 1892) should read (May 22, 1893). 144 1.1 Jane Parshall Winget should read Jane (Paschall) Wingett. 145 1.5 *Chase. Moore, W. War. · 145 -1.28 .Milo Jackson (Dec. 21, 1894) should read (Dec. 3, 1894). 1.23 (Himer) should read (Hiner). 147 1.24 4 Raymond J. Brett (-d. Dec. 5, 1932). After this 4 Earl Brett, Tacoma, Wash. 149 1.11 Albin Hale should read Alby. 1.1 7 Eloise should read Elsie. 1.33 Elsie. Ann Hale (Jan. 30, 1906-Sept. 9, 1929) should read Elsie Ann Hale (Jan. 30, 1906) m. Sept. 9, 1929. 152 1.34 Mary Elizabeth Webb (-d Aug. 6, 1892). 162 1.11 Following this line should be REVOLUTIONARY SOLDIERS. 164 1.17 Dr. John L. Boylan should read Aaron Boylan, son of Mary Winget. 1.18 Thomas H. Clemons--see additional Roster. 165 1.10 Robert McBride, son of Elizabeth. C. "Winget, should read son of Louise C. Winget. 1.16 Sells should read Sell. 167 1.12 "Eliminate" should read "Emulate." 171 1.3 *Francis P. Cain, Civil War. See Roster. l's 8 and 11 Ray should read Cain. Supplement to the Wingate-Winget. Family History 199

ADDITION TO CHAPTER XI THE WINGATE FAMILY IN DELAWARE 'Ihe earliest record we have of this branch of the family is that John, Phillip and Harry, brothers, who emigrated from Do~chester Co., Maryland, to Indian River Hundred, Sussex Co., Delaware, between 1760 and 1776. They obtained land in 1776. A Thomas Wingate obtained land in 1761. I Phillip Wingate (-desc. Apr. 1798) m. to Anri ? and.had *l Cannon (-d 1834) m~ to Unice ? (-d 184·0). He obtained land in Delaware in 1783. His will was probated 26, 1798. They had also 1 John, 1 Phillip, 1 Levi-nah, 1 Sally, 1 Polly and 1 Betsy. I John Wingate (- Ja~~ 1790). See 1.13, pg. 159. m. to Ann Burton and had 1 ·sally, 1 Nancy, 1 Lena, 1 (H) Ezekiah Wingate (-d 1857) m. Ann Jacobs m. 2nd to Nancy Cannon (-desc. in Ill.). His will was probated in Sussex Co., Del., Dec. 17, 1857). 2 Sa~h Wingate m. to JOS. Dawson. 2. Nan.~Y Win~te m. to David Ellensworth. 2 Elijah Wingate (-d in m.) 2 Tabitha Wingate m. to ? Knowles of Md. 2 Stanbury Wingate went to Kansas. 2 Hester L. Wingate m. to James Nicholas of Illinois. 2 Lorena Wingate m. to Clement Jones. 2 Isaac Newton Wingate (-din Del.). 2 John Burton Wingate m. to Drucella Downing. 3 Thomas Henry Wingate. 3 James Hezekiah Wingate. 3 Laura A. Wingate. 3 Edgar Burton Wingate. 3 Eva E. Wingate 3 Margaret Wingate. 3 William F. Wingate m. to Effie Bolton, dtr' of Robert B and Sarah J. Bolton. Wm. was Dist. Engineer of Philadelphia, 1918-1932. 4 Wallace Haythorne Wingate. 4 James Burton Wingate. 4 Grace Wingate m. to Leonard C. Pratt. . 5 Leonard C. Pratt. 5 William Joseph Pratt. *1 Ephriam Wingate m. to ? Waples, a member of well established Sussex Co. family. His estate was administered by Robinson C. Waples Jly. 19t 1824. 1 Thomas Wingate (-d 1836) m. to Sally Robinson. His will was probated Apr. 14, 1836. He had· 2 Evelean, 2 Sally Ann, 2 'Jane who married a · Waples, and 2 Hetty. · 1 Henry Wingate. He received a grant of land or 350 acres with the Gover­ nor's seal, Nov. 12, 1803. Re is supposed to have emigrated to Kentucky. 1 Phillip Wingate m. to Ann ? (-d 1821). Her will recorded Dec. 19, 1821. He was appointed Justice of Peace in 1793. Had 2 Phillip, 2 Henry, 2 John (-d 1818), *2 Thomas, *2 Joshua, 2 Ephriam and 2 Lauronia whom. ? Jones. -1 Joshua Wingate (-d 1837?). Letter of Administration, Jan. 8, 1839, by ' Nathaniel Wingate. Gathain Wingate mentioned in this letter. *1 John Wingate m. to Mary Martin, dtr of John and Betsy Martin, Jr.· *John Martin was_ Priv. in Rev., enljsting at Lewistown, Sussex Co., Del., Apr. 11, 1776. 2 John Wingate m. to Jane ? 3 John Wingate m . 3 Edward Winget, unwed. 4 Urban Wingate. 3 Elizabeth Wingate m. to ? Kuehman 3 Alfred Wingate m. 3 Jennie Wingate m. to ? Dexter. 200 Supplement to the Wingate-Winget Family History

4 Alfred Wingate. 2 Elizabeth Wingate (Jly. 14, 1814-Aug. 23, 1901) m. to James F. Warring­ ton. 3 David Warrington m. and had 4. Mary Elizabeth, 4 Anna, 4 Lina, 4 Delhia. 3 Hettie W arington m. and had 4 James, 4 William, 4 Charlie, 4 Edward, · 4 Lillie, 4 Lena, and 4 Emma. 3 William Warrington m. and had 4 Blanche, 4 Carrie, 4 Fred. 3 Kendal Warrington m. and had 4 George, 4 Leirah, 4 Amanda, 4 David, 4 Howard, 4 Sallie, and 4 Susan. 3 ~tockley Warrington m. and had 4 Baltimore, 4 Frank, 4 Ralph, 4 Margarite. 3 Hannah Warrington m. and had 4 David, 4 John, 4 Nettie, 4 Thomas, 4 Elizabeth, · and 4 Daniel. 3 .Lydiana Warrington. 3 John Warrington m. and had 4 William, 4 Daniel, 4 Clara m. to ? Caine, 4 Bessie, 4 Maggie m. to Martin Massey and had 5 G. Dewey, 5 Gladys, 5 Margaret, 5 Frances, 5 John, 5 Hilda, 5 Hazel, and 5 Dinton; 4 Walter, 4 Walter Lingo and 4 Mary m. to ? Johnson. 3 Mary Warrington. 3 Ella Warrington m. to ? Brazier and had 4 William H. 3 Sallie Warrington m. to Thomas Steel, 1st co~sin, and had 4 Edna, 4 Erwin Burton, 4 Thomas Carl, and 4 Harry Welmore. 2 Kendal Batson Wingate (1818-1902). Mch. 7, 1838, to Comfort Parsons. 3 Sarah E. Wingate m. to Nathaniel H. Brown. · 3 Mary Catherine Wingate m to David S. Purnell had 4 Linda m. to David Rodney. 3 Margaret Ann Wingate m~ :to Charles T. Purnell. 4 lioward C. Purnell m. and had 5 Howard and 5 Charles. 4 .Martha Purnell m. Dr. George E. Messick, had 5 Edwin P. and J. John E. 4 Annie Purnell m. to George Sharpley. 4 Mame Purnell m. to Eben Townsend, had 5 Margaret m: to Howard W. Brawhall, 5 Charles P. m. to Naomi Pepper, 5 EbE>n Alden m. to Rebecca Faucett and had 6 Alden and 6 Dorothy. 3 Lydia C. Wingate, unwed. 3 Ellenora D. Wiµgate m. to Richard Duvall, h~d 4 son, 4 Mary m. to ? Ross and had 5 dtr m. to Harry Darbee .. 3 Josephine Wingate m. to Adam R. Slemmer. No issue. 3 Isabelle Wingate m. to Nelson Jameson. No issue. 3 Annie Salisbury Wingate m. to Alfred C. McGill, had 4 Mary BeUe m to W. L. · Adams had 5 Louis Adams, Annie McGill m. 2nd to Paul Bright. 2 Hannah Wingate (Oct. 7, 1821-Mch. 14, 1900) m. to Daniel Steel. 3 David Steel m. to ? had 4 David W elmore and 4 Charles. 3 John B. Steel m. to ? had 4 Lida m. to ? Lingo, 4 William Daniel m. to ? and had5Earl M., 5 William Arnold and 5 DorisRuth. 3 Thomas Steel m. to ? had 4 Irwin, .4 W elmore and 4 Edna. 3 Daniel Steel m. to ? had 4 one child. 3 Elizabeth Steel m. to ? Elliott, had 4 Eugenia, 4 Etta, 4 John, 4 Hannah, 4 Phillip, 4- Maggie, 4 Minnie, 4 Verrell and 4 Mary. 3 Phenetti E. Steel m. to ? .Massey, had 4 Edward, 4 Clarence and 4 Garrey. 3 Anna (Nan) Steel m. to ? Vandyke, had 4 Ridy m. to ? several children. 2 David Wingate m. to '! had 3 Mary m. to 1st '! McComb, 2nd to ? Hopton; Supplement to the Wingate-Winget Family History 201

and had 4 Henry, 4 Elizabeth .and 4 Florence; 3 Annie, unwed, 3 Hannah, ,3 Meris, 3 Alfred, unwed, 3 George, unwed. 2 Mary Ann Wingate m. Sept. 27, 1857, in St. George Chapel to Jacob Prettyman. 3 Samuel Prettyman m. to ? had 4 Jacob, 4 James, 4 Elizabeth, 4 Ruth, 4 Fannie. 3 Charles Prettyman m. to ? had 4 Mary and 4 Eugenia. 3 Kendal Prettyman m. to ? had 4 0 Iva. 3 William Prettyman m. to ? had 4 Carl. 2 Rachael Wingate (June 8, 1832-Apr. 12, 1898) m. to ? Joseph. 3 Erasmus Joseph m. to ? had 4 Lida, 4 Effie and 4 Sarah. 3 Thomas Joseph m. to ? had 4 Bertha, 4 Jesse and 4 Annie. 3 Shephard Joseph m. to ? No issue. 3 Frank and Wright Joseph ( desc. in childhood) . 3 Mary E. Joseph m. to ? Conwell. ~ 4 Arthur Conwell m. to ? had 5 Joseph, 5 Catherine, 5 Sara and 5 Allie. 4 Annie Conwell m. to Thomas Morgan, had 5 Arthur and 5 Elizabeth. 3 Annie J:oseph m. to ? Parks, had 4 Howard and 4 Fannie. 3 John Joseph m. to ? had 4 Harold, 4 Preston, 4 Allen and 4 Ada. 3 Laura Joseph, unwed. 2 Thomas Robinson Wingate (Jan. 14, 1834-1918) m. Oct. 20, 1858, to Mar­ garet Ann Carpenter, dtr of Lemuel and Hetty (Smithers) Carpenter.· .H·e was called in the Wa of Rebellion but paid a substiture of $1000 to take his place. 3 Harry Kendal Wingate (Feb. 15, 1860) m. Nov. 7, 1883, to Jennie Eliza­ beth Baker (Jly. 9, 1861), dtr of Charles and Isabelle Smith (Grier) Baker, desc. of Garrett and Mary (Calvert) Sipple and of Christopher· Calvert who was in Virginia, 1836, and of John and Mary (Warren) Newell of Kent Co., Del., who was there in 1685. 'Ihe Sipples were Quakers until the Methodist movement came along, therefore did not believe in war. 4 Eva Belle Wingate m. to George W. Hanson, Station Agt., Penn. R. R., Harrington, Del. No issue. 4 Charles Baker Wingate m. Oct. 11, 1924, to Marion Gast Hardesty, dtr. of Henry Weiner and Elizabeth Caroline (Gast) Hardesty. Henry Hardesty is desc. of John Laws, Somerset Co., Md. (1684) and of *Bolitha Laws of Kent Co., Del. Charles B. is Civil Engineer Reading Co., Philadelphia, 6135 Germantown Ave., Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. 5 Betty Belle Wingate. 5 Marion Irene Wingate. 4 Thomas Lester Wingate m. to Irene Draper, dtr: of Thomas and Annie S. Draper. 5 Charles Baker Wingate II. 4 Harry K. Wingate, Jr. (desc. infancy). 3 Charles Thomas Wingate (Aug. 5, 1863-1927) m. Margaret Gauge!, dtr. of Louis and Margaretta Gaukel. 4 Stockton LeRoy Wingate m. to Ethel Perry Yarnall. 5 Margaret Wingate. 4 H'elen Wingate m. to Robert Durbin, son of Robert Durbin. 5 Robert Durbin. 5 Jane Durbin. 3 Clarence Carpenter Wingate -(Dec. 27, 1871-d 1915), unwed. 3 Frances Higbee Wingate (Mch. ,18, 1878) m. to Edward· Hudson. No issue. 202 Supplement to the Wingate-Winget Family History

No issue. 2 .James Wingate m. to ? had 8 Frank m. to ? had 4 Ralph m. to ? had 5 Ralph, 5 Jay. 2 Charles Wingate m. to ? had 3 Harry m. to ·z had 4 John, 4 Anna, 4 Charles and Lewes D., 3 Charles m., 3 Frank m. and 3 Mary m. to ? Birch and had 4 George and 4 Elizabeth. In the early records of the :Wingate family in Maryland we find, besides the above mentioned that Robert, Ezekiah, Peter, William and Anglow owned land there. ~n Delaware .John, Suckey, Jonathan and Unice, wife of Cannon, re­ ceived land in 1783; Sally, Nancy, Ann (wife of Phillip, son of John), Hezekiah, Ephrian and Phillip (son of John) in 1794 and 1795. Jos. Smith, Admn., held a sale of Cannon Wingate's poperty, Jly. 14, 1834, at .whieh sale, with other chattel, was sold one negro woman, "Cold Vina," to Thos. Truitt :f.or $180. John Wingate, Sr., was appointed_ a Justice of P.eace of Sussex Co., June 2, 1 785. He took an active part in ~he affairs of the county and he and his children mingled and married with those families who had previously become well established in the vicinity, the Burton being one the oldest in-the county. He died leaving -over 1000 acres and slaves to his family (see pg. 159 and 20). The Robinson family (see Thomas Wingate page 199) is one of the oldest of Sus­ sex Co. Thomas Robinson, Sr., son of Peter and Catherine, were prominent during. the aevolutionary period for his Tory sentiments and antagonism of the patriots. However after the war, he returned to Sussex Co. and his sons, Thomas and Peter, were loyal supporters of the. U. S. Thomas was appointed Justice of the Supreme Court of the State, Oct. 8, 1 793, and Peter for three terms was Secretary of State and Associate Judge of the Supei:ior Court. In 1796 a change took place in the Federal Administration. Thomas Rob­ inson, Isaac Cooper and Richard Bassatt were chosen electors and in ·the elec­ torial college cast their vot~s for John Adams for President and Thomas Pinck­ ney of South Carolina for Vice President (Scharf's History of Delaware).


REVOLUTIONARY SOLDIERS Gen. Silas Gates, ancestor of Clara Winget (1870), pg. Cannon Wingate (17 ?). Enlisted Sept. 10, _1780, in Capt. Smith's Co., Del. Reg. of Militia at Dobbs Ferry. James Martin, grfather of Mary Martin Winget, Priv., enlisting at Lewistown Apr. 11, 1776. Bolitha Laws, ancestor of Marion Gast Hardesty Wingate, pg. Committee of Safety, Kent Co., Del., 1777.

WAR OF 1812 Cannon Wingate. Capt. John Wingate, Jr. Ephriam Wingate, Ensign (17 ?). Isaac Wingate. Hezekiah Wingate, Ensign (18 ?) . Joshua Wingate. Philip Wingat-e! Ensign. Thomas Wingate (17 ?). John •Wingate, Serg. (17 ?). Ezra Winget (1795), Capt., Washington Co. Militia. Supplement to the- Wingate-Winget Family History 203 CIVIL WAR LaFayette Winget ( 183 5) . Theodore Winget (1844). Ser.ved 3 years. 'Ihomas Clemons, husband of Emily Winget (1851). In Sherman's March to Sea. Alfred Judy, husband of Jennie Winget (1834). Served 3 year~. SPANISH AMERICAN WAR Thomas H. Clemens (1846). Luther Wood Winget (1831). Francis P. Cain 18 ?, pg. 171), stationed -at Ft. Leavenworth and Ft. Wingate. Served in Philippines as Corporal. WORLD WAR Harvey Morton Wingett (1890), 22 mos. at G. H. 0. Chaumont, France-, Verdun and Lorraine Sectors. Jay Walter Winget (1897) Priv. in 2nd M. G. Co. W. Va. Inf. on Mexican Border June 19, 1916-Mch. 28, 1917. Sgt. .M. G. Co. 150 Inf. 38 Div. Apr. 6, 1917-Dec. 21, 1918. Orville Winget (1891). . Max A. Winget (1890), Mem. 258 Inf. 90 Div. In Army of Occupation. Raymond Hale (1892). In Battery C. 146 F. A. in Battles of Chateau-Thierry, St. Mihiel, V e-rdon and Argonne. On Rhine for 6 mos. Charles Matchett Bent (1895). Herbert Keeler (1900), son of Clara Winget (187·0). Harry Spindler (1895), husband of Mary Eleanor Keeler. Clayton Lane (189?L with U. S. Commerce attaches at Wasaw, Poland. Chase Moore, husband of Sadie Wingett. INDEX CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS WINGATE Stebbins, F. L...... 76, 190 Alphonzo ...... 1846- 80, 82, 190 Stokes ...... 81, 191 Charles E. L ..... 1861-12, 21, 69, 189 Taylor, H. M...... 68, 189 Dana J. P ...... 1891- 69, 189 Z-eigler ...... 73, 190 James D. P ...... 1855- 21, 69, 189 ADDITIONAL INDEX~WINGATE Helen B ...... 1885- 69, 189 Mary C...... 1849- 71, 189 Alvira ...... 1837- 190 ~e-myng ...... 11 ?- 14, 189 Hannah S •...... 1838- 189 Malvina ...... 1834-. 8·0, 81, 190 Levi A...... 1851- 189 Oriana ...... 1895- 69, 189 Mary J ...... 183 ?- 189 Anderson, M. M...... 191 DESCENDANTS OF OTHER Anderson, M...... 191 NAM:ES Barton ...... :...... 191 Bartlett ...... 65,189 Bulow ...... 191 Bent ...... 74,190,203 Christensen ...... 191 DeMill, 0 ...... 80, 84 Hanson ...... 190 DeMill, E ...... 80, 81, 190 Hill ...... 189 Elliott ...... 64,189 Holbrook .... ~ ...... ~...... 19-0 Erickson ...... 81, 191 Iverson ...... 191 Gleaver ...... ;...... 80,192 Lane ...... 190, 203 Harris ...... 75,190 Langton ...... 191 Inglis ...... 75,190 Larsen ...... 191 Kelley, C. B...... 69,189 Nielson ...... 191 Mareck ...... _ 59,189 McFarland ...... 190 Miltmore ...... ;...... 65,189 Taylor, A...... 190 Muret ...... 71, 190 "\VINGET CORRECTIONS ll.01nanzo ...... 60,189 Alice 1\I...... 1902- 139 Sampson ...... ~. 71. 190 Allen H ...... 1930- 107, ·192 204 Supplement to the Wingate-Winget Family History

Angeline E. . ... 1871- 125, 197 Honnell ...... 111, 193 Arminta ...... 1824- 141, 198 Ice ...... 112, 193 Caleb ...... 1744- 88, 192 Jackson, A...... 145, 198 Calvin ...... 1801- 121, 125, 197 · Judy ...... 130, 192 R ...... 1838- 128, 197 Kessler ...... 1·08, 192 Charles ...... 1838- 141, 198 Kellow ...... 127, 197 David F ...... 1865- 129, 198 Line ...... 109, 192 C ...... 1803- 121, 197, 198 McBride ...... 125, 197, 198 Dewitt H ...... 1850-125, 189,197,36 Mickle ...... 13-9 Earl T ...... 1907- 128, 197 Miller, Wm...... 128, 197 Edward ...... 1867- 134, 198 Moore, Q •...... 145, 198, 203 Ellsworth ...... 1870- 141, 198 Needstine ...... , 193 Ethel ...... 1886- 142, 198. Randall ...... ·...... 108, 198 Eugene C ...... 1867- 92, 192 Ray ...... 170, i92 George L ...... 1881- 127, 189, 197 Rinehart ...... 142, 198 Harvey H ...... 1846- 129, 197 Schreiner ...... 128, 197 M...... ~ ...... 1890- 116, 193, 203 Sell ...... 139, 198 Indiana I...... 1870- 92, 191 Shellabarger ...... 88, 89, 94, 192 Jay W ...... 1897- 107, 192 Siddenstick ...... 104, 192 Joshua .... 1854-1897- 107, 192, 203 Snyder ...... 110,192 Joseph P ...... 1834- 129, 197 Sonntag ...... 113, 193 John ...... 1797- 132, 198 Warner ...... 127, 197 P ...... 1833- 108 LaFayette ...... 1835- 114, 193, 203 ADDITIONAL INDEX-WINGET Lola ...... 1877- 142, 198 Marion A ...... 1833- 128, 197 Alberta ...... ~ ... 1900- 195 Mary L ...... 1860- 127 197 Alice J ...... 1916- 197 1883- 142,198 Amy B ...... 1909- 194 I...... 1896- 139 Anna E ...... 1837- 196 .Mildred J ...... 1898- 139 Ansel C ...... 1891- 194 Minerva ...... 18 ?- 112, 193 Arthur S...... 1860- 195 Orville ...... 1891- 134., 198 A vis E...... 1897- 195 Phebe ...... 1799-· 121, 197 Charles ...... 1838- 198 Rebecca ...... 1796- 88, 94, 192 Charles 0 ...... 1858- 194. Stephen ...... 177 4-88, 121, 192, 3 Charles M...... 1925- 194 - 1807- 121, 197 Clara ...... 1870- 195 Susannah ...... 1825- 108, 192 Clara E...... 1882- 194 Theodore S ..... 1844- 114, 193, 203 Calvin ...... 1801- 197 Warren C. ·~······1841- 129, 197 Calvin R...... 1838- 197 William ...... 1797- 121, 196 Cora 0 ...... 1897- 194 William B ...... 1865- 139 David F ...... 1865- 198 Dennis L ...... 1929- 194 DESCENDANTS OF OTHER Edgar W ...... 1900- 194 NAMES Edna S •...... 1893- 194 Edwin A...... 1883- 194 Bachelder ...... 142, 194 Ella M...... 1854- 196 Baines ...... 106, 192 J ...... 1852- 195 Baldwin, A...... 121, 197 Ethel ...... 18 ?- 196 Brandberry ...... 111, 193 Elizabeth L ..... 1926- 195 Bennett ...... :.... 109, 192 Ezra ...... 1795- 157,193 Bousman ...... 90, 94 Ezra H ...... 1859- 196 Boylan ...... 132, 140, 198 Hubert P ...... 1899- 195 Brett ...... 14 7, 19 8 James C ...... 1881- 194 Cain ...... 123,171,198,203 James C ...... 1829- 193 Campell ...... 122, 197 James S ...... 1856- 194 Clemons ...... 139, 198, 203 James T ...... 1896- 194 Chope ...... 128, 197 James ...... 1916- 195 Converse ...... 124, 19 7 Janice ...... 1919- 194 Curry...... 121, 197 J essie A ...... 1856- 196 DeVelves ...... 111,192 John G ...... 1887- 194 Dolbeer ...... 97, 192 J oseph ...... 1827- 193 Dunkle ...... ft 8. 19 2 .June ...... 1920- 194 Everhart ...... :...... :I I l, l 9:!. Lamojne ...... 1896- 195 Goodall ...... ;...... 95, l H2 Lena ·...... 18 ?- 19"6 Halliday ...... 140, 198 Leslie A. .-...... 1913- 194 Supplement to the Wingate-Winget Family History 205 Louis ...... 18 6 9- 19 8 · Bov-ey ...... 196 Luther W ...... 1831-,. 195 Brock ...... 195 Luther ...... 1864- 196 · Budde ...... 194 Luther ...... 1.86 ?.- 195 Burnham ...... 197 Luverne ...... 1898- 195 Coburn ...... 194 Lynn W ...... 1926- 194 Comfort ...... 194 Lucretia M...... 15 7, 19 3 Conroy ...... 194 M:arion A ...... 1833- 197 Crain ...... -... . 193 Margaret L ..... 1822- 193 Dalgleish ...... -...... 196 Martha H...... 1895- 195 Decker ...... 157,193 Martha ...... 1920- 195 Doane ...... 193 Mary L. C. . ... 189·0- 194 Dodge ...... 193 Mary ...... 1819- 193 Eells ...... 195 Mary ...... 1883- 198 Elsom ...... 195 May R ...... 1892- 194 Foulk ...... 193 Max A ...... 1890- 195. 203 Gill ...... 193 Myra ...... 1886- · 194 Hamner ...... 195 Nellie ...... 18 ?- 196 Harmony ...... 192 Phoebe ...... 1825- 193 Hariger ...... 193 Rex H...... 1889- 195 Horrocks ...... 195 Roger W ...... 1889- 194 Kauffman ...... 196 Sarah F ...... 1919- 195 Keeler ...... 195,203 Samuel ...... 1862- 196 Klingensmith ...... 198 Stephen ...... 182 0- 19 3 Ladwig ...... 194 Stephen ...... 1832- 197 Lord ························••u 196 Susanna ...... 1817- 193 Marrotte ...... 196 Thomas M ...... 1851- 197 McCampell ...... 197 Vera H...... 1895- 193 Nelson ...... 192 Waldo R ...... 1912- 194 Rasmussen ...... 196 Walter C ...... 1905- 194 Riley ...... 195 Wilbur D ...... 1923- 194 Sanders ...... 196 William C ...... 1816- 193 Spindler ...... 195,20~ William S...... 183 6- 197 Switzer ...... 195 William E ...... 1854- 193 Tullis ...... 194 William R...... 1931- 194 White ...... 196 Bain, ...... 193 Wolf, T. S. M ...... 193 Baldwin, J. C...... 194 Worden ...... 194 Beach ...... 157, 193 Young ...... 196 INDEX UNCONNECTED F A-MILIES Alfred ...... 18 ?- 199 Ezekiah ············ 1 7 ?- 199 Alfred ·············· 18 ?- 200 Eva B. ... ·········18 ?- 201 Alfred ...... 18 ?- 201 Eva E...... 18 ?- 199 Annie s...... 18 ?- 201 Evelean ...... 1 7 ?- 199 Annie ...... 18 ?- 200 Francis H. ······1878- 201 Annie ·············· 18 ?- 202 Frank ·············· 18 ?- 202 Betsey ·············· 17 ?- 199 Frank ·············· 18 ?- 202 Betsey ············ .. 19 ?- 201 Grace ...... 18 ?- 199 Betty B...... 19 ?- 201 George ············ 18 ?- 201 Cannon ············17 ?- 199 Hannah ...... 1821- 200 Charles B...... 18 ?- 201 Harry K ...... 18 ?- 2·01 Charles . ···········18 ?- 2·02 Harry K ...... 1860- 201 -Charles T ...... 1863- 201 Harry ...... 18 ?- 202 Charles ············ 18 ?- 2·02 Harry ...... -f7 ?- 199 Charles B...... 19 ?.- 201 Helen ...... 1·8 ?- 201 Clarence ...... 1871- 201 Hester L...... 18 ?- 199 David ...... 18 ?- 200 Henry ...... 1 7 ?- 199' Edward ...... 18 ?- 199 Henry ·········--··· 1 7 ?- 199 Edgar B ...... 18 ?- 199 Hetty ...... 1 7 ?- 199 Ellenora D ...... 18 ?- 200 Hezekiah ········--1 7 1·-· 199 Elizabeth ········ 18 ?- 199 Isaac N...... 18 ?- 199 Elizabeth ...... 1814- 200 Isabelle ...... 18 ?- 200 Elijah ...... 18 ?- 199 H...... 18 ?- 199 Ephriam ...... 17 ?- 199 James B...... 18 ?- 199 Ezekiah ...... 17 ?- 202 James H...... 18 ?- 202 206 Supplement to the .Wingate-Winget Family History Jane ...... 199 Mary ...... 18 ?- 201 Jane ...... 17 ?- 201 May A...... ~ ... 18 ?- 201 Jay ...... 19 ?- 202 Nancy ...... 17 ?- 199 Jennie ...... 18 ?- 199 Nancy ...... 17 ?- 199 John ...... 17 ?- 199,202 Nathaniel ...... 17 ?- 199 J.ohn ...... 17 ?- 199 Phillip ...... 1 7 ?- 199 John B ...... 18 ?- 199 Phillip ...... 1 7 ?- 199 John ...... 18 ?- 199 Phillip ...... 1 7 ?- 199 John ...... 18 ?- 202 Polly ...... 17 ?- 199 Josephine ...... 18 ?- 200 Ralph ...... 18 ? 202 Joshua ...... 1 7 ?- 199 Ralph ...... 19 .?- 2·02 Joshua ...... 17 ?- 199 Rachael ...... 1832- 201 Kendal -B •...... 1818- 200 Sally ...... 17 ?- 199 Laura A...... 18 ?- 199 Sally ...... 1 7 '!- 199 Lena ...... 17 ?- 199 Sarah ...... 17 ?- 199 Lauronia ...... 1 7 ?- 199 Sarah E ...... 18 ?- 2·00 Lewes D ...... 18 ?- 202 Sta-nbury ...... 18 ?- 199 Lorena ...... 18 ?- 199 Stockton ...... 18 ?- 201 Levinah ...... 1 7 ?- 199 Tabatha ...... 18 ?- 199 Lydia C ...... 18 ?- 200 'Ibomas ...... 1 7 ?- 199 Margaret A. . ... 18 ?- 2·00 'Thomas ...... 1 7 ?- 199 Margaret ...... 18 ?- 199 Thomas H...... 18 ?- 199 Margaret ...... 19 ?- 201 I ...... 201 Marion I...... 19 ?- 201 Thomas R...... 1834- 201 Mary C...... 18 ?- 200 Urban ...... 18 ?- 199 Mary ...... 18 ?- 200 Wallace H ...... 18 ?- ·199 Mary ...... 18 ?- 202 William F. ·...... 18 ?- 199 DESCENDANTS OF OTHER NAMES Adam.s ...... 200 Kuckman ...... -199 Birch ...... 202 Massey, M ...... 200 Brazier ...... 200 Massey ...... 200 Brawell ...... 200 Messick ...... 200 Bright ...... 200 McComb ...... 200 Brown ...... 200 McGill ...... 200 Conwell ...... 201 Morgan ...... 201 Darbee ...... 200 Nicholas ...... 199 Da-wson ...... 199 Parks ...... 201 Dexter ...... 199 Prettyman ...... 201 Durbin ... :...... 199 Pratt ...... 199 Duvall ...... 200 Purnell ...... 200 Ellensworth ...... 199 Rodney ...... ·200 Elliott ...... 200 Ross ...... 200 Hale ...... 198,203 Sharpley ...... 200 Hanson ...... 201 Steel D...... 200 Hopton ...... 200 Steel, T...... 200 Hudson ...... 201 ...... 200 J am-eson ...... 200 Townsend ...... 200 Jones ...... 199 Vandyke ...... 200 Joseph ...... 201 Waples ...... 199 Johnson ...... 20-0 Warrington ...... 2·00 Knowles ...... 199